Search Mississippi Death Records
Mississippi Newspapers, Full Search (1802-1964), 318 titles
Mississippi Obituary Search, (1999-current)
Mississippi Birth Records Database, (1802-1964)
Vicksburg National Cemetery
Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi
Records of burials were provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior on October 29, 2000.
Machler, Henry, d. 08 Jul 1863, Plot: E 1705, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 12th MO Vol
Mack, Cottlieb, d. 29 Au 1866, Plot: E 16476, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 15th USI
Mackey, Henry H, Plot: A 4305-A, Cpl, Civil War, 1st MS Inf
Mackey, Mabel, G, d. 22 Apr 1960, Plot: O 4305-B
Macumber, Zeno, d. 03 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1801, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 30th OH
Maddick, Henry, d. 23 May 1863, Plot: G 4647, Civil War, Co E 95th IL
Madigan, M, d. 28 Jul 1863, Plot: E 1514, Seaman, Civil War, US Str Black Hawk
Madison, Dan'l, d. 08 Feb 1905, Plot: M 16838, Cpl, Civil War, CO K 48th USCI
Madison, Robt, d. 10 May 1903, Plot: M 16803, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 66th USCI
Magee, Geo/wife, d. 03 Jan 1932, Plot: M 17292, Pvt, CO 857 Transfer Corps
Magruder, Jno, d. 08 May 1927, Plot: M 17237, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 2nd USCL Arty
Maher, Jno C/wife, d. 25 Jun 1916, Plot: L 17061, Pvt, Civil War, B 1st KY Inf
Mahin, James, d. 27 Aug 1863, Plot: E 16547, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 13th USI
Mahon, J.F., d. 15 Nov 1863, Plot: G 5745, Sgt, Civil War, Co I 81st IL
Mahon, Robert, d. 22 Feb 1865, Plot: G 5022, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 4th TN
Mahoney, d. 12 May 1863, Plot: A 3076, Civil War, CO D MO Vol
Mahoney, Dan'l, d. 25 Aug 1863, Plot: I 7505, Pvt, Civil War, CO M 1st MO Lt Arty
Mahoney, W.R., d. 29 Jul 1865, Plot: I 7218, Pvt, Civil War, CO L 10th IN Cav
Maiden, Thos, d. 10 Feb 1863, Plot: A 3079, Pvt, Civil War, CO D 96th OVI
Maker, Chas, d. 23 Aug 1863, Plot: E 16548, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 13th USI
Maley, ASA, d. 14 Feb 1863, Plot: B 2820, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 69yh IN
Mallory, Robert S, d. 30 Jan 1951, Plot: O 17588, Sgt 1c, Svc Co 2nd Armored Cavalry
Malone, Pat'k, d. 30 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5761, Pvt, Civil War, 10th OH Battery
Malone, Phil Sam, d. 17 Dec1 951, Plot: M 17638, Cpl, 163rd Cml Smoke Cenr Co CWS
Maloney, Rich'd, d. 27 Feb 1871, Plot: L 16753, Sgt, Civil War, Co H 16th USC Inf
Malott, Theople, d. 15 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7468, Pvt, Civil War, CO D 48th IN
Malrey, J.H., d. 20 Nov 1867, Plot: E 16522, MUS, Civil War, Co A 24th USCI
Manderville, Jno, d. 31 Jul 1863, Plot: E 16544, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 13th USI
Manger, A.P., d. 28 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2874, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 114th IL
Manir, Timothy, Plot: G 5078, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 48th OVI
Mankus, Homer, d. 12 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6128, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 6th MI
Manly, A.C., d. 15 Aug 1865, Plot: I 7274, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 9th VI
Mann, Jno, d. 22 Jun 1863, Plot: F 1129, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 4th IA Cav
Mann, R., d. 24 May 1863, Plot: G 4353, Civil War, Co 30th IL
Mann, William, d. 16 May 1863, Plot: H 133, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 56th IL Reg
Manns, A.I., d. 13 Sep 1864, Plot: L 6435, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 1st IN Arty
Mantece, Cornelius, d. 28 May 1863, Plot: H 77, Civil War, Co H 47th IN
Maranville, F.A., d. 27 Jul 1864, Plot: I 7667, Sgt, Civil War, Co E 8th IL Inf
Maranville, F.K., d. 27 Jul 1864, Plot: I 7220, Sgt E8, Civil War, Ill
Marchand, Louis, d. 25 Jul 1867, Plot: G 5391, Civil War, Co Employee in QM Dept
Marcy, Anthony, d. 12 Dec 1865, Plot: M 12873, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 2nd USC Arty
Margolf, Henry, d. 30 Aug 1863, Plot: R 10431, Civil War, Co G 17th MO
Marine, W.H., Plot: Q 9644, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 13th IA
Markham, S.D., d. 02 Apr 1863, Plot: C 2547, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 4th IA Inf
Marks, Elias, d. 21 Jan 1864, Plot: I 7691, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 96th IL
Marks, Geo, d. 23 Jun 1863, Plot: V 15730, Civil War, Co I 32nd OH Inf
Marlette, Claude A, d. 22 Jul 1950, Plot: O 17563, Ch Phar Mate USN Ret
Marlette, Francis B., d. 07 Oct 1979, Plot: O 17564
Marley, J.W., d. 09 Aug 1863, Plot: G 5733, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 30th R IL Vol
Marmon, Rich'd, d. 26 May 1863, Plot: O 3272, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 42nd OH Vol
Marse, Jno, d. 01 Apr 1864, Plot: I 7549, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 58th OV Inf
Marsh, A.A., d. 20 Nov 1864, Plot: I 7836, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 30th IA
Marsh, Sandy/wife, d. 03 Jan 1926, Plot: M 17119, Sgt, Civil War, CO E 5th USCI
Marshal, J.R., d. 25 Feb 1864, Plot: I 8005, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 78th OVI
Marshall, Frank, d. 28 Sep 1867, Plot: E 16559, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 5th US Cav
Marshall, G.B., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4693, Civil War, Co A 7th MO Inf
Marshall, Oliver, d. 27 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6322, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 11th Il
Marshall, Peter, d. 27 Apr 1913, Plot: M 17010, Pvt, Co L H Arty
Marshall, Robert/wif, d. 14 May 1946, Plot: U 17384, Pvt, Co C 332 Labor Btn QMC
Martin, Plot: G 5047, Civil War, Co 11th IN
Martin, Adolphus, d. 22 Jul 1863, Plot: E 1694, Civil War, Co D MMB
Martin, Albert, d. 22 Mar 1961, Plot: M 18042, T5, Co B 357th Engr Gen Svc Regt
Martin, Alford, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: O 3981, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 23rd IN Vol
Martin, Chas, d. 02 Aug 1868, Plot: E 16567, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 24th USI
Martin, E.M., d. 20 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2922, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 83rd OH
Martin, Gustavus, d. 28 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7868, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 45th IL
Martin, Henry, d. 23 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5259, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 3rd IA Inf
Martin, Henry, d. 21 Aug 1863, Plot: I 8133, Cpl, Civil War, 1st IA Batry
Martin, Henry, d. 29 Mar 1866, Plot: M 12747, Pvt, Civil War, CO M 5th USC Arty
Martin, J.A., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: H 127, Civil War, Co I 13th W V Reg
Martin, J.B., d. 25 Jun 1863, Plot: H 72, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 3rd KY
Martin, J.M., d. 20 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5621, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 30th MO Inf
Martin, J.M., d. 20 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3463, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 97th IN
Martin, Oliver, d. 06 Feb 1866, Plot: M 12816, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 64th USCI
Martin, Patrick, d. 10 Jul 1864, Plot: N 9830, Govt Emp, Civil War
Martin, Wardell, d. 26 Sep 1924, Plot: M 17191, Pvt, Co D 815 Pioneer Inf
Martin, Wm E, d. 04 Mar 1932, Plot: L 6465-B, Pvt, 11th Field Arty
Marton, E.E., d. 03 May 1863, Plot: E 1631, Cpl, Civil War, Co D 28th IA
Martz, J.W., d. 01 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1269, Sgt, Civil War, Co E 95th OVI
Marvin, W.r., d. 27 Mar 1863, Plot: A 3072, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 31st IA
Marzaret, Edwin J., d. 21 Mar 1960, Plot: M 18001, Cpl, Hdqts Dt Base Sec 1 ASC
Masnuel, Joseph, d. 19 May 1937, Plot: M 17352, Cpl, Co B 309 Ser B QMC Unassigned
Mason, E.R., d. 21 Feb 1899, Plot: M 16707, Civil War, G 66 USC Inf
Mason, J.G., d. 12 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5588, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 32nd Mo Inf
Mason, Thos, Plot: N 9893, USN Marine
Mason, William, d. 31 May 1905, Plot: M 16846, Sgt, Civil War, Co K 52nd USCI
Massee, Jacob, d. 02 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2896, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 19th KY
Massey, David, d. 04 May 1864, Plot: I 7811, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 33rd MO
Matheny, J.F., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 4190, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 42nd OH
Mather, D.C., d. 30 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7550, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 27th IA
Mather, J.H., d. 19 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4978, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 21st IA
Mather, O.S., d. 27 May 1863, Plot: G 4964, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 11th RwV
Mathes, Sandy, d. 31 May 1901, Plot: M 16778, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 53rd USCI
Mathew, J.A., d. 20 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2695, Pvt, Civil War, Co 23rd IA
Mathews, J.P., d. 11 Jul 1863, Plot: G 4729, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 124th IL
Mathews, J.W., d. 12 Nov 1865, Plot: M 12799, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 49th USCI
Mathews, M., d. 20 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2910, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 12th OH
Mathews, Wm, d. 06 Dec 1865, Plot: M 12889, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 49th USCI
Mathias, S, Plot: F 1414
Matines, Jos, d. 06 Mr 1865, Plot: L 6240, pvt, Civil War, Co H 10th Tn
Matlock, H., d. 01 Jul 1863, Plot: G 4810, Civil War, Co E 67th IN Vol
Matson, Christian, d. 26 Mar 1865, Plot: L 6248, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 12th In Cav
Matteo, d. 06 Jul 1863, Plot: G 4980, Civil War, E99th IL
Matteson, A.C., Plot: P 10094
Mattheny, W.C., d. 04 May 1863, Plot: E 1519, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 56th IL Reg
Matthews, Plot: O 3515
Matthews, W.H., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 3751, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 11th IN
Matthews, William A, d. 03 Nov 1956, Plot: W 17840, Pfc, Co E 20th Inf Rgt
Mattox, J.N., d. 19 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1432, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 99th Reg IN Vol
Maurath, August, d. 10 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1195, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 57th OH VolInf
Maxey, Clarence, d. 20 Jan 1926, Plot: M 17217, Cook, Co K 65th Pioneer Inf
Maxwell, Abraham, d. 02 Apr 1864, Plot: I 7673, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 16th IA
Maxwell, I.D., d. 29 Dec 1862, Plot: G 5435, Sgt, Civil War, Co E 54th IN
May, Jno, d. 15 Aug 1863, Plot: G 5631, Pvt, Civil War, 3rd OH Battery
May, Ottman, d. 31 Jul 1863, Plot: I 8453, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 51st NY Inf
Mayberry, Esconklin, d. 09 May 1959, Plot: M 17944, Sgt, USA Colored 24 Co 163 Depot BG
Mayfield, W.F., d. 08 May 1863, Plot: E 1633, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 3rd KY
Maynard, W.F., d. 06 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1277, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 12th IA Reg
Mays, Frank'n, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4839, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 8th IN
Mays, Jno, d. 01 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6365, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 11th IL
McAlpin, B.F., d. 07 Mar 1863, Plot: C 2285, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 6th IA
McBain, Hough, d. 09 Oct 1863, Plot: L 6454, Pvt, Civil War, Co F OV Inf 32nd OH
McBride, D.W., d. 27 Jun 1863, Plot: O 4276, 2nd Lt, Civil War, Co F 7th MO VI
McBride, J.G., d. 07 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2360, Sgt, Civil War, Co F 42nd Oh
McBride, W.I., d. 20 Nov 1866, Plot: E 16492, Sgt, Civil War, Co K 24th INF
McBroom, Vernon, d. 26 Jul 1942, Plot: W 17527, Sgt, WWII, AAF
McCabe, J.J., d. 22 Aug 1863, Plot: Q 9577, Sgt, Civil War, Co C 4th MN
McCabe, Luke, d. 19 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1349, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 90th IL VOl
McCaffrey, Jno, d. 28 Feb 1864, Plot: I 7766, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 7th MO
McCahan, J.F., d. 13 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16453, Sgt, Civil War, Co A 15th USI
McCall, James, d. 10 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6340, Pvt, Civil War, Co A MMB
McCarter, W.R., d. 29 Apr 1865, Plot: I 7397, Sgt, Civil War, Co I 2nd TN Cav
McCarthy, R.M., d. 04 Apr 1865, Plot: I 7484, Pvt, Civil War, Co M 10th IN
McCarty, Chas, d. 19Apr 1867, Plot: E 16509, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 24th USI
McClare, Hattie, d. 28 Mar 1955, Plot: M 17753
McClare, Mose, d. 17 Dec 1974, Plot: M 17754
McClean, Jno, d. 01 Sep 1866, Plot: E 16480, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 15th USI
McClellan, M.H., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5110, Cpl, Civil War, CO H 3rd KY
McClintock, Jno, Plot: O 3454, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 61st IL
McClore, Philip, d. 20 Feb 1955, Plot: M 17747, Matt 1, USNR
McClore, Rosie M., d. 22 May 1966, Plot: M 17748
McClure, J.B., d. 19 Jul 1863, Plot: E 1499, Cpl, Civil War, Co H 43rd IN Vol
McClurg, Isaac, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5104, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 22nd KY Vol
McCluskey, James, d. 20 Jun 1865, Plot: I 7405, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 1st LA Cav
McCollum, Alex, d. 04 Aug 1863, Plot: I 8016, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 12th WI Vol
McCone, Jno, d. 03 My 1863, Plot: E 1612, Civil War, Co F 116th IL
McConkey, T.K., d. 29 Dec 1862, Plot: O 3185, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 6th MO
McConnell, A, d. 07 Feb 1863, Plot: A 3090, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 16th IN
McConnell, David, d. 29 Jan 1862, Plot: C 2507, Pvt, Civil War, Co 1st WI Bat
McConnell, S.C., d. 11 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1134, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 127th IL Vol
McCormack, Jno, d. 20 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6228, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 2nd WI Cav
McCormick, Wm, d. 01 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5039, Cpl, Civil War, Co H 16th OVI
McCourty, Andw, d. 15 May 1867, Plot: E 16541, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 24th USI
McCoy, Robert, d. 27 Aug 1935, Plot: L 6544-B, Pvt, CO D 116th US Infty
McCrary, J.W., d. 05 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1820, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 67th IN
McCraven, Sam'l, d. 03 Jan 1915, Plot: m 17034, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 52nd USCI
McCray, Wm, d. 07 Apr 1900, Plot: G 16726, Co F 11 US CAv
McCreery, Jzmes, d. 10 Jul 1863, Plot: F 1429, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 13th Reg IA Inf
McCulley, Sam'l, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: P 10069, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 30th IA Vol
McCullough, J.N., d. 10 Jun 1863, Plot: H 3, Pvt, Civil War, Co 30th IA
McCullough, J.P., d. 11 Jun 1863, Plot: H 16, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 22nd IA
McCullum, D.C., d. 24 Jan 1865, Plot: L 6918, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 58th OVI
McCune, Jno, d. 14 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2721, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 78th OH
McDaniel. Mich'l, d. 13 Aug 1868, Plot: E 16570, Sgt, Civil War, Co K 24th USI
McDaniels, A.J., Plot: I 7570
McDaniels, Philip, d. 09 Jun 1864, Plot: R 10309, Civil War, Co D 5th IA
McDimmitt, Chas, d. 17 Feb 1911, Plot: M 16945, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 66th USCI
McDonald J, d. 19 May 1864, Plot: L 6047, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 8th IL
McDonald, Daniel F, d. 26 Jan 1948, Plot: O 3481-A, Pvt, Air Service
McDonald, Henry, d. 01 Feb 1935, Plot: M 17331, Pvt, CO M 804 Pioneer Infty
McDonald, James, d. 22 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1573, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 30th MO Reg
McDonald, Jno, d. 21 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6136, Pvt, Civil War, 2nd LA Cav
McDonnell, Park, d. 01 Nov 1912, Plot: M 17000, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 48th USCI
McEntyre, L., d. 02 Jan 1864, Plot: L 6877, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 72nd IL Vol
McFarland, J.C., d. 19 Jun 1863, Plot: H 32, 1st Sgt, Civil War, Co F 14th WI
McGater, Jno, d. 29 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7653, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 81st IL
McGee, Allen, d. 10 Jul 1916, Plot: M 17063, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 49th USCI
McGee, Eugene A. Jr., d. 02 Nov 1942, Plot: G 5565-E, Cadet, 54th Air Corps
McGee, Roberty, d. 13 Feb 1936, Plot: M 17342, Cpl, Co D US Reserve Labor BN
McGibbon, A.C., d. 29 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6144, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 161st NY
McGill, James, Plot: A 3063, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 25th IN
McGlintock, Wm, d. 29 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6462, Pvt, Civil War, 26th OVV Arty
McGloster, Will, d. 29 Oct 1958, Plot: M 17920, Pvt, Co B 329 Sv Bn QMC
McGovern, Thos, d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 3738, Wagoner, Civil War, Co B 11th IN
McGowan, Chas, d. 20 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5049, Civil War, Co B 24th IA
McGrery, Peter, d. 26 Jan 1864, Plot: I 7690, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 23rd IN
McGuey, James, d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 3732, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 11th IN
McGuire, Jno, d. 09 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1283, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 11th Mo Vol
McGuire, Jonathan, d. 25 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7598, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 7th KY
McGuire, Mary Lou/, d. 24 Feb 1964, Plot: M 17763
McGuire, Mose, d. 26 Jan 1953, Plot: M 17662, Pvt, Co A 566 Engr Sv Bn
McHale, Mat, d. 20 May 1863, Plot: I 7186, Pvt, Civil War, Co S 6th MO Vol
McHale, Wm, d. 25 Sep 1863, Plot: G 5310, Civil War, Co A Engineer Regt
McInthsh, J.F., Plot: O 4036, Pvt, Civil War, CO I 78th OH
McIntyre, B.F., d. 03 Jan 1864, Plot: F 1099, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 5th IL Cav
McIntyre, T.J., d. 28 Feb 1865, Plot: I 7506, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 12th IA
McKay, Walter, d. 16 Jun 1950, Plot: V 17558, S/Sgt, 9201 TE Svc Un Sta Compel Det
McKeane, Joseph, d. 04 Jan 1864, Plot: F 1094, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 10th MO Cav
McKee, Donald E., Plot: L 17821
McKee, Donald E., Plot: L 17821
McKenzie, Curtis, d. 28 Jan 1908, Plot: V 16885, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 52nd USCI
McKibben, W.r., d. 19 May 1863, Plot: G 4414, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 54th OBI
McKimpson, Aquilla, d. 23 Jul 1863, Plot: A 2991, Wagoner, Civil War, Co K 23rd IA
McKinley, James, d. 15 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6481, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 5th IL Cav
McKinley, Sevier, d. 11 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6471, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 2nd TN Cav
McKinney, C.W., d. 31 May 1863, Plot: V 15738, Civil War, 76th OH Inv
McKinney, John, d. 31 Dec 1934, Plot: M 17330, Pfc, Co 816 Transportation Corps
McKinny, E.H., d. 08 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6122, Pvt`, Civil War, Co I 11th Il Cav
McKinsey, Jno, d. 24 May 1863, Plot: H 91, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 69th IN
McLaughlan, M.E., d. 08 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6478, Pvt, Civil War, CO K 5th IL Cav
McLeod, Alexs, d. 02 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6459, 1st Sgt, Civil War, Co I 2nd WI Cav
McMahon, Jno, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4447, Civil War, Co D 7th MO
McMan, Martin, d. 20 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4533, Civil War, 10th MO Cav
McManus, Mich'l, d. 06 Aug 1864, Plot: I 7485, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 2nd WI Cav
McManus, Mich'l, d. 04 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3482, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 70th OVI
McMashion, Owen, d. 12 Nov 1865, Plot: I 7605, Pvt, Civil War, Co M 9th IL Cav
McMichael, Hugh, d. 29 Dec 1863, Plot: R 10412, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 45th IL
McMillan, James Uria, d. 14 Mar 1945, Plot: W 17474, Cpl, 27th Ppln Draft, US Marine
McMillin, Noble, M, d. 15 May 1942, Plot: G 5598-B, StSgt, Dept 15 853 Ord Svc Co
McMorris, Geo, d. 09 Oct 1914, Plot: M 17027, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 82nd USCt
McMullen, I, d. 16 Aug 1863, Plot: E 1686, Civil War
McMullen, Marion, d. 23 Dec 1955, Plot: G 17792, Sgt, 30 Recruit Co Gen Sv INf
McMurrey, I.C., Plot: G 4704
McNabb, J.E., d. 05 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1421, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 12th IN Reg
McNair, George C., d. 10 Apr 1943, Plot: W 17496, 1st Lt, WWII, 400 Bm Sq 90th BObm Grou1
McNary, Jacob, d. 22 Jun 1890, Plot: T 16620, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 47th USCI
McNaugh, P, Plot: F 663
McNeely, Henry, d. 06 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5200, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 26th In
McNeil, Charles E., d. 02 Dec 1960, Plot: W 18079, Pfc, Co C 87th Armed Recon Bn Cav
McNulty, John Fracis, Plot: W 17951, Pvt, Svc Co 153 Regt Inf White
McPhail, E., d. 26 may 1863, Plot: O 4280, Capt, Civil War, Co G 3rd Il Cav
McPherson, thos, d. 31 May 1864, Plot: L 6094, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 52nd In
McQuaide, Patrick, d. 07 Jan 1951, Plot: O 17579
McRight, J.H., d. 15 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1853, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 32nd OVI
McWhorter, T.M, d. 31 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6482, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 5th IL Cav
Mead, A.J., d. 31 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1264, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 95th OVI
Mead, Luther, d. 15 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6213, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 35th WI
Meadwos, Chas Thos, d. 31 Jul 1956, Plot: W 17913, Pvt, Co H 5 Dev Bn
Mecay, J.S., d. 13 Aug 1863, Plot: I 8001, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 20th OVI
Meeks, Thos, d. 25 Feb 1922, Plot: V 17154, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 5th USCH Arty
Meier, Jno, d. 19 Aug 1863, Plot: A 3005, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 12th Mo
Meigs, A.G., d. 21 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3451, Cpl, Civil War, Co A 106th IL Vol
Meigs, H.E., d. 05 May 1863, Plot: E 1632, Pvt, Civil War, CO 1st WI Bat
Meir, A.J., d. 05 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2744, Civil War, Co K 3rd KY
Melvin. O.B., d. 08 Sep 1864, Plot: G 79/1, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 2nd WI Cav
Mendenhall, G.M., d. 12 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6165, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 6th MI
Mendenhall, Jno, d. 20 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2693, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 34th IN
Mentor, Preston, d. 18 Mr 1926, Plot: M 17220, Sgt, Civil War, Co A 10th USC Cav
Mercer, A.T., d. 20 Aug 1863, Plot: I 8004, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 78th OVI
Mercer, M.H., d. 18 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1401, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 12th IN
Merchison, Elijah/, d. 13 Jul 1916, Plot: M 17064, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 2nd USCL Arty
Merkel, Anton, d. 09 Jul 1867, Plot: G 5586, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 35th MO
Merriman, Wm, d. 25 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7596, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 31st IA
Merwin, Geo, d. 09 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6278, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 5th MI CAl
Messer, Neklaus, d. 07 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4480, Cpl, Civil War, Co B 37th OVI
Metlock, Thomas, Plot: C 2236, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 131st IL
Metty, M.C. Mrs, d. 25 Jun 1876, Plot: E 16594, Laundres, Civil War, Co I 13th USI
Meyer, Chas, d. 04 Oct 1867, Plot: E 16517, Hosp Ste, Civil War, USA
Meyers, Jno, d. 11 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1211, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 6th MO Inf
Michael, Louis Otto, d. 05 Oct 1928, Plot: L 6458-A, Pvt, 69th Inf 10th Div Co M
Michael, T.R., d. 16 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7721, Civil War, Co D 12th IA
Michale, J.A., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5125, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 11th Reg WV
Mickens, Jno, d. 28 Dec 1924, Plot: M 17194, Pvt, Civil War, Co F USCI
Mickens, Thomas, d. 04 Nov 1954, Plot: M 17733, Pvt, CO 6 Bn 163 Depot Brig
Micks, Jordan, d. 16 Jan 1866, Plot: M 12812, Pvt, Civil War, CO L 5th USC Arty
Middleton, Robert T, d. 26 Jul 1942, Plot: W 17527, Sgt, WWII, AAF
Miles, Henry, d. 09 Nov 1903, Plot: M 16816, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 48th USCI
Miles, J, Plot: G 5034, Civil War, Co F 11th IL
Miles, J.W., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5102, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 22nd KY
Miley, G.E., d. 13 Jun 1863, Plot: O 4321, 2nd Lt, Civil War, Co D 30th IL
Miley, James, d. 21 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5250, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 12th WV
Milkwosky, Andre, d. 30 Aug 1864, Plot: G 4887, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 2nd WI Cav Vet
Mill, Randolph, d. 30 Dec 1864, Plot: L 6397, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 2nd WI Cav
Miller, Andrew, d. 14 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6187, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 4th VA
Miller, Asro, Plot: I 8510, Civil War, Co I 9th MI
Miller, August, d. 01 Sep 1866, Plot: E 16479, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 15th USI
Miller, C.K., d. 08 Jul 1863, Plot: O 4284, 2nd Lt, Civil War, CO B 28th IL Vol
Miller, Charles, d. 14 Jan 1961, Plot: M 18031, Pvt, Co A 565 Engr Svc Bn
Miller, Chas, d. 27 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2864, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 54th IN
Miller, Columbus, d. 26 May 1864, Plot: I 7817, Civil War
Miller, Francis, d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 3733, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 11th IN
Miller, Frank, d. 14 Apr 1947, Plot: U 17394, Cook, Co B Dov Bn #3 152nd Depot Bri
Miller, H.T., d. 10 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6360, Pvt, Civil War, Co D MMB
Miller, J.C., d. Feb 1865, Plot: I 7609, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 95th IL
Miller, J.J., d. 21 Jan 1865, Plot: N 9819, Gov Emp, Civil War
Miller, J.R, d. 28 Jul 1863, Plot: I 7338, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 124th IL
Miller, J.t., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4852, pvt, Civil War, o K 18th IN Vol
Miller, J.W., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5133, Civil War, Co C 21st IA Vol Inf
Miller, J.W., d. 09 May 1863, Plot: E 1651, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 69th IN
Miller, james, d. 25 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1298, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 35th IA Reg
Miller, Jesse, d. 26 Dec 1864, Plot: L 6396, Pvt, Civil War, Co M 5th IL Cav
Miller, Jno, d. 25 Mar 1863, Plot: B 2765, pvt, Civil War, Co I 12th OH
Miller, Jno, d. 25 Mar 1863, Plot: N 9929, Civil War
Miller, Julia, Plot: U 17394A
Miller, L.S., d. 17 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6465, Pvt, Civil War, 26th OVVA
Miller, Leroy, d. 26 Jul 1946, Plot: U 17387, Pfc, QM Driver Detachment MC
Miller, Lucian/wife, d. 06 May 1921, Plot: V 17139, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 50th USCI
Miller, peter, d. 22 Jul 1862, Plot: E 1719, Civil War
Miller, r, d. 23 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2635, Civil War, CO B 136th IL
Miller, R.L., d. 02 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6098, Sgt, Civil War, Co I 35th IA
Miller, R.P., d. 01 Apr 1864, Plot: O 7087, Lt, Civil War, Co K 50 USC Inf
Miller, S.A., Plot: V 15613
Miller, Samuel G, d. 28 Jul 1943, Plot: U 17363, Pvt, Medical Dept M&DS Station 1753
Miller, W.D., Plot: P 10048, Sgt
Miller, W.J., d. 10 Sep 1863, Plot: E 1601, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 69th IN
Miller, Wm, d. 04 Apr 1864, Plot: I 7751, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 30th IL
Milles, B.F., d. 01 May 1863, Plot: O 3340, {vt, Civil War, Co B 18th IN Vol
Millett, Jos, d. 18 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5611, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 30th MO Inf
Millhan, Henry, d. 05 Apr 1864, Plot: I 7672, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 178th NY
Milligan, M.G., d. 20 Mar 1863, Plot: F 705, Pvt, Civil War, CO I 96th OVI
Millison, Jno, Plot: G 4520, Civil War, Co H 17th IL
Millr, James, d. 27 Feb 1865, Plot: I 7736, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 12th IA
Millr, L., Plot: G 5320, Civil War, Co D 80th R IL
Mills, D.W., d. 26 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2976, Pvt, Civil War, CO D 32 MO
Mills, Geo, d. 05 Aug 1863, Plot: A 3058, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 93rd IL
Mills, J.D., d. 09 Feb 1864, Plot: I 7446, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 117th IL
Mills, Jno, d. 15 Jan 1865, Plot: L 6389, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 16th IN
Mills, Jno, d. 01 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2545, Pvt, Civil War, CO I 3rd KY
Mills, Jno H, d. 08 Sep 1930, Plot: L 6477-A, Pvt, Civil War, Co I LA Inf
Mills, O.A., d. 19 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6313, {vt, Civil War, Co I 6th MI
Mills, R.J., d. 01 Apr 1863, Plot: B 2784, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 10th MO
Milner, J.B., d. 08 May 1863, Plot: B 2800, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 114th IL
Milster, H.A., d. 19 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1564, pvt, Civil War, Co B 29th MO Reg
Milton, Abe, d. 05 Apr 1950, Plot: V 17551, Sgt, 834 Co TC
Milton, Alma R., d. 18 Dec 1969, Plot: V 17576
Milton, Grant, d. 01 Dec 1950, Plot: V 17575, Pvt, Co B 615th Pioneer Infantry
Milton, Sam'l, d. 06 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1808, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 10th MO
Mims, Alber, Plot: T 8739
Miner, W.J., d. 02 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7439, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 49th IL
Minick, Wm, d. 21 May 1863, Plot: O 3263, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 47th IN Vol
Minnicar, Nelson, d. 04 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1340, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 100th Reg In Vols
Minor, Dan, d. 19 Apr 1959, Plot: M 17942, Pvt, Co A 3d Dev Bn 164 Depot Brig
Mishler, Jno, d. 21 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1420, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 12thIN Vol Inf
Mitchell, A.P., d. 21 Jul 1863, Plot: M 7156, Cpl, Civil War, CO H 20th IA
Mitchell, Andrew/wif, d. 03 Dec 1903, Plot: M 16820, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 50th UCI
Mitchell, D.H, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4845, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 33rd IL Vol
Mitchell, David, d. 13 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2718, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 49th IN
Mitchell, James, d. 09 Aug 1863, Plot: L 6991, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 16th NH
Mitchell, W.g., d. 20 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6222, Civil War, H 5th IL Cav
Mitchem, Jno, d. 10 Oct 1931, Plot: M 17290, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 55th USCI
Mobley, Milton C, d. 23 Nov 1951, Plot: O 17635, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 2nd Regt MS Inf SP AM
Mock, Adam, d. 04 Sep 1863, Plot: L 6483, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 99th IN Vol
Moelig, Christian, d. 13 Sep 1868, Plot: E 16576, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 24th USI
Moen, O.G., d. 09 Jun 1863, Plot: H 55, Pvt, Civil War, CO D 23rd WI
Moffat, James, d. 30 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1606, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 31st Mo
Moffit, Guignon L, d. 21 Aug 1937, Plot: G 5630-A, Pfc, Co MTC(SAS Det Demob GR)
Moley, Natalie M(, d. 01 Apr 1975, Plot: O 17636
Molley, Phillip, d. 13 Sep 1913, Plot: M 17046, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 63rd USCI
Molton, Thos, d. 04 Sep 1864, Plot: L 6427, Civil War, Prison Hospital
Moncrief, Frank, d. 19 Mar 1876, Plot: E 16591, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 13th USI
Mondane, Edward, d. 06 Jan 1958, Plot: M 17884, Pvt, Co H 805 Pion Inf
Mondorff, David, d. 29 Dec 1862, Plot: G 5430, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 42nd OVI
Monroe, G.A., d. 21 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4544, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 14th WI
Monroe, H.C., d. 09 May 1863, Plot: E 1641, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 54th IN
Montgomery, Alex, d. 10 Feb 1899, Plot: M 16705, Civil War, Co B 51 USC Inf
Montgomery, J.A, d. 01 Sep 1864, Plot: L 6924, Pvt, Civil War, CO K 11th IL Cav
Montgomery, J.H., d. 07 Aug 1863, Plot: F 827, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 13th IL Inf
Moody, S.D., d. 23 Feb 1863, Plot: A 3067, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 42nd Oh
Moon, O.F., d. 18 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1383, Cpl, Civil War, CO I 1st Il Lt Arty
Mooney, Bernard, d. 11 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16451, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 15th USI
Mooney, James, d. 12 Sep 1866, Plot: E 16534, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 15th USI
Moore, Abner L, d. 02 Feb 1958, Plot: W 17892, 1st Lt, Co H 155th Inf 39th Div
Moore, B.F., d. 22 Jan 1863, Plot: C 2327, Pvt, Civil War, Co H IL
Moore, Chas, d. 22 Aug 1929, Plot: M 17270, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 52nd USCI
Moore, E.L., d. 23 Nov 1863, Plot: I 7623, Pvt, Civil War, CO L 76th IL
Moore, Ephraim, d. 19 Jun 1927, Plot: M 17241, Pvt, Gen Ser Inf
Moore, G.R., d. 20 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7705, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 35th IA
Moore, George, d. 06 Sep 1863, Plot: H 635, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 18th IA Reg
Moore, Harvey, d. 27 Jun 1863, Plot: H 49, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 118th IL
Moore, J.C., d. 15 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2435, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 77th IL
Moore, J.G., d. 21 Feb 1864, Plot: I 7643, Pvt, Civil War, CO I 4th IA Cav
Moore, J.W., d. 24 Jun 1863, Plot: O 7106, 1st Lt, Civil War, Co C 17th IL Vol
Moore, J.W., Plot: G 5058, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 24th IN
Moore, James, d. 14 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7436, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 32nd IN
Moore, James, d. 06 May 1903, Plot: M 16801, 1sC Boy, USN Benton
Moore, Jno, d. 29 Jul 1866, Plot: E 16442, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 15th USI
Moore, Lewis, d. 26 Feb 1864, Plot: O 3822, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 78th OVI
Moore, Mahel, d. 03 May 1863, Plot: A 2989, Civil War
Moore, Marshall, d. 06 Feb 1866, Plot: M 12796, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 108th USCI
Moore, Robt, d. 22 Apr 1927, Plot: M 17235, Cpl, Co D 313th Ser Battn
Moore, S.W., Plot: I 8143, Sgt
Moore, T.H., Plot: Q 9657
Moore, Thos, d. 18 Jun 1863, Plot: O 3483, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 70th OVI
Moore, William, d. 14 Oct 1936, Plot: M 17112, Fireman, US Coast Guard Yocona
Moore, Wm, d. 05 Mr 1864, Plot: I 7681, Pvt, Civil War, 8th MI Bat
Moorehead, Leroy, d. 10 Feb 1961, Plot: W 18083, Pfc, WWII, Co A 27th Armed Inf Bn
Moores, Jno, Sr., d. 12 Jul 1863, Plot: D 2005, pvt, Civil War, Co H 108th IL
Moran, Jno, d. 31 May 1863, Plot: G 4613, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 11th MO VOl
Morant, James Jeffer, d. 27 Sep 1948, Plot: U 17452, Pvt, Co I 65th Pion Inf
Morant, Rosetta(Jame, d. 01 Feb 1978, Plot: U 17453
Morgan, Benj, Plot: C 2472, Civil War, Co C 128th OH
Morgan, D.L., Plot: O 3410, Cpl, Civil War, 19 KY Inf Regt
Morgan, rumsey, d. 01 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6474, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 10th MO Cav
Moris, P.R., Plot: K 6028, Civil War, Co B 95th Reg IL Vol
Morosco, Frank W., d. 07 Aug 1934, Plot: L 6504-B, Pvt, Hospital Corps U.S. rmy
Morrell, E, d. 17 May 1863, Plot: R 10328, Civil War, Co E 2nd Mo
Morris W.J., d. 10 Aug 1863, Plot: I 8011, Cpl, Civil War, CO E 53rd IN Vol
Morris, Wesley, d. 17 Aug 1890, Plot: T 16622, Pvt, Civil War, Co M 5th USCH Arty
Morris, Wm, d. 21 Aug 1863, Plot: I 7999, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 78th OVI
Morris. C.H., d. 13 May 1863, Plot: E 1659, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 16th IN
Morrisey, James, d. 27 May 1868, Plot: L 16809, Civil War, Co B 34th US Inf
Morrison, A.D., d. 17 Jun 1865, Plot: I 7302, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 13th IN Cav
Morrison, Andrew, d. 20 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2919, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 28th WI
Morrison, Dan'l, d. 20 Jul 1864, Plot: N 9904, Pvt, Civil War, 6th MI HA
Morrison, David, d. 12 Nov 1864, Plot: M 10731, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 5th USC Arty
Morrison, W.H., d. 10 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2707, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 23rd IA
Morrow, Thomas E, d. 28 Dec 1864, Plot: L 6455, Cpl, Civil War, 26th OVVA Arty
Morse, F.W., d. 11 Sep 1866, Plot: E 16535, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 15th USI
Morse, M.W., d. 25 May 1863, Plot: G 5098, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 42nd OVI
Morshart, A.J., d. 29 May 1863, Plot: H 75, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 57th OH
Morton, H.C, d. 02 Oct 1864, Plot: Q 9288, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 8th *L Inf
Morton, T, d. 17 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2678, Civil War, Co B 19th VA
Moseley, Ben/wife, d. 22 Feb 1895, Plot: V 16652, Cpl, Civil War, Co H 63rd USCI
Moseley, Sam'l, d. 21 Aug 1913, Plot: M 17015, Pvt, Civil War, CO D 52nd USCI
Mosher, S.D., d. 23 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5000, Cpl, Civil War, Co D 53rd IL
Moss, Nath'l/wife, d. 11 Jul 1893, Plot: V 16639, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 49th USCI
Mosser, Fred'k, d. 28 Jan 1864, Plot: I 8130, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 15th IL Inf
Motfer, Mil, d. 20 Jun 1863, Plot: P 10017, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 47th OH Vol
Motherbough, J.O., d. 02 Jun 1863, Plot: C 2587, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 29th MO
Motin, James, d. 03 Feb 1949, Plot: V 17484, Pvt, Co A 565 Eng Sv Bn
Motsinger, J.J., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4443, Sgt, Civil War, Co H 81st IL
Motsinger, R.P, d. 25 Sep 1864, Plot: L 6450, Pvt, Civil War, Co C MMB
Mott, Stephen, d. 23 Jun 1863, Plot: Q 9729, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 20th OH Inf
Moulden, Mich'l, d. 16 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2667, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 59th IN
Mount, J.W., d. 19 May 1863, Plot: P 10025, Cpl, Civil War, 116th IL Vol
Muirhead, Ed B, d. 17 Sep 1919, Plot: L 6562-A, C.AC Unassigned
Mull, D.B., d. 03 Mar 1866, Plot: L 6243, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 4th TN Cav
Mullaly, Jno, d. 14 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6209, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 2nd WI Cav
Mullen, Annie, d. 17 Jul 1952, Plot: M 17652
Mulligan, Wilkinson, d. 16 Jun 1863, Plot: P 10075, pvt, Civil War, Co A 30th IA
Munchmore, W.H., d. 28 Jul 1863, Plot: F 1390, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 6th IA Reg
Munger, J.L., d. 18 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4545, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 14th WI
Munroe, Chas, d. 08 Apr 1894, Plot: V 16644, pvt, Civil War, Co K 52nd USCI
Munshower, Isaac, d. 18 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16458, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 15th USI
Munyon, Jno, d. 05 Apr 1864, Plot: I 7752, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 12th WI
Murdock, James, d. 20 Mar 1865, Plot: L 6247, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 4th TN Cav
Murdock. Oliver, d. 19 Jun 1863, Plot: H 52, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 42nd IA
Murfin, Nath'l, d. 20 Oct 1863, Plot: L 6456, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 32nd OV Inf
Murphy, Frank, d. 18 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5642, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 79th Highlanders NYSM
Murphy, J.C., d. 15 Sep 1865, Plot: I 7418, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 33rd Il
Murphy, J.H., d. 06 May 1863, Plot: O 3231, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 30th Il Vol
Murphy, James, d. 04 Oct 1866, Plot: E 16530, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 15th USI
Murphy, Jno, d. 28 Apr 1864, Plot: L 6084, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 178th NY
Murphy, Jno, d. 14 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2923, Civil War, Co F 60th OH
Murphy, Pat'k, d. 10 Jun 1863, Plot: H 19, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 72nd IL
Murphy, Perry, d. 16 Nov 1863, Plot: N 9832, Gov Emp, Civil War
Murphy, R.M, d. 13 mar 1863, Plot: Q 9594, Seaman, Civil War, US Gunboat Decalb
Murphy, W.H., d. 30 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5230, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 28th IL Inf
Murphy, Wm, d. 07 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1201, Cpl, Civil War, Co D 30th OVI
Murray, J.B., Plot: C 2433
Murray, Jno, d. 22 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1333, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 26th Reg Il
Murray, T.J., d. Jul, Plot: G 5181, Civil War, Co D 11th IA
Murry, Jim, d. 19 Apr 1932, Plot: M 17296, Pvt, Co A 415th res Labor BN QMC
Murry, Jno, d. Jul 1863, Plot: E 1693, Civil War, MMB
Musbeck, Christian, d. 21 Jun 1862, Plot: M 7188, Sgt, Civil War, Co H 47th OH
Musgrove, Jos, d. 01 Dec 1864, Plot: L 6292, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 87th IL
Musselschmidt, F, d. 11 Aug 1863, Plot: R 10434, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 17th MO
Mutzebaugh, Jacob, d. 11 Sep 1866, Plot: E 16536, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 15th USI
Mutzebaugher, Jacob, d. 29 Sep 1866, Plot: E 16533, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 15th USI
Myer, J.F., d. 11 Mar 1863, Plot: E 1840, Civil War, Co G Engineer Reg
Myer, W, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: P 10016, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 47th IL
Myers, Abram, d. 28 may 1863, Plot: G 5062, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 33rd Il
Myers, C, d. 09 May 1863, Plot: H 115, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 17th MO
Myers, C.T, d. 27 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6345, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 10th MO Inf
Myers, David, d. 14 Dec 1863, Plot: L 6453, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 32nd OV Inf
Myers, Doris S., d. 09 Jan 1945, Plot: W 17400, Pfc, WWII, Infantry US Army
Myers, E.J., d. 30 May 1863, Plot: G 5332, Civil War, Co D 77th IL Vol
Myers, F, d. 20 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2920, Wagoner, Civil War, Co C 130th IL
Myers, Frank'n, d. 03 Apr 1864, Plot: R 10368, Civil War, Co D 124th IL
Myers, Henry, d. 10 Jun 1863, Plot: H 5, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 120th OH
Myers, J.B., Plot: L 7018, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 5th IL Cav
Myers, Jacob, d. 01 Oct 1863, Plot: N 9848, Gov Emp, Civil War
Myers, Jerry, d. 20 My 1863, Plot: G 5711, Pvt, Civil War, Co H MO Inf USA
Myers, Squire, d. 17 Aug 1912, Plot: M 16995, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 5th UsCH Arty
Myers, Stephen, d. 25 May 1863, Plot: H 86, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 83rd OH
Myers, Wiley L., d. 17 Apr 1953, Plot: O 17674, cook, Co D 157 Inf 40 Div
Myres, Edw'd, d. 20 May 1863, Plot: I 8114, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 21st IA Inf
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