Search Iowa Death Records
Iowa Newspapers, Full Search (1836-2002), 464 titles
Iowa Obituary Search, (1870-current)
Iowa Birth Records Database, (1836-1999)
Oakdale Cemetery
Adel, Dallas County, Iowa
Contributed by Linda Smith [].
MacPhee, Bertha R., b. 1888, d. 1966, s/s N. M. "Mac"
MacPhee, N. M. "Mac", b. 1891, d. 1975, s/s Bertha R.
Machen, Ann, d. 18 Apr 1889, s/s Belle, s/s William, w/w W., Mother, age: 76y 22d
Machen, Belle, d. 26 Oct 1882, s/s Ann, s/s William, age: 40y
Machen, William, d. 16 Oct 1887, s/s Belle, s/s Ann, age: 83y 7m
Macy, Ann E., b. 14 Apr 1855, d. 23 Apr 1945, Mother
Macy, L. M., b. 27 Dec 1855, d. 23 Mar 1930, Father
Macy, Larence S., b. 1879, d. 1930, Father
Macy, Lillian D., b. 1881, d. 1928, Mother
Macy, Madge Young, b. 1884, d. 1952, Mother
Macy, Maria, b. 28 Jun 1833, d. 23 Oct 1921
Macy, Verne T., b. 20 Jan 1884, d. 22 Jul 1909, s/o L.M. & A.E.
Macy, W. L., b. 21 Oct 1834, d. 21 Sep 1921
Madison, Joseph T., b. 16 May 1916, d. 10 Jul 1948, WWII, Iowa PFC 27 Inf
Magart, Luticia, d. 10 Jul 1904, w/o J. H., Mother, age: 51y 11m 25d
Magee, E.A., b. 06 Sep 1846, d. 17 Oct 1898
Mague, John F., b. 12 Sep 1932, d. 31 Aug 2001, s/s L. Louise, m. 08 Nov 1958, p/o Lisa, Steven, Susan, Korea, g/p/o Melissa, Justin, Elisabeth, Kaleb, John, Rachel, Tonya, Scott
Mague, L. Louise, b. 08 Sep 1940, d. no date, s/s John F., m. 08 Nov 1958, p/o Lisa, Steven, Susan g/p/o Melissa, Justin, Elisabeth, Kaleb, John, Rachel, Tonya, Scott
Mallory, Jane, b. 1861, d. 1951
Mallory, R. E., b. 1861, d. 1936
Mann, Althea, b. 1887, d. 1966, s/s Den O.
Mann, Den Orville, b. 1886, d. 1954, s/s Althea
Mann, Dorothy, b. 1909, d. no date, d/o Hiram & Lillie
Mann, George Herbert, b. 1881, d. 1955
Mann, Gertrude Eliza, b. 1914, d. 1988
Mann, Harriett Orton, b. 1843, d. 1915, p/o Nettie Steele, Rena, Hiram Lee, Maggie, Sadie Leonard, Thomas Redwood, George Herbert, Den Orville
Mann, Hiram Lee, b. 06 May 1871, d. 24 Jun 1944, p/o Lucy, Irene, Dorothy, Nell
Mann, Howard B., b. 1916, d. 1919, s/o Thomas B.
Mann, Infant Dau., d. 07 Aug 1944, d/o Garth & Jeanette
Mann, Irene, b. 1906, d. no date, d/o Hiram & Lillie
Mann, Lillie Gary, b. 29 May 1877, d. 22 Jul 1976, p/o Lucy, Irene, Dorothy, Nell
Mann, Lloyd D., b. 1918, d. 1918, s/o G.H.
Mann, Lucelia, b. 1885, d. 1964, s/s Thomas B.
Mann, Maggie M., b. 1873, d. 1919
Mann, Nell, b. 1912, d. no date, s/o Hiram & Lillie
Mann, Paul S., b. 15 Jun 1910, d. 01 Nov 1986, WWII, TEC 5 US Army
Mann, Rena, b. 1867, d. 1879
Mann, Thomas B., b. 1878, d. 1955, s/s Lucelia
Mann, Thomas P., b. 1833, d. 1909, p/o Nettie Steele, Rena, Hiram Lee, Maggie, Sadie Leonard, Thomas Redwood, George Herbert, Den Orville
Mann, Thomas Redwood, b. 1878, d. 1955
Mapes, Clarence E., b. 1898, d. 1979, s/s Inez M., WWI, Chauffeur US Army
Mapes, Inez M., b. 1908, d. no date, s/s Clarence E.
Mark, Frances M., b. 1869, d. 1928, s/s James A., s/s Frances M.
Mark, Gertrude, b. 1882, d. 1957, s/s Ray
Mark, James A., b. 1840, d. 1915, s/s Sarah J., s/s Frances M., GAR, Co H 1st Regt IA Vet Vol Cav
Mark, Ray, b. 1880, d. 1962, s/s Gertrude
Mark, Sarah J., b. 1850, d. 1917, s/s James A., s/s Frances M.
Marker, Arthur Gene, b. 1926, d. 1934
Marker, Arthur J., b. 1903, d. 1975, s/s Eliza M.
Marker, Charles W., b. 21 Mar 1870, d. 07 Sep 1944, s/s Melissa B.
Marker, Christopher L., b. 29 Mar 1966, d. 28 Dec 1979, son & brother
Marker, Eliza M., b. 1905, d. 1983, s/s Arthur J.
Marker, Fred S., b. 1877, d. 1939
Marker, Hazel Sweezy, b. 1883, d. 1976
Marker, Mary, b. 1896, d. 1974, s/s Myron
Marker, Melissa B., b. 28 Aug 1877, d. 05 Jan 1979, s/s Charles W.
Marker, Myron, b. 1898, d. 1970, s/s Mary
Marker, Sadie B., b. 1880, d. 1930, Mother
Marsh, Alice DeMotte, b. 17 Nov 1846, d. 10 Feb 1908, s/s J.S., s/s Margaret E., w/o A.G. Marsh
Marsh, I.D., b. 23 Feb 1824, d. 12 Nov 1891, s/s Selina Fisher, GAR, Capt. Co. C. 39th IA Inf.
Marsh, Lawrence D., b. 1885, d. 1961
Marsh, Selina Fisher, b. 21 Sep 1825, d. 26 Apr 1909, s/s I.D., w/o I.D.
Marsha, Albert G., b. 30 Aug 1849, d. 15 Mar 1917, Father
Martin, Daniel Len, b. 24 Nov 1954, d. 09 May 1965
Martin, LaVonne, b. 19 Mar 1929, d. no date, s/s Roger, p/o Darwin Charles, Natalie Ann, David Roger, Daniel Len, Dallas Dean, Minalee Ann, Duane Edward
Martin, Roger, b. 27 Aug 1930, d. no date, s/s LaVonne, p/o Darwin Charles, Natalie Ann, David Roger, Daniel Len, Dallas Dean, Minalee Ann, Duane Edward
Masteller, Fay Leroy, b. 15 Apr 1890, d. 18 Nov 1915
Masteller, Jay C., b. 1858, d. 1925
Masteller, Raymond, b. 1888, d. 1888
Masteller, Rose B., b. 1860, d. 1936
Mathews, Ocie B., b. 02 Sep 1906, d. 05 Feb 1924
Mau, Faye L., b. 1910, d. no date, s/s Oscar R., m. 20 Jun 1932
Mau, Oscar R., b. 1906, d. 1978, s/s Faye L., m. 20 Jun 1932
Mayer, Antonie, d. 15 Oct 1906, s/s Vitus, age: 74y
Mayer, Gettie, b. 02 Nov 1874, d. 27 Dec 1914
Mayer, Vitus, d. 13 Dec 1902, s/s Antonie, age: 75y
McAtee, A.L., b. 1888, d. 1916, s/s Nellie
McAtee, James Henry Sr., b. 15 Nov 1914, d. 10 Jan 1969
McAtee, Nellie, b. 1893, d. no date, s/s A.L.
McCamey, Ethel M., b. 1908, d. 1990, s/s William E.
McCamey, George W., b. 1878, d. 1967, Father
McCamey, Goldie R., b. 1879, d. 1954, Mother
McCamey, John E., b. 1852, d. 1936, Father
McCamey, John F., b. 01 Sep 1900, d. 27 Mar 1962, WWI, Iowa, PFC US Army
McCamey, William E., b. 1907, d. 1995, WWII, s/s Ethel M.
McCammon, Frances Nelson, b. 1902, d. 1985
McCleary, Charles Warner, b. 02 Nov 1895, d. 18 Jun 1944, WWI, Iowa, Captain 13 Field Arty. 4 Div., S.S.M., s/s Grace Keister, m. 20 Nov 1920, p/o Lorna
McCleary, Grace Keister, b. 28 Mar 1898, d. 22 Dec 1993, s/s Charles Warner, m. 20 Nov 1920, p/o Lorna
McCleary, Hazel G. "Dick", b. 1897, d. 1976, s/s Vernon E. "Mac"
McCleary, Horace R., b. 14 Jun 1891, d. 27 Aug 1925
McCleary, Vernon E. "Mac", b. 1892, d. 1983, s/s Hazel G. "Dick"
McCollum, Amanda Lee, b. 18 Jan 1975, d. 28 Aug 2001, Funeral Home Marker, age: 26y
McCoy, Belle N., b. 1859, d. 1939, s/s C. F.
McCoy, C. F., b. 1858, d. 1929, s/s Belle N.
McCoy, Matthew Christy, b. 06 Aug 1974, d. 22 Feb 1997
McCoy, Walter K., b. 1894, d. 1930
McGinnins, Vera I., b. 1912, d. no date, s/s Ralph H.
McGinnis, Martha J., b. 1871, d. 1932, s/s William J., Mother
McGinnis, Ralph H., b. 1898, d. 1978, s/s Vera I., WWII
McGinnis, William J., b. 1867, d. 1935, s/s Martha J., Father
McKay, Anna A., b. 1863, d. 1948, s/s Frank D.
McKay, Catherine R., b. 18 Jan 1834, d. 27 Sep 1895, s/s Donald, w/o Donald
McKay, Donald, b. 29 Jul 1829, d. 24 Mar 1913, s/s Catherine R.
McKay, Frank D., b. 1860, d. 1931, s/s Anna A.
McKay, J.M., b. 11 Aug 1858, d. 12 Mar 1924
McKeever, Mary Elizabeth, b. 31 Mar 1917, d. 26 Oct 1986, m/o Kim and Charles
McKibben, Amy, b. 01 Feb 1846, d. 28 Dec 1904, s/s W.A.
McKibben, Dora Belle, b. 1871, d. 1962
McKibben, John C., b. 20 Apr 1883, d. 20 Apr 1962, s/s Sabina
McKibben, Sabina, b. 23 Apr 1884, d. 15 Sep 1955, s/s John C.
McKibben, W. A., b. 15 May 1854, d. 08 Aug 1940, s/s Amy
McKinney, Avaline, no dates, Infant Child, s/s Rudolph B., s/s Jessie F., s/s Eva, s/s Helen, s/s Twin Boys
McKinney, Eva, no dates, Infant Child, s/s Rudolph B., s/s Jessie F., s/s Helen, s/s Avaline, s/s Twin Boys
McKinney, Gladys, b. 1897, d. 1927, s/s Opal, s/s Lizzie, s/s William
McKinney, Helen, no dates, Infant Child, s/s Rudolph B., s/s Jessie F., s/s Eva, s/s Avaline, s/s Twin Boys
McKinney, Jessie F., b. 18 Sep 1877, d. 12 Jan 1918, s/s Rudolph B., s/s Eva, s/s Eva, s/s Helen, s/s Avaline, s/s Twin Boys
McKinney, Lizzie, b. 1874, d. 1941, s/s Gladys, s/s Opal, s/s William
McKinney, Opal, b. 1895, d. 1896, s/s Gladys, s/s Lizzie, s/s William
McKinney, Rudolph B., b. 23 Jan 1869, d. 20 Apr 1924, s/s Jessie F., s/s Eva, s/s Eva, s/s Helen, s/s Avaline, s/s Twin Boys
McKinney, Twin Boy, no dates, Infant Child, s/s Rudolph B., s/s Jessie F., s/s Eva, s/s Helen, s/s Avaline, s/s Twin Boy
McKinney, Twin Boy, no dates, Infant Child, s/s Rudolph B., s/s Jessie F., s/s Eva, s/s Helen, s/s Avaline, s/s Twin Boy
McKinney, William, b. 1855, d. 1900, s/s Gladys, s/s Opal, s/s Lizzie
McKusker, Jessie M., b. 19 Mar 1908, d. 28 Oct 1918
McLaughlin, Burley Dean, b. 1857, d. 1949, s/s John Smith
McLaughlin, Dan, d. 12 Jan 1890, s/s Myrtle D., age: 3y 5m 6d
McLaughlin, Fay C., b. 1889, d. 1971, s/s Wilbur H.
McLaughlin, George, b. 18 Jul 1830, d. 17 Nov 1894, Father
McLaughlin, Grace J., b. 27 Jan 1889, d. 31 Dec 1974
McLaughlin, John Smith, b. 1857, d. 1938, s/s Burley Dean
McLaughlin, Myrtle D., d. 02 Feb 1884, s/s Dan, age: 9m 18d
McLaughlin, Wilbur H., b. 1883, d. 1975, s/s Fay C.
McLey, Othel "Mac", b. 1899, d. 1970, s/s Velma
McLey, Velma, b. 1907, d. 1991, s/s Othel "Mac"
McMullen, Catherine, d. 13 May 1902, s/s Wm., Mother, w/o Wm., age: 74y
McMullen, Charles F., b. 1856, d. 1921
McMullen, Estella M., b. 03 Nov 1868, d. 29 Apr 1902, w/o C.F.
McMullen, Miles B., b. 11 Jan 1888, d. 02 Oct 1891, s/o N.N. & M.
McMullen, Wm., d. 01 Mar 1900, s/s Catherine, Father, age: 76y
McMullin, Abbie, d. 23 Jan 1883, s/s Will R., w/o W.R., age: 22y 6m 1d
McMullin, James F., b. 27 Aug 1857, d. 08 May 1921, s/s Eliza J., Father
McMullin, Newton W., b. 03 Sep 1861, d. 04 Apr 1903
McMullin, Will R., d. 06 Dec 1886, s/s Abbie, h/o Abbie, age: 25y 4m 23d
McMulling, Eliza J., b. 01 Jun 1860, d. 12 May 1932, s/s James F., Mother
McNichols, Alonzo J., b. 1859, d. 1946, s/s R. Malinda
McNichols, Mabel M., b. 1885, d. 1947, s/s Ray E.
McNichols, R. Malinda, b. 1860, d. 1943, s/s Alonzo J.
McNichols, Ray E., b. 1885, d. 1952, s/s Mabel M.
Meliza, Francis M., b. 1854, d. 1914, Father
Meliza, Rushie F., b. 1858, d. 1938, Mother
Merical, Ann L., b. 1907, d. 1989, s/s Dale L.
Merical, Annie O., b. 1869, d. 1951
Merical, Benjamin T., b. 1952, d. 1921, Father
Merical, Bonnie J., b. 1941, d. no date, s/s Ronald E.
Merical, Dale L., b. 1906, d. 1978, s/s Ann L.
Merical, Donna J., b. 1953, d. 1973
Merical, Edna Anna, b. 23 Jun 1889, d. 26 May 1985, s/s John Wesley
Merical, Eugene L., b. 1912, d. 1989
Merical, Florence Marie, b. 10 Feb 1917, d. no date, s/s Gordon G.
Merical, Gordon G., b. 11 Jul 1917, d. no date, s/s Florence Marie
Merical, Harold Robert, b. 31 May 1909, d. 02 Oct 1976
Merical, James Walter, b. 31 Mar 1908, d. 01 Jul 1986
Merical, John Wesley, b. 04 Aug 1883, d. 06 Oct 1968, s/s Edna Anna
Merical, Josephine, b. 1855, d. 1937, Mother
Merical, Mable L., b. 1919, d. no date
Merical, Nora M., b. 1875, d. 1947
Merical, Phillip D., b. 03 Apr 1962, d. 17 Jan 1963
Merical, Richard Ray, b. 1935, d. 1973
Merical, Rockne A., b. 01 Jan 1964, d. 31 Aug 1985
Merical, Ronald E., b. 1938, d. 1980, s/s Bonnie J.
Merical, Ruby Fontella, b. 09 Sep 1911, d. 23 Oct 1992
Merical, Walter H., b. 1866, d. 1923
Merryman, Archie, b. 1869, d. 1912, s/s John, w/o John, Mother
Merryman, John, b. 1866, d. no date, s/s Archie
Mershon, Clinton E. MD, b. 1870, d. 1960, Father
Mershon, Constance V., b. 1903, d. 1985, Mother
Mershon, Infant Dau, d. 15 Oct 1936, d/o Dr. & Mrs. C. E.
Messerschmidt, Albert L., b. 29 Mar 1922, d. 09 Feb 1997, WWII, US Navy
Metz, Ernest, b. 19 Dec 1889, d. 08 Feb 1903, Son
Metz, George Davis, b. 12 Apr 1862, d. 21 Aug 1941
Metz, Sylvenia R., b. 29 Jan 1867, d. 13 Sep 1959
Middlekauf, Naomi Magar, b. 03 Aug 1835, d. 02 Nov 1898, s/s Philip, s/s Catherine, s/s Francois, s/s Charles, s/s Philip, s/s Frank, s/s Sota May, s/s Louis, d/o B.F. & M.E.
Middlekauff, B. Frank, b. 1858, d. 1926, s/s Martha E.
Middlekauff, Irene M., b. 1899, d. 1996, s/s Trent R.
Middlekauff, Martha E., b. 1863, d. 1945, s/s B. Frank
Middlekauff, Trent R., b. 1900, d. 1975, s/s Irene M.
Middlekauff, V. H., b. 01 Jan 1872, d. 19 Mar 1906
Mikesell, Ida Louise, b. 1908, d. 1948
Miles, Marjorie Alice, b. 27 Nov 1923, d. 02 Jul 1976, w/o Robert
Miller, Catharine, b. 28 Feb 1841, d. 16 Sep 1910, s/s George W., w/o George W.
Miller, Cora E., b. 12 Jun 1883, d. 01 Jul 1970, s/s Scott S.
Miller, David H., b. 19 Oct 1865, d. 20 Jan 1927, s/s Laura Simcoke, Father
Miller, Dr. Laura E., b. 1886, d. 1975, P.E.O.
Miller, E. Lovell, b. 1901, d. 1960, s/s Myrtle A., s/s Joseph H.
Miller, Ethel E., b. 1910, d. 1977, d/o James & Nora Andrews, w/o John C., Mother
Miller, Forrest, b. 22 Jul 1909, d. 22 Nov 1914, s/o Scott & Cora
Miller, George W., b. 04 Jun 1838, d. 01 Mar 1911, s/s Catharine
Miller, Hugh H., b. 23 Jun 1841, d. 14 Apr 1929, s/s Sarah, GAR
Miller, Infant Daughter, d. 1913
Miller, Joseph H., b. 1871, d. 1942, s/s E. Lovell, s/s Myrtle A.
Miller, Laura Simcoke, b. 14 May 1865, d. 08 Jun 1910, s/s David H., w/o D.H., Mother
Miller, Mae, b. 1890, d. 1960, s/s Tom
Miller, Mary A., b. 1902, d. 1994, s/s Robert S.
Miller, Myrtle A., b. 1878, d. 1955, s/s E. Lovell, s/s Joseph H.
Miller, Robert S., b. 1904, d. 1953, s/s Mary A.
Miller, Sarah, b. 12 May 1847, d. 30 Mar 1917, s/s Hugh H., w/o Hugh H.
Miller, Scott S., b. 30 Dec 1883, d. 28 Feb 1931, s/s Cora E.
Miller, Suzena M., b. 10 Jan 1868, d. 23 Mar 1952, Mother
Miller, Tobe C., b. 06 Jul 1875, d. 30 Dec 1915
Miller, Tom, b. 1875, d. 1937, s/s Mae, WWI
Miller, Ward A., b. 29 Oct 1898, d. 13 Oct 1918, Co. 7 S.A.T.C. Ames IA US
Miller, William A., b. 10 Aug 1864, d. 10 Nov 1941, Father
Mills, George Roscoe, b. 29 Apr 1892, d. 16 Oct 1962, s/s Stella E., Mason, WWI, Montana PVT US Army, stone dates 1888-1962, military marker dates 29 Apr 1892 - 16 Oct 1962
Mills, Stella E., b. 1896, d. 1991, s/s George R., Eastern Star
Mitchell, Darius B., b. 1842, d. 1919, s/s Isabel Hester
Mitchell, Golden C., b. 1895, d. 1976, s/s Ruth L., WWI
Mitchell, Isabel Hester, b. 1844, d. 1912, s/s Darius B., w/w D.B., Womens Relief Corps
Mitchell, J. Truman, b. 1885, d. 1958, s/s Lena C.
Mitchell, John, b. 26 May 1847, d. 06 Mar 1919, s/s Ruth
Mitchell, Lena C., b. 1885, d. 1969, s/s J. Truman
Mitchell, Lloyd V., b. 1889, d. 1972, s/s Marie
Mitchell, Marie, b. 1892, d. 1997, s/s Lloyd V.
Mitchell, Mary Catherine, b. 1911, d. 2000
Mitchell, Mary, d. 01 Apr 1907, age: 15y 4m 26d
Mitchell, Norma M., b. 20 Nov 1917, d. 29 Aug 1989
Mitchell, Ruth L., b. 1898, d. no date, s/s Golden C.
Mitchell, Ruth, b. 22 Dec 1849, d. 03 Mar 1915, s/s John, w/o John
Moats, Laura Ann, b. 1855, d. 1939
Moffat, Mildred L., b. 1903, d. 1955
Moore, Albert E., b. 1880, d. 1954
Moore, Edith M., b. 1936, d. no date, s/s Orvie C., m. 25 Dec 1955
Moore, Jimmie F., b. 20 Dec 1924, d. 31 May 1993
Moore, Lana O., b. 1905, d. 1971, s/s Merritt S. (Red), Eastern Star
Moore, Merritt S. (Red), b. 1903, d. 1972, s/s Lana O., Mason
Moore, Orval Bert, b. 18 Jun 1907, d. 02 Apr 1990
Moore, Orvie C., b. 1933, d. no date, s/s Edith M., m. 25 Dec 1955
Moorhead, Larry D. "Bean", b. 03 Jun 1952, d. 26 Nov 1986, Vietnam, f/o Jon, Joy, Tracy, Scott, Ryan
Morain, John J., b. 26 Apr 1832, d. 13 Apr 1910, s/s Nancy A.
Morain, Nancy A., b. 18 Sep 1839, d. 26 Apr 1904, s/s John J., w/o J.J.
Morse, A. D., b. 25 Dec 1834, d. 28 Feb 1934, s/s Harriet, Father, age: 99y 2m 3d
Morse, Harriet, b. 14 Feb 1835, d. 27 Jun 1904, s/s A. D., Mother, age: 69y 4m 13d
Moss, Loren Leroy, b. 1915, d. 1919
Moyer, Harry D., b. 1926, d. 1982, s/s Mona H., m. 10 Aug 1947, WWII, p/o David, Linda
Moyer, Mona H., b. 1929, d. no date, s/s Harry D., m. 10 Aug 1947, p/o David, Linda
Mozena, John M., b. 1891, d. 1907
Mulholland, S.B., b. 13 May 1818, d. 04 Jun 1890, s/s S. Banks, s/s Willie Puett, s/s Elizabeth Banks, s/s Claribel Banks
Mullins, Earl E., b. 1899, d. 1965, s/s Zella M.
Mullins, Gretchen, b. 06 Feb 1904, d. 05 Jan 1992
Mullins, Kenneth W., b. 1911, d. 1959, s/s Lorene G.
Mullins, Loren E., b. 1907, d. 1974, s/s Ruth E.
Mullins, Lorene G., b. 1911, d. 1997, s/s Kenneth W.
Mullins, Mabel A., b. 1894, d. 1989
Mullins, Mabel E., b. 1882, d. 1962, s/s Martin I., Mother
Mullins, Martin I., b. 1875, d. 1962, s/s Mabel E., Father
Mullins, Ruth E., b. 1910, d. 1978, s/s Loren E.
Mullins, Zella M., b. 1901, d. 1983, s/s Earl E.
Murphy, C. Ruth, b. 1899, d. 1994, s/s Ira E., m. 1918
Murphy, Cora R., b. 1866, d. 1943, Mother
Murphy, Ira E., b. 1896, d. 1978, s/s C. Ruth, m. 1918
Murphy, John, d. 07 Jan 1942, Iowa Wagoner 3 A.M. TN 3 Div
Murphy, Judy Ann Byg, b. 28 Jan 1944, d. 02 Nov 1986, m/o Kelly, Chris, Robert, Peter
Murphy, Vester, b. 1862, d. 1928, Father
Murray, Carrie E., b. 1887, d. 1970, s/s Margaret, s/s Robert H.
Murray, Margaret, b. 1911, d. no date, s/s Carrie E., s/s Robert H., Eastern Star
Murray, Robert H., b. 1886, d. 1974, s/s Margaret, s/s Carrie E., Mason
Nagel, John F., b. 1853, d. 1934, s/s Margaret
Nagel, Margaret, b. 1852, d. 1933, s/s John F.
Nath, Howard T., b. 1909, d. 1985, s/s Patricia F.
Nath, Patricia F., b. 1920, d. no date, s/s Howard T.
Neale, Alvin R., b. 1861, d. 1949, Father
Neale, Mary G., b. 1864, d. 1927, Mother
Nealley, Daniel, b. 03 Feb 1826, d. 29 Mar 1909, s/s Elizabeth, Father
Nealley, Elizabeth, b. 02 May 1824, d. 11 Jul 1898, s/s Daniel, w/o Daniel, Mother
Nealley, Ludlow L., b. 1853, d. 1931, s/s Sarah L.
Nealley, Sarah L., b. 1873, d. 1934, s/s Ludlow L.
Needham, Bertha Brown, b. 1887, d. 1974, s/s Martin Brown, s/s La Fayette Needham, s/s Elizabeth Brown, s/s Fred S. Brown, s/s Anna Marie Brown
Needham, La Fayette, b. 1881, d. 1955, s/s Martin Brown, s/s Bertha Brown, s/s Elizabeth Brown, s/s Fred S. Brown, s/s Anna Marie Brown
Neff, Margaret, b. 1891, d. 1980, s/s Phil O.
Neff, Phil O., b. 1892, d. 1956, s/s Margaret
Nelsen, Bonnie Kay, b. 13 Apr 1942, d. no date, s/s James Russell, p/o Deborah & Jeffrey
Nelsen, James Russell, b. 14 Oct 1941, d. 25 Nov 1998, s/s Bonnie Kay, p/o Deborah & Jeffrey
Nelson, Amie D., b. 1876, d. 1963
Nelson, Flossie Whitcomb, b. 1907, d. 1931
Nelson, Harold Lee, b. 30 Aug 1924, d. 29 May 1969
Nerad, Charles, b. 1868, d. 1934
Nesbitt, Lena Nealley, b. 06 Oct 1884, d. 28 Jan 1960
Newcomer, Bessie I., b. 1886, d. no date, s/s Loy M.
Newcomer, John F., b. 1851, d. 1939
Newcomer, Loy M., b. 1880, d. 1941, s/s Bessie I.
Nichols, Corwin C., no dates, d/o T.R. & B.
Nichols, Minnie E., d. 20 Apr 1888, age: 17y 11m 13d
Noack, Ethel L., b. 1918, d. 1993, s/s Harold E., m. 01 Jun 1938
Noack, Harold E., b. 1917, d. 2000, s/s Ethel L., WWII, m. 01 Jun 1938
Noack, Sheryl Sue, b. 1949, d. 1976, w/o Terry, m/o Tony & Timmy
Noe, Elise S., b. 1937, d. 1991, s/s Margaret Lang, s/s Jacob Roy, s/s John R.
Noe, Jacob Roy, b. 1894, d. 1981, WWI, s/s Margaret Lang, s/s Elise S., s/s John R.
Noe, John R., b. 1933, d. no date, s/s Margaret Lang, s/s Jacob Roy, s/s Elise S.
Noe, Margaret Lang, b. 1903, d. 1968, s/s Jacob Roy, s/s Elise S., s/s John R.
Noel, Cole, b. 1818, d. 1906, s/s Elizabeth, Father
Noel, Elizabeth, b. 1829, d. 1919, s/s Cole, Mother
Noel, Rebecca L., b. 14 Sep 1858, d. 02 Sep 1915, s/s Walter A.
Noel, Walter A., b. 04 May 1856, d. 08 Feb 1920, s/s Rebecca L.
Nopoulos, Jon S., b. 09 May 1946, d. 14 Mar 1994, s/s Rita E., m. 06 Dec 1975, Vietnam, PR2 US Navy, p/o Teresa, Antony, Nicholos
Nopoulos, Rita E., b. 04 Feb 1950, d. no date, s/s Jon S., m. 06 Dec 1975, p/o Teresa, Antony, Nicholos
Norman, Evelyn T., b. 20 Jan 1922, d. 19 Jul 1994, s/s Hubert D.
Norman, Hubert D., b. 08 Feb 1923, d. 28 Oct 2000, s/s Evelyn T.
Norris, H.R., b. 1838, d. 1920
Norris, Jane C., b. 1854, d. 1929
North, Baby, b. 11 May 1901, d. 12 May 1901, s/o Jo. & Letha
Novinger, Elizabeth, b. 08 Jan 1829, d. 07 Feb 1914, s/s J., w/o J.
Novinger, J., b. 01 Jun 1824, d. 20 Dec 1902, s/s Elizabeth
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