Search Connecticut Death Records
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Connecticut Birth Records Database, (1767-1999)
Village Cemetery
Collinsville, Hartford County, Connecticut
GPS: 41.809525, -72.918641
18 Cemetery Rd
Canton CT 06019
Published: October 21, 2019
Total records: 2,718
Village Cemetery is owned by Collinsville Cemetery Association.
Surnames G-N
Records published below were originally presented on a spreadsheet published online by the Collinsville Merchants Association. We converted the spreadsheet to HTML format for easier reference. The information in that spreadsheet was compiled from a long list of sources, including previous cemetery transcriptions, death records, and obituaries. For a full detail of these sources, refer to the Downloadable Files section on the main page for "Canton, Connecticut Cemeteries June 15, 2017".
G., F.
G., H.
G., W.
GAMBER, Charles, Age 2y 9m, son of Henry
GAMBER, Florence, Age 2y 9m
GAMBER, Helena, Age 1y 1m, dau. of Henry
GAMBER, Henry, d. 1889, Age 48
GAMBER, Henry W., Age 1y 2m, son of Henry
GAMBER, Marker: broken
GAMM, Christopher J. C., b. 4 Mar 1801, d. 27 Dec 1868, Age 67
GAMM, Hermina F. C., b. 15 May 1871, d. 10 Aug 1871
GAMM, Johann H., b. 12 Apr 1838, d. 10 Nov 1870
GAMM, Wilhelmina M. H., b. 15 Oct 1866, d. 8 Dec 1910
GAMM, Marker: Blomquist
GANDY, Isabella, b. 1842, d. 1919, Spouse: John Gandy
GANDY, John, d. 1 Sep 1927, Age 88, Co. C 12th C.V.I. Civil War
GANDY, John, War of 1812
GANDY, William T., d. 10/28/1910, Age 44
GARDNER, Ann Freidel, b. 1835, d. 1914
GATCOMB, Arlene Anderson, b. 1947, d. Dec. 11, 1965, Spouse: Kenneth
GAUTHIER, Mathilda DuCharme, b. 5/15/1885, d. 6/26/1894, Spouse: Theodule
GAUTHIER, Theodule, b. 11/19/1842, d. 1728, Veteran
GEEHRING, Edna Ripley, b. Apr. 6, 1913, d. Oct. 16, 1995, Spouse: Robert
GEEHRING, Robert E., b. 1914, d. Oct. 21, 1965, Spouse: Edna
GEISSLER, C., d. 22 Jun 1863, Age 49
GERATH, Ruth Elizabeth Olson, b. Sep. 22, 1916, d. Jun. 7, 1987, Spouse: Francis
GERMAN, Charles C., d. 13 Feb 1850, Age 2, son of German & Christiana
GERMAN, Christiana, d. 6 Jan 1862, Age 36, Spouse: German
GERMAN, German, d. 13 Nov 1858, Age 43
GERMAN, Isabell E., d. 10 Jul 1843, Age 4, dau. of German & Christiana
GERMAN, Sarah L., d. 17 Mar 1864, Age 17, dau. of German & Christiana
GERMAN, William A., d. 8 Sep 1861, Age 21, 1st Co. B Cav. C.V. Civil War, son of German & Christiana
GERMAN, William A., d. 8 Sep 1861, Age 21, Co. B 1st Cav. C.V. Civil War, son of German & Christiana
GERMAN, Wm. A., War of 1812
GIERSCH, John M., b. 1871, d. 1926
GIERSCH, Mary Fitzgerald, b. 1858, d. 1937, Spouse: Richard J.
GIERSCH, Richard J., b. 1874, d. 1954
GILBERT, Charles, d. July 9, 1862 Charlestown, SC, Co. E 7th Reg. Conn. Vols
GILBERT, Margaret, Army Nurse Women's Relief Civil War
GILBERT, Margaret, War of 1812, (nurse)
GILBERT, Theresa Michel, b. Jan 1941
GILES, Marker: none
GILL, Bertha Gearing, b. Jun. 23, 1875, d. May 18, 1969, Spouse: Henry
GILLETTE, Casper, b. 4/2/1915, d. 2 Nov 1994 Winchester, CT, Spouse: Phyliss
GILLETTE, Ernest C., d. 4 Jan 1878, Age 7w, son of H.S. & E.A.
GILLETTE, Phyllis Brown, b. 10/1/1917, d. 25 Dec 1994 Winchester, CT, Spouse: Casper
GILLOOLY, Joseph J., Jr., b. 9/14/1930, d. 29 Mar 2001, Spouse: Phyliss, A1C US Air Force, Korea
GILLOOLY, Joseph J., Jr., b. 14 Sep. 1930 Mass., d. 29 Mar 2001, Spouse: Phyliss, A1C US Air Force, Korea
GLEASON, Lawrence, d. June 16, 1865, Co. F 1st Reg. Cav. Conn. Vols
GLEASON, Mary A., d. 13 Oct 1854, Age 16, Marker: none
GLEASON, Walter, d. 11 Sep 1849, Age 41, Marker: none
GODARD, Charles J., d. 3 Oct 1844, Age 1, son of Jerome & Harriet A.
GODFRIED, August, b. 11/20/1877, d. 3/14/1899
GODLUND, Betty C. Lofgren, b. 1874, d. 1928, Spouse: Carl
GOODRICH, C. W., d. 1857, Age 30
GOODRICH, Mary S., d. 1905, Age 77, Spouse: C.W.
GOODWIN, Horatio N., b. 27 Jan 1812, d. 21 Sep 1885, Marker: Deacon
GOODWIN, Laura A., b. 14 Apr 1815, d. 6 May 1892, Spouse: Deacon Horatio
GOODWIN, O. F., Rev.
GORDON, Franklin, d. 28 Oct 1832, Age 22, Marker: Weld, Maine
GORGEN, Esther
GORHAM, Lemen, d. 6 May 1890, Age 75
GORHAM, Sophronia Bowers, d. 2/7/1904, Age 86
GOSSO, Antonio, b. 1869, d. 1913
GOTASKY, Martha H., b. 1898
GOTASKY, Myron Francis, b. Dec. 8, 1896, d. Mar. 20, 1950
GOUSER, Andrew, b. 1826, d. 1907
GRABINSKI, Alfred, b. Mar. 20, 1891, d. Feb. 1966
GRABINSKI, Elizabeth W. (Yeske), b. Jan. 6, 1900, d. Aug. 13, 1998, Spouse: Alfred
GRABINSKI, Louise Florence, b. 1926, d. 1959, dau. of Alfred & Elizabeth
GRABINSKIE, Frank W., b. Apr. 11, 1882, d. Oct. 24, 1974, Spouse: Lena
GRABINSKIE, Lena (Sharpe), b. Jul. 25, 1884, d. May 18, 1979, Spouse: Frank
GRAHAM, Dorothy Nelson, b. May 27, 1919, d. Mar. 25, 1990 Meridan, CT, Spouse: Keith
GRAHAM, George W., b. Jan. 21, 1886, d. Oct. 19, 1964, Spouse: Marjorie
GRAHAM, George William, Jr., b. 1919, d. 1940, son of George W. & Marjorie
GRAHAM, Marjorie E. Derrin, b. Jul. 29, 1888, d. Nov. 1972, Spouse: George W.
GRANGER, Joyce W., b. 1920, d. 1994, Spouse: Wilburt J.
GRANGER, Wilburt J., b. Jul. 23, 1916, d. Jul. 1966
GRANT, Bradford F., b. 18??, d. 1931, Marker: B.F.G.
GRANT, Emily, d. 3/19/1860, Age 26, Spouse: Lyman
GRANT, James H. Jr., d. 4/28/1961, Age 68, Spouse: Betty, Sergt. 16th Co. 4th M.M.A.S. WW I
GRANT, James H., Jr., d. 4/28/1961, Age 68, Spouse: Betty, Sergt. 16th Co. 4th M.M.A.S. WW I
GRANT, Lucy, d. 1888 ?, Spouse: Lyman
GRANT, Lyman, d. 12/19/1912, Age 70
GRANT, Mary S., b. 1840, d. 1921
GRANT, Ruth C. Hydel, b. 1894, d. 1941, Spouse: James Jr.
GRANT, Sylvester W., b. 1826, d. 1918, Marker: G
GRAY, Margaret Kerr, b. 1862, d. 1940
GREEN, Dan, World War
GRIDLEY, Esther M., d. July 24, 1874, Age 75, Spouse: Ithuel
GRIDLEY, Ithuel, d. May 1850, Age 46
GRIDLEY, Julia, d. 24Oct. 1843, Age 38, Spouse: Ithuel
GRIFFEN, Bradford B., d. 20 Dec 1895, Age 50
GRIFFEN, Ida E. W. Davis, d. 11/21/1929, Age 76, Spouse: Bradford
GRIPPEN, Edmund, b. 1877, d. 1955
GRIPPEN, Jessie Bidwell
GRISWOLD, Abagail, d. 31 Mar 1864, Spouse: Homer
GRISWOLD, Homer Randell, d. 14 Aug 1870
GRISWOLD, Theresa, d. 21 Feb 1889
GROW, David, d. 16 Dec 1858, Age 66
GROW, Jenison, b. 1 Mar 1821, d. 23 Jul 1887, Union Army
GROW, Polly Rathbun, b. 25 Nov 1807, d. 21 Feb 1894, Spouse: Jenison
GRUAZ, Marc, Co. H 22nd Regt. C.V. Civil War
GUDZINSKI, Frederick, b. 1845, d. 1898
GUDZINSKI, Louise Beber, b. 1845, d. 1927, Spouse: Frederick
GUDZINSKI, Marie A., b. Jul. 23, 1923, d. Dep. 20, 1985
GUDZINSKI, Mathilda W. Vollers, b. 20 Aug 1884, d. 12 Dec 1964, Spouse: Otto F., Marker: American Gold Star Mothers, Spanish War
GUDZINSKI, Otto F., b. 1886, d. 25 Jun 1926, Age 40, Supply Co. 102 US Inf.WW I
GUDZINSKI(Y), Otto F., b. 1886, d. 6/25/1926, Age 40, Spouse: Matilda W. Vollers, Supply Co. 102d US Inf.World War
GUSTAFSON, Alfred N., b. 1879, d. 1964
GUSTAFSON, Anders R.N., b. 1868, d. 1898, Spouse: Anna L. Lindquist
GUSTAFSON, Anders, R.N., b. 1868, d. 1898, Spouse: Anna L. Lindquist
GUSTAFSON, Andrew M., b. 1854, d. 1908
GUSTAFSON, Anna J. Lindquist Swenson, b. 1877
GUSTAFSON, Anna M., b. 1884, d. 1954, Spouse: Samuel F.
GUSTAFSON, Anna M. Erickson, b. 1853, d. 1925, Spouse: Andres
GUSTAFSON, Carl S., b. 1869, d. 1904
GUSTAFSON, Charles A., b. 1889, d. 1947
GUSTAFSON, G. Victor Robert, b. 1899, d. 1917
GUSTAFSON, Oscar H., b. 1883, d. Mar. 22, 1962, Spouse: Gertrude
GUSTAFSON, Raymond E., b. 1905, d. Jan. 28, 1950
GUSTAFSON, Robert, b. 7/13/1928 Mass., d. 6/3/1992, U. S. Army WW II, son of Samuel & Anna
GUSTAFSON, Robert, b. Jul. 13, 1928 Mass., d. 6/3/1993, US Army, WW II, son of Samuel & Anna
GUSTAFSON, Samuel F., b. 1878, d. Nov. 14, 1952, Spouse: Anna M.
GUSTAFSON, Marker: none
H., A.H.
H., H.J.
H., J.P.
HAASE, August, b. 21 Aug 1844, d. 15 Oct 1885
HACKBARTH, Alfred A., b. Aug. 4, 1901, d. Jul. 26, 1965, Spouse: Elin
HACKBARTH, Anna Dorothea (Farken), b. Feb. 8, 1897, d. Oct. 9, 1978, Spouse: Otto, Marker: K, R
HACKBARTH, August, b. Feb. 28, 1888, d. Oct. 1967
HACKBARTH, Bode A., b. Nov. 4, 1915, d. Jul. 31, 1968 Newington, CT, WW II
HACKBARTH, Clarence, d. 31 Mar 1962, Age 40, Tech 4 HQ & SU Co. 255th Engr. C.Bn WW II
HACKBARTH, Flora E., b. 1921
HACKBARTH, Harold O., b. Sep. 25, 1917, d. Jun. 20, 1974, Spouse: Flora
HACKBARTH, Herman A., b. 2 Dec 1857, d. 28 Dec 1914
HACKBARTH, Hildegarde, b. 1890, d. 1964, Spouse: August
HACKBARTH, Joseph D., b. 1958, d. Feb. 11, 1959, Age 5m
HACKBARTH, Otto, b. 1892, d. 1947
HACKBARTH, Pauline F. Zerous, b. 11 Apr 1863, d. 11 Dec 1926
HALE, David Burt, b. 1 Sep 1811, d. 25 Feb 1887
HALE, E., Marker: unreadable
HALE, F., Marker: unreadable
HALE, Franklin, d. 28 Mar 1873, Age 50
HALE, Howard F., d. Apr 15, 1863 Bethel Place, LA, Co. H 12th Reg. Conn. Vols
HALE, Howard F., b. 21 Aug 1844, d. 14 Apr 1863, son of David & Maria
HALE, Lucy Ann, d. 31 Aug 1857, Age 32, Spouse: Franklin
HALE, Maria S., b. 24 May 1812, d. 12 Aug 1851, Spouse: David b.
HALE, Wilbur F., b. 29 Jan 1849, d. 17 Dec 1870, son of David & Maria
HALL, Alexander, Rev., d. 30 Nov 1902, Age 69y 9m
HALL, Bertis C., b. 1877, d. 1918
HALL, Eliza Ann Clark, b. 29 Jun 1823, d. 25 Jan 1908, Spouse: Isaac
HALL, Gordon K., World War
HALL, Isaac, b. 16 Nov 1817, d. 9 Feb 1894
HALL, Josephine A. Gillette, b. 1880, d. 1941, Spouse: Bertis C.
HALL, Kate H. Sampson, d. 24 Aug 1898, Age 45, Spouse: Samuel G.
HALL, Leslie, d. 31 Aug 1880, Age 4, son of Rev. A. & Ella
HALL, Lillian E., d. 17 Nov 1875, Age 12y 11m, dau. of Isaac & Eliza
HALL, Louis E., d. 4 Nov 1900, Age 23
HALL, Louise M., d. 25 Jan 1887, Age 33, Spouse: Rev. A.
HALL, Mary Gibson, Age 80
HALL, Samuel G., d. 8/21/1918, Age 66
HALLOCK, Elmer E., b. 3 Jun 1866, d. 4 Jan 1919
HALLOCK, Hattie A. Chapin, b. 16 Sep 1864, d. 25 Feb 1888, Spouse: Elmer E.
HALLOCK, Ralph C., b. 17 Oct 1887, d. 1 Jun 1888, son of Elmer & Hattie
HAMILTON, Arthur, b. Apr. 8, 1906 Mass., d. Jul. 3, 1985, Spouse: Julia
HAMILTON, Gordon Wilfred, b. 12/24/1894 Marquette, KS, d. Pvt. U.S. Army WW I
HAMILTON, Gordon Wilfred, b. 12/24/1894, Marquette, Kansas, d. 9/25/1977, Pvt. U.S. Army WW I
HAMILTON, Julia Bekalik, b. Dec. 17, 1913, d. Dec. 18, 1994 Granby, CT, Spouse: Arthur
HAMMOND, Barbara M. LeFebvre, b. 1896, d. May 11, 1970, Spouse: Thomas
HAMMOND, Thomas J., b. Oct. 28, 1895, d. Sep. 25, 1980 Bloomfield, CT, Spouse: Barbara, Cpl US Army, WW I
HAND, Eddie, d. 23 Oct 1860, Age 1y 6m, Marker: none, son of William & Eliza A.
HANELIUS, baby, d. 11/20/1941
HANEN, Vaimonsa Maria, b. 1870, d. 1978
HARRINGTON, Ellen E. Clark, b. 1846, d. 1896, Spouse: Halbert
HARRINGTON, Halbert W., b. 1838, d. 1908
HARRIS, Eileen Welte, b. 12/8/1929
HARRIS, James Arthur, b. 12/4/1953, d. 16 Jun 2006
HARRIS, Richard Dillon, b. 11/8/1925
HARRIS, William H., b. 8/21/1952, d. 14 Oct 1990 New Britain, CT
HART, Amos C., b. 1828, d. 1890
HART, Charles A., b. 1855, d. 1910
HART, Earle Colton, b. Jul. 20, 1886, d. Feb. 8, 1954 Los Angeles, CA, 50th Co. Coast Art. WW II
HART, Earle Colton, b. Jul. 20, 1886, d. Feb. 8, 1954, Conn. 50th Co. Coast Artillery
HART, Fannie Bidwell, b. 1863, d. 1934
HART, Flora Colton, b. 1855, d. 1896, Spouse: Charles A.
HART, George, d. 3/11/1880, Age 61
HART, Harriett L., Age 6m, dau. of Amos C. & Sarah
HART, June D., d. 1937
HART, Lafayette, d. 4 Apr 1861, Age 18
HART, Minnie E., b. 10 July 1875, d. 25 Oct 1921
HART, Robert O., b. Aug. 23, 1929, d. Jan. 26, 1988, Spouse: June, Pfc. US Army, Korea
HART, Sarah A., b. 1830, d. 1903, Spouse: Amos C.
HART, Susie, b. 1878, d. 1883, dau. of Charles A. & Flora
HATCH, Ella M. Bidwell, b. 7 Sep 1850, d. 12 Feb 1934, Spouse: William Jr.
HATCH, William F. Jr.
HAURY, Adolph, d. 26 Mar 1876, Age 11y 4m, son of Ulrich & Caroline
HAURY, Caroline Konold, b. 1844, d. 1938, Spouse: Ulrich
HAURY, Daniel, d. 11 Mar 1873, Age 43
HAURY, Elizabeth, d. 13 Dec 1864, Age 31, Spouse: John
HAURY, Flora A. Merrell, b. 1870, d. 1964, Spouse: William
HAURY, Frank W., d. 6 Mar 1886, Age 4
HAURY, Helen, d. 14 May 1890, Age 54, Spouse: Daniel
HAURY, Helen, d. 2 Nov 1856, Age 7m, dau. of John & Elizabeth
HAURY, Henry G., d. 11 May 1886, Age 3
HAURY, John, d. 7 Mar 1886, Age 29
HAURY, Michael, d. 5 Aug 1859, Age 7m
HAURY, Ulrich, d. 1 Nov. 1865, Age 3, son of John & Elizabeth
HAURY, Ulrich, b. 22 Oct 1832, d. 29 Jul 1903
HAURY, William, b. 1866, d. 1944
HAURY, William J., d. 8 Aug 1874, Age 9m
HAWLEY, Susan E., d. 26 Apr 1896, Spouse: William H.
HAWLEY, Walter J.
HAWLEY, William H., d. 24 Jun 1893, Age 78, Co. A 25th Regt. C.V. Civil War
HAWLEY, William H., d. 24 Jun 1893, Age 78, Veteran
HAWLEY, Wm. H., War of 1812
HAWLICHECK, Adele (Helms), b. Jan. 29, 1918, d. Feb. 5, 2003
HAWLICHECK, Arthur, Rev., b. Jul. 20, 1913, d. Oct. 2, 2004
HAZELTINE, Alice A., b. 1899, d. Oct. 18, 1967, Spouse: Merton
HAZELTINE, Merton E., b. Aug. 31, 1897, d. Aug. 1968
HEATH, Alice M., d. 16 Jan 1858, Age 11, dau. of Joshua and Emily
HEATH, Bessie C. Buck, b. 1891, d. 1939, Spouse: George R.
HEATH, Emily H., d. 4/23/1900, Age 81, Spouse: Joshua
HEATH, George R., b. 1887, d. 1950
HEATH, Joshua S., d. 29 Nov 1900, Age 81
HEATH, Seth, Dr., d. 28 Apr 1878, Age 87, Veteran
HEIDEL, Emma L. Hoffman, b. 1872, d. Feb. 21, 1960, Spouse: Fred C.
HEIDEL, Fred C., b. 1869, d. 1941
HENNEY, Joseph, b. 1871, d. 1936
HENNEY, Theresa, b. Feb. 17, 1880, d. Jul. 1968
HENRY, Charles Erastus, b. 1868, d. 1952
HENRY, Florence L. Parish, b. Aug. 22, 1908, d. Oct. 19, 1986, Spouse: Miles W.
HENRY, George, d. 3 Dec 1874, Age 52
HENRY, George Dexter, b. 26 Jul 1849, d. 5 May 1909
HENRY, Helen Gertrude Chapman, b. Jan. 28, 1868, d. May 25, 1952, Spouse: Charles E.
HENRY, John, Civil War
HENRY, John, War of 1812
HENRY, Mary A., b. 1826, d. 1916, Spouse: George
HENRY, Miles W., b. Apr. 8, 1908, d. May 7, 1988, Spouse: Florence
HENSCHKE, Christine A., b. 1955
HENSCHKE, Ernest G., Sr., b. 9/2/1919, d. 12 Jan 1998, Spouse: Louise Hackbarth, Tec 4 US Army WW II
HENSCHKE, Ernest G., Sr., b. 9/2/1919, d. 1/12/1998, Spouse: Louise, Tec4 US Army WW II Purple Heart
HENSCHKE, Ernie, Jr., d. 1950
HENSCHKE, Erwin K., b. Dec. 22, 1914, d. Nov. 15, 2000, Spouse: Frances
HENSCHKE, Frances Lynch, b. Jul. 9, 1915, d. Dec. 11, 2001, Spouse: Erwin K.
HENSCHKE, Helene B., b. 1877, d. 1948
HENSCHKE, Konrad A., b. 1874, d. 1948
HENSCHKE, Louise W., d. 1919
HEPP, Arthur G., b. Nov. 26, 1913, d. Sep. 28, 1981, Spouse: Mary
HEPP, Arthur G., Jr., b. 1941, d. 1967
HEPP, Mary L., b. 1917
HERMAN, Christian, d. 5 Feb 1874, Age 54, Co. H. 22d Inf. Reg. C.V.I. Civil War
HERMAN, Christian, d. 5 Feb 1874, Age 54, Co. H. 22nd C.V.I. Civil War
HERMAN, Christian, War of 1812
HERRMANN, Anna A., Age 23
HERRMANN, Christian H., d. 23 Apr 1869, Age 33, Co. H. 22nd C.V. Civil War
HERRMANN, Margaret, d. 11/27/1900, Age 82, Spouse: Christian Herman
HILL, Jane Augusta, d. 30 Oct 1842, Age 7y 1m, dau. of Albert & Angeline
HILL, Sarah S., d. 12 Jan 1863, Age 19, Spouse: William, dau. of James & Fanny Clark
HINMAN, Asher, d. 26 Aug 1851, Age 65
HINMAN, Donald Allen, b. 8/19/1921 Newark, NJ, d. 1/10/1996 Middletown, CT, Spouse: Josephine, 1st Lt. U.S. Army Air Corps WW II
HINMAN, Donald Allen, b. 8/19/1921 Newark, NJ, d. 10 Jan 1996 Middletown, CT, Spouse: Josephine, 1st Lt. U.S. Army Air Corps WW II
HINMAN, Eunice, d. 18 Jan 1884, Age 97, Spouse: Asher
HINMAN, Hazel A., b. Mar. 16, 1894, d. Oct. 13, 1963, Spouse: Alfred
HINMAN, Julius, d. 7/12/1911, Age 19y 9d, son of ZJ & MJ
HINMAN, Lewie, d. 26 May 1889, Age 13m 4d, son of ZJ & M.J.
HINMAN, M. Jennie, b. 1861, d. 1947, Spouse: Zerah
HINMAN, Zerah J., b. 1859, d. 1923
HODGE, Benajah, d. 6/1/1894, Co. D 25th Regt. Mass Vol. Civil War
HODGE, Benajah, d. 6/1/1894, Co. D 25th Regt., Mass Vols.
HODGE, Benjah, War of 1812
HOFFMAN, Benjamin M., d. 7 May 1906, Age 54
HOFFMAN, Grace, b. 1882, d. 1968, Marker: Eastern Star
HOFFMAN, Henry J., b. 1855, d. 1932, Marker: Mason
HOFFMAN, John Laurence, d. 26 Nov 1887, Co. E, 16th Regt., CVI
HOFFMAN, John Laurence, d. 26 Nov 1887, Co. E. 16th Regt. CVI
HOFFMAN, Louisa E. Heins, b. 1855, d. 1946, Spouse: Henry J.
HOFFMAN, Stephen, d. 29 Jan 1870, Age 62
HOHBEIN, Anna L. Mardwell, b. 1866, d. 1933, Spouse: William
HOHBEIN, C. Maria, d. 10 Feb 1904, Age 72, Spouse: John
HOHBEIN, Conrad H., d. 7 Feb 1876, Age 19
HOHBEIN, Earl B., b. Nov. 12, 1942, d. Aug. 1, 2003
HOHBEIN, Earl W., b. 1904, d. 1961
HOHBEIN, Ida Adella Brown, b. 1909, d. 1996
HOHBEIN, John H., d. 8 Sep 1872, Age 46
HOHBEIN, William, b. 1866, d. 1933
HOHBEIN, William, b. 1867, d. 1936
HOLBROOK, ?, d. 8 Sep 1864, infant, son of David & Almira
HOLBROOK, Almira C., b. 24 Nov 1833, d. 13 Nov 1920, Spouse: David C.
HOLBROOK, David C., b. 13 Sep 1825, d. 18 Dec 1894
HOLCOMB, Gertrude A. (Demski), b. Jan. 31, 1916, d. Oct. 23, 1992, Spouse: Ralph
HOLCOMB, Ralph P., b. Jun. 29, 1908, d. Nov. 7, 1960, Spouse: Gertrude
HOLT, Nelson C., d. Nov 15, 1864 Florence Prison, Co. A 16th Reg. Conn. Vols
HONNON, Clyde J., b. Sep. 30, 1916 NH, d. Mar. 1, 1983, Spouse: Idia
HONNON, Idia Kivela, b. Apr. 25, 1918, d. May 25, 1992, Spouse: Clyde
HOPKINS, Claire Reed, b. Jul. 27, 1917, d. Mar. 10, 2006 Bonita Springs, FL, Spouse: Pleaman
HOPKINS, Pleaman William, b. Oct. 19, 1919, d. Jul. 1985 Bonita Springs, FL
HORNQUIST, Jonas, b. Jul. 14, 1886 Sweden, d. Nov. 7, 1974, Spouse: Signe
HORNQUIST, Signe M., b. Mar. 9, 1892, d. Nov. 9, 1974
HORNQVIST, Olaf, b. 1881, d. 1913
HORTON, Delia Nearing, b. 1813, d. 1878, Spouse: Samuel
HORTON, Samuel L., b. 1807, d. 1843
HOSFORD, Addison E., b. 1858, d. 1937
HOSFORD, Allie I. Perkins, b. 1868, d. Nov. 29, 1957, Spouse: Addison Edward
HOSFORD, Henry A., d. 6 Jan 1891, Age 75
HOSFORD, Nancy, d. 26 May 1873, Age 49, Spouse: Henry A.
HOSFORD, Nathan F., d. Jan 25, 1862, Co. A 1st Squadron Cav. Conn. Vols
HOSFORD, Sylvia N., b. 22 Oct 1853, d. 9 Feb 1885
HOSFORD, William H., d. 15 Sep 1861, Age 21, Co. F 15th Reg. NY Cavalry
HOSFORD, William Henry, d. 15 Sep 1861, Age 21, Co. F 15th Reg. Cavalry NY Vol. Civil War
HOSFORD, Wm., War of 1812
HOTCHKISS, Alfred W., d. 21 Mar 1887, Age 37
HOTCHKISS, Edward A., Dr., d. 2 Jul 1911, Age 28, son of Alfred W. & Ellen T.
HOTCHKISS, Ellen Thayer, d. 5 Aug 1917, Age 67, Spouse: Alfred
HOUGH, Addison S., d. 28 Aug 1861, Age 27
HOUGH, Augusta, d. 12 May 1871, Age 24
HOUGH, Augustine C., d. 3 Sep 1847
HOUGH, Caroline E., d. 10 Dec 1851, Age 40, Spouse: Josiah
HOUGH, Charles W., b. 1836, d. 1837, son of Ephraim & Mary P.
HOUGH, Charles W., b. 1843, d. 1882, son of Ephraim & Fanny
HOUGH, Emerson, War of 1812
HOUGH, Emerson A., b. 24 Nov 1842, d. 24 Mar 1915, Civil War
HOUGH, Emerson A., b. 24 Nov 1842, d. 3/24/1915, Veteran
HOUGH, Emily, d. 9 Nov 1869, Age 52, Spouse: Capt. Levi
HOUGH, Ephraim, b. 1814, d. 1882
HOUGH, Fanny L., b. 1814, d. 1899, Spouse: Ephraim
HOUGH, Frankie N., d. 28 May 1859, Age 3
HOUGH, Fredrick J., b. 1871, d. May 16, 1952, Spouse: Etta
HOUGH, Howell C., b. 1849, d. 1932
HOUGH, Ida, b. 1855, d. 1858, dau. of Ephraim & Fanny
HOUGH, Inez, b. 29 Dec 1885, d. 10 Sep 1893, dau. of Howell & Josephine
HOUGH, James, War of 1812
HOUGH, James H., d. 23 Oct 1870, Age 32, Co. E 16th Regt. Conn. Vols.
HOUGH, James H., d. 23 Oct 1870, Age 32, Co. E 16th Regt. Conn. Vols. Civil War
HOUGH, Joseph H., d. 24 Aug 1874, Age 32
HOUGH, Josephine C. Case, b. 1852, d. 1938, Spouse: Howell C.
HOUGH, Josiah, d. 10 Mar 1858, Age 49
HOUGH, Lathan M., b. 1817, d. 1911
HOUGH, Laura A., d. 9 Feb 1846, Age 34, Spouse: Josiah
HOUGH, Leonard B., b. Oct. 23, 1898, d. Feb. 19, 1988
HOUGH, Levi, d. 26 Feb, 1891, Age 84, Capt. Union
HOUGH, Levi, Capt., d. 26 Feb. 1891, Age 84, Union Army
HOUGH, Mabel, b. 14 Mar 1880, d. 8 May 1880, dau. of Howell & Josephine
HOUGH, Maria F., b. 1846, d. 1911, dau. of Ephraim & Fanny
HOUGH, Marion Soisson, b. Sep. 27, 1901 Penn., d. Jun. 30, 1994 Ols Saybrook, CT, Spouse: Leonard b.
HOUGH, Mary P., b. 1814, d. 1837, Spouse: Ephraim
HOUGH, Nelson, d. 10 Dec 1851, son of Josiah & Caroline
HOUGH, Sarah, d. 6 May 1866, Age 53, Spouse: Josiah
HOUGH, Sarah Bidwell, b. 23 May 1845, d. 31 Dec 1904, Spouse: Emerson
HOUGH, Willard E., b. 1850, d. 1893, son of Ephraim & Fanny
HOWE, Shirley J., b. 1923, d. 1964, dau. of Ernest & Louise Dickman
HOYLE, Agnes D., b. 1886, d. May 29, 1966 New Britain, CT, Spouse: Ernest
HOYLE, Ernest L., b. 1890, d. Jun. 2, 1957 New Britain, CT, Spouse: Agnes
HOYT, Arthur S., d. 14 Dec 1888, Age 21y 10m
HOYT, Lucien C., War of 1812
HOYT, Lucien G., d. 31 Mar 1888, Age 54, Co. A 2nd Regt. C.V.I. Civil War
HOYT, Lucien G., d. 31 Mar 1888, Age 54, Co. K 2nd CVI, Civil War
HOYT, Roxie M. Calhoun, b. 1842, d. 1933, Spouse: Lucien
HUBBY, William, b. 1883, d. Jan. 23, 1953 Bristol, CT
HUBERT, Bessie Strout, b. 1880, d. 1937, Spouse: Terry
HUBERT, Leslie, b. 1907, d. 1920, son of Terry & Bessie
HUBERT, Terry, b. 1880, d. 1941
HUGINS, Anna I., b. 1858, d. 1933
HUGINS, Annetta Klee, b. 16 Dec 1895, d. 13 Jan 1972, Spouse: Charles Isaac
HUGINS, Charles C., b. 1850, d. 1919
HUGINS, Charles Isaac, b. 27 Dec 1893, d. 22 Jun 1975, Conn. Asst. Engr 73rd Arty CAL WW I
HUGINS, Lillian E. Selby, b. 1882, d. 1959, Spouse: Harold O.
HUGINS, Ozro Z., b. 17 Nov 1828, d. 28 Jul 1889
HUGINS, Sarah C., b. 1836, d. 1918, Spouse: Ozro
HULL, Charles E., b. 1855, d. 1875
HULL, Harriet H. Kempton, b. 1824, d. 1903, Spouse: Reuben
HULL, James Kempton, b. 1862, d. 1864
HULL, Philotus, b. 1843, d. 1860
HULL, Reuben S., b. 1820, d. 1862
HULL, William S., d. 26 Feb 1852, Age 2y 1m, son of Reuben & Harriet
HULL, Marker: none
HUMPHREY, ?, d. 8 May 1856, infant, daughter of Rollin O. & Henrietta
HUMPHREY, ?, d. 11 Sep 1866, infant, son of Rollin & Caroline E.
HUMPHREY, Amelia D., d. 4 May 1865, dau. of Rollin O. & Caroline
HUMPHREY, Caroline A., b. 1871, d. 1889
HUMPHREY, Caroline Mills, b. 1840, d. 1919
HUMPHREY, Fanny L., d. 30 Jan. 1880, Age 75, Spouse: Pliny
HUMPHREY, Henrietta B., d. 8 May 1857, Age 20, Spouse: Rollin O., dau. of Harvey Barber
HUMPHREY, Henry Rollin, d. 21 Sep 1857, Age 5m, son of Rollin O. & Henrietta
HUMPHREY, Pliny O., d. 6 Feb 1858, Age 51
HUMPHREY, Rollin O., b. 1868, d. 1913
HUMPHREYS, Camprell T., d. 14 Apr 1835, Age 11, son of Correl & Almira
HUMPHREYS, Correl, d. 1 Apr 1835, Age 40
HUMPHREYS, Elizur G., d. 10 Apr 1835, Age 13, son of Correl & Almira
HUMPHREYS, Mary Ann, b. 1839, d. 1886, Spouse: O.
HUMPHREYS, O., b. Aug 1801, d. Aug 1850
HUTCHINGS, Judith Ann "Judi", b. 6/18/1906, d. 30 Nov 1976
HUTCHINGS, Richard Erwin, b. 6/11/1933, d. 2 Feb 1990, Spouse: Ruth, Marker: Fire Dept., US Army Korea
HUTCHINGS, Richard Erwin, b. 6/11/1933, d. 2/2/1990, Spouse: Ruth, Marker: Fire Dept., US Army, Korea
HUTCHINGS, Ruth Virginia Kovacs, b. 12/7/1937, Spouse: Richard
HUTCHINS, Elsie Louisa, b. 1899, d. 1980, Spouse: Walter
HUTCHINS, Walter H., d. 4/16/1962, Age 60, Spouse: Elsie, 1st Rept. Co. 553D Sig A.W. Bn WW II
HUTCHINS, Walter H., d. 16 Apr 1962, Age 60, 1st Rept. Co. 553D Sig A.W. Bn WW II
INGVERTSEN, June Lydia Kallgren, b. Jan. 27, 1925, d. Jun. 13, 1999 Sebastian, FL
IRIBAS, Nellie Williams, b. 1887, d. 1916, Spouse: Henry L.
IRISH, Mabel E. Hammond, b. 11/26/1917, Spouse: Raymond R.
IRISH, Raymond R., b. 1/21/1916 Danby, VT, d. 27 May 1999, Spouse: Mabel, Marker: American Legion, Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
IRISH, Raymond R., b. 1/21/1916 Danbury, VT, d. 5/27/1999, Spouse: Mabel Hammond, Marker: American Legion, Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
ISAACSON, Anna L. Lind, b. 1864, d. 1927, Spouse: Charles F.
ISAACSON, Charles F., b. 1866, d. 1921
ISAKSON, Abraham, b. 20 Sep 1844, d. 18 Jun 1908
ISAKSON, Charlotta, b. 15 Oct 1843, d. 22 Aug 1928, Spouse: Abraham
ISAKSON, John, d. 4/11/1900, Age 41?
IVES, Dwight R., d. Aug 29, 1862 Gainsville, VA, Co. A 1st Squadron Cav. Conn. Vols
J., A.
JACKSON, Arline T., b. 1940, d. 1980
JACKSON, Karen A., b. Feb. 26, 1963, d. Oct. 6, 2003
JACKSON, Raymond E., b. 1937, d. 1965
JAMISON, Mary Ellen DeGryse, b. 5/6/1945 Illinois, d. 11/2/1998, Spouse: Kent
JARDSTROM, Anna L., b. Oct. 15, 1886, d. Jan. 3, 1970, Spouse: William
JARDSTROM, William, b. Dec. 19, 1895 Finland, d. Nov. 8, 1965 Norwich, CT, Spouse: Anna
JASCHINSKI, Charles, b. 1855, d. 1900
JASCHINSKI, Elizabeth, b. 1885, d. 1912, dau. of Charles & Louise
JASCHINSKI, Emma T., b. 1900, d. 1918, dau. of Ferdinand & Mary
JASCHINSKI, Ernest H., b. 6/16/1905, d. 2 Sep 1982, Spouse: Martha
JASCHINSKI, F. J., Marker: Otto
JASCHINSKI, Gustave F., b. 1891, d. 1912, son of Ferdinand & Mary
JASCHINSKI, Herman W., b. 1880, d. 1888, son of Charles & Louise
JASCHINSKI, Louise Awald, b. 1856, d. 1914, Spouse: Charles
JASCHINSKI, Martha T., b. 10/22/1905, d. 18 May 1999, Spouse: Ernest
JENKINS, Annie E. Best, b. 1886, d. 1917, Spouse: John A.
JENKINS, Bertah Perry, b. 1871, d. 1916
JENKINS, Charles B., b. 1856, d. 1927
JENKINS, Charles B., b. 1904, d. 1927
JENKINS, Donald A., b. 1901, d. 1920
JENKINS, Edna May, b. 1863, d. 1873, dau. of Joseph and Henrietta
JENKINS, Henrietta M. Carrington, b. 1836, d. 1911, Spouse: Joseph F.
JENKINS, Jennie Carrington, b. 1874, d. 1876, dau. of Joseph & Henrietta
JENKINS, John A., b. 1888, d. 1920
JENKINS, Joseph Fletcher, b. 1821, d. 1877
JENKINS, Laura Carmen, b. 4 Apr 1863, d. 5 Jun 1937, Spouse: Charles b.
JENKINS, William Edwin, b. 1858, d. 11 Oct 1860, Age 2y 4m, son of Joseph & Henrietta
JOHNSON, Albert E., d. 5/8/1918France, Age 25, 1st Lt. Co. C 102 Regt. wounded battle of Seicheprey
JOHNSON, Albert E., d. 8 May 1918 France, Age 25, 1st Lt. Co. C 102 Regt. wounded in Battle of Seicheprey WW I
JOHNSON, Albert H., b. 18 Dec 1851, d. 14 Feb 1926
JOHNSON, Alex P., b. 1862, d. 1937
JOHNSON, Alfreda W. Anderson, b. 1852, d. 1922, Spouse: Carl J.
JOHNSON, Amanda F., b. 1888, d. 1968
JOHNSON, Anna B. Young, b. 2 Jun 1817, d. 27 Jan 1897, Spouse: L.N.
JOHNSON, Anna C., b. 1861, d. 1890, Spouse: Carl A.
JOHNSON, Anna E. Mattoon, b. 18 Mar 1852, d. 25 Oct 1923, Spouse: A. H.
JOHNSON, Anna M., b. Jan. 17, 1878, d. Dec. 18, 1976, dau. of Carl J. & Alfreda
JOHNSON, Annie N. Olson, b. 1883, d. 1947, Spouse: Oscar, Rev.
JOHNSON, Carl A., b. 1852, d. 1895
JOHNSON, Carl August, d. 4/29/1898, Age 44
JOHNSON, Carl J., b. 1855, d. 1925
JOHNSON, Carolina, b. 12 May 1848, d. 17 Feb 1939, Spouse: John b.
JOHNSON, Charles A., b. 1873, d. 1920
JOHNSON, Charles J., d. 8 May 1918
JOHNSON, Edwin R., d. Oct 27, 1864 Battery Moron, VA, Co. A 1st Reg. Heavy Art'y Conn. Vols
JOHNSON, Ellen C. Abramson, b. 1882, d. 1982
JOHNSON, Emily, b. 1868, d. 1940, Spouse: Evald
JOHNSON, Evald, b. 1860, d. 1903
JOHNSON, Florence E., b. 18 Jun 1898, d. 10/1/1903, dau. of August W. & Maria E.
JOHNSON, Frankie, b. 8 May 1849, d. 27 Feb 1852, son of L.N and Anna
JOHNSON, Hannah Victoria, b. 1890 Sweden, d. 1918
JOHNSON, Helen Florence, b. 6143, d. 8/21/2000
JOHNSON, Ida C. Emanuelson, d. 1858, Spouse: Charles J.
JOHNSON, James C., b. 26 Apr 1855, d. 17 Dec 1920
JOHNSON, John, d. 30 May 1898, Age 20
JOHNSON, John, b. 1870, d. 1912
JOHNSON, John B., b. 21 Jun 1847, d. 16 Sep 1907
JOHNSON, Joseph, b. 1883, d. 1886, son of Carl A. & Anna
JOHNSON, L. N., b. 13 Aug 1816, d. 1 Aug 1907
JOHNSON, Mary G., b. 1861, d. 1925
JOHNSON, Oscar F., Rev., b. 1885, d. 1944
JOHNSON, Phebe Waterous, b. 18 Sep 1787, d. 2 Jun 1870, Spouse: Elisha
JOHNSON, Sara C. Gibbons, b. 14 Feb 1857, d. 3 Jul 1932, Spouse: James C.
JOHNSON, Thomas E., b. Feb. 26, 1928 Mass., d. Sep. 6, 1986 Newington, CT, Cpl. US Marine Corps WW II
JOHNSON, Victor R., b. 1886, d. 1965
JOHNSON, Wandla L., b. 1856, d. 1931, Spouse: Carl A.
JOHNSON, two infants
JONES, Albert F., d. 13-18 May 1905, infant
JONES, Benj., Spanish War
JONES, Benjamin F., b. 19 Oct 1839, d. 14 May 1909, Marker: B. F. J., Civil War
JONES, Benjamin F., b. 19 Oct 1839, d. 5/14/1909, Veteran
JONES, Bessie F., b. 1879, d. 1952
JONES, Carleton Benjamin, b. 10 Oct 1884, d. 9 Oct 1918, Spouse: Elizabeth Hardy Hall 6/12/1911
JONES, Daisey C.C., b. 1877, d. 1943, Marker: cross IAS
JONES, Edgar Leroy, b. 1870, d. 1886
JONES, Elizabeth Hardy, b. 4/18/1912, d. 30 Sep 1919, dau. of Carleton & Elizabeth
JONES, Elizabeth Hardy Hall, b. 20 Mar 1883, d. 1 Aug 1948, Spouse: Carleton
JONES, Ella T. A., b. 1875, d. Mar. 4, 1951, Marker: cross IAS
JONES, Gertrude Malone, b. 1893, d. 1918, Spouse: Willard
JONES, Henry Percy, b. 1865, d. 1928
JONES, Herbert E., b. 13 May ?, d. 5/18/1905, son of Albert & Verbena
JONES, Hiram, b. 6 Dec 1849, d. 28 Feb 1912
JONES, John, d. 21 Mar 1883, Age 62
JONES, John Hardy, b. 3/24/1916, d. 4 Dec 1971, Spouse: Helen, son of Carleton & Elizabeth
JONES, John Thorpe, d. 9 Jan 1906, Age 55
JONES, Kate J. Clark, b. 28 May 1851, d. 12/4/1931, Spouse: Hiram
JONES, Leroy W., d. 1/27/1929, Age 94, Co. D 2nd NY Div. Civil War
JONES, Leroy W., d. 1/27/1929, Age 94, Co. D. 2nd NY Div. Civil War & Spanish War
JONES, Lilllian E. Bradley, b. 11 Jan 1874, d. 30 Jan 1932, Spouse: Theodore A.
JONES, Mary E. Clark, b. 6 Sep 1849, d. 27 Apr 1922, Spouse: Benjamin F.
JONES, Mary Judson Rogers, b. 1868, d. 1947, Spouse: Henry Percy
JONES, Roger C., b. 10 Jul 1894, d. 5 Feb 1969, Spouse: Elsie
JONES, Sarah, d. 6 Aug 1887, Age 70, Spouse: John
JONES, Theodore A., b. 8 Feb 1874, d. 15 Dec 1924
JUSSILA, Frederik A., b. 1871, d. 1928
JUSSILA, Wilhemina K., b. 1871, Spouse: Frederik
KALLGREN, Axel H., b. 1887, d. Apr. 16, 1959, Spouse: Esther
KALLGREN, Esther E., b. 1890, d. Jun. 4, 1971
KAUTTU, Carl E., b. 1875, d. 1916
KAUTTU, Carl Eric, b. Jun. 14, 1909 Mass., d. Feb. 11, 1986 sharon, CT, Spouse: Edna, Marker: RX
KAUTTU, Edna M. Parish, b. Aug. 9, 1911, d. Oct. 26, 2001 Great Barrington, MA, Spouse: Carl Eric
KAUTTU, Hjalmar Siimes, b. Feb. 28, 1904, d. May 1977 Needham, MA
KAUTTU, Irene Riiska, b. Mar. 20, 1911, d. Feb. 10, 1980, Spouse: Helge
KAUTTU, Jalo Manuel, b. 1905, d. Dec. 12, 1964 Middletown, CT
KAUTTU, Joan Carolyn, Dr., d. 1939, dau. of Carl & Edna
KAUTTU, Katherine Perala, b. 1875, d. 1944
KAUTTU, Laura Sikorksi, b. Dec. 28, 1912, d. Jul. 24, 1981 Boston, MA
KAUTTU, Mary Lukko, b. 1879, d. Mar. 25, 1950, Spouse: Siimes
KAUTTU, S. Herman, b. 1911, d. 2001
KAUTTU, Siimes, b. 1882, d. 1942
KAUTTU, Sylvia Catherine, b. Jun. 6, 1911 Mass., d. Apr. 29, 1985
KEANE, James M., b. 7/27/1932
KEANE, Nancy J. Paine, b. 4/12/1937, d. 7 Dec 1999, Spouse: James
KEARNER, Debra L. (Bezanson), b. Oct. 25, 1956, d. Oct.22, 1989, Spouse: James
KEENY, Lucy E., d. 24 Feb 1846, Age 37, Spouse: Sheldon
KEENY, Sheldon, d. 1 Apr 1849, Age 38
KELLY, Grace L. Holbrook, b. 1864, d. 1920, Spouse: Lee d.
KELLY, Josephine M. Stark, Spouse: Lee d.
KELLY, Lee D., b. 1860, d. 1941
KELLY, Warren, d. 1896, infant
KERNIN, Patrick, d. May 6, 1864 Wilderness, VA, Co. H 14th Reg. Conn. Vols
KETCHAM, Albert R., b. Nov. 13, 1882, d. May 7, 1974, Spouse: Amy
KETCHAM, Amy J., b. Dec. 27, 1883, d. Oct. 4, 1978, Spouse: Albert
KILBOURN, Violet P., d. 17 Jul 1847, Age 45, Spouse: Luther
KILBURN, Anna E. (Tuttle), b. 1884, d. Jul. 12, 1967, Age 82, Spouse: Carl
KILBURN, Carl J., Jr., b. 1912, d. Sep. 26, 1969, Spouse: Dorothy
KILBURN, Carl J., MD, b. Aug. 26, 1886, d. Oct. 31, 1975, Spouse: Anna
KILBURN, Dorothy V. (Buzzell), b. Jul. 12, 1912 Vermont, d. Feb. 24, 1992 Vernon, CT, Spouse: Carl
KILBURN, Leona N., b. Jan. 11, 1917, d. Sep. 2, 1970
KILBURN, Ralph M., b. Feb. 20, 1921, d. Jun. 28, 2010, Spouse: Helen Siefert
KIMMERLE, Anna Geuser, b. 1861, d. 1926, Spouse: Gottlieb
KIMMERLE, Fred W., b. Feb. 14, 1899, d. Sep. 24, 1975
KIMMERLE, Frederick W., b. 1870, d. 1932
KIMMERLE, Gottlieb, b. 1855
KIMMERLE, Marie A. Haupter, b. 1877, d. Feb. 23, 1955, Spouse: Frederick W.
KIMMERLE, Minnie M., b. Mar. 27, 1902, d. Nov. 22, 1993
KIMMERLE, William F., b. Mar. 23, 1897, d. Oct. 26, 1989, Pvt. U.S. Army WW I
KING, Arnold P., d. 1 Apr 1874, Age 65
KINSKI, Marker: none
KINSMAN, David, d. 25 Jan 1866, Age 16
KIVELA, Charles C., b. 1886, d. Mar. 9, 1964, Spouse: Jennie
KIVELA, Jennie S., b. 1886, d. 1946, Spouse: Charles C.
KLATTE, Adolph J., b. 28 Jul 1861, d. 25 Apr 1943
KLATTE, Frederick K. R., b. 5 Dec 1896, d. 11 Jan 1913, son of Adolph & Pauline
KLATTE, Pauline A., b. 20 Jun 1866, d. 15 Sep 1962, Spouse: Adolph J.
KNAPEL, Ferdinand, b. 1864, d. 1932
KNAPEL, Rudolph J., b. 1899, d. 1946
KNAPEL, Marker: unreadable
KNAPLE, Adolph A., b. 1890, d. 1948, Spouse: Irene L., WW I
KNAPLE, August J., d. 7/26/1955, Age 61, Med. Dept. World War
KNAPLE, August J., b. 1894, d. 26 Jul 1955, Age 61, Med. Dept. WW I
KNAPLE, Eunice I., b. Dec. 29, 1920, d. Feb. 22, 1991
KNAPLE, Irene L., b. Feb. 14, 1901, d. Oct. 17, 1977, Spouse: Adolph A.
KNOX, Louis R., Sr., b. 8/15/1918, d. 13 Apr 1975 New Milford, CT, Spouse: Helen, Tec 5 US Army WW II
KNOX, Louis R., Sr., b. 8/15/1918, d. 4/13/1975, Tec5 US Army
KOBS, Anna, b. 1901, d. 1977
KOBS, Anna K., b. 1870, d. 1920
KOBS, Carl
KOBS, Ewald
KOBS, Francis
KOBS, Mary
KOBS, Reinhold, b. 1893, d. 1927
KOCH, Carl, Co E. 1st Conn H.A. Spanish War
KOCH, Carl, Co E. 1st Conn. H.A.
KOCH, Charles F. Sr., b. 28 Oct 1891 New York, d. 13 Apr 1982, Spouse: Lucy
KOCH, Gustave, b. 1867, d. 1964
KOCH, Karl, Co. E 1st Regt. Heavy Art. C.V. Civil War
KOCH, Lucy E. Soons, b. 19 Oct 1886, d. 10 Nov 1986, Spouse: Charles F. Sr.
KOCH, Rose W., b. 1869, d. 1931, Spouse: Gustave
KODE, K., Marker: none
KONOLD, Adolph
KONOLD, Burton F., b. Nov. 14, 1899, d. Nov. 1980
KONOLD, Carolyn Roselins, b. 2 May 1839, d. 22 Jan 1920, Spouse: Mathew
KONOLD, David, b. 1945, d. 1954, son of Burton and Helen
KONOLD, Elizabeth Schwing, b. 1836, d. 1922
KONOLD, Ernestina S., d. 29 May 1882, Age 81, Spouse: Valentin
KONOLD, Frederick, b. 1872, d. 1938, Marker: Mason
KONOLD, Frederick W., b. 1827, d. 1898
KONOLD, Helen Tharau, b. 1907, d. Aug. 20, 1953, Spouse: Burton
KONOLD, Hulda F., b. Oct. 4, 1878, d. Aug. 31, 1967, Spouse: Fred, Marker: Eastern Star
KONOLD, Joyce (White), b. Jul. 7, 1935, d. Feb. 24, 1980, Spouse: Andre
KONOLD, Mathew, b. 4 May 1827, d. 19 Mar 1901
KONOLD, Mina, d. 21 Feb 1869, Age 14m, dau. of P. & E.
KONOLD, Valentin, d. 21 Sep 1868, Age 74
KOSS, Alfred, b. 1894, d. 1895
KOSS, Emil A., b. 1865, d. 1943
KOSS, Ida C. Schattsneider, b. 1872, d. 1935, Spouse: Emil
KOTZBACH, Augustine Neumann, b. 1859, d. 1921, Spouse: Gustave
KRAZMIEN, Carol J. (McQuay), b. Aug. 9, 1945 New York, d. Jul. 24, 1988, Spouse: Daryl R.
KRAZMIEN, Daryl R., b. 1945
KUHS, Caroline Farken, b. 9 Jan 1853, d. 30 Mar 1915
KUHS, Ellen, b. 1890, d. 1957
KUHS, Ernest, b. Sep. 13, 1889, d. Nov. 1969 St. Petersburgh, FL
KUHS, John F., b. 31 Jan 1849, d. 23 Jan 1932
KUHS, William J., b. 1898, d. 1922
KUSS, Carl, b. 5 Sep 1850 Germany, d. 12 Aug 1915
KUSS, Caroline G., b. 5 May 1823 Germany, d. 9/18/1906, Spouse: John
KUSS, John, b. 27 Aug 1827 Germany, d. 8 Aug 1900
L. L.
LAFAYETTE, Edeth M., d. 8 Jun 1886, dau. of Henry & Anna
LAGERSTROM, Charlotte, b. 1833, d. 1912, Spouse: John C.
LAGERSTROM, John C., b. 1843, d. 1906
LAMARRE, Antonio J., b. Mar. 25, 1908, d. Apr. 14, 1989 Windsor, CT, Spouse: Marie, U.S. Navy WW II
LAMARRE, Antonio J., b. Mar. 25, 1908 Maine, d. Apr. 14, 1989 Windsor, CT, Spouse: Marie, U.S. Navy WW II
LAMARRE, Marie E. (Nelson), b. 4/23/1915, d. 17 Feb 1996, Spouse: Antonio
LANE, David L., b. 1799, d. 1839
LANE, Melissa Barber, b. 1803, d. 1891, Spouse: David L.
LANE, Robert Joseph
LANE, Virginia Eddy, b. Jul. 24, 1923, d. May 23, 1993 Barnstable, MA
LANGOS, Douglas Kyle, b. 7/24/1964 Oregon, d. 13 Sep 1992 E. Granby, CT, Spouse: Kelly, SP 4 US Army
LANGOS, Douglas Kyle, b. 7/24/1964, d. 9/13/1992 E. Gramby, CT, Spouse: Kelly M. Tatro, SP 4 US Army
LANGOS, Ron, Marker: none
LAPSLEY, Claudia L., b. 1946
LARSON, Ebba M., b. Jun. 29, 1894, d. Nov. 7, 1976 Bristol, CT, Spouse: Eric
LARSON, Elsie Duberg, b. Mar. 25, 1900, d. Jun. 18, 1994 San Diego, CA
LARSON, Eric S., b. 1890, d. Aug. 25, 1956, Spouse: Ebba
LARSON, Felix J., b. 1899, d. 1960
LARSON, HIlda S. Peterson, b. 4 Jan 1842, d. 14 Aug 1907, Spouse: John F.
LARSON, Johanna L., b. 1896, d. 1906
LARSON, John F., b. 14 May 1848, d. 3 Jan 1894
LARSON, John L., b. 1859, d. 1924
LARSON, John W., d. 2/19/1960, Age 71, Spouse: Marg, Co. H. 102d Inf. World War
LARSON, John W., d. 19 Feb 1960 Newington, CT, Age 71, Spouse: Margaret, Co. H. 102d Inf. World War
LARSON, Louisa W. Johnson, b. 1861, d. 1916, Spouse: John W.
LAUBENSTEIN, Frederick, b. 25 Mar 1868, d. 12 Jul 1907
LAUBENSTEIN, Grace Vail Mitchell, b. 2 Mar 1866, d. 31 Dec 1931
LAUBENSTEIN, Jacob, b. 1837, d. 1899
LAUBENSTEIN, Jennie V., b. 1872, d. 1878
LAUBENSTEIN, Mary Craig, b. 1843, d. 1905, Spouse: Jacob
LAURENCE, John, d. 26 Nov 1887, Co. G 16 Regt. Conn Vols.
LAURENCE, John, d. 26 Nov 1887, Co. G 16 Regt. Conn. Vols.
LAURENCE, John, d. 26 Nov 1887, Co. G 16th Regt. Conn. Vols Civil War
LAVANWAY, Amy E. Smith, d. 27 Oct 1929, Age 63, Spouse: William
LAVANWAY, Homer D., b. 1853, d. 1922, Marker: Mason
LAVANWAY, Ida Balcher, b. 1860, d. 1945, Spouse: Homer
LAVANWAY, Raymond, b. 1884, d. 1918
LAVANWAY, William W., d. 14 Jan 1925, Age 58
LAVOIE, Essie M. (Clavette), b. 8/30/1924 Maine, d. 11 Jun 1996, Spouse: Eucline
LAVOIE, Eucline J., b. 8/20/1929, d. 17 Feb 1990
LAWRENCE, John, Spanish War
LEE, C. C. B.
LEE, E. B.
LEE, James W., d. 12 Jul 1840, Age 40
LEE, James W., b. 1838, d. 1893
LEE, Laura G., d. 6 Jan 1875, Age 67, Spouse: James
LEFEBVRE, Edna C., b. 12/25/1904, d. 7 Nov 1918
LEFEBVRE, George F., b. 1874, d. 1924
LEHNE, Ida B., d. 16 Mar 1876, Age 3, Marker: none
LEHNE, Louis J., d. 2 Jun 1875, Age 7m, Marker: none, son of Johannes & Johane
LEHR, Donald L., b. Feb. 14, 1951 WV, d. 11/12/1994, Age 43, son of Thomas & Martha
LEMAY, Flavia B. Briggs, b. 1888, d. Oct. 11, 1949 Clinton, CT, Spouse: George
LEMAY, George Joseph, b. 1885, d. 1918
LENTINI, Theodate F--R, b. 1907, d. Feb. 17, 1974 Bristol, CT, Spouse: Phil
LENTZ, Hedwig, Age 1y 5m
LENTZ, Henry W., b. 19 Nov 1865, d. 15 Feb 1910, Age 44
LENTZ, Age 6m 7d
LESIEUR, Dora Ostrowsky, b. Apr. 26, 1897, d. Sep. 30, 1980, Spouse: Frank
LESIEUR, Frank A. Sr., b. Oct. 26, 1901 Mass., d. Sep. 4, 1980 Branford, CT, Spouse: Dora
LESSARD, Pearl Helmi (Pennala), b. May 29, 1905 Finland, d. Nov. 25, 1988, Spouse: James
LEWIS, Frances E., b. 19 Sep 1844, d. 30 Nov 1857, Age 13
LINDAU, Bror August, b. 10716, d. 36512, Spouse: Patricia, CPL USMC WW II
LINDAU, Bror August, Jr., b. 5/3/1929 Mass., d. 12/18/1999, Spouse: Patricia, CPL USMC WW II
LINDAU, Patricia O'Brien, b. 7885, d. 4/23/1982, Spouse: Bror
LINDELL, Annie Johnson, b. 1855, d. 1936, Spouse: L. Erick
LINDELL, L. Erick, b. 1867, d. 1933
LLOYD, Elizabeth, b. 18 Oct 1794, d. 29 Nov 1870 Philadelphia
LOCKS, Dorothy E. (Weirauch), b. Sep. 26, 1908, d. Mar. 30, 1999, Spouse: Sheridan
LOCKS, Sheridan, b. Jun. 4, 1903, d. Sep. 1966
LOCKWOOD, Alfred L., b. Dec. 3, 1928, d. Jun. 1979
LOCKWOOD, Judith R., b. 1945
LOCKWOOD, Laura Stone Hale, b. 4 Sep 1822, d. 17 Jan 1908, Spouse: John T. Lockwood & David B. Hale
LOFGREN, Fritz G., b. 1877, d. Feb. 15, 1959
LOFGREN, Ingrid Nelson, b. 1836, d. 1912, Spouse: Nils O.
LOFGREN, Johan E., b. 1868, d. 1923
LOFGREN, Nils O., b. 1844, d. 1910
LONGAN, Helen Malone, d. c. 1930
LONGAN, Patrick, NY Vol. Civil War
LOOMIS, Caroline H., b. 1843, d. 1934
LORD, Daniel B., b. 1865, d. 1948, Spouse: Frances Henney
LORD, Frances E. Henry, b. 1865, d. 1941
LOUGEE, Josiah B., b. 1853, d. 1930
LOUGEE, Ruamah B., b. 1892, d. 1913
LOUGEE, Sarah L. Rice, b. 1858, d. 1936, Spouse: Josiah b.
LOVELAND, Marvin, d. Nov 30, 1863, Co. H 12th Reg. Conn. Vols
LOWELL, Barbara Elston, b. 5/7/1929, Spouse: James B. Jr.
LOWELL, James B. Jr., b. 1/17/1929, d. 21 Feb 2003, Spouse: Barbara Elston, Marker: Memorial Bench, Lt. Col. U.S. Army, Korea
LOWELL, James b. Jr., b. 1/17/1929, d. 2/21/2003, Spouse: Barbara Elston, Marker: Memorial Bench, Lt. Col. U.S. Army, Korea
LUCI, Marcus Smith, d. 28 Mar 1841, Age 4, son of Jason & Harriet V.
LUKAS, August, d. Aug 19, 1894, Age 20
LUND, Elizabeth, b. 1/15/1931, d. 4/14/1977, Spouse: John, dau. of Herbert & Aletha Welte
LUND, Elizabeth Welte, b. Jan. 15, 1931, d. Apr. 14, 1977, dau. of Herbert & Althea
LUNDBERG, Augustine, d. 12/18/1886, Age 32
LUNTTA, Eero Cox, b. 1925, d. May 26, 1986 Palm Beach, FL, U.S. Navy WW II
LUNTTA, Eero Cox , b. Sep. 13, 1925, d. May 22, 1986 Palm Beach, FL, U.S. Navy WW II, son of John E.
LUNTTA, Einar, b. 1886, d. 1948, Spouse: Elizabeth
LUNTTA, Elizabeth Kovanen, b. 1890, d. 1941, Spouse: Einar
LUNTTA, John K., b. 1921, d. Dec. 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor, HI, S1 U.S. Navy WW II, son of John E.
LUNTTA, John K., b. 1921, d. Dec. 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor, HI, U.S. Navy WW II
LUNTTAA--SISKOKSET, Tyyne Mirjam, b. 1910, d. 1911
LYMAN, Matthew J., d. 2 June 1986, Marker: anchor, son of Capt. John & Diane
LYNCH, J. Frank, b. 1/7/1901, d. 9 Jan 1990, Spouse: Nellie
LYNCH, Nellie Sandell, b. 5 Mar 1898, d. 15 Nov 1994
LYON, Katherine P., b. 4 Apr 1859, d. 1 Jun 1899
LYON, Lilian Frye, b. 1865, d. 1952
LYON, Stephen J., b. 12 Dec 1851, d. 20 Feb 1928
LYON, Stephen R., b. 17 Aug 1888, d. 1 Sep 1888
MAGNUSON, Elsie M., b. 1911, d. 1921, dau. of George and Emily
MAGNUSON, Emily P., b. 1883, d. 1933, Spouse: George
MAGNUSON, George O., b. 1881, d. buried in Sweden
MAHER, John C., b. 4/13/1914, d. 19 Jul 2002, Tec 4 US Army, WW II
MAHER, John C., b. 4/13/1914, d. 7/19/2002, Tec4 US Army WW II
MALLERY, Mary J., d. 15 Mar 1897, Age 87, Spouse: Stephen
MALLERY, Stephen O., d. 31 Aug 1892, Age 75
MALONE, Gerturde, b. 1895, d. 1918, Spouse: Willard Jones
MALONEY, Martin, Co. H 12 Regt. C.V. Civil War
MANHUK, Johan, b. 1887 Grodno, Poland, d. 1941
MANSONIS, James, Marker: none
MANTLE, John, Spanish War
MANTLE, John M., Civil War
MARCY, Bradford, d. 29 Aug 1864, Age 53
MARCY, Calvin L., d. 5 Oct 1859, Age 46
MARCY, Mary F. Dwight, d. 30 Dec 1878, Age 75
MARCY, Sarah J. Crane, d. 21 Feb 1894, Age 80, Spouse: Bradford
MARCY, Wesley B., d. 30 Jul 1861, Age 19, son of Bradford & Sarah
MARIEN, Ann R., b. 1926, d. Aug. 24, 1974 Middletown, CT, Spouse: Clifton
MARTENSON, Agnes, d. 14 Apr 1907, Age 23
MARTENSON, N., Marker: none
MARTIN, Betty Hackbarth, b. Sep. 23, 1922, d. Dec. 9, 1988, Spouse: Woodrow
MARTIN, Woodrow W., b. Aug. 27, 1916 Kentucky, d. Jun. 18, 2001, Spouse: Betty
MARWADEL, Gebhard F., d. 13 Dec 1894, Age 10, son of William & Louise d.
MARWADEL, Louise D. Scharff, b. 8 Apr 1838, d. 8/3/1912, Spouse: William
MARWEDEL, Anna L. Hohbein, b. 8 Apr 1828, d. 3 Aug 1912, Spouse: William
MARWEDEL, Frank E., d. 5 Aug 1894
MARWEDEL, Gebhard F., b. 1901, d. 1994, Age 20
MARWEDEL, Louise D. Scharff, b. 1878, d. 1955, Spouse: William F.
MARWEDEL, William F., d. 13 Dec 1894, Age 54
MASON, Carol Horton, b. 5/22/1924, d. 29 Jul 1966, Spouse: Phil
MASON, Diane Rose (Olson), b. 12/20/1942 Minn., d. 1 Dec 1996, Spouse: Albert
MATHER, Julia Bates, b. 1823, d. 1909
MATTOON, Alice Mayo, d. 18 Oct 1876, Age 23, dau. of B. & Nancy
MATTOON, Benjamin M., d. 13 May 1882, Age 58
MATTOON, Charles Brooks, b. 1860, d. 1938
MATTOON, Nancy Palmer, d. 20 Aug 1878, Age 55, Spouse: Benjamin
MATTSON, Milton E., b. 1923
MATTSON, Shirley E. (Alender), b. Mar. 20, 1925, d. Niv. 24, 1990, Spouse: Milton
MAYER, Edith Bluhan, b. 1877, d. 1943
MCCARTHY, Christine Jones, b. 12/19/1925, d. 21 Jan 1968, dau. of Elsie & Roger
MCCARTHY, Timothy, Co. H 12 Regt. C.V. Civil War
MCCLELLAND, Jennie M. Anderson, b. 1895, d. Oct. 5, 1957 Bristol, CT, Spouse: Mungo
MCCLELLAND, Mungo S., b. Jan. 8, 1893, d. 7/14/1963, Spouse: Jenn, M.G. Co. 307th Inf. WW I
MCCLELLAND, Mungo S., b. 1893, d. 14 Jul 1963 Newingtin, CT, Spouse: Jennie, M.G. Co. 307th Inf. WW I
MCDONALD, Dale Allen, b. Jun. 6, 1916 Penn., d. Dec. 30, 1991, Spouse: Jean, Tech 5 US Army, WW II
MCDONALD, Dale Allen, II, b. Jan. 6, 1916 Penn., d. Dec. 30, 1991, Spouse: Jean, Tec5 US Army WW II
MCDONALD, Jean Koch, b. 1922
MCGARRIAGLE, Annie E. Brown, b. 1858, d. 1912, Spouse: Thomas J.
MCGARRIAGLE, Annie M., Age 20
MCGARRIAGLE, J. Francis, b. 1885, d. 1915
MCGARRIAGLE, Thomas J., b. 1860, d. 1913
MCGRATH, James, d. Sep 17, 1862 Antietam, MD, Co. E 10th Reg. Conn. Vols
MCHARD, Marker: unreadable
MCINTOSH, Adam, d. 1 Oct 1865, Age 22
MCKISSICK, Francis E, d. 5/21/1963, Age 60, B M 2 C U.S. Navy
MCKISSICK, Francis E., d. 21 May 1963, Age 60, B M 2 C U.S. Navy World War
MCNUTT, Elmer E., b. Jun. 20, 1914, d. Feb. 20, 2004
MCNUTT, Leona LaPointe, b. Jan. 1, 1922, d. Aug. 6, 1995, Spouse: Elmer E.
MCREYNOLDS, Margaret A., b. 1867, d. 1931
MCREYNOLDS, Margaret Burnside, b. 1829, d. 1898, Spouse: Samuel
MCREYNOLDS, Mary E., b. 1860, d. 1920
MCREYNOLDS, Samuel, b. 1822, d. 1896
MEAD, Warren D., b. 30 Oct 1860, d. 21 Oct 1905
MECONKEY, Dorothy E. Stover, b. Mar. 25, 1903, d. Nov. 28, 1995, Spouse: John
MECONKEY, Hiram J., b. 1863, d. 1947
MECONKEY, John C., b. Mar. 29, 1901, d. Mar. 25, 1978, Spouse: Dorothy
MECONKEY, Nellie F. Andrews, b. 1871, d. 1933, Spouse: Hiram
MEISSNER, Charles, d. 19 Nov 1851, Age 2, son of John G. & Welhelmiene
MEISSNER, Frank, d. 3 Oct 1869, Age 3y 3m, son of John G. & Welhelmiene
MEISSNER, Louisa E., d. 24 Aug 1856, Age 10m, dau. of John G. & Welhelmiene
MERRILL, George N., b. 9/13/1915 Mass., d. 9/28/1983, Spouse: Mildred, U S Army WW II
MERRILL, George N., b. 9/13/1915 Mass., d. 9/28/1983, Spouse: Mildred, US Army WW II
MEYER, Amelia Faas, b. 1857, d. 1921, Spouse: Daniel G.
MEYER, Daniel G., b. 1851, d. 1938
MEYERS, Allan R., b. 1903, d. 1940
MEYERS, Ann H., b. 8/14/1912, d. 13 Jan 2000, Spouse: Victor, Marker: Married 1934
MEYERS, Cecelia, b. 1877, d. Sep. 8, 1958, Spouse: George
MEYERS, George W., b. 1878, d. Jan. 17, 1949
MEYERS, Ralph, b. Aug. 8, 1909, d. May 25, 1982 Chua Vista, CA
MEYERS, Victor I., b. 9/26/1911, d. 6 Sep 1998 Manchester, CT, Spouse: Ann
MICELI, Robert Hart, d. 1/21/1987, Age 2h
MICHAELS, Frederick, d. Aug 10, 1864 Andersonville Prison, Co. E 16th Reg. Conn. Vols
MICHEL, Dorothy E., b. 1914, d. 1999
MIGGETT, Alice O. Anderson, b. 1890, d. Dec. 4, 1977, Spouse: James I.
MIGGETT, James I., b. 1880, d. 1947, Spouse: Alice
MILANO, Dorothy B., b. Feb. 22, 1916, d. Aug. 10, 1978 Torrington, CT, Spouse: Samuel
MILES, Amy G., b. 1869, d. Oct. 9. 1955 Groton, CT, Spouse: George F.
MILES, Franklin, b. 23 Jul 1837, d. 12 Feb 1915, Spanish War
MILES, Franklin, b. 23 Jul. 1837, d. 12 Feb. 1915, Veteran
MILES, Franklin Murray, b. 7/30/1903, d. 4 Aug 1916, Age 13, son of GF & AG
MILES, George F., b. 1868, d. 1947
MILES, Harry F., b. 1890, d. Apr. 21, 1959 Torrington, CT, Spouse: Helen
MILES, Louis G., b. 7 Oct 1892, d. 31 Jul 1894
MILES, Mary L. Chapin, b. 14 Mar 1842, d. 28 Jul 1896, Spouse: Franklin
MILHENNY, Helen, b. 1917, d. 1984
MILLER, Arthur J., b. 1876, d. 1941
MILLER, Charles R., II, b. 23147, d. 10/12/2004
MILLER, Roger A., b. d. 6/20/1975, Spouse: Betty, Lt. JG US Navy
MILLER, Roger A., b. d. Spouse: Betty, Lt. JG US Navy
MILLER, Tilly W. Hoffman, b. 1877, d. 1938, Spouse: Arthur J., Marker: Royal Matron 1938
MILLIARD, Brian M., d. 5/30/1905, Baby
MILLS, Addison O., b. 1 Oct 1876, d. 19 Jan 1972, Spouse: Grace
MILLS, Ella M., d. 18 Jan 1896, Spouse: Frank
MILLS, Ellen M. Codding, b. 14 Apr 1855, d. 10/16/1933, Spouse: Wilbur E.
MILLS, Frank, d. 39 Mar 1910, Age 81
MILLS, George, d. 6 Dec 1852, infant
MILLS, Grace V. Henry, b. 11 Sep 1876, d. 5 Sep 1960, Spouse: Addison
MILLS, Laurin C., d. Apr 28, 1864 Plymouth Prison, NC, Corp. Co. E 16th Reg. Conn. Vols.
MILLS, Wilbur E., b. 18 Apr 1854, d. 6 May 1908
MINOR, Ellen J., d. 22 Oct 1869, Age 20, Spouse: George L., dau. of J. & S. Bortle
MISCHAK, Paul A., b. 1951, son of Stanley & Pauline
MISCHAK, Pauline Hackbarth, b. Nov. 28, 1915, d. Jan. 30, 2012, Age 96, Spouse: Stanley
MISCHAK, Stanley, b. Aug. 10, 1906 Poland, d. Oct. 16, 1988, Spouse: Pauline
MITCHELL, Edwin R., b. 1846, d. 1893, Co. F 2nd Heavy Art. C.V. Civil War
MITCHELL, Edwin R., b. 1846, d. Jul. 7, 1893, Co. F. Corps of2nd Conn. Heavy Art.
MITCHELL, Eunice A. Case, b. 1847, d. 1926, Spouse: Edwin
MITCHELL, Munroe, b. 1872, d. 1942
MITCHELL, Nellie H. Heister, b. 1874, d. Nov. 30, 1958, Spouse: Mitchell
MOODY, Emerson, d. 1819, Age 48
MOODY, Mary, d. 1878, Age 71, Spouse: Emerson
MOORE, Almira J. Nye, b. 1815, d. 1898, Spouse: Calvin L.
MOORE, Calvin L., b. 1821, d. 1887
MOORE, John G., d. May 30, 1863, Co. A 25th Reg. Conn. Vols
MORGAN, Myron, d. 16 Sep 1836, Age 3, son of Myron & Hepsibah
MORGAN, Myron H., d. 21 Feb 1835, Age 37
MORGAN, Phillip M., d. 9 Dec 1844, Age 33
MOSES, Isabell, d. 5 Oct 1860, Age 7, dau. of Solomon & Fidelia
MOSMAN, Emery A., d. Feb 15, 1863 Port Hudson, LA, Co. A 25th Reg. Conn. Vols
MOTT, Helen F., d. 18 Mar 1827, Age 12, dau. of Levi & Parmelia
MOTT, Mary Jane, d. 11 Sep 1832, Age 1, dau. of Levi & Permelia
MOTT, Mary L., d. 13 Sep 1837, Age 11m 18d, dau. of Levi & Permelia
MOULTON, Charles H. T., b. 1908, d. 1991, Korean Campaign
MUNSON, Hannah, b. Jan. 31, 1904, d. May 1975 Winsted, CT, Spouse: Otto
MUNSON, Otto, b. Mar. 21, 1895, d. Mar. 7, 1965, Spouse: Hannah
MURPHY, Martin, d. Oct 2, 1864 Andersonville Prison, Co. B 1st Squadron Cav. Conn. Vols
MYERS, H., Marker: none
NEAL, Claudia T., b. 1896, d. 1977
NEAL, Elizabeth R., b. Nov. 27, 1905, d. Jul. 1974
NEAL, Emma Humphrey, b. 1860, d. 1901
NEAL, Laura T., b. Jun. 15, 1878, d. Aug. 22, 1969 Wallingford, CT, Spouse: Morris
NEAL, Leonard M., b. 1889
NEAL, M. Stanley, b. 1856, d. 1949
NEAL, Morris H., b. Nov. 3, 1885, d. Nov. 1974 Babylon, NY
NEAL, William T., b. Dec. 18, 1909, d. 17 Feb 1983, Spouse: Lois, Cpl. US Army WW II
NEARING, Arthur G., d. 6/17/1934, Age 85, veteran star
NEARING, Giles H., d. 16 Apr 1869, Age 52
NEARING, Pamela O., d. 3 Sep 1867, Age 47
NEARING, Sarah A., d. 16 Apr 1845, Age 25
NEARING, Marker: none
NELSON, Axel, b. 1862, d. 1890
NELSON, Charles A., b. 1883, d. 1926
NELSON, Elizabeth L., b. May 24, 1909, d. Nov. 1973
NELSON, Harold A., b. Nov. 21, 1902, d. Jul. 1968
NELSON, Hilda Gustafson, b. 1883, d. 1926, Spouse: Charles A.
NELSON, Severn H., b. 1889, d. 1917
NETTELBLADT, Robert J., b. Mar. 14, 1961, d. Aug. 8, 2005, Spouse: Patricia Begin
NETTLEBUSH, Harry A., infant
NETTLEBUSH, Leo, d. 16 Apr 1845, Age 33
NETTLEBUSH, Louise, d. 11 Sep 1874, Age 4m, infant of Leo and Kate
NETTLEBUSH, Marker: unreadable
NETTLEBUSH, d. 3 Oct 187?, Age 13d
NEUMANN, Adam, World War
NEUMANN, Johm, d. 27 Jul 1887, Age 64
NEUMANN, Julia S., child
NEWELL, Elsie M. Eaton, b. 1926, Spouse: John
NEWELL, John Robinson, b. 5 Aug. 1923, d. 18 Jul. 1976, S Sgt Army Air Force WW II
NEWELL, John Robinson, III, b. 8/5/1923, d. 18 Jul 1976, Spouse: Elsie, S Sgt Army Air Force WW II
NIKSTAD, Agnes M.Johnson, b. 1877, d. Oct. 3, 1962, Spouse: John A.
NIKSTAD, Anna E., b. Oct. 14, 1906, d. Jun. 20, 1977, Spouse: Clinton
NIKSTAD, Clinton R., b. Mar. 17, 1908, d. Dec. 30, 1987 Winchester, CT, Spouse: Anna, Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
NIKSTAD, Clinton R., b. Mar. 17, 1908, d. Dec. 30, 1987 Winchester, CT, Spouse: Anna, U.S. Army WW II
NIKSTAD, Harold A., b. May 31, 1904, d. Feb. 10, 1977
NIKSTAD, John A., b. 1871, d. 1932
NILSON, Augusta, b. 26 Jul 1863, d. 31 May 1911
NILSON, Betty, b. 4 Feb 1895, d. Jan 1896, dau. of C. G. & Hilma Nilson
NIXON, Anna Mary Guyton, b. 1864, d. Dec. 6, 1957, Age 93, Spouse: Elliott
NIXON, Elliot L., b. 1861, d. Sep. 17, 1950
NOBLE, D. M., Spouse: Warren N.
NOBLE, Warren N., b. 1833, d. 1899
NOCKBACH, S., Marker: none
NORTON, Aurelia C., b. 10/10/1824, d. 9/2/1849, Spouse: Seth P.
NORTON, Charles Everett, b. 1/28/1852, d. 8/5/1853, son of SP & EE
NORTON, Charles Robinson, b. 10/20/1863, d. 3/15/1864, son of SP & EE
NORTON, Elizabeth Wilcox, b. 2/16/1827, d. 9/ /1901, Spouse: Seth P.
NORTON, George Wilcox, b. 11/28/1857, d. 11/8/1922, son of SP & EE
NORTON, Mary Elizabeth, b. 12/22/1847, d. 5/27/1875, dau. of SP & AC
NORTON, Seth P., b. 5/16/1823, d. 10/29/1867
NORTON, William Averit, b. 9/11/1855, d. 11/30/1896, son of SP & EE
NORTON, William E., d. 6 Apr 1839, Age 18
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