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Gabel Cemetery
Edgar Springs, Phelps County, Missouri

Se,Sw,Sec 11, Twp 35, R9W

Contributed by Connie Wilson, Jul 09, 2000 [connier@tigernet.missouri.org]. Total records = 3.

Mary (Gabel) Harris, w/o Thomas Harris, is gr. gr. grandaughter of John Henry Gabel. She said John dug his own grave and told neighbors if they heard a shot to come cover his body. He crawled into the grave and shot himself. The neighbors (who thought he was just talking) found him in his grave. The wife then hung herself about a year later.

I have been to this site many times. It was in my grandparents field across the road from their home in Edgar Springs, Missouri. My uncle now owns this piece of property.

Charted By Donald Spencer & Margie Burris, May 14, 1989

- Connie Wilson

Gabel, John Henry, b. 1827, d. 1875, h/o Sophia Schrader
Gabel, Sophia Schrader, b. 1833, d. 1876, w/o John Henry
Gabel, Gustoph Peter, b. 1869, d. 1872, s/o John Henry & Sophia

Concrete Wall 4'X12'X20' On County Road 7520

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