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Massachusetts Newspapers, Full Search (1690-1992), 622 titles
Massachusetts Obituary Search, (1988-current)
Massachusetts Funeral Notices
Old Burial Field
Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts
Contributed by Janice Farnsworth, Dec 31, 2000 [].
Total records = 207.
The founders of the town, and their descendants during the 17th century at least, buried their dead without formal services, following the custom of the Puritans in England, and perhaps a plot of ground for the family graves was sometimes selected within the home lot or orchard.
Early in the present century (19th) ancient graves were visible near the sites of both the Roper and the Prescott garrisons. But in the infancy of the Nashaway Plantation, land adjoining the meeting-house site was set apart for common use as a "burying place." The practice of marking graves by inscribed headstones probably did not begin until after the resettlement, one apparent exception being that of Mrs. Dorothy Prescott who died in 1674. The oldest date now to be found is that over the grave of the first John Houghton-1684. For half a century all memorial stones were but fragments of slate riven from some ledge, or rough granite slabs, upon which unskilled hands rudely incised name and date, the latter being upon a foot-stone or on the back of the head-stone. Many of the older inscriptions are illegible to most eyes. In his History of Lancaster, Reverend A. P. Marvin has given a plan of this ancient burial place, upon which the marked graves are located and numbered and has added literal copies of the epitaphs.In the following carefully revised list of inscriptions the same numbering is adopted. Their arrangement is indicated by division lines. Numbers omitted are of stones not lettered, or of misplaced foot-stones found to belong with other numbers.
Exact tombstone inscriptions as taken from "The Birth, Marriage
and Death Register, Church Records and Epitaphs of Lancaster, Massachusetts,
1643 to 1850" by Henry S. Nourse, A.M. 1890. These are found in quotation
??,..iting, John, "Mr. John ..iting Past.. of The Church .. Lan'r. Deceased September 11 Day 1697 [see 57 above]." #66
??, "L_____ Bod_____ Abo______ [a broken stone].", #88
?? "July 17, 1700 [a foot-stone]" #186
Abijah, Elizabeth, "In Memory of Elizabeth Daught of Mr. Abijah & Mrs. Abigail Wyman who died July ye 20, 1766 Aged 11 Years & 10 Month." #18
Allen, Ebenezer, "In memory of Ebenezer Allen, who died July 9th 1770 AE 94 Years." #151
Allen, Sarah, "Here Lies Buried The Body of Mrs. Sarah Allen Wife of Mr. Ebenezer Allen Died June 15th 1755 in Ye 71st Year of her Age." #152
Allen, Thomas, "In Memory of Thomas Allen, Son of Mr. Amos & Mrs. Rebecca Allen who died Jan'y the 23rd 1793 aged 5 Years, 7 months & 16 days. "Who was His Father's Son, tender and well beloved in the eyes Of his Mother." #163
Atherton, David, "In Memory of David Atherton Son of Mr. Amos & Mrs. Elizabeth Atherton who died July ye 4th 1769 in ye 14th Year of his Age. "When this you see, Remember me." #114
Austin, Ann, "To the Memory of Ann Austin wife of Peter Thacher Vose, And daughter of Hon. John Sprague, Born Feb 26, 1776. Died Sept. 10, 1834." #202 (a)
Ballard, John, "In Memory of John, Son of Mr. John & Mrs Anna Ballard who died Nov'r 7th 1789 in the 6th Year of his Age" #98
Ballard, John, "In memory of two Sons of Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Abigail Ballard, John died August 20th 1794 aged 19 months & 20 days" #99
Ballard, John, "In memory of two Sons of Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Abigail Ballard, John died March 3d 1792 aged 4 months & 10 days" #99
Beaman, Johnb "Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Johnb Beaman, Who Departed This Life January ye 15th, AD 1739/40 In ye 90th Year of His Age." #185
Beman, Priscilla, "Here Lies the Body of Mrs. Priscilla Beman, Wife to Mr. John Beman, Who Dec'd Aug'st 6th 1729, in ye 73d Year of Her Age." #184
Bennit, John, "Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mr. John Bennit Who Departed This Life Decem'br Ye 30th A.D. 1748 Age 29 Year 11 M & 10 Ds." #19
Bennitt, Bathsheba, "In Memory of Mrs. Bathsheba Bennitt ye Wife of Capt. John Bennitt who died Feb're ye 7th 1762 Aged 67 years. "Remember Death." #20
Bennitt, John, "In Memory of Capt John Bennitt who died June ye 5th 1761 Aged 68 Years, "O Death Thou'st Conquer'd me. I by thy Dart am Slain, But Christ has conquer'd thee, And I shall Rise Again." #21
Bennitt, Samuel, "Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mr. Samuel Bennit Who Departed This Life July 6th A.D. 1742 Age in Ye 77th Year of His Age." #22
Bowars, John, "Here Lies The Body of John Bowars D. 1718" #96
Buss, Hannah, "Here lies Buried The Body of Mrs. Hannah Buss Ye Wife of Mr. Mr. John Buss, Who Died March ye 14 A D 1738 in ye 56 Year of Her Age." #30
Buss, John, "Here lies Buried the Body of Mr. John Buss Who Died April the 30 A D 1734 Aged About 55 Years." #31
Carter, Abigail, "Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Abigail Carter Daugh'tr of Lieut John & Mrs. Abigail Carter Who Dec'd Decem'br Ye 25th AD 1746 In Ye 7th Year of Her Age." #86
Carter, Elisha, "In Memory of Elisha Son of Capt John & Mrs. Abigail Carter who was Still Born." #84
Carter, John, "Here Lies Buried the Body of Col. John Carter who deceased May ye 8th ADom 1766 AEtat. 53, "Every Man at his Best; Is altogether Vanity; Cease ye from Man whose Breath is in his Nostrils; and trust in ye Ever Living God." #87
Carter, John, "Here Lies Buried Ye Body of John Carter Son of Lieut John & Mrs Abigail Carter Who Dec'd Decemb'r Ye 21st AD 1746 In Ye 5th Year of His Age." #85
Carter, John, "Here Lies Buried Ye Body of John Carter Ye Son of Mr. John & Mrs Abigail Carter, Who Dec'd Octob'r Ye 18th 1739 Age 1 Yr 9 M & 9 D." #83
Carter, Mary, "Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mrs Mary Carter ye Wife of Mr. Ephraim Carter who Dec'd May ye 30th 1738 & in Ye 21st Year of Hir Age." #54
Carter, Ruth, "Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Ye Widow Ruth Carter, Reliks of Capt. Thomas Carter Who Dec'd Decemb'r Ye 25th Anno DO 1739 Aged 55 Years 7 M. & 16 D." #90
Carter, Samuel, "Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mr. Samuel Carter Who Deceased August, Ye 22d Anno Dom. 1738 & in Ye 61st Year of His Age." #93
Carter, Susannah, "In Memory of Susannah Carter, daug'r of Doc'r James and Mrs. Susannah Carter, Who died July 28th 1795, Aged 2 years & 17 days." #77
Carter, Thomas, "Here Lies Buried The Body of Captain Thomas Carter, Who Dec'd March The 31 1737 & Was 55 Years Old "As You Are So Were We, As We Are, So You Will Be." #91
Carter, Thomas, "In Memory of Mr. Thomas Sawyer who died March ye 1st AD 1760 Aged 22 Years 9 Months and 27 Days." #78
Clark, John, "John died May ye 15th 1751 Age 3 weeks." #27
Clark, Mary, "Mary died Jan'ry ye 27th 1749 in ye 9th Year of her Age." #27
Clark, Mathew, "In Memory of A Father & 4 Children. Mr. Mathew Clark died July ye 9th ADom 1760 in the 56th Year of his Age." #27
Clark, Mathew, "Mathew died July ye 24tgh 1750 in ye 9th Year of his Age." #27
Clark, Sarah, "Sarah died October ye 6th 1758 in ye 3d Year of her Age." #27
Daught, Anna, "Anna Daught of Mr. Cyrus & Mrs. Lucy Fairbank, died July ye 17th 1769 Aged 3 Months & 8 Days." #134
Dunmoor, Eunice, "In Memory of a Father & 3 Children. Doc't John Dunsmoor Departed this Life, Dec'br ye 7th 1747 in ye 45th Year of his Age. Eunice Died Sep ye 9th 1745 in ye 3d Year of her Age. Olive Died Sep ye 19th 1745 in ye 8th Year of her Age. John Died Sep ye 26th 1745 in ye 5th Year of his Age." #149
Dunsmoor, Dr. John, "In Memory of a Father & 3 Children. Doc't John Dunsmoor Departed this Life, Dec'br ye 7th 1747 in ye 45th Year of his Age. Eunice Died Sep ye 9th 1745 in ye 3d Year of her Age. Olive Died Sep ye 19th 1745 in ye 8th Year of her Age. John Died Sep ye 26th 1745 in ye 5th Year of his Age." #149
Dunsmoor, John, "In Memory of a Father & 3 Children. Doc't John Dunsmoor Departed this Life, Dec'br ye 7th 1747 in ye 45th Year of his Age. Eunice Died Sep ye 9th 1745 in ye 3d Year of her Age. Olive Died Sep ye 19th 1745 in ye 8th Year of her Age. John Died Sep ye 26th 1745 in ye 5th Year of his Age." #149
Dunsmoor, John, "John Dunsmoor, Son of William Dunsmoor Esq & Mrs. Hannah his wife, who died Oct 29th 1756: Aged 1 Year & 8 Months. "Happy the babe, who preveleg'd by fate, To shorter labour, and A lighter weight, Receiv'd but yesterday the Gift of breath, Order'd tomorrow to return to death." #146
Dunsmoor, Olive, "In Memory of a Father & 3 Children. Doc't John Dunsmoor Departed this Life, Dec'br ye 7th 1747 in ye 45th Year of his Age. Eunice Died Sep ye 9th 1745 in ye 3d Year of her Age. Olive Died Sep ye 19th 1745 in ye 8th Year of her Age. John Died Sep ye 26th 1745 in ye 5th Year of his Age." #149
Dunsmoor, William, "Erected to the Memory of William Dunsmoor Esq. who departed this Life May ye 20th 1784: In the 51st Year of his Age. "Life how short, Eternity how long. How loved, how valued once avales thee not, To whom related or By whom begot; A heap of dust alone remains of thee, Tis all Thou art & all that die shall be." #145
Fairbank, Anna, "In Memory of Anna Daut of Mr. Cyrus & Mrs. Lucy Fairbank died March ye 31st 1773, Aged 2 Years, 7 Months, & 20 Days." #136
Fairbank, Cyrus, "Erected in Memory of Dea'n Cyrus Fairbank, who departed this life Feb'y 28th 1801 Aged 63 Years. "The Sweet Remembrance of the Just, Shall flourish when the sleep In Dust." #128
Fairbank, Elisabeth, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mr. Elisabeth Fairbank ye Wife of Deac'n Cyrus Fairbank who departed this Life, Oct ye 1st Anno. 1778 in ye 39th Year of her Age."Death is a debt to Nature due, Which I have paid & so must you." #126
Fairbank, Grase, "Here Lies The Body of Grase Fairbank." #139
Fairbank, Jonas, "Mr. Jonas Fairbank Died Nov'r the 4th, 1792; In his 89th Year. "The Memory of the Just is Blessed." #130
Fairbank, Joseph, "Here Lies The Body of The Dafter of Joseph Fairbank." #140
Fairbank, Lt. Jabaz, "In Memory of Lieut Jabaz Fairbank, who died in March 1758. Aged about 84 Years. Mrs. Mary his first Wife died in March 1718 Aged 42 years. Mrs. Elizabeth his Second Wife died May ye 11, 1755 Aged 80 Years 7 Months." #137
Fairbank, Lucy, "Here lies interred the Body of Mrs. Lucy Fairbank ye wife of Deac'n Cyrus Fairbank, who died Sept ye 16th 1776 Aged 36 Years & 8 Days. Likewise Ephraim Son of the Deceas'd, still born, Sept ye 1st 1776. "The Small and Great are Here." #127
Fairbank, Lucy, "In Memory of Lucy, Dau't of Mr. Cyrus & Mrs. Lucy Fairbank, who died March ye 1st 1764 in ye 3d Month of her Age." #133
Fairbank, Mary, "Here Lies The Body of Mary Fairbank The Wife of Jabez Fairbank Dessced February 21 Day in Year 1718. Died in the 43 Year of Hir Age. Note - checked No. 137 & No. 138 and as noted in book" #138
Fairbank, Sally, "Sally Daught'r of Deacon Cyrus & Lucy Fairbank, died June 9th 1790; in her 18th year." #136 1/2
Fairbank, Thankful, "In Memory of Thankful Fairbank, Wife of Jonas Fairbank who Died May 13, 1705, Aged 81 Years. "She looked well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the Bread of Idleness." #132
Fairbanks, Grace, "Jonathan Fairbanks and his Daughter Grace Fairbanks Who Deceased September the 11, 1697." #157
Fairbanks, Hannah, "Hannah Fairbanks Deceased December 11, 1704." #159
Fairbanks, Jonas, "Jonas Fairbanks Who Deceased September the 13th 1697." #158
Fairbanks, Jonathan "Jonathan Fairbanks and his Daughter Grace Fairbanks Who Deceased September the 11, 1697." #157
Fletcher, Hannah, "Here Lies Buried The Body of Mrs. Hannah Fletcher, The Wife of Mr John Fletcher, Who Died April The 10th 1737. In the 52 Year of her Age." #191
Gaits, Wilder, "Wilder Gaits Son of Mr. Thomas & Mrs Abigail Gaits, died July ye 20 1766 Aged 1 Month & 2 Days." #119
Gardner, Andrew, "Here lyes Buried ye Body of ye Rev'nd Mr. Andrew Gardner, Who Dec'd Octo'r 26th Anno Domi 1704 in ye 30th Year of His age." #65
Gates, Anna, "Anna Daugh'r of Capt Thomas Gates & Abigail his wife; Died Nov'r 27th 1785: In her 16th Year. "Death with his warrant in his hand, Comes rushing on amain; We must obey ye Summons yn & so return to dust again." #122
Gates, Anna, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mrs. Anna Gates, Wife of Capt. Hezekiah Gates who died April ye 23d Anno-Do. 1779; Aged 70 years "Ye Aged, awake, improv your short Liv'd day. Improve your Time and Talents whilst you may." #107
Gates, Capt. Hezekiah, "Here lies interred Ye Body of Capt. Hezekiah Gates Who Departed this Life June ye 27th Anno Dom. 1777 in ye 73d Year of his Age. "My Flesh shall slumber in ye Ground. Till ye last Trumpets joy-full Sound. Then shall awake with sweet surprise. And in my Saviour's Image Rise." #110
Gates, John, "John, Son of Capt Thomas Gates & Abigail his wife Died Nov'r 24th 1785; In his 7th Year. "So Fades the Flower" Their 3d onely son." #121
Gates, Lucy, "In memory of Miss Lucy Gates Dau't of Capt Thomas and Mrs Abigail Gates, who died July 19th 1797 in the 33d Year of her Age." #124
Godfrey, Levi, "Here Lyes the Body of Levi The Son of Salmon & Rebecah Godfrey, Who Departed this Life May 3 1789 AE 7 mo and 8 Days." #26
Goss, Anna, "In Memory of two Children of Capt. Daniel & Mrs. Eunice Goss Jonas Goss died May ye 27th Anno Do. 1774 Aged 3 Days. Anna Goss died January ye 17th AD 1779 Aged 3 Years 8 months & 19 Days" #102
Goss, Jonas, "In Memory of two Children of Capt. Daniel & Mrs. Eunice Goss Jonas Goss died May ye 27th Anno Do. 1774 Aged 3 Days. Anna Goss died January ye 17th AD 1779 Aged 3 Years 8 months & 19 Days" #102
Goss, Philip, "Philip Goss Decaesed May 1698." #156
Harrington, Anna, "Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Anna Harrington Ye amiable consort of ye Rev'd Timothy Harrington, who, resigned to the Will of God, & depending entirely on the Lord Jesus for Salvation, deceased on May ye 19th AD 1778 AEtat 62." #46
Harrington, Timothy, "In Memory of Timothy son of Rev Timothy Harrington and his wife Mrs. Anna Harrington who Dec'd June ye 16th 1749 AEtat 7 Months & 25 Days." #45
Harrington, Timothy, "The Reverend Timothy Harrington Etatis 80, Fourth Pastor of the Church in Lancaster. Died December 18, 1795. Endued with superior abilities, he happily united the manners of the Gentleman, with the unaffected gravity of the Divine, and was especially distinguished for benevolence of heart. The sacred doctrines he taught were enforced by an uniform example in the practice of the domestic, social, and moral virtues. A consistent and rational view of the Gospel; a faith in the Saviour of the world; and a reliance on the Mercy of God, inspired him with ye joyful hope of a resurrection to eternal life. "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of Life." #47
Harris, Amos, "Amos Harris April 4 Day 1713." #116
Harriss, Edmond, "In Memory of Mr. Edmond Harriss who Died Dec'ber Ye 10th, 1726, in ye 53 year of his age. Mrs. Elizabeth his wife Died Jan'ry ye 31, 1755 & in ye 73 year of her Age." #115
Haskell, Henry, "In Memory of Mr. Henry Haskell who died April ye 1st A Dom, 1779 in ye 73d Year of his Age. "The sweet Remembrance of the Just, Shall Flourish when they sleep In Dust." #51
Houghton, Abigail, " Abigail, D of J. M. H." #61
Houghton, Abigail, "Hear Lyeth the Body of Abigail the Wife of Henry Houghton. Age 31, 1711." #48
Houghton, Hasadiah, "the Daughter of Henry and Abigail Houghton. Age 2 Yrs 2mos. 1711." #49
Houghton, Henry, "The Son of Henry & Abigail Houghton Age 1 Yr 6 mo, 1702." #58
Houghton, John, "John Houghton Deceased April 29. Day 1684." #60
Houghton, Rebekah, "In Memory of Mrs. Rebekah ye Wife of Mr. Philimon Houghton Who Died Feb'r ye 15th AD 1766 AEtatis 26. "Now sleeps, God rest her Soul; A Vertuous wife. Her hapless Husband's only Pride in Life. Triumphant mount where Happy Plannets role, And open Paradise to her Immortal Soul." #111
Houghton, Rebekah, "Rebekah Dau't of Mr. Philimon & Mrs. Rebekah Houghton, died July ye 5, 1765 Aged 1 Year 5 Months and 5 Days." #112
Houghton, Son, "A Son of Henry & Abigail Houghton A 6 w. 1708." #59
House, Joseph, "In Memory of Mr. Joseph House who Died July ye 9th 1756 in ye 61st Year of his Age. Elizabeth daughter of Mr. Joseph House & Lydia his wife, [Elizabeth] who Died in October 1739 in ye 14th year of her Age." #108
Joslin, Dorothy, "In Memory of Dorothy Joslin, Daughter of Capt. Peter Joslin & Joanna his wife, who Died April 20th 1732 in ye 18th year of her Age." #198
Joslin, Hannah, "In Memory of Mrs. Hannah Joslin ye wife of Capt. Peter Joslin who died Aug't ye 14th 1739 in ye 71st Year of Her Age." #199
Joslin, Joanna, "In Memory of Mrs. Joanna Joslin ye wife of Capt. Peter Joslin Who Died Sep ye 24th 1717 in ye 44th year of her Age." #197
Joslin, Martha, "In Memory of Mrs. Martha Joslin, Wife of Mr. Nathaniel Joslin, who died February ye 13th AD 1768 in ye 37th Year of her Age. "The stroke of Death hath laid my Head, Down in this dark and Silent Bed; The Trump shall Sound, I hope to rise, And meat My Saviour in the Skyes." #195
Junr, Josiah, "Here Lies Interred the Body of Mr. Josiah Ballard Junr who died Sept ye 17th AD 1771 in the 22d year of his Age, "No Age exempted from the Grave; No Sex in Nature freed; Her mouth wide open gaping Stands - For to Receive the Dead." #95
Kendall, Thomas, "In Memory of Thomas Son of Mr. Thomas Kendall & Abigail his wife, Died Oct'r 25th 1756 In Ye 1st Year of His Age." #100
Locke, Abel, "Abel, first Son of Mr. Josiah and Mrs. Esther Locke, died May ye 6th 1765 Aged 3 Months & 20 Days." #40
Locke, Abel, "Abel, second Son of Mr. Josiah and Mrs. Esther Locke, died Oct ye 13th 1766 Aged 2 Months & 1 Day." #38
Locke, Esther, "Dau't of Mr. Joseph (Josiah inked in) & Mrs Esther Locke, Died March ye 25th 1768. Aged 6 Months & 1 Day." #37
Locke, James, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mr. James Locke, who deceased on ye 19th of March AD 1772 in ye 33d Year of his Age, "Behold the numerous Croud That's Mouldering in the Ground Ready to Start when Christ commands The awful Trump to Sound." #34
Locke, Joshia, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mr. Josiah Locke who died May ye 16 A D. 1769 AEtat. 33, "Every Man at his best State is altogether Vanity. Cease ye from Man whose Breath is in his Nostrils; and trust in ye ever Living God." #36
Locke, Mary, "Erected in memory of Mrs. Mary Locke, Wife of Mr. Wm Locke, who died Nov 17th 1796 in the 50th Year of her Age, "The sweet remembrance of the just Shall flourish when they sleep in dust." #32
Locke, Rebecca, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mrs. Rebecca ye Wife of Mr. James Locke who died March ye 9th AD 1769 in ye 28 Year of her Age "My flesh shall slumber in the Ground. Till ye last Trumpets joy-ful Sound; Then shall awake in sweet surprize, And in my Saviour Image rise." #192
Locke, Samuel, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mr. Samuel Locke who died April ye 13th A D. 1775 in ye 73d Year of his Age, "The stroke of death hat laid my Head Down in this dark and Silent bed; The Trump shall sound, I hope to rise; And meet my Saviour In the Skies." #35
Marsh, Elisha, "Here lies interred ye Body of ye Hon'ble Elisha Marsh Esq'r of Walpole in the State of New Hampshire who died July ye 25th Anno Domini 1784. AEtatis 71." #117
Mercy, Mrs, "In Memory of Mrs. Mercy, ye wife of Dr. Stanton Prentice who Deceased on ye 26 of Octob'r AD 1756 in the 40th Year of her Age In Character of a wife, she was kind and faithful. Of a Parent tender, Provident & conssientious. Of a Christian, Cheerful, Charitable & generous, humble & self-denying. In Her the poor have lost a Benefactress. The Sick a skillful Assitant and her acquaintance a much regretted Friend. Her husband, he praiseth her and her Children Rise up and call her Blessed." #69
Moorem Mary, "Mary Moore, Deceased Sep 26, 1705." #23
Nichols, Roger, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mr. Roger Nichols who died June ye 3d AD 1765 in the __ Year of his Age" #97
Osgood, Elizabeth, "Here Lies Buried the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth ye Wife of Mr. Joseph Osgood who Died October ye 9th 1755 in the 34th Year of her Age." #55
Page, Martha, "Memento Mori In Memory of Mrs. Martha Page wife of Mr. Levi Page who departed this Life April ye 16th 1785 In the 28 Year of Her Age." #113
Phelps, Dr. Phinehas, "In Memory of Dr. Phinehas Phelps who Departed this Life Aug't ye 12th, 1770 in the 37th Year of his Age." #154
Phelps, Phinehas, "In Memory of Mr. Phinehas Phelps the Son of Dr. Phinehas & Mrs. Sarah Phelps who Departed this Life Dec'r ye 12, 1784: in the 19th Year of his Age." #153
Phelps, Sylvester, "In Memory of Sylvester, Son of Mr. Joel & Mrs. Prudence Phelps who died April ye 7th 1765 Aged 2 Years and 1 Month." #150
Phillips, John Phillips, "In Memory of Mr. John Phillips who died Nov ye 23d Anno Dom. 1776, Aged 56 Years And also two of his Sons." #2
Phillips, John, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mr. John Phillips Who departed this life January ye 31st Anno-Dom. 1763 Aged 70 Years." #5
Phillips, John, "John, died Oct ye 29th 1776, Aged 5 years." #2
Phillips, Jonathan, "In Memory of Mr. Jonathan Phillips who departed this Life July ye 20th Anno Domini 1780 Aged 44 Years." #8
Phillips, Lydia, "In Memory of Mrs Lydia Phillips who departed this Life May ye 31st Anno-Dom 1760 Aged 29 Years." #6
Phillips, Rebecca, "In Memory of Rebecca Phillips who died July ye 4th Anno Domini 1775, Aged 53 Years." #7
Phillips, Rebecca, "Likewise of his Daughter Rebecca died Oct ye 26th 1776 Aged 22 Months." #2
Phillips, Samuel, "Samuel died Nov ye 2d 1776 Aged 3 Years." #2
Prentice, Daniel, "Here lies the Body of Daniel Prentice, son of Dr Stanton Prentice and Mrs Mercy his wife, who died Sept 21st 1756 Aged 5 years." #73
Prentice, John, "Ye Rev'd Mr. John Prentice Pastor of Ye First Church in Lancaster Died Jan 6th A. D. 1747/8. AETAT 66. In His Doctrine He Was Learned, Judicious, Plain, Seasonable, & Unreproveable. In his Conversation, Steady, Sober, Temperate, Peaceable, Watchful, Instructive, Prudent and Blameless. In His House Ruling With All Gravity A Tender Husband, A Good Father, A Kind Master & Given To Hospitality. In His Public Charecter, A True Gospel Bishop, In His Private Capacity A Gentleman & An Exemplary Christian; His Memory is Precious & His Praise in ye Churches." #67
Prentice, Mary, "Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mary Prentice, Daft'r [daughter] of Doc'tr Stanton & Mrs. Mercy Prentice Who Dec'd May 23d A D 1749 Age 1 Year & 3 mo." #72
Prentice, Mary, "Here Lyes the Body of Mrs. Mary Prentice, Wife to ye Rev'd Mr. John Prentice, Who Dec'd March ye 9th 1717/8 in ye 37th Year of Her Age." #68
Prentice, Mercy, "Here lies the Body of Mercy Prentice, Daughter of Dr. Stanton Prentice and Mrs. Rebecca his wife, who died Jan 12th 1759, Aged 3 M." #75
Prentice, Mercy "Here Lies the Body of Mercy Prentice, Daughter of Dr. Stanton Prentice and Mrs. Mercy his wife, who died Oct'r 6th 1756, aged 2 Y." #74
Prentice, Peter, "Here Lies the Body of Peter Prentice son of Dr. Stanton Prentice and Mrs. Rebecca his wife, who died July 1766 Aged 5 years and 6 months." #76
Prentice, Stanton, "In Memory of Dr Stanton Prentice who Deceased on ye first of Dec Anno Domini 1769 AEts 58 "This Life's a Dream, an empty show; But ye bright World to which I go, Hath Joys substantial & sincere; When shall I wake & find me there?" #63
Prentice, Thomas, "Here lies Buried ye Body of Thomas Prentice Son of Doct'r Stanton Prentice & Mrs. Marcy Prentice, Who Dec'd May 2d AD 1752 Age 6 Years 7 Mos." #70
Prentice, Thomas, "Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Thomas Prenties [Prentice], Son of Doc'tr Stanton & Mrs. Mercy Prentice Who Dec'd August Ye 17th 1745 Age 3 Years 10 M and 19 D." #71
Prescot, John, "Erected in Memory of Mr. John Prescott who departed this life April 1st 1791 in the 79th Year of his Age. "Death like an overflowing flood, Doth Sweep us all away: The young, the old, the middle aged. To death becomes a prey." #166
Prescot, Sarah, "Sarah Prescot Hur Blased Soul Asanded Up To Heaven July 14, 1709 About 63 Years." #187
Prescott, Dorathy, "bis. Here Lies Dorathy* the Wife of Jonathan Prescott Who Deceased ______ [date missing, see below, author's note] [Mrs. Prescott died in 1674. Footstone missing.] Author's Note. [my note - this is the 1st wife of Jonathan Prescott, son of John & Mary Platts Prescott. After Dorothy died, Jonathan moved to Concord in 1675 & m. (2) Elizabeth Hoar.*Torrey - p.602 gives this 1st wife as Dorothy ___ ?Waters/?Hoald who d. 1674." #189
Prescott, Dorothy, "Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Dorothy Prescott ye wife of Mr. John Prescott, who died Sept ye 28th 1749 in ye 73d Year of her Age." #165
Prescott, Dorothy, "Here Lieth The Body of Dorothy The Daughter of John Prescot & Dorothy His Wife Who Deseased The 27 Day of March 1713 Aged 7 Years. [my note: see p. 45 Prescott Memorial, John b. Nov 24, 1672 son of John & Sarah Prescott] His 1st wife d. and he m. (2) the widow Mary Howe of Marlborough]" #189
Prescott, Experience, "Experience Prescott Dasesed This Life ____ [broken stone]. [cannot find Experience Prescott in the Prescott book] [my note - perhaps the 1st child of Jonathan Prescott and his 1st wife, Dorothy. p.46, Prescott book - 1. A child b. May 2, 1671 and died the same day.]" #168
Prescott, John, "Here Lies Buried the Body of Mr. John Prescott who Died Oct ye 11 1749 in ye 77th Year of His Age." #164
Prescott, John, "Mary Prescot Daparted This Life Feb 23, 1718. John Prescott Desased. [The foot-stone broken.] This marks the grave of the Founder of Lancaster, Who died in 1681." #188
Prescott, Mary, "Erected In Memory of Mrs. Mary Prescott, Consort of Mr. John Prescott, who departed this life Oct'r ye 20th 1788 in the 66th year of her Age. "Forbear my friends to weep, Since death to me is gain; Those Christians who in Jesus sleep, Shall with the Lord Remain." #167
Robbins, Bathsheba Robbins, "In Memory of widow of Mr. Edward Robbins who died Oct 16, 1805 in the 86 year of her age." #3
Robbins, Edward, "In Memory of Mr. Edward Robbins who depated this life Oct'r 9th, 1791 in ye 78th Year of his age." #4
Robbins, Edward, "Mr. Edward Robbins, Junr 1763 [On a foot-stone]." #10
Robbins, Jotham, "In Memory of Jotham Robbins Son of Mr. Edward & Mrs Bathsheba Robbins who died November ye 24th 1763 Aged 17 years, 7 Months and 24 Days." #9
Rugg, Isaac, "In Memory of Mr. Isaac Rugg who Died October ye 14th ADom: 1758 in ye 38th Year of his Age. "Thou hast by Death cut short his days, But him, Immortal, Thou Shalt Raise." #131
Rugg, Rebekah, "Here Lies Buried ye Body of Rebekah Rugg, Daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Lydia Rugg Who Dec'd July ye 6th 1747 Aged 2 Years 9 Mo & 27 Days." #201
Sawyer, Abigail, "In Memory of Mrs. Abigail Sawyer ye wife of Mr. Amos Sawyer who Died Nov'br ye 20th 1753 Aged 65 Years 7 Months & 13 Days." #162
Sawyer, Amos, "In Memory Amos Sawyer died 1768 "Remember Death." [A broken stone]" #160
Sawyer, Amos, "In Memory of Amos, Son of Mr. Amos & Mrs. Prudence Sawyer Who Died Nov 1st 1792 Aged 3 Years 2 Mo & 5 Days." #207
Sawyer, Bezaleel, "In Memory of Mr. Bezaleel Sawyer who died August ye 25th AD 1760, Aged 75 Years, 3 Months and 12 Days." #80
Sawyer, Darius, "In Memory of Mr. Darius Sawyer, who died Aug't 13th, 1789 in the 69th Year of his Age." #147
Sawyer, Debora, "In Memory of Mrs. Deborah Daughter of Mr. Darius and Mrs. Deborah Sawyer Who died Dec'br ye 16th A D; 1765. Aged 21 Years, 9 Months & 26 Days. "Remember Death" (Mrs. Deborah as reported)" #148
Sawyer, Eunice, "Here Lieth The Body of Eunice Sawyer the Wife of Bezaleel Sawyer Who Deceased the 4th Day of March 1712/13 Aged About 26 Years. Also Her Dead Born Infant." #79
Sawyer, Joseph, "Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Joseph Sawyer who Dec'd July ye 10th 1737 in Ye 55th Year of His Age." #182
Sawyer, Martha, "In Memory of Mrs. Martha Sawyer, Wife of Mr. Paul Sawyer, who died May 10th 1794 Aged 31 Years. "Behold and see as you pass by, As you are now so once was I; As I am now so you must be; Prepare for Death, and follow me." #194
Sawyer, Mary, "In Memory of Mrs. Mary Sawyer Wife of Lieut Moses Sawyer, who died April ye 12th AD 1774, in ye 33d Year of her Age." #180
Sawyer, Sarah, "Here Lyes ye Body of Sarah Sawyer, Wife to Joseph Sawyer Aged 37 Years. Died March ye 7th 1717/18." #183
Sawyer, Thomas, "Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Thomas Sawyer, Who Died Sept. 5th 1736 in ye 89th Year of His Age." #181
Sawyer, Thomas, "Thomas Sawyer Died September 12, 1706 About the 90 Year of His Age." #179
Sers, Anna, "Anna Sers." #24
Sprague, John, "The Remains of the Hon'ble John Sprague Esq. Chief Justice of the Court of Common Please for the County of Worcester, who Deceased Sept. 28 AD 1800, AEtatis 61. are here deposited. "Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the Children of God." #205
Sprague, Katharine, "Mrs. Katharine Sprague the amiable Consort of ye Hon'ble John Sprague, Esq. And a daughter of the late Richard Foster, Esq. Died May 5th AD 1787 in the 49th year of her age And is here Interred. "Blessed are the pure in Heart, for they shall see God." #204
Sprague, Samuel John, "In Memory of Samuel John Sprague, A.M. attorney at law, only Son of the late Honourable John Sprague and Katherine his wife, Who died Sept 10, AD 1805, in the 26 year of his Age. "A safe companion & an easy friend, Unblamed through life, Lamented in the end." #206
Swan, Ebenezer, "Here Lies Interrd The Body of Mr. Ebenezer Swan Who Deceased August ye 22d A Dom. 1750 AET 42." #64
Swan, John, "John Swan AET 3-l/2 Y." #52
Temple, Elizabeth, "Erected In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Temple, Relict of Mr. Isaac Temple, Who died Aug. 27th 1796 in the 78th Year of Her Age." #94
Thurston, Nancy, "In Memory of Nancy Dau't of Mr. Peter & Mrs. Dorothy Thurston who died Sept ye 25th 1778 in the 5th Year of her Age." #109
Thurston, Thomas, "Thomas, Son of Capt John Thurston & Beca his wife, Died Dec'r 14th 1785; Aged 2 Years 5 Months & 8 Days." #123
Townsend, Caleb, "Caleb Townsend." #89
Vose, Edward Henry, "Edward Henry Son of Peter Thacher & Ann Austin Vose, Died June 23, 1810 Aged 3 Years." #202 (e)
Vose, Francis Henry, "Francis Henry Vose Born August 25, 1816, Died July 22, 1841." #202 (c)
Vose, Peter, "Peter Thacher Vose Born in Milton, Sept 4, 1769, Died March 4th 1851." #202 (b)
Vost, Samuel Sprague, "Samuel Sprague Vost Born in Augusta, Maine, Died in Lancaster March 1826, Aged 27." #202 (d)
Warner, John, "In Memory of Mr. John Warner Who Departed this Life March the 27th AD 1776 in the 41st Year of his age. "To thee, O Stone, We Recommend this Dust, Commanding thee in Faith to Keep Your Trust. Take this Body and secure in entomb, Until the Day of Resurrection comes." #42
Waters, Jacob, "Here Lyes the Body of Jacob Waters of Charlstown Aged 65 Years & 7 Mo Who Died at Lankester Decemb'r ye 15, 1714." #11
Wheelock, Elijah, "In Memory of Mr. Elijah Wheelock Who Died July the 27th. A.D. 1775 In the 35th Year of his age. "For Though his Soul now Soars With Wings on high, Yet here his Body Must Forgotten lie; And youer Commanded, While he here Dose Sleep, The Silent Watches of Each Hour to Keep." #125
Whiting, John, "In Memory of The Reverend John Whiting, second minister of Lancaster, Killed by the Indians September 11, A.D. 1697. This Stone in place [of one broken and decayed is set by the Town, A.D. 1878. (see 66.)." #57
Whitney, Mary, "Here lies interred Ye Body of Mrs. Mary Whitney ye Wife of Mr. Jonathan Whitney who deceas'd Jan ye 12th AD 1778 in ye 34th Year of her Age." #14
Wilder, Andrew, "Andrew Son of Mr. Andrew & Mrs Elizabeth Wilder was Still Born, Sept ye 4th 1741." #1
Wilder, Andrew, "In Memory of A Father & 4 Children. Mr. Andrew Wilder died Dec ye 28th AD, 1764 in ye 56th year of his Age. "Death is a Debt, to Nature Due, Whic I have paid: & so must You." #1
Wilder, Anna, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mrs. Anna Wilder, Consort of Capt. Ephraim Wilder who died Oct ye 16th AD 1778 in the 67th Year of her Age. "The sweet remembrance of the Just, Shall flourish when they Sleep in Dust." #106
Wilder, Capt. Ephraim Jr., "In Memory of Capt. Ephraim Wilder Junr who died March ye 7th AD 1770 in the 63d Year of his Age. "Every Man at his best state, is altogether Vanity. Cease ye From Man whose Breath is in his Nostrils. And trust in the Ever Living God." #105
Wilder, Capt. Ephraim, "In Memory of Capt Ephraim Wilder who died December ye 13th AD 1769 in ye 94th Year of his Age. "O Death, Thou'st conquer'd me. I by thy Dart am Slain; But Christ has conquer'd thee. And I shall rise again." #103
Wilder, Deborah, "Deborah, Dau't of Mr. A. & Mrs. E. Wilder died Aug ye 22d 1755 Aged 11 Days." #1
Wilder, Deborah, "Here lies interred the Body of Mrs. Deborah Wilder, Consort of The Hon'ble Joseph Wilder, Esq, who departed this Life on ye 20th of April AD 1773 in ye 65th Year of her Age. "The stroke of Death hath laid my Head Down in this Dark & Silent Bed. The Trump shall Sound; I hope to rise, And meet my Saviour In the Skies." #190
Wilder, Elizabeth, "In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth ye Wife of Capt. Ephraim Wilder. Who died May ye 28 1769 in ye 89th year of her Age. "The Stroke of Death hath laid my Head. Down in this dark and Silent Bed. The Trump shall Sound, I hope to rise. And meet my Saviour in the Skies." #104
Wilder, Gardner, "In Memory of Gardner Wilder, Son of Mr. Gardner Wilder & Mrs. Martha Wilder, who was Stillborn Sept ye 17th, 1761." #29
Wilder, John, "Here lied interred ye Body of Col. Oliver Wilder who died March ye 16 ADomini 1765 in the 71 Year of his Age. "The stroke of Death hath laid my Head, Down in this Dark & Silent Bed; The Trump shall sound, I hope to rise And meet my Saviour in the Skies." #43
Wilder, John, "In Memory of Peter and John, Twin Children of Col. Joseph & Mrs. Deborah Wilder. Peter died July ye 1st 1762 AEtatis. 19 & John died on ye Day of his Birth. "Death levels all, ye Wicked and ye Just. Man's but a Flower, And End is Dust." #193
Wilder, Joseph, "Andrew, Son of Mr. A. & Mrs. E. Wilder, died Aug ye 15th 1755, in ye 3 Year of his Age." #1
Wilder, Martha, "In Memory of Mrs. Martha Wilder, Wife of Mr. Gardner Wilder who died March ye 7th ADomi. 1764 Aged 27 Years, "My Loveing friends, as you pass by, On my cold Grave but cast your Eye; Your Sun like mine may set at Noon. Your Soul be call'd for Very soon; In this dark Place you'll quickly be, Prepare for death and Follow me." #28
Wilder, Mary, "Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mrs. Mary Wilder wife of Col Oliver Wilder Esq who Departed This Life June Ye 15th AD 1748 in ye 53d Year of Her Age." #44
Wilder, Peter, "In Memory of Peter and John, Twin Children of Col. Joseph & Mrs. Deborah Wilder. Peter died July ye 1st 1762 AEtatis. 19 & John died on ye Day of his Birth. "Death levels all, ye Wicked and ye Just. Man's but a Flower, And End is Dust." #193
Wilder, Rebecah, "In Memory of Rebecah Dau't of Mr. Ephraim Wilder ye 3d. & Mrs. Lucretia his Wife who died May ye 14th, 1766 Aged 8 Months & 7 Days." #39
Wilder, Rebecca, "Erected in Memory of Mrs. Rebecca Wilder, Wife of Joseph Wilder, Esq. who died Sep'r 10th 1789 in the 80th Year of her Age, "Here sleeps the flesh, unconscious, close confin'd, But far, far distant, dwells th' immortal Mind." #33
Wilder, Ruth, "Ruth, Dau't of Mr. A. & Mrs. E. Wilder died Jan'y ye 19th 1753, in ye 8th Year of her Age." #1
Willard, Abijah, "Abijah Willard Junr Son of Capt Abijah & Mrs Elisabeth Willard Died December ye 12, 1749, Aged 10 Months." #170
Willard, Catherine, "In Memory of Mrs. Catherine Willard Relict of Levi Willard, Esq. Who Died Jan'ry 10th 1791 Aged 56. "Illum'd by piety and grace devine, Through various woes we saw Her sweetly shine; In every scene Omnipotence she view'd, And Calm and steady, virtuous ways pursued. For thee bless'd shade Thy Children shall weep, Till life is hush'd in death's eternal Sleep." #172
Willard, Col. Samuel, "Here Lies Buried The Body of the Honourable Col. Samuel Willard Esq. Who Departed This Life Novem'br 20th Anno Domini 1752 In the 63d Year of His Age." #118
Willard, Elisabeth, "Elisabeth Daugh't of Capt. Abijah & Mrs. Anna Willard, died Oct ye 6th, 1756 in ye 3d Year of her Age." #177
Willard, Elisabeth, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mrs. Elisabeth ye Wife of Capt. Abijah Willard who died December ye 6th ADom. 1751 in ye 29th Year of her Age." #171
Willard, John, "In Memory of Mr. John Willard who died May ye 1st AD 1775. Aged Seventeen. "Early this Youth the path of Virtue trod. And left with joy, this World to join his God." #174
Willard, Katherine, "In Memory of Katharine, Dau't of Capt. Levi & Mrs. Katharine Willard, who died Dec'r ye 3d ADom. 1759 Aged 5 Months & 14 days." #175
Willard, Levi, "In Memory of Levi Willard, Esq. Who died July ye 11th, AD. 1775. Aged 48. "Virtue and worth, with humane feelings join'd, enlarged, improv'd And dignify'd his mind." #173
Willard, Theodorah, "Theodorah Daugh't of Capt. Abijah & Mrs. Anna Willard, died Oct. ye 14th 1756 Aged 9 Months." #176
Wyman, Ephraim, "Here lies interred ye Body of Mr. Ephraim Wyman who deceased on ye 17th of Feb'y Ano-Do. 1780 in ye 30th Year of his Age, "Death levels All, both the wicked and the just, Man's but a flower, and his end is dust." #12
Wyman, Mary, "Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Mary Wyman ye Wife of Mr. Nathaniel Wyman Who died on May ye 8th 1759 in ye 37th Year of her Age. Her father deceased the Same Day." #16
Wyman, Nathaniel, "Erected in Memory of Mr. Nathaniel Wyman who died Dec 15, 1801, Aged 55, "A Pattern of Honesty & Industry." #13
Wyman, Nathaniel, "Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Nathaniel Wyman who died June ye 5th AD 1776 in ye 58th Year of his Age, "The stroke of Death hath laid my Head Down in this dark and silent Bed; The Trump shall sound, I hope to rise, And meet my Saviour In the Skies." #15
Wyman, Submit "Erected In Memory of Mrs. Submit Wyman Relict of Mr. Nathan'l Wyman who died Nov 25, 1804 in the 74th year of her age." #17
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