Search Maine Death Records
Maine Newspapers, Full Search (1785-1950), 108 titles
Maine Obituary Search, (1992-current)
Maine Funeral Notices
Togus National Cemetery
Togus, Kennebec County, Maine
* Records with an asterisk at the end indicates those that have not been verified as accurate by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs. Please visit "The National Cemetery Administration Records Verification Project " for details on what this means. To report an error, please visit the Veterans Affairs website, click on "Contact the VA" and follow the instructions.
Gabriel, Joshua S, d. 08/01/1894, CO F 22ND MASS, Plot: F 1116, *
Gaffney, Francis, d. 06/24/1902, CO A 3RD RI, Plot: I 1768, *
Gaffney, Ignatius W, d. 04/27/1896, CO L 1ST MASS, Plot: J 1267, *
Gage, Frank, d. 07/06/1912, CO C 1ST ME VOLS, Plot: A 3030, *
Gagnon, Alphie, d. 12/09/1959, COOK CO A 1ST DEV 151ST DEPOT BRIG US ARMY, Plot: V 5289, *
Gagnon, Dominique Phillias, d. 08/05/1960, PVT BAT C 29TH ART CAC USA, Plot: V 5324, *
Gagnon, Vital, d. 01/07/1915, CO A 16TH NY CAV, Plot: K 3979, *
Gahagan, Nicholas, d. 10/16/1870, CO A 28 MASS VOL, Plot: D 38, *
Gainor, Thomas, d. 10/01/1902, CO D 21ST NY CAV, Plot: I 1795, *
Gallagher, Edward H, d. 02/08/1881, CO F 27TH ME VOLS, Plot: C 274, *
Gallagher, John, d. 01/22/1899, CO C 2ND MASS CAV, Plot: J 1473, *
Gallagher, John, d. 03/25/1907, USN, Plot: 0 2295, *
Gallagher, Michael, d. 06/11/1905, CO G 2ND CONN, Plot: N 2089, *
Gallagher, Michael, d. 09/19/1908, CO B 1ST BATT MASS, Plot: B 2469, *
Gallagher, Thomas, d. 04/22/1902, CO A 1ST MASS, Plot: I 1754, *
Gallahan, James, d. 10/08/1885, CO K 1ST NY HVY ARTY, Plot: G 476, *
Gallan, John C, d. 04/20/1908, CO A 115TH R I INF, Plot: B 2434, *
Gallant, Edward Felix, d. 10/10/1960, S/SGT CO A 475TH INF US ARMY, Plot: V 5335, *
Galligan, Patrick, d. 08/11/1891, I 5TH CONN VOLS, Plot: E 905, *
Gammons, Sanford, d. 09/19/1914, CO H 7TH MASS INF, Plot: L 3245, *
Gannon, Archibald, d. 04/23/1890, CO B 59TH MAS, Plot: F 799, *
Gannon, James, d. 10/16/1885, H 3RD NH VOLS, Plot: G 478, *
Gannon, John, d. 11/29/1909, CO F 9TH MASS, Plot: A 2629, *
Gannon, Thomas, d. 05/17/1907, CO C 8TH NH INF, Plot: 0 2308, *
Ganther, Frank, d. 07/17/1870, CO H 3 NY ST ART, Plot: D 27, *
Gardaner, Henry, d. 07/10/1898, C 10TH NY, Plot: J 1426, *
Gardiner, Daniel A, d. 02/05/1892, H 14TH R I, Plot: F 937, *
Gardiner, Edward G, d. 08/29/1886, USN, Plot: G 549, *
Gardiner, William D, d. 04/09/1875, CO F 11TH R I VOLS, Plot: D 117, *
Gardner, John, d. 03/20/1908, PVT USA, Dob 1841, Plot: P 18/10, bur. 03/20/1908, *
Gardner, William W, d. 02/11/1909, 5TH MASS CAV, Plot: A 2525, *
Garland, Leonard L, d. 11/02/1908, CO C M3 COAST GUARD, Plot: B 2494, *
Garlow, Joseph, d. 11/29/1873, CO A 22ND MASS VOL, Plot: D 91, *
Garrels, Henry, d. 07/09/1888, CO F 12TH ME, Plot: C 670, *
Garrity, James, d. 12/21/1889, A 18TH MASS, Plot: F 768, *
Gartner, Andrew, d. 08/15/1904, CO H 68TH NY, Plot: M 1992, *
Garvey, Frank, d. 10/07/1903, US NAVY, Plot: M 1907, *
Garvey, Patrick, d. 02/26/1886, CO E 88TH NY, Plot: H 512, *
Garvey, Patrick, d. 08/27/1914, CO 6TH MASS VOLS, Plot: L 3240, *
Garvin, James, d. 03/28/1897, B 33RD MASS INF, Plot: J 1329, *
Gassner, Victor, d. 01/11/1884, E 86TH NY VOLS, Plot: H 389, *
Gatchell, Horace, d. 10/07/1905, CO E 1ST NY, Plot: N 2126, *
Gately, Martin, d. 05/26/1895, CO D 29TH VA, 5 26 1895, Plot: J 1185, *
Gatman, Alfred, d. 12/11/1910, 9TH US INF, Plot: B 2791, *
Gaughan, John, d. 04/26/1910, CO D 11TH NH CAV, Plot: A 2716, *
Gavin, John, d. 04/09/1886, A 59 TH MASS VOL S, Plot: H 520, *
Gay, Charles J, d. 12/01/1894, F 21ST MASS INF, Plot: E 1154, *
Gay, Erastus C, d. 02/03/1903, CO C 4TH MASS INF, Plot: M 1839, *
Gaynor, John, USV, Plot: M 1831, *
Geary, Thomas, d. 09/09/1898, USN, Plot: J 1443, *
Gee, Leland Clifford, d. 06/30/1958, PVT TP A 12TH CALVALRY USA, Plot: V 5206, *
Geilen, Andrew, d. 02/23/1901, 29TH NY BATTERY, 2 23 1901, Plot: I 1650, *
George, Amos S, d. 04/06/1907, CO C 6TH MASS, Plot: 0 2298, *
George, Edward C, d. 08/04/1882, 3RD MASS BATY, Plot: C 329, *
George, John S, d. 04/10/1874, CO B 3RD URC, Plot: D 100, *
Gerhardt, Louis, C 22ND NY INF, Dod 9 1092, Plot: E 981, *
Gerhardt, Martin, d. 02/02/1893, CO D 9TH CONN, Plot: F 1015, *
Gerrish, Eldridge, d. 02/20/1896, CO A 7TH ME, Plot: J 1252, *
Gerrish, Woodman J, d. 08/30/1908, CO 6TH ME BARRY, Plot: B 2463, *
Getchell, Aaron, d. 06/29/1906, CO E 13TH ME INF, Plot: N 2198, *
Getchell, John, d. 11/28/1910, CO F 1ST CAV, Plot: A 2784, *
Gibbs, Herbert, d. 03/21/1913, US NAVY, Plot: A 3102, *
Giblin, James, CO B 9 MASS, Dod 1813, Plot: G 484, *
Gibson, George W, d. 07/10/1899, E 19TH MASS, Plot: J 1520, *
Gibson, John C, d. 08/07/1908, CO L 3RD R I, Plot: B 2467, *
Giesler, Kasper, d. 10/11/1886, CO I 26TH NY, Plot: G 558, *
Gilbert, Edward, d. 03/03/1887, CO G 42 N Y, Plot: D 610, *
Gill, Arthur, d. 12/08/1902, CO H 8TH NY, Plot: M 1816, *
Gill, George, d. 02/04/1889, D 4 US INF, 2 4 1889, Plot: G 706, *
Gill, John F, d. 09/15/1899, CO A 32ND MASS INF, 9 15 1899, Plot: J 1532, *
Gillan, David, d. 01/23/1910, CO E 83RD NY, Plot: B 2659, *
Gillen, Andrew, d. 08/15/1903, US NAVY, Plot: M 1893, *
Gillen, Michael, d. 07/02/1913, USN, Plot: L 3130, *
Gillick, Patrick, d. 11/25/1911, CO K 74TH NY, Plot: B 2931, *
Gillis, William A, d. 01/27/1910, CO A 9TH ME INF, Plot: A 2663, *
Gilpatrick, James, d. 04/03/1898, CO F 13TH ME, Plot: J 1403, *
Gilpatrick, John, CO E 9TH ME INF, Plot: A 2776, *
Gilpatrick, Leo Edward, d. 03/02/1961, CPL 12TH CO 151ST DB USA, Plot: V 5357, *
Gilroy, Thomas Bernard, d. 01/14/1958, PVT SALVAGE CORPS QMC, Plot: V 5176, *
Gilson, Daniel, d. 09/05/1893, G 1ST N H CAV, 9 5 1893, Plot: E 1057, *
Girdler, Richard, d. 04/04/1910, US NAVY, Plot: B 2697, *
Gladden, Henry F, d. 06/07/1881, CO C 54TH MASS VOLS, 6 7 1881, Plot: C 288, *
Glass, Samuel H, d. 05/25/1903, CO B 23RD MASS, Plot: M 1864, *
Glassey, William J, d. 09/02/1908, CO C 1ST RI CAV, Plot: B 2465, *
Glavin, Richard, d. 02/27/1883, H 3RD MASS VOL, Plot: C 353, *
Gleason, James, d. 01/11/1884, CO 26TH MASS, 1 11 1884, Plot: H 390, *
Gleason, James, d. 03/26/1908, CO B 18TH MASS, Plot: B 2416, *
Gleason, John, d. 07/12/1892, CO A 21ST NY CAV, Plot: E 969, *
Glynn, James, d. 09/14/1914, CO A 11TH VT INF, Plot: L 3243, *
Glynn, Martin, US NAVY, 1895, Plot: J 1183, *
Goddard, Leander, d. 12/08/1902, CO D 51ST MASS, 12 8 1902, Plot: M 1814, *
Godley, Adelbert D, d. 02/10/1885, CO G 21 NY CAV, Plot: H 439, *
Godley, John C, d. 02/21/1900, A 1ST ILL ARTY, Plot: J 1554, *
Goings, Millan Leroy, d. 12/26/1959, PFC INF USA, Plot: V 5294, *
Golden, Edward, d. 09/30/1875, CO G 19TH MASS, Plot: D 127, *
Golden, Harry, b. 02/14/1914, d. 09/01/1965, PFC USA, Plot: M 263, bur. 09/07/1965, *
Golden, Michael, d. 05/12/1906, CO H 6TH NY, Plot: N 2183, *
Goldschnidt, Anthony, d. 06/22/1906, CO B 1ST NY, Plot: N 2194, *
Goldthwaite, Eben G, d. 01/10/1886, 2ND S S 22ND MASS, Plot: H 501, *
Golliff, William A, d. 09/22/1900, CO C 1ST MASS CAV, Plot: I 1618, *
Gomes, Jroo B, d. 08/18/1959, PVT USA, Plot: V 5273, *
Good, Henry A, d. 08/22/1894, C 4TH CALIF, Plot: E 1134, *
Goodall, Henry S, d. 09/17/1882, CO E 16TH MASS, Plot: C 337, *
Goodnough, Whitney, d. 05/24/1912, USN, Plot: A 3017, *
Goodnow, Charles, CO A 17TH ME INF, Plot: B 2795, *
Goodrich, Theo, d. 01/14/1897, 18TH NY INF, Plot: J 1319, *
Goodrich, William, d. 05/03/1905, CO D 19TH MASS VOLS, Plot: N 2082, *
Goodwin, John, d. 06/21/1910, CO K 3RD ME, Plot: A 2737, *
Gordon, E Francis, d. 06/23/1910, 1ST CONN, Plot: B 2740, *
Gordon, Patrick, d. 01/27/1888, CO H 170TH NY, 1 27 1888, Plot: D 644, *
Gorman, John, CO E 2ND MASS INF, Plot: A 2582, *
Gorman, Michael, d. 03/26/1914, USN, Plot: L 3196, *
Goss, Osmond, d. 02/23/1912, CO D 11TH MASS INF, Plot: A 2976, *
Gottstein, George, d. 02/15/1884, CO I 37TH ILL, 2 15 1884, Plot: H 394, *
Gould, Edward, d. 12/08/1893, D 56 MASS INF, Plot: E 1078, *
Gould, John G, d. 04/08/1894, D 9TH ME INF, Plot: F 1107, *
Gould, William T, d. 12/14/1901, E 83RD H Y, Plot: I 1727, *
Goulding, Bernadr, d. 05/11/1888, CO D 16TH MASS, Plot: C 657, *
Gove, Alfred, d. 09/22/1914, CO F 57TH MADS, Plot: L 3247, *
Grace, Richard, d. 04/26/1901, 14TH MASS, Plot: I 1680, *
Gracy, William, d. 11/07/1871, CO H 3RD NH VOLS, Plot: D 56, *
Grady, John, d. 02/07/1915, CO H 61ST MASS, Plot: K 3291, *
Graf, G J, d. 04/19/1897, F 127TH NY INF, Plot: J 1335, *
Graf, William Ferdinand, d. 03/22/1906, 11TH NY, Plot: N 2165, *
Graham, Francis, d. 03/23/1910, CO C 12TH NY, Plot: A 2681, *
Graham, Henry, d. 12/19/1894, USN, Plot: E 1156, *
Graham, Hugh F, d. 12/07/1889, 34TH NY, Plot: E 764, *
Graham, John, d. 10/21/1896, CO F 40TH US INF, Plot: D 20, *
Graham, Malcolm, d. 04/26/1895, 1ST SGT 11TH MASS INF, Plot: F 1179, *
Grand, Charles, d. 07/25/1909, CO K 4TH MASS CAV, Plot: A 2583, *
Gray, Ferdinand G, d. 10/31/1893, CO A 8TH ME, 10 31 1893, Plot: E 1070, *
Gray, John, d. 05/07/1896, D 1ST RI ARTY, Plot: J 1271, *
Gray, John, d. 05/09/1904, CO G 5TH NY INF, Plot: M 1957, *
Gray, John, d. 11/29/1959, 1ST PVT BAT B 340TH FA 2ND PVT MED DAT USA, Plot: V 5288, *
Gray, Warren K, d. 09/25/1960, PVT 1060 AAAF BN ORD USA, Plot: V 5330, *
Greeley, Stephen, d. 03/18/1905, CO D 5TH NY CAV, Plot: N 2062, *
Green, Hugh, d. 01/28/1911, US NAVY, Plot: A 2823, *
Green, John, d. 08/31/1906, CO K 6TH NH, Plot: N 2220, *
Green, Josiah M, d. 06/08/1904, CO C 15TH MASS, Plot: M 1969, *
Green, Michael, d. 01/25/1895, CO 159TG NY, Plot: F 1160, *
Green, Webster M, d. 10/16/1905, 7TH MASS BATTY, Plot: N 2129, *
Greene, Stephen, d. 05/03/1894, CO C 9TH VT, Plot: F 1109, *
Greene, William, d. 02/28/1872, CO K RI VOLS, Plot: D 63, *
Greenlaw, Frederick, CO A 9TH ME INF, Plot: N 2177, *
Gregg, Chancey, d. 08/25/1900, CO D 4TH CAV, Plot: I 1611, *
Gregory, Edward, d. 09/24/1898, CO H 51ST MASS, Plot: J 1445, *
Gregory, Frank, d. 01/22/1890, CO B 2ND NY ARTY, 1 22 1890, Plot: F 773, *
Gregory, Philip, d. 10/29/1909, CO K 59TH MASS, Plot: B 2615, *
Grey, Nathaniel N, d. 02/08/1873, CO A 8TH ME VOLS, 2 8 1873, Plot: D 83, *
Griffen, John, d. 10/15/1876, CO B 18TH MASS VOLS, Plot: D 149, *
Griffin, Patrick, d. 04/17/1887, CO I 9TH MASS, Plot: C 594, *
Grimes, Edward, d. 04/08/1911, CO H 6TH MASS INF, Plot: A 2849, *
Grimley, Henry, d. 06/21/1890, CO G 36TH MASS, Plot: E 816, *
Grisweld, Sylvester, d. 04/03/1907, CO I 5TH CONN, Plot: O 2297, *
Griswold, Charles C, d. 11/25/1893, CO K 2ND OHIO CAV, 11 25 1893, Plot: E 1073, *
Groat, Rufus, d. 10/29/1907, CO E 27TH MASS, Plot: O 3553, *
Groce, Edward, d. 12/22/1907, CO C 11TH MASS INF, Plot: B 2370, *
Gross, Benjamin, d. 07/22/1878, 33 US INF, Plot: C 191, *
Gross, John H, CO K 6TH ME 3RD BTRY, Plot: A 2712, *
Gross, Shirley Byron, d. 07/21/1958, PVT BAT D 302ND FLD ART USA, Plot: V 5212, *
Grover, George H, d. 09/07/1908, CO F 4TH MASS INF, Plot: B 2466, *
Grumpt, Charles, d. 02/02/1900, CKO K 20TH NY, Plot: J 1548, *
Guillot, Peter, d. 05/27/1870, CO A 46 NY VOLS, Plot: D 33, *
Gullaume, John E, d. 12/12/1889, CO G 82ND OHIO, Plot: C 628, *
Gulliser, Franklin, d. 09/21/1892, F 7TH ME INF, Plot: E 984, *
Guptil, Lyman, d. 12/30/1914, CO A 1ST ME INF, Plot: K 3272, *
Gurney, Benjamin, d. 12/04/1895, M 1ST R I, Plot: J 1235, *
Haas, Charles, d. 06/07/1900, B 20TH MASS VOLS, Plot: I 1591, *
Hackett, James, d. 04/13/1879, CO C 9TH CONN, Plot: C 208, *
Hackett, John, d. 10/09/1893, CO C 1ST ILL, Plot: E 1064, *
Hackett, William, d. 04/15/1912, CO K 1ST MASS CAV, Plot: B 3004, *
Hadicka, Edward, d. 05/06/1909, CO B 175TH NY, Plot: B 2553, *
Hadley, Horace, d. 02/27/1912, CO F 5TH NJ, Plot: A 2977, *
Hagan, John, d. 10/12/1889, 26TH CO 16TH ME, Plot: E 750, *
Hagan, John, d. 10/12/1889, CO H 18TH ME VOL AET 71, Plot: 750, *
Hageman, Thomas, d. 01/27/1915, CO D 127TH NY INF, Plot: K 3286, *
Hagen, John, d. 06/26/1891, CO F 48TH NY INF, 6 26 1891, Plot: E 894, *
Hager, Foster M, d. 08/11/1909, CO K 24TH MASS, Plot: B 2588, *
Haggadon, Jacob, d. 06/15/1896, K 2ND R I, Plot: J 1275, *
Hahn, Henry, d. 01/22/1899, CO I 3RD VR CORPS, Plot: J 1474, *
Haines, Thomas, d. 02/17/1913, USN, Plot: A 3094, *
Haley, James, d. 05/18/1912, CO E 22ND MASS, Plot: A 3014, *
Haley, Michael, d. 01/18/1883, C 1ST CONN HVY ART, Plot: C 345, *
Hall, George W, CO F 9TH NH INF, Plot: N 2214, *
Hall, James, d. 03/17/1958, PVT USA, Plot: 11 14/7, bur. 03/20/1958, *
Hall, James, d. 07/03/1911, CO E 9TH NY INF, Plot: A 2881, *
Hall, John, CO B 12TH MASS, Plot: K 3283, *
Hall, Mark, d. 12/21/1911, CO H 33RD MASS INF, Plot: A 2948, *
Hall, Thomas S, d. 01/17/1908, CO F 28TH ME INF, Plot: B 2382, *
Hall, W H, US NAVY, Plot: I 1732, *
Hallett, George W, d. 05/06/1898, G 4TH NY ARTY, Plot: J 1409, *
Halliday, Henry, d. 07/28/1906, CO F 98TH NY INF, Plot: N 2208, *
Halligan, William, d. 09/05/1902, CO H 28TH MASS, Plot: I 1789, *
Halon, William, d. 05/18/1893, CO B 125TH NY, Plot: M 1862, *
Halstien, Charles G, d. 11/28/1908, CO I 35TH NJ, Plot: B 2500, *
Hamilton, Alexander, d. 04/25/1904, 15TH MSAS CAV, Plot: M 1952, *
Hamilton, Thomas, d. 03/03/1892, 11TH MASS INFTY, 3 3 1892, Plot: F 947, *
Hammond, George W, d. 01/31/1910, CO D 32ND MASS INF, Plot: A 2664, *
Hammond, Henry, d. 05/15/1905, CO A 9TH R I, Plot: N 2090, *
Hammond, James, d. 12/02/1912, CO G 7TH R I, Plot: B 3068, *
Hammond, Winfield S, d. 12/02/1908, CO B 40TH NY INF, Plot: B 2504, *
Hampton, George, d. 12/09/1910, 9TH NY, Plot: A 2789, *
Hancock, John P, d. 08/17/1908, CO K 15TH MASS INF, Plot: A 2458, *
Hand, Patrick, d. 04/05/1888, CO I 182ND NY, 4 5 1888, Plot: C 662, *
Hand, William A, d. 12/24/1909, CO D 23RD MASS, Plot: B 2645, *
Handrahan, George Henry, d. 04/02/1960, PVT BAT C 7TH F A USA, Plot: V 5307, *
Handy, Patrick, d. 03/24/1912, CO M 1ST CONN CAV, Plot: B 2993, *
Haney, J D, CO E 1ST R I, Plot: N 2247, *
Haney, John, d. 11/15/1876, CO B 34TH NJ VOLS, Plot: D 151, *
Hannafin, William, d. 10/07/1891, Plot: E 914, *
Hannan, Edward Fred, d. 06/23/1957, PFC MED CORPS USA, Plot: V 1543, *
Hannum, John F, d. 02/24/1901, CO G 275TH MASS, 2 24 1901, Plot: M 1934, *
Hanson, Thomas L, d. 01/20/1884, C 30TH MASS, Plot: H 391, *
Hansser, James G, d. 02/02/1880, CO K 1ST MASS, Plot: C 239, *
Hardy, James, A 2ND NY CAV, Dod 1824/Aka Crowley, Plot: G 563, *
Hardy, Josiah S, d. 05/29/1991, M 3RD MASS CAV, Plot: E 890, *
Hardy, Perley F, d. 04/17/1908, CO L 1ST NH CAV, Plot: A 2426, *
Harkins, John, d. 05/29/1883, I 17TH MASS, Plot: G 364, *
Harney, Michael, d. 07/04/1876, CO B 38TH MASS VOLS, 7 4 1876, Plot: D 146, *
Harper, Robert, d. 06/03/1894, D 19TH MASS, Plot: F 1118, *
Harriman, George W, d. 08/08/1893, CO G 33RD MASS INF, 8 8 1893, Plot: F 1048, *
Harrington, Bartholomew, d. 09/13/1909, CO C 3RD MASS, Plot: B 2598, *
Harrington, Daniel, d. 02/02/1889, CO I 16TH MASS, Plot: F 776, *
Harrington, Daniel, d. 11/26/1880, CO C 8 ME VOLS, Plot: C 268, *
Harrington, Dexter M, d. 11/16/1872, CO G 73 NY VOL, Plot: D 75, *
Harrington, Lawrence J, d. 08/21/1994, USN, Plot: E 1133, *
Harriot, David, d. 02/16/1913, CO F 28TH NJ INF, Plot: A 3092, *
Harrison, Edward J, d. 02/01/1890, 2735, Plot: F 775, *
Harrity, John, d. 04/14/1882, H 20TH MASS, Plot: C 316, *
Harrop, Walter, d. 12/19/1889, CO A 2ND R I, Plot: E 748, *
Hart, John, d. 01/26/1915, CO E 4TH MASS CAV, Plot: K 3285, *
Hart, Theidore M, d. 07/01/1883, CO A 5TH NY, Plot: G 370, *
Hart, Thomas, d. 08/02/1897, F 37TH NY INF, 8 2 1897, Plot: J 1353, *
Hartigan, John, d. 07/21/1890, A 31ST NY VOLS, Plot: E 824, *
Hartson, George F, d. 11/20/1892, I 1ST MASS CAV, Plot: 3F 996, *
Harty, William, d. 06/01/1909, CO D 12TH ME, Plot: A 2568, *
Harvey, James H, d. 12/02/1890, CO K 15TH NE INF, Plot: F 844, *
Harvey, Richard, CO I 30TH NY INF, Plot: B 2983, *
Harvey, William K, d. 03/21/1889, H 12TH ME VOLS, 3 21 1889, Plot: G 719, *
Haskell, Jno, CO D 32ND MASS INF, Plot: B 2484, *
Haskins, Ira E, d. 12/17/1888, CO F 3RD MASS, 12 17 1888, Plot: G 696, *
Hastie, Thomas, d. 09/19/1902, CO 1ST MASS, Plot: I 1793, *
Hatch, Hartwell, d. 03/18/1909, CO E 17TH ME INF, Plot: A 2537, *
Hatch, William C, d. 10/12/1901, CO C 1ST MASS VOL, Plot: 1 1716, *
Havey, Frank, d. 03/20/1899, 6TH MASS BATT, Plot: J 1487, *
Hawes, Benjamin, d. 05/23/1912, CO B 3RD MASS, Plot: A 3016, *
Hawkins, James, d. 09/15/1995, B 12 PA CAV, Plot: J 1360, *
Hawkins, Thoms, CO I 12TH ME, Plot: H 398, *
Hayden, Albert J, d. 12/25/1906, CO H 6TH MASSACHUSETTS CIVIL WAR, Plot: N 2257, *
Hayden, Francis A, d. 02/17/1889, CO I 11TH MASS, Plot: GA 709, *
Hayden, James, d. 05/22/1900, CO K 41 NY, Plot: J 1584, *
Hayden, James, d. 07/11/1890, CO 149TH NY VOLS, Plot: E 823, *
Hayden, Jeremiah, d. 01/03/1892, CAPLAIN 17TH ME INF, 1 3 1892, Plot: F 929, *
Hayden, William, b. 03/27/1913, CO A 19TH MASS, Plot: A 3105, *
Hayes, James, d. 03/05/1911, CO I 10TH MASS, Plot: A 2839, *
Hayes, James, d. 10/22/1965, CO F 156TH NY, Plot: 479, *
Hayes, Patrick E, d. 10/25/1894, CO K 25TH MASS, Plot: E 1147, *
Hayes, Walter A, d. 03/31/1910, CO C, 62D MASS, Plot: B 2696, *
Haynes, George, d. 06/11/1910, CO L, 3RD MASS CAV, Plot: A 2731, *
Hayward, Cyrus, d. 04/07/1912, US NAVY, Plot: B 2998, *
Hayward, James, d. 03/17/1912, CO D, 1ST RI, Plot: B 2987, *
Hazelton, Chas, d. 11/18/1867, CO H 50 NY VOL, Plot: D 9, *
Hazzard, John, d. 04/26/1912, CO G, 11TH RI INF, Plot: B 3008, *
Heald, Harry Appleton, d. 01/06/1960, PVT CO B 1ST REGT MAINE INF USA, Plot: V 5298, *
Heald, William, d. 12/23/1911, CO K 6TH NH, Plot: A 2951, *
Healex, John, d. 07/29/1912, CO E, 5TH NY, Plot: A 3034, *
Healy, Oliver, d. 12/08/1910, USN, Plot: A 2787, *
Heck, Frederick W, d. 08/28/1888, CO K 2ND MD, Plot: C 677, *
Hedemark, H, d. 09/08/1906, CIV MUS, Plot: N 2224, *
Heffron, Hugh, d. 01/16/1896, CO B 31ST NY, Plot: J 1241, *
Heitennoff, Adam, d. 02/27/1900, CO K 42ND NY INF, Plot: J 1556, *
Helm, Emil, d. 10/07/1895, CO K, 5TH CONN, Plot: J 1222, *
Hennesey, David, d. 05/30/1876, CO C 2ND MASS VOLS, 5 30 1876, Plot: D 143, *
Hennessey, John, d. 02/15/1890, CO F 57TH MASS, Plot: F 779, *
Henry, Oliver, d. 11/27/1886, F 61 NY VOLS IF, 11 27 1886, Plot: G 566, *
Henry, Thomas, d. 03/11/1915, CO F 31ST US CO, Plot: K 3303, *
Henshaw, Francis, d. 07/25/1900, CO I 6TH NH, Plot: I 1606, *
Herget, Henry, d. 01/17/1893, CO H 68TH NY INF, 1 17 1893, Plot: F 1009, *
Herman, John C, d. 02/11/1909, CO D 9TH MASS, Plot: A 2524, *
Herrenknecht, Fred, d. 05/17/1911, CO H 7TH B 178TH NY, Plot: B 2868, *
Herrick, Oliver, d. 11/18/1878, 6TH ME VOLS, Plot: C 197, *
Herter, Paul, d. 03/27/1912, CO A, 11TH CONN INF, Plot: B 2995, *
Heslip, Joseph, d. 07/25/1885, CO D 38TH NY, 7 25 1885, Plot: G 465, *
Hessie, Frederick, d. 07/15/1891, CO B 3RD NJ, Plot: E 898, *
Hetherson, Martin, d. 01/16/1915, CO E, 7TH MASS VOLS, Plot: K 3280, *
Hewey, Nelson, d. 03/23/1915, 16TH ME INF, Plot: K 3307, *
Hickey, James, d. 05/02/1914, CO C 14TH MASS CAV, Plot: L 3205, *
Hickman, Patrick, d. 02/12/1884, CO A 63RD NY, Plot: H 393, *
Hicks, Lawrence, d. 08/12/1875, CO I 28TH PA VOLS D 13 VRC, 8 12 1875, Plot: D 124, *
Higginbottom, Joseph, d. 02/19/1898, G 23RD MASS, Plot: J 1393, *
Higgins, Ezra W, d. 08/19/1894, H 4TH NY, Plot: E 1132, *
Higgins, Henry, d. 06/20/1910, CO G 11TH ME, Plot: A 2736, *
Higgins, James, d. 12/16/1886, CO H 65 NY, 12 16 1886, Plot: D 584, *
Higgins, John, d. 08/22/1895, CO E 1ST MASS CAV, Plot: J 1212, *
Higgins, Michael, d. 04/03/1911, CO H 6TH NY, Plot: A 2846, *
Higgins, Michael, d. 06/08/1877, CO F 16 MASS VOLS, Plot: D 167, *
Higgins, Peter, d. 05/25/1909, CO E 3RD PROV CAV, Plot: B 2562, *
Higginson, John, d. 04/09/1887, CO A 19TH ME VOLS, Plot: D 591, *
Hill, David, d. 10/13/1911, US NAVY, Plot: A 2914, *
Hill, Henry, d. 02/08/1891, A 133RD NY VOLS, Plot: F 860, *
Hill, John, d. 01/30/1914, US NAVY, Plot: L 3179, *
Hill, Porter W, d. 05/30/1897, 25TH NY, Plot: J 1342, *
Hill, Robert, d. 04/25/1884, B 3RD R I HVY ARTY, 4 25 1884, Plot: G 405, *
Hills, George, d. 03/24/1895, CO A 2ND WIS, Plot: F 1171, *
Hilton, Ebenezer, d. 08/24/1904, CO F 11TH MASS, Plot: M 1994, *
Hilton, Luther, d. 02/15/1911, USN, Plot: A 2834, *
Hinckley, Henry, d. 04/27/1911, CO H 37TH ILL INF, Plot: B 2861, *
Hinkley, Thomas, d. 12/30/1908, CO C 9TH ME INF, Plot: B 2508, *
Hintersdorf, John, d. 12/20/1887, CO C 29TH NY, Plot: C 634, *
Hirl, Michael, d. 04/02/1895, CO E 20TH MASS, Plot: F 1173, *
Hirsch, William E, d. 11/20/1886, CO C 32ND MASS, Plot: G 565, *
Hirsig, Christian, d. 07/10/1895, M 16TH NY CAV, Plot: J 1200, *
Hoar, Thomas, d. 12/28/1896, H 22ND MASS, 12 28 1896, Plot: J 1295, *
Hobart, Otis, d. 01/19/1914, CO A 1ST BATRY, Plot: L 3174, *
Hobbs, John, d. 10/06/1894, CO I 1ST MASS, 10 6 1894, Plot: E 1141, *
Hochstein, Christian, d. 03/23/1892, CO I 1ST OHIO, Plot: F 948, *
Hodgkins, Summer F, d. 09/16/1883, CO G 7TH ME, Plot: H 377, *
Hodgson, John, K 33 NY VOLS, Plot: C 320, *
Hodsdon, Charles H, d. 12/23/1895, CO K 35TH MASS INF, Plot: J 1239, *
Hodsdon, Daniel R, d. 02/01/1886, CO D 5TH ME, Plot: H 507, *
Hoffman, Gustav, d. 12/30/1993, CO E 1ST NJ BAT, Plot: E 1085, *
Hoffstetter, Dominic, d. 09/13/1882, 1ST IND LT ARTY, 9 13 1882, Plot: D 334, *
Hogan, Edward J, CO A 2ND MASS HVY ARTY, Plot: C 266, *
Hogan, John, d. 10/10/1895, K 1ST ME CAV, Plot: J 1223, *
Hoisington, Byron C, d. 11/24/1909, CO K 4TH VT INF, Plot: A 2626, *
Hoisington, George, d. 08/11/1911, CO M 1ST N H INF, Plot: A 2897, *
Hoitt, Nathan B, d. 03/21/1895, CO M 1ST RI, Plot: F 1170, *
Holbrook, John, d. 01/06/1907, USN, Plot: N 2261, *
Holden, William, d. 03/09/1877, CO C 3RD NH VOLS, Plot: D 157, *
Holland, Patrick, d. 03/24/1893, CO C 7TH MASS, Plot: F 1027, *
Hollenbeck, Peter, d. 05/31/1909, CO G 44TH NY, Plot: B 2567, *
Holley, Jhn T, d. 03/24/1888, CO G 58TH MASS, Plot: C 651, *
Hollis, Othnoil T, d. 10/13/1883, C 1ST MAS VOLS INF, Plot: H 380, *
Hollywood, Christopher, d. 05/18/1896, CO B 163RD NY, Plot: J 1273, *
Holmes, Alonzo C, d. 07/06/1899, CO A 152ND NY, Plot: J 1517, *
Holmes, George K, d. 02/01/1893, CO C 1ST CONN, Plot: F 1014, *
Holsted, John, d. 05/31/1903, CO I 10TH MASS, Plot: M 1868, *
Holt, Fred, d. 11/05/1910, CO H 1ST ME CAV, Plot: A 2780, *
Holtz, William, d. 01/28/1902, CO E 123RD NY, Plot: I 1735, *
Honey, Frederick B, d. 04/02/1881, CO B 30TH MASS, Plot: C 277, *
Hoole, Edward S, d. 02/16/1993, CO I CAV, Plot: F 1018, *
Hooper, Thomas, d. 12/11/1893, CO E 67TH NY INF, 12 11 1893, Plot: E 1079, *
Hopkins, James, d. 03/15/1912, CO A 11TH R I, Plot: B 2985, *
Hopwood, John, d. 11/10/1898, E PENN VOLS, Plot: J 1454, *
Horton, Rollin, d. 11/29/1914, CO A 13TH MASS, Plot: K 3261, *
Hoty, James, d. 05/28/1876, CO H 70TH NY, Plot: D 142, *
Houghton, Augustus, d. 08/10/1889, D 1ST MASS CAV, 8 10 1889, Plot: G 729, *
Houghton, George, d. 09/12/1874, CO I 16TH MASS VOLS, Plot: D 87, *
Houlahan, James, d. 10/30/1881, CO D 16 ME, Plot: C 303, *
Howard, George H, d. 01/10/1894, CO E 24TH MASS, Plot: E 1087, *
Howard, Henry H, d. 06/17/1900, CO B 92ND ILLS, Plot: I 1597, *
Howard, John, d. 05/31/1911, CO K 15TH ME INF, Plot: B 2873, *
Howarth, William, d. 11/16/1888, CO E 59TH MED VOLS, Plot: G 691, *
Howe, Robert, d. 09/15/1888, K 37TH MASS, Plot: G 682, *
Hoyt, Herbert H, d. 11/06/1959, PVT TRP H 2ND REGT U S CAVALRY USA, Plot: V 5283, *
Hoyt, Stephen A, d. 12/15/1887, CO E 16TH ME, 12 15 1887, Plot: C 631, *
Hubbard, Oliver, d. 02/23/1909, CO C 3RD N H VOLS, Plot: A 2531, *
Hugh, Hogan, d. 06/30/1909, CO A 2ND MASS, Plot: A 2580, *
Hughes, Edward, d. 08/01/1898, CO D 10TH PENN INF, Plot: J 1434, *
Hughes, James, d. 03/05/1905, CO E 13TH NY, Plot: B 2404, *
Hughes, James, d. 06/15/1911, CO A 17TH US INF, Plot: B 2876, *
Hughes, James, d. 12/10/1909, USN, Plot: A 2635, *
Hughes, Nelson, d. 02/18/1915, CO B 17TH MASS INF, Plot: K 3296, *
Hughes, Peter, d. 11/06/1889, CO K 3D R I H A AET 67, 11 6 1889, Plot: 757, *
Hughes, Peter, d. 11/06/1889, CO K 3RD RI, Plot: E 757, *
Hulls, James W, d. 02/26/1877, CO I 55TH MASS VOLS, Plot: D 156, *
Humistan, Horace V, d. 01/04/1901, CO H NY, Plot: I 1636, *
Humphrey, Thomas, d. 06/24/1907, CO F 57TH MASSACHUSETTS, Plot: O 2317, *
Hunt, Lyford, d. 06/04/1909, CO G 4TH NH, Plot: A 2572, *
Hunter, John W, d. 02/02/1896, CO A 3RD MASS CAV, Plot: J 1249, *
Hunter, John, d. 12/05/1892, USN, Plot: F 1001, *
Hunter, Stewart, d. 09/17/1909, CO F 13TH NY CAV, Plot: B 2600, *
Huntress, Henry, d. 11/25/1884, CO F 1ST ME H A, Plot: H 430, *
Hurley, John, d. 03/29/1913, USN, Plot: A 3108, *
Hurley, Patrick, d. 07/30/1897, H 40TH NY, 7 30 1897, Plot: J 1352, *
Hussey, Buzzell C, d. 03/27/1885, CO A 15TH ME, 3 27 1885, Plot: H 448, *
Hutchins, Frank, d. 01/27/1905, CO K 1ST MASS VOLS, Plot: N 2046, *
Hutchins, Lyman, d. 09/01/1882, CO C 11TH CONN, Plot: D 333, *
Hutchinson, Harvey, d. 05/11/1912, USN, Plot: A 3013, *
Hutter, Thomas, d. 04/12/1883, CO I 12TH RI VOLS, Plot: G 358, *
Hutton, George, d. 04/13/1911, CO M 9TH MASS, Plot: B 2856, *
Hutton, John, d. 11/23/1897, USN, Plot: J 1379, *
Hyde, John, d. 08/29/1895, CO C 26TH MASS, 8 29 1895, Plot: J 1214, *
Hyde, Wallace, d. 02/06/1896, SEIG CO C 50 MASS, Plot: J 1250, *
Hynes, Michael, CO H 23RD MASS INF, Plot: A 2838, *
Hyson, David, d. 08/16/1912, CO E ME CAV, Plot: A 3040, *
Ingersoll, Charles D, d. 03/13/1895, US NAVY, Plot: F 1167, *
Ingraham, Robert, d. 03/23/1901, CO A 40TH NY, Plot: I 1660, *
Ingraham, W N, I 3RD MASS INF, Plot: I 1635, *
Irask, Dexter B, d. 02/15/1882, CO K 1ST CONN HEAVY ARTY, 2 15 1882, Plot: X 311, *
Isham, Frank, d. 11/04/1905, CO K 49TH WIS, Plot: H 2130, *
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