Search Missouri Death Records
Missouri Newspapers, Full Search (1808-1949), 140 titles
Missouri Obituary Search, (1988-current)
Missouri Funeral Notices
Woodlawn Cemetery
Independence, Jackson County, Missouri
Contributed by Sharon Kroner, Sep 29, 2008 [].
Lackland, Berenice N, b. 1913, d. 1982, mother, s/w John A Lackland, S11
Lackland, Ethel E, b. 1885, d. 1965, s/w John T Lackland, S11
Lackland, John A, b. 1913, d. 1955, father, s/w Berenice N Lackland, S11
Lackland, John T, b. 1865, d. 1944, s/w Ethel E Lackland, S11
Lacy, Mary E, b. 1888, d. 1937, S9
Lacy, Philip H, b. 9 Sep 1884, d. 25 Oct 1959, hus, S9
Lafal, George E, b. 1912, d. 1972, husband & father, S11
Lafal, James J, b. 1938, d. 1957, son, S11
Lafal, Jimmie J, b. 7 Feb 1914, d. 30 Nov 1984, S11
Lafal, Joseph F, b. 1871, d. blank, s/w Rose A Lafal, S11
Lafal, Rose A, b. 1873, d. 1957, s/w Joseph F Lafal, S11
Laffelholcz, John, b. 1875, d. 1932, S12
Laffer, John, d, 6 Jul 1864, Co C, 2nd COL, Cav, U.S. shield, aged 36y, D2S3 **
Lafferty, Eliza, d. 31 Oct 1901, w/o R Lafferty, aged 64y, S19
Lafferty, Elmer R Jr, b. 22 Apr 1912, d. 22 Jun 1912, son, D1S3
Lahey, Anna Mary, b. 1920, d. 1932, d/o WM & Anna Lahey, S19
Lahey, Anna V, b. 1893, d. 1953, mother, S9
Lahey, Mary Agnes, b. 1875, d. 1942, mother, S19
Lahey, Mary, b. 31 Nov 1861, d. 24 Dec 1882, d/o P & M Lahey, S19
Lahey, Philip, b. 24 Dec 1829, d. 24 Jul 1901, S19
Lahey, William, b. 3 Jun 1874, d. 19 Feb 1962, S19
Laird, Catherine, b. 24 May 1877, d. 1 Sep 1967, mother, s/w Henry Laird, S9
Laird, Henry, b. 7 Mar 1875, d. 7 Apr 1943, father, s/w Catherine Laird, S9
Lairmore, Grace, b. 1888, d. 1970, mother, S11
Lairmore, H F, b. 1882, d. 1954, father, S11
Lakey, Donald H, b. 22 Sep 1927, d. 22 Aug 1997, S19
Lakey, Mary Joan, b. 28 Jul 1940, d. 14 Oct 1998, S21
Lamb, Dorothy M, b. 1932, d. blank, s/w Melvin M Lamb, S19
Lamb, Mary, d. 24 Oct 1965, S19
Lamb, Melvin M, b. 1933, d. 1967, Vet Korea War, s/w Dorothy Lamb, S19
Lambert Nelvia E, b. 1904, d. 1988, mother, S8
Lambert, Joyce, b. 28 Jun 1939, d. 14 Sep 2011, D1S4**
Lamminger, Theo, Co C, 2nd COL, Cav, U.S. shield, D2S3
Lamon, Boyd F, b. 1860, d. 1920, father, S5
Lamon, Ella, b. 1859, d. 1944, mother, S5
Land, Jennie, d. 26 Feb 1886, aged 41y, 10m, 22d, s/w Arch & George Webb, S5
Land, Joseph F, b. 22 Feb 1904, d. 16 Aug 1954, Missouri, PFC, HQ SEC 1580 SVC UNIT, WWII, S17
Lander, Beula H, b. 1907, d. 1948, wife, S11
Lander, Farthenia, no dates, mother, D2S2
Lander, Frank, no dates, D2S2
Landers, Eustace, b. 1911, d. 1961, D2S2
Landes, Georgie E, b. 1871, d. 1953, wife, s/w Milo G Landes, S5
Landes, Milo G, b. 1870, d. 1948, husband, s/w Georgie E Landes, S5
Landis, John S, b. 17 Mar 1814, d. 28 Feb 1895, s/w Lucinda S Landis, S17
Landis, Lucinda S, b. 10 May 1819, d. 25 Feb 1890, s/w John S Landis, S17
Lane, Albert F, b. 1886, d. 1888, S6
Lane, Aletha O, b. 1855, d. 1947, S6
Lane, Dorothy H, b. Sep 1910, d. Jun 1950, D2S1
Lane, Fielding Ep, b. 1849, d. 1917, S6
Lane, Henry J, b. 3 Sep 1884, d. 23 May 1952, S11
Lane, Jean Cole, b. 11 Sep 1928, d. 23 Jun 1995, m. 22 Nov 1946, s/w Wilbur R Lane, S12
Lane, Maggie, b. 22 Mar 1891, d. 10 Apr 1979, S11
Lane, Mark, b. 8 Sep 1906, d. 17 Dec 1967, daddy, S8
Lane, Velma M, b. 10 Apr 1915, d. 23 Dec 1996, mother, S11
Lane, Wilbur Russell, b. 15 Sep 1925, d. 24 Nov 1998, s/w Jean Cole Lane, S12
Lang, Hildegarde E, b. 1913, d. 1998, s/w William H Lang, S19
Lang, Lawrence David, b. 14 Mar 1949, d. 16 Jun 1975, Sgt, US Army, S21
Lang, William H, b. 1913, d. 1971, s/w Hildegarde E Lang, S19
Langdon, Beulah Vera, b. 9 Jan 1901, d. 5 Aug 1938, mother, S11
Langdon, Frances E, b. 1902, d. 1993, s/w Jollie R Langdon, S11
Langdon, J R, b. 24 Mar 1925, d. 9 Jan 1990, F1, US Navy, WWII, S11
Langdon, Jollie R, b. 1902, d. 1984, s/w Frances E Langdon, S11
Langdon, Mary Ann, b. 17 Sep 1870, d. 21 Jan 1947, mother, S11
Langhorne, Ann M, b. 1836, d. 1920, S7
Langhorne, Maurice M, b. 22 Jul 1834, d. 22 Jun 1898, mason symbol, S7
Langhorne, Samuel W, b. 1868, d. 1917, Spanish Am. War Vet, S7
Langley, Mary Trego, b. 1876, d. 1945, D1S1
Lanigan, Georgia Rose, b. 23 Feb 1907, d. 10 Oct 1991, wife, S19
Lanigan, Patrick, b. 1877, d. 1952, father, S19
Lanigan, Paul H, b. 1919, d. 1969, son, S19
Lanigan, Raymond T, b. 4 Jan 1913, d. 2 Sep 2005, husband, S19
Lanigan, Raymond, b. 4 Jan 1913, d. 2 Sep 2005, S21
Lanigan, Rose T, b. 1880, d. 1967, mother, S19
Lanphere, Leona K, b. 1896, d. blank, s/w Robert T Lanphere, S7
Lanphere, Robert T, b. 1887, d. 1967, s/w Leona K Lanphere, S7
Larabee, Hazel, d. 14 Jan 1951, Age 51y, S12
Larberg, Anna J, b. 6 Dec 1894, d. 19 May 1988, S10
Larberg, Herman Alvin, b. 15 Sep 1895, d. 11 Apr 1983, US Navy, WWI, S10
Large, Calista A, b. 14 Mar 1840, d. 16 Sep 1911, D1S2
Larimore, Infant, no dates, son, aged 7d, D1S4 **
Larimore, Keziah, b. 8 May 1818, d. 28 Jul 1854, w/o DR Larimore, D1S4
Larkin, Agnes Leone "Chief", b. 27 Aug 1902, d. 12 Oct 1982, mother, S8
Larkin, Alice, b. 1855, d. 1890, mother, s/w John Larkin, S17
Larkin, B Frank Jr., b. 20 Oct 1901, d. 8 Jul 1997, father, mason symbol, S8
Larkin, B Frank Sr., b. 1 May 1868, d. 25 Aug 1947, mason, husband & father, S8
Larkin, Catherine, no dates, s/w John Larkin, S17
Larkin, Frances Sadie, b. 23 Jun 1898, d. 7 Oct 1983, sister, S8
Larkin, Henry, born in Co Down Ireland, died in Jackson Co MO 15 Nov 1882, S19
Larkin, John, b. 1844, d. 1903, father, s/w Alice Larkin, S17
Larkin, John, no dates, s/w Catherine Larkin, S17
Larkin, Lena E, b. 9 Nov 1884, d. 17 Jan 1949, wife, S8
Larkin, Lora M Davidson, b. 1902, d. 1993, S12
Larkin, Margaret, a native of Waterford Co Ireland*, d. 21 Mar 1868, aged 34y, S19
Larkin, Maud, b. 1880, d. 1934, S17
Larkin, Michael, b. 1846, d. 1922, S17
Larkin, Rose Elaine, b. 26 Jan 1949, d. 28 Feb 1952, d/o Frank & Martha Larkin III, S8
Larm, Clarence "Sug", d. 17 Oct 1955, brother, S11
Larm, George "Bud", d. 23 Jan 1975, brother, S11
Larm, Roy C, d. 24 Mar 1968, brother, S11
Larson, Alma, b. 1885, d. 1943, D2S3
Larson, Edwin, b. 1887, d. 1920, D2S3
Larson, Flora, b. 1862, d. 1921, D2S3
Larson, Homer C, b. 15 Oct 1892, d. 19 May 1974, Sgt MAJ. US Army, D2S3
Larson, Lewis, b. 1860, d. 1930, D2S3
Larson, Maude, b. 1889, d. 1893, D2S3
Larson, Sharon Lea (Sharry), b. 1941, d. 1945, S11
Larson, William A Jr., b. 7 Mar 1947, d. 2 Sep 1994, s/w Willaim A Larson & Ann Polk, S11
Larson, William A, b. 9 Oct 1917, d. 5 Jan 1998, s/w William A Larson Jr & Ann Polk, S11
Lash, William Edward, b. 1 Jun 1896, d. 15 Apr 1973, Missouri, PVT, US Army, WWI, S19
Lasica, Mary H, b. 18 Mar 1934, d. blank, s/w Stephen F Lasica, S21
Lasica, Stephen F, b. 23 Feb 1922, d. 27 Jul 1992, US Army, WWII, s/w Mary H Lasica, S21
Laslovich, Mary A, b. 1908, d. 1991, daughter, S12
Laslovich, Nicholas, b. 1876, d. 1944, father, S12
Laslovich, Rose A, b. 1906, d. 1969, daughter, S12
Latimer Kenneth C, b. 4 Oct 1920, d. 9 Dec 1920, s/w Robert E Latimer, S6
Latimer, Betty J, b. 27 Jan 1902, d. 21 Aug 1995, s/w James M Latimer, S6
Latimer, Carl C, b. 16 Nov 1907, d. 11 Jul 1965, Missouri, S SGT, US Army, WWII, S6
Latimer, Catherine S, b. 1901, d. 1908, dau, S6
Latimer, Elsie M, b. 1908, d. 2001, s/w T Walker Latimer, S6
Latimer, Floyd W, b. 1886, d. 1926, father, mason symbol, S6
Latimer, George W Jr., b. 1909, d. 1949, S10
Latimer, George W, b. 1873, d. 1928, father, QM Sgt, Co F, 3 MO Inf, Sp Am War, s/w Winifred M Latimer, S10
Latimer, Grace V, b. 1897, d. 1970, s/w John R Latimer, S6
Latimer, Grover, b. 1885, d. 1896, son, s/w James & Susan Latimer, D2S3
Latimer, Hubert F, b. 28 Feb 1913, d. 6 Aug 1968, mason symbol, s/w Lorraine Latimer, S6
Latimer, Ianthe L, b. 1910, d. 1914, d/o FW & LA Latimer, S6
Latimer, James Jarrott, b. 1874, d. 1919, D2S3
Latimer, James M, b. 31 May 1890, d. 23 May 1969, mason symbol, s/w Betty J Latimer, S6
Latimer, James, b. 1837, d. 1915, s/w Susan E his wife, D2S3
Latimer, John Riley, b. 1895, d. 1974, s/w Grace V Latimer, S6
Latimer, Julia R, b. 1883, d. 1965, S8
Latimer, Lorraine, b. 11 Oct 1919, d. 9 Dec 2007, s/w Hubert E Latimer, S6
Latimer, Lucy A, b. 14 Jan 1890, d. 3 Apr 1987, mother, S6
Latimer, Lucy Ann, b. 1866, d. 1935, mother, s/w W. Reese Latimer, S6
Latimer, Margaret W, b. 16 Feb 1877, d. 27 Nov 1961, D2S3
Latimer, Martha J, b. 23 Mar 1833, d. 25 Apr 1906, D2S3
Latimer, Mary Jane, b. 1 Oct 1835, d. 8 Sep 1867, w/o PF Latimer, S5
Latimer, Mary L, b. 18 Oct 1873, d. 28 May 1905, w/o CW Latimer, D1S3
Latimer, Maurice M, b. 1881, d. 1935, S8
Latimer, Nancy Weston, b. 15 Nov 1906, d. 27 Sep 1955, mother, S5
Latimer, Richard D, b. 6 Jul 1921, d. 4 Jan 1923, S10
Latimer, Robert E, b. 13 Mar 1922, d. 3 Jul 1923, s/w Kenneth C Latimer, S6
Latimer, Roger J, b. 2 Dec 1898, d. 28 Jun 1969, Missouri, Pvt, 76 General Hospital, WWII, D2S3
Latimer, Susan E, b. 1844, d. 1923, s/w James Latimer, D2S3
Latimer, T Walker, b. 1905, d. 1982, s/w Elsie M Latimer, S6
Latimer, W. Reese, b. 1861, d. 1930, father, mason symbol, s/w Lucy A Latimer, S6
Latimer, William R, b. 1899, d. 1949, father, s/w Willie T Latimer, S12
Latimer, Willie T, b. 1899, d. 1975, mother, s/w William R Latimer, S12
Latimer, Winifred May, b. 1877, d. 1929, mother, s/w George W Latimer, S10
Lauderdale, George W III, b. 13 Apr 1919, d. 15 Jun 1995, Capt. US Army, Inf., WWII, Am Legion symbol, s/w Margaret V Lauderdale, S9
Lauderdale, Margaret V, b. 15 Feb 1921, d. 11 May 2007, m. 28 Jun 1942, DAR symbol, s/w George W Lauderdale III, S9
Lauderdale, Robert, b. 19 Jan 1949, d. 12 Dec 2008, S9**
Lauderdale, Thos. N, b. 7 Apr 1871, d. 1 Jul 1952, father, S12
Laudie, Charles L, b. 1859, d. 1932, S10
Laudie, Margaret E, b. 1860, d. 1944, S10
Lavell, Charles E, b. 22 Sep 1858, d. 16 Nov 1939, father, D1S4
Lavell, Margaret S, b. 3 Sep 1855, d. 30 Aug 1909, w/o CE Lavell, mother, D1S4
Lavell, Marie M, b. 2 Dec 1893, d. 15 Nov 1908, d/o CE & MS Lavell, dau, D1S4
Lavrincik, George, b. 20 Mar 1895, d. 17 Feb 1966, S12
Laws, Ellamae, b. 19 May 1916, d. 21 Jan 1989, S19
Laws, Georgia Levister, b. 1877, d. 1962, S11
Laws, Lloyd, b. 29 May 1910, d. 23 Mar 1987, US Army, WWII, S19
Laws, Viola May, b. 1876, d. 1935, D1S3
Lay, Jacob, b. 12 Mar 1857, d. 19 Sep 1905, EOE, No. 385 symbol, S7
Layden, Betty J, b. 23 Dec 1924, d. 8 Nov 1998, m. 23 May 1947, mother, s/w M. Richard Layden, S8
Layden, James E, b. 1915, d. 1987, father, s/w Mary Lou Layden, S21
Layden, John J Sr, b. 3 Aug 1913, d. 22 Jan 1978, s/w Marion E Layden, S21
Layden, M. Richard "Dick", b. 23 Sep 1914, d. 20 Apr 1998, father, s/w Betty J Layden, S8
Layden, Margaret, b. 1879, d. 1948, s/w Patrick Layden, S12
Layden, Marion E, b. 12 Jul 1916, d. blank, s/w John J Layden Sr, S21
Layden, Mary Lou, b. 1930, d. 1994, mother, s/w James E Layden, S21
Layden, Michael R, b. 8 May 1949, d. 3 Oct 1949, S8
Layden, Patrick, b. 1882, d. 1966, s/w Margaret Layden, S12
Layden, Thomas P, b. 24 Jan 1912, d. 17 Jan 1965, Missouri, PFC, 32 TRP CARR, SQ AAF, WWII, S12
Layland, Charles Roy, b. 1901, d. 1976, mason symbol, s/w Mabel Ruth Layland, S9
Layland, Mabel Ruth, b. 1906, d. 2005, s/w Charles Roy Layland, S9
Layton, Anna Lorraine, b. 1919, d. 1955, S19
Layton, Edward C, b. 1875, d. 1947, papa, S19
Layton, James A, b. 7 Oct 1907, d. 23 Aug 1949, S19
Layton, Nellie T, b. 1886, d. 1924, mama, S19
Layton, Pauline, b. 1912, d. 1916, dau, S19
Layton, Stanley H, b. 28 Oct 1914, d. 29 Apr 1969, Missouri, S1, USNR, WWII, S19
Lea, Calvin C, b. 23 Aug 1877, d. 22 Apr 1925, D1S1
Lea, S Lucy, b. 24 Aug 1873, d. 21 Nov 1947, D1S1
Lea, T C, b. 14 Feb 1839, d. 20 Apr 1910, mason symbol, D1S1
Leach, Beatrice B, b. 28 Nov 1885, d. 2 Jul 1984, S8
Leach, Fred L, b. 22 Jul 1885, d. 3 Oct 1965, S8
Leach, Fred Paul, b. 17 Feb 1910, d. 13 Feb 1941, S8
Leach, George, b. 1891, d. 1970, s/w Myrtis Leach, S8
Leach, Infant, d. 18 Aug 1907, s/o MR Leach, S5 *
Leach, Martha C, b. 1893, d. 1957, mother, S11
Leach, Mary Woodson, b. 4 Mar 1873, d. 4 Jun 1953, s/w Milton Robert Leach, S5
Leach, Milton Robert, b. 16 Jun 1873, d. 7 Jan 1949, s/w Mary Leach, S5
Leach, Myrtis, b. 1896, d. Sep 1987, s/w George Leach, S8
Leach, Richard, b. 1830, d. 24 Oct 1873, father, aged 43y, S5
Leach, Sallie M, b. 2 Aug 1836, d. 28 Dec 1914, mother, S5
Leader, Effie Jerusha, b. 1819, d. 1890, S7
Leader, Eugene, d. 29 Mar 1869, s/o Jacob & Effie J Leader, aged 23y, S7
Leader, Judge Jacob, b. 1814, d. 1908, S7
Leader, Susanna B, d. 19 Jul 1871, aged 27y, s/w Eugene Leader, S7
Leak, Waneta, b. 12 Feb 1925, d. 26 Feb 2012, S12**
Leap, Mitchell, b. 1900, d. 1949, D1S4
Leas, Fred W, b. 12 Sep 1888, d. 16 Jul 1903, son, S5
Leas, Grace G, b. 29 Apr 1866, d. 9 Apr 1891, mother, S5
Leas, Harry D, b. 1901, d. 1947, hus., S5
Leas, Infant, d. 20 Mar 1872, d/o SR & R Leas, aged 2m, 2d, S5
Leas, Rebecca, b. 15 Dec 1832, d. 22 Apr 1916, S5
Leas, Sam'l R, Co I, 133 PA, Inf, civil war vet, S5
Leas, William, b. 1 Sep 1866, d. 1 Mar 1914, father, stone sunk in ground, S5
Leavy, Elizabeth A, b. 1854, d. 1923, s/w Jacob Leavy, S10
Leavy, Jacob, b. 1853, d. 1935, s/w Elizabeth A Leavy, S10
Lech, John J, b. 14 Dec 1918, d. 5 Sep 1977, US Army, WWII, S21
Leedom, J T, b. 29 Jul 1853, d. 29 Mar 1900, S7
Leedom, Nellie L, b. 7 Feb 1884, d. 8 Jul 1884, S7**
Leftwich, John C, b. 20 Jun 1835, d. 6 Sep 1888, S6
Leftwich, Samuel, b. 11 May 1875, d. 12 Mar 1947, S6
Leftwich, Virginia Creasy, b. 25 Jun 1847, d. 27 Jun 1921, S6
Leftwich, Zerilda, d. 1897, s/w Louise Easter, D1S3
Lehman, Edith H, b. 1880, d. 1915, S5
Leigh, Charles H, b. 1931, d. 1940, D1S1
Leigh, Charles, b. 1849, d. 1927, s/w Julia Leigh, D1S1
Leigh, Julia, b. 1857, d. 1939, s/w Charles Leigh, D1S1
Leineman, Estelle, b & d 1909, S19
Leineman, Harry W, b. 1883, d. 1965, father, s/w Margaret L & Mary Evelyn Leineman, S11
Leineman, Margaret L, b. 1885, d. 1955, mother, s/w Harry W & Mary Evelyn Leineman, S11
Leineman, Mary Evelyn, b. 1913, d. 1993, daughter, s/w Margaret L & Harry W Leineman, S11
Leisner, Willa M, b. 7 Mar 1930, d. 7 Jan 1979, mother, S21
Lelen, Dorothy I, b. 1925, d. 1990, s/w Wilford F Lelen, S21
Lelen, Wilford F, b. 1911, d. 1983, PVT, US Army, WWII, s/w Dorothy Lelen, S21
Lemmon, Edith M, b. 1881, d. 1974, s/w Willis J Lemmon, S12
Lemmon, George, b. 19 Mar 1825, d. 29 Jan 1897, s/w Sarah P Lemmon, D1S2
Lemmon, Sarah P, b. 30 Nov 1824, d. 30 Jun 1897, w/o Geo. Lemmon, D1S2
Lemmon, Willis J, b. 1875, d. 1954, s/w Edith M Lemmon, S12
Lemon, Anna M Collins, b. 8 Sep 1907, d. 27 May 2004, m. 3 Sep 1933, wife, s/w Loyde R Lemon, D1S1
Lemon, Loyde R, b. 14 Aug 1897, d. 16 Feb 1984, husband, s/w Anna M Lemon, D1S1
Lenhart, Cyril E, b. 1 Sep 1904, d. 20 Aug 1996, m. 30 Sep 1936, s/w Wiley R Lenhart, S9
Lenhart, Dora R, b. 1879, d. 1976, s/w William F Lenhart, S9
Lenhart, Wiley R, b. 24 Oct 1900, d. 30 Aug 1965, s/w Cyril E Lenhart, S9
Lenhart, William F, b. 1878, d. 1941, s/w Dora R Lenhart, S9
Lennon, Agnes E, b. 19 Jan 1893, d. 1 Aug 1981, S21
Lennox, John, b. in Co. Kildair Ireland, d. 7 Nov 1881, aged 56y, S19
Lentz, Anna Marie, b. 4 Jun 1906, d. 10 Oct 1987, daughter, s/w Joseph H & Mary U Lentz, S11
Lentz, Joseph Harmon, b. 31 Mar 1878, d. 19 Jan 1952, father, s/w Mary U & Anna M Lentz, S11
Lentz, Louise, b. 26 May 1856, d. 29 Mar 1916, mother, s/w Noah Lentz, S6
Lentz, Martin L, b. 13 Mar 1874, d. 5 Apr 1952, hus, S9
Lentz, Mary Ucker, b. 19 Oct 1882, d. 6 Aug 1967, mother, DAR symbol, s/w Anna Marie & Joseph H Lentz, S11
Lentz, Noah, b. 8 Apr 1841, d. 5 Mar 1916, father, s/w Louise his wife, S6
Leonard, Andrew J, b. 1865, d. 1918, husband, D1S1
Leonard, Ellen M, b. 1866, d. 1954, wife, D1S1
Leonard, Glover, b. 1892, d. 1965, D1S1
Leonidas D, b. 4 Oct 1919, d. 13 Jul 1994, S21
Lepard, N. Irene, b. 1908, d. 1949, dau, D2S2
Lepard, Thomas W, b. b. 1872, d. 1941, D2S2
Lerch, Peter S, d. 27 Jun 1891, aged 44y, 4m, 26d, Co C, 178th Ohio Inf, U.S. shield, D2S3
Leslie, Claudine May, b. 1919, d. 1942, s/w James Warren Leslie, S9
Leslie, James Warren, Age 6m, s/w Claudine May Leslie, S9
Letourneau, Marguerite A, b. 1892, d. 1970, S6
Letter, Donnie, b. 30 Mar 1858, d. 31 Mar 1900, w/o DH Letter, D1S2
Letter, Sylvia H, b. 6 Nov 1879, d. 22 Jan 1896, d/o DH & DM Letter, D1S2
Lewallen, Portia, b. 1881, d. 1948, dau, D1S4
Lewis, Benjaman F, b. 1860, d. 1956, s/w Claudia M Lewis, D1S1
Lewis, Benjamin F, b. 1831, d. 1916, father, s/w Esther Lewis, S6
Lewis, C Q Jr., b. 1893, d. 1957, S8
Lewis, C Q, b. 1857, d. 1932, S8
Lewis, Claudia M, b. 1878, d. 1946, s/w Benjaman F Lewis, D1S1
Lewis, Darlene L, b. 29 Jan 1918, d. 21 Feb 2008, D1S4
Lewis, Estell F, b. 1896, d. 1976, mother, s/w William H Lewis, S11
Lewis, Esther, b. 1830, d. 1912, mother, s/w Benjamin F Lewis, S6
Lewis, Fleming H, b. 12 Sep 1822, d. 21 Dec 1894, s/w Sarah A his wife, D1S4
Lewis, Herman J Jr., d. 1925, S10
Lewis, James M, d. 28 Jul 1880, aged 28y, 5m, s/w John & Susan Lewis, S6
Lewis, John, d. 22 Dec 1884, aged 75y, 5m, 11d, s/w Susan, his wife, S6
Lewis, Judy Dalton, b. 2 May 1940, d. 12 Jul 1993, dau & mother, D1S3
Lewis, Laura L, b. 1857, d. 1926, S8
Lewis, Lulu M, b. 1899, d. 1975, S8
Lewis, Maggie M, b. 1874, d. 1938, mother, s/w Wilson L Lewis, S11
Lewis, Mary C, b. 1871, d. 1930, S6
Lewis, Mary F, b. 1862, d. 1949, D1S4
Lewis, Richard W, b. 1860, d. 1950, D1S4
Lewis, Sarah A, b. 28 Dec 1827, d. 8 Apr 1906, s/w Fleming H Lewis, D1S4
Lewis, Susan, d. 17 Mar 1882, w/o John Lewis, aged 72y, 5m, 17d, S6
Lewis, Wallace M, b. 1896, d. 1946, D1S4
Lewis, Wallace W, b. 15 Sep 1918, d. 9 Apr 1972, D1S4
Lewis, Walter F, b. 1885, d. 1941, D1S4
Lewis, William H, b. 1899, d. 1953, father, mason symbol, s/w Estell R Lewis, S11
Lewis, William M, b. 1850, d. 1935, S6
Lewis, Wilson L, b. 1871, d. 1946, father, s/w Maggie M Lewis, S11
Lewis, Wm Porter, b. 1899, d. 1944, father, S11
Liddel, Lutie Urner, b. 1877, d. 1948, S6
Liddel, Robert, b. 1879, d. 1918, S6
Liddel, Ruth Emily, b. 1912, d. 1931, S6
Liddil, Charles, b. 21 Apr 1863, d. 26 Nov 1873, D1S4
Liddil, James A, b. 16 Sep 1852, d. 13 Jul 1901, D1S4
Liddil, James M, no dates, stone buried in ground, D1S4
Liddil, Martha E A, b. 11 Jun 1865, d. 20 Mar 1868, D1S4
Liddil, Mary E, b. 14 Sep 1860, d. 10 May 1872, D1S4
Liddil, Mary E, d. 22 Sep 1862, w/o LM Liddil, 35y, 20d, stone buried in ground, D1S4 **
Liddil, Sarah A, b. 1845, d. 1910, S6
Liddle, Andrew Jackson, b. 1894, d. 1983, US Navy, s/w Edna Mae Liddle, S12
Liddle, Betty D, b. 1922, d. 2007, D1S1
Liddle, Brenda Sue, b. 1949, d. 1978, S12
Liddle, Donald, b & d 1926, baby, S10
Liddle, Edna Mae, b. 1898, d. 1981, s/w Andrew Jackson Liddle, S12
Liddle, Elizabeth A, b. 1856, d. 1944, S9
Liddle, George B, b. 1887, d. 1957, s/w Nina E Liddle, S10
Liddle, George, b. 1856, d. 1947, S9
Liddle, Jean H, b. 1893, d. 1977, wife, s/w John P Liddle, S8
Liddle, John P, b. 1891, d. 1960, husband, s/w Jean H Liddle, S8
Liddle, John R Jr., b. 1949, d. 1984, GY Sgt, US Marine Corps, Vietnam, S12
Liddle, John R Sr., b. 5 Dec 1924, d. 19 May 1978, s/w Mary C Liddle, S12
Liddle, John, d. 25 Jun 1952, s/o John R & Mary C Liddle, S12
Liddle, Mary C, b. 21 Dec 1924, d. 28 Mar 1974, s/w John R Liddle Sr., S12
Liddle, Mildred E, b. 1922, d. 1939, S10
Liddle, Mildred, b. 1915, d. 1995, s/w William Liddle, S10
Liddle, Nellie C, b. 1895, d. 1967, m. 11 Apr 1916, mother, s/w William F Liddle, S8
Liddle, Nina E, b. 1887, d. 1978, s/w George B Liddle, S10
Liddle, Robert Briscoe, b. 1925, d. 1926, S10
Liddle, Stephen W, b. 1 Jan 1955, d. 28 Feb 1955, son, S12
Liddle, William F Jr., b. 1923, d. blank, D1S1
Liddle, William F, b. 1892, d. 1970, father, s/w Nellie C Liddle, S8
Liddle, William, b. 1911, d. 1967, s/w Mildred Liddle, S10
Liebi, Fred, b. 27 Dec 1881, d. 3 Feb 1947, father, S11
Liebi, Martha Selma, b. 3 Feb 1883, d. 28 Aug 1954, mother, S11
Liedtke, Elizabeth, b. 1873, d. 1958, mother, S19
Liedtke, Myrtle B. Pound, b. 7 Dec 1907, d. 30 Nov 1977, D1S2
Lienau, Gladys C, b. 9 Jul 1901, d. 3 Mar 1970, s/w Herbert B Lienau, S9
Lienau, Helen M, b. 1903, d. 1993, s/w Roy H Lienau, S8
Lienau, Herbert B, b. 13 Mar 1896, d. 17 Feb 1980, s/w Gladys C Lienau, S9
Lienau, Roy H, b. 1907, d. 1987, s/w Helen M Lienau, S8
Ligget, Elizabeth, b. 9 Dec 1808, d. 8 May 1893, mother, D2S1
Lightfoot, Lloyd J, b. 26 May 1912, d. 10 Feb 2002, s/w Marjorie M Lightboot, D2S2
Lightfoot, Marjorie M, b. 1 Jan 1918, d. 5 Jun 1992, s/w Lloyd J Lightfoot, D2S2
Lillian, Daisy Dean, b. 17 Jan 1882, d. 20 Jun 1885, aged 2y, 5m, S7**
Limmar, Child, d. 17 Jan 1879, aged 3y, 6m, 13d, S5 *
Lindsay, Fay Pearl, b. 1909, d. 1928, S10
Lindsey, Albert Richard, b. 16 Jul 1944, d. 22 Nov 1953, s/o RM & MB Lindsey, S11
Lindsey, Cornelius W, b. 1886, d. 1951, father, s/w Lillie H Lindsey, S11
Lindsey, Emma Pauline Patrick, b. 29 Dec 1913, 4 Sep 1983, mother, S11
Lindsey, Lillie H, b. 1888, d. 1976, mother, s/w Cornelius W Lindsey, S11
Lindsey, William Leon, b. 1908, d. 1956, father, S11
Line, Edgar P, b. 1890, d. 1940, S9
Lingle, Lucille McAvoy, b. 1907, 1977, s/w Guy Leonard McAvoy, S12
Link, Alex, b. 1879, d. 1932, s/w Elizabeth Link, S17
Link, Elizabeth, b. 1887, d. 1922, s/w Alex Link, S17
Lintner, Kenneth C, b. 12 Dec 1894, d. 6 May 1976, Pvt, US Army, WWI, D1S3
Lippert, Carrie Hedges, b. 26 Apr 1888, d. 24 Nov 1956, S10
Lippert, Pearl E, b. 1879, d. 1933, mother, S10
Lippert, Theodore H, b. 1885, d. 1969, father, S10
Lisetor, Oneta, b. 1880, d. 1950, S7
Litsinger, Albert R, b. 1875, d. 1941, s/w Ora May Litsinger, SH
Litsinger, Almira J, b. 1908, d. 1922, SH
Litsinger, Mary A.T., no dates, w/o CW Litsinger, S5 *
Litsinger, Ora May, b. 1878, d. 1955, s/w Albert R Litsinger, SH
Littlejohn, Annie L, b. 1870, d. 1956, mother, s/w Edward C Littlejohn, S12
Littlejohn, Edward C, b. 1872, d. 1952, father, s/w Annie L Littlejohn, S12
Littrell, Oliver C, b. 1872, d. 1929, S11
Littrell, Zoe Ann, b. 1884, d. 1956, S11
Lively, ??, d. 1890, s/o Benj & LM Lively, D2S2
Lively, Benjaman, b. 1867, d. 1907, s/w Lillie May Lively, D2S2
Lively, Hannah, d. 25 Feb 1892, w/o of J Lively, age 68y, 2m, 7d, D2S2
Lively, Joseph, d. 27 Aug 1886, s/o Joseph & Anna Lively, Aged 24y, 5m, 8d, D2S2
Lively, Lillie May, b. 1860, d. 1940, s/w Benjaman Lively, D2S2
Lively, Morris, d. 27 Jan 1890, s/o Benj & LM Lively, Aged 3m, D2S2
Livesay, Amanda, d. 17 Mar 1883, w/o JW Livesay, stone broken, parts missing, S6
Livesay, Estelle E, b. 1895, d. 1957, s/w Robert P Livesay, S11
Livesay, Nannie Downing, b. 1867, d. 1933, S6
Livesay, Robert P, b. 1892, d. 1983, s/w Estelle E Livesay, S11
Loar, Grace A, b. 1885, d. 1985, S5
Loar, Lucinda J, b. 27 May 1845, d. 6 Jan 1929, mother, s/w Wilson S Loar, S5
Loar, Wilson S, b. 12 Jun 1942, d. 20 Jan 1918, father, Co D, 4 KANS, Inf, s/w Lucinda J Loar, S5
Lobb, Basil A, b. 13 Oct 1878, d. 19 May 1956, s/w John & Ella Lobb, S7
Lobb, Ella N., b. 12 Jun 1848, d. 6 Apr 1919, s/w John L Lobb, S7
Lobb, John L, b. 25 Oct 1848, d. 9 Apr 1920, s/w Ella N Lobb, S7
Lobb, Lucy Turner Ruffner, b. 1839, d. 1935, D2S2
Lobb, Neville R, b. 12 Feb 1870, d. 10 Jul 1904, s/w Ella & John Lobb, S7
Lobe, William, d. 16 ?? 189?, mason symbol, SH
Lockard, Abner S, b. 1882, d. 1943, son, S8
Lockard, Alfred Lee, b. 1876, d. 1939, S8
Lockard, Mary Ellen, b. 1887, d. 1965, S8
Lockard, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 1845, d. 1925, mother, S8
Locke, Wesley, 1st Sgt, Co E, 19 Mich, Inf, U.S. shield, D2S3
Lockhart, Walter Lee, b. 1 Jul 1938, d. 8 Apr 1941, S8
Lockyear, Lettie Allen, b. 1875, d. 1960, mother, D1S1
Loe, Bessie, b. 1894, d. 1922, d/o S N & M E Loe, D1S1
Logan, Bertie Cuddy, b. 9 Jun 1870, d. 14 Dec 1948, S7
Logan, Danny J, b. 1928, d. 1931, son, D1S4
Logan, Gladys, d. 13 Jan 1974, S7
Logan, Jane, b. 1814, d. 1902, D1S3
Logan, Leo Lavoyd, b. 19 Aug 1884, d. 3 May 1889, s/o BF & E Logan, S6
Logan, Raleigh Lee, b. 26 Jan 1866, d. 10 Dec 1918, S7
Lohse, Charles W, b. 16 Dec 1889, d. 6 Jul 1955, s/w Lucille M Lohse, S11
Lohse, Lucille M, b. 30 May 1895, d. 23 Apr 1966, s/w Charles W Lohse, S11
Lollas, Christ A, b. 1889, d. 1982, s/w Pearle E Lollas, S9
Lollas, Pearl E, b. 1908, d. 1943, s/w Christ A Lollas, S9
Lomax, Henry C, b. 1854, d. 1945, D1S4
Loncarevic, Draginja, b. 15 Jan 1900, d. 29 Mar 1927, Selo Slabinja, SHS, S19
Loncarevic, Steve, b. 8 Feb 1888, d. 22 Jan 1976, Selo Slabinja, SHS, S19
Long, Earline Davis, b. 9 Feb 1914, d. 14 Mar 1948, S11
Long, Flora E, b. 1905, d. 1995, S12
Long, James E, b. 1888, d. 1955, S12
Long, James E, b. 21 Jan 1896, d. 18 Oct 1952, Missouri, Cook, 4 BN Rep'l & Tng Camp, WWI, s/w Jewell A Long, D1S4
Long, Jewell A, b. 11 Apr 1896, d. 7 Oct 1967, s/w James E Long, D1S4
Long, John H, b. 1850, d. 1892, father, S7
Long, Katheryn G, b. 11 Oct 1894, d. 16 Feb 1981, S7
Long, Lemuel Lee, b. 1866, d. 1922, s/w Medora his wife, S5
Long, Mary F, b. 1851, d. 1924, mother, S7
Long, Medora, b. 1871, d. 1936, s/w Lemuel Lee Long, S5
Long, W D "Mike", b. 1868, d. 1959, S11
Long, William B, b. 11 Aug 1884, d. 20 Jul 1961, S7
Longnecker, Carrie E, b. 18 Jan 1883, d. 8 Jan 1898, d/o JW & MJ Longnecker, SH
Longnecker, James Lee, b. 1918, d. 1935, son, S7
Longnecker, John Wesley, b. 1854, d. 1935, S7
Longnecker, Martha J, b. 1864, d. 1941, S7
Longshore, Mary K, b. 15 Jun 1866, d. 5 Dec 1896, w/o WT Longshore, S7
Loos, Donald L, b. 1930, d. 1930, brother, S7
Loos, Evelyn F, b. 1903, d. 1930, S7
Lotspeich, Willie R, b. 1859, d. 1950, aunt, D1S4
Louapre, Eugenia M, b. 1860, d. 1928, mother, S10
Love, Nancy Noland, b. 1859, d. 1932, s/w Elizabeth Noland, S5
Loveland, Estella E, b. 1880 d. 1932, mother, S5
Loving, Gertie, d. 13 May 1857, aged 1y, 7m, 13d, S5 *
Lowe, Emma J, b. 1867, d. 1872, s/w Jeremiah & Mary J Lowe, S6
Lowe, Esther E, b. 1903, d. 1992, s/w Sam E Lowe, S12
Lowe, J.R., b. 18 Mar 1809, d. 14 Oct 1889, S7
Lowe, Jeremiah, b. 1872, d. 1874, s/w Emma J & Mary J Lowe, S6
Lowe, John S, b. 1858, d. 1935, S11
Lowe, Lorena J, b. 1867, d. 1944, D1S1
Lowe, Martha F, b. 2 Mar 1848, d. 17 Feb 1873, S7
Lowe, Mary Beth, b. 19 Mar 1887, d. 24 Dec 1903, d/o PL & Borena Lowe, S6**
Lowe, Mary E, b. 1868, d. 1954, S11
Lowe, Mary E, b. 1897, d. 1903, s/w Parker L Lowe, S6
Lowe, Mary J, b. 1878, d. 1879, s/w Emma J & Jeremiah Lowe, S6
Lowe, Mary Jane, b. 1838, d. 1921, S6
Lowe, Parker L, b. 1866, d. 1933, D1S1
Lowe, Parker L, b. 1905, d. 1906, s/w Mary E Lowe, S6
Lowe, Philippa, b. 1824, d. 1901, w/o Jordan R Lowe, S7
Lowe, Rosa, b. 1879, d. 1927, w/o H A Lowe, S10
Lowe, Sam E, b. 1906, d. 1976, s/w Esther E Lowe, S12
Lowe, Schuyler, b. 1834, d. 1913, S6
Lowe, Susan C, b. 1871, d. 1967, S6
Lowen, Mattie A, d. 17 Jan 1892, d/o Oty & SE Lowen, aged 11, 11m, 30d, S19
Lowen, Oty I, b. 1853, d. 1914, s/w Sallie E his wife, woodmen of the world symbol, D1S4
Lowen, Pearl E, b. 1886, d. 1906, s/w Oty & Sallie Lowen, D1S4
Lowen, Ruby T, b. 1889, d. 1904, s/w Oty & Sallie Lowen, D1S4
Lowen, Sallie E, b. 1853, d. 1937, s/w Oty I Lowen, D1S4
Lower, Nellie L Fountain, b. 1914, d. 1985, d/o Ida L Fountain Cadwell, WAC, PFC, WWII, S12
Lubek, Susie, d. 22 Aug 1935, baby, S19
Lucas, Eva, b. 1902, d. 1995, mother, s/w John Lucas Sr., S11
Lucas, John Sr., b. 1892, d. 1973, father, s/w Eva Lucas, S11
Ludwig, Ineva, b. 1932, d. 2010, S21
Ludwig, James V, b. 1956, d. blank, S21
Ludwig, Vincent L, b. 1930, d. 1971, S21
Luetkemeyer, John Edward, b. 25 Apr 1949, d. 23 Dec 1994, S9
Luff, Arthur A, b. 17 Mar 1889, d. 11 Oct 1955, S7
Luff, Kate Allen, b. 30 Jun 1892, d. 23 Feb 1964, S7
Lukens, Cathern E, b. 1 Jan 1908, d. 21 Feb 1997, s/w J Harland Lukens, S12
Lukens, J Harland, b. 13 Mar 1908, d. 21 Nov 1990, s/w Cathern E Lukens, S12
Lukomski, Andrew, b. 1882, d. 1946, father, S11
Lukomski, Anna, b. 1891, d. 1978, mother, S11
Lukomski, Charles R, b. 1941, d. 1941, son, S11
Lunceford, Jane Elizabeth, d. 11 Jul 1960, S19
Lunceford, Mary Jane, b. 13 Feb 1928, d. 31 Mar 1971, S19
Lunceford, Patricia G, d. 3 Sep 1958, S19
Lunceford, Theresa L, d. 3 Sep 1958, S19
Lusk, Glynn Robert, b. 18 Sep 1922, d. 18 Mar 1963, Indiana, M Sgt, 880 Bomb Sq AAF, WWII, D1S2
Lusk, Mary F, b. 1919, d. 1994, D1S2
Luther, Gertrude L, b. 1891, d. 1974, mother, S12
Luttrell, Frank, no dates, stone broken, parts missing, S7
Luttrell, Georgia, b. 1 May 1851, no death date, aged 11y, 8d, S7**
Luttrell, John W, b. 1857, d. 1929, s/w Lizzie H Luttrell, S7
Luttrell, Lizzie H, b. 1862, d. 1927, s/w John W Luttrell, S7
Luttrell, Sarah E, b. 5 Nov 1837, d. 29 Apr 1915, S7
Luttrell, Thomas S, d. 2 Dec 1886, s/o LPS & SE Luttrell, aged 22y, 9m, 22d, S7
Lux, Margaret, b. 1879, d. 1919, mother, S19
Lyday, Frances L, b. 12 Jan 1925, d. 28 Jan 1991, wife & mother, S12
Lynch, Ann, d. 14 Sep 1869, w/o Wm. Lynch, aged 37y, S19
Lynch, Anna, b. 1861, d. 3 Aug 1951, aged 90y, S19**
Lynch, Annie, b. 1861, d. 1951, S17
Lynch, Catherine, b. 1865, d. 1896, S17
Lynch, Cecilia, b. 1872, d. 1953, S17
Lynch, Claude M, b. 31 Jan 1873, d. 19 Feb 1911, s/w Joseph B Lynch, S19
Lynch, Daniel, b. 1832, d. 1922, s/w Mary Lynch, S19
Lynch, Dorothy Ann, b. 1908, d. 1995, S12
Lynch, Edward F, b. 27 Dec 1874, d. 23 Mar 1950, S17
Lynch, Edward, d. 7 Aug 1870, s/o Wm. & Ann Lynch, aged 10m, 23d, S19
Lynch, Eliza, b. 1859, d. 1927, S17
Lynch, Frank, b. 1862, d. 1927, S17
Lynch, Hubert K, b. 11 Feb 1906, d. 5 Feb 1988, s/w Mabel L Lynch, S19
Lynch, Isaac R, b. 1879, d. 1964, s/w Ursula C Lynch, S11
Lynch, James L, b. 2 Aug 1881, d. 17 Dec 1945, S8
Lynch, Jerry K, b. 18 Jun 1931, d. 19 Mar 1956, Missouri, 2d LT, 499 Bomb SQ AF, S12
Lynch, John D, b. 1864, d. 1927, husband, s/w Margaret Lynch, S17
Lynch, John H, b. 1855, d. 1925, S17
Lynch, John P, b. 1856, d. 1892, father, S17
Lynch, John, b. 28 Nov 1848, d. 4 Jan 1921, S17
Lynch, John, no dates, Co A, 9 MO, SM Cav, civil war vet, S17
Lynch, Joseph B, b. 6 Aug 1871, d. 23 Nov 1959, s/w Claude M, his wife, S19
Lynch, Joseph J, b. 23 Jan 1893, d. 14 Dec 1932, Missouri, Wagoner, 17 Field Arty, 2 Div, S17
Lynch, Joseph, b. 1842, d. 1890, s/w Margaret Lynch, S19
Lynch, Julia, b. 1873, d. 1929, s/w Margaret & Joseph Lynch, S19
Lynch, Katie, b. 1869, d. 1886, s/w Margaret & Joseph Lynch, S19
Lynch, Lorene, d. 12 Oct 1901, d/o JB & CM Lynch, aged 5y, 5m, 21d, S19
Lynch, Mabel L, b. 21 Jul 1906, d. 25 Jul 1978, s/w Hubert K Lynch, S19
Lynch, Mabel V, b. 30 Apr 1889, d. 6 Nov 1970, S8
Lynch, Margaret, b. 1845, d. 1877, s/w Joseph Lynch, S19
Lynch, Margaret, b. 1868, d. 1942, wife, s/w John D Lynch, S17
Lynch, Mary Ann, b. 1857, d. 1927, S17
Lynch, Mary E, b. 1857, d. 1941, mother, S17
Lynch, Mary, b. 1833, d. 1925, s/w Daniel Lynch, S19
Lynch, Mary, born in Co Galway Ireland, d. 4 Jun 1906 in Holden MO, w/o Michael Lynch, aged 83y, S17
Lynch, Mary, d. 29 Apr 1902, mother, aged 70y, s/w William Lynch, S17
Lynch, Michael, a native of Co Galway Ireland, d. 1877, S17
Lynch, Patrick, a native of Co. Galway Ireland, d. 23 Feb 1853, aged 23y, S17
Lynch, Raymond Earl, b. 30 Jul 1917, d. 6 May 1933, S8
Lynch, Sarah, b. 1830, d. 1908, S17
Lynch, Thomas W, d. 26 Jul 1873 who lost his life by the hand of an assassin, s/o J & S Lynch, aged 19y, 9m, 15d, S17
Lynch, Thomas, b. 7 Sep 1856, d. 11 Jun 1882, S17
Lynch, Timothy Kenneth, b & d. 7 Oct 1961, s/o Jack & Jane Lynch, S12
Lynch, Ursula C, b. 1887, d. 1963, s/w Isaac R Lynch, S11
Lynch, Walter B, b. 1903, d. 1967, S12
Lynch, William, b. 13 Sep 1861, d. 27 Sep 1919, S17
Lynch, William, d. 18 Feb 1903, father, aged 73y, s/w Mary Lynch, S17
Lynn, Anna, b. 1879, d. 1938, s/w Edward Lynn, S12
Lynn, Edward, b. 1872, d. 1931, s/w Anna Lynn, S12
Lynn, George E Jr, b. 5 Apr 1952, d. 17 Jan 2012, S21
Lynn, George E, b. 14 Jul 1922, d. 18 Feb 1997, S21
Lynn, George T, b. 1898, d. 1935, father, S19
Lynn, Gerald L, b. 15 Oct 1925, d. blank, s/w Marian E Lynn, S19
Lynn, Marian E, b. 28 Nov 1933, d. blank, s/w Gerald L Lynn, S19
Lyons, Caroline Ramsey, b. 1909, d. 1948, S5
Lyons, Cornelius, born in Kerry Co Ireland, d. 2 Feb 1888, aged 62y, s/w John Lyons, S19
Lyons, Jane, d. 22 Oct 1880, w/o of J Lyons, D1S1
Lyons, John, born in Kerry Co Ireland, d. 23 Nov 1886, aged 73y, s/w Cornelius Lyons, S19
Lyons, Thomas I. DDS, b. 1908, d. 1976, Major, S5
Lytle, Ellis, b. 9 Jan 1902, d. 28 Jun 1955, Missouri, PFC, Btry E, 7 Field Arty, WWI, S11
Lytle, George L, b. 1904, d. 1984, s/w Irene K Lytle, S12
Lytle, Irene K, b. 1910, d. 1979, s/w George L Lytle, S12
Lytle, Katherine M, b. 12 Apr 1897, d. 4 Apr 1965, mother, S11
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