Search Kentucky Death Records
Kentucky Newspapers, Full Search (1794-1984), 127 titles
Kentucky Obituary Search, (1983-current)
Kentucky Funeral Notices
Jacob Holderman Cemetery
Hart County, Kentucky
Contributed to this web site by Donna Cottrell Mather [] Total Records = 9.
Copied by Donna Cottrell Mather, June 1999
Directions: Beginning at Jonesville, travel east on Highway 936 for 4.1 miles. Turn right onto a road which looks like it is leading to a house on the left on a hill. Just past the house on the right in the woods is the cemetery. I have been told Jacob Holderman is the name of this cemetery, however, I did not locate any stones that carried the Holderman name.
Close, Nancy A., 1838, 1919, Wife of Bowlin Hudgins
Hudgins, Bowlin, October 23, 1836, May 19, 1923
Hudgins, Jesse, 1869, 1932, Son of Bowlin and Nancy Hudgins
Hudgins, Virgil, January 03, 1887, October 16, 1899
Hudgins, William Shelton, February 10, 1861, January 18, 1899
Shipp, Cathryn Victoria, March 29, 1848, October 16, 1899, Wife of Dewitt Clinton Akin and Andrew Shipp,
Whitlow, Henry, January 17, 1865, December 08, 1892, Son of J. W. and N. N. Whitlow
Whitlow, J. W., June 25, 1833, August 05, 1911, Husband of Dr. N. N. Whitlow
Whitlow, N. N., December 15, 1834, December 23, 1901, Wife of J. W. Whitlow
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