Search Iowa Death Records
Iowa Newspapers, Full Search (1836-2002), 464 titles
Iowa Obituary Search, (1870-current)
Iowa Birth Records Database, (1836-1999)
Spring Valley Cemetery
Casey, Guthrie County, Iowa
Thompson Township, Section 35
Contributed by Billie McLaren, Jun 04, 2010, last edited Jun 09, 2010 []. Total records = 113.
To reach this cemetery, take Interstate 80 to the Casey, Iowa Exit (Exit 83), and turn north. This will take you through the town of Casey. You will be on McPherson Street. Continue north completely through the town. The road will turn to gravel and you will reach a "T" intersection. Take a right turn onto 340th Street and continue straight east. You will eventually pass Maple Avenue to your right and cross a bridge over a creek.
There will be notice that the road is going to turn to a Level B Service road, but don't be alarmed, you won't be going that far. Right after the bridge, look to your left, and there will be a fairly narrow graveled drive. (If you've reached the farmhouse, you've gone too far.) Take that drive and at the end of that drive, to your left, there will be a small gravel patch. If you pull your vehicle onto that, you will see you've arrived at this cemetery.
This is a complete compilation of all visible stones at this location. History and ownership of this cemetery is not known by this submitter, but the cemetery is nicely kept and is quiet and beautiful. This is also known as Friends Cemetery suggesting it might have been established by a church group.
I surveyed this cemetery in May 28, 2010, by walking the cemetery and reading all of existing and legible headstones.- Billie McLaren
Anderson, Elmer M, b. 1915, d. no date, s/w G Dorine Anderson
Anderson, G Dorine, b. 1926, d. 1991, s/w Elmer M Anderson
Anderson, George E, b. 1950, d. 1969
Banks, H M, d. 28 Jun 1882, age: 23y 3m 22d, s/w J O & R M Banks
Banks, J O, d. 15 May 1900, age: 78y 1m 16d, s/w R M & H M Banks
Banks, R M, d. 27 Aug 1880, age: 58y 7m 12d, wife of J O Banks, s/w J O & H M Banks
Banks, Ward, no dates, no other readable markings on stone
Betts, ??, d. 27 Mar 1873, age: 26y 11m 26d, son of J & E M Betts
Betts, Eliza M, b. 30 Apr 1819, d. 1 Mar 1898, s/w Joseph Betts
Betts, Joseph, b. 26 Aug 1816 Lincolnshire Eng, d. 1 Feb 1894, s/w Eliza M Betts
Betts, Mary L, b. 10 May 1848, d. 10 Nov 1920, s/w William C Betts
Betts, William C, b. 26 May 1843, d. 9 Jul 1910, s/w Mary L Betts
Boblett, Beecher, b. 1874, d. 1953, s/w Eva Boblett
Boblett, Eva, b. 1874, d. 1946, s/w Beecher Boblett
Boblett, Jesiah, b. 23 Jan 1835, d. 12 Aug 1908, s/w Sarah Boblett
Boblett, Jessie Perl, d. 27 Jan 1881, age: 8m 27d, dau of Josiah & Sarah Boblett
Boblett, John, b. 26 Oct 1844, d. 21 May 1921, s/w Mahala Boblett
Boblett, Mahala, b. 24 Jan 1855, d. 26 Apr 1907, s/w John Boblett
Boblett, Sarah, b. 16 Jul 1845, d. no date, s/w Jesiah Boblett
Burke, J Tom, b. 1924, d. 2002, s/w Maxine Burke
Burke, Maxine, b. 1935, d. 1989, s/w J Tom Burke
Chantry, Amanda L, b. 1851, d. 1930, s/w Marcus N Chantry
Chantry, Emily Jane Kean, d. 12 Dec 1911, age: 69y 1m 12d, s/w William A Chantry
Chantry, George T, d. 19 Feb 1885, age: 8y 10m 20d, son of Wm A & E J Chantry
Chantry, Hannah, b. 1 Apr 1805, d. 13 May 1893, s/w Thomas Chantry
Chantry, Marcus N, b. 1847, d. 1933, s/w Amanda L Chantry
Chantry, Margarite, d. 10 Apr 1900, age: 1d, dau of A & L Chantry
Chantry, Reid, d. 1879, s/w Rose Chantry
Chantry, Rose, d. 1879, s/w Reid Chantry
Chantry, Samuel B, d. 18 Apr 1912, age: 82y 5m 5d, s/w Sarah E Chantry
Chantry, Sarah E, d. 11 Nov 1891, age: 53y 5m 26d, s/w Samuel B Chantry
Chantry, Thomas, b. 27 Feb 1795, d. 23 Nov 1864, s/w Hannah Chantry
Chantry, William A, d. 23 Jan 1896, age: 68y 4m 7d, s/w Emily Jane Kean Chantry
Clay, Alice M, b. 1861, d. 1943
Clay, Daniel, b. 1853, d. 1933
Clay, Jesiah H, d. 24 Aug 1882, age: 1y 1m, son of D W & M A Clay
Clay, Sarah E, no dates, dau of D W & A M Clay, no other readable writing on stone
Dille, Eliza A, d. 14 Jun 1888, age: 4y 9m 14d, dau of I & E Dille
Eichor, Dora, b. 1885, d. 1946, s/w James F Eichor
Eichor, Edwin, b. 1930, d. no date, s/w Nancy J Eichor
Eichor, Hugh D, b. 1906, d. 1988, s/w Opal B Eichor
Eichor, James F, b. 1875, d. 1947, s/w Dora Eichor
Eichor, Nancy J, b. 1941, d. 1952, s/w Edwin Eichor
Eichor, Opal B, b. 1909, d. 2007, s/w Hugh D Eichor
Folsom, Clair, b. 21 Sep 1899, d. 7 May 1900, age: 5m 17d, dau of A B & Mary Folsom
Hager, Alden E, b. 20 Jul 1926, d. 21 Feb 1948, Iowa ABM 3C USNR World War II
Hager, Opal E, b. 1904, d. 1989, s/w Lloyd E Shroyer
Hager, Ray E, b. 12 Nov 1936, d. no date, Iowa pvt Hawaii Inf
Hager, Robert L, b. 15 Mar 1936, d. 2 May 2002
Harwood, Audrey Ellen, b. 20 Jul 1926, d. 13 Sep 1991
Johnson, Infant, d. 5 Oct 1913, dau of B S & Elizabeth Johnson
Jones, Marjorie Frances, b. 20 Jul 1918, d. 16 Mar 1988, Mother
Kent, A Irene, b. 1913, d. 2006, s/w Charles D Kent
Kent, Charles D, b. 1910, d. 1978, s/w A Irene Kent
Kitchens, Margaret, d. 22 Aug 188?, age: 60y 1m 13d, wife of A R Kitchens
Kuster, Ada, b. 1890, d. 1973, s/w August C Kuster
Kuster, August C, b. 1886, d. 1966, s/w Ada Kuster
Kuster, Dale, b. 1920, d. no date
Lamb, Arza A, d. 21 Jun 1900, age: 20y 5m 5d, sons of Wm H & C Lamb, s/w Roy M Lamb
Lamb, Celah, b. 5 May 1850, d. 10 Feb 1892, s/w W H Lamb
Lamb, Oscar O, b. 31 Jan 1899, d. 14 Apr 1899
Lamb, Roy M, d. 8 Aug 1906, age: 13y 5m 21d, sons of Wm H & C Lamb, s/w Arza A Lamb
Lamb, Viola May, b. 19 Oct 1895, d. 19 Oct 1895, dau of W H & M E Lamb
Lamb, W H, b. 8 Dec 1846, d. 24 Feb 1902, s/w Celah Lamb
Magill, Gloria J, b. 23 May 1925, d. 30 May 2004, s/w Virgil L Magill
Magill, Virgil L Jr, b. 19 Oct 1944, d. 17 Feb 1995, SP4 US Army Vietnam
Magill, Virgil L, b. 12 May 1919, d. 31 Dec 2002, s/w Gloria J Magill
McMullin, George William, b. 31 Jan 1922, d. 2 Apr 2006, s/w Juanita Janet McMullin
McMullin, Juanita Janet, b. 9 Jun 1929, d. no date, s/w George William McMullin
McMullin, Leona Eva, b. 1901, d. 1983
McMullin, Lucille, b. 1919, d. no date
Meyer, Isaac A T, no dates, son of A & S J Meyer, no other readable markings on stone
Michael, Truman, b. 1908, d. 1963
Patterson, Mitch A, b. 9 Oct 1956, d. 22 Dec 1988
Patterson, Ruby Warner, b. 13 May 1936, d. no date
Porter, Eola "Jo" May, b. 24 Nov 1943, d. 29 Sep 2008
Rhoades, Anna Louise Kent, b. 23 Sep 1935, d. 13 Jun 2009, s/w Richard Rhoades
Rhoades, Richard, b. 15 Jun 1929, d. 5 Oct 2006, s/w Anna Louise Kent Rhoades
Scott, A M, b. 1858, d. 1947
Scott, Charles E, b. 1893, d. 1960
Scott, J C, b. 1846, d. 1933
Shroyer, Lloyd E, b. 1901, d. 1980, s/w Opal E Hager
Tate, Chancy Y, no dates, infant, s/w Emma V & Lee Tate
Tate, Elmer, b. 16 Jul 1886, d. 25 Feb 1961, Iowa Pvt Co H 326 Infantry World War 1
Tate, Emma V, d. 22 Apr 1890, age: 7y 5m 24d, s/w Chancy Y & Lee Tate
Tate, Lee, no dates, infant, s/w Chancy Y & Emma V
Tate, Mary B, b. 1855, d. 1945, s/w William Tate
Tate, Sylvia, b. 1893, d. 1955
Tate, William, b. 1850, d. 1919, s/w Mary B Tate
Tharp, Mahala Jane, d. 15 Aug 1882, age: 20y 4m 27d, wife of Alex Tharp, dau of J & S Boblett"
Tharp, Mattie M, d. 18 May 1888, age: 22y, wife of A Tharp, Dau of ? Boblett"
Timmons, A Lavancha, b. 1922, d. no date, s/w Harold W Timmons
Timmons, Anna M, b. 1875, d. 1951, Mother
Timmons, D W, b. 7 Apr 1838, d. 26 Aug 1919, s/w Sarah Timmons
Timmons, Harold W, b. 1901, d. 1979, s/w A Lavancha Timmons
Timmons, Sarah, b. 3 Dec 1837, d. 1 Mar 1915, s/w D W Timmons
Timmons, William, b. 1870, d. 1935, Father
Tomlinson, Elizabeth A, b. 14 Jul 1939, d. no date, s/w William G Tomlinson
Tomlinson, Fannie, b. 1844, d. 1926, s/w William Tomlinson
Tomlinson, Flossie G, b. 1892, d. 1959, s/w George C Tomlinson
Tomlinson, George C, b. 1889, d. 1962, s/w Flossie G Tomlinson
Tomlinson, George C, b. 1923, d. 1986, Pvt US Army World War II
Tomlinson, Thomas J, b. 1955, d. 1971
Tomlinson, William G, b. 21 Dec 1929, d. 7 Mar 2006, s/w Elizabeth A Tomlinson
Tomlinson, William, b. 1848, d. 1917, s/w Fannie Tomlinson
Turner, Margaret S, b. 1881, d. 1976
Ward, Bessie B, b. 1903, d. 1989
Warner, Alice N, b. 29 Jul 1942, d. no date, s/w Kevin R & Donald R Warner
Warner, Beulah O, b. 25 Oct 1911, d. 14 Nov 2001
Warner, Donald R, b. 9 Apr 1940, d. 18 Sep 1993, s/w Kevin R & Alice N Warner
Warner, Kevin R, b. 28 Jun 1961, d. 5 Oct 1985, s/w Alice N & Donald R Warner
Warner, Ralph, b. 1906, d. 1984
Whetstone, William, d. 31 Jul 1872, age: 40y 4m
??, ??, 2 stone broken
??, ??, unreadable & broken
??, ??, 5 unreadable
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