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Old North Burying Grounds
Middlefield, Middlesex County, Connecticut
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Old North Burying Grounds, Middlefield, CT |
GPS: 41.5292, -72.7138
(approximate street address)
220 Jackson Hill Rd
Middlefield, CT 06455
Contributed by: Ken Twombly []
June 7, 2021
Total records: 358
Driving Directions
It is located on Jackson Hill Road in Middlefield, CT about one mile south of the intersection of state Rt 66 on the west side of Jackson Hill Road.
Cemetery History
The Old North Burying Ground was established about 1737 on land donated by Samuel Allen, one of the town's first three settlers. The first recorded burial took place in 1738.
Owned by the Town, this cemetery had fallen into disrepair until the Middlefield Historical Society, spurred on by the Wadsworth Chapter of the D.A.R., began renovations about 5 years ago. It is now kept mowed, dead trees have been removed, rotting fence has been replaced.
Cemetery Records
Records below were compiled by Ken Twombly, Curator, and Alice Tucker, member of the Middlefield Historical Society in 2021. If you have questions regarding this cemetery you may call the Middlefield Historical Society at 860-349-0665.
This collection is as complete as possible being comprised of informaton from a number of sources including the “History of Middlefield and Long Hill” by Thomas Atkins, the “Coe-Ward Memorial”, a transcription by Stephanie Dyson in 1976 – 1979, as well as other transcriptions held by the Middlefield Historical Society.
??, Old Pomp, d. 1831, Slave of John Birdsey. (Black, unmarked)
Allen, Abigail, d. 10 Sep 1757, age: 4 mos., D. of Noadiah and Susannah
Allen, Ebenezer, d. 7 Oct 1816, age: 78, H. of Elizabeth, "The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance."
Allen, Elizabeth, d. 7 Apr 1807, age: 62, W. of Ebenezer, "I've now seen death. This is the way we must return to native dust."
Allen, Samuel, d. 12 May 1745, age: 25, S. of Samuel and Mary
Allen, Samuel, d. 25 Nov 1760, age: 25, H. of Susannah
Allen, Samuel, d. 03 Sep 1759, age: 76, This Samuel was probably one of the first settlers of the town., "All living must return to dust."
Allin, Abigail, d. 29 Jul 1743, age: 21, D. of Samuel and Mary
Allin, Noadiah, d. 25 Nov 1760, age: 25, H. of Susannah, "All living must return to dust."
Allin, Noadiah, d. 18 Nov 1760, age: 1 day, S. of Noahdiah and Susannah
Allin, Susannah, d. 25 Sep 1759, age: 6 mos, D. of Noadiah and Susannah
Andrus, Elijah, d. 28 Sep 1803, age: 79
Augur, Phinehas, d. 18 Nov 1825, age: 37, Only son of Prosper and Thankful, "No pain nor grief nor anxious fear invade thy bounds. No (?) woes can reach the peaceful sleep of here and angels watch his soft repose (Second portion unreadable.)"
Augur, Polly, b. 12 Sep 1786, d. 26 Dec 1849, age: 62
Augur, Prosper, d. 12 Dec 1836, age: 81, (Deacon) Husband of Thankful, "Go to the gravefor there thy savior lay. In deaths embrace He raise on high. And all the ransom'd by that narrow way. Pass to eternal life wayward the sky."
Augur, Thankful, d. 16 Sep 1825, age: 70, Wife of Deacon Prosper Augur
Bailey, Anner, d. 18 Jan 1838, age: 67, W. of Oliver, "When you my friends are passing by, and this informs you where I lie. Remember you ere long must have like (?) a mansion in the grave."
Bailey, Oliver, d. 27 May 1817, age: 54, (Captain) Husband of Anner Bailey.
Bailey, Sophronia, d. 02 Mar 1808, age: 12 days, D. of Isaac and Eunice
Bartlett, John, d. 30 Oct 1757, age: 62, (Lieutenant)
Birdsey, Abel, d. 2 Jan 1832, age: 86, H. of Lucy
Birdsey, Abigail, d. 25 May 1818, age: 30, W. of Capt. David Birdsey, "Adieu my friends, my glass is run. My day is past, my work is done. The night of death has spread its gloom, and I lie slumbering in the tomb."
Birdsey, Alvah, d. 01 Aug 1817, age: 18, S. of Ruth and Capt. Seth
Birdsey, Anner, d. 4 Mar 1835, age: 86, W. of Capt David, formerly w. of Joseph Wetmore, "The longest life is quickly past but shall be destroyed at last. In Jesus word I fairly trust to raise me from this bed of dust."
Birdsey, Benjamin, d. 27 Oct 1825, age: 39
Birdsey, Benjamin, d. 28 Aug 1789, age: 57, H. of Martha. Remarried twice more., "Hope humbly then, with humbling pinions soar. Wait the great teacher Death and God adore."
Birdsey, Capt. David, d. 12 Sep 1825, age: 77, H. of Abigail
Birdsey, Capt. Seth, d. 30 Aug 1825, age: 48
Birdsey, Elihu, d. 01 Oct 1803, age: 3, S. of Elihu and Ruth
Birdsey, Eunice, d. 29 Apr 1751, age: 9, D. of John and Sarah
Birdsey, Eunice, d. 25 Aug 1808, age: 26
Birdsey, Gershom, d. 18 Nov 1789, age: 55, H. of Hannah, "Refuse me not this little spot my weary limbs to rest. Till I shall rise in sweet surprise and be forever blest."
Birdsey, Hannah, d. 14 Dec 1824, age: 83, W. of Gersham
Birdsey, Harry, d. 22 Dec 1804, age: 2 yrs., 2 mos., S. of John J and Eunice
Birdsey, Infant, d. 06 Oct 1807, age: 2 weeks, S. of John J and Eunice
Birdsey, John, d. 09 Mar 1807, age: 70, H. of Ruth, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord"
Birdsey, Lucy, d. 19 Dec 1791, age: 39, W. of Abel, "Great God this gift was thine. I bless the power that gave. Though called now to resign this blessing for the grave."
Birdsey, Martha, d. 23 Jul 1804, age: 51, W. of Capt David, "Ye (added?) friends that now surround this tomb, ye Saints that later came from nature's womb. Tis here yoyr resting place must be a while, then wake torise to glory with smle.i"
Birdsey, Rachel, d. 11 May 1807, age: 1 yr., 9 mos., S. of John J and Eunice
Birdsey, Ruth, d. 20 Oct 1854, age: 78, W. of Seth
Birdsey, Ruth, d. 03 Mar 1866, age: 80, W. of John
Birdsey, Ruth, d. 12 May 1834, age: 87, W. of John, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."
Birdsey, Sarah, d. 20 Mar 1791, age: 85, W. of John
Birdsey, Seth, d. 16 Feb 1784, age: 33, "Snatch'd from the earth no time allowd for thought, from life's gay scenes to God's dread judgement brought. My hapless fate aloud proclaims to all, Be hourly ready when your God shall call."
Birdsey, Seth (Capt), d. 30 Aug 1825, age: 48, H. of Ruth
Boardman, Moses, d. 14 Feb 1754, age: 1 day, S. of Moses and Margaret
Boardman, Silence, d. 26 Sep 1759, age: 3
Brainerd, Elizabeth, d. 08 Oct 1773, age: 51, W. of Capt. David Miller
Brainerd, Minerva, d. 06 Apr 1836, age: 27
Brown, Elisabeth, d. 15 Mar 1742, age: 62
Burgis, Esther, d. 16 Apr 1872, age: 82, W. of Phineas Augur and Samuel Burgis
Camp, Lemuel, d. 08 Sep 1748, age: 1 yr., 6 mos., S. of Edward and Mary, "This beauteous flower was well and dead in half an hour."
Camp, Mary, d. 18 Dec 1756, age: 45, W. of Ensign Edward
Caples, (Child), d. May 1828, Child of Jesse and Tamar
Caples, Emily, d. 18 Mar 1824, D. of Jesse and Tamar. (Black, unmarked grave)
Caples, Tamar Carter, d. 17 Nov 1821, W. of Jesse. Drowned in Middle Haddam. (Black, unmarked grave)
Carter, Asaph, d. 12 Jun 1823, (Black, unmarked)
Chilson, Hannah, d. 03 Aug 1751, age: 12 mos, D. of John, Jr. and Abigail
Chilson, John, d. 14 Apr 1747, age: 34 days, S. of John, Jr. and Abigail
Chilson, John, Jr., d. 17 Jul 1754, age: 36, H. of Abigail
Chilson, Mary, d. 11 Aug 1755, age: 8, D. of John, Jr. and Abigail
Clark, Sarah, d. 16 Apr 1852, age: 65, ain. W. of Elisha, "Why should we grieve from that (?), Our loss is but thy gain. Who dust in God though sad in heart, that we shall meet again."
Coe, Abigail, d. 30 May 1749, age: 4, D. of Deacon Joseph and Abigail
Coe, Abigail, d. 22 Sep 1776, age: 57, W. of Deacon Joseph, "The day on which my Lord arose, called me to rest in his repose. When he descends his Saints to bless I shall awake in righteousness. Children and friends, make God your trust. And thogh your bodies return to dust yet you shall see my face again in full fruition of the Lamb."
Coe, Abigail, d. 10 Sep 1776, age: 17 mos., D. of Nathan and Abigail
Coe, Bela, Esq, d. 05 Oct 1841, age: 63, H. of Hannah Ward
Coe, Betsey, d. 17 Oct 1833, age: 39, W, of Linus Coe, "I leave behind a blessing kindly given, Her Father dear drops us a tear, and (?) I meet in heaven."
Coe, Camp, d. 15 Apr 1746, age: 73, H. of Elizabeth, "The weary head is now at rest, the throbbing pulse has ceased. Cofiding is a Savior's love he wears the crown of peace."
Coe, Charlotte, d. 23 Sep 1835, age: 15, D. of Cornel and Mary, "Rejoice as she bids her friends adieu, she gives to each a parting kiss, While flowing tears their cheekd bedew, O what a solemn scene was this."
Coe, Cornel, d. 04 Oct 1826, age: 40, H of Mary
Coe, Cyrus, d. 22 Sep 1822, age: 25, S. of Elizabeth and Joseph, H. of Rachel
Coe, David, Capt, d. 14 Jan 1807, age: 90, H. of Hannah, "The known bound of time bears no proportion to the unknown bounds of eternity."
Coe, Dency, d. 21 Sep 1836, age: 19, D. of Cornel and Mary, "As fades the rose in all its bloom so sinks sweet Dency to the tomb. The place is vacant where she sungwhen in God's house her praises rung. As her dear mates do thus appear, can they refrain the falling tear?"
Coe, Edwin, d. 23 Nov 1796, age: 6 mos., S. of Elisha and Elizabeth
Coe, Eli, d. 27 Mar 1835, age: 77, s praise in (?) day., "Farewell my friends, I'm going home. My Savior smiles and bids me come. Sweet angels beckon me away, to sing God's pe"
Coe, Elihu, d. 24 Aug 1859, age: 79
Coe, Elisabeth, d. 12 Feb 1794, age: 24, W. of Nathan Coe, "Eternity to me's begun, tremendous thought!!! Perhaps before tomorrow's thought"twill be thy lot."
Coe, Elisabeth, d. 6 Sep 1837, age: 64, W. of Camp Coe, "I would not have this mourn for me, for all that earth could give. A tear must not be shed by thee, to die is but to live."
Coe, Enoch, d. 21 Oct 1798, age: 7, S. of Joseph and Elisabeth, "Nor age nor sex can death defy. Think mortals what it is to die"
Coe, Ezra, d. 02 Dec 1772, age: 22, S. of Capt. David and Hannah, "Reader consider, life is short, death is certain, eternity is long."
Coe, Hannah, d. 13 May 1835, age: 21, D. of Cornel and Mary, "In memory of my daughters dear, these monuments I have placed here. To those who now are passing by remember that you're born to die."
Coe, Hannah, d. 08 Aug 1827, age: 47, W. of Capt. Bela Coe, (Unreadable)
Coe, Hannah, d. 16 Oct 1808, age: 87, W. of Capt David
Coe, Harriet Sophia, d. 09 Mar 1821, age: 10 mos., D. of Linus and Betsey, "Spotless as lilies of the purest white. See babes departing to the realms of light."
Coe, Henry H., d. 01 Aug 1829, age: 6 yrs, 6 mos., S. of Linus and Betsy
Coe, Joseph, d. 10 Jun 1784, age: 72, Deacon of the Congregational Church of Middlefield, "With cheerful hopes of being present with the Lord. Religion draws the sting of death, Faith does its terrors overcome.With joy the saints resign their breath since Christ has triumphed o'er the tomb. O sleep secure redeemed dust still the last pleasant day arise. Then wake and reign with all the just on thrones reared in the eternal slies."
Coe, Linus, Jr., d. 18 Dec 1821, age: 1 day, S. of Linus and Betsey
Coe, Luther, d. 26 Oct 1798, age: 3, S. of Joseph and Elisabeth, "So death will soon disrobe you all of what you here possess"
Coe, Lydia Elizabeth, d. 15 May 1828, age: 19 mos., D. of Linus and Betsey
Coe, Mary, d. 03 Mar 1804, age: 32, W. of Camp Coe, "Make ready for your free reward. Go forth with joy to meet your Lord."
Coe, Mary, d. 20 Sep 1849, age: 57, W. of Cornwall Coe, "Rest thee Mother, sweetly rest. Pillow'd on thy Savior's breast"
Coe, Mary, d. 31 Dec 1831, age: 76, W. of Setth
Coe, Mary, d. 07 Oct 1805, age: 1 yr, 7 mos, 18 days, D. of Mary and Camp
Coe, Nathan, d. 10 Dec 1796, age: 55, H. of Abigail. F. of Camp, "Death still in the warning doth repeat. Prepare, my friends, in heaven to meet."
Coe, Rachel, d. 14 Mar 1826, age: 43, W. of Elihu, "unreadable"
Coe, Rachel, d. 27 May 1844, age: 83, W. of Eli, esq., "I would not live always no, welcome the tomb.Since Jesus had lain there, I dread not its gloom. There sweet be my rest till he bid me arise ti hail him in triumph ascending the skies."
Coe, Robert, Ensign, d. 02 Feb 1762, age: 78, H. of Hannah Mitchell
Coe, Roswell, d. 18 Dec 1814, age: 19, S. of Co. Elisha and Elizabeth
Coe, Samuel, d. 07 Jan 1787, age: 3 wks, 2 days, S. of David, Jr. and Jetusha, "Sleep dear babe and take thy rest.Thy Savior called thee home because he thought it best."
Coe, Sanford, d. 09 May 1789, age: 22, S. of Nathan and Abigail, "I am cut down in youthful spright. God's will be done, I'm sure its right. When Jesus calls I must arise and meet my Savior in the skies."
Coe, Seth, d. 26 Sep 1829, age: 74, H. of Mary
Coe, Seth, d. 17 May 1818, age: 6 yrs., 4 mos., S. of Elias and Hannah, "Sleep my child & take thy rest. God called the home he thought it best."
Coe, Sofia, d. 08 Nov 1814, age: 21, D. of Col. Elisha and Elizabeth
Coe, Sophia, d. 08 Nov 1814, age: 21, D of Col. Elisha and Elizabeth
Cook, Benjamin, d. 10 Apr 1827, age: 24, S. of Lucas and Rhoda
Cook, Hezekiah S., d. 15 Nov 1826, age: 37, H. of Sally
Cook, Ira, d. 22 Jan 1826, age: 1 yr, S. of Hezekiah and Sally
Cook, Lucius, d. 12 Apr 1845, age: 78, H. of Rhoda
Cook, Rhoda, d. 20 Feb 1849, age: 81, W. of Lucius
Cook, Sally, d. 11 Nov 1862, age: 74, W. of Hezekiah
Cornwall, John, d. 21 Jan 1873, age: 7 mos.
Cornwall, Mary, d. 10 Sep 1849, age: 17, W. of John
Curtis, Marritta, d. 04 Mar 1857, age: 51, W. of Harvey
Dickenson, John, d. 23 Sep 1878, age: 91, H. of Mary, 2nd Celia
Dickenson, Mary, d. 14 Jul 1825, age: 30, W. of John
Dickenson, Samuel, d. 29 Mar 1851, age: 48, Son of John and Mary
Dickenson, Unnamed child, d. 07 Aug 1807, age: 1 yr., 5 mos., 19 days, Child of John and Mary
Doud, John, d. 03 Sep 1745, age: 28
Ely, Sluman, d. 01 Dec 1775, age: 12, S. of Simon and Abigail
Fluskey, Harriet Sophia, d. 04 Jan 1815, age: 21, D. of James
Freeman, Blanford, d. Dec 1818, age: 75, (Black, unmarked)
Freeman, Peter, d. Dec 1820, age: 80?, (Black, unmarked)
Freeman, Philemon, d. 18 May 1820, age: 70, (Black, unmarked.) Served in Revolutionary War
Freeman, Phyllis, d. 16 Oct 1836, age: 82, W. of Peter (Black, unmarked)
Freemen, David, d. 1826, Revolutionary War soldier
Gale, John, d. 25 Aug 1824, age: 22
Gear, George, d. 20 Sep 1833, age: 45, H. of Lydia, "My friends be ye also ready for in such an hour as you think not your final summons will come."
Gear, Lydia , d. 14 Nov 1845, age: 68, W. of George, "O Mother, Mother in our heartsthy image still shall be. And we will hope in heaven at last that we will meet with thee."
Gear, Mary, d. 26 Jun 1817, age: 4 hrs, D. of George and Mary
Glands, Ann (Fanny), d. 23 Jun 1760, age: 70
Goodrich, Abigail, d. 29 Jan 1809, age: 26, W. of Samuel
Gould, Benjamin, S. of Rev Ebenezer and Phebe
Gould, Calvin S, S. of Rev Ebenezer and Phebe
Gould, David , d. 27 Mar 1756, age: 57, S. of Rev Ebenezer and Phebe
Gould, Elisabeth, d. 21 Nov 1778, age: 82, "Beneath this stone death's prisoner lies, the stone shall move, the prisoner rise. When Jesus with Almighty word call his dead saints to meet their Lord."
Gould, Silas
Green, Albree, d. 02 May 1765, age: (?), S. of Ensign Samuel and Sarah
Green, Suza Albree, d. 26 May 1763, age: 15, D. of Ensign Samuel and Sarah
Hale, Ebenezer, d. 26 May 1760, age: 39
Hale, Eunice, d. 06 Jun 1836, age: 27, D. of Hezekiah and Nancy
Hale, Hezekiah , d. 18 Nov 1813, age: 76, H. of Rachel Bevins
Hale, Joseph, d. 03 Oct 1756, age: 17, S. of Joseph and Hannah
Hale, Nancy, d. 31 Aug 1878, age: 93 yrs., 4 mos., 25 days, W. of Hezekiah, Jr.
Hale, Phineas, d. 20 Jan 1845, age: 26, S. of Hezekiah and Nancy., "Love God, love truth, love virtue and be happy Those were the first words uttered in the ear."
Hale, Roswell, d. 06 Feb 1849, age: 32, S. of Hezekiah and Nancy.
Hale, Ephram, d. 09 Sep 1757, age: 7 mos, S. of Gideon and Sarah
Hale, Hezekiah, d. 31 Oct 1826, age: 48, H. of Nancy. Sexton of Middlefield Church and Old North Cemetery, "A parent tender and a husband kind, a worthy man is to dust consigned. But his blest spirits in the (?) of peace, survivors trust now dwells where Jesus is."
Hall, Anner, d. 06 Sep 1839, age: 36, W. of Miles Hall, D. of William and Sarah Pelton, "God my Redeemer lives, and ever from the skieseach dawn and watches all thy dust, till he shall bid it rise."
Hall, Charles, d. 31 May 1832, age: 7 mos., S. of Miles and Ann. Sister of Jememia Ann
Hall, Jemima Ann, d. 04 May 1833, age: 6, D. of Miles and Ann, "These lovely buds so young and fair, call'd home by early doom. Just come to show how sweet thier flower in Paradise would bloom."
Hamilton, Ann , d. 12 Nov 1760, age: 16, D. of William and Mary
Hands, Anny, d. 23 Jun 1760, age: 71, D. of Benjamin and Sarah
Hawley, Dency, d. 28 July 1802, age: 10 days, D. of Miller and Elizabeth
Hawley, Hope, d. 23 Jan 1763, age: 70, W. of Jehial, mother in law of John Lyman and mother of Hope Hawley Lyman
Hawley, Ruth, d. 25 Jan 1776, age: 12, D. of Samuel and Ruth
Hawley, Ruth, d. 09 Aug 1801, age: 65, W. of Samuel, "The memory of the just is blessed."
Hawley, Ruth, d. 13 May 1762, age: 2 mos, D. of Samuel and Ruth
Hawley, Samuel Stow, d. 20 Dec 1798, age: 72, H. of Ruth
Hickling, Caty, d. 08 Aug 1802, age: 49, W. of John Hickling, "Eternity to me's begun. Tremendous thought!!! Perhaps before tomorrow's sun"Twill be thy lot."
Hoadley, Abel, d. 13 Jun 1805, age: 34, S. of Jehial and Elizabeth. Drowned.
Hoadley, Dr. Jehiel, d. 02 Mar 1810, age: 66, H. of Elizabeth First resident physician
Hoadley, Elizabeth, d. 01 Jan 1810, age: 34, W. of Dr. Jehiel
Hubbard, Capt Charles, d. 28 Jan 1818, age: 32, Son-in-law of Isaac Miller, Esq. Was married to Lucretia Miler, [Shares a grave stone with his father-in-law Isaac Miller]
Hubbard, Ebenezer, d. 02 Oct 1776, age: 81, H. of Hannah
Hubbard, Elijah, d. 09 Sep 1766, age: 12 days, S. of Elijah and Abigail
Hubbard, Hannah, d. 22 May 1761, age: 58, W. of Ebenezer
Hubbard, Hezekiah, d. 24 May 1763, age: 20 days, S. of Elijah and Abigail
Hubbard, Lydia, d. 28 Mar 1779, age: 71, W. of Ebenezer, "Death Conquers All."
Hubbard, Submit, d. 02 Mar 1825, age: 83
Kimball, Abraham Tyler, d. 05 May 1834, age: 77
Kimball, Bethiah, d. 26 March 1807, age: 79, 2 Daughters; Rachel and Esther,
Kimball, Ira, d. 13 Aug 1817, age: 26, S. of Abraham, "To this sad shrine who'ere thou art draw near. Here lies the friend most loved, the son most dear."
Leaming, Jeremiah, d. 29 Aug 1759, age: 72, H. of Abigail Turner, "Here in the arms of death we sleep, and here in the dust our rest we take. Untill the high arch Trump doth sound and then to judgement shall awake."
Leaming, Jeremiah, d. 22 Nov 1762, age: 11 mos., S. of Matthias and Philotheah
Lee, Abial, d. 31 Dec 1810, age: 47, W. of Elijah
Lown, Leora Bassett, d. 04 Dec 1873, age: 24, W. of Timothy
Lown, Timothy, d. 03 Nov 1889, H. of Leora. Civil War Vet Co. E, 14th Regiment, Conn. Volunteers
Lucas, Oren, d. 22 Jan 1826, age: 25
Lyman, Adaline, d. 06 Aug 1826, age: 16, D. of William and Alma
Lyman, Col. David, d. 28 Feb 1815, age: 69, H. of Sarah Comstock. Col. of cavalry reg't abt 1810., "My transcient scenes are o'er. I am intomb'd in clay till Christ's immortal power proclaims celestial day."
Lyman, Cornelia, d. 14 Aug 1825, age: 26, W. of Elihu
Lyman, David, d. 15 Mar 1811, age: 30, S. of David and Sarah
Lyman, Elihu, d. 10 Aug 1824, age: 27, S. of David and Sarah, H. of Cornelia
Lyman, Phineas, d. 13 Feb 1826, age: 17, S. of William and Alma
Lyman, Phineas, b. 25 Oct 1779, d. 05 Apr 1799, age: 20, S. of David and Sarah, "Behold a youth, who late in healthy bloom, appeared far distant from the silent tomb. Withered like grass before the scorching sun now sleeps in death which none can ever shun. Trust not in life, in limb, nor aught you have But trust in God for he alone can save. ss before the scorching sun. Now sleeps in death which none can ever shun. Trust not in life, in limb, nor aught you have, but trust in God for he alone can save."
Lyman, Sarah, d. 28 Feb 1833, age: 78, W. of Col. David
Lyman, Sina, d. 13 Jan 1814, age: 26, W. of Alanson. D. of Elisha and Elizabeth Coe
Miller, Abigail, d. 27 Oct 1788, age: 10, D. of Elisha and Elizabeth Miller, the 2nd of 11 children, "The rose is red the grass is green, the days are past which we have seen"
Miller, Abigail Cornwell, d. 5 Sep 1793, age: 81, Relict of Amos Miller; daughter of Joseph Cornwell of Middletown, "All changed the body seem to say. This life is a shadow, steels away. Ye Children have the solemn voice. Let heaven virtue be your choice"
Miller, Amos, d. 28 Jan 1739/40, age: 2, S. of Amos and Abigail Miller
Miller, Amos, b. 1 Jun 1713, d. 17 Jan 1777, age: 64, H. of Abigail Cornwell, "My grandchildren and grandchildren all, death here to you aloud doth call, your earthly father now is dead and you're survivors in his stead. Remember you must die also, and to the dust must shortly go. See that you walk in wisdom's road till you're prepared to dwell with God"
Miller, Asher, d. 14 Oct 1810, age: 18, S. of Giles and Jennet Miller, "Thus will our mouldring members teach what now our senses learn, for dust and ashes loudly preach man's infinite concerns"
Miller, Benjamin, b. 4 Aug 1730, d. 17 Apr 1786, age: 56, H. of Abigail Ward, "Come all my friends and children dear. Make God your trust, his counsels hear that when your days on earth shall end your souls to glory may ascend"
Miller, Benjamin"Ens.", b. 20 Oct 1700, d. 9 Jul 1769, age: 69, H. of Hannah Robinson. Title"Ens." was to differntiate him from his father, Benjamin., "Hark! What a solemn sound. Let friends attend ye cry. Come, children, view the ground where you must shortly lie. Now learn the heavenly art to improve the hours you have. Come, choose the wiser part and live beyond the grave"
Miller, Benjamin"Gov.", b. 20 Jul 1672, d. 22 Nov 1747, age: 76, H. of MaryJohnson until her death Then H. of Mercy Bassett. Title"Gov" was honorary due to his physical size, being the largest landowner, and his prowess in dealing with the indians.
Miller, Betsey, d. 26 Jul 1825, age: 41, W. of John Willard Miller, maiden name Ives, [Same stone as John Willard Miller and Capt Harvey Miller]
Miller, Betsey, d. 26 Jul 1825, age: 41, W. of John Willard Miller
Miller, Capt David, b. 3 Oct 1718, d. 28 Feb 1789, age: 71, H. of Elizabeth Brainard, "Let friends and neighbours drop a tear on my dry lifeless bones and say, these once were strong as ours now are, and ours must shortly be as they. Thus do these mouldering members teach what every feeling heart may learn, for dust and ashes loudest preach man's chief and infinite concern."
Miller, Capt Harvey, d. 23 Oct 1892, age: 82, [Same stone as John Willard Miller and Betsey Miller]
Miller, Capt Seth, d. 7 Dec 1829, age: 79, H. of Hannah Parsons Miller
Miller, Capt Timothy, d. 1 Mar 1783, age: 63
Miller, Capt. Ichabod, b. 25 Jan 1771, d. 7 Nov 1829, age: 58, H. of Sarah Birdsey
Miller, Chauncey, d. 5 Oct 1813, age: 19, S. of Ambrose and Lucy Miller, "Let all who view this silent lamb think much on death which sure will come. It came to me, I fell his prey. The living all must go this way."
Miller, Chloe, d. 17 Oct 1777, age: 27, W. of William Miller, Jr.
Miller, Clarissa, d. 14 Jul 1862, age: 80, W. of Giles Miller, maiden name Miller (dau of William Miller, Jr.), [Stone shared with Giles Miller, her husband]
Miller, Cornelia, b. 1 Sep 1790, d. 18 Mar 1795, age: 5, D. of Isaac Miller, Esq and Hannah Miller
Miller, Curtis, b. 9 Jul 1779, d. 31 Mar 1795, age: 16, S. of Isaac Miller, Esq and Hannah Miller
Miller, Daniel, d. 28 Aug 1741, age: 1, S. of Amos and Abigail Miller
Miller, Daniel, d. 27 Nov 1777, age: 30, H. of Elizabeth Hall of Middletown; S. of Amos and Abigail Miller, "Time was I stood as thou dost now and viewed the dead as thou dost me. Ere long thou'lt lie as low as I and others stand and gaze on thee. Reader prepare for death."
Miller, Daughter stillborn, d. 30 Jun 1744, age: 0, D. of David and Elisabeth Miller, [Same stone as her brother Hezekiah Miller and a stillborn sister]
Miller, Daughter stillborn, d. 10 Aug 1746, age: 0, D. of David and Elisabeth Miller, [Same stone as her brother Hezekiah Miller and a stillborn sister]
Miller, David Brainerd, d. 29 Dec 1749, age: 5 months 5 days, S. of David and Elizabeth Miller
Miller, Dea Giles, d. 1 Mar 1804, age: 78, H. of 1st Elizabeth, 2nd Susannah, "Our days to seventy years are set. How frail the tenure, short the date. And if to eighty we arrive we rather sigh and groan than live"
Miller, Dea Ichabod, b. 15 Dec 1709, d. 22 Aug 1788, age: 79, H. of 1st Mary Elton; 2nd Elizabeth Cornwell, "Come all my friends and children dear, make God your trust his councels hear that when your days on Earth shall end your soles to glory may ascend"
Miller, Elizabeth, d. 2 Jun 1764, age: 42, W. of Giles Miller, maiden name Parsons, "When this you see remember me"
Miller, Elizabeth, d. 8 Oct 1773, age: 51, W. of Capt David Miller, maiden name Brainard; she was from Haddam, "A soul prepared needs no delays. The summons comes, the saint obeys. The flesh rest here till Jesus come and claim the treasure from the tomb"
Miller, Elizabeth, b. 7 Mar 1715, d. 22 Aug 1787, age: 72, W. of Deacon Ichabod Miller, maiden name Cornwell, "Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall be called the children of God"
Miller, Elizabeth, d. 3 Dec 1831, age: 93, Relict of Ichabod Miller, maiden name Bacon
Miller, Elmina, d. 5 May 1809, age: 6, D. of Hezekiah and Sarah Miller
Miller, Elvira, d. 3 Nov 1826, age: 13, D. of Jeremiah and Mary Miller
Miller, Esther, d. 20 Oct 1845, age: 87
Miller, Eunice, d. 5 Jan 1790, age: 66, W. of William Miller, D. of Ambrose Clark, "Here lies the mother with three of her children, all confined in the dust, yet hope their souls are all made free among the just"
Miller, Giles, Jr., d. 26 Nov 1839, age: 58, H. of Clarissa; S. of Giles Miller and grandson of Dea. Giles Miller, [Stone shared with Clarissa Miller, his wife]
Miller, Hannah, d. 28 Aug 1834, age: 82, Relict of Capt Seth Miller, maiden name Parsons
Miller, Hannah, b. 9 May 1743, d. 16 Dec 1833, age: 90, Relict of Isaac Miller Esq., D. of Deacon Joseph Coe and Abigail Coe, "The aged mother well may teach (for ninety years few mortals reach) That Christ alone received by grace is the best crown in life's dear race"
Miller, Hannah, b. 1706, d. 3 Sep 1796, age: 91, W. of Benjamin Miller, maiden name Robinson; she was from Durham
Miller, Hezekiah, d. 24 Apr 1837, age: 72, H. of Sarah Bassett; after Sarah's death married her sister
Miller, Hezekiah, d. 28 Sep 1745, age: 2 months, S. of David and Elisabeth Miller, [Same stone as 2 stillborn sisters]
Miller, Horace, d. 7 Aug 1825, age: 37, H. of Harriet Barnes
Miller, Hulda, d. 2 Dec 1761, age: 26, D. of Ens Joseph and Mrs.Thankful Miller, "All living must return to dust"
Miller, Infant child, d. 24 Feb 1792, Child of Hezekiah and Sarah Miller
Miller, Infant son, d. 12 May 1740, age: 3 days, S. of Amos and Abigail Miller
Miller, Infant stillborn, d. 27 May 1800, Child of Hezekiah and Sarah Miller
Miller, Isaac, Esq, b. 21 Mar 1766, d. 20 Jul 1817, age: 80, H. of Hannah Coe, "Beset with dangers, hopes and fears few mortals live to fourscore years. Then young and old with Christ your friend before your day of grace shall end"
Miller, Israel, d. 19 Dec 1750, age: 29 days, S. of David and Elisabeth Miller
Miller, Jacob, d. 7 Apr 1836, age: 91, H. of Mary Crowell
Miller, Jacob, Jr., d. 5 Feb 1816, age: 35, H. of Ruth Camp, "Boast not O death thy universal reign for the (?) yet all shall rise again"
Miller, James, d. 12 Aug 1776, age: 8, S. of Richard and Anner Miller, [Shares a stone with his brother Richard Miller]
Miller, Jennet, d. 15 Nov 1816, age: 51, W. of Giles Miller, maiden name Malcolm
Miller, Jeremiah, d. 11 Nov 1878, age: 68, H. of Mary Ives Miller
Miller, Joel, d. 11 Nov 1805, age: 46
Miller, Joel Bradley, d. 3 Jan 1819, age: 30, H. of Polly, "How sudden was the call that took my life away"
Miller, John Willard, d. 17 Dec 1870, age: 87, H. of Betsey,
Miller, John Willard, d. 17 Dec 1870, age: 87, H. of Betsey Miller; S. youngest son of Jacob Miller, [Same stone as Betsey Miller and Capt Harvey Miller]
Miller, Jonathan, d. 7 Feb 1752, age: 3, S. of William and Eunice Miller, [Shares a stone with his brother Seth Miller]
Miller, Joseph, d. 23 Dec 1776, age: 19, S. of Amos and Abigail Miller, "Let youth to their Creator give their first and golden years. For oft in groans and raging pains death suddenly appears."
Miller, Joseph, d. 11 Nov 1825, age: 35, S. of Capt Seth and Hannah Miller, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them."
Miller, Leith, d. 2 Jan 1746, age: 4, S. of Ens Benjamin and Mrs. Hannah Miller
Miller, Lieut. Ichabod, d. 12 Mar 1824, age: 85, H. of Elizabeth Bacon
Miller, Lois, d. 3 Feb 1765, age: 6, D. of William and Eunice Miller
Miller, Lucy, d. 5 Nov 1794, age: 21, D. of William and Chloe Miller
Miller, Mary Crowell, d. 8 Oct 1830, age: 81, W. of Jacob Miller; maiden name Crowell
Miller, Mary H?, d. 10 Mar 1863, age: 71, W. of Jeremiah Miller, maiden name Ives, "My flesh shall slumber in the ground till the last trumpet's joyful sound. Then burst the chains with sweet surprise and in my Saviour's image rise"
Miller, Mercy Bassett, d. 9 Feb 1756, age: 79, Relict of Benjamin Miller, "Behold and see as you pass by as you are now so once was I. As I am now so must you be. Prepare for death and follow me"
Miller, Phinehas, b. 6 Aug 1739, d. 4 Oct 1739, age: 2 months, S. of Benjamin and Hannah Miller
Miller, Polly, d. 3 Aug 1861, age: 71, W. of Joel B. Miller
Miller, Rebecca, d. 10 Mar 1756, age: 75, Relict of Joseph Miller
Miller, Richard, d. 13 Dec 1778, age: 3, S. of Richard and Anner
Miller, Richard, d. 22 Dec 1778, age: 3, S. of Richard and Anner Miller, [Shares a stone with his brother James Miler]
Miller, Richard, d. 28 Jun 1780, age: 32, H. of Anner Ward Miller; son of Dea. Ichabod Miller
Miller, Ruth, d. 8 Jan 1826, age: 47, Relict of Jacob Miller, Jr.
Miller, Sally Jennet, d. 12 Dec 1825, age: 9, D. of Horace and Harriet Miller
Miller, Samuel, d. 12 May 1745, age: 8, S. of Samuel and Mary Miller
Miller, Sarah Basset, d. 21 Nov 1825, age: 60, W. of Hezekiah Miller; maiden name Bassett, "All living must return to dust"
Miller, Sarah E., b. 18 Jan 1776, d. 9 Aug 1853, age: 77, W. of Capt Ichabod Miller
Miller, Seth, b. 11 May 1741, d. 2 Jan 1746/7, age: 4, S. of Ens Benjamin and Mrs. Hannah Miller
Miller, Seth, d. 07 Dec 1829, age: 79, H. of Hannah
Miller, Seth, d. 9 Mar 1753, age: 1 year & 1 month, S. of William and Eunice Miller, [Shares a stone with his brother Jonathan Miller]
Miller, Sukey, b. 6 Oct 1787, d. 8 Oct 1788, age: 1, D. of Hezekiah and Sarah Miller
Miller, Susannah, d. 3 Feb 1793, age: 73, W. of Dea Giles Miller, "When this you see remember me"
Miller, Thankful, d. 2 Jun 1771, age: 72, W. of Ens Joseph Miller
Miller, William, d. 3 Oct 1804, age: 80, H. of Eunice Clark Miller, "Behold and see as you pass by, as you are now so once was I. As I am now so you must be. Prepare to die and follow me"
Miller, William, d. Jun 1777, S. of William and Chloe Miller
Miller, William, Jr., d. 2 Nov 1795, age: 52, S. of William and Eunice Miller; H. of Chloe 1st; Lucy 2nd
Nichols, Ellen M., d. 19 Mar 1868, age: 35, W. of Russell Nichols, [Shares a stone with Sylvanus Sr., Sylvanus, Jr. and Rhoda Nichols]
Nichols, Rhoda, d. Sep 1821, age: 60, W. of Sylvanus, [Shares a stone with Sylvanus Sr., Sylvanus, Jr. and Ellen Nichols]
Nichols, Sylvanus, d. 1 Mar 1859, age: 58, [Shares a stone with Sylvanus Sr., Rhoda Nichols, and Ellen Nichols]
Nichols, Sylvanus, d. 14 Oct 1849, age: 90, H. of Rhoda, [Shares a stone with Sylvanus Jr., Rhoda Nichols, and Ellen Nichols]
Parsons, Aaron, d. 28 Jul 1791, age: 80, H. of Abigail, "The faithful fail from among the children of men"
Parsons, Abigail, d. 16 Feb 1804, age: 90, W. of Aaron, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord"
Parsons, Anna, d. 29 Sep 1781, age: 34, 2nd W. of of Stephen Parsons, "Ye passengers through life who on time's wings do flee. Behold as I am now so you must shortly be. And dwell with God above with saints in Glory reign; or sink to Hell below in everlasting pain."
Parsons, Elizabeth, d. 11 Feb 1777, age: 26, 1st W. of Stephen Parsons, "While in the dust the body lies the soul concealed from mortal eyes. Eternal scenes the mind oreflows with endless joys or endless woes"
Parsons, Lucy, d. 9 Sep 1753, age: 17, D. of Lieut Moses and Mrs. Elizabeth Parsons
Parsons, Mercy, d. 31 Aug 1753, age: 19, D. of Lieut Moses and Mrs. Elizabeth Parsons
Parsons, Naomi, d. 30 Oct 1753, age: 13, D. of Lieut Moses and Mrs. Elizabeth Parsons
Prout, Elizabeth, d. 10 Sep 1854, age: 38, W. of Sylvester Prout, "May I with those forever dwell who here were my delight [Shares a grave stone with her daughter Mary]"
Prout, Mary, d. 9 Sep 1854, age: 16, D. of Sylvester and Elizabeth Prout, "May I with those forever dwell who here were my delight [Shares a grave stone with her mother Elizabeth]"
Robbart, Mary, d. 14 Jan 1756, age: 33, W. of Edward Robbart, "When this you see remember me"
Rockwell, John, d. 18 Jan 1780, age: 86, H. of Phoebe, "Come all you living that pass by and view ye ground where I do lie. From death's arrest no age is free. Prepare for death and follow me"
Rockwell, Phoebe, d. 14 Dec 1782, age: 81, W. of John Rockwell, "This turn is mine. The next may be thine."
Rockwell, Seth, d. 28 Jun 1790, age: 4, S. of Joshua and Rhoda Rockwell
Scofel, Hannah, d. 16 Jul 1757, age: 85, Relict of James Scofel
Sexton, Susannah, d. 1 Jul 1806, age: 47, W. of Jonathan Sexton
Smith, Daughters (2), d. 13 Oct 1760, Children of Benjamin and Rachel Smith
Smith, Marah, d. 8 Mar 1760, age: 7 weeks, D. of Benjamin and Rachel Smith
Smith, Rachel, d. 24 Oct 1760, age: 29, W. of Benjamin Smith
Spencer, Diadamia, d. 15 Jan 1831, age: 65, Relict of Elihu Spencer
Spencer, Elihu, d. 15 Sep 1820, age: 75, H. of Diadamia
Spencer, Elizabeth, d. 20 Jan 1807, age: 1, D. of Elihu and Diadamia
Stow, Daniel, d. 16 Jan 1770, age: 29, S. of Eliakim and Lydia Stow, "Buried at the north side of this monument"
Stow, Eliakim, d. 1797, age: 23, S. of Eliakim and Lydia Stow, "Buried at the north side of this monument"
Stow, Elihu, d. 13 Nov 1812, age: 76, H. of Jemima Payne, S. of Eliakim and Lydia
Stow, Eunice, d. 21 May 1838, age: 67, D. of Elihu and Jemima Stow
Stow, Jemima, b. 11 Mar 1768, d. 12 Oct 1805, age: 63, W. of Elihu Stowe, maiden name Payne or Paine, "From Long Island"
Stowe, Anna Miller, b. 19 Feb 1771, d. 23 Nov 1802, age: 32, 1st W. of Obed Stowe, "How vast the change from life to death. Eternal scenes depart upon a breath."
Stowe, Delia G., d. 2 Aug 1839, age: 26, D. of Warren P. and Elizabeth Stowe, [Shares a grave stone with Warren P. Stowe and Elizabeth Stowe]
Stowe, Elizabeth, d. 5 Feb 1877, age: 85, W. of Warren P. Stowe, [Shares a grave stone with Warren P. Stowe and Elizabeth Stowe]
Stowe, Lucy Kirby, d. 10 Apr 1853, age: 76, 2nd W. of Obed Stowe, "Rest here blest saint till from his trhrone. The morning break and pierce the shade"
Stowe, Obed, d. 5 Sep 1839, age: 72, H. of Anna Miller Stowe and Lucy Kirby Stowe, "Our age to seventy years is set. How short the term, how frail the state."
Stowe, Warren P., d. 15 Apr 1856, age: 63, H. of Elizabeth Stowe, [Shares a grave stone with Delia G. Stowe and Elizabeth Stowe]
Stowe, William, d. 11 Nov 1814, age: 15, S. of Obed and Anna Stowe, "Why should death pass the old and gray and take the blooming youth away"
Thomas, Susannah, d. 26 Nov 1827, age: 15, D. of James and Susan Thomas
Turner, Elisabeth, d. 1752, age: 3, D. of Abraham and Elisabeth Turner
Turner, Elizabeth, d. 8 Oct 1750, age: 31, W. of Abraham Turner, maiden name Everts
Turner, Eunice, d. 6 Jul 1811, age: 61, W. of Jonathan Turner, "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord"
Turner, Hannah, d. 10 Sep 1738, age: 38, W. of Stephen Turner. Hers was the first burial in this cemetery.
Turner, John, d. 12 Mar 1764, age: 18, S. of Stephen and Hannah Turner, "The sweet remembrance of the just shall flourish though he sleep in dust"
Turner, Jonathan, d. 9 Jun 1811, age: 74, H. of Millicent 1st; H. of Eunice 2nd, "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord"
Turner, Millisent, d. 20 Jul 1766, age: 27, 1st W. of Jonathan Turner, "Nor age nor sex can death defy. Think mortals what it is to die."
Turner, Stephen, d. 5 May 1780, age: 84, H. of Hannah Turner, "He was a professor of religion, a kind husband, tender parent, his life useful, and his death lamented"
Ward, Asher, Dr., d. 12 Aug 1788, age: 32
Ward, Benjamin, d. 10 Dec 1775, age: 7, S. of William and Mary Ward
Ward, Capt James T., d. 13 May 1839, age: 88, H. of Elizabeth Miller, [Shares a grave stone with his wife Elizabeth Miller]
Ward, Capt William, d. 25 Feb 1786, age: 66, H. of Martha Bow Ward, "The noble, the generous, and the brave must all fall equal victims to the grave"
Ward, Child, d. 10 Jun 1786, Child of Asher Ward
Ward, Elizabeth Miller, d. 14 May 1840, age: 87, W. of Capt James T. Ward, [Shares a grave stone with her husband Capt. James T. Ward]
Ward, Hannah, d. 2 Jul 1766, age: 3 months 15 days, D. of William and Mary Ward
Ward, Irene, d. 20 Nov 1811, age: 21, D. of Capt James T. Ward and Elizabeth Ward
Ward, Martha Bow, d. 25 Dec 1770, age: 54, W. of Capt William Ward
Ward, Mary, b. 28 Nov 1746, d. 15 Oct 1817, age: 71, W. of William Ward; maiden name Miller, "Thrice happy christians, who when time is done shall meet in realms of bliss to part no more"
Ward, Reuben, d. 25 Sep 1830, age: 44, S. of James and Elizabeth Ward, "By his daughter P.H. Crayeou"
Ward, Timothy, d. 7 Jan 1793, age: 22, S. of William and Mary Ward
Ward, William, d. 26 Nov 1819, age: 75, H. of Mary Miller 1st; H. of Mary Field 2nd, "How blest the pure whom Christian love unites. Joy smiles upon their days, and crowns their nights. In peace their happy moments glide away till both are welcom'd to eternal day."
Ward, William, Jr., d. 18 Apr 1795, age: 28, H. of Rhoda Bacon; S. of William and Mary Ward
Warner, Capt Samuel, d. 3 Sep 1773, age: 77, H. of Dorothy Warner, "He possessed all the facial virtues. Professed Christ & adorned his profession by a meek and Godly deportment. He patiently resigned his breath in hopes of glorious immortality. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth"
Warner, Dorothy, d. 13 Mar 1756, age: 57, W. of Capt Samuel Warner, "All living must return to dust"
Warner, Sarah, d. 6 May 1740, age: 6, D. of Lieut Samuel Warner and Dorothy Warner
Wetmore, Bela, d. 5 May 1809, age: 22, S. of Joseph Wetmore and Mrs. Anner Wetmore
Wetmore, Ethan, d. 14 Dec 1792, age: 50, ., "Great God this gift was thine. Bless the power that gave tho called now to resign this blessing to the grave"
Wetmore, Jesse, d. 19 Aug 1779, age: 3, S. of Capt Amos Wetmore and Mrs. Rachel Wetmore, "Ponder, you must die"
Wetmore, John, d. May 1772, age: 3, S. of Mr. Amos Wetmore and Mrs. Rachel Wetmore
Wetmore, Joseph, d. 19 Aug 1814, age: 76, H. of Anner Wetmore
Wetmore, Joseph, d. 23 Jun 1783, age: 78, "He was a professor of religion and honest man, a kind husband, affectionate parent, lived beloved and died lamented"
Wetmore, Lois, d. 24 Jan 1794, age: 30, D. of John and Lois Wetmore, "When this you see remember me"
Wetmore, Lumon, d. 24 Sep 1846, age: 62, H. of Sally Wetmore, "Surviving friends his virtues claim. Some kind memorial of his name. And while he sleeps in death tis yours with pious care to tread his steps as far as Jesus led till heaven demands your breath"
Wetmore, Mary, b. 5 Jun 1738, d. 4 Sep 1742, age: 4, D. of Caleb and Mary Wetmore
Wetmore, Mary, d. 10 Dec 1792, age: 22, D. of John and Lois Wetmore, "Come welcome death and set me free, my saviour's face I long to see"
Wetmore, Mary, d. 21 Jun 1742, age: 35, W. of Deacon Caleb Wetmore, "The sweet remembrance of the just shall flourish when she sleeps in dust"
Wetmore, Sally, d. 24 Aug 1850, age: 66, Widow of Lumon Wetmore, "Farewell dear friends we soon shall meet in yonder world to which we haste, and join to cast at Jesus feet our crowns while we his love shall taste"
Wetmore, Samuel, d. 11 Apr 1746, age: 91, One of the town's first settlers.
Wetmore, Sarah, d. 16 Aug 1791, age: 29, D. of John and Lois Whetmore, "The sweet remembrance of the just shall flourish though they sleep in dust"
Wetmore, Seth, b. 5 Feb 1736, d. 11 Feb 1740, age: 4, S. of Caleb and Mary Wetmore
White, Benjamin M., d. 14 May 1828, age: 34, H. of Sina White, "This must be how of life and this doubtful say: with in in dying true to gain a moment day.?"
White, Sina, d. 7 Mar 1843, age: 45, Widow of Benjamin M. White
White, Sina C., d. 16 Jun 1844, age: 22, D. of Benjamin M. White and Sina White
Whitmore, Sarah, d. 20 Oct 1759, age: 66, Widow of Francis Whitmore
Williams, Amos, d. 8 Mar 1895, age: 85, H. of Eliza Williams, "In the hope of glorious immortality [Shares a grave stone with his wife Eliza]"
Williams, Eliza, d. 29 May 1890, age: 79, W. of Amos Williams, "In the hope of glorious immortality [Shares a grave stone with her husband Amos]"
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