Search Georgia Death Records
Georgia Newspapers, Full Search (1763-2003), 221 titles
Georgia Obituary Search, (1824-current)
Georgia Birth Records Database, (1767-1999)
Riverside Cemetery
Macon, Bibb County, Georgia
GPS: 32.850264, -83.638634
1301 Riverside Dr
Macon, GA 31201
Date published: June 25, 2017
Total records: 18,999
Surnames G
Records published here were acquired from Riverside Cemetery on June 24, 2017. They include dates of death ranging from 1848 to 2017.
GABEL, Delbert Joseph, Birth: 1919-04-12, Death: 1994-05-01GABEL, Stephanie M., Birth: 1919-10-17, Death: 2006-4-25GABLE, Albert Ettner, Birth: 1876-9-16, Death: 1939-07-07GABLE, Christopher Brian, Death: 1983-6-15GABLE, Phebe L., Birth: 1883-6-11, Death: 1966-12-06GABRIEL, Brian Allen, Death: 1985-5-31GABRIEL, Frederick B., Birth: 1878-12-14, Death: 1939-2-20GABRIEL, Infant of David AllenGABRIEL, Kathleen Mary Elmore, Death: 1985-5-31GABRIEL, Mary Lula Bailey, Birth: 1875-1-26, Death: 1938-6-26GADDY, Terry L., Birth: 1927-10-09, Death: 2004-11-18GAIL, LaCorreyal Tanae, Birth: 2007-01-08, Death: 2014-09-10GAINES, Charles Manley Jr., Birth: 1902-05-10, Death: 1965-07-07GAINES, Iris Taylor, Birth: 1904-10-04, Death: 1966-1-18GALEANO, Maria Dolores, Birth: 1917-4-15, Death: 2009-04-12GALLAHER, Sister Mary Dolores, Birth: 1861-7-1, Death: 1917-4-28GALLT, Charles Frank, Birth: 1916-11-27, Death: 1958-12-25GALYEAN, Joseph Chadwick, Birth: 1980-02-04, Death: 1980-02-06GAMBLE, Albert A., Birth: 1877-8-21, Death: 1932-10-16GAMBLE, Annie McKay, Birth: 1865-8-22, Death: 1924-12-29GAMBLE, Cater Hall, Birth: 1906-8-22, Death: 1907-04-11GAMBLE, Helen Underhill, Birth: 1908-12-21, Death: 1998-10-23GAMBLE, Mary Eliza, Birth: 1905-6-20, Death: 1987-9-18GAMBLE, Mildred, Birth: 1898-8-9, Death: 1981-09-07GAMBLE, Robert H.GAMBLE, Robert Mann, Birth: 1900-04-06, Death: 1992-05-08GAMBLE, Samuel Winburn, Birth: 1904-1-13, Death: 1909-5-14GAMBLE, Seneca McKay, Birth: 1895-10-29, Death: 1974-3-14GAMBLE, William Arnett, Birth: 1887-3-10, Death: 1930-2-27GAMMAGE, Angie Maynard, Birth: 1882-10-3, Death: 1961-11-03GAMMAGE, Elijah Thomas, Birth: 1906-4-20, Death: 1952-11-20GAMMAGE, Laverne Hyatt, Birth: 1925-8-14, Death: 2008-7-13GAMMAGE, Lillian Lucille Hyatt, Birth: 1927-2-28, Death: 2012-3-13GAMMAGE, Mason Alsey, Birth: 1923-02-07, Death: 2017-01-04GAMMAGE, William B., Birth: 1921-2-15, Death: 1996-03-05GAMMAGE, Wylena Melvin, Birth: 1908-2-19, Death: 1987-01-11GANDY, Blanford Johnson, Birth: 1916-12-17, Death: 2012-04-03GANDY, Elizabeth Kimbrough, Birth: 1915-09-09, Death: 1992-02-01GANDY, Marcus Albert Sr., Birth: 1915-02-05, Death: 2004-11-20GANDY, Roy Irwin, Birth: 1912-8-16, Death: 1978-3-15GANTT, Ann Terrell, Birth: 1952-4-24, Death: 1952-5-14GANTT, Carolyn Hawkins, Birth: 1888-8-25, Death: 1954-7-31GANTT, Eugenia Annie Jones, Birth: 1857-6-1, Death: 1926-3-27GANTT, George W. Sr., Birth: 1851-2-7, Death: 1917-01-02GANTT, Isaac Henry, Birth: 1889-5-1, Death: 1959-7-18GANTT, James G., Birth: 1918-4-13, Death: 1940-6-28GANTT, Mary Elizabeth, Birth: 1885-10-18, Death: 1886-9-14GANTT, Robert H., Birth: 1884-1-12, Death: 1911-06-10GANTT, William Clinton, Birth: 1921-8-26, Death: 1965-11-06GANTT, William Clinton Jr, Birth: 1946-03-12, Death: 2010-9-28GARDEN, Charles T., Birth: 1863-9-20, Death: 1917-9-17GARDEN, Elizabeth Cameron, Birth: 1864-1-31, Death: 1951-05-01GARDINER, Alfred Senour, Birth: 1903-1-30, Death: 1977-4-24GARDINER, Bonnie Richardson, Birth: 1950-3-27, Death: 2012-6-20GARDINER, Clara Senour, Birth: 1875-11-16, Death: 1965-08-04GARDINER, George Alfred, Birth: 1869-11-22, Death: 1949-10-01GARDINER, Lillian Martin, Death: 2005-09-12GARDINER, Roberta Jones, Birth: 1906-12-29, Death: 1956-11-28GARDNER, Anna H., Death: 1928-8-18GARDNER, Charlie Ross, Birth: 1895-1-4, Death: 1978-12-18GARDNER, Cina Louise, Birth: 1957-1-19, Death: 1957-1-21GARDNER, Geneva Waddell, Birth: 1904-11-08, Death: 2001-9-18GARDNER, George W., Death: 1947-5-26GARDNER, Gillie Anne, Death: 1910-02-10GARDNER, Grace Boley, Birth: 1896-12-16, Death: 1970-12-21GARDNER, Grace Stuart, Death: 1953-4-30GARDNER, Jean Marie Farrar, Birth: 1931-7-19, Death: 1996-09-01GARDNER, Jesse A., Birth: 1880-3-15, Death: 1925-1-25GARDNER, Rena McLendon, Birth: 1888-9-28, Death: 1973-7-24GARDNER, Sadie Hoffman, Death: 1911-09-04GARDNER, Sue Chambers, Birth: 1901-11-19, Death: 1989-01-04GARDNER, Thomas Lindsey, Birth: 1869-7-29, Death: 1934-08-01GARFIELD, Alice, Death: 1870-12-27GARFIELD, Annie Cherry, Birth: 1888-11-2, Death: 1952-11-30GARFIELD, Carrie May Skinner, Birth: 1892-5-1, Death: 1987-12-18GARFIELD, Charles Henry, Death: 1947-12-04GARFIELD, Leon Holmes Jr., Birth: 1893-2-10, Death: 1973-09-12GARFIELD, Lucy E.GARNER, John Charles, Birth: 1930-2-14, Death: 1985-11-18GARNER, Nita Dixon, Birth: 1938-3-15, Death: 2014-5-18GARRAFA, Camillo Benson, Death: 1973-02-12GARRAFA, Quinto, Death: 1977-10-03GARRET, InfantGARRETT, Allison A., Death: 1941-01-01GARRETT, Barney L. Jr., Birth: 1906-3-16, Death: 1970-6-22GARRETT, Barney Lee Sr., Birth: 1885-4-19, Death: 1950-4-28GARRETT, Charles Hanes, Birth: 1887-11-1, Death: 1951-04-11GARRETT, Edyth Marshall, Birth: 1889-2-13, Death: 1982-04-04GARRETT, Eloise Holmes, Birth: 1923-1-13, Death: 2002-11-22GARRETT, Ettie Miller, Birth: 1873-8-30, Death: 1963-11-23GARRETT, Harry Phillips, Birth: 1906-11-27, Death: 1981-11-22GARRETT, Helen Ehney, Birth: 1908-5-27, Death: 1991-01-11GARRETT, James Coleman, Birth: 1922-7-23, Death: 1993-2-22GARRETT, Joe Foster, Birth: 1892-10-8, Death: 1981-1-14GARRETT, John Richard, Birth: 1936-9-13, Death: 1969-3-18GARRETT, Margaret Brantley, Death: 1919-1-19GARRETT, Martha Lifsey, Birth: 1902-8-16, Death: 1996-08-12GARRETT, Mary P., Death: 2001-5-27GARRETT, Maud Lewis, Birth: 1877-1-25, Death: 1943-7-16GARRETT, Michael James, Birth: 1950-12-12, Death: 1950-12-21GARRETT, Nettie Coleman, Birth: 1884-8-16, Death: 1955-04-03GARRETT, Pearl Green, Birth: 1884-9-13, Death: 1955-04-12GARRETT, Robert L., Birth: 1871-3-5, Death: 1953-11-10GARRETT, Thelma Gooding, Birth: 1908-12-15, Death: 1986-08-06GARRETT, William Henry, Birth: 1849-2-13, Death: 1916-11-06GARRETT, Willie Fred Sr., Birth: 1928-7-26, Death: 1980-12-20GARRETTE, Frances Marion, Birth: 1928-4-18, Death: 2016-10-21GARRETTE, Garland Burke, Birth: 1924-9-28, Death: 1987-9-21GARRETTE, Monroe Lee, Birth: 1959-8-17, Death: 2012-4-30GARRIS, MarkGARRISON, Cynthia Sessions, Birth: 1909-4-28, Death: 1993-04-03GARRISON, Edward Glenn, Birth: 1909-5-30, Death: 1996-9-15GARRISON, Homer Estelle, Birth: 1917-1-24, Death: 2009-05-12GARRISON, John R., Death: 1915-7-20GARRISON, R. C., Birth: 1881-5-31, Death: 1949-10-14GARRISON, R. C. Mrs.GARRISON-TICE, Janette Brantley, Death: 2016-2-25GARRITY, Mary McKay, Birth: 1876-12-20, Death: 1956-03-02GARRITY, Walter J., Birth: 1857-5-6, Death: 1935-02-08GARVIN, Anastasia McKenna, Birth: 1906-9-14, Death: 1982-05-01GARVIN, James Phillip Sr., Birth: 1919-06-06, Death: 2001-7-19GARVIN, John Calder, Birth: 1906-4-27, Death: 1967-03-05GARVIN, Patrick Pattillo Sr, Birth: 1937-08-06, Death: 2011-10-11GARY, Evelyn Ponder, Birth: 1915-8-23, Death: 1988-7-23GASKIN, John Bright Sr., Birth: 1917-11-08, Death: 2004-07-03GASKIN, Margaret L., Birth: 1920-12-20, Death: 2016-12-24GASKIN, Mary Charles, Birth: 1946-07-03, Death: 1978-3-30GASKINS, William Jason, Birth: 2001-01-05, Death: 2006-3-31GATES, Blanche Kean, Birth: 1900-10-21, Death: 1981-6-17GATES, Child of W HGATES, Helen Marie, Birth: 1909-1-13, Death: 1911-05-06GATES, John D., Death: 1977-8-20GATES, Lassie Humphries, Death: 1990-10-02GATES, Mary Roush, Birth: 1881-3-1, Death: 1936-09-06GATES, Mollie Drake, Death: 1924-10-08GATES, Paul Green, Birth: 1891-12-24, Death: 1971-08-01GATES, Paula Frances, Birth: 1920-11-30, Death: 1928-5-23GATES, Reba Jones, Birth: 1892-12-11, Death: 2000-5-19GATES, Thomas Evans Jr., Birth: 1942-6-13, Death: 1942-7-18GATES, Willard E., Birth: 1904-9-27, Death: 1953-1-18GATES, Willard Harrison, Birth: 1876-1-1, Death: 1926-05-04GATLIN, Christopher Lamar, Birth: 1988-02-03, Death: 1988-02-04GATLIN, Cory Dean, Birth: 1988-11-29, Death: 1988-11-30GATTI, Frank Lee, Birth: 1942-12-15, Death: 1997-06-01GATTIE, Barney, Birth: 1914-1-25, Death: 1995-8-20GATTIE, Billy Paul, Birth: 1938-03-01, Death: 1998-08-02GATTIE, Carlo Gary, Birth: 1954-12-12, Death: 1989-11-30GATTIE, Mary Elizabeth, Birth: 1910-6-19, Death: 1979-10-30GAULTNEY, Edmond Thomas III, Birth: 1946-12-31, Death: 1986-5-26GAULTNEY, Edmond Thomas Jr., Birth: 1914-10-05, Death: 1992-3-20GAULTNEY, Edmond Thomas Sr., Birth: 1886-11-4, Death: 1960-02-11GAULTNEY, Effie Gertrude Adams, Birth: 1889-10-23, Death: 1977-1-29GAULTNEY, Joseph Monroe, Birth: 1922-8-16, Death: 2010-2-13GAULTNEY, Kathryn Elizabeth, Birth: 1919-9-19, Death: 1969-7-20GAULTNEY, Louise Turner, Birth: 1922-7-27, Death: 2007-3-30GAULTNEY, Minnie S., Birth: 1891-1-4, Death: 1969-7-31GAUSEMEL, S. D., Birth: 1882-9-21, Death: 1941-1-18GAUTIER, Jack Jacobs, Birth: 1915-02-10, Death: 1972-5-16GAUTIER, Jewell Grace Jacobs, Birth: 1891-12-28, Death: 1930-1-16GAVEL, Hilbert Xavier, Birth: 1925-11-08, Death: 1959-08-08GAVIN, Charles M. III, Birth: 1922-11-10, Death: 2001-3-24GAVIN, Charles M. Jr., Birth: 1896-6-21, Death: 1935-08-12GAVIN, Estelle Sloan, Birth: 1900-3-20, Death: 1980-11-19GAVIN, Frances Mahone, Birth: 1928-11-04, Death: 2015-01-12GAVIN, Jean Hohnecker, Birth: 1921-10-16, Death: 2004-6-29GAVIN, William Sloan, Birth: 1927-01-03, Death: 2006-03-01GAVIN, William Sloan Jr., Birth: 1955-11-30, Death: 2014-01-12GAY, John A., Birth: 1875-3-24, Death: 1951-9-14GAY, Katie Gilbert, Birth: 1920-2-14, Death: 2000-1-19GAY, Mary Moore, Birth: 1880-3-24, Death: 1961-3-30GEEHR, Louise Beaty, Birth: 1948-3-18, Death: 1983-12-02GEESLIN, Charles Bass, Birth: 1873-4-1, Death: 1951-06-01GEESLIN, Charles Thomas, Birth: 1902-2-15, Death: 1923-5-30GEESLIN, Dana Philip, Birth: 1953-11-30, Death: 1996-09-11GEESLIN, Emmie Laura, Birth: 1895-3-10, Death: 1964-06-02GEESLIN, Fanny Sherwood, Birth: 1879-12-26, Death: 1963-5-29GEESLIN, James Nicholas, Birth: 1871-3-9, Death: 1932-11-24GEESLIN, Julius Warren Jr.GEESLIN, Julius Warren Sr., Birth: 1878-5-20, Death: 1941-11-26GEESLIN, Laura Virginia WelchGEESLIN, Louise Wynn, Birth: 1884-10-1, Death: 1965-12-31GEESLIN, Maggie Arnold, Death: 1984-08-06GEESLIN, Mary Will Patterson, Birth: 1901-12-17, Death: 1924-08-08GEESLIN, Pearle Little, Birth: 1886-1-7, Death: 1972-10-23GEESLIN, Sallie Jordan, Birth: 1875-4-26, Death: 1925-9-26GEESLIN, William F., Birth: 1881-5-26, Death: 1930-8-28GEESLIN, William Fleming Jr., Birth: 1919-6-16, Death: 1995-11-02GEESLIN, William Fleming Sr., Death: 1901-01-06GELISSEN, John B., Birth: 1896-1-15, Death: 1933-6-19GELSTON, Carrie Maud, Death: 1885-9-29GELSTON, Rebecca Clark, Birth: 1845-4-28, Death: 1915-1-31GELSTON, Robert P.GELSTON, Walter Lee, Death: 1866-10-30GELSTON, William P., Birth: 1835-7-23, Death: 1894-4-15GENONE, Alice Mary Daniels, Birth: 1923-05-03, Death: 1993-1-25GENONE, Jack J., Birth: 1904-6-19, Death: 1997-01-11GENONE, Joseph Charles, Birth: 1920-8-15, Death: 2015-08-11GENONE, Joseph Ernest Jr., Birth: 1919-1-25, Death: 2005-2-27GENONE, Joseph Ernest Sr., Birth: 1897-2-15, Death: 1966-10-08GENONE, Leah Feb, Birth: 1898-6-17, Death: 1997-8-31GENTRY, Eva Rigdon, Birth: 1905-04-09, Death: 1975-07-04GENTRY, James Linwood Sr., Birth: 1898-12-5, Death: 1971-8-20GEOGHEGAN, Brooks, Birth: 1892-6-14, Death: 1956-02-11GEOGHEGAN, Vera Cardwell, Birth: 1890-2-27, Death: 1975-5-13GEORGE, Harold Lloyd, Birth: 1922-5-25, Death: 1994-6-24GEORGE, Helen Wheeler, Birth: 1914-6-16, Death: 1981-12-17GEORGE, Infant of David L., Death: 1947-12-30GEORGE, Judy Lowe, Birth: 1916-7-22, Death: 1994-09-01GEORGE, Lakevia Lashay, Birth: 2004-7-20, Death: 2015-12-27GEORGE, Ruth Bernhardt, Birth: 1917-10-02, Death: 2011-11-10GEORGE, William Mose, Birth: 1911-05-04, Death: 2006-12-21GERMAN, Clifford Lowe Mrs., Birth: 1859-11-16, Death: 1930-9-29GERNER, John Haines, Birth: 1898-8-13, Death: 1976-12-12GERNER, Katharine Kugler, Birth: 1900-9-20, Death: 1976-05-06GERRARD, Edith Robbins, Birth: 1927-2-20, Death: 2010-9-16GERRARD, John Edwin, Birth: 1952-11-26, Death: 2003-8-14GERRARD, Robert John, Birth: 1927-01-01, Death: 1999-8-28GERRARD, Timothy Lynn, Birth: 1960-04-12, Death: 1987-10-03GERSON, Margaret Walthall, Birth: 1906-01-05, Death: 1953-4-17GETSON, Carrie Pearson, Birth: 1871-12-16, Death: 1953-4-21GETSON, Charles John, Birth: 1871-2-2, Death: 1931-12-12GEWINNER, Billie Louise, Birth: 1917-9-14, Death: 2009-6-22GEWINNER, Holt Joseph Jr, Birth: 1915-3-27, Death: 1996-10-23GEYER, Florenz, Birth: 1868-10-15, Death: 1924-2-14GHOLSON, Anne Griffin, Birth: 1912-08-09, Death: 1999-4-17GHOLSON, Bessie Fowler, Birth: 1890-9-1, Death: 1978-4-27GHOLSON, Catherine Elizabeth, Birth: 1917-01-08, Death: 1921-10-25GHOLSON, Charles A., Birth: 1900-04-09, Death: 1982-5-31GHOLSON, Elizabeth Hawkins, Birth: 1913-4-16, Death: 1979-07-11GHOLSON, J. W. Mrs.GHOLSON, Julius L., Birth: 1911-5-21, Death: 1985-5-29GHOLSON, Mary Elizabeth, Birth: 1891-4-8, Death: 1918-12-11GHOLSON, Richard Lafayette, Birth: 1893-1-16, Death: 1976-11-30GIBB, Jayne Crosby, Death: 1986-04-12GIBB, Samuel N., Death: 1995-7-19GIBBONS, Paula Winifred, Birth: 1920-6-29, Death: 2009-01-09GIBBONS, William Lacey, Birth: 1920-06-09, Death: 2006-11-03GIBBS, Daisy Stevens, Birth: 1896-11-16, Death: 1976-4-17GIBBS, Sister Mary Augustine, Birth: 1857-7-3, Death: 1888-7-6GIBBS, Sister Mary Augustine, Birth: 1853-12-27, Death: 1932-03-10GIBBS, Sister Mary Genevieve, Birth: 1849-5-16, Death: 1933-05-10GIBBS, Walter Douglas, Birth: 1892-5-15, Death: 1965-8-21GIBSON, Carey Burton, Birth: 1954-11-25, Death: 1969-3-29GIBSON, Elizabeth Pittard, Birth: 1913-09-07, Death: 1995-06-09GIBSON, Emmett Harris, Birth: 1911-8-21, Death: 1967-10-23GIBSON, Eugene Christopher, Birth: 1902-3-21, Death: 1974-03-02GIBSON, Harriett W., Birth: 1872-9-12, Death: 1952-12-19GIBSON, Harry A., Birth: 1867-2-4, Death: 1942-02-07GIBSON, Harry A. Jr., Birth: 1900-08-10, Death: 1917-8-30GIBSON, Helen, Death: 1920-01-02GIBSON, Helen Vivian, Birth: 1903-8-24, Death: 1989-4-23GIBSON, Ida Will Brooks, Birth: 1897-10-7, Death: 1979-11-23GIBSON, Infant of H E, Birth: 1892-4-13, Death: 1892-4-14GIBSON, John T. Sr., Birth: 1894-7-9, Death: 1978-04-03GIBSON, John Thomas Jr., Birth: 1920-4-14, Death: 1967-03-10GIBSON, Mabel Riley, Death: 1930-03-06GIBSON, Margaret Ray, Birth: 1924-12-15, Death: 2017-01-10GIBSON, Marie Anderson, Birth: 1879-5-2, Death: 1964-1-23GIBSON, Mary Barksdale, Birth: 1913-12-12, Death: 2000-10-23GIBSON, Mattie Lou, Birth: 1866-8-5, Death: 1895-10-5GIBSON, Maude K., Birth: 1869-1-4, Death: 1954-4-25GIBSON, Miriam Burton, Birth: 1924-7-20, Death: 2003-10-18GIBSON, Peter C.GIBSON, Robert S., Death: 1915-06-08GIBSON, Sybil Sutherland, Birth: 1922-6-22, Death: 1997-7-15GIBSON, Thomas, Birth: 1861-4-3, Death: 1927-12-21GIBSON, Thomas Dorsey, Birth: 1950-08-06, Death: 1998-04-08GIBSON, Thomas Young Jr., Birth: 1906-09-02, Death: 1986-06-06GIBSON, Walter Eugene, Death: 1959-5-24GIBSON, William C., Birth: 1858-12-14, Death: 1896-4-25GIBSON, William H. Sr., Birth: 1905-1-29, Death: 1994-11-14GIBSON, William Hall Jr., Birth: 1946-09-06, Death: 2005-1-17GIBSON, William Maxwell, Birth: 1940-7-18, Death: 2012-9-24GIBSON, Willis Wilder, Birth: 1895-10-9, Death: 1967-01-04GIDDENS, Isbon A., Birth: 1881-8-31, Death: 1947-5-14GIDDENS, Isbon A. Mrs., Birth: 1888-4-28, Death: 1973-03-06GIDDENS, Kathleen Hooks, Birth: 1917-08-01, Death: 2014-07-11GIDDENS, Kersey F., Birth: 1918-7-28, Death: 1984-01-09GIDDENS, Margaret Childs, Death: 2000-4-14GIDDENS, Robert O'Neal, Birth: 1921-06-11, Death: 1961-4-25GIDDENS, Winfred A., Birth: 1909-10-08, Death: 1927-12-12GIFFORD, Molly Motes, Birth: 1953-2-23, Death: 2004-03-09GIGNILLANT, Janet Slade, Death: 1914-04-10GILBERT, Ann Estelle Derrick, Birth: 1887-1-25, Death: 1959-12-28GILBERT, Benjamin Poe, Death: 1908-2-14GILBERT, Benjamin Randall, Death: 1919-3-16GILBERT, Eldridge B.GILBERT, Ella Smith, Death: 1912-03-05GILBERT, Helen Huff, Birth: 1917-03-04, Death: 2000-11-29GILBERT, Ima R., Birth: 1888-10-28, Death: 1980-6-27GILBERT, Jack Holt, Birth: 1928-08-02, Death: 2015-12-17GILBERT, John Brown, Birth: 1942-10-06, Death: 2016-12-25GILBERT, John L.GILBERT, Kathleen Powers, Birth: 1894-8-20, Death: 1979-2-24GILBERT, Kay Powell, Birth: 1961-2-13, Death: 2014-02-05GILBERT, Lucile Powell, Birth: 1888-5-26, Death: 1922-10-01GILBERT, Nathan William, Birth: 1899-3-11, Death: 1977-8-16GILBERT, Rosa Cain, Birth: 1899-1-19, Death: 1965-1-14GILBERT, Thomas, Birth: 1878-4-22, Death: 1959-6-28GILBERT, Thomas Marion Jr., Birth: 1912-5-23, Death: 1975-03-01GILES, Lucile Smith, Birth: 1900-8-30, Death: 1984-7-28GILES, Ruth Davis, Birth: 1918-9-25, Death: 1996-2-22GILES, Sanford Lee Sr., Birth: 1911-7-26, Death: 2008-5-15GILES, Wesley Hunter Jr., Birth: 1998-01-04, Death: 1998-1-16GILES, William Moses, Birth: 1895-7-17, Death: 1966-02-06GILL, John J., Birth: 1895-12-20, Death: 1954-4-23GILLELAND, George Ferman, Birth: 1887-10-9, Death: 1928-10-28GILLELAND, George Franklin Sr., Birth: 1862-7-15, Death: 1928-8-27GILLELAND, James Franklin, Birth: 1890-11-26, Death: 1968-3-20GILLELAND, Lee Ona, Birth: 1885-7-29, Death: 1990-11-21GILLELAND, Susie Shirah, Birth: 1860-2-29, Death: 1907-02-03GILLEN, Kate MickelGILLEN, L Thomas, Death: 1948-05-11GILLESPIE, Barbara Mohler, Birth: 1926-01-02, Death: 1975-12-08GILLESPIE, George B., Birth: 1888-6-4, Death: 1959-08-08GILLESPIE, Harriet Fowler, Birth: 1887-1-25, Death: 1989-12-21GILLIS, Augusta Smith Woodcock, Birth: 1916-6-20, Death: 2006-09-03GILLON, Arlyn Joyner, Birth: 1893-10-22, Death: 1989-03-10GILLON, Oscar Grady, Birth: 1890-12-14, Death: 1955-05-03GILMAN, Ray, Birth: 1923-3-20, Death: 1962-11-10GILMORE, A. A., Birth: 1888-8-28, Death: 1910-12-07GILMORE, Leon B., Birth: 1913-07-04, Death: 1983-11-17GILREATH, James Thomas, Birth: 1920-11-17, Death: 2014-6-19GILREATH, LaVerne West, Birth: 1922-9-26, Death: 2009-02-02GIRARDEAU, James Tate, Birth: 1952-2-25, Death: 2001-1-14GIRVIN, Fred Arthur, Birth: 1893-1-16, Death: 1979-12-10GIRVIN, Maude Bowman, Birth: 1903-03-11, Death: 1998-01-12GLADIN, Preston Bradley, Death: 1934-10-28GLADNEY, Infant DaughterGLADNEY, Infant Son of J.GLADSTONE, Ernest Clarence, Birth: 1904-6-13, Death: 1973-6-20GLADSTONE, Mary Councill, Birth: 1913-1-22, Death: 2007-10-19GLASS, Albert Wilbur Sr., Birth: 1898-3-15, Death: 1974-03-02GLASS, Child of J PGLASS, Elizabeth Hudson, Birth: 1898-12-2, Death: 1987-06-12GLASS, Loula EvansGLASS, Mary Evans, Death: 1914-2-28GLAWSON, Charles A., Birth: 1876-7-28, Death: 1930-05-01GLAWSON, Ella Mae Daniels, Birth: 1869-12-17, Death: 1956-11-29GLAZIER, AngelGLAZIER, Harvey William, Death: 1959-3-31GLAZNER, Robert Lee, Birth: 1895-2-21, Death: 1974-10-24GLENDENNING, Don Carlisle, Birth: 1884-12-23, Death: 1973-06-08GLENDENNING, Emma V., Birth: 1858-4-3, Death: 1917-06-10GLENDENNING, John C., Birth: 1852-5-12, Death: 1906-2-28GLENDENNING, Violet Simmons, Death: 1940-12-07GLENN, Edna Montanye, Birth: 1898-4-20, Death: 1965-5-23GLENN, Edward T. B., Birth: 1859-9-10, Death: 1906-11-05GLENN, Harry James Jr., Birth: 1913-11-11, Death: 1987-03-08GLENN, Harry James Sr., Birth: 1892-3-25, Death: 1962-03-11GLENN, John Capers Sr., Birth: 1894-12-25, Death: 1978-4-19GLENN, Josephine Maple, Birth: 1915-9-25, Death: 1986-6-28GLENN, Marie Bowman, Birth: 1913-11-02, Death: 2010-8-27GLENN, Martha Hodges, Birth: 1870-1-13, Death: 1939-08-09GLENN, Mary Faircloth, Birth: 1901-8-24, Death: 2000-02-04GLENN, Mary Pemberton, Birth: 1859-10-6, Death: 1905-4-30GLENN, Mary Seavy, Birth: 1895-5-19, Death: 1951-6-13GLENN, Russell Ellison, Birth: 1865-7-2, Death: 1927-9-26GLENN, Thomas M., Birth: 1911-11-21, Death: 1994-04-07GLORE, Isabell Biggers, Birth: 1911-8-19, Death: 1949-6-21GLOVER, Augustus Jack, Birth: 1886-10-14, Death: 1922-07-11GLOVER, Claude, Birth: 1887-5-16, Death: 1931-05-01GLOVER, Clifford Peacock, Birth: 1881-3-10, Death: 1936-11-26GLOVER, George Z. Sr., Birth: 1881-10-9, Death: 1915-8-21GLOVER, George Zachary Jr., Birth: 1898-2-3, Death: 1935-10-19GLOVER, James Gaston, Birth: 1935-12-27, Death: 2010-8-27GLOVER, Joanne Marshall, Birth: 1942-02-03, Death: 1999-12-19GLOVER, Maxine Brooks, Birth: 1922-2-16, Death: 2001-12-10GLOVER, Milton Monroe, Birth: 1937-09-09, Death: 2007-1-19GLOVER, Nell Buffington, Birth: 1893-3-4, Death: 1978-11-13GLOVER, Olive Findley, Birth: 1897-3-25, Death: 1972-9-19GLOVER, William Holt, Birth: 1920-8-22, Death: 2009-02-01GLOVER, William Northen, Birth: 1891-2-10, Death: 1962-07-10GOCHENOUR, Edwin Allen, Birth: 1952-11-23, Death: 1999-11-07GODARD, Jack Kay, Birth: 1924-7-17, Death: 1990-10-20GODARD, Lueco Moore, Birth: 1917-2-17, Death: 1929-6-17GODARD, Mamie Burgess, Birth: 1892-9-1, Death: 1991-01-12GODARD, Sara Bass, Birth: 1921-08-02, Death: 1977-01-06GODFREE, James C., Birth: 1873-7-5, Death: 1930-11-22GODFREE, Lilas M.GODFREE, Lucas David, Birth: 1890-6-1, Death: 1946-6-27GODFREE, Mollie Holder, Birth: 1874-10-13, Death: 1954-12-31GODFREE, NancyGODFREE, Pringle F.GODFREY, Albert C., Birth: 1842-8-9, Death: 1915-03-06GODFREY, Alva, Birth: 1921-08-04, Death: 2008-10-10GODFREY, Barbara Pell, Birth: 1924-12-19, Death: 2007-2-22GODFREY, Cecil Roscoe, Birth: 1923-10-29, Death: 2016-8-23GODFREY, Henrietta Langston, Birth: 1860-8-20, Death: 1952-09-08GODFREY, Lilla Hawthorne, Birth: 1900-4-20, Death: 1983-06-03GODFREY, Minnie Belle, Birth: 1914-3-29, Death: 2002-07-10GODFREY, Roscoe Alva, Birth: 1890-1-1, Death: 1972-01-02GODWIN, John Robert Jr., Birth: 1952-02-05, Death: 1971-10-23GOEHRING, Anna Louise Bartlett, Birth: 1906-7-22, Death: 1969-2-26GOEPP, Jesse Dozier, Birth: 1884-1-30, Death: 1953-12-14GOEPP, Rudolph Charles, Birth: 1878-2-14, Death: 1957-11-23GOETTE, Fred William III, Birth: 1932-9-21, Death: 2007-11-06GOETTE, Marie E., Death: 1922-11-06GOETTE, Mary Faulkner, Birth: 1931-8-21, Death: 1998-7-24GOETTE, Phillip J., Death: 1932-03-09GOFFE, William Harold, Birth: 1908-4-26, Death: 1966-12-14GOFORTH, Annabelle Hall, Birth: 1883-10-6, Death: 1937-7-19GOFORTH, Charles McKenzie, Birth: 1886-11-11, Death: 1948-03-04GOFORTH, Child of J DGOFORTH, John D., Death: 1919-10-16GOLDSBY, Boykin W., Birth: 1880-3-30, Death: 1919-06-03GOLDTHWAITE, Juliet Morgan, Birth: 1946-12-31, Death: 2010-9-22GOLDWIRE, Bessie Barfield, Birth: 1886-11-19, Death: 1977-5-30GOLDWIRE, Infant of W SGOLDWIRE, Sara Walters, Birth: 1915-11-15, Death: 2010-5-16GOLDWIRE, William Saxon II, Birth: 1914-03-04, Death: 1985-01-05GOLSON, Helen Powers, Birth: 1889-12-19, Death: 1971-09-08GOMOLA, Ruth Nabors, Birth: 1908-7-20, Death: 1988-1-16GONZALEZ, Alicia A., Birth: 1925-07-10, Death: 2012-03-01GONZALEZ, Fernando, Birth: 1921-01-11, Death: 1994-10-11GOODE, Frances Andrews, Birth: 1922-8-26, Death: 1990-04-12GOODFELLOW, Vera Marjorie, Birth: 1901-06-03, Death: 2001-08-02GOODIN, Alma Stevens, Death: 1923-07-06GOODIN, George Newton Jr., Death: 1921-12-03GOODIN, Henry Leonard, Death: 1925-1-18GOODIN, Ruth, Birth: 1912-08-12, Death: 1925-7-28GOODING, Charles T., Birth: 1859-12-31, Death: 1908-3-29GOODING, Inez Tuten, Birth: 1889-8-15, Death: 1977-2-26GOODING, James K., Birth: 1881-7-11, Death: 1967-11-06GOODLETT, Alma Rummel, Death: 1917-02-07GOODLOE, Eunice Hooks, Birth: 1908-05-02, Death: 1991-10-29GOODLOE, Lester C., Birth: 1897-8-5, Death: 1943-10-11GOODLOE, Mary Ellen, Death: 1924-6-16GOODMAN, Edwin Harris, Birth: 1914-8-13, Death: 1974-08-08GOODMAN, Frances McCormick, Birth: 1907-09-06, Death: 1994-4-21GOODMAN, Jo Ann Tollerson, Birth: 1944-12-28, Death: 2005-4-20GOODNER, William Grey Sr., Birth: 1908-03-08, Death: 1989-08-09GOODROE, Essie Thompson, Birth: 1924-05-02, Death: 2014-2-22GOODROE, Marion Franklin, Birth: 1918-9-30, Death: 1975-7-24GOODSON, Elizabeth Riles, Death: 1926-05-07GOODWIN, Ellis B. Mrs., Death: 1908-12-05GOODWIN, J Emory, Birth: 1899-1-31, Death: 1961-05-04GOODWIN, Mary Lucille Thomason, Birth: 1913-2-17, Death: 1982-4-26GOODYEAR, Annie Laura, Death: 1884-8-18GOODYEAR, George Albert, Birth: 1854-3-4, Death: 1926-11-19GOODYEAR, George S., Death: 1952-09-10GOODYEAR, Henry B., Death: 1884-4-26GOODYEAR, Isora Sullivan, Death: 1927-7-13GOODYEAR, John H.GOODYEAR, Margaret Beck, Birth: 1854-3-18, Death: 1935-12-07GOODYEAR, Sarah Wilder, Birth: 1848-9-19, Death: 1942-3-20GOODYEAR, William A., Birth: 1839-3-14, Death: 1921-12-22GOOLSBY, Margaret Laney, Birth: 1899-8-29, Death: 1973-07-05GOOLSBY, R Cullen Jr., Birth: 1896-6-5, Death: 1971-04-06GORDON, F Thursley III, Birth: 1947-5-16, Death: 2013-11-04GORDON, J. B.GORDON, Linda Liles, Birth: 1948-10-16, Death: 2013-1-16GORDON, Louis, Death: 2003-8-16GORDON, Melvin Royce, Birth: 1924-6-21, Death: 2004-04-04GORDON, William M.GORHAM, Constance Roberts, Birth: 1919-2-19, Death: 1996-3-17GORHAM, John D. Jr., Birth: 1918-8-23, Death: 2000-11-18GORMAN, Charles Joseph Jr., Death: 1985-9-16GORMAN, Donalee Butler, Birth: 1923-6-13, Death: 2011-3-30GORY, Clinton M., Birth: 1920-11-22, Death: 2010-4-26GORY, Frances Evans, Birth: 1922-5-27, Death: 1989-6-23GORY, Hariette Waits, Birth: 1920-07-11, Death: 2005-10-24GOSS, Sister Mary Helene, Birth: 1910-12-11, Death: 1942-2-28GOSSETTE, Clara, Birth: 1878-9-21, Death: 1964-5-21GOSTIN, Edgar Bernard, Birth: 1914-11-08, Death: 2004-01-09GOSTIN, Edna Bragg, Birth: 1925-5-23, Death: 2014-10-19GOSTIN, Louise Ware, Birth: 1923-07-03, Death: 1991-3-14GOSTIN, Sommers J., Birth: 1919-12-08, Death: 1991-03-08GOULDMAN, J. B.GOULDMAN, Prince Edward, Birth: 1893-9-20, Death: 1914-5-31GOVE, Lula Wall, Birth: 1861-11-24, Death: 1937-09-07GOWDER, Douglas Lanier, Death: 2008-11-27GOWDER, Frances Haulbrook, Birth: 1918-10-14, Death: 2016-2-16GOWDER, Swayne Joseph, Birth: 1915-11-08, Death: 2000-7-20GRACE, Alice Connell, Birth: 1925-1-19, Death: 2015-2-19GRACE, Arthur Preston, Birth: 1875-2-22, Death: 1920-01-05GRACE, Bobby Ray, Birth: 1933-08-11, Death: 1985-12-25GRACE, Emma Heard, Birth: 1851-8-20, Death: 1924-10-28GRADEN, George Wiggins Sr., Birth: 1904-5-31, Death: 1977-7-18GRADEN, Pauline Stinson, Birth: 1904-06-10, Death: 1972-2-26GRADY, Lula Adams, Birth: 1854-3-13, Death: 1908-1-16GRADY, Mamie C., Death: 1891-5-9GRADY, Mary Hatcher, Birth: 1874-1-26, Death: 1935-3-20GRADY, Oscar Marshall, Birth: 1851-9-9, Death: 1923-08-03GRAF, Infant of R A, Death: 1961-05-12GRAHAM, Ada Watkins, Birth: 1903-6-16, Death: 2002-8-26GRAHAM, Aileen, Birth: 1904-7-19, Death: 1979-03-09GRAHAM, Charlie Moore, Birth: 1880-8-22, Death: 1960-5-13GRAHAM, Edna Jackson, Birth: 1906-6-18, Death: 2004-3-16GRAHAM, Edna Sikes, Birth: 1917-01-02, Death: 2008-11-15GRAHAM, Erma Gillespie, Birth: 1936-10-18, Death: 2010-7-28GRAHAM, Harvey P., Birth: 1901-8-13, Death: 1991-10-01GRAHAM, John Windsor, Birth: 1880-2-2, Death: 1968-12-06GRAHAM, Martha, Birth: 1909-08-06, Death: 1942-5-26GRAHAM, Ophelia Day, Birth: 1884-6-8, Death: 1946-5-18GRAHAM, Ronald Lee, Birth: 1958-06-02, Death: 2015-08-08GRAHAM, William Greever Jr., Birth: 1934-6-25, Death: 2008-8-16GRAHL, Irene Mason, Birth: 1917-01-03, Death: 2000-11-30GRAHL, Paul, Death: 1987-12-27GRALTON, Sister Mary Leo, Birth: 1864-1-17, Death: 1887-2-26GRANBERRY, James E., Death: 1906-3-27GRANT, Emma Lou, Birth: 1879-6-8, Death: 1959-7-26GRANT, Emmett Lee, Death: 1950-05-07GRANT, Frances Barnes, Birth: 1921-4-30, Death: 2008-9-29GRANT, George C., Birth: 1917-10-16, Death: 2004-05-05GRANT, Infant of M E, Death: 1925-2-21GRANT, Jack O'Hara Sr., Birth: 1912-8-28, Death: 1993-8-21GRANT, James Kenny, Birth: 1894-11-12, Death: 1989-5-17GRANT, Sarah Stevens, Birth: 1877-1-29, Death: 1964-04-04GRANT, William Elias, Birth: 1870-6-5, Death: 1926-11-24GRANT, Woodrow Wilson, Birth: 1922-11-23, Death: 1968-05-05GRAVES, Iverson L., Birth: 1857-12-15, Death: 1892-4-25GRAVES, Lewis S., Birth: 1825-2-7, Death: 1891-2-13GRAVES, Thomas S., Birth: 1856-4-28, Death: 1891-1-21GRAY, Amitie Lee, Birth: 1977-11-11, Death: 2004-06-11GRAY, Bridget, Death: 1897-9-29GRAY, Horace Benton Sr., Birth: 1907-07-10, Death: 2000-08-09GRAY, Linda Lee, Birth: 1946-10-18, Death: 2015-9-20GRAY, Lindsey Marilyn, Death: 1979-8-15GRAY, Lovick Wailes, Birth: 1858-8-25, Death: 1910-10-09GRAY, Mary Harris Ezell, Birth: 1911-11-26, Death: 1987-01-05GRAY, Mary Parr Millirons, Birth: 1854-6-4, Death: 1914-3-18GRAY, Pauline Davis, Birth: 1864-3-22, Death: 1916-2-18GRAY, Roy Marshall, Birth: 1930-11-30, Death: 1998-7-22GRAY, Thomas William, Death: 1928-09-09GRAY, Tom W., Birth: 1933-10-10, Death: 2007-7-28GRAY, Virginia Howard, Birth: 1860-6-16, Death: 1920-10-20GREEN, Autra Chambliss, Birth: 1900-10-06, Death: 1982-4-29GREEN, Clara Wilder, Birth: 1888-3-12, Death: 1977-9-21GREEN, Claude Jackson, Birth: 1875-10-20, Death: 1953-06-05GREEN, Dotty May, Death: 1999-05-02GREEN, Ester Michael, Birth: 1871-6-7, Death: 1935-1-28GREEN, George F., Birth: 1892-12-14, Death: 1961-4-14GREEN, George H., Birth: 1901-05-06, Death: 1930-7-18GREEN, Gloria Underwood, Birth: 1928-09-11, Death: 2001-12-23GREEN, Harry G., Birth: 1896-5-15, Death: 1925-5-16GREEN, James Curtis Jr., Birth: 1922-9-28, Death: 1990-01-08GREEN, John Edward, Death: 1922-10-31GREEN, John Wesley, Birth: 1872-11-6, Death: 1933-06-09GREEN, Johnny Wesley, Birth: 1930-04-03, Death: 1993-10-22GREEN, Lafayette, Birth: 1862-9-19, Death: 1932-12-05GREEN, Lillian Watson, Birth: 1897-2-4, Death: 1962-10-26GREEN, Margaret Smith, Birth: 1877-5-24, Death: 1914-12-23GREEN, Myrtice Campbell, Birth: 1925-10-27, Death: 2011-2-13GREEN, Neil Lowe, Birth: 1871-7-12, Death: 1911-5-18GREEN, Rebecca A., Birth: 1840-8-2, Death: 1926-3-28GREEN, Robert L., Birth: 1865-10-1, Death: 1900-9-13GREEN, W. T., Birth: 1870-8-25, Death: 1929-5-30GREEN, Wilma Gaultney, Birth: 1925-8-27, Death: 1976-3-16GREENE, Alva, Birth: 1891-2-24, Death: 1919-01-10GREENE, Augusta Hines, Birth: 1886-3-26, Death: 1973-09-06GREENE, Carrie M., Birth: 1878-9-30, Death: 1947-9-30GREENE, Charles Franklin, Birth: 1908-01-01, Death: 1974-2-15GREENE, Clayton Lowe, Birth: 1892-8-22, Death: 1961-1-22GREENE, Dana Millard, Birth: 1954-7-17, Death: 1975-11-23GREENE, Dorothy Hunt, Birth: 1909-12-06, Death: 1992-1-14GREENE, Dorothy Lucille, Death: 1933-9-24GREENE, Dorothy Ray, Death: 1995-11-20GREENE, Edgar Alva, Birth: 1934-8-30, Death: 1984-4-13GREENE, Edgar Carl, Birth: 1896-1-17, Death: 1918-7-16GREENE, Florida Edwards, Death: 1942-12-04GREENE, Frances Mobley, Birth: 1908-10-02, Death: 1977-8-26GREENE, Francis Whittle, Birth: 1879-6-30, Death: 1943-04-05GREENE, Fred L. Sr., Birth: 1908-7-16, Death: 1990-05-01GREENE, Henry Claude, Birth: 1903-6-16, Death: 1966-4-23GREENE, Infant of C.GREENE, Ira Davis, Birth: 1884-10-4, Death: 1965-01-04GREENE, James, Birth: 1844-10-10, Death: 1929-9-28GREENE, James Hollingsworth, Birth: 1877-9-17, Death: 1949-10-14GREENE, Jesse Wayne, Birth: 1944-07-10, Death: 2008-2-26GREENE, Jesse William, Birth: 1905-11-11, Death: 1994-03-04GREENE, John Millard Jr., Birth: 1930-05-03, Death: 1998-6-20GREENE, John Millard Sr., Birth: 1898-10-24, Death: 1971-1-31GREENE, John William, Birth: 1869-10-24, Death: 1943-11-26GREENE, Josie Daniel, Birth: 1910-7-18, Death: 1997-10-22GREENE, Julia Ellen, Birth: 1882-8-28, Death: 1950-11-10GREENE, Lee Rufus Sr., Birth: 1895-5-12, Death: 1970-12-08GREENE, Lollie Lewis, Birth: 1900-8-16, Death: 1998-03-11GREENE, Lucile Cherry, Birth: 1899-12-9, Death: 1979-11-26GREENE, Lucius Claude Sr., Birth: 1900-11-17, Death: 1968-10-26GREENE, Lucye Jones, Birth: 1906-09-11, Death: 1988-02-11GREENE, Luther W., Birth: 1885-10-17, Death: 1966-12-23GREENE, Mary Anna Chance, Birth: 1876-4-23, Death: 1964-09-05GREENE, Mary Lancaster, Birth: 1907-4-14, Death: 1990-6-26GREENE, May Peavy, Birth: 1893-2-3, Death: 1967-03-01GREENE, Minnie Swartz, Birth: 1878-3-12, Death: 1949-11-26GREENE, Mona Jobe, Birth: 1937-08-02, Death: 1991-01-07GREENE, Nettie Walden, Birth: 1893-11-14, Death: 1969-3-16GREENE, Ray Howell, Birth: 1894-2-19, Death: 1966-5-21GREENE, Shealy W., Birth: 1937-11-24, Death: 1997-1-29GREENE, Susan Hollingsworth, Birth: 1852-5-12, Death: 1939-2-15GREENE, Thomas Edgar Jr., Birth: 1919-10-27, Death: 1973-7-16GREENE, Thomas Edgar Sr., Birth: 1884-2-4, Death: 1948-4-28GREENE, Thomas Joseph Sr, Birth: 1939-03-09, Death: 2011-10-15GREENE, William Frank, Birth: 1872-5-26, Death: 1938-12-18GREENE, William Lewis, Death: 1924-7-17GREENE, Wilmuth R., Birth: 1911-9-24, Death: 1976-12-29GREENWAY, Alton Donald Sr, Birth: 1929-10-22, Death: 2015-3-13GREENWAY, Carmen Ysern, Birth: 1933-5-15, Death: 1982-10-08GREENWAY, Cora Sanders, Birth: 1912-8-13, Death: 1998-12-15GREENWAY, Frances Inez, Birth: 1926-5-23, Death: 1998-2-19GREENWAY, Newborn L., Birth: 1925-7-26, Death: 1994-2-16GREENWAY, William Clint, Birth: 1912-9-19, Death: 1996-6-25GREER, Carroll Holt, Birth: 1928-02-05, Death: 2017-5-21GREER, James Frederick, Birth: 1926-3-29, Death: 1985-10-05GREER, Margaret Goolsby, Birth: 1921-6-22, Death: 2000-12-20GREER, Margaret Middlebrooks, Birth: 1915-5-20, Death: 1977-12-28GREER, Robert Lee Jr., Birth: 1911-11-26, Death: 1978-12-23GREGG, Donald Winfield Jr, Birth: 1959-12-05, Death: 1959-12-10GREGG, Myra Laura Laxton, Birth: 1910-2-24, Death: 1975-4-13GREGG, Verane Loren, Birth: 1904-04-07, Death: 1979-12-10GREGORIE, Charles C. Jr., Birth: 1927-5-19, Death: 1996-08-10GREGORIE, Charles H., Birth: 1880-10-10, Death: 1936-9-13GREGORIE, Infant of C HGREGORIE, Mary Owen, Birth: 1926-3-20, Death: 2007-4-30GREGORY, Addie M., Death: 1921-06-03GREGORY, Ella V., Death: 1910-8-19GREGORY, J. M., Birth: 1862-10-18, Death: 1933-01-09GREGORY, J. M. Mrs.GREGORY, Lucille Marion Hopkins, Birth: 1893-7-16, Death: 1967-12-11GREGORY, Maggie Willene, Birth: 1925-12-24, Death: 1996-02-10GREGORY, Minis Hays, Death: 1944-1-26GREGORY, Roger Carl, Birth: 1905-06-03, Death: 1942-11-17GREGORY, Thomas Marion, Birth: 1922-4-21, Death: 2005-4-21GREGORY, Thomas Neil, Birth: 1943-1-31, Death: 1969-7-20GREGORY, William Carroll, Birth: 1893-3-23, Death: 1955-05-07GRENGA, John D. Sr., Birth: 1934-5-23, Death: 1993-07-10GRESHAM, Carrie L. Brooks, Birth: 1863-12-25, Death: 1908-5-28GRESHAM, Charles Terry, Birth: 1885-9-5, Death: 1951-11-22GRESHAM, Claude B., Birth: 1890-1-6, Death: 1930-01-07GRESHAM, Eva Clancy HalseyGRESHAM, Infant of C T, Birth: 1913-7-26, Death: 1913-7-27GRESHAM, J Lon, Birth: 1855-1-7, Death: 1924-7-15GRESHAM, JuliusGRESHAM, Mary D., Death: 1926-1-17GRESHAM, Mary Greene, Death: 1963-05-03GRESHAM, Nancy Katherine, Birth: 1896-1-28, Death: 1974-2-26GRESHAM, Otis Virgil, Birth: 1930-11-22, Death: 1930-10-22GRESHAM, Paul Joseph, Death: 1930-10-22GRESHAM, Robert WesleyGRESHAM, Virginia Watts, Death: 1913-7-26GRESHAM, Walter Grady, Death: 1945-02-05GREY, Josie Hubbard, Birth: 1880-3-16, Death: 1958-10-16GRIBBLE, Francis M., Birth: 1915-07-04, Death: 1997-10-28GRIBBLE, Jane Sullivan, Birth: 1916-2-19, Death: 1976-08-12GRIBBLE, Maggie McTier, Birth: 1933-03-03, Death: 2016-11-19GRIBBLE, Patrick W., Birth: 1951-10-11, Death: 1966-04-01GRICE, Wiley Irving, Death: 1940-02-07GRIER, Bertha Hargrove, Birth: 1886-9-16, Death: 1978-5-13GRIER, George W. Sr., Birth: 1885-8-21, Death: 1957-07-02GRIER, George William Jr, Birth: 1911-06-04, Death: 2010-07-10GRIER, Lobie Lyles, Birth: 1868-12-31, Death: 1971-5-15GRIER, Nell, Birth: 1908-3-22, Death: 1935-8-17GRIER, Sarah Coleman, Birth: 1919-12-17, Death: 2002-1-26GRIER, Tommie C., Birth: 1890-2-18, Death: 1926-07-06GRIFFIES, John Whitfield Sr., Birth: 1918-12-23, Death: 1962-2-22GRIFFIES, Laura Jones, Birth: 1917-06-09, Death: 2008-10-15GRIFFIN, Ann, Death: 1935-02-03GRIFFIN, Bessie L., Birth: 1897-9-1, Death: 1990-8-22GRIFFIN, Charles Rosser, Death: 1942-01-10GRIFFIN, Charles Thayer, Birth: 1978-11-19, Death: 2009-02-02GRIFFIN, Chelsey B., Birth: 1895-2-24, Death: 1990-12-30GRIFFIN, Chesley B. Jr., Death: 1928-12-29GRIFFIN, ChildGRIFFIN, David J., Death: 1950-09-02GRIFFIN, David Jonathan Jr., Birth: 1924-12-28, Death: 2001-2-13GRIFFIN, Dennis Brantley, Death: 1934-8-23GRIFFIN, George RobertGRIFFIN, George Washinton, Birth: 1878-10-16, Death: 1942-3-15GRIFFIN, Grace Carroll, Birth: 1880-5-28, Death: 1960-1-16GRIFFIN, Hazel Bennett, Death: 1979-4-17GRIFFIN, Hazel Lucile, Death: 1910-10-02GRIFFIN, Henry L., Birth: 1888-9-15, Death: 1970-06-09GRIFFIN, Henry Minter, Birth: 1884-2-29, Death: 1966-12-16GRIFFIN, Herschel Eugene, Birth: 1925-08-05, Death: 2010-03-03GRIFFIN, Inez Hancock, Birth: 1926-12-01, Death: 1966-12-26GRIFFIN, Infant Son of C B, Death: 1925-4-27GRIFFIN, Irvin A., Birth: 1898-2-5, Death: 1942-05-02GRIFFIN, Irvin H., Birth: 1873-10-9, Death: 1936-9-22GRIFFIN, Isaac Marcus, Birth: 1887-8-7, Death: 1960-2-19GRIFFIN, Ivey DewittGRIFFIN, John A., Birth: 1922-03-08, Death: 1966-12-26GRIFFIN, John Stanley, Birth: 1906-10-21, Death: 1978-6-18GRIFFIN, Leroy Earl, Birth: 1922-4-18, Death: 1995-10-21GRIFFIN, Lewis Hobson, Birth: 1899-8-19, Death: 1979-06-03GRIFFIN, Lillian, Birth: 1922-4-26, Death: 1935-07-06GRIFFIN, Lillie Mae Harrell, Birth: 1894-9-10, Death: 1931-8-15GRIFFIN, Lizzie Hawthorne, Birth: 1890-4-13, Death: 1974-10-27GRIFFIN, Luella Bishop, Birth: 1880-10-10, Death: 1962-2-13GRIFFIN, Lula Mae Turner, Birth: 1895-1-1, Death: 1980-09-01GRIFFIN, Martha E., Birth: 1848-12-24, Death: 1923-07-10GRIFFIN, Martha Jewell Morrison, Birth: 1903-06-10, Death: 1980-12-17GRIFFIN, Mary Johnson, Birth: 1892-3-11, Death: 1986-9-23GRIFFIN, Mary Newby, Death: 1921-2-14GRIFFIN, Mary Victoria, Birth: 1887-3-20, Death: 1940-2-22GRIFFIN, Mattie Roberts, Birth: 1885-2-11, Death: 1953-07-08GRIFFIN, Monica Ann, Death: 1972-5-31GRIFFIN, R Myrick, Birth: 1883-7-2, Death: 1936-6-17GRIFFIN, Thomas Lewis, Birth: 1923-10-22, Death: 1939-11-04GRIFFIN, Tillie Houston, Birth: 1889-7-18, Death: 1959-7-25GRIFFIN, Tululah O'Ctovice Smith, Death: 1941-09-04GRIFFIN, Verna Ruth, Birth: 1914-10-27, Death: 1956-4-20GRIFFIN, Walter Dexter, Birth: 1884-9-25, Death: 1944-06-09GRIFFIN, William Clinton, Birth: 1894-7-16, Death: 1972-05-11GRIFFIN, William Lawrence, Death: 1926-2-14GRIFFIN, William Morris, Birth: 1913-7-21, Death: 1968-03-04GRIFFIN, Willie Mae, Birth: 1899-10-23, Death: 1983-2-26GRIFFIS, Roy Wilson, Birth: 1918-11-28, Death: 1990-8-28GRIFFIS, Thelma Brown, Birth: 1922-11-15, Death: 2014-02-04GRIFFIS, Thomas Stanford, Birth: 1933-09-02, Death: 2008-7-25GRIFFITH, Arthur Jr., Birth: 1917-04-05, Death: 1987-07-04GRIFFITH, Arthur Sr., Birth: 1884-8-30, Death: 1970-5-15GRIFFITH, Benjamin Woodward Jr, Birth: 1922-3-30, Death: 2016-6-14GRIFFITH, Benjamin Woodward Sr., Birth: 1897-6-25, Death: 1967-10-22GRIFFITH, Betty Irvine, Birth: 1924-04-11, Death: 1999-06-09GRIFFITH, Derrelle Barnes, Birth: 1889-3-28, Death: 1948-1-19GRIFFITH, James Norman, Birth: 1926-1-19, Death: 2015-05-07GRIFFITH, Lily Dearing, Birth: 1882-12-25, Death: 1929-9-22GRIFFITH, Louise C., Birth: 1895-1-13, Death: 1979-05-11GRIFFITH, Marcella Dearing, Birth: 1856-2-18, Death: 1913-09-12GRIFFITH, Mary Crook, Birth: 1914-03-11, Death: 1998-4-26GRIFFITH, Mary Norman, Birth: 1895-5-7, Death: 1967-10-22GRIFFITH, W. D., Birth: 1856-4-5, Death: 1934-08-11GRIGGS, Angie Percetti, Birth: 1862-3-28, Death: 1933-08-02GRIGGS, H Mettauer, Birth: 1887-4-9, Death: 1911-01-12GRIGGS, Infant Dau of E H, Death: 1982-11-01GRIGGS, John Joseph, Birth: 1926-9-26, Death: 2006-7-26GRIGGS, Warnie Phillips, Birth: 1928-11-03, Death: 2014-11-09GRIMES, Clyde Ray, Birth: 1934-07-10, Death: 1997-02-06GRIMES, E Blackman, Death: 1954-10-22GRIMES, Infant of C R, Death: 1964-3-26GRIMES, JohnGRIMES, Marguerite Lindsay, Death: 1972-9-22GRIMES, Maurice Julian, Birth: 1914-12-17, Death: 1970-07-04GRIMSLEY, Thomas Earl, Birth: 1986-06-05, Death: 1986-6-26GRIMSLEY, William Sherwood, Birth: 1922-01-02, Death: 1990-10-26GRINALDS, Archibald Southy Sr., Death: 1966-10-04GRINALDS, Olive Scarborough, Death: 1970-1-17GRINER, David Alson, Birth: 1905-04-01, Death: 1967-4-22GRINER, Harry Tomlinson, Birth: 1884-9-12, Death: 1911-5-14GRINER, Wyolene Hart, Birth: 1902-1-23, Death: 1988-11-01GRINSTEAD, Charles Henry, Birth: 1914-08-07, Death: 1958-8-26GRINSTEAD, Evelyn Walden, Birth: 1916-07-04, Death: 1986-9-23GRISAMORE, Jennings Evan, Death: 1985-10-21GRISAMORE, Jennings M., Birth: 1924-11-01, Death: 2006-11-03GRISWOLD, Ada Elizabeth, Birth: 1867-11-15, Death: 1927-5-25GRISWOLD, Harriett Freeman, Birth: 1862-8-2, Death: 1951-05-01GRISWOLD, Harry Gray, Death: 1905-1-22GRISWOLD, Jesher Gardner, Birth: 1906-8-14, Death: 1974-04-10GRISWOLD, Laura Brown, Birth: 1845-12-12, Death: 1917-03-08GRISWOLD, Lucetta Hutchings, Birth: 1869-7-4, Death: 1895-7-12GRISWOLD, Lynn Delanson, Birth: 1882-6-28, Death: 1982-6-28GRISWOLD, S Sidney, Birth: 1876-3-5, Death: 1963-07-06GRISWOLD, Samuel Hardeman, Birth: 1844-12-4, Death: 1917-06-02GROEBNER, Evelyn Adele, Birth: 2015-3-27, Death: 2015-3-27GROOVER, Carol Todd, Birth: 1944-3-22, Death: 2015-10-08GROOVER, Denmark Jr., Birth: 1922-6-30, Death: 2001-4-18GROSSCUP, Lucia SmithGROSSCUP, William H.GROVENSTINE, Minnie, Birth: 1861-2-14, Death: 1928-10-27GROVER, Mack D., Birth: 1936-05-04, Death: 2004-11-22GROVES, Mary C., Death: 1928-10-18GROVES, W Chauncey, Death: 1919-2-22GRUBBS, Jean Kinnett Godwin, Birth: 1928-05-08, Death: 1966-12-07GRUBBS, Paul Mettauer, Birth: 1893-9-10, Death: 1947-11-15GRUBBS, Quentin Dana, Birth: 1930-8-19, Death: 1998-12-30GRUENTZIG, Andreas Roland, Birth: 1939-6-25, Death: 1985-10-27GRUENTZIG, Margaret Anne Thornton, Birth: 1956-8-23, Death: 1985-10-27GRUHN, Adolph, Birth: 1861-11-26, Death: 1945-11-21GRUHN, Gladys Durden, Birth: 1905-11-05, Death: 1990-06-12GRUHN, Louise, Birth: 1901-02-05, Death: 1981-04-12GRUHN, Louise Ritz, Birth: 1864-4-3, Death: 1936-1-19GRUHN, William J., Birth: 1898-12-13, Death: 1967-6-13GRUNDEN, Ann Pair, Birth: 1894-11-23, Death: 1964-10-14GUERRY, Bettie Posey, Birth: 1860-10-3, Death: 1930-3-21GUERRY, Daisy, Birth: 1837-1-10, Death: 1914-11-08GUERRY, Davenport, Birth: 1880-11-2, Death: 1949-1-15GUERRY, Dupont, Birth: 1848-3-26, Death: 1920-09-11GUERRY, Fannie Davenport, Birth: 1853-9-10, Death: 1947-11-27GUERRY, Jacob LeGrand, Birth: 1846-5-17, Death: 1928-7-14GUERRY, Lou Thomas, Birth: 1846-6-16, Death: 1903-7-16GUERRY, Marie Brevard, Birth: 1875-10-7, Death: 1975-7-26GUERRY, Mildred Posey, Death: 1905-07-06GUERRY, Sarah Anjelica, Birth: 1833-3-8, Death: 1910-04-08GUERRY, Tabitha Iverson, Birth: 1809-1-6, Death: 1892-1-3GUERRY, Verling Iverson, Birth: 1842-5-10, Death: 1906-04-01GUEST, Blanche Woodall, Death: 1931-04-01GUEST, E FloydGUEST, Florence Barkwell, Birth: 1893-8-8, Death: 1987-8-26GUEST, Lewis Herman, Birth: 1890-6-19, Death: 1960-01-03GUEST, Mack Holland Jr., Birth: 1923-6-28, Death: 2001-2-21GUEST, Sarah Johnson, Death: 1983-10-14GUEST, Uriel Van Campen, Birth: 1926-05-08, Death: 2008-09-09GUGLIERI, Jack, Birth: 1923-7-20, Death: 1986-10-29GUGLIERI, Kathleen Belizia, Birth: 1898-3-29, Death: 1971-10-20GUICE, Oda Rushing, Birth: 1891-4-24, Death: 1932-10-06GUIDO, Kathleen Stull, Birth: 1925-04-02, Death: 2014-07-10GUILLAN, Hannah, Death: 1898-6-1GUNN, Dan Jr., Birth: 1916-2-29, Death: 1984-2-27GUNN, Dan Sr., Birth: 1880-3-21, Death: 1957-10-14GUNN, Daniel Franklin, Birth: 1831-3-11, Death: 1910-02-06GUNN, Edwina, Birth: 1947-4-28, Death: 2013-12-26GUNN, Frank, Birth: 1874-12-3, Death: 1927-9-19GUNN, Harold Stanley, Birth: 1903-5-15, Death: 1905-4-30GUNN, Jane Forrester, Birth: 1910-12-21, Death: 2001-2-13GUNN, Jeannette Walton, Birth: 1923-12-08, Death: 2016-12-13GUNN, John Washington, Birth: 1855-5-13, Death: 1926-7-27GUNN, Julia E., Birth: 1837-9-3, Death: 1909-8-22GUNN, Mary Scarborough, Birth: 1856-9-10, Death: 1929-02-03GUNN, Minnie Benton, Birth: 1881-12-2, Death: 1990-01-04GUNN, Otis Benton, Birth: 1918-07-02, Death: 1997-6-17GUNN, Otis Walton, Birth: 1949-8-30, Death: 2008-5-29GUNN, SophoniaGUNN, Virginia Watkins Watts, Birth: 1880-4-8, Death: 1962-9-29GUNN, Watts, Birth: 1906-01-11, Death: 1994-11-05GUNN, Will Sr., Birth: 1882-10-4, Death: 1957-6-24GUNNELLS, Kelly Sr., Birth: 1918-12-11, Death: 1962-6-15GUNNELLS, Kelly Lanier Jr, Birth: 1942-11-19, Death: 2000-8-23GUNNELLS, Mike, Birth: 1947-02-09, Death: 1962-6-15GUNNELLS, Rosemary Tarver, Birth: 1920-10-29, Death: 1969-1-30GUNNELS, Alva L., Birth: 1907-11-18, Death: 1954-10-30GUNNELS, Frank L., Birth: 1909-10-30, Death: 1911-04-05GUNNELS, Louis W., Birth: 1904-7-16, Death: 1994-11-26GUNNELS, Mary Lou Howell, Birth: 1876-1-26, Death: 1936-1-23GUNNELS, P. L., Birth: 1875-5-26, Death: 1923-03-03GUNNELS, Thelma Lowe, Birth: 1908-8-22, Death: 1965-6-20GUNTER, Carolyn Estelle Raley, Birth: 1900-10-16, Death: 1982-11-10GUNTER, Effie May Combs, Birth: 1896-10-12, Death: 1937-04-04GUNTER, Henry Herbert, Birth: 1886-8-24, Death: 1965-6-30GUNTER, Leon Oreston, Birth: 1891-4-25, Death: 1959-9-22GUNTER, William Felton, Birth: 1914-03-02, Death: 1945-4-28GUNTHORPE, Annie, Death: 1910-2-27GUNTHORPE, Child of O AGURGANIOUS, Homer A., Birth: 1895-1-1, Death: 1970-1-14GURGANIOUS, Willie Marie Etheridge, Birth: 1896-11-25, Death: 1978-7-21GURITZ, Alfred Hill, Birth: 1923-7-23, Death: 1996-10-27GURITZ, Leila Lewis, Birth: 1927-12-02, Death: 2006-3-17GURLEY, Catherine Louise Forester, Birth: 1933-05-07, Death: 2016-02-02GURLEY, Charles Emory, Birth: 1899-2-11, Death: 1973-2-21GURLEY, Gay Spinks, Birth: 1902-10-03, Death: 1968-12-11GURLEY, Harrison Wade, Birth: 1926-10-11, Death: 2012-4-19GURLEY, James Marvin, Birth: 1928-9-29, Death: 1989-1-25GURLEY, Margery Woodall, Birth: 1923-12-22, Death: 1991-07-11GURLEY, Wauthane McLendon, Birth: 1926-6-15, Death: 2015-01-07GURLEY, Weldon Spinks Sr., Birth: 1922-07-12, Death: 1984-06-02GUTHRIE, Charlie W., Birth: 1904-10-10, Death: 1989-05-09GUTHRIE, Clara W., Birth: 1909-12-09, Death: 2000-12-09GUTTENBERGER, Benjamin F., Birth: 1905-12-27, Death: 1973-4-29GUTTENBERGER, Charles W., Death: 1906-1-23GUTTENBERGER, Custis Nottingham, Birth: 1877-9-9, Death: 1932-1-18GUTTENBERGER, Ferdinand A., Death: 1905-8-31GUTTENBERGER, Ferdinand A., Birth: 1881-11-29, Death: 1945-10-01GUTTENBERGER, Lena, Death: 1949-10-03GUTTENBERGER, Mary Bell Matthews, Birth: 1884-11-27, Death: 1965-01-01GUTTENBERGER, Mary Rosser Kimbrough, Birth: 1881-7-27, Death: 1953-02-03GUTTENBERGER, Sarah NottinghamGUY, Eva Huff, Birth: 1899-2-13, Death: 1995-3-22GUY, Loyd G., Birth: 1895-4-17, Death: 1969-01-10GUYTON, Infant of W.GUYTON, William G. Sr., Birth: 1898-7-26, Death: 1970-10-09GWINNER, Gay Piper, Birth: 1937-06-11, Death: 2016-7-30GWINNER, Maurice Dolan, Birth: 1930-10-08, Death: 2015-7-27GWYNES, Katherine Bray, Birth: 1903-5-21, Death: 1953-9-16GWYNES, Roy Howard, Birth: 1904-7-23, Death: 1959-12-21
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