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Illinois Newspapers, Full Search (1818-2018), 623 titles
Illinois Obituary Search, (1840-current)
Illinois Birth Records Database, (1818-1999)
Aux Sable Grove Cemetery
Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois
Contributed by Selina Brown, Jul 28, 2007 [].
Kehl, Michael, b. 17 Jul 1828, d. 27 Aug 1910
Kellogg, ?. H., no dates, Co ? 1st Hill. Cav., (this is all I can read), "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Alvin E, b. 1860, d. 1957, ss as Myra M, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Belle M, b. 1859, d. 1936, ss as Sherman G, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Bert T, b. 1893, d. 1984, "ss as Grace E and next to Keith T, Mary B, Herbert A, Dorothy G & William D Kellogg"
Kellogg, Bulah, d. 20 Nov 1843, dau of Sherman & Sarah, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Clara H, b. 1886, d. 1892, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Clifton, b. 1902, d. 1903, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Dorothy G, b. 1927, d. 1927, "ss as Herbert A and next to Keith T, Mary B, Bert T, Grace E & William Kellogg"
Kellogg, Ethan A, b. 1899, d. 1903, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Fred G, b. 14 Dec 1905, d. 6 Jun 1980, ss as Louise A., "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, George W, b. 25 Dec 1811, d. 6 Nov 1893, ss as Sarah Gleason, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Grace E, b. 1893, d. 1976, "ss as Bert, next to Keith T, Mary B, Herbert A, Dorothy G & William Kellogg"
Kellogg, Herbert A, b. 1918, d. 1921, "ss as Dorothy and next to Keith, Mary, Bert, Grace, & William Kellogg"
Kellogg, Keith T, b. 1920, d. 2000, ss as Mary B
Kellogg, Louise A, b. 4 Dec 1905, d. 19 Mar 1995, ss as Fred G., "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Mary B, b. 1918, d. n/a, ss as Keith T
Kellogg, Mary J. Thompson, b. 1834, d. 1928, his wife, "this stone as Walter G.H.Thompson, Mary J. Thompson Kellogg, Clara Belle Thompson & Jennie Thompson Treman, Ida Belle Treman on this stone"
Kellogg, Myra M, b. 1868, d. 1947, ss as Alvin E Kellogg, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Robert H, b. 1888, d. 1905, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Robert, no dates, son of G.W. & S.G Kellogg, can't read anymore, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Sarah Gleason, b. 20 Oct 1821, d. 6 Nov 1863, ss as George W, his wife, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Sarah, b. 18 May 1781, d. 10 Apr 1811, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Sherman G, b. 1844, d. 1912, ss as Belle M, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, Sherman, no dates, can't read anything else, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Kellogg, William D, b. 1937, d. 1952, "next to Keith T, Mary B, Bert T, Grace E, Herbert A & Dorothy G Kellogg"
Kesslinger, Regina Sigmund, b. 1831, d. 1901, his wife, next to Thomas Kesslinger
Kesslinger, Thomas, b. 1822, d. 1882, next to Regina Sigmund Kesslinger
Ketchem, Sarah E, b. 20 Sep 1865, d. ? Jan 1896, wife of E. S. Ketchum, there is more but can't read anything else
Ketchum, Melicent, d. 5 Aug 1871, wife of Edward Y age 38 y 4m 17 d, next to all the Seely small stones
Kimble, James, d. 4 Jan 1892, age 92y At Rest, ss as Prescilla (spelled correctly)
Kimble, Prescilla, d. 9 Jul 1873, age 72y 5m 25 d, Lifted Higher, ss as James Kimble
Kimble, Priscilla, d. 19 Feb 1858, dau of ? H. & S.?. Kimble, age 1 m 13 d, "In group with: Chloe, Cornelia, Levi A, ?Bell, Mary, Wallace, Wm, c/r, Elizabeth, "
Kimble, Sarah Bell, d. 7 ? 1861, age 67y 3m 10 d, next to George McDonald & James Kimble
Klett, Margaret Murley, b. 1909, d. 1996, "Roy, Margaret Murley Klett, Kathryn Murley Shelly, Edward, Mary J, Julia A, Ray J, John, Eva M Platt Murley & Lida Brennan Murley are all buried in same section."
Klett, Roy A, b. 1911, d. 1986, next to Margaret Murley Klett
Kohlstedt, Amy B, b. 15 Apr 1903, d. 16 Oct 1976, next to Kenneth Delor Kohlstedt
Kohlstedt, Kenneth Delor, b. 5 Mar 1904, d. 3 Feb 1985, next to Amy B. Kohlstedt
Krummen, Robert W, b. 23 Aug 1925, d. n/a, Married 3 Sep 1983, ss as Shirley A
Krummen, Shirley A, b. 28 Jan 1936, d. 4 Jan 1999, ss as Robert W
Lane, Sarah J. Phillips, b. 26 Sep 1841, d. 13 Dec 1917, sister, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Lane, Sarah, no dates, small stone, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Lawyer, James A, b. 1884, d. 1952, ss as May Trish
Lawyer, Marvin L, b. 1924, d. n/a, ss as Stella J
Lawyer, May Trish, b. 1889, d. 1974, ss as James A
Lawyer, Stella J, b. 1921, d. 2003, ss as Marvin L
Lewis, Annie E, b. 19 Aug 1892, d. 27 Oct 1981, "ss as James, Hazel & Dean"
Lewis, Dean T., b. 1922, d. 2003, "Husband & Father "The Eagle Has Landed", "ss as Annie E, James Radford, Hazel May Lewis"
Lewis, Hazel May, b. 1895, d. 19??, "ss as Annie, James, Dean T."
Lewis, James Radford, b. 1894, d. 1962, "ss as Annie, Hazel & Dean"
Lindemier, Charles, b. 1831, d. 1914, Father, ss as Samuel J
Lindemier, Samuel J, b. 1868, d. 1951, son, ss as Charles
Lippolo, C. Ludwig, b. 20 Dec 1829, d. 24 Jul 1910, ss as Mary B
Lippolo, C. Terese, d. 20 ? 18??, daug of
Lippolo, E. Bruno, b. 13 Oct 1858, d. 28 Aug 1882, next to C. Terese Lippolo and twins
Lippolo, Infants, no dates, infants twins of C.L. & M. B. Lippolo, next to E. Bruno & C. Terese Lippolo
Lippolo, Mary B, b. 21 Nov 1835, d. 22 Apr 1925, his wife, "ss as C. Ludwig, next to twins, E. Bruno & C. Terese Lippolo"
Litsey, Alice E, b. 1860, d. 1943, Mother, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Lucas, Alfred, b. 29 Aug 181?, d. 14 Nov 1882, very Old stone
Lucas, Burl L, b. 17 Apr 1889, d. 3 Jun 1912, "ss as Celia, Thomas, Nathanal, "
Lucas, Celia A, b. 1 Aug 1861, d. 11 Jun 1912, "ss as Thomas, Nathanal, Burl"
Lucas, Nathanal, b. 26 Aug 1891, d. 12 Nov 1892, "ss as Celia, Thomas, Nathanal"
Lucas, Thomas, b. 9 Jun 1879, d. 7 Jun 1888, "ss as Celia, Nathanal, Burl"
Lundberg, Florence C, b. 1888, d. 1947, next to George
Lundberg, George H, b. 1882, d. 1946, next to Florence
Lyons, Elsie A, b. 1926, d. 1992, wife & Mother, next to Clyde D Lyons
Lyons, Glyde D, b. 1918, d. 1985, Husband & Father, next to Elsie A Lyons
MacMillan, Mary Caldwell nee Goudie, b. 1856,Scotland, d. 1939, "married Thomas, MacMillan 1883", "this stone for Goudie, David & family is amazing!"
MacMillan, Thomas, b. 1850,Scotland, d. 1935, married Mary Caldwell Goudie 1883, "this stone is for David, Jane Goudie, Mary Caldwell MacMillan, Thomas MacMillan,Margaret Rogers, Hugh Hunter, Margaret J. Jessup, Jane Hunter"
Mann, Kate A, b. 1854, d. 1934, Mother, ss as Micheal (spelled correctly), "this sect. has: Minnie, Francis M, Mother, Father, Barnard, Harriet, James, Judith, broke stone,McKanna & William & Hattie Perkins, & Kate & Micheal Mann"
Mann, Micheal, b. 1854, d. 1930, ss as Kate A, "this sect. has: Minnie, Francis M, Mother, Father, Barnard, Harriet, James, Judith, broke stone,McKanna & William & Hattie Perkins, & Kate & Micheal Mann"
Marvin, Esther L, b. 1868, d. 1903, dau, "ss as Nicholas, Elizabeth D., Esther L Marvin, Elizaqbeth A. Snyder, 3 Infant Childred of Nicholas & Betsy Schlapp"
Marvin, Ruth I, b. 27 Apt 1901, d. 25 Nov 1975
Mason, Gladys, b. 20 Dec 1904, d. 30 Nov 1948, next to Robert
Mason, Robert, b. 11 Oct 1900, d. 19 Mar 1976, next to Gladys
McCauley, ? Frances, no dates, dau of James & Malinda McCauley, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, Ead, b. 1869, d. 1928, ss as Nellie, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, Eliza J, b. 1874, d. 1961, ss as Rod nex to Father & Mother stones
McCauley, Emmett M, b. 10 Mar 1904, d. 10 Jun 1967, Father, nex to Margaret & Rodney Dean
McCauley, Frances M, b. 1904, d. 1977, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, Francis J, b. 1900, d. 1979, ss as Phyllis K McCauley and Sarah V Parkhurst
McCauley, Fritz, b. 1875, d. 1954, ss as Mary E, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, James A, b. 1898, d. 1958, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, James, b. 1828, d. 1895, ss as Malinda, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, Malinda Goodwin, b. 1838, d. 19191, his wife ss stone as James, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, Margaret E, b. 27 Mar 1912, d. 20 Dec 2001, Mother, next to Rodney & Emmett
McCauley, Mary A, d. 29 May 1834, age 25y, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, Mary E, b. 1875, d. 1953, ss as Fritz, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, Nellie, b. 1873, d. 1935, ss as Ead, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, Patricia, b. 1927, d. 1946, "this grp is: Frances, ?,?, Mary, James, Malinda, Nellie, Ead, James A, Frances M, Patricia, Mary E, Fritz, Lois"
McCauley, Phyllis K, b. 1947, d. 1985, "ss as Francis J, Sarah V Parkhurst McCauley"
McCauley, Rod V, b. 1872, d. 1922, ss as Eliza J and next to father & Mother stones
McCauley, Rodney Dean, b. 28 May 1935, d. 4 Apr 1957, Son, next to William & Margarett E
McCauley, Sarah V. Parkhurst, b. 1913, d. 1995
McCauley, Sheila A, b. 1934, d. na, ss as William E
McCauley, William E, b. 1933, d. 1991, ss as Sheila A
McCauley, William E, b. 21 Feb 1933, d. 6 Sep 1961, SGT US ARMY KOREA, next to William & Sheila
McClain, Carey, b. 28 Feb 1832, d. 19 Jan 1906, "next to can't read and Julia A, Henry Z."
McClain, Henry Z, b. 1846, d. 1907, Thirty Three years Professor of Greek Language and Literature in Wabash College. E???ent as a scholar and educator and loved by all who knew him, He Walked With God.
McClain, James Robinson, b. 1807, d. 1896, ss as Nancy Anderson McClain
McClain, Julia A, b. 24 Aug 1839, d. 15 Nov 1916, next to Carey & Henry Z
McClain, Nancy Anderson, b. 1818, d. 1881, "his wife "Till He Come", ss as James Robinson McClain
McCloud, Calista, d. 20 Sep 1889, his wife 69y 17d, ss as Samuel & Katie
McCloud, Katie, d. 13 Nov 1865, dau of S & C McCloud age 27y 10m 18d, "ss as Samuel, Calista"
McCloud, Samuel, d. 30 Jul 1891, 87h 5 m 8 d, "ss as Calista, Katie"
McCormick, Elizabeth, d. 11 Dec 1867, age 83y, ss as James & Jane Dwyre
McCrimmon, ? Wheeler, b. 1922, d. 1979, between Frank F & Julia M Wheeler
McCulloch, Edward, b. 1915, d. 1971, ss as Helen
McCulloch, Grace, b. 1893, d. 1985, ss as James
McCulloch, Helen, b. 1919, d. 2002, ss as Edward
McCulloch, James, b. 1889, d. 1962, ss as Grace
McDonald, George S, no dates, son of M.C. & A.P. McDonald, can't read anymore, between Priscilla Kimble & Sarah Bell Kimble
McKanna, Barnard, b. 1825, d. 1895, "this sect. has: Minnie, Francis M, Mother, Father, Barnard, Harriet, James, Judith, broke stone,McKanna & William & Hattie Perkins, & Kate & Micheal Mann"
McKanna, Deloris, b. 1922, d. 1993, ss as Vernard
McKanna, Donald R, b. 1921, d. 1923, son, next to Esther & Leon
McKanna, Esther A, b. 1892, d. 1984, wife, next to Donald & Leon
McKanna, Francis M, d. 26 May 1862, age 6y 4m sone of B & H McKanna, "this sect. has: Minnie, Francis M, Mother, Father, Barnard, Harriet, James, Judith, broke stone,McKanna & William & Hattie Perkins, & Kate & Micheal Mann"
McKanna, Harriet McCloud, b. 1829, d. 1907, his wife, "this sect. has: Minnie, Francis M, Mother, Father, Barnard, Harriet, James, Judith, broke stone,McKanna & William & Hattie Perkins, & Kate & Micheal Mann"
McKanna, James, d. 11 Apr 1860, age 67y, "this sect. has: Minnie, Francis M, Mother, Father, Barnard, Harriet, James, Judith, broke stone,McKanna & William & Hattie Perkins, & Kate & Micheal Mann"
McKanna, Judith, d. 1 Jan 1880, age 84y, wife of James, "this sect. has: Minnie, Francis M, Mother, Father, Barnard, Harriet, James, Judith, broke stone,McKanna & William & Hattie Perkins, & Kate & Micheal Mann"
McKanna, Leon C, b. 1892, d. 1966, husband, next to Donald & Esther
McKanna, Minnie, b. 1865, d. 1910, 1 section with 4 corner post, "this sect. has: Minnie, Francis M, Mother, Father, Barnard, Harriet, James, Judith, broke stone,McKanna & William & Hattie Perkins, & Kate & Micheal Mann"
McKanna, Vernard, b. 1917, d. n/a, ss as Deloris
McNamara, Roger William, b. 11 May 1940, d. 22 Feb 2002, AIC US Air Force Vietnam, ss as Sharon Wheeler
McNamara, Sharon Wheeler, b. 19 Jan 1942, d. n/a, ss as Roger William
McNay, Rae Inez B, b. 19 Mar 1915, d. 9/Jul 1979, next to Roger Chester
McNay, Roger Chester, b. 24 Jul 1917, d. n/a, next to Rae Inez B
Merrill, Louise J. Jessup, b. 1870, d. 1910, wife of Albert Merrill, "ss as Elizabeth Seely, Edmund next to Father, Mother, Martha S, Merrill, Louise J, wife of Albert Merrill"
Minto, Ralph E, b, 26 Dec 1913, d. 25 Jan 1938, next to John H & Margaret Wilson
Montgomery, C. Austin, b. 6 Dec 1917, d. 6 Mar 2002, next to Stanley D ss as Ruth E
Montgomery, C. Austin, b. 6 Dec 1917, d. 6 Mar 2002, US ARMY WWII, this is mounted to back of his large stone
Montgomery, Katie, b. 1865, d. 1885, "next to Truman G Johnson and by the following Johnsons: Carey A Hopkins, Sarah Johnson Hopkins, Sarah (sm) Carey (sm), Mary, Oliver C, Paul Sheldon, Franc Dunning, Margaret W. Mary Wheeler, Anna French, Laura"
Montgomery, Ruth E, b. 1 Mar 1919, d. 13 Jul 2006, Married 13 Jun 1942, ss as C. Austin next to Stanley D
Montgomery, Sheryl Beth, d. 25 Jan 1956, dau of A & R Montgomery, next to Steven Montgomery
Montgomery, Stanley D, b. 25 Aug 1946, d. 22 Dec 1969, IL SGT Co C 27 Engr CBT BN Vietnam PH
Montgomery, Steven, d. 26 Nov 1951, sof of A & R Montgomer, next to Sheryl Beth
Morgan, John H, b. 1824, d. 1898, Father, next to Mary
Morgan, John H, b. 7 Nov 1824, d. 31 Mar 1839
Morgan, Mary, b. 1829, d. 1942, Mother, next to John H
Mottinger, Almon Hunter, b. 1874, d. 1918, ss as Myrtle Kellogg, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Mottinger, Clark Kellogg, b. 1916, d. 2004, ss as Ruth Orbesen Mottinger
Mottinger, Myrtle Kellogg, b. 188?, d. 1918, ss as Almon Hunter Mottinger, "There are 20 stones in this section that all go together, They are, Sherman, Sarah, Bulah, ?.H., Fred G, Louise A., George W., Sarah Gleason, Robert, Clara H., Sherman G., Belle M., Myrtle, Alvin E, Myra M, Robert H., Ethan A, Clifton Kellogg and Almon H"
Mottinger, Ruth Orbesen, b. 1918, d. 1992, ss as Clark Kellogg Mottinger
Mouyios, Margie Tarr, b. 21 Apr 1910, d. 26 Dec 1980, Mother, "next to William, Hattie & Marjorie Tarr"
Munsel, ?, d. 15 Oct 1852, dau of ? & ?F Munsel, first name looks like possibly Sarah
Murley, Edward R, b. 1872, d. 1940, "Roy, Margaret Murley Klett, Kathryn Murley Shelly, Edward, Mary J, Julia A, Ray J, John, Eva M Platt Murley & Lida Brennan Murley are all buried in same section."
Murley, Eva M Platt, b. 1878, d. 1921, "Roy, Margaret Murley Klett, Kathryn Murley Shelly, Edward, Mary J, Julia A, Ray J, John, Eva M Platt Murley & Lida Brennan Murley are all buried in same section."
Murley, John, b. 1841, d. 1921, Father, "Roy, Margaret Murley Klett, Kathryn Murley Shelly, Edward, Mary J, Julia A, Ray J, John, Eva M Platt Murley & Lida Brennan Murley are all buried in same section."
Murley, Julia A, b. 1845, d. 1919, Mother, "Roy, Margaret Murley Klett, Kathryn Murley Shelly, Edward, Mary J, Julia A, Ray J, John, Eva M Platt Murley & Lida Brennan Murley are all buried in same section."
Murley, Lida Brennan, b. 1879, d. 1935, "Roy, Margaret Murley Klett, Kathryn Murley Shelly, Edward, Mary J, Julia A, Ray J, John, Eva M Platt Murley & Lida Brennan Murley are all buried in same section."
Murley, Mary J, b. 1869, d. 1871, "Roy, Margaret Murley Klett, Kathryn Murley Shelly, Edward, Mary J, Julia A, Ray J, John, Eva M Platt Murley & Lida Brennan Murley are all buried in same section."
Murley, Ray J, b. 1884, d. 1955, "Roy, Margaret Murley Klett, Kathryn Murley Shelly, Edward, Mary J, Julia A, Ray J, John, Eva M Platt Murley & Lida Brennan Murley are all buried in same section."
Newsam, Hannah, b. 29 Mar 1823, d. 24 Mar 1906, mother, next to Thomas Newsam
Newsam, Thomas, d. 26 Feb 1874, age 53y 3m ?d Our Father My Husband, next to Hannah Newsam
Nichols, Jane, no dates, wife of Thomas, stone broken
Nichols, Thomas, d. 28 ? 185?, next to Jane
Nicholson, Elnosa, d. 28 Apr 187?, age 44y, ss as William
Nicholson, W. N., no dates, small stone
Nicholson, William, b. 3 Dec 18??, d. 31 Mar 1888, ss as Elnosa
Norris, Abigal M.A., b. 11 Jan ? Glo?ic?, Mass, d. 1 Sep 18?, "age 29(?) yr, 7m 2 day", "ss asCharles F. Richardson Edward Symmes Lang Richardson, Adaline Norris, William Norris, Abigal M.A. Norris, Emily A Norris"
Norris, Adaline, b. 10 Mar 1820 Salem, Mass, d. 15 Jun 1891 Chicago (?) IL, 70 y ? m 3 D, "ss asCharles F. Richardson Edward Symmes Lang Richardson, Adaline Norris, William Norris, Abigal M.A. Norris, Emily A Norris"
Norris, Emily A, no dates, can't read anything else, "ss as Charles F. Richardson Edward Symmes Lang Richardson, Adaline Norris, William Norris, Abigal M.A. Norris, Emily A Norris"
Norris, William, b. 5 ? 18?9,? Mass, d. 5 Apr ?,Chicago (?) IL, A SOldier________, age: ?y 10m 2? da, "ss asCharles F. Richardson Edward Symmes Lang Richardson, Adaline Norris, William Norris, Abigal M.A. Norris, Emily A Norris"
Olds, Elsa Reid, b. 1885, d. 1976, next to Harry Ernest Reid
Packer, Boze M, b. 30 Nov 1790,born in Pennsylvannia, d. 30 Sep 1877
Palmer, Marian Davis, b. 1906, d. 1983, Mother, "ss as Marian Davis, Walley H Davis, Fanny M Davis"
Palmer, Robert Harper, b. 1907, d. 1966, Father, "ss as Marian Davis, Walley H Davis, Fanny M Davis"
Paugels, James A, b. 2 Jan 1967, d. 24 Feb 1972, Son
Pearson, ?, d. 22 ? 1877, stone broken next to Peter Pearson
Pearson, Gust., b. 27 Jun 1855, d. 21 Mar 1931, next to Mary Beckstrom Pearson
Pearson, Mary Beckstrom, b. 15 Mar 1856, d. 14 Jul 1910, next to Gust.
Pearson, Peter, d. ? 1826, I think it is 55years, next to 2 broken stones
Perkins, Hattie, d. ?, ss as William W, wife of Wm Perkins age 26y can't read the rest, "this sect. has: Minnie, Francis M, Mother, Father, Barnard, Harriet, James, Judith, broke stone,McKanna & William & Hattie Perkins, & Kate & Micheal Mann"
Perkins, William W, b. 1867, d. 1929, ss as Hattie, "this sect. has: Minnie, Francis M, Mother, Father, Barnard, Harriet, James, Judith, broke stone,McKanna & William & Hattie Perkins, & Kate & Micheal Mann"
Peterson, ?, d. ? Jun 1878, 23y, ss as Corneila & Andrew Peterson
Peterson, Andrew, d. 20 Jan 1879, ss as Cornelia & ? Peterson
Peterson, Cornelia, d. 7 May 1900, wife of A. Peterson age 68y, ss as Andrew & ? Peterson
Peterson, Robert, b. 1890, d. 1918
Phillips, ??, b. 3 Dec 1888, d. 3 Sep 1894, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Phillips, Almar J, b. 17 Mar 1855, d. 26 Sep 1917, ss as Martin J, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Phillips, Almar J, no dates, this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Phillips, Barney H, b. 1845, d. 1933, ss as Jennie M
Phillips, Emma A, b. 1867, d. 1943, mother, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Phillips, Frank L, b. 1860, d. 1931, father, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Phillips, Helen J, b. 1910, d. 2001, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Phillips, Jennie M, b. 1856, d. 1940, ss as Barney H
Phillips, Martin J, b. 20 Jun 1850, d. 5 Dec 1875, ss as Almar J, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Phillips, Martin J, no dates, this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Phillips, Mary J McKanna, d. 8 Feb 1890, wife of Peter Phillips, age 66y 10 m 13 days, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Phillips, Peter, d. 4 Jul 1895, age 77y 1m 19d, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Phillips, Raymond F, b. 1893, d. 1974, "this grp is: Frank L, Emma A, Martin J, Almar J, small stone c/r, Mother, Father & Mother, Mary J, Peter Phillips, Sarah Lane, Helen J, Raymond FPhillips, Mary & Elmer Jager"
Pierce, Esther J Stephens, b. 2 Ap 1922, d. n/a, ss as Russel
Pierce, Russell, b. 6 Mar 1916, d. 18 Jan 2004, ss as Esther J.
Pontis, Grace C, b. 1906, d. 1988, next to Helen Greenberg
Potts, Albert, b. 1868, d. 1949, Father, ss as Clara B
Potts, Clara B, b. 1873, d. 1952, Mother, ss as Albert
Pulver, Anson H, b. 7 Jun 1854, d. 16 Sep 1907, son of H & H Pulver, "this grp is: Henry, Hulda, Ora B, Mary E, Anson H, William K. Pulver"
Pulver, Catherine Van Buren, d. 9 Sep 1872, his wife age 78y, ss as Richard
Pulver, Henry, b. 30 Jul 1818, d. 26 Jan 1888, "this grp is: Henry, Hulda, Ora B, Mary E, Anson H, William K. Pulver"
Pulver, Hulda Goodwin, b. 31 Aug 1832, d. 19 Jul 1914, his wife, "this grp is: Henry, Hulda, Ora B, Mary E, Anson H, William K. Pulver"
Pulver, Mary E, b. 17 Sep 1872, d. 12 Feb 1903, "this grp is: Henry, Hulda, Ora B, Mary E, Anson H, William K. Pulver"
Pulver, Ora B, b. 26 Sep 1852, d. 16 May 1914, "this grp is: Henry, Hulda, Ora B, Mary E, Anson H, William K. Pulver"
Pulver, Richard, d. 14 Oct 1872, age 80y, ss as Catherine
Pulver, William K, b. 7 Mar 1858, d. 28 Nov 1945, "this grp is: Henry, Hulda, Ora B, Mary E, Anson H, William K. Pulver"
Reed, ? J., d. 6 May 1885, age 24y 23 d I believe first name is Frank
Reed, Jonathan, d. 19 Aug 1975, age 91y 10m, ss as Polly
Reed, Polly, d. 18 Feb 1881, age 90y 6m 3 d, ss as Jonathan
Reid, Harry Ernest, b. 1886, d. 1957, next to Elsa Reid Olds
Reid, Sarah Price, b. 1853, d. 1942
Rhodes, Agnes, b. 1885, d. 1919, Mother, "buried in sect. marked by 4 post that are Rieger, John A & Anna S"
Richardson, Charles F, d. 24 May 1863, "ss asCharles F. Richardson Edward Symmes Lang Richardson, Adaline Norris, William Norris, Abigal M.A. Norris, Emily A Norris"
Richardson, Edward Symmes Lang, b. 28 Feb 1816 Salem, Mass, d. 7 Mar 1903 died in Aurora, IL", "ss asCharles F. Richardson Edward Symmes Lang Richardson, Adaline Norris, William Norris, Abigal M.A. Norris, Emily A Norris"
Richardson, W. P., no dates, stone broke
Rieger, Anna S, b. 1856, d. 1932, his wife, buried in sect. marked by 4 post with Agnes Rhodes and John A Rieger
Rieger, John A, b. 1854, d. 1906, buried in sect. marked by 4 post with Agnes Rhodes & Anna Rieger
Ringberg, Clarence C, b. 11 May ?, d. 24 Sep 1924, TEC 5 US ARMY WWII, next to Tammi Lynn Wheaton
Robinson, Catherine A, b. 1905, d. 1994, wife, "this group has: Mary Wilson, John, Margaret Mary, Catherine A, John W Robinson"
Robinson, John W, b. 1903, d. n/a, husband, "this group has: Mary Wilson, John, Margaret Mary, Catherine A, John W Robinson"
Robinson, John, b. 1872, d. 1922, father, "this group has: Mary Wilson, John, Margaret Mary, Catherine A, John W Robinson"
Robinson, Margaret Mary, b. 1907, d. 1917, "this group has: Mary Wilson, John, Margaret Mary, Catherine A, John W Robinson"
Robinson, Mary Wilson, b. 1869, d. 1964, mother, "this group has: Mary Wilson, John, Margaret Mary, Catherine A, John W Robinson"
Rogerts, Margaret, b. 1858, d. 1940, buried at Au Sable Cem, "this stone is for David, Jane Goudie, Mary Caldwell MacMillan, Thomas MacMillan,Margaret Rogers, Hugh Hunter, Margaret J. Jessup, Jane Hunter"
Sallenbach, Alice S. nee Carpenter, b. 1876, d. 1909, "next to Samuel, Edna & Edward Carpeter"
Sanders, Charles E, b. 24 Jan 1876, d. 1 Apr 1876, ss as Gilbert E
Sanders, Cilbert E, b. 20 Mar 1847, d. 6 May 1895, ss as Charles E
Satterly, Cecilia E, b. 18 May 1842, d. 2 Oct 1937, "ss as Helen Ann and with stones for Cecilia May, Theodosia E, Edmund S, Cecilia E, Seth, Ruth S, Edward Satterly"
Satterly, Cecilia May, b. 14 May 1872, d. 30 Oct 1947, "ss as Helen Ann and with stones for Cecilia May, Theodosia E, Edmund S, Cecilia E, Seth, Ruth S, Edward Satterly"
Satterly, Edmund S, b. 4 Mar 1835, d. 22 Nov 1904, "ss as Helen Ann and with stones for Cecilia May, Theodosia E, Edmund S, Cecilia E, Seth, Ruth S, Edward Satterly"
Satterly, Edward, no dates, very Old stone son of E.S. & C.E. Satterly, can't read anything else, "ss as Helen Ann and with stones for Cecilia May, Theodosia E, Edmund S, Cecilia E, Seth, Ruth S, Edward Satterly"
Satterly, Helen A Seely, b. 1811, d. 1891, ss as Seth M
Satterly, Helen Ann, d. 3 Jul 1831, his wife age 80y 28d, "ss as Helen Ann and with stones for Cecilia May, Theodosia E, Edmund S, Cecilia E, Seth, Ruth S, Edward Satterly"
Satterly, Ruth S, no dates, very Old stone dau of E.S. & C.E. Satterly, age 1 y, can't read anything else, "ss as Helen Ann and with stones for Cecilia May, Theodosia E, Edmund S, Cecilia E, Seth, Ruth S, Edward Satterly"
Satterly, Seth M, b. 1808, d. 1875, ss as Helen A
Satterly, Seth M, d. 6 Aug 1875, 66y 10m 14 d, "ss as Helen Ann and with stones for Cecilia May, Theodosia E, Edmund S, Cecilia E, Seth, Ruth S, Edward Satterly"
Satterly, Seth, no dates, very Old stone son of E.S. & C.E. Satterly, can't read anything else, "ss as Helen Ann and with stones for Cecilia May, Theodosia E, Edmund S, Cecilia E, Seth, Ruth S, Edward Satterly"
Satterly, Theodosia E, b. 8 Apr 1885, d. 5 May 1947, "ss as Helen Ann and with stones for Cecilia May, Theodosia E, Edmund S, Cecilia E, Seth, Ruth S, Edward Satterly"
Scheefelot, ?, d. 22 ? 1887, son, can't read next to Renaldo & ?
Scheefelot, Augusta, d. 19 May 1903, ag 52y 6 m, "ss as Carl, Matches Renaldo, ? and ?"
Scheefelot, Carl, b. 22 Jul 1852, d. 28 Feb 1911, ss as Augusta
Scheefelot, Renaldo, d. ? Oct 1886, "next to Augusta/Carl, ?/?"
Schlapp, Agnes W, b. 1879, d. 1963, Mother, "in row with Agnes, Ralph B, Gladys, Glenn R, Ruth V and row behind Jesse Shaw & M. Lynn Schlapp Shaw"
Schlapp, Andrew P, b. 20 Feb 1900, d. 12 may 1900, son of H & L Schlapp, "ss as Dorothy E surrounded by Harry E, Ethel, Harry W, Lillie M, Laura M, Fred W., Harry P., Andrew Pl"
Schlapp, Dorothy E, b. 1913, d. 1996, Mother, ss as Earl W
Schlapp, Earl W, b. 1905, d. 1991, "ss as Dorothy E surrounded by Harry E, Ethel, Harry W, Lillie M, Laura M, Fred W., Harry P., Andrew Pl"
Schlapp, Elizabeth D, b. 1838, d. 1908, his wife, "ss as Elizabeth D., Esther L Marvin, Elizaqbeth A. Snyder, 3 Infant Childred of Nicholas & Betsy Schlapp"
Schlapp, Ethel L, b. 15 Sep 1904, d. 29 Mar 1985, dau of H & L Schlapp, "ss as Dorothy E surrounded by Harry E, Ethel, Harry W, Lillie M, Laura M, Fred W., Harry P., Andrew Pl"
Schlapp, Fred W, b. 12 May 1907, d. 18 Aug 1907, son of H & L Schlapp, "ss as Dorothy E surrounded by Harry E, Ethel, Harry W, Lillie M, Laura M, Fred W., Harry P., Andrew Pl"
Schlapp, Gladys, b. 1907, d. 1989, "in row with Agnes, Ralph B, Gladys, Glenn R, Ruth V and row behind Jesse Shaw & M. Lynn Schlapp Shaw"
Schlapp, Glenn R, b. 26 Feb 1908, d. 19 Dec 1987, "in row with Agnes, Ralph B, Gladys, Glenn R, Ruth V and row behind Jesse Shaw & M. Lynn Schlapp Shaw"
Schlapp, Grace E, b. 1884, d. 1970, Mother, next to Jule C & John B
Schlapp, Harry E, b. 1 Sep 1936, d. 30 Jul 1987, son of E & D Schlapp, "ss as Dorothy E surrounded by Harry E, Ethel, Harry W, Lillie M, Laura M, Fred W., Harry P., Andrew Pl"
Schlapp, Harry P, b. 9 Aug 1903, d. 23 Sep 1903, son of H & L Schlapp, "ss as Dorothy E surrounded by Harry E, Ethel, Harry W, Lillie M, Laura M, Fred W., Harry P., Andrew Pl"
Schlapp, Harry W, b. 28 Jun 1872, d. 10 Sep 1950, Father, "ss as Dorothy E surrounded by Harry E, Ethel, Harry W, Lillie M, Laura M, Fred W., Harry P., Andrew Pl"
Schlapp, Infants, no dates, 3 infant chldren of Nicholas & Betsy Schlapp
Schlapp, Janet McGouges, d. 1934, ss as Robert James Schlapp
Schlapp, John B, b. 1916, d. 1997, Son, next to Grace E & Jule C
Schlapp, Jule C, b. 1877, d. 1962, Father, next to Grace E
Schlapp, Laura M, b. 21 Jun 1913, d. 7 Sep 1913, dau of H & L Schlapp, "ss as Dorothy E surrounded by Harry E, Ethel, Harry W, Lillie M, Laura M, Fred W., Harry P., Andrew Pl"
Schlapp, Lillie M, b. 22 Mar 1877, d. 10 Jul 1952, Mother, "ss as Dorothy E surrounded by Harry E, Ethel, Harry W, Lillie M, Laura M, Fred W., Harry P., Andrew Pl"
Schlapp, Nicholas, d. 29 Nov 1886, age 55y, "ss as Elizabeth D., Esther L Marvin, Elizaqbeth A. Snyder, 3 Infant Childred of Nicholas & Betsy Schlapp"
Schlapp, Ralph B, b. 1904, d. 1985, "in row with Agnes, Ralph B, Gladys, Glenn R, Ruth V and row behind Jesse Shaw & M. Lynn Schlapp Shaw"
Schlapp, Robert B, b. 1873, d. 1932, Father, "in row with Agnes, Ralph B, Gladys, Glenn R, Ruth V and row behind Jesse Shaw & M. Lynn Schlapp Shaw"
Schlapp, Robert James, d. 1923, ss as Janet McGouges Schlapp
Schlapp, Ronald L, b. 1935, d. 1996, ss as Suzanne
Schlapp, Ruth V, b. 17 Aug 1913, d. 18 May 2004, "in row with Agnes, Ralph B, Gladys, Glenn R, Ruth V and row behind Jesse Shaw & M. Lynn Schlapp Shaw"
Schlapp, Suzanne, b. 1938, d. n/a, wife Married 6 Sep 1958, ss as Ronald L
Schobert, Carl H, b. 1891, d. 1970, "stone is for: Carl H., Jessie, HarOld, Ruby Schobert & John, Ruth, Henry & Hattie Gallager"
Schobert, HarOld A, b. 1899, d. 1976, Husband, "stone is for: Carl H., Jessie, HarOld, Ruby Schobert & John, Ruth, Henry & Hattie Gallager"
Schobert, Jessie, b. 1896, d. 1992, "stone is for: Carl H., Jessie, HarOld, Ruby Schobert & John, Ruth, Henry & Hattie Gallager"
Schobert, John R, b. 1897, d. 19?7, next to Neva M
Schobert, Neva M, b. 1910, d. 1984, next to John R
Schobert, Ruby, b. 1895, d. 1984, wife, "stone is for: Carl H., Jessie, HarOld, Ruby Schobert & John, Ruth, Henry & Hattie Gallager"
Schrader, Ervin F, b. 15 Jun 1922, d. 21 Jun 1978, ss as Lois E
Schrader, Lois E, b. 26 Aur 1918, d. 4 Jun 2003, ss as Ervin F
Schristian, Jon A, b. 17 Dec 1940, d. 20 Mar 1997, nex to HarOld & Helen
Searle, Mary D, b. 1912, d. 1968, Mother, ss as Rolen
Searle, Rolen N, b. 1909, d. 1981, Father, ss as Mary D
Seely, Baby, d. 3 Mar 1915, son of E.H. & E.F.Seely, small stone
Seely, Charles, d. 3 Aug 1860, son of R. & M Seely
Seely, Charles, no dates, small stone
Seely, Charles, no dates, son of ? & ? Seely, "stone has Dr. Townsend, Melicent Tuthill, Edmund, Jane McLain, Francis M. Emma Hills, Melicent, Charles Seely"
Seely, Clement R, b. 1899, d. 1918, small stone
Seely, Dr. Townsend, d. 11 May 1877, "stone has Dr. Townsend, Melicent Tuthill, Edmund, Jane McLain, Francis M. Emma Hills, Melicent, Charles Seely"
Seely, Edmund, d. 21 Mar 1900, age 73 y, "stone has Dr. Townsend, Melicent Tuthill, Edmund, Jane McLain, Francis M. Emma Hills, Melicent, Charles Seely"
Seely, Emma Hills, b. 1863, d. 1949, his wife, "stone has Dr. Townsend, Melicent Tuthill, Edmund, Jane McLain, Francis M. Emma Hills, Melicent, Charles Seely"
Seely, Emma, b. 13 Oct 1863, d. 21 Jun 1949, small stone
Seely, Francis M, b. 1 Mar 1861, d. 20 May 1943, small stone
Seely, Francis M, b. 1961, d. 1943, "stone has Dr. Townsend, Melicent Tuthill, Edmund, Jane McLain, Francis M. Emma Hills, Melicent, Charles Seely"
Seely, Francis, b. 1883, d. 1895, son of F.M & E.H. Seely, small stone
Seely, Jane McLain, b. 1830, d. 1920, his wife, "stone has Dr. Townsend, Melicent Tuthill, Edmund, Jane McLain, Francis M. Emma Hills, Melicent, Charles Seely"
Seely, Julia Ann, b. 27 Aug 1814, d. 7 Sep 1866, wife of Edward Seely, next to Jesse & Helena Carpenter
Seely, Melicent Tuthill, no dates, his wife age 92 yrs, "stone has Dr. Townsend, Melicent Tuthill, Edmund, Jane McLain, Francis M. Emma Hills, Melicent, Charles Seely"
Seely, Melicent, d. 5 Aug 1871, wife of E(?) Y(?) Ketchum age 38 yrs, "stone has Dr. Townsend, Melicent Tuthill, Edmund, Jane McLain, Francis M. Emma Hills, Melicent, Charles Seely"
Seely, Melicent, no dates, small stone
Seely, Peter T, d. 2 Jun 1861, 53y 9m 2d
Senet, Irene, b. 1903, d. 1996, next to Phillip Senet
Senet, Phillip, b. 1892, d. 1974, next to Irene Senet
Sergerson, Julia M, b. 1915, d. 1969, ss as Woodrow W
Sergerson, Woodrow W, b. 1913, d. 1965, Married 2 Aug 1934, ss as Julia M
Sexton, Charles E, b. 1868, d. 1935, "ss as Charles, Egbert W, Charlotte A"
Sexton, Charles, no dates, small stone with large stone by same names
Sexton, Charlotte A, b. 1836, d. 1922, his wife, "ss as Charles E, Helen S, Egbert W Sexton"
Sexton, Egbert W, b. 13 Jan 1829 born at Stockbridge, Mass, d. 14 Apt 1891, "ss as Charles E, Helen S, Charlotte A"
Sexton, Fater, no dates, small stone with large stone by same names
Sexton, Helen S Satterly, b. 2 Mar 1869, d. 24 Dec 1895, wife of C.E. Sexton, "ss as Charles, Egbert W. & Charlotte A Sexton"
Sexton, Helen, no dates, small stone with large stone by same names
Shackleton, Gordon A, b. 1924, d. 1988, Father, Married 27 Aug 1949, Other side of stone is blank
Shaw, Jesse F, b. 9 Sep 1939, d. 28 Mar 1999, "Between Schlapp Family stone and row with Agnes, Ralph B, Gladys, Glenn R, Ruth V"
Shaw, M. Lynn Schlapp, b. 5 Dec 1939, d., "Between Schlapp Family stone and row with Agnes, Ralph B, Gladys, Glenn R, Ruth V"
Shelly, Kathryn Murley, b. 1879, d. 1958, "Roy, Margaret Murley Klett, Kathryn Murley Shelly, Edward, Mary J, Julia A, Ray J, John, Eva M Platt Murley & Lida Brennan Murley are all buried in same section."
Shepard, A. Jackson, b. 1815, d. 1899, "ss as Sabra C, Joseph N, Baby Joe"
Shepard, Baby Joe, b. 1856, d. 1857, "ss as A. Jackson, Sabra C and Joseph"
Shepard, D. C. S., no dates
Shepard, David C, b. 11 Apr 1813, d. 20 Jan 1898, "this stone has: David C, Susannah M, Elizabeth H on one side of stone & James, David C.J.& Jane C. Gable Shepard on other side"
Shepard, David C. J, b. 12 ? 1848, d. 18 May 1869, "this stone has: David C, Susannah M, Elizabeth H on one side of stone & James, David C.J.& Jane C. Gable Shepard on other side"
Shepard, Edith S, b. 1863, d. 1928, "next to Baby, Joseph, Mother & Father"
Shepard, Elizabeth H, b. 11 May 1813, d. 6 Sep 1897, his wife, "this stone has: David C, Susannah M, Elizabeth H on one side of stone & James, David C.J.& Jane C. Gable Shepard on other side"
Shepard, James L, b. 19 Mar 1853, d. 18 Jun 1864, "this stone has: David C, Susannah M, Elizabeth H on one side of stone & James, David C.J.& Jane C. Gable Shepard on other side"
Shepard, Jane C. Gable, b. 13 Jan 1845, d. 24 Oct 1870, "this stone has: David C, Susannah M, Elizabeth H on one side of stone & James, David C.J.& Jane C. Gable Shepard on other side"
Shepard, Joseph N, b. 18?8, d. 1881, "ss as A. Jackson, Sabra C and Baby Joe"
Shepard, Ruth C, d. 3 Jan 1828, wife of Jeremiah age 94y
Shepard, Sabra C, b. 1822, d. 1888, his wife, "ss as A. Jackson, Joseph N, Baby Joe"
Shepard, Susannah M, b. 9 Feb 1812, d. 3 Apr 1856, his wife, "this stone has: David C, Susannah M, Elizabeth H on one side of stone & James, David C.J.& Jane C. Gable Shepard on other side"
Sleezer, Kay E Wissmiller, b. 2 Jun 1946, d. 25 Aug 1981, ss as Seth C
Sleezer, Lois L Kahle, b. 11 Dec 1922, d. 6 Nov 1998, Married 10 Mar 1944, ss as Seth C
Sleezer, Seth C, b. 26 Apr 1946, d. n/a, just buried ss as Kay E. Wissmiller
Sleezer, Seth C, b. 29 Sep 1923, d., "parents of Seth C b 26 Apr 1946, Dean b. 26 Jun 1948, Judy b. 19 Jan 1952"
Smith, Doris L, b. 1921, d. 2002, Forever In Our Hearts, next to Frank Smith & Tim Arbeiter
Smith, Florence Hunt, b. 13 Jan 1909, d. 15 Sep 1986, "next to Vernon D, Sophie A, Sumner Richard Smith"
Smith, Frank, b. 20 Jul 1918, d. 8 Dec 1974, Sgt US Army, next to Doris Smith & Tim Arbeiter
Smith, Harry, b. 1863, d. 1920, Father, ss as Ruby
Smith, Mabel, b. 1888, d. 1890, daug, "same sect. as Harry, Ruby, Mabel, R. Irene Smith"
Smith, R. Irene, b. 1892, d. 1958, daug., "same sect. as Harry, Ruby, Mabel, R. Irene Smith"
Smith, Ruby, b. 1866, d. 1941, Mother, "ss as Harry matching stones with Inf. Son of Ethel & August Urban, Mabel, R. Irene"
Smith, Sophie A, b. 11 Nov 1916, d. 3 Dec 2002, Mother, "nex to Vernon, Sumner, Florence"
Smith, Sumner Richard, b. 27 Aug 1906, d. 21 May 1975, "next to Florence, Sophie, Vernon"
Smith, Vernon D, b. 19 Mary 1905, d. 9 Jan 1958, Father, "next to Sophie, Sumner Richar, Florence Hunt Smith"
Snyder, Elizabeth A, b. 1866, d. 1953, "ss asNicholas, Elizabeth D., Esther L Marvin, Snyder, 3 Infant Childred of Nicholas & Betsy Schlapp"
Stacks, Larry D, b. 1948, d. 1979, ss as LeRoy
Stacks, LeRoy, b. 1919, d. 1959, Father, ss as Larry D
Stahley, Marianna, b. 1850, d. 1926, ss as Mary
Stahley, Mary, b. 1844, d. 1913, ss as marianna
Stahly, John W, d. ?4 Sep 1877, age 23y 2m 1? d
Stallart, Lucinda, no dates, wife of Moses, can't read
Stevenson, Helena Morgan, b. 30 Apr 1875, d. 3 Mar 1905, ss as R. George, 2 stones
Stevenson, R. George, b. 8 Dec 1873, d. 23 Dec 1961, ss as Helena Morgan, 2 stones
Stewart, Dorothy E, b. 11 Apr 1919, d. 7 Jul 2004, ss as John E
Stewart, Elaine E Ashley, b. 3 Dec 1922, d. 20 Dec 1995, ss as Robert
Stewart, John E, b. 11 July 1915, d. 23 Oct 1999, ss as Dorothy E
Stewart, Robert, b. 23 Aug 1919, d. n/a, Together Forever, ss as Elaine
Stilwell, Clarence C, b. 23 Aug 1893, d. 12 Feb 1974, ss as Stella Georgi
Stilwell, Stella Georgi, b. 26 Oct 1887, d. 21 Oct 1967, God Is Our Refuge and Strength, ss as Clarence C Stilwell
Studley, B., d. 2 ? 188?, can't read anything else, next to Benjamin
Studley, Benjamin, d. 19 ? 1881, age ? yr, next to B.
Sullivan, Joseph, b. 29 May 1843, d. 7 Nov 1861, "died at Mound City, In Service Of His Country", Old empty base next to this stone, small white stone says J.S. in front of a new large stone
Surname, Given Name, b. Birth,Birth Place, d. Death,Death Place, Notes, Inscription
Swett, Frank H, b. 1857, d. 1936, next to Mary L and 2 Baby Swett
Swett, Katherine K, b. 1898, d. 1974, next to William Swett
Swett, Mary L, b. 1862, d. 1938, next to Frank H and 2 Baby Swett
Swett, William, b. 1895, d. 1961, next to Katherine K Swett
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