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Loftis Cemetery
Ozark County, Missouri

Contributed by Louise Bias-Hill, Nov 15, 2000 [wezey@webtv.net].
Total records = 132.

Nestled in the heart of the hills of Ozark county lies the Loftis Cemetery, just north and east over the hill from the Willhoit store, and about 10 miles north of Gainesville. The cemetery lies, along what used to be the main traveled road from Willhoit to the Brixey area, which passed through what is now the Caney Mountain Wildlife refuge.

The story goes that the cemetery dates from 1887, the year an infant burial was made at this place. A family by the name of SWEARENGIN was traveling through this part of Ozark county in a covered wagon when their baby became sick "of the fever" and died. They buried the child near their camp in what is now the Loftis Cemetery. About a year later, James Marion and Josephine Summerville LOFTIS' infant daughter, Mina M. Loftis, died and they buried her close by the Swearengin baby. At that time, Logan H. Loftis set this spot aside as a cemetery, which was then named for him.

Several years ago money was taken from the cemetery fund and markers were bought for all graves. All were identified but eight, on which "unknown" markers were placed. There are 147 graves in the cemetery at the present time. Source: Loftis Cemetery Records, From Ozark County Times, By Jean Mellon Loftis, White River Valley Historical Quarterly

ALLEN, Ruth, no dates
AVERS, Anna, b. Aug. 16, 1824, d. Apr 27, 1896
AVERS, Barcus, b. 1886, d. 1900
BEASLEY, ??,illegible
BEASLEY, Eva, no dates
BEASLEY, Frankie L., b. Aug. 15, 1875, d. Apr 11, 1899
BEASLEY, Infant, no dates, c/o W. R.
BEASLEY, Martin, no dates
BEASLEY, W. A., b. Aug. 10, 1867, d. Dec. 2, 1944
BOHANNAN, Eliiah P., b. Feb. 22, 1853, d. Aug. 15, 1909
BOHANNAN, Infant, no dates, c/o Elijah P.
CAMPBELL, Benton, no dates
CANTRELL, I. E., b. 1859, d. no date
CANTRELL, Mary I., b. 1860, d. 1937
CANTRELL, Virgie, b. May 16, 1864, d. Mar 29, 1909
DAVIS, Iva, b. Dec. 25, 1895, d. Jul 7, 1971
DORMAN, Clara, b. Jun 26, 1895, d. Jan. 28, 1942
DORMAN, William, b. Jan. 31, 1883, d. Apr 18, 1942
DUCKWORTH, Austus M., b. Aug. 7. 1887, d.
DUCKWORTH, Emmie, b. Apr 15, 1882, d. Jul 3, 1962
DUNNEGAN, A. J., no dates
Daves, ??,illegible
Davis, ??,illegible
FULLER, Twin, b. Apr 18, 1957, d. Apr 19, 1957
FULLER, Twin, b. Apr 18, 1957, d. Apr 19, 1957
FULLETT, Peter, no dates
GENTRY, Adelie, b. Oct. 15, 1875, d. Oct. 15, 1907
GULLET, Infant, no dates, c/o W. M.
GULLETS, Dora, b. Feb. 6, 1883, d. Jul 22, 1961
GULLETS, Elizabeth A., b. Apr 25, 1885, d. Jan. 4, 1912
GULLETS, Infant, no dates, c/o Peter
GULLETS, John, b. Nov. 22, 1872, d. Jun 13, 1941
GULLETS, Will, b. 1878, d. 1950
HALL, Infant, no dates, c/o Jack
HAMPTON, Addie, no dates
HANCOCK, Dollie, b. 1865, d. 1897
HARLEY, ??,illegible
HARLEY, Adaline, b. Oct. 12, 1848, d. Jun 26, 1900
HARLEY, Albert, no dates
HARLEY, Claud b., Feb. 15 1912, d. Feb. 15, 1912
HARLEY, Daniel, no dates
HARLEY, Encil G. Harley, b. Mar 10, 1889, d. Jul 18, 1930
HARLEY, James W., b. Jul 25, 1887, d. Nov. 20, 1961
HARLEY, Leslie, no dates
HARLEY, Ollie, no dates
HARLEY, Ozina, Sep 6, 1884, d. Mar 22, 1965
HARLEY, W. E., b. Jun 28, 1850, d. Mar 24, 1930
HICKMAN, William F., b. Aug. 15, 1912, d. Feb. 7, 1956
HIGH, Cora A., b. 1879, d. 1967
HIGH, Cora, no dates
HIGH, Dorothy E., b. Aug. 6. 1911, d. Mar 31, 1954
HIGH, Dovy, b. Aug. 17, 1877, d. Dec. 2, 1967
HIGH, Elmer, no dates
HIGH, Genevia, b. Apr 26, 1909, d. May 12, 1909
HIGH, Infant, no dates, c/o Elmer
HIGH, Infant, no dates, c/o John I.
HIGH, John I., b. Jul 24, 1861, d. Feb. 5, 1929
HIGH, John I., no dates
HIGH, Lee, b. Dec. 29, 1880, d. Jan. 12, 1953
HIGH, Lena, b. Aug. 25, 1920, d. Sep 7, 1948
HIGH, Ray, no dates
HIGH, Velma, no dates
HIGH, William B., b. 1879, d. 1966
HOWARD, Pearl, no dates
HUDSON, J. L., b. Oct. 1, 1865, d. Feb. 28, 1919
HUDSON, Lou A., b. 1890, d. Feb. 11, 1967
HUDSON, McKinley A., b. 1901, d. Jul 4, 1964
JONES, Charles R., no dates
Kitter, ??,illegible
LOFTIS, Arthur W., b. 1958-1959
LOFTIS, B. W., no dates
LOFTIS, Clyde, no dates
LOFTIS, Frank W., b. Sep 10, 1884, d. Mar 3, 1939
LOFTIS, Fred, b. 1888, d. 1966
LOFTIS, Infant, no dates, c/o B. W.
LOFTIS, J. M., b. Mar 5, 1860, d. May 19, 1931
LOFTIS, J. T., no dates
LOFTIS, James L., b. Feb. 2. 1889, d. Apr 8, 1950
LOFTIS, James, b. Nov. 25 1937, d. Jun 25, 1910
LOFTIS, Josephine, b. Aug. 24, 1869, d. Dec. 24, 1930
LOFTIS, L. H., b. Mar 1, 1829, d. Sep 23. 1896
LOFTIS, Lloyd B., b. 1903, d. 1965
LOFTIS, Loyd W., b. Jun 11, 1900, d. Dec. 24, 1900
LOFTIS, Malinda, b. May 8, 1830, d. Jan. 26. 1917
LOFTIS, Martha Alma, b. 1918, d. 1970
LOFTIS, Mina M. Loftis, b. Sep 1887, d. Aug. 1888
LOFTIS, Noah, no dates
LOFTIS, Perlesha, b. Sep 11, 1852, d. -Nov. 26, 1921
LOFTIS, Ralph, b. 1895, d. 1966
LOFTIS, Sampson, b. Jan. 25. 1877, d. Dec. 7, 1907
LOFTIS, Vila, b. Jun 18, 1888, d. Mar 12, 1908
LOFTIS, William J., b. Feb. 18, 1845, d. Jul 15, 1914
LOFTIS, Willis, b. Oct. 3, 1904, d. Oct. 23. 1904
LYONS, Joy, b. Feb. 19, 1915, d. Sep 15, 1936
Luna, ??,illegible
MALONE, ??,illegible
MARTIN, Claud, b. Jul 4, 1910, d. Apr 18. 1936
MARTIN, Jube, b. Sep 3, 1882, d. Apr 16, 1966
MAYBERRY, Elcaney, b. 1862-1944
MAYBERRY, Preston, b. 1862-1932
MacCALLISTER, Infant, no dates, c/o Carl
Mayfield, ??,illegible
NAUGLE, Earnest, b. Sep 10. 1916, d. Oct. 9, 1916
NAUGLE, Ida Mae, b. 1875, d. 1955
NAUGLE, Melvis E., b. Dec. 2,1895, d. Mar 1,1960
NAUGLE, Thomas E., b. 1875, d. 1965
NAUGLE, William R., b. Jan. 12, 1962, d. Jan. 13, 1962
PARE, Nellie Pare, b. Jun 7, 1893, d. Feb. 13, 1931
PERIGIN, __, no dates
POWER, James R., b. Nov. 1, 1832, d. Apr 3, 1917
POWER, Mary E., b. 1845, d. Mar 1, 1932
POWER, Scott, no dates
PRICE, Ben, no dates
PRICE, Cena, no dates
PRICE, John, no dates
RAIMES, Will, no dates
RICE, Francis, no dates
RICKEL, Elmer, b. Apr 28, 1891, d. Jul 31, 1897
RICKEL, Nettie, b. Jun 19, 1900, d. Apr 25, 1901
ROOF, Hessie E., b. May 8. 1883, d. Aug. 1. 1896
SMITH, G. P., b. Apr 20, 1835, d. Dec. 11, 1921
SMITH, Susie, b. Dec. 26, 1862, d. Jun 8, 1919
STRONG, Della, no dates
STRONG, Mary A., b. Aug. 15, 1871, d. Apr 28, 1947
SWEET, Infant, no dates, c/o Wid
Swearengin, ??,illegible
TERRY, Donald H., b. Mar 26. 1933, d. May 30, 1950
TRIBBIT, Lig, no dates
WALLER, Logan, no dates
WESLEY, Peter, no dates
WHISNANT, Jimmy, b. Oct. 14, 1959, d. Feb. 6. 1966
Webb, ??, illegible

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