Search Maryland Death Records
Maryland Newspapers, Full Search (1728-1963), 234 titles
Maryland Obituary Search, (1990-current)
Maryland Birth Records Database, (1767-1963)
Boonsboro Cemetery
Boonsboro, Washington County, Maryland
GPS: 39.504333, -77.652519
64 S Main St.
Boonsboro, MD 21713
Published: February 15, 2020
Total records: 5,301
Boonsboro Cemetery is a non-profit organization operated by the Boonsboro Cemetery Association and is comprised of board members from Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and Trinity Reformed Church (United Church of Christ), both of Boonsboro.
Boonsboro Cemetery Association Records
Surnames R-S
Records linked below were acquired from Boonsboro Cemetery Association on February 15, 2020. They include dates of death ranging from 1797 to 2018.
RAGER, Othelia, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 87
RAGER, Raymond Earl, b. 00-00-1910, d. 6/21/1976, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 87
RAMSBRUG, Charles M., b. 00-00-1881, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 130
RAMSBURG, Elmer Kenneth, b. 08-17-1904, d. 5/10/1977, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 481
RAMSBURG, Marietta B., b. 12-06-1906, d. 1/4/1991, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 481
RAMSBURG, Orpha E., b. 00-00-1880, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 130
RAWLS, Blanche Agnes, b. 03-09-1902, d. 1/27/1966, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 511
REAPSOMER, Christiana, d. 2/6/1885, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 299
REAPSOMER, Frederick, d. 10/25/1862, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 299
REAPSOMER, John M., d. 6/4/1858, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 299
REAPSOMER, Laura E., d. 3/31/1901, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 299
REASPSOMER, John M., d. 3/31/1917, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 299
RECHER, Albert F., b. 09-26-1918, d. 8/5/1993, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 121
RECHER, Cledith M., b. 07-01-1921, d. 11/6/1995, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 121
RECHER, Joseph E., b. 12-20-1921, d. 10/22/1970, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 121
RECHER, Ruth Jeanette, b. 09-06-1898, d. 10/26/1976, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 121
RECHER, Ruth M., d. 6/11/2006, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 121
RECHER, William, b. 05-24-1890, d. 11/2/1978, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 121
REED, Charles A. III, b. 03-12-1988, d. 3/12/1988, Section: B, Lot: 382
REED, Dani Diane, b. 08-20-1958, d. 4/15/1962, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 74
REED, Daniel W, b. 06-26-1927, d. 05-15-2017, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 74
REED, Helen Irene, b. 08-25-1930, d. 1/16/1987, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 74
REED, Julia Hick, b. 00-00-1851, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 623
REEDER, Alice R., b. 03-08-1882, d. 3/18/1952, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 637
REEDER, Amos E., b. 07-26-1893, d. 8/15/1961, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 3
REEDER, Bettie C., b. 09-02-1866, d. 6/30/1954, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 552
REEDER, Betty L., b. 02-05-1928, d. 7/15/1991, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 362
REEDER, Betty L., b. 10-17-1934, d. 8/18/1991, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 144
REEDER, Charles E., Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 110
REEDER, Charles E., b. 09-22-1922, d. 03-16-2015, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 341
REEDER, Charles Edwin, b. 09-22-1922, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 341
REEDER, Clara J., b. 09-07-1929, d. 3/15/2002, Section: C, Plot: 9, Lot: 3
REEDER, Clarence R., b. 07-03-1895, d. 1/10/1973, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 491
REEDER, David Allen (infant), d. 10/30/1949, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 491
REEDER, Della M., d. 8/2/1882, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 482
REEDER, Dennis E., b. 03-12-1925, d. 9/4/2001, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 508
REEDER, Don, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 112
REEDER, Donal L., b. 02-03-1927, d. 3/15/2009, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 112
REEDER, Donald E., b. 08-21-1929, d. 1/4/1996, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 394
REEDER, Doris E, b. 09-29-1926, d. 11-12-2016, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 341
REEDER, Doris Evelyn, b. 09-29-1926, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 341
REEDER, Doris L., b. 11-28-1930, d. 10-28-2017, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 19
REEDER, Edith Pearl, b. 09-13-1894, d. 10/29/1986, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 491
REEDER, Elflerta, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 491
REEDER, Elsworth D., b. 09-10-1921, d. 3/17/2003, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 491
REEDER, Ernest W. Sr., b. 02-10-1923, d. 1/18/2006, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 378
REEDER, Ettie V., d. 9/26/1879, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 554
REEDER, Fannie C., b. 11-29-1879, d. 11/2/1948, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 110
REEDER, Father, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 103
REEDER, Florence J., b. 03-29-1859, d. 5/25/1948, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 538
REEDER, Francis, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 112
REEDER, Frederick E., b. 01-07-1944, d. 8/4/2010, Section: C, Plot: 7, Lot: 19
REEDER, George A., b. 10-21-1983, d. 01-01-2015, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 112
REEDER, Gerald E., b. 10-23-1923, d. 12/28/1923, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 482
REEDER, Geraldine R., b. 04-10-1927, d. 9/17/1987, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 478
REEDER, Glenn L. Sr., b. 08-10-1938, d. 4/25/1994, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 361
REEDER, Glenn R., b. 07-28-1919, d. 7/7/1965, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 480
REEDER, Harold D. Sr., b. 10-11-1929, d. 1/29/1991, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 482
REEDER, Harry L., b. 02-27-1915, d. 7/23/1961, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 637
REEDER, Harry R., b. 00-00-1896, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 394
REEDER, Harry Sherman, d. 6/29/1986, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 19
REEDER, Harvey D., b. 10-09-1873, d. 7/2/1921, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 554
REEDER, Hubert E., b. 05-19-1879, d. 9/1/1923, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 637
REEDER, Imogene B., b. 02-03-1932, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 378
REEDER, Isaac, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 103
REEDER, Isabel C., b. 03-24-1905, d. 10/15/1970, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 112
REEDER, J. F., b. 10-11-1879, d. 11/10/1909, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 443
REEDER, Jane E., b. 04-00-1926, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 77
REEDER, Jean L (5 weeks), Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 552
REEDER, John (Baby), Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 118
REEDER, John H., b. 02-15-1865, d. 7/2/1948, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 538
REEDER, John L., b. 05-18-1896, d. 2/23/1973, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 378
REEDER, John, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 103
REEDER, Leona M., b. 10-16-1919, d. 10/7/2013, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 112
REEDER, Leona, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 112
REEDER, Leroy J., b. 4-18-1933, d. 8-20-2018, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 331
REEDER, Lester J., b. 00-00-1894, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 480
REEDER, Letha Mae, b. 05-11-1897, d. 6/1/1976, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 394
REEDER, Mabel M., b. 04-28-1914, d. 1/12/1986, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 480
REEDER, Margaret L. Smith, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 600
REEDER, Margaret L., b. 12-01-1921, d. 5/6/2005, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 660
REEDER, Margie A., b. 06-16-1893, d. 11/8/1984, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 3
REEDER, Mary C., b. 08-09-1916, d. 11/23/1964, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 637
REEDER, Mary E., b. 05-05-1897, d. 3/4/1978, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 480
REEDER, Mary E., b. 12-14-1870, d. 1/26/1935, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 552
REEDER, Mary, d. 6/19/1910, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 443
REEDER, Melvin W., b. 09-09-1902, d. 5/6/1946, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 482
REEDER, Mervil J., b. 10-09-1915, d. 7/13/1984, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 480
REEDER, Nevin W., b. 01-15-1914, d. 2/9/1986, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 361
REEDER, Olive M., b. 12-13-1903, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 77
REEDER, Oscar W., Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 110
REEDER, Otho J., b. 10-17-1867, d. 4/18/1948, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 552
REEDER, Paul E., b. 12-15-1907, d. 2/7/1908, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 443
REEDER, Pauline E., b. 08-03-1927, d. 2/10/2010, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 508-1/2
REEDER, Ray E., Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 110
REEDER, Roland H., b. 07-05-1906, d. 3/18/1949, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 112
REEDER, Rosa L., b. 02-07-1919, d. 11/24/1994, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 361
REEDER, Ruth M. (Mausoleum), b. 03-16-1915, d. 12/25/1992, Plot: 144
REEDER, Ruth M., b. 02-27-2908, d. 7/5/2004, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 630
REEDER, Ruth S., b. 05-04-1898, d. 10/14/1991, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 378
REEDER, Samuel V., b. 11-03-1875, d. 9/5/1925, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 482
REEDER, Thelma J., b. 11-14-1922, d. 11/27/1990, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 480
REEDER, Virginia L, b. 02-10-1937, d. 10-21-2017, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 331
REEDER, Wayne A. (ASHES), b. 02-08-1965, d. 6/12/2001, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 378
REESE, Gary Edward, b. 02-06-1959, d. 2/7/1959, Section: B, Lot: 87
REESE, Irene J., b. 05-07-1919, d. 6/12/2003, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 183
REESE, Jean V. (ASHES), b. 07-18-1935, d. 04-30-2015, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 274
REESE, Joan J., Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 276
REESE, John D., b. 05-29-1999, d. 6/21/1999, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 276
REESE, John F., b. 03-30-1949, d. 5/20/1971, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 276
REESE, Jospeh Junior, b. 07-06-1929, d. 9/28/1975, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 274
REESE, Marvin E., b. 01-10-1917, d. 5/29/1989, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 87
REESE, Virgie M., b. 08-03-1884, d. 10/15/1958, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 87
REESIDE, Mary Brining, b. 00-00-1897, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 277
REICHARDT, Cynthia J., b. 07-31-1956, d. 9/8/2009, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 545
REID, Alvey W., b. 01-22-1910, d. 10/15/1999, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 61
REID, Donald L., b. 04-02-1944, d. 10/28/2010, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 61
REID, Mildred M., b. 02-12-1910, d. 9/5/1999, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 61
REIGART, Carolina Amelia White, b. 00-00-1815, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 261
REIGART, Clara Sydney, d. 3/27/1912, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 261
REIGART, Daniel, b. 00-00-1851, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 261
REIGART, Elizabeth Carter, b. 00-00-1880, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 261
REIGART, John Franklin, b. 00-00-1813, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 261
REMSBURG, Albert A., b. 01-18-1903, d. 4/7/1956, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 481
REMSBURG, Annie S., d. 5/13/1894, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 24
REMSBURG, James W., d. 11/26/1904, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 24
REMSBURG, Leila M., b. 10-01-1906, d. 4/9/1996, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 481
REMSBURG, Phyllis K., b. 07-26-1926, d. 3/28/1927, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 481
RENNER, Ada W., b. 03-15-1900, d. 1/5/1926, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 616
RENNER, Clyde Line, b. 06-02-1895, d. 9/13/1942, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 616
RENNER, Emma E., b. 08-07-1873, d. 1/10/1959, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 25
RENNER, Fred D., b. 04-30-1898, d. 12/11/1967, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 372
RENNER, Kenneth A., b. 09-12-1917, d. 1/25/1936, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 25
RENNER, Lena B., Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 503
RENNER, Lena V., b. 11-09-1921, d. 8/12/2004, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 503-1/2
RENNER, Margaret L., b. 05-11-1897, d. 5/31/1918, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 616
RENNER, Maude E., b. 09-22-1903, d. 10/19/2000, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 372
RENNER, Nanny M., b. 07-07-1898, d. 5/6/1987, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 616
RENNER, Paul E (infant), d. 4/29/1904, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 25
RENNER, Richard L., b. 01-22-1908, d. 12/29/1973, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 503
RENNER, Richard, b. 06-13-1873, d. 10/25/1970, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 25
RENNER, Robert H., b. 02-05-1924, d. 7/19/1920, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 616
RENT, Daniel, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 286
REPP, Daniel, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 48
REPP, Katie May, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 48
REPP, Millie Grace, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 48
REYNOLDS, (infant - girl), d. 12/4/1869, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 45
REYNOLDS, Eliza C., d. 7/21/1902, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 45
REYNOLDS, Ella E., b. 03-09-1848, d. 5/1/1896, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 45
REYNOLDS, George L. (ASHES), b. 08-16-1913, d. 9/2/2001, Section: C, Plot: 8, Lot: 67
REYNOLDS, Margaret E, b. 01-24-1922, d. 10-15-2017, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 210-6
REYNOLDS, Samuel, d. 2/5/1879, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 45
RHINECKER, David A., b. 11-20-1958, d. 8/22/2001, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 574
RHODES, Kathleen E., Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 122
RHODES, Kathleen E., b. 11-24-1922, d. 3/4/2006, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 122-6
RHODES, Lloyd William, b. 00-00-1914, d. 7/30/1977, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 122
RICE, Bertha Bussard, b. 01-29-1908, d. 3/28/1974, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 597
RICE, Goldie Mae Chrissinger, b. 11-14-1914, d. 4/18/1983, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 435
RICE, Janice L., b. 06-02-1928, d. 8/15/2013, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 434
RICE, William D., b. 01-21-1926, d. 3/11/2006, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 457-1/2
RICHARD, Benj, d. 2/2/1839, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 90
RICHARD, Catherine, d. 1/2/1863, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 90
RICHARD, David, d. 1/2/1831, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 90
RICHARD, John F., d. 12/13/1854, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 90
RICHARD, Joseph, d. 2/12/1833, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 90
RICHARD, Morgan, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 90
RICHARD, Philip J., d. 4/15/1874, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 90
RICKER, Bessie M., b. 06-25-1884, d. 7/28/1962, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 109
RICKER, Harry C., b. 12-16-1880, d. 10/13/1964, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 109
RIDENOUR, Charles E., b. 08-28-1858, d. 7/6/1916, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 228
RIDENOUR, D Keller, b. 06-08-1913, d. 6/12/1978, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 155
RIDENOUR, Daniel K., b. 10-18-1878, d. 2/26/1954, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 401
RIDENOUR, Doris D. ASHES, b. 05-20-1921, d. 10/17/2013, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 11
RIDENOUR, Edna J. (ASHES), b. 12-21-1904, d. 6/28/1975, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 256
RIDENOUR, Edna Jane (ASHES), b. 12-21-1904, d. 6/28/1975, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 228
RIDENOUR, Elizabeth M., b. 12-31-1882, d. 12/20/1966, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 418
RIDENOUR, Elizabeth, d. 9/11/1940, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 228
RIDENOUR, Ellen N., d. 7/10/1888, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 228
RIDENOUR, Elmer S., b. 02-06-1882, d. 3/19/1959, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 418
RIDENOUR, Emma K., b. 07-16-1883, d. 4/26/1956, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 401
RIDENOUR, Glenn L., b. 08-01-1924, d. 6/14/2002, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 367
RIDENOUR, Harry Edgar, b. 06-04-1895, d. 10/20/1980, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 87
RIDENOUR, Howard H. Jr., b. 07-23-1926, d. 8/9/1927, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 485
RIDENOUR, J. Gertrude, b. 09-23-1874, d. 9/23/1932, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 228
RIDENOUR, J. Gertrude, b. 09-23-1874, d. 9/23/1932, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 256
RIDENOUR, Jacob ., d. 12/25/1917, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 228
RIDENOUR, John H., d. 5/12/1906, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 228
RIDENOUR, John L., b. 04-25-1948, d. 1/2/2010, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 367N
RIDENOUR, John L., b. 09-23-1870, d. 4/25/1925, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 228
RIDENOUR, John L., b. 09-23-1870, d. 4/25/1925, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 256
RIDENOUR, Katherine Alberta, b. 04-02-1879, d. 4/29/1956, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 171
RIDENOUR, Mabel P., b. 00-00-1893, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 87
RIDENOUR, Mary Alberta, b. 10-10-1903, d. 11/7/1984, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 367
RIDENOUR, Paul Reel, b. 05-29-1904, d. 1/1/1983, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 367
RIDENOUR, Ruth L., Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 367
RIDENOUR, Ruth, b. 11-13-1924, d. 4/30/2012, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 367
RIDENOUR, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 09-05-1913, d. 3/3/1995, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 155
RIDENOUR, Susannah, d. 2/25/1900, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 228
RIDGEWAY, Clarence Lee, b. 04-28-1892, d. 7/23/1971, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 351
RIDGEWAY, Irvey W., b. 02-16-1872, d. 5/22/1942, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 351
RIDGEWAY, Sallie E., b. 09-14-1872, d. 6/1/1941, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 351
RIDGEWAY, Sherman H., b. 00-00-1894, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 351
RIFFELL, Mollie P., b. 04-01-1853, d. 2/11/1878, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 196
RINGER, Aletha, d. 11/6/1854, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 63
RINGER, Clara C., b. 09-02-1843, d. 7/23/1920, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 535
RINGER, Clara N., d. 1/10/1879, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 244
RINGER, Elizabeth C., d. 3/7/1901, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 244
RINGER, Eveann, d. 12/17/1879, Section: A, Lot: 36
RINGER, Isaiah, b. 10-29-1837, d. 3/8/1887, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 535
RINGER, Mary C., d. 7/4/1907, Section: A, Lot: 36
RINGER, Peter, b. 08-19-1807, d. 11/8/1860, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 63
RINGER, Samuel, Section: A, Lot: 36
RINGER, Samuel, d. 1/18/1897, Section: A, Lot: 36
RIPPLE, Katherine I., b. 02-28-1908, d. 1/26/1995, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 471
RIPPLE, Omer Lee, b. 05-15-1902, d. 12/13/1982, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 471
RITCHIE, Earl Samuel, b. 02-02-1922, d. 8/7/1982, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 499
ROBERTSON, Harry Edwin, b. 08-05-1899, d. 4/22/1979, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 116
ROBERTSON, Margarette Lotham, b. 12-17-1897, d. 2/26/1983, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 122
ROBERTSON, Mildred L. (ASHES), b. 03-06-1903, d. 12/6/2000, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 116
ROBERTSON, Wm. McKinley, b. 03-03-1897, d. 3/29/1978, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 122
ROBINETTE, Edward B., b. 01-06-1973, d. 12/21/2013, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 210-6
ROBINSON, A. L., d. 5/16/1882, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 247
ROGERS, Maud Downs, b. 00-00-1885, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 623
ROHR, Albertis, d. 12/27/1943, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 203
ROHR, George, b. 00-00-1862, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 203
ROHR, Julia C., b. 00-00-1861, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 203
ROHR, Matilda, b. 00-00-1827, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 203
ROHR, Philip T., b. 12-25-1820, d. 10/14/1890, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 203
ROHRER, A. Louise, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 35
ROHRER, Agnes L., b. 09-30-1914, d. 05-06-2015, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 35
ROHRER, Annie M., b. 08-01-1825, d. 3/3/1959, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 539
ROHRER, Carroll M., b. 12-03-1908, d. 2/4/2000, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 35
ROHRER, Charles Leon, b. 11-21-1977, d. 8/7/1977, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 122
ROHRER, Connie, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 276
ROHRER, David S., d. 3/18/1884, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 224
ROHRER, Dawn M., b. 06-13-1969, d. 6/15/1998, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 276
ROHRER, Edward, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 276
ROHRER, Elmer, b. 08-16-1866, d. 3/8/1958, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 539
ROHRER, Frederick Berkely, b. 08-17-1931, d. 11/21/1985, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 391
ROHRER, Gary Edwin, b. 09-24-1946, d. 5/30/1978, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 350
ROHRER, Joan L., b. 12-20-1937, d. 12/13/1952, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 35
ROHRER, Joseph W., b. 10-06-1901, d. 11/16/1991, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 405
ROHRER, Mildred E. (ASHES), b. 10-29-1912, d. 2/15/2009, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 539
ROHRER, Mildred E., d. 10/29/1912, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 539
ROHRER, Nelson H., b. 10-06-1925, d. 06-26-2018, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 405
ROHRER, Rhoda A., b. 06-06-1905, d. 11/17/2000, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 405
ROHRER, Thelma V., b. 10-30-1937, d. 10/16/2005, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 634
ROHRER, Wilmer A., b. 05-16-1935, d. 8/6/2014, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 545.5
ROLL, Dina D. (ASHES), b. 12-15-1959, d. 8/31/2004, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 127-6
ROLL, John D. (ASHES), b. 05-04-1933, d. 6/18/1989, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 127
ROLL, Marguerita C., b. 12-25-1932, d. 4/1/1991, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 127
ROOF, Emma E., b. 12-26-1883, d. 1/13/1968, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 306
ROOF, Walter M., b. 08-18-1883, d. 6/30/1956, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 306
ROOT, Charles R. (ASHES), b. 11-28-1904, d. 4/30/1989, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 125
ROOT, Eloise L. (Ashes), b. 08-20-1908, d. 11/10/2003, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 125
ROSE, Jean K. (ASHES), d. 7/18/1983, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 3
ROUDABUSH, Bessie, d. 10/4/1942, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 26
ROUDABUSH, Charles E., d. 7/10/1941, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 26
ROUDABUSH, Geroge T., b. 12-01-1846, d. 12/17/1916, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 577
ROUDABUSH, Martha E., b. 06-15-1850, d. 6/23/1915, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 577
ROUTZAHN, Charles R., b. 06-06-1917, d. 11/5/1977, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 508
ROUTZAHN, Charles V., b. 10-06-1899, d. 6/27/1990, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 41
ROUTZAHN, Elma F., b. 06-18-1884, d. 7/19/1968, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 148
ROUTZAHN, Hallie L., b. 01-08-1893, d. 5/2/1947, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 148
ROUTZAHN, Harlan G., b. 08-25-1866, d. 6/24/1932, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 41
ROUTZAHN, Iona M., b. 05-09-1918, d. 10/13/2009, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 35
ROUTZAHN, Janeiro E., b. 01-20-1917, d. 4/3/2003, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 472
ROUTZAHN, Mary C., b. 08-24-1902, d. 7/21/1991, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 41
ROUTZAHN, Pauline E., b. 00-00-1927, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 508
ROUTZAHN, Ross Elias, b. 05-25-1914, d. 8/6/1977, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 472
ROUTZAHN, Roy Glenn, b. 05-18-1909, d. 8/6/1977, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 35
ROUTZAHN, Viola M., b. 10-16-1900, d. 12/3/1900, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 282
ROUTZHAN, Anna M., b. 10-12-1874, d. 7/27/1957, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 41
ROW, E. Maxine, b. 04-22-1933, d. 2/18/1999, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 486
ROW, George Richard, b. 12-20-1922, d. 2/19/1981, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 486
ROWE, Daniel E., d. 1/7/1881, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 309
ROWE, Emma Ellen, b. 12-24-1855, d. 10/16/1908, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 309
ROWE, Ethel M., b. 02-15-1922, d. 8/16/2002, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 475
ROWE, Percy E., d. 11/6/1880, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 309
ROWE, Susan V., b. 00-00-1882, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 340
ROWE, Wreathie Irene, b. 11-15-1884, d. 8/22/1899, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 309
RUBECK, Edwin W., b. 10-29-1903, d. 1/4/1954, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 462
RUBECK, Helen E., b. 01-02-1908, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 454
RUBECK, Hellen E., b. 01-02-1908, d. 3/17/2008, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 454-1/2
RUBECK, John D., b. 04-05-1911, d. 12/1/1970, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 454
RUCH, Daniel, d. 9/25/1900, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 256
RUCH, Kate, b. 09-24-1854, d. 3/30/1933, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 256
RUDY, Bernadine R., b. 01-02-1901, d. 4/27/1949, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 280
RUDY, Bertha E., b. 11-24-1886, d. 4/24/1974, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 445
RUDY, Earl F., b. 06-10-1905, d. 10/23/1964, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 279
RUDY, Elizabeth A., b. 04-27-1922, d. 10/5/1989, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 280
RUDY, Emory E., b. 06-17-1946, d. 4/5/2006, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 433-5
RUDY, Emory E., b. 11-16-1924, d. 1/8/1989, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 433
RUDY, Guy Eugene, b. 10-24-1906, d. 7/4/1984, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 280
RUDY, Harry C., b. 11-07-1882, d. 11/16/1943, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 445
RUDY, Laura Ethel Blanche, b. 05-31-1890, d. 4/2/1978, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 505
RUDY, Margaret A., b. 00-00-1949, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 279
RUDY, Margaret, b. 09-05-1921, d. 11/12/2012, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 433 1/2
RUDY, Ray Walter, b. 04-15-1888, d. 10/8/1952, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 505
RUGGLES, Arthur E., b. 07-29-1920, d. 2/22/1996, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 95
RUGGLIES, (ASHES), Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 95-4
RUPPENTHALL, Irene F. (ASHES), b. 12-06-1917, d. 2/5/1989, Section: A, Lot: 162
RUSSLER, Anna M., b. 00-00-1890, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 624
RUSSLER, John T., b. 00-00-1887, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 624
RYAN, Olivia E. (ASHES), b. 06-09-1912, d. 10/31/2009, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 172
SANDERS, Charles D., b. 00-00-1846, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 203
SANDERS, Emery P., b. 02-05-1897, d. 4/27/1900, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 229
SANDERS, George A., b. 04-08-1858, d. 10/20/1909, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 229
SANDERS, George R., b. 02-04-1886, d. 3/7/1892, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 229
SANDERS, Harry M., b. 12-07-1900, d. 2/19/1961, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 229
SANDERS, Mary M., b. 08-05-1866, d. 2/2/1920, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 229
SANDERS, Mary S., b. 00-00-1848, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 203
SANDERS, Nora S., b. 09-10-1895, d. 1/5/1896, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 229
SARGES, Frederick M., b. 11-06-1817, d. 8/26/1888, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 257
SAWELL, Orpha Talbut, b. 12-06-1897, d. 3/14/1932, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 492
SCHAEFFER, Edna, b. 00-00-1880, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 253
SCHAEFFER, Howard J., b. 00-00-1855, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 253
SCHAEFFER, Laura V., b. 00-00-1855, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 253
SCHILDKNECHT, Rhoda V., b. 04-16-1914, d. 3/29/1988, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 518
SCHILDTKNECHT, Josiah M., b. 02-18-1857, d. 12/13/1936, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 463
SCHILDTKNECHT, Manzelh, b. 04-18-1855, d. 1/22/1942, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 463
SCHILDTKNECHT, Milton E., b. 00-00-1914, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 518
SCHITROMPF, Dilbert M., b. 05-21-1921, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 344
SCHITROMPF, Irene V., b. 05-15-1920, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 344
SCHLOSSER, Alvey D., b. 02-09-1883, d. 11/7/1957, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 218
SCHLOSSER, Bessie E., b. 01-21-1889, d. 9/8/1945, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 313
SCHLOSSER, Catherine, d. 3/17/1890, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 31
SCHLOSSER, David, d. 12/21/1880, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 32
SCHLOSSER, E. Thomas, b. 12-26-1867, d. 4/7/1941, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 313
SCHLOSSER, Enos, b. 06-27-1838, d. 3/11/1962, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 311
SCHLOSSER, H. Ann, b. 00-00-1867, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 61
SCHLOSSER, Joel, d. 10/18/1879, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 31
SCHLOSSER, Josiah, b. 04-12-1836, d. 2/14/1989, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 218
SCHLOSSER, Lauren Louise Shifler, b. 02-12-1887, d. 6/26/1976, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 311
SCHLOSSER, Leonard, b. 04-04-1902, d. 11/12/1986, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 311
SCHLOSSER, Mabel, b. 01-12-1940, d. 8/22/1946, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 313
SCHLOSSER, Martha, b. 00-00-1828, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 61
SCHLOSSER, Mary, b. 03-05-1898, d. 11/2/1945, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 313
SCHLOSSER, Minnie C., b. 08-21-1880, d. 8/29/1973, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 218
SCHLOSSER, Mollie E., d. 5/18/1884, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 311
SCHLOSSER, Samuel, b. 00-00-1822, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 61
SCHLOSSER, Savilla Jones, b. 12-16-1848, d. 6/25/1938, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 218
SCHMIDT, Carl R., b. 02-02-1879, d. 2/29/1944, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 370
SCHOLSSER, Harvey Joel, b. 11-02-1881, d. 2/12/1980, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 218
SCHRIDER, Frances Wilhide, b. 11-01-1899, d. 9/27/1986, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 566
SCHULTZ, Milbrey Catherine Myers, b. 00-00-1865, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 553
SCOTT, Mary Catherine, b. 12-28-1898, d. 9/28/1975, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 335
SCOTT, Roger F., b. 09-13-1923, d. 10/4/1971, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 335
SCOTT, Velma E., b. 00-00-1923, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 335
SCOTT, Velma E., b. 11-15-1923, d. 2/12/2014, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 335
SCOTT, Wesley C., b. 05-23-1895, d. 12/9/1959, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 335
SCOTT, Woodrow B., b. 00-00-1914, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 335
SCUFFINS, Charles E., b. 06-01-1912, d. 1/14/1967, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 427
SCUFFINS, Charles H., d. 10/10/1900, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 434
SCUFFINS, Charles W., b. 11-20-1868, d. 5/10/1949, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 434
SCUFFINS, Geraldine Louise, b. 11-25-1922, d. 7/20/1982, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 427
SCUFFINS, Harvey Jr., b. 08-31-1923, d. 4/25/1990, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 359
SCUFFINS, Harvey R., b. 12-18-1878, d. 12/28/1957, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 434
SCUFFINS, Phyllis F., b. 11-06-1928, d. 12/31/2012, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 359S
SCUFFINS, Phyllis F., d. 11/6/1928, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 359
SCUFFINS, William, b. 00-00-1820, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 71
SEAL, Tina M., b. 02-11-1960, d. 12-30-2015, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 114-4
SECONDARI, Joseph (nmn) Dr., b. 05-24-1924, d. 10/8/2000, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 573
SEIBERT, Donald E., b. 04-15-1915, d. 1/30/1978, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 50
SEIBERT, Evelyn M., b. 04-18-1919, d. 6/19/2000, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 314
SEIBERT, Hazel M., b. 02-03-1913, d. 10/28/1995, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 50
SEIBERT, Margaret, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 100
SEIBERT, Peter, b. 11-11-1773, d. 12/27/1838, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 100
SELDERS, Lester L., b. 11-02-1935, d. 3/21/2009, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 519 1/2
SEMLER, Edith Eliza, b. 04-07-1920, d. 12/14/1983, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 505
SEMLER, Elaine V., b. 04-11-1944, d. 08-09-2018, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 347
SEMLER, Paul E., b. 02-20-1915, d. 4/6/1997, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 505
SEMLER, Robert W., b. 06-15-1942, d. 10/23/2013, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 577.5
SGAGGERO, Brandon W., b. 04-07-1978, d. 3/6/2008, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 184-6
SHAFER, Charles Edward, b. 03-17-1889, d. 6/24/1977, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 90
SHAFER, Cheyene M., b. 10-29-1996, d. 7/28/2003, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 510
SHAFER, Ethel F., b. 03-11-1893, d. 5/1/1985, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 90
SHAFER, Florence, b. 06-25-1929, d. 8/22/1989, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 90
SHAFER, George E., b. 08-23-1910, d. 7/26/1990, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 369
SHAFER, Robert Franklin, b. 07-04-1948, d. 7/29/1948, Section: B, Lot: 90
SHAFER, Sarah B.B., b. 04-02-1915, d. 6/4/1999, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 369
SHAFER, Staley, b. 09-20-1925, d. 5/30/2008, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 90
SHAFFER, Annie M., b. 00-00-1850, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 263
SHAFFER, Edith H., b. 01-31-1925, d. 4/8/2007, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 523.5
SHAFFER, Fred E., b. 01-24-1941, d. 10/10/1986, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 333
SHAFFER, George F., b. 01-26-1921, d. 12/21/1996, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 523.5
SHAFFER, Nellie Maxine, b. 02-21-1938, d. 3/30/1975, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 333
SHAFFER, Randall K., b. 10-10-1964, d. 6/13/1993, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 333
SHAFFNER, Charles M., d. 9/6/1873, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 51
SHANEBERGER, L. R., b. 00-00-1847, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 442
SHANHOLTZER, Elizabeth A., b. 06-20-1905, d. 11/14/1999, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 270
SHANHOLTZER, Leonard, d. 7/23/1981, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 270
SHANK, Dasiy I, b. 01-15-1895, d. 3/28/1988, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 424
SHANK, Ella L., b. 09-07-1932, d. 03-03-2015, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 98-6
SHANK, Esta M., b. 09-24-1867, d. 8/2/1955, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 415
SHANK, Eva I., b. 12-02-1898, d. 3/21/1998, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 539
SHANK, Howard Evert, b. 11-14-1891, d. 4/9/1983, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 424
SHANK, J. Albert, b. 06-01-1895, d. 12/16/1992, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 539
SHANK, Mary D., b. 11-30-1901, d. 5/19/1994, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 20
SHANK, Myree V. Reeder, b. 03-17-1907, d. 3/1/1987, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 482
SHANK, Ralph F., b. 11-18-1915, d. 12/16/2001, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 351
SHANK, Roscoe W., b. 11-18-1916, d. 11/30/1960, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 424
SHANK, Shirley M., b. 05-25-1938, d. 3/23/2005, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 351
SHANK, Walter Milford, b. 02-04-1903, d. 10/27/1983, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 20
SHAW, Isabella, d. 1/14/1875, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 85
SHAWYER, Mary, b. 09-09-1998, d. 07-23-2017, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 485
SHAWYER, Michael L., b. 01-17-1981, d. 11/19/2003, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 485
SHEELEY, Charlotte Irene (ASHES), d. 11/21/1985, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 124
SHEELEY, Grace Lauretta ASHES, d. 12/2/1940, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 124
SHEISS, Atlee B Jr., b. 09-03-1937, d. 4/28/2013, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 182-6
SHEPHERD, Leila G., d. 3/6/1998, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 545
SHEPLEY, Mildred Eloise, b. 00-00-1912, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 4
SHEPLEY, Roscoe Ralph, b. 00-00-1907, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 4
SHEPPARD, Herbert W. Jr., b. 06-30-1954, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 119
SHEPPARD, Herbert W., b. 00-00-1912, d. 4/21/1978, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 119
SHEPPARD, Velma C., b. 03-26-1925, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 119
SHIFLER, A. Clyde, b. 03-26-1884, d. 12/14/1968, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 191-A
SHIFLER, Ada L., b. 00-00-1878, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 298
SHIFLER, Alice E., b. 00-00-1876, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 272
SHIFLER, Amanda E., b. 10-20-1838, d. 2/5/1922, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 278
SHIFLER, Arbelm, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 68
SHIFLER, Atlee A., b. 01-10-1903, d. 10/2/1986, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 379
SHIFLER, Benona G., b. 12-20-1905, d. 3/5/1995, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 370
SHIFLER, Catharine, d. 8/28/1895, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 230
SHIFLER, Catherine, b. 02-09-1836, d. 7/17/1916, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 17
SHIFLER, Charles W., b. 05-26-1933, d. 9/24/2009, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 56
SHIFLER, Clarence W., d. 1/2/1902, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 69
SHIFLER, Daniel Roscoe, b. 02-16-1909, d. 10/3/1999, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 477
SHIFLER, Daniel S., b. 10-09-1842, d. 1/16/1923, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 272
SHIFLER, David Easton, b. 12-13-1895, d. 2/28/1986, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 105
SHIFLER, Deborah, b. 11-01-1962, d. 7/27/2011, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 347
SHIFLER, Earl M., b. 11-15-1898, d. 1/13/1975, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 434
SHIFLER, Elizabeth, b. 00-00-1814, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 19
SHIFLER, Elizabeth, b. 12-28-1908, d. 4/9/1834, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 17
SHIFLER, Ellen M., b. 02-12-1903, d. 10/24/1989, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 436
SHIFLER, Ellen, b. 00-00-1854, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 68
SHIFLER, Elmer D., d. 10/18/1882, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 69
SHIFLER, Etta V., b. 12-12-1861, d. 11/7/1950, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 579
SHIFLER, F. Joshua, b. 00-00-1851, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 68
SHIFLER, George, b. 02-07-1824, d. 2/26/1889, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 230
SHIFLER, George, b. 06-27-1834, d. 4/11/1907, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 17
SHIFLER, Gussie E., b. 10-03-1891, d. 11/10/1979, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 191-A
SHIFLER, Henry Abigail, b. 12-05-1843, d. 6/3/1845, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 69
SHIFLER, Infamt, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 272
SHIFLER, J. Emmert, d. 3/16/1939, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 584
SHIFLER, Jacob Wm., Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 17
SHIFLER, Jane L., b. 03-28-1931, d. 10/13/2014, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 56
SHIFLER, John L., b. 12-12-1861, d. 10/14/1926, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 579
SHIFLER, John W., b. 01-07-1848, d. 6/22/1907, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 436
SHIFLER, John W, b. 12-22-1935, d. 05-18-2017, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 49
SHIFLER, John, b. 08-13-1811, d. 7/3/1896, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 17
SHIFLER, Leah K., d. 08-06-2016, Section: B, Plot: 10, Lot: 373
SHIFLER, Little Henry, d. 9/25/1880, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 17
SHIFLER, Lydia, d. 12/28/1892, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 69
SHIFLER, Maria, b. 06-10-1844, d. 1/22/1897, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 272
SHIFLER, Martha E., b. 00-00-1859, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 264
SHIFLER, Mary A., b. 03-04-1884, d. 9/5/1945, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 584
SHIFLER, Mary C., d. 1/11/1905, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 272
SHIFLER, Mary L., b. 04-18-1915, d. 10/3/2012, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 477
SHIFLER, Mary L., b. 05-30-1929, d. 7/26/2004, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 423
SHIFLER, Mary R., b. 00-00-1887, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 579
SHIFLER, Mildred E., b. 12-28-1913, d. 11/20/1998, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 298
SHIFLER, Minnie A., Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 69
SHIFLER, Pearl Amelia, b. 04-08-1892, d. 3/18/1983, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 105
SHIFLER, Pearl V., b. 00-00-1903, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 434
SHIFLER, Ralph E., b. 04-06-1926, d. 8/22/2002, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 373
SHIFLER, Ralph O. J., b. 12-29-1893, d. 10/12/1957, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 373
SHIFLER, Raymond E., b. 00-00-1888, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 579
SHIFLER, Raymond E., b. 02-25-1917, d. 6/21/1995, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 579
SHIFLER, Reginald, b. 08-07-1908, d. 2/26/1967, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 379
SHIFLER, Robert J., b. 08-24-1926, d. 8/5/1996, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 423
SHIFLER, Robert Johnson, Sr., b. 07-13-1902, d. 8/31/1972, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 370
SHIFLER, Rufus L., d. 1/1/1865, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 17
SHIFLER, Samuel E., b. 00-00-1857, d. 7/27/1942, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 264
SHIFLER, Samuel, b. 02-23-1813, d. 3/27/1886, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 278
SHIFLER, Sara Lou, b. 04-27-1935, d. 1/12/1936, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 379
SHIFLER, Sarah E., b. 02-02-1851, d. 3/6/1928, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 436
SHIFLER, Shifler Otha, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 68
SHIFLER, Shifler. Mary, b. 07-19-1931, d. 2/17/2013, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 113-4
SHIFLER, Shirley Seibert, b. 07-24-1897, d. 5/22/1976, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 436
SHIFLER, Siebert C., b. 07-01-1926, d. 11/7/2006, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 113-4
SHIFLER, Susannah, b. 12-26-1814, d. 4/7/1896, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 17
SHIFLER, Tyler L, b. 07-25-1989, d. 09-25-2017, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 49
SHIFLER, Vera E., b. 11-30-1893, d. 8/19/1955, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 373
SHIFLER, Violetta S., b. 12-04-1857, d. 7/18/1848, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 579
SHIFLER, W. Merle, b. 00-00-1905, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 298
SHIFLER, Walter E., b. 00-00-1871, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 272
SHIFLER, William H. ASHES, b. 06-30-1921, d. 9/6/2012, Section: C, Plot: 10, Lot: 3
SHIFLER, William L., b. 00-00-1875, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 298
SHIFLER, William, d. 11/9/1895, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 69
SHIFLER, Woodrow M., b. 11-30-1928, d. 04-25-2018, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 56
SHIFLER, Zella V., b. 04-28-1904, d. 1/1/1998, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 379
SHIFLER, r, , b. 03-29-1816, d. 4/29/1851, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 69
SHIFLR, Walter H., Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 69
SHIRLEY, Ernest C., b. 00-00-1894, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 124
SHIRLEY, Mildred L., b. 02-19-1904, d. 5/26/2002, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 124
SHOEMAKER, Anna Mae, b. 10-29-1913, d. 2/29/2972, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 358
SHOEMAKER, Annie, d. 12/16/1948, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 296
SHOEMAKER, Catherine, d. 2/3/1879, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 242
SHOEMAKER, Cecil G., b. 10-29-1921, d. 3/23/1994, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 312
SHOEMAKER, Clarence Z. Jr., b. 03-29-1939, d. 2/4/1998, Section: C, Plot: 8, Lot: 50
SHOEMAKER, Clarence, b. 00-00-1907, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 147
SHOEMAKER, Daniel, b. 00-00-1829, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 242
SHOEMAKER, Elizabeth A, b. 00-00-1832, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 242
SHOEMAKER, George W., b. 01-02-1862, d. 3/19/1933, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 242
SHOEMAKER, John Rufus, d. 3/23/1940, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 296
SHOEMAKER, Linda, b. 00-00-1920, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 147
SHOEMAKER, Malinda C., b. 10-28-1874, d. 6/5/1965, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 242
SHOEMAKER, Mary Jane (Infant), Section: B, Lot: 312
SHOEMAKER, Robert F. (infant), b. 08-29-1949, d. 11/13/1949, Section: A, Lot: 358
SHOEMAKER, Rosey, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 242
SHOEMAKER, Sadie K. Young, b. 00-00-1924, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 312
SHOEMAKER, Siebert, b. 08-28-1907, d. 7/28/1948, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 358
SHOOP, Nellie Smith, b. 00-00-1891, d. 9/8/1942, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 225
SHOOP, Roger L. Jr., b. 09-04-1951, d. 12/11/1997, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 522
SHOWE, Eva L., b. 06-10-1916, d. 2/22/1998, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 332
SHOWE, Leonard P., b. 10-17-1912, d. 2/2/1993, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 332
SHOWE, Ronald Paul, b. 10-04-1942, d. 11/12/1972, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 332
SHREVE, Faith E., b. 12-19-1951, d. 8/30/2008, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 126-4
SHUMAKER, Annie C., b. 10-27-1857, d. 12/1/1934, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 428
SHUMAKER, Carroll E., b. 12-06-1929, d. 11/30/1969, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 179
SHUMAKER, Donald L., b. 05-09-1938, d. 12/10/2012, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 300-6
SHUMAKER, Edith M., b. 12-10-1891, d. 7/31/1966, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 428
SHUMAKER, Edward L., b. 11-09-1907, d. 4/2/1967, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 428
SHUMAKER, Edward Luther, b. 10-06-1876, d. 9/7/1940, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 428
SHUMAKER, Helen C., b. 03-13-1929, d. 11/19/1979, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 179
SHUMAKER, Janet I. (ASHES), b. 10-10-1928, d. 10-17-2015, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 479
SHUMAKER, Martin L., b. 05-15-1855, d. 12/31/1908, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 428
SHUMAKER, Robert W., b. 11-24-1927, d. 6/25/1997, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 479
SHUMAKER, Roy M., b. 12-29-1911, d. 5/20/1963, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 428
SHUPP, Mary Ellen, b. 07-20-1900, d. 3/8/1955, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 411
SIGLER, Frances R., b. 09-13-1911, d. 4/6/2004, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 439
SIGLER, Harold, b. 01-16-1908, d. 12/27/1968, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 439
SIGLER, Nora R., b. 00-00-1879, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 61
SIGMUND, Kathryn Alberta, b. 09-07-1911, d. 3/23/1984, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 171
SIGMUND, Luther Roy, b. 08-18-1878, d. 10/24/1971, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 171
SIGNORINO, Ann G., b. 07-16-1947, d. 02-18-2016, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 186-6
SIGNORINO, Charles W., b. 10-04-1947, d. 3/27/2006, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 186-6
SILVA, Dean K., b. 06-13-1922, d. 10/22/1992, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 382
SIMEONI, Helen I., b. 05-13-1915, d. 11/15/2010, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 124-4
SIMS, Susan M., b. 00-00-1841, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 97
SINES, Mary A., b. 07-12-1941, d. 2/17/2004, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 365
SINNISEN, Albert Eugene, b. 11-06-1903, d. 1/7/1982, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 408
SINNISEN, Florence E., b. 04-10-1904, d. 3/13/1990, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 343
SINNISEN, Naomi Catherine, b. 08-19-1903, d. 7/6/1986, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 408
SINNISEN, Oliver B., b. 00-00-1877, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 432
SINNISEN, Sadie F., b. 11-29-1875, d. 7/5/1948, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 343
SINNISEN, V. Sheridan, b. 03-10-1869, d. 5/3/1956, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 343
SLATER, Joanne P., b. 09-06-1939, d. 11/16/1993, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 365
SLICK, Lori J., b. 02-09-1960, d. 2/2/2014, Section: D, Plot: 4, Lot: 10
SLICK, Nina V., b. 08-24-1900, d. 6/28/1989, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 431
SLICK, William I, b. 08-29-1893, d. 10/16/1960, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 431
SLIFER, Janet K., b. 05-08-1948, d. 8/27/1952, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 76
SLIFER, John L., b. 09-25-1917, d. 4/21/1978, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 76
SLIFER, Luther B., b. 05-11-1891, d. 3/20/1972, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 379
SLIFER, Margaret R., b. 10-21-1923, d. 11/26/2001, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 464
SLIFER, Marlo Allison, b. 11-23-1975, d. 10/27/1986, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 98
SLIFER, Michael, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 76
SLIFER, Orpha M., b. 03-23-1893, d. 10/1/1985, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 379
SLIFER, Paul H., b. 12-16-1930, d. 7/3/1997, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 379
SLIFER, Rodney L., d. 5/10/1979, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 464
SLIFER, Verde V., b. 09-08-1923, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 76
SLIFER, Virginia A. L. (ASHES), b. 03-26-1923, d. 5/11/2008, Section: C, Plot: 10, Lot: 3
SMITH, Agnes A., b. 06-24-1888, d. 12/19/1918, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 389
SMITH, Albert F., b. 11-04-1851, d. 6/17/1918, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 609
SMITH, Albert L., b. 01-03-1913, d. 11/11/1992, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 463
SMITH, Alice P., d. 10/2/1925, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 180
SMITH, Amanda B., b. 12-24-1994, d. 1/18/2003, Section: C, Plot: 8, Lot: 63
SMITH, Amelia K., d. 8/15/1927, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 137
SMITH, Anna M., b. 09-28-1928, d. 3/28/2010, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 113-6
SMITH, Annie C., b. 00-00-1838, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 123
SMITH, Annie C., b. 02-22-1904, d. 4/16/1976, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 375
SMITH, Annie E., b. 00-00-1871, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 175
SMITH, Annie M., b. 12-14-1935, d. 12/4/1999, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 375
SMITH, Annie V., b. 02-09-1877, d. 12/18/1957, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 404
SMITH, Annie, b. 01-01-1820, d. 12/29/1906, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 195
SMITH, Annie, d. 7/19/1891, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 225
SMITH, Arbeline, b. 10-16-1852, d. 10/1/1917, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 223
SMITH, Ardella F., b. 04-23-1912, d. 10/28/1963, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 405
SMITH, Arthur M., b. 00-00-1902, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 528
SMITH, Arthur M., b. 12-06-2006, d. 11/24/2006, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 528
SMITH, Avice C. (ASHES), b. 10-02-1925, d. 7/21/2011, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 180
SMITH, Barbara A., d. 1/19/2000, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 504
SMITH, Benjamin L., b. 11-19-1899, d. 8/19/1975, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 81
SMITH, Bessie, b. 00-00-1884, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 195
SMITH, Betty M, d. 1/14/1975, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 440
SMITH, Betty P., b. 10-28-1934, d. 6/25/1997, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 65
SMITH, Beulah C., b. 03-20-1896, d. 9/27/1946, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 384
SMITH, Burman H., b. 09-19-1917, d. 8/2/2011, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 403
SMITH, Calvin H., b. 08-13-1917, d. 2/17/1990, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 97
SMITH, Carley P., b. 07-04-1902, d. 5/7/1973, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 481
SMITH, Carolina A., b. 05-25-1850, d. 12/4/1928, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 308
SMITH, Caroline C., d. 11/11/1862, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 42
SMITH, Carrie C., d. 11/3/1900, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 223
SMITH, Carrie M., b. 00-00-1863, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 151
SMITH, Carroll E., b. 00-00-1908, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 600
SMITH, Catherine N., b. 00-00-1889, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 439
SMITH, Catherine, d. 10/24/1908, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 155
SMITH, Cathleen F, b. 10-21-1956, d. 01-10-2017, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 123-4
SMITH, Charles C., b. 00-00-1864, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 263
SMITH, Charles E., b. 00-00-1868, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 410
SMITH, Charles J., b. 11-02-1927, d. 7/22/2012, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 381
SMITH, Charles L. Jr., b. 06-16-1910, d. 10/19/1996, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 404
SMITH, Charles L. Sr., b. 11-23-1875, d. 1/16/1955, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 404
SMITH, Charles R. (ASHES), b. 02-01-1934, d. 10/18/2011, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 410
SMITH, Charles Randolph, d. 2/1/1934, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 410
SMITH, Charles W., b. 00-00-1858, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 201
SMITH, Charles, b. 00-00-1855, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 281
SMITH, Chester A.G., b. 00-00-1883, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 409
SMITH, Clara, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 81
SMITH, Clayton E., b. 10-15-1863, d. 12/19/1915, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 1
SMITH, Clemintine M., b. 00-00-1916, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 331
SMITH, Clifford, b. 00-00-1926, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 600
SMITH, Cora A., b. 02-01-1907, d. 3/4/1971, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 99
SMITH, Cynthia Ann, d. 12/3/1946, Section: A, Lot: 177
SMITH, Dallas, b. 00-00-1845, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 409
SMITH, Daniel, b. 08-22-1883, d. 11/19/1883, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 225
SMITH, Daniel, b. 11-25-1831, d. 9/25/1878, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 42
SMITH, David Harry, b. 00-00-1869, d. 11/11/1944, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 66
SMITH, Doris J., b. 07-26-1928, d. 2/22/2005, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 23
SMITH, Drexel E., b. 11-21-1920, d. 7/3/2014, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 403
SMITH, E. Donivan, b. 00-00-1881, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 600
SMITH, E. T. (Dr.), b. 00-00-1860, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 123
SMITH, Earl Edward, b. 04-12-1916, d. 5/24/1965, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 124
SMITH, Edgar G., b. 01-11-1895, d. 5/1/1967, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 66
SMITH, Edgar George, b. 09-12-1903, d. 6/17/1985, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 144
SMITH, Edith Virigina, b. 09-17-1926, d. 1/25/1981, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 177
SMITH, Edith, b. 00-00-1880, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 409
SMITH, Edna S., b. 06-27-1892, d. 2/11/1967, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 577
SMITH, Edward H., b. 11-10-1891, d. 4/20/1931, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 384
SMITH, Edward Leon, b. 06-16-1931, d. 4/17/1977, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 528
SMITH, Edward, b. 09-19-1871, d. 12/24/1942, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 577
SMITH, Edwin F., b. 05-12-1924, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 280
SMITH, Elizabeth Nyman, b. 00-00-1813, d. 2/26/1896, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 151
SMITH, Elizabeth W., b. 00-00-1888, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 413
SMITH, Elizabeth, b. 00-00-1841, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 307
SMITH, Elizabeth, b. 11-28-1836, d. 2/23/1909, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 156
SMITH, Elmer V., b. 01-28-1989, d. 4/3/1989, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 381
SMITH, Elsie E., b. 08-27-1877, d. 7/25/1956, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 405
SMITH, Emma A, b. 00-00-1880, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 195
SMITH, Emma A, d. 1/19/1940, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 201
SMITH, Emma F., b. 00-00-1868, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 413
SMITH, Emma M. Young, b. 02-16-1871, d. 10/31/1902, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 403
SMITH, Erma Naomi, b. 06-06-1906, d. 2/21/1981, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 481
SMITH, Eugene H., b. 02-24-1924, d. 5/5/1990, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 308
SMITH, Evan Bowman, b. 09-21-1894, d. 2/4/1963, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 410
SMITH, F. J. (Dr.), b. 09-13-1841, d. 7/7/1867, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 123
SMITH, Fannie E., b. 05-06-1868, d. 3/6/1962, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 1
SMITH, Fannie M., b. 10-04-1865, d. 2/14/1898, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 308
SMITH, Flora C., b. 00-00-1872, d. 1/12/1945, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 410
SMITH, Florence R., b. 02-27-1865, d. 1/31/1887, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 225
SMITH, Flrino V., b. 09-11-1856, d. 3/23/1916, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 456
SMITH, Frances M., b. 01-17-1900, d. 5/16/1972, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 516
SMITH, Frances M., b. 08-26-1912, d. 2/17/1999, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 435
SMITH, Frances S. (ASHES), b. 07-12-1914, d. 10/1/2005, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 13
SMITH, Frank L., b. 03-17-1896, d. 2/4/1950, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 177
SMITH, Frank M., d. 6/2/1893, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 59
SMITH, Franklin P., d. 2/4/1876, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 162
SMITH, Fred W., b. 12-01-1901, d. 11/14/1971, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 99
SMITH, Fritta Davis, b. 06-15-1810, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 137
SMITH, Garland (ASHES), b. 03-01-1919, d. 6/29/2003, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 577
SMITH, Gene W., b. 07-04-1929, d. 12/9/2005, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 23
SMITH, George F., b. 04-08-1826, d. 4/8/1878, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 29
SMITH, George J., b. 08-27-1820, d. 11/5/1891, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 195
SMITH, George P., b. 04-12-1870, d. 12/24/1954, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 175
SMITH, George W., b. 00-00-1859, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 225
SMITH, George W., b. 06-09-1858, d. 10/23/1872, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 155
SMITH, George W., b. 10-27-1921, d. 1/25/1952, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 424
SMITH, Georgeana, d. 1/13/1891, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 331
SMITH, Gerald (ASHES), Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 65
SMITH, Gerald Preston, Sr., b. 12-01-1927, d. 11/29/1981, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 481
SMITH, Geroge Washington, b. 01-01-1895, d. 5/27/1984, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 403
SMITH, Goldie M., b. 00-00-1919, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 420
SMITH, Grayson G., b. 02-06-1929, d. 9/27/2011, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 456 1/2
SMITH, Guy W. Smith, b. 12-22-1900, d. 3/17/1967, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 436
SMITH, Harlan W., b. 04-08-1880, d. 6/12/1960, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 420
SMITH, Harriet A., b. 12-23-1854, d. 11/27/1933, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 195
SMITH, Harry Eugene, b. 01-12-1903, d. 2/12/1983, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 504
SMITH, Harry M., b. 12-08-1888, d. 12/12/1918, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 386
SMITH, Harry, b. 07-25-1871, d. 5/2/1950, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 411
SMITH, Harvey J., b. 08-21-1863, d. 8/15/1937, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 403
SMITH, Hazel F., b. 05-31-1908, d. 3/9/1969, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 504
SMITH, Helen M., b. 04-10-1913, d. 1/11/1996, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 375
SMITH, Henrietta, b. 08-13-1902, d. 3/9/1997, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 81
SMITH, Henry R, b. 08-10-1819, d. 12/2/1887, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 201
SMITH, Henry, b. 00-00-1831, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 108
SMITH, Herman H., b. 00-00-1901, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 66
SMITH, Hervert W., b. 00-00-1909, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 420
SMITH, Hilda I., b. 03-02-1916, d. 11/11/2005, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 97-4
SMITH, Hubert Francis, b. 03-30-1902, d. 12/18/1987, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 405
SMITH, Hubert R., b. 07-01-1930, d. 04-20-2015, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 113-6
SMITH, Hubert S., b. 00-00-1885, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 413
SMITH, Indianna, d. 2/13/1875, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 29
SMITH, Israel, d. 5/10/1885, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 26
SMITH, J. Harlan, b. 00-00-1852, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 151
SMITH, Jacob R., b. 06-23-1907, d. 8/27/1985, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 144
SMITH, Jacob, b. 09-21-1805, d. 8/2/1880, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 137
SMITH, James G., b. 00-00-1884, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 31
SMITH, James H., b. 07-01-1878, d. 1/18/1957, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 405
SMITH, Jeanette Y., d. 1/27/1842, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 123
SMITH, Jeannette R., b. 08-21-1836, d. 12/4/1876, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 137
SMITH, Jessie L., b. 01-25-1913, d. 9/1/1990, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 177
SMITH, Joann R., b. 05-28-1931, d. 1/7/2010, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 481
SMITH, John E., b. 00-00-1832, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 263
SMITH, John E., b. 00-00-1843, d. 8/12/1912, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 217
SMITH, John W., b. 01-06-1834, d. 5/29/1925, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 156
SMITH, Jonas D., b. 06-23-1854, d. 10/24/1931, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 195
SMITH, Joseph W., b. 07-30-1922, d. 7/27/1985, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 180
SMITH, Jospeh A., b. 00-00-1897, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 409
SMITH, Joyce R., b. 03-19-1937, d. 10-25-2018, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 32
SMITH, Julia K., b. 00-00-1868, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 123
SMITH, Kate E., b. 00-00-1830, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 263
SMITH, Katharine Louisa Koons, b. 02-17-1897, d. 5/14/1983, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 66
SMITH, Kenneth Lee, b. 00-00-1920, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 639
SMITH, L. F., d. 3/6/1895, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 234
SMITH, Larua V., b. 00-00-1858, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 225
SMITH, Lawson D., d. 3/11/1901, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 155
SMITH, Leonard (ASHES), b. 01-11-1914, d. 12/1/1998, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 155
SMITH, Leroy H., b. 05-27-1910, d. 12/5/2003, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 642
SMITH, Leroy L., b. 00-00-1907, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 435
SMITH, Letha V., b. 09-15-1891, d. 4/9/1974, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 152
SMITH, Lewis H., d. 11/6/1878, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 331
SMITH, Lila Myrtle (Mausolem), b. 07-02-1886, d. 1/23/1980
SMITH, Lillian M., b. 11-26-1896, d. 6/5/1988, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 50
SMITH, Lonnie W., b. 11-29-1959, d. 7/20/1972, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 403
SMITH, Lucille H., b. 00-00-1914, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 66
SMITH, Lucinda Watson, b. 00-00-1836, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 108
SMITH, Luther, b. 07-31-1887, d. 8/29/1940, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 1
SMITH, Lydia, b. 06-23-1828, d. 3/9/1909, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 225
SMITH, M. Luella, b. 00-00-1854, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 556
SMITH, Malinda C., b. 11-09-1842, d. 1/18/1906, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 42
SMITH, Margaret A., b. 02-02-1919, d. 5/8/2005, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 403
SMITH, Margaret A., b. 07-25-1874, d. 5/7/1944, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 577
SMITH, Margaret L., b. 04-09-1921, d. 12/16/1972, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 403
SMITH, Margaret, d. 11/22/1861, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 29
SMITH, Margaret, d. 5/13/1861, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 30
SMITH, Marian E., b. 06-10-1928, d. 12-03-2015, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 381
SMITH, Marice L., Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 557
SMITH, Marion, d. 06-13-2016, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 152-6
SMITH, Marjorie Edna, b. 08-09-1916, d. 10/21/1974, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 155
SMITH, Martha E., b. 00-00-1882, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 600
SMITH, Martin L., b. 04-10-1858, d. 8/26/1932, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 557
SMITH, Mary C., b. 02-12-1861, d. 5/22/1920, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 234
SMITH, Mary C., b. 04-17-1905, d. 4/12/2004, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 336
SMITH, Mary E., Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 375
SMITH, Mary E., b. 07-16-1874, d. 6/26/1954, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 411
SMITH, Mary Magdalene, b. 08-15-1898, d. 2/22/1953, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 410
SMITH, Mary Naomi, b. 10-08-1904, d. 9/17/1980, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 381
SMITH, Mary, b. 04-15-1808, d. 3/9/1888, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 217
SMITH, Maude M., b. 12-16-1902, d. 9/27/1988, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 177
SMITH, Minnie E., b. 07-17-1872, d. 5/4/1946, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 93
SMITH, Missouri M., b. 00-00-1867, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 263
SMITH, Myrtle E., b. 06-20-1905, d. 2/25/2002, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 436
SMITH, Naomi M., b. 04-05-1910, d. 1/13/2003, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 642
SMITH, Nellie B., b. 10-12-1894, d. 7/2/1968, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 403
SMITH, Nellie E., d. 1/15/1932, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 440
SMITH, Nora A., b. 00-00-1892, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 31
SMITH, O. J. (Dr.), b. 01-13-1810, d. 6/14/1868, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 123
SMITH, Omar S., b. 00-00-1860, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 413
SMITH, Oscar F., d. 2/27/1892, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 307
SMITH, Otha J., b. 02-04-1856, d. 2/23/1929, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 456
SMITH, Otho B., b. 01-05-1838, d. 11/15/1899, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 123
SMITH, Paul H., b. 10-06-1897, d. 1/10/1991, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 439
SMITH, Pauline S., b. 00-00-1903, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 66
SMITH, Prudence, b. 07-31-1849, d. 6/3/1929, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 409
SMITH, R. Garland, b. 10-20-1896, d. 9/22/1954, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 577
SMITH, Rachael F., d. 1/6/1917, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 137
SMITH, Rachel E., Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 424
SMITH, Ralph W., b. 04-05-1925, d. 12/14/1998, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 424
SMITH, Raymond, b. 00-00-1875, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 409
SMITH, Rebecca, b. 12-04-1820, d. 11/3/1897, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 223
SMITH, Rebecca, d. 6/11/1893, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 349
SMITH, Rita M., b. 11-09-1942, d. 11/18/2006, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 205-4
SMITH, Robert E., b. 01-03-1855, d. 2/16/1922, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 609
SMITH, Robert, b. 01-15-1738, d. 10/14/1818, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 40
SMITH, Robert, d. 06-12-2016, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 475
SMITH, Robert, d. 10/2/1868, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 349
SMITH, Roy, b. 00-00-1891, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 375
SMITH, Royal C., b. 12-26-1899, d. 12/22/1918, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 410
SMITH, Russell C., b. 02-24-1898, d. 9/18/1980, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 516
SMITH, Ruth I., b. 02-08-1915, d. 2/14/1997, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 404
SMITH, Ruth L. (ASHES), b. 08-23-1919, d. 3/31/2014, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 577
SMITH, Ruth N., b. 11-02-1930, d. 7/10/2009, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 456 1/2
SMITH, Samuel H., b. 00-00-1816, d. 4/8/1876, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 151
SMITH, Samuel V., b. 08-17-1925, d. 10/14/2005, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 152-6
SMITH, Samuel, b. 06-01-1828, d. 9/5/1865, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 42
SMITH, Samuel, b. 08-01-1815, d. 8/18/1884, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 223
SMITH, Selva Jane, d. 6/1/1943, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 193
SMITH, Sophia N., b. 07-23-1837, d. 8/21/1880, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 142
SMITH, Stafford, b. 00-00-1879, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 409
SMITH, Susan M., b. 10-20-1856, d. 6/11/1934, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 557
SMITH, Susan Slifer, b. 01-01-1828, d. 1/30/1892, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 308
SMITH, Susan, b. 05-03-1826, d. 10/26/1918, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 201
SMITH, T.E., Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 29
SMITH, Thomas E., b. 00-00-1856, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 556
SMITH, Tilghman H., b. 12-04-1857, d. 12/15/1919, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 609
SMITH, Vivan W., b. 08-22-1927, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 280
SMITH, Walter William, b. 08-23-1913, d. 6/2/1987, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 375
SMITH, Wilbert W., b. 03-13-1892, d. 2/12/1960, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 152
SMITH, Wilbur R., b. 06-10-1886, d. 2/10/1948, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 177
SMITH, Will Sibert (infant), b. 11-05-1862, d. 11/27/1862, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 42
SMITH, Willard, b. 03-24-1912, d. 1/6/1967, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 50
SMITH, William F., b. 10-02-1820, d. 5/29/1902, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 308
SMITH, William Henry, b. 09-05-1938, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 81
SMITH, Wilma M., b. 03-20-1928, d. 1/8/2012, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 308
SNAVELY, Amelia A., b. 06-25-1858, d. 8/1/1930, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 39
SNAVELY, Hezekiah M., b. 01-05-1855, d. 11/16/1931, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 39
SNAVELY, Modena Forest, b. 08-06-1900, d. 6/22/1987, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 452
SNAVELY, Osmond Theodore, b. 02-01-1901, d. 2/26/1979, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 452
SNAVELY, Raymond, b. 05-28-1934, d. 8/5/1934, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 452
SNIVELY, Barbara A., d. 11/11/1906, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 148
SNIVELY, Cora E., b. 00-00-1863, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 581
SNIVELY, Hiram B., d. 12/11/1900, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 148
SNIVELY, Howard W., b. 00-00-1895, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 148
SNIVELY, Howard W., d. 4/30/1893, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 148
SNIVELY, John L., b. 00-00-1863, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 581
SNIVELY, Rose K., b. 00-00-1870, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 148
SNOOK, Gary Bernard, b. 06-08-1942, d. 4/18/1983, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 95
SNYDER, (infant son), d. 12/20/1862, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 95
SNYDER, Alleine F., b. 05-03-1906, d. 11/29/1992, Section: B, Plot: 10, Lot: 63
SNYDER, Amanda E., d. 11/26/1923, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 18
SNYDER, Annie E., b. 00-00-1861, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 279
SNYDER, Annie M., d. 3/25/1883, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 280
SNYDER, Bernice Marie, b. 07-16-1919, d. 2/9/1975, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 361
SNYDER, Catherine, d. 5/7/1887, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 18
SNYDER, Cora A., d. 6/1/1987, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 280
SNYDER, Cora E., d. 8/16/1917, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 18
SNYDER, Daniel T., b. 10-28-1840, d. 2/3/1870, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 18
SNYDER, Edward, b. 08-02-1910, d. 3/27/1987, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 361
SNYDER, Ezra A., d. 8/2/1892, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 134
SNYDER, Fanny Elizabeth, b. 08-22-1865, d. 6/22/1914, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 573
SNYDER, Flora B., b. 00-00-1892, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 63
SNYDER, George E., b. 01-12-1862, d. 3/2/1941, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 573
SNYDER, George E., d. 3/6/1941, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 573
SNYDER, George N., d. 6/30/1875, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 122
SNYDER, George W. Rev., b. 00-00-1841, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 261
SNYDER, Harlan K., b. 00-00-1873, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 63
SNYDER, Harlan S., d. 3/24/1900, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 280
SNYDER, Harry E., b. 06-21-1891, d. 4/16/1960, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 449
SNYDER, Helen L., b. 03-26-1893, d. 9/27/1972, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 421
SNYDER, Herman M., d. 4/2/2006, Section: B, Lot: 546-5
SNYDER, Hubert F., b. 03-24-1917, d. 5/30/1989, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 421
SNYDER, Hubert H., b. 04-16-1890, d. 2/23/1951, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 421
SNYDER, Infant, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 18
SNYDER, J. Miller, d. 12/17/1878, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 134
SNYDER, Jacob M., b. 10-27-1849, d. 3/23/1939, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 25
SNYDER, Jeanette, d. 11/21/1883, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 122
SNYDER, John Manadore, d. 10/27/1872, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 122
SNYDER, John T., d. 11/8/1925, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 18
SNYDER, Joseph H., d. 8/19/1885, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 314
SNYDER, L. Virginia, b. 05-12-1881, d. 10/25/1976, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 25
SNYDER, Laura (infant), b. 03-16-1858, d. 4/24/1858, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 95
SNYDER, Laura E., b. 00-00-1875, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 63
SNYDER, Laura M., d. 2/7/1901, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 280
SNYDER, Lena G., d. 10/7/1941, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 280
SNYDER, Martha A., d. 9/21/1861, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 18
SNYDER, Martin H., d. 7/16/1899, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 280
SNYDER, Martin T., d. 5/16/1881, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 18
SNYDER, Mary R., b. 11-01-1894, d. 8/16/1972, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 25
SNYDER, Mary Virginia, b. 10-23-1864, d. 6/20/1883, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 95
SNYDER, Nancy A., b. 10-29-1823, d. 5/8/1908, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 95
SNYDER, Nancy, b. 01-02-1820, d. 5/9/1842, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 134
SNYDER, Olin Elmer, b. 09-15-1889, d. 11/18/1974, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 48
SNYDER, Olive May, b. 05-23-1896, d. 6/23/1982, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 280
SNYDER, Otho M., b. 00-00-1857, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 279
SNYDER, Patsy Joann, b. 01-28-1938, d. 1/29/1981, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 495
SNYDER, Paul Jay, b. 12-25-1902, d. 1/29/1972, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 573
SNYDER, Ruann N., b. 01-09-1838, d. 2/13/1882, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 95
SNYDER, Ruth Isabelle, b. 12-25-1891, d. 9/25/1984, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 48
SNYDER, Samuel K. Sr., b. 11-29-1937, d. 5/19/2012, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 495 1/2
SNYDER, Samuel K., b. 11-29-1937, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 495
SNYDER, Samuel M., b. 05-19-1891, d. 9/4/1969, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 280
SNYDER, Sarah, d. 4/6/1895, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 122
SNYDER, Simon C., b. 00-00-1893, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 63
SNYDER, Simon P., b. 02-07-1831, d. 11/10/1868, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 95
SNYDER, Sophia, b. 04-02-1828, d. 1/28/1901, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 314
SNYDER, Stuart W., b. 07-14-1960, d. 2/9/1991, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 51
SNYDER, Susan E., b. 05-31-1855, d. 12/12/1942, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 25
SNYDER, Susan N., b. 01-01-1820, d. 11/20/1887, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 95
SNYDER, Tammy L., b. 02-02-1971, d. 6/14/1990, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 495
SNYDER, Vera M., b. 08-08-1891, d. 7/10/1977, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 449
SOCKS, William G., b. 12-20-1917, d. 1/3/1992, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 373
SODERGEN, Eugene Jr., b. 00-00-1938, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 83
SODERGREN, Richard J. ASHES, b. 12-04-1939, d. 11/18/2011, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 83
SOUDERS, Betty Jane, b. 09-20-1932, d. 1/3/2005, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 94
SOUDERS, Bruce H., b. 05-12-1926, d. 8/17/1991, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 94
SOUTH, Alice V., b. 04--03-1857, d. 5/28/1917, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 538
SOUTH, Naomi Knott, b. 10-14-1881, d. 4/15/1942, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 13
SOUTH, Ray O., b. 09-25-1878, d. 7/13/1950, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 13
SOWERS, Anna Jane, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 7
SOWERS, Anna, b. 11-13-1918, d. 7/1/2011, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 7
SOWERS, Eugene D., b. 06-07-1892, d. 3/29/1968, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 234
SOWERS, Harry Brian, b. 03-23-1913, d. 1/7/1955, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 399
SOWERS, Mary Leander Gilbert, b. 04-07-1899, d. 12/3/1983, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 234
SPEAKER, Louise A., d. 3/17/1944, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 385
SPEALMAN, Eliza Ann, d. 12/10/1869, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 16
SPENCER, Jane I., b. 12-25-1921, d. 1/14/2009, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 191A
SPESSARD, Charles G., b. 00-00-1853, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 30
SPESSARD, Cora A., b. 00-00-1856, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 30
SPESSARD, Dorothy J., b. 03-01-1935, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 90
SPESSARD, Dorothy J., b. 03-01-1935, d. 6/14/2011, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 90
SPESSARD, Esther I., b. 05-02-1891, d. 12/25/1989, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 30
SPESSARD, Mary J., Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 30
SPESSARD, Walter C., b. 06-22-1883, Section: B, Lot: 30
SPIELMAN, Ezra, d. 11/16/1915, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 117
SPIELMAN, Mary Elizabeth, d. 10/17/1902, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 117
SPIELMAN, Mary M., d. 12/11/1874, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 117
SPIZZO, Rick Allan (infant), d. 3/11/1953, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 482
SPRANKLIN, Helene F. C. ASHES, b. 06-25-1925, d. 1/21/2013, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 183-6
SPRINGER, John M., b. 10-07-1846, d. 10/31/1918, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 449
SPRINGER, Mary V., b. 09-13-1852, d. 1/11/1924, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 449
SPRINGS, Leon W. (SUNDAY), b. 01-30-1963, d. 02-18-2016, Section: D, Plot: 2, Lot: 20
SPURRIER, William G., b. 09-01-1879, d. 3/7/1949, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 370
SPURRIER, Winna Estella, b. 05-20-1879, d. 7/30/1969, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 370
ST. CLAIR, Martha E., d. 8/8/1880, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 135
STALEY, Amy Thelma, b. 09-23-1904, d. 4/7/1975, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 376
STALEY, Edwin T., b. 12-05-1903, d. 3/6/1988, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 376
STALEY, Lois E., b. 10-26-1942, d. 8/19/2002, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 376
STANGLE, Catherine (ASHES), b. 09-17-1924, d. 10-22-2015, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 502
STANGLE, Catherine L., Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 502
STANGLE, Howard K., b. 11-21-1920, d. 11/6/2002, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 502
STANGLE, Kenneth A., b. 00-00-1899, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 502
STANGLE, Naomi F., b. 00-00-1896, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 502
STANLEY, Billy J., b. 12-19-1934, d. 4/4/2003, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 53
STANLEY, Patsy L, d. 07-24-2016, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 53
STARK, Edward N. (ASHES), b. 04-23-1905, d. 3/6/1989, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 478
STARK, Eloise, b. 09-28-1915, d. 7/29/1992, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 478
STARLIPER, Geraldine M., b. 12-18-1928, d. 6/20/2008, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 144-6
STAUBS, Anna B., b. 11-19-1921, d. 6/16/2004, Section: C, Plot: 7, Lot: 4
STAUBS, George, d. 5/11/1874, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 67
STAUBS, Harry L., b. 04-16-1892, d. 3/31/1965, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 109
STAUBS, Homer W., b. 04-11-1916, d. 3/30/1997, Section: C, Plot: 9, Lot: 4
STAUBS, Howard H., b. 04-24-1885, d. 6/25/1962, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 4
STAUBS, Maude B., b. 08-13-1882, d. 5/2/1965, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 109
STAUBS, Nina Jane (Infant), b. 11-16-1963, d. 11/14/1963, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 4
STAUBS, Nina Martz, d. 7/28/1916, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 345
STEARNS, Fred Merritt, b. 04-02-1911, d. 12/2/1979, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 127
STEARNS, Nora T., b. 08-10-1902, d. 7/4/1982, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 127
STEM, Annie M., b. 00-00-1849, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 254
STEM, Elmer E., b. 00-00-1867, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 254
STEM, William H., b. 00-00-1842, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 254
STEPHENS, Elizabeth A., Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 87
STEPHENS, Milton S., d. 2/12/1885, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 255
STEPHENS, ns, , Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 87
STEPHENS, ns, , Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 87
STEPHEY, Alice C., b. 10-07-1858, d. 3/1/1927, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 19
STEPHEY, Roscoe W., b. 00-00-1893, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 388
STEPHEY, Stephey, David, b. 10-15-1865, d. 10/22/1929, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 19
STERNER, Lloyd A., b. 08-27-1911, d. 11/11/1967, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 10
STERNER, Margaret L., b. 09-11-1873, d. 1/31/1966, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 10
STERNER, Mary J. (ASHES), b. 01-19-1913, d. 2/25/2002, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 10
STEVENS, Sarah F., b. 06-22-1867, d. 7/15/1959, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 440
STEVENSON, William F., b. 12-03-1922, d. 7/29/1998, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 64
STILES, Charles H., b. 09-17-1924, d. 7/13/1987, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 392
STILES, George A., b. 05-21-1909, d. 10/2/1995, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 313
STILES, George N., b. 08-13-1939, d. 2/11/2008, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 313
STILES, Mary R., b. 07-23-1911, d. 9/28/1971, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 313
STILES, Nancy A., b. 09-05-1931, d. 2/22/1991, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 392
STINE, Eliza J., b. 11-13-1845, d. 3/15/1931, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 300
STINE, Emma J., d. 9/11/1885, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 154
STINE, George W., b. 11-28-1837, d. 8/3/1918, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 300
STINE, Hubert B., b. 06-19-1919, d. 9/30/1992, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 57
STINE, John W., b. 03-08-1874, d. 3/5/1952, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 443
STINE, Oscar L., b. 00-00-1891, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 57
STINE, Rebecca J. Rohrer, d. 3/2/1931, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 224
STINE, Ruth E., b. 00-00-1891, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 57
STINE, Sadie S., b. 12-13-1881, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 443
STINE, Shirley V., b. 07-30-1923, d. 12-21-2015, Section: B, Plot: 10, Lot: 57
STONE, Benjamin, d. 3/20/1878, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 269
STONE, Elizabeth, b. 11-15-1823, d. 7/26/1903, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 283
STONE, Elmer A. Jr., b. 12-11-1927, d. 01-21-2015, Section: 121, Plot: 0, Lot: Mausoleum
STONE, Hattie Mae, b. 07-09-1886, d. 3/30/1983, Section: 0, Plot: 0, Lot: Mausoleum
STONE, Leah, d. 4/27/1903, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 269
STONE, William H., d. 9/1/1888, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 269
STONE, Willie H., d. 7/20/1891, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 269
STONEBERGER, Della B., b. 00-00-1898, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 193
STONEBERGER, Harry J., b. 02-14-1923, d. 8/9/2001, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 193
STONEBERGER, Harry W., b. 00-00-1893, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 193
STONEBERGER, Wanda Lee, b. 05-23-1930, d. 4/3/2008, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 193A
STONEBERGER, Wanda, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 193
STONER, Ira Franklin, b. 01-14-1909, d. 11/7/1982, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 126
STONESIFER, Aura M., b. 00-00-1849, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 185
STONESIFER, Edwin F., b. 00-00-1852, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 185
STONESIFER, Jacob G., b. 02-11-1841, d. 6/18/1864, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 185
STONESIFER, John R., b. 00-00-1843, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 185
STONESIFER, John, b. 11-15-1810, d. 1/11/1881, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 185
STONESIFER, Lucinda, b. 00-00-1837, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 185
STONESIFER, Mary Dagenhart, b. 09-26-1819, d. 3/1/1901, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 185
STOOPS, Sarah, b. 04-28-1801, d. 8/10/1868, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 67
STORM, Alice C., b. 00-00-1883, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 177
STORM, Catherine Shank, b. 10-06-1822, d. 9/10/1901, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 268
STORM, Elizabeth L., b. 04-09-1845, d. 5/2/1919, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 257
STORM, Francis E., b. 10-31-1855, d. 4/18/1942, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 306
STORM, Harriet K., b. 03-30-1892, d. 3/14/1977, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 177
STORM, Harvey L., b. 08-01-1859, d. 4/8/1923, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 268
STORM, Hattie, b. 03-10-1882, d. 9/17/1882, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 306
STORM, John M., b. 00-00-1890, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 177
STORM, Katie Falconer, b. 12-20-1855, d. 11/30/1922, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 306
STORM, Katie M., b. 07-01-1885, d. 5/2/1919, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 257
STORM, Martin L., b. 05-20-1850, d. 8/27/1925, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 257
STORM, Mary L., b. 03-12-1858, d. 6/20/1938, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 268
STORM, Pauline S., b. 03-30-1888, d. 2/23/1913, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 306
STORM, Philip, b. 08-23-1812, d. 5/9/1885, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 268
STOTELMYER, John L., b. 02-24-1892, d. 9/4/1971, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 404
STOTELMYER, Phebe A., b. 10-05-1895, d. 8/14/1997, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 404
STOTLER, Ada Mae, b. 09-17-1883, d. 2/15/1983, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 285
STOTLER, Brenda Lee, b. 07-19-1963, d. 7/18/1982, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 181
STOTLER, Dale, d. 2/16/1959, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 180
STOTLER, Emory C., b. 04-05-1925, d. 11/26/2010, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 285
STOTLER, Emory Clarence, Sr., b. 09-24-1880, d. 7/26/1956, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 285
STOTLER, Jacob, d. 3/12/1898, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 207
STOTLER, Kenneth W., d. 12/20/1961, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 181
STOTLER, Mary E., b. 12-16-1854, d. 5/13/1928, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 207
STOTLER, Rebecca Ellen, b. 03-10-1960, d. 7/18/1982, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 180
STOTLER, Richard D., b. 01-08-1930, d. 4/5/1992, Section: C, Plot: 6, Lot: 153
STOTLER, Ronald E., b. 01-04-1939, d. 11/4/1996, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 181
STOTLER, Rosalie K., d. 02-14-2018, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 153-6
STOTTLEMEYER, Joanne D., b. 03-27-1932, d. 8/1/2011, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 101
STOTTLEMYER, Catherine M., b. 01-07-1945, d. 8/25/2010, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 184-6
STOTTLEMYER, Charles W., b. 02-22-1936, d. 9/25/2013, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 176-6
STOTTLEMYER, Chester L., b. 07-31-1898, d. 6/21/1971, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 101
STOTTLEMYER, Daniel W., b. 01-21-1902, d. 12/27/1987, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 426
STOTTLEMYER, Eugene A., b. 03-11-1936, d. 2/15/2004, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 494 1/2
STOTTLEMYER, Eva Olivia, b. 10-08-1919, d. 12/30/1978, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 170
STOTTLEMYER, Goldie M., b. 11-19-1941, d. 11/1/2014, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 176-6
STOTTLEMYER, Hattie Mamie, b. 02-08-1902, d. 3/6/1975, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 148
STOTTLEMYER, Joanne D., b. 00-00-1932, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 101
STOTTLEMYER, Joseph R., b. 00-00-1928, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 101
STOTTLEMYER, Joseph R., b. 09-29-1928, d. 10/2/2009, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 101
STOTTLEMYER, Kenneth L., b. 03-09-1938, d. 7/30/2008, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 184-6
STOTTLEMYER, Lena M., b. 06-26-1914, d. 5/20/1998, Section: C, Plot: 10, Lot: 67
STOTTLEMYER, Lora E., b. 02-19-1876, d. 12/13/1947, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 170
STOTTLEMYER, Michael W., b. 05-18-1900, d. 7/25/1925, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 170
STOTTLEMYER, Opal E., b. 04-15-1916, d. 2/9/1997, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 426
STOTTLEMYER, Stacey Seibert, b. 07-30-1898, d. 12/6/1980, Section: C, Plot: 5, Lot: 148
STOTTLEMYER, W. Webster, b. 02-14-1878, d. 3/28/1957, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 170
STOTTLEMYER, Woodrow A., b. 03-20-1911, d. 10/27/1960, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 170
STOTTLER, Anna Louise, b. 08-08-1798, d. 10/9/1883, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 38
STOTTLER, Elizabeth, b. 11-01-1823, d. 5/3/1880, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 38
STOTTLER, Emory C., b. 09-24-1881, d. 7/26/1956, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 285
STOUFFER, Ada Amelia, b. 11-30-1925, d. 2/7/1942, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 542
STOUFFER, Albertus, b. 00-00-1851, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 398
STOUFFER, Betty Thomas, b. 08-28-1917, d. 7/7/1982, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 359
STOUFFER, David H., b. 08-16-1855, d. 2/20/1933, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 542
STOUFFER, Edward E., b. 10-12-1849, d. 4/30/1923, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 318
STOUFFER, Elsie M., b. 00-00-1901, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 398
STOUFFER, Grace V., b. 00-00-1882, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 398
STOUFFER, Guy E., b. 08-28-1895, d. 1/14/1941, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 542
STOUFFER, Harry F., b. 00-00-1901, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 340
STOUFFER, Herman F., b. 12-17-1930, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 105
STOUFFER, Isaac, d. 2/24/1939, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 483
STOUFFER, Janet M., b. 12-25-1933, d. 3/10/1953, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 105
STOUFFER, Laura E., b. 09-14-1858, d. 10/13/1935, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 318
STOUFFER, Leila I., b. 11-19-1905, d. 12/13/1997, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 340
STOUFFER, Lycurgus H., b. 00-00-1875, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 340
STOUFFER, Maria C., b. 04-17-1857, d. 10/16/1929, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 542
STOUFFER, Martha E, b. 00-00-1857, d. 4/9/1944, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 398
STOUFFER, Mary E., b. 07-11-1920, d. 12/4/2000, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 569
STOUFFER, Paul L. Sr., b. 06-11-1917, d. 2/17/2000, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 569
STOUFFER, Rosa Beth, b. 00-00-1879, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 340
STOUFFER, Sibert R., b. 12-03-1885, d. 2/10/1886, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 318
STOVER, A. Myrtle Warrenfeltz, b. 08-02-1889, d. 10/12/1959, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 78
STOVER, Barbara E., d. 10/9/1910, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 546
STOVER, Geroge W., b. 06-09-1858, d. 9/6/1922, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 632
STOVER, J. Wesley, b. 02-18-1879, d. 8/24/1956, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 78
STOVER, Mollie B., b. 06-03-1861, d. 2/9/1950, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 632
STRAILMAN, Carroll G., b. 06-18-1927, d. 12/3/2011, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 183-4
STRAND, John G., b. 07-24-1891, d. 9/11/1961, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 450
STRAND, Lucy L., b. 12-25-1898, d. 5/17/1962, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 450
STRASUE, Margaret, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 271
STRAUSE, Charles E., b. 00-00-1859, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 271
STRAUSE, Charles, b. 00-00-1875, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 271
STRAUSE, Fannie, Section: A, Plot: 10, Lot: 271
STRAUSE, George R., Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 271
STRAUSE, George W., Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 271
STREIFEL, Milton, b. 08-07-1939, d. 5/26/2011, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 183-6
STREIPEL, Joyce, d. 05-23-2016, Section: C, Plot: 4, Lot: 183-6
STROUSE, George, b. 10-12-1800, d. 3/5/1860, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 114
STUART, Dolores M. (ASHES), b. 10-12-1915, d. 8/26/1991, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 125
STUART, John Robert, d. 3/25/1985, Section: C, Lot: 125
STULL, William W., b. 04-10-1940, d. 6/8/2013, Section: B, Plot: 1, Lot: 381
STUP, Ray E., b. 11-22-1928, d. 1/6/1992, Section: C, Plot: 10, Lot: 6
STUP, Rhea M., b. 11-25-1923, d. 1/2/2013, Section: C, Plot: 2, Lot: 5
SULLIVAN, Charles L., b. 00-00-1871, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 32
SULLIVAN, Emma, b. 00-00-1952, Section: B, Plot: 5, Lot: 32
SUMAN, Benjamin S., b. 07-07-1852, d. 6/23/1924, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 200
SUMAN, Elizabeth G., d. 6/26/1888, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 329
SUMAN, Elizabeth, d. 3/1/1902, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 329
SUMAN, Fenton, b. 12-04-1858, d. 7/24/1942, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 412
SUMAN, Harry, d. 11/19/1877, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 329
SUMAN, Henry, b. 02-21-1863, d. 2/19/1895, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 152
SUMAN, Ida F., b. 05-10-1861, d. 2/6/1936, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 412
SUMAN, John A, d. 7/27/1885, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 329
SUMAN, John Hubert, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 329
SUMAN, Lavinta, d. 7/15/1912, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 77
SUMAN, Mary Ann, b. 03-27-1865, d. 4/29/1897, Section: A, Plot: 9, Lot: 152
SUMAN, Mary Virginia, b. 08-08-1890, d. 4/7/1983, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 412
SUMAN, Missouri, d. 6/9/1888, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 329
SUMAN, Ruann, d. 9/18/1872, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 152
SUMAN, Samuel, b. 02-08-1827, d. 4/8/1897, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 152
SUMAN, Sarah A., b. 09-08-1852, d. 3/31/1926, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 200
SUMAN, Sarah Jane, b. 04-27-1831, d. 9/1/1897, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 152
SUMAN, William, d. 10/6/1862, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 77
SUMERS, Simon P., d. 4/27/1879, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 65
SUMMER, Martha, b. 00-00-1882, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 437
SUMMER, Martin E., b. 00-00-1876, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 437
SUMMER, Robert K., b. 00-00-1913, Section: A, Plot: 6, Lot: 437
SUMMERS, Albert Keifer, b. 07-09-1913, d. 10/21/1976, Section: A, Lot: 437
SUMMERS, Beatrice E., b. 12-16-1915, d. 11/4/1989, Section: B, Plot: 7, Lot: 36
SUMMERS, C. A., b. 11-09-1862, d. 5/8/1934, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 157
SUMMERS, Carrie, b. 00-00-1867, d. 4/4/1939, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 408
SUMMERS, Charles A., b. 05-20-1904, d. 1/29/1974, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 36
SUMMERS, Emma, Section: A, Plot: 8, Lot: 65
SUMMERS, Ezra Daniel, b. 05-05-1873, d. 2/3/1940, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 469
SUMMERS, Frank M., d. 11/22/1975, Section: B, Plot: 9, Lot: 36
SUMMERS, Gertie V. Houpt, b. 10-02-1881, d. 1/29/1971, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 469
SUMMERS, Harry L., b. 03-01-1893, d. 3/3/1899, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 157
SUMMERS, Isaiah E., b. 06-12-1857, d. 1/5/1910, Section: A, Plot: 3, Lot: 157
SUMMERS, James Leonard, b. 07-22-1916, d. 1/19/1986, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 494
SUMMERS, Janet L., b. 04-11-1925, d. 12/21/2010, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 406
SUMMERS, John N., b. 03-01-1875, d. 9/4/1875, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 65
SUMMERS, Jolui C., b. 00-00-1865, d. 10/26/1944, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 408
SUMMERS, Lillian ASHES, b. 09-15-1914, d. 2/27/2013, Section: B, Plot: 10, Lot: 36
SUMMERS, Lola M., b. 05-01-1873, d. 11/29/1952, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 36
SUMMERS, Luther A., b. 04-27-1875, d. 5/25/1953, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 36
SUMMERS, Mary Alice, b. 07-19-1908, d. 8/25/1999, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 494
SUMMERS, Pauline C., b. 03-21-1906, d. 11/10/1996, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 406
SUMMERS, Robert R., b. 05-15-1915, d. 2/3/1995, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 525
SUMMERS, Susan R., b. 10-29-1848, d. 7/27/1875, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 65
SUMMERS, Veniah E., b. 09-18-1902, d. 12/6/1965, Section: B, Plot: 10, Lot: 406
SUMMERS, William D., d. 3/31/1925, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 469
SUPERKA, Charles C., b. 08-22-1919, d. 12/9/2012, Section: A, Plot: 2, Lot: 352
SUPERKA, Hurletta J, b. 05-29-1925, d. 01-26-2017, Section: A, Plot: 4, Lot: 352
SURSAW, Arthur, b. 09-11-1940, d. 1/7/2004, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 320
SURSAW, Bette Y., b. 06-03-1939, d. 1/5/2002, Section: B, Plot: 6, Lot: 320
SWAIN, Betty I., b. 04-13-1928, d. 03-17-2018, Section: A, Plot: 1, Lot: 479
SWAIN, Betty J., b. 09-21-1926, d. 12/27/2009, Section: C, Plot: 3, Lot: 272-6
SWAIN, Elwood L., b. 10-02-1924, d. 11/9/2006, Section: C, Plot: 1, Lot: 272
SWAIN, Garrott M., b. 01-05-1903, d. 3/11/1984, Section: A, Plot: 7, Lot: 479
SWAIN, Margaret I., b. 09-17-1905, d. 1/12/1995, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 479
SWARTZ, Shirley, b. 05-15-1952, d. 7/8/2003, Section: A, Plot: 5, Lot: 488
SWEENEY, Connie D, b. 01-30-1954, d. 02-21-2017, Section: B, Plot: 3, Lot: 482
SWEENEY, Easter Pauline, b. 02-26-1934, d. 2/10/1997, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 482
SWEENEY, Edward J., b. 00-00-1896, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 473
SWEENEY, Loretta M., b. 05-03-1906, d. 2/15/1998, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 473
SWEENEY, Thomas Howell, b. 02-01-1929, d. 3/3/1976, Section: B, Plot: 2, Lot: 482
SWISHER, Margaret A. ASHES, b. 0614-1935, d. 11/12/2012, Section: B, Plot: 8, Lot: 404
SWOPE, Beulah V., b. 08-29-1914, d. 1/27/2012, Section: B, Plot: 4, Lot: 436 1/2
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