Search California Death Records
California Newspapers, Full Search (1846-2016), 459 titles
California Obituary Search, (1865-current)
California Birth Records Database, (1846-1899)
Woodbridge Cemetery
San Joaquin County, California
Contributed by Barbara Filbin [].
Salaun, Baby, d. 1965, Plot #4.046
Salfer, Eugenie Louise, b. 1884, d. 1965, age: 81yr, Plot #2.55
Salina, Marie, b. 1861, d. 1960, age: 99yr, Plot #2.11
Salisberry, Clara A., b. 06/25/1855, d. 03/29/1899, age: 43yr, Plot #3.51C
Samuel, Albert A., b. 1880, d. 1971, age: 91yr, Plot #1.04
Samuel, Sethie, b. 04/17/1880, d. 06/11/1971, age: 91yr, Plot #2.04
Sanders, Eugene W., b. 1883, d. 1960, age: 77yr, Plot #4.009
Satterfield, Ruth Gorden, b. 12/30/1897, d. 02/11/1978, age: 80yr, Plot #2.13
Sattuck, Blanch Viola, b. 1872, d. 1892, age: 20yr, Plot #4.001
Satur, Leroy, d. 1937, Plot #4.098 NM
Saunders, Jane, b. 1844, d. 1912, age: 88yr, Plot #3.07
Schafer, Olinda, b. 1910, d. 1938, age: 28yr, Plot #4.071
Schafer, Sandra, d. 1936, Plot #2.40A
Schaffer, Juliana, b. 1865, d. 1943, age: 78yr, Plot #4.094
Scheideman, Christina, b. 1863, d. 1937, age: 74yr, Plot #4.071
Scheideman, Martin, b. 1863, d. 1944, age: 81yr, Plot #4.071
Scheuffell, Ludwig, b. 1862, d. 1934, age: 72yr, Plot #2.41
Schneider, June, b. 09/24/1916, d. 08/27/1982, age: 65yr, Plot #2.13
Schnoor, Helen, b. 1885, d. 1969, age: 84yr, Plot #4.046
Schnoor, John Henry, b. 06/12/1885, d. 09/24/1963, age: 78yr, Plot #4.046
Scribner, James B., b. 1824, d. 1897, age: 73yr, Plot #4.029
Scribner, James H., b. 1864, d. 1885, age: 21yr, Plot #4.029
Scribner, Milton, b. 1862, d. 1944, age: 82yr, Plot #4.029
Seehorn, J. J., b. 1842, d. 1924, age: 82yr, Plot #4.056
Seehorn, Ruben, d. 1877, Plot #4.056 NM
Sehrt, George O., b. 04/02/1880, d. 05/27/1881, age: 1yr, Plot #4.056
Sepaugh, Susan, b. 1854, d. 1904, age: 50yr, Plot #1.21
Shattuck, Blanche, b. 1872, d. 1892, Plot #
Shattuck, Henry Charles, b. 1825, d. 1916, age: 91yr, Plot #4.001
Shattuck, Maria, b. 1833, d. 1893, age: 60yr, Plot #4.001
Shaver, W. Robert, b. 04/30/1818, d. 05/25/1866, age: 48yr, Plot #4.078
Shaw, May B., b. 09/18/1887, d. 11/07/1966, age: 79yr, Plot #4.046
Sheen, Lucy A., b. 1863, d. 01/26/1892, age: 29yr, Plot #4.006
Sheilds,, b. 1889, d. , Plot #4.098 NM
Sheppard, Robert S., b. 04/11/1868, d. 05/11/1869, age: 1yr, Plot #4.079
Sherwin, Annabell, b. 1850, d. 1937, Plot #2.09
Sherwin, William, b. 1848, d. 1926, age: 78yr, Plot #2.09
Shield, Nora, b. 1889, d. 1896, Plot #
Shinn, Jay Robert, b. 11/27/1930, d. 10/24/1990, age: 60yr, Plot #4.074
Shinn, John R., b. 04/21/1823, d. 10/29/1867, age: 44yr, Plot #4.074
Shinn, Mariah Doyle, b. 1832, d. 1916, age: 84yr, Plot #4.074
Shu, Francis, no dates, Plot #4.023NM
Shuck, Harriet Branden, b. 09/09/1825, d. 08/24/1907, age: 81yr, Plot #1.26
Shuck, Rev. Daniel, b. 01/16/1827, d. 11/02/1900, age: 73yr, Plot #1.26
Shumate, Barbara Jean, b. 09/21/1944, d. 03/26/1994, age: 49yr, Plot #2.12 NM
Shumate, Mark William, b. 09/22/1962, d. 10/09/2001, age: 39yr, Plot #2.12
Sigelkoff, Anna, b. 09/23/1842, d. 06/07/1924, age: 81yr, Plot #2.45
Sigelkoff, Charles Henry, b. 12/15/1876, d. 04/11/1953, age: 76yr, Plot #2.45
Sigelkoff, Ebba, b. 12/05/1874, d. 11/02/1892, age: 17yr, Plot #2.45
Sigelkoff, Henry, b. 10/22/1843, d. 07/17/1909, age: 61yr, Plot #2.45
Sinks, Mary E., b. 06/07/1848, d. 09/30/1879, age: 31yr, Plot #4.045
Skoecard, Martin Nelson, b. 08/10/1882, d. 01/15/1883, Plot #
Skoeeard, Marti, d. 1883, Plot #4.082 NM
Slover, Amy Bell, b. 10/19/1892, d. 05/06/1981, age: 88yr, Plot #2.06
Slover, Gladys Bell, b. 02/05/1914, d. 09/25/2000, age: 86yr, Plot #2.02
Slover, Issac, b. 1883, d. 1942, age: 59yr, Plot #2.06
Slover, Leslie Thomas, b. 04/07/1913, d. 12/05/1962, age: 49yr, Plot #2.02
Slover, Wesley, d. 1941, age: Infant, Plot #4.065
Smeld, Dora, d. 1885, Plot #4.098 NM
Smith, Abbie Celia, d. 03/1929, Plot #1.16
Smith, Albert L., b. 1864, d. 1946, age: 82yr, Plot #2.12
Smith, Arthur H., b. 1857, d. 1941, age: 84yr, Plot #2.07
Smith, Carolina, b. 1875, d. 1955, age: 80yr, Plot #2.12
Smith, Charles, b. 09/28/1830, d. 01/05/1902, age: 71yr, Plot #2.12
Smith, Charles, b. 1869, d. 1938, age: 69yr, Plot #2.12
Smith, Charles, d. 1941, Plot #1.22
Smith, Clara M., b. 12/26/1874, d. 02/28/1841, age: 66yr, Plot #1.22
Smith, Eleanor, b. 1830, d. 1908, age: 78yr, Plot #3.7
Smith, Emily, b. 1822, d. 1898, age: 76yr, Plot #4.075
Smith, Emma, b. 1836, d. 1927, age: 91yr, Plot #3.7
Smith, Estella Mararet, b. 01/13/1872, d. 04/09/1964, age: 92yr, Plot #2.12
Smith, Frank, d. 1922, Plot #4.075
Smith, Ida S., b. 1860, d. 1932, age: 72yr, Plot #2.07
Smith, Isabella, b. 12/01/1841, d. 11/06/1899, age: 57yr, Plot #2.12
Smith, James A., b. 06/17/1880, d. 11/15/1963, age: 83yr, Plot #4.046
Smith, James, d. 1944, Plot #2.43
Smith, Mary F., b. 1871, d. 1959, age: 86yr, Plot #2.43
Smith, Norris Hall, d. 09/00/1899, Plot #1.16
Smith, Pernina, b. 1835, d. 01/16/1902, age: 67yr, Plot #2.12
Smith, Platt, b. 1872, d. 1940, age: 68yr, Plot #2.43
Smith, William, b. 02/07/1823, d. 05/11/1866, age: 43yr, Plot #4.075
Snedigar, Ida Shinn, b. 1867, d. 1901, age: 34yr, Plot #4.074
Snedigar, La Vern, b. 1888, d. 1901, age: 13yr, Plot #4.074
Snedigar, William, b. 1866, d. 1909, age: 43yr, Plot #2.08
Snedigar, Willis S., b. 1866, d. 1909, age: 43yr, Plot #3.08
Soflikis, Spiro, b. 1876, d. 1958, Plot #4.071
Sollars, Lucy A., b. 04/10/1862, d. 02/14/1890, Plot #
Sollars, Maria E., b. 1839, d. 1900, age: 61yr, Plot #3.17
Sollars, Reuben, b. 05/25/1867, d. 09/11/1921, age: 54yr, Plot #3.17
Sollars, Robert, d. 1921, Plot #3.17 NM
Sollars, Simon O., b. 1836, d. 1906, age: 70yr, Plot #3.17
Sollinger, Barbara, b. 1854, d. 1926, age: 82yr, Plot #3.08
Sollinger, James A., b. 1843, d. 1918, age: 75yr, Plot #3.08
Spagnola, Angel, b. 02/18/1880, d. 06/16/1957, age: 77yr, Plot #2.01
Spagnola, Julius Vincent, b. 10/29/1919, d. 07/31/1990, age: 70yr, Plot #2.01
Spagnola, Madelene, b. 10/12/1914, d. 12/03/1980, age: 66yr, Plot #2.01
Sparhs, Minnie, b. 1876, d. 1921, age: 45yr, Plot #1.21
Spaulding, Luther, b. 01/09/1810, d. 11/20/1868, age: 58yr, Plot #3.63
Spaulding, Luther, b. 08/02/1843, d. 12/27/1865, age: 22yr, Plot #3.63
Spenker, Anna, b. 1847, d. 1941, age: 94yr, Plot #4.03
Spenker, Joseph, b. 03/29/1834, d. 10/22/1916, age: 82yr, Plot #4.03
Spenker, Otto, b. 1871, d. 1940, age: 69yr, Plot #4.03
Stamps, Emile C., no dates, age: Infant, Plot #3.76
Stanberry, Donald, b. 07/04/1915, d. 02/23/1979, age: 63yr, Plot #4.017
Stanberry, Ethel Louis, b. 1911, d. 1925, age: 14yr, Plot #4.017
Stanberry, Mable, b. 04/20/1878, d. 02/27/1964, age: 85yr, Plot #4.017
Stannard, Marion B., b. 1845, d. 1933, age: 88yr, Plot #2.41
Stapp, Rose Ann, b. 1856, d. 1925, age: 69yr, Plot #3.17
Steward, Brown, d. 1872, Plot #4.107 NM
Stewart, Charles, b. 1852, d. 1936, age: 84yr, Plot #4.009
Stewart, Dorothea, b. 1861, d. 1957, age: 96yr, Plot #4.009
Stokes, William, d. 1937, Plot #2.61
Strickland, Angie, b. 1884, d. 1950, age: 76yr, Plot #4.016
Strickland, Elma, b. 09/26/1907, d. 09/08/1943, age: 35yr, Plot #4.017
Strickland, Gladys Bernice, b. 12/21/1911, d. 01/25/1967, age: 56yr, Plot #4.016
Strickland, Thomas Henry, b. 02/10/1870, d. 06/21/1962, age: 92yr, Plot #4.016
Strothef, Alfred, b. 1881, d. 1931, age: 50yr, Plot #2.06
Strother, Gertrude Mary, b. 1889, d. 1981, age: 92yr, Plot #2.06
Strother, Oral, b. 09/17/1915, d. 02/15/1972, age: 56yr, Plot #2.06, Vet WWII
Stuckenbruck, Ellory G., b. 10/08/1887, d. 08/04/1966, age: 78yr, Plot #3.17
Susaner, Joe, d. 09/29/1959, Plot #4.071, Vet
Sweat, John, b. 1848, d. 03/08/1870, age: 22yr, Plot #4.079
Sweat, R. M., d. 07/10/1870, Plot #4.079
Sweat, Sarah, b. 1801, d. 08/03/1866, age: 65yr, Plot #4.079
Tallmadge, Rev Wm Henry, b. 06/13/1845, d. 02/24/1880, age: 34yr, Plot #3.46A
Tanner, Henry, no dates, Plot #4.048, Vet
Taylor, E., no dates, Plot #
Taylor, Eddie, no dates, Plot #4.072
Taylor, Ellen, b. 04/19/1847, d. 06/17/1925, age: 78yr, Plot #4.049
Taylor, Ellen, b. 1825, d. , age: 70yr, Plot #
Taylor, G., no dates, Plot #
Taylor, George W., b. 04/04/1871, d. 05/31/1943, age: 72yr, Plot #4.049
Taylor, James, b. 1809, d. 10/28/1872, age: 63yr, Plot #4.072 IOOF
Taylor, Joseph, b. 1857, d. 11/10/1896, age: 39yr, Plot #4.072
Taylor, Letty, b. 02/10/1807, d. 08/14/1868, age: 61yr, Plot #2.58
Taylor, T., no dates, Plot #4.049
Taylor, William, b. 1845, d. 04/10/1897, age: 51yr, Plot #4.072
Terry, Alta, b. 11/08/1900, d. 08/14/1979, age: 79yr, Plot #0 Unkn
Tetters, Alvin B., b. 1863, d. 1926, age: 63yr, Plot #3.04
Tetters, Alvin R., b. 06/14/1867, d. 01/13/1926, age: 58yr, Plot #3.04
Thomas, Albert C., b. 10/19/1899, d. 06/07/1971, age: 71yr, Plot #3.4
Thomas, Albert, b. 1869, d. 1948, age: 79yr, Plot #4.07
Thomas, Arthur T., b. 1872, d. 1946, age: 74yr, Plot #4.07
Thomas, Bessie C., b. 1878, d. 1896, age: 18yr, Plot #2.46
Thomas, Cornella C., b. 04/11/1837, d. 08/12/1880, age: 43yr, Plot #4.073
Thomas, Edwin R., d. 04/23/1919, age: 10yr, Plot #
Thomas, Frank L., b. 1888, d. 1941, age: 53yr, Plot #0 Unkn
Thomas, Frank Lee, b. 10/19/1896, d. 01/10/1967, age: 70yr, Plot #3.40, Vet
Thomas, George J., d. 08/17/1868, age: 2yr, Plot #
Thomas, Harriet E., b. 07/20/1875, d. 05/01/1967, age: 91yr, Plot #3.4
Thomas, Martha E., b. 1850, d. 1875, age: 25yr, Plot #3.66
Thomas, Sarah E., b. 1839, d. 1911, age: 72yr, Plot #4.07
Thompson, Bess M., b. 01/26/1886, d. 03/28/1979, age: 93yr, Plot #4.015
Thompson, Charles, b. 1886, d. 1952, age: 66yr, Plot #4.015
Thompson, Cosby J., b. 01/29/1843, d. 10/01/1914, age: 71yr, Plot #2.46
Thompson, Elmira, d. 1914, Plot #
Thompson, Jack Alexis, b. 09/16/1922, d. 05/09/1960, age: 37yr, Plot #2.46, Vet WWII
Thompson, James H., b. 1848, d. 1911, age: 63yr, Plot #2.46 M
Thompson, James, b. 04/08/1808, d. 12/12/1876, age: 68yr, Plot #2.46
Thompson, Jane, b. 11/07/1819, d. 03/07/1864, age: 44yr, Plot #2.47
Thompson, John N., d. 07/16/1880, age: 2mo, Plot #2.46
Thompson, John S., b. 08/12/1868, d. 06/20/1869, age: 14mo, Plot #4.079
Thompson, John, b. 04/15/1803, d. 01/26/1886, age: 82yr, (C.W.Vet), Plot #2.47
Thompson, John, b. 07/08/1839, d. 02/07/1882, age: 42yr, (C.W.Vet), Plot #2.46
Thompson, Kenneth J., b. 12/22/1919, d. 09/15/1944, age: 24yr, Plot #4.015, Vet WWII
Thompson, Lucy F., b. 08/27/1844, d. 05/29/1863, age: 38yr, Plot #2.47
Thompson, Lynn C., b. 1924, d. 1942, age: 18yr, Plot #4.057
Thompson, Mary A., b. 04/10/1804, d. 09/01/1852, age: 48yr, Plot #2.47
Thompson, Mary Josephine, b. 09/10/1842, d. 07/15/1910, age: 67yr, Plot #2.38
Thompson, Meryl, b. 1922, d. 1924, age: 2yr, Plot #4.015
Thompson, Rebecca L., b. 1877, d. 1913, age: 36yr, Plot #2.46
Thompson, Reese B., b. 02/10/1830, d. 04/03/1908, age: 78yr, Plot #2.38
Thompson, Reese Bowen Sr, b. 06/13/1890, d. 09/18/1961, age: 71yr, Plot #2.46
Thompson, Robert B., b. 11/02/1867, d. 10/04/1871, age: 3yr, Plot #2.46
Thornton, Arthur, b. 1838, d. 1914, age: 76yr, Plot #3.34
Thornton, Emma, b. 1843, d. 1919, age: 76yr, Plot #3.34
Thornton, Geo., b. 1876, d. 1879, Plot #
Thornton, Jessie Cornelus, b. 11/13/1878, d. 05/02/1963, age: 84yr, Plot #3.31
Thornton, Maggie, b. 1875, d. 1899, Plot #
Thorsteinson, Margaret Parrott, b. 08/15/1901, d. 12/24/1993, age: 92yr, Plot #2.14
Tiffany, Fred, b. 1938, d. 1939, age: 1yr, Plot #1.23
Tinkler, William J., b. 1883, d. 09/1949, age: 66yr, Plot #4.032
Tinnin, Clara L., b. 1871, d. 1904, age: 33yr, Plot #1.21
Tinnin, J. W., b. 1866, d. 1895, age: 29yr, Plot #1.21
Tinnin, M. H., b. 1869, d. 1904, age: 35yr, Plot #1.21
Tinnin, Vesta H., b. 1898, d. 1905, age: 7yr, Plot #1.21
Titus, Arthur, b. 08/15/1868, d. 12/15/1899, age: 39yr, Plot #3.72
Titus, Edith E., b. 1874, d. 10/27/1911, age: 37yr, Plot #3.72
Titus, Frank L., b. 10/07/1964, d. 08/11/1965, Plot #3.72
Titus, Lyman, b. 01/27/1831, d. 11/15/1899, age: 68yr, Plot #3.72
Toni, Eva, b. 07/11/1815, d. 11/07/1896, age: 81yr, Plot #4.032
Tonn, Sophie, b. 1899, d. 1938, age: 39yr, Plot #2.40B
Tortorelli, Baby, d. 1937, Plot #4.071
Townsley, Edgar E., b. 1850, d. 1934, age: 84yr, Plot #4.002
Tracy, T(homas) F., no dates, (d. before 5-28-1934, (C.W.Vet), Plot #3.51B, Vet
Tredway, Emma, b. 01/15/1855, d. 10/03/1929, age: 84yr, Plot #2.24
Tredway, Henry, b. 1875, d. 1881, age: 6yr, Plot #2.24
Triebwasser, Ida, b. 1898, d. 1934, age: 36yr, Plot #2.07
Truner, Florence A, b. 1890, d. 1916, age: 26yr, Plot #4.074
Tubbs, Alice E., b. 1874, d. 1891, age: 17yr, Plot #4.1
Tubbs, Amos, d. 1876, Plot #4.100 NM
Tubbs, Leroy, d. 02/04/1886, age: 16yr, Plot #4.100 NM
Tubbs, Lola, b. 1802, d. 1863, Plot #4.100 NM
Tubbs, Louis, b. 1859, d. 1891, Plot #4.100 NM
Tubbs, Lucinda, b. 1793, d. 11/04/1876, age: 83yr, Plot #4.1
Tubbs, Perry, d. 05/24/ 1862, age: 26yr, Plot #4.100 NM
Tubbs, William A., b. 1862, d. 1897, age: 35yr, Plot #4.1
Tubbs, William, b. 1862, d. 1879, age: 17yr, Plot #4.100 NM
Tuggle, Netti Anderson, b. 1877, d. 1954, age: 77yr, Plot #4.034
Turner, Arthur, b. 1863, d. 1929, age: 66yr, Plot #4.091
Turner, Florence A., b. 1890, d. 1916, Plot #
Turner, Frank C., b. 1860, d. 1941, age: 81yr, Plot #4.091
Turner, Frank, d. 1880, Plot #4.091 NM
Turner, Robert J., b. 1879, d. 1881, Plot #
Turner, Robert, d. 1921, Plot #4.091 NM
Turner, Sarah J., b. 1857, d. 1898, age: 41yr, Plot #4.019
Turner, Simon, b. 1852, d. 1914, age: 62yr, Plot #4.019
Turner, Sunilda, b. 1879, d. 1933, age: 54yr, Plot #4.091
Turner, Victorine, b. 1832, d. 07/24/1911, age: 79yr, Plot #4.091
Twing, Lilla A., b. 1857, d. 1934, age: 77yr, Plot #2.52A
Twing, Stanley, b. 1857, d. 1934, age: 77yr, Plot #2.52A
Underwood, Charles F., b. 02/03/1834, d. 08/14/1884, age: 50yr, Plot #4.037
Utemoff, Olga, b. 1882, d. 1939, age: 57yr, Plot #4.09
Valentime, Elfie, b. 1881, d. 1959, age: 78yr, Plot #3.63
Van Etten, David H., b. 10/20/1836, d. 06/19/1881, age: 44yr, Plot #4.068
Venable, William, b. 1870, d. 1939, age: 69yr, Plot #4.059
Vermason, Jane, b. 1835, d. 1869, age: 34yr, Plot #3.61
Vetetoe, Bobbie Sue, b. 1935, d. 1940, age: 5yr, Plot #2.59
Vickerson, Anna, b. 1858, d. 1948, age: 90yr, Plot #1.06
Vickerson, Baby, no dates, Plot #1.06
Vickerson, Charles, b. 1864, d. 1922, age: 58yr, Plot #3.25A
Vickerson, J. W., b. 1852, d. 12/15/1903, age: 51yr, Plot #1.06 M/IOOF
Vickerson, W. H., b. 1861, d. 02/24/1909, age: 48yr, Plot #1.06
Villa, Eugenio Espirito, Sr, b. 11/15/1902, d. 11/09/1961, age: 58yr, Plot #2.04
Vosberg, Mary T., b. 1865, d. 1947, age: 72yr, Plot #3.4
Vosberg, Mary, b. 1865, d. 1947, age: 82yr, Plot #3.04
Wagner, Ardice E., b. 1937, d. 1937, Plot #4.071
Wagstaff, Earl, b. 1888, d. 1911, age: 23yr, Plot #3.51B
Wagstaff, Ray, b. 1887, d. 1899, age: 12yr, Plot #3.51B
Wahl, Alex, b. 1884, d. 1934, age: 50yr, Plot #2.41
Waits, Vern, b. 1860, d. 1936, age: 76yr, Plot #4.09
Walker, Carrie B., b. 1858, d. 1922, age: 64yr, Plot #4.021
Walker, William R., b. 1854, d. 1921, age: 67yr, Plot #4.021
Walker, William, d. bef 5-28-1934, C.W. Vet
Walters, Judith, no dates, Plot #3.64
Waltrip, Edith Field, d. 10/04/1939, Plot #4.025A
Waltrip, Infant, d. 1896, Plot #4.025A
Waltrip, Theodore A., d. 10/26/1950, age: 82yr, Plot #4.025A
Ward, Margaret F., b. 08/20/1805, d. 06/22/1875, age: 69yr, Plot #3.54
Ward, Robert N., d. 12/24/1880, age: 75yr, Plot #
Ware, A. C., b. 1879, d. 1936, age: 57yr, Plot #4.09
Ware, Elias D., b. 1862, d. 1932, age: 70yr, Plot #2.06
Weiland, Alex H., b. 1870, d. 1937, age: 67yr, Plot #3.73 M
Weiland, Bessie M., b. 07/12/1889, d. 04/25/1976, age: 86yr, Plot #3.73
Weiland, Charles Sheayer, b. 1877, d. 1948, age: 71yr, Plot #3.73 M
Weiland, Elizabeth M., b. 1852, d. 1939, age: 87yr, Plot #3.73 OES
Welch, Clark G., b. 10/25/1891, d. 04/22/1925, age: 33yr, Plot #3.08
Welch, Dennis H., b. 1939, d. 1940, age: 1yr, Plot #4.071
Welch, Howard L., b. 1938, d. 1938, Plot #4.071
Wells, Children, no dates, Plot #4.107 NM
Wells, Emily, b. 1877, d. 1949, age: 72yr, Plot #2.03
Wells, Wilber, b. 1875, d. 1951, age: 76yr, Plot #2.03
Welsh, Donald James, b. 12/24/1916, d. 02/20/1995, age: 79yr, Plot #3.08
Welsh, Phyllis M., d. 02/2/1922, Plot #2.34
Welsh, Ray Mann, b. 06/02/1888, d. 02/12/1982, age: 93yr, Plot #2.34
Welsh, Roby Belle, b. 12/06/1889, d. 04/30/1985, age: 95yr, Plot #2.34
Wessman, Bernard, no dates, Plot #2.41
Wessman, Henry, no dates, Plot #2.41
Westlake, Ebenezer, b. 05/30/1823, d. 05/31/1866, age: 43yr, Plot #2.56A NM
Westmorelan, Adelaide, b. 1866, d. 1942, age: 76yr, Plot #1.05
Westmorelan, Fredrick, b. 1866, d. 1940, age: 74yr, Plot #1.05
Wetmore, Laura Cowden, b. 1874, d. 1931, age: 57yr, Plot #3.61
White, James, b. 1842, d. 1928, age: 86yr, Plot #1.04
White, Margaret, b. 1843, d. 1919, age: 76yr, Plot #1.04
White, Nellie F., b. 11/20/1844, d. 12/27/1905, age: 61yr, Plot #1.32
White, William Vernon, d. 1918, Plot #2.26 NM
Whitehead, Bert, b. 1863, d. 1932, age: 69yr, Plot #1.05
Whitehead, Donald Lee, b. 07/19/1935, d. 11/22/1935, Plot #1.09
Whitehead, Emma, b. 1862, d. 1936, age: 74yr, Plot #1.05
Whitley, Clay Alan, b. 1958, d. 1958, Plot #4.071 NM
Wiley, David, b. 08/01/1836, d. 05/06/1893, Plot #
Wilhite, Henry, d. 09/26/1920, Plot #3.76 NM
Wilkinson, Clista E., b. 02/14/1855, d. 11/25/1927, age: 72yr, Plot #4.031
Wilkinson, Edgar, b. 1878, d. 1953, age: 75yr, Plot #4.031
Wilkinson, Emma, b. 04/30/1816, d. 03/22/1895, age: 78yr, Plot #4.031
Wilkinson, Frank, b. 03/27/1840, d. 12/24/1901, age: 61yr, Plot #4.031
Wilkinson, Leola, b. 1883, d. 1961, age: 88yr, Plot #4.031
Wilkinson, Perc, b. 1873, d. 09/28/1898, age: 25yr, Plot #4.031
Wilkinson, T. E., b. 06/01/1849, d. 10/31/1917, age: 68yr, Plot #4.031
Wilkinson, Thomas, b. 04/29/1809, d. 06/04/1865, age: 56yr, Plot #4.031
Wilkinson, Willis, b. 04/07/1880, d. 02/20/1881, Plot #
Williams, Amanda J., b. 1841, d. 1923, age: 82yr, Plot #3.23
Williams, David, d. 11/29/1966, Plot #0 Unkn
Williams, Electa M., b. 1897, d. 1924, age: 27yr, Plot #4.025B
Williams, Henry D., b. 1835, d. 1914, age: 79yr, Plot #4.025B
Williams, James M., b. 10/29/1879, d. 11/16/1913, age: 34yr, Plot #4.025C
Williams, John D., b. 04/04/1875, d. 09/06/1965, age: 90yr, Plot #1.19
Williams, Mable C., b. 11/27/1889, d. 07/02/1991, age: 101yr, Plot #1.19
Williams, Marcus D., b. 1873, d. 1905, age: 32yr, Plot #4.025B
Williams, Mary, b. 1878, d. 1938, age: 60yr, Plot #4.094
Williams, Richard, b. 1836, d. 1914, age: 78yr, Plot #3.23
Williams, Tabitha, b. 08/30/1870, d. 09/06/1870, age: 7da, Plot #3.23
Williamson, Charles W., d. 1913, Plot #
Williamson, Elma L., d. 01/16/1912, Plot #
Williamson, M. C., no dates, Plot #
Williamson, R. L., no dates, Plot #
Williamson, W. C., no dates, Plot #
Willing, Anna L., b. 1840, d. 1920, age: 80yr, Plot #1.16
Willing, Robert, b. 1831, d. 1884, age: 53yr, Plot #1.16
Willis, A., b. 04/07/1880, d. 02/20/1881, Plot #4.031 NM
Wilson, Affie, d. 12/00/1938, Plot #2.40B
Wilson, James, b. 1834, d. 1908, age: 74yr, Plot #3.35 NM
Wisner, Lawearce, b. 1870, d. 1939, age: 69yr, Plot #4.071
Woldridge, Andrew, b. 11/22/1846, d. 07/12/1890, age: 43yr, Plot #3.28
Woldridge, Ann, b. 03/26/1828, d. 02/02/1900, age: 71yr, Plot #3.28
Wood, Andrew, b. 09/10/1823, d. 12/05/1883, age: 60yr, Plot #4.077
Wood, Euphema E., b. 11/25/1906, d. 09/19/1980, age: 73yr, Plot #3.42
Wood, Florence Estrelle, b. 06/30/1876, d. 08/01/1957, age: 81yr, Plot #3.42
Wood, Horace W., b. 11/24/1868, d. 12/14/1943, age: 75yr, Plot #3.42
Wood, Howard D., b. 1902, d. 1972, age: 70yr, Plot #3.42
Wood, Roger Edgar, b. 02/22/1900, d. 04/03/1970, age: 70yr, Plot #3.42, Vet
Woods, Adeline Perrott, b. 1856, d. 1892, age: 36yr, Plot #3.12
Woods, Andrew, b. 05/00/1872, d. 03/00/1873, age: 1yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Baby, d. 06/20/1965, Plot #4.077
Woods, Beatrice S., b. 05/31/1892, d. 03830/1982, age: 89yr, Plot #3.08
Woods, Blakely R., b. 1843, d. 1939, age: 96yr, Plot #2.55
Woods, Charles R., b. 1868, d. 1918, age: 50yr, Plot #3.12
Woods, Charles W., b. 1850, d. 1930, age: 80yr, Plot #2.55
Woods, Clarence L., b. 1883, d. 1949, age: 66yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Edna Anglin, b. 08/02/1891, d. 09/07/1965, age: 74yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Elizabeth, b. 10/16/1834, d. 11/11/1870, age: 36yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Emma, b. 11/08/1881, d. 08/08/1886, age: 4yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Ethel M., b. 1884, d. 1959, age: 75yr, Plot #3.12
Woods, Francis A., b. 1849, d. 1922, age: 73yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Freddie, b. 08/15/1872, d. 04/19/1873, age: 9mo, Plot #2.5
Woods, Hugh Mitchel, b. 05/14/1835, d. 08/04/1921, age: 86yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Infant, no dates, Plot #
Woods, Ingeborg, b. 1875, d. 1948, age: 73yr, Plot #3.12
Woods, Jacobs L., b. 10/18/1831, d. 12/14/1878, age: 47yr, Plot #3.54
Woods, James A., b. 1871, d. 1929, age: 58yr, Plot #3.12
Woods, James Earl, b. 06/22/1903, d. 05/29/1976, age: 72yr, Plot #3.08
Woods, Jane, d. 06/29/1903, age: 74yr, Plot #4.077 NM
Woods, Jeremiah H, b. 05/04/1821, d. 06/04/1864, age: 43yr, Plot #2.55 M (founder of woodbridge monument)
Woods, Lafayette H., b. 1850, d. 05/01/1910, age: 60yr, Plot #2.55
Woods, Leona, no dates, Plot #4.077 NM
Woods, Lewis Durbin, b. 05/08/1822, d. 06/12/1896, age: 74yr, Plot #3.12
Woods, Lois Krelow, b. 1922, d. 1960, age: 38yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Lydia N., b. 08/11/1853, d. 02/12/1876, age: 22yr, Plot #2.5
Woods, Mary Ann, b. 1831, d. 1908, age: 78yr, Plot #3.12
Woods, Melvin O., b. 05/08/1883, d. 10/01/1946, age: 73yr, Plot #3.12, Vet
Woods, Phebe A., b. 11/05/1823, d. 01/12/1880, age: 56yr, Plot #2.55
Woods, Rebecca, b. 05/17/1839, d. 02/03/1856, age: 16yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Richard, b. 1823, d. 1913, age: 90yr, Plot #3.12
Woods, Robert N., b. 01/15/1805, d. 12/24/1880, age: 75yr, Plot #3.54 NM
Woods, Samuel Francis, b. 01/18/1917, d. 01/18/1997, age: 80yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Samuel M., b. 10/14/1798, d. 11/14/1880, age: 82yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, Samuel, b. 1841, d. 1915, age: 74yr, Plot #4.077
Woods, William A., b. 1861, d. 1928, age: 67yr, Plot #3.12
Woods, William, d. 1942, Plot #0 unkn
Woods, Willie J., d. 1876, Plot #2.5
Woods, Willie, b. 12/12/1849, d. 01/20/1853, age: 3yr, Plot #4.077
Worden, Eleanor May, b. 1923, d. 1936, age: 13yr, Plot #2.41
Wright, Emile J., b. 1879, d. 1940, age: 61yr, Plot #2.15
Wright, Mary L., b. 1855, d. 1906, age: 51yr, Plot #4.003
Wright, Mary, b. 1820, d. 1898, age: 78yr, Plot #4.003
Wright, Ruth M., b. 1892, d. 1894, age: 2yr, Plot #2.15
Wylie, David, b. 08/01/1836, d. 05/06/1893, age: 56yr, Plot #4.056
Young, Baby, no dates, Plot #2.23
Young, Edward, b. 1831, d. 03/24/1893, age: 62yr, Plot #2.23 M
Youngman, Carl, b. 08/06/1893, d. 04/24/1962, age: 69yr, Plot #4.028, Vet WWI
Ziegenfelder, Anna Barbara, b. 1810, d. 04/30/1885, age: 75yr, Plot #4.026
Zuffo, Felice Dal, b. 1895, d. 1968, age: 73yr, Plot #2.32C
Zwick, Nelson, b. 1885, d. 1935, age: 40yr, Plot #3.73
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