Search Pennsylvania Death Records
Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
Myrtle Hill Cemetery
Rome, Floyd County, Georgia
GPS: 34.252368, -85.178873
90 Myrtle Street
Rome, GA 30162
Published: January 5, 2017
Total records: 9,016
Surnames N-R
Records published here were acquired from the City of Rome on January 5, 2017. Dates of burial range from 1847 to 2016.
NAGLE, Charles F. Mr., Birth: 08/18/1833, Death: 03/13/1869, Burial: 3/14/1869, Section: OR, Lot: 290, Grave: 1
NAGLE, Lucy F. Miss, Birth: 08/06/1864, Death: 05/17/1959, Burial: 5/18/1959, Section: OR, Lot: 290, Grave: 1
NAGLE, Mary M. Mrs., Birth: 02/17/1867, Death: 07/25/1943, Burial: 7/26/1943, Section: OR, Lot: 290, Grave: 1
NAISH, Helen Elaine, Infant, Birth: 08/25/1931, Death: 08/25/1931, Burial: 8/26/1931, Grave: 1
NANCE, Fannie Mrs. (Pearson), Burial: 1/1/1926, Section: OR, Lot: 336, Grave: 1
NASH, Frank Marion Mr. Jr., Birth: 05/27/1903, Death: 11/06/1984, Burial: 11/8/1984, Section: RS, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
NASH, Nancy Mrs. (Cathey), Birth: 07/03/1909, Death: 06/07/1987, Burial: 6/9/1987, Section: RS, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
NEAL, Cora D. Miss, Birth: 11/15/1876, Death: 05/05/1961, Burial: 5/6/1961, Section: OR, Lot: 63, Grave: 1
NEAL, Florence Kelley Mrs. (May Hiles), Birth: 04/01/1901, Death: 12/20/1937, Burial: 12/21/1937, Section: OR, Lot: 156, Grave: 1
NEAL, Hattie Mrs. (Hardin), Death: 02/02/1954, Burial: 2/4/1954, Section: OR, Lot: 62, Grave: 1
NEAL, James A. S. Mr., Birth: 09/26/1858, Death: 11/20/1934, Burial: 11/22/1934, Section: OR, Lot: 62, Grave: 1
NEAL, Mary Octavia Mrs. (Orr), Birth: 12/18/1835, Death: 01/15/1889, Burial: 1/16/1889, Section: OR, Lot: 62, Grave: 1
NEAL, Wesley Mayfield Mr., Birth: 08/27/1831, Death: 06/04/1917, Burial: 6/5/1917, Section: OR, Lot: 62, Grave: 1
NEAL, William Thales Mr., Birth: 12/01/1866, Death: 12/11/1917, Burial: 12/12/1917, Section: OR, Lot: 63, Grave: 1
NEAL (Inf/ B. G.), Infant, Death: 09/22/1878, Burial: 9/23/1878, Grave: 1
NEAL, Infant, Death: 02/06/1879, Burial: 2/7/1879, Grave: 1
NEAR, Catherine Gerada (Inf/ Frank), Infant, Birth: 09/14/1947, Death: 09/14/1947, Burial: 9/15/1947, Section: RS, Lot: 22, Grave: 1
NEAR, Francis Jerome Mr. (Frank), Birth: 10/30/1922, Death: 08/31/2008, Local Hospital, Burial: 9/4/2008, Section: RS, Lot: 22, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
NEAR, Francis Melvin (Inf S/ Frank), Infant, Birth: 03/21/1949, Death: 03/26/1949, Burial: 3/27/1949, Section: RS, Lot: 22, Grave: 1
NEAR, John Stuart Mr., Birth: 12/15/1959, Death: 02/21/2011, Residence, Burial: 3/4/2011, Section: RS, Lot: 22, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
NEAR, Marietta Puryear Mrs., Birth: 03/14/1926, Death: 10/22/2008, Residence, Burial: 10/27/2008, Section: RS, Lot: 23, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
NEAR (Inf D/ Frank), Infant, Birth: 07/14/1950, Death: 07/15/1950, Burial: 7/16/1950, Section: RS, Lot: 22, Grave: 1
NEELD, A. P. Mr., Birth: 04/16/1814, Death: 04/13/1871, Burial: 4/14/1871, Section: OR, Lot: 157, Grave: 1
NEELD, Hannah W. Mrs., Birth: 02/18/1822, Death: 12/04/1877, Burial: 12/5/1887, Section: OR, Lot: 157, Grave: 1
NEELY, Benjamin Mr., Death: 12/20/1892, Burial: 12/22/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 257, Grave: 1
NEELY, Henrietta Eve Mrs., Birth: 10/11/1845, Death: 12/22/1906, Burial: 12/24/1906, Section: OR, Lot: 257, Grave: 1
NEELY, John Carmichael Dr., Birth: 11/13/1871, Death: 09/19/1913, Burial: 9/21/1913, Section: OR, Lot: 257, Grave: 1
NEELY, Robert, Infant, Death: 12/21/1910, Burial: 12/22/1910, Section: OR, Lot: 257, Grave: 1
NEELY, Tucker Mr., Death: 10/24/1916, Burial: 10/25/1916, Section: OR, Lot: 257, Grave: 1
NELMS, John Green Mr., WWII, Birth: 09/13/1899, Death: 10/01/1943, Burial: 8/11/1948, Section: OR, Lot: 202, Grave: 1
NELMS, Lena Smith Mrs. (Patterson), Birth: 02/04/1904, Death: 02/01/1938, Burial: 2/3/1938, Section: OR, Lot: 203, Grave: 1
NELSON, Beulah Mrs., Death: 02/12/1945, Burial: 2/13/1945, Grave: 1
NELSON, Lillie B. Miss, Death: 04/02/1933, Burial: 4/3/1933, Grave: 1
NELSON, S. B. CSA, CO. A-19TH AL, Burial: 1/1/1920, Section: CS, Lot: 15, Grave: 1
NESMITH, Martha Elizabeth Mrs. (Rhudy), Birth: 06/03/1875, Death: 06/23/1960, Burial: 1/24/1960, Section: OR, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
NEUMANN, Frederick Mr., Cremains, Death: 03/24/1994, Burial: 3/26/1994, Section: RS, Lot: 162, Grave: 1
NEUMANN, Margaretta Mrs. (Reynolds), Birth: 08/06/1914, Death: 10/08/1989, Burial: 10/12/1989, Section: RS, Lot: 162, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
NEVIN, Alice B. Mrs. (Wells), Birth: 01/17/1874, Death: 03/07/1901, Burial: 3/8/1901, Section: BC, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
NEVIN, Helen A. Mrs. (Underwood), Birth: 01/06/1841, Death: 11/11/1902, Burial: 11/12/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 350, Grave: 1
NEVIN, James Banks Mr. Sr, Birth: 09/09/1873, Death: 11/18/1931, Burial: 11/19/1931, Section: BC, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
NEVIN, James Banks Mr. Jr., Birth: 12/06/1905, Death: 06/08/1936, Burial: 6/10/1936, Section: BC, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
NEVIN, Mary Louise Mrs. (Bryan), Birth: 09/04/1883, Death: 04/11/1962, Burial: 4/12/1962, Section: BC, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
NEVIN, Mitchell Albert Mr., Birth: 04/10/1842, Death: 12/14/1895, Burial: 12/15/1895, Section: OR, Lot: 350, Grave: 1
NEWBERY, Anna Mrs. (Stanhope), Birth: 03/27/1872, Death: 06/16/1954, Burial: 6/17/1954, Section: GA, Lot: 9, Grave: 1
NEWBERY, John Russell Mr., Birth: 02/01/1869, Death: 12/21/1942, Burial: 12/22/1942, Section: GA, Lot: 9, Grave: 1
NEWCOMB, Fannie E. Mrs., Birth: 09/21/1841, Death: 08/28/1914, Burial: 8/29/1914, Grave: 1
NEWMAN, Ione Miss, Birth: 08/01/1856, Death: 03/10/1944, Burial: 3/12/1944, Section: RS, Lot: 75, Grave: 1
NEWMAN, Irene Mrs. (Andrews), Birth: 08/18/1881, Death: 11/12/1972, Burial: 11/15/1972, Section: OR, Lot: 25, Grave: 1
NEWMAN, William Monroe Mr., Birth: 05/07/1878, Death: 07/23/1966, Burial: 7/26/1966, Section: OR, Lot: 25, Grave: 1
NEWSOM, Anna E. Mrs. (Hill), Death: 02/25/1956, Burial: 2/26/1956, Section: BA, Lot: 39, Grave: 1
NEWSOM, James Haley Mr., Death: 09/06/1944, Burial: 9/7/1944, Section: BA, Lot: 39, Grave: 1
NEWTON, Jesse George Mr., Birth: 11/05/1886, Death: 10/01/1933, Burial: 10/3/1933, Section: OR, Lot: 280, Grave: 1
NICHOLES, J. H. Mr., Death: 09/16/1876, Burial: 9/17/1876, Grave: 1
NICHOLS, Roy Albert Mr., Birth: 10/28/1900, Death: 09/28/1948, Burial: 9/30/1948, Section: RS, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
NICHOLS, Tommie (Inf S/ H. J.), Infant, Death: 08/24/1914, Burial: 8/25/1914, Grave: 1
NICHOLSON, Battey Mrs. (Tarvin), Birth: 10/11/1888, Death: 04/24/1941, Burial: 4/24/1941, Section: BF, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
NICHOLSON, Connie Louise Miss, Birth: 02/09/1902, Death: 10/05/1975, Burial: 10/7/1975, Section: BF, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
NICHOLSON, Joseph Lane Mr., Birth: 11/10/1860, Death: 05/04/1954, Burial: 5/5/1954, Section: BF, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
NICHOLSON, Louisa A. Mrs. (Griffin), Birth: 11/20/1860, Death: 02/18/1922, Burial: 2/19/1922, Section: BF, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
NICHOLSON, Robert Griffin Mr., Birth: 02/12/1886, Death: 08/26/1945, Burial: 8/27/1945, Section: BF, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
NICHOLSON (Inf/ E.), Infant, Birth: 04/23/1917, Death: 04/23/1917, Burial: 4/24/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
NIX, William Mr., Death: 11/03/1877, Burial: 11/4/1877, Grave: 1
NIXON, Challis Sidney Miss, Birth: 01/11/1924, Death: 01/07/2005, Burial: 1/9/2005, Section: OR, Lot: 183, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels-In-Charge
NIXON, Edith Virginia Mrs. (Allen), Death: 04/04/1981, Burial: 4/8/1981, Section: NF, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
NIXON, Edna Lucille Mrs. (Fuller), Birth: 03/19/1919, Death: 02/12/1988, Burial: 2/14/1988, Section: OR, Lot: 180, Grave: 1
NIXON, Edward Sparling Mr., Birth: 09/24/1862, Death: 03/09/1941, Burial: 3/10/1941, Section: GA, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
NIXON, Ella Mrs. (Burris), Birth: 10/24/1867, Death: 11/10/1940, Burial: 11/11/1940, Section: GA, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
NIXON, Eunice Mrs. (Adamson), Birth: 11/11/1884, Death: 08/31/1950, Burial: 9/2/1950, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
NIXON, George Felton Mr., Birth: 12/22/1868, Death: 01/23/1947, Burial: 1/25/1947, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
NIXON, George Fuller Mr., Birth: 03/05/1955, Death: 04/28/1957, Burial: 4/29/1957, Section: OR, Lot: 183, Grave: 1
NIXON, George Pennington Mr., Birth: 09/26/1909, Death: 06/05/1979, Burial: 6/6/1979, Section: OR, Lot: 180, Grave: 1
NIXON, Marian Mrs. (Dean), Birth: 10/05/1887, Death: 10/20/1980, Burial: 10/21/1980, Section: OR, Lot: 182, Grave: 1
NIXON, Mary Elizabeth Mrs. (Pennington), Birth: 09/17/1844, Death: 01/20/1916, Burial: 1/21/1916, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
NIXON, Mary Mrs. (Pennington), Birth: 09/17/1844, Death: 01/20/1916, Burial: 1/21/1916, Section: OR, Lot: 183, Grave: 1
NIXON, Paul Burris Mr., Death: 11/28/1962, Burial: 11/29/1962, Section: NF, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
NIXON, Pennington Mason Mr., Birth: 12/22/1868, Death: 11/29/1942, Burial: 12/1/1942, Section: OR, Lot: 183, Grave: 1
NIXON, Pennington Mason Mr. Jr., Birth: 07/15/1925, Death: 11/07/2000, Burial: 11/9/2000, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
NIXON, Robert P. CSA, Birth: 07/08/1842, Death: 07/04/1891, Burial: 4/5/1891, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
NIXON, William Gaddis Dr., Birth: 09/22/1849, Death: 01/12/1898, Burial: 1/13/1898, Section: OR, Lot: 183, Grave: 1
NOBLE, Annie Miss, Death: 11/19/1877, Burial: 11/20/1877, Grave: 1
NOBLE, Fred Dorset Mr. Sr., Birth: 10/10/1878, Death: 05/20/1945, Burial: 5/22/1945, Section: OR, Lot: 92, Grave: 1
NOBLE, Fred Dorset Mr. Jr., WWII, Birth: 01/12/1911, Death: 07/10/1984, Burial: 7/11/1984, Section: OR, Lot: 92, Grave: 1
NOBLE, Henry Alonzo Mr., CO. A-8TH GA, Birth: 01/01/1832, Death: 01/01/1909, Burial: 1/1/1909, Grave: 1
NOBLE, J. A., Infant, Death: 04/14/1877, Burial: 4/15/1877, Grave: 1
NOBLE, John Ede Mr., Birth: 02/05/1865, Death: 02/10/1868, Burial: 2/11/1868, Grave: 1
NOBLE, Josephine Mrs., Birth: 01/01/1849, Death: 01/01/1945, Burial: 1/1/1945, Grave: 1
NOBLE, June Elizabeth Mrs. (Birchard), Birth: 06/16/1914, Death: 10/14/1965, Burial: 10/16/1965, Section: OR, Lot: 92, Grave: 1
NOBLE, Lula Mrs. (Couch), Birth: 09/23/1880, Death: 11/30/1938, Burial: 12/1/1938, Section: OR, Lot: 92, Grave: 1
NOBLE, Paulina Dr. (Buhl), Birth: 12/12/1930, Death: 04/19/1999, Burial: 4/23/1999, Section: OR, Lot: 92, Grave: 1
NOBLE, Rosa, Infant, Death: 08/03/1883, Burial: 8/4/1883, Grave: 1
NOBLE (Inf/ William), Infant, Birth: 07/03/1877, Death: 07/04/1877, Burial: 7/5/1877, Grave: 1
NOBLE (Inf/ F. E.), Infant, Death: 12/22/1888, Burial: 12/23/1888, Grave: 1
NOEL, F. CSA, CO. F-3RD TN, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
NOLAN, Geraldine Dunreath Mrs. (McKenzie), Birth: 11/23/1903, Death: 07/02/2002, Burial: 7/10/2002, Section: MA, Lot: 10, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Jennings Heritage Chapel
NOLAN, James P. CSA, CO. E-4TH LA BN, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
NOLAN, John Ansley Rev., Birth: 04/05/1903, Death: 04/14/1995, Burial: 4/17/1995, Section: MA, Lot: 11, Grave: 1
NORRIS, Henrietta Mrs., Death: 04/01/1914, Burial: 4/2/1914, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
NORRIS, Mary Eugenia Mrs. (Bass), Death: 06/04/1914, Burial: 6/5/1914, Section: OR, Lot: 165, Grave: 1
NORRIS, Nancy Mrs., Death: 05/20/1876, Burial: 5/21/1876, Grave: 1
NORTH, Julia Mrs., Death: 07/25/1909, Burial: 7/26/1909, Grave: 1
NORTH, Leonard James Pfc., Death: 08/03/1927, Burial: 8/4/1927, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
NORTH, Richard L., Infant, Death: 12/06/1884, Burial: 12/7/1884, Grave: 1
NORTON, Charles B. CSA, Birth: 12/03/1834, Death: 07/21/1861, Burial: 7/22/1861, Section: OR, Lot: 293, Grave: 1
NORTON, Eliza Mrs. (Marshall), Birth: 01/15/1904, Death: 08/18/1973, Burial: 8/19/1973, Grave: 1
NORTON, Etta Mrs. (Gray), Birth: 07/15/1882, Death: 10/29/1978, Burial: 10/31/1978, Section: RA, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
NORTON, Henry C. Mr., CSA, Birth: 07/14/1841, Death: 07/08/1892, Burial: 7/9/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 293, Grave: 1
NORTON, Isaac Mr., Birth: 10/24/1827, Death: 12/07/1880, Burial: 12/8/1880, Section: OR, Lot: 137, Grave: 1
NORTON, Jane A. Mrs., Birth: 05/03/1828, Death: 01/08/1904, Burial: 1/9/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 137, Grave: 1
NORTON, Kitty Florence Mrs. (Fouche), Birth: 05/21/1872, Death: 04/16/1934, Burial: 4/17/1934, Section: NR, Lot: 586, Grave: 1
NORTON, Martha Mrs. (Burnett Mattie), Birth: 08/29/1845, Death: 12/09/1921, Burial: 12/10/1921, Section: OR, Lot: 293, Grave: 1
NORTON, Reuben S. Mr., Birth: 08/18/1807, Death: 04/05/1897, Burial: 4/5/1897, Section: OR, Lot: 293, Grave: 1
NORTON, Ruth Maria Mrs. (Smith), Birth: 09/04/1813, Death: 06/24/1866, Burial: 6/25/1866, Section: OR, Lot: 293, Grave: 1
NORTON, Swann Burnett Mr., Birth: 07/15/1868, Death: 07/21/1942, Burial: 7/22/1942, Section: NR, Lot: 586, Grave: 1
NORTON, Wayman V. Mr., Birth: 11/11/1906, Death: 01/19/1978, Burial: 1/21/1978, Section: RA, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
NORTON, William F. Mr., Birth: 04/20/1872, Death: 02/16/1900, Burial: 2/17/1900, Section: OR, Lot: 293, Grave: 1
NORTON, William George Mr., Birth: 04/05/1857, Death: 06/02/1877, Burial: 6/3/1877, Section: OR, Lot: 137, Grave: 1
NORTON, Winnie Miss, Death: 03/17/1916, Burial: 3/18/1916, Grave: 1
NOWLIN, James H. Dr. MD, Birth: 05/11/1813, Death: 04/12/1886, Burial: 4/13/1886, Section: OR, Lot: 232, Grave: 1
NOWLIN, Jane Mrs., Birth: 10/20/1822, Death: 05/15/1871, Burial: 5/16/1871, Section: OR, Lot: 232, Grave: 1
NULL, John J. CSA, CO. B-31ST AR, Death: 05/18/1863, Burial: 5/18/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
NUNNALLY, Alla M. Mrs. (Holmes), Birth: 05/15/1862, Death: 11/13/1950, Burial: 11/15/1950, Section: BA, Lot: 40, Grave: 1
NUNNALLY, Alonzo Harris Mr., Birth: 10/01/1860, Death: 08/28/1914, Burial: 8/29/1914, Section: RS, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
NUNNALLY, Jessie Mrs. (Stafford), Birth: 06/20/1862, Death: 07/08/1930, Burial: 7/9/1930, Section: RS, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
NUNNALLY, Joseph Elam Mr., Birth: 01/25/1911, Death: 12/17/1946, Burial: 12/19/1946, Section: BD, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
NUNNALLY, Louise Mrs. (Babcock), Birth: 01/19/1883, Death: 08/25/1961, Burial: 8/27/1961, Section: BD, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
NUNNALLY, Lucius Mell Mr., Birth: 08/22/1865, Death: 03/18/1938, Burial: 3/19/1938, Section: RS, Lot: 207, Grave: 1
NUNNALLY, William Josiah Judge, Birth: 08/08/1862, Death: 12/15/1945, Burial: 12/16/1945, Section: RS, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
O'BARR, Fannie M. Mrs. (Nichols), Birth: 08/28/1871, Death: 02/26/1917, Burial: 2/27/1917, Section: OR, Lot: 150, Grave: 1
O'BARR, John Charles Mr., Birth: 08/08/1862, Death: 09/11/1903, Burial: 9/12/1903, Section: OR, Lot: 150, Grave: 1
O'BARR, Martha A. Mrs. (Wood), Birth: 04/01/1836, Death: 01/30/1921, Burial: 1/31/1921, Section: OR, Lot: 150, Grave: 1
O'BARR, Robert H. Mr., Death: 02/29/1904, Burial: 3/1/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 150, Grave: 1
O'BARR (Inf/ John C.), Infant, Death: 05/12/1886, Burial: 5/13/1886, Section: OR, Lot: 150, Grave: 1
O'BARR (Inf/ John), Infant, Death: 02/18/1890, Burial: 2/19/1890, Section: OR, Lot: 150, Grave: 1
O'BRYAN, Harriett Mrs. (Battey), Birth: 07/17/1907, Death: 08/16/2000, Burial: 8/17/2000, Section: NR, Lot: 586, Grave: 1
O'BRYAN, Ira Theopholus Mr., Birth: 04/23/1906, Death: 08/30/1971, Burial: 7/31/1973, Section: NR, Lot: 586, Grave: 1
O'CONNOR, Adella Essie Mrs. (Porter), Birth: 02/26/1867, Death: 07/23/1957, Burial: 7/24/1957, Section: RS, Lot: 135, Grave: 1
O'CONNOR, Eunice Marie Mrs., Birth: 01/15/1897, Death: 01/11/1982, Burial: 1/16/1982, Section: RS, Lot: 135, Grave: 1
O'CONNOR, John Carroll Mr., Birth: 02/05/1865, Death: 01/16/1935, Burial: 1/17/1935, Section: RS, Lot: 134, Grave: 1
O'DELL, Beulah Benton Mrs. (Smith), Birth: 07/17/1874, Death: 09/28/1958, Burial: 9/30/1958, Section: OR, Lot: 224, Grave: 1
O'DELL, Julius Smith Mr., Birth: 01/03/1870, Death: 05/18/1942, Burial: 5/20/1942, Section: OR, Lot: 224, Grave: 1
O'LEARY, Catherine Mrs., Birth: 04/16/1830, Death: 01/08/1914, Burial: 1/9/1914, Section: OR, Lot: 42, Grave: 1
O'LEARY, James Mr., Birth: 03/17/1830, Death: 08/19/1915, Burial: 9/20/1915, Section: OR, Lot: 42, Grave: 1
O'LEARY, Julia Miss, Birth: 07/12/1871, Death: 10/24/1873, Burial: 10/25/1873, Section: OR, Lot: 42, Grave: 1
O'LEARY, Mary J. Mrs., Death: 12/24/1946, Burial: 12/26/1946, Section: OR, Lot: 42, Grave: 1
O'LEARY, Timothy Mr., Birth: 04/01/1860, Death: 06/22/1874, Burial: 6/23/1874, Section: OR, Lot: 42, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, James H. Mr., Birth: 11/30/1868, Death: 09/23/1933, Burial: 9/24/1933, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, James J. Mr., Birth: 11/30/1924, Death: 04/27/2003, Burial: 4/30/2003, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, James Jasper Capt., Birth: 04/26/1844, Death: 02/09/1913, Burial: 2/10/1913, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, James Jasper Mr., Birth: 01/19/1900, Death: 07/14/1971, Burial: 7/15/1971, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, James Mr., Death: 10/30/1908, Burial: 10/31/1908, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, John B. Mr., Birth: 02/20/1860, Death: 01/25/1912, Burial: 1/26/1912, Section: OR, Lot: 143, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, Leni Leoti Miss, Birth: 09/03/1866, Death: 04/06/1964, Burial: 4/7/1964, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, Margaret Miss, Birth: 09/07/1927, Death: 12/12/1973, Burial: 12/14/1973, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, Margaret Mrs. (Cummings), Birth: 04/20/1901, Death: 12/02/1983, Burial: 12/5/1983, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, Mary Addieliza Mrs. (Cook), Birth: 11/27/1847, Death: 12/19/1923, Burial: 12/20/1923, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, Mary Adelaide Miss, Birth: 05/16/1905, Death: 09/29/1907, Burial: 9/30/1907, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, Mary Catherine Mrs., Birth: 09/03/1924, Death: 02/22/1995, Burial: 2/24/1995, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, Rosa Mrs. (Plumb), Birth: 10/27/1872, Death: 01/14/1961, Burial: 1/15/1961, Section: OR, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
O'NEILL, W. P. Mr., Death: 04/09/1913, Burial: 4/10/1913, Grave: 1
O'REAR, Catherine M. E. Miss, Birth: 01/26/1847, Death: 09/08/1849, Burial: 9/9/1849, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REAR, Charles Richard Mr., Death: 05/17/1879, Burial: 5/18/1879, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REAR, George N. Mr., Birth: 01/26/1847, Death: 06/20/1855, Burial: 6/21/1855, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REAR, George Washington Mr., Birth: 12/18/1818, Death: 08/19/1904, Burial: 8/20/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REAR, Jessie F. Miss, Birth: 01/20/1862, Death: 01/31/1886, Burial: 2/1/1886, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REAR, Martha Adelia Miss, Birth: 03/03/1849, Death: 06/13/1885, Burial: 6/14/1885, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REAR, Mary Lou Miss, Birth: 05/12/1856, Death: 03/17/1886, Burial: 3/18/1886, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REAR, Richard Mr., Death: 05/17/1879, Burial: 5/18/1879, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REAR, Sarah Adelia Mrs. (Forge), Birth: 12/06/1827, Death: 12/02/1903, Burial: 12/3/1903, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REAR, Sarah Allena Miss, Birth: 01/05/1851, Death: 09/18/1853, Burial: 9/19/1853, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REAR, Tallula E. Miss, Birth: 03/31/1853, Death: 06/10/1855, Burial: 6/11/1855, Section: OR, Lot: 49, Grave: 1
O'REILLY, Katherine Creswell Mrs. (Sproull), Birth: 01/19/1897, Death: 07/25/1938, Burial: 7/26/1938, Section: BA, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
O'REILLY, Katherine Creswell Mrs. (Sproull), Birth: 01/19/1870, Death: 07/25/1938, Burial: 7/26/1938, Grave: 1
OGBURN, Howard Reynolds Mr., Death: 10/11/1949, Burial: 11/14/1949, Section: RS, Lot: 163, Grave: 1
OGBURN, Rubyn Mrs. (Reynolds), Birth: 09/30/1885, Death: 12/24/1965, Burial: 12/27/1965, Section: RS, Lot: 163, Grave: 1
OGBURN, William Fielding Dr. MD, Birth: 06/30/1886, Death: 04/27/1959, Burial: 5/1/1959, Section: RS, Lot: 163, Grave: 1
OGILVIE, Annie Mae Mrs. (Leavell), Birth: 06/04/1878, Death: 07/31/1948, Burial: 8/2/1948, Section: OR, Lot: 135, Grave: 1
OGILVIE, John L. Mr., Birth: 10/23/1865, Death: 05/27/1935, Burial: 5/29/1935, Section: OR, Lot: 135, Grave: 1
OGLE, Willie, Infant, Birth: 12/06/1885, Death: 08/07/1886, Burial: 8/8/1886, Grave: 1
OGLES, Charles J. Mr., Birth: 12/19/1886, Death: 04/05/1935, Burial: 4/6/1935, Section: RS, Lot: 123, Grave: 1
OGLES, Elmer C. Mr., Birth: 06/17/1914, Death: 09/14/1952, Burial: 9/16/1952, Section: RS, Lot: 123, Grave: 1
OGLES, Lillian Pearl Mrs. (Duncan), Birth: 12/26/1891, Death: 05/21/1965, Burial: 5/22/1965, Section: RS, Lot: 123, Grave: 1
OGLESBY, Geneva Barbara Mrs. (Barber), Birth: 09/22/1922, Death: 06/14/1983, Burial: 6/15/1983, Section: NF, Lot: 030A, Grave: 1
OLIVER (Inf S/ Roy E.), Infant, Death: 02/14/1945, Burial: 2/15/1945, Section: BS, Lot: 107, Grave: 1
OMBERG, A. A. Mr., Birth: 03/16/1820, Death: 01/09/1885, Burial: 1/10/1885, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Albin Mr., Birth: 09/12/1847, Death: 07/30/1898, Burial: 8/1/1898, Section: OR, Lot: 245, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Amelia Miss, Birth: 06/20/1874, Death: 09/17/1878, Burial: 9/18/1878, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Arthur Ammon (Inf S/ Peter A.), Infant, Birth: 07/20/1858, Death: 08/17/1859, Burial: 8/18/1859, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Catherine Miss (Kate), Birth: 12/18/1853, Death: 06/18/1936, Burial: 6/19/1936, Section: OR, Lot: 206, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Clarence L. Mr., Death: 12/05/1905, Burial: 12/7/1905, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Emma M. Mrs., Birth: 09/26/1816, Death: 05/23/1883, Burial: 5/24/1883, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Emma Miss, Death: 04/16/1918, Burial: 4/18/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 206, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Helen Miss, Death: 05/10/1903, Burial: 5/11/1903, Section: OR, Lot: 206, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Julia Miss, Birth: 10/02/1841, Death: 04/18/1922, Burial: 4/20/1922, Section: OR, Lot: 206, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Martha A. Mrs., Death: 02/22/1880, Burial: 2/23/1880, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Nellie Mrs., Death: 05/10/1903, Burial: 5/11/1903, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Nicholas J. Mr., Death: 10/03/1879, Burial: 10/4/1879, Section: OR, Lot: 206, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Sarah Miss (Sallie), Death: 06/07/1897, Burial: 6/8/1897, Section: OR, Lot: 206, Grave: 1
OMBERG, Susan Mrs. (Gregory), Birth: 06/08/1849, Death: 04/23/1918, Burial: 4/24/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 245, Grave: 1
OMBERG, W. L. CSA, Birth: 01/16/1833, Death: 02/24/1886, Burial: 2/25/1886, Grave: 1
ORR, Arthur Mr., Death: 01/01/2004, Burial: 1/1/2004, Section: SG, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
ORR, Charles Joseph Mr. Jr., Birth: 01/28/1957, Death: 11/06/1984, Burial: 11/9/1984, Section: OR, Lot: 157, Grave: 1
ORR, Charles William Mr., Death: 09/03/1943, Burial: 9/4/1943, Section: OR, Lot: 563, Grave: 1
ORR, Ellen Lucinda Mrs. (Richardson), Death: 03/18/1914, Burial: 3/19/1914, Section: OR, Lot: 563, Grave: 1
ORR, John Hughes Mr., Birth: 05/29/1861, Death: 11/20/1925, Burial: 11/21/1925, Section: BE, Lot: 61, Grave: 1
ORR, Maria Elizabeth Mrs. (Stamps), Death: 11/26/1932, Burial: 11/27/1932, Section: OR, Lot: 563, Grave: 1
ORR, Miriam Mrs. (Herring), Birth: 10/09/1876, Death: 04/01/1940, Burial: 4/3/1940, Section: BE, Lot: 61, Grave: 1
ORR, Robert Franklin Mr., Death: 01/05/1905, Burial: 1/6/1905, Section: OR, Lot: 563, Grave: 1
ORR, Sallie E. Mrs. (Estart), Birth: 07/16/1844, Death: 03/12/1932, Burial: 3/13/1932, Grave: 1
ORTIZ, Ethel Ms. (Lamb), Birth: 07/12/1893, Death: 05/12/1932, Burial: 5/13/1932, Section: BF, Lot: 45, Grave: 1
ORTIZ, Gloria (Inf D/ William), Infant, Death: 03/25/1927, Burial: 3/26/1927, Section: BF, Lot: 45, Grave: 1
OSBORNE, Egbert Haywood Mr., Birth: 06/14/1884, Death: 02/23/1966, Burial: 2/25/1966, Section: OR, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
OSBORNE, Rosa Kingsbery Mrs. (Gammon), Death: 03/30/1963, Burial: 3/31/1963, Section: OR, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
OSWALT, F. H., Infant, Death: 10/22/1880, Burial: 10/23/1880, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
OSWALT, Mary Miss, Death: 01/12/1910, Burial: 1/13/1910, Grave: 1
OSWALT Mrs., Death: 11/12/1908, Burial: 11/13/1908, Grave: 1
OTTING, Sarah Ann Mrs. (Meeks), Birth: 06/23/1850, Death: 10/12/1887, Burial: 10/13/1887, Section: OR, Lot: 129, Grave: 1
OVERSTREET, Susie Lurline Mrs. (McGhee), Birth: 04/09/1889, Death: 05/21/1975, Burial: 5/22/1975, Section: OR, Lot: 167, Grave: 1
OWEN, Robert C. CSA, CO. C-31ST AR, Death: 06/05/1863, Burial: 6/5/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 10, Grave: 1
OWENS, Ed Mr., Death: 03/24/1899, Burial: 3/25/1899, Grave: 1
OWENS, Elizabeth Mrs. (Hillyer), Death: 07/13/1935, Burial: 7/15/1935, Section: BF, Lot: 20, Grave: 1
OWENS, Georgia Mrs., Death: 06/04/1911, Burial: 6/5/1911, Grave: 1
OWENS, James Dean Mr. Sr., Birth: 08/01/1897, Death: 10/11/1951, Burial: 10/13/1951, Section: OR, Lot: 59, Grave: 1
OWENS, James Dean Mr. Jr., Birth: 07/03/1925, Death: 10/09/2007, Burial: 10/16/2007, Section: OR, Lot: 59, Grave: 1
OWENS, James Edward Mr., Birth: 09/14/1929, Death: 03/08/1934, Burial: 3/8/1934, Grave: 1
OWENS, Jennie Lewis Mrs. (Hill), Birth: 11/20/1876, Death: 10/19/1970, Burial: 10/21/1970, Section: OR, Lot: 59, Grave: 1
OWENS, Juanita Mrs. (Proctor), Birth: 06/15/1933, Death: 06/03/1992, Burial: 6/6/1992, Section: OR, Lot: 59, Grave: 1
OWENS, Katherine Anderson Mrs. (Glasgow), Birth: 06/01/1897, Death: 07/13/1981, Burial: 7/15/1981, Section: OR, Lot: 59, Grave: 1
OWENS, Lula R. Mrs. (Barnett), Birth: 10/26/1865, Death: 03/19/1937, Burial: 3/21/1937, Section: OR, Lot: 569, Grave: 1
OWENS, Lula Mrs. (Nelson), Birth: 03/05/1903, Death: 12/26/1943, Burial: 12/28/1943, Section: RS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
OWENS, Rebecca Jane Mrs. (Hamilton), Birth: 06/27/1892, Death: 06/01/1916, Burial: 6/2/1916, Section: SG, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
OWENS, Robert Glasgow Mr., Birth: 01/16/1928, Death: 04/03/2011, Burial: 4/8/2011, Section: OR, Lot: 59, Grave: 1
OWENS, Thomas Benton Mr., Birth: 08/01/1869, Death: 09/17/1949, Burial: 9/19/1949, Section: OR, Lot: 59, Grave: 1
OWENS (Inf/ Betty), Infant, Death: 05/16/1964, Burial: 6/18/1964, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
OWENS (Inf/ Joe), Infant, Birth: 03/18/1899, Death: 03/18/1899, Burial: 3/19/1899, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
OWENS (Inf/ Joe), Infant, Birth: 12/19/1901, Death: 12/19/1901, Burial: 12/20/1901, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
OWENSBY, Louise Mrs. (W/ Dave), Death: 07/26/1948, Burial: 7/28/1948, Grave: 1
PACE, William B. CSA, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PACKER, Allen Lee Mr., Birth: 04/18/1877, Death: 01/17/1919, Burial: 1/18/1919, Section: GV, Lot: 39, Grave: 1
PACKER, Claude Lee Mr., Birth: 05/26/1898, Death: 01/15/1954, Burial: 1/16/1954, Section: GV, Lot: 39, Grave: 1
PACKER, Lou Ella Mrs. (Roberts), Birth: 09/24/1879, Death: 06/21/1954, Burial: 6/23/1954, Section: GV, Lot: 39, Grave: 1
PADGETT, Jacob Allison Mr. (Jake), Birth: 03/25/1885, Death: 01/21/1936, Burial: 1/22/1936, Section: DN, Lot: 78, Grave: 1
PADGETT, James William Mr., Birth: 12/07/1862, Death: 10/29/1951, Burial: 10/31/1951, Section: DN, Lot: 78, Grave: 1
PADGETT, Lillie Parthenia Mrs. (Jones), Birth: 12/07/1868, Death: 02/14/1925, Burial: 2/15/1925, Section: DN, Lot: 78, Grave: 1
PAGE, Isaiah CSA, CO. A-25TH AL, Death: 01/29/1863, Burial: 1/29/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PAGE, J. M. CSA, CO. A-25TH AL, Death: 04/10/1863, Burial: 4/10/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PAGE, Willie (Inf S/ Willie) Jr., Infant, Birth: 04/02/1925, Death: 06/17/1927, Burial: 6/18/1927, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PAGE (Inf D/ Henry), Infant, Death: 04/01/1943, Burial: 4/2/1943, Section: SG, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
PALMER, Anne Garlington Mrs. (Talley), Birth: 10/15/1896, Death: 03/13/1966, Burial: 3/14/1966, Section: OR, Lot: 179, Grave: 1
PALMER, Joseph Andrew Mr., Birth: 02/19/1889, Death: 03/06/1976, Burial: 3/8/1976, Section: OR, Lot: 179, Grave: 1
PALMER, Lydia Maxson Mrs. (Longworthy), Birth: 01/12/1840, Death: 07/03/1902, Burial: 7/4/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 485, Grave: 1
PALMER, Martha Ann Mrs. (Bennett), Birth: 04/17/1850, Death: 06/11/1889, Burial: 6/12/1889, Grave: 1
PALMER, Milo Livingston Mr., Birth: 03/27/1833, Death: 12/21/1906, Burial: 12/22/1906, Section: OR, Lot: 485, Grave: 1
PALMER, Mollie B. (Inf D/ William), Infant, Birth: 07/29/1872, Death: 10/07/1872, Burial: 10/8/1872, Grave: 1
PANCHEN, Elizabeth Miss, Birth: 08/21/1871, Death: 06/03/1956, Burial: 6/6/1956, Section: OR, Lot: 178, Grave: 1
PANCHEN, Gertrude Mrs. (Butler), Death: 02/07/1885, Burial: 2/8/1885, Section: OR, Lot: 178, Grave: 1
PANCHEN, John Seymore Mr., Birth: 05/16/1837, Death: 10/01/1919, Burial: 10/2/1919, Section: OR, Lot: 178, Grave: 1
PARDEN, Maggie E. Mrs., Birth: 07/21/1845, Death: 01/16/1877, Burial: 1/17/1877, Grave: 1
PARIS, J. C. CSA, CO. E-23RD MS, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARISH, James Mr. Jr., Birth: 06/15/1885, Death: 03/15/1929, Burial: 3/16/1929, Section: RS, Lot: 193, Grave: 1
PARISH, Sarah M. Mrs. (Morrison), Birth: 03/01/1888, Death: 01/07/1964, Burial: 1/9/1964, Section: RS, Lot: 191, Grave: 1
PARK, Anna Savannah Mrs. (Mays), Birth: 10/05/1854, Death: 12/10/1923, Burial: 12/11/1923, Section: OR, Lot: 86, Grave: 1
PARK, Antoinette Mrs. (Bryant), Death: 01/07/1919, Burial: 1/8/1919, Section: FA, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
PARK, Benjamin Moses Mr., Death: 06/04/1946, Burial: 6/5/1946, Section: GV, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
PARK, Frank R. Mr., Birth: 09/02/1874, Death: 12/04/1909, Burial: 12/5/1909, Section: FA, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
PARK, Horace H. Mr., Birth: 12/19/1890, Death: 05/29/1921, Burial: 5/30/1921, Section: GV, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
PARK, Hugh H. Mr., Death: 10/24/1882, Burial: 10/25/1882, Section: OR, Lot: 86, Grave: 1
PARK, Nancy D. Mrs., Birth: 07/08/1819, Death: 01/25/1904, Burial: 1/26/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 79, Grave: 1
PARK, Nelia Mrs. (Andrews), Birth: 04/02/1896, Death: 01/13/1929, Burial: 1/14/1929, Grave: 1
PARK, Robert Mr., Birth: 12/19/1888, Death: 05/17/1910, Burial: 5/18/1910, Section: GV, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
PARK, Sallie C. Mrs., Birth: 04/06/1855, Death: 07/05/1940, Burial: 7/7/1940, Grave: 1
PARK, Sarah N. Mrs., Death: 01/06/1944, Burial: 1/7/1944, Section: GV, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
PARKER, A. D. CSA, CO. D- 3RD AL, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKER, A. S. CSA, CO. H-HENDERSON, Burial: 1/1/1920, Section: CS, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
PARKER, Carrie Mrs. (Taylor), Death: 01/12/1953, Burial: 1/14/1953, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKER, Charles J. (Inf S/ Charles) Jr., Infant, Birth: 10/04/1924, Death: 12/11/1924, Burial: 12/12/1924, Grave: 1
PARKER, Cleon Albert, Infant, Death: 12/18/1929, Burial: 12/19/1929, Grave: 1
PARKER, Dollie Mrs., Death: 08/29/1914, Burial: 9/30/1914, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKER, Jennie Miss, Birth: 10/25/1882, Death: 10/27/1899, Burial: 10/28/1899, Section: OR, Lot: 500, Grave: 1
PARKER, Jimmie, Infant, Birth: 01/17/1893, Death: 02/04/1894, Burial: 2/5/1894, Section: OR, Lot: 500, Grave: 1
PARKER, Mack Cornelius Mr., Death: 01/29/1952, Burial: 2/1/1952, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKER, Minnie Sarah Mrs. (Lanham), Death: 12/10/1920, Burial: 12/14/1920, Grave: 1
PARKER, N. D. Mrs., Death: 01/25/1904, Burial: 1/26/1904, Grave: 1
PARKER, Nellie Jane Mrs., Death: 10/24/1899, Burial: 10/25/1899, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKER, Virginia Louise Mrs. (Lloyd), Birth: 01/18/1922, Death: 06/18/1964, Burial: 6/20/1964, Section: BF, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
PARKER, Willie Mr., Birth: 08/10/1890, Death: 11/01/1897, Burial: 11/2/1897, Section: OR, Lot: 500, Grave: 1
PARKER, Willie, Infant, Death: 02/03/1894, Burial: 2/4/1894, Grave: 1
PARKER (Inf D/ M. C.), Infant, Birth: 10/08/1921, Death: 10/08/1921, Burial: 10/8/1921, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKER, Infant, Death: 09/27/1909, Burial: 9/28/1909, Grave: 1
PARKS, Charles E. Mr., Birth: 10/20/1905, Death: 02/24/1925, Burial: 2/25/1925, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKS, Elzora Mrs. (Penn), Birth: 08/01/1857, Death: 05/13/1922, Burial: 5/14/1922, Section: OR, Lot: 384, Grave: 1
PARKS, George E. Mr., Birth: 09/26/1907, Death: 08/05/1927, Burial: 8/7/1927, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKS, George Loyal Mr., Death: 08/28/1944, Burial: 9/3/1944, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKS, Hugh B. Mr. Jr., Death: 07/20/1917, Burial: 7/21/1917, Section: OR, Lot: 384, Grave: 1
PARKS, Hugh B. Mr., Death: 06/13/1935, Burial: 6/14/1935, Section: OR, Lot: 384, Grave: 1
PARKS, Jessie Mrs. (Champion), Birth: 08/23/1886, Death: 12/18/1973, Burial: 12/20/1973, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKS, Marcellus Mr., Birth: 02/15/1881, Death: 01/28/1941, Burial: 1/30/1941, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKS, Mary Alice Miss, Birth: 07/18/1880, Death: 01/09/1969, Burial: 1/10/1969, Section: OR, Lot: 384, Grave: 1
PARKS, Mary L. Mrs., Birth: 11/14/1876, Death: 07/12/1978, Burial: 7/14/1978, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKS, Simuel Mr., Birth: 01/04/1902, Death: 01/01/1972, Burial: 1/3/1972, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKS, Will Edward Mr., Birth: 04/26/1876, Death: 05/10/1944, Burial: 5/12/1944, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKS (Inf/ Stell), Infant, Birth: 08/09/1917, Death: 08/15/1917, Burial: 8/16/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARKS (Inf S/ Tom), Infant, Death: 12/19/1909, Burial: 12/20/1909, Grave: 1
PARMELEE, Charity Mrs. (Angle), Cremains, Birth: 09/28/1925, Death: 03/19/2006, Burial: 4/1/2006, Section: BC, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
PARMELEE, Kenneth Arnold Mr., Cremains, Birth: 07/11/1923, Death: 10/30/2004, Residence, Burial: 4/1/2006, Section: BE, Lot: 2, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Family Only
PARRISH, Calvin E. Mr., Birth: 10/08/1925, Death: 05/13/2011, Unknown, Burial: 10/17/2011, Section: MA, Lot: 7, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
PARRISH, Carroll Mr., Death: 09/28/1914, Burial: 9/29/1914, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PARRISH, Ruth Mrs. (Conn), Birth: 09/23/1922, Death: 04/18/2006, Burial: 4/20/2006, Section: MA, Lot: 7, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Fred Talleys Parkview Chapel
PARSONS, James Arvel (Inf S/ Arvil), Infant, Birth: 08/20/1923, Death: 09/18/1923, Burial: 9/19/1923, Grave: 1
PARSONS, Sarah Georgia Mrs. (Akins), Birth: 12/13/1877, Death: 12/19/1942, Burial: 12/20/1942, Grave: 1
PARSONS, William Jackson Mr., Birth: 03/30/1876, Death: 06/05/1942, Burial: 6/7/1942, Grave: 1
PARSONS (Inf S/ Arvil), Infant, Birth: 09/27/1932, Death: 09/27/1932, Burial: 9/28/1932, Grave: 1
PARTRIDGE, Emma Mrs. (Combs), Birth: 12/20/1879, Death: 11/15/1949, Burial: 11/17/1949, Section: RS, Lot: 172, Grave: 1
PARTRIDGE, Walter Edward Mr., Birth: 12/08/1877, Death: 12/09/1934, Burial: 12/10/1934, Section: RS, Lot: 170, Grave: 1
PATILLO, C. E. Mr., Death: 02/14/1983, Burial: 2/16/1983, Section: OR, Lot: 280, Grave: 1
PATRICK, Ida Mrs. (Norton Seavey), Death: 12/07/1931, Burial: 12/8/1931, Section: OR, Lot: 174, Grave: 1
PATRICK, Julia (Inf D/ A. S.), Infant, Death: 10/13/1874, Burial: 10/14/1874, Section: OR, Lot: 174, Grave: 1
PATTERSON, Walter L. Sgt., Death: 01/18/1929, Burial: 1/19/1929, Section: RS, Lot: 195, Grave: 1
PATTILLO (Inf/ H. A.), Infant, Death: 07/24/1886, Burial: 7/25/1886, Section: OR, Lot: 301, Grave: 1
PATTON, Ava Elizabeth Mrs. (King), Birth: 12/13/1893, Death: 09/16/1971, Burial: 9/18/1971, Section: OR, Lot: 403, Grave: 1
PATTON, Bertha Mrs. (Davis), Birth: 11/17/1894, Death: 11/02/1979, Burial: 11/4/1979, Section: BD, Lot: 29, Grave: 1
PATTON, Charles E. Mr., Birth: 11/12/1871, Death: 04/07/1923, Burial: 4/8/1926, Section: BD, Lot: 44, Grave: 1
PATTON, Edward Graves Mr. (Inf S/ Mitchell), Birth: 02/07/1977, Death: 09/15/1979, Burial: 9/17/1979, Section: BC, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
PATTON, Harry Ethelbert Mr., Birth: 10/15/1873, Death: 10/03/1957, Burial: 10/5/1957, Section: BD, Lot: 44, Grave: 1
PATTON, Ida C. Mrs. (Nevin), Birth: 12/13/1860, Death: 03/23/1910, Burial: 3/24/1910, Section: BC, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
PATTON, Ida May Miss, Birth: 05/08/1902, Death: 06/24/1961, Burial: 6/25/1961, Section: BC, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
PATTON, J. W. Mr., Death: 05/24/1902, Burial: 5/25/1902, Grave: 1
PATTON, Joseph Bailey Mr., Birth: 07/24/1879, Death: 09/17/1948, Burial: 9/18/1948, Section: BD, Lot: 29, Grave: 1
PATTON, Joseph Brown Capt., CO. A-1ST TN, Birth: 08/30/1842, Death: 09/01/1906, Burial: 9/2/1906, Section: BD, Lot: 44, Grave: 1
PATTON, Laura Jane Mrs. (McInturff), Birth: 05/12/1849, Death: 07/03/1913, Burial: 7/4/1913, Section: BD, Lot: 44, Grave: 1
PATTON, Lila Bowie Mrs. (Osborn), Birth: 02/09/1917, Death: 03/03/2006, Burial: 3/5/2006, Section: BC, Lot: 8, Grave: 2, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
PATTON, Mitchell Abner Nevin Mr. Sr., Birth: 12/14/1891, Death: 09/03/1961, Burial: 9/4/1961, Section: OR, Lot: 403, Grave: 1
PATTON, Mitchell Albert Nevin Mr. Jr., Birth: 12/31/1916, Death: 09/05/1981, Burial: 9/6/1981, Section: BC, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
PATTON, William Alexander Maj. Sr., Birth: 04/16/1868, Death: 06/18/1903, Burial: 6/19/1903, Section: BC, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
PATTON, William Alexander Mr. Jr., Birth: 08/15/1890, Death: 11/28/1941, Burial: 11/29/1941, Section: BC, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
PATTON (C. W.), Infant, Death: 08/11/1887, Burial: 8/12/1887, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Amanda Mrs. (Davie), Death: 09/24/1921, Burial: 9/25/1921, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Bobbie L. Mrs. (Evans), Birth: 07/20/1917, Death: 04/01/1986, Burial: 4/3/1986, Section: NF, Lot: 028A, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Chase Loveing Mr., Birth: 02/25/1871, Death: 01/14/1920, Burial: 1/15/1920, Section: OR, Lot: 582, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Daisy Ballenger Mrs. (Bailey), Birth: 11/20/1876, Death: 07/05/1910, Burial: 7/8/1910, Section: OR, Lot: 582, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Ella Jane Mrs., Birth: 11/04/1840, Death: 09/20/1914, Burial: 9/21/1914, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Jane Mrs. (Kelley), Death: 07/25/1930, Burial: 7/26/1930, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Luther Mr., Death: 07/28/1930, Burial: 7/29/1930, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Nell Merrimon Mrs. (Irvin), Birth: 06/22/1928, Death: 11/20/1987, Burial: 11/22/1987, Section: OR, Lot: 407, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Paul H. Mr., Death: 11/22/1934, Burial: 11/24/1934, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Ralph Bailey Mr., Birth: 12/19/1901, Death: 07/31/1962, Burial: 8/2/1962, Section: OR, Lot: 582, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Robert H. CSA, CO. I-29TH MS, Death: 03/10/1863, Burial: 3/10/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 11, Grave: 1
PAYNE, Ruth Mrs. (Wright), Birth: 07/09/1905, Death: 08/27/1990, Burial: 8/30/1990, Section: OR, Lot: 582, Grave: 1
PAYNE, William D. CSA, CO. D-9TH GA, Death: 11/01/1863, Burial: 11/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PEACOCK, Jo Mrs. (Howell), Birth: 05/18/1891, Death: 09/19/1966, Burial: 9/21/1966, Section: GA, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
PEACOCK, Lemuel Litchfield Mr., Birth: 05/09/1886, Death: 02/26/1942, Burial: 2/27/1942, Section: GA, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
PEARCE, Elijah Lumpkin Mr., Birth: 12/14/1867, Death: 04/05/1917, Burial: 4/6/1917, Section: OR, Lot: 427, Grave: 1
PEARCE, Elizabeth Mrs. (Brewster), Birth: 02/01/1888, Death: 10/27/1972, Burial: 10/29/1972, Section: NO, Lot: 11, Grave: 1
PEARCE, H. CSA, CO. -34TH AL, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PEARCE, Robert Henry Mr., Birth: 06/03/1894, Death: 05/07/1899, Burial: 5/8/1899, Grave: 1
PEARCE, Robert Milton Mr., Birth: 05/22/1879, Death: 12/24/1926, Burial: 12/26/1926, Section: NO, Lot: 11, Grave: 1
PEARCE, Ruth Ms., Burial: 1/1/1897, Section: OR, Lot: 508, Grave: 1
PEARSON, L. L. Mr., Burial: 1/1/1880, Section: OR, Lot: 336, Grave: 1
PEARSON, Lola Mrs. (Fain), Death: 01/01/1927, Burial: 1/2/1927, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PEART, Columbus Mr., Death: 09/21/1916, Burial: 9/22/1916, Grave: 1
PECK, Frances Elizabeth Miss, Birth: 10/28/1852, Death: 11/22/1934, Burial: 11/23/1934, Section: OR, Lot: 174, Grave: 1
PELLIS, B. C. Mrs., Death: 10/27/1911, Burial: 10/28/1911, Grave: 1
PENDLETON, Ed Mr., Death: 08/30/1912, Burial: 9/1/1912, Section: PS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PENDLEY, John Milton Mr., Birth: 03/23/1891, Death: 02/18/1916, Burial: 2/19/1916, Section: OR, Lot: 529, Grave: 1
PENLEY, Deforest F. Mr., Birth: 03/18/1894, Death: 01/31/1927, Burial: 2/1/1927, Section: RS, Lot: 228, Grave: 1
PENLEY, John L. Mr., Birth: 05/24/1894, Death: 01/21/1922, Burial: 1/22/1922, Section: SG, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PENLEY, Leila Mrs., Birth: 09/02/1897, Death: 03/01/1938, Burial: 3/2/1938, Section: SG, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PENLEY, Teppa Mrs. (Moore), Birth: 09/03/1891, Death: 05/13/1937, Burial: 5/14/1937, Section: RS, Lot: 228, Grave: 1
PENN, Epsie Elizabeth Mrs. (Dupree), Birth: 10/27/1876, Death: 01/17/1950, Burial: 1/19/1950, Section: OR, Lot: 269, Grave: 1
PENN, James Cicero Mr., Birth: 05/19/1863, Death: 04/26/1922, Burial: 4/27/1922, Section: OR, Lot: 269, Grave: 1
PENN, Lucy Harvey, Infant, Birth: 09/22/1910, Death: 05/19/1912, Burial: 5/20/1912, Section: BE, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
PENNEY, Jennie Mrs. (Simpson), Birth: 08/02/1859, Death: 08/20/1887, Burial: 8/21/1887, Section: OR, Lot: 222, Grave: 1
PENNEY, Jessie Mrs. (McRea), Birth: 03/31/1897, Death: 04/03/1931, Burial: 4/5/1931, Section: RS, Lot: 38, Grave: 1
PENNEY, Walter Lee Mr., Birth: 05/23/1892, Death: 12/13/1940, Burial: 12/14/1940, Section: RS, Lot: 38, Grave: 1
PENNINGTON, Cunningham M. Mr., Death: 08/23/1885, Burial: 8/24/1885, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
PENNINGTON, Elizabeth Mrs. (Freeman), Death: 01/05/1873, Burial: 1/6/1873, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
PENNINGTON, Emily Cooper, Infant, Death: 06/12/1892, Burial: 6/13/1892, Grave: 1
PENNINGTON, Leon Mr., Birth: 05/11/1882, Death: 06/25/1883, Burial: 6/26/1883, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PENNINGTON (Inf/ W. L.), Infant, Birth: 11/21/1898, Death: 11/21/1898, Burial: 11/22/1898, Grave: 1
PENTECOST, Annie Elizabeth Mrs. (Alexander), Birth: 08/20/1844, Death: 11/11/1884, Burial: 11/12/1884, Grave: 1
PENTECOST, Celia Mrs. (Shropshire), Death: 02/15/1929, Burial: 2/16/1929, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PENTECOST, Francis Thomas Mr. Sr., Birth: 03/14/1821, Death: 04/10/1856, Burial: 4/11/1856, Grave: 1
PENTECOST, Hamp Mr., Death: 08/20/1909, Burial: 9/21/1909, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PEPPER, Georgia E. Mrs. (Marsh), Death: 01/17/1891, Burial: 1/18/1891, Section: OR, Lot: 97, Grave: 1
PEPPER, Georgia E. Miss, Birth: 06/04/1860, Death: 01/03/1903, Burial: 10/4/1903, Section: OR, Lot: 97, Grave: 1
PEPPER, James Mabry Mr., Death: 01/01/1901, Burial: 1/1/1901, Section: OR, Lot: 97, Grave: 1
PEPPER, Judith M. Mrs. (Christian), Death: 03/20/1896, Burial: 3/21/1896, Section: OR, Lot: 185, Grave: 1
PERDUE, William H. CSA, CO. C-2ND TN, Death: 10/14/1863, Burial: 10/14/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
PERKINS, Henry Mr., Death: 08/30/1880, Burial: 9/1/1880, Grave: 1
PERKINS, John N. Capt., CO. F-1ST GA CA, Birth: 12/02/1822, Death: 02/15/1896, Burial: 2/16/1896, Section: CS, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
PERKINS, Mary Elizabeth Mrs. (Bettie), Birth: 08/28/1838, Death: 08/09/1909, Burial: 8/10/1909, Grave: 1
PERKINS, Mary Lee Mrs. (Bass), Birth: 11/20/1875, Death: 09/04/1945, Burial: 9/6/1945, Section: GV, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
PERKINS, Richard Mr., Death: 05/12/1918, Burial: 5/13/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PERKINS, Robert Mr., Death: 05/17/1910, Burial: 5/18/1910, Grave: 1
PERKINS, Thornton Mr., Death: 01/31/1927, Burial: 2/7/1927, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PERMINTER, Georgia Wylie Miss, Death: 05/19/1887, Burial: 5/20/1887, Grave: 1
PERMINTER, Willie Josephine Miss, Death: 03/27/1887, Burial: 3/28/1887, Grave: 1
PERRY, George Arnold Mr. Jr., Birth: 11/18/1922, Death: 04/10/1995, Burial: 4/12/1995, Section: NO, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
PERRY, George Arnold Mr. III, Birth: 01/31/1955, Death: 11/09/1999, Burial: 11/14/1999, Section: NO, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
PERRY, J. H. CSA, 44TH TN, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PERRY, Steve Eberhardt CSA, Death: 06/30/1936, Burial: 7/2/1936, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PERRY, Susie Mrs. (Williams), Rome, Burial: 10/17/2009, Section: NO, Lot: 14, Grave: 2, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
PERRY, Thomas J. Mr., CO. D-29TH GA, Birth: 08/28/1824, Death: 09/28/1878, Burial: 9/29/1878, Section: OR, Lot: 206, Grave: 1
PERRY Mrs. (W/ Joseph), Death: 01/04/1898, Burial: 1/5/1898, Grave: 1
PERSINGER, Lavicie Leek Mrs. (McClain), Birth: 12/21/1866, Death: 12/07/1957, Burial: 12/8/1957, Section: SG, Lot: 902, Grave: 1
PERSINGER, Shirley Bryan Mr., Birth: 11/12/1879, Death: 04/19/1941, Burial: 4/20/1941, Section: OR, Lot: 904, Grave: 1
PETERS, Carl G. Mr., Birth: 04/20/1884, Death: 11/17/1887, Burial: 11/18/1887, Section: OR, Lot: 187, Grave: 1
PETERS, Edward G. Mr., Birth: 07/21/1881, Death: 03/27/1938, Burial: 3/28/1938, Section: OR, Lot: 187, Grave: 1
PETERS, Henry C. (Inf/ Henry), Infant, Birth: 04/24/1872, Death: 05/09/1872, Burial: 5/10/1872, Section: OR, Lot: 187, Grave: 1
PETERS, Henry G. Mr., Birth: 09/25/1825, Death: 09/16/1888, Burial: 9/17/1888, Section: OR, Lot: 187, Grave: 1
PETERS, Louisa Mrs. (Stoffregen), Birth: 03/25/1845, Death: 07/18/1884, Burial: 7/19/1884, Section: OR, Lot: 187, Grave: 1
PETERSON, Lillian Lorene Mrs., Birth: 03/12/1908, Death: 07/07/1999, Burial: 10/11/1999, Section: BF, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
PETROPOLE, Angelique Miss (Kiki), Birth: 09/19/1932, Death: 12/21/1992, Burial: 12/23/1992, Section: OR, Lot: 193, Grave: 1
PETROPOLE, Athena P. Mrs. (Velessario), Birth: 07/19/1909, Death: 03/10/1942, Burial: 3/12/1942, Section: OR, Lot: 193, Grave: 1
PETROPOLE, John D. Mr., Birth: 09/15/1885, Death: 03/16/1962, Burial: 3/18/1962, Section: OR, Lot: 193, Grave: 1
PETROPOLE, Pete Dimetrios Mr., Birth: 02/22/1888, Death: 04/03/1947, Burial: 4/6/1947, Section: OR, Lot: 193, Grave: 1
PETTITT, Hannah Lee Mrs., Birth: 07/20/1862, Death: 10/27/1911, Burial: 10/28/1911, Section: OR, Lot: 264, Grave: 1
PEUGH, Henry Grady Mr., Birth: 09/25/1907, Death: 12/23/1977, Burial: 12/24/1977, Section: NF, Lot: 030A, Grave: 1
PHELPS, Edgar Mr., Birth: 04/27/1880, Death: 09/27/1959, Burial: 9/28/1959, Section: RS, Lot: 222, Grave: 1
PHELPS, John Mr., Death: 01/22/1894, Burial: 1/23/1894, Grave: 1
PHELPS, Sarah Clyde Mrs. (King), Birth: 11/10/1884, Death: 07/30/1964, Burial: 8/1/1964, Section: RS, Lot: 222, Grave: 1
PHILLION, Charles Mr., Death: 01/27/1942, Burial: 1/28/1942, Section: RS, Lot: 169, Grave: 1
PHILLION, James Mr., Death: 11/10/1943, Burial: 11/12/1943, Section: RS, Lot: 169, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Carolyn Mrs., Burial: 2/17/2001, Section: OR, Lot: 436, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Daniel CSA, CO. E-58TH NC, Death: 11/15/1863, Burial: 11/16/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Elizabeth A. Mrs., Birth: 12/12/1853, Death: 05/26/1916, Burial: 5/27/1916, Section: NF, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Francis Mr., Death: 05/17/1912, Burial: 5/18/1912, Section: SG, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Frank Mr., Death: 08/12/1913, Burial: 8/13/1913, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, George W. Mr., Death: 05/07/1934, Burial: 5/10/1934, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Grover Cleveland Mr., Birth: 10/28/1888, Death: 10/18/1961, Burial: 10/20/1961, Section: OR, Lot: 413, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, James Mr. (Jimmie), Birth: 03/11/1890, Death: 04/09/1898, Burial: 4/10/1898, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Jesse CSA, CO. K-47TH GA, Death: 12/09/1863, Burial: 12/9/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Katherine Mrs. (Keel), Birth: 01/22/1921, Death: 01/16/1971, Burial: 1/19/1971, Section: GA, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, M. Mr., Death: 01/01/2001, Burial: 1/1/2001, Section: SG, Lot: 1, Grave: 2
PHILLIPS, Millie Mrs. (Payne), Death: 01/17/1935, Burial: 1/20/1935, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Nancy Watt Rabb Mrs. (Ligon), Birth: 03/27/1889, Death: 07/16/1977, Burial: 7/18/1977, Section: OR, Lot: 413, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Sarah Mrs. (Echols), Birth: 12/31/1885, Death: 01/03/1955, Burial: 1/5/1955, Section: RS, Lot: 186, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Thomas J. CSA, CO. H-19TH AL, Death: 10/12/1863, Burial: 10/12/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS, Watson William Mr., Birth: 04/16/1882, Death: 01/18/1953, Burial: 1/19/1953, Section: RS, Lot: 186, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS CSA, VA, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PHILLIPS (Inf D/ J. W.), Infant, Death: 11/12/1897, Burial: 11/13/1897, Grave: 1
PHILPOT, Metella Mrs. (Fouche), Birth: 05/15/1847, Death: 06/16/1930, Burial: 6/17/1980, Section: RS, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
PHINESAY, T. J. Mr., Death: 04/15/1885, Burial: 4/16/1885, Grave: 1
PHINESEE, Annie Mrs., Death: 04/02/1917, Burial: 4/3/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PHINZY, Maggie, Infant, Death: 09/08/1894, Burial: 9/9/1894, Grave: 1
PHIPPS, John CSA, CO. D-21ST MS, Death: 11/28/1863, Burial: 11/28/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 7, Grave: 1
PICKENS, Cynthia Miss (D/ John A.), Birth: 01/19/1861, Death: 03/02/1939, Burial: 3/4/1939, Section: RS, Lot: 71, Grave: 1
PICKENS, Susan L. Miss (Susie), Birth: 03/07/1871, Death: 06/19/1950, Burial: 6/21/1950, Section: RS, Lot: 71, Grave: 1
PIERCE, Plumer Mr., Birth: 10/29/1891, Death: 11/04/1918, Burial: 11/5/1918, Section: GV, Lot: 26, Grave: 1
PIERCE, Riley Malcome Mr., Birth: 05/07/1891, Death: 01/25/1907, Burial: 1/26/1907, Section: SG, Lot: 912, Grave: 1
PILSON, Isabel Mrs. (Wilkins), Birth: 12/01/1909, Death: 02/13/1989, Burial: 2/15/1989, Section: BF, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
PILSON, Lula Hummel Mrs. (Stoffregen), Birth: 01/31/1892, Death: 09/09/1927, Burial: 9/10/1927, Section: OR, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
PILSON, William Joseph Mr., Birth: 07/20/1893, Death: 07/02/1960, Burial: 7/5/1960, Section: BF, Lot: 2, Grave: 1
PINSON, Elizabeth Frances Mrs. (Caldwell), Birth: 10/24/1839, Death: 09/01/1883, Burial: 9/1/1883, Grave: 1
PISNELL, T. N. Mr., Death: 12/30/1887, Burial: 12/31/1887, Grave: 1
PITNER, Albert Gallatin Mr., Birth: 12/11/1814, Death: 11/29/1878, Burial: 11/30/1878, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
PITNER, Albert Gallatin Mr. (Al), Death: 03/14/1900, Burial: 3/15/1900, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
PITNER, George Ramey Mr., Death: 05/27/1903, Burial: 5/28/1903, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
PITNER, M. E. Mrs., Birth: 03/12/1829, Death: 08/13/1892, Burial: 8/14/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
PITNER, Nellie Mrs. (Ramey), Birth: 04/30/1861, Death: 02/25/1934, Burial: 2/26/1934, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
PITNER (Inf/ Albert), Infant, Birth: 04/08/1883, Death: 04/08/1883, Burial: 4/9/1883, Section: OR, Lot: 184, Grave: 1
PLASCO, Infant, Birth: 01/15/1888, Death: 01/15/1888, Burial: 1/16/1888, Grave: 1
PLOOF, Allen (Inf S/ Tell), Infant, Birth: 06/23/1921, Death: 05/29/1922, Burial: 5/30/1922, Grave: 1
PLOWDEN, David Milton Mr. Jr., Birth: 05/26/1930, Death: 04/03/1950, Burial: 4/6/1950, Section: RS, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
PLOWDEN, David Milton Mr. Sr., Birth: 08/01/1892, Death: 11/26/1967, Burial: 11/29/1967, Section: RS, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
PLOWDEN, Frances, Infant, Death: 04/23/1928, Burial: 4/24/1928, Section: RS, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
PLOWDEN, Lilla Mae Mrs. (Philpot), Birth: 12/31/1896, Death: 06/27/1975, Burial: 7/5/1975, Section: RS, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
PLOWDEN (Inf/ David), Infant, Birth: 07/29/1926, Death: 07/29/1926, Burial: 7/30/1926, Section: RS, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
PLUMB, Charles Albert, Infant, Birth: 10/14/1880, Death: 06/26/1881, Burial: 6/27/1881, Section: OR, Lot: 196, Grave: 1
PLUMB, Mary C. Mrs. (Underwood), Death: 12/03/1913, Burial: 12/4/1913, Section: OR, Lot: 196, Grave: 1
PLUMMER, Hazel F. Mrs., Death: 07/22/1968, Burial: 7/24/1968, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PLUMMER, Henry Mr., Death: 12/29/1958, Burial: 12/31/1958, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PLUMMER, Ida C. Mrs., Death: 10/15/1961, Burial: 10/17/1961, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PLUMMER, Katie Mrs., Birth: 05/30/1920, Death: 11/01/1996, Burial: 11/4/1996, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PLUMMER, Mose Mr., Death: 01/03/1959, Burial: 1/4/1959, Grave: 1
PLUMMER, Moses Mr., Birth: 03/06/1911, Death: 11/08/1987, Burial: 11/10/1987, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: F
PLUMMER, Willie Mr., Birth: 08/14/1909, Death: 04/23/1962, Burial: 4/25/1962, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
POAGUE, Sarah Margaret Miss (Bonsack), Death: 01/27/1925, Burial: 1/1/1925, Section: GV, Lot: 33, Grave: 1
POE, Layfayette CSA, CO. D-34TH MS, Death: 05/05/1863, Burial: 5/5/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
POLK, Bell Mrs., Death: 11/02/1892, Burial: 11/3/1892, Grave: 1
POLLARD, Marina Mrs. (W/ Thomas), Birth: 04/06/1801, Death: 04/06/1858, Burial: 4/7/1858, Grave: 1
POLLOCK, Jake Moore Mr. (S/ John), Death: 11/04/1902, Burial: 11/5/1902, Grave: 1
POLLOCK, James Green Mr., Birth: 10/21/1833, Death: 02/03/1923, Burial: 2/4/1923, Section: OR, Lot: 423, Grave: 1
POLLOCK, Nancy Mrs. (Brunson), Birth: 12/16/1842, Death: 05/05/1913, Burial: 5/6/1913, Section: OR, Lot: 423, Grave: 1
POLLOCK, Sarah Elizabeth Miss (Sallie), Birth: 08/24/1868, Death: 10/10/1896, Burial: 10/11/1896, Section: OR, Lot: 423, Grave: 1
POLLOCK, Susie Corine Miss, Birth: 01/04/1865, Death: 11/17/1934, Burial: 11/18/1934, Section: OR, Lot: 423, Grave: 1
POLLOCK, Thomas Brunson Mr., Birth: 01/12/1879, Death: 06/22/1892, Burial: 6/23/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 423, Grave: 1
POOLE, John P. Mr., Birth: 03/18/1890, Death: 08/09/1907, Burial: 8/10/1907, Section: BD, Lot: 42, Grave: 1
POOLE, Pearl Miss, Birth: 01/12/1904, Death: 06/10/1919, Burial: 6/11/1919, Section: BD, Lot: 42, Grave: 1
POOLE, R. J. CSA, CO. H-2ND GA, Death: 02/08/1910, Burial: 2/9/1910, Grave: 1
POOLE, R. L. Mrs. (W/ R. L.), Death: 04/30/1908, Burial: 5/1/1908, Section: BD, Lot: 42, Grave: 1
POOLE, Robert L. Mr. (Sp-Am War), Death: 04/13/1918, Burial: 4/13/1918, Section: BD, Lot: 42, Grave: 1
POPE, Anna E. Mrs., Death: 03/03/1930, Burial: 3/4/1930, Grave: 1
POPE, Billie Miss, Death: 08/10/1888, Burial: 8/11/1888, Grave: 1
POPE, F. C. Mr., Death: 01/03/1908, Burial: 1/4/1908, Grave: 1
PORCHA, Charles S., Infant, Death: 07/29/1881, Burial: 7/30/1881, Grave: 1
PORTER, Catherine Maud Mrs. (Harris Yancey), Birth: 05/31/1885, Death: 12/19/1937, Burial: 12/20/1937, Section: BC, Lot: 10, Grave: 1
PORTER, Clara Mrs. (Williams), Birth: 01/31/1885, Death: 12/04/1949, Burial: 12/6/1949, Section: OR, Lot: 164, Grave: 1
PORTER, James Jones Mr., Birth: 08/03/1879, Death: 05/19/1919, Burial: 5/20/1919, Section: WP, Lot: 11, Grave: 1
PORTER, Joseph Johnston Mr., Birth: 02/06/1900, Death: 01/09/1980, Burial: 1/11/1980, Section: RS, Lot: 109, Grave: 1
PORTER, Rilla Catherine Mrs. (Sharp), Birth: 01/21/1882, Death: 04/16/1967, Burial: 4/18/1967, Section: WP, Lot: 11, Grave: 1
PORTER, Velma Montarie Mrs. (Carlson), Birth: 05/10/1903, Death: 02/24/1978, Burial: 2/25/1978, Section: RS, Lot: 110, Grave: 1
POTTS, Charlie Jacob Mr., Death: 02/15/1959, Burial: 2/17/1959, Section: BE, Lot: 48, Grave: 1
POTTS, Ida Mae Mrs. (Henson), Birth: 11/22/1882, Death: 11/22/1926, Burial: 11/23/1926, Section: OR, Lot: 271, Grave: 1
POTTS, Johnny Mr., Burial: 1/1/2004, Section: BE, Lot: 48, Grave: 1
POTTS, Joseph Daniel Mr., Birth: 10/31/1881, Death: 10/22/1926, Burial: 1/1/1926, Section: OR, Lot: 271, Grave: 1
POTTS, Kizzie Mrs., Death: 08/17/1918, Burial: 8/18/1918, Section: BE, Lot: 48, Grave: 1
POTTS, Nathan L. Mr., Birth: 02/25/1884, Death: 03/09/1925, Burial: 3/10/1925, Section: OR, Lot: 321, Grave: 1
POTTS, Savannah Mrs., Burial: 1/1/2004, Section: BE, Lot: 48, Grave: 1
POWELL, Cora Lee Miss, Birth: 04/07/1877, Death: 04/20/1955, Burial: 4/21/1955, Section: OR, Lot: 493, Grave: 1
POWELL, Frances V. Mrs. (Kennedy), Birth: 01/21/1846, Death: 12/18/1926, Burial: 12/20/1926, Section: OR, Lot: 318, Grave: 1
POWELL, George W. CSA, CO A-9TH GA, Birth: 10/11/1844, Death: 05/03/1928, Burial: 5/4/1928, Section: OR, Lot: 565, Grave: 1
POWELL, James Chapman Mr., Birth: 06/27/1838, Death: 03/15/1919, Burial: 3/16/1919, Section: OR, Lot: 493, Grave: 1
POWELL, John O. (Inf/ Ralph), Infant, Birth: 11/19/1907, Death: 04/23/1908, Burial: 4/24/1908, Section: BE, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
POWELL, John T. CSA, CO. B-7TH GA, Birth: 05/26/1842, Death: 10/24/1921, Burial: 10/25/1921, Section: OR, Lot: 318, Grave: 1
POWELL, Lonnie Tucker Mr., Death: 11/11/1961, Burial: 11/17/1961, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
POWELL, Margaret Virginia Mrs. (Dupree), Birth: 10/03/1878, Death: 12/03/1970, Burial: 12/5/1970, Section: BE, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
POWELL, Nancy Elizabeth Mrs. (Glore), Birth: 09/16/1848, Death: 12/27/1919, Burial: 12/28/1919, Section: OR, Lot: 565, Grave: 1
POWELL, Ralph O. Mr., Birth: 05/18/1875, Death: 08/04/1954, Burial: 8/6/1954, Section: BE, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
POWELL, Robert W. Mr. (S/ A. B.), Birth: 01/01/1874, Death: 09/18/1906, Burial: 9/19/1906, Section: OR, Lot: 565, Grave: 1
POWELL, Robert Y. Mr. (Bank), Birth: 09/30/1876, Death: 05/02/1905, Burial: 5/3/1905, Section: OR, Lot: 318, Grave: 1
POWELL, Septon Epeziah Mrs. (Harris), Birth: 10/10/1845, Death: 05/13/1899, Burial: 5/14/1899, Section: OR, Lot: 493, Grave: 1
POWERS, Carrie Beatrice Mrs. (Dodd), Birth: 01/17/1870, Death: 10/22/1926, Burial: 10/23/1926, Section: BE, Lot: 10, Grave: 1
POWERS, Charles Lowery Mr. (Collie), Birth: 08/07/1884, Death: 09/11/1953, Burial: 9/15/1953, Section: GA, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
POWERS, Cora B. Mrs. (Whitehead), Birth: 10/21/1872, Death: 03/01/1959, Burial: 3/2/1959, Section: OR, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
POWERS, Eleanor Deane Mrs. (Sanders), Birth: 12/15/1893, Death: 06/13/1982, Burial: 6/14/1982, Section: GA, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
POWERS, Emily Sue Miss, Birth: 08/27/1904, Death: 05/14/1992, Burial: 5/16/1992, Section: OR, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
POWERS, Emma, Infant, Birth: 06/09/1918, Death: 06/09/1918, Burial: 6/10/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
POWERS, Eugenia Elizabeth Miss, Birth: 04/12/1907, Death: 05/13/1989, Burial: 5/15/1989, Section: OR, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
POWERS, George Mr., Birth: 07/20/1900, Death: 12/22/1930, Burial: 12/23/1930, Section: BE, Lot: 10, Grave: 1
POWERS, Henry Arthur Mr., Death: 09/03/1934, Burial: 9/4/1934, Section: OR, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
POWERS, James David Mr., Birth: 06/20/1848, Death: 09/07/1913, Burial: 9/8/1913, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
POWERS, Joseph Fields (Inf S/ James D.), Infant, Birth: 10/29/1875, Death: 08/12/1876, Burial: 8/13/1876, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
POWERS, Julia A. Mrs., Birth: 07/29/1836, Death: 11/17/1885, Burial: 11/18/1885, Section: OR, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
POWERS, Katie Mitchell (Inf D/ David), Infant, Birth: 10/29/1875, Death: 05/20/1876, Burial: 5/21/1876, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
POWERS, Mary Lee Mrs. (Sanders), Birth: 06/25/1892, Death: 02/27/1981, Burial: 2/28/1981, Section: GA, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
POWERS, Nicholas F. Mr., Birth: 06/10/1849, Death: 07/09/1908, Burial: 7/10/1908, Section: BE, Lot: 10, Grave: 1
POWERS, Robert Headden Mr., Birth: 01/21/1901, Death: 02/20/1969, Burial: 2/22/1969, Section: OR, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
POWERS, Rosa Angela Miss, Birth: 11/27/1871, Death: 03/04/1912, Burial: 3/5/1912, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
POWERS, Ruth Mrs. (Erwin), Birth: 05/13/1904, Death: 09/05/1998, Burial: 9/9/1998, Section: OR, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
POWERS, Samuel F. Dr., Birth: 11/28/1824, Death: 01/13/1894, Burial: 1/14/1894, Section: OR, Lot: 208, Grave: 1
POWERS, Virginia Entler Mrs. (Rawlins), Birth: 02/12/1850, Death: 12/07/1927, Burial: 12/8/1927, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
PRATHER, Georgia Mrs. (Seavey Hodges), Death: 12/09/1916, Burial: 12/10/1916, Section: OR, Lot: 75, Grave: 1
PRATHER, John Augustus (Inf S/ J. Q.), Infant, Birth: 03/19/1883, Death: 03/24/1883, Burial: 3/25/1883, Section: OR, Lot: 75, Grave: 1
PRATHER, John Quincy Mr., Birth: 04/22/1850, Death: 06/10/1898, Burial: 6/11/1898, Section: OR, Lot: 75, Grave: 1
PRATHER, Laura J. Mrs. (Lumpkin), Birth: 03/22/1860, Death: 08/31/1883, Burial: 9/1/1883, Section: OR, Lot: 75, Grave: 1
PRATT, James W. CSA, CO. D-54TH VA, Death: 11/01/1863, Burial: 11/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
PRESLEY, James H. Mr., Birth: 12/01/1829, Death: 01/09/1888, Burial: 1/10/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 239, Grave: 1
PRICE, Calvin J. Mr., Birth: 06/03/1855, Death: 10/05/1925, Burial: 10/6/1925, Section: OR, Lot: 479, Grave: 1
PRICE, Carrie P. Mrs. (Storey), Birth: 01/29/1867, Death: 12/28/1954, Burial: 12/30/1954, Section: BE, Lot: 63, Grave: 1
PRICE, Chesley E. Mr., Birth: 09/06/1876, Death: 09/09/1895, Burial: 9/10/1895, Section: OR, Lot: 479, Grave: 1
PRICE, Ellen Miss, Birth: 09/01/1915, Death: 07/22/1917, Burial: 9/23/1917, Section: SG, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PRICE, Ernest Everett Mr. (S/ M. & J. A.), Birth: 04/11/1900, Death: 09/27/1904, Burial: 9/28/1904, Section: SG, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PRICE, Erwin Manley Mr., Burial: 3/8/1989, Section: BE, Lot: 57, Grave: 1
PRICE, Georgia J. Mrs., Birth: 06/19/1859, Death: 10/09/1944, Burial: 10/11/1944, Section: OR, Lot: 479, Grave: 1
PRICE, Georgia May Miss (D/ J. C.), Birth: 05/12/1889, Death: 09/06/1908, Burial: 9/7/1908, Section: OR, Lot: 479, Grave: 1
PRICE, Glenn Mr., Birth: 06/21/1916, Death: 10/08/1925, Burial: 10/9/1925, Section: BF, Lot: 22, Grave: 1
PRICE, Josephine Mrs. (Petty Joann), Birth: 05/21/1882, Death: 10/07/1968, Burial: 10/8/1968, Section: OR, Lot: 479, Grave: 1
PRICE, Julius Clyde Mr., Birth: 06/19/1892, Death: 10/04/1918, Burial: 10/5/1918, Section: WP, Lot: 10, Grave: 1
PRICE, Martha L. Miss (Mattie), Birth: 05/12/1886, Death: 10/01/1938, Burial: 10/3/1938, Section: OR, Lot: 479, Grave: 1
PRICE, Mary Elizabeth Mrs. (Thedford), Birth: 05/23/1901, Death: 05/18/1984, Burial: 5/21/1984, Section: BE, Lot: 57, Grave: 1
PRICE, Mina Mrs. (Huff), Birth: 04/12/1921, Death: 05/20/2008, North Carolina, Burial: 7/9/2009, Section: NR, Lot: 596, Grave: 2, Funeral Home: Family Only
PRICE, Morgan Ray Mr., Birth: 02/16/1886, Death: 07/03/1947, Burial: 7/4/1947, Section: BF, Lot: 22, Grave: 1
PRICE, Moses Grant Mr., Birth: 06/18/1876, Death: 01/16/1964, Burial: 1/19/1964, Section: SG, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PRICE, Sarah Lillian Mrs. (Keown), Birth: 11/13/1895, Death: 02/13/1982, Burial: 2/15/1982, Section: BF, Lot: 22, Grave: 1
PRIMM, Claire Mrs. (Maxwell), Death: 01/13/1994, Burial: 1/16/1994, Section: MA, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
PRIMM, Cynthia Mrs. (Ward), Birth: 11/21/1909, Death: 03/14/2008, Virginia, Burial: 3/28/2008, Section: SA, Lot: 14, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Sturtevant Funeral Home
PRIMM, James Adkins Mr., WWII, Birth: 11/14/1916, Death: 10/25/1955, Burial: 10/26/1955, Section: SA, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
PRIMM, Joseph Parks Mr., Birth: 09/12/1882, Death: 08/22/1945, Burial: 8/24/1945, Section: SA, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
PRIMM, Parks Kerner Mr., WWII, Birth: 04/05/1910, Death: 07/19/1987, Burial: 7/21/1987, Section: SA, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
PRIMM, Ralph Eugene Mr., Birth: 03/04/1904, Death: 11/01/1979, Burial: 11/2/1979, Section: MA, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
PRIMM, Velma Mrs. (Maxwell), Birth: 08/05/1895, Death: 11/05/1983, Burial: 11/7/1983, Section: SA, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
PRINCE, Nancy Mrs. (Headden), Birth: 01/26/1872, Death: 08/05/1964, Burial: 8/6/1964, Section: GV, Lot: 16, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, Alida Cornelia Miss, Death: 06/10/1961, Burial: 6/11/1961, Section: OR, Lot: 237, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, Ava E. Mrs. (Choice), Birth: 03/15/1831, Death: 06/21/1904, Burial: 6/22/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 237, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, Daniel Schermerhorn Maj., Birth: 01/22/1823, Death: 01/18/1887, Burial: 1/19/1887, Section: OR, Lot: 237, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, Ellen Mrs., Death: 05/17/1929, Burial: 5/18/1929, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, Felton Mr., Birth: 12/28/1885, Death: 12/10/1935, Burial: 12/12/1935, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, Henry S. Mr., Birth: 11/18/1810, Death: 07/21/1893, Burial: 7/22/1893, Section: OR, Lot: 237, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, India Mrs. (McCoy), Birth: 05/01/1897, Death: 06/15/1935, Burial: 6/17/1935, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, Jennie Mrs. (Linton), Birth: 03/09/1851, Death: 05/11/1876, Burial: 5/12/1876, Section: OR, Lot: 237, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, John C. Capt., Birth: 06/18/1850, Death: 06/13/1930, Burial: 6/14/1930, Section: OR, Lot: 237, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, Joseph J. Capt. Jr., Death: 06/19/1917, Burial: 6/20/1917, Section: OR, Lot: 237, Grave: 1
PRINTUP, Virginia T. Mrs. (Elliott Jennie), Death: 02/09/1936, Burial: 2/10/1936, Section: OR, Lot: 237, Grave: 1
PRINTUP (Inf/ Felton), Infant, Death: 01/17/1913, Burial: 1/18/1913, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PRIOR, A. Wyatt CSA, CO. K-18TH TX, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PRITCHETT, G. P. Mr., Death: 09/05/1886, Burial: 9/6/1886, Grave: 1
PRITCHETT, S. J. Mrs., Death: 08/21/1887, Burial: 8/22/1887, Grave: 1
PRITCHETT, William George Mr., Death: 12/21/1900, Burial: 12/22/1900, Grave: 1
PRITCHETT, William Mr., Death: 12/25/1889, Burial: 12/26/1889, Grave: 1
PRIVATT, John CSA, CO. A-44TH TN, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
PROCTOR, Alice Mrs., Death: 08/15/1885, Burial: 8/16/1885, Grave: 1
PROCTOR, H. C. Mr., Birth: 07/12/1916, Death: 07/13/1916, Burial: 7/14/1916, Grave: 1
PROUDFOOT, Hugh Lachlan Mr., Birth: 01/21/1881, Death: 07/15/1972, Burial: 7/17/1972, Section: BF, Lot: 30, Grave: 1
PROUDFOOT, Mazie C. Mrs. (Griffin), Birth: 10/15/1884, Death: 02/03/1927, Burial: 2/4/1927, Section: BF, Lot: 30, Grave: 1
PRUDEN, Charles Scranton Mr., Birth: 06/25/1860, Death: 02/19/1917, Burial: 2/20/1917, Section: OR, Lot: 287, Grave: 1
PRUDEN, Varnia Mrs. (Berry Rena), Birth: 04/11/1868, Death: 10/14/1955, Burial: 10/15/1955, Section: OR, Lot: 287, Grave: 1
PRUITT (Inf/ Luther), Infant, Birth: 06/07/1921, Death: 06/10/1921, Burial: 6/11/1921, Section: BS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PUCKEY, J. Lee Homer Mr., Death: 10/31/1897, Burial: 11/1/1897, Grave: 1
PULLEN, George P. Mr., Birth: 02/13/1865, Death: 01/31/1906, Burial: 2/1/1906, Section: OR, Lot: 303, Grave: 1
PULLEN, J. D. CSA, CO. D-3RD, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PULLEN, Ruth Septimo Mrs. (Powers), Birth: 02/26/1897, Death: 01/08/1928, Burial: 1/9/1928, Section: BE, Lot: 10, Grave: 1
PULLEN, Sarah Ella Mrs. (Brannon), Birth: 10/25/1870, Death: 08/29/1956, Burial: 8/31/1956, Section: OR, Lot: 303, Grave: 1
PULLEN, Shorter Berry Mr. Sr., Birth: 10/21/1878, Death: 07/05/1945, Burial: 7/7/1945, Section: BE, Lot: 10, Grave: 1
PULLEN (Inf/ Simpson), Infant, Birth: 03/29/1896, Death: 11/10/1896, Burial: 11/11/1896, Section: OR, Lot: 303, Grave: 1
PURCELL, James T. Mr., Death: 07/08/1918, Burial: 7/8/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
PURYEAR, Marietta Mrs. (Staub), Birth: 02/19/1888, Death: 08/12/1972, Burial: 8/14/1972, Section: RS, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
PURYEAR, Samuel Sumpter Mr. (Jake), Birth: 08/26/1895, Death: 07/05/1981, Burial: 7/6/1981, Section: RS, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
PYLE, Charles Mr., Death: 06/27/1910, Burial: 6/28/1910, Section: SG, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
QUARLES, Lewis Burton Rev., Birth: 09/09/1897, Death: 10/11/1953, Burial: 10/14/1953, Section: RS, Lot: 53, Grave: 1
QUARLES, Margie Lucile Mrs. (Fletcher), Birth: 03/07/1903, Death: 02/16/1955, Burial: 2/21/1955, Section: RS, Lot: 53, Grave: 1
QUARLES, Marie Mrs. (Davis), Birth: 05/02/1905, Death: 02/16/1923, Burial: 2/17/1923, Section: NR, Lot: 599, Grave: 1
QUEEN, John W. CSA, CO. I-39TH NC, Death: 06/03/1863, Burial: 6/3/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
QUIGG, Annie Mae Mrs. (Bass), Birth: 03/19/1896, Death: 11/27/1997, Burial: 12/1/1997, Section: OR, Lot: 231, Grave: 1
QUIGG, Byard Fowler Mr., Birth: 03/06/1887, Death: 08/04/1968, Burial: 8/6/1968, Section: OR, Lot: 231, Grave: 1
QUIGG, Byard Gordon Lt. (Bubber), Birth: 04/28/1920, Death: 06/14/1944, Burial: 6/10/1948, Section: OR, Lot: 231, Grave: 1
QUILLIAN, Berta Eloise, Infant, Birth: 07/15/1907, Death: 07/15/1907, Burial: 7/16/1907, Section: BD, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
QUILLIAN, Frank Rev., Birth: 12/27/1873, Death: 12/10/1946, Burial: 12/12/1946, Section: BD, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
QUILLIAN, Lovie Mae Mrs. (Weems), Birth: 02/27/1883, Death: 08/17/1941, Burial: 8/18/1941, Section: BD, Lot: 8, Grave: 1
QUINN, Ella Frances Mrs. (Echols), Birth: 07/23/1859, Death: 05/22/1922, Burial: 5/23/1922, Section: OR, Lot: 202, Grave: 1
QUINN, John M. Mr., Birth: 11/09/1820, Death: 10/14/1897, Burial: 10/15/1897, Section: OR, Lot: 340, Grave: 1
QUINN, Mary Mrs., Death: 02/06/1892, Burial: 2/7/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 340, Grave: 1
QUINN, Mary Mrs. (Smith), Death: 06/01/1899, Burial: 6/2/1899, Section: OR, Lot: 340, Grave: 1
QUINN, William Mr., Birth: 05/15/1790, Death: 03/19/1872, Burial: 3/20/1872, Section: OR, Lot: 340, Grave: 1
QUINN, Infant, Birth: 05/07/1858, Death: 05/07/1858, Burial: 5/8/1858, Section: OR, Lot: 340, Grave: 1
RABUZI, Erilde Mrs. (Angelini), Birth: 03/08/1875, Death: 05/17/1954, Burial: 1/1/2004, Section: DN, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
RABUZI, William Mr., Death: 10/23/1948, Burial: 10/25/1948, Section: DN, Lot: 94, Grave: 1
RACHEL, Jesse CSA, CO. E-3RD GA, Death: 04/18/1863, Burial: 4/18/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RAGAN, Irma Mrs. (Walton), Birth: 03/10/1870, Death: 12/29/1927, Burial: 12/30/1927, Section: OR, Lot: 526, Grave: 1
RAGAN, Julia Jonte Ms., Death: 02/28/1919, Burial: 3/1/1919, Section: OR, Lot: 526, Grave: 1
RAGAN, R. Tippin Mr., Birth: 12/02/1894, Death: 09/15/1932, Burial: 9/17/1932, Section: OR, Lot: 526, Grave: 1
RAGAN, Robert Jonathan Mr., Birth: 03/12/1848, Death: 11/04/1927, Burial: 11/5/1927, Section: OR, Lot: 526, Grave: 1
RAIDEN, Durward Jack Mr., Birth: 01/08/1908, Death: 07/03/1964, Burial: 7/5/1964, Section: RA, Lot: 001A, Grave: 1
RAIDEN, Ellen Mrs. (Whittenburg), Birth: 08/19/1913, Death: 08/24/1966, Burial: 8/13/1966, Section: RA, Lot: 001A, Grave: 1
RAIDEN, Lalla Irene Mrs. (Lewis), Birth: 02/08/1871, Death: 10/17/1938, Burial: 10/18/1938, Section: RS, Lot: 141, Grave: 1
RAIDEN, Robert Howell Mr., Birth: 09/02/1900, Death: 12/05/1933, Burial: 12/6/1933, Section: RS, Lot: 141, Grave: 1
RAIDEN, Robert Jacson Mr., Birth: 05/08/1863, Death: 09/07/1930, Burial: 9/8/1930, Section: RS, Lot: 141, Grave: 1
RAINS, H. CSA, CO. D- TN, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RALLS, Frances A. Miss, Birth: 02/10/1862, Death: 08/21/1863, Burial: 8/22/1863, Section: OR, Lot: 70, Grave: 1
RALLS, Julia V. Miss, Birth: 10/05/1856, Death: 09/13/1863, Burial: 9/14/1863, Section: OR, Lot: 70, Grave: 1
RALLS, Sallie Mrs. (Stowe), Burial: 1/1/1864, Section: OR, Lot: 190, Grave: 1
RALT, M. CSA, CO. E-36TH AL, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
RAMBO, Lillian Mrs. (Sanders), Birth: 11/06/1906, Death: 12/16/1934, Burial: 12/17/1934, Section: BF, Lot: 5, Grave: 1
RAMEY, Alice May Mrs. (McWilliams), Birth: 05/13/1873, Death: 03/24/1965, Burial: 3/26/1965, Section: OR, Lot: 422, Grave: 1
RAMEY, Catherine Mrs. (Debray), Birth: 02/28/1896, Death: 05/31/1991, Burial: 6/1/1991, Section: BF, Lot: 26, Grave: 1
RAMEY, Eliza Dickey Mrs. (Garlington), Birth: 06/28/1828, Death: 03/25/1908, Burial: 3/26/1908, Section: OR, Lot: 375, Grave: 1
RAMEY, Francis Louise Miss, Birth: 01/08/1917, Death: 11/20/1923, Burial: 11/21/1923, Section: BF, Lot: 26, Grave: 1
RAMEY, John Garlington Mr. Jr., Death: 09/28/1973, Burial: 9/29/1973, Section: RS, Lot: 46, Grave: 1
RAMEY, John Garlington Mr. Sr., Birth: 11/29/1869, Death: 02/22/1933, Burial: 2/23/1933, Section: OR, Lot: 375, Grave: 1
RAMEY, Loula Miss, Birth: 06/28/1862, Death: 04/15/1881, Burial: 4/16/1881, Section: OR, Lot: 375, Grave: 1
RAMEY, Penelope Mrs. (Stiles), Burial: 4/6/1977, Section: RS, Lot: 46, Grave: 1
RAMEY, Robert Erskine Mr., Birth: 11/26/1891, Death: 06/26/1944, Burial: 6/27/1944, Section: BF, Lot: 26, Grave: 1
RAMEY, William G. Capt., Birth: 03/25/1819, Death: 11/18/1895, Burial: 11/19/1895, Section: OR, Lot: 375, Grave: 1
RAMEY, Willie Miss, Birth: 02/10/1854, Death: 05/08/1932, Burial: 1/1/1932, Section: OR, Lot: 375, Grave: 1
RAMSAUER, David H. Dr., Birth: 01/14/1839, Death: 11/01/1912, Burial: 11/3/1912, Section: OR, Lot: 206, Grave: 1
RAMSAUER, Sallie A. Mrs., Death: 07/27/1893, Burial: 7/28/1893, Section: OR, Lot: 206, Grave: 1
RAMSAUER, Thomas J. Mr., Burial: 1/1/1878, Section: OR, Lot: 206, Grave: 1
RANDLE, Asbery R. Mr., Birth: 04/15/1866, Death: 01/06/1940, Burial: 1/8/1940, Section: OR, Lot: 321, Grave: 1
RANDLE, Cobbie May Mrs. (Dean), Birth: 10/17/1893, Death: 06/26/1971, Burial: 6/27/1971, Section: OR, Lot: 213, Grave: 1
RANDLE, Lillie Mrs. (Huffaker), Birth: 04/07/1864, Death: 10/15/1940, Burial: 10/17/1940, Section: OR, Lot: 321, Grave: 1
RANDOLPH, John CSA, CO. H-25TH AR, Death: 04/10/1863, Burial: 4/10/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 17, Grave: 1
RANEY, James CSA, CO. F-10TH TX, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
RANKIN, N. A. CSA, CO. A-24TH TX, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 15, Grave: 1
RASH, Albert W. Mr., Burial: 1/1/1940, Section: BF, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
RASH, Margaret Mrs. (Weems), Burial: 7/6/1958, Section: BF, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
RASH, Will C. Mr., Burial: 2/10/1951, Section: BF, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
RATHER, Florence Mrs. (Wells), Death: 12/28/1900, Burial: 12/29/1900, Section: BC, Lot: 18, Grave: 1
RAWLINS, Catherine M. Mrs. (Hill), Birth: 08/21/1821, Death: 08/16/1903, Burial: 8/18/1903, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
RAWLINS, Jennie, Infant, Death: 06/02/1879, Burial: 6/3/1879, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
RAWLINS, Joseph Craft Mr., Birth: 09/20/1816, Death: 07/28/1882, Burial: 7/29/1882, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
RAWLINS, Joseph Lee, Infant, Birth: 10/22/1871, Death: 06/10/1872, Burial: 6/11/1872, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
RAWLINS, Mollie B., Infant, Death: 05/30/1879, Burial: 6/1/1879, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
RAWLINS, Infant, Death: 09/16/1890, Burial: 9/17/1890, Section: OR, Lot: 220, Grave: 1
RAY, Anne Mrs. (Goodnough), Death: 10/26/1934, Burial: 12/28/1934, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RAY, Jessie Hazel Miss, Death: 07/11/1974, Burial: 4/13/1974, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RAY, Joe Mr., Burial: 2/9/1914, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RAYMOND, Gus Mr., Death: 03/31/1918, Burial: 4/1/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
REDDEN, George Franklin Mr., Birth: 06/01/1865, Death: 02/06/1945, Burial: 2/8/1945, Section: OR, Lot: 535, Grave: 1
REDDEN, Lucy Mrs. (Lanham), Birth: 02/28/1873, Death: 08/04/1940, Burial: 8/5/1940, Section: OR, Lot: 535, Grave: 1
REDDEN, Robbie George, Infant, Birth: 10/07/1903, Death: 11/09/1904, Burial: 11/10/1904, Section: OR, Lot: 535, Grave: 1
REDDEN, Infant, Birth: 01/20/1902, Death: 01/20/1902, Burial: 1/21/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 535, Grave: 1
REDDING, Elizabeth Mrs. (Mayo Smith), Birth: 05/21/1813, Death: 06/14/1863, Burial: 6/14/1883, Section: MB, Lot: MAUSOLEUM, Grave: 1
REDMOND, Anonymous W. Mr., Birth: 08/03/1884, Death: 03/24/1923, Burial: 3/25/1923, Section: FA, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
REDMOND, Frances Elizabeth Mrs. (Wilkins), Birth: 06/28/1860, Death: 03/25/1950, Burial: 3/27/1950, Section: FA, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
REDMOND, Gabriel Moss Mr. (Gabe), Birth: 12/19/1858, Death: 10/27/1916, Burial: 10/28/1916, Section: FA, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
REDMOND, Paul Alonzo Mr. Sr., Birth: 03/17/1883, Death: 08/02/1955, Burial: 8/4/1955, Section: NF, Lot: 22, Grave: 1
REDMOND, Paul Alonzo Mr. Jr., Birth: 07/06/1915, Death: 09/14/1959, Burial: 9/16/1959, Section: NF, Lot: 22, Grave: 1
REDMOND, Sallie Agnes Mrs. (Burkhalter), Birth: 10/19/1886, Death: 05/23/1964, Burial: 5/25/1964, Section: NF, Lot: 22, Grave: 1
REDMOND (Inf/ Paul), Infant, Birth: 04/02/1920, Death: 04/02/1920, Burial: 4/3/1920, Section: NF, Lot: 22, Grave: 1
REECE, Agnes Mrs. (Silvers), Death: 09/05/1881, Burial: 9/6/1881, Grave: 1
REECE, Anna Mrs., Death: 04/23/1917, Burial: 4/24/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
REECE, Arthur Lovelace Mr., Birth: 11/25/1879, Death: 04/08/1914, Burial: 4/9/1914, Section: OR, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
REECE, Burton A. Mr., Birth: 09/14/1875, Death: 01/08/1902, Burial: 1/9/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 292, Grave: 1
REECE, Corrie A. Mrs., Birth: 12/04/1848, Death: 08/19/1929, Burial: 8/20/1929, Section: OR, Lot: 292, Grave: 1
REECE, Della Ann Mrs. (Ritch), Death: 10/17/1944, Burial: 10/18/1944, Grave: 1
REECE, Emma Eugenia Mrs. (Bailey), Birth: 02/25/1857, Death: 07/02/1883, Burial: 7/3/1883, Section: OR, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
REECE, Guy Hadley Mr., Cremains, Birth: 11/07/1881, Death: 08/07/1958, Burial: 10/14/1958, Section: OR, Lot: 69, Grave: 1
REECE, Hallie Ms., Death: 01/12/1912, Burial: 1/14/1912, Section: OR, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
REECE, Harvey Mr., Birth: 12/15/1871, Death: 09/24/1892, Burial: 9/25/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 292, Grave: 1
REECE, James Walter Mr., Birth: 03/31/1853, Death: 05/10/1922, Burial: 5/11/1922, Section: OR, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
REECE, John Hadley Judge, Birth: 08/29/1838, Death: 07/19/1920, Burial: 7/20/1920, Section: OR, Lot: 292, Grave: 1
REECE, John McDow Mr., Birth: 01/22/1878, Death: 03/19/1941, Burial: 3/21/1941, Section: BD, Lot: 17, Grave: 1
REECE, Lavelette Mrs. (Clemmons), Birth: 12/31/1878, Death: 07/05/1929, Burial: 7/6/1929, Section: BD, Lot: 17, Grave: 1
REECE, Mamie E. Mrs. (Jackson), Birth: 03/07/1857, Death: 10/20/1923, Burial: 10/21/1923, Section: OR, Lot: 305, Grave: 1
REECE, Margaret Mrs. (Reid), Death: 12/08/1970, Burial: 12/10/1970, Section: RS, Lot: 127, Grave: 1
REECE, Mary Elizabeth Mrs. (Wilkerson), Birth: 03/11/1857, Death: 06/28/1928, Burial: 6/29/1928, Section: OR, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
REECE, Matthew Abraham Mr., Birth: 01/31/1848, Death: 11/25/1932, Burial: 11/26/1932, Section: OR, Lot: 69, Grave: 1
REECE, Nellie Mrs., Birth: 03/01/1886, Death: 02/04/1926, Burial: 1/1/1926, Section: OR, Lot: 305, Grave: 1
REECE, Robert Curtis Mr., Birth: 02/27/1883, Death: 08/08/1883, Burial: 8/9/1883, Section: OR, Lot: 24, Grave: 1
REECE, Smith Burton Mr., Death: 09/02/1935, Burial: 9/4/1935, Section: RS, Lot: 127, Grave: 1
REECE, William Raleigh Mr., Birth: 12/26/1851, Death: 09/10/1896, Burial: 9/11/1896, Section: OR, Lot: 305, Grave: 1
REECE, Willie Alfred Mr., Birth: 04/20/1879, Death: 01/14/1938, Burial: 1/16/1938, Section: OR, Lot: 69, Grave: 1
REED, James Mr., Birth: 04/10/1895, Death: 04/29/1919, Burial: 5/10/1919, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
REED, Lou Mrs., Death: 02/29/1920, Burial: 3/1/1920, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
REESE, Anna Graham Mrs. (King), Birth: 09/13/1900, Death: 04/18/1992, Burial: 4/20/1992, Section: BE, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
REESE, Delia Ann Miss, Death: 10/17/1944, Burial: 10/18/1944, Section: BE, Lot: 54, Grave: 1
REESE, Donal, Infant, Birth: 02/15/1900, Death: 07/10/1900, Burial: 7/11/1900, Section: BE, Lot: 54, Grave: 1
REESE, Edwin Martin Mr., Death: 12/28/1963, Burial: 12/30/1963, Section: BE, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
REESE, Emily Mrs. (Horton), Birth: 10/27/1930, Death: 07/14/1977, Burial: 7/15/1977, Section: SA, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
REESE, Evelyn Elizabeth Miss, Birth: 04/06/1890, Death: 07/12/1910, Burial: 7/13/1910, Section: BE, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
REESE, George Sapp Mr. (Judge), Death: 10/30/1966, Burial: 10/31/1966, Section: BE, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
REESE, Iva Mae Mrs. (Gibson), Birth: 08/02/1877, Death: 04/16/1973, Burial: 4/18/1973, Section: OR, Lot: 269, Grave: 1
REESE, John Claude Mr., Birth: 09/13/1871, Death: 01/01/1915, Burial: 1/2/1915, Section: OR, Lot: 269, Grave: 1
REESE, Jordan Mr. MD, Death: 05/10/1849, Burial: 5/11/1849, Section: OR, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
REESE, Jordan Mr. Jr., Birth: 06/20/1842, Death: 08/18/1861, Burial: 8/19/1861, Section: OR, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
REESE, Julian Alfriend Mr., Death: 06/29/1952, Burial: 7/1/1952, Section: SA, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
REESE, Leland Martin Mr., Burial: 1/1/1911, Section: BE, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
REESE, Louisa Mrs., Death: 05/13/1864, Burial: 5/14/1864, Section: OR, Lot: 145, Grave: 1
REESE, Maude Adelaide Mrs. (Martin), Burial: 1/1/1934, Section: BE, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
REESE, Roberta L. Mrs. (Daniel Bobbie), Birth: 07/30/1897, Death: 01/10/1980, Burial: 1/11/1980, Section: BE, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
REESE, Roscoe Williams Mr., Death: 06/23/1942, Burial: 6/25/1942, Section: BE, Lot: 54, Grave: 1
REESE, Thomas J. Mr., Birth: 06/15/1860, Death: 01/02/1919, Burial: 1/3/1919, Section: BE, Lot: 54, Grave: 1
REEVES, J. A. CSA, CO. C-4TH TN, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 3, Grave: 1
REID, Andrew W. Mr., Birth: 07/01/1879, Death: 06/17/1929, Burial: 6/18/1929, Section: RS, Lot: 151, Grave: 1
REID, Bertha Mrs. (Battson Bertie), Birth: 04/16/1884, Death: 05/18/1955, Burial: 5/20/1955, Section: RS, Lot: 152, Grave: 1
REID, Charles Shiflett Mr., Birth: 07/23/1913, Death: 01/24/1983, Burial: 1/25/1983, Section: OR, Lot: 120, Grave: 1
REID, Emily Mrs. (White), Birth: 08/12/1917, Death: 03/17/2008, Unknown, Burial: 3/20/2008, Section: RS, Lot: 151, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
REID, Exa Mrs. (Howell), Birth: 12/13/1887, Death: 03/10/1973, Burial: 3/12/1973, Section: RS, Lot: 151, Grave: 1
REID, John Preston Mr., Birth: 02/22/1882, Death: 07/03/1956, Burial: 7/4/1956, Section: OR, Lot: 120, Grave: 1
REID, Julian Thomas Mr., Burial: 1/8/2002, Section: RS, Lot: 151, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
REID, Julian Thomas Mr. Jr., Birth: 09/26/1942, Death: 04/09/1963, Burial: 4/11/1963, Section: RS, Lot: 152, Grave: 1
REID, Samuel Hinton Mr., Birth: 10/29/1880, Death: 10/04/1937, Burial: 10/5/1937, Section: RS, Lot: 152, Grave: 1
RENFROE, Lucille Mrs. (Isbell), Birth: 06/09/1895, Death: 10/04/1937, Burial: 10/5/1937, Section: BE, Lot: 39, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Allen CSA, CO. H-34TH MS, Death: 05/20/1863, Burial: 5/20/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Benjamin Franklin Mr. (Frank), Birth: 02/06/1863, Death: 08/31/1940, Burial: 9/2/1940, Section: BF, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Catherine J. Mrs., Death: 04/02/1890, Burial: 4/3/1890, Section: BA, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Elizabeth S. Mrs., Birth: 04/01/1917, Death: 06/30/2000, Burial: 7/8/2000, Section: RS, Lot: 162, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Henry Howard Mr., Cremains, Birth: 10/27/1952, Death: 03/28/2001, Burial: 4/7/2001, Section: RS, Lot: 162, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Hughes Turnley Mr., Birth: 09/07/1874, Death: 04/09/1962, Burial: 4/11/1962, Section: RS, Lot: 162, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, John H. Mr., Birth: 08/16/1845, Death: 06/13/1924, Burial: 6/14/1924, Section: BA, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, John H. Mr. III, Cremains, Birth: 02/12/1912, Death: 10/01/1999, Burial: 10/14/1999, Section: RS, Lot: 162, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Larkin H. Mr., Death: 11/12/1877, Burial: 11/13/1877, Section: OR, Lot: 115, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Levi B. Mr., Death: 07/23/1898, Burial: 7/24/1898, Section: OR, Lot: 115, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Margaret A. Mrs. (Branson), Death: 04/08/1919, Burial: 4/9/1919, Section: OR, Lot: 115, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Mary Ann Mrs. (Turnley), Birth: 12/06/1845, Death: 01/22/1930, Burial: 1/23/1930, Section: BA, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Mary Mrs. (Taylor), Birth: 12/28/1881, Death: 06/17/1957, Burial: 6/20/1957, Section: RS, Lot: 162, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Miriam Mrs., Birth: 08/27/1879, Death: 06/30/1932, Burial: 7/1/1932, Section: BA, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Mozelle Mrs. (Moore), Birth: 08/28/1926, Death: 07/11/2000, Burial: 7/14/2000, Section: MA, Lot: 26, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Paul Holmes, Infant, Birth: 03/05/1873, Death: 01/16/1874, Burial: 1/17/1874, Section: OR, Lot: 115, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Robert Edwards Mr., Birth: 05/14/1921, Death: 06/24/1988, Burial: 6/26/1988, Section: MA, Lot: 27, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, W. B. Mr., Death: 10/07/1882, Burial: 10/8/1882, Section: BA, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
REYNOLDS, Willie E. Mrs. (Jamison), Birth: 03/17/1864, Death: 11/09/1925, Burial: 11/10/1925, Section: BF, Lot: 32, Grave: 1
RHINEHART, Ella Mae Mrs., Birth: 06/29/1886, Death: 07/31/1958, Burial: 8/2/1958, Section: GV, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
RHINEHART, Iralyne Mrs. (Kellett), Birth: 07/05/1919, Death: 04/04/2006, Local Hospital, Burial: 4/7/2006, Section: GA, Lot: 18, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
RHINEHART, Tennie Emma Mrs., Birth: 07/29/1890, Death: 11/04/1940, Burial: 11/6/1940, Section: GV, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
RHINEHART, William Earl Mr., Birth: 10/20/1915, Death: 08/23/2003, Burial: 8/25/2003, Section: GA, Lot: 18, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
RHODES, Fannie Mrs. (Wood), Birth: 11/06/1891, Death: 01/02/1972, Burial: 1/3/1972, Section: OR, Lot: 402, Grave: 1
RHODES, Helen Dean Mrs., Birth: 10/29/1896, Death: 09/14/1976, Burial: 9/16/1976, Section: OR, Lot: 402, Grave: 1
RHODES, Ruby Eldora Mrs. (Criswell), Birth: 12/30/1919, Death: 08/13/1995, Burial: 8/16/1995, Section: RS, Lot: 116, Grave: 1
RHUDY, Rachel Mrs., Birth: 02/10/1833, Death: 08/28/1889, Burial: 8/29/1889, Section: OR, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
RHUDY, Stephen Goss Mr., Birth: 11/15/1826, Death: 07/23/1889, Burial: 7/24/1889, Section: OR, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
RICE, Flemming Mr., Birth: 03/05/1802, Death: 04/23/1873, Burial: 4/24/1873, Grave: 1
RICE, John Henry Mr., Birth: 07/14/1843, Death: 02/27/1911, Burial: 2/28/1911, Section: OR, Lot: 151, Grave: 1
RICE, Margaret Louise Mrs. (Wood), Birth: 09/12/1843, Death: 04/29/1933, Burial: 4/30/1933, Section: OR, Lot: 151, Grave: 1
RICHARD, Catherine Mrs., Birth: 07/04/1884, Death: 01/16/1932, Burial: 1/17/1932, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARD, Tom Mr., Death: 02/12/1920, Burial: 2/13/1920, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Abe Mr., Death: 11/07/1920, Burial: 11/8/1920, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Alice Mrs., Death: 05/15/1923, Burial: 5/16/1923, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Annie Leslie Mrs., Birth: 07/01/1898, Death: 10/08/1980, Burial: 10/11/1980, Section: RS, Lot: 61, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Arthur E. Mr., Birth: 08/05/1877, Death: 11/03/1913, Burial: 11/4/1913, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Cornelia Miss, Birth: 01/15/1901, Death: 05/09/1934, Burial: 1/1/1934, Section: RS, Lot: 61, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Ellen Mrs., Death: 03/28/1915, Burial: 3/29/1915, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Henry Mr., Death: 06/19/1927, Burial: 6/20/1927, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Henry Mr., Birth: 11/21/1897, Death: 12/21/1947, Burial: 12/22/1947, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, James Mr., Death: 06/16/1916, Burial: 6/17/1916, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Lord, Infant, Death: 07/01/1918, Burial: 7/2/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Mary Macon Mrs. (Pleasants), Birth: 04/22/1868, Death: 07/05/1958, Burial: 7/6/1958, Section: RS, Lot: 61, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Maud Mrs., Death: 08/27/1918, Burial: 8/28/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Oscar N. Mr. Sr., Birth: 04/10/1867, Death: 09/24/1934, Burial: 9/25/1934, Section: RS, Lot: 61, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Oscar N. Mr. Jr., Birth: 05/07/1894, Death: 12/16/1953, Burial: 12/18/1953, Section: RS, Lot: 61, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Robert T. Mr., Death: 09/08/1918, Burial: 9/9/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHARDSON, Tom Mr., Death: 03/05/1918, Burial: 3/6/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICHEY, Annie M. Miss, Birth: 02/27/1881, Death: 08/05/1943, Burial: 8/6/1943, Section: BE, Lot: 26, Grave: 1
RICHEY, Margaret Jane Mrs. (Miller), Death: 11/15/1915, Burial: 11/16/1915, Section: BE, Lot: 26, Grave: 1
RICKMAN, Joseph William Mr. Sr., Birth: 08/17/1884, Death: 05/20/1966, Burial: 5/22/1966, Section: OR, Lot: 209, Grave: 1
RICKMAN, Ollie Glenn Mrs. (Dempsey), Birth: 02/01/1890, Death: 03/09/1972, Burial: 3/11/1972, Section: OR, Lot: 209, Grave: 1
RICKS, Anner Mrs., Death: 11/17/1917, Burial: 11/18/1917, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RICKS, Ella R. L. Mrs., Birth: 04/15/1887, Death: 03/30/1927, Burial: 4/1/1927, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RIGGINS, Luther Jackson Mr., Birth: 01/13/1907, Death: 01/09/1956, Burial: 1/11/1956, Section: OR, Lot: 436, Grave: 1
RIGGINS, Marguerite Mrs. (McKenzie), Birth: 11/13/1907, Death: 10/20/1979, Burial: 10/24/1979, Section: OR, Lot: 436, Grave: 1
RIGGS, David Foster Mr., Birth: 07/16/1952, Death: 10/10/2000, Burial: 12/29/2000, Section: MA, Lot: 36, Grave: 1
RIGGS, Earl Foster Mr., Birth: 02/14/1914, Death: 02/25/1982, Burial: 12/29/2000, Section: MA, Lot: 35, Grave: 1
RIGGS, Ruben CSA, CO. C-31ST AR, Death: 04/21/1863, Burial: 4/21/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RIGGS, Sally Mrs. (Keown), Birth: 12/13/1916, Death: 10/31/2013, Daughters Home In Atlanta, Burial: 11/5/2013, Section: MA, Lot: 34, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
RILEY, Ed CSA, CO. H- AL, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RILEY, Hamilton Mr., Birth: 03/27/1921, Death: 01/04/1925, Burial: 1/5/1925, Section: DN, Lot: 76, Grave: 1
RINN, Bonnie Mrs. (Angle), Birth: 09/06/1906, Death: 12/28/1945, Burial: 12/30/1945, Section: OR, Lot: 519, Grave: 1
RITCHEY, Willie Mrs., Death: 06/25/1965, Burial: 6/27/1965, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROACH, Isaac Brooks Mr., Birth: 01/01/1811, Death: 01/01/1861, Burial: 1/1/1861, Section: OR, Lot: 297, Grave: 1
ROBERSON, John Mr., Death: 01/24/1910, Burial: 1/25/1910, Section: OR, Lot: 148, Grave: 1
ROBERSON, Kate R. Mrs., Death: 10/17/1947, Burial: 10/19/1947, Section: OR, Lot: 148, Grave: 1
ROBERSON, Odessa R. Mrs. (House), Birth: 08/18/1886, Death: 04/04/1949, Burial: 4/6/1949, Section: BE, Lot: 50, Grave: 1
ROBERSON, Infant, Death: 01/29/1918, Burial: 1/30/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROBERSON, Infant, Death: 01/29/1918, Burial: 1/30/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 148, Grave: 1
ROBERTS, Amanda Arsilla Mrs., Death: 11/06/1973, Burial: 11/8/1976, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROBERTS, Dollie Mrs., Birth: 05/11/1881, Death: 11/21/1927, Burial: 11/22/1927, Grave: 1
ROBERTS, Howard Mr., Birth: 01/25/1885, Death: 02/14/1888, Burial: 2/15/1888, Grave: 1
ROBERTS, James Polk Mr. Jr., Birth: 08/06/1916, Death: 03/14/1979, Burial: 3/16/1979, Section: RS, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
ROBERTS, Josie Miss, Birth: 10/06/1881, Death: 11/19/1965, Burial: 11/20/1965, Section: BF, Lot: 43, Grave: 1
ROBERTS, Lula Ladele Mr. (Porter), Death: 12/31/1923, Burial: 1/1/1924, Section: OR, Lot: 415, Grave: 1
ROBERTS, Max Jenkins Mr., Death: 01/23/1951, Burial: 1/24/1951, Section: OR, Lot: 415, Grave: 1
ROBERTS, Norman C. Mr., Birth: 11/14/1896, Death: 11/19/1967, Burial: 11/21/1967, Section: BF, Lot: 43, Grave: 1
ROBERTS, Rebecca Cornelia Mrs. (Davis), Birth: 08/07/1854, Death: 08/06/1926, Burial: 8/7/1926, Section: BF, Lot: 43, Grave: 1
ROBERTS, Sara Emma Mrs. (Harless), Birth: 07/09/1917, Death: 03/29/1999, Burial: 3/31/1999, Section: RS, Lot: 13, Grave: 1
ROBERTSON, Francis M. CSA, CO. B-4TH AR, Death: 05/02/1863, Burial: 5/2/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Charles C. Dr., Birth: 05/25/1895, Death: 02/17/1971, Burial: 2/18/1971, Section: GA, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Devernon Dr., Birth: 08/29/1916, Death: 07/11/1958, Burial: 7/13/1958, Section: GA, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Frances A. Mrs., Death: 09/11/1881, Burial: 9/12/1881, Section: OR, Lot: 243, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Frank Perry Mr., Birth: 11/23/1855, Death: 03/04/1889, Burial: 3/5/1889, Section: OR, Lot: 243, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, J. C., Infant, Death: 07/20/1921, Burial: 7/21/1921, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Jane Mrs., Death: 03/22/1904, Burial: 3/25/1904, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, John Mr., Birth: 01/08/1808, Death: 02/03/1868, Burial: 2/4/1868, Section: OR, Lot: 173, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Lura Margean Miss, Birth: 06/10/1916, Death: 06/20/1934, Burial: 6/21/1934, Section: BF, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Mariah Miss (Polly), Death: 04/24/1928, Burial: 4/25/1928, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Mary A. J. Mrs., Birth: 02/22/1808, Death: 12/06/1892, Burial: 12/7/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 173, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Mary Louise (Inf/ Polly), Infant, Death: 06/12/1928, Burial: 6/13/1928, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Prince Rev., Death: 08/19/1921, Burial: 8/21/1921, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Ruth Mrs. (Robbins), Birth: 04/14/1895, Death: 09/18/1978, Burial: 9/20/1978, Section: GA, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, Sylvia Lee (Inf D/ D. V.), Infant, Birth: 02/09/1952, Death: 02/09/1952, Burial: 2/11/1952, Section: GA, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
ROBINSON, T. H. Mr., Birth: 07/11/1883, Death: 07/11/1925, Burial: 7/12/1925, Section: BF, Lot: 41, Grave: 1
ROBSON, Jean Mrs. (Waring), Birth: 07/19/1864, Death: 07/29/1896, Burial: 7/30/1896, Section: BF, Lot: 37, Grave: 1
ROCK, John Thomas Mr., Birth: 11/21/1902, Death: 02/10/1966, Burial: 2/11/1966, Section: BE, Lot: 30, Grave: 1
ROCKETT, John A. Mr., Birth: 04/10/1837, Death: 07/17/1907, Burial: 7/18/1907, Section: OR, Lot: 496, Grave: 1
RODGERS, Arthur Hardwick Mr., Birth: 01/15/1871, Death: 03/28/1932, Burial: 3/29/1932, Section: OR, Lot: 342, Grave: 1
RODGERS, Harriett Jennette Mrs. (Selvidge), Birth: 05/28/1869, Death: 05/23/1938, Burial: 5/24/1938, Section: OR, Lot: 342, Grave: 1
RODGERS, Howard Mr., Death: 04/27/1913, Burial: 4/28/1913, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RODGERS, James Frew Mr., Birth: 07/20/1899, Death: 10/14/1983, Burial: 10/16/1983, Section: RS, Lot: 37, Grave: 1
RODGERS, Martha Mrs., Death: 02/10/1918, Burial: 2/11/1918, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
RODGERS, Stella Mae Mrs., Birth: 09/25/1896, Death: 03/12/1978, Burial: 3/13/1978, Section: RS, Lot: 37, Grave: 1
ROEBUCK, Fannie J. Mrs. (Lanham), Birth: 02/14/1867, Death: 01/05/1913, Burial: 1/6/1913, Section: OR, Lot: 130, Grave: 1
ROEBUCK, Frank Mr., Birth: 11/26/1896, Death: 08/13/1967, Burial: 8/15/1967, Section: OR, Lot: 130, Grave: 1
ROEBUCK, William Benjamin Mr., Birth: 07/07/1865, Death: 10/25/1932, Burial: 10/26/1932, Section: OR, Lot: 130, Grave: 1
ROESSLER, John Mr. (Johnny), Birth: 03/16/1884, Death: 10/09/1894, Section: SG, Lot: 935, Grave: 5
ROESSLER, Louis Mr., Birth: 01/01/1846, Death: 01/24/1893, Section: SG, Lot: 935, Grave: 1
ROESSLER, Margaret Mrs., Birth: 06/01/1851, Death: 03/03/1917, Burial: 1/1/1917, Section: SG, Lot: 935, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Claude Mr., Burial: 12/5/1994, Section: BE, Lot: 52, Grave: 8
ROGERS, Effie Mrs., Death: 09/24/1975, Burial: 9/26/1975, Section: BE, Lot: 33, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Emory B. Mr., Burial: 1/1/1915, Section: BE, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Fletcher Mr., Death: 11/23/1947, Burial: 11/25/1947, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROGERS, George A. Mr., Birth: 02/18/1861, Death: 01/31/1896, Burial: 2/1/1896, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Jack Mr., Burial: 9/8/1998, Section: MA, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Katie Mrs., Birth: 02/28/1887, Death: 12/20/1938, Burial: 12/22/1938, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Lannie Mrs., Death: 04/09/1944, Burial: 4/11/1944, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Leila Mrs. (Erwin), Birth: 10/12/1912, Death: 10/13/2010, Unknown, Burial: 10/15/2010, Section: GA, Lot: 16, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Henderson & Son Funeral Home
ROGERS, Mattie Mrs., Birth: 08/16/1886, Death: 03/01/1971, Burial: 3/3/1971, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Nellie Mae Mrs., Burial: 8/6/1993, Section: BE, Lot: 52, Grave: 7
ROGERS, Ora Mrs. (Bloodworth), Birth: 10/15/1883, Death: 05/08/1936, Burial: 5/9/1936, Section: OR, Lot: 520, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Raymond Clifford Mr. Sr., Birth: 05/10/1875, Death: 10/30/1954, Burial: 11/1/1954, Section: OR, Lot: 520, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Richard W. CSA, CO. C-19TH AL, Death: 08/09/1863, Burial: 8/9/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 6, Grave: 1
ROGERS, Robert Clifford Mr., Birth: 06/04/1900, Death: 12/27/1973, Burial: 12/30/1973, Section: OR, Lot: 520, Grave: 1
ROOSE, R. H. Mr., Burial: 1/1/1926, Section: NR, Lot: 606, Grave: 1
ROSE, Edith Mrs. (Gunn), Birth: 03/19/1910, Death: 03/24/1977, Burial: 3/30/1977, Section: OR, Lot: 101, Grave: 1
ROSE, Emma L. Mrs. (Towns), Birth: 07/22/1878, Death: 11/09/1962, Burial: 11/10/1962, Section: FA, Lot: 21, Grave: 1
ROSE, George William Mr., Birth: 07/17/1877, Death: 12/16/1951, Burial: 12/17/1951, Section: FA, Lot: 21, Grave: 1
ROSE, George William Mr., Cremains, Death: 06/14/2006, Residence, Burial: 6/24/2006, Section: OR, Lot: 101, Grave: 1, Funeral Home: Daniels Funeral Home
ROSE, George CSA, CO. C-6TH TX, Death: 01/01/1863, Burial: 1/1/1863, Section: CS, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROSE, John Mrs., Burial: 1/1/1936, Section: RS, Lot: 170, Grave: 1
ROSER, Ada Olivia Mrs. (Turner), Death: 04/04/1907, Burial: 4/5/1907, Section: OR, Lot: 11, Grave: 1
ROSER, Elizabeth Mrs., Burial: 1/1/1940, Section: SA, Lot: 12, Grave: 1
ROSER, George Pierce Mr., Birth: 10/09/1878, Death: 06/15/1937, Burial: 6/16/1937, Section: OR, Lot: 11, Grave: 1
ROSER, Georgia Nellie Miss, Birth: 12/29/1907, Death: 02/19/1930, Burial: 2/20/1930, Section: OR, Lot: 406, Grave: 1
ROSER, Harriet I. Mrs. (Bane), Birth: 02/29/1836, Death: 03/07/1892, Burial: 3/8/1892, Section: OR, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
ROSER, Joe W. Mr., Burial: 4/11/1968, Section: RA, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
ROSER, John Bane Mr., Birth: 06/26/1871, Death: 05/22/1905, Burial: 5/23/1905, Section: OR, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
ROSER, Luie William Mr., Birth: 01/01/1892, Death: 09/04/1893, Burial: 9/5/1893, Section: OR, Lot: 21, Grave: 1
ROSER, Minnie W. Mrs. (Burnette), Birth: 02/14/1869, Death: 08/30/1933, Burial: 9/2/1933, Section: OR, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
ROSER, Peter David Mr., Birth: 02/24/1835, Death: 11/25/1897, Burial: 11/26/1897, Section: OR, Lot: 1, Grave: 1
ROSER, Ruth Mrs., Burial: 1/21/1987, Section: RA, Lot: 4, Grave: 1
ROSER, William Joseph Mr., Birth: 04/22/1878, Death: 05/03/1928, Burial: 5/4/1928, Section: OR, Lot: 406, Grave: 1
ROSS, A. F. Mr., Burial: 1/1/1905, Section: OR, Lot: 260, Grave: 1
ROSS, Albert B. Mr., Burial: 10/29/1951, Section: OR, Lot: 260, Grave: 1
ROSS, Clive Mr., Death: 08/23/1919, Burial: 8/24/1919, Section: 1, Lot: 0, Grave: 1
ROSS, Laura B. Mrs., Burial: 1/1/1914, Section: OR, Lot: 260, Grave: 1
ROSS, Lula Miss, Burial: 11/17/1953, Section: OR, Lot: 260, Grave: 1
ROSS, Mary Louisa Mrs. (Tuggle), Death: 01/01/1902, Burial: 1/2/1902, Section: OR, Lot: 260, Grave: 1
ROSS, Nell Garlington Mrs. (Pitner), Birth: 08/15/1894, Death: 10/15/1959, Burial: 10/16/1969, Section: OR, Lot: 185, Grave: 1
ROSS, Oscar Ray Mr., Death: 08/08/1949, Burial: 10/10/1949, Section: OR, Lot: 185, Grave: 1
ROSS, Tecora Leona Mrs. (Bale Cora), Birth: 11/28/1876, Death: 03/10/1953, Burial: 3/12/1953, Section: OR, Lot: 23, Grave: 1
ROSS, Unknown, Burial: 1/1/2004, Section: OR, Lot: 260, Grave: 1
ROSS, Walter Mr., Burial: 1/1/1921, Section: OR, Lot: 260, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, Charles Adolphus Mr., Birth: 02/18/1870, Death: 10/18/1877, Burial: 10/19/1877, Section: OR, Lot: 201, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, Francis Wesley Mr., Birth: 08/30/1883, Death: 01/09/1884, Burial: 1/10/1884, Section: OR, Lot: 201, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, Frederick Hansell Mr., Birth: 12/25/1874, Death: 06/06/1916, Burial: 6/7/1916, Section: OR, Lot: 201, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, George M. Mr., Burial: 1/1/1939, Section: OR, Lot: 399, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, Hallie Miller Mrs. (Alexander), Birth: 09/03/1864, Death: 04/03/1964, Burial: 4/5/1964, Section: OR, Lot: 207, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, James Adolphus Mr., Birth: 10/18/1845, Death: 12/17/1930, Burial: 12/18/1930, Section: OR, Lot: 207, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, James Royal Mr., Birth: 01/04/1882, Death: 12/21/1916, Burial: 12/22/1916, Section: OR, Lot: 201, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, John Edward Mr., Birth: 07/21/1872, Death: 10/30/1878, Burial: 10/31/1878, Section: OR, Lot: 201, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, John Wesley Mr., Birth: 11/03/1840, Death: 10/04/1910, Burial: 10/5/1910, Section: OR, Lot: 201, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, Lena Mrs., Burial: 7/14/1973, Section: OR, Lot: 399, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, Mary Frances Mrs. (Wardlaw), Birth: 12/05/1847, Death: 07/15/1915, Burial: 7/16/1915, Section: OR, Lot: 201, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, Ruby Mrs. (Morris), Birth: 06/02/1893, Death: 05/10/1957, Burial: 5/13/1957, Section: BA, Lot: 45, Grave: 1
ROUNSAVILLE, Susie Mrs. (Clemmons), Birth: 09/02/1877, Death: 09/26/1918, Burial: 9/27/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 201, Grave: 1
ROUNSVILLE, Robert Battey Mr. (Bob), Birth: 01/04/1881, Death: 09/16/1949, Burial: 9/17/1949, Section: OR, Lot: 201, Grave: 1
ROWELL, Annie Lou Miss, Birth: 07/26/1875, Death: 11/04/1891, Burial: 11/5/1891, Section: BA, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
ROWELL, Christoper Mr., Birth: 10/03/1834, Death: 10/04/1903, Burial: 10/5/1903, Section: BA, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
ROWELL, Elizabeth Mrs. (Bessie), Birth: 03/18/1873, Death: 12/14/1915, Burial: 12/15/1915, Section: BA, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
ROWELL, Florence Underwood Miss (Floy), Death: 06/11/1898, Burial: 6/12/1898, Section: BA, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
ROWELL, Louisiana Anne Mrs. (Underwood), Birth: 12/26/1842, Death: 06/16/1907, Burial: 6/17/1907, Section: BA, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
ROWELL, Mary Wyly Miss (Minnie), Birth: 10/27/1867, Death: 12/03/1933, Burial: 12/4/1933, Section: BA, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
ROWELL, William Sinclair Judge, Birth: 12/06/1864, Death: 08/31/1934, Burial: 9/1/1934, Section: BA, Lot: 34, Grave: 1
ROYCE, Mattie Miss, Birth: 11/16/1887, Death: 11/23/1894, Burial: 11/24/1894, Section: OR, Lot: 137, Grave: 1
RUPEE, Carl J. Mr., Birth: 12/26/1891, Death: 02/14/1922, Burial: 2/16/1922, Section: OR, Lot: 129, Grave: 1
RUPEE, Epsie Jones Mrs. (Meeks), Birth: 05/18/1852, Death: 01/01/1948, Burial: 1/3/1948, Section: OR, Lot: 129, Grave: 1
RUPEE, John M. Mr., Birth: 02/02/1840, Death: 07/03/1918, Burial: 7/5/1918, Section: OR, Lot: 129, Grave: 1
RUSH (Inf S/ Lorrick), Infant, Birth: 05/22/1931, Death: 05/22/1931, Burial: 5/23/1931, Section: OR, Lot: 116, Grave: 1
RUSSELL, Charles Mr., Burial: 1/1/1921, Section: NR, Lot: 594, Grave: 1
RUSSELL, Francis, Burial: 1/1/1936, Section: NR, Lot: 594, Grave: 1
RUSSELL, George Andrew Mr., Birth: 10/22/1868, Death: 03/07/1943, Burial: 3/8/1943, Section: FA, Lot: 19, Grave: 1
RUSSELL, Martha Mrs. (Aunt Martha), Birth: 04/21/1849, Death: 03/17/1929, Burial: 3/18/1929, Section: OR, Lot: 578, Grave: 1
RUSSELL, Mary Jane Mrs. (Moss), Birth: 04/16/1877, Death: 05/24/1951, Burial: 5/25/1951, Section: FA, Lot: 14, Grave: 1
RUSSELL, Samuel B. Mr., Burial: 1/1/1926, Section: NR, Lot: 594, Grave: 1
RUSSELL, Vennie Mrs., Burial: 1/1/1949, Section: NR, Lot: 594, Grave: 1
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