Search Kentucky Death Records
Kentucky Newspapers, Full Search (1794-1984), 127 titles
Kentucky Obituary Search, (1983-current)
Kentucky Funeral Notices
Union Cemetery
Butler County, Kentucky
Contributed by Beverly Hodges [].
Adkins, Earl W., b. 2/12/1898, d. 2/12/1917
Adkins, Effie, b. 9/14/1872, d. 11/3/1900, wife of J.I.,
Adkins, Eliza F., b. 5/4/1866, d. 9/30/1900, wife of J.W.,
Adkins, F. C., b. 3/14/1857, d. 10/16/1937
Adkins, Harold V., b. 12/24/1924, d. 7/18/1928
Adkins, John W., b. 1850, d. 1927
Adkins, Lillie May, b. 11/8/1889, d. 3/7/1904
Adkins, M. T., b. 3/29/1860, d. 3/27/1929, wife of F.C.,
Adkins, Selma W., b. 2/24/1902, d. 9/18/1964
Adkins, Vernie A., b. 2/4/1900, d. 9/7/1978
Allsup, Katherine E., b. 2/12/1924, d. no date
Anderson, Buna V., b. 2/11/1891, d. 8/211918
Anderson, Evelene G., b. 6/30/1912, d. 2/11/1930
Anderson, Helen, b. 3/13/1935, d. no date
Anderson, Lou Mayhugh, b. 6/17/1891, d. 6/28/1989
Anderson, Mollie M., b. 4/1/1861, d. 2/25/1947
Anderson, Nevel, b. 1/22/1927, d. 9/30/2001
Anderson, Nolie B., b. 4/1/1894, d. 4/9/1909
Anderson, Robert S., b. 11/26/1903, d. 9/17/1983
Anderson, Suda L., b. 4/27/1892, d. 6/13/1932
Anderson, Verdie E., b. 12/20/1899, d. 5/25/1997
Anderson, Ward, b. 12/1/1938, d. no date
Anderson, Wilbur, b. 12/26/1914, d. 1/8/1915
Anderson, Z. N, b. 5/10/1857, d. 6/11/1934
Andrews, Avel M., b. 9/22/1912, d. 2/16/1999
Andrews, Exie Pearl, b. 7/3/1921, d. no date
Andrews, George Edward, b. 11/12/1914, d. 5/27/2001
Andrews, Harvy W., b. 6/18/1908, d. 7/7/1908
Andrews, Jesse, b. 3/7/1910, d. 12/22/1992
Andrews, Lonnie, b. 9/18/1878, d. 1/1/1963
Andrews, Novie, b. 4/8/1899, d. 9/3/1983
Andrews, Richard, b. 8/31/1901, d. 8/29/1975
Andrews, Sarah B., b. 4/5/1884, d. 5/22/1966
Baldwin, Irene C., b. 9/8/1902, d. 12/29/1966
Baxter, Troy Lee, b. 2/18/1961, d. 2/18/1961
Belcher, Agnes A., b. 7/24/1902, d. 6/16/1961
Belcher, Allie Claude, b. 5/3/1886, d. 5/10/1962
Belcher, Clarence A., b. 8/1/1914, d. 12/5/2000
Belcher, Derotha E., b. 1881, d. 1968
Belcher, Edna Pearl, b. 5/4/1925, d. 1/30/1929
Belcher, Emerson, b. 9/26/1903, d. 3/4/1977
Belcher, Ennis L., b. 5/10/1923, d. 3/31/1970
Belcher, Evie Lena, b. 6/3/1891, d. 1/28/1949
Belcher, Golda M., b. 10/14/1910, d. 11/25/1992
Belcher, H. B., b. 9/16/1922, d. 10/1/1969
Belcher, Hugh, b. 6/21/1885, d. 12/26/1959
Belcher, infant son, no dates
Belcher, infant, no dates
Belcher, Ivey L., b. 4/3/1889, d. 4/15/1934
Belcher, James Aaron, b. 6/7/1886, d. 2/2/1977
Belcher, Joe H, b. 1882, d. 1975
Belcher, Leon D., b. 2/26/1907, d. 1/15/1985
Belcher, Leonard O., b. 8/24/1907, d. 1/16/1951
Belcher, Lula, b. 12/10/1892, d. 2/19/1931
Belcher, Lyndall H., b. 4/11/1940, d. 8/4/1999
Belcher, Mary M., b. 5/15/1929, d. no date
Belcher, Nellie B., b. 7/30/1888, d. 2/18/1981
Belcher, Novice E., b. 5/19/1902, d. 10/14/1980
Belcher, Oval T., b. 9/28/1916, d. 11/14/1941
Belcher, Rollie T, b. 6/20/1904, d. 9/25/1988
Belcher, Rosa, b. 11/12/1901, d. 3/23/1979
Belcher, Sarah M., b. 8/1/1855, d. 11/18/1923
Belcher, Tempie B, b. 12/17/1898, d. 7/14/1909
Belcher, Thomas, b. 9/21/1881, d. 11/01/1962
Belcher, Ulton, b. 10/2/1909, d. 11/5/2000
Belcher, Vera Gladys, b. 4/4/1908, d. 9/1/1974
Belcher, Virge, b. 7/22/1878, d. 5/21/1962
Belcher, Wilson H., b. 3/4/1851, d. 11/2/1934
Beliles, Bessie R., b. 7/1/1888, d. 10/13/1927
Beliles, Cesney, b. 1910, d. 1910
Beliles, Clemence, b. 6/2/1874, d. 7/17/1956
Beliles, Dole, b. 9/23/1885, d. 3/12/1976
Beliles, Erdeane, b. 1907, d. 1907
Beliles, Girta, b. unreadable, d. 1899
Beliles, Hallie, b. 5/8/1901, d. 7/17/1999
Beliles, Harlen Jr., b. 6/29/1940, d. 6/29/1940
Beliles, James, b. 12/21/1877, d. 1/23/1977
Beliles, Laura, b. 11/19/1892, d. 7/8/1967
Beliles, Loyd, b. 8/10/1901, d. 2/11/1981
Beliles, Mary Roda, b. 1855, d. 1944
Beliles, Ruby Ruth, b. 10/1/1925, d. 2/1/1943
Beliles, S. S., b. 1850, d. , d. /1933
Bellar, Jennie, b. 7/16/1880, d. 1/7/1882, Dau. of J. A. & H,
Benson, Lona B., b. 3/4/1883, d. 3/19/1953
Benson, Robert L., b. 3/30/1875, d. 11/26/1961
Berg, Lucy E., b. 8/12/1925, d. 9/6/1992
Bidwell, Blanch, b. unknown, d. 1918
Bobbett, James F., b. 10/21/1865, d. 7/11/1931
Bostic, Julia, b. 1858, d. 12/22/1890
Bowers, Anna Lou, b. 5/3/1927, d. unknown
Bowers, Bertha, b. 2/17/1889, d. 9/30/1978
Bowers, Ellet E., b. 6/25/1893, d. 2/16/1974
Bowers, James, b. 10/24/1919, d. no date
Bowers, Jarrod R., b. 4/14/1980, d. 10/25/2000
Bowers, Margart W., b. 3/20/1823, d. 9/23/1896
Bowers, Margie, unreadable
Bowers, Martha E., b. 12/19/1895, d. 5/29/19--
Bowers, Martha, b. 6/10/1940, d. 7/29/unreadable
Bowers, Mildred, b. 6/1/1871, d. 1/16/19--
Bowers, Oath, b. 1/7/1883, d. 3/13/--
Bowers, R. F., b. 3/12/1929, d. 5/8/1930
Bowers, R. L., b. 9/16/1926, d. 10/4/1927
Bowers, Rachael, b. 7/19/1915, d. no date
Bowers, Tommy F., b. 8/2/1950, d. 8/2/1950
Bowers, U. M., b. 12/3/1858, d. 7/20/1918
Bowers, William E. (Jake), b. 10/7/1913, d. 12/17/1991
Brown, B. Grider, b. 7/7/1859, d. 4/25/1937
Brown, Bessie, b. 3/3/1890, d. 5/16/1915
Brown, Bettye Anne, b. 8/6/1931, d. no date
Brown, Boyce B., b. 3/17/1907, d. 6/27/1994
Brown, Boyce Jr., b. 10/8/1929, d. 10/8/1929
Brown, Cager, b. 3/5/1893, d. 10/11/1963
Brown, Cathlean J., b. 4/2/1910, d. 7/26/1980
Brown, Charles W., b. 2/7/1858, d. 1/18/1935
Brown, Clara Givens, b. 1/3/1891, d. no date
Brown, Cornelius P., b. 7/31/1869, d. 8/15/1947
Brown, Curlie A., b. 10/15/1879, d. 7/21/1905
Brown, Dortha R., b. 4/2/1929, d. 1/12/2000
Brown, Duva E., b. 1903, d. 1935
Brown, Elender, b. 12/28/1863, d. 4/11/1950
Brown, Elizabeth A., b. 9/14/1854, d. 2/16/1936
Brown, Frank G., b. 2/3/1855, d. 5/15/1931
Brown, Georgiana, b. 3/10/1878, d. 3/26/1965
Brown, Glen Ralph, b. 5/29/1931, d. no date
Brown, Helen, b. 2/11/1833, d. 3/11/1923
Brown, infant, no dates
Brown, Ira, b. 12/22/1884, d. 7/23/1960
Brown, James L., b. 1923, d. 1990
Brown, Josie E., b. 4/26/1863, d. 11/15/1951
Brown, Lectramai, b. 7/29/1914, d. 7/29/1914
Brown, Lena Mae, b. 6/13/1914, d. no date
Brown, Leona R., b. 3/22/1885, d. 10/23/1955
Brown, Margret Ann, b. 5/24/1962, d. 5/24/1962
Brown, Mary F., b. 8/8/1850, d. 10/20/1937
Brown, Myrl, b. 6/2/1918, d. 3/23/2003
Brown, Nellie, b. 3/1/1886, d. 12/4/1971
Brown, Ora Lean, b. 10/9/1914, d. 1/17/2000
Brown, Polly Ann, b. 12/6/1890, d. 9/29/1979
Brown, R.G., b. /26/1835, d. 1/13/1925
Brown, Reno, b. /18/1910, d. 12/4/2001
Brown, Ricky Glenn, b. 12/1/1952, d. 4/21/1978
Brown, Robert E., b. 4/18/1870, d. 10/9/1959
Brown, Robert Elsworth, b. 7/31/1881, d. 12/4/1944
Brown, S. A., b. 9/29/1827, d. 3/24/1907
Brown, William S., b. 9/29/1910, d. 9/2/1990
Cannon, Harold E., b. 2/6/1928, d. 9/11/1991
Cannon, Opal E., b. 6/24/1932, d. no date
Carddock, Alonzo A., b. 8/6/1842, d. 2/27/1917
Carddock, Sarah F., b. 1/12/1854, d. 2/25/1879
Cardwell, Cheri Therese, b. 1/15/1962, d. 9/18/1976
Cardwell, James (Jimmy), b. 1944, d. 1994
Carroll, Avel, b. 12/7/1935, d. no date
Carroll, Glendall H., b. 6/3/1925, d. 8/27/1987
Carroll, Mariah J., b. 4/5/1850, d. 8/14/1920
Carroll, Raymond R., b. 6/24/1929, d. 7/18/1954
Carroll, Virginia Lee, b. 4/22/1939, d. 7/18/1954
Cartwright, Herbert E., b. 7/8/1922, d. 11/10/1965
Cartwright, I. J., b. 7/2/1920, d. 11/19/1999
Cartwright, Jacille M., b. 1/20/1925, d. no date
Cartwright, Miriah J., b. 11/25/1841, d. 8/18/1926
Cartwright, Nettie, b. 12/10/1893, d. 5/22/1959
Casey, Salena Annette, b. Unreadable
Childress, Glendall Trevor, b. 8/14/1978, d. 8/14/1978
Cobb, Gladys Juanita, b. 5/3/1913, d. 3/7/1916
Cook, Addie E., b. 5/3/1898, d. 6/18/1990
Cook, Andy, b. 5/4/1920, d. 9/28/1991
Cook, Charlie E, b. 1859, d. 1923
Cook, Charlie P., b. 6/13/1896, d. 5/6/1968
Cook, Clarence, b. 12/28/1889, d. 5/11/1909
Cook, Claude, b. 11/12/1884, d. 3/12/1970
Cook, Clyde R., b. 11/29/1891, d. 3/10/1962
Cook, Ellis E., b. 11/16/1894, d. 5/6/1977
Cook, Freeda, b. 7/21/1924, d. 8/12/1997
Cook, Harlie, b. 12/27/1892, d. 6/14/1907
Cook, Mary L., b. 1859, d. 1929
Cook, Meedy O., b. 9/9/1900, d. 12/10/1983
Cook, Pansy, b. 12/24/1902, d. 3/31/1904
Cook, Ronnie Lee, b. 1954, d. 1986
Cook, Sallye H., b. 10/13/1896, d. 10/13/1951
Cook, Stella, b. 2/24/1888, d. 1/1/1958
Cook, Vernal, b. 9/20/1907, d. 10/27/1908
Cooper, Antha E., b. 6/22/1882, d. 11/19/1885
Cooper, Beulah, b. 1898, d. 1994
Cooper, Clinton, b. 12/9/1902, d. 7/7/1972
Cooper, Elsa, b. 12/18/1880, d. 9/19/1881, Son of R. L.,
Cooper, Gary K., b. 1/19/1935, d. 1/22/1935
Cooper, Huldah B., b. 9/23/1827, d. 6/7/1897, wife of John,
Cooper, J. B., b. 4/9/1827, d. 8/30/1913
Cooper, James L., b. 10/20/1887, d. 8/4/1961
Cooper, John A., b. 11/27/1819, d. 2/16/1888
Cooper, John H., b. 3/8/1882, d. 3/20/1976
Cooper, John T., b. 2/14/1906, d. 10/12/1906
Cooper, Lena, b. 10/9/1897, d. 9/13/1982
Cooper, N. J., b. 2/11/1871, d. 7/30/1906
Cooper, Ogie J., b. 1893, d. 1977
Cooper, R. L., b. 5/15/1862, d. 10/26/1950
Cooper, Vera B., b. 1/20/1908, d. 8/21/1999
Cooper, W. L., b. 8/17/1851, d. 12/4/1934
Cox, Ann, b. 1821, d. 1896
Cox, S. A., b. 1/22/1852, d. 2/10/1912, wife of B.J.,
Day, William, b. 10/27/1876, d. 3/22/1877
Dearing, Beulah M., b. 3/4/1925, d. no date
Dearing, Nelvis Lee, b. 12/11/1963, d. 9/12/1993
Deel, Dorothy M., b. 5/31/1946, d. 10/16/1990
Deel, Wilbur E., b. 12/3/1942,, d. no date
Dillingham, Leon Creed, b. 4/20/1906, d. 11/29/1978
Dye, Hettie P., b. 3/16/1915, d. 9/11/1996
Dye, Olan E., b. 2/8/1908, d. 6/5/1987
Engler, Anna "Mama Sall", b. 4/15/1908, d. 5/10/1994
Engler, Beckie Jane, b. 8/12/1870, d. 4/29/1914
Engler, Claude "Bub", b. 1933, d. 1994
Engler, Herbert, b. 2/22/1899, d. 2/6/1978
Engler, J. W., b. 11/11/1880, d. 12/11/1917
Engler, Jack, b. 2/7/1906, d. 4/8/1980
Engler, Judy, b. 9/30/1918, d. no date
Faris, Earl V., b. 12/1/1908, d. 11/27/1989
Faris, Nokie B., b. 9/8/1924, d. 10/8/2003
Fisher, Birdie, b. 2/7/1873, d. 11/22/1898
Fisher, Jacob W., b. 4/18/1840, d. 5/27/1920
Fisher, Jas M., b. 11/7/1866, d. 5/11/1901
Fisher, Martha P., b. 12/24/1845, d. 11/30/1892
Forsythe, Altha H., b. 6/5/1902, d. 9/8/1984
Forsythe, Ambrose, b. 7/15/1889, d. 7/11/1953
Forsythe, Anna J., b. 2/10/1933, d. 5/7/1982
Forsythe, Edna F., b. 5/4/1932, d. no date
Forsythe, Ella May, b. 8/3/1924, d. 7/3/1925
Forsythe, Elsie Bowers, b. 1896, d. 1926
Forsythe, Harriett P., b. 4/28/1810, d. 4/30/1900
Forsythe, John C., b. 1854, d. 1926
Forsythe, Pauline, b. 9/13/1919, d. 7/15/1977
Forsythe, Rev. Raymond H., b. 9/28/1897, d. 11/29/1984
Forsythe, V. M., b. 9/3/1922, d. 6/11/2002
Forsythe, Walter A., b. 5/16/1926, d. 11/14/1996
Foster, Martha J., b. 6/20/1824, d. 10/8/1894
Garrett, William V., b. 1/24/1908, d. 3/5/1995
Garrett, Wilma E., b. 2/5/1908, d. 7/5/1997
Givens, A. T., b. 1/25/1851, d. 2/22/1931
Givens, Ada, b. 7/28/1911, d. 9/8/2002
Givens, Aggie, b. 12/21/1899, d. 7/30/1971
Givens, Albert E., b. 1/3/1875, d. 8/7/1934
Givens, Alfred T, b. 4/6/1840, d. 6/11/1906
Givens, Alice, b. 8/23/1891, d. 12/7/1913, wife of J.W.,
Givens, Altha J., b. 11/16/1902, d. 3/14/1987
Givens, Annie M., b. 1/18/1875, d. 1/24/1951
Givens, Ara E., b. 5/4/1904, d. 8/28/1904
Givens, Arlie, b. 7/11/1893, d. 8/29/1983
Givens, Beatrice, b. 7/5/1911, d. 3/18/1915, dau. of F.E.,
Givens, Bertha P., b. 1904, d. 1926
Givens, Brian Scott, b. 4/24/1972, d. 4/25/1972
Givens, Burle T., b. 8/27/1873, d. 12/23/1960
Givens, Burn, b. 8/11/1881, d. 10/27/1955
Givens, Charlie, b. 8/30/1894, d. 2/25/1963
Givens, Chester, b. 9/10/1907, d. 1/13/1974
Givens, Clarence E., b. 1/27/1926, d. 3/3/1968
Givens, Coakley S., b. 9/25/1911, d. 1/23/1986
Givens, Cordellia, b. 7/31/1868, d. 9/4/1934
Givens, Curtis E., b. 8/19/1920, d. 10/13/1923
Givens, Dallas, b. 5/14/1922, d. 11/12/1926
Givens, Dank (Johnny), b. 7/4/1905, d. 6/28/1972
Givens, Delbert, b. 12/20/1916, d. 5/22/1993
Givens, Dollie, b. 3/27/1927, d. no date
Givens, Dorothy Dean, b. 3/10/1908, d. 5/17/1967
Givens, Dorothy L., b. 1928, d. no date
Givens, Edgar Earl, b. 11/5/1925, d. 3/19/1999
Givens, Edith, b. 9/25/1913, d. 5/9/1917, dau. of R.A. & M.O.,
Givens, Ediwin, b. 9/18/1920, d. no date
Givens, Edwin, b. 8/31/1915, d. 7/4/1916, son of R.A. & M.O.,
Givens, Eliza, b. 1/16/1905, d. 3/27/1981
Givens, Elizabeth Hollen, b. 5/24/1842, d. 1/18/1905
Givens, Ellis T., b. 7/29/1920, d. 6/22/1993
Givens, Elpha, b. 7/27/1897, d. 2/16/1973
Givens, Elwyn Rex, b. 4/29/1928, d. 10/20/1928
Givens, Erdie, b. 11/28/1878, d. 7/27/1907, wife of V.H.,
Givens, Ethany, b. 11/14/1881, d. 4/20/1967
Givens, Euclid M., b. 5/14/1880, d. 10/18/1896, son of A.T.,
Givens, Eula A., b. 10/8/1906, d. 1/23/1988
Givens, Eunice A., b. 8/14/1823, d. 1/20/1907
Givens, Euva W., b. 1/8/1921, d. 4/4/1976
Givens, Eva L., b. 1883, d. 1967
Givens, Fernie Eldon, b. 11/9/1881, d. 4/14/1965
Givens, Florida, b. 8/26/1884, d. 5/6/1969
Givens, Flossie A., b. 1894, d. 1933
Givens, Floyd E., b. 9/8/1883, d. 4/7/1944
Givens, Ford, b. 10/17/1897, d. 6/21/1975
Givens, Forrest O., b. 9/9/1911, d. 7/9/2002
Givens, Frankie, b. 1949, d. 1955
Givens, George Willis, b. 11/27/1922, d. no date
Givens, Gertie R, b. 5/12/1934, d. no date
Givens, Grover, b. 5/29/1884, d. 10/18/1896, son of A.T.,
Givens, Guss E., b. 12/20/1899, d. 11/17/1921
Givens, Harett E., b. 7/13/1849, d. 10/6/1897
Givens, Harlin, b. 11/10/1938, d. 6/9/2000
Givens, Herbert O., b. 10/29/1924, d. 12/22/1924
Givens, Hershel, b. 2/9/1879, d. 6/3/1971
Givens, Hezzie Lee, b. 1/26/1901, d. 10/15/1902
Givens, Infant, b. 1/20/1905, d. 1/28/1905, dau. of V.H.,
Givens, Infant, b. 11/20/1902, d. 11/20/1902, son of Alex,
Givens, Infant, b. 5/10/1941, d. 5/10/1941, c/o R.C.,
Givens, Infant, b. 6/13/1902, d. 6/13/1902, son of R.F.,
Givens, Ivan G., b. 2/4/1926, d. 5/11/1959
Givens, Ivie, b. 12/31/1903, d. 8/12/1904
Givens, J. B. F., b. 10/28/1837, d. 4/3/1928
Givens, J. C., b. 7/30/1910, d. 9/10/1977
Givens, Jack, b. 10/28/1897, d. 7/24/1988
Givens, James A., b. 3/24/1876, d. 7/25/1876, son of J.S.,
Givens, James A., b. 7/24/1851, d. 10/11/1923
Givens, James Compton, b. 4/16/1857, d. 3/25/1943
Givens, James Maeshall, b. 10/15/1921, d. 12/10/1984
Givens, James Prentice, b. 10/9/1909, d. 12/13/1956
Givens, James T., b. 9/9/1883, d. 5/3/1962
Givens, Jerome W., b. 1/28/1881, d. 6/11/1943
Givens, John W., b. 11/29/1870, d. 4/10/1962
Givens, Juna E., b. 1902, d. 1942
Givens, Kelbert C., b. 12/4/1865, d. 11/4/1920
Givens, Leatrice, b. 11/27/1927, d. no date
Givens, Lela, b. 11/3/1887, d. 6/15/1978
Givens, Lorine, b. 10/1/1916, d. 7/6/1918
Givens, Lossie Coleman, b. 9/5/1885, d. 7/24/1963
Givens, Lucian, b. 3/1/1910, d. 3/10/1932
Givens, Lucille K., b. 11/6/1929, d. no date
Givens, Luther H., b. 5/20/1887, d. 9/22/1970
Givens, Martha J., b. 10/2/1843, d. 8/7/1916
Givens, Martha, b. 5/11/1858, d. 10/1/1920
Givens, Mary E., b. 5/26/1930, d. no date
Givens, Mary F., b. 8/23/1849, d. 3/6/1918, wife of J.A.,
Givens, Mary P., b. 8/15/1941, d. no date
Givens, Mattie, b. 2/10/1875, d. 6/10/1952
Givens, Maude E., b. 3/22/1888, d. 1/30/1956
Givens, Maxine M., b. 2/14/1928, d. no date
Givens, Meadie, b. 4/6/1874, d. 2/26/1949
Givens, Michael L., b. 7/3/1965, d. 10/16/1987
Givens, Michiel Dale, b. 12/21/1954, d. 9/5/1955
Givens, Minnie Z, b. 10/3/1873, d. 11/21/1958
Givens, Murnie E., b. 9/20/1879, d. 4/1/1958
Givens, Nancy Jane, b. 1/6/1876, d. 9/7/1955
Givens, Norman C., b. 3/4/1933, d. 1/17/1989
Givens, Novice, b. 5/5/1895, d. 11/28/1898, son of K.G.& N.,
Givens, Ola, b. 2/23/1913, d. 7/16/1918
Givens, Ola, b. 5/24/1910, d. 2/25/1987
Givens, Oma Charity, b. 6/7/1929, d. 9/191986
Givens, Opal, b. 6/17/1885, d. 3/16/1969
Givens, Ora, b. 9/11/1891, d. 3/12/1983
Givens, Osco, b. 1881, d. 1970
Givens, Osie, b. 3/15/1885, d. 1/8/1911
Givens, Ottice, b. 6/27/1891, d. 12/13/1928
Givens, Patrick, b. 5/25/1959, d. 5/25/1959
Givens, Polly, b. 8/25/1896, d. 2/22/1963
Givens, Presley, b. 10/6/1915, d. 10/17/1915
Givens, R.C.(Babe), b. 10/2/1901, d. 7/4/1990
Givens, Ray H., b. 7/21/1927, d. 12/2/1956
Givens, Rayburn T., b. 9/13/1896, d. 10/4/1918
Givens, Robert, b. 2/27/1857, d. 8/30/1925
Givens, Robert, b. 2/5/1924, d. 2/8/1924, son of Roy,
Givens, Ross H., b. 8/6/1900, d. 1/14/1978
Givens, Roy, b. 4/10/1887, d. 11/4/1966
Givens, Ruth Staples, b. 4/21/1921, d. no date
Givens, Sally G., b. 5/7/1864, d. 11/22/1872
Givens, Samuel H., b. 10/11/1867, d. 3/18/1924
Givens, Samuel S., b. 8/22/1865, d. 9/7/1952
Givens, Sara H., b. 12/15/1940, d. no date
Givens, Sarah F., b. 1/6/1862, d. 7/1/1941
Givens, Shelby, b. 9/14/1919, d. 9/8/1944
Givens, Stanley Glenn, b. 8/5/1952, d. 8/5/1952
Givens, Strother Estill, b. 9/7/1919, d. no date
Givens, Susie, b. 1/9/1890, d. 3/15/1920, wife of Rayburn,
Givens, Temp A., b. 1887, d. 1973
Givens, Thedocia, b. 3/6/1873, d. 10/26/1953
Givens, Thomas L., b. 8/4/1953, d. 8/4/1953
Givens, Thomas Thestill, b. 9/7/1919, d. 5/24/1998
Givens, Thomas, b. 11/17/1907, d. 12/3/1979, (son),
Givens, Tipton, b. 11/22/1918, d. 11/23/1918
Givens, V. R., b. 10/4/1932, d. 12/25/1932
Givens, Vadie, b. 11/8/1890, d. 11/29/1969
Givens, Verdie H., b. 10/5/1873, d. 7/11/1940
Givens, Virdie, b. 9/3/1894, d. 10/30/1951
Givens, W. D., b. 7/29/1821, d. 11/8/1905
Givens, Walter A., b. 1926, d. 1979
Givens, Warren, b. 7/25/1931, d. 10/5/1997
Givens, William H., b. 9/28/1899, d. 2/27/1988
Givens, Willodean, b. 12/26/1934
Givens, Willye M., b. 5/28/1880, d. 4/11/1955
Givens, Wilma Lee, b. 5/14/1932, d. no date
Givens, Wilma M., b. 10/25/1922, d. 9/18/1993
Givens, Zolla Bluford, b. 8/19/1895, d. 7/8/1897
Greathouse, Barbara, b. 9/25/1937, d. no date
Greathouse, Corine, b. 1917, d. 1920
Greathouse, Dellar, b. 11/29/1886, d. 5/27/1968
Greathouse, Frank P., b. 11/6/1874, d. 9/9/1952
Greathouse, Franklin Turner, b. 1942, d. 1962
Greathouse, Harold, b. 1937, d. 1989
Greathouse, Hubert, b. 5/19/1909, d. 10/3/1909
Greathouse, Lawrence Ray, b. 3/8/1906, d. 12/24/1996
Greathouse, Lorine, b. 1913, d. 1921
Greathouse, Margarie, b. 4/18/1911, d. 11/20/1987
Greathouse, Strothe, b. 1919, d. 1926
Grubb, Bradley D., b. 4/6/1933, d. 10/9/1933
Grubb, Myrtle, b. 3/8/1872, d. 7/26/1941
Grubb, Nora A., b. 3/11/1896, d. 7/21/1972
Grubb, Omer L, b. 4/28/1893, d. 5/27/1969
Grubbs, Sharon Renae, b. 12/17/1948, d. no date
Grubbs, Weldon Rex, b. 5/2/1944, d. 12/31/1970
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