Search Missouri Death Records
Missouri Newspapers, Full Search (1808-1949), 140 titles
Missouri Obituary Search, (1988-current)
Missouri Funeral Notices
Woodlawn Cemetery
Independence, Jackson County, Missouri
Contributed by Sharon Kroner, Sep 29, 2008 [].
Cloin, Jack B, b. 16 Jan 1932, d. 2 Sep 1950, Missouri, PFC, 82 AAA, AW BN, 2 Inf. Div., Korea, PH, S11
Closser, Mollie J, b. 1870, d. 1932, mother, S17
Closson, Martha M, b. 19 Jan 1822, d. 3 Jun 1902, D2S2
Clubine, Viola L, b. 28 Mar 1898, d. 30 Aug 1973, S11
Clutter, O Ethelene, b. 1919, d. blank, s/w Richard R Cluter, S5
Clutter, Richard R, b. 1921, d. 1986, s/w O Ethelene Clutter, S5
Clyde, Benton W, b. 15 Apr 1914, d. 1 Apr 2001, PFC, US Army, WWII, s/w Lila B Clyde, S11
Clyde, Lila B, b. 4 Dec 1918, d. blank, s/w Benton W Clyde, S11
Coates, Eva L, b. 1886, d. 1966, s/w Reuben B Coates, S5
Coates, Reuben B, b. 1872, d. 1956, s/w Eva L Coates, S5
Cobb, Ella S, b. 1846, d. 1917, S7
Cobb, Wm. B. Rev., b. 1844, d. 1916, S7
Coble, Allen R, b. 1941, d. 1948, S10
Cockrell, Jenks W, b. 24 May 1883, d. 11 Aug 1950, tools symbol, s/w Mirtie A Cockrell, S11
Cockrell, Mirtie A, b. 27 May 1887, d. 15 Oct 1981, s/w Jenks W Cockrell, S11
Cody, Floyd E, b. 7 Jun 1898, d. 4 Feb 1972, Missouri, Pvt, 401 MP Escourt, GD CO, WWII, D1S4
Coe, Hubert Lee, b. 3 Mar 1903, d. 5 Dec 1995, father, s/w Rosalie Mae & Lennie Vera Coe, S9
Coe, Lennie Vera, b. 7 Jan 1905, d. 19 Aug 1958, mother, s/w Rosalie Mae & Hubert Lee Coe, S9
Coe, Rosalie Mae, b. 4 Aug 1926, d. 7 Sep 1942, dau, s/w Hubert Lee & Lennie Vera Coe, S9
Coffey, Catherine, no dates, mother, s/w Michael Coffey, S17
Coffey, Michael, no dates, father, s/w Catherine Coffey, S17
Coffey, Thomas F, b. 1859, d. 1946, son, S17
Coffman. Ruth O, b. 1909, d. 1992, mother, D1S4
Cogan, Mary L, b. 29 Mar 1873, d. 13 Jan 1946, SH
Cogswell, Elizabeth Emma, no dates, d/o OH & EE Cogswell, S6
Cogswell, Elizabeth K, b. 13 Jul 1900, d. 5 Jun 1990, s/w John E Cogswell, S9
Cogswell, Emma, b. 1854, d. 1936, S6
Cogswell, John E, b. 9 Dec 1900, d. 31 Jul 1990, s/w Elizabeth K Cogswell, S9
Cogswell, John S, b. 1867, d. 1964, s/w Miriam J Cogswell, S9
Cogswell, Miriam J, b. 1869, d. 1966, m. 3 Feb 1892, s/w John S Cogswell, S9
Cogswell, Myra Lee, b. 20 Feb 1870, d. 16 Dec 1945, S6
Cogswell, Nannie B, b. 1830, d. 1919, S6
Cogswell, O.H., b. 1820, d. 1881, S6
Cogswell, Oscar W, b. 2 Sep 1856, d. 17 Dec 1931, S6
Coil, Albert W. Sr., b. 17 May 1899, d. 25 Sep 1971, dad, PVT, US Army, WWI, S6
Coil, James, no dates, born in Ireland, stone broken, S19
Coil, Pearl, b. 1903, d. 1983, mom, S6
Coin, Burley E Jr., b. 15 Sep 1957, d. blank, s/w Tony Ray Coin, S12
Coin, Tony Ray, b. 11 Apr 1960, d. 14 Apr 2004, s/w Burley E Coin Jr., S12
Colby, Clara L, b. 1871, d. 1975, S8
Colby, Clarence L, b. 1870, d. 1931, S8
Colby, Gertrude F, b. 1907, d. 1967, S8
Colby, Harold A, b. 1899, d. 1980, mason symbol, S8
Colby, Jessie M, b. 1901, d. blank, w/o Harold Colby, S8
Colby, Ray G, b. 1902, d. 1974, S8
Colcord, E. D., d. 27 Sep 1856, s/w Mary F Ridings, S6
Coldsnow, Christina, b. 1854, d. 1933, mother, s/w George Coldsnow, D1S4
Coldsnow, George, b. 1839, d. 1895, father, s/w Christina Coldsnow, D1S4
Coldsnow, Ida, b. 1874, d. 1877, d/o Christina & George Coldsnow, D1S4
Coldsnow, John, b. 1875, d. 1877, s/o Christina & George Coldsnow, D1S4
Cole, Arley W, b. 30 Dec 1897, d. 7 Aug 1960, s/w Josephine E Cole, S12
Cole, Bettie H, b. 1877, d. 1953, D1S2
Cole, Eaton, b. 16 Mar 1906, d. 24 Feb 1978, Seal, US Navy, S11
Cole, Frances Hickman, b. 16 Jan 1906, d. 6 Nov 1983, mother, S11
Cole, Fred B, b. 1876, d. 1955, father, s/w Ora May Cole, S11
Cole, Jon H, b. 13 Apr 1945, d. 29 Nov 1966, son, brother, husband, S6
Cole, Josephine E, b. 9 Oct 1907, d. 25 Oct 1978, m. 6 Feb 1926, s/w Arley W Cole, S12
Cole, Ora May, b. 1878, d. blank, mother, s/w Fred P Cole, S11
Cole, Raymond W, b. 20 Mar 1907, d. 9 May 1961, father, S6
Cole, Thomas S, b. 1870, d. 1943, D1S2
Coleman, James P, b. 1866, d. 1922, D1S3
Coligan, Edward, b. 1897, d. 1925, S17
Coligan, James W, b. 1889, d. 1964, S19
Colin, Lucy V, b. 1878, d. 1960, s/w William Colin, S12
Colin, William, b. 1873, d. 1949, s/w Lucy V Colin, S12
Collings, Harold S, b. 1904, d. 1960, hus, s/w Mable N Collings, S9
Collings, Ida, b. 1877, d. 1969, m/o Harold, S9
Collings, Mable N, b. 1909, d. 1976, wife, s/w Harold S Collings, S9
Collins, Alexander Sr, b. 6 Jan 1789, d. 20 May 1859, S5 *
Collins, Andrew Sr., b. 1863, d. 1940, father, D1S1
Collins, And'w, d. blank, CO F, 5 PROV, EN, MIL, D1S1
Collins, Elizabeth, b. 1862, d. 1960, D1S1
Collins, Mary Louise, b. 1880, d. 1939, mother, D1S1
Colvin, Linda L, b.31 May 1943, d. 8 Feb 1988, S11
Comboy, Agnes M, b. 1877, d. 1960, S19
Comboy, Edward T, b. 1876, d. 1947, S19
Comboy, Edward, b. 7 Mar 1835, d. 28 Apr 1916, s/w Johanna, his wife, S19
Comboy, James, b. 14 Feb 1878, d. 1 Jan 1907, S19**
Comboy, Johanna Howard, b. 5 Aug 1841 in Limerick Co Ireland, d. 21 Feb 1907, w/o Edward Comboy, S19
Comboy, John, b. 1869, d. 1951, S19
Comboy, Josephine M, b. 1917, d. 2006, dau, S19
Comboy, Katie, b. 1876, d. 1938, S19
Comboy, Mary Edwina Sister, b. 24 Jul 1912, d. 23 Mar 1989, RSM, S21
Comboy, Mary Theodore Sister, b. 7 Jan 1908, d. 27 Sep 2003, RSM, S21
Comboy, Maude E, b. 1882, d. 1974, mother, S19
Comboy, Theodore L, b. 1875, d. 1960, father, S19
Comboy, Theresa C, b. 1878, d. 1951, S/19
Combs, Alberta M, b. 29 Nov 1903, d. 7 Jan 1945, s/w Arnold E Combs, S9
Combs, Arnold E, b. 28 Aug 1908, d. 5 Feb 1944, s/w Alberta M Combs, S9
Combs, Florence Wear, b. 1865, d. 1950, s/w Mabel E & Robert L Combs, S8
Combs, Infant, d. Dec 1851, dau, S5 *
Combs, Mabel E, b. 1890, d. 1965, s/w Robert L & Florence Combs, S8
Combs, Robert L, b. 1858, d. 1925, s/w Mabel E & Florence Combs, S8
Comins, Effie L, b. 1889, d. 1972, mother, S12
Comins, William O, b. 1884, d. 1952, father, S12
Compton, Dorothea A, b. 27 Feb 1900, d. 13 Aug 1985, s/w Louis L Compton, S9
Compton, Emmit L, b. 1874, d. 1941, D1S2
Compton, G. L., b. 28 Sep 1831, d. 17 Jan 1921, father, s/w Izza, his wife, D1S2
Compton, George H, b. 1869, d. 1956, father, s/w Mattie H Compton, D1S2
Compton, Georgia S, b. 7 Aug 1861, d. 3 Sep 1888, mother, s/w James V & Minnie W Compton, S7
Compton, Izza, b. 25 Jan 1838, d. 28 Jul 1901, mother, s/w G L Compton, D1S2
Compton, J V, no dates, infant, S7
Compton, James V, b. 7 Nov 1858, d. 11 Mar 1946, father, mason symbol, s/w Georgia & Minnie Compton, S7
Compton, L. Frank, b. 19 Mar 1865, d. 25 Jan 1952, father, s/w Lucy Compton, D1S2
Compton, Louis L, b. 17 Feb 1897, d. 5 Dec 1985, s/w Dorothea A Compton, S9
Compton, Lucy, b. 17 Aug 1865, d. 15 Mar 1921, mother, s/w L. Frank Compton, D1S2
Compton, Mary Elizabeth, b. 1863, d. 1928, D1S2
Compton, Mattie H, b. 1874, d. 1965, mother, s/w George H Compton, D1S2
Compton, Maud F, b. 11 Mar 1885, d. 27 Jan 1970, S7
Compton, Minnie W, b. 14 Feb 1873, d. 18 Sep 1939, mother, s/w Georgia & James Compton, S7
Compton, Narnie Settle, b. 1863, d. 1946, D1S2
Compton, Shannon M, b. 1877, d. 1945, D1S2
Compton, Wade, b. 26 Dec 1886, d. 22 Feb 1897, son, S7
Comstock, Irene, b. 1906, d. 1939, S11
Comstock, Margaret, b. 24 Sep 1876, d. 3 Dec 1956, D2S1
Comstock, Myrtle L, b. 1898, d. 1937, S11
Comstock, William R, b. 26 Sep 1872, d. 24 Mar 1935, D2S1
Conklin, George E, d. 28 Dec 1930, Kansas, Pvt. 1 Cl. 130 Field Arty. 35 Div., S10
Conklin, George H, b. 1875, d. 1945, s/w Lottie M Conklin, S9
Conklin, Lottie M, b. 1881, d. 1967, s/w George H Conklin, S9
Connell, Catharine Sullivan, d. 17 Mar 1898, d. w/o DJ Connell, S19
Connelly, Ann, no dates, s/w Patrick Woods, S17
Connelly, Arthur, b. 1898, d. 1956, father, s/w Esther Connelly, S11
Connelly, Esther, b. 1896, d. 1952, mother, s/w Arthur Connelly, S11
Conner, Annie, b. 4 Jul 1868, d. 12 Jul 1886, w/o WR Conner, D2S2
Conner, James W, b. 25 Feb 1851, d. 23 Oct 1852, Age 1y, 7m, D1S1
Conner, W R, b. 15 Jan 1839, d. 28 Apr 1900, mason symbol, D2S2
Connor, William D, b. 19 Jun 1887, d. 12 Mar 1972, S19
Connors, Mildred, b. 22 Dec 1926, d. blank, S9
Conrow, Minnie F, b. 1882, d. 1950, s/w Robert T Conrow, S9
Conrow, Robert T, b. 1880, d. 1941, s/w Minnie F Conrow, S9
Conroy, Bridget, b. 1859, d. 1930, S19
Conroy, Elizabeth, b. 1823, d. 1901, S19
Conroy, Thomas, b. 1852, d. 1910, S19
Conroy, Timothy, b. 1821, d. 1903, S19
Constant, James David, b. 1947, d. 1969, S19
Contreras, Augustine Sr, b. 1889, d. 1943, father, S19
Contreras, Isabel Garsula, b. 1900, d. 1977, mother, S21
Conway, Bridget, b. 1832, d. 1910, mother, s/w John Conway, S19
Conway, Corinne, b. 1898, d. 1957, S17
Conway, Earl J, b. 25 Mar 1918, d. 10 Apr 1918, S19
Conway, Edith Cecelia, b. 1885, d. 1908, S19
Conway, Edward J, b. 1896, d. 1970, S17
Conway, Henry S, b. 24 Dec 1884, d. 27 May 1949, S19
Conway, John Henry, d. 5 Dec 1881, aged 2y, 6m, 15d, S19
Conway, John, b. 1825, d. 1904, father, s/w Bridget Conway, S19
Conway, John, b. 8 Jun 1846 in Curragh Co Ireland, d. 8 Jun 1877, S19
Conway, Joseph, Cleveland Lieut, b. 1888, d. 1918, S19
Conway, Katherine, b. 1856, d. 1937, S17
Conway, Lula, b. 4 Oct 1900, d. 17 Feb 1991, s/w William Conway Sr, S17
Conway, Marietta, b. 1924, d. blank, s/w Marvin Conway, S21
Conway, Marvin S, b. 1921, d. 1977, s/w Marietta Conway, S21
Conway, Mary, b. 1859, d. 1934, S19
Conway, Michael H, b. 1856, d. 1906, S19
Conway, Mollie, b. 22 Nov 1857, d. 18 Mar 1950, daughter, s/w William Conway, S19
Conway, Nell M, b. 1883, d. 1957, mother, s/w Thomas J Conway, S19
Conway, Robert James, b. 1891, d. 1939, S19
Conway, Rosa C, b. 6 Nov 1884, d. 25 Feb 1923, mother, S19
Conway, Ruby B, b. 5 Dec 1909, d. 11 Feb 1993, S19
Conway, Teresa B, b. 1856, d. 1923, mother, s/w Thomas Conway, S19
Conway, Thomas J Jr, b. 8 Mar 1881, d. 28 Jul 1957, father, S19
Conway, Thomas J, b. 1883, d. 1964, father, s/w Nell M Conway, S19
Conway, Thomas, b. 1841, d. 1941, S17
Conway, Thomas, b. 1848, d. 1929, father, s/w Teresa B Conway, S19
Conway, Thomas, b. in Curragh Co Ireland, d. 11 Apr 1876, aged 62y, S19
Conway, Viola H, b. 9 Mar 1906, d. 23 Aug 1981, S19
Conway, William Edward, b. 1876, d. 1939, S19
Conway, William Sr, b. 15 Mar 1894, d. 5 Mar 1987, s/w Lula Conway, S17
Conway, William, b. 26 Apr 1862, d. 8 Aug 1947, son, s/w Mollie Conway, S19
Cook James L, b. 1859, d. 1936, S8
Cook, Anna, b. 1897, d. 1920, daughter, S5
Cook, Belle, b. 1857, d. 1934, mother, S5
Cook, Chester H, b. 1887, d. 1954, S8
Cook, Chester S, b. 7 Aug 1921, d. 27 Feb 1981, Ens. US Navy, WWII, S8
Cook, Dorothy M, b. 19 Jul 1920, d. 1 Mar 1959, Missouri, T Sgt, US Marine Corps, Res, WWII, S11
Cook, Floyd A, b. 15 Feb 1931, d. 25 Jul 1989, D2S2
Cook, Frances S, b. 21 Jan 1903, d. 19 Jan 1990, wife, s/w Robert Powell Cook, S11
Cook, Georgia L, b. 26 Sep 1919, d. 6 Jan 1989, dau, s/w Olinda E Schulze, S9
Cook, Henrietta, b. 1895, d. blank, wife, s/w Sherman Cook, S9
Cook, Izola, b. 1895, d. 1977, daughter, S5
Cook, James Leslie Jr., b. 1892, d. 1923, s/o J L & Josephine Cook, S8
Cook, Jennifer Theresa, d. Dec 1964, d/o Gene & Carol Cook, S19
Cook, John L, b. 9 Sep 1879, d. 30 Jul 1941, husband, s/2 Louise Cook, S5
Cook, Josie M, b. 1870, d. 1945, S8
Cook, Katherine Allin, b. 26 Nov 1883, d. 31 Jan 1910, w/o John L Cook, D1S2
Cook, Louise P, b. 30 Apr 1882, d. 11 Nov 1952, wife, s/w John L Cook, S5
Cook, Marion J, b. 1857, d. 1943, father, S5
Cook, Maude S, b. 1889, d. 1974, S8
Cook, Robert Powell, b. 9 Jan 1894, d. 21 Nov 1960, husband, mason symbol, s/w Frances S Cook, S11
Cook, Sherman, b. 1890, d. 1941, hus, s/w Henrietta Cook, S9
Cook, Virginia N, b. 1920, d. 1944, S9
Cooper, Brian Leo, b. 1 Jan 1959, d. 15 Feb 1991, S21
Cooper, Harry, d. 6 Jul 1883, aged 1y, 6m, S6**
Cooper, Hattie M, b. 1884, d. 1952, s/w William A Cooper, S9
Cooper, Johnnie F, b. 1938, d. 1993, s/w Patricia Cooper, S21
Cooper, Joseph, b. 14 Oct 1848, d. 12 Oct 1908, mason symbol, S5
Cooper, Louise, b. 25 Jun 1927, d. 16 Feb 2012, mother, sister, S21
Cooper, Mellie C, b. 1878, d. 1942, mother, S9
Cooper, Patricia A, b. 1941, d. 1998, m. 30 Dec 1961, s/w Johnnie F Cooper, S21
Cooper, William A, b. 1879, d. 1950, s/w Hattie M Cooper, S9
Cope, Raymond L, b. 1900, d. 1901, s/o CM & Alice Cope, D2S2
Copeland, Dorothy M, b. 1917, d. 2002, s/w Robert B Copeland, S12
Copeland, Robert B, b. 1918, d. 1957, s/w Dorothy M Copeland, S12
Copley, William H, b. 1844, d. 1936, S6
Corbin, Sarah A, b. 16 May 1816, d. 21 May 1889, w/o MH Corbin, stone buried deep in ground, D2S3 **
Corder Merle W, b. 4 Feb 1936, d. 19 May 1966, S9
Corder, Earle J, b. 1918, d. 1942, son, S Sgt, 10th Army, Air Force, Am Legion symbol, S9
Corder, John J, b. 1893, d. 1967, father, S9
Corder, Madge Leona, b. 1892, d. 1974, mother, S9
Corlew, James Joseph, b. 1913, d. 1976, S11
Corman, Jonas T, b. 28 Jul 1823, d. 8 Nov 1890, D1S4
Corman, Margaret, d. 5 Feb 1900, aged 72y, D1S4
Cornell, Albert W, b. 23 Mar 1888, d. 6 Jan 1951, s/w Esther L Cornell, S12
Cornell, Armenia B, 1866, d. 1939, SH
Cornell, Esther L, b. 26 Apr 1898, d. 14 Sep 1990, s/w Albert W Cornell, S12
Cornell, Harold Lloyd, b. 15 Oct 1924, d. 23 Oct 1986, US Navy, WWII, D2S2
Cornell, Ruth, b. 1927, d. 2000, FH marker, D2S2
Cornell, Thomas V, b. 1854, d. 1922, SH
Cosgrove, Anthony, b. 15 Dec 1798 in Co. Galway Ireland, d. 3 Sep 1877, S19
Cosgrove, Kate, b. 22 Feb 1846, d. 16 Aug 1872, S19**
Costello, Helen L, b. 1896, d. 1976, S19
Costello, John H, b. 1865, d. 1945, S19
Costello, Joseph M, b. 1903, d. 1949, s/w Marie W Costello, S11
Costello, Margaret Ucker, b. 1888, d. 1952, s/w Thomas B Costello, S19
Costello, Marie W, b. 1907, d. 2003, s/w Joseph M Costello, S11
Costello, Mary A "Agus", b. 17 Nov 1905, d. 4 Mar 1982, S17
Costello, Mary E McDermott, b. 1863, d. 1941, S19
Costello, Mary O'Brien, b. 1870, d. 1912, S19
Costello, Thomas B, b. 1890, d. 1955, s/w Margaret, his wife, S19
Costello, Wm., b. 1854, d. 1904, S19
Costillo, Catherine, born in Co Galway Ireland 20 Nov 1820, d. 8 Apr 1889, w/o Thomas Costillo, mother, S19
Costillo, Thomas, born in Co Galway Ireland 5 Dec 1815, d. 2 Aug 1887, s/w Catherine, his wife, father, S19
Cottingham, George B, b. 24 Jun 1840, d. 3 Jul 1924, D2S2
Cottingham, Mary A.V., b. 1879, d. 1930, S10
Cottingham, Minnie B, b. 5 Dec 1887, d. 3 Apr 1906, D2S2
Cottingham, Samuel, b. 11 Jan 1872, d. 3 Sep 1934, S11
Coughlin, Dora May Fountain, b. 1917, d. 1959, d/o Ida L Fountain Cadwell, S12
Coughlin, Hugh, d. 22 Feb 1909, aged 83y, 5m, 19d, D1S4
Coughlin, Hugh, d. 28 Jun 1894, aged, 70 yr, D1S4
Coughlin, Mary Angela Sister, d. 20 Aug 1899, S19
Coulter, Robert W, b. 9 Apr 1898, d. 29 Jan 1960, D2S3
Courtney, Ann, d. 13 Apr 1855, aged 59y, S6
Courtney, Beulah P, b. 16 Nov 1915, d. 19 Oct 1992, s/w Harold R Courtney, S12
Courtney, Carl T, b. 1891, d. 1954, father, s/w Rosa E Courtney, S11
Courtney, Harold R, b. 27 Sep 1911, d. 3 Apr 1983, s/w Beulah P Courtney, S12
Courtney, Harvey C, b. 1879, d. 1962, s/w Mary E Courtney, S19
Courtney, Mary E, b. 1885, d. 1964, s/w Harvey C Courtney, S19
Courtney, Peter Sr, b. 1798, d. 1850 in California Gold Rush of '49, D1S4
Courtney, Rhoda Quisenberry, b. 1802, d. 1843, s/w Peter Courtney Sr,DAR, D1S4
Courtney, Richard, 20 Sep 1935, d. 21 Apr 2011, D2S4**
Courtney, Rosa E, b. 1892, d. 1961, mother, s/w Carl T Courtney, S11
Covey, Jasper, b. 1846, d. 1932, S10
Covey, Ruth J, b. 8 Aug 1918, d. 7 Oct 1987, s/w William E Covey, S9
Covey, William E, b. 21 Sep 1910, d. 28 Oct 2000, s/w Ruth J Covey, S9
Covington, Clyde Elchard, b. 10 Nov 1888, d. 10 Apr 1944, Missouri Cpl, 530 SVC Park Unit MTC, WWI, S11
Covington, Dorathy A, b. 8 Jan 1904, d. 22 Apr 1977, daughter, s/w Mary A Crane, S11
Covington, William D, b. 29 Jul 1930, d. 30 Apr 1978, husband, S11
Cowen, Carrie Clay, b. 5 Feb 1878, d. 27 Mar 1961, s/w Clayborne J Cowen, D1S4
Cowen, Clayborne J "CJ", b. 21 Jun 1918, d. 13 Oct 2005*, s/w Carrie Cowen, hus. dad, Grandpa, D1S4
Cox Emmett L, b. 22 Jul 1919, d. 3 May 1922, SH
Cox, Andrew J, b. 14 Oct 1847, d. 13 Jan 1913, s/w Cynthia Ann Cox, D2S1
Cox, Arrelous, b. 28 May 1862, d. 21 Dec 1928, father, S10
Cox, Christie McKay, b. 18 Jan 1873, d. 20 Nov 1937, mother, S10
Cox, Cynthia Ann, b. 20 Oct 1844, d. 21 Jun 1931, s/w Andrew J Cox, D2S1
Cox, Edna B Bentley, b. 3 May 1909, d. 17 Aug 1992, S12
Cox, Geo. E, Co A, 4 MO S.M. Cav, U.S. shield, D2S3
Cox, Hallie L, b. 1891, d. 1955, s/w William B Cox, S9
Cox, James Edward, b. 23 Apr 1918, d. 6 Nov 1969, Missouri, Tec. 5, 37 Infantry, WWII, S7
Cox, Joan Kern, b. 7 Sep 1922, d. 23 May 1948, & son, S12
Cox, Louis G, b. 1893, d. 1951, s/w Mary Alice Cox, SH
Cox, Mary Alice, d. 24 May 1945, s/w Louis G Cox, SH
Cox, Mary, b. 1856, d. 1880, SH
Cox, Ottie A, b. 1880, d. 1928, S10
Cox, Patrick, no dates, aged 74y, S19**
Cox, Peter, d. 20 Jan 18__, s/o J & M Cox, aged 11m, 6d, S19
Cox, Sarah, b. 21 Jun 1809, d. 20 Dec 1885, D1S2
Cox, William B, b. 1887, d. 1959, s/w Hallie L Cox, S9
Crabtree, Andrew J, b. 1880, d. 1952, s/w Catherine E Crabtree, S12
Crabtree, Catherine E, b. 1886, d. 1963, s/w Andrew J Crabtree, S12
Crabtree, Fred V, b. 25 Nov 1886, d. 9 Feb 1947, son, s/w Mahala I Crabtree, S10
Crabtree, John Orville, b. 1888, d. 1954, S9
Crabtree, Mahala I, b. 10 Feb 1857, d. 27 Feb 1939, mother, s/w Fred V Crabtree, S10
Crabtree, Paul, b. 5 Apr 1906, d. 13 Sep 1996, S12
Crabtree, Velna Morgan, b. 1893, d. 1973, S9
Craddock, Kitty R, b. 1874, d. 1953, s/w William S Craddock, S9
Craddock, William S, b. 1869, d. 1960, mason symbol, s/w Kitty R Craddock, S9
Craig, Alba L, b. 31 Jul 1894, d. 6 Mar 1971, wife, eastern star symbol, s/w James S Craig, S11
Craig, Florence C, b. 1884, d. blank, mother, s/w James L Craig, D1S1
Craig, James L, b. 1882, d. 1955, father, s/w Florence C Craig, D1S1
Craig, James S, b. 16 May 1883, d. 8 Apr 1961, husband, mason symbol, City Clerk of Independence 1909 to 1959, s/w Alba L Craig, S11
Craig, Lauvine, b. 22 Nov 1908, d. 22 Apr 1917, D2S1
Craig, Minnie M, b. 1884, d. 1928, wife, D1S4
Cramer, Carol J, b. 1929, d. 1999, FH marker, D2S1
Crandall, Chas. M, b. 1845, d. 1910, Co D, 64 NY Inf., D2S1
Crandall, Mabel, b. 1885, d. 1886, d/o CM & VB Crandall, D2S1
Crandall, Veala C, b. 1849, d. 1917, mother, D2S1
Crane, Mary A, b. 15 Jan 1865, d. 8 Jan 1939, mother, s/w Dorathy A Covington, S11
Crank, Arnold B, b. 1921, d. 1989, MAJ, US Army, Air Corps, WWII, D2S2
Cravens, Marie Jacobs, b. 7 Nov 1851, d. 3 May 1929, s/w Andrew F & Magdalene Kidd, D1S1
Crawford, Harry W, b. 1882, d. 1936, s/w Stella M Crawford, S11
Crawford, Heather L, b. 9 Oct 1971, d. 21 Oct 1971, baby, S10
Crawford, Nellie, b. 1909, d. 1930, dau, S19
Crawford, Nettie, d. 9 Feb 1891, d/o JS & RA Crawford, aged 1y, 2m, 4d, S19
Crawford, Stella M, b. 1887, d. 1969, s/w Harry W Crawford, S11
Crayne, Dorothy H, b & d 1906, d/o Charles & Mabel Williams Crayne, D2S1
Crayne, Harold E, b & d 1904, s/o Charles & Mabel Williams Crayne, D2S1
Creager, Betty Cason, b. 1909, d. 1982, mother, S11
Creager, Charles J, b. 1908, d. 1964, mason symbol, husband, S11
Creer, Kimberly L, b. 13 Aug 1967, d. 20 Sep 1989, dau, mother, D1S4
Crenshaw, Adaline, b. 11 Aug 1847, d. 23 May 1927, s/w ZT Crenshaw, D1S4
Crenshaw, Jason Ross, b. 30 Apr 1889, d. 24 Jun 1958, Missouri, Pvt US Army, WWI, D1S4
Crenshaw, Lawrence A, b. 29 Mar 1884, d. 12 May 1927, D1S4
Crenshaw, Z T, b. 5 Jul 1848, d. 30 Dec 1931, s/w Adaline Crenshaw, D1S4
Criley, Meryl R, d. 18 Feb 1983, s/w Reginald A Criley, S6
Criley, Reginald A, d. 22 Feb 1961, s/w Meryl R Criley, S6
Crisp, John T, no dates, Col. C.S.A., civil war vet, S7
Crites, Henry F, b. 1882, d. 1945, father, s/w Regina Crites, S11
Crites, Regina, b. 1882, d. 1945, mother, s/w Henry F Crites, S11
Crockett, Eugenia Gray, b. 3 Dec 1856, d. 10 Dec 1880, aged 24y, s/w Mattie Gray, S6
Crook, Hettie Leigh, b. 1865, d. 1940, S10
Crook, Maxine Cervant, b. 25 Aug 1927, d. 11 Feb 1993, S21
Crook, Rev G L R, b. 1861, d. 1936, S10
Crooks, Elizabeth, b. 7 Jun 1827, d. 5 Dec 1852, w/o JW Crooks, monument broken, D1S4 **
Crooks, Fredonia J, b. 1837, d. 1916, D1S4
Crooks, James W, b. 1825, d. 1883, D1S4
Crosby, Inez M, b. 29 Sep 1889, d. 15 Apr 1966, D1S3
Crosby, Julia A Inlow, b. 28 Apr 1831, d. 27 Jul 1896, w/o Wellington Crosby, mother, D1S3
Cross, Minnie C, b. 15 Jan 1866, d. 3 Jul 1944, mother, S11
Crow, Lillie S, b. 1890, d. 1960, s/w O. Dean Crow, S11
Crow, O. Dean, b. 1874 d. 1946, s/w Lillie S Crow, S11
Crowl, Maud T, b. 1887, d. 1918, D2S1
Crum, Sarah E, b. 17 Jun 1831, d. 6 Apr 1888, w/o S Crum, D1S2
Crump, Celia A, b. 17 May 1834, d. 28 Feb 1911, w/o Henry Crump, S5
Crump, Chas. M, b. 8 Mar 1828, d. 28 Nov 1897, Co F, 13th ILL, CAV, s/w Zerilda O his wife, D1S3
Crump, Dainty, b. 9 Jun 1872, d. 20 Dec 1872, S5
Crump, Henry, b. 17 Jun 1827, d. 17 Mar 1902, S5
Crump, Herbert L, b. 1879, d. 1961, D1S3
Crump, Jesse P, b. 1867, d. 1930, S5
Crump, John Homer, b. 1879, d. 1949, father, s/w Myrtle Frances Crump, S11
Crump, Johnnie, b. 2 Feb 1877, d. 10 Aug 1877, S5
Crump, Julia E, b. 16 Oct 1864, 21 Jun 1888, s/w Lucian T Crump, D1S3
Crump, Lizzie, b. 27 Feb 1874, d. 6 Aug 1874, S5
Crump, Lucian T, b. 21 Jul 1860, d. 5 Jun 1887, s/w Julia E Crump, D1S3
Crump, Mary Gregg, b. 1866, d. 1936, S5
Crump, Myrtle Frances, b. 1879, d. 1951, mother, s/w John Homer Crump, S11
Crump, Nancy Yankee, b. 16 Dec 1905, d. 30 May 1966, daughter, S11
Crump, Robert, b. 27 Nov 1881, d. 8 Oct 1958, S11
Crump, Zerilda O, b. 25 Nov 1839, d. 19 Aug 1918, s/w Chas. M Crump, D1S3
Crus, John, d. 30 Jan 1928, aged 50y, father, S19
Crutcher, Laura L, b. 24 Oct 1858 in Bowling Green, KY, d. 6 Jun 1939 in Independence, MO, mother, S6
Cruwell, Eliza A, b. 1888, d. 1991, S17
Cruwell, Emma A, b. 19 Feb 1924, d. 9 Sep 1995, d/o Andrew J & Eliza Cruwell, S17
Cruz, Antonia Barrios, b. 1920, d. 1953, mother, S19
Cruz, Augustine Sr, b. 28 May 1902, d. 20 Apr 1987, father, S21
Cruz, Charlie, b. 16 Jul 1905, d. 5 Apr 1993, s/w Delores Cruz, S21
Cruz, Delores R, b. 23 Aug 1926, d. 5 Nov 1994, s/w Charlie Cruz, S21
Cruze, Emily C, b. 1873, d. 1947, mother, S19
Crystal, Edna F, b. 1891, d. 1964, mother, s/w Thomas W Crystal, S11
Crystal, Thomas W, b. 1889, d. 1966, father, s/w Edna F Crystal, S11
Cuddy, Mary C McClanahan, b. Dec 1846, d. Jan 1870, S7**
Culberson, James, d. 13 Mar 1890, aged 54y, D2S3
Cullen, James Ernest, b. 1887, d. 1932, son, S12
Culp, Bessie F, b. 1889, d. 1975, s/w William T Culp, S8
Culp, Henry A, b. 1856, d. 1926, s/w Nannie M Culp, S10
Culp, Nannie M, b. 1861, d. 1931, wife, s/w Henry A Culp, S10
Culp, William T, b. 1886, d. 1938, s/w Bessie F Culp, S8
Cummings, Clyde E, b. 1886, d. 1969, s/w Winifred J Cummings, D2S1
Cummings, George E, b. 1862, d. 1938, father, D2S1
Cummings, Mary White, b. 1867, d. 1895, dau., Alfred White Mausoleum, S7
Cummings, Mildred M, b. 1910, d. 1977, s/w Robert E Cummings, S21
Cummings, Robert E, b. 1908, d. 1983, s/w Mildred M Cummings, S21
Cummings, Virginia, b. 1857, d. 1936, mother, D2S1
Cummings, Winifred J, b. 1890, d. 1968, s/w Clyde E Cummings, D2S1
Cunningham, Abner, b. 1802* in Clark Co KY, stone sunk into ground, S7
Cunningham, Ada A Powell, b. 24 Feb 1852, d. 5 Sep 1880, S5
Cunningham, Alexandra E, b. 8 Apr 1838, d. 3 Feb 1909, S5
Cunningham, Ann Gossett, b. 1882, d. 1967, s/w Lester Y Cunningham, S6
Cunningham, Barbara J, b. 1927, d. 1991, mother, S7
Cunningham, Bettie, b. 29 Dec 1855, d. 9 Jul 1894, D1S4
Cunningham, Cornelia, b. 1854, d. 1914, D1S4
Cunningham, James "Jim" David, b. 13 Apr 1948, d. 3 Oct 2006, son & dad, S9
Cunningham, James A, b. 22 Aug 1870, d. 2 Apr 1894, woodmen of the world symbol, Indep. Camp No 22, D1S4
Cunningham, John Hughes, d. 29 Jun 1880, s/o WA & AE Cunningham, aged 2m, 23d, S5 *
Cunningham, John R, b. 27 Mar 1858, d. 10 Mar 1890, D1S4
Cunningham, John, b. 10 Jun 1830, d. 19 Sep 1894, D1S4
Cunningham, Laurence, no dates, S5
Cunningham, Lester Young, b. 1881, d. 1950, s/w Ann Cunningham, S6
Cunningham, Mary E, b. 30 Jul 1835, d. 17 May 1899, D1S4
Cunningham, Mary Sadie, d. 24 Dec 1885, d/o WA & AE Cunningham, aged 20y, 2m, 22d, S5**
Cunningham, Mary, b. 24 Feb 1797, d. 28 Mar 1885, s/w Calvin L, Calvin & Catharine Thompson, D2S1
Cunningham, Robert L, b. 2 Jul 1865, d. 21 Sep 1894, woodmen of the world symbol, Indep. Camp No 22, D1S4
Cunningham, William A, b. 29 Apr 1868, d. 31 May 1894. D1S4
Cunningham, William L, b. 22 Jun 1870, d. 23 Dec 1909, s/o WA & AE Cunningham, S5
Cure, Ramona (Sue), b. 19 Sep 1924, d. 11 Jul 1988, S21
Curnutt, Earl A, b. 1900, d. 1953, S11
Curnutt, Hazel N, b. 25 Jun 1903, d. 18 July 1988, S11
Curry, Jennie B, b. 1844, d. 1925, D1S2
Curry, John R, d. 11 Mar 1919, aged 72y, s/w Mary V, his wife, S5
Curry, Mary V, d. 13 May 1922, w/o John R Curry, aged 74y, S5
Curtin, Bridget, b. 1844, d. 1925, mother, s/w Jeremiah R Curtin, S19
Curtin, James J, b. 1871, d. 1934, S19
Curtin, Jeremiah R, b. 1835, d. 1913, father, s/w Bridget Curtin, S19
Curtin, William M, b. 1883, d. 1939, S19
Curtis, D M, b. 1865, d. 1946, father, s/w Mary C Curtis, S8
Curtis, Dwight Clay, b. 19 Apr 1938, d. 31 Aug 1961, s/w Linnea E Curtis, S11
Curtis, Edward H, b. 1886, d. 1953, father, S8
Curtis, Elmer M, b. 25 Apr 1898, d. 3 May 1973, father, s/w Pearl M Curtis, S11
Curtis, Eva, b. 1889, d. 1983, mother, S8
Curtis, Jess O, b. 3 Jan 1891, d. 28 Jan 1965, S9
Curtis, Leslie Eugene, b. 1941, d. 1957, S9
Curtis, Linnea E, b. 11 Jul 1912, d. 1 Feb 1979, s/w Dwight Clay Curtis, S11
Curtis, Mary C, b. 1870, d. 1925, mother, s/w D M Curtis, S8
Curtis, Myrtle Mae, b. 1894, d. 1969, S9
Curtis, Pearl M, b. 14 Sep 1898, d. 6 Mar 1948, mother, s/w Elmer M Curtis, S11
Cusenbary, Bettie May, b. 27 Jul 1851, d. 29 Aug 1892, w/o J D Cusenbary, D1S4
Cusenbary, D, b. 29 Aug ___, d. 8 Oct 1876, S6**
Cusenbary, J.D., b. 27 Oct 1831, d. 19 Dec 1911, D1S4
Cushenbery, Jabna, d. 8 Aug 1876, d/o GS & MC Cushenbery, S6**
Cushwa, Bernice G, b. 1909, d. 1990, S12
Cushwa, Bernice O'Neal, b. 1893, d. 1950, S12
Cushwa, Clay, b. 1893, d. 1980, S12
Cushwa, Phillip C, b. 1931, d. 2002, LT COL, USAF RET, S12
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