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Illinois Newspapers, Full Search (1818-2018), 623 titles
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Illinois Birth Records Database, (1818-1999)
Armstrong Cemetery
Allendale, Wabash County, Illinois
Contributed by Paul M. Kankula []. Total records = 135.
The Armstrong Cemetery is located south of Allendale, Wabash Precinct, Wabash County, IL.
The original tombstone recordings were done by B.J. Walters.
The original tombstone recordings can be viewed at the Public Library in Mt. Carmel, IL - contact Louise Taylor (
The datafile has been .TXT file converted and enhanced by Paul M. Kankula At in September-1999.
b. = date of birth
d. = date of death
a. = age at death
p. = parents
h. = husband
w. = wifeThere are numerous small stones in the area having only initials on them. There are also a few unreadable sandstone markers & bricks.
----, Rose Lavina, b.1864, d.1895
ALBEITZ, Albertur, d.17-may-1862, a.30y 4m 0d
ARMSTRONG, Angie, b.1840, d.1918
ALBEITZ, Anthony, 27-jan-1797, d.8-apr-1859
ARMSTRONG, Benny, d.3-jan-1875, a. 0y 8m 1d, p. b. & r.a. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Berkley, b.19-apr-1835, d.19-apr-1891, a.46y
ARMSTRONG, Clayborn, d.18-aug-1871, a.1y 4m? 4d?, p. m.b. & j. armstrong
ALBEITZ, Elizabeth, d.26-june-1865, a.62y 8m 15d, h. a.albeitz
ALBEITZ, John, d.9-aug-1861, a.29y 7m 0d
ALBEITZ, Joseph , d.3-nov-1873, a.39y 16m 15d
ARMSTRONG, Elizabeth Mor, a.70y, h. john armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Martha, d.19-may-1866, a.65y 5m 27d, h. l. armstrong
ALBEITZ, Mary E., d.14-june-1865, a.35y 8m 19d, p. a.& s. albeitz
ALBEITZ, Susan, b.27-mar-1805, d.2-july-1841
ARMSTRONG, Anna M., b.1862, d.19__
ARMSTRONG, Asenath O/D., d.24-sep-1842, a.23y 10m 16d, h. t.j. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Charles W., b.7-feb-1866, d.8-nov-1898
ARMSTRONG, Edgar, d.21-dec-1927, a.52y 6m 6d U/M
ARMSTRONG, Emily, d.5-sep-1866, a.31y 7m 18d, h. t.n. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Emily J., d.24-oct-1888, a.19y 5m 9d, p. t.n. & e.a.armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Fanny, d.2-sep-1869, a.1y 2m 16d, p. w.g. & s.a.armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Frances, d.29-dec-1852, 1y 2m 6d, p. j.t.l. & s. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Hala , d.4-may-1868, a.2y 1m ?d, p. j.t.l. & s. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Howard, b.1858, d.1926
ARMSTRONG, Infant Son, p. l. & m. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, J.T., d.6-apr-1871, a.44y 7m 10d
ARMSTRONG, James W., d.26-nov-1873, a.2y 6m 6d, p. t.n. & s.j. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Jane Grayson, b.1837, d.1890
ARMSTRONG, John, d.30-sep-1836, a.72y
ARMSTRONG, Lewis, d.2-sep-1869, a.70y 0m 26d
ARMSTRONG, Lewis J., b.5-nov-1839, d.15-apr-1874
ARMSTRONG, Lottie, b.27-feb-1837, d.14-oct-1888
ARMSTRONG, Louisa J., d.1-mar-1867, a.11y 6m 2d, p. j.w. & m.j. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Lucy A., b.16-mar-1909, d.30-oct-1909, p. e. & v.j. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Luvada, d.26-nov-1869, a.0y 5m 18d, p. j.j. & m.j. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Margaret C/G., d.13-feb-1837, a.24y 6m 14d, h. t.n. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Martha, b.8-feb-1867, d.15-aug-1883, p. t.n. & e.a.armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Mauda, d.30-sep-1881, a.5y 11m 27d, p. w.g. & s.a.armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Moses Bedell, b.1833, d.1905
ARMSTRONG, Robert D., b.12-oct-1847, d.6-aug-1875, p. j.t. & s. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Sarah Ann, b.3-oct-1838, d.19-oct-1906
ARMSTRONG, T.J., b.1870, d.1921
ARMSTRONG, Thomas J., d.20-july-1869, a.60y 8m 7d
ARMSTRONG, Thomas N., d.8-aug-1867, a.6y 10m 2d, p. j.t.l. & s. armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Thomas N., d.23-july-1888, a.69y 1m 24d
ARMSTRONG, Thomas W., d.17-dec-1874, a.2y 5?m 11d, p. w.g. & s.a.armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Wickliff G., b.19-nov-1833, d.20-may-1910
BOSTIC, Laura B., p. D.H. & L. Bostic, d.8-aug-1905, a.22y 3m 13d, p. d.h. & l. bostic
BROWN, Elijah, b.1837, d.1919, h. john brown
BROWN, John, b.1828, d.1873
BROWN, Leander A., b.1855, d.1872
BROWN, Mary A., b.1851, d.1873
BROWN, Rachel A., b.1858, d.1878
BUCHANAN, Allen, b.25-oct-1874, d.11-apr-1895
BUCHANAN, Am, b.29-apr-1880
BUCHANAN, Clarica, b.10-nov-1853, d.17-nov-1930
BUCHANAN, Elijah, b.18-sep-1878, d.10-aug-1908
BUCHANAN, Eliza, b.16-oct-1886, d.1-feb-1903, r.t. & m.t. buchanan
BUCHANAN, Isaah, d.25-dec-1877, a.0y 2m 9d, p. r.t. & m.t. buchanan
BUCHANAN, James H., b.20-may-1849, d.7-sep-1899
BUCHANAN, Jerry D., b.5-dec-1873, d.12-feb-1900, a.26y 2m 7d
BUCHANAN, John, b.24-july-1880, d.16-feb-1899, p. r.t. & m.t. buchanan
BUCHANAN, Lottie M., b.14-dec-1883, d.20-mar-1905, p. r.t. & m.t. buchanan
BUCHANAN, Mary L., d.1-july-1931, a.72y 8m 0d, U/M
BUCHANAN, Risley, d.14-aug-1883, a.2y 1m 0d, p. j.w. buchanan
BUCHANAN, Risley T., d.17-oct-1939, a.76y 4m 29d, U/M
BUCHANAN, Ruth, b.3-dec-1886, d.19-june-1907, p. j.h. & c. buchanan
BUCHANAN, Ruth A., d.16-sep-1874, a.0y 8m 19d, p. j.w. & n.a.buchanan
BUCHANAN, William, d.7-nov----, a.5w
CISEL, Florence, a.2y 2m 27d, p. t.b.& s. cisel
CISEL, Infant Son, d.20-may-1863, p. t.b.& s. cisel
COOPER, John Walter, d.11-aug-1877, a.9y 10m 0d, p. w.t. & a.m. cooper
COOPER, Miletus E., b.22-jan-1865, d.7-dec-1866, p. w.t. & a.cooper
CUSICK, Henry, b.24-oct-1851, d.25-oct-1851, p. h. & r. cusick
GARNER, Martha, b.5-nov-1825, d.31-oct-1847, h. daniel garner
GOULD, Alphen, d.26-july-1868, a.33y 10m 9d, w. elizabeth a.gould
GOULD, Joseph T., d.24-dec-1853, a.70y 3m 15d, w. margaret gould
GOULD, Julius J., d.11-oct-1833, a.1y 3m 7d, p. j.t. & m. gould
HARNESS, Martha E., d.21-july-1931, a.83y 4m 1d U/M
HIGGINS, Annie, b.12-apr-1867, d.20-oct-1871
HIGGINS, Mary J., b.21-jan-1858, d.20-oct-1870
HIGGINS, Sarah C/G., b.27-dec-1849, d.26-sep-1871
HIGGINS, Sarah J., b.8-sep-1828, d.20-june-1913
HIGGINS, Urban, b.3-may-1855, d.7-june-1855
HIGGINS, William, d.11-oct-1863, a.0y 5m 11d
HIGGINS, William, d.1-dec-1886, a.70y 2m 7d
HUGHEY, Charles N., b.1874, d.1933
HUME, William Hardi, Company H. 49th Indiana.U.S. Marker
HUSSEY, Edward C., d.15-jan-1929, a.69y 10m 11d
KEELING, Mary A., d.14-aug-1886, a.23y 11m 13d, h. m.c. keeling
KENDAL, Peter, d.1-oct-1875, a.80y 9m 10d
KONEN, Euretta, b.3-july-1891, d.27-oct-1891, a.0y 3m 24d, p. j.a.& l. konen
KONEN, Infant Son, b.& d.8-july-1889, p. j.a.& l. konen
LITHERLAND, William M., d.20-may-1925, Illinois Post 22 U.S. Infantry
MILLER,Nancy J., d.15-apr-1859, a.27y 0m 1d, h. j. miller
PAN_____, James, b.3-oct-1919, d.4-oct-1920, a.1y 0m 1d, U/M
PAYNE, Alfred, b.12-jan-1828, d.18-nov-1891
PAYNE, Cyntha, b.16-june-1806, d.21-june-1876, h. john payne
PAYNE, Daisy O., b.29-jan-1880, d.23-june-1894, p. j.k. & l. payne
PAYNE, Dennis L., b.24-nov-1874, d.18-oct-1875, p. j.k. & l. payne
PAYNE, Franklin P., b.29-dec-1850, d.21-apr-1908
PAYNE, Henry, b.17-oct-1834, d.27-mar-1865
PAYNE, John, b.17-oct-1834, d.26-mar-1865
PAYNE, John, d.24-june-1871, a.approx 67y
PAYNE, Jonathan, d.2-feb-1874, a.46y 11m 16d
PAYNE, Mary C, d.9-july-1867, a.23y 3m 18d, h. jonathan payne
PAYNE, Rachel, d.21-july-1871, a.39y 4m 2d
PEACH, Ida C., b.21-feb-1896, d.2-jan-1921, h. e.c. peach
RICHARDS, Enoch J., b.10-aug-1836, d.11-jan-1867, p. w.j. & m.a.richards
ROBINSON, Harvey N., d.25-jan-1894 a.0y 1m 17d, p. j.h. & m.e. robinson
ROBINSON, John W., d.17-july-1884, a.1y 10m 20d, p. j.h. & m.e. robinson
SAUDLIN, Julia Ann, d.16-dec-1861, a.46?y 3m 16d, h. james saudlin
SHEARER, Carl, d.11-nov-1874, a.0y 5m 7d, p. j. & s.m. shearer
SHEARER, Mary E., d.4-dec-1874, a.2y 10m 4d, p. j. & s.m. shearer
SHEARER, Thomas T., d.27-oct-1868, a.0y 1m 19d, p. j. & s. shearer
SNIDER, Peter, b.10-jan-1802, d.10-apr-1849, a.47y 3m 0d
STICE, Elizabeth, d.11-jan-1890, a.34y 0m 26d, h. j.l. stice
STICE, John B., b.3-feb-1872, d.25-dec-1894
STONE, Minnie E., d.29-aug-1891, a.4y 0m 2d, p. c.v. & s.e. stone
STURMAN, Joseph C., d.8-aug-1852, a.1y 6m 16d, p. william & sarah a.sturman
STURMAN, Margaret J., b.10-apr-1849, d.4-aug-1855, a.6y 4m 24d, p. william & sarah sturman
STURMAN, Mary E., d.8-sep-1858, a.2y 5m 7d, p. william & sarah Sturman
STURMAN, William, d.23-apr-1865, a.40y 2m 25d
TALLEY, Henry B., d.27-june-1876, a.5y 7m 27d, p. s.w. & s. talley
TALLEY, Julia, d.22-jan-1878, a.13y 9m 22d, p. s.w. & s. talley
TALLEY, Spencer T., d.23-nov-1874, a.42y 7m 13d
WILKINSON, Della J., b.1869, h. h. wilkinson
WILKINSON, Harvey, b.1868, d.1921
WILKINSON, John F., grandson a.& S. Albeitz, b.31-mar-1864, a.1y 2m 26d, gp a.& s. albeitz
WILKINSON, John F., d.4-sep-1867, a.43y 8m 10d, w. m. wilkinson
WILKINSON, Thomas Birtes, b.8-july-1855, d.3-sep-1858, p. j.f. & m.e. wilkinson, gp a.& s. albeitz
WOLF, Pearl, b.2-apr-1885, d.19-june-1885
WOLF, Mary J., b.9-oct-1855, d.2-june-1885
WRIGHT, Joseph, d.1-may-1842, a.64y
WRIGHT, Margaret, d.20-1842, a.43y 2m 26d, h. joseph wright
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