Search Hawaii Death Records
Hawaii Newspapers, Full Search (1836-1991), 69 titles
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Hawaii Birth Records Database, (1836-1991)
Honolulu Memorial
Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
Surnames K
GPS: 21.313701, -157.847564
2177 Puowaina Drive
Honolulu, HI 96813
Published: Jun 5, 2016
Names and records published here were acquired from the American Battle Monuments Commission on June 5, 2016.
Kaaihue, Michael Christopher, Private First Class, H CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 7-Oct-1952
Kaakimaka, John Kuuilkamakao, Corporal, L CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Kaatz, Albert Henry, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Jun-1943
Kacar, Stanley J., Private First Class, A CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Jul-1950
Kachele, Paul M., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 21-May-1944
Kacheris, Peter, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kachuk, Paul R., Chief Carpenter's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kacmarcik, Chester J., First Lieutenant, 72nd Bomber Squadron, 5th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 5-Jun-1942
Kacmarcik, Edward C., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kaczmarczyk, Alexander T., Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 2-Nov-1942
Kaczor, Myrl M., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 20-Jun-1944
Kaczrowski, Emil Lawrence, Sergeant First Class, HQ BTRY 57 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Dec-1950
Kaddatz, Wilbert A., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 22-Nov-1943
Kaelin, John Louis, Yeoman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kaen, Robert P., Radio Technician Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 26-Mar-1945
Kafer, August G., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 27-Dec-1943
Kaffeman, Edward I., Electrician's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 11-May-1945
Kagarice, Harold Lee, Chief Storekeeper, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kagey, Matin I., Technical Sergeant, 404th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 6-Dec-1944
Kahl, Gordon King, Major, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 22-Nov-1951
Kahler, Harold, Colonel, 354th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Nebraska, d. 14-May-1969
Kahn, Harold Barton, Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 1-Mar-1942
Kahrhoff, William Frederick, Corporal, D BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Kai, Charles E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kailianu, Robert Wilcox, Corporal, D CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 23-Dec-1950
Kaiser, George E. W., Water Tender First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 17-Jun-1944
Kaiser, Otto G., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kaiser, Robert Oscar, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kaiser, Robert W., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 14-Jan-1946
Kaiuwailani, Howard Willis, Private First Class, MP CO HQ BN 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 26-Mar-1953
Kalama, Herbert, Sergeant First Class, HQ CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Jul-1950
Kalenik, Joseph B., Gunner's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kalepa, Lewellyn K., Airman Second Class, 815 TRP CARR SQ 483 TRP CARR WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 23-Jun-1953
Kaler, James W., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maine, d. 28-May-1945
Kalinoff, Michael W., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 15-Jul-1946
Kalinowski, Henry, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Utah, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kalinske, Edward W., Private First Class, 106th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 11-Jul-1944
Kalkbrenner, Albert E., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 29-Apr-1945
Kallaus, William F., Radarman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kallin, Edward E., Soundman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 29-Apr-1945
Kallmeyer, Elmer John, Captain, L CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 23-Apr-1951
Kalman, Louis E., Gunner's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 18-Feb-1945
Kalter, Milton, Sergeant, 21st Bomber Squadron, 30th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 18-Jan-1943
Kamakaokalani, William Mahiole, Private First Class, G CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 17-Oct-1952
Kamen, Theodore J., First Lieutenant, 431st Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 16-Jan-1946
Kamenar, Robert J., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 19-Aug-1944
Kaminsky, Albert, Private, G CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Aug-1951
Kamis, Harris W., First Lieutenant, 7th Rescue Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 8-Aug-1946
Kammer, Russel G., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 27-Feb-1945
Kamoku, Benjamin Swain, Private, 24th Quartermaster Company, 24th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Jul-1950
Kamp, Frank P., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kampmeyer, Eric T., Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Carolina, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kanada, Fred A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kanavel, Walter J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 16-Feb-1944
Kane, Albert Utley, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kane, Bruce Edward, Corporal, Marine Light Helicopter Squadron 367, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 9-Aug-1969
Kane, Francis D., Boatswain, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 16-Sep-1943
Kane, James R., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 29-Jun-1945
Kane, John P., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 16-Jun-1945
Kane, John R., Private First Class, F CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Oct-1952
Kane, Louis N., Second Lieutenant, 42nd Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 24-Jul-1943
Kane, Richard Raymond, Major, Marine Composite Squadron 1, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 12-Sep-1967
Kane, Vincent, Technician Fifth Grade, 69th Ordnance Ammunition Company, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 8-Oct-1945
Kane, Walter M., Lieutenant Commander, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 18-Jan-1946
Kanekura, Fred Toshihara, Private, A BTRY 8 FA BN 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Aug-1950
Kaneshiro, Jack Seiji, Private First Class, M CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Jul-1950
Kangas, Leonard I., Storekeeper Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Hampshire, d. 16-Sep-1943
Kaniatobe, Charles Gibson, Private, A CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Jul-1950
Kanick, Edward M., Technical Sergeant, 61st Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 1-Jun-1945
Kanocz, Steve, Electrician's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 19-Nov-1943
Kanski, Richard A., Corporal, HQ CO 2 BN 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Kant, Carl Edward, First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 7-Jun-1946
Kantner, Charles M., Corporal, 36th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 28-Aug-1942
Kantz, Volney Nelson, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 4-Feb-1944
Kapaun, Emil Joseph, Captain, HQ CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 23-May-1951
Kapelanski, Bogdan J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 14-Apr-1946
Kaping, Robert E., Storekeeper Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 28-May-1945
Kapinos, Joseph, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 3-May-1945
Kaplafka, Gerge, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 13-Dec-1945
Kapp, George W., Coxswain, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 6-Jun-1942
Kappelmann, Robert Louis, Master Sergeant, 513 MAR FTR SQ 33 MAR AIR GP, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 15-Jul-1952
Kappler, Gerald Dean, Private First Class, A CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Jul-1950
Kaput, Chester Walter, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 20-Nov-1943
Karabon, Joseph N., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 7-Dec-1941
Karako, Steven L., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 17-Jun-1944
Karalewicz, Francis A., Corporal, SERV BTRY 555 FA BN 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Aug-1950
Karam, Carl E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 6-Apr-1945
Karaus, Edward, Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 10-Aug-1945
Kardell, David Allen, Lieutenant, Fighter Squadron 154, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 9-May-1965
Karga, Edward V., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 15-Jul-1944
Karger, Barry Edwin, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Attack Squadron 93, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 14-May-1968
Karins, Joseph John, Major, 357th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 11-Mar-1967
Karl, George S., Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 6-May-1945
Karli, John Albert, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Karlsen, Earle W., Second Lieutenant, 24th Bomber Squadron, 6th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 24-May-1945
Karlson, Richard S., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 11-Jul-1944
Karney, Joseph John, Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 15-Nov-1943
Karnos, Richard John, Major, HQ BTRY 15 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Feb-1951
Karp, Warren E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 26-Mar-1945
Karpinecz, Michael, Master Sergeant, HQ BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Jan-1951
Karpowicz, Jerome, Airman First Class, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 17-May-1953
Karr, Alvis E., Corporal, F CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 22-Jul-1950
Karr, Forrest E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Hampshire, d. 19-Mar-1945
Karr, Lester P., Boatswain's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 4-May-1945
Karr, Roger W., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 20-Mar-1946
Karr, William G., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 15-Jul-1946
Karrol, Joseph J., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 5-Jun-1943
Karron, Murray, Second Lieutenant, 877th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 10-Jan-1946
Karsemeyer, Henry, Aviation Chief Radioman, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 21-Sep-1944
Karst, Carl Frederick, Colonel, 21st Tactical Air Support Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Kansas, d. 16-Nov-1968
Kartye, Peter J., Yeoman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 19-Mar-1945
Karvatsky, Joseph T., Hospital Apprentice First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 19-Mar-1945
Karwoski, Walter P., Private First Class, 2nd Bomber Squadron, 22nd Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 1-Apr-1942
Kasakow, David Simon, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 23-Nov-1943
Kasarda, Milton Joseph, Sergeant, MED CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Jan-1951
Kasch, Clarence C., Yeoman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kasch, Frederick Morrison, Lieutenant, Anti-Submarine Fighter Squadron 3, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 2-Jul-1967
Kasper, Anthony, Private, 1910th Quartermaster Truck Company, Aviation, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 18-Sep-1944
Kasperson, Elmer H., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Dakota, d. 4-Aug-1944
Kasselmann, Conrad Walter, Private First Class, A CO 1 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 9-May-1952
Kassey, Martin M., Staff Sergeant, 306th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 14-May-1946
Kast, Edward Warner, Boatswain's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 1-Nov-1943
Kaster, Leonard Lee, First Lieutenant, 405th Fighter Wing, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Massachusetts, d. 6-Aug-1964
Kaster, Richard A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 20-Jun-1944
Katchmir, Wassil, Second Lieutenant, 871st Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 25-Feb-1945
Kates, Clarence Sears, Staff Sergeant, 371 BOMB SQ 307 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 8-Sep-1950
Kath, William H., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 6-Oct-1944
Kathan, Fred E., Pharmacist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 21-Nov-1943
Katilius, John Hart, Private First Class, A CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-May-1951
Kativa, John G., Electrician's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 30-Nov-1945
Katkauskas, Peter J., First Sergeant, 381st Infantry Regiment, 96th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 8-Jun-1945
Katough, Anthony R., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 20-Jul-1945
Katsaros, Nicholas, Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 2-Oct-1944
Katsoolias, Theodore Alexander, Sergeant First Class, B CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Nov-1950
Katz, Abraham J., Electrician's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 1-Apr-1946
Katz, Albert, Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 30-Dec-1942
Katz, Harry, Private First Class, 242nd Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 2-Apr-1945
Katzman, Ross William, Private First Class, G CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Aug-1951
Kauchack, Paul A., Second Lieutenant, 4th Rescue Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 1-Jun-1946
Kauffman, Clarence J., Corporal, C BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1951
Kauffman, Lewis B., Ship's Cook Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 2-Apr-1945
Kaufman, Robert, Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 29-Dec-1945
Kaufman, Russell L., Sergeant, 882nd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 13-Dec-1944
Kauhini, Leroy St. John, Corporal, B CO 15 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 24-Jun-1951
Kaui, Sidney Kealakai, Corporal, SERV CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Kaullen, Roy W., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 25-May-1945
Kautman, Frank M., Corporal, F CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Dec-1952
Kavanaugh, Nick C., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New Mexico, d. 15-Jun-1944
Kavecsanszky, Francis J., Sergeant, 484th Bomber Squadron, 505th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 19-May-1945
Kaye, Ralph S., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 28-May-1945
Kaylor, Gene H., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 23-Jun-1946
Kaylor, John C., Aerographer's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 27-Oct-1944
Kayser, Artie L., Second Lieutenant, 54th Fighter Squadron, 343rd Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 30-Dec-1942
Kazorski, Stanley K., Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 15-Dec-1945
Kazulis, William P., Aviation Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 6-Oct-1943
Ke, Hiram Ladislus, Master Sergeant, L CO 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Keady, James P., Staff Sergeant, 4th Rescue Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 24-Jan-1945
Keagle, Allen W., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 2-Apr-1945
Keagle, Richard Albert, Sergeant First Class, C BTRY 99 FA BN 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Kean, Kenneth Karl, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 22-Jul-1944
Keane, John J., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 11-May-1945
Keaney, Lee Edward J., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 5-Jun-1943
Kearney, Andrew E., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 16-Jun-1944
Kearney, Francis, Second Lieutenant, 42nd Troop Carrier Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Florida, d. 19-Oct-1942
Kearney, Harry Lee, Private First Class, F CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1951
Kearns, Carl L., Private First Class, C CO 7 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Sep-1950
Kearns, Joseph Thomas, Lieutenant Colonel, 13th Bomber Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 3-Jun-1967
Keaton, Vernon Paul, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 7-Dec-1941
Keck, Frank Lawrence, First Lieutenant, 311 MAR FTR SQ 33 MAR AIR GP, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 17-Jul-1953
Keck, Gerald Pete, Sergeant, L CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Jan-1951
Keck, Urstle C., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 4-May-1945
Keech, Howard E., Private, 165th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: California, d. 29-Apr-1945
Keefe, Douglas O'Neil, Private First Class, 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: South Carolina, d. 20-May-1967
Keefer, Howard Verne, Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Keefer, Robert T., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 15-Jul-1946
Keefer, Roy C., Baker Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 2-Jan-1946
Keefer, William L., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 17-Jan-1945
Keegan, Charles J., Technician Fifth Grade, 1885th Engineer Battalion, Aviation, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 11-May-1945
Keegan, James F., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 12-Apr-1945
Keehn, Frederick C., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 23-May-1945
Keeler, John H., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 19-Jan-1946
Keeley, Furman, Private First Class, B CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Aug-1950
Keeley, Jack S., Aviation Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 25-Jul-1946
Keeley, John P., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 16-Apr-1945
Keeley, John William Patrick, Sergeant, C CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 22-Jul-1952
Keen, Benjamin, Private First Class, 1st Fighter Control Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 11-Nov-1943
Keen, Billy Mack, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Keen, Elmo, Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 3-May-1945
Keen, George Horace, First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 9-Nov-1943
Keenan, Edward J., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 11-May-1945
Keenan, William R., Private First Class, A CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Nov-1950
Keene, Kassel Monford, Major, 345 BOMB SQ 98 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 19-Nov-1952
Keener, Howard H., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 19-Mar-1945
Keener, Jimmie C., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 15-Mar-1944
Keeney, Claude, Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Carolina, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kees, Milton Claudell, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 22-Nov-1943
Keese, James Edward, First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 20-Apr-1944
Keese, Martin L., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 4-Jan-1946
Keeter, Dalton C., Chief Motor Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Jan-1946
Keeton, Bailey, Sergeant, D CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Keeton, Joseph W., Chief Storekeeper, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kegley, Albert A., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 17-Sep-1945
Kegley, Ellis, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 25-Nov-1943
Kegley, Ralph Edward, Sergeant First Class, A CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Keglovitz, John J., Corporal, G CO 7 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 15-Dec-1950
Kehbiel, Neal N., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 17-Sep-1945
Kehrer, Joseph A., Corporal, 882nd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 13-Dec-1944
Keifer, Duane L., First Lieutenant, 35th Fighter Squadron, 8th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 14-Aug-1945
Keil, Ralph Henry, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 7-Dec-1941
Keiper, John Charles, Gunnery Sergeant, Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron 16, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 15-Nov-1966
Keirn, Keith, Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Montana, d. 4-Jul-1944
Keirn, Meredith Frank, Sergeant, F CO 2 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Keirnan, Cornelius, Sergeant, B BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Keiser, Charles Clyde, Private, I CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Oct-1950
Keister, Harold Ora, Captain, 8 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 30-Aug-1951
Keister, Randolph C., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 23-Apr-1946
Keister, Warren R., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 16-Apr-1945
Keistler, Craig D., Quartermaster Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 12-Apr-1945
Keith, Austin R., First Lieutenant, 871st Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Maine, d. 25-Feb-1945
Keith, Charles Maxwell, Corporal, 8036 SIG SERV CO, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Aug-1950
Keith, John A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Utah, d. 21-Feb-1945
Keith, John M., Photographer's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 14-Jan-1946
Keith, John W., Lieutenant Colonel, HQ BTRY 15 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Keith, Leonard L., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 26-Jul-1945
Kekoa, Joseph Kahaunani, Private First Class, I CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Sep-1950
Kelekian, Harry, Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 14-Jun-1944
Kelleher, Robert Patrick, Airman First Class, 370 BOMB SQ 307 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 8-Nov-1952
Kellenberger, Donald B., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 1-Feb-1944
Keller, Arthur W., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 25-Nov-1944
Keller, Clyde W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 26-Mar-1945
Keller, Donald G., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Keller, Donald W., Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 15-Jan-1946
Keller, Eugene L., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 15-Jan-1946
Keller, Furman Harry, First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Idaho, d. 25-May-1946
Keller, George F., First Lieutenant, 5th Bomber Squadron, 9th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 8-Aug-1945
Keller, Gerard P., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 14-Apr-1945
Keller, Goldwin C., Aviation Pilot First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 26-Apr-1944
Keller, Jack Elmer, Captain, Attack Squadron 85, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Illinois, d. 21-Apr-1966
Keller, James H., Sergeant, E CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Keller, John Charles, Sergeant First Class, K CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jul-1951
Keller, Joseph A., Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 17-Jun-1944
Keller, Julius, Second Lieutenant, 36th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 15-Apr-1943
Keller, Kenneth M., Radioman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 30-Jan-1942
Keller, Melvin O., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 25-May-1945
Keller, Norman C., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 15-Jan-1946
Keller, Paul Daniel, Molder Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 7-Dec-1941
Keller, Ray E., Second Lieutenant, 874th Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Idaho, d. 3-Dec-1944
Keller, Robert F., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 15-Jun-1943
Keller, Roy F., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 26-Mar-1945
Keller, Wendell Richard, Lieutenant Colonel, 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: North Dakota, d. 1-Mar-1969
Keller, William W., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 22-Nov-1944
Kellett, John P., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-Feb-1945
Kellewald, Vincent P., Gunner's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 16-Apr-1945
Kelley, Bud Alexander, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 21-May-1944
Kelley, Charles P., Technical Sergeant, 93rd Bomber Sqdn, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 18-Jun-1945
Kelley, Clifton P., Second Lieutenant, 45th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 3-Sep-1942
Kelley, Daniel Martin, Specialist 4, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Massachusetts, d. 25-Apr-1968
Kelley, Earl A., Electrician's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 17-Jan-1946
Kelley, Edward C., Chief Boatswain's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 27-May-1945
Kelley, Edward E., Staff Sergeant, 3rd Photographic Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 12-Apr-1945
Kelley, Grant L., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 1-Apr-1945
Kelley, James Dennis, Shipfitter Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kelley, Joe Marion, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kelley, John J., Sergeant, 870th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 26-Feb-1945
Kelley, John Murray, Corporal, C BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Kelley, Joseph, Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 5-Feb-1946
Kelley, Lawrence F., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 16-Apr-1945
Kelley, Nelson, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 15-Dec-1945
Kelley, Richard G., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kelley, Robert G., First Lieutenant, 43rd Bomber Squadron, 29th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 15-Jun-1945
Kelley, Ronald L., Storekeeper Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 23-Jan-1942
Kelley, Stanley R., Sergeant, 7th Rescue Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 8-Aug-1946
Kelley, William A., Captain, 870th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 6-Jun-1945
Kelley, William E., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 23-Feb-1945
Kellogg, Kenneth, Aviation Radioman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 4-Dec-1945
Kellogg, Kingdon A., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 28-Mar-1946
Kellogg, Wayne C., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 12-Nov-1944
Kellogg, Wilbur L., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kellon, Carl, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kellstrom, Paul Kenneth, Airman First Class, 28 BOMB SQ 19 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 10-Jun-1952
Kelly, Austin W., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 21-May-1943
Kelly, Bernard L., Sergeant, MORTAR CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Kelly, Billy P., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 28-May-1945
Kelly, Charles M., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 5-Jun-1943
Kelly, Daniel B., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 10-Jun-1944
Kelly, Daniel Francis, Corporal, C CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Kelly, Eugene F., Second Lieutenant, 879th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 11-Mar-1945
Kelly, Francis Edward, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 21-Jul-1944
Kelly, George Edward, Corporal, K CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 7-Jul-1950
Kelly, Henry Bradford, First Lieutenant, 371 BOMB SQ 307 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 13-Sep-1952
Kelly, Homer Lee, Fireman, USS CHEVALIER, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 18-Aug-1950
Kelly, James Wilker, Steward's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 16-Sep-1943
Kelly, James William, Airman First Class, 371 BOMB SQ 307 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 13-Sep-1952
Kelly, John G., First Lieutenant, 398th Bomber Squadron, 504th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 24-Mar-1945
Kelly, John Harold, Private, L CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-Nov-1951
Kelly, John Lee, Private First Class, HQ CO 2 BN 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Kelly, John R., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 30-Jan-1946
Kelly, Lawrence Bertrand, First Lieutenant, 80 FTR BOMB SQ 8 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 16-Dec-1951
Kelly, Melvin Leroy, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: South Carolina, d. 19-May-1945
Kelly, Norbert W., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 1-Apr-1946
Kelly, Odie A., Second Lieutenant, 60th Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 4-May-1945
Kelly, Paul R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 9-Aug-1946
Kelly, Raymond E., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Rhode Island, d. 2-Mar-1946
Kelly, Raymond Gene, Ensign, 54 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 9-Jan-1952
Kelly, Richard Sims, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Washington, d. 1-Mar-1945
Kelly, Robert Lee, Chief Electrician's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kelly, Robert M., Electrician's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 21-Apr-1946
Kelly, Robert Thomas, Private First Class, MED CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Jan-1951
Kelly, Thomas H., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 11-Jul-1945
Kelly, Vincent Depaul, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 26-Apr-1945
Kelly, Willie Francis, Cook Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 16-Sep-1943
Kelsey, Harold G., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 11-Apr-1945
Kelso, Billy Eugene, Private First Class, C CO 1 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 26-Mar-1953
Kelso, Ola B., Corporal, 77th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 6-Nov-1944
Keltner, Morris H., Ensign, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 14-Jan-1946
Kelton, C. J., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 24-Feb-1945
Kemarsky, Rustislav N., Radio Technician First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 21-Apr-1946
Kemick, Raymond, Corporal, MED CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 23-Apr-1951
Kemmerer, Clifford E., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 11-Apr-1945
Kemmerer, Donald Richard, Major, 390th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 6-Aug-1967
Kemmitz, Clarence R., First Lieutenant, 877th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 29-Apr-1946
Kemp, Clayton Charles, Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare Technician Third Class, USS BENNINGTON (CVS-20), U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Colorado, d. 12-Jan-1967
Kemp, Freddie, Private, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 17-Aug-1966
Kemp, Paul O., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kemp, Wendell W., Gunner's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 7-Jan-1946
Kempen, William Stanley, First Lieutenant, B CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Kemper, Doran Dewitt, First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 6-Dec-1944
Kemper, Henry D., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 25-May-1943
Kemper, Herman W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kempf, Warren Joseph, Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kempowicz, Joseph J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kempter, Harley C., Second Lieutenant, 333rd Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 8-Aug-1945
Kenan, Claude J., Corporal, G CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 24-Jan-1951
Kendall, Caleb, Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 11-May-1945
Kendall, Harrison E., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 1-Feb-1944
Kendall, Joe B., Second Lieutenant, 874th Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-Dec-1945
Kendall, Robert M., Second Lieutenant, 873rd Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 8-Nov-1944
Kendall, Warren O., Corporal, HQ BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Kendig, John Philip, Corporal, B BTRY 63 FA BN 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 5-Jan-1951
Kendrick, Buddie J., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 20-Jul-1945
Kendrick, Ralph E., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 21-Jun-1944
Kenfield, Donald H., Yeoman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 19-Mar-1945
Keninger, Leo Thomas, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kenion, Ned C., Technician Fifth Grade, 855th Engineer Battalion, Aviation, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 12-Nov-1943
Keniston, Donald Lee, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Keniston, Kenneth H., Fireman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kennamer, Earl W., Second Lieutenant, 70th Fighter Squadron, 347th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 13-Oct-1942
Kennard, Kenneth F., Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Idaho, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kenneally, Michael J., Corporal, M CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Oct-1951
Kennedy, Cecil F., Sergeant, 404th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 16-Jun-1945
Kennedy, Chester H., Gunner's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 6-Apr-1945
Kennedy, Donald B., First Lieutenant, 6th Fighter Squadron, 18th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 30-Jun-1942
Kennedy, Donald E., First Lieutenant, 19thFighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 27-Jul-1945
Kennedy, Gene D., Technician Fourth Grade, 855th Engineer Battalion, Aviation, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 11-Nov-1943
Kennedy, Gilbert Clyde, Sergeant, A BTRY 503 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jul-1951
Kennedy, Harold R., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 3-Jun-1946
Kennedy, Harry S., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 16-Sep-1943
Kennedy, Jack E., Master Sergeant, 371 BOMB SQ 307 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 8-Sep-1950
Kennedy, Jack Spencer, Aviation Electrician's Mate 3C, 35 COMPRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 14-Jul-1953
Kennedy, James Edward, Staff Sergeant, 57th Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 22-Dec-1969
Kennedy, John E., Sergeant, M CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Kennedy, John Weir, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 16-Sep-1943
Kennedy, John William, Captain, 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Virginia, d. 16-Aug-1971
Kennedy, Joseph W., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 30-Jul-1944
Kennedy, Leonard M., Corporal, K CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-May-1951
Kennedy, Louis A., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 27-Feb-1945
Kennedy, Robert G., Sergeant, I CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Kennedy, Sylvester Joseph, Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 2-Aug-1943
Kennedy, William H., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kenner, Perry J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 6-Apr-1945
Kenney, Clifford R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Hampshire, d. 24-Mar-1945
Kenney, Harry John, Engineman Third Class, Commander River Assault Squadron 11, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Ohio, d. 1-Nov-1968
Kenney, Leo T., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 11-Jun-1944
Kenney, Russell H., Private First Class, 711th Tank Battalion, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Rhode Island, d. 22-Apr-1945
Kennington, Charles C., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kennington, Milton H., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kennon, Jerome W., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 16-Sep-1943
Kensler, Elmer N., Torpedoman's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 1-Apr-1946
Kent, Francis T., Sergeant, 792nd Bomber Squadron, 468th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 27-May-1946
Kent, Fred L., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kent, Robert Duane, Captain, Marine Attack Fighter Squadron 314, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 20-Dec-1968
Kent, Texas T., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 16-Jul-1944
Kent, Texas T., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kent, Walter T., Second Lieutenant, 90th Squadron, 7th Ferry Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 27-Oct-1943
Kent, William H., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kent, William O., Technical Sergeant, 24th Bomber Squadron, 6th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 24-May-1945
Kenton, Wayne Kelso, Private, HQ BTRY 503 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Kenty, Arthur Max, Sergeant, HQ BTRY 57 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 4-Dec-1950
Kenyon, Henry R., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 5-Jun-1943
Keopke, Elva Lewis, Master Sergeant, L CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Keough, John J., Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 15-Apr-1945
Keough, Stanley James, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Montana, d. 24-Oct-1944
Kepford, Joseph Clarence, Captain, 8 FTR BOMB SQ 49 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 7-Oct-1950
Kephart, Jack L., Corporal, HQ BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Kephart, Jesse M., Signalman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 9-Aug-1945
Kepley, Walter Maurice, Captain, 731 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Kepner, Jack C., Sergeant, 28th Bomber Squadron, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 29-May-1945
Kercher, Edward A., Second Lieutenant, 54th Fighter Squadron, 343rd Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 13-Apr-1943
Kerestes, Elmer Tom, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kerezsi, John J., Staff Sergeant, 26th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 10-Feb-1945
Kern, Alen L., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 28-May-1945
Kern, Douglas Bruce, First Lieutenant, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 5-May-1951
Kern, Franklin B., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 15-Jul-1946
Kern, George Frank, Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 20-Nov-1943
Kern, John F., Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 29-Apr-1945
Kern, John H., Technical Sergeant, 30th Bomber Squadron, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 1-Jul-1945
Kern, Lester H., Lieutenant Commander, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 24-Nov-1943
Kernes, Hyman, Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 3-May-1945
Kerns, Charles H., Second Lieutenant, 63rd Bomber Squadron, 43rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 28-Jul-1945
Kerns, John I., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 19-Aug-1943
Kerr, Ernest Claney, Lance Corporal, Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 363, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Ohio, d. 26-Mar-1968
Kerr, Everett O., Lieutenant Colonel, 13th Bomber Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Massachusetts, d. 13-Jun-1966
Kerr, James Howard, Quartermaster First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 10-Dec-1941
Kerr, John Creighton Gillen, Major, 606th Air Commando Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Florida, d. 22-Aug-1967
Kerr, Ralph, Quartermaster Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 14-Jan-1946
Kersch, Raymond A., Staff Sergeant, 873rd Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 27-Dec-1944
Kershner, Billy Moody, Master Sergeant, K CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-Nov-1950
Kerska, John C., Sergeant, B CO 7 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 5-Nov-1951
Kesler, David Leland, Baker Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kesler, Merrel R., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Montana, d. 26-Apr-1944
Kessier, Morris E., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 15-Jun-1944
Kessler, Robert J., Chief Yeoman, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 16-Jun-1945
Kessock, Paul, Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Jan-1946
Kesterke, Robert O., Second Lieutenant, 483rd Bomber Squadron, 505th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 5-Jan-1945
Kestler, Paul C., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 11-May-1945
Kestner, Louis T., Flight Officer, 39th Bomber Squadron, 6th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 12-Feb-1945
Ketchie, Scott Douglas, Captain, Marine Attack Squadron 224, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Alabama, d. 9-Apr-1972
Ketchum, John T., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 28-May-1945
Ketchum, Rufus Lloyd, Sergeant First Class, MED DET DIV ARTY 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Dec-1950
Ketner, Russell H., Staff Sergeant, 431st Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 29-May-1944
Kett, Nathan F., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 29-Apr-1945
Ketterer, James Alan, Major, 389th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Wisconsin, d. 20-Jan-1968
Kettrick, William Charles, Private First Class, A CO 1 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Ketzle, Henry W., Staff Sergeant, 3rd Photographic Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 21-Nov-1944
Keutz, Louis J., Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 29-Jul-1945
Kevil, George M., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 25-Jul-1945
Kewer, Charles H., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 4-May-1945
Key, James Wilfred, Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 22-May-1943
Key, Wilber Jerome, Sergeant, E CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 4-Aug-1951
Keyser, Jacob Meek, Master Sergeant, A CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Kibbey, Earl Emerson, Corporal, I CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
Kibbey, Richard Abbot, Lieutenant Colonel, 38th Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 6-Feb-1967
Kiburz, Robert E., Electrician's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kidd, Billy Lee, Corporal, B CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Kidd, Elmer Claud, Corporal, MORTAR CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Kidd, Franklin B., Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Idaho, d. 22-Oct-1944
Kidd, Isaac C., Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kidd, Miles High, Private First Class, C CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Kidwell, Laurence E., Torpedoman's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 31-Dec-1943
Kidwell, Vaudie W., Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 4-May-1945
Kiefel, Ernst Philip, Lieutenant Colonel, 13th Bomber Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 10-Feb-1966
Kiefel, Ralph W., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kiefert, Fred, Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kieffer, William Lewis, Lieutenant Colonel, 1st Special Operations Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Maryland, d. 11-Feb-1970
Kiehn, Ronald William, Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kiek, Herbert Marvin, Sergeant, D BTRY 15 AAA AW BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Kienholz, Joseph Harrison, Captain, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 7-Aug-1952
Kier, Larry Gene, Staff Sergeant, 501st Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Nebraska, d. 6-May-1970
Kiesel, William F., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 25-Jul-1946
Kieselbach, Charles E., Carpenter's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kieser, Robert W., Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 12-Jan-1943
Kigar, Virgil Junior, Private First Class, E CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Jul-1953
Kiggins, John Joseph, Private First Class, C CO 1 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 26-Mar-1953
Kight, James H., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 3-Feb-1946
Kihl, Oliver L., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 2-May-1945
Kilanowicz, Marcus J., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kilar, Robert, Sergeant, B CO 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Aug-1950
Kilburn, Richard J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kilcullen, Thomas Michael, First Lieutenant, 558th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Maryland, d. 26-Aug-1967
Kile, George Dean, Corporal, I CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Kiley, David James, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 1-Jul-1944
Kiley, Roger Gardner, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 19-Feb-1945
Kilfoyle, Edward J., Second Lieutenant, 4th Rescue Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 1-Jun-1946
Kilgo, Pierce R., Captain, 873rd Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: South Carolina, d. 28-Jan-1946
Killam, Hugh C., Sergeant, HQ CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 15-Jan-1951
Killar, Paul Martin, Private First Class, A CO 13 ENGR CMBT BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 9-Jul-1953
Killebrew, Joseph P., Captain, 770th Bomber Squadron, 462nd Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 21-Nov-1944
Killen, John Dewey, Lance Corporal, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Iowa, d. 30-Jun-1967
Killgore, William G., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 22-May-1945
Killian, Charles O., Private First Class, F CO 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Apr-1951
Killian, Melvin Joseph, Lieutenant Colonel, 334th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Iowa, d. 30-Sep-1965
Killingsworth, Robert Lee, Corporal, HQ CO 1 BN 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Killion, Lyman J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 30-Sep-1943
Killpack, Reece, Captain, 60th Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Utah, d. 29-May-1945
Kilmer, Floyd D., Aviation Radioman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 4-Dec-1945
Kilpatrick, Larry Ronald, Lieutenant, Attack Squadron 105, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Georgia, d. 18-Jun-1972
Kilpatrick, Robert J., Corporal, F CO 7 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Sep-1950
Kilrain, Raymond F., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 5-Dec-1943
Kilroy, John Harold, Sergeant First Class, B CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Kim, Chan Jay Park, Private First Class, L CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1951
Kim, Richard Bok Kell, Private First Class, F CO 2 BN 1 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 13-Jun-1952
Kimball, Donald Jack, Sergeant, C BTRY 15 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 13-Feb-1951
Kimball, Hunter Hudson, First Lieutenant, HQ CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 16-Jul-1950
Kimball, Philip H., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kimball, Ralph F., Fire Controlman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 10-Aug-1945
Kimball, Rolland Earl, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 20-Nov-1943
Kimball, Vaughn R., Yeoman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Utah, d. 11-May-1945
Kimberly, Blair C., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 12-Apr-1945
Kimbrel, Berlyn M., Torpedoman's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 7-Jun-1943
Kimbrell, Leland M., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 17-Oct-1945
Kimbro, William Robb, Second Lieutenant, 25 FTR INTCP SQ 51 FRT INTCP GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Kimbrough, Colonel James, Sergeant First Class, I CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1951
Kimbrough, David, Corporal, L CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Aug-1951
Kimbrough, Robert L., Private First Class, 29th Chemical Decontamination Company, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 21-May-1944
Kimmel, Murray, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 21-Apr-1946
Kimmell, Bernard D., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 12-Sep-1945
Kimmey, David W., Second Lieutenant, 396th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 2-Feb-1944
Kimmey, Frank L., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 10-Aug-1946
Kimmich, Walter I., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kimsey, William Arthur, Chief Warrant Officer Third Class, 220th Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Tennessee, d. 21-Jan-1968
Kincade, Louis E., Chief Electrician's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 28-May-1945
Kincaid, Claude Olen, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 3-Mar-1945
Kincaid, John F., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Virginia, d. 12-Apr-1945
Kincaid, Lonnie Harrison, Private First Class, G CO 3 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Kincaid, Morris K., Signalman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 13-Dec-1945
Kincaid, Robert F., First Lieutenant, Headquarters, VII Fighter Command, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Washington, d. 17-Oct-1945
Kincannon, David C., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 30-Jun-1945
Kincanon, David S., Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 22-Feb-1946
Kinchelow, Willard, Sergeant, L CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Nov-1950
Kinder, Arthur Samuel, Sergeant First Class, B BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Feb-1951
Kindlesparger, Ward B., Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 25-Jul-1946
Kindred, Winston, Steward's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kines, Emmett Leonard, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 20-Nov-1943
King, Albert, Corporal, G CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
King, Alfred Holowell, First Lieutenant, 37 BOMB SQ 17 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 23-Feb-1953
King, Andrew Wayne, Sergeant First Class, D CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Jul-1953
King, Bobby Ray, Sergeant, A BTRY 90 FA BN 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Aug-1950
King, Charles Douglas, Senior Master Sergeant, 40th Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Iowa, d. 25-Dec-1968
King, Charles E., Staff Sergeant, 7th Evacuation Hospital, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 16-Jan-1944
King, Charles Eugene, Corporal, HQ BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
King, David E., Staff Sergeant, 26th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 3-Feb-1944
King, Donald Lewis, Captain, 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Michigan, d. 14-May-1966
King, Edeard W., Electrician's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 15-Jul-1946
King, Edward J., Corporal, C CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Aug-1952
King, Elbert, Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 14-Jan-1946
King, Elster R., First Lieutenant, G CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
King, Ernest E., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Florida, d. 12-Jan-1946
King, Erwin P., Sergeant, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 10-Jul-1944
King, Frank, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 1-Jul-1944
King, Gerald Eugene, Corporal, 2nd Battalion, 13th Marines, 1st Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Tennessee, d. 10-May-1968
King, Glennon E., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 30-Aug-1944
King, Gordon Blane, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 7-Dec-1941
King, Herbert, Corporal, B CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
King, Homer L., Torpedoman's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 2-Jan-1946
King, Isaiah T., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 14-May-1945
King, J. C., Steward's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 20-Mar-1945
King, James Earl, Sergeant First Class, C CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
King, James Earl, Sergeant First Class, HQ CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
King, Jimmy Earl, Sergeant, HQ BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Dec-1951
King, John P., Baker Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 28-May-1945
King, John P., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 12-Jan-1946
King, John W., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 4-Dec-1945
King, Joseph L., Chief Boatswain's Mate, U.S. Coast Guard, World War II, State: Washington, d. 18-May-1944
King, Joseph Milton, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 17-Jun-1944
King, Leander C., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Dec-1941
King, Leroy F., Sergeant, C CO 7 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Oct-1951
King, Lewis Meyer, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 7-Dec-1941
King, Marion E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 24-Nov-1944
King, Martin Allen, Corporal, E CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Apr-1951
King, Melvin L., Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 13-Sep-1944
King, Michael Eli, Specialist 4, 158th Battalion, 101 Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Georgia, d. 5-Mar-1971
King, Paul Chester, Private First Class, 5th Special Forces Group, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Massachusetts, d. 4-May-1968
King, Phillip E., Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 29-Jul-1945
King, Ralph Edwin, Private First Class, WPNS CO 3 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 4-Dec-1950
King, Ralph Keith, Private First Class, K CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Aug-1952
King, Reginald Wallace, Master Sergeant, 1 ABN RANGER CO, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1951
King, Robert C., Private First Class, C CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 9-Jul-1953
King, Robert Nicholas, Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
King, Robert S., Chief Commissary Steward, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 25-Nov-1944
King, Ronald H., First Lieutenant, 870th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 28-Jan-1946
King, Ronald Runyan, Lieutenant Colonel, 333rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 3-Oct-1967
King, Theodus George, Private, C CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Aug-1953
King, Vernon Roberts, Private First Class, F CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Mar-1951
King, Walter Syler, Lieutenant Colonel, 13 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 21-Feb-1951
King, Wilbert F., Private First Class, 29th Chemical Decontamination Company, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 21-May-1944
King, Wilbur L., Technical Sergeant, Corps Artillery, XXIV Corps, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 27-Nov-1944
King, William Atwell, Private First Class, C CO 1 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 7-Jul-1952
King, William J., Sergeant First Class, C CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
King, William Judson, Corporal, B CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
King, William W., Ship's Cook Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: South Carolina, d. 16-Aug-1945
Kingsbury, Deloraine Mickey, Airman First Class, 93 BOMB SQ 19 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 29-Mar-1951
Kingsbury, Roderick M., Private, 29th Chemical Decontamination Company, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 21-May-1944
Kingsley, Henry A., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kingsley, John E., Captain, B BTRY 555 FA BN 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Jul-1953
Kingsley, Lewis A., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 13-Feb-1944
Kingsley, Willie Lonie, Master Sergeant, L CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 17-Nov-1950
Kingston, Gene Donald, Corporal, D BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 13-Feb-1951
Kington, John David, Master Sergeant, A CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1951
Kinkade, William Louis, Captain, 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Oregon, d. 1-Sep-1968
Kinkaid, Roy T., Second Lieutenant, 28th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 22-Jun-1945
Kinkley, Joe J., Staff Sergeant, 820th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 29-Jul-1945
Kinnan, Leonard E., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 10-Jan-1944
Kinney, Evan, Aviation Radio Technician Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kinney, Frederick W., Musician First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kinney, Gilbert L., Quartermaster Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kinney, John J., Second Lieutenant, 467th Fighter Squadron, 508th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-May-1945
Kinney, Salvadore Domenic, Private First Class, C CO 1 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 26-Mar-1953
Kinon, Victor E., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 13-Dec-1945
Kinsel, Beaver A., First Lieutenant, 45th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 17-Mar-1945
Kinser, Edison L., Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 5-Apr-1945
Kinsey, Don F., Corporal, M CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Kinsey, Kenneth Wayne, Private First Class, F CO 2 BN 1 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 13-Jan-1952
Kinsman, Gerald Francis, First Lieutenant, 5th Special Forces Group, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Massachusetts, d. 15-Jan-1971
Kinsman, Royal C., Corporal, 36th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 21-Jan-1943
Kintz, Francis C., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 11-Feb-1944
Kipina, Marshall Frederick, Staff Sergeant, 131st Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Michigan, d. 14-Jul-1966
Kiracofe, Robert D., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 2-Jan-1946
Kirby, Bobby Alexander, Lieutenant Colonel, 340th Bomber Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Georgia, d. 21-Dec-1972
Kirby, Fred Stephenson, Staff Sergeant, 93 BOMB SQ 19 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 12-Apr-1951
Kirby, Robert W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 6-Apr-1945
Kirchhoff, Harlod G., Electrician's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kirchhoff, Wilbur A., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kirchwey, Karl W., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 16-Jun-1945
Kirk, Charles Frank, First Lieutenant, 370 BOMB SQ 307 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 8-Nov-1952
Kirk, Dwight Allan, First Lieutenant, HQ CO 1 BN 14 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-May-1953
Kirk, Eugene T., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Jan-1946
Kirk, Herbert Arthur, Staff Sergeant, 1043rd Radar Evaluation Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 11-Mar-1968
Kirk, Robert L., Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 25-May-1945
Kirk, Thomas N., Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kirk, Vernon, Steward Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 30-Jan-1946
Kirkham, Charles N., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 3-Jun-1946
Kirkland, Hylan F., Soundman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Georgia, d. 16-Jun-1945
Kirkner, Clarence E., Master Sergeant, B CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Kirkpatrick, Ardell, Corporal, A CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Jul-1951
Kirkpatrick, Francis M., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 4-May-1945
Kirkpatrick, Roy Luther, Private First Class, E CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Jul-1950
Kirkpatrick, Thomas L., Captain, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kirksey, Robert Louis, Private First Class, 46th Engineer Construction Battalion, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Alabama, d. 1-Jan-1966
Kirsch, Earl L., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 19-May-1946
Kirsch, Robert C., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 16-Apr-1945
Kirschbaum, Fred J., Electrician's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-Jan-1946
Kirtley, De Maret M., Corporal, A BTRY 57 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Dec-1950
Kirton, Roy Raymond, Corporal, SERV BTRY 39 FA BN 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1951
Kirts, Elmer B., Chief Gunner's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 4-May-1945
Kirwan, Michael V., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 2-Apr-1945
Kirwin, John F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 5-Sep-1944
Kirwin, John William, Private, G CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Oct-1950
Kisela, Joseph Gerald, Sergeant, F CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1951
Kiser, Henry Gaines, Sergeant First Class, A CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Jun-1951
Kish, Warren, Aviation Radioman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 9-Mar-1945
Kissane, John E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 15-Jul-1946
Kiszkiel, John J., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kitchen, Maxwell Dean, Corporal, L CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Kitchens, Clovis W., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 3-Mar-1945
Kitchens, Frank A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kitchens, George T., Private First Class, HQ CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 18-Oct-1950
Kitchens, Perry Castellion, Sergeant, 329th Transportation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Georgia, d. 3-Nov-1970
Kitt, Peter, Corporal, K CO 29 REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Jul-1950
Kittle, James Junior, Private First Class, HQ BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Feb-1951
Kittleson, David Roland, Private First Class, K CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Kittrell, James Lee, Private First Class, C CO 24 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Kittrell, William, Second Lieutenant, 93rd Bomber Sqdn, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 16-Apr-1945
Kitzmiller, Calvin H., Sergeant, F CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Kivlehan, Allan Francis, Corporal, HQ CO 3 BN 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Nov-1950
Klaes, Floyd F., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-Mar-1945
Klaetke, Frederick J., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 25-Feb-1945
Klajbor, Peter P., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 5-Apr-1944
Klann, Edward, Ship's Cook First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 7-Dec-1941
Klapp, Albert J., Technician Third Grade, Harbor Craft Detachment, Alaska Department, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 27-Aug-1943
Klaren, Gerald L., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 19-Mar-1945
Klasing, William A., Electrician's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 7-Dec-1941
Klassy, Arthur S., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 25-Nov-1944
Klatt, Charles Ray, Private First Class, F CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Klaus, William Clarence, Chief Commissaryman, USS NICHOLAS, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 20-May-1953
Klawitter, Merten Gus, Sergeant, B CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Klaysmat, Raymond H., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 21-May-1944
Klein, Ambrose R., Master Sergeant, 394th Bomber Squadron, 5th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 2-Oct-1942
Klein, Donald P., Staff Sergeant, 794th Bomber Squadron, 468th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 1-Jun-1945
Klein, Edward, Platoon Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 13-May-1945
Klein, Robert Charles, Captain, 182 FTR BOMB SQ 136 FTR BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 25-Jul-1951
Kleinberg, Harold, First Lieutenant, 790th Railway Operating Company, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 12-Oct-1945
Kleinhofer, Carl J., Second Lieutenant, 93rd Bomber Sqdn, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 16-Apr-1945
Kleinhuizen, Kenneth R., Pharmacist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 12-Apr-1945
Kleinschmidt, Erwin W., Corporal, B CO 7 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Sep-1952
Kleinsmith, Charles, Chief Water Tender, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 5-Jun-1943
Klemm, Donald Martin, Colonel, 389th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Ohio, d. 11-Jun-1967
Klenda, Dean Albert, Major, 67th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Kansas, d. 17-Sep-1965
Klesli, Vincent J., Corporal, 873rd Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 10-Feb-1945
Klimo, James Robert, Specialist 6, 281st Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Michigan, d. 4-Nov-1969
Klimsey, Joseph Walter, Private First Class, HQ CO 3 BN 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Jan-1951
Klinck, Harrison Hoyt, Lieutenant Colonel, 469th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 19-Nov-1967
Kline, Robert Earl, Colonel, 421st Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 2-Nov-1966
Kline, Robert Edwin, Gunner's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
Klinefelter, Joe Thomas, First Lieutenant, A BTRY 955 FA BN, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Jul-1953
Kling, Frederick J., Water Tender Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kling, Julian S., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 19-Mar-1945
Klingelmeier, Harry A., Private, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 10-Nov-1944
Klingensmith, Thomas L., Sergeant, 28th Bomber Squadron, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 26-May-1945
Klinger, Arthur M., Water Tender Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 19-Mar-1945
Klingler, James Frederick, Private First Class, L CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Feb-1951
Klingner, Michael Lee, Captain, 306th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Nebraska, d. 6-Apr-1970
Klink, Lyle N., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 15-Dec-1945
Klinke, Donald Herman, Technical Sergeant, 16th Special Operations Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 18-Jun-1972
Klinzing, Henry Frederick, Private First Class, HQ CO 1 SIG BN 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 10-Dec-1950
Klippel, Robert C., Second Lieutenant, 457th Fighter Squadron, 506th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 1-Jun-1945
Klippert, John O., Private First Class, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Washington, d. 16-Jun-1945
Klock, Donald R., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 21-Aug-1944
Klockhoff, Walter K., Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 27-Mar-1946
Kloiber, Leonard J., Second Lieutenant, 457th Fighter Squadron, 506th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: South Dakota, d. 1-Jun-1945
Klopp, Francis L., Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Klopp, Harold J., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 28-Mar-1943
Kloster, George M. H., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 2-Jan-1946
Klotz, Frederick W., Second Lieutenant, 47th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 22-Jan-1944
Klubertanz, Joseph P., Yeoman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kludt, Karl Vernon, Technical Sergeant, 542 MAR FTR SQ 33 MAR AIR GP, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 24-Sep-1950
Klueh, Jerome Jacob, Water Tender Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 5-Jun-1943
Klug, Friederich H., Captain, Headquarters, 462nd Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 5-Sep-1945
Kluge, Hugo L., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 4-Aug-1944
Klugg, Joseph Russell, Lieutenant, Light Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron 63, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Michigan, d. 14-Nov-1970
Kluisza, Joseph J., Sergeant, 86th Combat Mapping Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-Jan-1944
Klute, Karl Edwin, Captain, 90th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Indiana, d. 14-Mar-1966
Kmetyk, Jonathan Peter, Lance Corporal, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 14-Nov-1967
Knabb, Kenneth Keith, Commander, Attack Squadron 106, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Illinois, d. 21-Oct-1968
Knaggs, Clyde E., Corporal, B CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Knapke, Anthony Leo, Sergeant, HQ CO 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 4-Nov-1950
Knapp, David, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 6-Apr-1945
Knapp, Fredric Woodrow, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Attack Squadron 164, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 2-Nov-1967
Knapp, Herman Ludwig, Colonel, 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 24-Apr-1967
Knapp, Kingdon Roger, Captain, 8 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 7-Jun-1951
Knapp, Woolsey Ernest, First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 18-Jun-1944
Knas, John Adam, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 26-Feb-1945
Knebel, Thomas Edward, Senior Master Sergeant, 374th Field Maintenance Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Arkansas, d. 22-May-1968
Knecht, George Nauman, Sergeant First Class, I CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
Knecht, Herbert E., Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 7-Feb-1943
Kneeland, Kenneth H., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 14-May-1946
Kneff, James Clinton, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 21-Nov-1943
Knell, David M., Second Lieutenant, 398th Bomber Squadron, 504th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 16-Apr-1946
Knickerbocker, Melvin Thomas, Private First Class, H CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 27-Nov-1950
Knight, Charles G., Yeoman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: District of Columbia, d. 19-Mar-1945
Knight, Donald Eugene, Private First Class, A BTRY 204 FA BN, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-May-1953
Knight, Donald F., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maine, d. 11-May-1945
Knight, Floyd L., Sergeant, 877th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 23-Dec-1945
Knight, Fraser S., Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Florida, d. 15-Jul-1946
Knight, Glen F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Idaho, d. 21-Feb-1945
Knight, Harold Kenneth, Private First Class, HQ CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Nov-1950
Knight, Harry Vernon, Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 27-Nov-1943
Knight, Henry Clay, Warrant Officer First Class, 243rd Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 20-Oct-1968
Knight, Jack C., Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Texas, d. 23-Nov-1943
Knight, James S., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 6-Apr-1945
Knight, Larry Coleman, Lieutenant, Carrier Early Warning Squadron 116, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Oklahoma, d. 9-Apr-1970
Knight, Larry Dale, Major, 12th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Oregon, d. 7-Oct-1966
Knight, Richard G., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 21-May-1944
Knight, Richard H., Second Lieutenant, 820th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 12-Feb-1944
Knight, Robert Wagner, Electrician's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Knight, Roy A., Colonel, 602nd Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 19-May-1967
Knight, Roy A., Corporal, 98th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Washington, d. 7-Aug-1942
Knight, William C., Corporal, HQ BTRY 57 FA BN 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 6-Dec-1950
Knipe, Arthur O., Staff Sergeant, 77th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 9-Sep-1944
Knipp, Verne Francis, Coxswain, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 7-Dec-1941
Knippa, Alfon E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 5-May-1946
Knipper, Jacob R., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 25-Nov-1944
Knobel, Francis D. (Frank), Corporal, HQ CO 3 BN 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Knochel, Charles Allen, Lieutenant, Attack Squadron 176, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Indiana, d. 22-Sep-1966
Knodel, Reuben John, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 20-Nov-1943
Knoke, Harry Arthur, Private First Class, L CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Knoll, George A., Private First Class, 13th Airdrome Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 16-Nov-1946
Knolle, Jerome Raymond, Corporal, B BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Knop, John William, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 24-Jan-1946
Knop, Richard H., Second Lieutenant, 23rd Bomber Squadron, 5th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 11-Jan-1946
Knopf, Walter J., Staff Sergeant, 372nd Bomber Squadron, 307th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 28-Jul-1943
Knops, Harry T., Chief Electrician's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 12-Jan-1946
Knott, Gerald Wesley, Second Lieutenant, 25 FTR INTCP SQ 51 FTR INTCP GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 20-Jul-1953
Knott, James P., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 12-Apr-1945
Knott, John F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 6-Apr-1945
Knott, William D., Corporal, 874th Bomber Squadron, 498th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: California, d. 15-Jan-1946
Knotts, Reynolds Hill, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Delaware, d. 27-Dec-1943
Knowles, Edward E., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 2-Aug-1943
Knowles, Frank Harrison, Sergeant, C BTRY 99 FA BN 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Nov-1950
Knowlton, Herbert, Private First Class, L CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Knox, Allan L., Corporal, I CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Knox, Boyd Dale, Lieutenant Junior Grade, 3 COMPRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 19-Feb-1952
Knox, Francis J., Technical Sergeant, 98th Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 13-Feb-1946
Knox, Morton M., Captain, 45th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 26-Apr-1945
Knox, Orval, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 27-Mar-1945
Knox, Samuel E., Water Tender Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 16-Apr-1945
Knubel, William, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 7-Dec-1941
Knuckey, Thomas William, First Lieutenant, 3rd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 27-May-1971
Knudson, Richard H., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 21-Dec-1945
Knueppel, Raymond John, Captain, 730 BOMB SQ 452 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 22-Apr-1951
Knuth, Donald, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 7-Jun-1943
Knutsen, Donald Paul, Specialist 4, 176th Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 22-Mar-1971
Knutson, Edwin Harold, Sergeant, L CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Knutson, Gilmore J., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 14-Jan-1946
Knutson, Harold N., Private, 36th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 28-Aug-1942
Knutson, Kenneth E., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 21-Jul-1944
Knutson, Paul C., Corporal, F CO 7 INF 3 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Jul-1952
Knutson, Richard Arthur, Chief Warrant Officer Second Class, 62nd Aviation Company, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Minnesota, d. 8-Jan-1973
Knutson, Vernon H., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kobbeman, Dale L., Sergeant First Class, 2nd Signal Company, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Kobielski, Stanley B., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 23-Apr-1945
Koblinski, Edward J., Sergeant, 28th Bomber Squadron, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 29-May-1945
Kobus, Frank H., Sergeant, 404th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 26-Apr-1944
Kocak, Andrew W., Chief Motor Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 25-Dec-1946
Koch, Fred Leslie, Lieutenant Junior Grade, 874 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 11-Aug-1951
Koch, Frederick A., Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 6-Apr-1945
Koch, Jack H., Private First Class, F CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Jul-1950
Koch, Kermit Karl, Private First Class, MED CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-May-1951
Kocher, David Donald, Storekeeper Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 16-Sep-1943
Kockler, Lawrence R., Torpedoman's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Connecticut, d. 2-Aug-1943
Kocopy, Michael, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 20-Nov-1943
Koebbe, Clair E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 6-Apr-1945
Koehler, Jack L., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 19-Jan-1945
Koelling, Lloyd H., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 21-Feb-1945
Koenekamp, Clarence D., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 7-Dec-1941
Koenig, Edwin Lee, Lieutenant Commander, Carrier Early Warning Squadron 12, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Washington, d. 14-Dec-1966
Koenig, Peter P., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 27-Jul-1945
Koepke, Ernest W. G., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 19-May-1946
Koepke, Rudolph W., Radio Technician Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 12-Apr-1945
Koepp, George L., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Louisiana, d. 17-Jun-1944
Koeppe, Herman Oliver, Ship's Cook Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 7-Dec-1941
Koeppel, Clifford L., Corporal, C CO 140 TANK BN 40 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 13-Jun-1952
Koeppen, Charles B., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 13-Feb-1946
Kohake, George E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 4-May-1945
Kohl, Cleo R., Soundman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 6-Apr-1945
Kohlbeck, Kenneth John, Corporal, G CO 3 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 27-Nov-1950
Kohler, Delvin Lee, Aviation Structural Mechanic Third Class, Fighter Squadron 142, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Colorado, d. 2-Oct-1969
Kohler, Edwin W., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 20-Feb-1945
Kohler, Ira, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 31-Aug-1943
Kohler, Joseph D., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 29-Jul-1944
Kohler, William E., Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 30-Jan-1946
Kohlerman, Vincent F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kohut, Stephen, Chief Motor Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 15-Jan-1946
Kois, John S., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 16-Apr-1945
Kolachik, Michael, Machinist First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-Aug-1944
Kolb, Clifford W., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 8-Apr-1945
Kolb, William E., Sergeant, 871st Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Mississippi, d. 4-Jan-1946
Kolb, William Owen, Corporal, L CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 21-Jul-1951
Kolberg, William V., Corporal, L CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Dec-1950
Kolbert, Howard, First Lieutenant, 61st Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 15-May-1945
Kolbucar, John, Quartermaster Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 18-Jan-1946
Kolekofski, Donald C., Private First Class, 59th Coast Artillery Regiment, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 11-Oct-1944
Kollar, Julius, Technical Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kollecas, Ulysses, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 9-Aug-1945
Koller, Walter A., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 12-Jan-1946
Kollman, Glenn Edward, Commander, Attack Squadron 35, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 12-Mar-1968
Kolstad, Jack B., Second Lieutenant, 713th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 11-Mar-1946
Kolter, Edward S., Fire Controlman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 2-Apr-1945
Komar, Stephen, Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Rhode Island, d. 14-Jul-1945
Kommendant, Aado, Major, 557th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 8-Aug-1966
Komocar, Maurice R., Sergeant, 882nd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 5-Apr-1946
Komorowski, Joseph W., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 4-Aug-1944
Kompare, Chris F., Quartermaster Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 2-Apr-1945
Kondash, Michael T., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 12-Apr-1945
Koniar, Edward J., Boatswain's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 17-Sep-1945
Konitzer, Bernard A., Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 23-Mar-1945
Konnick, Albert J., Carpenter's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Dec-1941
Konosky, Peter P., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 12-Apr-1945
Konyu, William Michael, Warrant Officer First Class, 101st Aviation Battalion, 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 16-Apr-1969
Konz, Michael Paul, First Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 21-Nov-1943
Konze, Anthony, Corporal, C CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Sep-1950
Konzen, Jerome K., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 27-May-1945
Kooi, James Willard, Lance Corporal, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Michigan, d. 11-Jun-1967
Koon, George Walter, Sergeant First Class, MED CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Apr-1951
Koon, Vernon A., Private First Class, 106th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 25-Jun-1944
Koonce, Terry Treloar, Major, 606th Air Commando Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Texas, d. 25-Dec-1967
Koons, Dale Francis, Captain, 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Ohio, d. 26-Dec-1971
Koons, John A., Chief Aviation Pilot, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 6-Mar-1944
Koontz, Don Wyandotte, Master Sergeant, 513 MAR FTR SQ 12 MAR AIR GP, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 2-Mar-1951
Koontz, Frederick Russell, First Lieutenant, 90 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 2-Sep-1951
Koontz, Robert A., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 9-Aug-1946
Kopchok, Paul, Pharmacist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 16-Sep-1943
Kopec, Emil V., Aviation Radio Technician First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kopec, Frank J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kopfer, Michael, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kopit, Aaron M., Second Lieutenant, 61st Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Rhode Island, d. 28-Apr-1945
Kordelski, John Edward, Lieutenant Junior Grade, 64 FITRON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 16-May-1952
Korman, Frank, Fire Controlman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 6-Jun-1942
Kornahrens, William Gregory, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maine, d. 2-Aug-1943
Kornegay, William S., Steward Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Carolina, d. 16-Sep-1943
Kornowski, Dennis M., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 11-Apr-1945
Kornreich, Gerald, Sergeant, D CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Jan-1951
Korotki, Irvin Peter, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 21-Jan-1943
Korstjens, Joseph Lawrence, Captain, 343 BOMB SQ 98 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 1-Jun-1951
Korth, Francis P., Staff Sergeant, 13th Bomber Squadron, 3rd Bomber Group, Light, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 6-Sep-1945
Kortkamp, Joy O., Chief Boatswain's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 27-Mar-1945
Korzin, Fred M., Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 9-Aug-1946
Koscielak, Leonard Joseph, Corporal, A CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Sep-1950
Kosec, John Anthony, Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Koskela, Oscar Eli, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 18-Jun-1944
Koski, Fred D., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 11-May-1945
Kosko, Walter, Lieutenant Colonel, 563rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Virginia, d. 27-Jul-1965
Koslosky, Howard Mark, Airman, Fighter Squadron 142, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Alaska, d. 2-Oct-1969
Kosmatka, Ambrose L., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 25-Apr-1944
Kosowicz, Thadeus J., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 17-Jul-1944
Kost, Stanley, Corporal, M CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Kostal, Michael F., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 17-Jan-1946
Kostelnik, Bernard V., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 11-Apr-1945
Kostic, George, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 25-Jul-1945
Kostolnik, Sylvester S., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 13-Sep-1944
Kotelman, Walter E., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 1-Apr-1946
Kott, Stephen Jay, Major, Marine All Weather Attack Squadron 242, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: South Carolina, d. 31-Oct-1967
Kottke, Lloyd W., Construction Mechanic, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kottke, William F., Second Lieutenant, 882nd Bomber Squadron, 500th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 23-Jan-1945
Kottmer, Jerome William, Corporal, C BTRY 37 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Kourkos, Sam J., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 21-Nov-1943
Koutsos, John M., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: District of Columbia, d. 18-Jan-1946
Kovach, Joseph, Carpenter, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kovach, William, First Lieutenant, 870th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 6-Jun-1945
Kovalcheck, Delbert Dean, Sergeant, HQ CO 3 BN 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
Kovaleski, John, Sergeant, A CO 7 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Oct-1951
Kovalish, Michael Paul, Second Lieutenant, 36 FTR BOMB SQ 8 FTR BOMB GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 4-Nov-1951
Kovar, Robert, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kovis, Donald Steven, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 20-Nov-1943
Kowalchick, Edward M., Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kowalko, Edward Michael, Private First Class, E CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Jul-1953
Kowalski, Eugene V., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 6-Apr-1945
Kowalski, John, Private, 761st Military Police Battalion, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 10-Jul-1944
Kowalski, Joseph Edward, Private First Class, A CO 1 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 7-Mar-1953
Kowalski, Walter F., Corporal, 42nd Bomber Squadron, 11th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 24-Jul-1943
Kozelek, Leonard J., Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kozera, Melvin, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 20-Aug-1944
Kozloff, Benjamin B., Pharmacist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 15-Jun-1944
Kozlowski, Joseph A., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 11-Jun-1945
Kozuki, Arthur Masaru, Private First Class, USS BOXER, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 6-Aug-1952
Krachmar, Frank Victor, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 20-Nov-1943
Kracht, Wallace H., Private First Class, 105th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Kansas, d. 1-May-1945
Kraemer, Thomas G., Pharmacist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 24-May-1945
Krafft, Kenneth A., Seaman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 5-Jan-1944
Kraft, Roger John, Corporal, E CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 10-Oct-1951
Krage, Edward J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 5-Dec-1944
Kragtorp, Raymond C., Pharmacist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 26-Mar-1945
Krahn, James Albert, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 7-Dec-1941
Krainovich, Samuel, Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 22-Apr-1945
Krainz, Michael E., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 16-Apr-1946
Kraisinger, George R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 11-Apr-1945
Kralick, Andrew Paul, Sergeant, HQ BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Jan-1951
Kramb, James Henry, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kramb, John David, Metalsmith First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kramer, Eugene B., Sergeant, F CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 19-May-1951
Kramer, Frank R., Aviation Ordnanceman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 6-Aug-1946
Kramer, Randall B., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 12-Apr-1945
Krammer, Russell G., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 27-Feb-1943
Kraner, David Stanley, Fireman, USS ASHTABULA (AO-51), U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 5-Jun-1972
Kratzer, Edward Charles, Sergeant, E CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 17-Apr-1953
Krause, Elmer B., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 18-Apr-1945
Krause, Fred Joseph, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 7-Dec-1941
Krause, Frederick W., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 16-Jun-1945
Krause, Leonard R., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 19-Mar-1945
Krausman, Edward L., Staff Sergeant, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 16-Mar-1968
Krauss, Stewart, First Lieutenant, 33rd Bomber Squadron, 22nd Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 25-Mar-1943
Kraut, Richard P., Electrician's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 1-Apr-1946
Kravetz, Edward, Soundman Third Class, USS ERNEST G. SMALL, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 7-Oct-1951
Kravitz, Abraham, Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 12-Apr-1945
Kravitz, James Stephen, Lieutenant, Observation Squadron 67, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: California, d. 17-Feb-1968
Krayer, Arthur D., Radioman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 18-Jun-1944
Krcil, James John, Fireman, USS BURLINGTON, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 30-May-1951
Krebs, John Gerald, Corporal, L CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 11-Jul-1950
Krebs, Paul H., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 7-Jan-1946
Krech, Melvin Thomas, Aviation Machinist's Mate (Jet) First Class, Heavy Attack Squadron 4, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Minnesota, d. 1-Apr-1966
Krei, Clarence Edward, Corporal, A CO 23 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Kreider, Leighton Gale, Sergeant, I CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Aug-1951
Kreimeyer, Raymond W., Staff Sergeant, 424th Bomber Squadron, 307th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Arkansas, d. 7-Dec-1943
Kreiner, Charles E., Sergeant, 484th Bomber Squadron, 505th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 19-May-1945
Kreischer, Peter J. L., Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 25-Nov-1944
Krell, William Preston, Sergeant, I CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Kremer, Daniel Louis, Private First Class, E CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Aug-1951
Kremer, Richard B., Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oregon, d. 30-Jan-1946
Kremin, William H., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 2-Jan-1946
Kreml, Richard G., Corporal, C BTRY 555 FA BN 5 INF REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Jul-1953
Krenek, Raymond Sylvester, Second Lieutenant, 25 FTR INTCP SQ 51 FRT INTCP GP, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 7-Apr-1953
Krenske, James H., Aviation Metalsmith Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Minnesota, d. 19-Mar-1945
Krepps, Ralph E., Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 18-Feb-1945
Krepps, Richard Warren, Corporal, D BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Sep-1951
Kresen, Earl Benjamin, Corporal, K CO 187 ABN INF REGT, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Nov-1950
Kress, Arthur G., Sergeant, 261st Quartermaster Bakery Company, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 1-May-1944
Kretlow, Walter B., Corporal, A CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Kretschman, Oscar F., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 29-Oct-1942
Kreunen, Graham H., Sergeant, C CO 32 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Dec-1950
Kreutler, Frederick A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 21-Feb-1945
Krey, David P., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 19-Aug-1944
Kribs, Duane G., Radarman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 16-Jun-1945
Kriedler, Jason Dale, Sergeant, B CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Krieg, Earl O., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 19-Nov-1943
Krieger, Jack Harvey, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 20-Nov-1943
Krieger, James E., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 6-Aug-1946
Krischak, Stephen, Corporal, I CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 3-Dec-1950
Krishefski, Joseph F., Corporal, D CO 2 ENGR CMBT BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Kristal, Leonard E., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 20-Nov-1943
Kristanoff, George Walter, Captain, 24 RCN CO 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 29-Apr-1951
Kristensen, Kris, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Montana, d. 21-Feb-1945
Kristof, Ernest, Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 11-May-1945
Kritz, Daniel, Second Lieutenant, 396th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 29-Jan-1944
Kritzwiser, Glen E., Corporal, C BTRY 15 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Jul-1951
Kriwchuk, Joseph, Private First Class, SERV BTRY 63 FA BN 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Jul-1950
Krizanek, Joseph M., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: West Virginia, d. 13-Dec-1945
Kroboth, Stanley Neal, Captain, 16th Special Operations Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Georgia, d. 21-Dec-1972
Kroenung, Wesley L., Staff Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 20-Nov-1943
Krogman, Alva Ray, First Lieutenant, 504th Tactical Air Support Group, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Wyoming, d. 17-Jan-1967
Krohn, Joseph Abraham, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 16-Sep-1943
Krol, Edmund Alphonse, Corporal, L CO 5 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 22-Apr-1951
Kroll, Harry John, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 21-Jul-1944
Kroll, Roy E., Torpedoman's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Washington, d. 30-Jan-1946
Kromer, Nicholas, Corporal, 871st Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 25-Feb-1945
Kromhaus, Alfred J., Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-Feb-1945
Krommenhoek, Jeffrey Martin, Lieutenant Commander, Attack Squadron 163, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Iowa, d. 25-Oct-1967
Krook, Glen Gillis, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Washington, d. 21-Jul-1944
Kropp, Theodore J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Maryland, d. 9-Aug-1945
Kroske, Harold William, Captain, 5th Special Forces Group, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: New Jersey, d. 11-Feb-1969
Kroslak, William S., Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 13-Dec-1944
Krotow, Alexander, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 20-Nov-1943
Krouse, David Thomas, Private First Class, B CO 21 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Jul-1950
Krouse, Harold C., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 14-Mar-1945
Krouskoupf, Eugene Paul, Seaman, USS MAGPIE, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 1-Oct-1950
Krueger, Charles, Gunner, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 21-Feb-1945
Krueger, Kenneth P., Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 15-Jan-1946
Kruger, Arthur S., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Kentucky, d. 13-Dec-1945
Kruger, Floyd John, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 17-Jun-1944
Kruger, Richard W., Quartermaster Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 7-Dec-1941
Krumm, Robert Mitchell, Captain, 371 BOMB SQ 307 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 23-Oct-1951
Krump, Michael L., Chief Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 12-Sep-1942
Krupa, Edward Paul, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 1-Apr-1945
Krupa, Frederick, Captain, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 27-Apr-1971
Krupa, Michael M., Mail Clerk Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 4-May-1945
Kruplack, Joseph F., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Colorado, d. 30-Jan-1942
Kruppa, Adolph Louis, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 7-Dec-1941
Krusi, Peter Herman, Commander, Heavy Attack Squadron 8, U.S. Navy, Vietnam War, State: Utah, d. 3-Nov-1967
Krygier, Stephen J., Chief Fire Controlman, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 6-Apr-1945
Krygowski, Francis Joseph, Corporal, I CO 29 REGT CMBT TEAM, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 27-Jul-1950
Krynski, Matthew J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kryshak, Joseph S., First Lieutenant, 402nd Bomber Squadron, 502nd Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 9-Jul-1945
Krysiak, Chester P., Sergeant, 869th Bomber Squadron, 497th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 2-Apr-1945
Kryszak, Theodore Eugene, Colonel, 4th Air Commando Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: New York, d. 3-Jun-1966
Krywicky, Edward S., Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 28-Feb-1945
Krzos, Eugene W., Private, 2nd Bomber Squadron, 22nd Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 1-Apr-1942
Krzyzanowski, Thaddeus L., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kubala, Albert A., First Lieutenant, 4th Rescue Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Texas, d. 1-Jun-1946
Kubala, Robert P., Radarman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kubena, William R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 6-Apr-1945
Kubic, Peter, Private First Class, K CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 31-Dec-1951
Kubin, Frank, Carpenter's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kubinak, Sumner J., Sergeant, 8 ABN RANGER CO, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 26-Nov-1950
Kubinec, William Paul, Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kubis, William W., Private First Class, 102nd Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 1-Oct-1945
Kubley, Roy Robert, Captain, 12th Fighter Commando Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Wisconsin, d. 31-Jan-1967
Kuchenbecker, Edward C., Second Lieutenant, 877th Bomber Squadron, 499th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Washington, d. 10-Jan-1946
Kuchyak, Frank Louis, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 20-Mar-1946
Kuczinski, Bernard, Staff Sergeant, 93rd Bomber Sqdn, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 10-Jun-1945
Kuebler, Joseph J., Corporal, 30th Bomber Squadron, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 12-Feb-1945
Kuehl, David J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kuehl, Eugene Ewald, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Wisconsin, d. 15-Jun-1944
Kuehn, Wayne Arthur, Sergeant First Class, MED CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Kuehnel, Herbert R., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New York, d. 7-Mar-1945
Kuehner, Gordon Voelker, Captain, 8 BOMB SQ 3 BOMB WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 28-Dec-1950
Kuenzinger, Edward A., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kuhlman, Robert John, Major, Marine All Weather Attack Squadron 242, U.S. Marine Corps, Vietnam War, State: Indiana, d. 17-Jan-1969
Kuhlmann, Charles Frederic, Major, 602nd Special Operations Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Connecticut, d. 22-Sep-1968
Kuhn, Edward Dean, Private First Class, A CO 1 BN 7 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 1-Dec-1950
Kuhn, Glen W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kuhn, Herman, Corporal, SERV CO 9 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Nov-1950
Kuhn, John M., Major, 100th Depot Supply Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Hawaii, d. 24-Feb-1944
Kuhn, Sylvester R., Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 7-Oct-1943
Kuiper, David Henry, Corporal, K CO 34 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 20-Jul-1950
Kujawski, John S., Aviation Metalsmith First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kukoski, Raymond C., First Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 28-Mar-1943
Kukuk, Howard H., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kukulak, Michael, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 9-Aug-1945
Kula, Stanley, Ship's Cook Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kulick, William, Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 8-Nov-1942
Kuligowski, Edward J., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 4-May-1945
Kuligowski, Eugene L., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 6-Apr-1945
Kulis, Edward A., Electrician's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 6-Apr-1945
Kulland, Bryon Kent, First Lieutenant, Troop F, 8th Cavalry Regiment, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: North Dakota, d. 2-Apr-1972
Kumashiro, Masaru, Corporal, L CO 35 INF 25 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 8-Sep-1951
Kummel, Bernard H., Second Lieutenant, 396th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: New York, d. 11-Feb-1944
Kunau, Harry D., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 29-Mar-1946
Kundrick, Bernard J., Private First Class, 382nd Infantry Regiment, 96th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 14-May-1945
Kuney, Joseph Harold, Second Lieutenant, 323 MAR ATK SQ 12 MAR AIR GP, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 26-Mar-1952
Kunkel, A. J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 4-Jul-1944
Kunkel, Alvin F., Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Missouri, d. 6-May-1945
Kunkel, Cloyd R., Sergeant, 404th Bomber Squadron, 28th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 23-Jan-1945
Kunkel, Donald L., Gunner's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 25-Nov-1944
Kunkel, William Marion, Master Sergeant, SERV BTRY 38 FA BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 25-Feb-1951
Kunkle, Kenneth Kirk, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 17-Aug-1942
Kunsch, Charles Henry, Damage Controlman First Class, USS SARSI, U.S. Navy, Korean War, d. 27-Aug-1952
Kunstman, Roland, Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 14-Jan-1946
Kunze, Willard L., Soundman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Texas, d. 29-Apr-1945
Kuperwasser, Abraham, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: California, d. 20-Mar-1946
Kupraites, Joseph J., Sergeant, HQ CO 1 BN 19 INF 24 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 30-Jun-1951
Kurasowicz, Walter E., Sergeant, 60th Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 15-Apr-1945
Kurchinski, Franklin R., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 13-Apr-1945
Kures, Walter, Sergeant, C CO 1 BN 5 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 26-Mar-1953
Kurland, Joseph B., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 25-Jan-1944
Kurowski, Adrian, Sergeant, D CO 2 BN 1 MAR 1 MAR DIV, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War, d. 28-Nov-1950
Kurrasch, Leroy, Signalman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Indiana, d. 9-Oct-1945
Kurts, Arthur Roy, Private First Class, G CO 17 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 9-Jul-1953
Kurtz, Harold R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 16-Apr-1945
Kurz, Joseph Herman, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: New Jersey, d. 15-Mar-1944
Kurzawa, Edward W., Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Illinois, d. 2-Apr-1946
Kushner, Murray, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 18-May-1945
Kushner, Sol, Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: New York, d. 6-Dec-1945
Kusick, Joseph George, Sergeant, 5th Special Forces Group, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 9-Nov-1967
Kusie, Donald Joseph, Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: North Dakota, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kust, Valentine F., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Pennsylvania, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kuta, Paul F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Nebraska, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kuykendall, Dempsey G., Private, Harbor Craft Detachment, Alaska Department, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Texas, d. 27-Aug-1943
Kuykendall, Elias, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 21-Nov-1943
Kuykendall, J. B., Private First Class, 306th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, World War II, State: Alabama, d. 13-May-1945
Kuykendall, Willie Clyde, Private First Class, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 23rd Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Vietnam War, State: Mississippi, d. 18-Aug-1971
Kuzdeba, Leon, Private First Class, 102nd Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, World War II, State: New York, d. 10-Nov-1944
Kuzdrall, Anthony A., First Lieutenant, 6th Bomber Squadron, 29th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, World War II, State: Michigan, d. 16-Apr-1945
Kvale, Freddie Alvin, Corporal, HQ BTRY 82 AAA AW BN 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 14-Mar-1951
Kvaratius, John P., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Massachusetts, d. 11-Jan-1946
Kvidera, William L., Carpenter's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Iowa, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kwapinski, Stanley E., Pharmacist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 4-Jun-1942
Kwiatkowski, Richard, Sergeant, D CO 38 INF 2 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Feb-1951
Kwortnik, John Charles, Lieutenant Colonel, 435th Tactical Fighter Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam War, State: Pennsylvania, d. 1-Aug-1966
Kyde, William Robert, Aviation Radioman First Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Ohio, d. 2-Jul-1942
Kyle, Hugh D., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Tennessee, d. 5-May-1946
Kyle, Hugh W., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 16-Apr-1945
Kyle, James Archibald, Airman Third Class, 34 TRP CARR SQ 315 TRP CARR WING, U.S. Air Force, Korean War, d. 16-Oct-1952
Kyle, John, Corporal, M CO 8 REGT 1 CAV DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 2-Nov-1950
Kyrklund, Franklin G., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: California, d. 19-Mar-1945
Kyser, D. T., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 7-Dec-1941
Kyser, Robert R., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, World War II, State: Oklahoma, d. 1-Feb-1944
Kyzer, George L., Master Sergeant, K CO 31 INF 7 DIV, U.S. Army, Korean War, d. 12-Dec-1950
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