Search Mississippi Death Records
Mississippi Newspapers, Full Search (1802-1964), 318 titles
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Mississippi Birth Records Database, (1802-1964)
Vicksburg National Cemetery
Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi
Records of burials were provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior on October 29, 2000.
L--, W.J., Plot: Q 9406
Labree, Henry, Plot: K 6025, Co C 95th Regt Vol
Lacey, J. R., d. 20 May 1863, Plot: G 4798, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 83rd OH Vol Inf
Lacy, Connor, d. 22 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7652, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 46th IL
Lacy, Steve, d. 19 Dec 1960, Plot: M 18029, Pvt, Co I 65 Pioneer Inf
Lacy, Thos., Plot: F 947, Civil War, Co K 6th MO Inf
Lacy, Willie Jr., d. 24 Mar 1928, Plot: M 17938, Pfc, 593 QM Service Co QMC Colored
Laden, James, d. 20 Mar 1864, Plot: L 6242, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 21st MO
Laforce, J. L., d. 17 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1433, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 99th IN
Lain, Joseph, d. 25 Feb 1897, Plot: M 16674, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 47th USC Vol Inf
Lake, D. D., d. 22 Jul 1863, Plot: I 8162, Civil War, Co C 95th IL Vol
Lamb, Plot: O 3293
Lamb, Jno., d. 14 Jun 1863, Plot: B 2788, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 114th IL
Lamb, Wm., d. 28 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2868, Civil War, Co G 16th Il
Lambert, F. A., d. 15 Nov 1866, Plot: E 16491, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 15th US Inf
Lambert, Isaac, d. 10 Oct 1933, Plot: M 17321, Pvt, 337th Labor Bn QMC
Lame, W. R., d. 17 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5604, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 30th MO Inf
Lampkin, Jesse, d. 12 Mar 1929, Plot: M 17266, Pvt, Co A 319 Labor Bn
Lanargan, Thos., d. 18 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16459, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 15th US Inf
Lancaster, James B., d. 05 May 1946, Plot: W 17475, T/5, WWII, 58th Mil Gov
Landfriel, Geo., d. 14 Aug 1863, Plot: R 10414, Sgt, Civil War, Co G 17th MO
Landwehr, Victor, d. 02 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7507, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 16th IA
Lane, E. E., d. 27 Oct 1867, Plot: E 16503, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 24th US Inf
Lane, Jno., d. 27 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5213, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 46th IL Vol
Lane, Michael, d. 11 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1346, Cpl, Civil War, Co A 90th IL Vol
Lane, N. M., d. 10 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2706, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 24th IA
Lane, S. C., d. 27 Apr 1865, Plot: I 7396, Sgt, Civil War, Co A 2nd TN Cav
Lange, Harman, d. 29 May 1863, Plot: H 104, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 12th OH
Langham, J. W., d. 01 May 1865, Plot: I 7399, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 10th TN Cav
Language, Willie, d. 22 Mar 1941, Plot: M 17344, Pvt, 164th Depot Brig
Langworthy, L. C., d. 27 May 1863, Plot: G 4849, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 33rd IL
Lanhorn, Burton, d. 27 May 1863, Plot: H 82, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 16th IN
Lann, A., d. 18 May 1863, Plot: M 7189, Sgt, Civil War, Co A 47th OH Vol Inf
Lanning, J. W., d. 28 Jul 1863, Plot: F 1204, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 57th OH Vol Inf
Lansing, Levi, d. 07 Sep 1863, Plot: M 10809, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 20th USCI
Larcer, G. E., d. 22 Jun 1864, Plot: Q 9283, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 12th IA Inf
Largent, Jonathan, d. 24 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4904, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 22nd IA
Larrington, Hector/Wf, d. 23 Apr 1891, Plot: V 16627, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 52nd USCI
Lary, Geo., d. 20 Oct 1928, Plot: M 17261, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 48th USCI
Lash, Henry, d. 16 Jul 1866, Plot: E 16439, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 15th US Inf
Lasley, D. M., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 3754, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 11th IN
Lass, Henry, d. 31 Jul 1863, Plot: E 1706, Steward, Civil War, US Vol 2nd Btry 25th Inf
Latimore, J., d. 07 Mar 1906, Plot: M 16857, Sgt, Civil War, Co C 49th USCI
Lattimore, William B, d. 13 Feb 1931, Plot: M 17282, Pvt, Co A 116th Res Labor Bn
Latz, Augustus, d. 31 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6376, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 76th IL
Laufer, Loammi, d. 08 Mar 1926, Plot: L 6529A, Cpl, Civil War, Co H 35th IA Inf
Laughlin, James, d. 04 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2434, Cpl, Civil War, 77th IL
Laughton, Robt., d. 04 Jul 1900, Plot: M 16728, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 64th USCI
Lavorn, Thomas T., d. 04 Feb 1959, Plot: W 17930, Sgt, 1st Co Coast Def of NO
Lawerence, C., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 4322, Lt, Civil War, Co H 24th IA
Lawrence, Collier, d. 22 Apr 1866, Plot: M 12827, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 64th USCI
Lawrence, Lemuel, d. 23 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2636, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 27th WI
Lawrence, N. S., d. 22 Feb 1863, Plot: A 3084, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 23rd WI
Lawrence, Wm., d. 11 Mar 1908, Plot: V 16887, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 48th USCI
Laws, Thomas, d. 28 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1738, Pvt, Civil War
Lawson, A., Plot: C 2622, Civil War, Co F 2nd IA Cav
Lawson, Enoch, Plot: I 7890, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 38th MO
Lawson, J. D., d. 10 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2702, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 26th MO
Lawson, James, d. 05 Nov 1863, Plot: L 6464, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 29th IL Vol
Lawson, Oscar, d. 28 Jan 1926, Plot: M 17218, Pvt, Co B 508 US Eng
Lea, Willis, d. 25 Sep 1920, Plot: V 17128, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 5th USCH Arty
Leach, J. P., d. 18 Jan 1863, Plot: A 2909, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 97th IL
Leach, Judge, d. 07 Jan 1866, Plot: M 12851, Civil War, Co K 53rd USCI
Leak, S. A., d. 09 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1384, Cpl, Civil War, Co H 97th IN Inf
Learsey, Mich'l, d. 25 Aug 1863, Plot: R 10429, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 17th MO
Leasur, Isaac, d. 25 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5595, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 27th MO Inf
Leaton, R., d. 15 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5609, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 30th MO Inf
Ledbetter, Moses, d. 17 Apr 1894, Plot: V 16645, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 5th USC Arty
Lee, Benj., d. 06 Feb 1866, Plot: M 12833, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 5th USC Arty
Lee, Claude, d. 04 Jan 1949, Plot: O 3490A, Pfc, Co E 118th Inf 30th Div
Lee, James, Plot: T 9154, Civil War, USCT
Lee, Jesse, d. 12 Mar 1905, Plot: M 16843, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 5th USCH Arty
Lee, Robt., d. 26 Apr 1864, Plot: I 7539, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 11th IL
Lee, S. H., d. 05 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6201, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 5th IL Cav
Lee, Sam'l, d. 15 May 1927, Plot: M 17238, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 50th USCI
Lee, Sol'm, d. 12 May 1908, Plot: V 16891, Sgt, Civil War, Co G 80th USCI
Lee, T. M., d. 16 Jun 1863, Plot: O 4320, Lt, Civil War, Co G 26th MO
Lee, Will, d. 18 Sep 1932, Plot: M 17318, Co 2 162 MMB
Leep, Jacob, d. 07 Jun 1863, Plot: C 2516, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 57th OH
Leeper, G. W., d. 27 May 1863, Plot: G 4655, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 72nd IL Vol
Leeper, Parker, d. 18 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2319, Civil War, Co K 120th OH
Leeth, R. L., d. 09 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5585, Cpl, Civil War, Co A 27th MO Inf
Leftin, Louis Moses, d. 19 Jul 1960, Plot: W 18074, Navy, US White
Legarde, Eustice, d. 02 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1250, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 5th MN Vol
Leggett, Charles, d. 05 May 1863, Plot: E 1630, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 22nd IA
Leighty, Dan'l, d. 06 Jan 1864, Plot: I 7693, Sgt, Civil War, Co K 11th IL Cav
Leily, J. L., d. Aug 1863, Plot: B 2672, Civil War, Co A 17th IA
Leiser, Boniface, d. 18 Jul 1864, Plot: Q 9328, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 35th WI Vol
Leist, Carroll, d. 26 Feb 1960, Plot: M 17994, Pvt, Co G 152 Inf USA
Leist, Jessye C., d. 29 Dec 1968, Plot: M 17995
Lemming, Chas., d. 15 May 1863, Plot: H 126, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 54th IN Regt
Lemmon, R. F., d. 21 Nov 1863, Plot: I 7579, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 93rd IL
Lenard, Jno., d. 05 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7560, Cpl, Civil War, 14th IN Btry
Lendormy, Lemuel, d. 26 Oct 1864, Plot: O 4304, Lt, Civil War, Co K 53rd USCI
Lenhart, Henery, d. 21 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1166, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 55th Regt IL Vol
Lenon, Eli, d. 01 May 1863, Plot: O 3395, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 42nd OH Vol Inf
Lentz, Michael, d. 21 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2696, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 4th MN
Leonar, Jacob, Plot: G 4650, Civil War, Co D 95th IL
Leonard, J. A., d. 01 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6254, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 7th PA Cav
Lepard, Chas., Plot: A 2892, Civil War, Co F 108th Il
Lepland, Chas., d. 05 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6875, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 72nd IL
Lepley, Isaac, d. 24 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2876, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 23rd WI
Leser, Fred'k, d. 10 May 1863, Plot: E 1525, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 17th MO Regt
Lester, Felix, d. 30 Jul 1943, Plot: W 17504, Capt, WWII, Co B 145th Inf Regt 37th Div
Levea, Raymond C., d. 08 Jul 1958, Plot: G 17911, Pvt, 1105 AERO Repl Air Svc
Level, Levi, d. 11 Oct 1893, Plot: V 16641, Sgt, Civil War, Co H 49th USCI
Lewis, Albert Jr., d. 26 Jul 1945, Plot: X 17493, S2, WWII, USNR
Lewis, Cha's, d. 05 Feb 1864, Plot: I 7568, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 178th NY
Lewis, E. B., d. 05 Dec 1864, Plot: L 6294, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 5th IL Cav
Lewis, Edward, d. 05 Sep 1864, Plot: G 4892, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 2nd WI Cav
Lewis, George, d. 15 Apr 1955, Plot: M 17755, Pvt, Co A 565th Eng Svc Bn CE
Lewis, Henry, d. 22 Dec 1903, Plot: M 16821, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 58th USCI
Lewis, O. C., d. 04 Nov 1864, Plot: I 7792, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 95th IL
Lewis, Stella(George, d. 28 Jul 1963, Plot: M 17756
Lewis, Tommie, d. 18 Jul 1948, Plot: U 17441, Cpl, US Marine Corps
Lewiston, Plot: G 5089, Co G
Lick, P.H., d. 28 May 1863, Plot: D 2090, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 67th IN
Liggins, Earl, Plot: M 17907, Pvt, Co I 806 Pion Inf
Lightfoot, Horace, d. 07 Nov 1909, Plot: M 16920, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 6th USCH Arty
Lightfoot, Joseph, d. 06 Mar 1863, Plot: D 2071, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 55th IL
Likes, S.M., d. 28 Sep 1864, Plot: L 7029, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 124th IL Vol
Likins, J.M., d. 20 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2691, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 23rd IA
Lillia, Jno, d. 20 Aug 1863, Plot: F 799, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 29th MO Vol
Lilly, Martin, d. 29 Dec 1862, Plot: G 5429, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 42nd OVI
Lilly, Ridgely, C., d. 05 Aug 1930, Plot: L 6562-B, Capt, Corps of Engineers
Lincoln, J.H., d. 27 Jul 1863, Plot: K 6043, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 25th WI Vol
Linder, Henry, d. 06 May 1864, Plot: I 7760, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 41st IL
Linderman, Cornel's, d. 07 May 1864, Plot: I 7674, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 31st IA
Lindley, M., d. 07 Aug 1863, Plot: A 3011, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 23rd IA
Lindsay, Caleb, d. 10 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6151, Pvt, Civil War, MMB
Lindsay, W.D., d. 08 May 1863, Plot: E 1638, Civil War, Co I 127th IL
Lindsey, Wm, d. 01 Apr 1864, Plot: F 1090, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 10th MO Cav
Linn, Robt, d. 31 Jan 1906, Plot: M 16855, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 50th USCI
Lish, Alfd, d. 11 Feb 1864, Plot: G 4784, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 4th IL Cav
Little, Arthur Frank, d. 13 Jun 1948, Plot: O 3483-A, Seaman1c, US Coast Guard Reserve
Little, J.D., d. 22 Apr 1864, Plot: L 6457, Pvt, Civil War, 26th OVV Arty
Littlejohn, Richd, d. 21 Nov 1896, Plot: M 16671, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 53rd USCI
Littrell, J.T., d. 06 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1809, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 3rd KY
Livingston, J.E., d. 10 May 1864, Plot: I 7812, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 7th IL
Lloyd, Alva Wycliffe, d. 19 Jul 1954, Plot: O 17718, Pfc, Bry C 101 FA
Lloyd, Rhoden, d. 21 May 1931, Plot: M 17284, Pvt, Co D 508 Engr
Lloyde, David, d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 4314, Capt, Civil War, Co K 93rd IL
Lob, Robt, d. 17 May 1864, Plot: V 16091, Sgt, Civil War, USCI
Locke, A.E., d. 25 Oct 1863, Plot: I 8164, Sgt, Civil War, Co B 95th IL VOl
Loell, Frddk, d. 24 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6108, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 35th WI
Logan, Leroy H., d. 16 Oct 1946, Plot: O 3476-A, Cpl, HQ Detachment POW
Logan, N., Plot: G 4940, Civil War, Co K 11th WI
Logan, Price, d. 10 May 1899, Plot: M 16713, Pvt, Civil War, Co M 4th USCH Arty
Logue, Coody U, d. 02 Jan 1956, Plot: G 17796, Pfc, Co B 114 Engr 39th Div
Logue, Thomas O, d. 11 Jul 1953, Plot: O 17681, Pfc, Sec 14 Repair Unit 322 MTC
Lohan, Thomas, d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 3748, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 11th In
Long, J.M., d. 12 Sep 1864, Plot: L 6451, Civil War
Long, Jim, d. 21 Jul 1960, Plot: M 18019, Pvt, Co B 512 Engr Bn Ce
Long, L.R., d. 02 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1244, Sgt, Civil War, Co F 5th MN Vol
Longelle, Louis, d. 17 Jun 1863, Plot: Q 9731, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 7th MO Inf
Longenhart, Jacob, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5132, Pvt, Civil War, CCo G 11th Reg WI Vol
Lonzie, Geo, Plot: T 9176, Co D 63rd Inf
Looran, W., d. 11 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5606, Civil War, Co C 30th MO Inf
Lord, Elie, d. 22 Aug 1865, Plot: M 11605, Civil War, Co H 5th USCH Arty
Lord, Thomas H, d. 09 Mar 1945, Plot: W 17403, S/Sgt, WWII, Infantry
Lorey, Jno, d. 21 Sep 1863, Plot: L 6484, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 99th IN Vol
Losee, Lyman, d. 23 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2880, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 96th OH
Lotz, Adolph, d. 23 May 1863, Plot: I 7531, Sgt, Civil War, Co I 12th MO Vol
Louis, B.M., d. 28 Jan 1863, Plot: G 5275, Pvt, Civil War, CO D 19th KY
Lounsberry, Geo, d. 15 Jul 1862, Plot: E 1718, Civil War
Louthan, Jno, d. 19 Aug 1865, Plot: I 7273, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 12th IN CAV
Love, Green, d. 26 Oct 1865, Plot: M 12785, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 5th UCC Arty
Love, Harrison, d. 01 Dec 1959, Plot: M 17975, Pvt, Co A 565 Engineer SV BN CE Col
Love, Jno, d. 04 Apr 1909, Plot: M 16906, Pvt, Co I 5th H Arty
Love, peter, d. 20 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1506, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 96th OH Vol
Love, Willie Mae, Plot: M 17976
Love, WM, d. Mar 1865, Plot: M 12962, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 49th USCI
Lovejoy, E.W., d. 14 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5501, Civil War, Co F 43rd OH
Loveridge, Jerome, d. 31 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6370, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 46th IL
Lovesee, Isaac A, d. 16 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5601, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 9th IA INF
Lowe, Andr'w, d. 20 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1290, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 47th IL VOl
Lowe, Charlie, d. 12 Aug 1933, Plot: M 17316, Co K 65th Pioneer Inf
Lowe, Henry, d. 09 Sep 1952, Plot: M 17655, Pvt, Co A 565 Eng Sv Bn Ce
Lowery, Chas, d. 31 May 1863, Plot: H 111, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 29th MO
Lowery, S., d. 10 May 1863, Plot: E 1652, Civil War, Co C 31st IA
Lowrance, William B., d. 15 Jan 1956, Plot: G 17797, Maj(Chap, 412 Engr ReserveBNUSAR
Loyd, Simon, d. 18 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5676, Pvt, Civil War, Co 12th IN VOl
Loyd, Wm, d. 26 Aug 1868, Plot: E 16574, Mus, Civil War, Co C 24th USI
Lucas, Abraham, d. 31 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16478, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 15th USI
Lucas, Alfred, d. 06 May 1863, Plot: E 1634, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 42nd OH
Lucas, Jno, d. 24 Apr 1864, Plot: L 6079, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 89th IN
Lucius, Robert Alber, d. 06 Oct 1956, Plot: M 17832, Pfc, Co D 329 Sv Bn QMC
Luckett, Jessie P., d. 02 Mar 1942, Plot: G 5499B, Sfc, QM Corps
Luckett, Robert D, d. 05 Sep 1959, Plot: M 17961, Pfc, 1537 Bc AC Colored
Ludwig, Andreas, d. 25 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2966, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 17th MO
Luerdersdorf, C, Plot: L 16788
Lull, L.W., d. 02 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1226, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 5th Il Cav
Lumley, J.W., d. 28 Feb 1865, Plot: I 7593, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 95th IL
Lunkin, Noah, d. 13 Oct 1924, Plot: M 17192, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 66th USCI
Lunn, Granderson, d. 17 Mar 1866, Plot: M 12472, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 53rd USCI
Lunsford, William F., d. 12 Nov 1949, Plot: O 3619-C, Pvt, CO D Schl Troop Bn Inf Cots CP
Lupton, J.D., d. 25 Apr 1863, Plot: D 2021, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 30th OH
Luse, C.K., d. 29 Dec 1862, Plot: G 5420, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 58th O Vol
Lutebeck, C, d. 23 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5616, Civil War, Co E 30th MO Inf
Luther, A.J., d. 22 Mar 1863, Plot: K 58971, Sgt, Civil War, Co A 1st KA Vol
Lutz, Emanuel, d. 17 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2400, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 120th OH
Lutz, Jos, d. 07 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6271, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 11th MO Inf
Lynch, A.J., d. 16 Oct 1867, Plot: E 16500, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 24th USI
Lynch, S.B., d. 05 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6104, Pvt, Civil War, CO D 11th IL
Lynch. J.D., d. 11 Nov 1863, Plot: L 6067, Pvt, Civil War, 3rd OH Btry
Lynn, John D./wife, d. 27 May 1937, Plot: G 5661-A, Sgt, Btn C 64 Art (C.A.C.
Lyon, S., Plot: D 2061
Lyon, S.N., d. 23 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6349, Pvt, Civil War, 7th O Batry
Lyonans, J.G., d. 30 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6293, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 5th IL Cav
Lyons, G.B., d. 30 Jul 1863, Plot: F 1202, Cpl, Civil War, Co K 30th OVI
Lyons, Isaac, d. 26 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6361, Pvt, Civil War, 7th O Batry
Lyons, Newton, Plot: L 6297, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 4th IL Cav
Lype, Jno, d. 18 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4749, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 81st IL Vol
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