Search Maine Death Records
Maine Newspapers, Full Search (1785-1950), 108 titles
Maine Obituary Search, (1992-current)
Maine Funeral Notices
Togus National Cemetery
Togus, Kennebec County, Maine
* Records with an asterisk at the end indicates those that have not been verified as accurate by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs. Please visit "The National Cemetery Administration Records Verification Project " for details on what this means. To report an error, please visit the Veterans Affairs website, click on "Contact the VA" and follow the instructions.
Nangle, James, d. 02/21/1912, CO F 57TH NY, Plot: A 2971, *
Nason, Charles, d. 12/26/1912, USN, Plot: B 3076, *
Neal, Lyman C, d. 08/29/1909, CO C 3RD ME VOLS, Plot: B 2593, *
Neal, W A, d. 06/19/1890, H 2 ME INF, Plot: E 814, *
Neary, John, d. 05/04/1885, D 2ND CAV, Plot: G 426, *
Neirman, Joseph, d. 11/14/1885, CO A 9TH N J, 11 14 1885, Plot: G 485, *
Nelie, James, d. 04/05/1883, CO A 3RD RI HVY ARTY, 4 5 1883, Plot: C 356, *
Nelson, John C, d. 09/02/1900, CO G 49TH NY, Plot: I 1614, *
Nelson, Paul, d. 10/31/1883, K 2 U S S S, 10 31 1883, Plot: H 383, *
Nesson, Edward, d. 07/07/1891, CO E 49TH NY VOL, Plot: E 896, *
Neuhardt, Frederick, d. 12/08/1914, CO C 15TH NY, Plot: K 3266, *
Nevens, William L, d. 01/17/1873, CO 6TH BTRY MASS LT ARTY, Plot: D 78, *
Nevill, Daniel, d. 03/28/1903, CO F 1ST R I, 3 28 1903, Plot: M 1854, *
Newcomb, Joseph A, d. 02/16/1892, CO G 1ST MASS INF, Plot: F 942, *
Newman, James, d. 06/23/1888, CO H 2ND ME, 6 23 1888, Plot: C 663, *
Newton, Timothy N, d. 12/30/1902, CO F 8TH MASS, Plot: M 1825, *
Newton, William, d. 04/30/1911, CO A 31ST MASS INF, Plot: B 2862, *
Nichols, A J, d. 09/09/1897, CO H 10TH NJ INF, 9 9 1897, Plot: J 1365, *
Nichols, Albert J, d. 09/09/1897, CO H 10TH NJ INF, Plot: J 1362, *
Nichols, Charles Albert, d. 06/16/1958, PVT EC1 DEPT USA, Plot: V 5200, *
Nichols, Cyrus B, d. 05/12/1898, US NAVY, Plot: J 1411, *
Nichols, George W, d. 10/23/1895, CO H W VA, Plot: J 1226, *
Nichols, Harrison T, d. 12/13/1898, C 1ST R I CAV, 12 13 1898, Plot: J 1459, *
Nichols, John, d. 03/05/1895, PVT CO I 44TH IND INF, Records On Sta Shield On Headstone, Plot: 11 26, bur. 03/03/1895, *
Nickerson, Lorenzo P, d. 09/13/1903, CO I 19TH MASS, Plot: M 1900, *
Nickerson, Richard B, d. 01/27/1903, CO G 11TH CKONA, Plot: M 1837, *
Nickols, Eben, d. 09/17/1912, CO C 1ST MASS INF, Plot: B 3050, *
Nolan, Christopher, d. 08/07/1911, CO I 42ND MASS, Plot: A 2840, *
Noll, William, d. 02/27/1880, CO B 58TH NY, 2 27 1880, Plot: C 244, *
Noll, William, d. 02/27/1880, CO B 58TH NY, Plot: C 244, *
Noller, Christian, d. 08/11/1891, CO H 3RD R I, 8 11 1891, Plot: E 977, *
Noller, Christian, d. 08/11/1891, CO H 3RD RI, Plot: E 977, *
Noon, Patrick, d. 09/07/1913, CO G 2ND MASS CAV, Plot: L 3146, *
Noonan, Jere, d. 12/13/1883, C 45TH US INF, Plot: F 839, *
Noonan, Jere, d. 12/13/1883, G 45TH US INF, Plot: F 839, *
Noonan, John, d. 07/19/1895, CO G 2ND MASS, Plot: J 1204, *
Noonan, Michael, d. 11/25/1903, US NAVY, Plot: M 1915, *
Noonan, Michael, d. 11/25/1903, USN, Plot: M 1915, *
Noonan, Patrick, d. 06/09/1899, CO H 2ND MASS, 6 9 1899, Plot: J 1508, *
Noonan, Patrick, d. 06/09/1899, CO H 2ND MASS, Plot: J 1508, *
Norris, William H, d. 04/14/1890, CO I 8TH ME, Plot: F 795, *
North, John, d. 04/26/1911, US NAVY, Plot: B 2859, *
North, John, d. 04/26/1911, USN, Plot: B 2859, *
Northwood, William, d. 12/27/1870, CO 1ST CONN HY ART, Plot: D 44, *
Norton, Abial W, d. 08/22/1888, CO G 26TH ME, Plot: C 676, *
Norton, John, d. 04/26/1898, CO B 1ST K C CAV, Plot: J 1407, *
Norton, John, d. 04/26/1898, CO B 1ST KC CAV, Plot: J 1407, *
Norton, Michael, d. 12/23/1905, CO A 127TH NY INF, Plot: N 2145, *
Norwood, A J, CO K 19TH MASS INF, Plot: 9 2282, *
Norwood, A J, CO K 19TH MASS INF, Plot: O 2282, *
Noyer, John Jr, d. 06/23/1899, CO G 13TH MASS INF, Plot: J 1511, *
Noyes, Thomas A, d. 05/12/1904, CO I 42ND MASS INF, Plot: M 1970, *
Nute, John, d. 06/02/1911, CO I 3RD R I CAV, Plot: B 2874, *
Nye, Elijah Jr, d. 05/29/1895, G 31ST MASS INF, Plot: F 1186, *
Oakes, Benjamin F, d. 12/26/1902, CO C 101TH ME, Plot: M 1821, *
Oakes, Frank, d. 09/04/1910, CO K 4TH MASS CAV, Plot: A 2764, *
Oakes, Orice, d. 05/12/1913, CO I 1ST VT CAV, Plot: L 3120, *
Obeirne, James, d. 03/11/1901, D 29TH MASS VOLS, Plot: I 1655, *
Obrien, George, d. 03/23/1911, USN, Plot: B 2991, *
Obrien, James A, d. 03/09/1900, CO G 32ND MASS, Plot: J 1558, *
Obrien, Jeremiah, d. 09/20/1911, CO H 2ND MASS VOL, Plot: A 2909, *
Obrien, John, d. 11/10/1894, 5TH MASS BATTERY, 11 10 1894, Plot: E 1149, *
Obrien, Joseph, d. 01/01/1902, CO H 4TH NY INF, Plot: I 1733, *
Obrien, Michael, d. 10/23/1892, B 9TH MASS, Plot: E 989, *
Obrien, Patrick G, d. 09/15/1893, CO F 22ND CONN, 9 15 1893, Plot: E 1059, *
Obrien, Patrick, d. 07/28/1906, CO I 37TH MASS, Plot: N 2209, *
Obrien, Robert Frederick, d. 06/30/1959, PVT QMC USA, Plot: V 5266, *
Obrien, Terrence, d. 11/23/1879, 3 N H VOLS, 11 23 1879, Plot: C 231, *
Obrien, Timothy, d. 07/10/1899, CO E 121ST NY, 7 10 1899, Plot: J 1519, *
Obrien, William, d. 03/04/1899, CO F 15TH NY, Plot: J 1482, *
Obrien, William, d. 12/13/1901, CO K 27TH MASS, Plot: I 1726, *
Obrien, William, d. 12/15/1885, C 9TH MASS VOLS, Plot: G 490, *
Oconnell, Jmaes, d. 07/19/1913, CO K 7TH VT INF, Plot: L 3135, *
Oconnor, Dennis, d. 05/20/1904, 1 16TH CONN INF, Plot: M 1963, *
Oconnor, Dennis, d. 05/25/1904, CO I 24TH MASS, Plot: M 1966, *
Oconnor, John, d. 01/11/1898, L 13TH NY CAV, 1 11 1898, Plot: J 1388, *
Oconnor, John, d. 10/19/1895, F 30 NY VOLS, Plot: J 1224, *
Oconnor, Matthew, d. 04/26/1893, A 2ND NY, Plot: F 1033, *
Oconnor, Morris, d. 10/08/1894, CO F 150TH NY INF, 10 8 1894, Plot: E 1142, *
Oconnor, Patrick, d. 02/13/1915, CO D 9TH NY INF, Plot: K 3294, *
Oconnor, Roderick, d. 08/25/1908, CO I 8TH MASS, Plot: B 2461, *
Oconnor, Thomas, d. 05/02/1892, CO B 16TH NY, 5 2 1892, Plot: F 957, *
Odonnell, George, d. 04/24/1901, M 2ND MASS CAV, Plot: I 1677, *
Odonnell, Henry, d. 01/19/1904, CO E 42ND MASS, Plot: M 1927, *
Odonnell, James, d. 07/15/1875, CO H 43RD NY VOLS, Plot: D 122, *
Odonnell, James, d. 08/28/1878, CO A 193RD NY, 8 28 1878, Plot: C 193, *
Odonnell, John Francis, d. 08/11/1957, S/2C USA, Plot: V 5150, *
Odonnell, Nicholas, d. 09/15/1912, CO C 11TH VT INF, Plot: A 3048, *
Oflynn, Owen, d. 04/26/1887, 6TH NY CAV, Plot: C 595, *
Ogaffney, John, d. 04/19/1882, CO A 6TH NY CAV, Plot: C 318, *
Ogden, Joseph, d. 08/12/1914, CO K 99TH PA, Plot: L 3235, *
Ogrady, Joseph, d. 08/26/1905, 2ND MASS BATT, Plot: N 2115, *
Ohare, Lawrence, d. 01/31/1911, CO E 28TH MASS INF, Plot: A 2825, *
Ohlson, James, d. 06/11/1898, A CO K 28TH MICH, Plot: J 1418, *
Oleary, Daniel, d. 06/25/1892, A 88TH NY INF, Plot: E 963, *
Oleary, Thomas, d. 04/09/1910, CO F 1ST, Plot: B 2701, *
Olevardo, Abraham, d. 01/02/1899, CO G 5TH MASS CAV, Plot: J 1468, *
Oliver, Otis, d. 08/03/1911, CO B 27TH, Plot: A 2895, *
Oliver, Samuel, CO F 5TH MASS, Plot: M 1945, *
Oneil, Andrew, d. 05/21/1890, CO B 2D ME VOLS AET 57, Plot: 805, *
Oneil, Lauty, d. 11/23/1909, CO F 29TH ME INF, Plot: B 2662, *
Oneil, Michael, d. 04/06/1910, CO E 35TH NJ, Plot: B 2698, *
Oneil, William, d. 05/23/1887, M 6TH NY HVY ARTY, Plot: C 598, *
Oneill, Andrew, d. 05/21/1890, B 20TH NE VOLS, Plot: F 805, *
Oneill, John, d. 10/30/1885, CO M 3 PA CAV, Plot: G 481, *
Ordway, John, d. 12/05/1886, CO F 2ND NH, Plot: G 568, *
Ormsby, Hugh, d. 09/03/1869, CO 3 US ARTY, Plot: D 19, *
Osgood, Daniel, d. 10/09/1885, CO F 14TH MASS, Plot: G 477, *
Oshea, Patick, d. 02/11/1883, CO G 19TH ME, Plot: C 350, *
Osieski, Adam, d. 09/01/1958, WAGONER SUPPLY CO 50TH INF USA, Plot: V 5218, *
Osullivan, Bartholomaw, d. 05/07/1890, C 3RD MASS, Plot: F 803, *
Osullivan, John, d. 12/26/1898, CO H 2ND MASS, 12 26 1898, Plot: J 1466, *
Osullivan, John, d. 12/26/1898, CO H 2ND MASS, Plot: J 1466, *
Osullivan, Patrick, d. 02/18/1906, CO C 10TH NY, Plot: N 2159, *
Otis, Frederick, d. 04/10/1879, CO I 3RD NH, Plot: C 207, *
Otis, Joseph H, d. 04/23/1875, CO E 1ST RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY CIVIL WAR, Plot: D 119, *
Owen, David C, d. 03/13/1910, CO C 4TH NH, Plot: A 2679, *
Owen, William, d. 04/25/1895, 21ST CO MASS, 4 25 1895, Plot: F 1178, *
Owens, Christon, d. 07/20/1900, CO D 1ST INF, Plot: I 1609, *
Owens, William, d. 02/02/1872, CO C 24TH MASS VOLS, Plot: D 62, *
Pabst, Gustav, d. 02/15/1895, CO D 29TH NY INF, Plot: F 1162, *
Padbury, John, d. 03/24/1905, CO F 79TH NY, Plot: N 2067, *
Page, Henry A, d. 05/19/1960, PVT 324TH FIGHTER SQ USA, Plot: V 5314, *
Page, John, d. 09/10/1902, CO C 48TH MASS, Plot: I 1790, *
Page, Oliver, d. 08/22/1913, CO K 5TH VT INF, Plot: L 3145, *
Page, Richard J, d. 11/25/1906, CO C 177TH NY, Plot: N 2250, *
Paget, Oscar, d. 01/04/1913, CO D 127TH NY, Plot: A 3080, *
Palmer, Daniel, d. 12/21/1907, CO B 5TH, Plot: B 2366, *
Palmer, George, d. 01/06/1898, D 3RD MASS INF, Plot: J 1387, *
Palmer, Thomas, d. 11/28/1904, CO H 48TH PENN INF, Plot: M 2027, *
Parker, Charles, d. 01/24/1914, CO A 1ST BATT, Plot: L 3175, *
Parker, Charles, d. 02/22/1901, CO H 58TH MASS, Plot: 1 1648, *
Parker, Edward, d. 08/08/1895, USN, Plot: J 126, *
Parker, George W, d. 03/29/1902, CO CK 13TH NY CAV, Plot: I 1750, *
Parker, George, d. 12/27/1910, CO C 133RD NY Y, Plot: B 2805, *
Parker, James W, d. 11/20/1909, USN, Plot: A 2624, *
Parker, John J, d. 05/16/1901, CO C 23RD MASS, Plot: I 1683, *
Parker, John, d. 11/28/1893, C 9TH ME, Plot: E 1074, *
Parker, Timothy, d. 03/01/1914, CO H 3RD N H, Plot: L 3189, *
Parks, Timothy E, d. 12/21/1901, CKO F 8TH US INF, Plot: I 1728, *
Parsons, Edmond, d. 03/29/1906, CO I 1ST ME, Plot: H 2168, *
Paterson, Henry, d. 09/15/1904, 5TH NY, Plot: M 2003, *
Paterson, John R, d. 02/20/1891, D 127 TH PA VOLS, Plot: F 863, *
Patrick, Franklin, d. 01/19/1896, C 5TH NY INF, Plot: J 1242, *
Patrick, Henry, d. 07/28/1910, 20TH ME INF, Plot: B 2754, *
Patten, Charles P, d. 08/10/1882, B 6TH NH, Plot: C 330, *
Patten, George, d. 08/19/1911, CO L 31ST ME, Plot: A 2899, *
Patterson, Edward, d. 12/29/1911, CO M 3RD R I, Plot: A 2954, *
Patterson, John, d. 12/15/1905, CO K 1ST MASS, Plot: N 2140, *
Paul, Jacob, d. 10/11/1897, K CO I 58TH NY, Plot: J 1371, *
Payne, Edward M, d. 01/24/1888, CO D 176TH NY 1, Plot: D 643, *
Payne, Theodore H, d. 11/18/1897, B 5TH ME, Plot: J 1377, *
Payson, George H, d. 05/22/1899, K 51ST MASS, Plot: J 1507, *
Payton, Luke, d. 04/06/1906, US NAVY, Plot: N 2172, *
Peabody, Asa N, d. 01/13/1910, CO D 3RD MAS CAV, Plot: B 2656, *
Peabody, Isiah B, d. 10/21/1892, K CO H 23RD MASS INF, Plot: E 988, *
Peakes, Albert P, d. 12/14/1878, CO F 1ST MASS VOLS, Plot: C 200, *
Pearce, William, d. 11/28/1909, USN, Plot: A 2628, *
Pearson, William B, d. 04/22/1910, CO E CONN, Plot: A 2714, *
Peavey, Wallace, d. 01/05/1908, CO M 1ST NEW HAMPSHIRE CAVALRY CIVIL WAR, Plot: B 2377, *
Peck, Stephen, d. 10/27/1911, CO C, 1ST CONN, Plot: B 2917, *
Pecker, James, d. 07/24/1914, CO K 5TH N H INF, Plot: L 3230, *
Pelletier, Dolphis Joseph, d. 07/25/1959, PVT CHEM WARFARE SERVICE WWI, Plot: V 5270, *
Pelletier, Eugene Joseph, d. 06/03/1957, COOK 42ND INFANTRY WWI, Plot: V 5139, *
Pereault, Adelard, d. 07/21/1960, CPL SALES COMMISSARY UNIT USA, Plot: V 5320, *
Perham, David M, d. 06/08/1901, C 9TH NH, Plot: I 1691, *
Perkins, Edwin, d. 12/02/1870, CO C 10TH CONN VOLS, Plot: D 41, *
Perkins, Hosea B, d. 06/25/1900, CO K 1ST MAINE CIVIL WAR, Plot: I 1600, *
Perkins, James N, d. 06/14/1909, CO F, 11TH ME VOLS, Plot: A 2574, *
Pernell, Isaac, d. 08/22/1913, CO K, 6TH US CAV, Plot: L 3144, *
Perron, Toussaint, d. 08/15/1960, PVT CO D 42ND INF USA WWI, Plot: V 5326, *
Perry, Charles Gk, d. 01/17/1899, CO H, 3RD H H, Plot: J 1471, *
Perry, Ezekiel, d. 09/20/1892, CO I 28TH MAINE INF, Plot: E 983, *
Perry, Ozias B, d. 03/30/1891, CO I 13TH ME INF, Plot: E 873, *
Perry, William, d. 11/02/1904, CO E 35TH MASSACHUSETTS, Plot: M 2025, *
Peterson, Charles F, d. 09/01/1890, US NAVY G 2ND NJ, 9 1 1890, Plot: E 830, *
Peterson, Gustave, d. 05/21/1909, CO G 47TH NY, Plot: B 2561, *
Peterson, Harold John, d. 05/15/1957, PFC BAT D 331ST FA USA, Plot: V 5134, *
Peterson, Peter, d. 03/27/1899, CO D 100TH NEW YORK CIVIL WAR, Plot: J 1489, *
Petit, Jean, d. 08/27/1888, CO F 7TH CONN, Plot: G 711, *
Pettingell, James W, d. 09/29/1905, CO G 50TH MASSACHUSETTS CIVIL WAR, Plot: N 2123, *
Pettingill, Charles A, d. 04/18/1910, CO A 17TH VT, Plot: B 2711, *
Pettingill, Edwin, d. 08/14/1914, CO A, 1ST NY, Plot: L 3238, *
Pettit, Matthew, d. 03/05/1908, CO G, 16TH CONN, Plot: B 2409, *
Peyton, Patrick, d. 07/26/1891, CO M, 1ST MASS, Plot: E 899, *
Phara, Bernard, d. 01/12/1891, US NAVY, Plot: F 856, *
Phelan, Samuel S, d. 02/23/1880, CO G 1 CONN HVY ARTY, Plot: C 243, *
Phelan, Thomas, d. 12/29/1902, CO 1 12TH NY, Plot: H 1823, *
Phillips, James, d. 01/27/1910, CO C, 25TH NY, Plot: B 2660, *
Phillips, John Webster, d. 07/07/1906, CO D 62ND MASSACHUSETTS INF CIVIL WAR, Plot: N 2096, *
Phillips, Ores W, d. 07/31/1881, CO B, 18TH MASS VOLS, Plot: C 295, *
Phillips, Robert, d. 05/24/1886, L, 6TH MASS ARTY, Plot: G 534, *
Phillips, Rueben S, d. 04/28/1898, CO D 17TH VERMONT INF CIVIL WAR, Plot: J 1408, *
Phippen, Milton Augustus, d. 01/18/1958, SEAMAN USNRF USA WWI, Plot: V 5177, *
Pichler, William, d. 12/14/1887, CO B 1ST NY, Plot: C 630, *
Pickering, Daniel, d. 09/11/1885, CO D 1ST RI, Plot: G 471, *
Pickering, Frank, d. 11/03/1883, CO D 4TH NH, Plot: H 385, *
Pickett, James, d. 03/24/1912, CO H, 2D ME CAV, Plot: B 2994, *
Pickett, John W, d. 11/21/1874, 3 BAT MASS LT ARTY, Plot: D 113, *
Pickett, Patrick, d. 06/01/1876, CO C, 146 NY VOLS, Plot: D 145, *
Pierce, Fred W, CO I 14TH MAINE INFANTRY CIVIL WAR, Plot: M 1947, *
Pierce, John, d. 04/20/1910, US NAVY, Plot: A 2713, *
Pierce, John, d. 08/27/1904, 2ND BATTERY CIVIL WAR, Plot: M 1995, *
Pierce, Leonard, d. 07/26/1884, CO H 4TH R I, Plot: G 416, *
Pike, Charles E, d. 07/03/1867, CO 5 BATT ME ART, Plot: D 7, *
Pike, David W, d. 05/05/1958, PFC USA WWII, Plot: V 5197, *
Pike, John F, d. 06/11/1902, CO I 19TH MASSACHUSETTS CIVIL WAR, Plot: I 1766, *
Pinkerton, John, d. 06/20/1886, US NAVY, Plot: G 543, *
Pinkham, Reuben, d. 03/25/1879, Plot: C 205, *
Pitcher, Jonathan, d. 12/15/1890, CO K 23RD MASSACHUSETTS CIVIL WAR, Plot: F 851, *
Pittepan, Michael, d. 09/19/1901, US NAVY, Plot: I 1711, *
Pitzettie, John, d. 11/29/1885, E 5 NY ARTY, Plot: G 487, *
Place, Herbert Seymore, d. 04/02/1959, MESS ATTENDANT 3/C USN WWI, Plot: V 5249, *
Platen, Christian Arnold, d. 05/04/1957, PVT 6TH FRENCH MORTAR BTRY USA WWI, Plot: V 5133, *
Platt, Alfred, d. 11/06/1902, CO K 119TH PENNSYLVANIA CIVIL WAR, Plot: M 1806, *
Platt, Lewis A, d. 05/09/1899, CO I 9TH NEW YORK CIVIL WAR, Plot: J 1505, *
Plumer, Charles H, d. 01/25/1887, CO E 5TH NH, Plot: D 576, *
Plummer, Daniel, d. 07/10/1883, F 11TH ME VOLS, Plot: G 371, *
Plummer, Warren, d. 02/15/1910, CO C 15TH ME, Plot: A 2668, *
Poirier, Noe Theadore, d. 08/22/1958, PVT CO G 1ST MAINE INF USA SP AM WAR, Plot: V 5216, *
Pollard, Howard, d. 02/10/1903, CO F 25TH MASSACHUSETTS CIVIL WAR, Plot: M 1842, *
Pomponio, Thomas, d. 12/29/1959, PVT CO C 154TH DEPOT BRIGADE WWI, Plot: V 5297, *
Pond, Charles, d. 01/30/1906, USN CIVIL WAR, Plot: N 2149, *
Pond, Frastus W, d. 08/04/1894, CO K 57 MASS INF, Plot: E 1130, *
Poole, Isaac, d. 02/12/1908, CO A 47TH MASS, Plot: B 2393, *
Porter, Mark, d. 01/24/1878, CO K 32ND ME VOLS, 1 24 1878, Plot: C 177, *
Potter, Benjamin, d. 11/12/1910, CO C 33RD NJ INF, Plot: A 2781, *
Potts, John, d. 05/05/1900, Plot: J 1579, *
Pounding, James, d. 10/31/1898, USN CIVIL WAR, Plot: J 1450, *
Pounding, John H, d. 01/18/1888, CO C 62ND NY, Plot: C 642, *
Powell, Timothy J, d. 12/08/1909, CO E 1ST MASS CAV, Plot: A 2632, *
Powers, Edward, d. 04/14/1911, CO L 4TH MASS CAV, Plot: B 2853, *
Powers, Joseph, d. 03/03/1907, USN CIVIL WAR, Plot: O 2296, *
Powers, Michael, CO C 89TH NEW YORK INFANTRY, Plot: I 1800, *
Powers, Patrick, d. 06/03/1897, CO E 57TH NY, Plot: J 1343, *
Powers, Samuel H, d. 03/26/1910, CO M 1ST ME, Plot: B 2689, *
Powers, Samuel, d. 01/17/1910, CO D 9TH VT INF, Plot: B 2657, *
Powers, Seth, d. 01/21/1897, CO H 8TH VT, Plot: J 1321, *
Powers, William, d. 02/10/1896, PVT A 15TH NY ENG, Plot: J 1255, *
Pranaitis, James, d. 09/20/1957, PVT CO A RET EDU CTR USA, Plot: V 5157, *
Pratt, Abner, d. 04/30/1902, USN CIVIL WAR, Plot: 1 1756, *
Pratt, Leonard, d. 08/27/1903, CO E 15TH NEW YORK CIVIL WAR, Plot: M 1898, *
Pratt, Samuel, d. 09/03/1911, US SIG CORPS, Plot: A 2903, *
Prentiss, Samuel, d. 05/17/1911, US NAVY, Plot: A 2889, *
Presby, Josiah E, CO C 5TH MASS, Plot: J 1331, *
Prescott, Alphuis, d. 05/21/1908, CO A 27TH MAINE CIVIL WAR, Plot: B 2439, *
Prescott, Cy R, d. 08/28/1908, CO F 1ST MASSACHUSETTS CAV CIVIL WAR, Plot: B 2462, *
Prescott, John H, d. 05/28/1878, CO G MASS REGT, Plot: C 183, *
Prescott, William H, d. 12/25/1889, CO K 6TH NY, 12 25 1889, Plot: F 769, *
Preston, John, d. 05/26/1885, 5TH US BATTY, Plot: H 456, *
Price, James, d. 03/14/1894, USN, Plot: F 1101, *
Price, William, d. 10/06/1901, CO L 1ST MAINE CAVALRY CIVIL WAR, Plot: I 1715, *
Pride, Alvin, Dissinterred, Plot: L 3181, *
Priest, James, d. 09/05/1911, 1ST ME, Plot: A 2905, *
Prince, Charles H, d. 08/01/1892, 8/ 1ST INF, Plot: E 973, *
Prior, James, d. 10/19/1910, CO G 17TH MASS, Plot: A 2777, *
Prue, Peter, d. 03/30/1913, CO G 2ND MASS, Plot: A 3107, *
Pumpin, John, d. 01/09/1913, CO H 1ST NY, Plot: A 3082, *
Punch, Thomas, d. 04/14/1914, CO G 9TH U S INF, Plot: L 3202, *
Purrington, Iasiah, d. 02/07/1908, CO E 5TH ME INF, Plot: A 2392, *
Pusshaw, James, d. 02/26/1915, CO B 32ND MASS, Plot: K 3298, *
Putnam, Madison, d. 08/13/1899, CKO G 87TH ILL, Plot: J 1525, *
Pyaltenburg, Lewis, d. 08/29/1896, US NAVY, Plot: J 1291, *
Quann, Thomas, d. 07/18/1895, CO B 21ST MASS, 7 18 1895, Plot: J 1202, *
Quigley, Winfield S, d. 06/17/1910, CO I 27TH N Y, Plot: A 2733, *
Quimby, A, CO K 19TH MAS INF, Plot: O 2287, *
Quimby, Alonzo R, d. 11/11/1892, CO A 19TH ME, Plot: E 992, *
Quinby, George F, d. 10/29/1898, PVT ME COAST GUARD, Plot: J 1449, *
Quinlan, John, d. 06/11/1889, USN, Plot: G 728, *
Quinlan, Patrick, d. 07/29/1910, CO C 13TH VOLS, Plot: B 2755, *
Quinn, George, d. 07/22/1913, CO A 15TH CONN INF, Plot: L 3140, *
Quinn, James A, d. 04/20/1904, CO G 12TH MASS, Plot: M 1949, *
Quinn, John, d. 03/14/1907, USN, Plot: C 2294, *
Quinn, John, d. 03/19/1900, USN, Plot: J 1560, *
Quinn, Lawrence E, d. 03/08/1959, ORD SEAMAN US COAST GUARD, Plot: V 5240, *
Quinn, Michael, d. 08/16/1910, CO I 3RD NH INF, Plot: B 2757, *
Quinn, Michael, d. 11/05/1895, CO E 40TH NY VOLS, 11 05 1895, Plot: J 1228, *
Quinn, Richard, d. 02/27/1891, CO D 142ND NY INF, Plot: P 866, *
Raftrye, Timothy, CO A 30TH MASS, Dod Jan 1886, Plot: H 503, *
Raibele, Pius, d. 05/23/1898, D 6TH NY INF, Plot: J 1415, *
Raibell, William, d. 06/29/1899, K 1ST NJ, Plot: J 1516, *
Ramsdell, Jacob H, d. 07/30/1879, CO B 23RD MASS, Plot: C 220, *
Ramsell, Charles, d. 09/01/1887, CO D 3RD MASS, Plot: C 613, *
Rancourt, Percy Louis, d. 11/17/1960, PVT CO B 14TH MG BN USA, Plot: V 5344, *
Rand, Daniel, d. 01/07/1886, CO A 1ST MASS CAV, Plot: H 500, *
Rand, George H, d. 09/06/1984, CO E 29TH ME, Plot: G 419, *
Raney, John, d. 07/04/1889, CO I 12TH R I, 7 4 1889, Plot: G 734, *
Rankine, John, d. 12/24/1903, CO F 15TH ME INF, 12 24 1903, Plot: 2369, *
Ranney, Frederick C, d. 04/09/1959, PVT INF USA, Plot: V 5252, *
Rauch, George, d. 03/10/1899, CO H 7TH NEW YORK INF CIVIL WAR, Plot: J 1484, *
Ray, Daniel, d. 01/31/1915, CO G 49TH MASS, Plot: K 3287, *
Ray, Jacob D, d. 10/26/1891, CO K 5TH ME INF, Plot: E 918, *
Raymond, J R, d. 12/25/1899, CO 67TH NY CAV, Plot: J 1544, *
Raymond, William H, d. 02/07/1886, CO H 7TH NH, Plot: H 509, *
Raynor, Abraham, d. 09/11/1908, CO C 40TH NY INF, Plot: 2470, *
Rea, James, d. 12/06/1911, CO F 52 ND N H, Plot: B 2940, *
Ready, John, d. 05/21/1875, CO C 3 ME VOLS, Plot: D 120, *
Reba, James, d. 03/09/1901, CO E 9TH ME INF, Plot: I 1653, *
Reck, Michael, d. 12/06/1908, USN CIVIL WAR, Plot: B 2503, *
Reckards, Martin A, d. 12/07/1906, CO A 3RD MASS, Plot: 2152, *
Reddy, Patrick, d. 11/21/1892, 1 CO R 12TH RI, Plot: F 997, *
Reddy, Thomas, d. 12/24/1907, CO F 1ST R I, Plot: B 2358, *
Reed, James, d. 10/01/1904, 4TH MASS INF, Plot: M 2015, *
Reed, John, d. 02/02/1906, USN, Plot: 2150, *
Reed, Leland, d. 12/24/1910, CO B 10TH NH INF, Plot: B 2801, *
Reed, Luke, d. 06/27/1888, CO G 127 NY VOLS, Plot: C 189, *
Reedy, Maurice, d. 08/14/1887, CO M VT FRONTIERS, Plot: C 611, *
Regan, John, d. 04/15/1890, CO F 3RD RI, Plot: F 796, *
Regan, John, d. 09/05/1900, CO F 132ND NY INF, Plot: 1 1615, *
Regan, John, d. 11/09/1909, CO I 2ND ME CAV, Plot: A 2621, *
Regan, Patrick, d. 12/19/1898, 3RD US ARTY, Plot: J 1461, *
Regan, William, d. 05/23/1912, CO 3RD NY BATRY, Plot: A 3018, *
Rehimer, William, d. 10/24/1885, B 20TH MASS VOL, Plot: G 480, *
Reid, Thomas W, d. 07/11/1901, CO E 47TH NY, 7 11 1901, Plot: I 1701, *
Reid, William, d. 01/02/1907, USN, Plot: 0 2357, *
Reidy, Thomas J, d. 06/30/1895, A 177TH NY, Plot: J 1196, *
Reilly, John, d. 10/03/1905, USN, Plot: N 2127, *
Remmington, Foster, d. 11/15/1907, CO E 32ND MADS, Plot: C 2356, *
Rennie, Clarence W, d. 03/18/1959, US ARMY, Plot: V 5244, *
Reynelds, John, d. 07/28/1905, CO H 17TH MASS, Plot: N 2103, *
Reynold, George, d. 05/07/1905, CO C 2ND NH, Plot: N 2083, *
Reynold, James T, d. 12/01/1892, 11TH NY BATTERY, 12 1 1892, Plot: F 1000, *
Reynold, William, d. 04/30/1906, CO C 9TH MASS, Plot: N 2179, *
Reynolds, Albert, d. 12/03/1909, CO A 12 NY CAV, Plot: A 2630, *
Reynolds, Arthur, d. 06/10/1908, CO E 1ST R I L, Plot: B 2446, *
Reynolds, Jacob, d. 11/15/1914, CO F 8TH ME INF, Plot: L 3257, *
Rheaume, Napoleon, d. 11/27/1960, F/3CL US NAVY, Plot: V 5345, *
Rhodes, Irving Byram, d. 03/25/1947, PVT TP B MED DET HQ 21ST CO USA, Plot: V 5130, *
Rhodes, William, d. 10/04/1906, CO C 15TH NY, Plot: N 2231, *
Rice, Henry, d. 12/24/1885, CO A 6TH CONN, Plot: G 496, *
Rice, Lucious, d. 09/30/1910, CO B 4TH VT INF, Plot: A 2773, *
Rice, Thomas, d. 10/06/1892, USN, Plot: E 987, *
Richards, Corneluis, d. 03/22/1912, CO C 33RD OHIO INF, Plot: B 2989, *
Richardson, Almond, d. 02/15/1914, CO I 3RD ME INF, Plot: L 3187, *
Richardson, Clark T, d. 11/26/1906, CO G 5TH MASS, Plot: N 2251, *
Richardson, Thomas S, d. 09/06/1889, CO D 186TH PA, Plot: E 743, *
Richardson, Thomas, d. 01/27/1899, CO I 8TH VT, Plot: J 1514, *
Richter, Anton, d. 01/19/1898, B 8TH NY INF, Plot: J 1390, *
Rick, Carl, d. 03/14/1894, CO I 1ST NY, Plot: F 1099, *
Rick, Henry, d. 01/25/1907, PVT CO F 35 NJ INF, Plot: 16 231, bur. 01/28/1907, *
Rickard, Michael, USN, Plot: J 1257, *
Ricker, Ivory, d. 12/05/1911, CO F 1ST ME, Plot: B 2937, *
Rider, Hugh, d. 12/25/1896, 1ST RI BTRY, Plot: J 1315, *
Riely, Patrick, d. 12/12/1910, CO D 26TH MASS INF, Plot: B 2793, *
Rienstlow, John, d. 03/17/1904, CO E 30TH MASS INF, Plot: E 1941, *
Riggs, Charles, d. 12/09/1912, CO G 18TH MASS, Plot: B 3070, *
Riley, Charles, d. 11/06/1900, US NAVY, Plot: I 1624, *
Riley, James, d. 10/02/1902, CO B 17TH MASS, Plot: I 1796, *
Riley, John, d. 05/15/1914, CO F 61ST MASS, Plot: L 3211, *
Riley, Terrence, CO B 28TH MASS VOLS, Plot: C 267, *
Riley, Terrence, d. 05/05/1899, CO E 4TH RI INF, Plot: J 1503, *
Riley, Thomas, d. 04/30/1900, USN, Plot: J 1575, *
Rind, Scepta, d. 12/30/1904, CO F 76TH NY, Plot: N 2033, *
Ring, David, d. 08/25/1875, CO C 6 NY CAV, Plot: D 72, *
Ring, John, d. 10/31/1909, CO K 24TH MASS, Plot: B 2616, *
Ring, Thomas, d. 02/22/1899, CO K 1ST ME CAV, Plot: J 1480, *
Ringbardt, Albert, d. 10/21/1909, CO D 39TH NY, Plot: B 2613, *
Riordan, Patrick, d. 07/05/1909, 2ND CONN BATTERY, Plot: A 2581, *
Ripley, Horace A, d. 03/03/1910, CO C 29TH MASS, Plot: A 2674, *
Ripley, Robert, d. 06/28/1895, H 50TH MASS, Plot: J 1195, *
Ritche, Bernard, d. 02/16/1910, CO C KS CAV, Plot: A 2669, *
Ritz, William W, d. 10/07/1960, PVT USA, Plot: V 5336, *
Rivers, William E, d. 11/30/1893, CO A 13TH MASS INF, Plot: E 1075, *
Roach, David, d. 06/02/1883, E 43RD US INF, Plot: G 367, *
Roach, Henry, d. 04/13/1880, CO K 2ND MASS CAV, Plot: C 247, *
Roach, L H, d. 01/08/1891, 15 NY BATTY, Plot: F 852, *
Roach, Patrick, d. 04/18/1889, CO M 3RD RI, Plot: G 723, *
Roach, Patrick, d. 09/24/1984, CO B 4TH NY CA, Plot: G 421, *
Roache, James, d. 12/24/1910, CO L, 3RD R I, Plot: B 2802, *
Robbins, Christopher, d. 01/03/1905, CO C 3RD MD, Plot: N 2037, *
Robbins, Geushon C, d. 06/28/1909, CO G 2ND ME VOL, Plot: A 2579, *
Robbins, Philander, d. 01/08/1899, CO K 7TH R I INF, 1 8 1899, Plot: J 1469, *
Robbins, Stephen, d. 04/09/1912, CO I 1ST CONN CAV, Plot: B 3000, *
Robbins, Thomas, d. 02/10/1914, CO K 24TH CONN INF, Plot: L 3184, *
Robear, Henry, d. 02/15/1882, I 17TH VT, Plot: C 310, *
Roberts, Alfred, d. 12/25/1903, CO K 128TH IND, Plot: M 1919, *
Roberts, Henry, d. 03/16/1894, 78TH USCT, Plot: F 1102, *
Roberts, Richard, d. 12/26/1970, CO B 71ST NY VOLS, Plot: D 43, *
Roberts, Samuel, d. 12/28/1891, A 12TH MASS VOLS, Plot: F 927, *
Robichaud, John Charles, d. 03/30/1961, PVT HQ CO 261ST INF USA, Plot: V 5361, *
Robinson, Dana, d. 05/22/1911, CO E 3RD NH INF, Plot: B 2869, *
Robinson, Henry, d. 12/30/1902, CO B 66TH NY, Plot: M 1824, *
Robinson, James A, d. 12/19/1958, SM 1ST CL USN, Plot: V 5231, *
Robinson, John, d. 07/01/1867, CO B 22 MASS VOL, Plot: D 6, *
Robinson, Levi, d. 05/08/1898, CO I 24TH ME, Plot: J 1412, *
Robinson, Louis, d. 07/22/1913, CO I 43RD US INF, Plot: L 3139, *
Robinson, Samuel G, d. 07/22/1877, CO I 23 MASS VOL, Plot: D 169, *
Robinson, W H, CO A 1ST ME, Plot: I 1770, *
Robinson, William, d. 04/26/1890, CO F 40TH MASS, Plot: F 800, *
Rock, Lewis, d. 06/22/1910, CO F 18TH, Plot: B 2739, *
Rock, Michael, d. 01/29/1900, CO K 20TH MASS, Plot: J 1547, *
Roddy, John, d. 09/08/1905, CO I, 6TH NY, Plot: N 2119, *
Rode, Charles, d. 02/21/1901, CO G, 2D NY CAV, Plot: I 1647, *
Roell, John, d. 12/11/1896, CO D 41ST N Y, 12 11 1896, Plot: J 1313, *
Rogers, Charles H, d. 06/25/1909, CO H 176TH NY, Plot: A 2577, *
Rogers, Charles, d. 02/10/1900, B 176TH NY INF, 2 10 1900, Plot: J 1549, *
Rogers, Edward, CO C 54TH MASS INF, Plot: A 2831, *
Rogers, Frederick, CO A, 54TH MASS INF, Plot: B 3072, *
Rogers, James F, d. 10/30/1906, CO B 11TH MASS, Plot: M 2243, *
Rogers, Thomas, d. 04/27/1874, CO A 82ND NY VOLS, Plot: D 101, *
Ronan, Thomas, d. 01/01/1904, CO A 4TH NY CAV, Plot: M 1922, *
Ronayne, William, d. 12/22/1885, C 28TH MASS VOLS, Plot: G 493, *
Rork, Frank, d. 12/20/1905, CO M 32ND MASS, Plot: N 2144, *
Rorke, John, d. 01/06/1911, CO I 5TH INF, Plot: B 2818, *
Rosenthal, Henry, d. 01/20/1899, E 54TH NY, Plot: J 1472, *
Ross, Edwin, d. 09/10/1913, CO C 1ST NH, Plot: L 3147, *
Ross, George H, d. 08/31/1902, A 10TH ME, 8 31 1902, Plot: I 1786, *
Ross, James, d. 12/13/1893, 2ND CL FM USN, Plot: E 1080, *
Ross, Nelson, d. 08/28/1912, CO H 14TH ME, Plot: A 3042, *
Roth, Valentine, d. 12/22/1890, 5TH NY INF, Plot: F 853, *
Rouleau, Lucien, d. 02/27/1960, PVT CO A 17TH TANK BN, Plot: V 5304, *
Roulston, William, d. 06/29/1904, CO G 14TH MASS, Plot: M 1982, *
Rounds, Daniel, d. 01/02/1905, CO A 27TH ME, Plot: N 2035, *
Rounds, Daniel, d. 10/18/1887, CO E 9TH ME, Plot: C 618, *
Rounds, Stephen, d. 11/28/1910, CO I 8TH ME INF, Plot: A 2783, *
Rourke, Patrick, d. 08/16/1895, CO G, 26TH MASS INF, Plot: J 1211, *
Rowe, Aaron, d. 05/10/1897, B 69TH PA, Plot: J 1340, *
Rowe, Henry M, d. 07/06/1900, E 7TH ME, Plot: I 1802, *
Rowe, Henry, d. 07/05/1893, CO E, 67TH NY, Plot: F 1045, *
Rowe, Moses, d. 07/15/1894, CO K 13TH N H, Plot: E 1126, *
Rowell, Almond, d. 07/17/1910, CO H, 14TH ME INF, Plot: B 2750, *
Roy, Thomas, d. 07/06/1958, PVT CO H 306TH INF USA, Plot: V 5207, *
Royal, Charles, d. 11/18/1988, CO I 11TH ME, Plot: C 636, *
Royal, John, d. 06/23/1888, CO C 1ST ME, Plot: C 664, *
Rudden, Robert, d. 02/17/1887, CO D 88TH NY, Plot: D 583, *
Ruddy, Patrick J, A 8 US INF, Plot: H 435, *
Rudolph, George, d. 07/30/1890, CO G 15TH NYHA, Plot: E 826, *
Ruehner, J M, d. 03/10/1902, CO G 29TH MASS INF, 3 10 1902, Plot: I 1780, *
Rumley, George, d. 12/23/1883, D 15TH NY VOLS, Plot: H 388, *
Rundle, Joseph T, d. 02/24/1901, CO A 1ST MASS, Plot: I 1661, *
Rupp, Alois, d. 05/14/1892, CO C, 45TH NY, Plot: E 960, *
Rush, John, d. 10/04/1893, USN, Plot: E 1063, *
Rush, John, d. 10/06/1905, CO H 69 TH NY, Plot: N 2125, *
Russell, George A, d. 07/30/1881, CO C 39TH MASS VOL, Plot: C 294, *
Russell, George, d. 06/30/1914, CO H 1ST MASS, Plot: L 3224, *
Russell, Pearl, d. 07/13/1958, PVT CAC CO 615 US ARMY, Plot: V 5211, *
Russell, Thomas, d. 02/01/1896, CO E 42ND NY, Plot: J 1248, *
Russell, Thomas, d. 02/04/1890, CO I 93TH PA, Plot: F 777, *
Rutledge, James, d. 08/04/1912, CO F 2ND NY, Plot: A 3035, *
Ryan, David, d. 06/26/1910, CO B 1ST NH, Plot: B 2743, *
Ryan, James, d. 03/24/1910, CO B 8TH ME, Plot: A 2684, *
Ryan, John, d. 12/10/1907, CO E 88TH NY, Plot: B 2360, *
Ryan, John, d. 12/19/1905, CO G 5TH NY INF, Plot: N 2143, *
Ryan, Lawrence, d. 11/18/1908, CO I 2ND CONN, Plot: B 2499, *
Ryan, Michael, d. 03/03/1906, CO H 11TH MASS INF, Plot: N 2162, *
Ryan, Patrick, US NAVY, Dod 2/35/06, Plot: N 2167, *
Ryan, William, d. 05/04/1908, CO B 97TH NY, Plot: B 2436, *
Ryan, William, d. 07/26/1898, USN, Plot: J 1432, *
Ryder, Alexander, d. 10/01/1902, CO G 17TH NY INF, Plot: I 1794, *
Ryder, William H, d. 07/19/1895, US NAVY, Plot: J 1201, *
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