Search Pennsylvania Death Records
Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
Myrtle Hill Cemetery
Rome, Floyd County, Georgia
GPS: 34.252368, -85.178873
90 Myrtle Street
Rome, GA 30162
Published: January 5, 2017
Total records: 9,016
Surnames E-G
Records published here were acquired from the City of Rome on January 5, 2017. Dates of burial range from 1847 to 2016.
EARL, Copeland Mr. (Bulldog), Death: 01/15/1946, Burial: 1/16/1946, Grave: 1
EARLE, Hassie Mrs., Death: 03/05/1910, Burial: 3/6/1910, Grave: 1
EARLE, J. P. Mr., Death: 01/29/1909, Burial: 1/30/1909, Grave: 1
EARLE, Plassie Mrs. (McClain), Birth: 10/23/1882, Death: 05/12/1953, Burial: 5/13/1953, Section: BF, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
EARLE, Thomas Mr., Burial: 1/1/2004, Section: BF, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
EARLE, William Caldwell Mr., Birth: 11/27/1876, Death: 01/16/1922, Burial: 1/17/1922, Section: BF, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
EASLEY, Matilda Mrs., Death: 06/18/1889, Burial: 6/19/1889, Grave: 1
EASOM, Margaret Louise Mrs. (Thedford), Birth: 03/12/1908, Death: 01/13/1988, Burial: 1/16/1988, Section: BE, Lot: 57, Grave: 1
EASOM, William Andrew Mr. (Sarge), Birth: 04/17/1900, Death: 08/14/1957, Burial: 8/15/1957, Section: BE, Lot: 57, Grave: 1
EASON, Will Mr., Death: 04/24/1939, Burial: 4/25/1939, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
EASTMAN, Edmund Madison Mr., Birth: 06/27/1834, Death: 01/02/1889, Burial: 1/3/1889, Section: OR, Lot: 196, Grave: 1
EASTMAN, Emma Coley Mrs. (Hume), Birth: 09/20/1877, Death: 11/14/1906, Burial: 11/16/1906, Section: OR, Lot: 353, Grave: 1
EASTMAN, Florence Mrs. (Underwood), Birth: 05/15/1846, Death: 12/27/1933, Burial: 12/28/1933, Section: OR, Lot: 196, Grave: 1
EASTMAN, Guy Oliver Mr. Jr., Birth: 09/19/1899, Death: 05/25/1901, Burial: 5/26/1901, Section: OR, Lot: 353, Grave: 1
EASTMAN, Helen Mrs. (Underwood), Birth: 04/19/1872, Death: 03/04/1963, Burial: 3/5/1963, Section: OR, Lot: 196, Grave: 1
EASTMAN, John Hume Mr., Birth: 03/03/1901, Death: 03/02/1933, Burial: 3/3/1933, Section: BC, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
EASTMAN, Virginia Viola Mrs. (Daniel), Birth: 08/26/1903, Death: 09/20/1967, Burial: 9/22/1967, Section: BC, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, Emory M. Mr., Birth: 06/14/1857, Death: 11/03/1918, Burial: 11/4/1918, Section: WP, Lot: 17, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, Eugenia Harriett Mrs. (Terry), Birth: 08/10/1857, Death: 03/28/1935, Burial: 3/29/1935, Section: WP, Lot: 17, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, J. W. Mr., Death: 05/28/1909, Burial: 5/29/1909, Section: OR, Lot: 540, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, James Howard Mr., Birth: 11/09/1905, Death: 03/15/1936, Burial: 3/16/1936, Section: OR, Lot: 540, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, Julia Mrs. (Chambers), Birth: 11/07/1877, Death: 03/05/1944, Burial: 3/6/1944, Section: OR, Lot: 540, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, Lewis Warner Mr., Birth: 11/08/1901, Death: 04/15/1955, Burial: 4/19/1955, Section: RS, Lot: 187, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, Lon A. Mr., Death: 04/01/1883, Burial: 4/2/1883, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, Louise Mrs. (Alexander), Death: 05/29/1918, Burial: 5/30/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 202, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, Robert W. 2Lt. Jr., CO. H-8TH GA, Burial: 1/1/1920, Section: CS, Lot: 17, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, Walter Mr., Death: 10/29/1932, Burial: 10/30/1932, Grave: 1
ECHOLS, Willie, Infant, Death: 09/04/1879, Burial: 9/5/1879, Section: OR, Lot: 202, Grave: 1
EDGE, Frank Gilbert Mr., Burial: 11/7/1930, Grave: 1
EDGE, Mary E. Mrs., Death: 11/04/1878, Burial: 11/5/1878, Grave: 1
EDGE (Inf/ Lyche), Infant, Birth: 03/29/1875, Death: 03/29/1875, Burial: 3/29/1875, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
EDGE (Inf/ Zeke), Infant, Death: 01/19/1877, Burial: 1/20/1877, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
EDGEWORTH, Josephine Mrs. (Josie), Birth: 10/20/1856, Death: 10/16/1914, Burial: 10/17/1914, Grave: 1
EDMONDSON, Norma Miss, Birth: 04/18/1917, Death: 04/23/1940, Burial: 4/24/1940, Section: RS, Lot: 166, Grave: 1
EDMONDSON Mr., Death: 06/01/1897, Burial: 6/1/1897, Grave: 1
EDMUNDSON, Clara Belle Mrs. (Watters), Birth: 11/20/1851, Death: 07/17/1876, Burial: 7/18/1876, Section: OR, Lot: 195, Grave: 1
EDMUNDSON, Dow Mr., Birth: 10/28/1879, Death: 05/29/1880, Burial: 5/30/1880, Section: OR, Lot: 195, Grave: 1
EDMUNDSON, E. E., Infant, Death: 09/21/1889, Burial: 9/22/1889, Grave: 1
EDMUNDSON, Ola Belle Miss, Birth: 01/19/1874, Death: 05/20/1885, Burial: 5/21/1885, Section: OR, Lot: 195, Grave: 1
EDMUNDSON, William Henry Mr., Birth: 09/06/1846, Death: 11/18/1906, Burial: 11/19/1906, Section: OR, Lot: 195, Grave: 1
EDWARD, Lucy Miss, Death: 01/05/1885, Burial: 1/6/1885, Grave: 1
EDWARDS, Claud P., Infant, Birth: 11/18/1910, Death: 07/05/1912, Burial: 7/6/1912, Section: BF, Lot: 25, Grave: 1
EDWARDS, Cleo Mrs. (Akins), Birth: 09/13/1876, Death: 05/13/1922, Burial: 5/14/1922, Grave: 1
EDWARDS, Eliza Mrs., Death: 12/17/1918, Burial: 12/18/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
EDWARDS, Helen Angelyn Miss, Birth: 03/07/1925, Death: 06/18/1941, Burial: 6/4/1986, Section: RS, Lot: 156, Grave: 1
EDWARDS, Lottie Mrs. (Bagley), Birth: 07/12/1894, Death: 04/09/1972, Burial: 4/11/1972, Section: RS, Lot: 156, Grave: 1
EDWARDS, Maybeth Mrs. (Graham Denny), Birth: 12/26/1905, Death: 10/11/1981, Burial: 10/13/1981, Grave: 1
EDWARDS, Sallie Mrs. (Byrd), Birth: 10/25/1890, Death: 04/20/1936, Burial: 4/21/1936, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
EDWARDS, Thomas Eric Judge, Birth: 05/27/1891, Death: 01/11/1952, Burial: 1/13/1952, Section: RS, Lot: 156, Grave: 1
EDWARDS (Inf D/ J. D.), Infant, Death: 04/08/1948, Burial: 4/8/1948, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
EICHMAN, Margaret Mrs. (Mathis), Death: 09/12/1995, Burial: 9/14/1995, Grave: 1
ELAM, Martha Mrs. (Garrard), Death: 05/05/1883, Burial: 5/6/1883, Section: OR, Lot: 384, Grave: 1
ELAM, William D. Mr., Death: 06/26/1892, Burial: 6/27/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 384, Grave: 1
ELDER, Mamie Mrs. (Hicks), Birth: 02/14/1872, Death: 06/01/1926, Burial: 6/3/1926, Grave: 1
ELDERS, John H. CSA, CO. D-64TH GA, Death: 03/12/1912, Burial: 3/13/1912, Grave: 1
ELLENBURY, Willie Mr., Death: 07/03/1888, Burial: 7/5/1888, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Ben H. Mr., Birth: 11/20/1856, Death: 11/28/1916, Burial: 11/29/1916, Section: OR, Lot: 142, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Benjamin Hall Mr., Birth: 09/12/1915, Death: 04/30/1953, Burial: 5/1/1953, Section: BF, Lot: 25, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Benjamin Snook Mr., Birth: 07/16/1890, Death: 04/01/1987, Burial: 4/3/1987, Section: BF, Lot: 25, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Clarence Hubert Mr. (Doc), Birth: 06/03/1912, Death: 12/15/2000, Burial: 12/17/2000, Section: SA, Lot: 19, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Clarence Nichols, Infant, Birth: 02/21/1942, Death: 02/21/1942, Burial: 2/22/1942, Section: SA, Lot: 19, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Emily Jane Mrs. (Hoss), Death: 09/17/1913, Burial: 9/18/1913, Section: OR, Lot: 142, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Frances Mrs. (Clayton), Death: 01/01/1932, Burial: 1/1/1932, Section: OR, Lot: 506, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Garnet Earl, Infant, Birth: 08/23/1896, Death: 11/24/1896, Burial: 11/25/1896, Section: RS, Lot: 120, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Gladys Mrs. (Hall), Birth: 09/14/1891, Death: 07/24/1986, Burial: 7/25/1986, Section: BF, Lot: 25, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Inez Mrs. (Nichols), Birth: 08/10/1915, Death: 02/18/2005, Burial: 2/20/2005, Section: SA, Lot: 19, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, J. Walton Jr., Infant, Birth: 10/05/1895, Death: 10/10/1895, Burial: 10/11/1895, Section: RS, Lot: 120, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, J. Walton Mr. Sr., Birth: 08/19/1872, Death: 06/20/1937, Burial: 6/21/1937, Section: RS, Lot: 120, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, James Madison Capt. (J. M.) Sr., Birth: 11/23/1822, Death: 05/28/1899, Burial: 5/30/1899, Section: OR, Lot: 142, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Lena Hoyt Mrs. (Mullen), Birth: 10/22/1873, Death: 07/22/1960, Burial: 7/24/1960, Section: RS, Lot: 120, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Lillie Mrs. (Linton), Birth: 09/21/1858, Death: 09/20/1889, Burial: 9/21/1889, Section: OR, Lot: 142, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Linton Alexander Mr., Death: 07/16/1934, Burial: 7/17/1934, Section: OR, Lot: 506, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Lula Miss, Birth: 03/20/1867, Death: 11/08/1876, Burial: 11/9/1876, Section: OR, Lot: 142, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Mary E., Infant, Death: 06/27/1879, Burial: 6/28/1879, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Nena Mrs. (Kyle), Birth: 05/05/1883, Death: 11/09/1966, Burial: 11/13/1966, Section: OR, Lot: 154, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Reuben CSA, EUFAULA LT ARTY, Death: 05/26/1863, Burial: 5/26/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 10, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Sallie Bell Mrs. (Estes), Birth: 12/05/1858, Death: 11/11/1945, Burial: 11/13/1945, Section: OR, Lot: 534, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Stephen Mr. (S/ Rev. James H), Death: 01/01/1880, Burial: 1/2/1880, Section: OR, Lot: 274, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT (Inf/ Will), Infant, Birth: 01/22/1884, Death: 01/22/1884, Burial: 1/23/1884, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT (Inf/ Walter), Infant, Death: 10/11/1885, Burial: 10/12/1885, Grave: 1
ELLIOTT, Infant, Death: 11/25/1896, Burial: 11/26/1896, Grave: 1
ELLIS, Edith (D/ J. H.), Infant, Death: 09/11/1910, Burial: 9/12/1910, Grave: 1
ELLIS, Elijah Frank Pvt., SP-AM WAR, Death: 09/03/1898, Burial: 9/4/1898, Grave: 1
ELLIS, Frances Beulah Mrs. (Hicks), Birth: 01/15/1878, Death: 02/26/1962, Burial: 2/28/1962, Section: RS, Lot: 210, Grave: 1
ELLIS, John Mr., Death: 05/07/1902, Burial: 5/8/1902, Grave: 1
ELLIS, Joseph Lumpkin Mr., Death: 01/16/1905, Burial: 1/17/1905, Grave: 1
ELLIS, Mary Lee Mrs. (Brown), Death: 07/02/1914, Burial: 7/3/1914, Grave: 1
ELLIS, Mary Maud Mrs. (Hall), Birth: 02/16/1888, Death: 11/24/1973, Burial: 11/26/1973, Section: NF, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ELLIS, Olivia Miss (Tootsie), Birth: 04/20/1918, Death: 05/27/1950, Burial: 5/29/1950, Section: NF, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ELLIS, Raymond F. Mr. Jr., Birth: 09/10/1915, Death: 05/11/1919, Burial: 5/12/1919, Section: NF, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ELLIS, Raymond F. Mr. Sr., Birth: 08/02/1895, Death: 05/27/1962, Burial: 5/28/1962, Section: NF, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ELLIS, Thomas Newton Mr., Birth: 05/09/1878, Death: 02/08/1946, Burial: 2/10/1946, Section: RS, Lot: 210, Grave: 1
ELLIS, William Chester Mr., Birth: 08/25/1912, Death: 07/27/1929, Burial: 7/29/1929, Section: RS, Lot: 210, Grave: 1
ELLISON, Cora Mrs. (Keel), Birth: 11/14/1892, Death: 04/03/1968, Burial: 4/5/1968, Section: OR, Lot: 562, Grave: 1
ELLISON, Etta Mae Miss, Birth: 05/16/1915, Death: 10/23/1918, Burial: 10/24/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 562, Grave: 1
ELLISON, Josephine Mrs. (Coulter), Birth: 12/04/1877, Death: 11/13/1959, Burial: 11/15/1959, Section: OR, Lot: 106, Grave: 1
ELLISON, Lewis Ray Mr., Birth: 04/18/1913, Death: 04/15/1925, Burial: 4/16/1925, Section: OR, Lot: 562, Grave: 1
ELLISON, Lillian Miss, Death: 04/07/1903, Burial: 4/8/1903, Grave: 1
ELLISON Mrs. (Inf/ Mary), Death: 02/25/1918, Burial: 2/26/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ELMORE, Buena Vista Dr., Birth: 09/01/1885, Death: 08/28/1972, Burial: 8/30/1972, Section: DN, Lot: 71, Grave: 1
ELMORE, Marguerite Miss, Death: 06/18/1925, Burial: 6/19/1925, Section: DN, Lot: 70, Grave: 1
ELMORE, Velma B. Mrs. (McDowell), Birth: 03/02/1887, Death: 12/05/1976, Burial: 12/7/1976, Section: DN, Lot: 70, Grave: 1
EMERSON, Bill Mr., Death: 11/18/1906, Burial: 11/19/1906, Grave: 1
EMERY, Annie Mrs. (Rylands), Birth: 10/13/1871, Death: 06/02/1954, Burial: 6/4/1954, Section: RS, Lot: 68, Grave: 1
EMERY, William Everett Mr., Birth: 08/02/1869, Death: 01/22/1943, Burial: 1/23/1943, Section: RS, Lot: 68, Grave: 1
ENGLES, Infant, Birth: 06/02/1877, Death: 06/02/1877, Burial: 6/3/1877, Grave: 1
ENLOE, Patti Wright Mrs. (McGhee), Birth: 10/03/1910, Death: 09/30/1988, Burial: 10/1/1988, Section: MA, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ENLOE, Van Porter Dr. Jr., Birth: 03/22/1904, Death: 12/02/1987, Burial: 12/3/1987, Section: MA, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ENLOE, Van Porter Mr. III, Birth: 01/08/1934, Death: 01/07/1998, Burial: 1/9/1998, Section: MA, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ENSLEY, Emily Mrs., Birth: 10/10/1813, Death: 08/18/1889, Burial: 8/19/1889, Section: OR, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
EPPERSON, D. P. Mr., Death: 08/06/1884, Burial: 8/7/1884, Grave: 1
EPPERSON, John Mr., Death: 01/15/1896, Burial: 1/16/1896, Grave: 1
EPPERSON, Mary Mrs., Death: 01/20/1899, Burial: 1/21/1899, Grave: 1
ERSKINE, Ralph Curran Mr., Death: 12/06/1927, Burial: 12/7/1927, Section: RS, Lot: 196, Grave: 1
ERSKINE, William Rawdon Mr., Death: 11/01/1942, Burial: 11/2/1942, Section: RS, Lot: 196, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Annie Lee Mrs. (Glosier), Birth: 02/06/1886, Death: 05/30/1970, Burial: 6/1/1970, Section: BF, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Charles Robert Mr., Cremains, Burial: 12/22/2014, Section: GA, Lot: 17, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Family Only
ERWIN, Grace Miss, Birth: 06/22/1908, Death: 06/09/1938, Burial: 6/10/1938, Section: GA, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Harold Whitfield Mr. Sr., Birth: 08/06/1906, Death: 08/11/1977, Burial: 8/14/1977, Section: GA, Lot: 17, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Harold Whitfield Mr., Birth: 12/17/1930, Death: 07/30/1998, Burial: 8/1/1998, Section: GA, Lot: 17, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Hughes Park Mr., Cremains, Birth: 08/02/1921, Death: 10/27/1981, Burial: 11/4/1981, Section: GA, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
ERWIN, John Paxton Rev. Sr., Birth: 05/10/1870, Death: 02/04/1945, Burial: 2/6/1945, Section: GA, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
ERWIN, John Paxton Mr. Jr., Birth: 07/22/1902, Death: 05/07/1984, Burial: 5/10/1984, Section: GA, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Lelia Mrs. (Parks), Birth: 10/17/1881, Death: 01/18/1970, Burial: 1/23/1970, Section: GA, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Lucy Mrs., Death: 10/24/1915, Burial: 10/25/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Ruby Miss, Birth: 07/24/1903, Death: 11/07/1921, Burial: 11/8/1921, Section: BF, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Terrell Thomas Mr., Birth: 06/02/1900, Death: 10/05/1946, Burial: 10/7/1946, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Verna B. Mrs., Birth: 11/27/1910, Death: 08/26/2004, Burial: 9/11/2004, Section: GA, Lot: 17, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Family Only
ERWIN, W. E. Mr., Death: 03/09/1931, Burial: 3/10/1931, Grave: 1
ERWIN, William Luther Mr. Sr., Birth: 10/29/1878, Death: 11/07/1971, Burial: 11/9/1971, Section: BF, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ERWIN, Infant, Death: 08/30/1946, Burial: 8/31/1946, Grave: 1
ESKETT, John, Infant, Death: 06/26/1891, Burial: 6/27/1891, Grave: 1
ESTELL, John A. CSA, CO. D-9TH KY, Death: 10/01/1862, Burial: 10/1/1862, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ESTER, J. CSA, CO. C-50TH AL, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ESTES, Florence Miss, Death: 04/11/1908, Burial: 4/12/1908, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Augusta Evelyn Mrs. (Todd), Death: 03/24/1954, Burial: 3/26/1954, Section: OR, Lot: 387, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Daisy Mrs. (Coffman), Birth: 10/19/1887, Death: 07/14/1929, Burial: 7/15/1929, Section: RS, Lot: 189, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Edna Josephine Mrs. (Stinson Eddie), Death: 12/22/1935, Burial: 12/24/1935, Section: RS, Lot: 124, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Helen, Infant, Birth: 04/08/1910, Death: 07/13/1910, Burial: 7/14/1910, Section: OR, Lot: 159, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Ira S. Mr., Birth: 10/06/1910, Death: 03/21/1954, Burial: 10/22/1954, Section: RS, Lot: 124, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Lillian Katherine Mrs. (Green), Birth: 01/22/1872, Death: 12/17/1953, Burial: 12/19/1953, Section: OR, Lot: 159, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Mark Blandford Col., Birth: 02/27/1870, Death: 01/28/1938, Burial: 1/29/1938, Section: OR, Lot: 159, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Mozell Green Miss, Birth: 10/19/1894, Death: 10/22/1963, Burial: 10/24/1963, Section: OR, Lot: 171, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Nellie Mrs. (Vail), Birth: 06/24/1896, Death: 03/02/1973, Burial: 3/3/1973, Section: OR, Lot: 171, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Raymond Colley Mr., Birth: 12/30/1898, Death: 10/09/1931, Burial: 10/10/1931, Section: OR, Lot: 157, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Robert William Rev., Birth: 08/29/1872, Death: 09/27/1942, Burial: 9/28/1942, Section: OR, Lot: 387, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Thomas A. Mr. (Bud), Birth: 11/04/1884, Death: 04/01/1932, Burial: 4/2/1932, Section: RS, Lot: 189, Grave: 1
EUBANKS, Thomas J. Mr., Birth: 11/30/1872, Death: 10/26/1945, Burial: 10/28/1945, Section: RS, Lot: 124, Grave: 1
EVANS, Frances W. Mrs. (Dougherty), Birth: 11/25/1895, Death: 06/19/1995, Burial: 7/26/1995, Section: OR, Lot: 511, Grave: 1
EVANS, Leila Virginia Mrs. (Chapman), Birth: 04/07/1886, Death: 02/01/1971, Burial: 2/2/1971, Section: NF, Lot: 028A, Grave: 1
EVANS, Lizzie Mrs., Death: 03/12/1928, Burial: 3/13/1928, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
EVANS, Robert Leroy Mr., Birth: 03/28/1883, Death: 06/02/1966, Burial: 6/2/1966, Section: NF, Lot: 028A, Grave: 1
EVANS, Robert, Infant, Death: 02/05/1947, Burial: 2/6/1947, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
EVERETT, Aaron Burr Mr., Birth: 09/03/1908, Death: 03/13/1926, Burial: 3/14/1926, Section: BF, Lot: 44, Grave: 1
EVERETT, James Eugene Mr., Birth: 01/07/1876, Death: 12/09/1947, Burial: 12/10/1947, Section: PS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
EVERETT, Owen Leslie Mr., Birth: 07/17/1876, Death: 12/31/1938, Burial: 1/1/1939, Section: BF, Lot: 44, Grave: 1
EVERT, Jessie Lee Mrs. (Brennan), Birth: 04/14/1934, Death: 08/25/1964, Burial: 8/27/1964, Section: BM, Lot: MAUSOLEUM, Grave: 1
EWING, Jennie C. Mrs. (Smith), Death: 01/04/1904, Burial: 1/5/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 213, Grave: 1
EWING, Josiah William Mr., Birth: 07/21/1849, Death: 03/10/1927, Burial: 3/11/1927, Section: OR, Lot: 213, Grave: 1
FAHY, Agnes Stephanie Miss, Birth: 01/01/1905, Death: 01/12/1986, Burial: 1/15/1986, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, Albert Francis Mr., Birth: 06/15/1891, Death: 09/18/1976, Burial: 9/20/1976, Section: RA, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
FAHY, Anna (Inf/ Thomas), Infant, Death: 12/29/1884, Burial: 12/30/1884, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, Bernard Soloman Mr., Birth: 01/28/1886, Death: 03/08/1950, Burial: 3/9/1950, Section: RA, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
FAHY, Emilie Mrs. (Stude), Birth: 08/26/1883, Death: 12/06/1939, Burial: 12/7/1939, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, Frances Katherine Mrs. (Wolff), Birth: 12/26/1899, Death: 09/13/1986, Burial: 9/16/1986, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, John, Infant, Death: 06/11/1890, Burial: 6/12/1890, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, Julian H. Mr., Birth: 02/26/1898, Death: 05/25/1995, Burial: 5/30/1995, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, Lillian Mrs. (Brannon), Birth: 04/25/1908, Death: 12/28/1990, Burial: 12/31/1990, Section: RA, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
FAHY, Marjorie Alice Mrs. (Richardson), Birth: 11/09/1891, Death: 09/30/1947, Burial: 10/2/1947, Section: RA, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
FAHY, Mary Jane Miss (Janie), Birth: 03/05/1888, Death: 01/28/1975, Burial: 1/30/1975, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, Paul, Infant, Death: 12/16/1895, Burial: 12/17/1895, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, Rosa Bowie Mrs. (Kingsbery), Birth: 10/13/1881, Death: 05/05/1966, Burial: 5/7/1966, Section: RA, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
FAHY, Sarah Madeline Miss, Birth: 04/10/1894, Death: 02/27/1997, Burial: 3/3/1997, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, Sarah Mrs. (Jonas), Birth: 08/06/1860, Death: 02/10/1934, Burial: 2/11/1934, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, Thomas William Mr., Birth: 06/13/1881, Death: 03/11/1941, Burial: 3/12/1941, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAHY, Thomas Mr., Birth: 12/23/1840, Death: 11/29/1917, Burial: 11/30/1917, Section: GV, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
FAIN, Ava May, Infant, Death: 07/14/1915, Burial: 7/15/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIN, Charles Mr., Death: 01/19/1919, Burial: 1/20/1919, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIN, Corine Ms., Death: 02/01/1934, Burial: 2/3/1934, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIN, Eliza Mrs., Birth: 12/18/1857, Death: 07/13/1877, Burial: 7/14/1877, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIN, Georgia Mrs., Death: 08/09/1970, Burial: 8/14/1970, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIN, Kate Miss, Death: 04/20/1921, Burial: 4/21/1921, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIN, Mary A. Mrs., Death: 05/20/1891, Burial: 5/21/1891, Grave: 1
FAIN, Mattie Mrs., Death: 11/23/1915, Burial: 11/24/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIN, Pearl Mrs., Death: 06/29/1914, Burial: 6/30/1914, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIN, Walter Atkins Mr., Birth: 01/05/1886, Death: 08/06/1951, Burial: 8/6/1951, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIN, Wiley Mr., Death: 03/19/1940, Burial: 3/20/1940, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIN (Inf/ Walter), Infant, Death: 07/24/1914, Burial: 7/25/1914, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FAIR, Margaret P. Mrs., Death: 02/23/1909, Burial: 2/24/1909, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FALICE, Rachel Mrs., Death: 01/23/1916, Burial: 1/24/1916, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FALKNER, Irwin CSA, CO. G-2ND AR, Death: 03/18/1863, Burial: 3/18/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
FARMER, Asbery Mr., Death: 08/19/1915, Burial: 8/20/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FARR, Annie V. Mrs. (Self), Birth: 11/02/1897, Death: 01/24/1985, Burial: 1/26/1985, Section: BF, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
FARR, Lonnie Ashey Mr., Birth: 06/13/1883, Death: 12/11/1955, Burial: 12/13/1955, Section: BF, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
FARR, Margaret Ellis Mrs. (Wofford), Birth: 11/18/1885, Death: 12/26/1955, Burial: 12/28/1955, Section: BF, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
FARR, Paul H. Mr., Birth: 12/01/1923, Death: 10/08/1996, Burial: 10/10/1996, Section: BF, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
FARR, Raymond Charles Mr., Birth: 02/01/1896, Death: 01/21/1925, Burial: 1/22/1925, Section: BF, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
FARRELL, Elvira Mrs. (W/ J. William), Death: 06/04/1910, Burial: 6/5/1910, Grave: 1
FARRELL (Inf/ Ann), Infant, Death: 09/27/1875, Burial: 9/28/1875, Grave: 1
FARRIS, Addie Mrs., Death: 10/23/1924, Burial: 10/24/1924, Section: OR, Lot: 508, Grave: 1
FARRIS, Clifford Mr., Death: 03/13/1899, Burial: 3/14/1899, Section: OR, Lot: 508, Grave: 1
FARRIS, Grover C., Infant, Death: 04/09/1886, Burial: 4/10/1886, Section: SG, Lot: 927, Grave: 1
FARRIS, James M. Mr., Birth: 03/12/1838, Death: 04/01/1907, Burial: 4/2/1907, Section: OR, Lot: 508, Grave: 1
FARRIS, John N. CSA, CO. B-21ST GA, Death: 04/02/1907, Burial: 4/3/1907, Grave: 1
FEATHERSTON, Ann Mrs. (Chidsey), Birth: 09/07/1918, Death: 05/10/1975, Burial: 5/12/1975, Section: OR, Lot: 136, Grave: 1
FEATHERSTON, Charles N. Mr., Birth: 11/20/1919, Death: 03/11/1979, Burial: 3/13/1979, Section: OR, Lot: 354, Grave: 1
FEATHERSTON, Charles Neal Mr., Birth: 09/01/1891, Death: 11/26/1927, Burial: 11/27/1927, Section: OR, Lot: 354, Grave: 1
FEATHERSTON, Charles Nicholas Capt., Death: 08/29/1909, Burial: 8/30/1909, Section: OR, Lot: 354, Grave: 1
FEATHERSTON, Charles Mr., Birth: 08/01/1915, Death: 02/08/1917, Burial: 2/9/1917, Grave: 1
FEATHERSTON, George Starkey Mr., Cremains, Birth: 02/11/1914, Death: 12/19/1998, Burial: 12/23/1998, Section: OR, Lot: 136, Grave: 1
FEATHERSTON, Lynn Mrs. (Hammond), Birth: 06/23/1915, Death: 11/02/2005, Burial: 11/6/2005, Section: OR, Lot: 329, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
FEATHERSTON (Inf/ Charles N.), Infant, Death: 08/20/1890, Burial: 8/21/1890, Section: OR, Lot: 354, Grave: 1
FEATHERSTON (Inf/ Charles N.), Infant, Death: 05/13/1894, Burial: 5/14/1894, Section: OR, Lot: 354, Grave: 1
FEATHERSTON (Inf/ Charles N.), Infant, Birth: 06/22/1900, Death: 08/22/1900, Burial: 8/23/1900, Section: OR, Lot: 354, Grave: 1
FEATHERSTON, Infant, Death: 01/01/1902, Burial: 1/1/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 354, Grave: 1
FENNER, Sara Anne Miss, Death: 03/07/1938, Burial: 3/9/1938, Section: OR, Lot: 440, Grave: 1
FENNER, William R. Dr., Birth: 03/27/1848, Death: 02/27/1899, Burial: 3/1/1899, Section: OR, Lot: 440, Grave: 1
FERGUSON (Inf/ Luvada), Infant, Birth: 08/14/1921, Death: 08/19/1921, Burial: 8/20/1921, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FERRILL, Tom, Infant, Death: 07/04/1915, Burial: 7/5/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FICKLING, Mary Lucy Mrs. (Hynds Mamie), Birth: 02/13/1868, Death: 10/08/1921, Burial: 10/9/1921, Section: OR, Lot: 412, Grave: 1
FICKLING, William Hampton Mr. Jr., Birth: 03/05/1866, Death: 04/08/1940, Burial: 4/9/1940, Section: OR, Lot: 412, Grave: 1
FIELDER, Infant, Death: 06/12/1915, Burial: 6/13/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FIELDS, Carry Mrs., Death: 03/16/1913, Burial: 3/17/1913, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FIELDS, Lizzie Mrs., Death: 08/04/1929, Burial: 8/5/1929, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FIELDS, Tuba Mr., Death: 08/24/1915, Burial: 8/25/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FINCHER, Alice Mrs. (Mathis), Death: 06/17/1908, Burial: 6/18/1908, Grave: 1
FINCHER, Jesse M. Mr., Death: 05/27/1908, Burial: 5/28/1908, Grave: 1
FINDLEY, Ed Mr., Death: 02/26/1926, Burial: 2/28/1926, Grave: 1
FINDLEY, Hannah G. Mrs. (Woodham), Birth: 03/05/1820, Death: 05/06/1871, Burial: 5/7/1871, Section: OR, Lot: 264, Grave: 1
FINDLEY, Kay Chason Mrs. (McCall), Birth: 10/08/1940, Death: 04/23/2011, Atlanta, Burial: 4/28/2011, Section: MA, Lot: 20, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
FINDLEY, Leroy Mr., Burial: 1/1/1905, Section: OR, Lot: 264, Grave: 1
FINDLEY, Mary Miss, Birth: 05/16/1843, Death: 12/26/1904, Burial: 12/27/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 264, Grave: 1
FINLEY, Bessie Mrs., Death: 02/09/1965, Burial: 2/13/1965, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FINLEY, George P. Mr., Death: 12/25/1897, Burial: 12/27/1897, Grave: 1
FIRESTONE, James B. Mr., Birth: 09/25/1893, Death: 04/16/1916, Burial: 4/17/1916, Section: SG, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FIRESTONE, Joseph Neely Mr., Birth: 03/03/1860, Death: 01/19/1934, Burial: 1/20/1934, Section: RS, Lot: 166, Grave: 1
FIRESTONE, Sarah Mrs. (Bankson), Birth: 09/01/1866, Death: 10/14/1951, Burial: 10/15/1951, Section: RS, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
FISHER, Arena E. Mrs., Birth: 06/17/1854, Death: 12/14/1907, Burial: 12/15/1907, Section: SG, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FISHER, Henry Mr., Burial: 1/1/1888, Section: SG, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FITZGERALDBROWN, Elizabeth Ann Mrs., Birth: 02/02/1887, Death: 08/25/1943, Burial: 8/26/1943, Section: RS, Lot: 70, Grave: 1
FITZGERALDBROWN, John Frederick Mr., Birth: 01/01/1888, Death: 07/18/1951, Burial: 7/19/1951, Section: RS, Lot: 70, Grave: 1
FLEETWOOD, Annie E. Mrs. (McCullough), Death: 05/05/1909, Burial: 5/6/1909, Section: FA, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
FLEETWOOD, George W. CSA, CO. A-8TH GA, Death: 11/17/1920, Burial: 11/19/1920, Section: FA, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
FLEETWOOD, Howard Mr., Death: 01/13/1915, Burial: 1/15/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FLEETWOOD, J. Smith Mr., Death: 04/23/1953, Burial: 4/24/1953, Section: FA, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
FLEMING, Karen G., Infant, Birth: 12/08/1958, Death: 12/12/1958, Burial: 12/13/1958, Section: BS, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
FLEMISTER, Robert L. CSA, CO. A-YEISER'S, Death: 11/21/1898, Burial: 11/22/1898, Section: OR, Lot: 429, Grave: 1
FLEMISTER, Susan R. Mrs. (Ezzell), Death: 02/06/1928, Burial: 2/7/1928, Section: OR, Lot: 429, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, Eulene Mrs. (Dobson), Birth: 04/11/1905, Death: 01/24/1987, Burial: 1/27/1987, Section: MA, Lot: 20, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, Francis Miller Mr. (Frank), Birth: 04/07/1893, Death: 10/01/1922, Burial: 10/2/1922, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, Ida Leula Mrs. (Miller), Birth: 12/04/1867, Death: 12/29/1945, Burial: 1/5/1946, Section: DE, Lot: 53, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, James Benjamin Mr., Birth: 10/10/1904, Death: 04/11/1992, Burial: 4/13/1992, Section: MA, Lot: 20, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, James Benjamin Mr., Birth: 01/04/1876, Death: 04/19/1878, Burial: 7/20/1878, Section: OR, Lot: 298, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, James Benjamin CSA, Birth: 10/18/1827, Death: 12/06/1907, Burial: 12/7/1907, Section: OR, Lot: 298, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, John William Mr., Birth: 03/06/1858, Death: 02/20/1863, Burial: 2/21/1863, Section: OR, Lot: 298, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, Minnie Agnes Miss (Mamie), Birth: 08/12/1880, Death: 10/24/1881, Burial: 10/25/1881, Section: OR, Lot: 298, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, Oscar Eugene Mr., Birth: 10/09/1866, Death: 05/02/1936, Burial: 5/3/1936, Section: DE, Lot: 53, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, Sarah Linza Mrs. (Jackson), Birth: 10/20/1837, Death: 12/20/1902, Burial: 12/21/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 298, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, Thomas James Mr., Death: 06/19/1914, Burial: 6/20/1914, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, Van Zora Mrs. (Sorrells), Birth: 07/26/1881, Death: 12/15/1965, Burial: 12/17/1965, Section: RS, Lot: 64, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, Walter Edward Mr., Birth: 07/04/1869, Death: 04/20/1907, Burial: 4/21/1907, Section: RS, Lot: 64, Grave: 1
FLEMMING, Willie May, Infant, Birth: 01/25/1898, Death: 06/13/1898, Burial: 6/14/1898, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FLEMMING (Inf/ Charley), Infant, Birth: 11/25/1882, Death: 11/25/1882, Burial: 11/26/1882, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FLETCHER, E. P. Mr., Birth: 05/26/1847, Death: 11/24/1922, Burial: 11/25/1922, Section: OR, Lot: 537, Grave: 1
FLETCHER, Leila Mrs. (Gordon), Birth: 06/29/1901, Death: 05/15/1920, Burial: 5/16/1920, Grave: 1
FLETCHER, Tracy Pratt Mr., Birth: 06/30/1896, Death: 04/13/1965, Burial: 4/15/1965, Section: BF, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
FLETCHER, William Edward Mr., Birth: 12/14/1905, Death: 07/08/1952, Burial: 7/11/1952, Section: GV, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
FLOWERS, Martin Luther Mr., &mn, Disinterment, Birth: 01/12/1847, Death: 09/17/1891, Burial: 5/16/1958, Section: OR, Lot: 135, Grave: 1
FLOWERS, Pearl, Infant, Death: 02/05/1885, Burial: 2/6/1885, Section: OR, Lot: 135, Grave: 1
FLOYD, Aaron Cecil Mr., Birth: 10/17/1906, Death: 11/27/1956, Burial: 11/29/1956, Section: RS, Lot: 122, Grave: 1
FLOYD, Belle Mrs. (Sanders D/ T. C), Birth: 08/03/1896, Death: 03/30/1922, Burial: 3/31/1922, Section: BF, Lot: 9, Grave: 1
FLOYD, John R. CSA, CO. E-16TH SC, Death: 09/20/1863, Burial: 9/20/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FLOYD, Lottie Mae Mrs. (Brown), Birth: 09/03/1898, Death: 03/08/1977, Burial: 3/10/1977, Section: DE, Lot: 50, Grave: 1
FLOYD, Mary Isabel Miss, Birth: 11/10/1918, Death: 07/18/1920, Burial: 7/19/1920, Section: DE, Lot: 51, Grave: 1
FLOYD, Myrtle Irene Mrs. (Bowman), Birth: 09/23/1907, Death: 07/25/2000, Burial: 7/27/2000, Section: RS, Lot: 122, Grave: 1
FLOYD, William B. J. Mr., Birth: 11/29/1892, Death: 11/23/1973, Burial: 11/25/1973, Section: DE, Lot: 51, Grave: 1
FLOYD (Inf D/ G. L.), Infant, Birth: 02/07/1922, Death: 02/10/1922, Burial: 2/11/1922, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FOCIANOS, George Mr., Death: 09/18/1916, Burial: 9/19/1916, Grave: 1
FOGLIA, Mildred Janet Mrs. (Esserman), Birth: 05/13/1911, Death: 07/07/1978, Burial: 7/9/1978, Section: GV, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
FOGLIA, Philip Mr., Birth: 07/05/1917, Death: 03/06/1985, Burial: 3/8/1985, Section: GV, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
FOOTTHROW, Amanda Mrs., Death: 09/06/1915, Burial: 9/7/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FORD, Allie Mrs. (Upchurch), Birth: 02/22/1895, Death: 06/21/1977, Burial: 6/23/1977, Grave: 1
FORD, Annie Bell, Infant, Death: 06/18/1900, Burial: 6/19/1900, Section: SA, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
FORD, Arthur Napoleon Mr., Birth: 01/16/1877, Death: 07/27/1964, Burial: 7/28/1964, Section: SA, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
FORD, Edward C. Mrs., Death: 10/27/1897, Burial: 10/28/1897, Section: OR, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
FORD, Edward C. Mr., Death: 02/20/1957, Burial: 2/22/1957, Section: OR, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
FORD, Edward Joseph Mr., Birth: 10/04/1893, Death: 06/16/1967, Burial: 6/18/1967, Section: BD, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
FORD, Emory Capers Mr., Birth: 08/07/1858, Death: 12/14/1911, Burial: 12/16/1911, Section: OR, Lot: 76, Grave: 1
FORD, Emory Capers Mr., Birth: 06/08/1935, Death: 02/21/1992, Burial: 2/23/1992, Grave: 1
FORD, Emory Lumpkin Mr., Birth: 08/18/1901, Death: 04/28/1980, Burial: 4/30/1980, Section: OR, Lot: 52, Grave: 1
FORD, Eula Mrs. (Bryan), Birth: 09/23/1893, Death: 05/20/1967, Burial: 5/22/1967, Section: BD, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
FORD, Frances Isabelle Mrs. (Davis), Birth: 06/06/1906, Death: 06/30/1959, Burial: 7/1/1959, Section: OR, Lot: 73, Grave: 1
FORD, Gladys Miss, Birth: 09/24/1909, Death: 07/01/1998, Burial: 7/2/1998, Section: SA, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
FORD, Homer Mr., Birth: 12/04/1886, Death: 08/02/1928, Burial: 8/4/1928, Grave: 1
FORD, Isaac David Col. (Dave), Birth: 04/11/1828, Death: 12/24/1904, Burial: 12/26/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
FORD, Izella Mrs., Death: 11/16/1913, Burial: 11/17/1913, Grave: 1
FORD, John H. Mr., Birth: 03/09/1856, Death: 05/10/1921, Burial: 5/11/1921, Grave: 1
FORD, Joseph Walter Mr., Birth: 05/11/1857, Death: 04/12/1872, Burial: 4/13/1872, Section: OR, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
FORD, Louisa A. Mrs. (Reese), Birth: 05/20/1836, Death: 03/31/1903, Burial: 4/1/1903, Section: OR, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
FORD, Margaret Mrs. (Williams), Birth: 09/25/1919, Death: 01/12/1983, Burial: 1/13/1983, Section: OR, Lot: 52, Grave: 1
FORD, Mary Mrs. (Lumpkin), Birth: 03/27/1875, Death: 05/23/1955, Burial: 5/24/1955, Section: OR, Lot: 76, Grave: 1
FORD, Oscar R. Dr., Birth: 04/09/1855, Death: 11/16/1885, Burial: 11/17/1885, Section: OR, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
FORD, Saphronia Elizabeth Mrs. (Cato), Birth: 12/04/1852, Death: 01/02/1929, Burial: 1/3/1929, Grave: 1
FORD, Sara Emma Mrs. (Bryan), Birth: 03/23/1882, Death: 02/14/1939, Burial: 2/15/1939, Section: SA, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
FORD, Walter J. Mr., Birth: 05/11/1857, Death: 08/12/1872, Burial: 5/13/1872, Section: OR, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
FORMBY, Della Mrs. (Barton Everett), Birth: 11/04/1886, Death: 04/06/1968, Burial: 4/8/1968, Section: BF, Lot: 44, Grave: 1
FORMBY, Hugh Dorsey Mr., Birth: 06/08/1919, Death: 01/08/2008, Residence, Burial: 1/11/2008, Section: BF, Lot: 2, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Henderson & Son Funeral Home
FORMBY, Ruby Raiford Mrs., Birth: 07/16/1915, Death: 09/21/1997, Burial: 9/23/1997, Section: BF, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
FORMBY, William Dewey Mr. (Uncle Bill), Birth: 05/14/1899, Death: 01/17/1979, Burial: 1/19/1979, Section: BF, Lot: 44, Grave: 1
FORREST, Clifford Walker Mr., Birth: 01/08/1924, Death: 05/01/1928, Burial: 5/2/1928, Grave: 1
FORSTER, Alma Mrs. (Fletcher), Birth: 07/31/1888, Death: 01/23/1993, Burial: 1/25/1993, Section: RS, Lot: 53, Grave: 1
FORSTER, Charles Mr., Birth: 05/24/1858, Death: 06/07/1943, Burial: 6/9/1943, Section: NR, Lot: 598, Grave: 1
FORSTER, Clyde Garlestine Mr., Birth: 02/17/1885, Death: 08/10/1952, Burial: 8/15/1952, Section: RS, Lot: 53, Grave: 1
FORSTER, Ellena Mrs. (Harrell), Birth: 01/28/1861, Death: 12/02/1928, Burial: 12/3/1928, Section: NR, Lot: 598, Grave: 1
FORSTER, Franklin Lyman Mr., Birth: 02/24/1861, Death: 09/25/1923, Burial: 9/26/1923, Section: NR, Lot: 598, Grave: 1
FORSTER, Grace Mrs. (Coffin), Birth: 07/14/1917, Death: 05/17/2000, Burial: 5/19/2000, Section: GA, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
FORSYTH, Louise Elizabeth Mrs. (Hagan), Birth: 02/04/1842, Death: 12/31/1932, Burial: 1/2/1933, Section: OR, Lot: 533, Grave: 1
FORT, A. E. Mrs., Birth: 04/05/1828, Death: 03/01/1859, Burial: 3/2/1859, Section: OR, Lot: 340, Grave: 1
FORT, Eudocia Mrs., Birth: 08/31/1824, Death: 09/28/1888, Burial: 9/29/1888, Section: BA, Lot: 29, Grave: 1
FORT, William A. Mr., Birth: 04/12/1816, Death: 01/13/1892, Burial: 1/14/1892, Section: BA, Lot: 29, Grave: 1
FORTUNE, Arthur B. Mr., Death: 05/27/1927, Burial: 5/28/1927, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FORTUNE, Lauviece P. Mrs., Death: 10/02/1954, Burial: 10/7/1954, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Addie Lou Miss, Birth: 11/29/1880, Death: 05/25/1881, Burial: 5/26/1881, Section: OR, Lot: 480, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Charles Albert CSA, CO. F-65TH GA, Death: 10/08/1863, Burial: 10/8/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Ida T. Mrs. (Watters), Birth: 11/30/1853, Death: 03/03/1925, Burial: 3/4/1925, Section: OR, Lot: 480, Grave: 1
FOSTER, John Cunningham Mr., Birth: 12/06/1852, Death: 09/26/1926, Burial: 9/27/1926, Section: FT, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
FOSTER, John H. L. Mr., Birth: 05/07/1860, Death: 03/26/1929, Burial: 3/27/1929, Section: OR, Lot: 531, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Julia Adeline Miss, Birth: 10/01/1892, Death: 06/22/1941, Burial: 6/23/1941, Section: OR, Lot: 531, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Kate McConnell Miss, Death: 05/16/1938, Burial: 5/17/1938, Section: OR, Lot: 531, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Lena L. Mrs. (McConnell), Birth: 03/10/1870, Death: 12/06/1919, Burial: 12/7/1919, Section: OR, Lot: 531, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Lillie Beth Miss, Birth: 05/24/1891, Death: 07/24/1892, Burial: 7/25/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 480, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Margaret Mrs. (Evins), Birth: 05/30/1854, Death: 07/21/1932, Burial: 7/22/1932, Section: FT, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Mary D. Mrs. (Bryant), Death: 02/04/1929, Burial: 2/5/1929, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Mattie Belle Miss, Birth: 01/29/1886, Death: 04/21/1892, Burial: 4/22/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 480, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Nita Mrs. (Holder), Birth: 06/15/1883, Death: 04/13/1971, Burial: 4/14/1971, Section: OR, Lot: 480, Grave: 1
FOSTER, William Preston Mr. (Press), Birth: 02/29/1856, Death: 06/01/1897, Burial: 6/2/1897, Section: OR, Lot: 480, Grave: 1
FOSTER, Wyatt H. Mr., Birth: 10/12/1882, Death: 05/03/1963, Burial: 5/4/1963, Section: OR, Lot: 480, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, A. Ross Mr., Death: 02/24/1923, Burial: 2/26/1923, Section: OR, Lot: 152, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Camilla Miss, Birth: 03/25/1850, Death: 12/29/1928, Burial: 12/30/1928, Section: DN, Lot: 73, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Charles Marshall Mr., Death: 04/27/1913, Burial: 4/28/1913, Section: OR, Lot: 152, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Dora Dee Mrs. (Ross), Death: 03/08/1899, Burial: 3/9/1899, Section: OR, Lot: 152, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Edith Mrs. (Carver), Birth: 06/28/1875, Death: 01/22/1962, Burial: 1/23/1962, Section: NR, Lot: 585, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, J. Sproull Mr., Birth: 01/12/1869, Death: 06/26/1934, Burial: 6/27/1934, Section: NR, Lot: 586, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, John H. Mr., Birth: 07/13/1853, Death: 09/05/1854, Burial: 9/6/1854, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Rebecca Caldwell Mrs. (Sproull), Birth: 03/17/1844, Death: 04/14/1918, Burial: 4/15/1918, Section: NR, Lot: 586, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Robert T. Mr., Birth: 10/29/1835, Death: 03/01/1908, Burial: 3/2/1908, Section: NR, Lot: 586, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Sara B. Mrs., Birth: 09/10/1855, Death: 02/16/1886, Burial: 2/17/1886, Section: OR, Lot: 152, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Sarah E. Mrs. (Ball), Birth: 01/26/1818, Death: 02/01/1895, Burial: 2/2/1895, Section: OR, Lot: 152, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Simpson Col., Birth: 09/21/1806, Death: 04/02/1885, Burial: 4/3/1885, Section: OR, Lot: 152, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Sproull Mr., Death: 06/26/1934, Burial: 6/27/1934, Section: OR, Lot: 553, Grave: 1
FOUCHE, Stella M. Miss, Death: 07/12/1886, Burial: 7/13/1886, Grave: 1
FOWLER, Ara Mrs. (O'Connor), Birth: 08/11/1902, Death: 09/15/1982, Burial: 9/17/1982, Section: RS, Lot: 135, Grave: 1
FOWLER, Bonnie Jean (Inf D/ Paul), Infant, Birth: 06/14/1947, Death: 06/14/1947, Burial: 6/15/1947, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FOWLER, Catherine Miss, Death: 03/15/1895, Burial: 3/16/1895, Grave: 1
FOWLER, Diana (Inf/ Clarence E), Infant, Birth: 09/10/1946, Death: 09/10/1946, Burial: 9/11/1946, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FOWLER (Inf/ T. E.), Infant, Death: 05/19/1911, Burial: 5/19/1911, Section: SG, Lot: 1, Grave: 2
FOX, Carl Griffin (Inf/ Billy), Infant, Birth: 11/09/1962, Death: 11/14/1962, Burial: 11/15/1962, Section: FA, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
FOX, Charles Crenshaw (Inf/ Billy), Infant, Birth: 11/09/1962, Death: 11/14/1962, Burial: 11/15/1962, Section: FA, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
FRANK, John Woolford Mr., Birth: 09/16/1856, Death: 01/23/1944, Burial: 1/24/1944, Section: RS, Lot: 77, Grave: 1
FRANK, Lucy Mrs. (Winfrey), Birth: 08/10/1875, Death: 07/06/1969, Burial: 7/8/1969, Section: RS, Lot: 77, Grave: 1
FRANKLIN, Charlotte Mrs., Death: 08/12/1917, Burial: 8/13/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FRANKLIN, Henrietta Miss, Death: 04/11/1929, Burial: 4/12/1929, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FRANKLIN, Mary, Infant, Birth: 01/20/1871, Death: 10/20/1871, Burial: 10/21/1871, Grave: 1
FRANKLIN, Rosa Lee Mrs. (Hackney), Birth: 02/06/1886, Death: 07/09/1971, Burial: 7/13/1971, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FRANKLIN, William Hardy Mr., Birth: 03/26/1881, Death: 03/28/1963, Burial: 4/1/1963, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FRANKS, Arthur H. Mr., Death: 04/01/1886, Burial: 4/1/1886, Grave: 1
FRANKS, Eugenia Cowart Miss, Birth: 06/19/1863, Death: 03/19/1898, Burial: 3/20/1898, Section: OR, Lot: 121, Grave: 1
FRANKS, G. Wayman Mr., Birth: 06/27/1878, Death: 02/15/1920, Burial: 2/17/1920, Section: DE, Lot: 50, Grave: 1
FRANKS, John Attaway Mr., Birth: 12/26/1826, Death: 09/21/1884, Burial: 9/22/1884, Section: OR, Lot: 121, Grave: 1
FRANKS, Lula Miss, Death: 09/23/1875, Burial: 9/24/1875, Section: OR, Lot: 121, Grave: 1
FRANKS, Mary E. Miss, Birth: 10/14/1861, Death: 11/27/1929, Burial: 11/28/1929, Section: OR, Lot: 121, Grave: 1
FRANKS, Sarah Ann Mrs. (Henry), Birth: 11/23/1837, Death: 11/26/1902, Burial: 11/28/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 121, Grave: 1
FRASIER, Florence Miss, Birth: 02/05/1902, Death: 06/22/1922, Burial: 6/23/1922, Section: BF, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
FRASIER, Magnolia Mrs. (White Maggie), Birth: 09/30/1876, Death: 11/09/1951, Burial: 11/11/1951, Section: BF, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
FRASIER, William Jefferson Mr., Birth: 02/23/1872, Death: 03/10/1934, Burial: 3/11/1934, Section: BF, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
FRAZER, John Brown Mr., Birth: 06/03/1903, Death: 03/22/1998, Burial: 3/25/1998, Section: OR, Lot: 25, Grave: 1
FRAZER, Louise Mrs. (Newman), Birth: 10/04/1903, Death: 07/15/1987, Burial: 7/20/1987, Section: OR, Lot: 25, Grave: 1
FRAZIER, Bobby Gene Mr., Birth: 07/17/1936, Death: 11/01/1938, Burial: 11/1/1938, Section: DN, Lot: 86, Grave: 1
FREE, Louis Mr., Death: 01/29/1931, Burial: 1/30/1931, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Alfred West Mr. (S/ A. B.), Birth: 09/29/1903, Death: 05/22/1905, Burial: 5/23/1905, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Annie Mrs., Death: 04/03/1919, Burial: 4/4/1919, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Edwin B. Dr., Birth: 02/04/1835, Death: 01/05/1905, Burial: 1/6/1905, Section: BD, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Francis Benjamin Mr. Sr., Death: 08/06/1941, Burial: 8/8/1941, Section: OR, Lot: 166, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Franklin M. Maj., Death: 10/18/1887, Burial: 10/19/1887, Section: OR, Lot: 166, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, George Sydney Mr., Death: 07/15/1895, Burial: 7/16/1895, Section: OR, Lot: 166, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Ida Mrs., Death: 08/26/1948, Burial: 8/29/1948, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, James Mr., Birth: 09/05/1789, Death: 03/18/1873, Burial: 3/19/1873, Section: OR, Lot: 166, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, John R. Col., Death: 06/15/1896, Burial: 6/16/1896, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Lettie Mrs. (Aunt Lydia), Death: 12/22/1924, Burial: 12/23/1924, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, M. M., Infant, Death: 12/24/1875, Burial: 12/26/1875, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Martha A. Mrs., Death: 06/19/1891, Burial: 6/20/1891, Section: OR, Lot: 166, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Mary Josephine Miss (Mary Jo), Birth: 03/08/1855, Death: 03/15/1928, Burial: 3/16/1928, Section: OR, Lot: 166, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Mary L. Ms., Death: 11/06/1936, Burial: 11/7/1936, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Mary Troupe Mrs. (Hamilton), Death: 09/23/1900, Burial: 9/24/1900, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Nell Miss, Death: 09/25/1916, Burial: 9/26/1916, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Rube Mr., Death: 07/04/1914, Burial: 7/5/1914, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, S. N. Mrs., Birth: 06/10/1843, Death: 01/20/1897, Burial: 1/21/1897, Section: OR, Lot: 166, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Sarah G. Mrs., Birth: 12/31/1800, Death: 09/26/1879, Burial: 9/27/1879, Section: OR, Lot: 166, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Westley Mr. (Uncle Westley), Death: 04/13/1910, Burial: 4/14/1910, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FREEMAN, Death: 05/24/1917, Burial: 5/25/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FRICKS, Charles Nathaniel Mr., Birth: 05/25/1875, Death: 01/19/1939, Burial: 1/20/1939, Section: BB, Lot: 20, Grave: 1
FRICKS, Emma Mrs. (Walker), Birth: 05/07/1881, Death: 12/18/1913, Burial: 12/19/1913, Section: BB, Lot: 20, Grave: 1
FRICKS, Mattie Johnie Mrs. (Lewis), Birth: 03/04/1877, Death: 02/21/1962, Burial: 2/23/1962, Section: RS, Lot: 70, Grave: 1
FRICKS, William Evans Mr. Sr., Birth: 11/13/1861, Death: 06/14/1940, Burial: 6/15/1940, Section: RS, Lot: 70, Grave: 1
FULCHER, Arah D. Mrs. (Fields), Death: 08/22/1952, Burial: 8/23/1952, Section: OR, Lot: 143, Grave: 1
FULCHER, Phillip J. Mr., Birth: 07/03/1863, Death: 10/27/1937, Burial: 10/28/1937, Section: OR, Lot: 143, Grave: 1
FULLBRIGHT, Minnie Mrs. (Barber), Birth: 06/25/1920, Death: 10/20/2004, Burial: 10/22/2004, Section: NF, Lot: 030A, Grave: 1
FULLER, Erby Byron Mr., Birth: 10/22/1902, Death: 10/07/1987, Burial: 10/10/1987, Section: RS, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
FULLER, Jo Anne Miss (Inf D/ J. O.), Death: 02/11/1946, Burial: 2/16/1946, Section: RS, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
FULLER, Pauline Mrs. (Robinson), Birth: 08/05/1906, Death: 07/25/1975, Burial: 7/27/1975, Section: RS, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
FULLER (Inf D/ J. C.), Infant, Death: 10/01/1908, Burial: 10/1/1908, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FULLER (Inf D/ C. N.), Infant, Death: 10/01/1908, Burial: 10/1/1908, Grave: 1
FULMER, John CSA, CO. C-25TH AL, Death: 11/04/1863, Burial: 11/4/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
FULTON, George S. Mr., Death: 02/12/1928, Burial: 2/13/1928, Section: FA, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
FULTON, Ida Virginia Mrs. (Woodruff), Birth: 11/13/1861, Death: 11/01/1929, Burial: 11/3/1929, Section: FA, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
FUNDERBURK, Emma Miss, Birth: 05/06/1847, Death: 04/14/1916, Burial: 4/15/1916, Section: OR, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
FUNDERBURK, Ferissa Mrs., Birth: 02/10/1816, Death: 03/07/1875, Burial: 3/8/1875, Section: OR, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
FUNDERBURK Mrs., Death: 02/07/1911, Burial: 2/8/1911, Grave: 1
FUNKHOUSER, Lucy Littell Mrs., Death: 04/06/1928, Burial: 4/7/1928, Section: OR, Lot: 252, Grave: 1
FUNKHOUSER, Martha Lucy Mrs. (Morton), Birth: 01/15/1881, Death: 11/01/1961, Burial: 11/3/1961, Section: OR, Lot: 251, Grave: 1
FUNKHOUSER, Samuel Mr., Birth: 10/14/1848, Death: 08/08/1901, Burial: 8/9/1901, Section: OR, Lot: 252, Grave: 1
FUNKHOUSER, William Littell Dr. Sr., Birth: 08/01/1879, Death: 02/15/1979, Burial: 2/17/1979, Section: OR, Lot: 251, Grave: 1
FUTRELL, Alfred Walter Capt., Birth: 12/01/1853, Death: 11/02/1918, Burial: 11/3/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 97, Grave: 1
FUTRELL, Margaret Mrs. (Pepper Maggie), Death: 12/15/1955, Burial: 12/17/1955, Section: OR, Lot: 97, Grave: 1
GABLE, John W. Mr., WWII, Birth: 09/03/1908, Death: 09/21/1956, Burial: 9/25/1956, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GAILLARD, Catherine Mrs. (Watson), Birth: 09/30/1844, Death: 03/10/1928, Burial: 3/11/1928, Section: RS, Lot: 149, Grave: 1
GAILLARD, Gabriella Deveaux Miss (Huger), Birth: 01/06/1870, Death: 03/03/1958, Burial: 3/4/1958, Section: BC, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
GAILLARD, Isaac Dubose Mr., Birth: 05/04/1843, Death: 07/04/1928, Burial: 7/5/1928, Section: RS, Lot: 149, Grave: 1
GAILLARD, Marion Deveaux Mrs. (Huger), Birth: 08/15/1839, Death: 11/02/1908, Burial: 11/3/1908, Section: BC, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
GAILLARD, Pattie Gourdin Miss, Birth: 02/05/1869, Death: 10/25/1927, Burial: 10/26/1927, Section: BC, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
GAINES, Amanda C. Miss, Birth: 08/05/1857, Death: 11/18/1940, Burial: 11/20/1940, Section: NF, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
GAINES, Bessie F. Miss, Birth: 07/03/1905, Death: 04/20/1929, Burial: 4/21/1929, Section: OR, Lot: 73, Grave: 1
GAINES, Charles F. Mr., Birth: 08/27/1870, Death: 11/26/1949, Burial: 11/27/1949, Section: NF, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
GAINES, Ella Mrs., Death: 11/30/1954, Burial: 12/1/1954, Section: OR, Lot: 284, Grave: 1
GAINES, James Lewis Mr., Birth: 12/24/1925, Death: 02/15/2016, Burial: 2/20/2016, Section: NF, Lot: 8, Grave: 5, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
GAINES, Jennie Mrs. (Turner), Birth: 09/28/1894, Death: 01/07/1953, Burial: 1/9/1953, Section: NF, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
GAINES, Maggie Mrs. (Phillips), Death: 05/17/1914, Burial: 5/18/1914, Section: NF, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
GAINES, Martha Mrs. (Selman), Birth: 06/20/1832, Death: 09/24/1916, Burial: 9/25/1916, Section: NF, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
GAINES, William Gordon Mr., Birth: 08/07/1922, Death: 06/29/2009, Residence, Burial: 7/2/2009, Section: NF, Lot: 8, Grave: 9, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
GAINES, Infant, Burial: 1/1/2004, Section: OR, Lot: 284, Grave: 1
GALLAGHER, M. H. Mr., Death: 06/20/1881, Burial: 6/21/1881, Grave: 1
GALLOWAY, Thomas E. Mr., Death: 05/28/1879, Burial: 5/29/1879, Grave: 1
GALLOWAY, William Mr., Death: 07/11/1915, Burial: 7/12/1915, Section: OR, Lot: 367, Grave: 1
GAMALIEL, Walter Mr., Death: 01/01/1894, Burial: 1/1/1894, Section: OR, Lot: 72, Grave: 1
GAMBELL, William Mr., Birth: 07/03/1899, Death: 07/21/1900, Burial: 7/22/1900, Grave: 1
GAMBELL, Willie M. Miss, Death: 11/30/1917, Burial: 12/1/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GAMBLE, Homer Mr., Death: 10/03/1917, Burial: 10/4/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GAMBOL, Edna Mrs. (Terry), Death: 10/01/1921, Burial: 10/2/1921, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Allie, Infant, Birth: 11/16/1886, Death: 06/16/1887, Burial: 6/17/1887, Section: OR, Lot: 137, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Charles Aiken Mr., Birth: 01/17/1859, Death: 01/21/1898, Burial: 1/22/1898, Section: OR, Lot: 137, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Charles Oliver Mr., Death: 02/01/1953, Burial: 2/3/1953, Section: OR, Lot: 137, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Daisy Mrs. (Stanberg), Death: 09/06/1909, Burial: 9/7/1909, Section: OR, Lot: 137, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Edith Octavia Mrs. (Smith), Birth: 05/10/1877, Death: 06/28/1956, Burial: 6/29/1956, Section: OR, Lot: 337, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Edward E. Mr., Death: 09/24/1906, Burial: 9/25/1906, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Edward Montague Mr., Death: 11/02/1953, Burial: 11/13/1953, Section: BC, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Elizabeth Arline Mrs. (Simpson), Birth: 04/19/1881, Death: 01/27/1949, Burial: 1/29/1949, Section: OR, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Evelyn Miss, Death: 02/04/1885, Burial: 2/5/1885, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Isabel Martin Miss, Birth: 06/01/1895, Death: 08/06/1971, Burial: 8/7/1971, Section: OR, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
GAMMON, James Smith, Infant, Death: 05/30/1911, Burial: 6/1/1911, Section: OR, Lot: 337, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Jennie Ms., Death: 06/01/1877, Burial: 6/2/1877, Grave: 1
GAMMON, John Aiken Mr., Birth: 01/21/1844, Death: 08/05/1905, Burial: 8/6/1905, Section: BC, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Landgon Bowie Mr. Jr., Birth: 12/28/1910, Death: 06/15/1969, Burial: 6/16/1969, Section: OR, Lot: 337, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Langdon Bowie Mr. Sr., Birth: 07/25/1874, Death: 11/15/1927, Burial: 11/16/1927, Section: OR, Lot: 337, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Laura Leonora Mrs. (Stillwell), Death: 02/20/1911, Burial: 2/21/1911, Section: OR, Lot: 137, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Lillie Elizabeth Mrs. (Bowie), Death: 08/27/1909, Burial: 8/29/1909, Section: OR, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Lillie Wardlaw Miss, Cremains, Birth: 11/12/1885, Death: 10/16/1974, Burial: 10/18/1974, Section: OR, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Mains Royal Mr., Death: 11/16/1894, Burial: 3/17/1898, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Nell Mrs. (Wyly), Birth: 04/02/1872, Death: 12/14/1947, Burial: 12/15/1947, Section: BC, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Polly J. Mrs., Birth: 10/21/1924, Death: 05/13/1996, Burial: 5/15/1996, Section: OR, Lot: 337, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Richard Vonalbade Mr. (Von), Birth: 12/04/1879, Death: 10/31/1897, Burial: 11/2/1897, Section: BC, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Rosalind E. Mrs. (Burns), Birth: 08/25/1851, Death: 11/01/1904, Burial: 11/2/1904, Section: BC, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Sallie W., Infant, Death: 01/04/1888, Burial: 1/5/1888, Grave: 1
GAMMON, Sophie Miss, Death: 01/01/1882, Burial: 1/1/1882, Grave: 1
GAMMON, William G. Mrs., Death: 05/08/1873, Burial: 5/9/1873, Section: BC, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
GAMMON, William Gamble Col., Birth: 10/02/1812, Death: 02/18/1895, Burial: 2/19/1895, Section: BC, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
GAMMON, William Gamble Mr., Death: 08/17/1900, Burial: 8/18/1900, Section: BC, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
GAMMON, William Melville Mr. Sr., Birth: 01/22/1842, Death: 03/09/1916, Burial: 3/10/1916, Section: OR, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
GAMMON, William Melville Mr. Jr., Birth: 09/11/1881, Death: 02/14/1949, Burial: 2/15/1949, Section: OR, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
GARDNER, Annie W. Mrs., Death: 10/10/1905, Burial: 10/11/1905, Section: OR, Lot: 173, Grave: 1
GARDNER, Carl Herbert Mr., Birth: 11/06/1888, Death: 02/03/1940, Burial: 2/4/1940, Section: BE, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GARDNER, George H. Mr., Birth: 04/27/1822, Death: 08/25/1878, Burial: 5/26/1878, Section: OR, Lot: 173, Grave: 1
GARDNER, J. K., Infant, Death: 08/30/1876, Burial: 8/31/1876, Grave: 1
GARDNER, Lillian Claire Mrs. (Brady), Birth: 09/05/1877, Death: 10/31/1957, Burial: 11/2/1957, Section: OR, Lot: 503, Grave: 1
GARDNER, Lula Mrs., Death: 12/30/1944, Burial: 1/1/1945, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GARDNER, Thomas Morgan Mr., Birth: 02/19/1877, Death: 02/28/1941, Burial: 3/1/1941, Section: OR, Lot: 503, Grave: 1
GARDNER, Viola Mrs. (Marcum), Birth: 06/13/1861, Death: 04/03/1939, Burial: 4/4/1939, Section: BE, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GARDNER, William Richard Mr., Birth: 03/01/1854, Death: 02/07/1936, Burial: 7/8/1936, Section: BE, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GARDNER, William Mr., Burial: 1/1/1916, Section: BE, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GARLINGTON, Annie R. Mrs. (Jones), Birth: 05/18/1851, Death: 02/25/1921, Burial: 2/26/1921, Section: OR, Lot: 179, Grave: 1
GARLINGTON, James Christopher Capt., Birth: 07/12/1839, Death: 02/14/1912, Burial: 2/15/1912, Section: OR, Lot: 179, Grave: 1
GARNAIGAN, Eliza Mrs., Death: 10/14/1918, Burial: 10/15/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GARNER, Andrew Geston Mr., Birth: 12/27/1880, Death: 07/09/1958, Burial: 7/11/1958, Section: OR, Lot: 284, Grave: 1
GARNER, Andrew Jackson Rev., Birth: 08/24/1887, Death: 04/23/1955, Burial: 4/25/1955, Section: RS, Lot: 69, Grave: 1
GARNER, Ella Mrs. (Gaines), Death: 09/26/1945, Burial: 9/27/1945, Section: OR, Lot: 284, Grave: 1
GARNER, Ellen Mauldin Mrs. (Jenkins), Birth: 10/04/1900, Death: 10/14/1984, Burial: 10/17/1984, Section: OR, Lot: 284, Grave: 1
GARNER, Elzie Mrs. (Culver), Birth: 09/09/1889, Death: 04/27/1976, Burial: 4/29/1976, Section: RS, Lot: 69, Grave: 1
GARNER, H. Leroy Mr., Birth: 01/06/1920, Death: 02/18/1943, Burial: 2/19/1943, Section: RS, Lot: 69, Grave: 1
GARNER, Louise Mrs. (Gunnels), Burial: 1/1/1936, Section: BC, Lot: 15, Grave: 1
GARNETT, Anne Mrs. (Neal), Death: 10/20/1991, Burial: 10/22/1991, Section: GA, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
GARNETT, Charles Milton Mr., Birth: 07/12/1937, Death: 02/10/2004, Burial: 2/13/2004, Section: MA, Lot: 32, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Henry Mason Funeral Home
GARNETT, Nancy Mrs. (Wingate), Birth: 10/17/1939, Death: 01/25/2015, Burial: 1/27/2015, Section: MA, Lot: 32, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Masons Funeral Home
GARNETT, Rubert Dodson Mr., Birth: 05/22/1905, Death: 03/24/1990, Burial: 3/26/1990, Section: GA, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
GARRARD, Anna O. Mrs. (Walker), Death: 09/01/1930, Burial: 9/3/1930, Section: BC, Lot: 19, Grave: 1
GARRARD, Augustus Oliver Mr., Birth: 11/22/1836, Death: 02/09/1898, Burial: 2/10/1898, Section: BC, Lot: 19, Grave: 1
GARRARD, Charles R. Mr., Birth: 11/05/1866, Death: 06/25/1922, Burial: 6/26/1922, Section: BC, Lot: 19, Grave: 1
GARRARD, Clarence A. Mr., Birth: 09/27/1869, Death: 01/02/1905, Burial: 1/3/1905, Section: BC, Lot: 19, Grave: 1
GARRARD, Ludie Mrs. (Dodd), Death: 12/07/1934, Burial: 12/8/1934, Section: OR, Lot: 491, Grave: 1
GARRETT, Glenda Faye Mrs. (Green), Birth: 02/25/1945, Death: 03/04/1973, Burial: 3/7/1973, Section: RS, Lot: 136, Grave: 1
GARRETT, Lena Mrs. (Williamson), Birth: 04/16/1870, Death: 01/09/1953, Burial: 1/11/1953, Section: WP, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
GARRETT, Louis Mr., Death: 05/12/1918, Burial: 5/13/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GARRISON, Georgia Mrs. (Harvey), Birth: 05/18/1883, Death: 05/30/1902, Burial: 6/1/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 291, Grave: 1
GARRISON, William R. CSA, CO H-1ST AR CAV, Death: 03/15/1863, Burial: 3/15/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
GARVIN, David Joseph Mr., Birth: 12/07/1872, Death: 10/17/1944, Burial: 10/19/1944, Section: GV, Lot: 35, Grave: 1
GARVIN, David Lawson Mr., Birth: 12/06/1903, Death: 07/10/1931, Burial: 7/11/1931, Section: GV, Lot: 35, Grave: 1
GARVIN, John L. Mr., Birth: 03/11/1908, Death: 08/08/1989, Burial: 8/11/1989, Section: MA, Lot: 27, Grave: 1
GARVIN, John M. Mr., Birth: 03/21/1866, Death: 03/23/1926, Burial: 3/24/1926, Section: GV, Lot: 35, Grave: 1
GARVIN, Lillian Mrs. (Lawson), Birth: 02/04/1871, Death: 07/16/1954, Burial: 7/18/1954, Section: GV, Lot: 35, Grave: 1
GARVIN, Martha Elizabeth Mrs. (Battey), Birth: 08/30/1911, Death: 11/27/1987, Burial: 12/1/1987, Section: MA, Lot: 27, Grave: 1
GASKILL, Mary Alice Mrs. (Bachman), Birth: 09/30/1880, Death: 01/21/1914, Burial: 1/22/1914, Section: BE, Lot: 27, Grave: 1
GATLIN, Alleen Mrs. (Wootten), Birth: 01/29/1893, Death: 04/08/1975, Burial: 4/9/1975, Section: RS, Lot: 121, Grave: 1
GATLIN, Jerry William Mr., Birth: 06/06/1943, Death: 05/01/2014, Residence, Burial: 5/4/2014, Section: M, Lot: N02, Grave: A5, Funeral Home: Miller And Richards
GAYLOR, Anna Habersham Mrs. (King), Birth: 05/17/1908, Death: 02/07/1968, Burial: 2/9/1968, Grave: 1
GAYLOR, John Franklin Mr., Birth: 06/17/1906, Death: 09/30/1966, Burial: 10/2/1966, Grave: 1
GAYLOR, John Franklin Mr. III, Birth: 04/25/1943, Death: 08/01/1978, Burial: 8/3/1978, Grave: 1
GEER, Irene G. Mrs., Death: 01/29/1892, Burial: 1/30/1892, Grave: 1
GENTRY, Cora Clara Mrs. (Clark), Death: 03/27/1973, Burial: 3/29/1973, Section: OR, Lot: 279, Grave: 1
GENTRY, Earl, Infant, Birth: 10/13/1883, Death: 07/04/1884, Burial: 7/5/1884, Section: OR, Lot: 279, Grave: 1
GENTRY, Flora Mrs. (Speer), Birth: 05/01/1848, Death: 10/21/1883, Burial: 10/22/1883, Section: OR, Lot: 279, Grave: 1
GENTRY, Samuel C. Capt. (Sam), Birth: 09/03/1833, Death: 12/23/1869, Burial: 12/24/1906, Section: OR, Lot: 279, Grave: 1
GENTRY, Samuel C. Mr. Jr., Death: 12/01/1957, Burial: 12/3/1957, Section: OR, Lot: 279, Grave: 1
GENTRY, Sarah Eleanor Mrs. (Powell), Birth: 11/17/1874, Death: 04/14/1952, Burial: 4/15/1952, Section: OR, Lot: 493, Grave: 1
GENTRY, Victor, Infant, Death: 08/02/1908, Burial: 8/3/1908, Grave: 1
GENTRY Mrs., Death: 01/11/1910, Burial: 1/12/1910, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Battey, Infant, Death: 12/08/1882, Burial: 12/9/1882, Section: OR, Lot: 265, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Frances Marion Mrs., Birth: 03/06/1840, Death: 04/22/1900, Burial: 4/23/1900, Section: OR, Lot: 410, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Hannah Mrs. (Moore), Birth: 08/20/1851, Death: 03/05/1885, Burial: 3/6/1885, Section: OR, Lot: 265, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Helene Mrs. (Juillard), Birth: 07/06/1879, Death: 12/05/1941, Burial: 12/7/1941, Section: OR, Lot: 265, Grave: 1
GEORGE, John G. Mr., Death: 08/28/1887, Burial: 8/29/1887, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Joseph Bard CSA, Birth: 06/10/1837, Death: 06/18/1910, Burial: 6/19/1910, Section: OR, Lot: 410, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Junius A. Mr., Birth: 10/18/1845, Death: 09/27/1897, Burial: 9/28/1897, Section: OR, Lot: 265, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Kathleen Mrs. (Kimball), Birth: 09/06/1868, Death: 04/15/1930, Burial: 4/16/1930, Section: RS, Lot: 202, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Loula Miss, Death: 04/06/1939, Burial: 4/8/1939, Section: OR, Lot: 410, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Mary Mrs., Death: 12/10/1891, Burial: 12/11/1891, Section: OR, Lot: 410, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Ruger E. Mr., Birth: 12/18/1879, Death: 03/07/1953, Burial: 3/9/1953, Section: OR, Lot: 265, Grave: 1
GEORGE, Sylvanus Landrum Mr., Burial: 1/1/1931, Section: RS, Lot: 202, Grave: 1
GEORGE (Inf/ Joe), Infant, Death: 02/26/1875, Burial: 2/27/1875, Section: OR, Lot: 265, Grave: 1
GEORGE (Inf/ J. A.), Infant, Death: 07/29/1890, Burial: 7/30/1890, Section: OR, Lot: 265, Grave: 1
GERRARD (Inf / Dr. J. L.), Infant, Death: 02/05/1909, Burial: 2/6/1909, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GESSLEY, Marie E. Mrs., Death: 07/13/1879, Burial: 7/14/1879, Grave: 1
GHORMLEY, Virginia Mrs. (Mitchell), Birth: 02/02/1874, Death: 07/18/1934, Burial: 7/19/1934, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, Albert Pitner, Infant, Death: 07/19/1879, Burial: 7/20/1879, Section: OR, Lot: 228, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, Charles Pitner Mr., Birth: 02/11/1885, Death: 06/03/1961, Burial: 6/5/1961, Section: OR, Lot: 228, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, Christina Mr., Birth: 07/13/1803, Death: 09/16/1879, Burial: 9/17/1879, Section: OR, Lot: 229, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, Dorothy Mrs. (Scurry), Birth: 09/26/1904, Death: 01/24/1994, Burial: 1/27/1994, Section: FA, Lot: 9, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, Ella I. Mrs. (Pitner), Birth: 07/04/1854, Death: 04/11/1931, Burial: 4/12/1931, Section: OR, Lot: 228, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, Evelyn Mrs. (Towers), Birth: 11/21/1913, Death: 11/23/1991, Burial: 11/27/1991, Section: OR, Lot: 520, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, Fannie L. Miss, Birth: 12/09/1894, Death: 05/28/1993, Burial: 5/30/1993, Section: OR, Lot: 228, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, Robert M. Mr., Burial: 7/19/1991, Section: OR, Lot: 404/520, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, Samuel D. Mr. (Sam), Birth: 10/23/1869, Death: 07/04/1892, Burial: 7/5/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 228, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, Samuel Mr., Birth: 06/17/1806, Death: 08/27/1870, Burial: 8/28/1870, Section: OR, Lot: 229, Grave: 1
GIBBONS, William Stevens Mr., Birth: 07/27/1842, Death: 04/11/1931, Burial: 4/12/1931, Section: OR, Lot: 228, Grave: 1
GIBBONS (Inf/ William), Infant, Death: 03/20/1880, Burial: 3/21/1880, Section: OR, Lot: 228, Grave: 1
GIBSON, Andrew Mr., Death: 01/04/1900, Burial: 1/5/1900, Section: SG, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
GIBSON, Edward T. Mr., Birth: 05/11/1875, Death: 02/01/1942, Burial: 2/3/1942, Section: OR, Lot: 269, Grave: 1
GIBSON, George Roberts Mr., Birth: 03/22/1858, Death: 12/05/1925, Burial: 12/6/1925, Grave: 1
GIBSON, George Wright Mr. (Gibby) Jr., Death: 10/03/1947, Burial: 10/4/1947, Section: BF, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
GIBSON, Hattie Louise Mrs., Death: 05/03/1979, Burial: 5/5/1979, Section: OR, Lot: 269, Grave: 1
GIBSON, Kate Mrs. (Russell), Death: 09/25/1993, Burial: 9/27/1993, Section: OR, Lot: 269, Grave: 1
GIBSON, Mary E. Mrs. (Dejournette), Birth: 05/11/1850, Death: 08/01/1929, Burial: 8/2/1929, Section: OR, Lot: 269, Grave: 1
GIBSON, Mattie L. Mrs. (Gordon Howel), Birth: 12/16/1867, Death: 03/06/1963, Burial: 3/8/1963, Grave: 1
GIBSON, Nancy Mrs., Death: 05/22/1917, Burial: 5/23/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GIBSON, Robert Marvin Mr. (Bob), Birth: 05/09/1880, Death: 03/01/1964, Burial: 3/3/1964, Section: OR, Lot: 269, Grave: 1
GIBSON (Inf/ W. H.), Infant, Birth: 07/10/1959, Death: 07/10/1959, Burial: 7/12/1959, Section: OR, Lot: 282, Grave: 1
GILBERT, Mary Cuttino Mrs. (Harbin), Birth: 08/07/1911, Death: 03/19/1999, Burial: 3/21/1999, Section: OR, Lot: 98, Grave: 1
GILBERT, Warren Monroe Dr., Birth: 04/21/1907, Death: 10/23/1991, Burial: 10/25/1991, Section: OR, Lot: 98, Grave: 1
GILES, J. B. CSA, CO. L-10TH SC, Death: 04/23/1863, Burial: 4/23/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GILFILLAN, Clara Mrs. (Miller Angle), Birth: 12/29/1895, Death: 02/23/1988, Burial: 2/25/1988, Section: BE, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
GILFILLAN, John Fredric Mr., Birth: 06/19/1888, Death: 03/19/1968, Burial: 3/21/1968, Section: BE, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
GILKESON, Thomas Andrew Mr. Jr., Birth: 06/20/1961, Death: 09/21/1967, Burial: 9/23/1967, Section: OR, Lot: 136, Grave: 1
GILLAM, Kate Ms., Death: 05/12/1894, Burial: 5/13/1894, Section: OR, Lot: 381, Grave: 1
GILLIS, Donald Burton Mr., Birth: 11/04/1872, Death: 09/29/1956, Burial: 10/4/1956, Section: OR, Lot: 281, Grave: 1
GILLIS, Mary Lou Mrs. (Yancey), Birth: 01/03/1885, Death: 01/24/1977, Burial: 1/26/1977, Section: OR, Lot: 281, Grave: 1
GILMORE, Charles Hereford Mr., Birth: 02/10/1895, Death: 11/14/1964, Burial: 11/16/1964, Section: RS, Lot: 128, Grave: 1
GILMORE, Florence Mrs. (Dodd), Birth: 11/26/1909, Death: 05/25/1985, Burial: 5/28/1985, Section: RS, Lot: 128, Grave: 1
GILREATH, Nathan Hoyt Mr., Death: 06/10/1908, Burial: 6/11/1908, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GIPSEY, Infant, Death: 02/26/1896, Burial: 2/27/1896, Grave: 1
GIPSEY, Death: 04/15/1896, Burial: 4/16/1896, Grave: 1
GIVEN, Hugh C. Mr. Sr., Death: 07/02/1920, Burial: 7/3/1920, Section: OR, Lot: 198, Grave: 1
GIVEN, Hugh C. Mr. Jr., Birth: 07/20/1893, Death: 07/24/1957, Burial: 7/26/1957, Section: OR, Lot: 198, Grave: 1
GIVEN, Katherine Joyce Mrs., Death: 12/08/1939, Burial: 12/9/1939, Section: OR, Lot: 198, Grave: 1
GIVEN, Oda May Mrs. (Fletcher), Birth: 05/01/1874, Death: 05/05/1916, Burial: 5/6/1916, Section: GV, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
GIVEN, Robert W. Mr., Birth: 12/22/1866, Death: 02/14/1937, Burial: 2/16/1937, Section: GV, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
GIVEN, Rushia Louise Mrs. (Dunaway), Birth: 09/17/1903, Death: 02/03/1989, Burial: 2/5/1989, Section: OR, Lot: 198, Grave: 1
GLADDEN, Lizzie Mrs. (Jones), Birth: 08/29/1901, Death: 08/22/1929, Burial: 8/23/1929, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GLAMRON, E. CSA, WALTER'S BATT, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GLANTON, Josie Mrs., Death: 08/30/1917, Burial: 9/1/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GLANTON, Polk Mrs., Death: 04/21/1883, Burial: 4/22/1883, Grave: 1
GLASER, Pauline Mrs. (Kincaid), Birth: 01/15/1888, Death: 01/10/1953, Burial: 1/15/1953, Section: OR, Lot: 186, Grave: 1
GLASS, John W. Mr., Birth: 01/19/1872, Death: 01/20/1946, Burial: 1/26/1946, Section: PS, Lot: 96, Grave: 1
GLASS (Inf/ Jack), Infant, Death: 02/15/1913, Burial: 2/16/1913, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GLASS (Inf S/ T. T.), Infant, Death: 05/20/1942, Burial: 5/21/1942, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GLASSCOCK, Alice Mrs. (Towers), Death: 05/06/1987, Burial: 5/8/1987, Section: RS, Lot: 150, Grave: 1
GLENN (Inf/ Eulis), Infant, Birth: 04/16/1917, Death: 04/18/1917, Burial: 4/19/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GLISSON, Rick Fredrick Mr., Cremains, Birth: 07/01/1951, Death: 09/30/2015, Burial: 11/14/2015, Section: OR, Lot: 405, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Family Only
GLOSIER, Ava Mrs. (Todd), Birth: 07/11/1919, Death: 10/15/2001, Burial: 10/31/2001, Section: OR, Lot: 69, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Henderson & Son Funeral Home
GLOSIER, William Andrew Mr. (Andy), Birth: 06/06/1954, Death: 12/16/2004, Burial: 2/11/2005, Section: OR, Lot: 69, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Henderson & Son Funeral Home
GLOVER, Adelaide Pope Mrs. (Simpson), Birth: 11/15/1908, Death: 11/12/1982, Burial: 11/14/1982, Section: GM, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Alice Lee Mrs. (Turner), Birth: 08/20/1883, Death: 03/21/1980, Burial: 3/23/1980, Section: GM, Lot: 37, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Anna Louise Mrs. (Wingfield), Birth: 04/30/1918, Death: 04/18/1951, Mississippi, Burial: 4/20/1951, Section: GM, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Bill Mr., Death: 05/07/1915, Burial: 5/8/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Cain Capt., Birth: 01/20/1828, Death: 03/17/1885, Burial: 3/18/1885, Section: OR, Lot: 405, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Dinah Mrs., Death: 12/10/1944, Burial: 12/12/1944, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Dixie Mrs. (Moore), Birth: 10/09/1953, Death: 08/14/2012, Burial: 8/18/2012, Section: GV, Lot: 37, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
GLOVER, Eleanor Foster Mrs. (Graham), Birth: 03/29/1899, Death: 04/30/1970, Burial: 5/2/1970, Section: BA, Lot: 28, Grave: 1
GLOVER, James Asa Mr., Birth: 05/26/1876, Death: 01/16/1946, Burial: 1/18/1946, Section: GM, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GLOVER, James Turner Mr. (Jimmy), Birth: 03/31/1906, Death: 07/18/1976, Burial: 1/1/1976, Section: GM, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Jane Mrs. (Johnson), Birth: 08/08/1847, Death: 10/14/1919, Burial: 1/1/1919, Section: GM, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Joe Pittner Mr., Birth: 08/08/1873, Death: 09/19/1933, Rome, Burial: 9/20/1933, Section: GM, Lot: 37, Grave: 1
GLOVER, John Abraham Capt., Birth: 11/18/1846, Death: 07/07/1922, Rome, Burial: 7/7/1922, Section: GM, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GLOVER, John C. Mr., Birth: 06/25/1878, Death: 03/02/1944, Burial: 3/4/1944, Section: GM, Lot: 37, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Jule Marion Mr. Jr., Birth: 07/09/1918, Death: 11/29/1978, Armuchee, Burial: 12/1/1978, Section: GM, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Jule Marion Mr. Sr., Birth: 12/26/1882, Death: 08/14/1928, Rome, Burial: 8/16/1928, Section: GM, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Jule Marion Mr. III, Birth: 03/21/1948, Death: 07/16/2002, Rome, Burial: 7/24/2002, Section: GV, Lot: 37, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
GLOVER, Lillie Mrs. (Armstrong), Birth: 11/08/1874, Death: 09/21/1934, Burial: 9/22/1934, Section: GM, Lot: 37, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Mattie Mrs. (Wall), Birth: 06/20/1889, Death: 08/21/1923, Burial: 8/22/1923, Section: GM, Lot: 37, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Nettie Mrs., Birth: 11/13/1875, Death: 10/12/1909, Burial: 10/13/1909, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Ruth Mrs., Birth: 01/01/1896, Death: 01/01/1950, Burial: 1/1/1950, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Sarah Jane Mrs. (Johnson), Birth: 08/08/1847, Death: 10/14/1919, Burial: 10/15/1919, Section: GM, Lot: 37, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Victoria Mrs. (Bale), Birth: 04/08/1841, Death: 02/28/1863, Burial: 3/1/1863, Section: OR, Lot: 405, Grave: 1
GLOVER, Walton M. Mr., Birth: 01/01/1887, Death: 01/01/1951, Burial: 1/1/1951, Grave: 1
GODARD, E. S. CSA, CO. B -22ND TN, Death: 09/05/1863, Burial: 9/5/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GODDARD, Alice Mrs. (Henson), Birth: 03/27/1886, Death: 02/06/1940, Burial: 2/7/1940, Section: OR, Lot: 271, Grave: 1
GODDARD, Clara Mae Mrs. (Washington), Birth: 12/17/1883, Death: 02/28/1955, Burial: 3/1/1955, Section: NF, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
GODDARD, Helen Frances Mrs. (Slone), Birth: 04/30/1920, Death: 12/22/1957, Burial: 12/26/1957, Section: BE, Lot: 66, Grave: 1
GODDARD, Henry Oliver Mr., Birth: 08/03/1871, Death: 01/17/1937, Burial: 1/18/1937, Section: NF, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
GODDARD (Inf/ John), Infant, Death: 05/01/1897, Burial: 5/1/1897, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GODFREY, Barbara Jean (Inf D/ John L.), Infant, Birth: 10/18/1940, Death: 10/21/1940, Burial: 10/22/1940, Section: RS, Lot: 98, Grave: 1
GODFREY, Ellen Elizabeth Mrs. (Arver), Birth: 04/07/1905, Death: 06/27/1953, Burial: 6/28/1953, Section: RS, Lot: 98, Grave: 1
GODFREY, John Lonnie Jr., Infant, Death: 11/25/1939, Burial: 11/26/1939, Section: RS, Lot: 98, Grave: 1
GODFREY, John Lonnie Mr. Sr., Birth: 02/04/1902, Death: 10/09/1958, Burial: 10/10/1958, Section: RS, Lot: 98, Grave: 1
GODFREY, Lizzie Mrs., Death: 07/02/1944, Burial: 7/3/1944, Grave: 1
GODFREY, Mardeen (Inf D/ Vernon), Infant, Birth: 03/18/1937, Death: 03/21/1937, Burial: 3/22/1937, Section: RS, Lot: 101, Grave: 1
GODFREY, Vernon Jesse Mr., Death: 09/01/1946, Burial: 9/2/1946, Section: RS, Lot: 101, Grave: 1
GOETCHIUS, Elizabeth Mrs. (Daniel), Birth: 07/13/1868, Death: 06/30/1963, Burial: 7/2/1963, Section: OR, Lot: 397, Grave: 1
GOETHCIUS, Charles Bennett Mr., Birth: 08/13/1860, Death: 05/15/1915, Burial: 5/16/1915, Section: OR, Lot: 397, Grave: 1
GOETHCIUS, George Thomas Dr., Birth: 12/16/1845, Death: 08/30/1900, Burial: 9/1/1900, Section: OR, Lot: 397, Grave: 1
GOETHCIUS, Julian Scudder Mr., Birth: 06/14/1873, Death: 02/20/1929, Burial: 2/21/1929, Section: OR, Lot: 397, Grave: 1
GOETHCIUS, Mary Antoinette Mrs. (Wingfield), Birth: 06/20/1846, Death: 03/13/1937, Burial: 3/14/1937, Section: OR, Lot: 397, Grave: 1
GOINGS, Virginia Annelle (Inf D/ D. G.), Infant, Birth: 06/04/1924, Death: 10/16/1924, Burial: 10/17/1924, Section: DN, Lot: 106, Grave: 1
GOINS, J. P. CSA, CO. -25TH MS, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOLDEN, Vennie Mr., Death: 05/25/1892, Burial: 5/26/1892, Grave: 1
GOLDEN Mrs., Death: 07/10/1975, Burial: 7/10/1975, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOLF, J. C. Mr., Death: 01/05/1909, Burial: 1/6/1909, Grave: 1
GOMEZ, Mattie Mrs. (Webb), Death: 05/15/1910, Burial: 5/16/1910, Grave: 1
GOMEZ, Nick M. Mr., Death: 02/03/1915, Burial: 2/4/1915, Grave: 1
GOODLEY, Canzy Mrs. (Barker), Birth: 04/03/1866, Death: 05/06/1919, Burial: 5/7/1919, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODLEY, Emma Miss, Death: 10/18/1918, Burial: 10/19/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODLEY, Joe Mr., Death: 10/17/1926, Burial: 10/18/1926, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODLEY (Inf/ Aaron), Infant, Death: 02/25/1914, Burial: 2/26/1914, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODLOW, James A. Mr., Death: 11/02/1887, Burial: 11/3/1887, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODLY (Inf/ Aaron), Infant, Death: 12/30/1919, Burial: 12/31/1919, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODMAN, Alfred, Infant, Death: 09/18/1879, Burial: 9/19/1879, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODMAN, Bessie, Infant, Death: 01/01/1901, Burial: 1/1/1901, Grave: 1
GOODMAN, Eva L., Infant, Death: 06/11/1881, Burial: 6/12/1881, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODMAN, Lee Mr., Burial: 1/1/1941, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODMAN, Lee Mr., Burial: 7/10/1975, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODMAN, Leethaniel, Infant, Birth: 12/08/1902, Death: 07/19/1903, Burial: 7/20/1903, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODMAN (Inf/ George), Infant, Birth: 12/21/1883, Death: 12/22/1883, Burial: 12/23/1883, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODSON (Inf D/ A. J.), Infant, Birth: 02/07/1928, Death: 02/09/1928, Burial: 2/10/1928, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODWIN, Annie Mrs., Death: 06/16/1917, Burial: 6/17/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOODWIN, John W. CSA, CO. B-22ND AL, Death: 06/13/1863, Burial: 6/13/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
GOODWIN, William B. CSA, CO. K-7&9 MS, Death: 05/23/1863, Burial: 5/23/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 9, Grave: 1
GOODWIN (Inf D/ B. G.), Infant, Birth: 07/10/1920, Death: 07/11/1920, Burial: 7/12/1920, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GORDON, Anna M. Mrs., Death: 05/23/1914, Burial: 5/24/1914, Section: OR, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
GORDON, Bobby, Infant, Burial: 1/1/1943, Section: BS, Lot: 107, Grave: 1
GORDON, Charles F. CSA, CO. I-24TH MS, Death: 06/10/1863, Burial: 6/10/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GORDON, Clara J. Mrs., Death: 07/29/1969, Burial: 7/30/1969, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GORDON, Ella May Miss, Birth: 08/14/1909, Death: 09/12/1911, Burial: 9/13/1911, Section: OR, Lot: 494, Grave: 1
GORDON, Emma Mrs. (Hurt), Death: 05/13/1912, Burial: 5/14/1912, Section: FA, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
GORDON, James Bailey Mr., Birth: 05/07/1873, Death: 02/09/1973, Burial: 2/11/1973, Section: GV, Lot: 38, Grave: 1
GORDON, Jennings Bailey Mr. Sr., Birth: 01/07/1909, Death: 03/30/1985, Burial: 4/3/1985, Section: GV, Lot: 38, Grave: 1
GORDON, Jesse Mr., Burial: 1/1/1907, Section: OR, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
GORDON, Jessie Irene Mrs. (Jennings), Birth: 07/26/1873, Death: 11/23/1959, Burial: 11/24/1959, Section: GV, Lot: 38, Grave: 1
GORDON, Julia Edna, Infant, Birth: 05/27/1895, Death: 06/18/1896, Burial: 6/19/1896, Section: OR, Lot: 494, Grave: 1
GORDON, Leonorah Frances Miss, Birth: 12/20/1905, Death: 01/09/1981, Burial: 1/11/1981, Section: GV, Lot: 38, Grave: 1
GORDON, Marjorie Mrs. (Schuler), Birth: 01/11/1911, Death: 10/07/1989, Burial: 10/9/1989, Section: GV, Lot: 38, Grave: 1
GORDON, Mary Eva Leila Mrs. (Hardin), Birth: 10/06/1869, Death: 01/03/1942, Burial: 1/4/1942, Section: OR, Lot: 494, Grave: 1
GORDON, Rose Mrs., Death: 04/25/1919, Burial: 4/26/1919, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GORDON, Sarah Wicker, Infant, Birth: 08/14/1909, Death: 01/06/1910, Burial: 1/7/1910, Section: OR, Lot: 494, Grave: 1
GORDON, W. L. Mr., Death: 05/15/1912, Burial: 5/16/1912, Grave: 1
GORDON, William Joseph Mr., Birth: 09/11/1871, Death: 02/05/1938, Burial: 2/6/1938, Section: OR, Lot: 494, Grave: 1
GORDON, William Law Mr., Death: 08/23/1908, Burial: 8/24/1908, Section: FA, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
GORDON, William Lee Mr., Birth: 04/15/1898, Death: 12/04/1925, Burial: 12/5/1925, Section: OR, Lot: 494, Grave: 1
GORE, Myra Mozell Mrs. (Washington), Birth: 01/13/1886, Death: 09/17/1963, Burial: 9/18/1963, Section: NF, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
GORE, Oscar Dempsey Mr., Birth: 10/16/1865, Death: 04/17/1930, Burial: 4/18/1930, Section: NF, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
GORIGAN, Ossie Mr., Death: 11/04/1915, Burial: 11/5/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GOSSETT, Jasper W. Mr., Death: 01/08/1926, Burial: 1/9/1926, Grave: 1
GOUGH, John H. Mr., Death: 01/05/1897, Burial: 1/6/1897, Grave: 1
GOUGH, Rosanna Mrs., Death: 05/14/1888, Burial: 5/15/1888, Grave: 1
GOUGH, Thomas W. Mr., Death: 06/02/1886, Burial: 6/3/1886, Grave: 1
GOULD, Doda E. Mrs. (Anderson), Birth: 01/01/1873, Death: 05/03/1944, Burial: 6/2/1944, Section: BE, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
GOULD, Elmer Mervin Mr. Sr., Birth: 08/03/1912, Death: 11/05/2000, Burial: 10/7/2000, Section: OR, Lot: 167, Grave: 1
GOULD, George H. Capt., Birth: 03/29/1849, Death: 03/13/1912, Burial: 3/14/1912, Section: BE, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
GOULD, Harriet Lillian Mrs. (Weems), Birth: 12/04/1896, Death: 02/02/1982, Burial: 2/4/1982, Section: BE, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
GOULD, Herbert Appleton Capt., Death: 02/03/1947, Burial: 2/6/1947, Section: BE, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
GOULD, Pearl Mrs. (Camp), Birth: 06/24/1884, Death: 12/14/1912, Burial: 12/15/1912, Section: BE, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
GOULD, Virginia Augusta Mrs. (McGhee), Birth: 07/08/1915, Death: 02/26/1984, Burial: 2/28/1984, Section: OR, Lot: 167, Grave: 1
GOVAN, Fred Mr., Death: 05/03/1870, Burial: 5/4/1870, Section: OR, Lot: 258, Grave: 1
GOVAN, Mattie E. Mrs., Birth: 02/22/1844, Death: 11/05/1892, Burial: 11/6/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 258, Grave: 1
GOVAN, Moore Fauntleroy CSA Jr., CO. F-3RD VA, Death: 09/04/1917, Burial: 9/5/1917, Section: OR, Lot: 258, Grave: 1
GOVAN, Moore Fountleroy Mr. Sr., Birth: 09/09/1867, Death: 04/28/1882, Burial: 4/29/1882, Section: OR, Lot: 258, Grave: 1
GOVAN (Inf/ Fred), Infant, Death: 01/19/1878, Burial: 1/20/1878, Section: OR, Lot: 258, Grave: 1
GOWEN, Annie Mrs. (Abbott), Birth: 08/10/1818, Death: 08/27/1901, Burial: 8/28/1901, Section: OR, Lot: 315, Grave: 1
GOWEN, Frederick Selton Mr., Birth: 01/08/1903, Death: 10/22/1923, Burial: 10/23/1923, Section: OR, Lot: 571, Grave: 1
GOWEN, Mary F. Mrs., Birth: 04/24/1882, Death: 04/30/1912, Burial: 5/1/1912, Section: OR, Lot: 571, Grave: 1
GOWEN (Inf S/ T. M.), Infant, Birth: 04/16/1920, Death: 04/26/1920, Burial: 4/27/1920, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GRACE, Mary Virginia Mrs. (O'Bryan), Death: 02/12/1935, Burial: 2/13/1935, Section: OR, Lot: 505, Grave: 1
GRACE, William T. Mr. Jr., Birth: 02/10/1888, Death: 04/23/1913, Burial: 4/24/1913, Section: OR, Lot: 505, Grave: 1
GRACE, William T. Mr. Sr., Birth: 02/20/1853, Death: 01/11/1933, Burial: 1/12/1933, Section: OR, Lot: 505, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, A. B. Mrs. (Stoney), Death: 10/30/1898, Burial: 10/31/1898, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Annie B., Infant, Death: 06/05/1879, Burial: 6/6/1879, Section: OR, Lot: 502, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Carrie Crowell, Infant, Death: 01/03/1877, Burial: 1/4/1877, Section: OR, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Carrie Crowell Mrs. (Pope), Birth: 11/02/1849, Death: 10/17/1902, Burial: 10/18/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, George Stoney Mr., Birth: 03/27/1850, Death: 02/27/1932, Burial: 3/1/1932, Section: OR, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, John Meredith Mr. II, Birth: 12/23/1905, Death: 01/28/1983, Burial: 1/30/1983, Section: BA, Lot: 28, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, John Meredith Mr. Sr., Birth: 11/09/1873, Death: 01/11/1945, Burial: 1/12/1945, Section: OR, Lot: 111, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, John Meredith Mr. Jr., Birth: 07/24/1912, Death: 01/17/1964, Burial: 1/19/1964, Section: OR, Lot: 111, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, John Mr., Death: 03/08/1889, Burial: 3/9/1889, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Lila Huntington Mrs. (Berry), Birth: 11/10/1873, Death: 04/10/1951, Burial: 4/11/1951, Section: BA, Lot: 28, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Margaret Guthrie, Infant, Birth: 03/18/1955, Death: 10/29/1955, Burial: 10/30/1955, Section: OR, Lot: 111, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Margaret Mrs. (Hill), Birth: 12/26/1915, Death: 09/21/1988, Burial: 9/23/1988, Section: OR, Lot: 111, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Mary, Infant, Death: 07/05/1884, Burial: 7/6/1884, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Maybeth Mrs. (Sullivan), Death: 02/21/1962, Burial: 2/22/1962, Section: OR, Lot: 111, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Nina M., Infant, Death: 06/01/1887, Burial: 6/2/1887, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, S. F. CSA, CO. H-27TH MS, Death: 05/08/1863, Burial: 5/8/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Samuel Lowery Mr., Birth: 03/01/1871, Death: 04/12/1938, Burial: 4/14/1938, Section: BA, Lot: 28, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, William John Mr., Birth: 09/16/1821, Death: 02/04/1877, Burial: 2/5/1877, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, William Julian Mr., Birth: 02/15/1875, Death: 08/29/1917, Burial: 8/30/1917, Section: OR, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
GRAHAM, Willie Theo Mr. (McWilliams), Birth: 05/13/1876, Death: 07/23/1898, Burial: 7/24/1898, Section: OR, Lot: 424, Grave: 1
GRAHAM (Inf/ George), Infant, Birth: 11/13/1889, Death: 11/13/1889, Burial: 11/14/1889, Section: OR, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
GRAHAM (Inf/ S. L.), Infant, Death: 08/03/1897, Burial: 8/4/1897, Section: BA, Lot: 28, Grave: 1
GRANT, Diadamia Mrs. (Smalley), Birth: 02/23/1843, Death: 11/08/1924, Burial: 11/9/1924, Section: BD, Lot: 38, Grave: 1
GRANT, Elmer Parker Mr., Birth: 05/12/1877, Death: 12/16/1964, Burial: 12/18/1964, Section: OR, Lot: 576, Grave: 1
GRANT, Florence Linton Mrs. (Hamilton), Birth: 10/05/1896, Death: 01/14/1957, Burial: 1/16/1957, Section: OR, Lot: 576, Grave: 1
GRANT, Frances Mrs. (Porter), Birth: 05/13/1907, Death: 12/15/2000, Burial: 12/17/2000, Section: OR, Lot: 164, Grave: 1
GRANT, George Randall, Infant, Death: 05/07/1947, Burial: 5/8/1947, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GRANT, Haywood Mr., Death: 07/14/1876, Burial: 7/15/1876, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GRANT, James Wallace Mr., Birth: 03/14/1834, Death: 05/24/1905, Burial: 5/25/1905, Section: BD, Lot: 38, Grave: 1
GRANT, James Wallace Mr. II, Birth: 01/24/1905, Death: 11/13/1964, Burial: 11/15/1964, Section: OR, Lot: 164, Grave: 1
GRANT, John Porter Mr. Sr., Birth: 03/24/1931, Death: 12/17/1996, Burial: 12/19/1996, Section: NF, Lot: 28, Grave: 1
GRANT, John Porter Mr. Jr., Birth: 05/19/1958, Death: 12/15/2003, Burial: 12/17/2003, Section: NF, Lot: 28, Grave: 1
GRANT, Louise Shepard Ms., Death: 10/12/2015, Burial: 1/12/2016, Section: NF, Lot: 28, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Family Only
GRANT, Martha Hamilton Miss, Birth: 01/01/1907, Death: 03/15/1910, Burial: 3/16/1910, Section: BD, Lot: 38, Grave: 1
GRANT, Martha Harper Mrs. (Hamilton), Birth: 03/27/1883, Death: 09/09/1924, Burial: 9/10/1924, Section: OR, Lot: 576, Grave: 1
GRANT, Virginia Mrs. (Shepard), Birth: 04/25/1933, Death: 10/19/2015, Local Hospital, Burial: 10/23/2015, Section: NF, Lot: 28, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
GRAVELY, Charlotte (Inf D/ Hoyt), Infant, Death: 03/27/1934, Burial: 3/28/1934, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Annie Lea, Infant, Birth: 02/08/1894, Death: 07/13/1895, Burial: 7/14/1895, Section: BA, Lot: 31, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Charles E. Mr., Birth: 06/26/1838, Death: 10/31/1890, Burial: 11/1/1890, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Charles Iverson Mr., Birth: 07/26/1828, Death: 10/31/1896, Burial: 11/1/1896, Section: BA, Lot: 31, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Charles Iverson Mr. Jr., Birth: 02/03/1864, Death: 06/01/1909, Burial: 6/2/1909, Section: BA, Lot: 31, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Charles Iverson Mr., Birth: 11/11/1893, Death: 12/16/1934, Burial: 12/17/1934, Section: NR, Lot: 587, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Charles W. Mr., Birth: 03/08/1893, Death: 10/05/1918, Burial: 11/1/1921, Section: MA, Lot: KNS, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Elizabeth Williams Miss, Death: 01/09/1901, Burial: 1/10/1901, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Ellie Mrs. (Gay), Birth: 08/14/1892, Death: 12/22/1985, Burial: 12/31/1985, Section: OR, Lot: 270, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Fannie S. Mrs., Birth: 06/22/1829, Death: 08/01/1871, Burial: 8/2/1871, Section: OR, Lot: 242, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Fannie S. Miss, Birth: 12/04/1862, Death: 11/23/1881, Burial: 11/24/1881, Section: OR, Lot: 242, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Henry Battey Mr., Birth: 06/05/1906, Death: 01/21/1985, Burial: 1/23/1985, Section: NR, Lot: 587, Grave: 1
GRAVES, John H. Mr., Birth: 10/19/1825, Death: 09/16/1868, Burial: 9/17/1868, Section: OR, Lot: 242, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Josephine J. Mrs. (Nichols Bryant), Birth: 11/09/1870, Death: 08/07/1908, Burial: 8/8/1908, Section: BA, Lot: 31, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Lewis E. CSA, CO. A-8TH GA, Death: 05/14/1875, Burial: 5/15/1875, Grave: 1
GRAVES, M. L. Mr., Death: 06/01/1879, Burial: 6/2/1879, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Maragariute Mrs. (Bryan), Birth: 02/20/1889, Death: 09/30/1963, Burial: 10/3/1963, Section: BA, Lot: 31, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Margaret Rockwell Mrs. (Lea), Birth: 06/28/1840, Death: 08/05/1919, Burial: 8/6/1919, Section: BA, Lot: 31, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Mary L. Mrs. (Wilson), Birth: 05/11/1817, Death: 03/20/1892, Burial: 3/21/1892, Section: BA, Lot: 31, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Mattie Harris Mrs. (Simpson), Birth: 03/20/1856, Death: 08/12/1889, Burial: 8/13/1889, Section: BA, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Nannie Lee, Infant, Death: 07/13/1895, Burial: 7/14/1895, Section: BS, Lot: UNKNOWN, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Rebecca Caldwell Mrs. (Sproull), Birth: 02/24/1867, Death: 05/08/1942, Burial: 5/9/1942, Section: NR, Lot: 587, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Robert Creswell Mr., Birth: 12/09/1896, Death: 09/22/1956, Burial: 9/23/1956, Section: NR, Lot: 587, Grave: 1
GRAVES, Robert W. Mr., Birth: 01/06/1871, Death: 09/24/1922, Burial: 9/25/1922, Section: NR, Lot: 587, Grave: 1
GRAVES, W. H. CSA, CO. -10TH TX, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
GRAVES, William Lee Mr., Birth: 12/22/1865, Death: 06/06/1926, Burial: 6/7/1926, Section: NR, Lot: 587, Grave: 1
GRAVES, William Sproull Mr., Birth: 11/26/1889, Death: 01/26/1960, Burial: 1/30/1960, Section: OR, Lot: 270, Grave: 1
GRAY, Charles C. Mr., Birth: 02/18/1898, Death: 07/25/1952, Burial: 7/27/1952, Section: BF, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
GRAY, Effie Mrs. (Blackstock), Death: 03/24/1957, Burial: 3/26/1957, Section: BF, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
GRAY, Helen Marie Mrs. (Bonner), Birth: 04/30/1908, Death: 05/12/2002, Burial: 5/15/2002, Section: BF, Lot: 23, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Fred Talleys Parkview Chapel
GRAY, J. M. CSA, CO. B-4TH, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GRAY, Lucy May Mrs. (Byars), Birth: 09/25/1898, Death: 08/01/1972, Burial: 8/3/1972, Section: FT, Lot: 47, Grave: 1
GRAY, Richard A. Dr. Sr., Birth: 06/16/1925, Death: 01/03/2009, Floyd County, Burial: 1/6/2009, Section: MA, Lot: 11, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
GRAY, Walter Andrew Mr., Birth: 07/25/1891, Death: 04/15/1953, Burial: 4/17/1953, Section: FT, Lot: 47, Grave: 1
GRAY, William Wesley Mr. (Pat), Birth: 11/15/1880, Death: 10/25/1950, Burial: 10/26/1950, Section: BF, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
GREEN, Ambrose Lee Mr., Birth: 09/17/1881, Death: 07/13/1950, Burial: 7/15/1950, Section: RS, Lot: 204, Grave: 1
GREEN, Annie Mrs. (Cosby), Birth: 12/02/1901, Death: 01/22/1985, Burial: 1/26/1985, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREEN, Bell Mrs. (Thomas), Birth: 03/25/1886, Death: 12/19/1972, Burial: 12/26/1972, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREEN, Ben W. Mr., Death: 02/08/1920, Burial: 2/10/1920, Section: BE, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
GREEN, Charles Mr., Birth: 10/03/1900, Death: 04/21/1940, Burial: 4/22/1940, Section: FA, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
GREEN, Clarence Mr. (Baby Joe) Jr., Birth: 04/21/1902, Death: 09/16/1988, Burial: 9/19/1988, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREEN, Edgar Alonzo Mr., Birth: 01/30/1874, Death: 05/04/1934, Burial: 5/5/1934, Section: OR, Lot: 333, Grave: 1
GREEN, Effie Mae Mrs. (White), Birth: 02/06/1888, Death: 09/17/1956, Burial: 9/18/1956, Section: RS, Lot: 136, Grave: 1
GREEN, Everett Quillian Mr., Birth: 10/27/1876, Death: 07/22/1892, Burial: 7/23/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 333, Grave: 1
GREEN, Falcom Edward Mr., Birth: 07/07/1878, Death: 11/09/1935, Burial: 11/10/1935, Section: RS, Lot: 136, Grave: 1
GREEN, Frances Mrs., Birth: 01/24/1864, Death: 09/07/1939, Burial: 9/8/1939, Grave: 1
GREEN, George Kellogg Mr., Birth: 01/28/1843, Death: 06/07/1902, Burial: 6/8/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 333, Grave: 1
GREEN, Harwell Parks Mr., Birth: 08/25/1870, Death: 10/10/1892, Burial: 10/11/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 333, Grave: 1
GREEN, Isham Whitfield Mr., Birth: 06/10/1877, Death: 02/22/1926, Burial: 2/23/1926, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREEN, Lee Mr., Death: 07/31/1912, Burial: 8/1/1912, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREEN, Lillian K. Mrs., Birth: 01/22/1872, Death: 12/17/1953, Burial: 12/18/1953, Grave: 1
GREEN, Mary Will Mrs., Birth: 10/16/1927, Death: 05/11/2007, Sudden At Home, Burial: 5/14/2007, Section: RS, Lot: 204, Grave: 8, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
GREEN, Mary, Infant, Death: 01/26/1911, Burial: 1/27/1911, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREEN, Moselle Virginia Mrs., Birth: 08/25/1870, Death: 07/31/1893, Burial: 8/1/1893, Section: OR, Lot: 333, Grave: 1
GREEN, Rosa Mrs. (Parks), Death: 10/18/1991, Burial: 10/20/1991, Grave: 1
GREEN, Sarah J. Mrs. (Quillian), Birth: 12/19/1844, Death: 02/07/1908, Burial: 2/8/1908, Section: OR, Lot: 333, Grave: 1
GREEN, Virginia Mrs. (Griffin Jennie), Birth: 06/12/1884, Death: 02/16/1965, Burial: 2/18/1965, Section: RS, Lot: 204, Grave: 1
GREEN, William Mr., Birth: 02/22/1906, Death: 10/31/1994, Burial: 11/4/1994, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREEN, William Mr. (S/ B. W.), Death: 06/07/1914, Burial: 6/8/1914, Grave: 1
GREEN (Inf/ H. L), Infant, Death: 04/28/1911, Burial: 4/29/1911, Grave: 1
GREENE, Emma Melinda Mrs., Death: 09/01/1939, Burial: 9/2/1939, Section: OR, Lot: 419, Grave: 1
GREENE, George Mr., Birth: 08/24/1904, Death: 12/15/1976, Burial: 12/22/1976, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREENWAY, T. G. CSA, CO. D-22ND AL, Death: 06/15/1863, Burial: 6/15/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREENWOOD, Mattie Mrs., Death: 01/01/1914, Burial: 1/1/1914, Section: FA, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
GREER, R. B. CSA, CO. F-6TH SC, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREGG, James CSA, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREGG, John, Infant, Death: 06/10/1894, Burial: 6/11/1894, Section: BS, Lot: UNKNOWN, Grave: 1
GREGORY, Addie T. Mrs., Birth: 06/28/1871, Death: 02/21/1950, Burial: 2/25/1950, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GREGORY, Alfred H. Mr., Death: 11/05/1935, Burial: 11/6/1935, Grave: 1
GREGORY, Jackson Mr., Death: 02/09/1881, Burial: 2/10/1881, Grave: 1
GREGORY, John Miller Dr., Birth: 06/19/1822, Death: 01/31/1889, Burial: 2/1/1889, Section: OR, Lot: 245, Grave: 1
GREGORY, Mary Ann Mrs. (Choice), Birth: 12/23/1832, Death: 02/10/1902, Burial: 2/11/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 245, Grave: 1
GREGORY, S. M. Mrs., Death: 01/04/1877, Burial: 1/5/1877, Grave: 1
GREGORY, Sadie Miss, Death: 09/13/1920, Burial: 9/14/1920, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GRESHAM, Albert Sidney Mr., Death: 04/16/1912, Burial: 4/17/1912, Section: OR, Lot: 27, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Alice Allgood Mrs. (Cooper), Birth: 08/10/1921, Death: 08/28/1977, Burial: 8/30/1977, Section: OR, Lot: 404, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Alice Cooper Mrs., Burial: 11/20/1998, Section: OR, Lot: 404, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Alice Mrs. (Glover), Birth: 09/29/1880, Death: 10/24/1918, Burial: 10/25/1918, Section: GM, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Amanda E. Mrs. (Swilling), Birth: 10/02/1832, Death: 07/17/1902, Burial: 7/18/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 431, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, B. B. Mr., Death: 01/01/1949, Burial: 1/1/1949, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Benjamin F. Mr., Birth: 05/30/1856, Death: 09/12/1914, Burial: 6/13/1914, Section: BE, Lot: 20, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Bessie Miss, Death: 10/22/1898, Burial: 10/23/1898, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Carl Henderson Mr. Sr., Birth: 06/20/1905, Death: 01/15/1951, Burial: 1/17/1951, Section: FA, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, David Mr., Birth: 04/15/1878, Death: 09/19/1882, Burial: 9/20/1882, Section: OR, Lot: 308, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, David Mr. (Dave), Birth: 01/27/1844, Death: 07/29/1895, Burial: 7/30/1895, Section: OR, Lot: 308, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Emily Elizabeth Mrs. (Brown), Birth: 07/30/1909, Death: 12/18/1979, Burial: 12/20/1979, Section: FA, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Eula Mrs. (Whatley), Birth: 10/22/1856, Death: 08/31/1937, Burial: 9/1/1937, Section: OR, Lot: 308, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, George Goetchius Mr. Sr., Birth: 06/29/1921, Death: 02/03/2009, Nursing Home, Burial: 2/7/2009, Section: OR, Lot: 404, Grave: 9, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
GRIFFIN, George Goetchius Mr. Jr., Birth: 08/19/1950, Death: 06/14/1999, Burial: 6/16/1999, Section: OR, Lot: 404, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Glenn Maitland Mr. Sr., Birth: 02/02/1892, Death: 06/22/1940, Burial: 6/23/1940, Section: BE, Lot: 20, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Glenn Mrs. Sr., Death: 01/21/1944, Burial: 1/22/1944, Section: RS, Lot: 114, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Graham B. Mr., Birth: 10/07/1889, Death: 10/19/1947, Burial: 10/20/1947, Section: OR, Lot: UNKNOWN, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Grover Cleveland Mr., Birth: 11/23/1886, Death: 02/05/1957, Burial: 2/6/1957, Section: OR, Lot: 538, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Ida Lillian Mrs. (McCravey King), Birth: 10/31/1889, Death: 07/13/1963, Burial: 7/15/1963, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Jennie Miss, Birth: 05/16/1855, Death: 06/02/1941, Burial: 6/4/1941, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Jeremiah Mr., Death: 09/13/1884, Burial: 9/14/1884, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Jerusha Mrs. (Ray), Birth: 06/01/1887, Death: 03/03/1957, Burial: 3/4/1957, Section: SA, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, John Henry Mr., Birth: 11/20/1875, Death: 06/23/1923, Floyd County, Burial: 6/24/1923, Section: BF, Lot: 21, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: F. K. Jones Funeral Home
GRIFFIN, John W. CSA, CO. C-44TH MS, Death: 10/28/1863, Burial: 10/28/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Josiah CSA, BATTERY, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 10, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Lila M. Mrs. (Edge), Birth: 09/04/1936, Death: 10/01/1998, Burial: 10/26/1998, Section: OR, Lot: 491, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Lila Mrs. (Edge), Birth: 09/04/1936, Death: 10/01/1998, Burial: 10/5/1998, Section: OR, Lot: 404, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Lillian Mrs. (McCravey), Birth: 10/31/1888, Death: 07/13/1963, Burial: 7/14/1963, Section: OR, Lot: 538, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Lucy Mrs. (Goetchius), Birth: 05/22/1884, Death: 07/12/1935, Burial: 7/13/1935, Section: OR, Lot: 404, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Maggie L. Miss, Birth: 03/04/1882, Death: 02/01/1942, Burial: 2/2/1942, Section: BE, Lot: 20, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Martha Glover Miss, Death: 09/25/1989, Burial: 9/29/1989, Section: GM, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Martha Mrs. (Roberts), Birth: 07/12/1850, Death: 11/09/1933, Burial: 11/10/1933, Section: OR, Lot: 404, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Mary Clementine Mrs. (Hamrick), Death: 02/15/1931, Burial: 2/16/1931, Section: BE, Lot: 20, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Mary E. Mrs. (W/ L. A.), Birth: 08/05/1852, Death: 05/13/1914, Burial: 5/14/1914, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Mary Mrs., Birth: 08/16/1847, Death: 05/19/1905, Burial: 5/20/1905, Section: OR, Lot: 491, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Mortimer Nathaniel Mr., Birth: 08/20/1878, Death: 12/23/1951, Burial: 12/25/1951, Section: OR, Lot: 404, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Odessa Mrs. (Travis), Death: 05/15/1929, Burial: 5/16/1929, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Olivia E. Mrs. (Morrison), Birth: 05/09/1880, Death: 02/12/1960, Burial: 2/13/1960, Section: BF, Lot: 21, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Perry Mr., Death: 11/10/1934, Burial: 11/11/1934, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Richard E. Mr. Sr., Birth: 12/29/1871, Death: 10/10/1960, Burial: 10/12/1960, Section: SA, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Rosanna Mrs., Birth: 02/04/1824, Death: 10/30/1904, Burial: 10/31/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 491, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, Sue Mrs., Death: 02/18/1920, Burial: 2/19/1920, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GRIFFIN, William John Mr., Birth: 01/10/1851, Death: 03/31/1933, Burial: 4/1/1933, Section: OR, Lot: 404, Grave: 1
GRIFFITH, Abner B. Mr., Birth: 03/23/1870, Death: 02/13/1950, Burial: 2/14/1950, Section: FT, Lot: 52, Grave: 1
GRIFFITH, Ann Mrs. (Smith), Birth: 09/28/1843, Death: 12/20/1916, Burial: 12/21/1916, Section: BE, Lot: 26, Grave: 1
GRIFFITH, Annie Sue Mrs., Birth: 10/15/1905, Death: 01/04/1999, Burial: 1/6/1999, Section: FT, Lot: 44, Grave: 1
GRIFFITH, Elizabeth Ann Mrs., Death: 12/20/1916, Burial: 12/21/1916, Grave: 1
GRIFFITH, Henry W. Mr., Death: 03/26/1936, Burial: 3/27/1936, Section: FT, Lot: 44, Grave: 1
GRIFFITH, Sarah Susan Mrs. (Walden), Birth: 04/20/1882, Death: 10/03/1974, Burial: 10/5/1974, Section: FT, Lot: 52, Grave: 1
GRIGGS, Francis I., Infant, Death: 03/04/1888, Burial: 3/5/1888, Grave: 1
GRIGGS, James Arthur Mr., Birth: 10/16/1879, Death: 04/01/1938, Burial: 4/2/1938, Grave: 1
GRIGGS, Johnnie, Infant, Death: 06/09/1894, Burial: 6/10/1894, Grave: 1
GRIGGS, Nancy Kansas Mrs., Birth: 05/08/1852, Death: 08/16/1940, Burial: 8/18/1940, Grave: 1
GRIMES, Frances Adaline Mrs. (Addie), Birth: 08/17/1827, Death: 01/25/1878, Burial: 1/26/1878, Section: OR, Lot: 30, Grave: 1
GRIMM, Annie M. Mrs. (Haymaker), Birth: 02/26/1845, Death: 03/04/1916, Burial: 3/5/1916, Section: FT, Lot: 3, Grave: A1
GRIMM, Washington CSA, Death: 10/29/1924, Burial: 10/30/1924, Section: FT, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
GRINNELL, Ernest Mr., Birth: 06/12/1879, Death: 10/13/1898, Burial: 10/14/1898, Grave: 1
GRINNELL, Silvia A. Mrs., Birth: 03/30/1855, Death: 12/09/1896, Burial: 12/10/1896, Grave: 1
GRIZZARD, J. W. CSA, CO. K-8TH SC, Death: 12/17/1863, Burial: 12/17/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
GROOME, J. J. CSA, CO. E-59TH AL, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
GROSSMAN, C. F. CSA, CO. D-20TH MS, Birth: 11/06/1838, Death: 12/15/1921, Burial: 12/16/1921, Grave: 1
GROSSMAN, Mamie Miss (Amy), Burial: 1/1/2004, Section: DE, Lot: 60, Grave: 1
GROUT, Elmer Mr., Burial: 1/1/1955, Section: BB, Lot: 26, Grave: 1
GRUBB, Alice Wheat Mrs. (McCall), Birth: 05/04/1942, Death: 06/13/2015, Redmond Regional Medical Center, Burial: 6/16/2015, Section: MA, Lot: 18, Grave: 4, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
GRUBB, Myrtle Mrs. (White), Birth: 10/05/1923, Death: 07/31/1999, Burial: 8/3/1999, Section: NO, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
GUEST, Annie L. Mrs. (Selman), Birth: 05/24/1881, Death: 04/11/1954, Burial: 4/13/1954, Section: RS, Lot: 186, Grave: 1
GUILFORD, Edward C. Mr., Birth: 08/14/1915, Death: 09/16/1973, Burial: 9/17/1973, Section: OR, Lot: 506, Grave: 1
GULLEY, Barry Wright Mr., Birth: 10/17/1950, Death: 10/18/1950, Burial: 10/19/1950, Section: OR, Lot: 394, Grave: 1
GUMBY (Inf/ Will), Infant, Birth: 10/10/1900, Death: 10/10/1900, Burial: 10/11/1900, Grave: 1
GUNBY, Sara H., Infant, Death: 08/20/1903, Burial: 8/21/1903, Grave: 1
GUNN, Angus Mr., Death: 05/25/1883, Burial: 5/26/1883, Grave: 1
GUNN, Donald G. Mr., Death: 04/15/1900, Burial: 4/16/1900, Section: OR, Lot: 101, Grave: 1
GUNN, Donald M. Mr., Birth: 12/14/1837, Death: 10/18/1880, Burial: 10/19/1880, Section: OR, Lot: 101, Grave: 1
GUNN, Lillian Arrington Mrs. (Rice), Birth: 06/03/1878, Death: 01/14/1954, Burial: 1/15/1954, Section: OR, Lot: 101, Grave: 1
GUNN, William Sanders Mr., Birth: 10/01/1874, Death: 06/25/1919, Burial: 6/27/1919, Section: OR, Lot: 101, Grave: 1
GUY, Mamie Rebecca Mrs. (Brand), Birth: 09/26/1902, Death: 01/23/1936, Burial: 1/25/1936, Section: OR, Lot: 21, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Julia Miss, Birth: 01/01/1870, Death: 01/01/1873, Burial: 1/1/1873, Section: OR, Lot: 420, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Laura Susan Mrs., Birth: 09/01/1841, Death: 10/02/1918, Burial: 10/3/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 420, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Lizzie Mrs. (Sullivan), Birth: 10/02/1867, Death: 08/04/1888, Burial: 8/5/1888, Section: OR, Lot: 420, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Luther Rice Mr. Jr., Death: 10/14/1890, Burial: 10/15/1890, Section: OR, Lot: 422, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Luther Rice Rev. Sr., Birth: 11/10/1830, Death: 07/18/1910, Burial: 7/19/1910, Section: OR, Lot: 422, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Marion, Infant, Birth: 01/01/1880, Death: 01/01/1883, Burial: 1/1/1883, Section: OR, Lot: 420, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Mary Miss, Death: 10/28/1918, Burial: 10/29/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 420, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Robert A. Mr. (Bob), Birth: 07/26/1869, Death: 08/30/1904, Burial: 9/1/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 420, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Robert J. Mr., Death: 10/18/1896, Burial: 10/19/1896, Section: OR, Lot: 418, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Robert J. Mr., Death: 10/17/1896, Burial: 10/18/1896, Section: OR, Lot: 420, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Robert J. Mr., Death: 10/17/1896, Burial: 10/19/1896, Section: OR, Lot: 422, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Sarah Marcelle Miss, Birth: 01/19/1877, Death: 08/13/1958, Burial: 8/14/1958, Section: OR, Lot: 420, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Sophie Miss, Death: 10/10/1909, Burial: 10/11/1909, Section: OR, Lot: 418, Grave: 1
GWALTNEY, Sophy B. Mrs. (Lipscomb), Death: 01/14/1906, Burial: 1/15/1906, Section: OR, Lot: 422, Grave: 1
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