Search Kentucky Death Records
Kentucky Newspapers, Full Search (1794-1984), 127 titles
Kentucky Obituary Search, (1983-current)
Kentucky Funeral Notices
Wilson Cemetery
Station Camp, Estill County, Kentucky
Contributed by Gladys Davis, Mar 18, 2007 []. Total records = 112.
Wilson Cemetery is located about 7 miles east of Irvine Kentucky in the Station Camp area, west of Hwy 594 (Red Lick Road) and east of Station Camp Church Road.
Wilson Cemetery is owned and mainted by Estill County, and it is a active cemetery. I found 10 Graves marked with only fieldstones and 2 stones I couldn't read.
This includes all existing and legible tombstones and markers, transcribed when I walked and read this cemetery in March of 2007.
- Gladys Davis
Amyx, Infant, b. Aug 18, 1905, d. Aug 18, 1905, s/o G.A. & S.A. Amyx
Anderson, Eliza A, b. 01-02-1837, d., w/o F.M. Anderson, stone too far in ground to read
Ball, Anna Mae, b. 5-12-1892, d. 3/6/1975
Ball, Margaret, b. 6-13-1897, d. 9/13/1984
Barber, Julia C. Gaines, b. 10/2/1910, d. 2/13/1998
Benton, Addie, b. 4-6-1860, d. 3-7-1863, d/o J & D Benton
Benton, Infant, b. 2-3-1859, d. 2-3-1859, d/o J&J Benton
Benton, Jane, b. 7-10-1825, d. 05-27-1881, w/o Joseph Bent0n
Benton, Thomas, b. 09-06-1817, d. 10-11-1852, s/o J & J. Benton
Blevins, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 1894, d. 1920, d/o John H & Francis Harrison White
Bowman, M. M, b. 5-15-1815, d. 4-81-1875
Cole, Thelma, b. 1927, d. 1944, d/o John H & Francis Harrison White w/o Hargis Cole
Cox, Adda, b. 6/7/1910, d. 7/7/1910, c/o Jas & Minnie Cox
Cox, Annie Jane, b. 1856, d. 1936
Cox, Hazel, b. 12/24/1908, d. 11/24/1909, c/o Jas & Minnie Cox
Cox, Lewis H, b. 4/20/1916, d. 11/18/1988, 1st Lt. US Army WWII
Darbyshire, Nadine G, b. 1937, d. 2005, Metal marker
Frazier, G.W., b. 2-27-1885, d. 12/6/1908, h/o Lola V. Frazier
Frazier, Gentry, b. 9-26-1893, d. 10/2/1916
Frazier, Infant, b. 4-1-1892, d. 4-1-1892, d/o GW & L Frazier
Frazier, Infant, b. Aug 14, 1898, d. Aug 14, 1898, d/o G.W. & L Frazier
Frazier, Katie, b. 1/1/1904, d. 11/19/1904, "Little Katie", d/o G.W. & L.V. Frazier
Frazier, Lola Virginia, b. 1871, d. 1940
Frazier, Nellie, b. 10-14-1880, d. 1-11-1881, "Little Nellie", d/o T. & S. Wilson
Freeman, Armilda Lunsford "Millie", b. 1834, d. 1929
Gillespie, Eliza J, b. 1895, d. 1984
Gillespie, Irene, b. 6/16/1935, d.
Gillespie, Orville, b. 9/30/1932, d. 10/8/1998
Gillespie, Rice, b. 1894, d. 1962
Gillespie, Robert H, b. 2/3/1916, d. 8/22/1993
Harrison, Francis, no dates, s/w Etta Damrel Sparks
Harrison, Lulu White, b. 3-25-1894, d. 12/4/1929, d/o John H & Francis Harrison White, w/o Ben Harrison
Isaacs, Bertha, b. 1-14-1883, d. 10/8/1901, w/o Alfred Isaacs, d/o Theo & S. Wilson
Isaacs, Cornelius M, b. 11-24-1835, d. 3/7/1904
Isaacs, Glendon, b. 9/22/1921, d. 1/24/1922, s/o Alfred Isaacs
Isaacs, Infant Son, b. Jan 16, 1814, d. Jan 16, 1814
Isaacs, Lewis, b. 07-28-1881, d. 4/12/1911, s/o C.M. & M.A. Isaacs
Isaacs, Margaret, b. 03-16-1834, d. 6/3/1919
Isaacs, Pearly B, b. 3/22/1905, d. 3/25/1905, Metal funeral marker, can barely read it
Isaacs, Preston, b. 1856, d. 1904
Isaacs, Robert M, b. 1865, d. 1949
Isaacs, Sudie, b. 6-12-1871, d. 7/29/1900
Isaacs, Viannia, b. 1859, d. 1923
Isaacs, William, b. 05-13-1862, d. 5/12/1911, h/o Susan Isaacs
Kelly, Sarah Durbin Wilson, b. 10-20-1874, d. 7/4/1959
Lakes, Della, b. 3/12/1903, d. 11/12/1919
Maupin, Jimmie, b. 6-24-1883, d. 3-22-1884, Son of G.H. & M Maupin
McQueen, Charlotta Freeman "Lottie", b. 1857, d. 1935
Moore, Scott, b. 01-31-1869, d. 09-23-1869, age: 23, s/o J.A. & A. Moore
Newton, David M, b. 1869, d. 1950
Newton, Dillard W, b. 4/26/1901, d. 11/2/1976, Pvt, US Army, WWII
Newton, Everette, b. 12-19-1892, d. 3/13/1939
Newton, Jo Anne, b. Aug 26, 1932, d. Aug 26, 1932
Newton, Mary Ann Lowry, b. 1869, d. 1958
Newton, Raymond Dale, b. 11/26/1936, d. 1/8/1998
Newton, Senora Dias, b. 4-25-1899, d. 11/29/1980
Park, Gapolion, b. 3-21-1856, d. 4-12-1856, Stone lying on ground
Park, George A, b. 04-22-1841, d. 8/16/1909
Park, Leah C. Hollis, b. 01-13-1864, d. 10-22-1884, w/o G.A. Parks
Park, Maranda, b. 04-24-1830, d. 08-7-1857, Stone lying on ground
Park, Rebecca Howard, b. 07-26-1847, d. 03-29-1879
Park, Theopolio, b. 2-21-1858, Mar 9, ??", Can't read death date, stone lying on ground
Park, Turner, b. 3-10-1852, d. 8-30-1857, Stone lying on ground
Park, William, b. 1852, d. 8-18-1857, Stone lying on ground
Parsons, Nancy, b. 1-22-1858, d. 6/11/1900
Pollett, Roy F, b. 2/19/1924, d. 5/12/1984
Pollett, Ruby W, b. 4/14/1930, d. 9/17/1997, w/o Roy and d/o John H. and Etta D.S. White
Prather, Rhoda F, b. 8-1-1850, d. 11-1-1870, w/John S and d/o W.D & M.H. Wilson, stone lying on ground
Richardson, Jessie S, b., d., Metal Funeral Marker reserved
Richardson, Wallace, b. 3/1/1943, d. 10/15/1961
Rose, Tina Lynn, b. 10/22/1972, d. 5/4/1988, d/o Margie White Stanley
Scrivner, Dr. James F., b. 1873, d. 1942
Scrivner, Sue Park, b. 1873, d. 1960
Sparks, Francis, no dates, s/w Francis Harrison
Stanley, Brookshire P, b. 4/23/1918, d., h/o Margie White Stanley
Stanley, Margie White, b. 11/27/1944, d. 3/15/1995, d/o Walter and Ola Mae Sparks White
Trott, Gerald William, b. 9/16/1908, d. 3/16/1985
Trott, Reva C, b. 1918, d. 2006, Metal marker
Tuggle, Lilley, b. 02-14-1881, d. 6/14/1906, w/o Ruford and d/o J.& B Cox
White, Earl, b. 1912, d. 1974, s/o John H and Francis Harrison White
White, Etta D.S, b. 1895, d. 1965, w/o John H. White & Willy Green White
White, John Houston, b. 1870, d. 1949, s/o Cyrus & Margaret Barker White, h/o
White, Ola Mae, b. 5/3/1923, d. 9/24/1993, w/o Walter Green White
White, Rufford, b. 1930, d. 1932, s/o John H & Etta D.S. White
Wilson, Amanda B., b. 3-8-1853, d. 12-20-1854, born of Jas Wilson
Wilson, Arena, b. 01-12-1839, d., w/o W.D. Wilson (no death date on stone)
Wilson, Betty, b. 4-29-1860, d. 9-20-1861, d/o B & Eliza Wilson
Wilson, Clayton, b. 10/8/1909, d. 9/11/1910, s/o Tom & Stanley Wilson
Wilson, Ebby, b. 04-20-1868, d. 12-7-1884
Wilson, Ebenazer, b. 03-30-1876, d. 1 God, 88 years
Wilson, Georgia T, b. 6-7-1892, d. 8/24/1905, d/o Theodore & Sophia Wilson
Wilson, Infant, b. Aug 17, 1885, d. Aug 17, 1885, d/o J.W. & A.B. Wilson
Wilson, Infant, b. May 19, 1884, d. May 19, 1884, d/o A.S.A & N.P. Wilson
Wilson, James A, b. 05-16-1856, d. 6/24/1900
Wilson, James, b. 8-30-1856, d. 1-8-1858, s/o Jas Wilson
Wilson, Jas, b. 7-4-1805, d. 01-19-1869
Wilson, John Captain, b. 5-14-1822, d. 05-24-1896, h/o Sarah Bowman, The famous Captain Wilson of Lookout Mnt
Wilson, John Estill, b. 4-24-1888, d. 8/10/1972, 2nd Lt. US Army WWI
Wilson, Marion, no dates, s/o W.D. Wilson, stone is partially buried, can not get dates
Wilson, Mary J, b. 12-20-1859, d. 08-01-1895, w/o Jas A. Wilson
Wilson, Pearl Scrivner, b. 10-17-1895, d. 8/13/1985
Wilson, Rhody, b. 09-15-1788, d. Oct, can't read death date, stone lying on ground
Wilson, Sarah Bowman, b. 01-27-1826, d. 07-31-1800, w/o Captain John Wilson
Wilson, Unknown female, b. 6/8/2018, d. 06-10-1870, d/o W.D & M.H Wilson, stone is broken and can not read name
Wilson, W. D., b. 05-04-1820, d. 12/2/1908
Wilson, William B, b. 03-29-1851, d. 08-31-1852, s/o Jas Wilson
Winkler, Edna Mae, b. 3/23/1919, d. 5/17/2000
Winkler, Glen Hamilton, b. 8/16/1910, d. 6/22/2003
Wise, Eveline, b. 12-23-1860, d. 7/21/1922, w/o Rev. H.D. Wise
Wise, J. R, b. 1899, d. 1946
Wise, Jesse, b., d. 7-19-1899, age 7 days, s/o J & B Wise
Wise, Rev. H. D, b. 1-26-1860, d. 7/21/1922
??, ??, Civil War Veteran
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