Search Kentucky Death Records
Kentucky Newspapers, Full Search (1794-1984), 127 titles
Kentucky Obituary Search, (1983-current)
Kentucky Funeral Notices
Cave Hill National Cemetery
Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky
* Records with an asterisk at the end indicates those that have not been verified as accurate by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs. Please visit "The National Cemetery Administration Records Verification Project " for details on what this means. To report an error, please visit the Veterans Affairs website, click on "Contact the VA" and follow the instructions.
Wad, Raymond, d. 05/15/1864, PVT C 27 KY INF, Plot: A 604, *
Waddell, George C, d. 12/20/1905, 2D ASST ENGR USN, Plot: 4323, bur. 12/21/1905, *
Wade, Alfred, CO C 29 TENN INF, *
Wade, Cornelius M, d. 11/23/1862, PVT A 21 MICH INF, Plot: 909, *
Wade, Dulaney, d. 04/15/1862, PVT C 20 KY INF, Plot: 499, *
Wade, Walker, PVT CO B 47TH U S C INF, Plot: D 4099, *
Wade, Walter, d. 01/20/1899, PVT B 47 USC INF, Plot: C 4099, *
Wadkins, James, d. 01/22/1865, PVT CO K, 3 OHIO CAV, Plot: 2585, *
Wadkins, Wm J, d. 04/28/1862, PVT E 23 OHIO INF, Plot: 566, *
Wagoner, Perry, d. 03/31/1864, PVT G, 120 IND INF, Plot: 1372, *
Wahola, Matthias, d. 12/31/1861, PVT B, 57 IND INF, Plot: 132, *
Wainteran, E, d. 03/31/1863, PVT, Plot: 1820, *
Wainwroght, Nathaniel, d. 07/07/1863, PVT 5 IND CAV, Plot: 1360, *
Wait, Byron, d. 07/01/1865, PVT K 13 MICH INF, Plot: 3181, *
Wakefield, James F, d. 12/29/1898, SGT K, 15 MAINE INF, Plot: C 4095, *
Walcutt, James L, d. 06/01/1864, PVT D 12 OHIO CAV, Plot: 977, *
Walden, Jack, d. 06/08/1937, COOK 7TH CO CONVALESCENT CTR HOSP 113 152D FLD 38TH DV, Plot: E 5504, bur. 06/10/1937, *
Waldner, Christopher, d. 12/20/1861, PVT A 34 IL INF, Plot: 230, *
Waldon, John L, CO G, 57 ALA, Confed P/W Died While P/W At Louisville, Ky, *
Waldschmidt, Philip, d. 03/23/1864, PVT I 5 VRC BTRY, Plot: 970, *
Wales, George M, d. 03/06/1919, PVT CO M 125TH U S INF, Plot: E 4883, *
Walker, Charles D, d. 08/28/1931, SGT D 151 MG BN, Plot: E 5295, bur. 09/02/1931, *
Walker, D W, CO H 6 MISS INF, Confed P/W Died While P/W At Louisville, Ky, *
Walker, J W, Orig Bur Owensboro, Ky, Plot: 2519, *
Walker, James C, b. 07/13/1945, d. 12/08/1997, US Air Force, SGT, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: C 0 4509-C, bur. 12/11/1997
Walker, John B, d. 09/25/1922, PVT CO I 22ND KY INF, Plot: E 4958, *
Walker, John H, d. 07/05/1865, PVT I 6 MO V INF, Plot: C 2499, *
Walker, John R, d. 06/12/1864, PVT E 1 KY ART, Plot: 1564, *
Walker, John, PVT C 2 USA INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 3321, *
Walker, Joseph S, d. 09/13/1862, PVT A 94 OHIO INF, Plot: 765, *
Walker, William H, d. 09/02/1925, PVT CO G 109TH USC INF, Alias Younger, Harrison, Plot: E 5048, *
Walker, William H, d. 10/18/1925, SPECIALIST 4CL MOTOR TRANS CO 1 1 DIV TRAIN, Plot: E 5052, *
Walker, Wm, d. 01/08/1862, PVT B 33 OHIO INF, Plot: 98, *
Wallace, Edward W, d. 07/27/1921, SGT CO L 801 PION INF, Plot: E 4915, *
Wallace, Hugh, d. 05/10/1863, PVT G 25 MICH INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 1094, *
Wallace, Jas W, d. 03/10/1869, PVT H 2 USA INF, Plot: D 3909, *
Wallace, L, CO G 3 KY MTD INF, Conf Soldier Pow Died Louisville, Ky Bur In Cave Hill Cem, *
Wallace, Richard, d. 10/06/1908, 1ST SGT A 122 USC INF, Plot: 4420, bur. 11/07/1908, *
Wallace, Richard, d. 10/06/1908, 1ST SGT CO A 123 USC INF, Plot: 4420, *
Wallace, Samuel George, d. 11/23/1936, CHF PETTY OFF USN RET, Plot: E 5477, bur. 11/26/1936, *
Wallace, William R, d. 03/10/1862, PVT D 9 KY INF, Orig Bur Louisvl Ky, Plot: 324, *
Wallen, Chyron, b. 02/19/1934, d. 03/20/1997, US Marine Corps, PFC, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: B 0 2074-A, bur. 03/25/1997
Waller, Abraham, d. 10/28/1914, PVT B 120 USC INF, Plot: E 4636, *
Waller, James E, d. 03/08/1933, PVT M 194TH INF 35 DIV, Plot: E, bur. 03/09/1933, *
Waller, Robt B, d. 02/09/1864, PVT A 20 KY INF, Plot: 1899, *
Walls, Benj G, d. 02/17/1865, PVT C 19 KY INF, 2 17 65 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: C 2455, *
Walls, Thomas, d. 08/06/1862, PVT F 11 KY INF, Plot: 737, *
Walson, John F, PVT CO D 1ST KY INF, Plot: C 4112, *
Walter, Chas, d. 09/13/1862, PVT B 15 MO INF, Sep 13 1862 Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 918, *
Walter, Jacob, d. 08/28/1864, PVT B, 4 KY CAV, Plot: 2552, *
Walter, John, CSA, *
Walters, David, d. 05/12/1863, PVT F 8 KY INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 1764, *
Waltholl, William, d. 01/19/1916, PVT CO K 1ST KY INF, Plot: E 4684, *
Walttrip, Hubert T, d. 01/11/1919, CARP MATE 2C USN, Plot: E 4838, *
Wamack, James, d. 04/29/1931, WAGONER 15TH 4TH BN 155 DB, Plot: E 5273, bur. 05/05/1931, *
Wandle, John A, d. 09/08/1863, PVT D 65 IND INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 2167, *
Wanser, William K, d. 09/06/1932, PVT C, 4TH WIS VOL INF, Plot: E 5338, bur. 09/10/1932, *
Wanzer, Elizabeth Schroeder, b. 08/15/1873, d. 05/19/1956, Plot: E 5338, bur. 05/22/1956, *
Ward, Eli T, d. 07/30/1863, PVT H 9 IND INF, 6 30 1863 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1257, *
Ward, Jesse, d. 04/21/1864, PVT A 21 OHIO INF, Oirg Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1644, *
Ward, Nathl, d. 11/20/1862, PVT K 21 MICH INF, 11 20 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 853, *
Ward, Otho G, d. 10/06/1936, PVT 3RD 1ST TN BN 159 DEPOT BRIG, Alias Ward, Jack, Plot: E 5471, bur. 10/08/1936, *
Ward, Thos J, d. 06/25/1865, PVT D 21 KY INF, Plot: C 3053, *
Ware, James F, CO G, 22 MISS, *
Ware, Shirley R, b. 06/22/1916, d. 03/13/1997, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: D 0 4595, bur. 03/18/1997
Warfield, Benj, d. 01/14/1862, PVT D 46 IND INF, Orig Bur Louieville, Ky, Plot: 221, *
Warner, Aaron, d. 06/03/1864, PVT C 29 OHIO INF, Plot: 1560, *
Warner, Foster, d. 04/12/1863, CORPL A 100 ILL INF, Plot: 1243, *
Warner, Jack, d. 09/15/1864, PVT E 12 USCT HA, Orig Bur Munfordsville, Ky, Plot: 3358, *
Warner, James, d. 02/03/1934, PVT E 9TH KY CAV, Plot: E 5380, bur. 02/05/1934, *
Warner, Marshall B, d. 08/14/1862, PVT 13 IND BATT, Plot: 760, *
Warren, Ezra B, d. 04/12/1862, PVT C 11 MICH INF, Plot: 3853, *
Warren, Wm, d. 06/08/1865, PVT H 7 KY CAV, Plot: C 2842, *
Washburn, Bud, d. 07/11/1928, PVT DEPOT SERV CO 28 ARMY SERV CORPS, Plot: E 5147, *
Washburn, Frank, d. 04/25/1930, PVT 801 KY INF, Plot: E 5220, bur. 04/28/1930, *
Washburn, Saml H, d. 07/21/1863, PVT C 74 ILL INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1895, *
Washing, Jordan, d. 11/06/1913, PVT 125 USC INF, Plot: E 4601, *
Washington, Charles, d. 11/07/1894, PVT I 6 USC CAV, Plot: B 4015, *
Washington, Jordan, d. 11/06/1913, PVT CO B 125TH USCI, Plot: E 4601, *
Washington, Taylor, d. 10/02/1927, CPL CO K 101 USC INF, Plot: 2 5101, *
Washington, Willie, d. 07/13/1931, PVT 4 CO DEV BN NO I CAMP TAYLOR KY, Plot: E 5288, bur. 07/16/1931, *
Waters, Eben H, d. 05/26/1863, PVT, Orig Bur Louisvill, Ky, Plot: B 945, *
Waters, James M, d. 06/07/1903, LT CO B, 49TH IND INF, Plot: C 4232, *
Waters, John B, d. 10/06/1862, PVT D 88 IND INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 776, *
Watkins, Alvy C, d. 10/21/1863, PVT C 69 ILL INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 2120, *
Watkins, Saml, d. 01/20/1863, PVT D 4 TENN CAV, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 1513, *
Watson, George, d. 02/22/1865, PVT A 30 WIS INF, 2 22 1865 Bur Loisville Ky, Plot: 2816, *
Watson, John F, d. 08/05/1899, PVT D 1 KY INF, 8 5 1899, Plot: 4112, *
Watson, John, CONSCRIPT, *
Watson, John, d. 02/21/1919, PVT E 12 USC INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: E4845, *
Watson, John, d. 02/24/1919, PVT CO E 13 USC INF, Plot: E 4845, *
Watson, Joseph M, d. 01/29/1863, TEAMSTER, 1 29 1863 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1932, *
Watson, Philander W, d. 03/25/1862, PVT I 2 MINN INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 418, *
Watts, C W, d. 04/05/1862, PVT K 1 WIS, Plot: 432, *
Watts, George S, d. 03/12/1929, PVT 1ST CL 19 SPRUCE SQD M, Plot: E 5178, bur. 03/14/1929, *
Watts, John B, b. 09/28/1924, d. 09/26/1997, US Army Air Corps, SSGT, Res: Pee Wee Valley, KY, Plot: C 0 4454-I, bur. 09/30/1997
Waugh, Wm, d. 11/05/1862, PVT I 125 ILL INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 1034, *
Wayne, Franklin R, d. 10/21/1867, PVT B 2 USA INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 3904, *
Wayne, Franklin R, d. 10/21/1867, PVT CO B 2D US INF, Plot: D/9 3904, *
Wayt, Alfred, d. 10/12/1864, PVT G 174 OHIO INF, Plot: C 3087, *
Weatherby, Emery, d. 09/08/1863, PVT K 107 ILL INF, Plot: 2112, *
Weathers, John, d. 01/05/1914, PVT C 125 USC INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: E.4615, *
Weathers, John, d. 01/05/1914, PVT CO G 12TH USCHA USC INF, Plot: E 4615, *
Weaver, Abraham, d. 01/13/1907, PVT CO F 44TH USC INF, Plot: 4364, *
Weaver, Abraham, d. 01/13/1907, PVT F 44 USC INF, Plot: 4364, bur. 01/15/1907, *
Weaver, Geo W, d. 02/20/1863, PVT I 86 ILL INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 1812, *
Weaver, Glen B, d. 04/28/1935, PVT A 336 INF, Plot: E 5414, bur. 04/30/1935, *
Weaver, Henry, d. 05/28/1862, PVT B 38 OHIO INF, 5 28 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 609, *
Weaver, Henry, d. 09/15/1918, PVT CO F 5TH U S C CAV, Plot: E 4794, *
Weaver, Henry, d. 09/15/1918, PVT F 5 USC INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: E 4790, *
Weaver, John, d. 05/27/1905, PVT D 13 IND CAV, Plot: 4306, *
Weaver, Jonathan, d. 08/08/1864, PVT I 32 OHIO INF, Plot: 2754, *
Weaver, Lewis P, d. 05/12/1864, PVT G 7 KY INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: B 1645, *
Weaver, Nathan, d. 11/30/1862, PVT A 97 IND INF, Plot: 1402, *
Weaver, Ned, d. 04/26/1915, SGT H 108 USC INF, Plot: E 4661, *
Weaver, Ned, d. 04/26/1916, SGT CO H 108TH US COLD INF, Plot: E 4661, *
Webb, Drewry, d. 01/15/1918, CORPL C 3 KY INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: E 4767, *
Webb, J A, PVT, Orig Bur Red Mills, Ky, Plot: 3573, *
Webb, James W, d. 12/12/1861, PVT G 38 IND INF, Plot: A 30, *
Webb, John, d. 06/18/1931, RECRUIT 8TH 5TH RECRUIT CAMP CAMP GREEN NC, Plot: E 5280, bur. 06/20/1931, *
Webb, Philip, d. 11/03/1862, PVT E 111 OHIO INF, Plot: 1169, *
Webb, Saml E, d. 08/14/1865, PVT L 3 IOWA CAV, Plot: 3538, *
Webb, Wm E, d. 01/02/1865, PVT 9 KY INF, 1 2 1865 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: C 2996, *
Webb, Wm, d. 02/25/1864, PVT G 4 OHIO CAV, Plot: 2310, *
Weber, Joseph H, d. 01/16/1915, ART F 4 US INF, Plot: E4652, *
Weber, Joseph H, d. 01/16/1915, ARTIF F 4TH US INF, Plot: E 4652, *
Webert, Henry, d. 04/01/1909, PVT CO E 6TH KY INF, Plot: 4440, *
Weekley, John W, MONTGOMERY CO TENN, Confed Soldiers P/W Died At Cave Hill, *
Weeks, C H, PVT 63 ILL INFL, Plot: 3898, *
Weesner, W, d. 04/05/1864, PVT 11 2 VRC, Orig Bur Louiville, Ky, Plot: B 1781, *
Weigeld, Jno F, d. 08/19/1865, PVT F 18 OHIO INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: C 3317, *
Weisman, Henry, d. 12/25/1862, PVT I 105 I11 INF, 12 25 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1596, *
Weiss, Casper, d. 12/02/1862, SGT H 24 OHIO INF, 12 2 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1312, *
Welch, John, d. 05/23/1865, EMPL, Orig Bur Louisvl Ky, Plot: 2840, *
Weller, Fredk W, d. 01/31/1862, PVT E 79 PA INF, Plot: 147, *
Wellman, Jack Donald, b. 03/25/1930, d. 11/28/1995, US Air Force, A1C, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: C 0 4545-C, bur. 12/05/1995
Wells, G H, CO D 24 NC, Confed Soldiers P/W Died At Cave Hill, *
Wells, James M, d. 08/19/1889, SGT A 60 ILL INF, Nearly Opposite Flag-Staff, Plot: 3945, *
Welsh, Daniel, d. 12/30/1864, PVT D 90 OHIO INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 2675, *
Welsh, Joseph, d. 07/02/1863, PVT C 58 INF INF, Orig Bur Louisville; Ky, Plot: 1452, *
Weltz, Saml F, d. 08/08/1884, PVT H 34 ILL INF, Orig Bur Louisville; Ky, Plot: 2860, *
Weltzheimer, Otho, d. 04/08/1862, CORPL A 34 IND INF, Plot: 463, *
Wendt, Frederick, d. 04/16/1864, PVT CO A 1 WIS CAV, Original Place Of Burial; Louisville; Ky, Plot: 2 096, *
Wenner, Chas, d. 04/13/1864, PVT B 45 NY INF, Plot: 1467, *
Wenner, Wm, d. 12/07/1861, PVT E 78 PA INF, Orig Bur Nelin Station Ky, Plot: 3627, *
Werner, Paul B, d. 10/27/1928, PVT CO L 3RD TENN INF, Plot: E 5138, *
Wesley, John, d. 03/21/1929, CORPL C 100TH USC INF CW, Plot: B 5179, bur. 03/25/1929, *
Wesley, John, d. 10/25/1864, PVT I 8 MICH CAV, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 2415, *
West, Charles, d. 10/15/1880, PVT CO A, 12TH REGT, USCH ART, Info Frm Old Card, *
West, Jacob S, d. 07/11/1901, PVT CO E D REGT 10TH KY INF, Info Frm Old Card, Plot: C 4162, *
West, Jacob S, d. 07/13/1901, PVT E D 10 KY INF, Plot: C 4152, *
West, John, d. 02/13/1865, PVT D 12 KY INF, Orig Bur Louisville;K Y, Plot: 3137, *
West, John, d. 03/11/1902, PVT CO I 122D REGT USC INF, Info Frm Old Card, Plot: D 4189, *
West, Thomas W, d. 03/10/1864, CPL D 4 KY INF, Plot: 1255, *
West, William, d. 08/30/1912, PVT CO K, 6 USC CAV, Plot: B 4553, *
Westbrook, John S, b. 12/21/1916, d. 10/30/1996, US Army, TEC 5, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: E 0 3197, bur. 11/04/1996
Whalen, John, d. 04/07/1862, PVT D, 28 KY INF, Plot: A 306, *
Whalen, Michl, d. 03/17/1883, PVT D 4 TENN, Plot: 1880, *
Whales, James, d. 02/12/1906, COM SGT 119 USC INF, Plot: 4328, *
Whales, James, d. 02/18/1906, COMM SGT 110 USC INF, Plot: 4328, bur. 02/18/1906, *
Whaley, John R, d. 04/24/1865, PVT C 4 KY INF, Plot: C 2835, *
Whaley, Wallace Lee, d. 02/12/1931, PVT F 317 OH ENGRS 92, Plot: E 5259, bur. 02/15/1931, *
Whalin, Saml H, d. 12/10/1862, PVT G, 11 KY INF, Plot: 1731, *
Wheeler, B J, TENN, Pow Confed Sold's & Sail's Died @ Louisvill;Ky, *
Wheeler, Thos J, d. 04/08/1864, PVT K 34 ILL INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1710, *
Wheeler, W H, d. 12/25/1862, PVT C 18 MICH INF, Plot: 1077, *
Whetsel, John W, d. 12/03/1862, PVT D, 35 ILL INF, Plot: 2298, *
Whiemore, Samuel, d. 01/20/1862, PVT CO B 15 USA INF, Original Place Of Burial Louisville Ky, Plot: 3473, *
Whilden, Jas B, d. 05/24/1862, PVT B 1 WIS INF, Plot: 641, *
Whisler, Reedy, d. 07/16/1864, PVT H, 49 OHIO INF CIVIL WAR, Plot: F 1736, *
White, Addison, d. 03/27/1869, PVT F 45 USA INF, Orig Bur Jeffersonville; Ind, Plot: D 3910, *
White, Archie, d. 11/16/1909, PVT A, 99 US V INF, Plot: 4480, bur. 11/18/1909, *
White, Chas A, d. 04/22/1862, PVT D, 11 MICH INF, Orig Bur: Belmont Furnace; Ky, Plot: 3847, *
White, Daw, d. 05/29/1918, CORP CO B 28TH U S INF, Plot: E 4907, *
White, Edmond, d. 12/06/1916, PVT C 114 USC INF, Plot: E.4713, *
White, Edmund, d. 12/06/1916, PVT CO C 114TH U S E I, Plot: E 4713, *
White, George C, d. 04/10/1862, PVT E USA INF, Orig Bur Louisville; Ky, Plot: 508, *
White, James W, d. 05/19/1865, PVT D 4 MICH CAV, Orig Bur Louisville; Ky, Plot: 2481, *
White, James, d. 02/14/1865, PVT B 41 OHIO INF, Plot: 3138, *
White, Joseph, d. 04/28/1930, PVT D 50 INF, Plot: E 5223, bur. 05/05/1930, *
White, Mary, d. 12/26/1863, MATRON TAYLOR HOSP, Plot: 2244, *
White, Nelson D, d. 02/22/1865, PVT A 42 IL INF, Plot: C 2709, *
White, Richd S, d. 02/27/1862, CORPL F 40 IND INF, 2 27 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 3789, *
White, Robert, d. 11/14/1913, CORPL CO B 135TH U S C I, Alias Robert Coden, Plot: E 4603, *
White, W P, d. 01/05/1891, SEAMAN USN, Plot: 3953, *
Whitehead, Amos, d. 03/11/1865, PVT A 32 WIS INF, Plot: 3151, *
Whitehead, Danl L, d. 10/17/1862, CORP D, 44 ILL INF, Plot: 787, *
Whitehead, J H, CO F 32 MISS INF, *
Whitehouse, Henry O, d. 12/20/1932, PVT A 13TH REGT INF, Plot: 5344, bur. 12/21/1932, *
Whitehouse, James A, d. 01/08/1862, PVE CO D 8 KY INF, Orig Place Of Burial Louisville Ky, Plot: 160, *
Whitfield, Sylvester, CO K, 10 SC, *
Whiting, Henry, d. 10/24/1916, PVT B, 24TH US INF, TRP F, 9TH CAV, CO B, 24TH INF, Plot: E 4706, *
Whitington, Chas, d. 03/11/1872, PVT A 2 USA INF, Plot: 3918, *
Whitman, Chas, d. 12/11/1863, PVT G 1ST MO ART, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: B 2247, *
Whitman, Robert, d. 05/02/1909, PVT A 2 USC LT ARTY, Plot: 4443, bur. 05/03/1909, *
Whitman, Robert, d. 05/02/1909, PVT CO A 2 USCLA, Plot: 4446, *
Whitney, Luke S, d. 06/08/1864, PVT G 38 OHIO INF, Plot: 1849, *
Whittaker, David, d. 02/04/1862, PVT F 5 KY INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: A 283, *
Whitton, Robert L, d. 10/24/1920, HOSP STWRD 29TH MICH INF, Plot: E 4894, *
Whortenberg, John, PVT CO B 15TH KY VOL INF, Plot: 4872, *
Wibert, Henry, d. 04/01/1909, PVT E 6 KY INF, Plot: 4440, bur. 04/03/1909, *
Wickart, David, d. 03/30/1862, PVT C 49 OHIO INF, Plot: 458, *
Wicker, Jacob, d. 05/29/1863, PVT D 14 ILL INF, Plot: 1353, *
Wiersch, John P, d. 05/14/1932, PVT G 1ST REGT KY VOL INF, Plot: E 5323, bur. 05/16/1942, *
Wigal, Jos P, PVT CO D 117TH IND INF, *
Wigel, James P, d. 05/20/1903, PVT B 117 IND INF, 23Rd Gr E Of 2753 Disint Int In Pvt Lot In Cave Hill Cem, Dec 1904 By Auth, Plot: 4230, *
Wiggenton, Stephen, d. 02/21/1904, PVT CO D 6TH USC CAV, Plot: D 4267, *
Wiggine, Alvin H, d. 01/21/1865, PVT H 8 MINN INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: C 3119, *
Wiggins, David T, d. 11/01/1862, PVT E 77 ILL INF, Plot: 1421, *
Wiggins, Jacob H, d. 08/02/1862, PVT B 4 ILL INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 758, *
Wiggins, Wallace S, CO F, CRESCENT LA INF, *
Wilbert, Abner, d. 02/21/1862, PVT F 15 OHIO INF, 2 21 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 3727, *
Wilbourn, Wm, d. 12/06/1862, PVT D 2 TENN CAV, Plot: 1216, *
Wilcox, Ephriam, d. 06/06/1863, PVT E 23 MICH INF, Plot: 950, *
Wilcox, Geo, d. 08/14/1906, SGT CO K, 52D OHIO INF, Plot: 4345, *
Wilcox, George, d. 08/14/1906, 1ST SGT CO K 52 OHIO INF, Plot: 4345, bur. 08/18/1906, *
Wilcox, Sam, d. 01/25/1911, PVT I 6 USC V CAV, Plot: 4489, bur. 01/27/1911, *
Wilder, Geo W, d. 01/13/1884, PVT B 17 KY INF, Plot: 1889, *
Wilder, R B, C S A, *
Wilder, Seth B, d. 04/23/1864, PVT D 51 ILL INF, Plot: 2269, *
Wilder, Solomon S, d. 01/21/1862, SGT I 24 KY INF, Plot: 225, *
Wiley, William P, CO A 27 MISS INF, *
Wilhelm, David B, d. 11/02/1862, PVT K 93 OHIO INF, Plot: 870, *
Wilkins, Junius J, b. 09/03/1920, d. 06/22/1978, EM2NC CL US NAVY, Plot: E 6001, bur. 06/26/1978, *
Wilkinson, James F, d. 03/15/1931, PVT 9TH 159 DEPOT BRIG, Plot: E 5265, bur. 03/16/1931, *
Wilkinson, Nathan, d. 02/07/1895, SGT CO F REGT 12 NSC H ARTY, Plot: B/8 4019, *
Wilkinson, Thos J, d. 04/17/1864, SGT A 1 MICH LT ART, Plot: 1643, *
Wilkison, Nathan, d. 02/07/1895, SGT F 12 USC H ARTY, 2 7 1895 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 4019, *
Willard, James H, d. 05/07/1864, PVT K 6 KY CAV, Plot: 2157, *
Willet, John, d. 04/10/1911, PVT C 72 N S C INF TRANSFD TO PVT L 13 USCHA, Plot: 4499, *
Willet, John, d. 04/10/1911, PVT L 13 USCV H ARTY/G 72 USCV INF, Plot: 4499, bur. 04/18/1911, *
Willey, August H, d. 12/22/1926, PVT CO K 1ST KY INF, Plot: E 5081, *
Willey, Henry H, d. 08/20/1863, PVT B 9 N H INF, 8 20 1863 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 2221, *
Willey, Henry H, d. 08/20/1863, PVT B 9 NH INF, Plot: 2221, *
Willeys, Lewis, d. 11/10/1862, PVT E 2 MICH CAV, Plot: B 868, *
Williams, Benj F, d. 01/17/1865, PVT B 39 MO INF, 1 17 1865 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: C 3115, *
Williams, Benj, d. 11/07/1862, PVT C 87 IND INF, 11 7 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1191, *
Williams, Britton C, d. 03/31/1862, PVT F 24 KY INF, 3 31 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 415, *
Williams, Buford, d. 09/23/1894, PVT H 102 USC INF, Plot: B 4030, *
Williams, Buford, d. 09/25/1895, PVT CO H 102ND REGT N S C INF, 9 25 1895, Plot: B 4030, *
Williams, C D, Plot: C 2790, *
Williams, Charles Lusk, d. 02/13/1904, PVT H 118 USCV INF, 11Th Gr E Of Fence D-10, Alias: Lusk, Charles, Plot: 4866, *
Williams, Charles, d. 04/04/1930, PVT 369 KY INF, Plot: E 5217, bur. 04/07/1930, *
Williams, Chas, d. 02/13/1904, PVT CO H 116TH US C INF, Plot: D 4266, *
Williams, David R, d. 11/25/1862, PVT F 94 OHIO INF, Plot: 1048, *
Williams, Dennis Lee, b. 07/13/1940, d. 09/07/1998, US Army, PVT, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: B 0 6009, bur. 09/11/1998
Williams, Francis, d. 03/30/1863, PVT, Plot: 1757, *
Williams, G D, PVT B 12 KY CAV, Plot: 2790, *
Williams, Geo W, d. 12/31/1864, PVT E 44 ILL INF, Plot: 2886, *
Williams, George, d. 03/12/1862, PVT B 14 OHIO INF, Plot: A 379, *
Williams, George, d. 10/15/1916, CPL L 6 US COLD HVY ARTY, Alias, Isaac Jefferson, Plot: E 4675, *
Williams, James M, d. 04/12/1864, PVT A 48 KY INF, 4 12 1864 Bur Elizabethttown Ky, Plot: 3615, *
Williams, James, d. 03/11/1919, PVT CO A108 USC INF, Plot: E 4850, *
Williams, James, d. 03/12/1919, PVT A 108 USC INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Plot: E.4850, *
Williams, Jas A, d. 10/09/1852, PVT F 42 IND INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 844, *
Williams, Jno D, d. 02/21/1865, PVT F 48 I11 INF, Plot: C 2901, *
Williams, Jno M, d. 05/10/1862, PVT F 40 ILL INF, Plot: A 578, *
Williams, John A, d. 10/09/1937, PVT BATT 35 FLD ART, Plot: E 3315, bur. 10/12/1937, *
Williams, John B, d. 12/16/1861, PVT H 39 IND INF, 12 16 1861 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 41, *
Williams, John C, d. 05/20/1862, PVT K 121 OHIO INF, Plot: 1095, *
Williams, John, d. 10/26/1871, PVT E 15 USA INF, Plot: D 3915, *
Williams, John, d. 11/22/1862, PVT H 16 KY INF, 11 22 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 905, *
Williams, Joseph A, d. 11/24/1900, PVT CO F REGT 38TH IND VOL INFY, 11 24 1900, Plot: C 4139, *
Williams, Joseph A, d. 11/24/1900, PVT F 38 IND INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Plot: 4139, *
Williams, Joseph J, PVT 51ST REGT CAC, Plot: E 5135, *
Williams, Joseph, d. 03/20/1904, PVT H 8 US INF VOLS, Plot: 4269, *
Williams, Joseph, d. 09/23/1863, PVT K 49 OHIO INF, 9 23 1863 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 946, *
Williams, Joseph, d. 12/23/1861, PVT D 46 IND INF, Plot: 88, *
Williams, Simeon W, d. 07/14/1882, PVT G 9 KY INF, Plot: 236, *
Williams, Winnie, d. 09/25/1931, SGT US MIL ACADMY, Plot: E 5300, bur. 10/01/1931, *
Williams, Wm, d. 05/28/1862, PVT H 3 OHIO CAV, Plot: A 610, *
Williamson, Henry H, d. 04/19/1916, PVT 10TH MINN INF, Plot: E 4690, *
Williamson, Henry H, d. 04/19/1916, PVT E 10 MIN INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: E4690, *
Williamson, Wm, d. 01/03/1865, PVT B 65 IL INF, Plot: 2888, *
Willie, John O, d. 05/10/1913, CORPL H 3 KY CAV, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: E4578, *
Willis, Jasper, PVT CO I 43RD REGT N S C INF, Plot: D 4068, *
Willis, Jasper, d. 10/14/1897, PVT I 43 USC INF, Plot: 4068, *
Willis, John O, d. 05/10/1913, CORPL CO H 2ND KY CAV, Plot: E 4578, *
Willis, John, d. 08/09/1864, PVT K 134 IND INF, 8 9 1864 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 2859, *
Willis, Mary Lee, b. 12/12/1930, d. 08/09/1991, US Army, PVT, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: B 0 4429-A, bur. 10/12/1995
Willis, Raymond R, b. 06/03/1927, d. 10/08/1995, US Army, PVT, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: B 0 4429-A, bur. 10/12/1995
Willis, Wm, d. 06/14/1862, PVT D Z KY CAV, Plot: A 674, *
Willman, Augustin, d. 09/22/1913, PVT H 5 KY INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: H4595, *
Willman, Augustine, d. 09/22/1913, PVT CO H 5 KY INF/CO G 2 KY CAV, Plot: E 4595, *
Willson, Augustus E, d. 08/24/1931, CIV, Plot: B LOT I 51, bur. 08/26/1931, *
Willson, Mary Ekin, d. 07/29/1934, Plot: B 5392, bur. 08/20/1934, *
Wilsey, Chas, PVT, Plot: 3649, *
Wilson, Aaron, d. 12/18/1831, PVT G 21 OHIO INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 53, *
Wilson, Belken, d. 09/15/1907, PVT C 16 USC INF, Plot: 4381, bur. 09/16/1907, *
Wilson, Billy G, b. 12/31/1950, d. 12/25/1997, US Army, SP4, Res: Cincinnati, OH, Plot: C 0 4550-A, bur. 12/31/1997
Wilson, Danl J, d. 02/23/1864, PVT F 8 KANS INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 2309, *
Wilson, David, d. 11/11/1862, PVT I 111 OHIO INF, Plot: B 1293, *
Wilson, Ezra J, d. 03/04/1864, PVT I 9 OHIO CAV, Plot: 1370, *
Wilson, George C, d. 12/20/1861, PVT A 34 IL INF, Plot: 82, *
Wilson, George F, d. 02/03/1882, PVT H 1 WIS INF, Plot: 259, *
Wilson, Henry, d. 02/18/1864, PVT D 8 MICH CAV, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 2145, *
Wilson, Hugh, d. 10/12/1864, PVT USS, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: C 2659, *
Wilson, James, d. 01/03/1912, PVT CO F 26TH USC INF, Plot: 4520, *
Wilson, James, d. 02/24/1905, PVT 23 USCI, Plot: 4299, *
Wilson, James, d. 02/24/1905, PVT CO D 23RD U S C INF, Plot: 4299, *
Wilson, Joe, d. 07/01/1931, PFC G 365 OHIO INF 92, Plot: E 5283, bur. 07/03/1931, *
Wilson, John Pope, b. 07/18/1925, d. 09/24/1995, US Army, PVT, Res: Middletown, KY, Plot: C 0 4560, bur. 10/02/1995
Wilson, John W, d. 09/02/1884, PVT C 23 MICH INF, Plot: 2887, *
Wilson, John, d. 07/24/1921, SGT CO K 107 USC INF, Alias Ford, John, Plot: E 4914, *
Wilson, John, d. 11/23/1861, PVT A 19 USA INF, Plot: 1458, *
Wilson, John, d. 12/17/1864, PVT C 63 IND INF, Plot: 2426, *
Wilson, Leander, d. 06/25/1863, PVT G 53 IND INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 958, *
Wilson, Moses, PVT CO H 27TH USC INF, Plot: 4125, *
Wilson, Robert, d. 04/03/1939, PVT 1ST CL INF KY, Plot: E 5181, bur. 04/06/1929, *
Wilson, Robt N, d. 05/05/1863, PVT A 12 KY CAV, Plot: 1891, *
Wilson, Rufus, d. 03/07/1908, PVT A 15 USC INF, Plot: 4396, bur. 03/09/1908, *
Wilson, Rufus, d. 03/07/1908, PVT CO A 15 U S C INF, Plot: 4396, *
Wilson, Stephen, d. 03/05/1922, PVT CO C 125TH US COL INF, Plot: E 4936, *
Wilson, Stephen, d. 07/15/1864, PVT B 141 NY INF, Plot: 1568, *
Wilson, Walter, d. 02/23/1920, WAGONER CO G 10TH US CAV, Plot: E 4873, *
Wilson, Walter, d. 11/05/1862, PVT G 80 IND INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 915, *
Wilson, Willard, SGT CO A REGT 11 NH INF, Plot: B 4053, *
Wilson, Willard, d. 01/10/1897, SGT A 11 NH INF, Plot: 4033, *
Wilson, William, d. 05/29/1916, PVT CO E 119TH US COLD INF, Plot: E 4696, *
Wilson, William, d. 05/29/1916, PVT F 119 USC INF, Plot: E.4696, *
Wilson, Wm H, d. 04/20/1863, PVT E 60 IND INF, Plot: 1620, *
Wilson, Wm L, CO C, 4 TENN CAV, Confed Sldr Pow Died At Louisville, Ky Burd At Cave Hill, *
Wilson, Wm, d. 02/23/1864, PVT D 9 IND INF, Plot: A 296, *
Wilt, John, d. 07/09/1865, PVT H 89 OHIO INF, Plot: 2751, *
Wilton, Harry T, d. 03/19/1854, PVT E 16 VEC, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 2266, *
Wiltse, Alex, d. 02/14/1862, PVT D 10 WIS INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: A 237, *
Wiltse, Gardner H, d. 08/09/1865, PVT H 1 WIS CAV, Plot: 3196, *
Wimburn, W A, CO K 16 GA INF, *
Winans, Wright, d. 03/07/1909, PVT CO D 122ND USC INF, Plot: 4433, *
Winans, Wright, d. 03/07/1909, PVT D 122 USC INF, Plot: 4433, bur. 03/08/1909, *
Winder, John M, d. 02/19/1885, PVT B 145 IND INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 2919, *
Windows, Francis M, d. 04/27/1864, PVT C 16 KY INF, Plot: 2156, *
Wineingar, Henry W, d. 12/25/1861, PVT I 38 IND INF, 12 25 1861 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 60, *
Wingate, I Jackson, PERRYS CO FLA L ART, *
Winkler, G, d. 08/25/1864, PVT D 54 NY INF, Plot: 2408, *
Winkler, Henry, d. 01/27/1862, PVT G 32 IND INF, Plot: 174, *
Winn, Robert, d. 06/24/1926, SGT 1ST SGT R USC H A, Plot: B 5066, *
Winrich, Henry, d. 11/05/1862, PVT, Plot: 1182, *
Winsell, Philip, d. 09/14/1905, PVT E 79 OHIO INF, Plot: 4318, bur. 09/17/1905, *
Winstead, Jacob F, d. 01/06/1865, PVT E 15 KY INF, Orig Bur Lebanon Ky, Plot: 3871, *
Winstead, Rufus P, CO K, 41 TENN, Confed Sldr Pow Died At Louisville, Burd At Cave Hill, *
Winston, George D, d. 02/01/1884, EMPLOYEE, Plot: 3431, *
Winters, Chas H, d. 02/27/1865, PVT K 30 WIS INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 2605, *
Winters, George W, d. 10/04/1863, PVT K 2 MICH INF, Plot: 2060, *
Winters, Joseph W, d. 04/08/1862, PVT C 14 OHIO INF, Plot: 465, *
Wirth, Am C, d. 02/13/1865, PVT B 63 IND INF, Plot: C 2916, *
Wirts, John, d. 12/12/1864, PVT B 1 MICH ENGRS, Plot: 1722, *
Wise, Alonso, d. 02/24/1865, PVT G 8 MICH CAV, Plot: 2708, *
Wise, John R, d. 06/13/1862, PVT, Orig Bur Lousiville, Plot: 500, *
Wise, Thomas, d. 04/12/1913, PVT K 122 USC INF, Plot: E.4576, *
Wiseman, Fallis H, b. 04/08/1918, d. 07/17/1998, US Army, TEC 4, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: B 0 4429-C, bur. 07/21/1998
Wiser, Marus L, d. 02/21/1924, SGT CO F, 90TH NY INF, Plot: E 5004, *
Wisner, John W, d. 04/13/1862, PVT F 11 MICH INF, Plot: 3852, *
Withrow, Raymond, USCT, Plot: C 4135, *
Withrow, Richard, d. 02/26/1902, PVT B 122 USC INF, Plot: 4185, *
Withrowe, Sam, d. 01/10/1868, PVT D 30 IND INF, Orig Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 195, *
Witner, Daniel, d. 10/24/1862, PVT H 79 PA INF, Plot: 826, *
Witz, Henry, d. 07/25/1892, PVT G 28 OHIO INF, Plot: C 3974, *
Wolcett, Maroni, d. 12/24/1862, PVT E 1 WIS CAV, Plot: 1398, *
Wolf, Austin M, d. 01/02/1864, PVT K 28 PA INF, Plot: 2197, *
Wolf, Joseph R, d. 03/15/1863, PVT D 1 MICH LT ART, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1526, *
Wolfe, John, d. 11/08/1862, PVT C 105 OHIO INF, Org Bur Louisville, Ky, Plot: 1185, *
Wolfenbargerm, Jno C, CO B 2 TENN CAV, *
Wolfenbarker, John, d. 07/21/1864, PVT H 2 TENN, Plot: 2272, *
Wolfkill, Alfred, d. 01/20/1863, PVT H 73 IND INF, Plot: 1518, *
Wolford, Harald H, b. 01/09/1956, d. 03/16/1997, US Army, PVT, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: B 0 1826-B, bur. 03/24/1997
Wolthall, William, d. 01/19/1915, PVT K 1 KY INF, Plot: E.4684, *
Wood, Alonso, d. 11/11/1861, PVT K 49 OHIO INF, Plot: 4 ROW4, *
Wood, Andw J, d. 01/24/1862, PVT C 11 MICH INF, Plot: 254, *
Wood, Coleman M, d. 01/22/1862, PVT CO B 5 MINN INF, Original Place Of Burial, Belmont Furnace Ky, Plot: 3877, *
Wood, Emery J, d. 02/01/1865, PVT ELGIN BATTY, Plot: 2447, *
Wood, Franklin F, d. 06/20/1865, PVT CO H 34 ILL INF, Plot: 3171, *
Wood, George H, d. 06/04/1864, PVT CO B 13 NJ INF, Plot: 1647, *
Wood, John S, BAND, Plot: 4499, *
Wood, John, d. 12/16/1864, PVT CO A 44 MO INF, Plot: 2639, *
Wood, Oliver, d. 11/06/1915, PVT CO F 1 RN INF, Plot: E 4605, *
Wood, Oliver, d. 11/23/1913, PVT CO F 1 BATT LOUISVILLE PROVEST GRD KY VOL, Plot: 4605, *
Wood, Robert E, d. 09/15/1936, PVT MEDICAL DEPT, Plot: E 5467, bur. 09/19/1936, *
Wood, Robert G, d. 03/14/1918, PVT CO K 45 INF, Original Place Of Burial Camp Taylor, Ky, Plot: R 4775, *
Woodcock, Geo A, d. 07/17/1863, CORP G 10 OHIO CAV, Plot: 1767, *
Woodie, Mathey, d. 12/22/1861, PVT G 38 IND INF, Plot: 106, *
Woodman, Larkin E, d. 10/01/1863, PVT CO D 6 N H INF, Plot: 2282, *
Woodridge, Fleming G, d. 06/17/1862, PVT 26 KY INF, Original Place Of Burial, Louisville Ky, Plot: 652, *
Woodruff, James A, d. 11/01/1883, PVT K 4 IND CAV, Plot: 2233, *
Woodruff, John N, d. 01/10/1865, CPL H 10 TENN CAV, Plot: 2432, *
Woodruff, Medal F, d. 07/01/1863, PVT C 65 OHIO INF, Plot: 959, *
Woods, Charles B, d. 04/15/1925, MUSN CO G 93 IND INF, Plot: E 5034, *
Woods, Charles H, d. 04/15/1925, PVT CO G 93 IND INF, Plot: E 5034, *
Woods, Coleman, d. 11/21/1912, PVT CO K 115 U S C INF, Plot: D 4559, *
Woods, Daniel, d. 06/13/1897, PVT E 107 USC INF, Plot: 4062, *
Woods, David, PVT CO E 107 REGT US CAV, Plot: D 4062, *
Woods, Joseph, d. 02/09/1905, CPL CO E 13 USG H A, Plot: 4297, *
Woods, Mary Jane, d. 12/07/1927, Plot: E 5034, *
Woods, Stephan, d. 04/16/1907, PVT K 43 USCV INF, Plot: 4370, bur. 04/18/1907, *
Woodson, George, d. 03/29/1902, PVT CO A 116 USC INF, Plot: 4190, *
Woodson, Jared, d. 07/10/1865, PVT A 12 USCT H A, 7 10 1865 Bur Colesburg Ky, Plot: D 3824, *
Woodson, John, d. 03/29/1902, PVT CO A 116 USC INF, Plot: C 4190, *
Woodward, Albert O, d. 12/28/1882, PVT G 21 MICH INF, Plot: 928, *
Woodward, Albt, d. 03/23/1862, PVT G 1 MICH ENGR, 3 23 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 425, *
Woodward, Henry M, d. 04/16/1862, PVT C 11 MICH INF, Plot: D 3855, *
Woodward, Jas H, d. 05/08/1863, PVT B 36 ILL INF, Plot: 1763, *
Woodward, Wathel, d. 10/12/1918, PVT 69 CO 6 REGT 159 D BRIG, Plot: E 4808, *
Woodworth, Marcus M, d. 03/04/1864, PVT F 177 OHIO INF, 3 4 1864 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 2462, *
Woody, Andrew, d. 03/05/1868, PVT E 34 INF INF, Plot: 380, *
Woody, Lester H, b. 09/27/1924, d. 08/19/1996, US Navy, ARM1, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: E 0 3209, bur. 09/06/1996
Wooley, Benj, d. 04/02/1862, PVT B 1 WIE, Plot: 482, *
Wooley, Samuel, d. 05/19/1918, PVT A 9 KY CAV, Plot: E 4895, *
Woolsey, Chas A, d. 11/03/1863, PVT E 23 MICH INF, 11 3 1863 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1033, *
Woolsy, Layton, d. 11/10/1862, PVT CO F 14 MICH INF, Plot: 1203, *
Wooten, Randolph, d. 04/03/1862, PVT H 22 KY INF, Plot: 434, *
Worden, Pardon, d. 03/21/1862, PVT I 1 MICH ENGR, 3 21 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 454, *
Worell, Jas, CO K 28 ALA INF, Confed S While Pow Died At Louisvl Ky, *
Worley, Elihu, d. 07/18/1863, PVT I 84 IL INF, Plot: 1894, *
Wort, S W, d. 09/15/1862, TEAMSTER PATTERSONS BRIG, Plot: 766, *
Worthington, Manuel, d. 02/27/1912, 1 SGT CO D 116 USC INF, Plot: 4532, *
Woundell, Benjamin, d. 07/17/1865, PVT F 9 MICH INF, Plot: C 3072, *
Wright, Allen, d. 10/05/1862, PVT L 6 KY CAV, Plot: A 800, *
Wright, Amos, d. 12/22/1862, PVT I 79 IL INF, Plot: B 1509, *
Wright, Burton H, d. 01/19/1863, PVT D 25 MICH INF, Plot: 1083, *
Wright, Erie F, d. 02/03/1865, PVT D 120 IND INF, Plot: 3107, *
Wright, Fredericka, d. 06/07/1947, Plot: E 5332, bur. 06/10/1947, *
Wright, Isaac, d. 05/05/1862, SGT I 34 IND INF, Plot: 3777, *
Wright, Lewis, d. 04/23/1863, PVT CO F 30 IND INF, Plot: 1556, *
Wright, Melden, d. 07/18/1932, PVT E 1ST TERRITORIAL REGT, USVI SAW, Plot: E 5332, bur. 07/24/1932, *
Wright, Nathl R, d. 07/07/1865, PVT A 32 OHIO INF, Plot: 3073, *
Wright, Thomas J, d. 10/23/1932, PVT K 24TH KY INF, Plot: 5340, bur. 10/25/1932, *
Wright, William E, b. 09/01/1931, d. 02/05/1996, US Navy, OS1, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: E 0 3236, bur. 02/12/1996
Wright, Wm, d. 06/28/1863, PVT G 101 IND INF, Plot: B 1213, *
Wrigley, Miles, d. 07/02/1865, PVT D 22 IND INF, Plot: C 2496, *
Wycruff, Wm, d. 03/02/1863, PVT CO F 7 TENN CAV, Plot: 1237, *
Wynn, William H, d. 12/10/1927, PVT 1/C 1ST M P CO 1ST DIV, Plot: E 5108, *
Wyrick, Ephriam, d. 12/12/1862, PVT E 82 IND INF, Plot: 1502, *
Wyrick, Joshua L, d. 12/23/1861, PVT G 15 OHIO INF, Plot: 84, *
Wysopak, Clara, d. 12/02/1934, Plot: E 5171, bur. 12/03/1934, *
Wysopal, John J, d. 02/07/1929, PVT 31ST, BALOON CO AIR SVC, Plot: E, *
Yager, Charley L, d. 12/01/1937, PFC BTRY C, 188 FLD ARTY, Plot: E 5522, bur. 12/03/1937, *
Yancey, George Robert, d. 02/22/1927, 1ST LT 17 BN US GDS, Plot: E 5086, *
Yancey, George, d. 10/10/1903, PVT CO A 23 USC V INF CO B 27 USC V INF, 10Th Gr E Of 3902, Plot: 4249, *
Yancey, George, d. 10/10/1903, PVT CO A 25TH USCV INF/B 27TH USCV INF, Plot: 4249, *
Yancey, Stanley J Jr, b. 10/14/1927, d. 05/27/1984, PVT US ARMY, Plot: E 3698-A, bur. 11/20/1991, *
Yann, Harry K, d. 09/16/1932, SGT D 336 KY INF 84, Plot: E 5339, bur. 09/18/1932, *
Yant, Leander F, d. 08/09/1921, PVT CO A 59TH INF 4TH DIV, Plot: E 4913, *
Yantes, George, d. 10/30/1896, PVT H 116 USC INF CW, Plot: E 4048, *
Yates, Claiborne, b. 09/15/1922, d. 11/08/1998, US Navy, MM2, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: A 0 475-A, bur. 11/13/1998
Yates, Comes, d. 09/24/1862, PVT 6 KY CAV, Plot: A 747, *
Yates, Geo H, d. 07/07/1923, PVT DET QMC, Plot: E 4980, *
Yates, Harry, d. 08/15/1926, CPL CO I 4TH US INF 3RD DIV, Plot: E 5071, *
Yates, Mary E, b. 11/06/1924, d. 02/02/1986, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: A 0 475-A, bur. 11/13/1998
Yates, Michael J, b. 03/27/1942, d. 07/07/1991, SGT US AIR FORCE, Plot: A 53-A, bur. 07/15/1991, *
Yates, Omes, d. 09/24/1862, PVT 6TH KY CAV, Plot: A 747, *
Yawney, John, d. 10/21/1918, PVT 1 CO DEV BATTN 1, Plot: E 4818, *
Yearbrough, Wm, HOPKINS CO, KY, *
Yewell, John Vardiman, d. 04/08/1928, PHAR MATE 1 CL PMAR 1CL USN, Plot: E 5136, *
Yock, Wm, d. 01/12/1862, PVT CO B 78 PA INF, Orig Bur At Louisvle Ky, Plot: A 138, *
Yonkovic, Joseph, d. 05/18/1925, PVT 23RD CO 155 DEPT BRIG, Plot: E 5037, *
York, General Aj, d. 12/21/1893, SGT CO E 13 KY CAV, Plot: 4091, *
Young, Benj T, d. 06/13/1863, PVT 26 KY INF, Plot: 1535, *
Young, Christian, d. 01/31/1864, PVT I 42 ILL INF, Plot: 2203, *
Young, George, d. 04/06/1907, CORP A 108 USC INF, Plot: 4389, bur. 04/08/1907, *
Young, George, d. 04/06/1907, CPL A 108 USC INF, Plot: B 4369, *
Young, George, d. 04/06/1907, CPL CO A 108 USC INF, Plot: 4389, *
Young, Harvey, d. 05/09/1917, COM SGT 114 USCI, Plot: E 4740, *
Young, Henry W, d. 11/08/1862, PVT C 51 OHIO INF, Org Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1053, *
Young, Henry W, d. 11/08/1862, PVT CO C 51TH OHIO INF, Plot: 1053, *
Young, Henry, PVT CO E 123 USC INF, Plot: 4451, *
Young, Henry, d. 07/11/1909, PVT K 125 USC INF, Plot: 4451, bur. 07/13/1909, *
Young, Hercules, d. 01/03/1905, SGT CO E 119TH USCT INF, Plot: D 4296, *
Young, Hercules, d. 01/03/1905, SGT E 119 USCT INF, Plot: 4296, *
Young, Hercules, d. 01/30/1905, SGT CO E 119 USC INF, Plot: D ROW4296, *
Young, Jacob, d. 01/06/1865, PVT CO I 60TH ILL INF, Info Fr Old Card, Plot: C 3109, *
Young, Jacob, d. 01/06/1865, PVT I 80 ILL INF, Org Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 3108, *
Young, John M, d. 07/06/1892, PVT CO E 10TH V R C INF, 7 6 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 4064, *
Young, John M, d. 07/06/1896, PVT E 10 VRC INF, Org Bur Same, Plot: C 4064, *
Young, Luther, d. 02/24/1864, PVT B 4 IOWA INF, 2 24 1864 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1902, *
Young, Margaret, d. 12/05/1940, Plot: E 4740, bur. 12/09/1940, *
Young, Otto W, d. 05/17/1913, PVT CO K 32ND IND INF, Plot: E 4579, *
Young, Peter, d. 12/25/1861, PVT D 33 OHIO INF, Plot: 89, *
Young, William J, d. 01/23/1927, PVT BATTY F 342ND F A 89TH DIV, Plot: E 5085, *
Youngs, Benj F, d. 12/01/1862, PVT CO D 10TH MICH INF, 12 1 1862 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1020, *
Youngs, Benj F, d. 12/01/1862, PVT D 10 MICH INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 1020, *
Yount, Jacob, d. 11/25/1863, PVT G 78 PA INF, Plot: 740, *
Yount, Jacob, d. 11/26/1863, PVT CO G 78TH PA INF, Plot: 740, *
Youser, Albt N, PVT 18 KY CAV, Orig Bur Ocensboro, Ky, Dod Feb 1865, Plot: 2524, *
Yung, Harvey, d. 05/09/1917, COM SGT 114 USC INF, Orig Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: E.4740, *
Yung, Otto W, d. 05/17/1913, PVT K 32 IND INF, Plot: E.4579, *
Zellhoffer, Michl, d. 01/06/1865, PVT C 43 WIS INF, Plot: 2889, *
Zellhoffer, Michl, d. 01/06/1865, PVT CO C 43 WIS INF, Plot: 2889, *
Zellich, Jack R, b. 12/10/1935, d. 07/24/1998, US Marine Corps, LT COL, Res: Louisville, KY, Plot: B 0 4432-C, bur. 07/28/1998
Zickel, Henry, d. 06/07/1891, PVT K 22 KY INF, 6 7 1891 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 3957, *
Zike, J, PVT B, Org Bur Belmont Station Ky, Plot: 3856, *
Zimmers, Peter, d. 12/07/1864, PVT 7 PA CAV, Plot: C 2772, *
Zingarell, Donnie, d. 06/12/1934, PVT MED DEPR CAMP HOSP CAMP KNOX KY TX, Plot: E 5389, bur. 06/15/1934, *
Zoatman, Rerdd, d. 11/25/1863, PVT 10 OHIO BATTY, 11 25 1863 Bur Louisville Ky, Plot: 2128, *
Zoll, Harry A, d. 11/22/1930, PVT MOTOR TRANSP DET, Plot: E 5242, bur. 11/24/1930, *
Zootman, Ferdd, d. 11/25/1863, PVT 10 OHIO BATTY, Orig Bur At Louisville Ky, Plot: 2128, *
Zulauf, Joseph F, d. 10/28/1937, PVT K 3RD INF KY NATL GUARD, Plot: E 5517, bur. 10/30/1937, *
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