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Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California

6000 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90038
(323) 469-1181

Hollywood Memorial Park was founded in 1899 and consisted of 100 acres, formerly the wheat fields of the�John Truman Gower family. First burial was in April of 1901.

In 1920, forty acres of the cemetery were sold to Paramount Pictures for their studio expansion. The cemetery fell into a state of disrepair with toppled headstones, dead trees, dying lawn and litter cluttering up the once beautiful grounds.

In 1998 the cemetery was purchased by Forever Enterprises and�renamed "Hollywood Forever" and since that time, the cemetery has undergone�a major renovation, the grounds are once again beautiful with well manicured lawns, towering trees and a true feeling of peace and serenity.

This is not a complete listing of burials! The records below were provided by contributors to Cemetery Records Online. Last edited Oct 08, 2006. Total records = 9,363.

Submitters' Index:


b. = born
d. = died
d/o = daughter of
h/o = husband of
n/s = no stone/marker
s/o = son of
s/w = stone with
w/o = wife of

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