Search Maryland Death Records
Maryland Newspapers, Full Search (1728-1963), 234 titles
Maryland Obituary Search, (1990-current)
Maryland Birth Records Database, (1767-1963)
Boonsboro Cemetery Records
Boonsboro, Washington County, Maryland
GPS: 39.504333, -77.652519
64 S Main St.
Boonsboro, MD 21713
Published: February 15, 2020
Total records: 5,301
Boonsboro Cemetery is a non-profit organization operated by the Boonsboro Cemetery Association and is comprised of board members from Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and Trinity Reformed Church (United Church of Christ), both of Boonsboro.
Boonsboro Cemetery Association Records
Surnames M-P
Records linked below were acquired from Boonsboro Cemetery Association on February 15, 2020. They include dates of death ranging from 1797 to 2018.
MACDONALD, Charles E. (Ashes0, d. 12/2/2004, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 125
MACDONALD, Jean C., b. 08-07-1916, d. 9/12/1974, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 125
MACMASTER, Virginia E., b. 04-18-1935, d. 4/20/2013, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 287
MADDRAN, Anne M., b. 05-17-1916, d. 1/2/1997, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 451
MADDRAN, Annie E., b. 03-08-1873, d. 4/18/1945, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 654
MADDRAN, Dora J., b. 01-27-1981, d. 3/24/1980, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 654
MADDRAN, Frances M., b. 09-30-1912, d. 7/5/1987, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 469
MADDRAN, James E., b. 01-05-1868, d. 11/30/1938, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 654
MADDRAN, James W., b. 05-28-1894, d. 12/15/1976, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 451
MADDRAN, Josephine Stem, b. 00-00-1882, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 451
MADDRAN, Malcolm K., b. 10-13-1919, d. 1/18/1990, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 451
MADDRAN, Richard T., b. 02-27-1896, d. 2/11/1994, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 654
MADRON, William H., b. 00-00-1866, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 222
MAGAHA, Allen D., b. 09-03-1950, d. 9/26/1908, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 289
MAGAHA, Caroline V., b. 10-21-1932, d. 4/19/2005, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 289
MAGAHA, Charles M., b. 04-02-1930, d. 7/6/2010, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 289
MAHONEY, Myrtle, d. 11/28/1939, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 121
MAIN, Bruce Kephart, b. 07-24-1903, d. 8/8/1981, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 511
MAIN, Geraldine Frances, b. 00-00-1925, d. 6/18/1939, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 511
MAIN, Lafayette A., b. 00-00-1873, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 79
MAIN, Pauline C., b. 11-03-1907, d. 1/26/1999, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 511
MAIN, Susan J., b. 00-00-1880, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 79
MANKINS, James E. Jr., b. 03-02-1937, d. 4/25/1998, Section: C, Plot: 8, Lot: 65
MANKINS, Pauline C. R., b. 08-02-1913, d. 2/16/2001, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 115
MANKINS, Ralph P., b. 05-02-1909, d. 5/9/1979, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 115
MANN, Gene Allen, b. 04-01-1936, d. 7/29/1990, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 485
MANN, Jean Eloise, b. 07-21-1942, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 485
MANN, Judith L., b. 10-30-1949, d. 07-13-2018, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 279
MANN, Linda S., b. 07-21-1955, d. 02-13-2018, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 274-6
MANN, Louis T., b. 01-24-1906, d. 4/20/1985, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 485
MANN, Mary A., b. 10-22-1909, d. 11/6/1994, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 485
MANN, Stanley L., b. 01-03-1934, d. 02-24-2018, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 274-6
MANYETTE, Charles C., Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 246
MANYETTE, James B., b. 00-00-1857, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 246
MANYETTE, Laura V., b. 00-00-1859, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 246
MARDLOW, Clara Miles, b. 00-00-1863, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 245
MARK, Kenneth K, b. 06-21-1938, d. 11/13/1999, Section: C, Plot: 10, Lot: 64
MARKER, Ann Elizabeth, d. 1/21/1903, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 394
MARKER, Bertha M., b. 00-00-1874, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 605
MARKER, Bettie V., b. 00-00-1892, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 605
MARKER, D. D., b. 00-00-1897, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 67
MARKER, Downye C., b. 00-00-1921, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 67
MARKER, Ezra V., d. 1/19/1899, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 394
MARKER, Howard, b. 01-02-1`920, d. 2/26/2004, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 605
MARKER, J. Cecil, b. 00-00-1899, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 605
MARKER, John H., b. 00-00-1866, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 605
MARKER, Lilliam C., b. 00-00-1891, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 605
MARKER, Mabel Fern, b. 06-04-1896, d. 8/5/1976, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 67
MARKER, Miriam Elaine, b. 10-29-1926, d. 11/13/1986, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 286
MARKER, Rowland P., b. 04-16-1915, d. 8/9/1996, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 286
MARKER, Vera V., b. 01-27-1918, d. 5/17/2006, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 605
MARKER, William, b. 02-29-1948, d. 6/25/2005, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 384
MARLER, Irene C., b. 06-12-1936, d. 07-06-2018, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 69
MARSHALL, Charlie C., d. 9/4/1908, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 437
MARTIN, Beulah I., b. 08-07-1901, d. 2/5/1992, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 154
MARTIN, Charles S., b. 03-13-1909, d. 10/12/1997, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 375
MARTIN, Clarnce E., b. 05-21-1896, d. 4/16/1962, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 154
MARTIN, Daniel W., b. 05-29-1866, d. 12/2/1929, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 24
MARTIN, George W., d. 9/28/1901, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 24
MARTIN, James A., b. 00-00-1875, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 634
MARTIN, John T. (infant), d. 3/2/1904, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 24
MARTZ, , d. 4/11/1883, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 388
MARTZ, Abram P., b. 11-25-1910, d. 8/11/2002, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 631
MARTZ, Alvery A., b. 00-00-1882, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 522
MARTZ, Amanda C., b. 00-00-1850, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 388
MARTZ, Anna R., b. 01-19-1916, d. 10/23/2006, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 361
MARTZ, Bella B., b. 00-00-1890, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 345
MARTZ, Bertie E. Houpt, b. 06-04-1884, d. 4/16/1954, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 430
MARTZ, Calvin L., b. 07-09-1881, d. 2/3/1907, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 430
MARTZ, Carrie Blanche, b. 05-27-1899, d. 4/28/1979, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 346
MARTZ, Carrie E., b. 00-00-1892, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 116
MARTZ, Catherine M., b. 09-19-1920, d. 2/21/2003, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 497
MARTZ, Charles E., b. 09-18-1867, d. 10/30/1941, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 633
MARTZ, Charles E., d. 11/2/1941, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 430
MARTZ, Charles R., b. 11-16-1919, d. 8/14/1996, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 633
MARTZ, Clara A., b. 07-21-1870, d. 5/10/1960, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 633
MARTZ, Clayton B., b. 10-20-1863, d. 10/9/1931, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 316
MARTZ, Clinton L., b. 00-00-1858, d. 6/5/1941, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 345
MARTZ, Cora Smith, b. 00-00-1892, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 474
MARTZ, David H., b. 04-00-1824, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 316
MARTZ, Doris L., Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 455
MARTZ, Edgar Eugene, b. 03-20-1913, d. 3/16/1988, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 116
MARTZ, Elias E., b. 00-00-1862, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 388
MARTZ, Ellenora, b. 04-04-1867, d. 8/20/1887, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 316
MARTZ, Fannie M., b. 09-11-1865, d. 6/26/1946, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 316
MARTZ, Freda Elizabeth, b. 10-04-1903, d. 6/2/1976, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 522
MARTZ, George H., b. 05-15-1877, d. 1/5/1953, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 631
MARTZ, Gerald B. Sr., b. 00-00-1930, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 455
MARTZ, Gerald B. Sr., b. 05-05-1930, d. 02-11-2015, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 455-1/2
MARTZ, Gertie C., b. 03-12-1913, d. 6/18/1987, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 631
MARTZ, Golda E., b. 05-06-1903, d. 8/30/1995, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 430
MARTZ, Harry Ernest, b. 03-18-1895, d. 7/23/1988, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 633
MARTZ, Helen V., b. 10-11-1926, d. 9/11/1933, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 633
MARTZ, Hester, b. 03-01-1830, d. 10/11/1913, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 531
MARTZ, John C., b. 00-00-1885, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 388
MARTZ, John Franklin, b. 11-01-1890, d. 7/9/1977, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 116
MARTZ, John N., b. 07-02-1894, d. 8/14/1982, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 484
MARTZ, Jonathan E., b. 09-01-1862, d. 3/15/1950, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 484
MARTZ, Katie D., b. 09-13-1878, d. 1/12/1920, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 631
MARTZ, Lee E. S., b. 06-15-1902, d. 4/9/1983, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 388
MARTZ, Leonard Harrington, b. 12-22-1915, d. 4/22/1979, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 497
MARTZ, Leroy C., b. 04-13-1917, d. 8/4/1978, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 176
MARTZ, Lester R., b. 00-00-1888, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 314
MARTZ, Letha Catherine (infant), Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 631
MARTZ, Lloyd C., b. 06-07-1910, d. 6/13/1991, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 314
MARTZ, M. Etta Hines, b. 10-09-1901, d. 1/25/1964, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 484
MARTZ, Mahala Reeder, b. 06-10-1830, d. 11/4/1905, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 316
MARTZ, Margaret V., b. 00-00-1925, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 115
MARTZ, Margaret V., b. 03-18-1925, d. 10/2/2014, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 115-4
MARTZ, Maude M., d. 1/8/1892, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 346
MARTZ, Merle Alvie, b. 09-09-1904, d. 10/30/1985, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 430
MARTZ, Mildred E., b. 00-00-1880, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 522
MARTZ, Minnie A., b. 00-00-1890, d. 9/17/1977, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 314
MARTZ, Monzella M., b. 00-00-1859, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 345
MARTZ, Nellie M., b. 06-23-1900, d. 11/26/1989, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 633
MARTZ, Paul J., b. 00-00-1912, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 314
MARTZ, Raymond E., b. 10-12-1939, d. 6/9/2000, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 116
MARTZ, Rosemary, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 631
MARTZ, Roy "Bunt", b. 00-00-1890, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 345
MARTZ, Russell C., b. 00-00-1885, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 345
MARTZ, Russell J., b. 10-10-1917, d. 6/2/1979, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 155
MARTZ, Samuel T., b. 10-20-1865, d. 12/22/1886, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 316
MARTZ, Vandelia Smith, b. 10-07-1860, d. 1/10/1938, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 484
MARTZ, Vauda A., b. 07-25-1922, d. 1/25/1999, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 633
MARTZ, Welty I., b. 00-00-1881, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 474
MARTZ, William E., b. 03-28-1919, d. 10/1/1979, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 115
MARTZ, William Woodrow, b. 05-25-1914, d. 11/18/1976, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 361
MASON, Cindy L., b. 09-23-1967, d. 01-01-2018, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 509
MASON, Flordia Alice, b. 05-11-1920, d. 1/16/1981, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 118
MASON, William, b. 00-00-1915, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 118
MASTER, Phillip Harlan, b. 03-16-1920, d. 3/23/1985, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 469
MASTER, Ruth, b. 01-26-1918, d. 7/25/2010, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 469-1/2
MATHIAS, Martha J, b. 08-23-1956, d. 01-29-2017, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 578 1/2
MATVAY, James V. (ASHES), b. 03-03-1942, d. 4/23/1989, Section: B, Lot: 93
MAWIRE, Daphine, b. 08-14-1986, d. 12-19-2016, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 206-6
MAY, Helen E., b. 06-17-1930, d. 10/4/2006, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 277
MAY, Margaret L., b. 06-13-1921, d. 11/13/2004, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 303
MAY, Paul T., b. 09-07-1918, d. 1/16/1974, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 303
MAYNE, Jason E., b. 06-03-2002, d. 5/7/2003, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 181
MCADAMS, Alvin E., b. 07-21-1921, d. 4/29/2001, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 63
MCADAMS, Marvin L, b. 00-00-1889, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 620
MCADAMS, Vida H., b. 00-00-1889, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 620
MCALLISTER, Goldie Schmidt, d. 6/7/1978, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 370
MCAVOY, Edna M. (ASHES), b. 11-22-1922, d. 1/14/2008, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 82
MCAVOY, Horoa M., b. 07-15-1921, d. 2/27/1974, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 82
MCAVOY, Mae Smith, b. 04-16-1889, d. 11/27/1968, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 82
MCAVOY, William, b. 11-05-1911, d. 4/25/1948, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 82
MCCALEY, Catherine, d. 07-23-2016, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 90
MCCARTHY, Margaret Ann, b. 10-31-1924, d. 11/5/1982, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 428
MCCARTHY, Richard Patrick, b. 03-19-1919, d. 3/18/2002, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 428
MCCARTNEY, Sarah A., d. 8/13/1896, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 237
MCCAULEY, Catherine E., b. 02-20-1915, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 90
MCCAULEY, Emma G., b. 09-26-1881, d. 4/3/1956, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 71
MCCAULEY, Jacob S., b. 02-18-1873, d. 10/28/1952, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 71
MCCAULY, Clarence Albert, b. 09-13-1895, d. 4/24/1975, Section: B, Plot: 10, Lot: 90
MCCHESNEY, Anthony A., b. 10-31-1987, d. 2/23/2010, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 203-6
MCCLAIN, Brady C. (ASHES), b. 09-01-1972, d. 1/2/2009, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 576
MCCLELLAND, Alorina Susan, b. 03-02-1907, d. 7/3/1975, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 289
MCCREA, Gertrude S., b. 02-21-1878, d. 5/13/1964, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 447
MCCREA, Thomas E., b. 08-20-1875, d. 6/26/1924, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 447
MCDERMOTT, Eugene M., b. 00-00-1915, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 425
MCDERMOTT, Marie E., b. 07-27-1922, d. 5/4/1996, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 425
MCDOWELL, Charles Edgar, d. 1/26/1891, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 117
MCDOWELL, George W., b. 10-04-1864, d. 2/28/1924, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 117
MCDOWELL, Maude, d. 7/2/1908, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 117
MCDOWELL, Sadie B, b. 02-14-1869, d. 1/11/1919, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 117
MCGOWAN, E. Julia, b. 09-08-1901, d. 4/11/1943, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 387
MCILWEE, Garrett S. (BABY), b. 04-24-2005, d. 4/24/2005, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 575.5
MCKEON, Laura Virginia, b. 09-19-1900, d. 9/11/1980, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 116
MCKINNEY, Denver D., b. 11-14-1925, d. 3/5/2003, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 188
MCKNIGHT, Herma Zittle, b. 04-29-1907, d. 11/2/1948, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 310
MCMILLAN, Lovetta G., b. 02-10-1902, d. 8/27/1993, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 101
MCNEILL, Dixie Ann (ASHES), b. 07-28-1928, d. 9/14/1989, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 127
MCPHERSON, Elmer S., b. 05-30-1875, d. 9/16/1927, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 493
MCPHERSON, Margaret M., b. 09-10-1881, d. 11/12/1967, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 493
MCPHERSON, Virginia C., b. 09-14-1855, d. 6/9/1883, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 135
MEHAFFEY, George W., b. 12-22-1922, d. 11/23/1992, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 379
MELLOTT, Jeffrey L., b. 12-14-1959, d. 4/13/2014, Section: D, Plot: 2, Lot: 11
MELTZER, Clara L., b. 00-00-1859, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 217
MEREDITH , Levi, b. 00-00-1836, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 571
MEREDITH, Bettie H., b. 08-05-1848, d. 2/23/1881, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 51
MEREDITH, Blanche Lavina, b. 04-13-1888, d. 2/7/1982, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 628
MEREDITH, Catherine, d. 8/1/1880, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 51
MEREDITH, Charles D., b. 10-23-1920, d. 5/23/1996, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 628
MEREDITH, Charles L., b. 00-00-1885, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 628
MEREDITH, Edwin L.L., b. 10-17-1904, d. 2/15/1987, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 571
MEREDITH, Eliza, d. 2/21/1904, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 216
MEREDITH, Elizabeth, d. 8/16/1860, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 51
MEREDITH, Florinda Frances, b. 00-00-1856, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 624
MEREDITH, Frank, b. 09-22-1845, d. 5/1/1922, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 51
MEREDITH, Helen E., b. 07-01-1858, d. 7/10/1926, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 216
MEREDITH, Irene M. (ASHES), b. 12-01-1904, d. 4/1/1995, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 33
MEREDITH, Jean L., b. 09-30-1926, d. 10/24/2005, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 628
MEREDITH, Levi, d. 2/17/1872, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 51
MEREDITH, Lydia A., d. 12/6/1898, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 51
MEREDITH, Meredith Elizabeth, b. 00-00-1836, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 571
MEREDITH, Omanella, d. 9/22/1996, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 571
MEREDITH, Pearl Irene, b. 07-30-1908, d. 1/5/1983, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 571
MEREDITH, Ruth H., d. 12/21/1898, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 51
MEREDITH, Samuel Elwood, b. 00-00-1897, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 33
MEREDITH, Samuel, b. 00-00-1849, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 624
MEREDITH, Samuel, d. 4/13/1868, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 51
MEREDITH, Sargent, d. 9/25/1873, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 51
MEREDITH, Scott, b. 02-27-1857, d. 11/3/1934, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 216
MERTZ, Bertha M. (infant), d. 2/2/1912, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 468
MERTZ, Betty L., b. 00-00-1927, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 426
MERTZ, Binj D., b. 00-00-1887, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 426
MERTZ, Catherine, d. 1/18/1871, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 65
MERTZ, Charlotte S., b. 07-08-1839, d. 3/26/1912, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 554
MERTZ, Cornelius N., b. 11-01-1832, d. 12/31/1928, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 554
MERTZ, Elda O., b. 08-23-1926, d. 7/30/2012, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 51
MERTZ, Ethel Mae Kefauver, b. 06-03-1893, d. 10/21/1943, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 51
MERTZ, George Alvery, b. 11-19-1906, d. 6/12/1981, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 468
MERTZ, Harvey Albert, d. 5/23/1944, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 468
MERTZ, Hubert Earl, b. 11-22-1889, d. 1/22/1974, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 51
MERTZ, James M., b. 09-19-1920, d. 06-09-2018, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 51
MERTZ, Mary, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 468
METZ, Lloyd E., b. 11-21-1946, d. 9/21/1994, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 13
METZ, Virginia M., b. 02-28-1943, d. 10/2/1997, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 13
MICHAEL, Daniel W., b. 02-23-1873, d. 7/21/1933, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 531
MICHAEL, Lettie V., b. 06-16-1874, d. 4/16/1954, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 531
MICHAEL, Mamie E., b. 12-27-1894, d. 7/26/1991, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 111
MICHAEL, Mary House, b. 01-19-1916, d. 1/10/1987, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 604
MILES, Charles P., b. 01-12-1832, d. 11/23/1901, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 245
MILES, James Walters, b. 05-18-1869, d. 12/21/1946, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 245
MILLER , Genevieve M., b. 09-27-1926, d. 02-02-2015, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 126-4
MILLER, (infant), Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 35
MILLER, A. Florence, d. 12/26/1944, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 536
MILLER, Ada M., b. 01-04-1871, d. 7/22/1950, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 107
MILLER, Adam J., b. 03-31-1940, d. 1/8/1910, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 91
MILLER, Albert Newton, b. 05-30-1908, d. 7/28/1980, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 382
MILLER, Alexandria Lemon, b. 04-24-1852, d. 6/8/1913, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 540
MILLER, Alma S., b. 01-24-1910, d. 12/23/1992, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 536
MILLER, Anna E., b. 00-00-1859, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 278
MILLER, Besse L., b. 02-27-1893, d. 8/16/1964, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 338
MILLER, Betty Lou, b. 08-12-1923, d. 12/21/1970, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 273
MILLER, Beula D., b. 00-00-1895, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 178
MILLER, Carroll I., b. 11-28-1916, d. 9/16/1994, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 338
MILLER, Catherine A., d. 10/11/1899, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 276
MILLER, Charles E., b. 05-13-1912, d. 4/26/1992, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 126
MILLER, Christian, d. 3/13/1921, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 325
MILLER, Clarence O., b. 12-29-1888, d. 8/26/1956, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 338
MILLER, Cora E., b. 00-00-1868, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 278
MILLER, Daniel Joshua, b. 06-05-1906, d. 5/6/1985, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 107
MILLER, Daniel L., b. 11-01-1870, d. 12/8/1945, Section: B, Plot: 10, Lot: 107
MILLER, Douglas (ASHES), b. 07-04-1956, d. 7/4/2006, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 498
MILLER, E. Carlton, b. 00-00-1882, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 368
MILLER, Elizabeth C., d. 3/22/1878, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 325
MILLER, Elizabeth, d. 10/12/1888, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 276
MILLER, Elizabeth, d. 3/11/1923, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 325
MILLER, Elmer G., b. 03-03-1893, d. 2/4/1975, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 273
MILLER, Elmore Franklin, b. 12-15-1925, d. 8/9/1977, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 359
MILLER, Emma C., d. 1/15/1903, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 320
MILLER, Florence E. Biser, b. 00-00-1858, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 276
MILLER, Gardner B., b. 12-08-1894, d. 12/25/1956, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 92
MILLER, George Albert, b. 10-04-1906, d. 4/24/1975, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 501
MILLER, George M., d. 12/10/1901, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 320
MILLER, Gerald O., b. 05-07-1918, d. 2/16/1997, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 92
MILLER, Grayson Horine, b. 06-07-1910, d. 5/16/1983, Section: C, Plot: 7, Lot: 53
MILLER, Gwendolyn B. (Mausoleum), b. 08-17-1904, d. 7/8/1975
MILLER, Harold E., b. 07-18-1944, d. 3/19/2006, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 186-6
MILLER, Henrietta, d. 5/21/1894, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 231
MILLER, Henry, d. 2/6/1843, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 60
MILLER, Howard E., b. 08-11-1901, d. 2/6/1960, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 536
MILLER, J. Harvey, b. 00-00-1863, d. 8/16/1944, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 22
MILLER, Jacob A., b. 03-20-1991, d. 12/5/2013, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 338
MILLER, Jacob, d. 2/27/1882, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 276
MILLER, Jennie Stine, b. 00-00-1867, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 22
MILLER, John L., b. 04-01-1852, d. 4/1/1934, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 540
MILLER, John Orris, d. 4/29/1901, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 276
MILLER, John S., d. 2/17/1919, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 276
MILLER, Joshua C., b. 12-25-1837, d. 4/25/1916, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 278
MILLER, Lenora L., b. 07-29-1919, d. 12/14/1998, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 382
MILLER, Lewis E., b. 02-22-1850, d. 10/15/1865, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 35
MILLER, Lillian Margaret, b. 06-19-1894, d. 11/18/1983, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 273
MILLER, Louisa, b. 02-14-1822, d. 12/19/1904, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 35
MILLER, Margaret V., b. 11-02-1931, d. 10-26-2013, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 338
MILLER, Martha M., b. 04-02-1919, d. 12/6/2010, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 498
MILLER, Martha V., d. 6/2/1874, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 91
MILLER, Mary B., b. 10-18-1896, d. 2/25/1996, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 92
MILLER, Mary E., b. 06-08-1838, d. 4/13/1900, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 91
MILLER, Mary, d. 3/30/1815, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 60
MILLER, Myrtle Frances, b. 09-14-1896, d. 4/19/1987, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 107
MILLER, Naomi G., b. 07-13-1902, d. 10/25/1977, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 107
MILLER, Nicholas C. (Baby), b. 06-26-1994, d. 6/26/1994, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 337
MILLER, Otho J., b. 00-00-1856, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 276
MILLER, Paul C., b. 02-01-1886, d. 5/16/1950, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 540
MILLER, Paul S., b. 03-02-1950, d. 3/2/1950, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 107
MILLER, Phyllis, d. 3/23/2005, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 92-6
MILLER, Ruth H., b. 12-20-1911, d. 11/2/1986, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 107
MILLER, Ruth O., b. 00-00-1890, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 276
MILLER, Samuel S., b. 00-00-1861, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 278
MILLER, Silas A., d. 2/4/1915, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 536
MILLER, Susanna, d. 4/22/1851, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 60
MILLER, Sylvia A., b. 01-07-1906, d. 9/13/1993, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 501
MILLER, Urilla Beeler, b. 00-00-1885, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 368
MILLER, William A., b. 00-00-1891, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 178
MILLER, William, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 35
MILLER, William, b. 12-25-1818, d. 7/27/1889, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 35
MILLES, Sarah, b. 11-03-1831, d. 10/5/1907, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 245
MILLS, Allen K. (SUNDAY), b. 07-28-1948, d. 10/25/2011, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 37
MILLS, Anna M., b. 11-09-1940, d. 4/8/2003, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 586
MILLS, Earline, b. 01-05-1920, d. 4/17/1999, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 371
MILLS, Harry, b. 07-18-1918, d. 3/1/2005, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 371
MILLS, Hazel V., b. 03-23-1915, d. 12/8/2003, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 479
MILLS, Kurt T., b. 03-20-1953, Section: B, Lot: 371
MILLS, Merle L, b. 08-08-1946, d. 01-10-2018, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 506
MILLS, Patricia (ASHES), b. 04-18-1939, d. 5/8/2005, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 506
MILLS, Roger W., b. 03-24-1884, d. 2/21/1948, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 96
MILLS, Vera E., b. 06-02-1894, d. 1/25/1963, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 96
MINNEBRAKER, Charles H., b. 00-00-1870, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 606
MINNEBRAKER, Nancy E., b. 00-00-1817, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 606
MINNEBRAKER, Rhoda K., b. 00-00-1876, d. 5/29/1939, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 606
MINNICH, Daniel L., b. 02-21-1912, d. 4/30/2002, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 454
MINNICH, Elva F., b. 10-16-1922, d. 8/11/1993, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 454
MINNICK, Guy A., b. 06-16-1938, d. 9/17/1989, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 452
MINNICK, Helen E., b. 11-16-1921, d. 09-03-2007, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 517
MINNICK, Irving S., b. 09-18-1936, d. 4/30/1965, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 452
MINNICK, John David, b. 04-21-1892, d. 8/23/1980, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 117
MINNICK, Paul Leroy, b. 08-01-1913, d. 11/8/1985, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 517
MINNICK, Ray A., b. 04-05-1950, d. 9/14/2011, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 117-4
MITCHELL, Ethel A., b. 08-02-1900, d. 2/13/2000, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 64
MITCHELL, Josiah R., b. 11-09-1897, d. 4/20/1959, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 64
MITCHELL, William, b. 07-15-1890, d. 10/12/1956, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 441
MOATS, Ablert E. Jr., b. 08-23-1928, d. 6/10/1929, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 496
MOATS, Albert E., b. 00-00-1904, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 496
MOATS, Angie M., b. 01-25-1911, d. 2/14/1983, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 496
MOATS, Lloyd R., b. 00-00-1892, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 38
MOATS, Madeline B., b. 05-20-1929, d. 4/13/2014, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 357
MOATS, Marshall N., b. 01-28-1925, d. 6/8/1997, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 357
MOATS, Nettie V. (ASHES), b. 06-11-1901, d. 10/12/1996, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 38
MOCK, Gloria, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 457
MOCK, Marshall M., b. 10-07-1930, d. 2/11/1997, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 457
MOLER, Emma Lehman, b. 00-00-1886, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 18
MOLER, Marvin R., b. 00-00-1884, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 18
MOLER, Sallie Remsby, b. 00-00-1864, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 18
MOLER, William Carlton, b. 00-00-1859, d. 5/7/1940, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 18
MONGAN, Alice V., b. 10-04-1907, d. 9/30/1995, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 393
MONGAN, Ann Elizabeth, d. 1/31/1901, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 390
MONGAN, Charles Douglas, b. 11-04-1902, d. 3/4/1979, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 393
MONGAN, David S., b. 00-00-1842, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 390
MONGAN, William E., d. 6/28/1888, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 395
MONNINGER, Charles E., b. 08-14-1940, d. 11/2/2010, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 203-4
MONNINGER, Florence Vina, b. 12-16-1920, d. 11/8/1974, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 360
MONNINGER, Jeremiah C. (BABY), b. 08-19-1995, d. 8/19/1995, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 543
MONORE, Sarah E., b. 04-03-1851, d. 8/1/1908, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 86
MONROE, Ann E., b. 00-00-1827, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 86
MONROE, Clara W., b. 00-00-1882, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 99
MONROE, Henry C., b. 00-00-1878, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 99
MONROE, James William, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 86
MONROE, Maria, d. 1/6/1858, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 86
MONROE, Mary Talbot, d. 12/6/1863, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 86
MONROE, Robert N., d. 3/29/1891, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 86
MONROE, William, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 86
MONROE, William, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 86
MONTEBAUGH, Sarah, d. 2/1/1870, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 9
MOORE, Agnes L., d. 4/28/1872, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 52
MOORE, Doyle T., b. 02-24-1879, d. 8/4/1950, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 52
MOORE, Elizabeth C., d. 4/2/1906, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 52
MOORE, Genevieve Cunningham, b. 03-19-1918, d. 12/27/1974, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 92
MOORE, George W., d. 9/30/1925, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 52
MOORE, Harry Carson, d. 11/9/1965, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 13
MOORE, Hattie B., b. 10-31-1878, d. 4/11/1966, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 52
MOORE, Helen South, b. 09-06-1911, d. 8/23/1978, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 13
MOORE, John D., d. 4/14/1874, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 52
MOORE, Sarah A., d. 7/9/1884, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 52
MORELAND, Margaret C., d. 8/21/1884, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 123
MORGAN, Amanda E., b. 00-00-1886, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 92
MORGAN, Bettie V., b. 00-00-1890, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 456
MORGAN, Carroll Winfield, b. 04-18-1911, d. 6/7/1980, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 145
MORGAN, Cecil W., b. 07-12-1924, d. 12/23/1991, Section: C, Plot: 7, Lot: 54
MORGAN, Charles E., b. 00-00-1872, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 94
MORGAN, Charles Edward, b. 00-00-1884, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 456
MORGAN, Cora M., b. 00-00-1879, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 94
MORGAN, Edna M., b. 04-29-1911, d. 8/18/1995, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 145
MORGAN, Florence E., b. 00-00-1873, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 83
MORGAN, Harry R., b. 00-00-1887, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 639
MORGAN, Howard W., b. 00-00-1879, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 92
MORGAN, Hubert W., b. 00-00-1906, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 94
MORGAN, Jeannie B., b. 00-00-1961, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 639
MORGAN, John F., b. 01-22-1904, d. 5/19/1986, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 627
MORGAN, Margaret Wade, b. 07-13-1918, d. 4/17/1983, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 456
MORGAN, Mary Kathryn, b. 00-00-1901, d. 4/12/1943, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 456
MORGAN, Mary Knode, b. 00-00-1886, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 40
MORGAN, Myrtle V., b. 05-20-1907, d. 11/13/1988, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 627
MORGAN, Norman L., b. 00-00-1874, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 222
MORGAN, Norman L., b. 06-29-1953, d. 5/27/1995, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 145
MORGAN, Oscar John, b. 00-00-1890, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 40
MORGAN, Pearl A., b. 00-00-1877, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 222
MORGAN, Richard A., b. 07-19-1910, d. 2/27/1980, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 456
MORGAN, Sarah J., b. 05-11-1928, d. 8/18/2014, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 54
MORGAN, Shilvia J., b. 11-31-1943, d. 2/22/1944, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 286
MORGAN, Steve W, b. 01-21-1951, d. 03-19-2017, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 552
MORGAN, Virginia M., b. 07-24-1930, d. 6/23/2012, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 100
MORGAN, Wayne W., b. 01-20-1929, d. 8/31/2008, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 100
MORRISON, (Infant), Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 26
MORRISON, (infant), Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 26
MORRISON, Anna M., b. 00-00-1894, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 512
MORRISON, Betty L., b. 00-00-1937, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 512
MORRISON, Charles S., b. 09-21-1926, d. 10/18/1965, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 120
MORRISON, Christine M. (ASHES), b. 07-02-1911, d. 11/17/2001, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 512
MORRISON, Clyde, b. 00-00-1897, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 512
MORRISON, Edna B., b. 10-07-1908, d. 10/18/2003, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 104
MORRISON, Edna Ruth, b. 07-13-1904, d. 10/21/1980, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 120
MORRISON, Eugene W., b. 03-15-1925, d. 11/14/1954, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 120
MORRISON, Fred Norman, b. 03-17-1902, d. 8/12/1977, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 120
MORRISON, Harold L., b. 11-08-1932, d. 12/14/2006, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 104
MORRISON, Hubert W., b. 06-25-1905, d. 7/10/1968, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 104
MORRISON, Jessie, d. 10/27/1871, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 26
MORRISON, John T., b. 06-14-1862, d. 5/14/1931, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 512
MORRISON, Karl W., b. 07-30-1936, d. 7/16/2014, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 71
MORRISON, L. Jane, b. 11-25-1924, d. 10/22/1931, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 512
MORRISON, Louisa, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 26
MORRISON, Luther H., b. 07-04-1909, d. 10/27/1990, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 71
MORRISON, Mabel L., b. 09-24-1910, d. 3/26/2000, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 71
MORRISON, Mary Ellen, b. 06-03-1866, d. 5/25/1940, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 512
MORRISON, Mary L., d. 12/26/1903, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 26
MORRISON, Paul L., b. 01-10-1919, d. 6/23/1997, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 86
MORRISON, Robert E., b. 10-10-1923, d. 4/22/1962, Section: B, Plot: 10, Lot: 120
MORRISON, Roy L., b. 07-25-1895, d. 3/9/1968, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 512
MORRISON, Scott, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 26
MOSER, Aldine T., b. 07-23-1925, d. 6/1/1993, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 483
MOSER, Alvey H., b. 07-08-1890, d. 2/12/1972, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 152
MOSER, Amanda E., b. 04-19-1891, d. 9/21/1952, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 418
MOSER, Arbie L, b. 06-11-1897, d. 8/24/1991, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 152
MOSER, Arthur E., b. 06-27-1922, d. 3/25/2005, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 473
MOSER, Bernard Lee, b. 08-19-1940, d. 4/5/2008, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 412
MOSER, Bruce Edward, b. 09-17-1899, d. 7/5/1975, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 504
MOSER, C. May, b. 00-00-1878, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 212
MOSER, Calvin L., b. 02-12-1903, d. 11/8/1987, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 516
MOSER, Carrie E., b. 00-00-1883, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 504
MOSER, Charles Jr (Ashes), b. 07-07-1957, d. 02-26-2017, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 319
MOSER, Clarence Elmer, b. 08-15-1894, d. 5/27/1946, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 614
MOSER, Clarence Ira, b. 02-05-1888, d. 2/27/1985, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 281
MOSER, Daniel J., b. 00-00-1855, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 29
MOSER, Darrell Kent, b. 02-25-1959, d. 12/6/1986, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 516
MOSER, Delmar A. (ASHES), b. 02-05-1909, d. 3/4/1987, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 319
MOSER, Dennis (infant), d. 10/20/1959, Section: A, Lot: 455
MOSER, Dennis Wayne, b. 02-04-1947, d. 12/6/1986, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 517
MOSER, Edgar T., b. 12-08-1890, d. 10/28/1991, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 418
MOSER, Edith Eva, b. 03-06-1907, d. 1/12/1985, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 516
MOSER, Elbert L, b. 10-22-1939, d. 08-21-2017, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 455
MOSER, Ella E., b. 11-11-1907, d. 6/3/1986, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 479
MOSER, Emma F., b. 11-08-1865, d. 11/18/1953, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 459
MOSER, Eva B., b. 11-12-1898, d. 10/6/1944, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 69
MOSER, Ezra G., d. 8/10/1900, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 202
MOSER, Ezra J., b. 00-00-1877, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 504
MOSER, Florence Anna, b. 00-00-1864, d. 4/20/1939, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 29
MOSER, Floyd E., b. 00-00-1906, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 504
MOSER, Geraldine V., b. 11-13-1906, d. 12/20/2004, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 638
MOSER, Glenn W., b. 10-06-1898, d. 9/4/1973, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 459
MOSER, Grace M., b. 08-30-1905, d. 1/25/1999, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 152
MOSER, Harry Keefer, b. 10-04-1888, d. 10/1/1958, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 614
MOSER, Harvey E., b. 12-14-1907, d. 12/11/1952, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 442
MOSER, Harvey E, b. 03-05-1928, d. 1/25/1991, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 128
MOSER, Henry C., b. 11-15-1855, d. 10/25/1920, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 459
MOSER, Herman Kenneth, b. 04-02-1911, d. 5/4/1980, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 412
MOSER, Isabel F., b. 04-09-1919, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 412
MOSER, James W., b. 07-12-1955, d. 03-06-2018, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 319
MOSER, Joseph E., b. 02-24-1896, d. 9/22/1979, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 69
MOSER, Katie, b. 11-03-1881, d. 2/10/1967, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 473
MOSER, Lela M., b. 03-29-1895, d. 7/5/1966, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 455
MOSER, Leroy C., b. 09-27-1908, d. 12/27/2002, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 319
MOSER, Lewis M., b. 00-00-1857, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 202
MOSER, Lillian I, b. 01-27-1931, d. 10-10-2017, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 128-4
MOSER, Mamie E., b. 12-15-1889, d. 2/5/1946, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 614
MOSER, Mamie Priscilla, b. 03-16-1930, d. 2/2/1932, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 614
MOSER, Mary E., b. 00-00-1861, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 202
MOSER, Mary E., b. 03-19-1867, d. 4/27/1947, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 418
MOSER, Mary Ellen, b. 00-00-1892, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 281
MOSER, Mertie E., b. 02-08-1881, d. 4/16/1968, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 48
MOSER, Naomi M, b. 10-23-1900, d. 11/2/1900, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 202
MOSER, Nettie M., b. 08-16-1910, d. 4/24/1988, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 58
MOSER, Oda E., b. 01-15-1892, d. 8/8/1990, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 29
MOSER, Oneida M., b. 00-00-1914, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 504
MOSER, Orvey O., b. 00-00-1870, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 212
MOSER, Paul R., b. 10-12-1933, d. 3/6/2002, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 442
MOSER, Ralph I., b. 08-11-1910, d. 3/23/2008, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 94
MOSER, Ralph T., b. 01-23-1909, d. 2/6/1991, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 638
MOSER, Regina J., b. 05-11-1909, d. 3/22/2001, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 69
MOSER, Richard H., b. 11-22-1914, d. 2/7/1986, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 481
MOSER, Riley V., b. 08-30-1901, d. 10/17/1984, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 152
MOSER, Roger W., b. 09-24-1909, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 58
MOSER, Rolla Elizabeth, b. 05-22-1902, d. 1/15/1980, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 504
MOSER, Roy Jacob, b. 09-17-1885, d. 5/14/1958, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 614
MOSER, Samuel W., b. 10-29-1916, d. 11/27/1926, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 418
MOSER, Samuel, d. 10/6/1913, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 418
MOSER, Sarah A.C., d. 2/23/1880, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 202
MOSER, Susan Ann, d. 5/12/1913, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 202
MOSER, Wilber D., b. 12-07-1893, d. 9/11/1969, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 455
MOSER, William C., b. 09-25-1871, d. 3/31/1927, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 473
MOSER, Y. Shirley, b. 03-22-1939, d. 1/1/2008, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 473
MOSHER, Mary J., b. 09-09-1907, d. 1/24/1931, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 477
MOTTER, Benjamin, d. 8/11/1863, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 166
MOTTER, Catherine, b. 04-28-1766, d. 1/20/1828, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 7
MOTTER, Elenor, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 81
MOTTER, Elizabeth Ann, b. 03-16-1801, d. 9/29/1850, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 166
MOTTER, Henry, d. 10/27/1850, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 7
MOTTER, Hiram W., d. 2/28/1862, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 166
MOTTER, Minnie, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 81
MOTTER, Ruan, b. 10-09-1830, d. 6/9/1850, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 81
MOTTER, William, b. 10-28-1796, d. 7/17/1836, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 166
MOUDY, John E., b. 03-01-1870, d. 6/7/1947, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 541
MOUDY, Sarah L. Huffer, b. 06-16-1876, d. 9/22/1958, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 541
MOWEN, Arlene Frances, b. 04-01-1927, d. 7/31/1985, Section: B, Plot: 10, Lot: 520
MOWEN, Harry A., b. 03-06-1917, d. 9/27/1990, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 60
MOWEN, Ruth E., b. 10-07-1911, d. 11/14/2004, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 60
MULLENDORE, Albertus D., b. 02-15-1900, d. 3/8/1962, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 15
MULLENDORE, Bertha-Ailene, b. 04-20-1893, d. 9/29/1959, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 187
MULLENDORE, Clemmie Irene Easton, b. 10-17-1876, d. 7/24/1958, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 448
MULLENDORE, Elaine, b. 00-00-1927, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 636
MULLENDORE, Ellis Clifford, b. 08-06-1900, d. 6/15/1988, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 411
MULLENDORE, Frances A., b. 12-19-1904, d. 9/23/1969, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 15
MULLENDORE, Harold E., b. 00-00-1909, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 119
MULLENDORE, Helen Barbara, b. 02-21-1904, d. 8/5/1973, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 411
MULLENDORE, Henry W., b. 02-06-1893, d. 9/28/1966, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 187
MULLENDORE, Leota Mary, b. 09-09-1937, d. 6/30/1986, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 411
MULLENDORE, Naomi Ileen, b. 01-08-1905, d. 9/11/1988, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 636
MULLENDORE, Noah L., b. 03-07-1931, d. 8/17/2010, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 26
MULLENDORE, Pauline Smith, b. 04-04-1911, d. 9/23/1981, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 119
MULLENDORE, Thurston B., b. 05-17-1904, d. 5/4/1960, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 636
MULLENDORE, Thurston E., b. 00-00-1930, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 636
MULLIN, Eliza A., b. 02-10-1822, d. 12/26/1881, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 12
MULLIN, Mordicar, b. 07-30-1813, d. 7/22/1890, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 12
MUMFORD, Laura E., d. 7/15/1891, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 287
MUMFORD, Martin J., d. 11/9/1887, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 287
MUMMA, Abraham H., d. 7/31/1894, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 396
MUMMA, Amelia, b. 08-20-1820, d. 3/11/1899, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 220
MUMMA, Ann Catharine, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 220
MUMMA, Catherine, d. 3/6/1901, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 396
MUMMA, Elizabeth, b. 00-00-1839, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 146
MUMMA, Evelyn (ASHES), Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 559
MUMMA, Floy M., b. 01-21-1894, d. 6/13/1908, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 146
MUMMA, Henry S., b. 00-00-1871, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 146
MUMMA, John E., b. 04-14-1856, d. 5/21/1919, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 220
MUMMA, Kenneth M, b. 09-23-1892, d. 9/30/1892, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 146
MUMMA, Nathaniel, b. 00-00-1833, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 146
MUMMA, Samuel, b. 07-21-1824, d. 3/27/1895, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 220
MUMMA, Victor R., b. 03-18-1909, d. 11/25/1991, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 559
MUMMA, Willie W., b. 00-00-1876, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 146
MUMMA, Willie Yessler, d. 4/9/1883, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 220
MUNSON, Doris E., b. 05-23-1932, d. 8/26/2013, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 516
MURDOCK, Harriet C., b. 08-13-1828, d. 5/6/1904, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 306
MURDOCK, John, d. 5/23/1896, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 306
MURITRZ, Virginia S., b. 10-19-1909, d. 5/29/2004, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 343
MURITZ, Charles Franklin, b. 02-14-1908, d. 12/8/1987, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 343
MURPHY, J. Brining, b. 07-19-1848, d. 1/25/1912, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 279
MURPHY, John, b. 08-23-1837, d. 7/10/1882, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 279
MURRAY, Elizabeth, d. 10/23/1882, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 302
MURRAY, John, d. 12/25/1868, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 302
MYERS, Arthur S., b. 03-27-1919, d. 6/28/1990, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 127
MYERS, David Samuel, b. 06-10-1941, d. 2/23/1982, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 358
MYERS, David Wilson, b. 02-11-1840, d. 2/1/1911, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 553
MYERS, Ellen Wilson, b. 00-00-1868, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 553
MYERS, Elsie A., b. 12-29-1921, d. 8/7/1997, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 127
MYERS, Ethel Smith, b. 12-09-1898, d. 6/13/1967, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 642
MYERS, Gerald Omar, b. 10-04-1928, d. 4/26/1929, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 642
MYERS, Helen L., b. 07-10-1901, d. 2/21/1929, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 642
MYERS, Omar F., b. 09-03-1896, d. 7/28/1973, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 642
MYERS, Richard A., b. 05-23-1911, d. 11/1/2003, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 556
MYERS, Sue, d. 2/22/1888, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 553
MYERS, William B., b. 06-11-1914, d. 11/4/1988, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 436
MYERS, William Edgar, b. 08-28-1926, d. 10/12/1978, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 514
NAILLE, Cecil L., b. 10-04-1924, d. 4/5/1985, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 25
NAILLE, Mary F., b. 01-03-1931, d. 7/14/2002, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 25
NALLEY, Howard C., b. 06-07-1966, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 407
NAUGLE, Rebecca H., b. 06-24-1943, d. 8/15/2003, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 336
NAZAINE, John H., b. 00-00-1849, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 626
NAZARINE, Sue S., b. 00-00-1862, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 626
NAZERINE, John H., Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 191
NAZERINE, Sue S., d. 3/25/1942, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 191
NEBINGER, Aletha, b. 00-00-1851, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 343
NEBINGER, Robert E., b. 00-00-1852, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 343
NEDDY, Baby, d. 3/30/1907, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 207
NEEDY, Charles A., b. 11-12-1915, d. 9/15/1991, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 102
NEEDY, Charles E., b. 00-00-1885, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 492
NEEDY, Clara G., b. 03-30-1968, d. 10/13/1889, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 102
NEEDY, Clarence Edward, b. 00-00-1881, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 490
NEEDY, Clarence, d. 12-05-2015, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 490
NEEDY, Elizabeth H., d. 11/12/1940, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 516
NEEDY, Ellsworth Gilbert, b. 12-06-1932, d. 8/14/2001, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 492
NEEDY, Everett F., b. 11-06-1877, d. 6/28/1950, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 429
NEEDY, Howard D., b. 10-04-1916, d. 2/10/2013, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 429
NEEDY, Hubert S., b. 09-27-1906, d. 7/3/1990, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 429
NEEDY, Irene May, b. 10-11-1884, d. 5/4/1980, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 490
NEEDY, Jacob G., b. 09-22-1887, d. 10/2/1963, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 102
NEEDY, Lula May, b. 02-09-1915, d. 6/15/1950, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 429
NEEDY, Mable C., b. 02-20-1910, d. 10/30/1912, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 429
NEEDY, Marilyn (ASHES), b. 10-07-1922, d. 1/2/1999, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 490
NEEDY, Mark W., b. 03-02-1989, d. 12/22/2003, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 329
NEEDY, Mary G., b. 10-10-1909, d. 1/31/2006, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 102
NEEDY, Maude V., d. 4/6/1907, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 207
NEEDY, May Catherine, b. 10-09-1887, d. 7/12/1975, Section: A, Lot: 492
NEEDY, Mildred A., b. 06-18-1912, d. 8/5/1985, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 102
NEEDY, Needy (Still born), d. 10/25/1940, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 492
NEEDY, Nina I., b. 11-27-1881, d. 5/7/1955, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 429
NEEDY, Randolph, b. 00-00-1912, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 492
NEEDY, Son (infant), Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 429
NEEDY, Stillborn baby, d. 12/6/1941, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 516
NEIKIRK, Amanda E., d. 8/16/1881, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 14
NEIKIRK, Charles E., d. 3/3/1909, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 14
NEIKIRK, Dora May (infant), Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 14
NEIKIRK, Edith P., b. 11-09-1878, d. 9/25/1961, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 237
NEIKIRK, Elizabeth A., Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 207
NEIKIRK, Ellen Fague, b. 04-27-1840, d. 4/26/1923, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 292
NEIKIRK, Ernest B., b. 10-24-1868, d. 9/21/1922, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 292
NEIKIRK, Howard (Baby), Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 207
NEIKIRK, James E., b. 06-20-1931, d. 12/7/2005, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 86
NEIKIRK, Jennie A., b. 02-08-1871, d. 4/8/1968, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 292
NEIKIRK, John W., d. 6/21/1898, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 207
NEIKIRK, John, b. 12-25-1807, d. 5/16/1878, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 15
NEIKIRK, Joseph, b. 01-18-1836, d. 8/17/1897, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 292
NEIKIRK, Leo M., b. 06-21-1899, d. 10/6/1920, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 237
NEIKIRK, Lucinda Jennette, b. 03-13-1850, d. 5/1/1855, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 15
NEIKIRK, Margaret Elizabeth, b. 05-31-1846, d. 5/25/1857, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 15
NEIKIRK, Milbrey C., b. 10-17-1907, d. 8/14/2006, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 292
NEIKIRK, Naomi Isabell B., b. 03-16-1900, d. 12/10/1997, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 86
NEIKIRK, Otho E., b. 03-30-1874, d. 3/26/1943, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 237
NEIKIRK, Solomon, d. 7/12/1897, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 207
NEIKIRK, Susan Cora, b. 05-14-1857, d. 7/6/1855, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 15
NEIKIRK, Susanna, b. 09-20-1811, d. 5/16/1866, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 15
NEIKIRK, Walter Easton, b. 05-07-1901, d. 12/24/1974, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 86
NEIKIRK, Wilhelamina, b. 08-30-1862, d. 4/29/1943, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 14
NEIKIRK, William Alvey (infant), Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 14
NETZ, Anna C., b. 11-11-1855, d. 7/3/1930, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 588
NETZ, Arbutus, b. 12-19-1838, d. 6/1/1946, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 368
NETZ, Carmie L., b. 00-00-1884, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 444
NETZ, Carmie Luther Jr., b. 02-20-1915, d. 8/13/1978, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 506
NETZ, Carrie Mae, b. 09-12-1918, d. 6/15/1982, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 349
NETZ, Crystal Lynn (Infant), d. 7/7/1979, Section: B, Lot: 506
NETZ, Daniel E. Sr., b. 01-29-1939, d. 10/22/2008, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 576.5
NETZ, Harry, b. 04-19-1887, d. 9/7/1945, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 557
NETZ, Helen K., b. 09-11-1917, d. 2/6/1993, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 506
NETZ, Jerry L., b. 04-05-1947, d. 10/31/1999, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 368
NETZ, John L., b. 06-05-1849, d. 1/31/1917, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 588
NETZ, John M., b. 07-19-1917, d. 8/11/1979, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 557
NETZ, John R., b. 01-21-1910, d. 5/3/1991, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 444
NETZ, Juanita L., b. 06-06-1923, d. 1/13/2011, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 368
NETZ, Lillian H., b. 11-01-1904, d. 2/11/1996, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 309
NETZ, Luther E. Sr., b. 03-05-1938, d. 6/17/2014, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 574
NETZ, Luther E., Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 585-5
NETZ, M. Stella, b. 00-00-1884, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 444
NETZ, Myrtle C., b. 09-02-1892, d. 2/3/2966, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 557
NETZ, Phyllis J., b. 03-03-1930, d. 7/12/2001, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 20
NETZ, Richard L., b. 09-03-1931, d. 1/2/1999, Section: C, Plot: 8, Lot: 20
NETZ, Shaun M., b. 07-02-1981, d. 6/20/1998, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 555
NETZ, William E., b. 09-15-1917, d. 5/12/1978, Section: A, Lot: 366
NETZ, William H., b. 08-30-1891, d. 7/11/1949, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 309
NETZ, William L., b. 07-03-1919, d. 7/15/1973, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 349
NETZ, Wm. E., Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 368
NEWCOMER, (baby), Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 99
NEWCOMER, Albert Garfield, b. 03-29-1912, d. 12/9/1983, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 514
NEWCOMER, Daniel N., b. 02-01-1872, d. 5/2/1941, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 423
NEWCOMER, Edna (Ashes), b. 07-30-1950, d. 03-08-2017, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 514
NEWCOMER, Elizabeth, b. 00-00-1864, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 99
NEWCOMER, Emma T., b. 00-00-1868, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 99
NEWCOMER, Frank E., b. 00-00-1864, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 99
NEWCOMER, Hilda M., b. 11-08-1920, d. 6/23/2011, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 514
NEWCOMER, Mary F., b. 00-00-1828, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 99
NEWCOMER, Peter S, b. 00-00-1829, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 99
NEWCOMER, Sallie C., b. 10-07-1872, d. 1/16/1905, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 423
NEWCOMER, Vernie K., b. 11-21-1973, d. 11/21/1936, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 423
NICODEMUS, Allen, b. 11-14-1832, d. 7/25/1852, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 20
NICODEMUS, Ann Margaret, b. 01-30-1798, d. 12/26/1820, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 8
NICODEMUS, Anna Iola, b. 01-04-1896, d. 10/11/1983, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 339
NICODEMUS, Anna M., b. 12-01-1767, d. 2/28/1820, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 8
NICODEMUS, Anna Mae, b. 05-27-1896, d. 10/22/1978, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 41
NICODEMUS, Anna Maria, b. 03-08-1805, d. 2/8/1890, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 7
NICODEMUS, Annie E., b. 00-00-1906, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 451
NICODEMUS, Annie K., b. 02-04-1869, d. 4/13/1952, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 560
NICODEMUS, C. E., b. 08-01-1854, d. 4/14/1912, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 560
NICODEMUS, Cassandra, b. 10-05-1834, d. 2/6/1879, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 7
NICODEMUS, Charles R., d. 5/9/1882, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 141
NICODEMUS, Conrad R., d. 3/15/1883, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 141
NICODEMUS, Conrad, d. 12/7/1887, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 139
NICODEMUS, Daniel E., b. 00-00-1894, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 339
NICODEMUS, Delie, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 141
NICODEMUS, Elizabeth, b. 00-00-1826, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 141
NICODEMUS, Elizabeth, b. 11-08-1795, d. 12/26/1820, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 8
NICODEMUS, Elizabeth, d. 3/1/1899, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 305
NICODEMUS, Flora Springer, b. 06-15-1883, d. 4/14/1965, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 449
NICODEMUS, Jacob E., b. 01-09-1873, d. 12/3/1931, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 449
NICODEMUS, John A., b. 01-02-1930, d. 2/13/2014, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 74-4
NICODEMUS, John P., b. 07-27-1899, d. 4/9/1979, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 451
NICODEMUS, John, b. 11-14-1800, d. 8/29/1879, Section: A, Lot: 7
NICODEMUS, John, d. 3/15/1889, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 141
NICODEMUS, Kathleen S., b. 08-22-1929, d. 9/25/2000, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 74
NICODEMUS, Maria, b. 00-00-1793, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 8
NICODEMUS, Martin R., b. 10-20-1851, d. 3/2/1931, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 559
NICODEMUS, Mary Ellen, b. 04-30-1827, d. 11/3/1845, Section: A, Lot: 7
NICODEMUS, Mary Ellen, b. 09-26-1851, d. 5/18/1941, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 559
NICODEMUS, Rhodella, d. 12/29/1891, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 140
NICODEMUS, Rosa B., b. 07-21-1877, d. 4/16/1945, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 449
NICODEMUS, Rufus, b. 06-03-1830, d. 8/24/1852, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 20
NICODEMUS, Sophia, b. 10-22-1779, d. 1/16/1859, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 139
NICODEMUS, Susan, d. 3/18/1885, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 139
NICODEMUS, Thomas, d. 12/19/1881, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 305
NICODEMUS, W. Grant, b. 08-27-1869, d. 11/27/1928, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 449
NICODEMUS, Willie E., b. 00-00-1900, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 41
NIKIDES, Mary E., d. 11/18/2004, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 377
NINER, Edna L., b. 07-05-1921, d. 4/13/1989, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 353
NORFORD, Essie M., b. 07-21-1889, d. 11/6/1993, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 91
NORFORD, Francis Edward, b. 02-03-1917, d. 1/6/1982, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 91
NORFORD, John N., b. 08-05-1913, d. 8/18/1998, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 91
NORFORD, Lloyd E., b. 00-00-1885, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 91
NORRIS, Annie R., b. 00-00-1848, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 432
NORRIS, Carrie K., b. 09-20-1910, d. 7/22/1929, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 411
NORRIS, Frisby F., d. 2/26/1843, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 337
NORRIS, James, b. 10-10-1833, d. 4/11/1925, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 43
NORRIS, Kathryn N., b. 12-31-1921, d. 1/12/2014, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 309
NORRIS, Mary Kate, b. 00-00-1875, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 432
NORRIS, Nancy Ann, b. 12-15-1837, d. 2/15/1909, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 337
NORRIS, Paul H. Jr., b. 05-04-1921, d. 12/18/1995, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 309
NORRIS, Sarah Jane, b. 04-13-1831, d. 7/30/1913, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 43
NORRIS, Sophia, b. 01-12-1800, d. 1/12/1878, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 337
NORRIS, Tilghman F., b. 00-00-1850, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 432
NULL, Gregory W., b. 07-19-1970, d. 04-06-2018, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 87
NULL, Patricia A., b. 12-11-1941, d. 7/10/1998, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 87
NULL, Robert N., b. 10-12-1939, d. 01-11-2015, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 87
NUMAN, Mary Catherine, d. 7/8/1896, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 87
NUNAMAKER, Charles H., b. 00-00-1866, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 227
NUNAMAKER, Clara N., b. 08-12-1869, d. 2/11/1951, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 89
NUNAMAKER, Mary E., b. 00-00-1860, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 227
NUNAMAKER, William H., b. 10-16-1863, d. 6/7/1946, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 89
NYMAN , Michael, d. 6/29/1882, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 87
NYMAN, (baby), Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 72
NYMAN, Addie E., b. 00-00-1866, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 72
NYMAN, Amelia A., b. 00-00-1859, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 72
NYMAN, Annie Viola, d. 3/3/1873, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 74
NYMAN, Arthur M., b. 10-01-1877, d. 12/25/1931, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 622
NYMAN, Avin, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 74
NYMAN, Boteler B., b. 05-04-1854, d. 12/17/1900, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 73
NYMAN, Catherine E., b. 00-00-1840, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 78
NYMAN, Charles E., b. 06-20-1849, d. 7/20/1918, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 622
NYMAN, Daniel C., d. 3/14/1893, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 247
NYMAN, Elizabeth C., b. 00-00-1811, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 74
NYMAN, Elma, b. 01-30-1880, d. 10/24/1951, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 622
NYMAN, Eugenia (infant son), b. 04-06-1867, d. 7/23/1867, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 96
NYMAN, Frances, d. 9/24/1860, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 74
NYMAN, George N., d. 6/27/1895, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 330
NYMAN, Harriet J., b. 05-19-1858, d. 11/28/1939, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 622
NYMAN, Henry, b. 08-05-1811, d. 12/4/1860, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 74
NYMAN, Henry, d. 4/16/1876, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 73
NYMAN, Howard S., b. 06-28-1852, d. 4/3/1918, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 537
NYMAN, Jane Rebecca, d. 7/4/1908, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 231
NYMAN, John, d. 5/22/1881, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 74
NYMAN, Joseph Louis, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 74
NYMAN, Joseph, d. 12/8/1888, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 231
NYMAN, Katherine T., b. 00-00-1838, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 96
NYMAN, Louis B., b. 03-07-1824, d. 8/4/1878, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 96
NYMAN, Mary Catherine, d. 7/8/1896, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 87
NYMAN, Mary E., b. 07-04-1855, d. 2/23/1916, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 206
NYMAN, Mary, b. 02-06-1821, d. 3/21/1867, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 72
NYMAN, Massoumeh G., b. 04-17-1943, d. 6/29/1997, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 537
NYMAN, Michael, d. 6/29/1882, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 87
NYMAN, Mildred, b. 07-17-1882, d. 12/18/1953, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 622
NYMAN, Nyman Lillian, b. 00-00-1856, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 72
NYMAN, Robert V., b. 07-18-1838, d. 5/26/1911, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 74
NYMAN, Robert V., d. 5/5/1880, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 74
NYMAN, Robert V., d. 7/4/1879, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 74
NYMAN, Sarah J., d. 5/4/1915, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 330
NYMAN, Stephen H., b. 09-29-1909, d. 12/17/1988, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 537
NYMAN, Sue M., d. 5/3/1878, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 72
NYMAN, Susanna, b. 11-14-1827, d. 7/29/1899, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 74
NYMAN, Susannah, d. 4/20/1836, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 73
NYMAN, T. Ellsworth, b. 12-02-1887, d. 8/31/1888, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 206
NYMAN, Thomas E., b. 05-17-1849, d. 1/1/1923, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 206
NYMAN, Wilhelmina Stephens, d. 1/25/1894, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 247
NYMAN, William H., d. 2/21/1879, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 247
NYMAN, William Miller, d. 5/10/1895, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 231
O'NEAL, Donald L. Sr., b. 05-04-1940, d. 12/10/2012, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 206-4
O'NEAL, Donald L., b. 06-23-1943, d. 8/18/2009, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 95
O'NEAL, Edmund D., d. 7/4/1881, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 75
O'NEAL, Emma F., b. 04-09-1871, d. 7/6/1951, Section: B, Lot: 28
O'NEAL, Fred W., b. 00-00-1912, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 95
O'NEAL, Jelis Clarinda, b. 04-28-1842, d. 10/24/1896, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 75
O'NEAL, John C., b. 07-24-1876, d. 1/20/1947, Section: B, Lot: 28
O'NEAL, John, d. 12/4/1878, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 75
O'NEAL, Joseph B., b. 10-31-1872, d. 3/6/1921, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 75
O'NEAL, Margaret C., b. 00-00-1916, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 95
OLDEN, Clarence W. (Sr.), b. 02-25-1907, d. 4/21/1983, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 529
OLDEN, Pauline E., b. 12-15-1914, d. 9/20/2004, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 529
OPALKO, Joseph R., b. 03-10-1940, d. 3/7/1995, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 502
ORDNER, Ann Rebecca, d. 1/15/1877, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 50
ORDNER, Magdalina, d. 12/6/1840, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 50
ORDNER, Peter, d. 7/22/1882, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 50
ORRICK, Amelia G., d. 5/17/1912, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 9
ORRICK, George B., d. 10/5/1887, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 9
ORRICK, George W., d. 10/11/1895, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 9
ORRICK, Ida Kate, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 9
ORRICK, Mary A., b. 02-27-1835, d. 1/21/1861, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 9
OSBORNE, Lydia Youngblood, b. 05-26-1836, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 10
OSBORNE, Mellie, b. 00-00-1861, d. 1/27/1871, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 10
PADEN, Mary Louise, b. 10-16-1911, d. 4/29/1986, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 592
PADEN, Paul M., b. 00-00-1905, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 592
PALLADINIO, Betty J, b. 06-15-1904, d. 12/31/1977, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 395
PALMER, Amos (Disinterment), Section: B, Lot: 518
PALMER, Amos E., b. 12-26-1930, d. 10/26/1987, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 518
PALMER, Beulah Mae, b. 12-12-1894, d. 2/14/1971, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 476
PALMER, Catherine (NMN), b. 11-07-1895, d. 1/19/1998, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 272
PALMER, Charles R., b. 11-01-1927, d. 9/29/2013, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 390
PALMER, Claude F., b. 06-05-1915, d. 6/13/1999, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 476
PALMER, Donald E, b. 09-03-1929, d. 06-10-2017, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 390
PALMER, G. Blaine, b. 09-24-1884, d. 9/1/1967, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 476
PALMER, Glendora V., b. 03-03-1916, d. 2/21/2011, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 476 1/2
PALMER, Guy O., b. 04-09-1897, d. 2/27/1972, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 453
PALMER, Hazel I., b. 07-25-1911, d. 5/26/1984, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 469
PALMER, Josephine V, b. 07-14-1925, d. 01-09-2017, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 95-6
PALMER, Louise Mildred, b. 05-19-1919, d. 8/26/1986, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 49
PALMER, Mamie R., b. 10-12-1909, d. 2/21/1994, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 453
PALMER, Millard E., b. 05-21-1919, d. 11/4/2005, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 49
PALMER, Ralph J., b. 02-20-1903, d. 10/25/1985, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 469
PALMER, Ray Millard, b. 00-00-1885, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 29
PALMER, Robert I, b. 04-13-1895, d. 8/21/1978, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 272
PALMER, Roland R., b. 11-07-1926, d. 3/21/1989, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 96
PALMER, Ronald L, b. 08-18-1942, d. 03-19-2017, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 469
PALMER, Tiffany L. (Baby), b. 11-23-1995, d. 2/27/1996, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 573.5
PALMER, Vada Lemon, b. 00-00-1890, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 29
PARRISH, Frances E., b. 04-09-1924, d. 1/4/1990, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 68
PARRISH, Nicholas C. Sr., b. 03-15-1923, d. 3/8/1996, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 68
PAXSON, Anna Veleda, b. 11-08-1892, d. 11/23/1980, Section: B, Lot: 445
PAXSON, Anna, b. 11-08-1892, d. 11/25/1980, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 445
PAXSON, Harold R., b. 00-00-1888, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 445
PAYNE, Anna May Myers Taylor, b. 02-02-1914, d. 4/1/1982, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 364
PAYNE, Arthur P., b. 06-15-1909, d. 12/13/1994, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 364
PECK, Mary J., b. 00-00-1886, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 179
PECK, Raymond A., b. 12-06-1891, d. 7/24/1976, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 179
PENNINGTON, Cecilia K, b. 01-06-1947, d. 01-30-2017, Section: C, Plot: 8, Lot: 54
PENWELL, Woodrow W., b. 03-10-1927, d. 12/24/2003, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 187
PERKINS, Emma Smith, b. 10-24-1910, d. 11/16/1985, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 526
PERKINS, Helen Joanna, b. 04-19-1909, d. 4/20/1977, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 26
PERKINS, Ollie Antonia, b. 12-13-1906, d. 2/18/1996, Section: C, Plot: 7, Lot: 26
PERKINS, William Lester, b. 01-13-1896, d. 6/23/1982, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 526
PETERS, Donna Jean, b. 10-15-1935, d. 12/31/2004, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 340
PETERS, Donna Rowe, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 340
PETERSON, Avarilla M., b. 12-11-1912, d. 3/10/2002, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 621
PHEIL, Leila J., b. 00-00-1895, d. 3/19/1990, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 503
PHEIL, W. Glenn, b. 00-00-1893, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 503
PHILHOUR, (baby), Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 76
PHILHOUR, Abraham, b. 06-06-1841, d. 8/26/1912, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 76
PHILHOUR, Matilda M., b. 03-07-1848, d. 8/12/1926, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 76
PHILHOWE, Katie, b. 08-22-1864, d. 6/8/1926, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 76
PHILHOWER, William, b. 11-04-1866, d. 4/15/1943, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 76
PHILLIP, Flora V., b. 05-12-1891, d. 4/8/1979, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 106
PHILLIPS, Earl B., d. 6/4/1965, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 106
PHILLIPS, Earl L., b. 02-14-1927, d. 9/8/1998, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 194
PHILLIPS, Gladys V., b. 00-00-1920, Section: B, Plot: 10, Lot: 106
PHILLIPS, Maryann, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 106
PHILLIPS, Richard M. Sr., b. 10-02-1930, d. 9/13/2004, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 50
PHILLIPS, Theresa L., b. 11-03-1932, d. 6/4/2014, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 50
PHILLIPS, Wilbur P., b. 04-25-1916, d. 1/22/1989, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 106
PIERCE, Hugh L., b. 06-26-1917, d. 7/31/2003, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 39
PIERCE, Mae G., b. 05-07-1920, d. 09-11-2015, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 39
PIERCE, Sarah E., b. 05-02-1892, d. 10/23/1963, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 120
PIERCE, Wade W., b. 11-13-1897, d. 10/27/1954, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 120
PILGRIM, George T., b. 00-00-1902, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 222
PILKINGTON, Adrian K., b. 04-15-1976, d. 6/21/1996, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 544
PIPER, Betty Jane, b. 03-16-1924, d. 12/28/1993, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 456
PIPER, Leslie E., b. 11-10-1923, d. 9/12/1972, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 456
PLAINE, Virginia P. (ASHES), b. 07-16-1911, d. 1/19/2006, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 412
POFFENBERBER, Esther M., b. 06-23-1925, d. 2/14/2006, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 73
POFFENBERGER, Albert H., b. 10-18-1899, d. 2/26/1917, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 232
POFFENBERGER, Andrew, b. 05-31-1834, d. 1/12/1883, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 251
POFFENBERGER, Arthur L, b. 08-13-1930, d. 10-10-2016, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 362
POFFENBERGER, Bertha L, b. 01-29-1880, d. 11/3/1953, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 4
POFFENBERGER, Catharine, d. 7/14/1900, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 232
POFFENBERGER, Catherine, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 125
POFFENBERGER, Catherine, d. 07-14-1900, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 232
POFFENBERGER, Charles David, b. 04-20-1917, d. 12/23/1987, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 73
POFFENBERGER, Clarence O., b. 01-20-1908, d. 11/4/1992, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 496
POFFENBERGER, David L., d. 5/18/1894, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 232
POFFENBERGER, David L, b. 07-26-1947, d. 5/23/1965, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 73
POFFENBERGER, David, d. 11/22/1898, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 232
POFFENBERGER, Daviv W., b. 12-12-1889, d. 12/28/1960, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 418
POFFENBERGER, Dennis Lee, b. 10-25-1944, d. 7/16/1951, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 282
POFFENBERGER, Dorothy O., d. 2/2/1915, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 520
POFFENBERGER, Edward Ellsworth, b. 09-05-1873, d. 4/29/1960, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 4
POFFENBERGER, Elmer L., b. 00-00-1881, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 600
POFFENBERGER, Emma V., b. 06-08-1870, d. 11/26/1949, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 232
POFFENBERGER, Ernest Roscoe, b. 06-06-1904, d. 11/10/1984, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 520
POFFENBERGER, Esta M., b. 00-00-1885, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 600
POFFENBERGER, Eva M., b. 01-12-1896, d. 7/25/1970, Section: A, Lot: 6
POFFENBERGER, Frances L., b. 06-12-1860, d. 5/12/1922, Section: A, Lot: 6
POFFENBERGER, Harmon, b. 00-00-1877, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 520
POFFENBERGER, Harvey, d. 12/19/1928, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 124
POFFENBERGER, Henry A., d. 9/15/1901, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 124
POFFENBERGER, Hettie M., b. 02-23-1871, d. 7/9/1945, Section: A, Lot: 6
POFFENBERGER, Iona D., b. 12-06-1916, d. 8/13/2013, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 282
POFFENBERGER, Ira Grayson, b. 06-15-1906, d. 8/4/1980, Section: B, Lot: 378
POFFENBERGER, Irene E., b. 10-06-1915, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 378
POFFENBERGER, Irene E., b. 10-06-1915, d. 4/5/2004, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 378
POFFENBERGER, Jerome, b. 11-19-1869, d. 7/23/1943, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 232
POFFENBERGER, John H., b. 01-06-1860, d. 1/11/1923, Section: A, Lot: 6
POFFENBERGER, John H., d. 4/6/1913, Section: A, Lot: 6
POFFENBERGER, Lola A., b. 09-10-1898, d. 12/1/1948, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 418
POFFENBERGER, Lyle C., b. 08-01-1910, d. 2/13/1966, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 520
POFFENBERGER, Martha, d. 8/12/1900, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 124
POFFENBERGER, Martin Henry, b. 11-14-1906, d. 3/14/1910, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 124
POFFENBERGER, Mary Magdalene, d. 1/23/1899, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 124
POFFENBERGER, Mary S., b. 01-04-1880, d. 11/25/1977, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 520
POFFENBERGER, Merle L., b. 05-06-1911, d. 11/29/1985, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 600
POFFENBERGER, Otho J. S., b. 04-11-1877, d. 6/2/1945, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 47
POFFENBERGER, Phoebe N., b. 12-13-1893, d. 6/27/1989, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 73
POFFENBERGER, Poffenberger - Infant, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 4
POFFENBERGER, Poffenberger - infant, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 4
POFFENBERGER, Robert E., b. 04-16-1931, d. 10/27/1986, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 73
POFFENBERGER, Sallie B., d. 1/10/1928, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 124
POFFENBERGER, Samson, d. 1/20/1922, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 545
POFFENBERGER, Samuel, b. 12-14-1835, d. 1/15/1917, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 125
POFFENBERGER, Sarah E., d. 5/30/1895, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 232
POFFENBERGER, Sarah J., d. 6/27/1898, Section: A, Lot: 6
POFFENBERGER, Sharon E., b. 11-05-1911, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 496
POFFENBERGER, Susan E., d. 9/13/1910, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 545
POFFENBERGER, Sylvia E., b. 11-05-1911, d. 4/28/2013, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 496
POFFENBERGER, Thelma Mae, b. 04-06-1906, d. 4/27/1974, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 520
POFFENBERGER, Victor C., b. 00-00-1887, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 73
POFFENBERGER, Wilbur A., b. 11-13-1914, d. 9/23/1990, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 282
POFFENBERGER, William A., d. 7/6/1872, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 125
POFFENBERGER, berger, , d. 8/11/1869, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 125
POLLARD, Merrill H., b. 12-22-1896, d. 10/16/1965, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 147
POOLE, Alma F., b. 11-05-1888, d. 6/11/1992, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 412
POOLE, Edgar L., b. 04-21-1883, d. 11/2/1919, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 412
POTTER, Jesse S., b. 08-15-1939, d. 10-11-2018, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 374
POTTER, Loleta M, b. 08-14-1930, d. 10-19-2017, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 374
POUND, Bertha N., b. 00-00-1898, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 120
POUND, Charles E., b. 00-00-1892, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 120
POWELL, Cathaleen T., b. 03-09-1900, d. 1/10/1986, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 179
POWELL, Charles E., b. 04-01-1967, d. 1/23/1992, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 178
POWELL, Paul Joseph, b. 03-04-1896, d. 2/12/1971, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 179
PRICE, Irene Shank, b. 08-31-1916, d. 9/3/1985, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 539
PRICE, Melvin, b. 11-01-1908, d. 1/8/1991, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 539
PRICE, Minnie M. Printz, b. 07-10-1893, d. 8/10/1973, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 54
PRINTZ, Catherine C. (ASHES), b. 02-01-1922, d. 4/20/2002, Section: B, Lot: 54
PRINTZ, David L., b. 04-12-1867, d. 12/21/1941, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 54
PRINTZ, Grover C., b. 01-29-1893, d. 9/10/1935, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 54
PRINTZ, Harry B., b. 08-25-1970, d. 8/25/1970, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 54
PRINTZ, Mary E., b. 06-02-1913, d. 10/31/2008, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 54
PRINTZ, Nannie C., b. 01-01-1868, d. 1/18/1943, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 54
PRINTZ, Russel Lee, b. 01-24-1935, d. 1/8/1996, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 54
PRINTZ, Sara H., b. 09-15-1928, d. 4/7/2006, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 54
PTACEK, George, d. 7/31/1983, Section: 0, Plot: 0, Lot: 0
PTCEK, George Henry, b. 08-12-1923, d. 7/31/1983, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 96
PUGLISI, Anthony S. (Jr.), b. 03-16-1965, d. 4/2/1987, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 97
PULGLISI, Anthony Santo, b. 05-30-1919, d. 1/7/1981, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 116
PURDY, Helen V. (ASHES), b. 03-31-1932, d. 3/11/2010, Section: C, Plot: 1-3, Lot: 151
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