Search Missouri Death Records
Missouri Newspapers, Full Search (1808-1949), 140 titles
Missouri Obituary Search, (1988-current)
Missouri Funeral Notices
Woodlawn Cemetery
Independence, Jackson County, Missouri
Contributed by Sharon Kroner, Sep 29, 2008 [].
MacGillivray, Donald H, Rev, b. 1860, d. 1939, father, s/w Marguerite Hope Ritchey, S11
Macias, David A, d. 27 Mar 1969, son, S19
Macklin, Flora Arvilla, b. 28 Jun 1874, d. 19 Oct 1954, s/w Louis W. Macklin, S7
Macklin, Louis Washington, b. 29 Dec 1867, d. 30 Jan 1940, s/w Flora Macklin, S7
Macklin, Waldo E, b. 1906, d. 1940, S9
Madden, Harold S, b. 1900, d. 1955, son, S12
Maddin, Leo J, b. 10 Dec 1877, d. 28 Oct 1952, Age 74y, S12
Madison, Charles C, b. 10 Oct 1878, d. 31 Aug 1957, D1S1
Madison, Elizabeth Elliott, b. 1919, d. 1986, s/w Emma Madison & Martha Bumsted, D1S1
Madison, Emma Locke, b. 1881, d. 1973, s/w Martha Bumsted & Elizabeth Madison, D1S1
Madison, Lavina E, b. 1850, d. 1933, s/w William S Madison, D1S1
Madison, Nellie R, b. 14 Mar 1875, d. 6 Sep 1901, s/w Ralph Leroy Madison, D1S1
Madison, Pete L, b. 1916, d. 1999, D1S1
Madison, Ralph Leroy, b. 16 Jul 1873, d. 20 Dec 1901, s/w Nellie R, his wife, D1S1
Madison, William S, b. 1839, d. 1918, s/w Lavina E Madison, D1S1
Maglich, Ann, d. 1908, baby, S19
Maglich, Eddie Joe, b. 26 Jan 1955, d. 13 Jun 1988, son & brother, S19
Maglich, John M, b. 1876, d. 1963, father, s/w Mary J Maglich, S12
Maglich, John, b. 1918, d. 1920, son, S19
Maglich, Joseph A, b. 1916, d. 1995, s/w Mary E Maglich, S19
Maglich, Mary E, b. 1921, d. 1982, s/w Joseph A Maglich, S19
Maglich, Mary J, b. 1883, d. 1973, mother, s/w John M Maglich, S12
Maglich, Mildred J, b. 22 Feb 1922, d. 12 Feb 1989, S19
Magoffin, Ebenezer Col., b. 1817, d. 1865, F & S, MSG, CSA, civil war vet, S7
Maguire, Cecile M, b. 10 Jan 1917, d. 26 Oct 1996, Pvt, US Army, WWII, S11
Mahaffy, Donna, d. 2009, S9**
Mahan, Bridget, d. 1908, mother, s/w Lawrence Mahan, S17
Mahan, Gloyd E, b. 1899, d. 1952, father, s/w Mona I Mahan, S12
Mahan, Harry Edward, b. 1884, d. 1939, s/w Nelle Franks Mahan, S19
Mahan, John, b. 1856, d. 1937, S17
Mahan, Lawrence, d. 1912, father, s/w Bridget Mahan, S17
Mahan, Michael M, b. 1857, d. 1939, S17
Mahan, Mona I, b. 1902, d. 1984, mother, s/w Gloyd E Mahan, S12
Mahan, Nelle Franks, b. 1881, d. 1962, s/w Harry Edward Makan, S19
Mahan, Patrick Gary, b. 12 Oct 1948, d. 16 Oct 1948, s/o LJ & CA Mahan, S9
Mahan, Susan, b. 1859, d. 1960, S17
Mahan, Thomas, b. 1851, d. 1927, S 17
Mahan, William, d. 13 Jun 1891, s/o L & Bridget Mahan, aged 38y, 1m, S17
Mahan, Zechariah Cristian, b. 21 Apr 1996, d. 23 Apr 1996, s/o Jeff & Wendy Mahan, baby, S9
Mahaney, Johnie, d. 20 Jul 1873, s/o P & M Mahaney, aged 2y, S19
Mahaney, Margaret, b. 1866, d. 1952, S19
Mahaney, Patrick, born in Co. Cork Ireland, d. 26 Jan 1879, aged 46y, S19
Mahaney, Peter, d. 14 Sep 1885, s/o P & M Mahaney, S19
Mahaney, Thomas A, b. 1873, d. 1951, S19
Maiden, Alma J, b. 29 Jun 1895, d. 21 Jan 1976, mother, s/w Earle L Maiden, S11
Maiden, Earle L, b. 10 Apr 1892, d. 4 Dec 1943, father, s/w Alma J Maiden, S11
Maiden, Roy Earle Sr, b. 22 May 1917, d. 23 Apr 1978, daddy, S21
Main, Agnes, b. 25 Aug 1935, d. 18 Dec 2010, S5**
Main, Donald Lee, b. 24 May 1957, d. 25 May 1957, S5
Main, Eli, b. 1879, d. 1953, uncle, S9
Main, Fred L, b. 29 Jan 1901, d. 22 Nov 1970, mason symbol, s/w Helen M Main, S11
Main, Helen M, b. 9 Jun 1901, d. 4 May 1990, s/w Fred L Main, S11
Main, Lula Lentz, b. 1878, d. 1966, mother, s/w Thaymer A Main, S9
Main, Thaymer A, b. 1872, d, 1940, father, s/w Lula Main, S9
Majersky, Ella E, b. 18 Jul 1913, d. 29 Jun 1998, mother, s/w George J Majersky & Enola E Burroughs, S12
Majersky, George J, b. 26 Apr 1908, d. 4 Mar 1953, father, s/w Ella E Majersky & Enola E Burroughs, S12
Major, Anna Lee, b. 1884, d. 1950, mother, D2S1
Major, John E, b & d 19 Sep 1909, s/o JJ & Anna L Major, D2S1
Major, John J, b. 1886, d. 1958, father, D2S1
Makinen, Nancy Ann, b. 21 Jan 1940, d. 27 Aug 2008, m. 3 Oct 1959, gp/o Jake Bradley, Maggie Lanell, Jessica Michelle, Michael Thomas, Mathew Dennis, s/w Thomas W Makinen, S5
Makinen, Thomas William, b. 25 Jul 1936, d. 4 Dec 1990, PFC, US Army, p/o Christine Alice, Patricia Marie, Michael Thomas, Robbie William, Michelle Marie, s/w Nancy Ann Makinen, S5
Malbaff, Floyd L, b. 29 Sep 1907, d. 27 Mar 1965, Kansas, Pvt, US Army, S12
Malbaff, Howard W, b. 16 Sep 1881, d. 13 Jan 1966, father, S12
Malbaff, Lillie M, b. 11 Jul 1884, d. 24 Apr 1968, mother, S12
Mallek, Myrtle Nadine, b. 16 May 1913, d. 21 Jul 2000, S11
Mallett, Lufus L, b. 1891, d. 1987, father, S8
Mallett, Ruth M, b. 1895, d. 1929, mother, S8
Malley, John P, b. 1861, d. 1935, s/w Mary A Malley, S11
Malley, Mary A, b. 1866, d. 1938, s/w John P Malley, S11
Mallinson, Abraham, b. 1845, d. 1925, 6th Kans. Cav. Co I.G.A.R., father, S7
Mallinson, Caroline Hagen, b. 21 Aug 1822, d. 29 Aug 1912, Aged 90y, s/w James Mallinson, D2S1*
Mallinson, Charles A, b. 1894, d. 1922, 89th Div. Ambulance Co 355, mason symbol, American legion symbol, S7
Mallinson, Effie Alice, b. 1866, d. 1929, mother, S7
Mallinson, James, b. 15 Dec 1811, d. 28 Jan 1887, s/w Caroline his wife, D2S1
Mallinson, John William, b. 1888, d. 1961, father, S7
Mallinson, L. Anna, b. 1890, d. 1982, d/o Mr. & Mrs. A Mallinson, eastern star symbol, S7
Mallinson, Minnie Danforth, b. 1898, d. 1993, mother, S7
Mallwood, Julian, d. 1852, D1S4 **
Mallwood, Shirley, no dates, D1S4 **
Maloney, John P, b. 14 Jan 1904, d. 4 May 1952, father, Lottie M Maloney, S11
Maloney, Lottie M, b. 18 Aug 1906, d. 24 Nov 1979, mother, s/w John R Maloney, S11
Malott, Lula, b. 8 Feb 1874, d. 6 Apr 1970, S12
Malott, Vernon A, b. 1905, d. 1952, husband, S12
Malsbary, Sanford, Co G, 138 Ohio N G, Inf, U.S. shield, D2S3
Mance, George, b. 1895, d. 1965, father, s/w Susie Mance, S11
Mance, Marko, b. 19 Apr 1863, d. 6 Dec 1922, S19
Mance, Susie, b. 1900, d. 1969, mother, s/w George Mance, S11
Maness, Bernidinia E, b. 1918, d. 1988, mother, s/w William F Maness, S21
Maness, William F, b. 1917, d. 1986, father, PFC, US Army, WWII, s/w Bernidinia E Maness, S21
Manley, Chris C, b. 1896, d. 1973, D1S1
Manley, Lizzie, b. 1867, d. 1937, mother, D1S1
Manley, Lula O, b. 1895, d. 1980, D1S1
Mann, B.F, Jr., b. 31 Mar 1918, d. 7 May 1996, S12
Mann, Benjamin F, b.1873, d. 1947, father, S12
Mann, Christopher, b. 1774 in Virginia, d. 11 Jul 1885, aged 110y, 3m, 26d, D1S3
Mann, Edith M, b. 1859, d. 1932, s/w Jesse A Mann, S5
Mann, Esther May, b. 1887, d. 1959, s/w Judson E Mann, S5
Mann, Genevieve Purcell, b. 1892, d. 1942, mother, S9
Mann, Hattie A, b. 1872, d. 1951, mother, S8
Mann, Jesse A, b. 1851, d. 1946, s/w Edith M Mann, S5
Mann, Judson E, b. 1888, d. 1920, s/w Esther May Mann, S5
Mann, Liddie A, b. 1826 in North Carolina, d. 24 Dec 1886, w/o G Mann, aged 60y, 7m, 24d, D1S3
Mann, Minnie E, b. 1882, 1967, mother, S12
Mann, Roy M, b. 1890, d. 1967, father, S9
Mann, Ruth E, b. 1913, d. 1976, sister, S9
Mann, Susie, b. 7 Apr 1855, d. 4 Aug 1883, w/o JA Mann, D1S2
Manners, Alma L, b. 1912, d. 1981, s/w Andy J Manners, S21
Manners, Andro, b. 1881, d. 1955, father, s/w Sophia Manners, S12
Manners, Andy J, b. 1909, d. 1977, s/w Alma L Manners, S21
Manners, Anthony J "Tony", b. 1908, d. 1978, S12
Manners, Irene M, b. 2 Aug 1913, d. 4 Dec 1985, sister, S12
Manners, Michael M, b. 18 Nov 1915, d. 17 May 2000, S12
Manners, Nancy J, b. 17 May 1921, d. blank, m. 9 Aug 1947, s/w Thomas Manners, S21
Manners, Sophia, b. 1888, d. 1972, mother, s/w Andro Manners, S12
Manners, Thomas A, b. 28 Jul 1918, d. 14 Aug 2010, TEC4, US Army, WWII, s/w Nancy Manners, S21
Mansfield, Charles, no dates, D2S2
Mansfield, Stella M, b. 1903, d. 1927, s/w Cora B McDaniel, D2S1
Mansour, Edmund Ferris, b. 24 Mar 1909, d. 28 Aug 1995, CPL, US Army, S21
Mansour, Ethel M, b. 11 Oct 1917, d. 14 Sep 2004, S21
Mansur, Robert L, b. 8 Dec 1929, d. 12 Sep 1965, S19
Manur, John, b. 1874, d. 1954, father, S12
Marek, Mary M, b. 1918, d. 1998, s/w Michael J Marek, S21
Marek, Michael J, b. 1917, d. 1986, s/w Mary M Marek, S21
Maretoli, Eugene G, b. 1904, d. 1950, father, s/w Fern A Maretoli, S12
Maretoli, Fern A, b. 1908, d. 1981, mother, s/w Eugene G Maretoli, S12
Mariott, J H, no dates, Co B, 2nd MO S.M. Cav, civil war vet, S 7
Markey, Hugh F, d. 4 Sep 1939, Missouri, 2 Lieut. Q.M. Corps, S11
Markovich, Mary Ann, b & d. 6 Nov 1959, baby, S12
Markovich, Susie, b. 27 Sep 1925, d. 16 Jan 2010, S12**
Marlow, Augusta, b. 1843, d. 1926, D1S3
Marlow, Peyton W, d. 21 Jan 1887, aged 61y,5m,15d, D1S3
Marqua, Arline, b. 5 May 1911, d. 18 Dec 2000, S5
Marqua, James, b. 2 Jul 1936, d. 25 Oct 2011, S5**
Marqua, John Michael, b. 2 Jul 1936, d. 14 Oct 1994, A1C, US Air Force, Vietnam, S5
Marquis, Robert S, b. 13 Oct 1922, d. 4 Dec 1979, 1st LT, USArmy Air Corps, WWII, 8th Air Force, S21
Marsh, Baby, no dates, D1S4
Marsh, E R, b. 1851, d. 1921, brother, D2S1
Marsh, Fielding C.D., d. Sep 1876, aged 57y, 10m, 24d, S5 *
Marsh, Frank A, d. 17 Mar 1896, Aged 39y, 10m, D1S4
Marsh, Freddie B, d. 23 Aug 1890, s/o FA & Gertrude Marsh, Aged 5y, 9d, D1S4
Marsh, Mariah C, b. 24 Oct 1824, d. 26 Jan 1906, w/o W B Marsh, D2S1
Marsh, Mary C, b. 1844, d. 1925, sister, D2S1
Marsh, Susan M, b. 1867, d. 1935, sister, D2S1
Marsh, William B, b. 30 Sep 1821, d. 23 Jun 1901, s/w Mariah C, his wife, D2S1
Marshall, Aubrey H, b. 1897, d. 1971, s/w Roberta B Marshall, S7
Marshall, Evelyn Oxley Dimoush, b. 29 Sep 1912, d. 18 Feb 1984, mother, S11
Marshall, John C, b. 20 Jan 1810, d. 20 Apr 1895, s/w Rebecca Marshall, D2S3
Marshall, Lonnie R, b. 1904, d. 1956, S9
Marshall, Mabel P, b. 25 Apr 1913, d. 9 Aug 1977, mother, S9
Marshall, Rebecca Wood, b. 2 Oct 1826, d. 28 Sep 1889, w/o John C Marshall, D2S3
Marshall, Roberta B, b. 1908, d. 1995, s/w Aubrey H Marshall, S7
Marshall, Tommie, b. 15 Dec 1879, d. 17 Apr 1895, SH
Martin, A W, b. 19 Jan 1887, d. 17 Oct 1937, D1S4
Martin, Ann, b. 24 Oct 1867, d. 24 Feb 1894, S19
Martin, C.D., Sergt, Co G, 168 Ohio, NG Inf, civil war vet, S5
Martin, Carl F, b. 7 Apr 1881, d. 19 Sep 1887, s/o CD & DM Martin, S5**
Martin, Caroline, b. 8 Jan 1842, d. 9 May 1914, w/o JVB Martin, D1S4
Martin, Carson W, b. 17 Jan 1864, d. 17 Apr 1877, s/w Carl F Martin, S5**
Martin, Cecilia, d. 1923, S17
Martin, Christopher Joseph, d 11 Apr 1960, S11
Martin, Clyde W, b. 1879, d. 1957, s/w Margaret M Martin, S11
Martin, Daisie May, b. 8 May 1878, d. 26 Jun 1953, wife, S6
Martin, Dorothy O, b. 14 Sep 1907, d. 17 Mar 1985, S11
Martin, Edward J, b. 1898, d. 1967, father, s/w M Madoline Martin, S17
Martin, Edward, b. 7 Apr 1830, d. 1 Jul 1896, s/w Mary Martin, S17
Martin, Emma J, b. 27 Oct 1873, d. 2 Oct 1877, d/o CD & DM Martin, S5**
Martin, Ferd, no dates, S5
Martin, George S, b. 13 May 1863, d. 25 Jun 1932, s/w Mary M Martin, S8
Martin, Hannah, b. 1842, d. 1929, mother, SH
Martin, Hattie, b. 7 May 1876, d. 13 May 1879, d/o CD& DM Martin, S5**
Martin, J V B, b. 21 Jun 1837, d. 24 Jan 1919, s/w Caroline his wife, D1S4
Martin, James B, b. 1858, d. 1941, father, s/w Laura J Martin, S17
Martin, James, d. 12 Apr 1886, aged 50y, D2S3
Martin, Jesse L, b. 17 Aug 1875, d. 11 Sep 1961, hus, S6
Martin, John, a native of Kirellian Parish of Ballynakill County Galway Ireland, d. 18 May 1859, S17
Martin, Laura J, b. 1866, d. 1961, mother, s/w James B Martin, S17
Martin, Leland I, b. 2 Aug 1906, d. 5 Apr 1950, S11
Martin, Lorene, b. 1895, d. *1993, S12
Martin, M Madoline, b. 1901, d. 1988, mother, s/w Edward J Martin, S17
Martin, Margaret M, b. 1879, d. 1965, s/w Clyde W Martin, S11
Martin, Mary M, b. 1 Aug 1864, d. 28 Jun 1945, s/w George S Martin, S8
Martin, Mary Martha, b. 3 Nov 1942, d. 4 Jun 1946, S11
Martin, Mary T, b. 1866, d. 1931, sister, S17
Martin, Mary, b. 25 Mar 1833, d. 16 Nov 1904, w/o Edward Martin, S17
Martin, Sam'l, Co B, 12th USCHA, US shield, SH
Martin, Thomas, d. 1915, S17
Martin, Victor C, b. 15 Apr 1909, d. 26 May 1986, S11
Martinez, Frank V, b. 1915 D. 1986, brother, S12
Martland, Gladys, b. 19 Dec 1894, d. 9 Jul 1895, baby, s/w Grace Martland, D1S4
Martland, Grace D, b. 2 Jun 1866, d. 14 Aug 1895, w/o T C Martland, D1S4
Masden, Shirley Ann, b. 23 Jul 1926, d. 8 Feb 1946, wife, S9
Masek, Irene P, b. 1924, d. 1986, s/w Raymond J Masek, D2S2
Masek, Raymond J, b. 1927, d. 1991, s/w Irene P Masek, D2S2
Mason, Anna P, b. 1859, d. 1948, s/w Daniel P Mason, S10
Mason, C Frank, b. 1867, d. 1965, s/w Miriam C Mason, S12
Mason, Daniel P, b. 1856, d. 1929, s/w Anna P Mason, S10
Mason, James Branch, b. 1844, d. 1845, D1S1
Mason, Joseph Lee, b. 1852, d. 1880, D1S1
Mason, Joseph Lee, b. 28 May 1886, d. 7 May 1949, S10
Mason, Luther, b. 1808, d. 1891, D1S1
Mason, Martha Price, b. 1820, d. 1877, D1S1
Mason, Miriam C, b. 1881, d. 1972, s/w C Frank Mason, S12
Massie, Jeremiah, b. 14 Apr 1809, d. 5 Oct 1898, S5
Massie, Margaret, b. 12 Jan 1824, d. 3 Jul 1909, S5
Massie, Oliver P, b. 1845, d. 1930, D1S4
Massie, Sarah F, b. 1843, d. 1921, D1S4
Masters, Anna Mary, b. 1866, d. 1946, S7
Masters, Charles Payne, b. 1869, d. 1941, S7
Masters, Effie Jerusha, b. 1872, d. 1899, S7
Masters, Gertrude, b. 1879, d. 1971, S7
Masters, Marcus S, b. 1881, d. 1943, D1S3
Masters, Martha F, b. 1861, d. 1936, s/w William G Masters, S10
Masters, Mary Caroline, b. 1842, d. 1903, S7
Masters, Meredith Cosby, b. 1833, d. 1910, S7
Masters, Moses M, b. 1846, d. 1892, D1S3
Masters, Nell Edes, b. 1876, d. 1959, S7
Masters, Proctor M, b. 1885, d. 1960, D1S3
Masters, Roberta, b. 1871, d. 1939, D1S3
Masters, Sallie S, b. 1853, d. 1945, D1S3
Masters, Vetura, b. 1853, d. 1924, aunt, S7
Masters, William G, b. 1854, d. 1925, s/w Martha F Masters, S10
Masterson, Alfred, b. 1900, d. 1961, S11
Masterson, Helen E, b. 1906, d. 1938, S11
Masterson, John, b. 1869, d. 1960, father, s/w Mary E Masterson, S11
Masterson, Maranda A, b. 1846, d. 1915, mother, SH
Masterson, Mary E, b. 1874, d. 1942, mother, s/w John Masterson, S11
Masterson, Maude Barnett, b. 1897, d. 1974, mother, SH
Masterson, Susan J, b. 1902, d. 1994, S11
Maston, Charles W, b. 1889, d. 1956, husband, S12
Maston, Elizabeth A, b. 1896, d. 1980, wife, S12
Mataafa, Iosua, b. 17 Oct 1971, d. 21 Feb 2007, D1S4
Matson, Elizabeth K, b. 31 Dec 1913, d. 7 Jun 1991, s/w William C Matson, S12
Matson, William C "Bill" Jr., b. 29 Oct 1934, d. 24 Jan 1954, son, S12
Matson, William Chester Sr., b. 14 Jun 1910, d. 3 Feb 1977, s/w Elizabeth K Matson, S12
Matt, Bessie, d. 13 Feb 1860, d/o Edward & Mary Matt, aged 7y, 7m, S17
Matt, John G, b. 1860, d. 1930, s/w Philomena Matt, S19
Matt, Philomena, b. 1866, d. 1900, s/w John G Matt, S19
Matthews, Kathryn M, b. 1899, d. 1989, mother, s/w Wm Ernest Matthews, S11
Matthews, Wm Ernest, b. 1896, d. 1946, father, s/w Kathryn M Matthews, S11
Mauk, Ida A, b. 1868, d. 1943, mother, S11
Maupin, Rosa Belle, b. 1 Apr 1856, d. 14 Mar 1918, mother, w/o LY Maupin, D1S2
Maxon, Alfred S, b. 1888, d. 1975, father, s/w Jane C Maxon, D2S1
Maxon, Ella M, b. 1862, d. 1940, s/w William L Maxon, D2S1
Maxon, Harold, b. Dec 1905, d. Jul 1907, D2S1
Maxon, Jane C, b. 1885, d. 1973, mother, s/w Alfred S Maxon, D2S1
Maxon, William L, b. 1845, d. 1906, s/w Ella M his wife, D2S1
Maxwell, Carrie M, b. 10 Jun 1855, d. 16 Jan 1890, w/o RC Maxwell, D1S4
Maxwell, Eliza, no dates, s/w Dr Jos & Richard Maxwell, S6
Maxwell, Emily C, b. 12 Mar 1849, d. 29 Apr 1851, s/w John Maxwell, D1S4
Maxwell, Hugh, d. 2 Jul 1882, aged 75y, a native of Ireland, father, S17
Maxwell, infant, d. 28 Dec 1889, s/o RC & CM Maxwell, D1S4
Maxwell, John H, b. 6 Apr 1883, d. 18 Sep 1961, Missouri Sgt, TRP H 7 REGT Cavalry, Spanish American War, D1S4
Maxwell, John, b. 27 Dec 1814, d. 22 Apr 1856, s/w Emily C Maxwell, D1S4
Maxwell, Jos. L. Dr, no dates, s/w Eliza & Richard Maxwell, S6
Maxwell, Martha A, b. 1846, d. 1930, s/w Thomas F Maxwell, D1S4
Maxwell, Matilda, b. 27 Sep 1820, d. 15 Jan 1904, s/w Oliver H Maxwell, D1S4
Maxwell, Maude N, b. 24 Aug 1884, d. 9 Sep 1958, s/w Alice M Shingle, D1S4
Maxwell, Nellie B, b. 1883, d. 1970,D1 S4
Maxwell, Oliver H, b. 20 Jun 1871, d. 2 Apr 1939, s/w Matilda Maxwell, D1S4
Maxwell, Onora, d. 14 Jun 1882, a native of Co Kirk Ireland, mother, aged 73y, S17
Maxwell, Quinta C, b. 1910, d. 1970, w/o Thomas F Maxwell, D1S4
Maxwell, Richard, no dates, s/w Dr Jos. & Eliza Maxwell, S6
Maxwell, Robert C, b. 1856, d. 1914, D1S4
Maxwell, Thomas F, b. 1841, d. 1918, woodmen of the world symbol, s/w Martha A Maxwell, D1S4
Maxwell, Thomas F, b. 1909, d. 1987, s/w John & Emily Maxwell, D1S4
May, Frank, d. Mar 1997, s/w Joan Thixton, S21
May, Kathryn "Ryan", b. 19 Jan 1922, d. 11 Oct 1998, s/w Lawrence J May, S21
May, Lawrence J, b. 18 Apr 1919, d. 14 Aug 1981, PFC, US Army, WWII, s/w Kathryn May, S21
Mayernik, Susie, b. 1871, d. 1948, mother, S12
Mayo, Estelle, d. 2 Sep 1882, d/o SG & ET Mayo, Age 23yrs, D1S1
Mayo, Izadora, d. 11 Sep 1885, d/o S G & E T Mayo, Age 19y, D1S1
McAfee, James T, b. 15 Aug 1852, d. 19 Oct 1905, woodmen of the world symbol, s/w Nellie J McAfee, D1S4
McAfee, Nellie J, b. 20 Jun 1857, d. 8 Nov 1927, s/w James T McAfee, D1S4
McAllister, Charles, b. 15 Feb 1870, d. 10 Sep 1904, brother, D1S4
McAnally, A. L., b. 1859, d. 1930, mason symbol, S6
McAnally, b. H., b. 21 Sep 1888, d. 28 Nov 1923, S6
McAnally, Daisy D, b. 1884, d. 1982, S6
McAnally, Elizabeth, b. 1864, d. 1943, S6
McAnally, Frank G, b. 1882, d. 1952, husband, s/w Ora Z McAnally, S6
McAnally, Joseph C, b. 1905, d. 1971, father, mason symbol, S6
McAnally, Marie T, b. 1908, d. 1991, mother, S6
McAnally, Minnie Lee, b. 1896, d. 1936, S6
McAnally, Ora Z, b. 1879, d. 1950, wife, s/w Frank G McAnally, S6
McAvoy, Guy Leonard, b. 3 Sep 1898, d. 19 Nov 1957, Missouri, AS USNRE, WWI, s/w Lucille Lingle, S12
McAvoy, Josephine, b. 1875, d. 1954, S12
McAvoy, Perry M, b. 1867, d. 1931, S12
McAvoy, Ruth J, b. 1904, d. 1962, S12
McBrearty, John, a native of the parish of Killybegs Co. Donegal Ireland, d. 18 Jun 1854, aged 39y, S19
McBride, Alice, b. 1868, d. 1946, S6
McBride, Brittie Haines, b. 1890, d. 1973, S5
McBride, Estella Anderson, b. 27 Aug 1876, d. 16 Dec 1906, mother, D1S2
McBride, Robert A, b. 3 May 1897, d. 18 Aug 1916 in service at Laredo, TX , Missouri, Corpl., 1 Field Art, MO NG, D1S2
McBride, Robert L, b. 1864, d. 1954, S5
McBride, William O, b. 1863, d. 1953, S6
McCaffrey, Ann, d. 18 Jul 1876, d/o B & Rosa McCaffrey, aged 24y, S19**
McCaffrey, Barnard, d. 29 Aug 1868, aged 54y, S19
McCaffrey, Ellen, b. 1846, d. 1914, mother, s/w Peter McCaffrey, S19
McCaffrey, Lizzie, d. 30 Mar 1876, w/o P McCaffrey, aged 27y, 3m, S19**
McCaffrey, Peter, b. 1845, d. blank, father, s/w Ellen McCaffrey, S19
McCaffrey, Rosa, d. 3 Dec 1876, w/o B McCaffrey, aged 65y, S19**
McCanna, Catharine, d. 9 Feb 1881, aged 67y, S17
McCarroll, Ada Lenora, b. 1918, d. blank, s/w Thomas Benton McCarroll, S9
McCarroll, D C, b. 1851, d. 1899, D1S1
McCarroll, Georgia C, b. 11 Mar 1891, d. 26 Jan 1962, s/w H Frank McCarroll, D1S2
McCarroll, H. Frank, b. 8 May 1890, d. 29 Jan 1958, s/w Georgia C McCarroll, D1S2
McCarroll, Henry B, b. 1848, d. 1917, woodsmen of the world symbol, s/w Martha C McCarroll, D1S4
McCarroll, Irene, b. 1882, d. 1883, D1S1
McCarroll, J Porter, b. 1908, d. 1988, s/w Jessie O McCarroll, S9
McCarroll, Jessie O, b. 1922, d. *2002, s/w J Porter McCarroll, S9
McCarroll, John P, b. 1885, d. 1944, father, D1S4
McCarroll, Julia E, b. 1911, d. 1944, mother, S9
McCarroll, Kenneth W, b. 15 Aug 1915, d. 11 Nov 1996, US Navy, WWII, D1S4
McCarroll, L R, b. 1892, d. 1932, D1S1
McCarroll, Martha C, b. 1850, d. 1930, s/w Henry McCarroll, D1S4
McCarroll, Nora Mae, b. 1885, d. 1967, eastern star symbol, mother, S5
McCarroll, Thomas Benton, b. 1909, d. 1974, s/w Ada Lenora McCarroll, S9
McCarthy, Dorothy E. Kauffman, b. 10 Jan 1926, d. 23 Nov 1987, D1S2
McCarthy, Ruth Alice Brown, b. 1906, d. 1988, mother, s/w William F McCarthy, S19
McCarthy, William F MD, b. 1899, d. 1969, father, s/w Ruth Alice McCarthy, S19
McCartney, Grace H, b. 1882, d. 1948, S8
McCarty, Dennis, d. 31 Jul 1885, aged 57y, S19
McCarty, Elizabeth, b. 1842, d. 1882, mother, s/w Lawrence McCarty, S17
McCarty, George, d. 5 Nov 1904, aged 50y, S19
McCarty, Henry Clay, b. 15 May 1855, d. 10 May 1939, D1S3
McCarty, Hugh, b. 1859, d. 1903, S17
McCarty, Jeremiah, d. 14 Sep 1869, s/o PM McCarty, aged 10m, S19**
McCarty, Joel M, b. 1842, d. 1929, s/w Nannie McCarty, S10
McCarty, Lawrence Jr, b. 1867, d. 1897, S17
McCarty, Lawrence, b. 1821, d. 1881, father, s/w Elizabeth McCarty, S17
McCarty, Margaret, b. 1828, d. 1923, S19
McCarty, Nannie, b. 1843, d. 1936, s/w Joel M McCarty, S10
McCarty, Patrick, d. 4 Jun 1884, aged 60y, S19
McCarty, Rebecca Whitman, b. 1902, d. 1960, D2S1
McClain, Claude W Sr., b. 1914, d. 1957, father, mason symbol, S11
McClanahan, Arabella, b. 1848, d. 1920, S7
McClanahan, Bettie, no dates, S7**
McClanahan, Emma, no dates, S7**
McClanahan, Jane Mrs., d. 13 Aug 1851, consort of Jas. McClanahan, who's untimely end was caused by an electric shock during a storm on the 13 Aug 1851, aged 43y, S7
McClanahan, Jas., b. 12 Jun 1811, d. 27 Aug 1900, S7**
McClanahan, Jerome B, no dates, C.S.A., civil war vet, S7
McClanahan, Lizzie, no dates, S7**
McClanahan, Porter, b. 13 Sep 1820, d. 6 Apr 1893, s/w Sarah A McClanahan, S7
McClanahan, Sarah A., b. 1 Apr 1828, d. 8 Apr 1891, s/w Porter McClanahan, S7
McClanahan, William L, b. 1849, d. 1927, S7
McClelland, Amsden, b. 1901, d. 1916, s/o Edwin & Ella McClelland, S7
McClelland, E, b. 1851, d. 1929, father, S7
McClelland, Edwin, b. 1851, d. 1929, s/w Ella McClelland, S7
McClelland, Ella, b. 1867, d. 1953, s/w Edwin McClelland, S7
McClelland, George, no dates, CSA, civil war vet, S5
McClelland, S, b. 1861, d. 1895, mother, S7
McClellen, Effie, d. 9 Mar 1873, d/o WT & J McClellen, aged 4y, S5
McClellen, Ella, d. 7 Dec 1879, aged 16y, 28d, S5
McClellen, Josephine, d. 29 Aug 1874, aged 38y, 11m, 1d, S5
McClellen, Mary E, b. 9 Dec 1857, d. blank, d/o WT & MJ McClellen, stone sunk in ground, S5
McClellen, Melvin R, b. 8 Jan 1855, d. blank, s/o WT & MJ McClellen, stone sunk in ground, S5
McClellen, William T, d. 23 Jul 1901, aged 72y, 1m, 22d, S5
McClenahan, Etta H, b. 7 Aug 1882, d. 22 Aug 1963, wife, S11
McClenahan, Rev. Edward, b. 5 Jun 1873, d. 10 Sep 1953, husband, S11
McCloskey, Jane, no dates, S19
McCluhan, J Everett, b. 1904, d. 1986, s/w Jennie V McCluhan, S9
McCluhan, Jeanine Marie, b. 7 Aug 1942, d. 3 Nov 1942, baby, S9
McCluhan, Jennie V, b. 1904, d. 1985, s/w J Everett McCluhan, S9
McClure, Adrian R, b. 17 Aug 1911, d. * 8 Sep 1987, husband, S8
McClure, Alfred R, b. 18 Jan 1891, d. 8 Jun 1936, father, S8
McClure, G C, b. 1856, d. blank, s/w Ida M McClure, his wife, S8
McClure, Granville Coy, d. 20 Oct 1893, s/o GC & Ida McClure, aged 3y, 5m, 18d, D1S3
McClure, Harlan J, b. 20 Aug 1859, d. 25 Nov 1935, grandfather, S8
McClure, Ida C, d. 13 May 1889, d/o GC & Ida McClure, aged 2m, 20d, D1S3
McClure, Ida M, b. 1860, d.1925, w/o G C McClure, S8
McClure, John H, b. 31 Dec 1912, d. 26 Jul 1931, son, S8
McClure, Lola F, b. 10 Apr 1891, d. 1 Feb 1977, mother, S8
McClure, Marion J, b. 4 Feb 1913, d. 19 Dec 1970, wife, S8
McCollum, David R, d. 1 Dec 1955, D2S3
McConnell Jr, James Ralph, b. 28 Jul 1937, d. 2 Dec 1940, son, S9
McConnell, Ann M, b. 1912, d. *1999, s/w J Ralph McConnell, S9
McConnell, J Ralph, b. 1912, d. 1989, s/w Ann M McConnell, S9
McConnell, Margaret V, b. 1897, d. 1937, S11
McCord, Lloyd R, b. 31 Aug 1899, d. 25 Sep 1969, D2S2
McCord, Maria, b. 1846, d. 1939, D1S1
McCormick, Charlie, d. 10 Jul 1873, s/o JP & MG McCormick, aged 11m, 11d, S7**
McCormick, Charlie, no dates, & baby, s/w James & Hattie McCormick, S7
McCormick, Fanny, b. 22 Sep 1847, d. 24 May 1940, w/o William McCormick, S7
McCormick, Hattie, d. 11 Sep 1877, s/w James P McCormick, S7
McCormick, James P, b. 27 Nov 1832, d. 7 Jul 1903, s/w Hattie McCormick, S7
McCormick, Sally, b. 7 Dec 1807, d. 14 Oct 1895, s/w Willie W McCormick, S7
McCormick, Virginia E, b. 24 Jan 1913, d. 30 Aug 1959, wife, S12
McCormick, William, b. 16 Feb 1841, d. 7 Apr 1884, s/w Fanny McCormick, S7
McCormick, Willie W, b. 7 Sep 1858, d. 28 Oct 1887, s/w Sally McCormick, S7
McCown, Iva M, b. 1897, d. 1915, SH
McCown, Jas. R, b. 1836, d. 1907, s/w Selete A McCown, SH
McCown, Selete A, b. 1841, d. 1906, s/w Jas R McCown, SH
McCoy, Alexander Watte, b. 1879, d. 1880, D1S4 **
McCoy, Allen Lee, no dates, S6
McCoy, Carrie Boude, b. 1861, d. 1925, D1S4
McCoy, Charles D, b. 1890, d. 1955, D1S4
McCoy, Charles Daniels, b. 1852, d. 1908, D1S4
McCoy, Eleanor Waddle, b. 17 Mar 1818, d. 1 Mar 1893, w/o William McCoy, S6
McCoy, Helen Borthwick, b. 14 Jun 1889, d. 18 May 1975, s/w Henry McCoy, D1S4
McCoy, Henry Boude, b. 17 Mar 1886, d. 10 Aug 1966, s/w Helen McCoy, D1S4
McCoy, Infant, c/o AL & MS McCoy, S6
McCoy, Jane E, b. 29 May 1830, d. 23 Jun 1905, w/o John McCoy, S6
McCoy, John A, b. 19 Dec 1849, d. 23 Jun 1929, D1S3
McCoy, John, b. 27 Mar 1816, d. 9 Jun 1904, s/w Jane E McCoy, S6
McCoy, John, b. 3 Jun 1858, d. 18 Jul 1858, s/o John & JE McCoy, S6
McCoy, Kate Holloway, d. 1881, D1S4
McCoy, Lorena W, no dates, S6
McCoy, Mary E, b. 17 Dec 1822, d. 16 Sep 1902, D1S3
McCoy, Robert Stewart, b. 8 Jan 1854, d. 3 Oct 1877, s/w John McCoy, S6
McCoy, Scott Holloway, b. 1881, d. 1881, D1S4 **
McCoy, Scottie B, no dates, S6
McCoy, William S, b. 12 Apr 1888, d. 3 Aug 1945, Missouri, 1 Lieut. Inf. P.H., S6
McCoy, William, b. 14 May 1813, d. 13 Sep 1900, s/w Eleanor McCoy, S6
McCraw, Carl E, b. 1902, d. 1934, D2S2
McCraw, Eliza, b. 1840, d. 1870, mother, s/w Mary E Braden, D2S2
McCraw, Lucille, b. 1910, d. 1910, D2S2
McCraw, M E, d. 16 Jul 1889, Aged 52y, s/w WJ McCraw, D2S2
McCraw, Mary C, b. 1873, d. 1929, mother, D2S2
McCraw, Paul H, b. 1907, d. 1932, D2S2
McCraw, W J, d. 10 Feb 1893, Aged 72y, s/w ME McCraw, D2S2
McCraw, Wm. H, b. 1862, d. 1939, father, D2S2
McCready, I N, b. 1 Jan 1845, d. 18 Sep 1899, s/w TS McCready, D2S1
McCready, T S, b. 15 Nov 1839, d. 23 Aug 1910, s/w I N McCready, his wife, D2S1
McCuan, Susan D, b. 1855, d. 1935, mother, D2S1
McCumber, PTL. Harry E "Jack", b. 1923, d. 1955, son, S11
McCurdy, Alice, b. 1863, d. 1922, wife, s/w R W McCurdy, D1S1
McCurdy, Elizabeth R, b. 1821, d. 1876, s/w John G McCurdy, S5
McCurdy, Emma Joe, b. 1880, d. 1938, S6
McCurdy, Helen S, b. 1902, d. 1969, S6
McCurdy, John G, b. 1818, d. 1912, s/w Elizabeth R his wife, S5
McCurdy, John S, b. 19 Oct 1852, d. 12 Aug 1922, s/w Virginia A McCurdy, S5
McCurdy, Joseph A, b. 27 Mar 1859, d. 30 Oct 1934, S5
McCurdy, Ollie J, b. 28 Sep 1879, d. 24 Mar 1943, D1S2
McCurdy, R W, b. 1858, d. 1924, husband, s/w Alice his wife, D1S1
McCurdy, Ralph H, d. 2 Mar 1901, s/o JS & Alice McCurdy, aged 14y, 8m, 7d, S5
McCurdy, Robert Lee, b. 1870, d. 1921, S6
McCurdy, Virginia Alice, b. 15 Jul 1854, d. 8 Nov 1937, s/w John S McCurdy, S5
McCurtin, William, b. 1883, d. 1939, S19**
McDaniel, Cora B, b. 1884, d. 1947, s/w Stella M Mansfield, D2S1
McDaniel, Jos, Co M 15 KAN Cav, US shield, SH
McDaniels, Esther Duncan, b. 1895, d. 1976, mother, s/w Ewin E McDaniels, S12
McDaniels, Ewin E "Buck", b. 1891, d. 1952, father, s/w Esther McDaniels, S12
McDermott, Bartholomew, b. 8 Aug 1822 in County Galway Ireland, d. 11 Apr 1899, s/w Ellen, his wife, S19
McDermott, Bartley, b. 11 Jul 1868, d. 3 Nov 1915, S19
McDermott, Bridget A, b. 4 Jan 1874, d. 8 Aug 1903, w/o PF McDermott, S17
McDermott, Ellen, d. 20 Dec 1909, aged 73y, s/w Bartholomew McDermott, S19
McDermott, Helen, b. 30 Jun 1922, d. 20 Nov 2011, S12**
McDermott, John, b. 1859, d. 1938, S19**
McDermott, Mary N, b. 15 Feb 1867, d. 9 Jul 1890, w/o PF McDermott, S17
McDermott, Michael, b. 1866, d. 1930, S19
McDermott, P F, b. 25 Feb 1861, d. 7 Oct 1927, s/w Bridget A, his wife, S17
McDermott, Wm. F, b. 1898, d. 1957, S17
McDonald, Bathsheba Peery, b. 18 Aug 1825, d. 26 Apr 1837, w/o JB McDonald, D1S2
McDonald, Catherine C, b. 1883, d. 1944, s/w John McDonald, S17
McDonald, Frances Mae, b. 1881, d. 1946, m/o Louise T, S7
McDonald, Isabel Y, b. 1907, d. 2000, s/w John W McDonald, D1S2
McDonald, JB, b. 12 Nov 1824, d. 13 Nov 1900, D1S2
McDonald, John B, b. 1863, d. 1938, D1S2
McDonald, John W, b. 1905, d. 1992, s/w Isabel Y McDonald, D1S2
McDonald, John, b. 1874, d. 1948, s/w Catherine C McDonald, S17
McDonald, Mary H, b. 1867, d. 1918, w/o JB McDonald, D1S2
McDonald, Mary R, b. 1909, d. 1921, S17
McDonald, Nellie, b. 1879, d. 1944, D1S2
McDonnell, Bridget, b. 1848, d. 1926, mother, s/w Thomas McDonnell, S17
McDonnell, Thomas, b. 1846, d. 1890, father, s/w Bridget McDonnell, S17
McDonough, Hannah, born in Ireland 1831, d. 26 Oct 1892, aged 61y, S17
McDowell, Jennie Feronia, b. 28 Dec 1885, d. 20 Aug 1902, aged 16y, 7m, 23d, D1S4
McDowell, Mary C, b. 1864, d. 1928, mother, D2S2
McElurath, ??, b. 1844, d. 30 Oct 1889, D1S4 **
McElurath, Mary C, b. 1850, d. Aug 1872, D1S4 **
McFadden, Owen, d. 6 Jul 1864, Co C, 2nd COL, Cav, U.S. shield, aged 34y, D2S3
McFaden, John L, b. 16 Dec 1924, d. 5 Jun 2002, s/w Mary Theresa McFaden, S11
McFaden, Mary Theresa, b. 21 Mar 1930, d. 18 Apr 1986, s/w John L McFaden, S11
McFarland, Cammie S, d. 19 Nov 1876, d/o Rev WC & E McFarland, aged 18y, 8m, 16d, S5 *
McFarland, Celia A, b. 1876, d. 1972, S7
McFarland, James E, b. 1869, d. 1943, father, s/w Minnie M McFarland, D1S4
McFarland, Maig P, d. 21 Nov 1876, d/o Rev WE & E McFarland, aged 17y, 2m, S5 *
McFarland, Minnie M, b. 1875, d. 1945, mother, s/w James E McFarland, D1S4
McGargill, Jas., b. 1806, d. 1870, S19
McGaw, Alice, b. 1864, d. 1903, D2S1
McGaw, Kenneth L, b. 16 Aug 1911, d. 1 Feb 1944, Missouri, Pvt, 637 Coast Arty. BN. (AA), WWII, S8
McGhee, Clara B, b. 1873, d. 1945, s/w Lorenzo E McGhee, S9
McGhee, Lorenzo E, b. 1869, d. 1949, s/w Clara B McGhee, S9
McGilley, Gladys M, b. 1900, d. 1975, S17
McGinley, Charles C Rev, b. 12 Jul 1866, d. 27 Jul 1952, s/w Ella M McGinley, D1S3
McGinley, Ella M, b. 15 Jul 1867, d. 25 Feb 1948, s/w Rev. Charles C McGinley, D1S3
McGinley, Jennie C, b. 11 Nov 1869, d. 14 Aug 1902, w/o Rev CC McGinley, D1S3
McGinnis, Lula L., b. 1890, d. 1955, mother, s/w Sherry D Wolf, S9
McGirk, Mathias, d. 30 Oct 1884, aged 62y, 11m, 18d, D1S4
McGirk, Wm H, d. 25 Nov 1884, aged 31y, 10m, 23d, D1S4
McGoffin, E, Col. CSA, civil war vet, S7**
McGowan, Elizabeth Hogan, b. 22 Feb 1903, d. 23 Mar 1996, mother, S19
McGowan, F C "Jerry", b. 17 Nov 1892, d. 31 Dec 1988, father, veteran, WWI, Btry D, 129 Field Arty, served under Cap Harry S Truman, S19
McGowan, Mary Jean, b. 1 Nov 1926, d. 25 Oct 1990, w/o John F McGowan, m/o Mark, Maureen, Patricia, Paul, Cathleen, Dana, Robert, S19
McGowan, Robert Stephen, b. 19 Sep 1966, d. 25 Apr 2003, S19
McGraw, Della A, b. 1890, d. *1975, s/w Patrick H McGraw, S11
McGraw, Patrick H, b. 1872, d. 1958, s/w Della A McGraw, S11
McHenry, Alfred Earl, b. 18 Jul 1907, d. 09 Apr 2010, s/w Richard E & Mary V McHenry, S8
McHenry, Mary Virginia, b. 17 Apr 1908, d. 14 Nov 1967, mother, s/w Richard E & Alfred E McHenry, S8
McHenry, Richard Earl, b. 2 Apr 1932, d. blank, s/w Mary V & Alfred E McHenry, S8
McIntosh, J R, no dates, C.S.A., civil war vet, S7
McIntosh, John E, b. 1821, d. 27 Mar 1853, S7**
McIntyre, Randy G, b. 6 Mar 1969, d. 25 Nov 1969, S19
McKay, Effie Bonita "Barney", b. 2 Feb 1908, d. 2 Feb 1974, s/w James McKay Jr & Sr, S9
McKay, James Richeson Jr., b. 24 Jun 1940, d. 6 Mar 1943, s/w Effie & James McKay Sr., S9
McKay, James Richeson Sr., b. 1 Jul 1902, d. 9 Nov 1979, s/w Effie B & James McKay Jr., S9
McKee, Elizabeth A, b. 1854, d. 1909, mother, wow symbol, S17
McKee, Frank A, b. 11 Jun 1871, d. 4 Oct 1948, father, s/w Minnie McKee, S6
McKee, George Norbert, b. 24 Aug 1881, d. 30 Sep 1889, S17
McKee, Michael C, d. 8 Aug 1907, aged 55y, husband, father, wow symbol, S17
McKee, Minnie Krey, b. 26 May 1875, d. 21 Jul 1960, mother, s/w Frank A McKee, S6
McKelvey, Bertha L, b. 1886, d. 1956, s/w Russell E McKelvey, D1S1
McKelvey, Russell E, b. 1883, d. 1978, s/w Bertha L McKelvey, D1S1
McKibben, Mary A, b. 1908, d. 1942, wife, S11
McKinney, Callnup J, b. 1839, d. 1855, S7**
McLaughlin, Charles L, b. 11 Jul 1906, d. 2 Feb 1971, D1S4
McLaughlin, Charles P, b. 24 Feb 1872, d. 12 Oct 1913, woodmen of the world, D1S4
McLaughlin, Dorothy A, b. 9 Jul 1907, d. 18 Dec 1992, D1S4
McLaughlin, John H, b. 1840, d. 1906, CO H, 10 VA INF, CSA, D1S4
McLaughlin, Lawrence A, b. 1892, d. 1945, S11
McLaughlin, Margaret, b. 1877, d. 1950, mother, S19
McLees, Alexander F, b. 1911, d. 1965, husband, mason symbol, s/w Ollie B McLees, S11
McLees, Fred E, b. 22 Sep 1930, d. 4 May 1941, son, S11
McLees, Ollie B, b. 1912, d. 2003, wife, s/w Alexander F McLees, S11
McLellin, William Earl, b. 18 Jan 1806 in Smith Co Tenn., d. 14 Mar 1883 in Independence, MO, D1S2
McMahan, Cletus M, b. 2 Oct 1927, d. 31 Oct 1954, S11
McMahan, J Calvin, b. 1846, d. 1932, husband, 1st Serg. Co B, 2nd N J Vol Inf, s/w Julia M McMahan, S10
McMahan, Julia M, b. 1854, d. 1932, wife, s/w J Calvin McMahan, S10
McMahill, Maurice H, b. 30 Oct 1916, d. 5 Oct 1974, PFC, US Army, S12
McMahill, Naomi J, b. 13 Jun 1924, d. 18 Mar 1977, S12
McMillian, Charles S, b. 19 May 1847, d. 22 Aug 1935, S10
McMillian, Edward K, b & d 1926, S10
McMillin, Aileen B, b. 30 Jul 1906, d. 3 Jun 1996, s/w Clyde E McMillin, S12
McMillin, Clyde E, b. 2 Dec 1902, 24 Feb 1992, s/w Aileen B McMillin, S12
McMillin, Cynthia J, b. 1840, d. 1913, s/w Lucinda & David Cassell, D1S1
McMillin, James, b. 1834, d. 1918, s/w Sarah his wife, D1S1
McMillin, Sarah, b. 1836, d. 1927, s/w James McMillin, D1S1
McMurray, John H Dr, no dates, SURG, 7 MO Inf, CSA, civil war vet, S5
McMurray, William, no dates, stone missing, S5**
McMurtry, Calvin S, b. 6 Aug 1848, d. 16 Jan 1878, D1S4 **
McMurtry, Little Guy, b. 16 Jul 1878, d. 8 Apr 1879, s/o Calvin S & Mattie A.T. McMurtry, D1S4 **
McNulty, Harry J, b. 1865, d. 1933, S19
McNulty, Mary Larkin, b. 1848, d. 1927, S19
McPhail, Bernice, b. 14 Feb 1914, d. 26 Nov 1983, S9
McPherson, Bessie B, b. 1887, d. 1957, s/w George W McPherson, S10
McPherson, Francis Asbury, b. 6 Jan 1857, d. 22 Feb 1908, father, s/w Kathryn B McPherson, D1S2
McPherson, Frank R, b. 1851, d. 1915, S7
McPherson, G W, b. 1805, d. 1883, D1S2**
McPherson, George W, b. 1884, d. 1932, s/w Bessie B McPherson, S10
McPherson, Infant, d. 12 Jun 1888, s/o FA & KM McPherson, Aged 5d, D1S2
McPherson, Julia Ann, b. 1 Dec 1823, d. 29 Apr 1883, w/o CWG McPherson, D1S2
McPherson, Kathryn B, b. 6 Mar 1856, d. 2 Jul 1933, mother, s/w Francis Asbury McPherson, D1S2
McPherson, Margaret E, b. 1853, d. 1935, S7
McPhillips, Owen, d. 23 Aug 1886, aged 88y, S17
McSweeney, Mary, b. 13 Aug 1837, d. 18 Dec 1882, S17
McVicar, Lucy Ann, d. 28 Dec 1887, w/o of Wm McVicar, Age 51y, 11m, mother, D2S1
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