Search Mississippi Death Records
Mississippi Newspapers, Full Search (1802-1964), 318 titles
Mississippi Obituary Search, (1999-current)
Mississippi Birth Records Database, (1802-1964)
Vicksburg National Cemetery
Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi
Records of burials were provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior on October 29, 2000.
Babb, D. H., d. 26 Jul 1863, Plot: E 1688, Pvt, Civil War, Co I MMB
Babcock, Jesse, d. 24 May 1863, Plot: G 4356, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 20th OH
Babcock, W.E., d. Sep 1863, Plot: F 1435, Civil War, Co H 103rd IL Regt
Backus, G.H., d. 16 Aug 1863, Plot: O 3523, Civil War, Co G 45th PA
Bacon, A.L., d. 22 Jun 1863, Plot: V 15750, Civil War, Co I 14th IL Inf
Badger, W.W., d. 08 Nov 1863, Plot: L 6073, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 8th WI
Badgley, D.W., d. 27 May 1864, Plot: I 7819, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 117th IL
Bagby, Wm., d. 26 May 1863, Plot: G 4856, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 99th IL
Bailey, Alf. D., d. 09 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5730, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 30th MO
Bailey, Georgia, d. 16 Jul 1966, Plot: M 17692
Bailey, J.M., Plot: I 8009, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 78th OH Vol Inf
Bailey, J.W., d. 10 Apr 1865, Plot: N 9824, Govt. Employee
Bailey, James, d. 09 Oct 1953, Plot: M 17691, Pvt, Co A 325th Svc Bn QMC
Bailey, L.J., d. 16 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2936, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 23rd WI
Bailey, Willie, d. 23 Apr 1950, Plot: V 17555, Sgt, Sq E, 4000 AAFBU AC
Baine, E.F., d. 08 Sep 1863, Plot: F 829, Mus, Civil War, Co I 25th IA Regt
Bair, C.H., d. 19 May 1863, Plot: O 3673, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 11th IN
Bair, J.S., d. 23 Mar 1863, Plot: B 2699, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 120th OH
Baker, D.C. (David), d. 03 Jun 1863, Plot: C 2297, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 20th OH
Baker, Frederick, d. 04 Feb 1918, Plot: M 17103, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 63rd USCI
Baker, Freeman, d. 02 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6260, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 120th IL
Baker, Jacob, d. 05 Aug 1864, Plot: O 4296, Lt, Civil War, Co M 5th IL Cav
Baker, Jno., d. Aug 1863, Plot: F 1437, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 103rd IL Regt
Baker, John, d. 14 Jul 1953, Plot: M 17683, Bugler, Co A 544 Eng Svc Bn CE CMM
Baker, Leroy, d. 14 Feb 1946, Plot: U 17383, Seaman, US Navy Reserves
Baker, Philip, d. 23 Nov 1863, Plot: I 7455, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 29th IL
Baker, Sam'l, d. 21 May 1914, Plot: M 17021, Pvt, Civil War, Co Q 52nd USCT
Baker, Sarah, d. 08 Jun 1926, Plot: M 16866
Baker, Sylvester, d. 01 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7666, Pvt, Civil War, Co I Eng Regt
Baker, W. W., d. 04 Aug 1864, Plot: Q 9334, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 1st MO Cav
Baker, Wash./Wife, d. 09 Nov 1906, Plot: M 16866, Cook, Civil War, Co H 124th IL Inf
Bakke, O.O., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: H 101, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 23rd WI
Balch, A.H., d. 01 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1789, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 116th IL
Balcom, Geo., d. 29 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2973, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 29th WI
Baldwin, A., Plot: G 5367
Baldwin, J.C., d. 05 Aug 1863, Plot: E 1696, Civil War, Battalion L MMB
Baldwin, James, d. 04 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6102, Pvt., Civil War, Co C 32nd IA
Baldwin, M., d. 14 May 1863, Plot: E 1658, Civil War, Co A 39th IN
Balenger, Jno., d. 15 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1395, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 12th Regt IN Vol
Ball, Herman, d. 27 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6290, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 23rd WI
Ball, J.A., d. 19 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2428, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 96th OH
Ballard, Farrish, d. 28 Aug 1912, Plot: M 16997, Pvt, Civil War, Co Q 63rd USCI
Ballard, Handy, d. 09 Apr 1917, Plot: M 17082, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 2nd USCT 2nd L Arty
Ballard, Tho's, d. 19 Apr 1865, Plot: I 7428, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 10th TN Cav
Ballentine, Thomas, d. 15 May 1864, Plot: L 6461, Pvt, Civil War, 26th OVV Arty OH
Ballow, Jos., Plot: G 5152, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 48th OV OH
Bane, Geo., d. 14 Jul 1863, Plot: F 907, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 55th IL Regt
Banhard, Joseph, d. 20 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2914, Civil War, Co B 120th IL
Banister, Geo./Wife, d. 26 Apr 1912, Plot: V 16985, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 5th USCH Arty
Banister, Louisa, d. 28 Nov 1916, Plot: V 16985
Banks, Joseph, d. 25 Aug 1865, Plot: I 7413, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 10th IN Cav
Banks, Stephen, d. 24 Jan 1866, Plot: M 12836, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 64th USCI
Bankson, G.W., d. 02 Jan 1863, Plot: B 2751, Civil War, Co E 118th IL
Bannett, Jno., d. 10 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16449, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 15th USI
Banta, W.H., d. 24 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1580, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 97th IL Regt
Banten, Henry, d. 27 Sep 1864, Plot: L 6442, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 35th IL
Bantle, Jno., d. 25 Sep 1863, Plot: E 1844, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 30th IA
Barber, A.J., d. 13 Apr 1864, Plot: I 7532, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 81st IL
Barber, C.E, d. 08 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6343, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 161st NY
Barber, W.T., d. 15 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6310, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 11th IL Inf
Barbour, C.E., d. 09 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6150, Sgt, Civil War, Co E 161st NY SB
Barden, Hiram, d. 08 Mar 1863, Plot: A 3083, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 23rd WI
Barger, Absalom, d. 22 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5260, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 33rd WI Vol
Barker, E.M., d. 04 Jun 1864, Plot: I 7840, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 11th IL
Barker, Edw'd, d. 16 May 1866, Plot: E 16495, Sgt, Civil War, Co F 15th USI
Barker, Elijah, d. 27 Dec 1863, Plot: L 6051, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 76th IL
Barker, F. J., d. 21 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1569, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 118th IL Regt
Barker, Geo., d. 11 Nov 1863, Plot: I 7808, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 11th IL Inf
Barker, Jno., d. 28 Mar 1863, Plot: E 1730, Pvt, Civil War, Co G IN Vol
Barker, Jno., d. 25 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2499, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 114th OH
Barkley, J.S., d. 16 Nov 1863, Plot: G 4946, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 99th IL
Barksdale, Frederick, d. 12 Feb 1919, Plot: V 17142, Sgt, Co B 804 Pioneer Inf
Barnard, Fernando, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4851, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 16th IN Vol
Barnes, Alice, d. 20 Jul 1977, Plot: M 18010
Barnes, B. T., Plot: G 5389, Co H
Barnes, Chas., d. 01 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5717, Civil War, Co G 95th IL
Barnes, D., d. 23 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2894, Civil War, Co K 10th MO
Barnes, Henry Lengle, d. 19 Oct 1944, Plot: G 5507A, Yeoman, US Navy
Barnes, Johnie, d. 28 Jun 1937, Plot: M 17353, Pvt, Co D 307 Svc Bn QMC
Barnes, Thomas, d. 24 May 1960, Plot: M 18009, Pfc, Co B 340 Svc Bn QMC
Barnes, W.E., d. 24 Jun 1863, Plot: H 6, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 8th WI
Barnes, Willie, d. 05 Jan 1961, Plot: M 18034, Pvt, Co B 565 Eng Svc Bn
Barnet, D., Plot: F 675, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 76th OH Vol Inf
Barnett, Plot: M 11618, Sgt
Barnett, Geo., d. 26 Dec 1905, Plot: M 16853, Pvt, Civil War, Co Q 5th USCH Arty
Barnett, Robt., d. 18 Jan 1908, Plot: V 16883, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 5th USCH Arty
Barnett, William B., d. 24 Feb 1945, Plot: W 17470, Cpl, WWII, US Marine Corps
Barnett, Z. T., d. 05 May 1863, Plot: H 113, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 7th KY
Barney, J.J., Plot: O 3779, Civil War, Co E WI Vol
Barnhill, F.M., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5072, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 16th OH Vol Inf
Barnum, A.W., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4461, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 81st IL
Barnum, W.D., d. 08 Sep 1863, Plot: G 4501, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 13th IA
Barr, David, d. 27 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1593, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 120th OH
Barratt, Stephen, d. 22 Jun 1863, Plot: O 3434, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 7th KY
Barris, David, d. 24 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2879, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 16th IN
Barrow, Page, d. 11 Apr 1916, Plot: M 17057, Mus, Civil War, Co M 5th USCH Arty
Barrows, Samuel, d. Jan, Plot: O 3527, Pvt, Civil War, 4th IA Cav
Barrows, Wm., d. 30 Mar 1867, Plot: E 1779, Pvt, Civil War
Bartens, Herman, d. 05 Feb 1905, Plot: E 1495, Civil War, US Navy
Barth, Benj., d. 20 Jul 1863, Plot: E 1676, Civil War, Co B Cav MMB
Barthe, Benj., d. 21 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16461, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 15th US Inf
Bartholomew, Benj., d. 22 Aug 1865, Plot: I 7217, Pvt, Civil War, 14th OH Btry
Bartlett, George, d. 20 May 1945, Plot: U 17376, Pvt, Hdqtrs/Supp 304 Stevedore Reg
Bartlett, N.B., d. 11 Sep 1864, Plot: Q 9282, Sgt, Civil War, Co C 76th IL Vol
Bartley, Charles H., d. 08 Nov 1950, Plot: V 17574, Pvt, Spanish/Am War, Trp E 9th Regt Cav/Sp Am War
Barton, Claude M., d. 04 Sep 1940, Plot: G 5661B, Pvt, 20th Eng
Barton, Joshua, d. 14 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7467, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 63rd IL
Bass, J., d. 01 May 1863, Plot: O 3384, Civil War
Bass, James, d. 17 Mar 1864, Plot: V 15982, Pvt, Civil War, 54th USCI
Bass, Major, d. 22 Jun 1932, Plot: M 17297, Pvt, Co A 566 Eng Svc Bn
Bassett, Geo., d. 08 Dec 1863, Plot: I 7512, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 95th IL Vol
Bassett, H.G., d. 16 Nov 1863, Plot: I 7806, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 32nd OH
Batchelor, A.J., d. 17 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5053, Civil War, Co B 46th IN Inf
Bates, Charles, d. 15 May 1863, Plot: H 125, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 23rd WI Regt
Bates, David/Wife, d. 19 Mar 1913, Plot: M 17008, Cpl, Civil War, Co A 50th USCI
Bates, Jno., d. 23 Jun 1863, Plot: V 15709, Civil War, Co H 23rd WI
Bates, Pricilla, d. 15 Jul 1921, Plot: M 17008
Battee, A.J., d. 30 Jul 1863, Plot: O 4290, Lt, Civil War, Co H 76th OH Vol
Battles, John L., d. 19 Dec 1865, Plot: M 12868, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 2nd USCH Arty
Bauchman, A., Plot: F 693
Bauer, Jacob, d. 11 Nov 1863, Plot: L 6065, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 35th IA
Baughn, Chas., d. 18 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2926, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 30th IA
Baun, George, d. 02 May 1863, Plot: A 2944, Civil War, Co G 24th IL
Bayan, W.G., d. 20 May 1863, Plot: A 2988, Civil War, Co C 6th MO
Bayles, G.W., Plot: D 2069, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 76th OH
Beach, Chas., Plot: N 9812, Govt Employee
Beach, F.A., d. 09 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4983, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 33rd IL
Beach, Horates, d. 17 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6110, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 161st NY
Beach, Jerome, d. 20 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1567, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 23rd IA
Beachamp, Jackson, d. 24 May 1918, Plot: M 17106, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 5th USCH Arty
Beadle, Chas., d. 30 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6142, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 6th MI
Beadle, Frank, d. 28 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2861, Civil War, Co B 2nd MN
Beales, W.M., d. 04 Sep 1865, Plot: H 622, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 5th IL Cav
Beaman, Benj., d. 29 Aug 1904, Plot: M 16832, Pvt, Co E 5th USH Arty
Bear, Benhart, Plot: K 5912, Civil War, Co D 48th IL Vol
Beare, Townsend, d. 17 Jul 1864, Plot: Q 9277, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 6th MN Inf
Beasley, August, d. 26 May 1893, Plot: V 16637, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 95th USCI
Beavins, W.A., d. 02 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6259, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 5th RI Cav
Bechtel, Rueben, d. 11 Jul 1863, Plot: O 4289, Lt, Civil War, Co A 120th OH Vol Inf
Beck, Geo., d. 15 Dec 1867, Plot: E 16526, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 24th USI
Beck, N.J., d. 31 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1378, Cpl, Civil War, 97th IN Regt
Beck, W.M., Plot: G 5176, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 24th IN
Beck, W.T., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4958, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 8th IN Inf
Beck, Wm., d. 07 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3488, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 20th MI Inf
Becker, Francis, d. 29 Jun 1863, Plot: O 7074, Lt, Civil War, Co I 1st KS Vol
Beckerman, Herman, d. 25 Jul 1863, Plot: H 441, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 4th MO Cav
Beckham, David Chas., d. 13 Sep 1919, Plot: G 5427B, Pvt, Co G 164th US Inf
Bede, Richard, d. 25 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1275, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 8th IA Inf
Beebe, Clark, d. 11 Jan 1863, Plot: G 4974, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 99th IL
Beebe, N.L., d. 13 Jul 1864, Plot: O 3837, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 2nd WI Cav
Beers, W.R., d. 11 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1388, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 26th IL Vol
Beeson, H.H., d. 10 Jun 1863, Plot: H 42, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 23rd IA
Beeson, Rich'd, d. 16 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7714, Civil War, 1st KS
Beetley, Lewis, d. 18 Dec 1863, Plot: L 6055, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 5th IL Cav
Behan, Jno., d. 13 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7276, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 29th IL
Behrns, Henry, d. 13 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2716, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 77th IL
Behtold, Eman'l, d. 08 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1141, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 37th OH Vol Inf
Beighler, Enoch, d. 23 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5065, Civil War, Co B 23 IA
Belick, Josiah, d. 20 Mar 1863, Plot: F 789, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 118th IL Vol
Bell, Plot: U 16422, Sgt, Civil War, 53rd USCI
Bell, D.H., d. 15 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7475, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 5th IA
Bell, J., Plot: B 2806
Bell, James, d. 27 May 1863, Plot: G 4445, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 81st IL
Bell, Ralph C., d. 13 Apr 1948, Plot: U 17417, Pvt, QMC
Bell, T.J., d. 02 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1795, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 69th IN
Bell, Wm., d. 21 Jun 1863, Plot: I 7366, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 4th VA Inf
Bell, Wm., d. 16 Jun 1863, Plot: Q 9797, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 30th IA Inf
Beller, Geo., d. 26 Dec 1864, Plot: L 6398, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 11th IL Cav
Bellinger, W.M., d. 17 Mar 1864, Plot: N 9843, Civil War, Govt Employee
Bellon, Theo., d. 20 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3200, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 25th WI Vol
Belt, H.E., d. 06 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1812, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 17th IA
Belton, Tim, d. 26 Dec 1949, Plot: V 17535, Cpl, Sq C 335 AAFBU AC
Bender, Fred'k, d. 02 Mar 1865, Plot: L 6236, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 11th MO
Bendikson, B., d. 16 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5257, Cpl, Civil War, Co D 38th IA
Benedict, J.E., d. 19 May 1863, Plot: G 4549, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 95th IL
Benefield, Jno., d. 09 Aug 1865, Plot: I 7270, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 10th IN Cav
Benner, Della G., d. 19 Mar 1937, Plot: E 16595A
Benner, H.H./Wife, d. 17 Oct 1878, Plot: E 16595, Lt, Civil War, Co C 18th USI
Bennett, E.C., d. 20 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7780, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 35th IA
Bennett, H.H., Plot: A 3105, Pvt, Civil War, 16th IN
Bennett, Jno., d. 18 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1359, Mus, Civil War, Co F 100th IN Vol
Bennett, Robt., d. 28 Sep 1863, Plot: R 10400, Civil War, Co H 47th IL
Bennett, Willis, Plot: F 664, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 4th MN Regt
Bennett, Wm., d. 14 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2725, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 113th IL
Benson, Geo., d. 05 Dec 1867, Plot: E 16524, Sgt, Civil War, Co B 24th USI
Bentley, Thos., d. 09 Apr 1863, Plot: F 748, Civil War, Co F 99th IL Vol
Benton, Thos., d. 10 Aug 1916, Plot: M 17065, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 50th USCI
Bentrupp, F.H., d. 05 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3449, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 27th WV Inf
Beol, Richard, Plot: F 1275
Bepee, Wm., Plot: L 6246
Beris, Jno., d. 31 Dec 1864, Plot: N 9821, Civil War, Govt Employee
Berkley, Barney, d. 16 Aug 1924, Plot: M 17190, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 53rd USCI
Bernandy, Nick, d. 26 Jul 1863, Plot: K 6038, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 16th WI
Bernard, James H., d. 10 Oct 1959, Plot: M 17966, Air Comms Svc Regt AF Colored
Berry, Oliver, d. 28 Oct 1899, Plot: M 16720, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 50th USCI
Berry, Sol'm, d. 24 Jun 1863, Plot: N 9933, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 114th OH
Berry, W.M., d. 25 Jul 1865, Plot: R 10367, Civil War, Co I 10th IN Cav
Berryhill, A.A., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4455, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 8th IL
Bert - a, A.J., d. 18 Mar 1863, Plot: I 8378, Civil War
Besse, C.W., d. 01 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5010, Sgt, Civil War, Co A 33rd Il Inf
Bessing, Lewis, d. 05 Aug 1863, Plot: F 798, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 13th IL Inf
Best, Adam, d. 21 Dec 1863, Plot: L 6054, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 14th IL
Best, Henry, d. 27 Apr 1863, Plot: H 112, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 17th MO
Bethel, Norman, d. 30 May 1869, Plot: V 15700, Civil War, Co E 5th MN
Beverling, Madison, d. 03 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1729, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 69th IN Vol
Beverly, Thornton, d. 20 Jun 1910, Plot: M 16932, Cpl, Civil War, Co Q 66th USCI
Beyers, Robert, d. 21 Nov 1945, Plot: G 5503A, Pvt, Motorcycle Co. NR3 QMC
Bickham, Charley Rol, d. 27 Nov 1948, Plot: M 17463, 1st Sgt, WWII, Sig Corps WWII
Bickham, Charlie R., d. 27 Nov 1948, Plot: U 17463, Sgt, Co A 78th Sig Heavy Const Bn
Bickle, H.C., d. 05 Jan 1864, Plot: I 7694, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 115th IA
Bicknor, James, Plot: C 2309, Co A MMB
Bidwell, A.L., d. 08 Jun 1863, Plot: O 3432, Cpl, Civil War, Co K 95th OH
Bigbee, Lawrence, d. 03 Oct 1918, Plot: L 6509A, Pvt, WWI, 30th Inf 3rd Div
Biggerstaff, W.T., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4841, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 33rd IL
Billhurt, Abe, d. 13 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5599, Civil War, Co I 3rd MO Inf
Billman, H.A., d. 10 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1833, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 23rd IA
Bills, Jasper P., d. 05 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6168, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 6th MI
Bingham, James B., d. 23 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1578, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 3rd KY Regt
Bingle, G., Plot: G 4853, Civil War, IL Regt
Binner, G.L.M., d. 12 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1282, Civil War, Co G MO
Birch, J.M., Plot: C 2604, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 54th IN
Bird, B.W., d. 22 Jul 1865, Plot: I 7265, Pvt, Civil War, Co M 2nd NJ Cav
Bishop, I.S., d. 08 Sep 1863, Plot: P 10162, Sgt, Civil War, 11th LA Vol
Bishop, Lander, d. 11 Jun 1864, Plot: I 7449, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 4th IL Cav
Bishop, Miles, d. 27 May 1863, Plot: G 4615, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 11th MO Vol
Bishop, Silas, d. 13 Sep 1864, Plot: L 6429, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 37th IL
Bitts, J.M., d. 11 Aug 1863, Plot: I 7339, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 23rd IN
Black, Calloway, d. 26 Jan 1945, Plot: W 17503, Pfc, WWII, 108th Inf Regt 40th Div
Black, Jno., d. 14 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2452, Pvt, Civil War, 131st IL
Black, S.G.P., d. 06 Apr 1864, Plot: I 7671, Pvt, Civil War, 3rd OH Btry
Blackston, J.J., d. 21 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1358, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 100th IN Regt
Blackwell, C.C., d. 19 Apr 1863, Plot: D 2018, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 4th WV Inf
Blackwell, Thos., d. 30 Jul 1905, Plot: M 16847, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 23rd USCI
Blackwell, Willie J., d. 14 Oct 1918, Plot: V 17140, Pvt, Co 806 Pioneer Inf
Blake, Anthony, d. 01 Mar 1907, Plot: M 16868, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 52nd USCI
Blake, Francis, Plot: H 590, Mas Mate, U S Navy
Blake, Isaac, d. 21 May 1863, Plot: G 4333, Sgt, Civil War, Co F 8th IN
Blake, Josiah, d. 21 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2912, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 69th IN
Blakeley, Robt., d. 04 Mar 1862, Plot: A 3094, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 23rd WI
Blakenberker, D.L., d. 21 May 1863, Plot: O 3992, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 23rd IN Vol
Blan, J.W., Plot: F 903, Co K 5th Cav
Blanch, Philip, d. 01 Feb 1896, Plot: M 16664, Landsman, USS Prairie Bird
Blasdell, Huron, d. 08 Jul 1863, Plot: H 14, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 83rd IN
Blatchley, Joseph, d. 06 Oct 1864, Plot: Q 9289, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 8th IL Inf
Blecker, W.J., d. 13 Jun 1863, Plot: H 70, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 29th WI
Blevins, Dan'l, d. 06 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2763, Civil War, Co D 16th IN
Blevins, Samuel, d. 10 Feb 1945, Plot: U 17372, Pvt, Co A Development Bn #8
Bliss, Augustus E., d. 24 Jul 1863, Plot: Q 9700, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 36th MA Inf
Bliss, J.C., d. 25 May 1863, Plot: H 88, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 8th MO
Bliss, M.D., d. 31 Aug 1863, Plot: E 1786, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 48th OH
Bliss, Susan L., d. 30 Mar 1937, Plot: L 6561
Bliss, Walter Sam'l, d. 18 Mar 1943, Plot: G 7346B, Mate, Machinist Mate 1st Class
Bliss, Wm./Wife, d. 27 Dec 1918, Plot: L 6561A, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 23rd IN Inf
Blizzard, Sam'l, d. 23 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1575, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 114th OH Regt
Blocker, Ed. d. 23 May 1926, Plot: M 17223, Cpl, Co 4 164th Depot Brig
Blount, Jesse, Plot: G 5289, Civil War, 130th IL
Blow, Geo., d. 26 Mar 1863, Plot: F 704, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 96th OH Vol Inf
Blower, A.C., d. 23 Feb 1863, Plot: D 2076, Cpl, Civil War, Co H 116th IL
Blue, S., Plot: C 2601, Civil War, Co K 26th OH
Blume, Jno., d. 01 Jul 1868, Plot: L 16806, Civil War, Co E 34th US Inf
Blunt, Charlie Jr., d. 05 Jul 1946, Plot: U 17389, Sgt, 3125th Qtmaster Svc Co
Blunt, Chas., d. 06 Dec 1926, Plot: M 17227, Pvt, Co C 329 Svc Bn QMC
Bly, Nicholas, d. 09 Nov 1865, Plot: N 9854, Civil War, Govt Employee
Boatman, Jere, d. 06 Aug 1863, Plot: G 4418, Sgt, Civil War, Co H 83rd IN
Bobb, Walter F., d. 27 Jun 1958, Plot: W 17909, Lt Col, USAF Ret
Boesslins, E.A., d. Sept 1863, Plot: F 1236, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 5th MN Vols
Bohnson, Plot: A 3116, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 83rd IN
Boland, Jno, d. 25 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6287, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 2nd IL Art
Bolenbaugh, Jno, d. 06 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3216, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 25th R.W.V.
Boles, James, d. 16 Apr 1863, Plot: A 3022, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 16th OH
Boles, Preston, d. 28 Nov 1912, Plot: M 17002, Sgt, Civil War, Co Q 5th USC H Arty
Bolin, N.M., d. 11 Aug 1863, Plot: L 6384, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 59th In
Bolio, l G.W., d. 20 May 1863, Plot: F 946, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 95th OH Vol Inf
Bon, E.L., Plot: O 3250, Civil War, Co K 81st IN
Bonaparte, Napoleon, d. 20 Feb 1897, Plot: M 16673, Civil War, Co K 5th USC/Heavy Arty
Bonham, B.W., Plot: F 1301, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 35th IO Reg
Bonnell, Wm, d. 22 Feb 1863, Plot: A 3098, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 83rd OH Vol Inf
Bonner, B.F., d. 27 Mar 1863, Plot: C 2584, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 25th IO
Bonner, Floyd, (Iva), d. 18 Dec 1928, Plot: L 6465-A, Seaman, US Navy
Bonner, S.E., d. 5 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1823, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 47th IN
Booker, Eliza, d. 30 Jul 1926, Plot: M 17084
Booker, Irving/Wife, d. 18 May 1917, Plot: M 17084, Cook, Civil War, Co B 118th IL
Bools, William, d. 24 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2871, Civil War, Co H 28th IA
Boon, B.F., d. 13 Feb 1863, Plot: D 2066, Sgt, Civil War, Co K 31st IA Inf
Boon, Samuel, d. 4 Jan 1865, Plot: L 6344, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 1st KA
Boone, J.B., d. 15 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1394, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 12th Regt IN Vol
Booth, James J., d. 19 May 1863, Plot: I 7336, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 4th VA
Boover, Joseph, d. 3 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16445, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 15th USI
Boquet, J.A., d. 03 Aug 1865, Plot: I 7219, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 9th IN Cav
Bore, Henry, d. 28 Nov 1864, Plot: E 1520, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 57th IN Regt
Bornell, S.R., d. 27 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1399, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 12th IN
Boroughs, Jas., d. 14 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6380, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 175th OH
Boston, Arthur, d. 20 Jul 1912, Plot: M 16992, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 63rd USCI
Bostwick, Romeo, d. 09 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6351, Sgt, Civil War, Co L 2nd WI Cav
Boswell, James S., d. 01 Jul 1863, Plot: Q 9703, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 36th MA Inf
Bosworth, J.H., d. 30 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5201, Pvt, Civil War, Co 5th OH Btry
Bottorf, F.M., Plot: A 3103, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 67th IN
Bounds, T.M., d. 06 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1810, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 32nd MO
Bourrage, G.W., d. 17 Sep 1951, Plot: X 17642, Pfc, Korean War
Bowcholz, Alex, Plot: Q 9790, Cpl
Bowe, Walter, d. 27 Aug 1864, Plot: G 4877, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 2nd WI Cav
Bowen, W.L., d. 24 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6347, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 6th MI
Bower, C., d. 23 Aug 1863, Plot: F 851, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 76th OH Vol
Bower, Henry, d. 24 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4573, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 57th OH Vol Inf
Bower, J.H., d. 26 Aug 1863, Plot: I 8107, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 9th IA Inf
Bowie, Clovis W., Jr, d. 20 Nov 1943, Plot: W 17396, Cpl, WWII, USMC
Bowie, Granville, d. 07 Jan 1958, Plot: M 17889, Pvt, 566 Eng Svc Bn
Bowie, Jesse, d. 27 Mar 1939, Plot: T 17371, Pvt, Co A 514th US Eng Svc Bn
Bowie, Zedick, d. 11 Sep 1896, Plot: M 16669, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 5th USC Arty
Bowland, Andrew, d. 21 Apr 1864, Plot: L 6076, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 81st IL
Bowles, Green, d. 29 May 1903, Plot: M 16804, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 52nd USCI
Bowman, Benj., d. 13 May 1863, Plot: E 1660, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 30th IA
Bowman, C.A., d. 06 Aug 1863, Plot: I 7615, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 63rd IL
Bowman, E.T., d. 07 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5236, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 41st IL
Bowman, Henry, d. 28 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6288, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 67th IN
Bowman, Horace, d. 03 Jul 1924, Plot: M 17189, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 63rd USCI
Bowman, Jerry, d. 09 Jul 1898, Plot: M 16693, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 66th USCI
Bowman, Jett, d. 16 Jan 1940, Plot: M 17376, Pvt, 27th Recruit Depot
Bowman, Jno., d. 16 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5602, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 3rd MO Inf
Bowman, Pius, d. 30 Jun 1863, Plot: O 3443, Civil War, Co H 106th IL Vol
Bowman, R.F., d. 07 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5702, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 3rd MO
Bowman, Thornton, d. 18 Jul 1928, Plot: M 17255, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 2nd USCL Arty
Bowmaster, Jno., d. 12 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1426, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 12th Regt IN Vol
Bown, B., d. 11 Oct 1866, Plot: U 16426, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 53rd USCI
Bowyer, F.J., d. 22 Mar 1864, Plot: F 846, Civil War, Co K 1st KS MR
Bowyer, J.M., d. 04 Dec 1863, Plot: I 7626, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 11th IL
Boyd, E.H., d. 23 Feb 1863, Plot: D 2079, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 116th IL
Boyd, G.R., d. 01 Jul 1863, Plot: I 7135, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 8th IL Cav
Boyd, Henry Chester, d. 24 Sep 1955, Plot: M 17779, Pvt, Co D 806th Pion Inf
Boyd, J.H., d. 21 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6117, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 5th IL Cav
Boyd, James, d. 08 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2361, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 42nd OH
Boyd, Jno., d. 15 Aug 1864, Plot: H 628, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 5th IL Cav
Boyd, Mich'l, d. 18 Jan 1894, Plot: V 16643, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 51st USCI
Boyd, W., d. 03 Jan 1863, Plot: F 655, Pvt, Civil War, 1st IA Btry
Boyd, W.R., d. 17 Sep 1864, Plot: L 6923, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 11th IL Cav
Boyer, A.S., d. 19 Nov 1863, Plot: L 6301, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 17th WI Inf
Boyer, Jacob, d. 19 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2683, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 23rd IA
Boyes, G.M., d. 02 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3486, Civil War, Co H MI Inf
Boyle, Jno., d. 09 May 1864, Plot: G 5029, Cpl, Civil War, Co K 28th MO Inf
Boynton, G.W., d. 13 Aug 1863, Plot: I 7930, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 16th NH
Brabston, James, d. 01 Apr 1899, Plot: M 16710, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 66th USCI
Brackett, A.M., d. 12 Aug 1863, Plot: F 849, Cpl, Civil War, Co G 76th OH Vol
Bradford, Lawrence, d. 25 Apr 1951, Plot: M 17602, Pvt, Co E 302nd Trng Regt QMC
Bradford, M., d. 13 Jan 1905, Plot: M 16837, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 2nd USCT Arty
Bradley, Chas., d. 12 Jan 1906, Plot: M 16854, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 5th USCH Arty
Bradley, Douglas, d. 04 Apr 1930, Plot: M 17272, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 48th USCI
Bradley, G.B., d. 11 Jun 1864, Plot: I 7572, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 76th IL
Bradley, J.J., d. 03 Aug 1865, Plot: I 7411, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 10th IN Cav
Bradley, J.L., d. 18 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1150, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 4th VA Arty
Bradley, James, d. 16 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7558, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 25th WI
Bradshaw, S.C., d. 16 Apr 1863, Plot: D 2119, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 116th IL
Bradshaw, Thomas, d. 04 May 1863, Plot: B 2798, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 114th IL
Brady, Henry, d. 17 May 1948, Plot: U 17420, Pvt, Eng
Brady, James, d. 06 Aug 1863, Plot: O 3494, Civil War, Co I 51st PA
Bragg, Mott, d. 10 Mar 1911, Plot: M 16947, Sgt, Civil War, Co C USCL Arty
Brahany, Chas., d. 02 Aug 1865, Plot: N 9861, Civil War, Civilian employee
Brainard, Benj., d. 01 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6911, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 46th IL Vol
Bramlett, Joseph, d. 27 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7800, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 29th IL
Brandcherry, Levi, d. 26 Aug 1863, Plot: I 8037, Pvt, Civil War, 3rd OH Btn
Brandon, R.B., d. 15 Mar 1863, Plot: F 788, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 118th IL Vol
Brandt, Jno., d. 14 May 1863, Plot: E 1642, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 120th OH
Branson, Grant, d. 03 Mar 1950, Plot: V 17545, Pvt, Co A 816th Pioneer Inf
Branson, Henry, d. 04 Feb 1931, Plot: M 17281, Pvt, Co A 416th RL Brig
Brantley, Charles B., d. 04 Aug 1863, Plot: B 2673, Sgt, Civil War, Co D 12th Bn AK
Bray, Edward D., d. 11 Oct 1866, Plot: E 16483, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 15th USI
Brayboy, Page, d. 02 Apr 1935, Plot: M 17333, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 66th USCI
Breckenridge, G.A., d. 08 Aug 1863, Plot: E 1702, Civil War, Co A Bn MMB
Breen, George, d. 20 Mar 1950, Plot: O 17550, Pfc, WWII, Signal Corps
Bremon, Francis, d. 26 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4343, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 31st IL
Brennan, Jno., d. 18 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1248, Cpl, Civil War, Co B 5th Regt MN Vol
Brent, Henrietta, d. 19 Dec 1923, Plot: V 16892
Brent, Thos./Wife, d. 27 Jun 1908, Plot: V 16892, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 52nd USCI
Brewer, Cecil, d. 13 Aug 1944, Plot: W 17438, Sgt, WWII, Co I 121st Inf 8th Div
Brewer, F.M., d. 07 Aug 1864, Plot: Q 9326, Civil War, Co K 37th IL Vet V
Brewer, H.M., d. 26 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3206, Sgt, Civil War, Co F 25th WV
Brewer, Real, Plot: G 5329, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 7th KY
Brewer, William, d. 31 Jul 1863, Plot: E 1834, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 16th WI Vol
Brickell, Robert E., d. 19 Apr 1952, Plot: M 17649, Sgt, 137 Port Co TC
Bricker, Jos., d. 20 May 1863, Plot: G 5087, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 118th IL
Brickley, Ernest E., d. 13 Oct 1951, Plot: M 17629, Pvt, 705 CML Maint Co AC
Bricknell, Andrew, Plot: L 6888, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 72nd IL
Bridenbucher, Jno., Plot: A 3024, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 83rd IN
Bridges, Christine J, d. 06 Mar 1960, Plot: M 17998
Bridgfolk, Alex, d. 01 Jul 1928, Plot: M 17253, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 49th USCI
Briggs, David, d. 23 May 1863, Plot: H 95, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 113th IL
Briggs, David/Wife, d. 04 May 1927, Plot: L 6536-A, Cpl, Civil War, Co G 11th WI Inf
Briggs, Enoch, d. 25 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7472, Sgt, Civil War, Co I 1st IO
Briggs, H.J., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5101, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 114th OH
Briggs, Minnie J., d. 23 Jan 1940, Plot: L 6536B
Briles, Geo, d. 04 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6180, Pvt, Civil War, 7th OH Btry
Brill, Charles, d. 19 Nov 1866, Plot: E 16528, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 5th US Cav
Brinckerhoff, Herman, d. 17 May 1863, Plot: R 10318, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 48th IN
Brindle, Jno., d. 01 May 1863, Plot: O 3367, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 120th OH Vol
Brinner, G.L.M., Plot: F 1282
Briot, A., Plot: A 3102, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 9th IA
Briscoe, Jesse Lee, d. 22 Oct 1944, Plot: U 17371, Pvt, Co I 11th Qtrmaster Trng Regt
Briscol, Jos., d. 19 Apr 1863, Plot: G 5663, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 1st KS Vol
Briskel, Robt., d. 08 Jan 1924, Plot: V 17183, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 53rd USCI
Britt, Thos., d. 26 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16469, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 15th US Inf
Britt, Wm., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4442, Civil War, Co A 7th MO
Brock, Albert, d. 04 Jul 1960, Plot: M 18017, Pfc, 3470th Trk Co QMC
Brock, Fred'k, d. 09 Dec 1931, Plot: L 6458B, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 1st TX Inf
Brockman, H., d. 01 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5622, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 30th MO Inf
Brodrick, Dan'l, d. 03 Sep 1863, Plot: E 16545, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 13th US Inf
Broker, Jos., d. 05 Sep 1863, Plot: G 5302, Civil War, Co D 26th MO Inf
Bronsom, J.G., d. 14 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6356, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 16th MI
Brooks, Plot: B 2656
Brooks, Alex, d. 20 Aug 1863, Plot: A 3008, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 30th OH
Brooks, Cyrus, d. 14 Jul 1891, Plot: V 16631, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 53rd USCI
Brooks, Henry, d. 24 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7552, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 53rd IN
Brooks, J.W., d. May 1863, Plot: G 5341, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 67th IN
Brooks, James, d. 24 May 1940, Plot: M 17339, Pvt, 1Cl 10 Cav
Brooks, Johnnie, d. 02 Jun 1959, Plot: M 17952, Pvt, Co D 302 Stevedore Regt QMC
Brooks, Lucky, d. 22 Feb 1951, Plot: O 17595, Pfc, Co C 81 Eng
Brooks, Martin A., d. 04 Feb 1936, Plot: L 6529B, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 2nd MS Vol Inf
Brooks, P.L., d. 17 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6333, Sgt, Civil War, Co N 2nd WI Cav
Broots, W., Plot: A 2887, Civil War, Co A 23rd IN
Brophy, Matthew, d. 08 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5189, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 20th IA
Brophy, Thos., d. 18 Sep 1863, Plot: E 16546, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 13th US Inf
Brotcher, August, d. 04 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1827, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 37th OH
Broth, Jno., d. 19 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4803, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 60th IN
Broudbeck, G.F., d. 08 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6152, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 6th MI
Brought, R.W., d. 09 Feb 1864, Plot: I 7567, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 33rd MO
Brown, Plot: O 7070, Lt, Civil War
Brown, d. 26 May 1864, Plot: I 7816, Civil War
Brown, Plot: O 7076, Capt, USA
Brown Wm, d. 24 Jul 1863, Plot: E 1726, Civil War
Brown, A.C., d. 25 Dec 1957, Plot: M 17881, Airman, US Navy
Brown, A.D., d. 20 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2904, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 67th IN
Brown, Abraham, d. 04 Dec 1863, Plot: I 7633, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 4th IA
Brown, Absalom (Abe), d. 30 Nov 1864, Plot: Q 9304, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 42nd OH Vol Inf
Brown, Alex, d. 31 May 1863, Plot: G 5327, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 19th KY Vol
Brown, Amos, d. 08 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6262, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 58th OH
Brown, Benj., d. 30 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5639, Cpl, Civil War, Co C 50th PA Vol
Brown, Benj./Wife, d. 06 Jul 1912, Plot: V 16989, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 5th USCH Arty
Brown, C.H., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 3734, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 11th IN
Brown, C.H., d. 13 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6141, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 58th IL
Brown, Carrie, d. 19 May 1962, Plot: V 17515
Brown, Charity, d. 07 Feb 1936, Plot: V 17179
Brown, Charlie, d. 07 Jun 1942, Plot: U 17353, Pvt, 329 Svc Bn
Brown, Chas., Plot: A 3043, Civil War, Co B 116th IL
Brown, E.S.H., Plot: G 5675, Civil War, Co I 12th IN Vol
Brown, Edmund, d. 12 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7526, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 89th IN
Brown, Edward/Wife, d. 12 Dec 1889, Plot: M 16699, Civil War, Co D 5th USC Arty
Brown, F.M., d. 01 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1225, Pvt, Civil War, Co F IL Cav
Brown, Fayette/alias, d. 05 Oct 1923, Plot: V 17179, Civil War, Mus Co G 51st USCI
Brown, Frantz, d. 25 Apr 1864, Plot: L 6085, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 178th NY
Brown, Fredk., d. 10 Dec 1864, Plot: L 6296, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 11th Il Cav
Brown, G.B., d. 27 Aug 1868, Plot: E 16573, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 24th USI
Brown, G.C., d. 31 May 1863, Plot: H 110, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 42nd OH
Brown, G.L., d. 19 May 1863, Plot: G 4553, Sgt, Civil War, Co E 72nd IL Inf
Brown, G.W., d. 06 Mar 1866, Plot: E 16531, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 15th USI
Brown, Geo, Plot: T 9188, Civil War, Co H 63rd USCI
Brown, Geo/Wife, d. 22 Oct 1897, Plot: M 16678, Cpl, Civil War, Co B 47th USCI
Brown, H.A, d. 11 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2736, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 17th OH
Brown, Henry, Jr., d. 09 Nov 1945, Plot: X 17468, Tec 3, WWII, 639 Ord Amm Co
Brown, Henry/alias, d. 14 Mar 1920, Plot: M 17120, Sgt, Civil War, Co D 66th USCI
Brown, Henry/wife, d. 18 Oct 1928, Plot: M 17260, Pvt, Co H 5th USH Arty
Brown, Houston, d. 18 Dec 1953, Plot: M 17697, Pvt, Co A 415 Res Labor Bn QMC
Brown, I.R., d. 12 Aug 1863, Plot: B 2633, Civil War, Co A 95th IL
Brown, Isaac S., d. 27 May 1863, Plot: G 4947, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 99th Reg IL Vol
Brown, Isiah, d. 20 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2321, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 120th OH
Brown, Isiah, d. 03 Jul 1949, Plot: V 17514, Pvt, Co C 22 Bn 162 Dep Brig
Brown, J.E., d. 19 May 1863, Plot: I 7796, Sgt, Civil War, Co C 13th US Inf
Brown, J.M.M., d. 12 May 1863, Plot: D 2020, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 47th OJ
Brown, J.W., d. 14 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2722, Civil War, Co G
Brown, James, d. 24 Sep 1939, Plot: M 17374, Pvt, 6th 2nd Trn Bat 168 Dep Brig
Brown, James/wife, d. 21 Jul 1893, Plot: V 16640, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 47th USCI
Brown, Jane, d. 25 May 1941, Plot: M 17260
Brown, Jesse, d. 23 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7597, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 18th WI
Brown, Jno, d. 01 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6261, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 183rd O
Brown, Jno, d. 11 Feb 1898, Plot: M 16682, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 47th USCI
Brown, Joe, d. 29 Jun 1939, Plot: T 47373, Pvt, Co D 308th Ser SMC
Brown, Joe, d. 05 Jan 1948, Plot: U 17404, Bugler
Brown, Lee Ambrose, d. 08 Feb 1953, Plot: M 17665, Sgt, Co B 368th Inf
Brown, Leslie Jr, d. 14 Aug 1951, Plot: X 17637, Pfc
Brown, Mason/alias, d. 12 Aug 1933, Plot: M 17317, Civil War, 5th reg USCH Arty
Brown, Minerva, d. 24 Nov 1917, Plot: M 16678
Brown, Mott, d. 11 Jul 1863, Plot: K 5919, Civil War, Co G 2nd MI
Brown, Pierson, d. 16 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7708, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 23rd IA
Brown, R.O., d. 30 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6419, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 76th IL
Brown, Ralph, d. 27 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5565, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 6th NHV
Brown, Rosetta, d. 07 Apr 1915, Plot: V 16640
Brown, Sally, d. 29 Dec 1917, Plot: V 16989
Brown, Samuel, d. 15 Apr 1865, Plot: I 7393, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 9th In Cav
Brown, Samuel, d. 14 Apr 1866, Plot: M 12798, Sgt, Civil War, Co E 52nd USCI
Brown, Samuel/wife, d. 19 Dec 1918, Plot: M 17111, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 50th USCI
Brown, Sol'm, d. 11 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1185, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 54th OH Vol
Brown, Susan, d. 21 Mar 1914, Plot: M 16699
Brown, T.A., d. 02 Jul 1863, Plot: N 9937, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 114th OH
Brown, T.E., Plot: G 5674, Civil War, Co I 12th IN Vol
Brown, Victoria, d. 02 Jun 1923, Plot: M 17120
Brown, W.H., d. 16 Jun 1863, Plot: H 29, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 29th WI
Brown, W.H., d. 12 Jun 1864, Plot: K 5921, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 100th PA
Brown, Will, d. 04 Feb 1953, Plot: V 17664, Pvt, Co B 529 Eng Svc Bn Ce
Brown, Wm, d. 19 Jul 1863, Plot: K 5891, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 53rd IN
Brown, Wm, d. 31 Dec 1904, Plot: M 16836, Pvt, Civil War, Co Q 64th USCI
Brown, Wm, d. 28 Jun 1863, Plot: Q 9742, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 17th IL Inf
Brown, Wm, d. 22 Aug 1868, Plot: E 16582, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 24th USI
Brown, Wm, d. 10 Aug 1912, Plot: M 16994, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 70th USCI
Browning, Marshall, d. 21 Oct 1863, Plot: M 7190, Pvt, Civil War, Co G29th IL
Bruce, Geo, d. 12 Apr 1925, Plot: M 17198, Pvt, Co H 4th USC Cav
Brumelle, Lewis, d. 24 Jul 1864, Plot: Q 9278, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 6th MN Inf
Brummett, F.M., d. 15 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1335, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 99th In Vol
Brunaller, Cha's, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: Q 9437, Sgt, Civil War, Co C 11th WI
Bruner, Henry, d. May 1863, Plot: G 4812, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 67th IN Vol
Bryant, Collier E Jr, d. 07 Jul 1948, Plot: U 17430, T/5, 354th Engrs Reg Co B
Bryant, Edw'd, d. 06 Jun 1919, Plot: M 17115, Pvt, Civil War, Co 828 Motor Transport Co
Bryant, Gladen B, d. 06 Sep 1950, Plot: W 17766, Cpl, 30th Inf Hq
Bryant, Robert, d. 15 Jun 1959, Plot: M 17955, Pvt, QMC
Bryant, Tom, d. 09 May 1936, Plot: M 17344, Pvt, 8th 162 Dep Brig 2nd Rec Bn
Buchanan, Alb't, d. 29 Dec 1928, Plot: M 17265, Cpl, Civil War, Co B 50th USCI
Buchanan, David, d. 02 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6095, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 11th IL
Buchanan, Jno, d. 07 Jun 1865, Plot: O 4309, 2nd Lt, Civil War, Co H 28th IA
Buck, Geo, d. 16 Mar 1863, Plot: D 1949, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 4th VVI USA
Buck, Henry, d. 02 Nov 1959, Plot: M 17970, Cpl, Co D 309 Svc Bn QMC
Buckecker, Isaac, d. 01 Sep 1864, Plot: L 6452, Pvt, Civil War, 26th O. V. Arty
Bucketmeyer, Jno, d. 03 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7510, Pvt, Civil War, Co M 1st Mo L Arty
Buckley, David, d. 29 Nov 1864, Plot: N 9823, Civil War
Buff, Henry, d. 20 Jun 1863, Plot: H 41, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 10th IL
Bugby, L.L., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4813, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 18th WI Vol
Bull, C.H., d. 07 Jun 1865, Plot: I 7404, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 14th WI
Bull, J.T., d. 14 Jun 1863, Plot: H 65, Civil War, Co C 23rd WI
Bull, Jarrard, d. 15 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1553, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 97th IL Reg
Bullen, Robert W., d. 12 Sep 1934, Plot: G 4911, Pfc, 4th Inf, 6th Div
Bullock, C., d. 04 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1829, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 30th OH
Bullock, D.W., d. 28 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2357, Civil War, Co C 3rd KY
Bullock, Reuben, d. 10 May 1925, Plot: M 17202, Sgt, Civil War, Co K 66th USCI
Bunce, T P, d. 26 Feb 1863, Plot: D 2035, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 26th IO
Bundy, Frank, d. 18 Jun 1868, Plot: E 16562, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 24th USI
Bunkam, D, d. 14 Nov 1864, Plot: O 4305, Lt, Civil War, 11th IL Cav
Bunn, F.N., d. 09 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5178, Pvt, Civil War, 1st WI Btry
Bunner, James, d. 23 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2890, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 83rd OH
Burcanshaw, Jno, d. 30 Nov 1867, Plot: E 16523, Civil War, 24th USI
Burch, Colburn, Plot: G 4816
Burch, M.A., d. Apr 1863, Plot: Q 9413, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 18th IN Inf
Burden, H, d. Aug 1863, Plot: B 2671, Civil War, Co E 131st IL
Burdock, Nelson, d. 13 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6164, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 6th MI
Burgess, W.H., d. 14 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2724, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 11th MO
Burk, Tobias, d. 31 Oct 1875, Plot: E 16590, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 13th USI
Burke, Myron, d. 31 May 1864, Plot: L 6099, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 8th WI
Burke, Patr., d. 08 Apr 1863, Plot: A 3113, Civil War, Co B 116th IL
Burke, V.B., d. 25 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1330, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 53rd OVI
Burke, Wm, Plot: G 5298, 1st Sgt, Civil War, Co E 11th IO
Burkhard, W.H., d. 28 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2680, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 23rd IA
Burkhart, Joseph, d. 29 Jan 1863, Plot: M 7128, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 11th IL Cav
Burks, Hamilton, d. 18 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5590, Civil War, Co B 390th MO Inf
Burkshire, Thomas, d. 13 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6160, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 76th IL
Burnell, S.R., Plot: F 1399
Burnes, C.L., d. 02 Mar 1863, Plot: C 2423, Civil War, Co A 108th IL
Burnett, C.R., d. 20 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4519, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 31st IL
Burnett, H.C., d. 31 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1409, Civil War, Co K 12 IA
Burnett, J.A., d. 20 Jun 1863, Plot: Q 9728, Civil War, Co H 26th MO
Burnett, J.N., d. 24 May 1863, Plot: G 5046, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 11th IN
Burnett, J.W., d. 05 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6214, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 5th IL Cav
Burnett, Tom, d. 05 Apr 1949, Plot: V 17499, Pct, Co I 65th Pioneer Inf
Burnham, Jake, Jr, d. 17 Apr 1956, Plot: M 17814, Sgt, Sq C 126th AFFBU AC
Burns, H.N., d. 13 May 1863, Plot: O 3473, Civil War, Co B 90th IL Vol
Burns, Jno, d. 05 Feb 1865, Plot: N 9816, Civil War
Burns, Mich'l, d. 23 Apr 1864, Plot: L 6078, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 23rd IN
Burris, H.H., d. 30 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1777, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 8th IN Inf
Burris, S.D., d. 11 Jun 1863, Plot: P 10023, Pvt, Civil War, 2nd IO Bn
Burroughs, A.M., d. 08 Jun 1863, Plot: H 61, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 96th OH
Burroughs, Able, d. 22 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6348, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 76th IL
Burton, J.R., d. 07 Mar 1863, Plot: C 2426, Sgt, Civil War, CO A 19th KY
Burton, Jno, d. 03 Dec 2001, Plot: L 6395, Pvt, Civil War, 7th O Btry
Burton, Wardell Loui, d. 15 Aug 1956, Plot: M 17828, Cpl, Co I 65 Pion Inf
Bury, J.J., d. 03 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1238, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 5th MN Vol
Bush, Middleton, d. 13 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5589, Cpl, Civil War, Co A 30th MO Inf
Buss, James, d. 14 Feb 1863, Plot: A 3091, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 23rd WI
Busse, James, d. 12 Feb 1866, Plot: M 12807, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 64th USCI
Butcher, Elvin, d. 10 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6283, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 2nd TN Cav
Butler, Christopher, d. 01 Mar 1866, Plot: M 12746, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 64th USCI
Butler, G.W., d. 11 May 1865, Plot: I 7305, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 2nd TN Cav
Butler, H.C., d. 21 Oct 1863, Plot: G 4751, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 32nd O Vol
Butler, Jno, d. 21 May 1863, Plot: I 7629, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 11th MO
Butler, Jno, Plot: R 10416, Co H 17th Inf
Butler, Jno, d. 23 Feb 1924, Plot: V 17184, Pvt, 1stDiv16ACorps Pioneer Reg
Butler, Lillie B., d. 05 Apr 1909, Plot: M 17760
Butler, Robert Dean, d. 15 Apr 1955, Plot: M 17759, T/4, Co A Cmm 9202 TSU TC
Butler, Wm, d. 21 Sep 1932, Plot: M 17303, Pvt, Co B 329th Ser Bn
Buttz, A.G., d. 13 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4541, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 124th IL
Buty, Sam'l, d. 05 Sep 1863, Plot: I 8036, Pvt, Civil War, 3rd OH Bat
Buxton, C.W., d. 23 Jul 1863, Plot: Q 9699, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 36th MA Inf
Byrd, P.S, d. 11 May 1863, Plot: O 3241, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 69th IN Vol
Byrkit, Peter, d. 19 May 1865, Plot: I 7311, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 9th IN Cav
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