Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery
Royal Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida
GPS: 26.681556, -80.217530
10941 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
Date published: February 2, 2017
Total records: 11,475
Surnames N-P
Cemetery records published here were acquired from Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery on February 2, 2017. Dates of death range from 1920 to 2017.
NACARATO, Carl Jr., Death: 18-Jul-1994, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 15M-NADROWSKI, Jane, Death: 15-Apr-1991, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot K-NADROWSKI, Megan A., Death: 15-Apr-1991, Section CRYPT-ST. JOHN Lot Q-NADROWSKI, Stanley B., Death: 28-Nov-1974, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot K-NAHAR, Alba Mrs., Death: 26-Feb-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 66F-NAHAR, Rosa Maria, Section ST. ANN Lot 66F-NALLEY, Anderson, Death: 7-Apr-2000, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot F-NALLEY, Margaret M., Death: 10-Feb-1994, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot F-NANAYAKKARA, Vithatanage Mr., Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-NANFELDT, Marie Dolores Mrs., Death: 24-Apr-2015, Section TANDEM COUCH MO TERESA Lot N-NANKERVIS, Howard Mr. Jr., Death: 1-May-2013, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K259-NANNA, Judith C. Mrs., Death: 23-Sep-2013, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G40-NANNARIELLO, Joseph A. Mr., Death: 30-Oct-2006, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot BN-NAPARTY, Lillian V., Death: 16-Oct-1990, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 90M-NAPIER, Agnes T., Death: 19-Mar-1988, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-NAPIER, Walter J., Death: 27-Oct-2000, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-NAPIERKOWSKI, Jon M., Death: 30-Oct-1989, Section CRYPT-ST. PATRICK Lot S-NAPOLI, Anthony Mr., Death: 3-Nov-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 306F-NAPPI, Anthony J. Mr., Death: 19-Nov-2011, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-NAPPI, Nelson Chico Mr., Death: 24-Mar-2007, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot D7-NARDI, Michael J. Mr., Death: 23-Dec-2008, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BS-NARGI, Lillian M., Death: 14-Nov-1994, Section CRYPT-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot I6-NARVAEZ, Luz Esther Miss, Death: 29-Nov-2014, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G100-NASCA, Jack J. Mr., Death: 2-Oct-2008, Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot W-NASCA, Maria Mrs., Death: 25-Jul-2004, Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot W-NASCARELLA, Arthur Mr. Sr., Death: 8-Nov-2009, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot S-NASCARELLA, Linda Rose Mrs., Death: 16-Feb-2014, Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot W-NASCARELLA, Maria L. Mrs., Death: 4-May-2010, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot S-NASH, Audrey I. Mrs., Death: 6-Feb-2010, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot D-NASSEF, George E. Mr., Death: 14-Sep-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 214F-NASSIF, Philip P. Mr., Death: 11-Aug-1983, Section ST. ANN Lot 183F-NASUTI, Marie Mrs., Death: 2-May-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 263F-NASUTI, Thomas A. Mr., Death: 12-Aug-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 263F-NATALICCHIO, Peter E. Mr., Death: 9-Aug-2004, Section ST. ANN Lot 138F-NATELLA, Louis, Death: 15-May-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 306F-NATELLA, Teresa, Death: 4-Sep-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 306F-NAUGHTEN, Kathleen Mrs., Death: 27-Aug-1984, Section ST. ANN Lot 270F-NAULT, Beatrice Miss, Death: 10-Mar-2014, Section ST. ANN Lot 203F-NAULT, Ernest T. Mr., Death: 1-May-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 203F-NAULT, Georgette D. Mrs., Death: 22-May-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 203F-NAVARRO, Agapita Monjarez Mrs., Death: 25-Sep-2005, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 110M-NAVARRO, Dolores T. Mrs., Death: 2-May-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 48F-NAVARRO, Eugenio, Death: 15-Nov-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 260F-NAVARRO, Guillermo Mr., Death: 22-Feb-2014, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot AS-NAVARRO, Jacinto H. Mr., Death: 11-Jun-2007, Section ST. ANN Lot 3F-NAVARRO, Jose Carlos Mr., Death: 7-Sep-2008, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 110M-NAVARRO, Justo E. Mr., Death: 12-Mar-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 81F-NAVARRO, Lina H. Mrs., Death: 23-Sep-1999, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 110M-NAVARRO, Luis H. Mr., Death: 28-May-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 48F-NAVARRO, Maria R. Mrs., Death: 14-Mar-2005, Section ST. ANN Lot 3F-NAVARRO, Ramon Mata, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 110M-NAVARRO, Salome A. Mrs., Death: 19-Jun-1982, Section ST. ANN Lot 81F-NAVAS, Esther Mrs., Death: 28-Jun-2006, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot P-NAVAS, George Mr., Death: 28-Aug-2011, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot P-NAVAS, Helen R., Death: 25-Apr-1997, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot P-NAVOLOKOV, Oakley Baker Mr., Death: 4-Jul-2016, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 3B-NAWROCKI, Xavier Fr., Section PRIESTS Lot 8P-NAZE, Ferdinand J., Death: 31-Dec-1996, Section NICHE-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot P6-NEBAR, Gregory R., Death: 15-Mar-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 49F-NEBAR, Ricardo R., Death: 6-Aug-2004, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 3B-NEBBIA, Benedetta Mrs., Death: 16-May-2008, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 68M-NEBBIA, Ralph J. Mr., Death: 12-Nov-1998, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 68M-NEDWICK, Kenneth E. Mr., Death: 24-Jan-2006, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 62M-NEEDHAM, Frances, Section CREMAINS, Section Lot 2C-NEEDHAM, James, Section CREMAINS, Section Lot 2C-NEFF, Claire D., Death: 9-Jan-2015, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 59M-NEFF, Frank Millard, Death: 7-Oct-1964, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-NEFF, Gregory L. Mr., Death: 8-Feb-2007, Section ST. ANN Lot 45F-NEFF, Richard H., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 59M-NEFF, Xavier Gregory Mr., Death: 26-Jun-2015, Section SACRED HEART Lot 7SH-NEGRON, Juan Mr., Death: 17-Oct-2005, Section CRYPT-ST. MARY Lot K8-NEGRON, Petronila Mrs., Death: 17-Feb-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 43F-NEIHEISEL, Cecil R. Mrs., Death: 2-Jun-2010, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G11-NEIHEISEL, Oscar F. Mr., Death: 16-Apr-2013, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G11-NELDER, Thomas M. Mr., Death: 10-Mar-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 10F-NELSON, Amaris J. Mrs., Death: 19-Oct-2009, Section NICHE-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot N6-NELSON, Benjamin B. Mr. III, Death: 8-Aug-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 175F-NELSON, Benjamin B. Mr., Death: 1-Sep-1988, Section ST. ANN Lot 175F-NELSON, Denell Mrs., Death: 14-Aug-2014, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot H7-NELSON, Ellen M., Death: 8-Jan-1994, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 16M-NELSON, Evelyn, Death: 23-May-2003, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K147-NELSON, Gerald D. Mr., Death: 7-Aug-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 74F-NELSON, Gunnar I., Death: 29-Aug-2002, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-NELSON, Jeanne T., Death: 18-Nov-1994, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-NELSON, Joseph A., Death: 23-Nov-1982, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 16M-NELSON, Marion F. Mrs., Death: 1-Apr-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 175F-NELSON, Martin R. Mr., Death: 26-Apr-2006, Section ST. ANN Lot 159F-NELSON, May E. Mrs., Death: 29-Mar-1979, Section ST. ANN Lot 286F-NELSON, Miriam C. Mrs., Death: 7-Feb-2005, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BN-NELSON, Monica F. Mrs., Death: 24-Feb-2006, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot AS-NELSON, Patrick James Mr., Death: 9-Apr-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 257F-NELSON, Robert R. Mr., Death: 3-Jun-2011, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BN-NELSON, Thomas J. Mr., Death: 13-Mar-2004, Section ST. ANN Lot 257F-NEMSEIAN, Pauline Mrs., Death: 19-Jul-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 101F-NERIO, Zenida Miss, Death: 12-Dec-2002, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G75-NERIS-NAZARIO, Nayda I. Mrs., Death: 10-Nov-2015, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K12-NESBITT, Christopher J. Mr., Death: 26-Sep-2009, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot AN-NESFIELD, John P., Death: 5-Feb-1997, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot Z-NESS, Genevieve M. Mrs., Death: 18-May-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 290F-NESS, Leonard F. Mr., Death: 25-Jan-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 40F-NESS, Lillian H. Mrs., Death: 26-Jun-1997, Section ST. ANN Lot 39F-NESS, Micahel Mr., Death: 9-Mar-1981, Section ST. ANN Lot 39F-NETO, Walter B. Mr., Death: 24-Apr-2016, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K271-NEU, Douglas R. Mr., Death: 11-Feb-2007, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G87-NEUFVILLE, Mageline D. Mrs., Death: 2-Jun-2015, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K130-NEUMANN, Christine Joann Mrs., Death: 4-May-2011, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot P8-NEVERGOLD, Francis Mr., Death: 3-May-2013, Section TANDEM-ST. MARY Lot M8-NEWBERT, Anna M. Mrs., Death: 19-Jul-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 221F-NEWBERT, William H. Mr., Death: 25-Jun-1984, Section ST. ANN Lot 221F-NEWCOMB, Leonard W., Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot K-NEWCOMB, Rhea J., Death: 30-Sep-1995, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot K-NEWELL, William J. Mr., Death: 12-Oct-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 64F-NEWMAN, Delmar Mr., Death: 25-Nov-2015, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K12-NEWMAN, Stuart B. Mr., Death: 23-Jan-2015, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot G5-NEWTON, Dorothy Smith, Section CRYPT-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot K6-NEWTON, Marjorie C., Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G104-NGUYEN, Anton Truong V. Mr., Death: 20-Nov-1982, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BS-NGUYEN, Catherine, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AS-NGUYEN, Mo Thi Mrs., Death: 12-Nov-2009, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot S-NGUYEN, Trang Thi Mrs., Death: 4-Oct-2007, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot P-NGUYEN, Trong Mr., Death: 5-Jun-2011, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G34-NGUYEN, Van Cua Mr., Death: 17-Dec-1988, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-NICHOLAS, Juan Mr., Death: 29-May-2014, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-NICHOLES, Leland E. Mr., Death: 16-May-2010, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot S-NICHOLS, Cheyanne Gina Miss, Death: 15-Jan-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 17F-NICHOLS, Clare Hart, Death: 6-Jan-1951, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-NICHOLSON, Angie I. Mrs., Death: 6-Jun-2014, Section NICHE-RESURRECTION Lot N-NICHOLSON, Charles H. Mr. Jr., Section TANDEM-ST. MARTHA Lot E7-NICHOLSON, Gloria F., Death: 28-Sep-2000, Section TANDEM-ST. MARTHA Lot E7-NICHOLSON, Robert E., Death: 1-Feb-2005, Section NICHE-RESURRECTION Lot N-NICOLA, George, Death: 7-Aug-1979, Section ST. ANN Lot 303F-NICOLA, Viola, Death: 22-Oct-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 303F-NICOLI, Virginia B. Mrs., Death: 12-Mar-2009, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot N8-NIEMAN, Margaret F., Death: 17-Nov-1992, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-NIENART, Antoinette M., Death: 28-Dec-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 318F-NIENART, Louis, Death: 26-Jan-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 318F-NIEVES, Aurora, Death: 4-Jun-1997, Section ST. ANN Lot 284F-NIEVES, Carmen Mrs., Death: 8-Apr-2013, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 18M-NIEVES, Jordan Hernaiz (Baby Boy), Death: 25-Dec-2015, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 3B-NIEVES, Miguel, Death: 28-Mar-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 284F-NIEZURAWSKI, Frank J., Death: 8-Oct-2003, Section TANDEM-ST. MARTHA Lot E7-NIKUNEN, Tiina Maria Ms., Death: 1-Aug-2013, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G29-NILIO, Nicholas James Mr., Death: 15-Feb-2012, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-NISKY, Evelyn Ms., Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-NITKIN, Brian, Death: 20-Mar-2004, Section CRYPT-ST JUDES Lot N-NITTI, Joseph M. Mr., Death: 25-Apr-2006, Section ST. ANN Lot 335F-NITTI, Laura L. Mrs., Death: 16-Feb-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 335F-NITTOLI, Eileen, Death: 18-Oct-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 338F-NOBOA, Carolina F. Mrs., Death: 26-Aug-2008, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 104M-NOCERA, Carl Mr., Death: 30-May-2016, Section NOCERA PRIVATE MAUSOLEUM Lot MAUS3-NOCERA, Judith C. Mrs., Death: 20-Oct-2004, Section NOCERA PRIVATE MAUSOLEUM Lot MAUS3-NOCH, Anthony T., Death: 15-Jan-1999, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot X-NODARSE, Leonor M. Mrs., Death: 28-Feb-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 247F-NOEL, Alfred H. Mr. Jr., Death: 16-Oct-2004, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot L8-NOEL, Barbara T., Death: 30-Jun-2003, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot L8-NOISETTE, Larry, Death: 13-Aug-2007, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-NOONAN, Adrienne, Section CREMAINS, Section Lot 2C-NOONAN, Carmela Mrs., Death: 13-Jun-2004, Section ST. ANN Lot 204F-NOONAN, Christina, Death: 2-Aug-1994, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot V-NOONAN, Dennis J. Mr., Death: 25-Jan-2006, Section TANDEM-ASCENSION Lot H-NOONAN, Edith T., Death: 12-Jan-1990, Section TANDEM-ASCENSION Lot H-NOONAN, Joseph C., Death: 5-Dec-1985, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot E-NOONAN, Margaret J. Mrs., Death: 6-Aug-2013, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot E-NOONAN, Maurice C. Mr., Death: 10-Feb-1984, Section ST. ANN Lot 204F-NOONAN, Michael R. Mr., Death: 16-Jan-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 46F-NOONAN, Richard, Section CREMAINS, Section Lot 2C-NORCO, Andrea Michelle, Death: 14-Nov-1990, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-NORDEJEE, Lucas Cornelius Mr., Death: 31-Dec-2008, Section TANDEM COUCH POPE JOHN PA Lot N-NORMAN, Bryan C. Mr., Death: 9-Jun-2007, Section NICHE-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot P6-NORMAN, Charles S., Death: 20-Jul-1999, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot P8-NORMAN, Maria Ms., Death: 4-Oct-2015, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-NORMAN, Rosemarie, Death: 23-Mar-2000, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot P8-NORTON, Charles E., Death: 20-May-2002, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-NORTON, Dorothy H. Mrs., Death: 25-Nov-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 225F-NORTON, Dorothy M., Death: 7-Jul-1994, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-NORTON, George D. Mr., Death: 30-Sep-1995, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot T-NORTON, James A. Mr., Death: 25-Jun-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 225F-NOSEK, Casimir F. Mr. Sr., Death: 21-Feb-1985, Section ST. ANN Lot 112F-NOSEK, Pauline A. Mrs., Death: 14-Jan-1985, Section ST. ANN Lot 112F-NOTABARTOLO, Wilma Jean Mrs., Death: 10-Jan-2013, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K45-NOTARANGELO, Victor L. Mr., Death: 3-Jan-2006, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot E-NOTARO, Ignazio Frank Mr., Death: 30-Nov-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 194F-NOTARO, Mae Miss, Death: 19-Apr-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 174F-NOTARO, Stella Mrs., Death: 23-Feb-1981, Section ST. ANN Lot 194F-NOTH, John F. Mr., Death: 30-Oct-2011, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BS-NOTO, Joseph P. Mr., Death: 13-Oct-2003, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot E-NOVAK, Lena Mrs., Death: 22-Feb-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 320F-NOVATNACK, Karen, Death: 25-May-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 294F-NOVO, Dania, Death: 30-May-1990, Section NICHE-ASCENSION Lot N-NOWACKI, Charles Mr., Death: 21-May-1981, Section ST. ANN Lot 275F-NOWACKI, Joseph Mr., Death: 2-May-1992, Section ST. ANN Lot 239F-NOWACKI, Louise Mrs., Death: 24-Sep-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 275F-NOWAK, Agatha F. Ms., Death: 12-Jul-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 125F-NOWAK, Albert F. Mr., Death: 1-Nov-2015, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K147-NOWAK, Helen M. Ms., Death: 30-Dec-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 125F-NOWICKI, Edith A., Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G104-NOWICKI, Florence M., Death: 13-Aug-1984, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot D-NOWICKI, John, Death: 26-Jun-2003, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G104-NOWICKI, John, Death: 28-Jun-2003, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G104-NOWICKI, Leo J., Death: 18-Sep-1990, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot D-NOWICKI-LANIGAN, Skip David Mr., Death: 20-Aug-2010, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G104-NOWOSAD, Helene M. Mrs., Death: 10-Dec-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 225F-NOWOSAD, Michael F. Mr., Death: 22-Jul-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 225F-NOWZAMANI, Parviz Mr., Death: 27-Jan-2015, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G53-NOWZAMANI, Tooraj Jr., Death: 2-May-2001, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G53-NUGENT, (Infant Girl), Death: 19-May-1981, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-NUNES, Antonio B., Death: 19-Aug-2003, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 19M-NUNES, Teresa I., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 18M-NUNEZ, Antonio, Death: 28-Jun-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 312F-NUNEZ, Zoila Eva Mrs., Death: 22-Apr-2015, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 300M-NUNEZ-ROJAS, Eduardo Mr., Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-NUNGESSER, Brian C., Death: 17-Mar-2016, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AS-NUTAITIS, Charles J., Section TANDEM-RESURRECTION Lot B-NUZZO, John P. Mr., Death: 3-May-2013, Section TANDEM-ST. MARY Lot M8-NWIGWE, Chidozie Mr., Death: 24-Feb-2016, Section SACRED HEART Lot 209SH-OBERBERGER, Maria Teresa Mrs., Death: 24-Jul-2016, Section ST. ANN Lot 36F-OBERMAN, Stephen Mr., Death: 23-Aug-2010, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G68-OBERTHER, Louise J. Mrs., Death: 26-Aug-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 176F-O'BRIAN, Daniel Mr., Death: 27-Mar-2014, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-O'BRIAN, Gertrude Mary Ms., Death: 12-Dec-2011, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-O'BRIEN, Barbara, Death: 28-Nov-2003, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G34-O'BRIEN, John John, Death: 20-Jun-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 292F-O'BRIEN, John, Death: 1-Sep-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 293F-O'BRIEN, Laurene J. Mrs., Death: 24-Mar-2007, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 90M-O'BRIEN, Margaret J., Death: 10-Jul-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 303F-O'BRIEN, Mary A., Death: 9-Dec-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 294F-O'BRIEN, Michael, Death: 6-Oct-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 333F-O'BRIEN, Paul, Death: 22-Jul-2005, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G34-O'BRIEN, Richard, Death: 30-Sep-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 325F-O'BRIEN, Sylvester, Death: 23-Mar-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 303F-O'BRYAN, Jean M. Mrs., Death: 12-Mar-2010, Section NICHE-ST. JOSEPH Lot H5-O'BRYAN, William J., Death: 6-May-1994, Section NICHE-ST. JOSEPH Lot H5-OBSTARCYK, Denis M. Mr., Death: 28-Jan-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 133F-OBSTARCZYK, Celia Mrs., Death: 14-Nov-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 133F-O'CALLAGHAN, Vincent T., Death: 5-Mar-1998, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot Z-OCCHIPINTI, Joseph R., Death: 29-Oct-2005, Section ST. ANN Lot 193F-OCCHIPINTI, Rose N. Mrs., Death: 19-Apr-1977, Section ST. ANN Lot 193F-OCH, Rita Faustina Miss, Death: 20-May-2013, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 1B-OCHOA, Libardo De Jesus Mr., Death: 25-Jan-2005, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot BS-OCHS, Mary E. Mrs., Death: 24-Feb-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 17F-OCHS, Mary Elizabeth Mrs., Death: 23-Nov-2007, Section ST. ANN Lot 18F-O'CONNELL, Bernard J., Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot L8-O'CONNELL, Brian, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 1M-O'CONNELL, Charles F., Death: 25-Jun-1987, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-O'CONNELL, Grace Cecelia Mrs., Death: 6-Jun-1979, Section ST. ANN Lot 270F-O'CONNELL, John J. Mr., Death: 9-Oct-1964, Section ST. ANN Lot 270F-O'CONNELL, Margaret E., Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot L8-O'CONNELL, Perry-Belle, Death: 28-Dec-2004, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot D-O'CONNELL, Phillip D., Death: 23-Sep-1987, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot D-O'CONNELL, Rita M., Death: 7-May-2001, Section NICHE-ASCENSION Lot N-O'CONNELL, Sara Mae, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 1M-O'CONNOR, Donald Sr., Death: 9-Jun-1978, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-O'CONNOR, Elizabeth M. Mrs., Death: 8-Sep-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 71F-O'CONNOR, Gerald P., Death: 6-Jun-1982, Section ST. ANN Lot 289F-O'CONNOR, Helen Gill, Death: 18-Oct-1975, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-O'CONNOR, John M. Mr., Death: 26-Jan-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 71F-O'CONNOR, Loleta W., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 56M-O'CONNOR, Maurice Fr., Death: 29-Mar-2009, Section PRIESTS Lot 6P-O'CONNOR, Patricia E., Death: 14-Mar-2002, Section NICHE-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot P6-O'CONNOR, Richard E., Death: 28-Jan-1996, Section NICHE-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot P6-O'DEA, Blair D. Miss, Death: 12-May-2016, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K19-O'DEA, Mary Mrs., Death: 20-Mar-2007, Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot W-O'DEA, Thomas G. Mr., Death: 1-Sep-2008, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot S-O'DEA, William Fr., Section PRIESTS Lot 8P-ODIERNO, Rosemarie Miss, Death: 20-Jan-2014, Section CRYPT-ST. JOHN Lot J-ODLE, Clare, Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot W-ODLE, Gary A., Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot W-O'DONNELL, Beverly, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 309M-O'DONNELL, James K. Mr., Death: 29-Oct-1976, Section ST. ANN Lot 224F-O'DONNELL, John R., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 78M-O'DONNELL, Susan T., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 78M-O'DONOVAN, Molly Caitlin Miss, Death: 13-Feb-1989, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-OEN, Gertrude B. Mrs., Death: 29-Aug-2006, Section ST. ANN Lot 300F-OEN, Robert F. Mr., Death: 24-Nov-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 300F-OENBRINK, Ann M. Mrs., Death: 10-Jun-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 207F-O'FARRILL, Eleodora Mrs., Death: 16-Nov-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 80F-O'GRADY, Margaret A. Mrs., Death: 18-Jan-2017, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot S-O'GRADY, Mary A. Mrs., Death: 20-Feb-2011, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G17-O'GRADY, Mary I., Death: 6-Aug-2001, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot X-O'GRADY, Terence J. Mr., Death: 21-Dec-2008, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot S-O'HARA, Paul Chardin, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-O'HARE, James Francis, Death: 22-Aug-2009, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-O'HAYON, Joe, Death: 22-May-1991, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot Z-O'HEARN, Robert J. Mr., Death: 18-Nov-1997, Section ST. ANN Lot 30F-OJEDA, Adriana, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-O'KANE, Annie I., Death: 10-Jun-1994, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot Z-O'KEEFE, Richard D. Mr., Death: 16-Feb-2015, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-OLARIU, Daniel Mr., Death: 3-Dec-2014, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 132M-OLAVARRIA, Maria Mrs., Death: 10-Jan-2007, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K128-OLAVARRIA, Mercedes Mrs., Death: 23-Apr-2011, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K37-OLAZABAL, Piedad Mrs., Death: 13-Dec-2014, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot O6-OLDFATHER, Estelle, Death: 6-Sep-1984, Section ST. ANN Lot 273F-OLDFATHER, Frederick P. Mr., Death: 16-Feb-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 273F-O'LEARY, Renee S., Death: 29-Jan-2002, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot F-OLIUS, Renel Mr., Death: 27-Dec-2011, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K160-OLIVA, Jose Mr., Death: 3-May-2016, Section TANDEM-ST. MARTHA Lot E7-OLIVARES, Aura L. Mrs., Death: 29-Aug-2010, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K164-OLIVAREZ, Eduviquez Mrs., Death: 12-Nov-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 275F-OLIVER, Elmer F., Death: 23-Nov-1992, Section CRYPT-ST. JOHN Lot J-OLIVERA, Sonia, Death: 25-Apr-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 320F-OLIVERAS, Miguel Mr., Death: 28-Jun-2007, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot L8-OLIVERAS, Rosa Mrs., Death: 11-Jun-2011, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot L8-OLIVIER, Marie L. Mrs., Death: 21-May-2010, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G94-OLIVIER-JOSEPH, Christina C. Miss, Death: 13-Apr-2013, Section TANDEM-POPE JOHN PAUL Lot E-OLIYNEK, Edward M., Death: 17-Mar-1982, Section NICHE-ASCENSION Lot N-OLIYNEK, Rose F. Mrs., Death: 28-Nov-2010, Section NICHE-ASCENSION Lot N-OLLO, Theresa, Death: 12-Aug-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 297F-OLNEY, Andrea H. Mrs., Death: 16-Dec-2011, Section NICHE-ST. JOSEPH Lot F5-OLNEY, Julian F. Mr. Jr., Death: 24-Oct-2007, Section NICHE-ST. JOSEPH Lot F5-OLSEN, Barbara Lawlor Mrs., Death: 30-May-1980, Section ST. ANN Lot 158F-OLSEN, Earl J. Mr., Death: 21-Jun-2007, Section NICHE-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot P6-OLSEN, John H. Mr., Death: 5-Aug-1980, Section ST. ANN Lot 159F-OLSEN, Marvellene S. Mrs., Death: 8-Sep-2005, Section ST. ANN Lot 159F-O'MAHONEY, Jeremiah Fr., Death: 7-Apr-1980, Section PRIESTS Lot 3P-O'MALLEY, Evelyn G. Mrs., Death: 28-Apr-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 112F-O'MALLEY, Raphael H. Mr., Death: 10-Apr-1997, Section ST. ANN Lot 112F-O'MARA, Margaret M. Miss, Death: 23-Sep-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 273F-OMATSEYE, Romi Mr., Death: 22-Oct-2016, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot P8-OMBRES, Lenore Mrs., Death: 1-Feb-2011, Section ST. ANN Lot 242F-OMBRES, Richard S. Dr., Death: 21-Dec-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 242F-ONDERS, Louise C. Mrs., Death: 24-Sep-2006, Section CRYPT-ST.JOSEPH Lot C5-ONEGA, Daisy X. Mrs., Death: 7-Oct-2015, Section ST. ANN Lot 1F-ONEGA, Pedro A. Mr., Death: 6-Oct-2016, Section ST. ANN Lot 1F-O'NEIL, James J. Mr., Death: 13-Jun-2005, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G63-O'NEIL, John W., Death: 21-Apr-2002, Section TANDEM-ST. MARTHA Lot G7-O'NEILL, Arthur L. Mr., Death: 30-Nov-1993, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot K-O'NEILL, Arthur L., Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot K-O'NEILL, Charles C., Death: 2-Feb-2001, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G88-O'NEILL, John F., Death: 17-Oct-1985, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-O'NEILL, John Mr., Death: 11-Jul-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 162F-O'NEILL, Margaret R. Mrs., Death: 22-Feb-2011, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-O'NEILL, Margaret T. Mrs., Death: 29-Aug-2014, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G88-O'NEILL, Martin J. Mr., Death: 11-Aug-2009, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 2M-O'NEILL, Timothy J. Mr., Death: 25-Feb-2006, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AN-O'NEILL, Wilma D. Mrs., Death: 17-Nov-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 239F-ONG, Cara Miss, Death: 22-Jun-2014, Section ST. ANN Lot 126F-ONTIVEROS, Felipe Mr., Death: 17-Apr-1992, Section ST. ANN Lot 122F-ONTIVEROS, Maria Mrs., Death: 3-Mar-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 122F-OPERA, Beatrice M. Mrs., Death: 11-Sep-2016, Section ST. ANN Lot 329F-OPERA, Richard, Death: 14-Oct-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 329F-OPROUSECK, Samuel Mr., Death: 30-Mar-2015, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-OQUENDO, Juan Luis Mr., Death: 12-Dec-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 41F-ORAMAS, Dionisia Mrs., Death: 7-Feb-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 65F-O'RAWE, Daniel Mr., Death: 19-Nov-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 53F-O'RAWE, Margaret V. Mrs., Death: 2-May-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 53F-ORCI, Daniel Mr., Death: 29-Dec-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 42F-ORCI, Mary Mrs., Death: 23-Dec-2012, Section ST. ANN Lot 42F-ORDONEZ, Victoria R. Mrs., Death: 13-Feb-2015, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot B7-ORECHIO, Ann Rose Mrs., Death: 15-Sep-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 132F-ORECHIO, Anthony P. Mr., Death: 29-Feb-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 132F-O'REILLY, Helen V. Ms., Death: 11-Jun-2015, Section ST. ANN Lot 37F-OREIRO, Joseph P. Mr., Death: 15-Feb-2013, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K229-ORGAN, Mary Frances Mrs., Death: 22-Jan-1985, Section ST. ANN Lot 99F-ORIO, Elizabeth Ann Mrs., Death: 27-Jul-2014, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K161-OROBENGOA, Teresa Mrs., Death: 15-Sep-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 93F-OROPESA, Adela Mrs., Death: 21-Jul-2012, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G71-OROPESA, Emilio J. Mr., Death: 22-May-2011, Section TANDEM-ST. MARY Lot M8-OROPESA, Jose C. Jr., Death: 3-Sep-2000, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G71-O'ROURKE, Eugene J., Death: 27-Jun-1976, Section ST. ANN Lot 285F-O'ROURKE, James P., Death: 1-May-1987, Section NICHE-RESURRECTION Lot N-OROZCO, Aiden Kent, Death: 11-Dec-2011, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 7B-OROZCO, Fred Mr., Death: 8-Sep-2013, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K236-ORRICK, Thomas B., Death: 26-Sep-1992, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot T-ORSENIGO, Joseph R. Mr., Death: 7-Jun-2009, Section ST. ANN Lot 281F-ORSENIGO, Mary B. Mrs., Death: 17-May-2016, Section ST. ANN Lot 281F-ORSI, John P. Mr. Jr., Death: 21-May-2015, Section TANDEM COUCH MO TERESA Lot N-ORSI, Josephine A. Mrs., Death: 10-Dec-2015, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-ORSI, Raymond A. Mr., Death: 5-Nov-1993, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-ORTA, Carlos A. Mr., Death: 28-Apr-2010, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 52M-ORTA, Hector Jr., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 52M-ORTA, Miguel A., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 52M-ORTA, Ruben A., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 52M-ORTEGA, Ana Mrs., Death: 14-Nov-2010, Section ST. ANN Lot 54F-ORTEGA, Barbara M. Mrs., Death: 2-Apr-2009, Section CRYPT-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot K6-ORTEGA, Eladio Pascual Mr., Death: 26-May-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 184F-ORTEGA, Estella, Death: 13-Dec-2004, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G78-ORTEGA, Helen Mrs., Death: 8-Feb-2010, Section CRYPT-ST. MARY Lot I8-ORTEGA, Juan A. Mr. Sr., Death: 26-Feb-2016, Section CRYPT-ST. MARTHA Lot A7-ORTEGA, Laudelin Mrs., Death: 22-Nov-1982, Section ST. ANN Lot 221F-ORTEGA, Mario Mr., Death: 9-Nov-2003, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot E5-ORTEGA, Ofelia Abreu Mrs., Death: 2-May-2016, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot E5-ORTH, Mary E. Mrs., Death: 22-Feb-1980, Section ST. ANN Lot 242F-ORTIZ, (Baby), Death: 15-Sep-2004, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 5B-ORTIZ, Alfredo R. Mr., Death: 24-Jul-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 333F-ORTIZ, Alfredo R. Mr., Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot Z-ORTIZ, Benita G. (Ketty) Mrs., Death: 7-Aug-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 333F-ORTIZ, Bruce Lee, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-ORTIZ, Candida, Death: 17-Jan-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 311F-ORTIZ, Delia, Death: 12-Jan-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 277F-ORTIZ, Fernanda Mrs., Death: 19-Jan-2006, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G29-ORTIZ, Guillermo, Death: 28-Jun-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 298F-ORTIZ, Irma Mrs., Death: 16-Oct-2012, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 301M-ORTIZ-ALBINO, Roberto Arnaldo Mr., Death: 5-Jul-2016, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K228-ORTUNO, Manuel U. Mr., Death: 31-Oct-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 242F-ORTUNO, Mary S. Mrs., Death: 9-Feb-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 242F-ORTYL, Elizabeth J. Mrs., Death: 14-Feb-2012, Section NICHE-RESURRECTION Lot N-ORTYL, Joseph M. Mr., Death: 18-May-1983, Section NICHE-RESURRECTION Lot N-OSBERG, Allison Faith Ms., Death: 3-Jul-2005, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 8B-OSBY, Reatha Mae, Section CRYPT-ST. PATRICK Lot S-O'SHEA, Ethel Galligan Mrs., Death: 25-Dec-2008, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 91M-O'SHEA, Helen D., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 91M-O'SHEA, John Francis, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 91M-O'SHEA, Joseph Msgr., Death: 9-Feb-2003, Section PRIESTS Lot 9P-O'SHEA, Michael J., Death: 1-Jul-1997, Section NICHE-ST. JOSEPH Lot B5-O'SHEA, Michael Joseph, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 91M-OSINS, Ethel, Death: 15-Apr-1992, Section ST. ANN Lot 324F-OSINS, Frank, Death: 7-Sep-1992, Section ST. ANN Lot 324F-OSKY, Frances Mrs., Death: 24-Nov-1981, Section ST. ANN Lot 194F-OSMAN, Salim Mr., Death: 12-Mar-2012, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-OSPINA, Virgilio Mr., Death: 5-Nov-2010, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AS-OSTERLE, Minnie R. Mrs., Death: 31-Oct-1992, Section ST. ANN Lot 282F-OSTERLE, William, Death: 22-Jan-1982, Section ST. ANN Lot 282F-OSTOPOVICH, Edward Mr., Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-OSTROWSKI, Anthony S. Mr., Death: 26-May-2013, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot F7-OSTROWSKI, Danuta M. Mrs., Death: 19-Nov-2016, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot F7-OSTROWSKI, Zenon Mr., Death: 20-Sep-2014, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-O'SULLIVAN, Joseph Gerard, Death: 6-Apr-2003, Section CRYPT-ST. MARTHA Lot C7-O'SULLIVAN, Mary Lawler Mrs., Death: 10-Feb-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 262F-O'SULLIVAN, Patrick, Death: 23-Jul-1977, Section ST. ANN Lot 262F-OSWALD, Albert J., Death: 12-Mar-1986, Section NICHE-RESURRECTION Lot N-OSWALD, Albert J., Death: 12-Mar-1986, Section NICHE-RESURRECTION Lot N-OSWALD, Lauretta H., Death: 11-May-1996, Section NICHE-RESURRECTION Lot N-OSWALD, Lauretta H., Death: 11-May-1996, Section NICHE-RESURRECTION Lot N-OTERO, Angustias Mrs., Death: 19-Dec-1981, Section ST. ANN Lot 92F-OTERO, Juanita Mrs., Death: 8-Aug-2015, Section NICHE-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot P6-OTERO, Ramon Mr., Death: 6-May-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 92F-OTERO, Raymond Mr., Death: 25-Dec-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 117F-O'TOOLE, Anthony Daniel Mr., Death: 20-Mar-2015, Section TANDEM-ST. PAUL Lot E-O'TOOLE, Joseph P., Death: 24-Jan-1998, Section CRYPT-ST.JOSEPH Lot C5-O'TOOLE, Mary A. Mrs., Death: 12-Aug-2010, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot E5-OTT, Doris Mrs., Death: 19-Nov-2016, Section TANDEM-ST. MARY Lot M8-OTT, Paul J., Death: 10-Jul-2000, Section TANDEM-ST. MARY Lot M8-OUELLETTE, Barbara Y. Mrs., Death: 15-Apr-2010, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot E-OUELLETTE, Raymond D., Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-OUELLETTE, Roger B. Mr., Death: 15-Oct-2006, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot E-OVERTON, Susan M. Mrs., Death: 13-May-2006, Section ST. ANN Lot 178F-OWCZAREK, Lottie, Death: 7-Dec-1991, Section TANDEM-ST.PATRICK Lot W-OWCZAREK, Stanley, Death: 23-Mar-2000, Section TANDEM-ST.PATRICK Lot W-OWEN, Patricia J., Death: 5-Mar-2004, Section ST. ANN Lot 337F-OWEN, Roy I. Mr., Death: 24-Jun-2014, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G105-OWEN, Roy, Death: 18-Sep-1983, Section ST. ANN Lot 337F-OWENS, Ellen Ms., Death: 22-Jul-2013, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-OWENS, Marie C. Mrs., Death: 20-Nov-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 100F-OWENS, Richard K. Mr., Death: 20-Oct-2010, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BN-OWENS, Robert Thomas Mr., Death: 26-Feb-2015, Section OWENS 2-NICHE COLUMBARIUM LotOWENS, Thomas P. Mr., Death: 25-Mar-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 100F-OWENS, Veronica H. Mrs., Death: 26-Apr-2010, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BN-OZIMEK, Harry A. Mr., Death: 1-Oct-2002, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot BS-OZIMEK, Lillian A. Mrs., Death: 1-May-2009, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot BS-PABON, Irma, Death: 23-Feb-2004, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K114-PACCHA, Hannah, Death: 24-Jul-2004, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 5B-PACCHA, Yanni, Death: 24-Jul-2004, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 5B-PACE, Ann E. Mrs., Death: 17-Mar-2013, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot E-PACE, Joseph L. Mr., Death: 11-Apr-2005, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot E-PACE, Leonard Mr., Death: 5-Jun-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 14F-PACE, Mary Ann Mrs., Death: 12-Dec-2009, Section ST. ANN Lot 14F-PACELLI, Joseph M. Mr., Death: 26-Jul-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 1F-PACHA, Alberto Jr., Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-PACHA, Yesenia, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 4B-PACHECO, (Baby Boy), Section BABY'S, Section Lot 4B-PACIFICO, Angelina Mrs., Death: 2-Oct-1997, Section ST. ANN Lot 177F-PACIN, Domingo A. Mr., Death: 16-Feb-2001, Section ST. ANN Lot 36F-PACITTO, Elvira, Death: 13-Oct-1995, Section CRYPT-ST.JOSEPH Lot C5-PADDOCK, Joseph, Section ST. ANN Lot 269F-PADDOCK, Kathryn M., Section ST. ANN Lot 269F-PADDOCK, Mary, Death: 10-May-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 269F-PADDYFOOTE, Clayton Mr., Death: 19-Feb-2016, Section NICHE-ST. JOSEPH Lot B5-PADGETT, Henrietta Miss, Death: 26-Feb-2012, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot K-PADILLA, Marciano, Death: 20-May-2002, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot K-PADILLA, Rafael, Death: 27-Aug-1976, Section ST. ANN Lot 286F-PADILLA, Shelby, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 5B-PADRON, Aurelio Mr., Death: 29-Aug-1977, Section ST. ANN Lot 176F-PADRON, Lucas M. Mr., Death: 20-May-1983, Section ST. ANN Lot 166F-PADRON, Maria E. Mrs., Death: 23-Jun-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 166F-PADRON, Maria Jesus Mrs., Death: 28-Feb-1992, Section ST. ANN Lot 101F-PADRON, Maria Mrs., Death: 4-Mar-1982, Section ST. ANN Lot 176F-PAEZ, Jacinto J. Mr., Death: 10-Jun-2011, Section ST. ANN Lot 60F-PAEZ, Jesus Mr. Jr., Death: 3-Jan-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 7F-PAEZ, Lilia Mrs., Death: 21-Jan-1997, Section ST. ANN Lot 60F-PAEZ, Sylvia C. Mrs., Death: 11-May-2016, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K31-PAFFIE, Mary Lou Mrs., Death: 15-Sep-1979, Section ST. ANN Lot 194F-PAFFIE, Robert A. Mr., Death: 7-Aug-1980, Section ST. ANN Lot 194F-PAFFIE, Teresa L. Mrs., Section ST. ANN Lot 194F-PAGAN, Anthony L. Mr., Death: 2-Jun-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 39F-PAGAN, Juanita Mrs., Death: 14-Oct-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 130F-PAGAN, Ruben Mr., Death: 1-Jul-2014, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BS-PAGAN, William Nazario Mr., Death: 24-May-2009, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G12-PAGANETTO, John Mr., Death: 5-Jul-2011, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot L8-PAGANETTO, Maria, Death: 11-Jul-2002, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot L8-PAGAN-MARCY, Gladys L. Mrs., Death: 28-Mar-2005, Section ST. ANN Lot 39F-PAGANO, Concetta A. Mrs., Death: 9-Apr-2006, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PAGANO, James R., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 17M-PAGANO, Patsy J., Death: 3-Sep-2002, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PAGANO, Pauline, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 17M-PAGE, Brian Rae Mr., Death: 2-Jan-2015, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PAGE, Mary Frances Sis. S.C.H., Death: 17-Nov-1993, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot Z-PAGLIARO, Darin M., Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-PAINE, Helen D., Death: 30-Aug-1969, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PAISLEY, Jan Mrs., Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PALACIOS, Elizabeth Zabet Brooke Miss, Death: 5-Mar-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 323F-PALADINO, Deborah Jean Ms., Death: 17-Feb-2008, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G54-PALADINO, James G. Mr., Death: 16-Jan-2010, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot AN-PALADINO, Michael J. Mr., Death: 17-Feb-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 131F-PALADINO, Victoria Ann, Death: 11-Dec-2008, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PALANKO, Joline Mrs., Death: 30-Jan-2010, Section ST. ANN Lot 79F-PALANKO, William J. Mr., Death: 13-Dec-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 79F-PALENCHAR, Consuelo Mrs., Death: 28-Oct-2015, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot K-PALENCHAR, John, Death: 23-Dec-1999, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot K-PALERMO, Emanuel, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot O6-PALERMO, Emily M., Death: 24-Feb-1987, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PALERMO, Viola H., Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot O6-PALLADINO, Latina M., Death: 27-Sep-1999, Section CRYPT-ST. MARY Lot I8-PALMEDA, Luis Juan Mr., Death: 2-May-1976, Section ST. ANN Lot 261F-PALMER, Hermione Mrs., Section ST. ANN Lot 3F-PALMER, Hermione, Section ST. ANN Lot 3F-PALMER, Marjorie Adassa Mrs., Death: 3-Feb-2016, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K7-PALMER, Robert L. Mr., Death: 22-Jan-2004, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot D7-PALMER, Robert S. III, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-PALMER, Thomas L. Mr., Death: 12-Dec-2011, Section TANDEM-ST. MARTHA Lot E7-PALMERI, Michael Mr., Death: 4-May-1988, Section ST. ANN Lot 201F-PALMI, Janice E. Mrs., Death: 3-Jul-2013, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 379M-PALOMBO, Albert Fr., Section PRIESTS Lot 6P-PALUGA, Doris I., Death: 9-Apr-1999, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot P-PALUGA, George P. Mr. Sr., Death: 21-Mar-2011, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot P-PALUKANIS, Leon, Death: 30-Sep-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 317F-PALUMBO, Alphonsus C., Death: 17-Jun-1987, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PAMPENA, Louis, Death: 30-Jun-1997, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot E5-PANARO, Esther B. Mrs., Death: 31-Mar-2010, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 15M-PANE, Mary K., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 21M-PANELLA, Anthony Mr., Death: 25-Mar-2007, Section ST. ANN Lot 77F-PANELLA, Grace Mrs., Death: 8-Jan-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 77F-PANEQUE, Robert A. Mr., Death: 28-May-2015, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot AS-PANGIA, Antoinette M. Mrs., Death: 1-Jun-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 107F-PANGIA, Michael John Mr., Death: 3-Nov-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 107F-PANIAN, Timothy J. Mr., Death: 8-Sep-2010, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot S-PANOZZO, Angelo A. Mr., Death: 21-Dec-2013, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PANOZZO, Domenica Mrs., Death: 3-Apr-1995, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PANOZZO, Vittorio A. Mr., Death: 15-Dec-1988, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PANTAK, John Mr., Death: 24-Feb-1988, Section ST. ANN Lot 165F-PANTAK, Peter A. Mr., Death: 21-Oct-1983, Section ST. ANN Lot 165F-PANTAK-WATERS, Mae A. Mrs., Death: 24-Aug-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 165F-PANTELIS, Maria Alessio Mrs., Death: 10-Apr-2014, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K256-PANTIN, Carole B. Mrs., Death: 5-Mar-1996, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot V-PANTORI, Joseph M. Mr., Death: 8-Jun-2011, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 132M-PANTORNO, Angelina, Death: 9-May-1990, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 109M-PANTORNO, Angelo Mr., Death: 7-Feb-1957, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 109M-PANTORNO, James, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 109M-PANTORNO, Jean, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 44M-PANTUSCO, Lisa Valerie Miss, Death: 14-Sep-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 61F-PANZENBECK, Lana Joyce Mrs., Death: 8-Sep-2011, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K212-PANZINI, Joseph A. Mr., Death: 13-May-2009, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G90-PANZIRONI, Richard R., Death: 5-Mar-2001, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot Z-PAPES, Christopher R., Death: 18-Apr-1972, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 3B-PAPES, Edward, Death: 22-Sep-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 302F-PAPES, Florence, Death: 11-Feb-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 302F-PAPKE, Bernard F., Death: 17-Nov-1974, Section ST. ANN Lot 185F-PAPKE, Ireta, Death: 31-Jul-1980, Section ST. ANN Lot 185F-PAPSIDERA, Frederick Lewis Mr., Death: 6-Aug-1978, Section ST. ANN Lot 194F-PAPSIDERA, Marcia W. Mrs., Death: 12-Sep-2006, Section ST. ANN Lot 194F-PAPUZZA, Frank Mr., Death: 17-Apr-2009, Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot N-PAPUZZA, Lillian Ms., Death: 31-Aug-2014, Section CRYPT-ST. MARY Lot K8-PARADIS, Camillien Mr., Death: 1-Jun-2004, Section ST. ANN Lot 82F-PARADISE, Nora, Death: 30-Nov-2001, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot N8-PARDIAS, Esther Ms., Death: 15-Apr-2015, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot J8-PAREDES, Alfredo F. Mr., Death: 18-Jun-2015, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot B7-PARENT, Jemima G. Mrs., Death: 17-Jul-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 92F-PARENT, Roland R. Mr., Death: 21-Dec-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 92F-PARENT, Roland R. Mr., Death: 21-Dec-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 92F-PARIS, Fred Mr., Death: 18-May-2002, Section CRYPT-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot I6-PARIS, Geraldine, Death: 27-Oct-1997, Section CRYPT-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot I6-PARIS, Mary C. Mrs., Death: 18-Mar-2009, Section CRYPT-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot I6-PARISE, John J., Death: 11-Sep-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 312F-PARISE, Phyllis M. Mrs., Death: 8-May-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 312F-PARISH, Karen Mrs., Death: 8-Apr-2015, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PARISI, Vincent A. Mr. Sr., Death: 17-May-2004, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot S-PARKE, Raymond S. Mr., Death: 3-May-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 111F-PARKE, Sylvia R. Mrs., Death: 21-Apr-2011, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G70-PARKER, Austin Smith Mr., Death: 11-Oct-2014, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot AN-PARKER, Frances, Death: 18-Oct-1979, Section ST. ANN Lot 307F-PARKER, Janice O. Mrs., Death: 6-Apr-2011, Section ST. ANN Lot 297F-PARKER, Marie G. Mr., Section ST. ANN Lot 144F-PARKER, Martha Ann Hesse (Poppert) Mrs., Death: 21-Sep-1985, Section ST. ANN Lot 305F-PARKER, Michael W. Mr., Death: 14-Dec-1992, Section ST. ANN Lot 72F-PARKER, William H., Section ST. ANN Lot 144F-PARKS, Ella, Death: 13-Sep-2008, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-PARKS, Hugh Mr., Death: 21-Nov-2014, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PARRA, Julio C. Mr., Death: 4-Sep-1995, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot H7-PARRA, Lucila Mrs., Death: 13-Nov-2016, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot H7-PARRA, Merylandy Mrs., Death: 3-Nov-2008, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot V-PARRADO, Rodolfo F., Death: 19-May-2001, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot P8-PARRISH, Harold S. Mr., Death: 14-Nov-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 223F-PARRISH, Marie M. Mrs., Death: 5-Sep-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 223F-PARSONS, Gerald A. (Gerry) Mr., Death: 26-May-2010, Section TANDEM-ST. MARTHA Lot E7-PARTIPILO, John (Giovanni) Mr., Death: 28-Jan-2015, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K170-PARTIPILO, Teresa, Death: 22-Jun-2013, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K170-PARTON, Lorene L. Mrs., Death: 22-Nov-1984, Section ST. ANN Lot 182F-PASAKALUK, Eva M., Section BABY'S, Section Lot 4B-PASAPANE, Aurora Mrs., Death: 31-Oct-2012, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K161-PASAPANE, George, Death: 21-Feb-2004, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K161-PASCALE, Clarissa, Death: 17-Jun-1997, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 6B-PASCALE, Evelyn M. Mrs., Death: 17-Oct-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 115F-PASCALE, Florence Mrs., Death: 10-Aug-2015, Section ST. ANN Lot 21F-PASCALE, Nunzio J. Mr., Death: 13-Jul-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 21F-PASCARAN, Sylvia H. Miss, Death: 2-Apr-2014, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 317M-PASCUAL, Geraldo Elijiah Mr. (Infant Boy), Death: 11-Apr-2016, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 1B-PASCUCCI, Vincent J., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 5M-PASLEY, Lee N. Mr., Death: 21-Dec-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 258F-PASLEY, Lee N., Section ST. ANN Lot 258F-PASLEY, M. J., Death: 10-Aug-1976, Section ST. ANN Lot 258F-PASQUALONE, Mildred Mrs., Death: 15-Nov-2015, Section CRYPT-POPE JOHN PAUL Lot N-PASSANISI, Mamie Miss, Death: 18-Apr-1983, Section ST. ANN Lot 125F-PASSANTINO, Anna, Death: 25-Oct-1996, Section CRYPT-ST. JOHN Lot J-PASSANTINO, Charles, Section ST. ANN Lot 257F-PASSANTINO, Ruth M. Mrs., Death: 5-Nov-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 257F-PASTOR, Gabriel A. Mr., Death: 8-Nov-2013, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 331M-PASTOR, Manuel Mr. Sr., Death: 19-Apr-2006, Section CRYPT-ST. MARTHA Lot A7-PASTOR, Martha Mrs., Section KING OF KINGS Lot K274-PASTORINO, Joseph, Death: 6-Feb-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 337F-PATCH, Brandon C., Death: 2-Feb-1989, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-PATINO, Maria Celina Ms., Death: 24-Apr-2012, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-PATRICK, Jennifer Lynn Ms., Death: 11-Nov-2005, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G84-PATRICK, Sidney Mr., Death: 13-Jun-2008, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot M6-PATSIAS, Katherine G. Mrs., Death: 19-Feb-2009, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G37-PATTERSON, Mary Mrs., Death: 15-Dec-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 12F-PATTI, Anella Mrs., Death: 1-Jan-2010, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot E5-PATTI, Lucy Mrs., Death: 14-Sep-2012, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PATTI, Paul Sr., Death: 20-Jun-1998, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PATTI, Paul Sr., Death: 20-Jun-1998, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PATTI, Vincent J. Mr., Death: 21-Jul-1996, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot E5-PATUANO, Josephine M., Death: 18-Nov-1994, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot M6-PATUANO, Thomas, Death: 15-Mar-1999, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot M6-PATURNO, Rose, Death: 24-Mar-1997, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot M6-PATURNO, William, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot M6-PAUCEANO, Florin, Death: 23-Apr-2014, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PAUKERT, George A. Mr., Death: 19-Oct-2009, Section ST. ANN Lot 59F-PAUL, Anna, Section ST. ANN Lot 278F-PAUL, George F. Mr., Death: 22-Sep-2008, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot E5-PAUL, Gloria M. Mrs., Death: 8-Apr-2016, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot M6-PAUL, Jacob Mr., Death: 30-Aug-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 136F-PAUL, James S. Mr., Death: 2-Apr-2015, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot L-PAUL, Kathryn A., Death: 11-Jun-1982, Section NICHE-ASCENSION Lot N-PAUL, Margaret M. Mrs., Death: 13-Dec-2009, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot L-PAUL, Norma Loretta Ms., Death: 16-Aug-2011, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PAUL, Pasqual Mr., Death: 23-Jan-2012, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot M6-PAUL, Peter J., Death: 11-Jun-1982, Section NICHE-ASCENSION Lot N-PAUL, Rachel Mrs., Death: 11-Jul-2014, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot E5-PAULIN, Helen L. Mrs., Death: 11-Dec-2011, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 135M-PAULIN, Paul Patrick Mr., Death: 5-Mar-2010, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 135M-PAULINO, Marino Mr., Death: 23-Jan-1988, Section ST. ANN Lot 151F-PAULLEY, James J., Death: 27-Jul-1999, Section CRYPT-ST. JOHN Lot Q-PAULUS, Ann M. Mrs., Death: 31-Dec-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 273F-PAVON, Benigno Mr., Death: 29-May-2004, Section ST. ANN Lot 111F-PAVON, Heriberto O. Mr., Death: 28-May-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 66F-PAVONE, Rose Miss, Death: 19-Mar-2010, Section ST. ANN Lot 125F-PAVONE, Sabastian Mr., Death: 16-Nov-1988, Section ST. ANN Lot 125F-PAWELSKI, Jordon (Infant), Death: 22-Jun-1998, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PAWLOSKI, Margaret, Death: 6-Apr-1983, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 20M-PAWLOSKI, Paul Mr., Death: 4-May-2015, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 20M-PAWLOWICZ, Marie, Death: 16-Jul-1977, Section ST. ANN Lot 261F-PAWLOWICZ, Stefan Mr., Death: 17-Jul-1978, Section ST. ANN Lot 261F-PAYEAU, Gilot (Baby), Death: 24-Nov-2015, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 1B-PAYNE, Carole Miller Mrs., Death: 13-Dec-2007, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot P-PAYNE, Donald R. Mr., Death: 26-Apr-2015, Section NICHE-ST. JOSEPH Lot B5-PAYNE, Dwight A. Mr., Death: 1-Sep-2004, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot P-PAYNE, Louis, Death: 7-May-2012, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 5B-PAYNE, Miriam, Death: 6-Nov-2004, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-PAYOUTE-TOUSSAINT, (Baby Boy), Death: 28-Aug-2014, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 5B-PAZMINO, Jovita, Death: 15-Dec-2016, Section ST. ANN Lot 6F-PAZTOR, Alejandro Mr., Death: 14-Dec-2014, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PEABODY, Anita Healy Mrs., Death: 30-Dec-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 260F-PEABODY, Stuyvesant Mr. Jr., Death: 20-Jan-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 260F-PEACE, Alva Mr., Death: 9-May-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 180F-PEACOCK, Bruce Mr., Death: 27-Aug-2010, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PEACOCK, George, Death: 15-Oct-2015, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot E-PEARCE, Reginald, Death: 22-Jan-2015, Section CRYPT-ST. PATRICK Lot S-PEARN, Harold J. Mr., Death: 5-Aug-1979, Section ST. ANN Lot 242F-PEARSON, Dana Mr., Death: 13-Jul-2013, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot AN-PEARSON, Gladys, Death: 26-Jul-2002, Section CRYPT-ST. MARTHA Lot A7-PECCIA, Ida Mrs., Death: 23-Jan-2013, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G47-PECH, Juan Carlos Mr., Death: 20-Oct-2004, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G87-PECORARO, Esther M. Mrs., Death: 3-Jan-2001, Section ST. ANN Lot 160F-PECORARO, Salvatore J. Mr., Death: 10-Jul-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 160F-PEDALINO, Palma N. Mrs., Death: 14-Jul-2013, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot E5-PEDALINO, Sam Mr., Death: 26-Jan-2011, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot E5-PEDERSEN, Santa B. Mrs., Death: 27-Oct-2009, Section ST. ANN Lot 9F-PEDERSON, Karsten, Death: 16-Dec-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 9F-PEDLEY, Esmie Joyce Mrs., Death: 30-Jan-2011, Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot N-PEDRAZA, Eduardo Enrique Mr., Death: 28-Jun-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 40F-PEDRAZA, Floraida C. Mrs., Death: 2-Oct-2011, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot E-PEDRAZA, Maria E. Mrs., Death: 27-Sep-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 124F-PEDRAZA, Servelio R. Mr., Death: 19-Jan-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 124F-PEDRO-FELIX, (Baby Girl), Death: 21-Sep-2013, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 1B-PEDUTO, Antoinette M. Mrs., Death: 5-Feb-2009, Section ST. ANN Lot 85F-PEDUTO, Gustave A. Mr., Death: 25-Mar-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 85F-PELKA, Mary, Death: 15-Feb-2001, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G27-PELLECCHIA, Josephine Mrs., Death: 21-Dec-2016, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PELLECCHIA, Nicholas Mr., Death: 28-Feb-2005, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PELLEGRINO, Angela Ms., Death: 9-May-2009, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot AS-PELLEGRINO, Lena Mrs., Death: 3-Aug-1980, Section ST. ANN Lot 176F-PELLEGRINO, Michael J. Mr., Death: 28-Nov-1979, Section ST. ANN Lot 176F-PELLEGRINO, Patricia A. Mrs., Death: 31-Oct-2009, Section CRYPT-ST JUDES Lot W-PELLERITO, James Mr., Death: 1-Apr-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 102F-PELLERITO, Josephine Mrs., Death: 16-Jan-2015, Section ST. ANN Lot 102F-PELLETIER, Laurence J. Mr., Death: 20-Sep-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 21F-PELLIZZI, Anthony M. Mr., Death: 1-Jan-2006, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot S-PELLIZZI, Rita T. (Dolly) Mrs., Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot S-PELUSO, Concetta Mrs., Death: 23-May-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 299F-PELUSO, Nicolamaria, Death: 7-Apr-2003, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PELUSO, Salvatore Mr., Death: 8-Jan-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 299F-PELUSO, Serafina, Death: 26-May-1990, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PEMBERTON, Jacob, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 6B-PENA, (Baby Boy), Death: 9-Feb-2014, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 1B-PENA, Maria Del Carmen Mrs., Death: 19-Jun-2015, Section ST. ANN Lot 227F-PENA, Santos Mr., Death: 7-Nov-2015, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K20-PENDERGRAST, Dean Mrs., Death: 24-Jul-2012, Section CRYPT-ST. MARY Lot I8-PENICHE, Felipe A., Section ST. ANN Lot 189F-PENNELL, Agnes Mrs., Death: 17-Apr-1980, Section ST. ANN Lot 288F-PENNELL, George Edgar Mr., Death: 26-Dec-1985, Section ST. ANN Lot 288F-PENTA, Ralph Mr., Death: 11-Jan-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 160F-PEPE, Carmine Mr., Death: 20-Nov-1979, Section ST. ANN Lot 177F-PEPE, Rose Mrs., Death: 7-May-2012, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K86-PEPE, Thomas, Death: 15-Sep-2002, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K86-PEPIN, Eva Z. Mrs., Death: 29-Oct-1984, Section ST. ANN Lot 268F-PEPIN, George E. Mr., Death: 18-May-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 24F-PEPIN, Ronald Leon Mr., Death: 25-Jun-2011, Section ST. ANN Lot 19F-PEPITONE, Joseph P. Mr., Death: 21-Mar-2010, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K131-PEPP, Ana C. Mrs., Death: 19-Oct-2001, Section ST. ANN Lot 135F-PEPP, John Mr., Death: 6-Dec-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 135F-PERALDO, Edward G. Mr., Death: 29-Mar-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 259F-PERALES, Caridad J. Mrs., Death: 22-Jan-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 35F-PERAZA, Ernestina Mrs., Death: 25-Dec-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 56F-PERDOMO-VIZCAYA, Rodolfo Enrique Mr., Death: 2-Aug-2014, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-PEREA, Rosa I. Mrs., Death: 11-Apr-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 87F-PEREIRA, Alberto G. Mr., Death: 22-Nov-2007, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot X-PEREIRA, Anthony Dominick Mr., Death: 15-Jun-1997, Section ST. ANN Lot 64F-PEREIRA, Arturo J., Death: 27-Sep-1976, Section ST. ANN Lot 223F-PEREIRA, Julio C. Mr., Death: 20-Nov-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 155F-PEREIRA, Mario J. Mr., Death: 13-Feb-2016, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot N8-PEREIRA, Walter H. Mr., Death: 11-Apr-2014, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot P8-PERELLO, Amedio David Mr., Death: 21-Oct-1983, Section ST. ANN Lot 207F-PEREZ, A. (Baby), Death: 11-Jan-2016, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 7B-PEREZ, Alicia R. Mrs., Death: 10-Apr-2004, Section ST. ANN Lot 56F-PEREZ, Andres T. Mr., Death: 10-Jun-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 254F-PEREZ, Ashley Miss (Infant), Death: 21-Jul-2016, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 3B-PEREZ, B. (Baby), Death: 11-Jan-2016, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 7B-PEREZ, Carmen O. Mrs., Death: 3-Oct-2001, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G83-PEREZ, Crystal A., Death: 3-Nov-1995, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 8B-PEREZ, Dalia, Death: 21-Aug-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 273F-PEREZ, Delfina Martinez Mrs., Death: 9-Apr-2015, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 4M-PEREZ, Domingo Mr., Death: 6-Jul-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 172F-PEREZ, Elida, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 47M-PEREZ, Enriqueta B. Mrs., Death: 9-May-2001, Section ST. ANN Lot 11F-PEREZ, Esperanza, Death: 1-Jun-2003, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G83-PEREZ, Francisca, Death: 6-Aug-1993, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot T-PEREZ, Gonzalo Mr., Death: 7-Feb-2014, Section CRYPT-POPE JOHN PAUL Lot N-PEREZ, Gregoria Mrs., Death: 26-Jan-2012, Section ST. ANN Lot 226F-PEREZ, Heriberto (Bobby) Mr., Death: 8-Mar-2003, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K119-PEREZ, Heriberto, Death: 8-Mar-2003, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K119-PEREZ, Israel, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 20M-PEREZ, Johnny Mr., Death: 5-Dec-2012, Section CRYPT-ST JUDES Lot N-PEREZ, Jose A., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 47M-PEREZ, Jose Hernandez Mr., Death: 19-Nov-2012, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K85-PEREZ, Jose R. Mr. Sr., Death: 20-Sep-1999, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-PEREZ, Juan A. Dr., Death: 6-Aug-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 11F-PEREZ, Juan L., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 47M-PEREZ, Marcos A. Mr., Death: 2-Jan-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 155F-PEREZ, Maria A. Mrs., Death: 27-Dec-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 51F-PEREZ, Maria D. Mrs., Death: 11-Jan-2006, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot L8-PEREZ, Maria H. Mrs., Death: 2-Apr-2013, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-PEREZ, Maria O. Mrs., Death: 15-Aug-2012, Section TANDEM COUCH ST PAUL Lot N-PEREZ, Mercedes Mrs., Death: 2-Apr-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 138F-PEREZ, Mercy Mrs., Death: 27-Apr-2006, Section ST. ANN Lot 152F-PEREZ, Ortemio O., Death: 3-Apr-2005, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AN-PEREZ, Rafael Mr., Death: 13-Jan-2005, Section ST. ANN Lot 267F-PEREZ, Rene, Death: 2-May-1982, Section ST. ANN Lot 273F-PEREZ, Robert L. Mr., Death: 15-Oct-2006, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AS-PEREZ, Robert, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 61M-PEREZ, Thomas Antonio Mr., Death: 28-Jan-2012, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PERHACS, Tibor Mr., Death: 21-Oct-2011, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BS-PERHAM, Benjamin F. Mr., Death: 10-Jan-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 67F-PERHAM, Nancy F. Mrs., Death: 17-Mar-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 67F-PERINI, Gloria B. Ms., Death: 4-Mar-2002, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PERITO, Vincent J. Mr., Death: 27-Jan-2005, Section ST. ANN Lot 82F-PERKAUS, Janet K. Mrs., Death: 21-Mar-1999, Section TANDEM-ST. MARY Lot M8-PERKAUS, Richard C. Mr. Sr., Death: 11-Oct-2006, Section TANDEM-ST. MARY Lot M8-PERLA, Julio M. Mr., Death: 3-Aug-2010, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot BN-PERLA, Manuel B. Mr., Death: 24-Jan-2006, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot BN-PERLONGO, Louise C. Mrs., Death: 20-Apr-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 1F-PERLONGO, Louise C. Mrs., Death: 20-Apr-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 1F-PERNELL, Carol Ann Mrs., Death: 14-Mar-2016, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K63-PERNICE, Rosalie M. Mrs., Death: 15-Dec-2011, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-PERRICONE, Frank (Francesco) Mr., Death: 13-Aug-2006, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot E-PERRICONE, Rose Mrs., Death: 19-Feb-2010, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot E-PERRONE, Alfred J. Mr., Death: 5-Jan-2007, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot L-PERRONE, Amalia Mollie Mrs., Death: 29-Oct-1987, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot L-PERROTTI, Patricia Eileen Juliano Mrs., Death: 4-Feb-2011, Section ST. ANN Lot 133F-PERRY, Eulalia J. Mrs., Death: 8-Dec-2004, Section ST. ANN Lot 283F-PERRY, George W. Mr., Death: 20-Apr-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 255F-PERRY, Katherine W. Mrs., Death: 15-Jun-2015, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-PERRY, Leon E. Mr. Sr., Death: 11-Jun-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 87F-PERRY, Mary Anne Mrs., Death: 28-Apr-2012, Section ST. ANN Lot 255F-PERRY, Michael Andrew, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-PERRY, Rosemary, Death: 26-May-2001, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K56-PERRY, Thomas M., Death: 19-Mar-2001, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-PERSICHILLI, Joshua T. D., Death: 16-Jul-2006, Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot W-PERSICO, Alfonso, Death: 11-Dec-1993, Section TANDEM-RESURRECTION Lot B-PERSICO, Emma A., Section TANDEM-RESURRECTION Lot B-PERSIN, Judith Ann Mrs., Death: 28-Feb-2006, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot F7-PERSSON, Richard W. Mr., Death: 9-Oct-1983, Section ST. ANN Lot 161F-PERVENECKI, Clara I. Mrs., Death: 6-Nov-2010, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot G5-PESCATORE, Earle Mr., Death: 11-Aug-2015, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G76-PESCATORE, Faith Lucille Mrs., Death: 3-Feb-2007, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G76-PESCATORE, Luke L., Death: 7-Oct-2001, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G76-PESCE, Angelo Mr., Death: 19-Sep-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 100F-PESCE, Dominick Mr., Death: 26-Feb-2013, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PESCE, Mary Mrs., Death: 30-Apr-2015, Section ST. ANN Lot 100F-PESEK, Anah C. Mrs., Death: 6-Nov-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 201F-PESLAR, Norman G. Mr., Death: 1-Aug-2005, Section CRYPT-ST JUDES Lot W-PESSINA, John T. Mr., Death: 11-Nov-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 216F-PESSINA, Josephine M. Mrs., Death: 30-Sep-1983, Section ST. ANN Lot 216F-PESULA, Julia L., Death: 24-Feb-1986, Section NICHE-ASCENSION Lot N-PESULA, Walter G., Death: 5-Apr-1982, Section NICHE-ASCENSION Lot N-PETERS, Charlotte, Death: 2-Jan-2003, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 19M-PETERS, Eugene Mr., Death: 8-Mar-2013, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K135-PETERS, Joan T. Mrs., Death: 28-Oct-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 74F-PETERS, Michael John Mr. Sr., Death: 5-Nov-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 74F-PETERS, William A., Death: 8-Jul-1986, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 19M-PETERSEN, Genevieve R. Mrs., Death: 3-Aug-1985, Section ST. ANN Lot 201F-PETERSEN, Robert W. Mr., Death: 9-Oct-1984, Section ST. ANN Lot 201F-PETERSON, Eleanore S. N. Petersn AKA James Mrs., Death: 18-Jun-2014, Section TANDEM-ASCENSION Lot H-PETERSON, James N. Mr., Death: 8-Apr-1975, Section TANDEM-ASCENSION Lot H-PETERSON, Nia Mrs., Death: 4-Jan-2011, Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot N-PETIGNY, James-Raynald Mr., Death: 10-Sep-2011, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K201-PETITTI, John Louis Mr., Death: 1-Jan-2010, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AS-PETRINA, Mary F., Death: 20-Aug-1997, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot G5-PETRINA, Michael J. Mr., Death: 17-Nov-2013, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot G5-PETRINOVIC, Constance E., Death: 6-Oct-1973, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-PETROCELLI, Frank, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot Z-PETROCELLI, Nancy B., Death: 19-Oct-1994, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot Z-PETROFSKY, John Michael Mr., Death: 26-Aug-2009, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G5-PETROKUS, Edward J. Mr., Death: 19-Aug-2012, Section NICHE-ST. JOSEPH Lot H5-PETRUCCI, Grace M., Section ST. ANN Lot 18F-PETTEY, Beatrice E., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 42M-PETTEY, George W. Mr. Sr., Death: 21-Apr-2007, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 42M-PETTIT, Horace M. Mr., Death: 22-Oct-1992, Section ST. ANN Lot 166F-PEZON, Alejandro Orlando Mr., Death: 10-Dec-2004, Section ST. ANN Lot 81F-PEZON, Hilda G. Mrs., Death: 31-Dec-1988, Section ST. ANN Lot 81F-PFAFFENBERGER, Marjorie M., Death: 20-Jul-1998, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-PFEIFER, Edward P. Mr., Death: 30-Mar-1989, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 21M-PFEIFER, Frank J. Mr., Death: 15-Jun-1980, Section ST. ANN Lot 249F-PFEIFER, Regina Mrs., Death: 28-Feb-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 249F-PFENDLER, Mary M. Mrs., Death: 3-May-2007, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot G5-PFENDLER, Regis L. Mr., Death: 16-Apr-2008, Section TANDEM-ST.JOSEPH Lot G5-PFIFFERLING, Clara R., Death: 24-Jun-1975, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-PHAN, Dung Anh Mr., Death: 3-Oct-2015, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AS-PHELPS, Elizabeth A., Death: 14-Mar-2001, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-PHELPS, William H., Death: 7-Feb-2001, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-PHENNA, Dwight D. Mr., Death: 20-May-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 245F-PHENNA, Sylvia A. Mrs., Section ST. ANN Lot 94F-PHILBIN, Stephen Macfarlan Mr., Death: 26-Feb-2012, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K66-PHILLIPS, Catherine S. Mrs., Death: 10-Sep-2011, Section ST. ANN Lot 154F-PHILLIPS, Charles Michael, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-PHILLIPS, Daisy G. Mrs., Death: 28-Mar-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 148F-PHILLIPS, Frances, Death: 22-Sep-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 332F-PHILLIPS, Helen L., Death: 27-Jul-2002, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot E-PHILLIPS, Kenneth L., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 106M-PHILLIPS, Margueritte M., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 106M-PHILLIPS, Robert J. R. Mr., Death: 26-May-2006, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AS-PHILLIPS, Robert W., Death: 13-Feb-1986, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot E-PHILLIPS, Stanley J. Mr., Death: 28-Aug-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 154F-PHILLIPSON, George J. Mr., Death: 21-Jul-2016, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K275-PI, Alberto Baudilio Mr., Death: 19-Dec-1988, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot P8-PIACQUADIO, Michael J., Death: 7-Oct-1993, Section CRYPT-ST. PATRICK Lot S-PIASECKI, Lillian Grace Mrs., Death: 3-Feb-2016, Section CRYPT-ST. PAUL Lot N-PIASIO, Dennis J. Mr., Death: 12-Mar-2014, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K38-PIASIO, Tina C. Mrs., Death: 19-Mar-2012, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K38-PICARO, Harriet Mrs., Death: 7-Jun-2005, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot E-PICCIOTTO, Jean Mrs., Death: 11-Jun-2001, Section ST. ANN Lot 192F-PICCIOTTO, Joseph Frank Mr., Death: 23-Jul-2006, Section ST. ANN Lot 192F-PICHARDO, Caspar F. Mr., Death: 13-Apr-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 38F-PICHETTE, Janet Mrs., Death: 13-Feb-2016, Section ST. ANN Lot 207F-PICK, Ann B. Miss, Death: 7-May-2013, Section CRYPT-ST. PAUL Lot S-PICKENS, Anna S., Death: 27-Jan-1990, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot L-PICKENS, Henry V., Death: 7-Dec-1994, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot L-PICKENS, Milburn, Death: 13-Jun-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 263F-PICONE, John G. Mr., Death: 25-Jun-2006, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot S-PIEDRA, Gloria I. Mrs., Death: 11-Jan-2012, Section CRYPT-ST. MARY Lot I8-PIEKARA, Lottie A. Mrs., Death: 13-Aug-2005, Section ST. ANN Lot 20F-PIENDLE, Charles W. Mr., Death: 17-Jul-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 26F-PIERINI, Richard J. Mr., Death: 21-Feb-2010, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot E-PIERRE, Engeline (Infant), Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-PIERRE, Joseph Saul Mr., Death: 3-May-2009, Section ST. ANN Lot 13F-PIERRE, Josette Mrs., Death: 26-Feb-2007, Section ST. ANN Lot 5F-PIERSA, Bertha F., Death: 27-Feb-1997, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot L-PIERSA, Edward A., Death: 19-Apr-1990, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot L-PIETRI, Yolanda M. Mrs., Death: 5-Feb-2014, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot R-PIGNATELLI, Caterina Mrs., Death: 14-Nov-1974, Section 6 CRYPT-ALASIA Lot MAUS-PIKE, Richard G., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 16M-PILIERO, Marion Mrs., Death: 22-Aug-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 276F-PIMINCHUMO, Maria Victoria Mrs., Death: 17-Oct-2016, Section SACRED HEART Lot 28SH-PINA, John, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 98M-PINA, Selena Lizhet Hernandez Miss, Death: 27-Mar-2015, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-PINDER, Florence B. Mrs., Death: 31-Dec-2012, Section CRYPT-SINGLE COUCH MO TER Lot S-PINDER, Jack W. Mr. Jr., Death: 23-Apr-2011, Section CRYPT-SINGLE COUCH MO TER Lot S-PINDER, Jack W. Mr. Sr., Death: 2-Feb-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 26F-PINDER, Kathleen W. Mrs., Death: 23-Apr-2007, Section ST. ANN Lot 26F-PINERO, Lydia Mrs., Death: 4-Apr-2010, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BS-PING, Albertina Chee, Death: 28-Mar-1996, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 309M-PINOS, Maria Vega Mr., Death: 3-Sep-2016, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K122-PINTO, Larry, Death: 7-Aug-2003, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G47-PIOTROWSKI, (Infant Boy), Section BABY'S, Section Lot 2B-PIOVANO, Mirella Mrs., Death: 20-May-2015, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot P-PIRAGNOLI, Clement Mr., Death: 5-Dec-2003, Section ST. ANN Lot 41F-PIRAGNOLI, Josephine Mrs., Death: 29-Aug-2010, Section ST. ANN Lot 41F-PIRROCCO, Thomas W. Mr., Death: 7-Jan-1987, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 39M-PIRROTTA-KELLEY, Lyndsay Ann Mrs., Death: 19-Sep-2014, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot V-PIRTLE, Cletus W. Mr. Sr., Death: 23-Feb-2015, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K94-PIRTLE, Margaret C. Mrs., Death: 29-Aug-2016, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K94-PISCAK, Johnny J. Mr., Death: 7-Aug-2016, Section NICHE-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot P6-PISCIOTTA, Katie Mrs., Death: 22-Mar-2009, Section TANDEM-ST.PATRICK Lot W-PISCIOTTA, Vincent J. Mr., Death: 3-Dec-2013, Section TANDEM-ST.PATRICK Lot W-PISCONSKI, Josephine Mrs., Death: 14-Oct-2014, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot C-PITA, Hortensia M. Mrs., Death: 4-May-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 157F-PITA, Jose M. Mr., Death: 22-Jan-1995, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot Z-PITA, Manuel P. Mr., Death: 3-Feb-1964, Section ST. ANN Lot 157F-PITCHER, Joyce Ann, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G76-PITCOCK, Leonard Early Mr. III, Death: 6-Jun-2015, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot B7-PITCOCK, Leonard Mr. Jr., Death: 6-May-2013, Section CRYPT-POPE JOHN PAUL Lot N-PITTS, John A. Mr., Death: 12-Sep-1995, Section ST. ANN Lot 74F-PIZON, Delores J. Mrs., Death: 24-Feb-2015, Section ST. ANN Lot 26F-PIZON, George W. Mr., Death: 23-Dec-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 26F-PIZZI, John V., Death: 12-Jan-2001, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot T-PIZZI, Lucy, Death: 6-Nov-1996, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot T-PLACIDO, Anthony Mr., Death: 17-Dec-2006, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot S-PLANK, Marguerite, Death: 27-Oct-1984, Section ST. ANN Lot 316F-PLASENCIA, Gloria B. Mrs., Death: 6-Mar-2003, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G47-PLASENCIA, Leonel R. Mr., Death: 25-Jan-2007, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G47-PLATERO, John J. Mr., Death: 1-Oct-2009, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G86-PLEASANT, Peggy Mrs., Death: 16-Nov-2014, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AS-PLOURDE, Barbara Mrs., Death: 27-Dec-2000, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G67-PLYER, Leslie M. Mr., Section ST. ANN Lot 168F-PODBIELSKI, Nina Ann Mrs., Death: 15-Feb-2016, Section CRYPT-ST THOMAS Lot W-PODGORSKI, Clarence Fr., Section PRIESTS Lot 6P-PODSOBINSKI, Anthony M. Mr., Death: 29-Jul-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 178F-PODSOBINSKI, Helen L. Mrs., Death: 30-Oct-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 178F-POGGIO, Aldo Mario Mr., Death: 11-Feb-1977, Section ST. ANN Lot 225F-POGGIO, Catherine Mrs., Death: 6-Jun-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 225F-POGODA, Frederick Mr., Death: 25-Aug-1985, Section ST. ANN Lot 131F-POGODA, Mary Mrs., Death: 1-Nov-1997, Section ST. ANN Lot 131F-POHL, Joseph W. Mr., Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-POINTE, Edward A. Mr. Sr., Death: 18-Jun-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 238F-POLANCO, Jose Mr., Death: 22-Dec-2012, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K238-POLASKEY, Marie T. Mrs., Death: 2-Jan-2010, Section ST. ANN Lot 260F-POLASKEY, Nicholas Mr., Death: 6-Dec-1997, Section ST. ANN Lot 260F-POLCHA, George E., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 73M-POLINSKI, Apolonia Mrs., Death: 5-Mar-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 220F-POLINSKY, Helen M. Mrs., Death: 11-Jun-2002, Section CRYPT-ST. MARTHA Lot A7-POLINSKY, John Mr. Sr., Death: 1-Dec-2006, Section CRYPT-ST. MARTHA Lot A7-POLITO, Joseph M. Mr., Death: 25-Sep-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 90F-POLLACCHI, Lionel R. Mr., Death: 11-Feb-2013, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 30M-POLLACK, Stanley P. Mr., Death: 14-Nov-2011, Section NICHE-ST JUDES Lot AS-POLLAK, Joseph A., Death: 20-Nov-1993, Section TANDEM-ST.PATRICK Lot W-POLLAK, Pearl H., Death: 16-May-1991, Section TANDEM-ST.PATRICK Lot W-POLLMANN, Paul Mathilda W., Section ST. ANN Lot 223F-POLLOCK, Carol J., Death: 11-Dec-2004, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot P8-POLLOCK, Mary A., Death: 8-Jul-2000, Section NICHE-ST. MARY Lot P8-POLSHA, Joseph J. Mr., Death: 24-Mar-1992, Section ST. ANN Lot 265F-POLZIN, Deolena Natale Mrs., Death: 11-Sep-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 221F-POLZIN, Donald William Mr., Death: 3-Mar-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 221F-POMA, Christopher, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 6B-POMA, Lena Mrs., Death: 23-Mar-2010, Section CRYPT-ST.JOSEPH Lot C5-POMARES, Pedro R. Mr., Death: 16-May-1987, Section ST. ANN Lot 177F-POMARES, Sofia I. Mrs., Death: 24-Feb-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 177F-PONESSA, Anna Mrs., Death: 30-Mar-2005, Section ST. ANN Lot 203F-PONESSA, John Frank Mr., Death: 12-May-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 203F-PONTILLO, James Joseph Mr., Death: 22-Jan-2014, Section NICHE-ST. JOSEPH Lot B5-PONZO, Angelina, Death: 3-Nov-2000, Section TANDEM-ST. MARY Lot M8-PONZO, Mike, Death: 19-Nov-2001, Section TANDEM-ST. MARY Lot M8-POPE, Generoso Paul Mr. Jr., Death: 2-Oct-1988, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 329M-POPE, Maureen A. Mrs., Death: 2-Feb-2012, Section NICHE-ST. JOHN Lot M-POPOWSKI, Henry S. Mr., Death: 31-Dec-2015, Section OUR LADY LOURDES NICHE Lot 1-POPPER, Clifford Mr., Death: 3-Jan-2012, Section CRYPT-RESURRECTION Lot A-PORCELLA, Maurice M., Death: 15-Feb-1985, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot E-PORCO, Nancy Antoinete, Death: 28-Sep-2002, Section TANDEM-ST. MARTHA Lot G7-PORFIRI, Vera F. Mrs., Death: 17-Aug-2016, Section TANDEM-POPE JOHN PAUL Lot E-PORRES, (Baby Boy), Death: 7-Sep-2005, Section CREMAINS, Section Lot 1C-PORTER, Gladys Marie Mrs., Death: 10-Nov-2001, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G79-PORTNER, Felicia, Death: 5-Jan-2007, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-PORTU, Evelio, Death: 22-Dec-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 324F-PORTU, Victoria, Death: 2-Oct-1999, Section ST. ANN Lot 324F-PORTUGAL, Honorio, Death: 7-Jul-1989, Section CRYPT-ST. JOHN Lot J-PORTUONDO, Mario, Section NICHE-ASCENSION Lot N-PORTUONDO, Zoila Estrella, Section NICHE-ASCENSION Lot N-PORZELT, Andrew F. Mr., Death: 6-Dec-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 99F-PORZELT, Rose M. Mrs., Death: 3-Sep-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 99F-POTONIDES, Diane Mrs., Death: 2-Jul-2016, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 315M-POTONIDES, Homer C. Mr., Death: 8-Jul-2008, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 315M-POTTORFF, Mary E. Ms., Death: 6-Mar-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 65F-POTTS, Stephen Charles (Steve) Mr., Death: 9-Oct-2014, Section NICHE-ST. MARTHA Lot B7-POTUCK, Gladys Mrs., Death: 8-Jun-1991, Section ST. ANN Lot 282F-POVEROMO, Rose M. Mrs., Death: 23-Jul-2001, Section ST. ANN Lot 40F-POVEROMO, Vito A. Mr., Death: 17-Sep-2000, Section ST. ANN Lot 40F-POWELL, James A. Mr., Death: 10-Aug-1985, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 35M-POWELL, Jeffrey A. Mr., Death: 20-Jul-2015, Section NICHE-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot J6-POWELL, Monie Mrs., Death: 1-Jul-2005, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 35M-POWER, Ellen R. Mrs., Death: 8-Aug-2002, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 54M-POWER, Eugene C. Mr., Death: 14-Jul-1990, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 54M-POWER, John, Death: 12-Jan-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 276F-POWER, Leola Mrs., Death: 28-May-1996, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot O6-POWER, Margaret, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BN-POWER, Richard Mr., Death: 21-Mar-2010, Section TANDEM-GATE OF HEAVEN Lot O6-POWERS, Dorothy, Death: 29-Apr-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 282F-POWERS, Jane C., Death: 22-Jan-1998, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 160M-POWERS, John J. Jr., Death: 12-Apr-1994, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 160M-POWERS, John W., Death: 12-Mar-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 282F-POWERS, Patricia A. Mrs., Death: 3-Nov-2006, Section ST. ANN Lot 266F-POWERS, Ronald L. Mr., Death: 14-Feb-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 266F-POWERY, Chalmer Douglas, Death: 24-Nov-1992, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-POZO, Maria J. Mrs., Death: 28-Jul-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 101F-PRACHT, Loretta M. Mrs., Death: 20-Jul-2005, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G76-PRAGER, Alice, Death: 13-Jun-1988, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-PRASSO, Susan S. Mrs., Death: 23-Mar-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 55F-PRATHER, Nathan T. Mr., Death: 9-Aug-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 98F-PRATHER, Rosalie Altamuro Mrs., Death: 24-Jan-2006, Section ST. ANN Lot 98F-PRATT, Ann W. Mrs., Death: 8-Jan-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 37F-PRATT, Frank S. Mr., Death: 1-Jan-1981, Section ST. ANN Lot 37F-PRATT, James J., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 16M-PRATT, John L., Death: 5-Sep-1996, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot X-PRATT, Mary S. Mrs., Death: 7-Jan-2006, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 16M-PRAVETZ, Joseph H., Death: 14-Apr-1983, Section TANDEM-RESURRECTION Lot B-PRAVETZ, Virginia R., Death: 26-Jan-2001, Section TANDEM-RESURRECTION Lot B-PREATO, Annabell Mrs., Death: 18-Nov-2004, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot E-PREATO, Richard Mr., Death: 20-May-2015, Section TANDEM-ST JUDES Lot E-PREDESCAR, Igenia Mrs., Death: 27-Nov-2015, Section CRYPT-ST. MARY Lot K8-PREFFER, Charles W., Death: 31-May-1989, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot T-PREFFER, Emma M. Mrs., Death: 6-Dec-2008, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot T-PRENDERGAST, Albert E. Mr., Death: 8-Apr-2002, Section ST. ANN Lot 248F-PRENDERGAST, Giles A., Death: 27-Dec-1991, Section CRYPT-ST. PATRICK Lot Y-PRENDERGAST, John, Death: 17-Feb-2004, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K191-PRENDERGAST, Mary F. Mrs., Death: 17-Sep-1988, Section CRYPT-ST. PATRICK Lot Y-PRENDERGAST, Richard G. Mr., Death: 27-Oct-2001, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K221-PRENDERGAST, Robert J. Mr., Death: 9-Dec-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 205F-PRENDERGAST, Sophie M. Mrs., Death: 18-Dec-2009, Section ST. ANN Lot 248F-PRENICZKY, Andrew Mr., Death: 24-Feb-1998, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 95M-PRENICZKY, Marion L. Mrs., Death: 25-Apr-2013, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 95M-PRESSARD, Germaine Mrs., Death: 23-May-2013, Section ST. ANN Lot 67F-PRESTIGIACOMO, Ann Mrs., Death: 5-Sep-2008, Section ST. ANN Lot 9F-PRESTON, Thomas, Death: 29-Aug-2001, Section ST. ANN Lot 337F-PRESTON, William Percy, Death: 26-May-1963, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-PRETE, Gerd E. Mrs., Death: 7-Jan-2007, Section ST. ANN Lot 255F-PRETE, Joseph L. Mr., Death: 27-Sep-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 255F-PRIBBLE, Ronald, Death: 30-Jul-2001, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PRICE, Edward C. Mr. III, Death: 26-Apr-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 30F-PRICE, Francis G. Mr., Death: 10-Feb-1988, Section ST. ANN Lot 100F-PRICE, Helen, Death: 13-Aug-1988, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 87M-PRICE, Incornata Mrs., Death: 13-Jul-2004, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K161-PRICE, Joan, Death: 24-May-2007, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-PRICE, Marcella C. Mrs., Death: 11-Aug-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 100F-PRICE, Veronica Katherine, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 4B-PRIEDE, Ernesto Mr., Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 8M-PRIEDE, Maximo Mr., Death: 23-Dec-1994, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 8M-PRIETO, Jolene, Death: 20-Mar-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 340F-PRIME, Mary, Death: 9-Jan-2008, Section CRYPT-ASCENSION Lot G-PRINCE, David Chandler Mr., Death: 10-Sep-1983, Section ST. ANN Lot 31F-PRINCE, Phyllis McAllister Mrs., Death: 6-Jan-2001, Section ST. ANN Lot 31F-PRINGLE, Harvey Mr., Death: 9-May-2014, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PRINZIVALLI, Joseph P., Death: 18-Oct-2001, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G79-PRINZIVALLI, Pauline, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G79-PRIOR, Robert C., Death: 11-Jan-1953, Section ST. ANN Lot 61F-PRISCO, Joseph Thomas Mr., Death: 26-Oct-2014, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K278-PRITCHARD, Russell H. Mr., Death: 26-May-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 226F-PROCE, Vincent J. Mr., Death: 7-Jul-2001, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BN-PROCTOR, Thecla Mrs., Death: 30-Jan-1992, Section ST. ANN Lot 107F-PROCTOR, Wayne D. Mr., Death: 20-Mar-2010, Section ST. ANN Lot 14F-PROFETA, Charles, Death: 3-Aug-1956, Section CRYPT-ST.JOSEPH Lot A5-PROFETA, Charles, Death: 3-Aug-1956, Section CRYPT-ST.JOSEPH Lot A5-PROFETA, Frances C., Death: 22-Nov-1986, Section CRYPT-ST.JOSEPH Lot A5-PROFETA, Salvatore A. Rev., Death: 23-Jan-2014, Section CRYPT-ST.JOSEPH Lot A5-PROL, Alejandro Mr., Death: 6-May-2016, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 310M-PROL, Amy (Maria) Mrs., Death: 13-Nov-2010, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 310M-PROSCH, Margaret Mary Mrs., Death: 29-Jan-2012, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 97M-PROSCH, Richard W. Mr. Jr., Death: 17-Jan-2009, Section ST. MATTHEWS Lot 97M-PROSCIA, Michael A. Mr., Death: 5-Sep-2008, Section TANDEM-ST. MARTHA Lot G7-PROSCIA, Theresa Mrs., Death: 8-May-2009, Section TANDEM-ST. MARTHA Lot G7-PROTO, Gaetano, Death: 6-Nov-1977, Section ST. ANN Lot 335F-PROTO-VIGLIOTTO, Angelina Mrs., Death: 22-Dec-2015, Section ST. ANN Lot 335F-PROTTING, Janice C. Miss, Death: 21-Oct-2006, Section CRYPT-ST. MARTHA Lot A7-PROULX, Michael C., Death: 25-Aug-1989, Section ST. ANN Lot 190F-PRUSIECKI, Celia T. Mrs., Death: 30-Oct-2005, Section ST. ANN Lot 192F-PRUSIECKI, Chester J. Mr., Death: 25-Jan-2008, Section TANDEM-ST.PATRICK Lot W-PRUSIECKI, Lottie V. Mrs., Death: 15-Oct-2000, Section TANDEM-ST.PATRICK Lot W-PRZELOMSKI, Genevieve Mrs., Death: 10-Aug-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 235F-PRZELOMSKI, Henry R. Mr., Death: 6-Sep-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 235F-PUCILLO, Assunta F. Mrs., Death: 19-Nov-1975, Section ST. ANN Lot 243F-PUCILLO, Costanzo (Gus) Mr., Death: 19-May-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 86F-PUCILLO, Costanzo (Gus) Mr., Death: 19-May-1986, Section ST. ANN Lot 86F-PUCILLO, Enrico Mr., Death: 2-Apr-2007, Section ST. ANN Lot 32F-PUCILLO, Geraldine J. Mrs., Death: 13-Jun-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 86F-PUCILLO, Luigi Mr., Death: 3-Aug-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 86F-PUCILLO, Michele Mr., Death: 1-Aug-1997, Section ST. ANN Lot 34F-PUCILLO, Nino A. Mr., Death: 24-Oct-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 34F-PUENTES, Camelia Mrs., Death: 21-Jun-2007, Section ST. GABRIEL Lot G103-PUENTES, Joanna, Death: 12-Oct-1989, Section BABY'S, Section Lot 4B-PUGLIESE, Joseph Alexander Mr., Death: 24-Dec-2016, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K259-PUGLIESE, Lawrence J., Death: 6-Apr-2015, Section ST. ANN Lot 9F-PUKALL, Timothy Mr., Death: 14-Feb-2014, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PULEO, Ernest Mr., Death: 16-Mar-2012, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot E-PULEO, Jean, Death: 22-Feb-1994, Section ST. ANN Lot 275F-PULEO, Maria, Death: 8-Dec-2002, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot E-PUMA, Linda Ann, Section CRYPT-ST. JOHN Lot Q-PUMPHREY, Sara Ms., Death: 13-Mar-2009, Section COMPASSION CRYPT III & IV Lot MAUS-PUORRO, Frank P., Death: 1-Jul-1993, Section ST. ANN Lot 337F-PURCELL, Elizabeth A., Death: 20-Jan-1989, Section NICHE-ST. PATRICK Lot T-PURCELL, Mary T. Mrs., Death: 22-Oct-1996, Section ST. ANN Lot 135F-PURCELL, Thomas L. Mr., Death: 6-Apr-1990, Section ST. ANN Lot 135F-PURTZ, John J. Mr., Death: 10-Jun-2015, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K275-PURVIS, Joanna, Death: 13-Nov-1981, Section ST. ANN Lot 309F-PURVIS, Judith, Death: 22-May-1978, Section ST. ANN Lot 309F-PUSKAS, Alice Mrs., Death: 11-Oct-2012, Section KING OF KINGS Lot K261-PUTSCH, Elmer A. Mr., Death: 1-Dec-2005, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BS-PUTSCH, Geraldine R. Mrs., Death: 15-Dec-2011, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot BS-PUZZELE, Carol A. Mrs., Death: 12-Sep-2012, Section NICHE-ST THOMAS Lot AN-PUZZITIELLO, Olga J. Mrs., Death: 26-Dec-2008, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot S-PUZZITIELLO, Raymond L. Mr., Death: 15-Jan-2013, Section TANDEM-ST THOMAS Lot S-PYKE, Beatrice Mrs., Death: 1-Jan-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 46F-PYKE, Grant Mr., Death: 10-Aug-1988, Section ST. ANN Lot 46F-PYNE, Claire, Death: 1-Feb-1998, Section ST. ANN Lot 298F-PYNE, Donald T., Death: 3-Jul-1987, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PYNE, Emidia L., Death: 15-Jul-2004, Section TANDEM-ST.JOHN Lot O-PYNE, Robert, Death: 1-Aug-1982, Section ST. ANN Lot 298F-
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