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Illinois Newspapers, Full Search (1818-2018), 623 titles
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Illinois Birth Records Database, (1818-1999)
Plainfield Township Cemetery
Plainfield, Will County, Illinois
Contributed by Selina Brown, Nov 15, 2007 [].
??, ?, b. ? May 1812, d. 1858, his wife, ss as c/r
??, ?, b. 10 Sep 1812, d. 25 Nov 1890, near stone with Sally Bliss, Stone to hard to read
??, ?, b. 12 Dec 1815, d. 1 Feb ????, ss as c/r
??, ?, no dates, next to Bradley stones
??, ??, no dates, 15 unknowns
??, 2 Missing stones, no dates
??, 6 broke stones, no dates
??, Amy May (?), d. 13 ? 1872, age 5y 2m ? dy, next to Rutherford, Lucretia A, stones are about the same age and worn the same
??, Ann,", d. 12 Mar 1857, Relict of Ugly Hazard of ? N.Y. & Mother of Mrs. A. McAllister aged 57 yrs, Yes, this is the correct reading of stone!
??, Anna, d. c/r, wife of James ?
??, Aunt Emma, no dates, Stone matches and In line with Hattie, Adaline, Mother, Father Conant
??, Aunt Mary, b. 1826, d. 1884, this stone is in the same line as the Hyland stones
??, Baby, no dates, can't read anything else stone is with Lida & J.T. Williams
??, Baby, no dates
??, Be?is H., b. 2? Oct 18??, d., 1y 2 m 12d
??, Can't Read, no dates, 4 old stones bet. Pollard & Green
??, Can't Read, no dates, 4 old stones between Pollard & Green
??, Can't read, no dates, 4 very old stones bet. Pollard & Green
??, Can't Read, no dates, 4 very old stones betw. Pollard & Green
??, Carrie, no dates, daug of J. B & M Fletcher, ss as Olive
??, Charles, d. 2 ? 1867, ? m 5 days, son of ? K, all I can read stone is broke
??, child, no dates, children of Maria Shiff??? c/r, ss as other child
??, child, no dates, children of Maria Shiff??? c/r, ss as other child
??, Cornelius, d. 21 Jan 1854, ? 16y 8m (?), This stone is broke in half but it is in the middle of same line as Augustus and William Cotton
??, Edward D, b. 1901, d. 1920
??, Elizabeth N., d. ?
??, Elizabeth, d. 24 Jan 1856, aged 60y, wife of Robert ? ?
??, Ellen, d. 29 Dec ????, age 23 yrs, next to Morrison, Father, Mother & William
??, Father, no dates, 3 broken stones that all match the stones for Wightman
??, Father, no dates, I think it is Frankford
??, Fred, no dates, 3 broken stones that all match the stones for Wightman
??, Fredrick, no dates, son, next to ?, Rhoda J
??, George, d. 18 Aug 1858, age 39y 5 m 16 d, next to Coverle?
??, Harold, no dates
??, Infant, no dates, ss as Inf and same row as Francis & Sara, Broken stones in between these
??, Infant, no dates, ss as Inf. and same row as Francis & Sara Fletcher, Broken stones in between
??, J.J. & R.E. Fouser, no dates, can't read anything else
??, Kate J, d. 21 Mar 1858, wife of S.H. ????sgegger daug of J & C Tonner
??, Kelly P.A.P., no dates
??, Leslie, b. 1885, d. no date on stone, ss as Clark & Briston
??, Levi L, d. ? Jan 18??, aged ?y 8m 20 d
??, Little Pearl, no dates, Very OLD stone
??, Lora?a, b. 2?Feb 1838, d. 9 Oct 1854, on one side of Bates stone
??, Mabel Jessie, b. 1873, d. 1899, ss as Clark & Bristol
??, Maria H., b. 1? Sep 1835, d. 7 Nov 1858, on one side of Bates stone
??, Mary ?, d. ? Mar 1885, wife of ?. M. ?
??, Mary A, d. 23 June 1?67, same stone next to William F
??, Mattie, b. ? Apr 18?9, d., 28y, can't read anymore
??, Minerva, no dates
??, missing stone, no dates
??, missing stone, no dates
??, Mother, no dates, 3 broken stones that all match the stones for Wightman
??, Mother, no dates, I think it is Frankford
??, Mother, no dates
??, Olive, no dates, ss as Carrie and same row as Francis, Sara
??, Oscar, d. 1? ??? 18?5, 3y, ss as SS, Bessie, N.S., Esther Pratt
??, Polly, no dates
??, Rhoda J, no dates, dau. of c/r, next to ?, Fredrick
??, Rosa, d. 8 Oct 1867, 1y, daug of W? M. ? Ole
??, Sally, d. ? 27 ?
??, Sarah O, b. ? Aug 1844, d. 16 Mar 1866, on one side of Bates stone
??, Thomas, no dates
??, William F, d. 11 Nov 1855, same stone next to Mary A
??, William, d. 12 Jul 1855, age 85 yrs
?ederlin, Elizabeth, d. 23 May 18??, wife of Nicholas
?umemans, c/r, b. 10 Mar 18??, d. 1 Sep 1890, ss as Eli?beth
?umemans, Eli?beth, d. 1880, wife of, ss as c/r
Arbeites, can't read, no dates
Arbeites, can't read, no dates
Barron/Thompson no dates
Barthole d., can't read
Barthole d., can't read
Barthole no dates, can't read
Barthole, Abbie, no dates, small stone
Barthole, Father, no dates, ss as Herbert, Abbie ? & Mother
Barthole, Mother, no dates, ss as Herbert, Abbie, ? & Father
Beard, Mommy, no dates
Boyd, Infant, no dates
Breitzke, Family Stone, no dates, this grp: Otto, Emilie, Family Stone, Otto, Augusta H, Emily
Bretzkie no dates
broke b. ? Jul 1810, d. 18 Apr 1888
broke no dates
broke no dates
Bronk, Our Mother, no dates
Brownson, Father, no dates
Brownson, Mother, no dates
Burdick no dates, can't read
Burdick no dates, can't read
Burdick, Mother, no dates
c/r, c/r, b. 9 Sep 1922, d. 27 Feb 1984, WWII, next to Marie Vieceli and they are overgrown by a bush, stones are the same
c/r, c/r, no dates, covered by plants, group of 4 large stones
c/r, Charles, d. 25 Oct 1870, ss as c/r Infant
c/r, Edward, d. 1864, age 73yrs, ss as Olive
c/r, Infant, d. Oct 186?, ss as c/r Charles
c/r, Mary Ann, no dates
c/r, Mary B, no dates
c/r, Olive, d. 1863, age 7m, ss as Edward
c/r, Peter, no dates
c/r, Sarah M, no dates
c/r, 11 stones w/no dates
Carr/Hall no dates, this grp: Family stone Carr/Hall, Carrie M & Wallace P Hall
Colson no dates, Mother & Father, ss as Daniel
Conant, Father, no dates, stone matches Aunt Emma, Adaline, Hattie Conant
Conant, Mother, no dates, stone matches Aunt Emma & Adaline, Hattie
Dillman, ?, no dates, can't read, this grp: Oliver, Hiram S, Ella May, Libbie J, c/r, Joel, c/r Dillman
Dillman, ?, no dates, stone covered over by Yucca plants, this grp: Oliver, Hiram S, Ella May, Libbie J, c/r, Joel, c/r Dillman
Ewen, Father, no dates
Ewen, Mother, no dates
Faren, Dorothy, b. 1928 d. 2012 Beloved Mother
Farrell, Family stone, no dates
Fellows, Baby, no dates
Fouser no dates, Childred of J.J. & F. E.
Gaylord, c/r, no dates, this stone: George W, Hattie, Antonett, Newel, c/r, Eleazer
George, Father, no dates, this grp: Robert D, Anna G, Mary, Franklin, William, Hannah, Father, Mother George
George, Mother, no dates, this grp: Robert D, Anna G, Mary, Franklin, William, Hannah, Father, Mother George
Heiss, ?, no dates, next to Neiswender
Henry, Father, no dates
Henry, Mother, no dates
Hoag, Father, no dates, this grp: Charles B, Mary E, Frank R, Father, Mother Hoag
Jamieson, ?, no dates, name covered by roots
Kennelley, Mother, no dates
Lang no dates, 3 stones, can't read anything
Lord, c/r, no dates, looks like there are 2 names but can't read either
McAllister no dates, Cease Firing", this grp: Edward, William K, Mannie, Clyde, Agnes McAllister
McBeth no dates
Mostyn, Lady, (german sherpard dog), no dates, Lady is on ss as Shirley & Joseph
Munch, no dates
Murray, c/r, no dates
Murray, c/r, no dates
no name no dates
no name, no stone, no dates
no stone no dates
Picton no dates, In memory of Infant Daug, matching stone
Ray, ?, d. 17 ? 18??
Robertson, Father, no dates
Robertson, Mother, no dates
Ryburn, broken, no dates, this grp: Grace, A.C., 2 broken stones, Sarah, Maggie, Margaret, David, Grandmother Ryburn, (vandals have damaged these stones)
Ryburn, broken, no dates, this grp: Grace, A.C., 2 broken stones, Sarah, Maggie, Margaret, David, Grandmother Ryburn, (vandals have damaged these stones)
Sowden, c/r, no dates, this grp: c/r, c/r/, Eliza, Mary A, James Jr, John J Sowden
Sowden, c/r, no dates, this grp: c/r, c/r/, Eliza, Mary A, James Jr, John J Sowden
Spangler, Mother, no dates, Small stone in front
Spangler, Wife, no dates, Small stone in front
Spencer / Corbin no dates, this grp: ?, Dr., Mary L. Corbin &Harriet, Florence Spencer, c/r
Steele, c/r, no dates, ss as Robert Stewart Steele
Stryker no dates, Father
Stryker no dates, Mother
Temp???, Albert, no dates, children of J & H Templ?? looks like Templeu 1 day, this stone: George, Joseph, Eli W., Albert, John
Temp???, Eli W, no dates, children of J & H Templ?? looks like Templeu 28 days, this stone: George, Joseph, Eli W., Albert, John
Temp???, George, no dates, children of J & H Templ?? looks like Templeu 10days, this stone: George, Joseph, Eli W., Albert, John
Temp???, John, no dates, children of J & H Templ?? looks like Templeu c/r, this stone: George, Joseph, Eli W., Albert, John
Temp???, Joseph, no dates, children of J & H Templ?? looks like Templeu 12 days, this stone: George, Joseph, Eli W., Albert, John
Toov OR ue, Maria, no dates, wife of ___mes M, c/r broke
Tyler, ? A., no dates, can't read, this stone: Simeon E, Ruth W, Florian B, ? A.
Van Horn, Mother, no dates, small stone matches large stone
Werner, c/r, no dates, stone tipped over
Wheeler, ?, no dates, ? of ? A & M Wheeler
Whitley, Father, no dates
Whitley, Mother, no dates
Williams, ?, no dates, 25th IL Inf
Wills, Father, no dates
Wills, Mother, no dates
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