Search Missouri Death Records
Missouri Newspapers, Full Search (1808-1949), 140 titles
Missouri Obituary Search, (1988-current)
Missouri Funeral Notices
Woodlawn Cemetery
Independence, Jackson County, Missouri
Contributed by Sharon Kroner, Sep 29, 2008 [].
Sabrowsky, Emma J, b. 1869, d. 1944, mother, s/w Rev Chas E Sabrowsky, S10
Sabrowsky, Rev Chas. T, b. 1861, d. 1935, father, s/w Emma J Sabrowsky, S10
Sadler, J Byron, b. 1896, d. 1982, dad, s/w Tillie A Sadler, S9
Sadler, J.L., b. 1854, d. 1936, s/w Sarah his wife, D1S3
Sadler, Sarah E., b. 1860, d. 1920, s/w JL Sadler, D1S3
Sadler, Tillie A, b. 1895, d. 1960, m. 3 Apr 1915, mom, s/w J Byron Sadler, S9
Salerno, Rose M, b. 1919, d. 1981, wife, s/w Santo J Salerno, S19
Salerno, Santo J, b. 1915, d. 1972, husband, s/w Rose M Salerno, S19
Salisbury, Agnes Walker, b. 11 Nov 1832, d. 10 Sep 1897, w/o S W Salisbury, Salisbury mau, D1S1
Salisbury, Laura Ann, b. 1891, d. 1942, S7
Salisbury, Laura, d. 7 Aug 1908, d/o Mark S & Mary Salisbury, Age 19y, Salisbury mau, D1S1
Salisbury, Mark S, b. 17 Oct 1887, d. 21 Apr 1967, Missouri, Lt. Col. Field Arty. USAR, WWI, S7
Salisbury, Mark Spencer, b. 17 Jan 1858, d. 30 Oct 1946, Salisbury mau, D1S1
Salisbury, S W, b. 9 Feb 1826, d. 18 Jan 1901, Salisbury mau, D1S1
Salva, Matus, b. 1877, d. 1918, father, S19
Samples, Carrie B Gallagher, d. 1 Feb 1889, w/o G B Samples, Age 24y, 9m, 15d, D1S1
Sampson, Annie, b. 1871, d. 1947, s/w Lillie Sampson, S9
Sampson, Elizabeth, b. 28 Feb 1825, d. 27 Feb 1895, w/o Moses Sampson, mother, S7
Sampson, Lillie, b. 1859, d. 1954, s/w Annie Sampson, S9
Sampson, Moses, b. 18 Aug 1812, d. 8 Mar 1895, father, S7
Sampson, Porter H, b. 7 Aug 1861, d. 31 May 1930, S7
Sampson, Rob't G, b. 14 Oct 1847, d. 29 Jul 1902, S7
Sampson, Solomon, b. 27 Jul 1850, d. 5 Apr 1917, S7
Sanders, Frata E, b. 7 Dec 1919, d. 2 Jan 1990, S11
Sanders, L J, b. 9 Apr 1933, d. blank, s/w Mary Ann Sanders, S9
Sanders, Mary Ann, b. 29 Aug 1923, d. 2 Jul 2008, s/w LJ Sanders, S9
Sanders, Phyllis V, b. 13 Nov 1938, d. 23 Jan 1994, wife, S11
Sands, Edward Roe, b. 20 Jul 1894, d. 7 Feb 1964, Missouri, SGT, US Marine Corps, WWI, S5
Sanford, Bessie S, b. 1882, d. 1971, S11
Sanford, James O, b. 1872, d. 1934, S11
Sapp Margaret Rose, b. 1939, d. 1958, S12
Sapp, Beulah Tate, b. 13 Jul 1893, d. 20 Jan 1961, s/w Kitt George Sapp, S11
Sapp, Kitt George, b. 20 Nov 1887, d. 8 Oct 1959, s/w Beulah Tate Sapp, S11
Sapper, Carl H Jr., b. blank, d. blank, s/w Elizabeth Sapper, D1S1
Sapper, Elizabeth "Beb", b. 27 Oct 1923, d. 13 Jun 2005, s/w Carl H Sapper Jr., D1S1
Sargent, Emma P, b. 1843, d. 1934, S10
Sargent, P V, b. 1841, d. 1928, S10
Sauerbier, Alfred, b. 1875, d. 1961, s/w Eliza Jane Sauerbier, S9
Sauerbier, Bertha, b. 1869, d. 1885, D1S1
Sauerbier, Clarence F, b. 1885, d. 1956, D1S1
Sauerbier, Eliza Jane, b. 1873, d. 1957, s/w Alfred Sauerbier, S9
Sauerbier, Harry J, b. 1886, d. 1935, D1S1
Sauerbier, Henrietta A F, b. 1849, d. 1912, mother, D1S1
Sauerbier, Herman, b. 1873, d. 1956, D1S1
Sauerbier, J Truitt, b. 1915, d. 1977, S10
Sauerbier, John C, b. 1880, d. 1880, D1S1
Sauerbier, John F C, b. 1841, d. 1929, father, D1S1
Sauerbier, Leopold W, b. 1889, d. 1975, D1S1
Sauerbier, Paul F, b. 1875, d. 1882, D1S1
Sauerbier, Pearl T, b. 1892, d. 1986, D1S1
Sauerbier, Rudolph A, b. 1877, d. 1882, D1S1
Saul, Blanch Madden, b. 1867, d. 1951, mother, S12
Saulsburry, Beatrice, b. 1893, d. 1965, D2S2
Saunders, Elbert, b. 1871, d. 1935, S7**
Saunders, John M, d. 11 Jan 1884, s/o SMC & SM Saunders, Aged 25y, 22d, D1S2
Saunders, Sallie M, d. 7 Oct 1883, w/o SMC Saunders, Aged 59y, 7m, 26d, D1S2
Saunders, Samuel M.C., b. 7 Jul 1822, d. 5 Apr 1903, D1S2
Sauvageau, Agnes Marie Jeanne, b. 4 Mar 1909, d. 23 Feb 1995, s/w William W Heffner, S12
Savage, Ida M, b. 1883, d. 1953, s/w James E Savage, S9
Savage, James E, b. 1869, d. 1946, mason symbol, s/w Ida M Savage, S9
Sawyer, Kathelyna, b. 5 Dec 1914, d. 26 Jul 1990, mother, S11
Sawyer, Lena May, b. 31 May 1891, d. 4 Aug 1969, daughter, S11
Sawyer, Louis, d. 5 Jan 1885, aged 81y, 1m, 14d, S5 *
Sawyer, Owen Wm., b. 27 Dec 1894, d. 28 Oct 1957, father, WWI veteran, S11
Sawyer, William H, b. 8 Oct 1857, d. 27 Nov 1937, father, S11
Sawyer, William W, b. 24 Nov 1878, d. 1 May 1938, D1S1 **
Scanlan, Thomas F, b. 8 Jun 1887, d. 25 Mar 1944, father, S11
Scanlon, Johana, b. 12 Jan 1830, d. 12 Jul 1882, mother, S17
Scanlon, John P, b. 15 Aug 1864, d. 8 Jun 1927, son, S17
Scanlon, Michael W, b. 12 Feb 1867, d. 29 Aug 1888, son, S17
Scanlon, Patrick, b. 24 Jan 1824, d. 29 Sep 1879, father, S17
Scanlon, Thomas J, b. 15 Aug 1864, d. 6 Jun 1900, son, S17
Scantlebury, K C, b. 5 Jun 1986, d. 20 Nov 1989, D2S2
Scantlin, Catherine J, b. 26 Oct 1880, d. Sep 14 1955, mother, S11
Schabel, George Eugene, b. 30 Nov 1920, d. 6 Mar 1978, CPL US Army, WWII, S21
Schaefer, Elizabeth Anne "Sis", b. 1925, d. 2004, S19
Schannuth, Anna Drewel, b. 6 Oct 1873, d. 8 Aug 1935, S8
Schannuth, Armin Johann, b. 22 Mar 1902, d. 22 Aug 1987, S8
Schannuth, Beulah A "Kreeger", b. 23 Mar 1919, d. 16 Jul 1997, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, S8
Schannuth, Irene Opfer, b. 23 Jun 1911, d. 5 Apr 1939, S8
Scheidenberger, Mayme K, b.1877, d. 1955, mother, S6
Schenk, Ida M C, b. 28 Mar 1890, d. 15 Jan 1949, mother, s/w Rev FEJ Schenk, S9
Schenk, Rev. F E J Schenk, b. 21 Jul 1889, d. 14 Nov 1944, father, s/w Ida M C Schenk, S9
Scheperclaus, Amanda C, b. 1883, d. 1967, mother, s/w August E Scheperclaus, S9
Scheperclaus, August E, b. 1883, d. 1955, father, s/w Amanda C Scheperclaus, S9
Scherer, Lodema, b. 1936, d. 1938, dau, s/w Theodore Ted Scherer, S8
Scherer, Theodor Ted, b. 1914, d. 1938, father, s/w Lodema Scherer, S8
Schermann, Addison B, b. 3 Oct 1907, d. 23 Oct 1952, Kansas, Sgt, 27 Tank BN, WWII, S11
Schermesser, Anton, b. 1858, d. 1932, father, s/w Elizabeth Schermesser, S8
Schermesser, Elizabeth, b. 1858, d. 1923, mother, s/w Anton Schermesser, S8
Schermesser, Tillie, b. 25 Dec 1887, d. 29 Sep 1977, S8
Schiebel, Martha C, b. 1894, d. 1971, S19
Schiermollo, William, no dates, stone buried in ground, S5
Schlickelman, Arnold Louis, b. 1921, d. 1980, s/w Reba Mae Schlickelman, S11
Schlickelman, Reba Mae, b. 1927, d. 1975, s/w Arnold Louis Schlickelman, S11
Schlickelman, Richard Dean, b. 2 Aug 1946, d. 8 May 1963, son, S11
Schmidt, Frances C, b. 28 Oct 1910, d. 9 May 1989, s/w William J Schmidt, S21
Schmidt, William J, b. 8 Jun 1907, d. 13 Feb 1989, p/o Bill, Jim, Bud, Bob, Jerry, Roger, Mary, Don, s/w Frances C Schmidt, S21
Schneider, Annie E, b. 24 Jul 1836, d. 19 Sep 1911, w/o John Schnieder, mother, D1S1
Schneider, John M, b. in Switzerland 15 Jun 1835, d. 1 Jan 1884, D1S1
Schneller, Mary F, b. 1911, d. 1989, m. 12 Jun 1937, mother, s/w Peter J Schneller, S11
Schneller, Peter J, b. 1902, d. 1989, father, s/w Mary F Schneller, S11
Schneller, Robert, b. 28 Jan 1941, d. 29 Jan 1941, s/o Peter & Mary Schneller Sr., S11
Scholl, Cy Lee, b. 29 Aug 1892, d. 29 Mar 1904, s/o JP & NM Scholl, D1S2
Scholl, Eveline, b. 1831, d. 1922, D1S3
Scholl, John P, b. 20 Apr 1860, d. 26 Sep 1931, D1S2
Scholl, Marcus, b. 5 Nov 1826, d. 19 Jan 1898, D1S3
Scholl, Nannie M, b. 18 Mar 1865, d. 8 Mar 1924, w/o JP Scholl, D1S2
Schornhorst, Henry Jacob, b. 3 Nov 1903, d. 28 Jan 1965, husband & father, SH
Schornhorst, Lillian Mae, b. 27 Sep 1920, d. 22 Feb 1968, mother, SH
Schornhorst, William, b. 17 Nov 1895, d. 19 Sep 1949, Missouri, Pvt, 329 Inf, 83 Div, WWI, SH
Schowengerdt, Anna E, b. 1874, d. 1957, s/w Ernest W Schowengerdt, S5
Schowengerdt, Anna, b. 1849, d. 1947, mother, S5
Schowengerdt, Ernest W, b. 1873, d. 1958, s/w Anna E Schowengerdt, S5
Schowengerdt, Fredrech, b. 12 May 1816, d. 10 Apr 1899, s/w Lissa his wife, D1S3
Schowengerdt, Howard, b. 1926, d. 1927, s/o Oscar & Paula Schowengerdt, S5
Schowengerdt, Jacob E, b. 25 Feb 1848, d. 5 Jan 1906, father, D1S3
Schowengerdt, Laura L, b. 1884, d. 1970, s/w Otto H Schowengerdt, S5
Schowengerdt, Lissa, b. 5 Apr 1818, d. 28 Feb 1883, w/o F. Schowengerdt, D1S3
Schowengerdt, Louis B, b. 1861, d. 1938, S8
Schowengerdt, Margaret, b. 1853, d. 1938, D1S3
Schowengerdt, Mary, b. 1862, d. 1953, S8
Schowengerdt, Oscar G, b. 11 Mar 1883, d. 16 Feb 1957, s/w Paula M Schowengerdt, S5
Schowengerdt, Otto H, b. 1879, d. 1944, s/w Laura L Schowengerdt, S5
Schowengerdt, Paula M, b. 16 Jul 1887, d. 14 Nov 1945, s/w Oscar G Schowengerdt, S5
Schowengerdt, Theodore F, b. 1853, d. 1928, D1S3
Schowengerdt, Wm, b. 1839, d. 1916, father, S5
Schroeder, Carl D, b. 16 May 1860, d. 6 Nov 1941, S7
Schroeder, Johney, b. 15 May 1898, d. 27 Mar 1902, s/o GD & VM Schroeder, S7
Schulenberg, Anna M, b. 1885, d. 1961, s/w Walter E Schulenberg, S9
Schulenberg, Bertha J, b. 1884, d. 1968, s/w Louis C Schulenberg, S9
Schulenberg, Chester H, b. 1916, d. 2008, father, s/w Jessie B & David Chester Schulenberg, S11
Schulenberg, David Chester, b. 1946, d. 1947, son, s/w Chester H & Jessie B Schulenberg, S11
Schulenberg, Frederick, b. 1841, d. 1931, S6
Schulenberg, Jessie B, b. 1917, d. blank, mother, s/w Chester H & David Chester Schulenberg, S11
Schulenberg, John F, b. 1875, d. 1960, s/w Ollia P Schulenberg, S12
Schulenberg, John Sr, b. 1846, d. 1932, father, D1S4
Schulenberg, Katherine, b. 1848, d. 1922, S6
Schulenberg, Lee Roy, b. 1913, d. 1995, father, s/w Mabel B Schulenberg, S11
Schulenberg, Lou Bell, b. 1897, d. 1995, mother, s/w Roy H Schulenberg, S11
Schulenberg, Louis C, b. 1879, d. 1953, s/w Bertha J Schulenberg, S9
Schulenberg, Louisa, b. 1856, d. 1931, mother, D1S4
Schulenberg, Mabel B, b. 1915, d. 2007, mother, s/w Lee Roy Schulenberg, S11
Schulenberg, Mary, b. 1859, d. 1898, s/w William Schulenberg, D1S4
Schulenberg, Ollia P, b. 1880, d. 1966, s/w John F Schulenberg, S12
Schulenberg, Roy H, b. 1891, d. 1969, father, s/w Lou Bell Schulenberg, S11
Schulenberg, Theodore, b. 1 Aug 1881, d. 4 Mar 1949, dad, D1S4
Schulenberg, Walter E, b. 1885, d. 1965, s/w Anna M Schulenberg, S9
Schulenberg, William, b. 1849, d. 1925, s/w Mary his wife, D1S4
Schuler, Dolores, b. 1916, d. 1977, m. 4 Feb 1939, mom, s/w Francis Schuler, S21
Schuler, Francis, b. 1915, d. 2002, dad, s/w Dolores Schuler, S21
Schulz, Anna Knox, b. 2 Jun 1915, d. 7 Jun 1946, w/o Dr. C W Schulz, mother, S11
Schulz, Dr. Carl A, b. 1886, d. 1955, S11
Schulz, Wilhelmine E, b. 1888, d. 1975, S11
Schulze, Charles W, b. 15 Jan 1877, d. 6 Mar 1956, father, D1S1
Schulze, Edith E, b. 20 May 1874, d. 8 Jul 1955, mother, D1S1
Schulze, Olinda E, b. 16 Jan 1898, d. 22 Oct 1989, mother, s/w Georgia L Cook, S9
Schumacher, Doris M, b. 9 Mar 1929, d. 16 Jan 1995, s/w George W Schumacher, S12
Schumacher, Edith A, b. 7 Dec 1906, d. 4 Oct 1980, s/w George L Schumacher, S12
Schumacher, George L, b. 11 Apr 1904, d. 26 Dec 1964, s/w Edith A Schumacher, S12
Schumacher, George W, b. 12 May 1928, d. 20 Dec 1989, s/w Doris M Schumacher, S12
Schumacher, Josie, b. 1852, d. 11 Feb 1913, w/o Thomas Schumacher, SH
Schuman, Louise F, b. 1898, d. 1977, s/w William Schuman, S5
Schuman, William, b. 1898, d. 1972, s/w Louise F Schuman, S5
Schuster, Erna W, b. 1904, d. *8 Sep 2001, S11
Schuster, Gustave H, b. 1867, d. 1945, s/w Louise K Schuster, S11
Schuster, Louise K, b. 1877, d. 1949, s/w Gustave H Schuster, S11
Schutz, Carolyn Bryant, b. 5 Mar 1875, d. 2 Dec 1953, D1S3
Schutz, William H. MD, b. 13 Feb 1871, d. 29 Oct 1932, D1S3
Schwamb, Albert L, b. 1903, d. 1956, father, S12
Schwartz, Helen A, b. 27 Apr 1911, d. blank, mother, s/w Leonard E Schwartz, S11
Schwartz, Leonard E, b. 8 Jul 1904, d. 9 Mar 1952, father, s/w Helen A Schwartz, S11
Schweitzer, Anna, b. 1857, d. 1929, mother, S19
Schweitzer, Elizabeth, b. 1 Oct 1888, d. 16 Feb 1909, S19
Schweitzer, John A, b. 11 Sep 1891, d. 18 Feb 1973, S19
Schweitzer, Thomas, b. 1883, d. 1959, S19
Scott, Anna Lee, b. 1853, d. 1924, aunt, D2S1
Scott, Anna M, b. 1875, d. 1953, D1S4
Scott, Anna R, b. 6 Oct 1888, d. 27 Feb 1958, S11
Scott, Ben F, b. 9 Apr 1920, d. 12 Mar 1994, s/w Irene E Scott, S8
Scott, Dorothea M, b. 1916, d. 1996, dau, S11
Scott, Flora E, b. 1894, d. 1973, s/w Will Scott, SH
Scott, Hugh G, b. 1900, d. 1951, father, S12
Scott, Irene E, b. 8 Jun 1920, d. 31 Jan 1987, s/w Ben F Scott, S8
Scott, Leaner C, b. 1949, d. 1970, SH
Scott, Lilburn E, b. 1853, d. 1929, uncle, D2S1
Scott, Mary Ann, b. 1835, d. 1917, grandmother, D2S1
Scott, Nancy, d. 24 Mar 1851, aged 17y, 3m, 12d, S6**
Scott, Sally M, b. 25 Aug 1930, d. blank, m. 10 Apr 1953, s/w William C Scott, S21
Scott, Sarah E, d. 25 Mar 1851, aged 18y, 10m, 4d, S6
Scott, Susan, d. 17 Mar 1851, aged 48y, 3m, S6
Scott, Will, b. 1878, d. 1966, s/w Flora E Scott, SH
Scott, William C, b. 29 Dec 1929, d. 19 Nov 2008, US Air Force, Korea, s/w Sally M Scott, S21
Scruggs, Henrietta, d. 1 Sep 1861, w/o James Scruggs, aged 65y, 8m, 6d, top of stone missing, S5**
Scruggs, James, d. 1 Feb 1883, Aged 91y, S5
Scruggs, John G, b. 1 May 1824, d. 8 Feb 1853, S5
Scruggs, Johnie, no dates, c/o T.B. & Orrilla A Scruggs, S5
Scruggs, Ora, no dates, c/o T.B. & Orrilla A Scruggs, S5
Scruggs, Orrilla A, d. 6 Apr 1878, w/o T.B. Scruggs, Aged 39y, 8m, 21d, S5
Scruggs, Oscar F, d. 26 Apr 1858, aged 32y, 9m, 26d, stone broken, parts missing, S5**
Sea, Hiram LeRoi, b. 31 Oct 1882, d. 1 Nov 1950, father, D1S2
Sea, John A II, b. 17 Jan 1911, d. 7 May 1914, D1S2
Sea, John A, b. 5 Aug 1850, d. 20 Apr 1936, father, D1S2
Sea, Julie Thomes, b. 7 Jun 1890, d. 16 Nov 1947, mother, D1S2
Sea, Leroy M, b. 5 Mar 1823, d. 13 Feb 1913, D1S2
Sea, Mary M, b. 31 Oct 1825, d. 14 May 1897, w/o Leroy M Sea, D1S2
Sea, Sarah C, b. 25 Aug 1857, d. 3 Jan 1936, mother, D1S2
Searcy, Charles A, b. 19 Feb 1915, d. 18 Sep 1949, Missouri, Pvt, 306 Medical BN, WWII, S9
Searcy, Dewey E, b. 2 Dec 1898, d. 8 Sep 1943, s/w Letha R Searcy, S11
Searcy, Gayle W, b. 18 Nov 1899, d. 13 Jul 1979, S5
Searcy, Hugh T, b. 1877, d. 1970, s/w Tynia Jo & Perna E Searcy, S12
Searcy, Leroy, b. 22 May 1924, d. 21 Sep 1956, Wyoming, Sgt, US Army, WWII, S8
Searcy, Letha R, b. 7 Jul 1904, d. 3 Dec 1983, s/w Dewey E Searcy, S11
Searcy, Perna E, b. 1881, d. 1960, s/w Tynia Jo & Hugh T Searcy, S12
Searcy, Roy M "Jack", b. 20 Feb 1893, d. 12 Feb 1958, S5
Searcy, Tynia Jo, b. 1905, d. 1975, s/w Perna E & Hugh T Searcy, S12
Searle, Joseph F, b. 1891, d. 1926, I.H.S., S6
Searle, Margaret V, b. 1900, d. 1926, I.H.S., S6
Searles, Albert B, 1885, d. 1968, s/w Eula V Searles, S8
Searles, Eula V, b. 1892, d. 1979, s/w Albert B Searles, S8
Sears, Esther G, b. 2 Dec 1898, d. blank, S11
Sears, Lucinda, b. 30 Dec 1935, d. 15 May 1954, daughter, S11
Sears, Raymond E, b. 8 Nov 1898, d. 24 Sep 1951, S11
Seaton, Cora A, b. 1869, d. 1954, mother, S8
Seaton, Georgia H, b. 1902, d. 1987, m. 19 Jan 1935, s/w Weldon B Seaton, S8
Seaton, Weldon B, b. 1901, d. 1980, s/w Georgia H Seaton, S8
Sebolt, Baby, d. 1909, S7
Sebolt, Bessie, b. 1891, d. 1924, s/w Charles A Sebolt, S7
Sebolt, Charles A, b. 1878, d. 1932, s/w Bessie his wife, S7
Sebolt, Christian, b. 1863, d. 1942, s/w Minnie Lee his wife, S7
Sebolt, Frederick E, b. 11 Mar 1868, d. 29 Dec 1943, father, S7
Sebolt, Frederick, b. 5 Sep 1834, d. 29 Dec 1905, father, s/w Louisa his wife, S7
Sebolt, Louisa, b. 22 Aug 1837, d. 27 Jul 1920, mother, s/w Frederick Sebolt, S7
Sebolt, Marlena T, b. 24 Feb 1876, d. 2 Jan 1935, mother, S7
Sebolt, Minnie Lee, b. 1872, d. 1932, s/w Christian Sebolt, S7
See, Earl H, b. 2 Feb 1919, d. 8 Oct 1954, Missouri, Captain, US Marine Corps, WWII, S12
Seek, Anthony David, b. 28 Oct 1979, d. 27 Apr 1980, s/o Linda & Marvin Seek, S11
Seek, Wilford M, b. 23 Aug 1928, d. 16 Nov 1954, S11
Seevers, Arthur I, b. 1900, d. 1982, s/w Flossie M Seevers, S6
Seevers, Flossie M, b. 1901, d. 1998, s/w Arthur I Seevers, S6
Seigler, Mary M, b. 1891, d. 1956, s/w Walter A Seigler, S17
Seigler, Walter A, b. 1886, d. 1942, s/w Mary M Seigler, S17
Seitz, Becky M, b. 1897, d. blank, D1S3
Sejkora, Dana Stewart, b. 1959, d. 1989, S12
Selby, Albert, b. 1876, d. 1948, S7
Selby, James A, b. 1830, d. 1909, S7
Selby, Lou Hunter, b. 1891, d. 1972, S6
Selby, Olive, b. 1884, d. 1927, S7
Selby, Sarella J, b. 1847, d. 1922, S7
Selders, Eugene L, b. 6 Apr 1913, d. 24 Jun 1979, s/w Monica T Selders, S6
Selders, Martha Edith Covington, d. 16 Jan 1968, S6
Selders, Monica T, b. 19 Aug 1919, d. 5 Nov 1996, s/w Eugene L Selders, S6
Selders. E.L. "Pat" Jr., b. 27 Jun 1946, d. 25 Feb 1980, S6
Sellers, Marian F, b. 1929, d. 1983, wife, S7
Sellers, William Lewis, b. 1920, d. 1969, husband, S7
Senden, Blanch Ester, b. 1890, d. 1919, w/o E H Senden, D1S4
Senden, Dorris L, b. 1912, d. 1919, d/o E H & Blanch Senden, D1S4
Senna, Albert J, b. 1901, d. 1948, s/w Crystal M Senna, S9
Senna, Crystal M, b. 1894, d. 1965, s/w Albert J Senna, S9
Sepko, Helen, b. 1881, d. 1943, mother, S12
Sepko, Helena, b. 1888, d. 1943, mother, S12
Sepko, John William, b. 7 Nov 1914, d. 29 Apr 1995, Cpl US Army, WWII, S12
Sepko, Michael, b. 7 Nov 1872, d. 23 Apr 1952, S12
Sermon, David Duncan, d. 15 Jul 1941, S6
Sermon, Martha Edith Rogers, b. 17 Jan 1906, d. 22 Aug 1991, s/w William H Sermon, S9
Sermon, Mary Estell, b. 27 Dec 1890, d. 14 Jul 1966, s/w Roger T Sermon, S9
Sermon, Roger T Jr, b. 8 Oct 1918, d. 28 Mar 1998, sewing symbol, S9
Sermon, Roger T, b. 2 Nov 1891, d. 23 Jan 1950, s/w Mary Estell Sermon, S9
Sermon, William H, b. 31 Jul 1900, d. 10 Apr 1968, s/w Martha E Sermon, S9
Sevcz, Andrew, d. 28 Apr 1915, S19
Seymour, Jewell N, b. 1903, d. 1984, mother, S11
Shand, Geo., b. 1849, d. 1925, s/w George Hendry, D1S3
Shanks, William C, b. 12 Apr 1823, no death date, S7**
Shannon, Leola F, b. 31 Oct 1920, d. 27 Feb 1995, s/w Robert A Shannon, S12
Shannon, Robert A, b. 9 Sep 1917, d. 3 Feb 1999, s/w Leola F Shannon, S12
Sharp, ??, no dates, w/o H Sharp, mother, SH
Sharp, Elizabeth, d. 6 Jul 1865, aged 68y, D1S4 **
Sharp, Henry L, b. 1887, d. 1965, s/w Rose Sharp, S11
Sharp, Rose, b. 1886, d. 1974, s/w Henry L Sharp, S11
Sharpe, Mary Catherine Sister, d. 22 Jan 1965, RSM, S19
Shaw, Frank, b. 5 Aug 1867, d. 2 Oct 1867, s/o JF & MJ Shaw, base only, S6**
Shaw, Fred, b. 1874, d. 1927, S6
Shaw, George C, b. 4 Apr 1895, d. 21 Aug 1895, s/o GW & MC Shaw, S17
Shaw, George F, b. 1837, d. 1922, father, S6
Shaw, George W, b. 1862, d. 1938, s/w Mayme C Shaw, S17
Shaw, John H Jr., b. 1916, d. 1960, son, s/w Mary E & John H Shaw, S12
Shaw, John H, b. 1876, d. 1962, father, s/w Mary E & John H Shaw Jr., S12
Shaw, Margaret J, b. 1835, d. 1908, mother, S6
Shaw, Mary E, b. 1886, d. 1967, mother, s/w John H & John H Shaw Jr., S12
Shaw, Mary Temple, b. 18 Oct 1893, d. 23 Feb 1978, S17
Shaw, Mayme C, b. 1871, d. 1936, s/w George W Shaw, S17
Shawhan, Aileen R, b. 1886, d. 1982, mother, S7
Shawhan, George Albert, b. 1879, d. 1949, father, S7
Shea, Thomas J, b. 1864, d. 1936, S19
Sheehan, Grace Martin, b. 1901, d. 1987, s/w Joseph Harold Sheehan, S17
Sheehan, Joanne, b. 1929, d. 2002, S17
Sheehan, Joseph Harold, b. 1898, d. 1987, s/w Grace Martin Sheehan, S17
Sheley, Harriet Trice, b. 16 Jul 1885, d. 5 Jun 1947, mother, S7
Sheley, Horace, b. 30 Dec 1846, d. 26 Dec 1926, s/w Robert Horace Sheley, S7
Sheley, James K, b. 17 Mar 1815, d. 7 Nov 1893, s/w Mary A.E. & Mary C his wives, S7
Sheley, Luncinda Jane, b. 1852, d. 1937, mother, s/w Dr. Oliver Caldwell Sheley, S7
Sheley, Mary AE, b. 26 Jan 1821, d. 4 Mar 1871, s/w James K Sheley, S7
Sheley, Mary C, b. 9 Nov 1834, d. 4 Mar 1891, s/w James K Sheley, S7
Sheley, Mary, b. 2 Jan 1916, d. 1 Mar 1935, w/o of Horace, S7**
Sheley, Oliver C (Sheik), b. 2 Feb 1881, d. 18 Apr 1967, father, S7
Sheley, Oliver Caldwell Dr., b. 1855, d. 1939, father, s/w Lucinda Jane Sheley, S7
Sheley, Oliver Caldwell, b. 16 Oct 1912, d. 27 Jun 1976, father, S9
Sheley, Robert Horace, b. 2 Jan 1916, d. 1 Mar 1935, s/w Horace Sheley, S7
Sheley, Robert, b. 5 Nov 1851, d. 2 Jun 1891, S7
Shelhorn, Carolyn J Hopkins, b. 6 Jan 1941, d. blank, m. 15 Dec 1962, s/w Albert D Shellhorn, S5
Shelky, Lulu B, b. 1889, d. 1935, wife, S5
Shellhorn, Albert D "Ab", b. 28 Oct 1939, d. blank, p/o Albert D Jr, Aaron D & Virginia C, s/w Carolyn J Shellhorn, S5
Shelton, Alfred W, b. 1854, d. 1936, s/w Amanda M Shelton, S10
Shelton, Amanda M, b. 1857, d. 1941, s/w Alfred W Shelton, S10
Shelton, Michael P, b. 15 Dec 1946, d. 13 Mar 1998, father, s/w Rose L Shelton, S21
Shelton, Nelle Hampton, b. 1882, d. 1966, S11
Shelton, Rose L, b. 26 Sep 1941, d. 7 Dec 1986, m. 24 Dec 1970, mother, s/w Michael P Shelton, S21
Shelton, Steven A, b. 3 Jan 1977, d. 4 Jan 1977, baby, S21
Shepherd, Clarence, b. 1881, d. 1971, s/w Mae Shepherd, S8
Shepherd, Hallie G, b. 1867, d. Aug 1871, S7**
Shepherd, Hugh, b. 1873, d. 1957, S7
Shepherd, Mae, 1892, d. 1948, s/w Clarence Shepherd, S8
Shepherd, Mildred M, d. 1891, aged 6m, S17
Shepherd, Nannie, b. 1877, d. 1963, S11
Shepherd, Pearl V, b. 1886, d. 1961, s/w Roy M Shepherd, S11
Shepherd, Roy M, b. 1881, d. 1960, s/w Pearl V Shepherd, S11
Sheridan, Elizabeth, a native of Croyer Co. Monaghan Ireland, d. 12 Oct 1863, w/o Thomas Sheridan, aged 34y, S17
Sheridan, Evelyn M, b. 18 Jul 1909, d. 6 Mar 1989, mother, S8
Sheridan, Lee Christy, b. 16 Jun 1871, d. 25 Nov 1904, S7
Sheridan, Verlin L, b. 7 Dec 1904, d. 13 May 1956, father, S8
Sherman, Edwin L, b. Aug 1878, d. Mar 1966, S9
Sherman, John S, d. 23 Oct 1944, Age 75y, 1m, 9d, D1S1 **
Sherman, Lilly E, b. May 1878, d. May 1958, S9
Sherman, Walter H, b. 13 Jun 1880, d. 20 Oct 1945, S5
Sherman, Winnie, b. 1855, d. 1930, mother, S5
Sherwood, Henry Young, b. 28 Mar 1867, d. 20 Nov 1896, D1S3
Sherwood, William, d. 187__, S5 *
Shields, Alta M, b. 1911, d. 1995, eastern star symbol, mother, S11
Shields, Clement W, d. 18 Sep 1855, s/o EY & Mary Shield, aged 2y, 7m, S7
Shields, Russell A, b. 1907, d. 1957 father, S11
Shields, Samuel, b. 1871, d. 1950, father, D2S2
Shields, William G, d. 15 Nov 1853, s/o Edward & Mary, S7**
Shimfessel, Carrie L, b. 1874, d. 1939, mother, D1S3
Shimfessel, Walter R, b. 1872, d. 1970, father, D1S3
Shingle, Alice M, b. 8 May 1851, d. 1 Sep 1930, s/w Maude N Maxwell, D1S4
Shipley, Alexander, b. 11 Jul 1881, d. blank, stone broken, parts missing, D1S3
Shipley, Chester F, b. 1867, d. 1951, father, D1S3
Shipley, John P, d. 3Apr 1889, aged 21y, 3m, D1S3
Shipley, Mary Catherine, b. 1 May 1828, d. 4 Aug 1902, D1S3
Shipley, Myrtle L, b. 24 Aug 1887, d. blank, stone broken, parts missing, D1S3
Shipley, Polly, D, b. 13 Feb 1850, d. blank, D1S3
Shirk, Agnes (Arend), b. 13 Apr 1892, d. 24 Feb 1991, mother, S21
Shively, Andrew J, d. 12 May 1876, aged 34y, 10m, 12d, S6
Shively, Lemuel H, d. 27 Sep 1870, s/o AJ & Annie Shively, aged 4y, 11m, 19d, S6
Shoemaker, Edward, b. 24 Sep 1860, d. 5 Mar 1915, Woodsman of the World symbol, D1S2
Shoemaker, Harold G, b & d 1921, son, S11
Shoemaker, Lee, b. 21 Jan 1892, d. 24 Aug 1909, D1S2
Shoemaker, Lorna D, b. 1900, d. 1988, s/w P Harry Shoemaker, S11
Shoemaker, Mae, b. 1887, d. 1953, mother, S11
Shoemaker, P Harry, b. 1897, d. 1973, s/w Lorna D Shoemaker, S11
Shoemaker, Wm. H, b. 4 Apr 1888, d. 22 Jun 1940, D1S2
Shore, Sarah Kenton, b. 1844, d. 1920, mother, D1S4
Short, Bertha, b. 21 Jan 1882, d. 31 Jan 1978, s/w Charley Short, S11
Short, Charley, b. 4 Mar 1878, d. 29 Apr 1946, s/w Bertha Short, S11
Short, James H, b. 1860, d. 1938, D1S1
Shortridge, Mary S, d. 21 Dec 1858, aged 51y, 8m, 8d, S5 *
Shortridge, Polly, d. 3 Nov 1861, w/o GM Shortridge, aged 56y, S6
Shortridge, Sally A, d. 3 May 1876, w/o JT Shortridge, d/o Thos & Polly Phelps, aged 49y, 3m, 17d, S6
Shortridge, Samuel, d. 3 Jan 1852, aged 55y, S5
Shortridge, William Y, b. 11 Jan 1825, d. 29 Sep 1843, S5 *
Shoup, Archie Orsden, b. 17 Apr 1876, d. 24 Jun 1956, S8
Shoup, Jesse R, b. 28 Feb 1891, d. 7 Jul 1950, husband, S12
Shoup, Susan Irene, b. 12 Oct 1877, d. 8 Mar 1954, S8
Shoush, Alice, b. 8 Nov 1925, d. 9 Jun 1999, s/w Ted L Shoush, DS1S
Shoush, Ted L, b. 13 Mar 1922, d. 24 May 2005, s/w Alice Shoush, D1S1
Showen, Howard Lee, b. 1927, d. 1934, S11
Showen, Luella, b. 1868, d. 1965, S11
Showen, William M, b. 1866, d. 1934, S11
Shrank, Ellen, d. 24 Mar 1908, w/o John Shrank, aged 56y, 2m, 8d, S7
Shrank, Fields Fisher, b. 19 Dec 1899, d. 2 Jan 1980, m. 3 Mar 1920, wife, s/w James William Shrank, S11
Shrank, James William, b. 17 Nov 1898, d. 30 Nov 1985, husband, s/w Fields Shrank, S11
Shrank, John, d. 8 Mar 1931, aged 84y, 4m, 11d, S7
Shrank, Lynchburg, b. 1880, d. 1935, S7
Shubrick, Mary Jerome Rev. Mother, d. 5 Feb 1894, aged 64y & 41st year of her religious life. Foundress of Sisters of Mercy in Independence, MO 1884, S19
Shull, Marjorie, b. 31 Jan 1924, d. 24 Oct 2007, FH marker, S7
Shults, Elmer G, b. 1908, d. 1978, s/w Frieda W Shults, S9
Shults, Frieda W, b. 1908, d. 2004, s/w Elmer G Shults, S9
Shultz, Eva Irene, b. 1877, d. 1955, mother, S12
Shultz, George D, b. 1844, d. 1911, D1S1
Shultz, John E, b. 1874, d. 1960, father, S12
Shultz, Mattie Belle, b. 1871, d. 1959, sister, S12
Shumaker, Bernice N, b. 15 May 1892, d. 12 Jun 1964, s/w Hurley C Shumaker, S9
Shumaker, Hurley C, b. 22 Apr 1882, d. 10 May 1963, s/w Bernice N Shumaker, S9
Shumate Elizabeth, b. 1840, d. 1922, mother, D2S1
Shumate, Almeda L, b. 8 Jul 1816, d. 27 May 1893, D1S2
Shumate, Boone, b. 29 Nov 1848, d. 25 Aug 1925, D1S2
Shumate, Charles A, b. 1869, d. 1955, D2S1
Shumate, George W, b. 1873, d. 1903, D2S1
Shumate, John W, b. 1886, d. 1899, D2S1
Shumate, Maria, b. 1848, d. 22 Oct 1890, s/w Amanda & Blake Brown, D1S2
Shumate, Samuel, b. 1832, d. 1904, father, D2S1
Shumate, Silas S, b. 1875, d. 1956, D2S1
Shumate, William, b. 1864, d. 1886, D2S1
Shumate, Willis, b. 19 Jan 1821, d. 27 Jul 1908, D1S2
Siddens, Addie M, b. 1869, d. 1932, mother, s/w Francis I Siddens, S10
Siddens, Fern L, b. 7 Nov 1892, d. 2 Apr 1983, S10
Siddens, Francis I, b. 1863, d. 1952, father, s/w Addie M Siddens, S10
Siegismund, Esta M, b. 1903, d. 1995, m. 22 Nov 1922, s/w Eugene H Siegismund, S11
Siegismund, Eugene H, b. 1890, d. 1956, s/w Esta M Siegismund, S11
Sieler, Susan Carol, b. 1967, d. 1992, D2S2
Silvers, Blanche R, b. 1897, d. blank, mother, s/w Ernest Silvers, S11
Silvers, Emilie J, b. 4 May 1836, d. 12 Jul 1891, mother, S7
Silvers, Ernest, b. 1876, d. 1948, father, s/w Blanche R Silvers, S11
Silvers, Hiram, d. 8 Mar 1866, aged 63y, S7
Silvers, Mattie, b. 1 Nov 1858, d. 25 Feb 1904, S7
Silvers, R Allen, b. 24 Jul 1870, d. 16 Dec 1898, S7
Silvers, Redmond, d. 12 May 1907, aged 74y, father, S7
Silvers, Walter L, b. 1911, d. 1970, s/w Naydeene T Silvers Hedges, S9
Simcosky, John, b. 1868, d. 1941, father, s/w Lois Simcosky, S9
Simcosky, Lois, b. 1874, d. 1946, mother, s/w John Simcosky, S9
Simmons, Margaret I, b. 25 Oct 1905, d. 16 Jun 1980, s/w N Kenneth Simmons, S9
Simmons, N Kenneth, b. 8 Jun 1902, d. 27 Aug 1984, s/w Margaret I Simmons, S9
Simms, Clyde C, b. 1894, d. 1973 this is correct per recording, S11
Simms, Leona M, b. 1893, d. 1973, S11
Simon, Kay Francis, d. 1 Oct 1944, S11
Simons, Francis H, b. 7 May 1916, d. 12 Aug 1961, Missouri, SSML3, USNR, WWII, S11
Simons, Howard R, b. 16 May 1939, d. 9 Mar 1943, S6
Simons, Minnie G, b. 1895, d. 1982, s/w Richard S Simons, S11
Simons, Richard S, b. 1884, d. 1954, s/w Minnie G Simons, S11
Simpson, Aubrey H, b. 1897, d. 1928, S10
Simpson, Benjamin F, b. 1804, d. Oct 1851, S7**
Simpson, Eliza B, b. 2 Oct 1868, d. 3 Feb 1949, D1S2
Simpson, Ellen Lee, b. 4 May 1866, d. 9 Jun 1929, D1S2
Simpson, G E, b. 1833, d. 1893, D1S2
Simpson, George E, b. 1 Nov 1876, d. 8 Oct 1958, D1S2
Simpson, Gertrude B, b. 1893, d. 1942, S19
Simpson, James Y. MD, b. 24 Mar 1861, d. 3 May 1944, D1S2
Simpson, Jeriann Wells, b. 8 May 1955, d. 25 Apr 1982, wife, mother, S21
Simpson, Leondra E, b. 23 Oct 1872, d. 6 Mar 1957, D1S2
Simpson, Maggie Goff, b. 1878, d. 1954, mother, S11
Simpson, Mary Ellen, b. 2 Jul 1841, d. 26 Aug 1929, D1S2
Simpson, Mary L, b. 19 Jun 1873, d. 31 May 1957, D1S2
Simpson, Stanley W, b. 4 Nov 1891, d. 6 Jan 1965, Wyoming, PVT, CO F, 13 Infantry WWI, S19
Sims, Mary M, b. 1878, d. 1958, s/w William W Simms, S9
Sims, Minnie, b. 1860, d. 1936, mother, S10
Sims, William W, b. 1874, d. 1959, s/w Mary M Simms, S9
Sinclair, Gayla Bell, b. 1945, d. 1968, S9
Sinnott, David F, b. 1881, d. 1956, s/w Laura T Sinnott, S11
Sinnott, Laura T, b. 1883, d. 1956, s/w David F Sinnott, S11
Sitlington, Anna E, b. 1864, d. 1933, D1S4
Sitlington, Forestine M, b. 1885, d. 1956, mother, s/w James S Sitlington, S6
Sitlington, Frank G, b. 21 Nov 1891, d. 28 Mar 1950, s/w Lenna M Sitlington, D1S4
Sitlington, Gertrude, b. 1910, d. 1973, m. 1 Jun 1932, s/w James R Sitlington, S11
Sitlington, infant, d. 1 Jan 1896, s/o TO & AL Sitlington, D1S4
Sitlington, infant, d. 24 Jan 1888, s/o TO & AL Sitlington, D1S4
Sitlington, James R, b. 1909, d. 1988, s/w Gertrude Sitlington, S11
Sitlington, James S, b. 1883, d. 1940, father, s/w Forestine M Sitlington, S6
Sitlington, Lenna M, b. 19 Jul 1894, d. 11 Jul 1944, s/w Frank G Sitlington, D1S4
Sitlington, Patricia, b. 24 May 1946, d. 13 Feb 2009, S11**
Sitlington, Robert S, b. 1848, d. 1936, S6
Sitlington, Susan M, b. 1849, d. 1926, S6
Sitlington, Thomas O, b. 1856, d. 1923, D1S4
Skeen, J A, b. 31 Jul 1837, d. 26 Feb 1889, Lieut. Co G, 13th KY. Cav, civil war vet, S7**
Skeen, Jennie, b. 1843, d. 1928, mother, S7
Skeen, Jessie, b. 1872, d. 1945, S7**
Skeen, P D, b. 1883, d. blank, S7**
Skinner, Anna L, b. 1882, d. 1960, S12
Skinner, Darrell, W, b. 1961, d. 1992, husband, s/w Vicki L Skinner, D1S3
Skinner, Dora E, b. 1874, d. 1931, s/w James A Skinner, D1S1
Skinner, Edna M, b. 21 Aug 1867, d. 13 Aug 1944, mother, s/w William A Skinner, S7
Skinner, Herbert F, b. 1897, d. 1977, Pvt, US Army, WWII, D1S1
Skinner, James A, b. 1867, d. 1951, s/w Dora E Skinner, D1S1
Skinner, Kathryne L, b. 1897, d. 1932, D2S2
Skinner, Vicki L, b. 1966, d. blank, wife, s/w Darrell W Skinner, D1S3
Skinner, William A, b. 24 Jun 1864, d. 21 Apr 1907, father, s/w Edna M Skinner, S7
Skinner, William A. Jr., b. 17 Aug 1902, d. 17 May 1909, S7
Slack, Arthur T, d. 23 May 1874, s/o AT & MM Slack, aged 5y,6m, 25d, S6
Slack, Emma A, b. 1885, d. 1945, SH
Slack, Evalee M, b. 1876, d. 1972, D1S3
Slack, Nancy L, b. 1885, d. 1972, wife, S9
Slack, Paul R, b. 1885, d. 1941, hus, S9
Slack, Virginia Lee, b. 1911, d. 1985, D1S3
Slanko, Andy, J, b. 30 Jun 1922, d. 6 Apr 2008, TEC5, US Army, WWII, S21
Slanko, Eva Salva, b. 1883, d. 1969, mother, S19
Slanko, Steve, b. 1887, d. 1937, father, S19
Slaughter, Berte C, b. 2 Jul 1875, d. 13 Feb 1960, S8
Slaughter, Thomas S.B., 19 Feb 1856, d. 9 Sep 1930, S8
Slayden, Charles L, b. 10 Jun 1944, d. 3 Jun 1994, D1S2
Slayden, Elizabeth Ann, d. 17 Sep 1966, D1S2
Slayden, Sheryl Ann, b. 27 Nov 1946, d. 26 May 2003, D1S2
Sledd, Laona J, b. 26 Nov 1896, d. 16 Jul 1951, Age 54y, 7m, 20d, S11 **
Slevin, James Patrick, d. 3 Jan 1933, Illinois, US Marine Corps, S17
Slocum, Elsie McLaren, b. 1855, d. 1944, mother, S9
Slover, James H, b. 1838, d. 1913, D1S2
Slover, Mary H, b. 1846, d. 1923, D1S2
Slover, Mary Howe, b. 1877, d. 1898, D1S2
Slusher, Fred Z, b. 1871, d. 1926, father, S10
Slusher, Lila A, b. 1864, d. 1937, D1S4
Slusher, Nellie P, b. 1877, d. 1943, mother, S10
Small, Frank Joseph, b. 26 Aug 1876, d. 27 Aug 1954, father, s/w Lula Lenore Small, S11
Small, Hubert Edwin, b. 27 Dec 1880, d. 26 May 1952, D1S2
Small, Lula Lenore, b. 26 Jun 1877, d. 5 Feb 1955, mother, s/w Frank Joseph Small, S11
Small, Vera A, b. 1890, d. 1974, D1S2
Smallfeldt, Mattie J, b. 28 Apr 1880, d. 20 Apr 1956, mother, S11
Smallwood, J.W., b. 1838, d. 1891, father, D1S3
Smallwood, Mary J, b. 1847, d. 1898, mother, D1S3
Smallwood, Thos. E, b. 1877, d. 1884, brother, D1S3
Smarr, Willie H, d. 31 Oct 1866, s/o JW & E Smarr, aged 18y, 9m, 20d, S7
Smart, Alice M, b. 29 Oct 1877, d. 5 Jan 1959, S6
Smart, Amanda J, b. 17 Jan 1845, d. 7 Dec 1861, d/o Jas & ER Smart, D1S2
Smart, Ardenia C, b. 29 Nov 1822, d. 19 Aug 1852, w/o RG Smart, S6
Smart, Charles Glover, b. 17 Mar 1853, d. 8 Nov 1917, D1S2
Smart, Elisha A, b. 17 Feb 1832, d. 22 Apr 1894, S6
Smart, Elizabeth R, b. 15 Oct 1804, d. 6 Sep 1846, w/o James Smart, D1S2
Smart, Fannie T, b. 18 Dec 1869, d. 15 Nov 1871, S6
Smart, James G, b. 5 Feb 1863, d. 19 Oct 1943, S6
Smart, James, b. 13 Aug 1801 (in VA), d. 10 Nov 1859, D1S2
Smart, James, b. 3 Aug 1833, d. 2 Jan 1902, s/w Margaret his wife, Interment Ohio, D2S2
Smart, Lessie R, b. 11 Nov 1865, d. 8 Apr 1866, S6
Smart, Lucia, d. 16 Aug 1851, w/o James Smart, Aged 43Y, D1S2
Smart, Margaret Ann, b. 5 Jul 1859, d. 13 Oct 1860, d/o James & Margaret Smart, Interment Ohio, D2S2
Smart, Margaret, b. 3 Jan 1838, d. blank, s/w James Smart, Interment Ohio, D2S2
Smart, Mary B, b. 21 Apr 1862, d. 23 Jan 1939, w/o James G Smart, S6
Smart, Mary E, b. 5 Sep 1874, d. 16 Oct 1959, S6
Smart, Mary S, b. 1825, d. 1906, broken stone, parts missing, S6**
Smart, Mary, b. 10 Sep 1810, 6 Jul 1886, w/o James Smart, D1S2
Smart, Nannie C, b. 21 Feb 1867, d. 27 Aug 1876, S6
Smart, Sallie E, b. 18 Dec 1841, d. 8 May 1880, w/o Elisha A Smart, S6
Smart, Sallie H, b. 19 Sep 1861, d. 12 Apr 1862, S6
Smart, Sidonia C, b. 9 May 1841, d. 2 Sep 1842, d/o Jas & ER Smart, D1S2
Smart, Walter T, b. 16 Aug 18 ??, d. 29 ?? ??, s/o RG & Ardenia Smart, stone broken, S6
Smart, Willette, b. 24 Aug 1849, d. 12 Feb 1850, d/o Wm G & MH Smart, D1S2
Smart, William R, b. 26 May 1872, d. 17 Mar 1892, S6
Smedley, Alvie Hugh, b. 4 Mar 1936, d. 22 Feb 1952, son, S12
Smedley, Harry R, b. 18 Jun 1911, d. 18 Jul 1965, father, s/w Regina S Smedley, S12
Smedley, Regina S, b. 12 Sep 1904, d. 25 Jul 1997, mother, s/w Harry R Smedley, S12
Smiley, Harrold M, b. 29 Jul 1890, d. 7 Oct 1892, D1S2
Smith Ella Thro, b. 1876, d. 1974, D1S1
Smith Weden, b. 20 Oct 1804, d. 16 Feb 1871, s/w Alpha his wife, S5
Smith, Alice B, b. 1877, d. 1950, mother, S11
Smith, Alpha, b. 10 Nov 1809, d. 22 Oct 1867, w/o Weden Smith, S5
Smith, Anna E, b. 1885, d. blank, s/w Ernest A Smith, S9
Smith, Anna L, b. 14 Nov 1900, d. 4 Nov 1997, s/w Roscoe M Smith, S11
Smith, Anna M, b. 1874, d. 1924, S19
Smith, Annie E, b. 9 Dec 1868, d. 4 Dec 1897, s/w WS & Ethel L Smith, D1S2
Smith, Arthur J, b. 1898, d. 1966, s/w Elizabeth L Smith, S8
Smith, Asbury E, d. 14 Nov 1856, aged 31y, 3m, 11d, stone buried in ground, D1S4
Smith, Barbra A, b. 6 Sep 1829, d. 28 Jun 1865, d/o W & A Smith, S5
Smith, Benjamin C, b. 23 Feb 1852, d. 14 May 1941, father, D2S3
Smith, Bessie M, b. 1 Mar 1903, d. 30 Mar 1976, wife, s/w Jesse F Smith, S9
Smith, Catherine, b. 1840, d. 1882, mother, S5
Smith, Celeste M, b. 1889, d. 1952, mother, s/w Joseph M Smith, S12
Smith, Charles O Jr, 22 Jul 1923, d. 13 Jan 1986, F1, US Navy, WWII, D1S3
Smith, Charles O Sr, b. 1886, d. 1965, husband & father, D1S3
Smith, Clarence R, b. 1903, d. 1950, S12
Smith, Dolly, b. 1875, d. 1926, s/w Tommy Smith, S10
Smith, Dorgas, b. 6 Dec 1833, d. 29 Oct 1910, mother, D1S4
Smith, Edith Noble, b. 1887, d. 1953, mother, D2S2
Smith, Edwin, b. 18 Aug 1884, d. 18 Nov 1965, s/w Ollie Smith, S19
Smith, Elizabeth L, b. 1900, d. 1986, s/w Arthur J Smith, S8
Smith, Elizabeth W, no dates, stone broken, parts missing, w/o Willis Smith, S5**
Smith, Ella May, b. 3 Aug 1869, d. 4 Jan 1874, d/o TT & M Smith, S7
Smith, Emma E, b. 29 Sep 1849, d. 3 Mar 1918, mother, D2S3
Smith, Emma L, b. 1854, d. 1940, S10
Smith, Ernest A, b. 1876, d. 1943, s/w Anna E Smith, S9
Smith, Ethel L, b. 16 Jun 1888, d. 12 Dec 1906, dau, s/w WS & Annie E Smith, D1S2
Smith, Ethel Virginia, b. 1894, d. 1908, d/o TS & Emma Smith, D2S3
Smith, Eva M, b. 1882, d. 1973, wife, s/w Murray M Smith, S7
Smith, Fannie M, b. 16 Dec 1850, d. 18 Jul 1930, S7
Smith, Fleetwood, b. 1871, d. 1927, brother, S5
Smith, Frank E, b. 27 Jan 1889, d. 19 May 1949, Kansas, Sgt, 117 AM TN 42 Div, WWI, S12
Smith, George W, b. 25 Jun 1817, d. 24 Nov 1895, s/w Sally Ann Smith, D2S1
Smith, Georgia L, b. 1 Jul 1947, d. 19 Feb 2001, mother, S12
Smith, Georgie S, b. 22 Jul 1875, d. 2 Nov 1971, s/w Nelson R Smith, S12
Smith, Glen B, b. 1897, d. 1973, wife, s/w Zenas E Smith, S9
Smith, Grace Mildred, b. 1889, d. 1901, d/o TS & Emma Smith, D2S3
Smith, Harold A, b. 1901, d. 1969, s/w Helen F Smith, S11
Smith, Harry Lyman, b. 14 Nov 1918, d. 2 Nov 2009, S Sgt, US Army, WWII, s/w Ruth K Smith, S21
Smith, Helen F, b. 1914, d. 1984, s/w Harold A Smith, S11
Smith, Henry C, b. 14 Aug 1828, d. 15 May 1849, S7
Smith, Hiram E, b. 1886, d. 1926, father, SH
Smith, Ian Halliburton, b. 10 Feb 1981, d. 6 Mar 2002, s/w Sandra L & Rev James L Smith, S12
Smith, J. Wesley, b. 1865, d. 1924, D1S1
Smith, Jabez Jr., b. 17 Jun 1852, d. 26 Aug 1857, S7
Smith, Jabez, b. in Pittsylvania Co VA Mar 1787, d. in Independence, MO Nov 1855, aged 68y, S7
Smith, James R, 10 Feb 1883, d. 7 Apr 1969, Missouri, Cpl, US Army, WWI, D2S3
Smith, Jane, b. 30 Oct 1855, d. 15 Dec 1916, w/o GW Smith, S7**
Smith, Jesse F Jr., b. 15 Oct 1923, 5 Nov 1940, 2nd Lieut. R.O.T.C., William Chrisman High School, son, S9
Smith, Jesse F, b. 25 Sep 1893, d. 2 May 1974, hus, Missouri, US Army, WWI, s/w Bessie M Smith, S9
Smith, Jessie High, b. 1891, d. 1956, S8
Smith, John A "Jack", b. 1884, d. 1958, s/w Katherine M Smith, S12
Smith, John H, b. 20 Oct 1831, d. 10 Oct 1864, s/o W & A Smith, S5
Smith, John M, b. 1854, d. 1926, S10
Smith, John T, b. 9 Jun 1841, d. 30 Mar 1907, s/w R.Y. Smith, S6
Smith, Joseph M, b. 1884, d. 1967, father, s/w Celeste M Smith, S12
Smith, Josiah W, b. 13 Jan 1875, d. 25 May 1901, S7
Smith, Katherine M, b. 1898, d. 1983, s/w John A Smith, S12
Smith, Laura G, b. 29 Sep 1872, d. 31 Dec 1948, S7**
Smith, Le Roy E Jr., b. 1 Nov 1905, d. 31 Oct 1989, poet, D2S2
Smith, Louisa, b. 1868, d. 1897, S5
Smith, Lucille, b. 15 Aug 1898, d. 5 Jun 1902, D2S3
Smith, Lula A, b. 1888, d. 1920, D1S3
Smith, Lulu May, d. 9 Jun 1875, d/o John T & RY Smith, aged 3y, 9m, 28d, S6
Smith, Lydia Bunn, b. 1886, d. 1944, wife & mother, D1S3
Smith, Margellus S, b. 22 Feb 1836, d. 8 Jan 1905, S7
Smith, Marian F, b. 20 Oct 1913, d. 11 Aug 1951, Age 37y, S12
Smith, Mary Ellen, b. 1835, d. stone sunk in ground, w/o Minor T Smith, S5
Smith, Mary P, b. 7 Oct 1833, Powhatan Co, VA, d. 14 Nov 1901, D1S2
Smith, Mattie S, b. 1 Jul 1856, d. 18 Aug 1861, s/w Thomas T Smith, S7
Smith, Millie, d. 8 Apr 1891, w/o Armstead Smith, Aged About 83y, D2S2
Smith, Murray M, b. 1871, d. 1943, husband, s/w Eva M Smith, American Legion symbol, S7
Smith, Myron, b. 19 Aug 1962, d. 23 Nov 2011, D1S3
Smith, Myrtle E, b. 14 May 1891, d. 11 Jan 1894, s/w WS, Annie E & Ethel L Smith, D1S2
Smith, Myrtle S, b. 28 Dec 1877, d. 9 Sep 1899, S7
Smith, Nelson R, b. 13 Jul 1873, d. 18 Jul 1954, s/w Georgie S Smith, S12
Smith, Nettie Lepard, b. 1885, d. 1964, mother, D2S2
Smith, Ollie, b. 5 Feb 1895, d. 16 Dec 1970, s/w Edwin Smith, S19
Smith, Rev. James Leslie, b. 29 Sep 1941, d. blank, s/w Sandra L & Ian H Smith, S12
Smith, Ro Y, b. 3 Jan 1840, d. 12 Sep 1887, w/o John T Smith, S6
Smith, Ronald K, b. 17 Aug 1935, d. 10 Jan 1997, S21
Smith, Rosa L, b. 20 Jan 1867, d. 2 Nov 1900, w/o GW Smith, S7
Smith, Rosa Schornhorst, b. 1888, d. 1974, SH
Smith, Roscoe M, b. 15 Jul 1900, d. 22 Jan 1968, s/w Anna L Smith, S11
Smith, Ruth K, b. 25 Jan 1920, d. 29 Dec 2006, m. 30 Oct 1945, s/w Harry L Smith, S21
Smith, S. Fred, b. 1869, d. 1955, D1S3
Smith, Sally Ann, b. 2 Oct 1817, d. 16 Oct 1902, s/w George W Smith, D2S1
Smith, Sandra Lea Richards, b. 19 Jan 1940, d. blank, s/w Ian H & Rev James L Smith, S12
Smith, Stella M, b. 1874, d. 1963, D1S3
Smith, T Scott, b. 16 Jul 1861, d. 22 Aug 1911, D2S3
Smith, Thomas T, b. 15 Dec 1831, d. 25 Jul 1879, s/w Mattie S Smith, S7
Smith, Thomas W, d. 26 May 1894, Aged 56y, 2m, 19d, D1S4
Smith, Tommy, b. 1867, d. 1937, s/w his wife, Dolly Smith, S10
Smith, Velma L, b. 1903, d. 1979, S12
Smith, Vivian Frazee, b. 16 May 1917, d. 20 Jul 2006, S7**
Smith, W S, b. 27 Mar 1861, d. 19 Mar 1897, s/w Annie E & Ethel L Smith, D1S2
Smith, William G, b. 1856, d. 1929, mason symbol, S10
Smith, Willis R, b. 12 Apr 1790, d. 30 Jan 1857, mason symbol, S5
Smith, Woody, b. 5 Sep 1904, d. 28 Dec 1954, father, S9
Smith, Zenas E, b. 12 Jun 1888, d. 25 Feb 1962, hus, Missouri, Pvt, 293 CO MIL Police, WWI, BTY. E, 129 F.A., Am legion symbol, s/w Glen B Smith, S9
Smitka, Arthur G, b. 1926, d. 1929, S12
Smitka, George, b. 24 Jun 1886, d. 15 Jul 1970, s/w Susie Smitka, S12
Smitka, Mary Rose, b. 30 Aug 1930, d. 3 Oct 1963, dau, S12
Smitka, Susie, b. 19 Mar 1900, d. 15 Apr 1969, s/w George Smitka, S12
Smitson, D M, b. 1852, d. 1918, woodsman of the world symbol, D2S2
Smitson, Mary E, b. 1852, d. 1925, D2S2
Smitson, Mary K, b. 1887, d. 1975, wife, s/w William A Smitson, S7
Smitson, Mary V, d. 1916, d/o WA & MK Smitson, D2S2
Smitson, Samuel M, b. 1894, d. 1912, s/o DM & ME Smitson, D2S2
Smitson, William A, b. 1882, d. 1958, hus, s/w Mary K Smitson, S7
Smitson, William M, d. 12 Feb 1894, s/o SM & Mahulda Smitson, Aged 22y, 5m, 12 d, s/w Lucy Evans, D2S1
Smoot, Ida C, b. 1875, d. *1944, wife, s/w Louie G Smoot, S11
Smoot, Louie G, b. 1870, d. 1934, husband, s/w Ida C Smoot, S11
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