Search Illinois Death Records
Illinois Newspapers, Full Search (1818-2018), 623 titles
Illinois Obituary Search, (1840-current)
Illinois Birth Records Database, (1818-1999)
Lincoln Memorial Park
Oswego Township, Kendall County, Illinois
Contributed by Selina Brown, Jun 23, 2008 []
Paap, Carl A, b. 1909, d. 1981, Sec.12
Pabar, Daniel S, b. 195?, d. 199?, this stone is covered by bushes, Sec. 22
Pacheco, Ernesto Geronimo, b. 1956, d. 2007, ss as Patricia, Sec. 10
Pacheco, Patricia Lizalde, b. 1958, d. no date, Parents of Ernestos Jr, German, Omar, Ozvaldo, Sec. 10
Page, Bradly, b. 2 Jul 1962, d. 14 Sep 1962, Sec. 26
Page, Florence P, b. 1905, d. 1985, Sec. 17
Page, Jeannette K, b. 1939, d. no date, Mother, Sec. 19 A
Page, Michael W, b. 1965, d. 1977, Son, ss as William & Jeannette, Sec. 19 A
Page, Weston H, b. 1913, d. 1979, Tec4 US Army WWII, Sec. 18 B
Page, William J, b. 1939, d. no date, Father, Sec. 19 A
Pagel, Ervin J, b. 1912, d. 1975, Sec. 23
Pagel, Helen A, b. 1914, d. 2005, ss as Ervin, Sec. 23
Pahaly, John O, b. 1884, d. 1981, Father, Sec. 20
Pahaly, Nellie L, b. 1887, d. 1974, Mother, ss as John O, Sec. 20
Pahlman, Randy Lee, b. 1958, d. 1981, Beloved Husband, Sec. 14
Paine, Catherine V, b. 1907, d. 2001, Sec. 20 C
Paine, Harold G, b. 1908, d. 1969, ss as Catherine, Sec. 20 C
Pairsot, John P, b. 26 Jul 1901, d. 13 Aug 1976, ss as Margaret, Sec. 18 A
Pairsot, Margaret E, b. 7 Sep 1916, d. 9 Nov 1970, Sec. 18 A
Paku, Eugene R, b. 1936, d. 1981, Sec. 17
Paku, Julius, b. 1904, d. 1978, Sec. 17
Paku, Mary, b. 1911, d. 1986, next to Julius & Eugene, Sec. 17
Paladeau, Margaret, b. 1886, d. 1961, Sec. 15
Paler, Anna, b. 1893, d. 1951, Wife, Sec. MAB
Paler, Victor, b. 1887, d. 1968, Husband, Sec. MAB
Paley, Betty L, b. 1923, d. 1994, Wife of Norman, next to Orril, Norman & Louis, Sec. 17
Paley, Louis A, b. 1895, d. 1983, ss as Orril & Norman, Sec. 17
Paley, Norman D, b. 1925, d. 1977, g/o, Sec. 17
Paley, Orril S, b. 1895, d. 1980, ss as Norman & Louis, Sec. 17
Palmatier, Barbara E, b. 1922, d. 1974, next to James & Louise, Sec. MAB
Palmatier, Elizabeth R, b. 5 Dec 1924, d. 17 May 2000, ss as James G, Sec. MAB
Palmatier, Glen A, b. 1911, d. 1968, Father, Sec. 20
Palmatier, James G, b. 23 July 1927, d. 18 Jun 2005, Sec. MAB
Palmatier, James R, b. 1906, d. 1987, Father, Sec. MAB
Palmatier, Louise E, b. 1905, d. 1972, Mother, ss as James R, Sec. MAB
Palmatier, Mark R, b. 1957, d. 2000, Sec. 18 A
Palmatier, Merle Lee, b. 2 Nov 1934, d. 1 Dec 1978, A1C US Air Force Korea, Sec. 18 A
Palmer, Charles B, b. 1900, d. 1977, Sec. 16
Palmer, Grace B, b. 1904, d. 1991, ss as Charles, Sec. 16
Palmer, James P, b. 1960, d. 2002, Loving Husband, Dad & Friend, Sec. 20 C
Palmer, Julia C, b. 1913, d. 2007, mar. 24 Jul 1961, Sec. 18 A
Palmer, Thomas L, b. 1928, d. 1997, Tec5 US Army WWII, ss as Julia, Sec. 18 A
Palmquist, Lori Ann, d. 30 July 1955, Baby, Sec. 16
Paluska, Joseph J, b. 1904, d. 1990, mar 2 Sep 1926, Sec. 17
Paluska, Mary H, b. 1903, d. 1988, ss as Joseph, Sec. 17
Palzer, Mark A, b. 16 Feb 1964, d. 1 May 1967, Sec. 18 A
Pamplin, Frances A, b. 1901, d. 1981, Sec. 14
Pamplin, George M, b. 1901, d. 1991, ss as Frances, Sec. 14
Panikis, Dora J, b. 1894, d. 1983, ss as George T, Sec. 17
Panikis, George T, b. 1891, d. 1967, ss as Dora, Sec. 17
Panos, William D, b. 1 Jan 1887, d. 17 May 1957, Sec. 18 A
Pan-Wu, Chan-Chin, b. 5 Dec 1911, d. 9 Jan 2006, Sec. 18 A
Panzer, John, b. 1887, d. 1952, Sec. MAA
Panzer, Rosa, b. 1889, d. 1977, ss as John, Sec. MAA
Pappas, Louis, b. 1894, d. 1942, Father, Sec. 26
Paquin, Guy L, b. 24 Jun 1931, d. 21 Jan 1981, ss as Guy M, Sec. 17
Paquin, Guy M, b. 29 May 1958, d. 8 Jun 1981, Sec. 17
Paquin, Joyce R, b. 1936, d. 2000, In Loving of Sis, Sec. 17
Parent, Guy B, b. 1882, d. 1946, Father, ss as Maude, Sec. MAB
Parent, Maude N, b. 1886, d. 1962, Mother, Sec. MAB
Parish, James R Sr, b. 1949, d. 2002, Dad, Sec. 10
Parish, Linda M, b. 1961, d. no date, Mom, ss as James Sr, Sec. 10
Park, Annette L, b. 1899, d. 1979, Sec. 19 C
Park, Harry M, b. 1891, d. 1954, ss as Annette, Sec. 19 C
Parker, Anne H, b. 1888, d. 1957, Wife, Sec. 25
Parker, Beverly J, b. 1933, d. no date, ss as Charles, Sec. 14
Parker, Charles E, b. 1922, d. 1988, Sec. MAB
Parker, Charles H, b. 1930, d. 1978, Sec. 14
Parker, Clarence E, d. 21 Jan 1940, Illinois Apprentice Seaman US Navy, Sec. 26
Parker, Elizabeth L, b. 1918, d. 1986, ss as William, Sec. 14
Parker, Ella Mae Lee, b. 1904, d. 1991, Sec. 18 A
Parker, G. Walter, b. 1886, d. 1973, Husband, ss as Anne & Hilda, Sec. 25
Parker, Gertrude C, b. 1913, d. no date, ss as Harry O, Sec. 24 A
Parker, Harry O, b. 1908, d. 1968, Sec. 24 A
Parker, Hilda T, b. 1890, d. 1954, Wife, Sec. 25
Parker, John "Frank", b. 1899, d. 1966, ss as Ella Mae, Sec. 18 A
Parker, Lillian C, b. 1920, d. no date, ss as Charles, Sec. MAB
Parker, Margaret J, b. 13 Jun 1927, d. no date, Sec. 18 A
Parker, Michelle Leigh, b. 7 May 1980, d. 17 May 1980, Sec. 14
Parker, Nora L, b. 1907, d. 1981, Sec. 18 A
Parker, Raymond V, b. 1934, d. 1992, Sec. 15
Parker, Rebecca Jean, b. 25 Sep 1975, d. 5 Mar 1976, Our Baby, next to Michelle & Charles, Sec. 14
Parker, Robert L, b. 1903, d. 1964, ss as Nora, Sec. 18 A
Parker, Ryan W, b. 29 Aug 1978, d. 1 Aug 2004, Sec. 10
Parker, William S, b. 1911, d. 1991, Sec. 14
Parkhill, Anna T, b. 1879, d. 1969, ss as Dennis and, Sec. MAA
Parkhill, Dennis James, b. 1868, d. 1946, Sec. MAA
Parkhurst, Dorothy, b. 1915, d. no date, this grp: Gregg & Sterling Rissman, Mildred & Roy Peterson, Sec. 20
Parkhurst, Elizabeth G, b. 1920, d. 2007, Teacher, Sec. 17
Parkhurst, Floyd Allen, b. 1917, d. 2003, ss as Elizabeth G, Sec. 17
Parkhurst, Melvin, b. 1913, d. 1995, this grp: Gregg & Sterling Rissman, Mildred & Roy Peterson, Sec. 20
Parkhurst, Paulma M, b. 1922, d. no date, ss as Stanley, Sec. 17
Parkhurst, Stanley T, b. 1923, d. 1996, Sec. 17
Parkhurst, Virigina, b. 1915, d. 1976, ss as Dorothy, Melvin, Sec. 20
Parks, Claude T, b. 1908, d. 1972, g/o, Sec. 19 A
Parks, Mabel V, b. 1893, d. 1974, ss as Claude T, Sec. 19 A
Parlow, Edith C, b. 1895, d. 1976, Mother, ss as Joseph, Sec. MAA
Parlow, Joseph Elmer, b. 1924, d. 1983, Father, ss as Nettie, Sec. 19 A
Parlow, Joseph, b. 1889, d. 1957, Father, Sec. MAA
Parlow, Nettie Julia, b. 1909, d. 1993, Sec. 19 A
Parnham, Elizabeth K, b. 16 Dec 1916, d. 30 May 1975, next to Fred, Sec. 15
Parnham, Fred Merritt, b. 1941, d. 3 Sep 1973, Illinois A3C US Air Force Vietnam, Sec. 15
Parrish, Irene M, b. 1920, d. 1985, Mother, Sec. 20
Parson, Delores P, b. 1920, d. 1964, Mother, ss as Einar, Sec. MAA
Parson, Einar G, b. 1912, d. 2004, Father, Sec. MAA
Parsons, Elaine S, b. 1947, d. no date, Sec. 16
Parsons, Elmer J, b. 1915, d. 2000, Sec. 14
Parsons, Russell L Sr., b. 1943, d. 1991, ss as Elaine, Sec. 16
Parsons, Sarah N, b. 1919, d. 1983, ss as Elmer, Sec. 14
Pasilis ?, Valeria, b. 1897, d. 1978, ss as John, Sec. 18 B
Pasilis, John, b. 1892, d. 1970, g/o, Sec. 18 B
Paskadi, George, b. 1886, d. 1960, Father, Sec. 28
Paskadi, George, b. 1913, d. 1985, Son, ss as George & Mary, Sec. 28
Paskadi, Mary, b. 1887, d. 1956, Mother, Sec. 28
Pasnick, Martha, b. 1892, d. 1938, Sec. 20
Pasnick, Michael, b. 1887, d. 1976, next to Martha, Sec. 20
Pass, Jeannette Van Buskirk, b. 1912, d. 1986, ss as Nathan, Sec. 18 B
Pass, Lois A, b. 1940, d. 2001, ss as Richard, Sec. 18 B
Pass, Nathan, b. 1909, d. 1995, next to Richard & Lois, Sec. 18 B
Pass, Richard B, b. 1935, d. 1993, Sec. 18 B
Passage, Byrd M, b. 1881, d. 1963, ss as Jacob, Sec. MAA
Passage, Jacob L, b. 1878, d. 1952, Sec. MAA
Passage, Mable C Calvert, d. 21 Jun 1955, Mother, ss as Newton & Nell, Sec. MAA
Passage, Nelle, b. n/a, d. no date, Daughter, Sec. MAA
Passage, Newton N, d. 7 Jan 1938, Father, Sec. MAA
Passmore, Hollis Ray, b. 1918, d. 1956, Sec. 18 A
Patelski, Clara L, b. 1874, d. 1956, Sister, Sec. 19 C
Patelski, Elmer L, b. 18 Jun 1909, d. 16 May 1984, Tec5 US Army WWII, Sec. 19 C
Patelski, Frank E, b. 1879, d. 1959, Father, Sec. 19 C
Patelski, Hilda F, b. 1913, d. 2001, Sec. 19 C
Patelski, infant, d. 1942, Inf. Brother, ss as Lawrence, Sec. 19 C
Patelski, Lawrence Council, b. 1938, d. 1943, Sec. 19 C
Patelski, Mayme A, b. 1883, d. 1945, Mother, Sec. 19 C
Patelski, Raymond, b. 1905, d. 1951, Son, Sec. 19 C
Paterson, Florence S, b. 1896, d. 1987, ss as James, Sec. MAA
Paterson, James F, b. 1895, d. 1974, Sec. MAA
Patkas, Paul, d. 15 Jun 1891, Sec. 28
Patrick, Alma, b. 1902, d. 1999, Sec. MAB
Patrick, Leonard A, b. 1921, d. 1987, Sec. MAB
Patrick, Leonard C, b. 1897, d. 1995, Pvt US Army WWI, ss as Leonard A & Alma, Sec. MAB
Patscheider, Walter, b. 1891, d. 1988, Sec. MAA
Patterson, Billie, b. 1923, d. 1939, Son, Sec. 19 C
Patterson, C. Frank, b. 1875, d. 1935, Father, ss as Billie Patterson & Belle Telling. Stone in bushes, Sec. 19 C
Patterson, Donald R, b. 14 Feb 1907, d. 23 Nov 1944, Sec. 19 A
Patterson, Earl E, b. 9 Aug 1907, d. 19 Oct 1989, S1 US Navy WWII, Sec. 19 C
Patterson, Emma A, b. 19 Feb 1890, d. 17 Nov 1971, Sec. 25
Patterson, Florence R, b. 1927, d. no date, mar. 23 Mar 1946, Sec. 19 A
Patterson, Frank M, b. 28 Mar 1876, d. 20 Mar 1945, next to Emma A, Sec. 25
Patterson, Gladys S, b. 4 Apr 1911, d. 3 Mar 1999, Wife, ss as Earl E, Sec. 19 C
Patterson, John P, b. 1932, d. no date, Sec.12
Patterson, Kevin Lee, d. 13 Nov 1959, son of George & Glenna Patterson, Sec. 26
Patterson, Lorraine A, b. 1936, d. 2006, ss as John, Sec.12
Patterson, Raymond L, b. 1923, d. 2000, ss as Florence, Sec. 19 A
Patterson, Robert E, b. 1919, d. 1983, Sec. 14
Patterson, Robert J, b. 1865, d. 1943, ss as Sarah, Sec. 19 C
Patterson, Sarah E, b. 1872, d. 1967, Sec. 19 C
Patterson, Thomas Clow, b. 4 Aug 1904, d. 8 Jun 1990, Sec. 19 A
Patterson, Virginia A, b. 1924, d. no date, ss as Robert, Sec. 14
Patton, Charles E, b. 1949, d. 1951, Son, Sec. 20
Patton, Frances M, b. 1900, d. 2002, Sec. 14
Patton, Fred C, b. 1884, d. 1951, Father, ss as Hazel, Sec. 20
Patton, Hazel M, b. 1896, d. 1979, Mother, Sec. 20
Patton, Helen, b. 1907, d. 1995, Mother, ss as James Connors, Sec. 19 B
Patton, Thomas P, b. 1864, d. 1938, Father, ss as Verena, Sec. 19 B
Patton, Verena E, b. 1880, d. 1939, Sec. 19 B
Patton, Wanda C, b. 1924, d. 1994, Mother, ss as Charles E, Sec. 20
Paul, Anthony T, b. 1917, d. 1983, 1st Lt US Army WWII, Sec. 20
Paul, Elizabeth A, b. 24 Nov 1919, d. 19 Jan 1991, Sec. 20
Paul, Mary E Baugus, b. 1914, d. 1932, Daughter, ths grp: Gladys Miller, Terry Mason, Walter Miller, Mary Paul, Cread & Estel Baugus, Sec. MAA
Paulauskas, Mary E, b. 1910, d. 1970, daughter, ss as Michael & Mary, Sec. MAA
Paulauskas, Mary F, b. 1887, d. 1970, Mother, Sec. MAA
Paulauskas, Michael J, b. 1882, d. 1972, Father, Sec. MAA
Paulette, Elaine C, b. 6 Mar 1931, d. no date, Loving wife, mother & Grandmother, ss as Fred, Sec. 15
Paulette, Ernest F, b. 8 Jan 1898, d. 27 Apr 1957, Sec. 15
Paulette, Fred D, b. 6 Apr 1923, d. 25 Jan 2006, PFC US Army WWII, Sec. 15
Paulette, Josephine M, b. 19 Mar 1900, d. 12 Jan 1992, next to Ernest & Fred, Sec. 15
Pauley, Arthur M, b. 1903, d. 1975, ss as Helen, Sec. 15
Pauley, Helen A, b. 1908, d. 1992, this grp: Arthur, Helen, John & Mary, Sec. 15
Pauley, John F, b. 1929, d. 1974, this grp: Arthur, Helen, John & Mary, Sec. 15
Pauley, Lavinia F, b. 1934, d. 2006, Sec. 11
Pauley, Mary B, b. 1928, d. no date, ss as John, Sec. 15
Pauls, Agnes M, b. 1906, d. 1971, Sec. 22
Pauls, Evangeline M, b. 1919, d. 2004, ss as Gilbert, Sec. 15
Pauls, Gilbert C, b. 1917, d. 1962, Sec. 15
Pauls, Hilda S, b. 1893, d. 1978, ss as Mathew, Sec. 15
Pauls, Mathew F, b. 1895, d. 1963, Sec. 15
Paulson, Alex J, b. 1880, d. 1948, ss as Anna, Sec. 24 B
Paulson, Ann M, b. 1890, d. 1967, ss as Marion & Martha, Sec. 24 B
Paulson, Anna L, b. 1881, d. 1970, Sec. 24 B
Paulson, Elizabeth M, b. 1910, d. 1986, ss as John E, Sec. 24 B
Paulson, John E, b. 1913, d. 1982, Sec. 24 B
Paulson, Kenneth A, b. 1909, d. 1973, ss as Mary L, Sec. 24 A
Paulson, Marion A, b. 1857, d. 1938, Mother, Sec. 24 B
Paulson, Martha M, b. 1880, d. 1964, Sec. 24 B
Paulson, Mary L, b. 1901, d. 1983, Sec. 24 A
Paulson, Otto, b. 1900, d. 1995, Sec. 18 A
Paulson, Ruby S, b. 1903, d. 1985, ss as Otto, Sec. 18 A
Paulson, Wallace E, b. 20 Oct 1929, d. 19 Nov 1999, Sec. 23
Pauly, Emma, b. 1916, d. 2000, Sec. 20
Pauly, George A, b. 1923, d. 1954, Son, Sec. 20
Pauly, Louis A, b. 1879, d. 1965, Father, ss as George & Minnie, Sec. 20
Pauly, Louis R, b. 1919, d. no date, ss as Emma, Sec. 20
Pauly, Minnie L, b. 1881, d. 1972, Mother, Sec. 20
Pavlak, Sharon L, b. 21 Aug 1945, d. 18 Jun 2007, Loving Wife & Mother, Sec.12
Pavlovichs, Matilda, b. 25 Feb 1914, d. 19 Dec 1984, DZ. GABRIS, ss as Vaclavs, Sec. MAB
Pavlovichs, Vaclavs, b. 6 Apr 1902 Lativia, d. 14 May 1991, Sec. MAB
Pawlan, Harry, d. 4 May 195?, ss as Sam, Sarah, Sec. B'nai Israel
Pawlan, Sam, d. 8 May 1985, Sec. B'nai Israel
Pawlan, Sarah, d. 6 Mar 1968, Sec. B'nai Israel
Pawlowski, Evelyn M, b. 1920, d. no date, ss as Stanley, Sec. MAA
Pawlowski, Stanley R, b. 1923, d. 2000, ss as John & Catherine Reinhardt, Sec. MAA
Paxon, Barbara, b. 1920, d. 1996, ss as Edith & BernardLindstrom, Sec. 20
Paxton, Donald S, b. 1935, d. 1994, Dad Grandpa, Sec. 19 B
Paxton, Duane T, b. 1911, d. 1990, Sec. 18 A
Paxton, Flora E, b. 1862, d. 1938, ss as Frank, Sec. 19 C
Paxton, Frank E, b. 1860, d. 1944, Sec. 19 C
Paxton, Lucille L, b. 1914, d. no date, ss as Duane, Sec. 18 A
Paxton, Miriam Green, b. 1914, d. 1948, Mother, Sec. MAA
Paxton, R. Bruce, b. 1887, d. 1963, ss as Velma, Sec. 17
Paxton, Sarah L, b. 1903, d. 1973, Sec. 19 B
Paxton, Velma B, b. 1899, d. 1962, Sec. 17
Payne, Hobert, b. 1915, d. 2001, Dad, Sec. 20
Payne, Inez L, b. 1921, d. no date, Mom, ss as Hobert, Sec. 20
Peaks, Minnie J, b. 1885, d. 1955, Sec. 24 B
Peaks, Vernon J, b. 1882, d. 1948, ss as Minnie, Sec. 24 B
Pearce, Evelyn D, b. 1912, d. 1984, ss as Franklin, Sec. 20
Pearce, Ezekiel T, b. 1883, d. 1926, ss as Robert & Lillian, Sec. 20
Pearce, Franklin J, b. 1913, d. no date, Sec. 20
Pearce, Lillian M, b. 1885, d. 1950, Sec. 20
Pearce, Robert E, b. 1911, d. 1982, Sec. 20
Pearson, Arvid E, b. 1903, d. 1980, Sec. 14
Pearson, Clara P, b. 1903, d. 1979, ss as Arvid, Sec. 14
Pearson, Edna R, b. 1907, d. 1993, Sec. MAB
Pearson, Edwin J, b. 1898, d. 1972, ss as Edna, Sec. MAB
Pearson, Maxine D, b. 1922, d. 1998, Sec. 18 A
Pearson, Parker R, b. 1918, d. 1966, ss as Maxine, Sec. 18 A
Peck, Arthur W, b. 14 Jul 1937, d. 24 Dec 2007, US Army, ss as Rosemary, Sec. 10
Peck, Esther Hewitt, b. 9 Jun 1890, d. 27 Apr 1974, Sec. 20
Peck, Francis Elton, b. 30 Jan 1892, d. 25 May 1970, ss as Esther, Sec. 20
Peck, Rosemary, b. 10 Nov 1938, d. no date, mar. 3 Aug 1957, Sec. 10
Peck, Russell H, b. 1928, d. 1988, Sec. 16
Peckman, Charles, b. 15 Nov 1918, d. 5 Apr 1999, S Sgt US Army WWII, Sec. 16
Peckman, Ethel I, b. 31 Aug 1919, d. 10 Aug 2003, Beloved Wife & Mother next to Charles, Sec. 16
Pedersen, Henry E, b. 1904, d. 1983, Sec. 15
Pedersen, Johanne M, b. 1903, d. 2002, ss as Henry, Sec. 15
Pederson, Victoria, b. 1914, d. 1999, Sec. 20 C
Peek, Kristy Lynn, b. 1973, d. 2004, Columbarium Sec. 17
Peirce, Mary E, b. 1924, d. 1988, ss as Raymond, Sec. 20
Peirce, Raymond E, b. 1927, d. no date, Sec. 20
Pelletiel, Mary Lee, b. 28 Jun 1917, d. 1 Sep 1980, ss as Kathryn A Phillips, Sec. 14
Pelzer, George E, b. 1909, d. 1968, Sec. 23
Pelzer, Hazel F, b. 24 Mar 1907, d. 24 Jun 1994, Sec. 17
Pelzer, Hazel L, b. 1912, d. no date, ss as Patricia & George, Sec. 23
Pelzer, John H, b. 3 May 1905, d. 9 Sep 1954, next to Hazel, Sec. 17
Pelzer, Patricia Kay, b. 1940, d. 1966, Sec. 23
Pemberton, James G, b. 1881, d. 1956, ss as Mayme, Sec. MAA
Pemberton, Mayme E, b. 1880, d. 1931, Sec. MAA
Pence, Betty Rowcliffe, b. 1926, d. 1958, Wife, Sec. 20
Pence, George F, b. 1924, d. 1958, Husband IL Cox USNR WWII, ss as Betty & James, Sec. 20
Pence, James M, b. 1948, d. 1992, Son, Sec. 20
Penman, Constance V, b. 7/1/1924, d. 1 Aug 2006, mar. 6 Jan 1944, ss as Robert, Sec. 23
Penman, Robert W, b. 10 Feb 1923, d. 22 May 1999, WT1 US Navy WWII Ship DD446, Sec. 23
Penn, Edward B, b. 1939, d. 1985, Son, ss as Lillian, Sec.12
Penn, Lillian B, b. 1904, d. 1986, Mother, Sec.12
Penn, Thelma E, b. 30 Apr 1934, d. no date, ss as William, Sec. 14
Penn, William Frederic, b. 10 Jun 1932, d. 4 Mar 1902, Cpl US Army Korea, Sec. 14
Pennington, Arleta E, b. 11 Feb 1935, d. 29 Nov 1945, Sec. 20
Pennington, Arthur W, b. 1898, d. 1971, ss as Margaret, Sec. 14
Pennington, Audrey J, b. 1933, d. no date, mar. 3 Oct 1953, Sec. 25
Pennington, Bryson, b. 1892, d. 1962, Sec. 25
Pennington, Deborah Sue, b. 1952, d. 1972, has a tree planted on her behalf, Sec. 15
Pennington, Elizabeth Potteiger, b. 1905, d. 2002, ss as Harley and next to Richard D.Pennington, Sec. 20 A
Pennington, Harley M, b. 1900, d. 1987, A Hard Worker, Sec. 20 A
Pennington, Harold W, b. 12 Mar 1927, d. 20 Sep 1990, PFC US Army WWII, Sec. 24 B
Pennington, John W, b. 5 Mar 1901, d. 4 Jul 1965, ss as Arleta & Verna, Sec. 20
Pennington, Margaret M, b. 1900, d. 1969, ss as Arthur W, Sec. 14
Pennington, Mildred, b. 1900, d. 1988, ss as Bryson, Sec. 25
Pennington, Myron A, b. 1929, d. no date, ss as Audrey, Sec. 25
Pennington, n/a, d. 1950, Baby Boy, Sec. 26
Pennington, Richard D, b. 4 Nov 1937, d. 12 Jul 1942, Sec. 20 A
Pennington, Robert Leslie, b. 1894, d. 1959, ss as Thelma, Sec. 20
Pennington, Ross E, b. 27 Dec 1938, d. 17 Jan 2000, PFC US Army Korea Beloved Husband & Father, Sec. 14
Pennington, Sylvia D. "Darlene", b. 26 May 1937, d. no date, Beloved Wife & Mother, ss as Ross, Sec. 14
Pennington, Thelma Gertrude, b. 1898, d. 1954, Sec. 20
Pennington, Verna L, b. 1 Aug 1907, d. 7 Aug 2001, Sec. 20
Pennington, Walter M, b. 14 Mar 1945, d. 7 May 1997, Husband Father Friend Teacher Coach, Sec. 24 B
Pennuto, Audrey J, b. 5 Sep 1919, d., Beloved Wife, ss as Lawrence, Sec. 15
Pennuto, Frank E, b. 27 Jan 1889, d. 4 Nov 1957, ss as Hilda, Sec. 15
Pennuto, Hilda, b. 25 Jun 1893, d. 17 Aug 1989, Sec. 15
Pennuto, Lawrence B, b. 28 Nov 1915, d. 9 Aug 1989, Tec4 US Army WWII, Sec. 15
Penosky, Marcia L, b. 1964, d. 1991, ss as Mickey, Sec. 24 A
Penosky, Mickey, b. 1961, d. no date, Sec. 24 A
Penrich, Elizabeth, b. 1924, d. 1981, Sec. 23
Penson, Clyde Jr, b. 1955, d. 1998, Sec. 14
Pentek, Marion M Cohn, b. 1906, d. 1985, ss as Steven, Sec. 24 C
Pentek, Steven, b. 1908, d. 1968, SMV USNR WWII, Sec. 24 C
Perez, Miguel L, b. 1943, d. 1992, Sec. 11
Perez, Tino, b. 14 Jul 1972, d. 17 Sep 1972, g/o, Sec. 25
Perkins, Archie L, b. 1898, d. 1965, Sec. MAB
Perkins, Lillian, b. 1902, d. 1989, ss as Archie, Sec. MAB
Perkins, Louise M, b. 1909, d. 1982, ss as Robert H, Sec. 17
Perkins, Robert H, b. 1904, d. 1975, Sec. 17
Perrin, Charles Lumry, b. 1883, d. 1968, this grp: Michael, Homer, Don, Doris, Ina, Charles, Jean & Kenneth Perrin, Sec. 20
Perrin, Don Charles, b. 1911, d. 1984, this grp: Michael, Homer, Don, Doris, Ina, Charles, Jean & Kenneth Perrin, Sec. 20
Perrin, Doris Mae, b. 1913, d. 1975, this grp: Michael, Homer, Don, Doris, Ina, Charles, Jean & Kenneth Perrin, Sec. 20
Perrin, Homer Matthew, d. 20 Feb 1959, this grp: Michael, Homer, Don, Doris, Ina, Charles, Jean & Kenneth Perrin, Sec. 20
Perrin, Ina Crossett, b. 1886, d. 1953, this grp: Michael, Homer, Don, Doris, Ina, Charles, Jean & Kenneth Perrin, Sec. 20
Perrin, Jean Beverly, b. 1916, d. 2000, this grp: Michael, Homer, Don, Doris, Ina, Charles, Jean & Kenneth Perrin, Sec. 20
Perrin, Kenneth Crossett, b. 1914, d. 1998, this grp: Michael, Homer, Don, Doris, Ina, Charles, Jean & Kenneth Perrin, Sec. 20
Perrin, Michael Eugene, d. 19 Sep 1967, this grp: Michael, Homer, Don, Doris, Ina, Charles, Jean & Kenneth Perrin, Sec. 20
Persig, Anna C, b. 1891, d. 1966, ss as Otto g/o, Sec. 19 B
Persig, Otto E, b. 1886, d. 1969, g/o, Sec. 19 B
Person, Edith J, b. 17 Jul 1889, d. 17 Feb 1961, Sec. 15
Peshia, Elizabeth C, b. 9 Jan 1921, d. 30 Dec 1997, Registered Nurse, ss as Lewis, Sec. 15
Peshia, Harlan R, b. 1914, d. 1987, Father, ss as Vera, Sec. 20 C
Peshia, Lewis Burton, b. 31 Aug 1920, d. 27 Jun 1991, PR1 US Navy WWII, Sec. 15
Peshia, Vera P, b. 1918, d. 1996, Mother, Sec. 20 C
Peskind, Benjamin J, d. 12 Dec 1987, Beloved Son & Brother, I believe this stone goes with Blanche & Peter Morris, Sec. B'nai Israel
Pess, Edgar A, b. 1912, d. 1987, ss as Inese, Sec. 23
Pess, Inese, b. 1952, d. 1972, Sec. 23
Pessina, Belva B, b. 15 Dec 1927, d. 20 Sep 1960, Sec. 16
Pessina, Clarice, b. 1907, d. 1981, Mother, next to William & Joan, Sec. MAB
Pessina, Donna J, b. 26 Feb 1931, d. 25 Jun 2002, Sec. 16
Pessina, Joan E, b. 1940, d. 1990, Daughter, Sec. MAB
Pessina, William, b. 1900, d. 1962, Father, Sec. MAB
Peter, Eniko M, b. 1979, d. no date, ss as Ildiko, Sec. 20
Peter, Ildiko, b. 1982, d. 1998, Loving Daughter, Sec. 20
Peter, Louis, b. 1956, d. no date, Father, Sec. 20
Peter, Magdolna, b. 1957, d. no date, Mother, ss as Louis, Sec. 20
Peters, Floyd P, b. 1902, d. 1975, Sec.12
Peters, Freda M, b. 1903, d. 1978, ss as Floyd, Sec.12
Petersen, Dean C, b. 1935, d. 1990, US Air Force, Sec. MAA
Petersen, Fred, b. 28 May 1910, d. 24 Jan 1971, back of stone for Ernest, Sec. MAA
Petersen, Helen L, b. 1915, d. 1991, Sec. MAB
Petersen, Helen R, b. 20 Dec 1913, d. 15 Feb 1998, Mother & Wife, Sec. MAA
Petersen, Infant, d. 29 Jun 1942, son of L. C. & H. L. Petersen, Sec. MAB
Petersen, Karen, b. 1878, d. 1948, Mother, next to Ludvig, Sec. MAA
Petersen, Lloyd C, b. 1917, d. 1985, Tec 5 US Army WWII, next to Helen & Infant, Sec. MAB
Petersen, Ludvig S, b. 1881, d. 1933, Father, Sec. MAA
Petersen, Rovilla, b. 4 Sep 1911, d. 7 Jan 1997, ss as Fred, Sec. MAA
Petershon, Beulah V, b. 1886, d. 1963, ss as Edward C, Sec. 17
Petershon, Edward C, b. 1878, d. 1960, Sec. 17
Peterson, Anna, b. 1871, d. 1958, Mother, ss as Sadie, Sec. 19 A
Peterson, Augusta E, b. 1880, d. 1932, Mother, Sec. 19 B
Peterson, Ben, no dates, Illinois Pvt 311 ENG WWI, Sec. MAA
Peterson, Britta R, b. 17 Feb 1920, d. 23 Aug 1999, Sec.12
Peterson, C. Arnold, b. 1890, d. 1985, ss as Edna, Sec. 23
Peterson, Carl E, b. 1899, d. 1983, ss as Nellie, Sec. 14
Peterson, Edna M, b. 1907, d. 1994, Sec. 23
Peterson, Esther E, b. 1900, d. 1993, Sec. 24 A
Peterson, Florence M, b. 15 Nov 1917, d. 11 Jun 2001, Sec. 16
Peterson, Frank, b. 1875, d. 1965, ss as Selma, Sec. 24 A
Peterson, Hattie, b. 1880, d. 1946, Sec. MAA
Peterson, Herbert C, b. 3 Nov 1913, d. 15 Dec 1996, ss as Florence, Sec. 16
Peterson, Keith G, b. 1938, d. 2000, Sec. 15
Peterson, Kevin Ray, b. 24 Jul 1960, d. 13 May 1966, next to Keith, Sec. 15
Peterson, Laura E, b. 1904, d. 1991, Sec. 15
Peterson, Leonard M, b. 1882, d. 1964, ss as Marie, Sec. 20
Peterson, Marie E, b. 1891, d. 1985, Sec. 20
Peterson, Mildred, b. 1911, d. 1993, ss as, Sec. 20
Peterson, Minnie L, b. 1915, d. 1994, Sec. 20
Peterson, Myron H, b. 1894, d. 1983, ss as Laura, Sec. 15
Peterson, Nellie E, b. 1899, d. 1972, Sec. 14
Peterson, Norman R, b. 26 Mar 1952, d. 10 Mar 1999, SP5 US Army Vietnam, Sec. 16
Peterson, Olga M, b. 1898, d. 1983, Sec. 24 A
Peterson, Peter, b. 1871, d. 1951, Father, ss as Augusta, Sec. 19 B
Peterson, Robert R, b. 20 Apr 1920, d. 21 Dec 2002, ss as Britta, Sec.12
Peterson, Roy G, b. 1909, d. 1976, Sec. 20
Peterson, Ruth E, b. 1905, d. 1981, ss as Selma, Frank, Olga, Esther Peterson, Sec. 24 A
Peterson, Sadie, b. 1905, d. 1976, Daughter, Sec. 19 A
Peterson, Selma L, b. 1871, d. 1923, Sec. 24 A
Petrasek, Lisa Lynette, b. 1963, d. 1964, Sec. 18 A
Petree, James R, b. 1929, d. 2006, mar. 24 Sep 1949, Sec. 14
Petree, Marilyn J, b. 1932, d. no date, ss as James, Sec. 14
Petrie, Kristin Jean, b. 2 Apr 1964, d. 3 Apr 1964, Baby, Sec. 17
Petry, Margaret A, b. 31 May 1921, d. no date, ss as Wendell, Sec. 15
Petry, Wendell W, b. 1921, d. 1981, Tec 5 US Army WWII, Sec. 15
Pettigrew, Mary Lou, b. 1925, d. 1970, Sec. 14
Pettit, Margaret O, b. 3 May 1901, d. 26 Dec 1983, Faithful Mother, Sec. 20
Pettit, Vernon K, b. 10 Dec 1921, d. 13 Aug 1980, Tec4 US Army WWII, next to Margaret, Sec. 20
Peugh, Hazel M, b. 1928, d. 1999, Sec. 16
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