Search Kentucky Death Records
Kentucky Newspapers, Full Search (1794-1984), 127 titles
Kentucky Obituary Search, (1983-current)
Kentucky Funeral Notices
Britton Cemetery
Smith, Harlan County, Kentucky
Contributed by Thelma Hamlin []. Total records = 124.
Compiled by Wilma Wilson June 11 and 14, 1998, revised by Lee Roy and Thelma Hamlin March 29, 2000.
Arnold, Dwain G., b.09 Aug. 1979, d.23 May 1996, same stone
Britton Cemetery is located 12 miles west of Cawood on Hwy. 987. Turn left across river on the Kelly/Smith Cemetery road.Take road up behind homes to Cemetery on hill. This is a well kept Cemetery enclosed by a chain link fence. It is mowed and kept clean in the summer. There are lots of graves that are only marked by field stones or hand made stones and can no longer be read.
Blanton, Kenneth Jr., b.02 Apr. 1951, d.02 Apr. 1951, (S/O Kenneth and Virgie Blanton)
Blanton, Kenneth, b.22 July 1926, d.26 Oct. 1982, (Husband of Virgie "Hamlin"Blanton)
Blanton, Lois, b.29 Dec. 1949, d.12 Jan. 1950, ( D/O Kenneth and Virgie Blanton)
Blanton, Raymond, b.04 Jan. 1948, d.13 Mar. 1948, (S/O Kenneth and Virgie Blanton)
Britton, Jim, No dates, (field stones), (was second person to be buried in this cemetery. He was the owner of the land.)
Britton, Laurie, no dates, (field stones), (d/o Jim and Martha Britton)
Britton, Mae, No dates, (field stones, (d/o Jim and Martha Britton)
Britton, Martha, no dates, (field stones), (Wife of Jim Britton who was Grandson of Jim Britton)
Daniels, Arthur, b.29 Oct. 1922, d.15 July 1989, (Husband of Lissie Smith, Daniels)
Daniels, Barbara Jean, b.27 May 1943, d.25 May 1944, (D/O Arthur and Lissie Daniels)
Daniels, Billy Joe, b.01 July 1962, d.29 Jan. 1983, (S/O Arthur and Lissie Daniels)
Daniels, Norman, b.12 May 1956, d.11 May 1994, (S/O Arthur and Lissie Daniels)
Dillman, Myrtle, b.1923, d.1990
Dillman, Rodney Joe, b.1947, d.1988
Dillman, Willard, b.15 Jan. 1942, d.11 Apr. 1986
Earls, Danny E., b.04 Nov. 1946, d.14 Oct. 1947, (Grandson of Luther and Ida Earls)
Earls, Ida, b.09 Dec. 1909, d.16 Feb.1988, ( wife of Luther Earls same stone
Earls, Luther B., b.18 June 1896, d.10 Dec. 1946, (Husband of Ida Blanton Earls)
Earls, Willard, b.13 Jan. 1940, d.04 Dec. 1983, (S/o Luther and Ida Earls)
Eldridge, Anna, b.06 May 1896, d.14 Feb.1971, (wife of Marvin Eldridge,Robert Hamlin)
Eldridge, Carl, b.1925, d.1999, (S/O Marvin Eldridge)
Eldridge, Eddie Albert, b.12 Dec. 1955 d.12 Dec.1955, (S/o Carl and America Eldridge)
Eldridge, Larry Ray, b.26 July 1972, d.17 Jan. 1988, (S/o Larry Patton and Brenda"Smith," Eldridge), (Grandson of Carl and America
Eldridge, Marvin, b.10 Jan.1904, d.30 July 1955, (second husband to Anna Craig Hamlin)
Engle, Mary C., b.16 Aug. 1952 d.18 Jan. 1995
Frazier, Shana, b.1980, d.1980 1 day old
Gross, Kitty Ann, b.21 Aug. 1958, d.05 July 1995, (D/o Larry and Bonnie Smith,) Wife of Rick Gross
Hamlin, Addie, (Ada), b.29 May 1873 d.14 Oct. 1946, (Wife of George W. Hamlin)
Hamlin, Arnold, b.17 Jan. 1927, d.29 June 1939, (S/O Floyd and Jennie Hamlin)
Hamlin, Brady, b.15 Jan. 1902, d.06 Oct. 1931, (S/O George W. and Ada Hamlin)
Hamlin, Calvin, b.16 May 1890, d.06 Aug. 1931, (S/O George W. and Ada Hamlin, Husband of Fannie"Smith,"Hamlin)
Hamlin, Charles Edward, b.01 Mar.1925 d.01 Jun. 1948, (S/O Calvin and Fannie Hamlin)
Hamlin, Fannie, b.11 May 1905, d.11 Oct. 1978, (Wife of Calvin Hamlin), (D/o Lewis and Emily Smith,)
Hamlin, Florence, b.14 Apr. 1900, d.11 Dec. 1984, ( Wife of Wick Hamlin D/o of Daniel and Patty Smith,)
Hamlin, Floyd, b.1900, d.1974, (S/O George W. and Ada Hamlin), (First wife was Jennie "Hensley," Hamlin)
Hamlin, G. W., b.11 Jan. 1871 d.18 Aug. 1943, (George Washington), ( S/o Sarah Hamlin)
Hamlin, Glenda L., b.05 Feb.1947 d.20 Feb.1947
Hamlin, Granville, b.20 Jan. 1926 d.22 June 1943, (S/O Wick and Florence Hamlin)
Hamlin, Hershal, b.08 Mar.1940, d.05 Oct. 1940, (S/O Clarence and Lillie Hamlin)
Hamlin, Howard, b.23 Dec. 1931, d.28 Aug. 1982, (S/O Floyd and Jennie Hamlin)
Hamlin, Jennie, b.01 Septr. 1903, d.13 Mar. 1992, (First wife of Floyd Hamlin)
Hamlin, Lillie, b.13 Mar. 1917, d.10 Mar. 1998, (D/O John and Emily Wilson and Wife of Clarence Hamlin, Children on stone William Harvey, Hershal, Lee Roy, Grant)
Hamlin, Macie, b.20 Sept. 1924, d.16 Jan. 1936, (D/O Floyd and Jennie Hamlin)
Hamlin, Maylene, b.22 May 1943, d.02 June 1943, (D/O Wick and Florence Hamlin)
Hamlin, Michael S., b.08 Apr. 1977, d.09 Mar. 1998, (S/o Grant and Linda Hamlin, Grandson of Clarence and Lillie Hamlin, Husband of Melissa Hensley,)
Hamlin, Morgan, b.20 Jan. 1913 d.27 Nov. 1936, (S/O Calvin and Ceretta"Hensley," Hamlin)
Hamlin, Oma, b.27 Aug. 1936 d.10 Nov. 1937, ( D/O Floyd and Jennie Hamlin)
Hamlin, Robert, b.22 Dec.1893, d.09 Feb.1924, (S/O George W. and Ada Hamlin), (first husband to Anna Craig.)
Hamlin, Roy, b.05 Mar. 1917, d.01 Apr. 1917, (S/O Wick and Florence Hamlin)
Hamlin, Sarah, b..09 Apr. 1837, d.1894, (Mother of George W. Hamlin)
Hamlin, Verna, b.16 Dec. 1922, d.11 Aug 1978, (Wife of Virgil Hamlin)
Hamlin, Virgil, b.1920, d.Still living, (S/O Wick and Florence Hamlin
Hamlin, Wick, b.14 Apr. 1898, d.09 Nov. 1979, (S/O George and Ada Hamlin)
Hensley, Arminty, Dates not legible
Hensley, Billy, b.02 Feb.1948, d.02 Feb.1948
Hensley, Burt, b.18 Mar. 1834, d.14 Mar. 1906, (husband of Judy Josephine Hensely, buried on Hensley, Cemetery, Smith, KY.
Hensley, Esom, b.19 Nov. 1930, d.17 Apr. 1986, ( Husband of Eslie"Hamlin" Hensley,)
Hensley, Lynda Gail, b.08 Nov. 1954, d.02 Jun. 1955, ( D/o Hamp and Opal Hensley,)
Hensley, Wilson, b.12 Feb.1878, d.02 Feb.1926
Hensley, Wilson, b.22 Apr. 1934, d.Apr. 1912
Johnson, Murphy Lee, b.13 Jul. 1947, d.29 Sept. 1948
Middleton, Ronnie, b.11 Jan. 1954, d.14 Jan. 1954
Norris, Phillip, b.1943, d.1998
Norris, Shirley J., b.1944, d.1993, (wife of Phillip Norris)
Osborne, Lester Jr., b.25 Sept. 1930, d.05 May 1990
Osborne, Lou Ann, b.1938, d.1963
Rapier, Danny C., b.13 Jan. 1970, d.25 May 1984, (S/o Ross and Hazel"Smith,"Rapier)
Roark, Oma Mae, b.1928, d.1979, (D/o Luther and Ida Earls, Wife of Lloyd Smith,)
Scott, Charlie, b.1936, d.1937, (S/o Luther and Ruby Scott)
Scott, Eugene, b.02 Mar. 1939, d.08 Sept. 1967, (S/o Luther and Ruby Scott)
Scott, Luther, b.08 Jan. 1912, d.still living on same stone
Scott, Orvile, b.1938, d.1938, (S/o Luther and Ruby Scott)
Scott, Ruby, b.20 Dec. 1915, d.19 Dec. 1944, (Wife of Luther Scott and D/o Calvin and Ceretta"Hensley," Hamlin)
Smith, Bair, b.1911, d.1972, (S/o Lewis and Emily Smith,)
Smith, Bert, b.07 Jan. 1893, d.01 Feb.1973, (S/o Daniel and Patty Smith,
Smith, Betty Jean, b.27 Dec. 1935, d.09 Jan.1987, (D/o Roy and Audery Hensley, wife of William Arnold Smith,)
Smith, Byrd, b.1911, d.1972, (S/o Bert and Meddie Smith,), (Killed in mining accident)
Smith, Carl, b.18 Apr. 1916, d.22 Dec. 1989, (S/o Bert and Meddie Smith,)
Smith, Claude, b.11 Oct. 1943, d.13 June 1987, (S/o Steve and Lou Anna Smith, husband of Linda Smith,) Same stone
Smith, Curtis, b.15 May 1917, d.21 June 1989, (S/o Lloyd and Gillie Smith,) same stone
Smith, Donald Eugene, b.06 June 1946, d.16 June 1999, (S/o Lloyd and Oma Smith,)
Smith, Doyle, b.16 Oct. 1961, d.26 July 1980, (S/o Dwain Smith,)
Smith, Elizabeth, b.20 Aug. 1918, d.15 Mar. 1985, (D/o Bert and Meddie Smith,
Smith, Emily, b.17 Mar. 1878, d.07 Feb.1961, (wife of Lewis Smith,)
Smith, Frances, no dates added to stone, (Daughter of Floyd and Jennie Hamlin, Wife to Curtis Smith, Children on stone, Dwain, Curtr, Oma, Isabella, Phyllis, Monroe, Mary, Jeroney, Harry King, Charlie, July
Smith, Franklin, b.02 Sept 1935 d.10 Nov. 1935
Smith, Franklin, b.02 Sept. 1935, d.10 Nov. 1935
Smith, Franklin, b.11 Oct. 1835, d.01 Nov. 1835
Smith, Gillie Ann, b.29 Jan. 1936, d.still living, (D/o Elizabeth Smith,) same stone Wells
Smith, Gillie, b.15 Oct. 1894, d.20 Mar. 1978, (wife of Lloyd Smith,)
Smith, Hazel, b.01 June 1938, d.22 Mar. 1940
Smith, Homer Ray, b.22 May 1959, d.23 Apr. 1973, (S/o Larry and Bonnie Smith,)
Smith, John, b.1900, d.1974, (S/o lewis and Emily Smith, on same stone
Smith, Judy Ann, b.06 Sept. 1953, d.still living, (Mother of Dwain Arnold)
Smith, Lewis, b.17 Dec. 1862, d.19 Apr. 1952, (husband of Emily Smith,)
Smith, Linda, b.04 July 1947, d.still living
Smith, Lloyd, b.13 Sept.1894, d.12 Aug. 1968, (S/o Daniel and Patty Smith, husband of Gillie"Fee" Smith,)
Smith, Lloyd, b.28 Feb.1925, d.10 Mar. 1960, (S/o Bert and Meddie Smith, husband of Oma Earls Smith,) Died in mining accident)
Smith, Lou Anna, b.06 Oct. 1913, d.still living, (wife of Steve Smith,)
Smith, Luther B., b.1948, d.1996
Smith, Luther Burton, b.18 Aug. 1948, d.27 July 1996
Smith, Marion C., b.03 Oct. 1948, d.20 Apr. 1949
Smith, Marshall, b.29 Mar. 1929, d.22 Feb.1995, (S/o Bert and Meddie Smith, husband of Alice "Eads" Smith,
Smith, Maudie, b.1902, d.1976, (wife of John Smith,)
Smith, Meddie, b.May 1897, d.24 May 1984, (first Wife of Bert Smith,)
Smith, Monroe Jr., b.25 May 1973, d.1973, (Infant of Monroe Smith,)
Smith, Monroe, b.16 Oct. 1946, d.16 Dec. 1983, (S/o Curtis and Frances Smith,)
Smith, Mossie, b.10 Jan. 1916, d.28 May 1985, (D/o Robert And Anna "Craig" Hamlin, Wife of Robert Smith,)
Smith, Samuel, b.05 May 1960, d.02 July 1976, (S/o Larry and Bonnie Smith,)
Smith, Skelt, b.Apr. 1942, d.Dec. 1963
Smith, Steve, b.02 Mar. 1906, d.10 Feb.1984, (S/o Lewis and Emily Smith, husband of LouAnna Blanton Smith,)
Smith, Steve, b.13 Mar. 1923, d.17 Jan 1984, (S/o Bert and Meddie Smith,)
Smith, Ted, b.16 Oct. 1961, d.28 Sept. 1988, (S/o Dwain Smith,)
Smith, Wash, b.04 Feb.1934, d.20 June. 1966, (S/o Bert and Meddie Smith, Husband to Corrine Johnson Smith,), (Killed in mining accident)
Smith, Willa Lee, b.06 Jan. 1959, d.10 Dec. 1980, (D/o Kelly and Mary"Wilson" Smith, Wife of Junior Smith,)
Smith, William Arnold, b.25 Feb.1929, d.not been added, (S/o Lloyd and Gillie Smith, same stone
Taylor, Emily, b.30 Apr. 1925, d.18 Sept. 1991
Twinam, Liddie, b.29 Mar. 1906, d.03 Dec. 1949, (D/o Lewis and Emily Smith,)
Wells Isiah, b.19 May 1935, d.31 Oct. 1990
Wilson, Bonita, b.23 Aug. 1954, d.05 Sept 1954, on same stone, Children of Oscar and Alberta Wilson
Wilson, Daniel,b. 01 July 1895, d.01 Apr. 1978, (S/o William Harvey and Charlotte "Jones" Wilson, husband of Maudie 'Roark" Wilson)
Wilson, Danny R., b.06 Nov. 1959, d.07 Nov. 1959
Wilson, Maudie, b.07 Oct. 1898, d.14 May 1973, (wife of Daniel Wilson)
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