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Riverside (Old) Cemetery
Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Portland St, Middletown Conn.This cemetery is the oldest in Middletown. It was laid out in 1650. Prior to 1713 settlers on both sides of the Connecticut River used this cemetery. But in the winter of 1712/13 a funeral cortege from Portland found the river to be impassable, so they opened their own cemetery in Portland, in the locality of the brownstone quarries from which today many old buildings are made of. The Riverside cemetery is surrounded by an iron fence which is kept locked. It is mostly brownstone slabs, and some tablestones. [IM]
This is not a complete listing of burials! The records below were provided by contributors to Cemetery Records Online. Total records = 70.
Contributor's Index:
Allen, Elizabeth, 11 Jun 1772, 42, Here lies intered the Mortal Remains of Mrs. Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Rowland Allen, [JD]
- [IM] Irma Carper-Miller []
- [JD] Jane Devlin []
- [RB] Rachel Hubbard Bryant []
Allen, Rowland, 15 Feb 1769, 40, [JD]
Alling, Deacon, d. 3 Dec 1733, Age: 61 yrs, [IM]
Alling, Hannah, 1 Apr 1740, 66, Here lies the body of Mrs. Hannah Alling Relict of Dea. Thomas Alling, [JD]
Alling, Thomas, 3 Dec 1733, 61st Year, Here lyeth the body of Deacon Thomas Alling, [JD]
Atkins, Solomon, 5 Oct 1748, 71st, in Memory of Dea. Solomon Atkins, Who died Oct 5th, 1748, in his 71st Year, [JD]
Bacon, Mary, d. 16 Nov 1732, Age: 73 yrs, Relict of John Bacon, [IM]
Bassell, Content, 11 Dec 1794, 85, in Memory of Mrs. Content Bassell, wife of Mr. Henry Bassell, [JD]
Bassell, Henry, 30 Mar 1777, 79, [JD]
Bedwell, Samuel, 5 Apr 1715, in the 65th Year, [JD]
Brown, Nathan, 18 Sep 1683, 17 May 1735, 53rd Year, Here lies the body of the Truly Virtuous, Peaceable and Peace Making Mr. Nathan Brown, Who Lived in Peace & So died May 17, 1735 in the 53d Year of his age, leaving only one dau the Heir of his Fortune, [JD]
Butler, Peter, d. 24 Sep 1732, Age: 33 yrs, [IM]
Canfield, Margaret, 12 Jul 1747, dau of Jabez Hamlin, Esq., [JD]
Cornwell, Abigail, 13 May 1727, 40, Here lieeth the body of Abigail, wife of Joseph Cornwell, [JD]
Cornwell, Isaac, 13 Apr 1739, 17, Here Lie the Bodies of Isaac & Nathaniel, Sons of Jacob & Edith Cornwell, Both slain by lightning in an instant, [JD]
Cornwell, Joseph, 3 Feb 1741, 62nd Year of his age, [JD]
Cornwell, Nathaniel, 13 Apr 1739, 11, [JD]
Dixwell, Bathsheba, 27 Dec 1729, 83, Relict of Mr. John Dixwell, Esq, [JD]
Doane, Mary, 23 Dec 1751, 49, Here lies the body of Mrs Mary, late wife of Dea. Ephraim Doane, [JD]
Doud, Elizabeth, 9 Mar 1736, 16, [JD]
Doud, Jacob, 18 Oct 1735, 42, Here lyeth the body of Serjt Jacob Doud Dickson, Charles, 13 Jul [ ], 26, son to Richard Dickinson of Seabrook, [JD]
Ely, Abner, 20 Sep 1772, 61, [JD]
Ely, Desire, 1 Sep 1764, 48, in Memory of Mrs. Desire, Late wife of Mr. Abner Ely - A Loving wife & Tender Mother - Left this Base World To Enjoy the Other, [JD]
Ely, Sarah Bacon, 18 Nov 1747, 27, Here lies the body of Mrs Sarah, wife of Mr. Jacob Ely, of Lyme, dau of Lieut. John & Mrs. Sarah Bacon, [JD]
Gleason, Joseph, 11 Jul 1767, 52nd Year of his age, Capt. Joseph Gleason - E're Live's Mid stage We Tread - Few Know So Many Friends Alive, As dead Ely, Samuel, 28 Jun 1763, 5, Son of Mr. Abner & Mrs. Desire Ely - in Memory of this Little Youth, Which We Hope did Know the Truth, [JD]
Hall, John, d. 22 Jan 1694, Age: 75 yrs, [IM]
Hall, Ozias, d. 29 Apr 1775, Age: 25 yrs, Son of Samuel Hall Dec'd, died of the Smallpox, [IM]
Hall, Phebe, 14 May 1741, 78, Mrs. Phebe, Widow of Lieut. Saml Hall, [JD]
Hall, Samuel, 24 Mar 1740, 82d Year of his age, Lieut. Samuel Hall, [JD]
Hamlin, Abigail, Chauncey, 3 Nov 1768, Abigail, wife of Jabez Hamlin, Esq. & dau of Nathaniel Chauncey, of Durham, [JD]
Hamlin, Giles, 1 Sep 1689, 67, [JD]
Hamlin, Giles, 23 Sep 1756, 41, [JD]
Hamlin, Hester, 25 Aug 1700, 72, Mrs. Hester Hamlin, [JD]
Hamlin, Jabez, 5 Apr 1791, Son of the Late John Hamlin, Esq, [JD]
Hamlin, John, 2 Jan 1732/3, 75, Eldest Son of Giles Hamlin Esq., of Middletown, [JD]
Hamlin, Margaret Phillips, 6 Sep 1748, 36, Late Consort of Jabez Hamlin, Esq., and dau of Hon. Christopher Christophus, Esq (Long Epitaph), [JD]
Hamlin, Margeret, d. Sep ????, Consort of Jabez Hamlin Esq'r & Daughter of Cap't George Phill--- & Hope his wife, [IM]
Hamlin, Mary Christophus, 3 Apr 1736, 22, Virtuous Consort of Jabez, [JD]
Hamlin, Mary, 5 May 1722, 56, Mrs. Mary Hamlin, wife of John Hamlin, Esq, [JD]
Hamlin, Susannah, 24 Feb 1721/2, 52, Mrs. Susannah Hamlin, [JD]
Hamlin, Susannah, 9 May 1803, 88, Mrs. Susannah Hamlin, Relict of the Hon. Jabez Hamlin, Esq.; the Memory of the Just Is Blessed, [JD]
Harris, Abigail, 22 May 1723, Here lies one dead which in her life - was my loving pious wife., [JD]
Harris, Daniel, d. 18 Oct 1735, Age: 83 yrs, [IM]
Harris, Zipporah, d. 8 Jan 1689, Age: 21 yrs, Stone carved by James Stanclift, [IM]
Helton, Recompense, 10 Apr 1732, 23d Year of his age, Son of Richard Helton, [JD]
Hollister, Jacob, 31 Oct 1722, 49, Late of Ye City of Bristol in Great Brittain, Macht. Decd, [JD]
Hubbard, Abigail, 23 Apr 1735, 59, Pious, Kind & Good - Lov'd By All Near. - Useful On Earth - To Heaven dear - Was She, Whose dust - Lye's Buried Here, [JD]
Hubbard, Ebenezer, 29 Apr 1743, Abt 78, [JD]
Hubbard, Elihu, 14 Sep 1770, 33, Son of Mr. Robert & Mrs. Elizabeth Hubbard, [JD]
Hubbard, Elizabeth, 22 Jan 1799, 92, Widow of Mr. Robert Hubbard,, [JD]
Hubbard, Elizabeth, b. 1622, Dorset England, d. 06 Dec 1702, wife of George Hubbard, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth Watts, grave by George, front west, St John's Sq, [RB]
Hubbard, George, b. 1601 England, d. 18 Mar 1684-5, husband of Elizabeth Watts, grave by Elizabeth, front west, St John's Sq, [RB]
Hubbard, Mary, 6 Apr 1732, 69, Mary, the wife of Mr. Nathaniel Hubbard, Senr, "Here's A Cedar Tall Gently Wafted O'er - From Great Brittain's Isle To this Western Shore - Nearly Fifty Years Crossing the Ocean Wide, - Yet's Anchored in the Grave From storm & Tide", [JD]
Hubbard, Mary, Aug 1739, 74, Mrs. Mary, the wife of Ebenr Hubbard, [JD]
Hubbard, Nathaniel, 20 May 1738, 86, [JD]
Hubbard, Richard, 30 Jul 1732, 77, [JD]
Hubbard, Robert, 19 Jun 1740, 68, [JD]
Hubbard, Robert, 29 Jan 1779, 67, [JD]
Southmayd, Annah, d. 27 Feb 1733, Age: 2 yrs 5m 2d, Daughter of William & Mehetable Southmayd, [IM]
Starr, Comfort, no dates, Age: 47?, s/w Jehoshaphat Starr. His Son who sailed from this Town in Dec 1764 and never has been heard of since, [IM]
Starr, Ebenezer, d. Nov 1755, Age: ?m 7d, s/w Jabez Starr & John Starr, [IM]
Starr, Jabez, d. 4 Apr 1755, Age: 11d, s/w John Starr & Ebenezer Starr, [IM]
Starr, Jehoshaphat Maj, d. 1 May 1796, Age:78 yrs, s/w Comfort Starr, [IM]
Starr, John, d. May 1755, Age: ?m 18d, s/w Jabez Starr & Ebenezer Starr, [IM]
Ward, Anna, d. 30 Nov 1712, Wife of Thomas Ward, [IM]
Ward, Phebe, d. ? Sep 169?, Wife of Ensigne William Ward, [IM]
Ward, William, d. 2? Mar 1690, Age: 58 yrs, Insine (ensign) aged about 58 years, [IM]
White, Elisabeth, d. 1690, Age: 65 yrs, Wife of Nathaniel White Esq'r, dyed in ye year 1690 aged about 65 years, [IM]
White, Nathaniel, d. 27 Aug 1711, Age: 82 yrs, Aged about 82 years, [IM]
Willis, Samuel Cap't, d. 16 Jan 1747/8, Age: 67yrs, Late of Boston, [IM]
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