Search Idaho Death Records
Idaho Newspapers, Full Search (1863-1969), 135 titles
Idaho Obituary Search, (1893-current)
Idaho Birth Records Database, (1863-1969)
Greenwood Cemetery
Spirit Lake, Kootenai County, Idaho
PO Box 309
409 Maine Street
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
(208) 623-2131
Lat: 47° 57' 49"N, Lon: 116° 51' 30"W
Contributed by Mary Garrison, Mar 11, 2002, last edited Jun 09, 2010 [] Total records = 898.
The Greenwood Cemetery is located in the town of Spirit Lake, Idaho on Highway 41. Once in the town you would go East on Vermont St for several blocks. It will dead end in the cemetery.
This cemetery is well maintained. There is a large Rock Pillar memorial in the Veteran's section containing a flag pole and plaque with the following inscription:
"In memory of our departed comrades
Roy Racy Post #1473
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Spirit Lake, IdahoCemetery is owned by the City of Spirit Lake Idaho. Permission to do the transcriptions from the Tombstones was granted by the Clerk's Office of the City of Spirit Lake, Idaho.
Tombstone transcriptions were completed during Jul and Aug of 2000. These records were double checked with the records at the City Clerk's Office in January 2001.
Information was also gathered from obituaries and death notifications in the local newspapers provided by the Bonner County Historical Museum. I appears that the oldest burial is J. Phillips in 1889.
b.= birth
d.= death
deed = deed for plot
dau = daughter
dy = day
f/l = family plot
f/p = family plot
f/s = family stone
fhm = funeral home markerhusb = husband
m. = married
mo = month
n/d = no date
s/l = same lot
s/p = same plot
s/s = same stone
WWI = World War I
WWII = World War II
- Mary Garrison
Ale ?, no data
Axel, no data
Carpenter, no data
Denny, No Data
E. S. B., no data
Keller, no data
Munson, no data
Russell, b. n/d, d. n/d
Todd, no data
Unknowns, Several
Search Idaho Cemeteries

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