Search Georgia Death Records
Georgia Newspapers, Full Search (1763-2003), 221 titles
Georgia Obituary Search, (1824-current)
Georgia Birth Records Database, (1767-1999)
Millican Cemetery
Stone Mountain , DeKalb County, Georgia
Lat: 33° 49' 45"N, Lon: 84° 09' 24"W
Contributed by Lewis Murray, Feb 05, 2005 []. Total records = 7.
From I-285 East of Atlanta, take Highway 78/Stone Mountain Freeway East; exit Hugh Howell Road exit. Continue on Hugh Howell through its intersection with Stone Mountain-Lilburn Rd (traffic light). First street to left is Stone Creek (just prior to Smoke Rise Baptist Church on left). Pass one house on left, next lot contains cemetery, now marked by newly erected sign and steps. Within 50-75 yards of Hugh Howell Road.
Exact location for this cemetery was "lost" to records for more than 50 years until this year. The owners of this cemetery originally were granted the surrounding land in 1830, to one the individuals buried here.
It is in a heavily wooded lot located on a suburban residential side street, with adjacent lots occupied by houses, and is in an abandoned state. At this time no one takes any responsibility for maintaining or monitoring the cemetery. A local Scout Troop has erected a sign and placed steps there.
The earliest death date is 1850, most recent is 1896. There are numerous, maybe 50+, graves marked only by small fieldstones at head and foot, others noted only by depressions in rows. There are ten "box tomb" marked graves, but two are uninscribed, two others are collapsed with the faceside down so it is unknown whether they are inscribed.
The marked graves are believed all to be of white landowners prior to the Civil War and afterwards. Numerous unmarked graves suggest possible slave burials or descendants of theirs. There appear likely to be more than fifty of these.
I walked and read all existing and legible stones or markers in Feb 2005.
- Lewis Murray
Barnett, Anna, b. Dec 12, 1791, d. Jun 28, 1871
Barnett, William, b. Sep 17, 1798, d. Feb 20, 1862
Matthews, Elzia V., b. Aug 21, 1824, d. Mar 21, 183(2?)
Matthews, Henry, b. Sep 05, 1828, d. Jan 1896
Millican, H. T., b. Feb 02 (?), 1830, d. Nov 02, 1850
Millican, Jas., b. Feb 24, 1798, d. Nov 25, 1879
Millican, Nancy, b. Mar 19, 1800, d. May 08, 1876
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