Search Missouri Death Records
Missouri Newspapers, Full Search (1808-1949), 140 titles
Missouri Obituary Search, (1988-current)
Missouri Funeral Notices
Woodlawn Cemetery
Independence, Jackson County, Missouri
Contributed by Sharon Kroner, Sep 29, 2008 [].
Yager, James B, b. 19 Jul 1809, d. 28 Aug 1883, s/w Mary J Yager, on Harper stone, D1S1
Yager, Mary J, b. 4 Sep 1812, d. 25 Nov 1883, s/w James B Yager, on Harper stone, D1S1
Yale, Charles W, b. 9 Sep 1876, d. 25 Apr 1903, s/o SA & LE Yale, Co F, 3rd Reg, N.G.M., woodmen of the world symbol, D2S3
Yale, Edith C, b. 1891, d. 1983, s/w Samuel A Yale, S11
Yale, Elvia E, b. 1890, d. 1972, D2S3
Yale, Florence, b. 1876, d. blank, s/w John Yale, D2S2
Yale, Grace O, b. 10 Aug 1903, d. 28 Jun 1904, baby, D2S3
Yale, John, b. 1948, d. 1905, s/w Florence Yale, D2S2
Yale, Laura E, b. 22 Aug 1857, d. 3 Oct 1916, mother, s/w SA Yale, D2S3
Yale, LeRoy Arthur, b. 18 Feb 1911, d. 9 Feb 1964, husband, S11
Yale, S A, b. 1 Mar 1852, d. 10 Nov 1914, father, s/w Laura Yale, D2S3
Yale, Samuel A, b. 1883, d. 1968, s/w Edith C Yale, S11
Yale, Tinamae, b. 1913, d. 1941, w/o Rev. Alfred H Yale, S11
Yancik, Lana Christine, b. 21 Apr 1958, d. 21 Jul 1958, d/o Steve & Bernice Yancik, S19
Yancik, Steve, b. 1889, d. 1976, father, s/w Susie Yancik, S12
Yancik, Susie, b. 1902, d. 1973, mother, s/w Steve Yancik, S12
Yankee, Fann Lee Sue "Fannie", d. 13 Dec 1942, S9
Yankee, Georgia Elizabeth, b. 8 Sep 1921, d. 23 Sep 1940, dau, S9
Yankee, Georgia, b. 5 May 1881, d. 11 Apr 1963, mother, S9
Yankee, J. Samuel, b. 1854, d. 1941, father, s/w M. Elizabeth Yankee, S11
Yankee, M. Elizabeth, b. 1862, d. 1935, mother, s/w J. Samuel Yankee, S11
Yankee, Thomas W, b. 6 Mar 1883, d. 13 Jun 1972, father, S9
Yantis, Ann Elizabeth, b. 1846, d. 1925, w/o J M Yantis, D1S1
Yantis, John Lapsley, b. 1871, d. 1945, D1S1
Yantis, Vesta Price, b. 1883, d. 1902, D1S1
Yarnevich, Josep, d. 20 Jun 1941, f/o Mary, Katie, Anna & Frank, S12
Yates, Brenda C, b. 10 Jul 1970, d. 12 Jul 1970, S19
Yates, George H Jr., b. 1941, d. 1948, S11
Yeager, Emma True, b. 11 Jan 1870, d. 3 Mar 1870, d/o RL & Leonora Yeager, S7
Yeager, James WInfield, b. 5 Apr 1854, d. 23 Jun 1854, s/o EF & SM Yeager, white limestone, unreadable, S5**
Yeager, Mary, b. 1794, d. Aug 1866, S5
Yeaman, Josephine Gregg, d. 14 Apr 1939, S19
Yeates, Clyde, b. 1904, d. 1981, s/w Irene Yeates, S11
Yeates, Harry F, b. 1895, d. 1956, father, S19
Yeates, Irene, b. 1906, d. 1992, m. 11 Jul 1925, s/w Clyde Yeates, S11
Yeates, Jimmie Ray, b. 15 Oct 1926, d. 18 May 1954, Missouri, HM2, USNR, WWII, S11
Yeates, Marie A, b. 1892, d. 1943, mother, S19
Yeates, Rose S, b. 1927, d. blank, s/w Jimmie R Yeates, S11
Yeats, Albert L, b. 7 May 1902, d. 6 Oct 1984, s/w Maurine L Yeats, S8
Yeats, Edith M, b. 17 Oct 1895, d. 21 Mar 1903, S19
Yeats, George A, b. 1871, d. 1937, S19**
Yeats, J Lawrence, b. 19 Jul 1899, d. 22 Jul 1914, S19
Yeats, John B, b. 1867, d. 1950, father, s/w Margaret C Yeats, S19
Yeats, Joseph W, b. 15 Dec 1897, d. 16 Nov 1898, S19
Yeats, Lela, b. 1895, d. 1920, w/o HF Yeats, S19
Yeats, Lena B, d. 30 Apr 1896, aged 64y, 21d, s/w William A Yeats, S19
Yeats, Margaret C, b. 1870, d. 1955, mother, s/w John B Yeats, S19
Yeats, Mary, b. 1871, d. 1924, s/w Thomas D Yeats, S19
Yeats, Maurine L, b. 2 Mar 1906, d. 17 Mar 1979, s/w Albert L Yeats, S8
Yeats, Thomas D, b. 1865, d. 1921, s/w Mary, his wife, S19
Yeats, William A, b. 1831, d. 1914, s/w Lena B Yeats, S19
Yeats, William Jr, b. 1858, d. 1903, s/w William A & Lena B Yeats, S19
Yeats, William L, b. 1893, d. 1957, S19
Yehl, Seline E, b. 4 Nov 1906, d. 30 Apr 1977, mother, S21
Yennie, Anna M, b. 30 Jul 1877, d. 14 Jan 1945, s/w Arthur F Yennie, S9
Yennie, Arthur F, b. 29 Mar 1875, d. 5 Jun 1959, s/w Anna M Yennie, S9
Yetter, Christian, b. 9 Oct 1847, d. 25 Apr 1935, D1S4
Yetter, Dorothy E, b. Aug 1911, d. Aug 1916, D1S4
Yetter, Julius, 12 Sep 1877, s/o G& Kate Yetter, aged 3y, 9m, 21d, D1S4
Yetter, Katherine, b. 1 May 1854, d. 20 Mar 1934, D1S4
Yetter, Mary L, b. 1867, d. 1924, w/o Wm. C Yetter, S8
Yetter, Russell G, b. 12 May 1891, d. 15 Mar 1946, D1S4
Yetter, William C, b. 20 Sep 1877, d. 15 Apr 1935, husband, S8
Yonker, Shirley, b. 27 Nov 1936, d. 26 Jul 2011, D1S2**
York, Gilbert Arton, b. 1908, d. 1988, s/w Wilda Weight York, S11
York, Wilda Weight, b. 1915, d. 2005, s/w Gilbert Arton York, S11
Youkovich, John, b. 1875, d. 1947, father, S11
Young, A Hester, b. 1902, d. 1990, mother, s/w Harry D Young, SH
Young, Anna E Haldeman, b. 15 Sep 1863, d. 6 Jan 1930, mother, D1S1
Young, Anna, b. 1872, d. 1949, mother, S9
Young, Anne L, b. 12 Jun 1913, d. 6 Apr 1996, mother, S12
Young, Arthur, b. 1867, d. 1954, s/w Mary B Young, S5
Young, Catherine, M, b. 1928, d. 1999, s/w Harry D Young Jr, SH
Young, Fannie E, b. 1866, d. 1909, D1S1
Young, Harry D Jr, b. 1928, d. blank, s/w Catherine M Young, SH
Young, Harry D, b. 1902, d. 1968, father, s/w A. Hester Young, SH
Young, Hiram, d. 22 Jan 1882, Aged 59y, s/w Matilda his wife, D1S2
Young, Jane, b. 20 Jun 1799, d. 8 May 1863, S6**
Young, Joseph S, b. 1838, d. 1913, S6
Young, Laura E, b. 1865, d. 1961, D1S4
Young, Margaret Iva, b. 1869, d. 1942, s/w Richard Baxter Young, S10
Young, Mary B, b. 1868, d. 1946, s/w Arthur Young, S5
Young, Mary Cecile, b. 17 Jun 1953, d. 3 Nov 1956, S12
Young, Mary E, d. 12 Jul 1891, S7
Young, Mary, no dates, Aged 18y, d/o James & Kittie Young, D1S2
Young, Matilda, d. 23 Feb 1896, Aged 72y, s/w Hiram Young, D1S2
Young, Merritt L, Lieut Col, F&S, 10 MO Cav CSA, civil war vet, S5
Young, Richard Baxter, b. 1859, d. 1930, s/w Margaret Iva Young, S10
Young, Sarah A, b. 3 Dec 1810, d. 10 Dec 1871, w/o Thos. Young, S6
Young, Sinnett, b. 1820, d. 1896, D1S1
Young, Thomas, b. 20 Jul 1799, d. 19 Jul 1875, S6
Young, Vernetta, b. 1822, d, 1901, D1S1
Young, W H, b. 1860, d. 1928, D1S4
Young, Willis G. P., d. 24 Feb 1879, aged, 43y, 6m, 8d, S7
Younger, Alice M, b. 4 Feb 1924, d. 24 Dec 1985, S12
Younger, Alice, b. 1870, d. 1956, S19
Younger, John L, b. 18 Dec 1871, d. 16 Dec 1948, S19
Younger, Robert E, b. 22 Oct 1899, d. 8 Apr 1994, S19
Yowell, Nancy A, b. 7 Dec 1822, d. 6 Jul 1904, s/w William P Yowell, S7
Yowell, William P, b. 6 May 1818, d. 13 May 1885, s/w Nancy A, his wife, S7
Yuhas, Barbara Ann, b. 1921, d. 1943, S12
Yuhas, Genevieve, b. 1933, d. 1935, S19
Yuhas, John, b. 1888, d. 1970, father, S12
Yuhas, Julia, b. 1888, d. 1949, mother, S12
Yuhas, Mary Novak, b. 1887, d. 1919, mother, S19
Zaner, Rose, M, b. 1906, d. 1980, S21
Zaner, Vincent, b. 1900, d. 1986, S21
Zans, Arthur W, b. 1902, d. blank, s/w Marie & Peter W Zans, S11
Zans, Marie Kenney, b. 1905, d. 1965, s/w Peter W & Arthur W Zans, S11
Zans, Peter W, b. 1875, d. 1935, s/w Marie & Arthur W Zans, S11
Zeigler, John J, b. 1851, d. 1916, woodmen of the world symbol, D1S1
Zevecke, Robert, b. 12 Nov 1943, d. 13 Feb 2007, S11**
Zick, Bernard Jr, b. 1873, d. 1946, hus, S9
Zick, Ella Allen, b. 1882, d. 1955, wife, S9
Ziers, David B, b. 1863, d. 1955, father, s/w Margaret M Ziers, S11
Ziers, M Elizabeth, b. 1893, d. 1959, sister, S11
Ziers, Margaret M, b. 1868, d. 1943, mother, s/w David B Ziers, S11
Zink, Grace R, b. 1873, d. 1917, mother, S9
Zink, William U, b. 1865, d. 1952, father, S9
Zismer, Henry P, b. 1859, d. 1929, father, S8
Zismer, Minnie M, b. 1879, d. 1943, mother, S8
Zivicky, George Sr., b. 18 Apr 1871, d. 18 Nov 1936, father, s/w Mary Zivicky, S11
Zivicky, Mary, b. 18 Nov 1873, d. 14 Mar 1950, mother, s/w George Zivicky Sr., S11
Zorich, John Jr., b. 20 Nov 1929, d. 29 Nov 1940, s/o John & Mary H Zorich, S11
Zorich, John, b. 1894, d. 1965, father, s/w Mary H Zorich, S11
Zorich, Mary H, b. 1897, d. 1936, mother, s/w John Zorich, S11
Zuieski, Joseph, b. 1861, d. 1930, S10
Zumalt, Myrtle, b. 12 Aug 1873, d. 7 May 1897, w/o P.W. Zumalt, D1S3
Zumwalt, Carl H, b. 23 Apr 1908, d. 9 Aug 2000, s/w Lorene Zumwalt, S11
Zumwalt, James I, b. 1848, d. 1939, D2S1
Zumwalt, Lena L, b. 25 Feb 1877, d. 22 Nov 1962, S5
Zumwalt, Lorene, b. 1 Mar 1914, d. 30 Jan 1973, m. 18 Jun 1933, s/w Carl H Zumwalt, S11
Zumwalt, Lousetta, b. 1863, d. 1946, D2S1
Zumwalt, Vernon Louis, b. 9 Nov 1906, d. 22 Feb 1907, s/o Wm. & L Zumwalt, s/w Louis Fehrman, S5
Zumwalt, William H, b. 19 Mar 1873, d. 10 Jul 1954, S5
Zupon, John Rayfield, b. 1923, d. 1981, SSgt, US Marine Corps, WWII, Korea, S21
Zupon, Mike, b. 1888, d. 1966, father, s/w Theresa Zupon, S11
Zupon, Theresa, b. 1888, d. 1957, mother, s/w Mike Zupon, S11
Zweifel, Jacob, d. 12 Aug 1883, Age 34y, 6m, 28d, D1S1
Zweifel, John, d. 13 Apr 1890, aged 73y, 10m, 25d, D1S4
Zweifel, Urzula, d. 20 Dec 1892, w/o J Zweifel, aged, 68y, 2d, D1S4
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