Search Mississippi Death Records
Mississippi Newspapers, Full Search (1802-1964), 318 titles
Mississippi Obituary Search, (1999-current)
Mississippi Birth Records Database, (1802-1964)
Vicksburg National Cemetery
Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi
Records of burials were provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior on October 29, 2000.
Sabrooks, T.J., d. 07 May 1863, Plot: E 1635, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 67th IN
Saddler, Thomas, d. 18 Jul 1902, Plot: M 16792, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 42nd USCI
Saenger, Fred'k, d. Jul 1863, Plot: E 1687, Civil War, CO H MMB
Safley, Robt, d. 20 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2913, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 24th IA
Sailsberry, Thomp'n, d. 23 Aug 1865, Plot: I 7414, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 10th IN Cav
Sallee, J.W., d. 03 Nov 1864, Plot: Q 9301, Civil War, Co A 87th IL
Salterback, And'w, d. 05 Feb 1905, Plot: I 7732, Civil War, Co B 11th IA
Saltmarsh, Kate, d. 07 Jan 1961, Plot: M 17067
Saltmarsh, Rayford, d. 01 Oct 1916, Plot: M 17067, Cpl, Civil War, CO I 136th USCI
Salyers, W, d. 25 Jun 1863, Plot: F 862, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 54th IN Reg
Sam'l, Perkins, d. 19 May 1898, Plot: M 16688, Civil War, Co E 64th USC Inf
Sample, G.F., d. 13 Mar 1863, Plot: E 1737, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 69th IN Vol
Samson, Andrew, d. 06 Aug 1863, Plot: L 6595, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 77th IL Vol
Samson, H, Plot: C 2432
Sanborne, L.H., d. 11 Aug 1863, Plot: I 7956, Cpl, Civil War, Co A 15th IL Inf
Sandage, Greenbury, d. 03 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5226, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 53rd IN
Sandberg, H.P., d. 24 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2885, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 72nd IL
Sanders, C, d. 24 Feb 1866, Plot: M 14468, Cap, Civil War, Co C 64th USCI
Sanders, Geo, d. 07 Jan 1927, Plot: M 17229, Pvt, CO I 25th INF 13th Div
Sanders, Johnnie, d. 10 May 1910, Plot: M 16928, Pvt, Civil War, D 52nd USCI
Sanders, Freeman/wife, d. 12 Apr 1906, Plot: M 16859, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 66th USCI
Sandlin, Lewis, d. 08 May 1863, Plot: E 1627, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 3rd KY
Sandlin, Wm, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5113, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 3rd KY Vol
Sands, G.g., d. 20 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1206, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 8th MO
Sanford, H.G., d. 17 Jul 1864, Plot: L 7024, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 124th IL Inf
Santser, Jno, d. 30 May 1863, Plot: R 10308, Civil War, CO G 78th OH
Saunders, And'w, d. 01 Jan 1866, Plot: M 12815, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 64th USCI
Saunders, R.W., d. 08 Jan 1863, Plot: K 5991, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 18th Reg WI Vol
Sawyer, Andr'w, d. 20 Feb 1864, Plot: N 9841, Gov Emp, Civil War
Sawyer, G.W., d. 17 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2677, Cpl, Civil War, CO K 23rd IA
Sawyer, N.R., d. 06 Jun 1863, Plot: H 57, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 13th USI
Saxe, fred, d. 10 Jan 1865, Plot: L 6392, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 2nd NJ
Saxton, H.E., d. 18 Oct 1867, Plot: E 16504, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 24th USI
Scanlan, James, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4555, Cpl, Civil War, Co B 17th WI
Scarburry, Edmund, d. 10 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6154, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 10th MO
Schaedler, W, d. 17 May 1863, Plot: A 3092, Sgt, Civil War, Co D 17th MO
Schaff, A, d. 05 Nov 1863, Plot: V 15692, Civil War, Co D 83rd IN
Schanack, T, Plot: F 1219
Schell, Louis, Plot: O 7067, Cap, Civil War, 1st IN Btry
Schenck, Joseph, d. 04 Jul 1863, Plot: Q 9745, Civil War, CO F 8th IL Inf
Scheneck, E.O., d. 08 Aug 1863, Plot: I 8042, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 76th IL
Schike, Fred'k, d. 27 Mar 1864, Plot: F 868, Pvt, Civil War, CO M 10th MO Cav
Schlagel, Fred`k, Plot: G 5186, Co A
Schlake, Henry, d. 05 Jun 1864, Plot: I 7829, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 27th IA
Schleter, I, d. 23 Jan 1864, Plot: I 7771, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 3ngr Regt
Schlorff, M.D., d. 14 Aug 1863, Plot: L 6871, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 76th IL
Schmidt, Henry, d. 04 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6120, Cpl, Civil War, Co A 11th IL Cav
Schmidt, Hermann, d. 23 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6170, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 35th WI
Schnider, F, d. 26 May 1863, Plot: P 10019, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 47th OH Vol
Schollar, James, d. 13 Aug 1864, Plot: I 7115, Cpl, Civil War, CO H 5th IL Cav
Schuler, H, d. 17 Aug 1863, Plot: G 5767, Civil War, 1st MN Btry
Schultz, Ernst, d. 20 May 1863, Plot: G 4807, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 23rd WI
Schultz, Fredk, d. 26 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6174, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 35th WI
Schultz, Jacob, d. 10 Nov 1863, Plot: I 8027, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 16th IA VOL
Schuyhart, Jacob, d. 01 Jul 1864, Plot: L 7021, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 124th IL VOl
Scircliff, J.T., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 4154, Civil War, 24 IN
Scontain, A.W., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4854, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 99th IL Vol
Scott, B.E., d. 23 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1577, Pvt, Civil War, O.B. 97th IL Reg
Scott, Chirley, d. 26 Aug 1956, Plot: M 17829, Pvt
Scott, Dennis, d. 25 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7592, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 2nd IL Art
Scott, Frank Lance, d. 15 Aug 1951, Plot: M 17617, Pvt, Sec F 3502 AAF BU TS AAFTTC
Scott, Geo, d. 10 Jul 1911, Plot: V 16961, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 48th USCI
Scott, Geo/wife, d. 14 Aug 1898, Plot: M 16694, Civil War, Co B 52 USC Art
Scott, H.P., d. 07 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5728, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 30th MO Inf
Scott, J.B., d. 29 Jun 1863, Plot: B 2734, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 22nd KY
Scott, Jno, d. 17 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7704, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 31st IL
Scott, Jno, d. 22 Aug 1863, Plot: I 7511, Pvt, Civil War, CO M 1st MO L Arty
Scott, W.O., d. 04 Aug 1863, Plot: E 1697, Civil War, Co B MMB
Scoville, M.L., d. 24 Aug 1863, Plot: I 7222, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 4th MN Vol
Scrivenor, Philip P, d. 11 Feb 1951, Plot: O 17591, Wagoner, Co A 6th Ammo Train 5th Div
Scully, Jno, d. Jul 1863, Plot: I 8520, Civil War
Seaberry, Wm, d. 24 May 1931, Plot: M 17285, Pvt, Co A 304 Stevedore Reg
Seal, T.J., Plot: D 2085, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 48th OH
Seavey, Chas, d. 22 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5549, Cpl, Civil War, CO B 31st IA
Seberry, Douglas, d. 05 Jan 1933, Plot: m 17307, Pvt, Co A 565 US Engr
Sebriney, Peter, d. 30 Apr 1863, Plot: B 2799, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 114th IL
Seech, Andrew, d. 26 Jan 1864, Plot: G 5313, Civil War, Co E 7th MO Vol
Seely, A, Plot: G 4564
Seff, d. 29 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2654, Civil War, Co F 26th MO
Seiberlich, W.P., d. 26 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3503, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 3rd IA Cav
Seibert, J.C., d. 18 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1560, Cpl, Civil War, CO A 22nd KY Reg
Seibert, WM, d. 17 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6898, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 58th OVI
Seigfried, H, d. 22 Jun 1863, Plot: H 38, Pvt, Civil War, CO D 7th MN
Selah, Isaac H., d. 15 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6931, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 11th IL Cav
Selby, Isaac N, d. 23 Jan 1863, Plot: C 2328, Pvt, Civil War, CO K 87th IL
Sellers, James, d. 30 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4540, Recruit, Civil War, CO E 23rd IN
Sellman, Cooper, d. 24 Oct 1918, Plot: L 6493-A, Pvt, CO B 105th US Inf
Selog, Geo, d. 07 Nov 1864, Plot: L 6178, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 37th IL
Semmo, O, d. 13 Oct 1864, Plot: M 17037, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 5th USC Arty
Seniomin, Sam'l, d. 02 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6267, Pvt, Civil War, CO N 10th MO Cav
Sentar, WM, d. 11 Jul 1864, Plot: I 8442, Cpl, Civil War, 48th IL Inf
Sentar, WM, d. 11 Jul 1864, Plot: I 8442, Cpl, Civil War, 48th IL Inf
Septer, Geo, d. 25 Jul 1865, Plot: I 7261, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 10th IN Cav
Serg, Amos, d. 14 Nov 1865, Plot: L 6341, Pvt, Civil War, CO B MMB
Sergalle, Louis, d. 13 Jun 1863, Plot: H 69, Civil War, Co K 8th lMO
Seright, J.H., d. 19 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1300, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 35th IA Inf
Setchel, DW., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4571, Sgt, Civil War, CO H 11th MO
Seward, Lester, d. 25 Sep 1863, Plot: I 7594, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 93rd IL
Seymour, S.B., d. 25 May 1865, Plot: I 7402, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 12th IN Cab
Shacklett, Ferd, d. 23 Aug 1865, Plot: I 7410, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 10th IN Cav
Shade, Dan'l, d. 12 May 1863, Plot: E 1653, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 77th IL
Shadinger, Fidell, d. 22 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1259, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 93rd IN Vol
Shafer, Noble, d. 05 Jun 1864, Plot: I 7831, Pvt, Civil War, 7th OH Bat
Shaffer, R.B., d. 02 Apr 1863, Plot: Q 9628, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 36th IA Vol
Shalmon, J.A., d. 12 Sep 1863, Plot: Q 9794, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 30th IA Inf
Shambs, Joseph, d. 15 Sep 1863, Plot: N 9852, Gov Emp, Civil War
Shandvin, J.C., d. 28 Jun 1863, Plot: H 15, Civil War, CO D 17th TN
Shaner, H.S., d. 16 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2675, Cpl, Civil War, Co D 120th OH
Shappy, Lewis, d. 04 Jan 1864, Plot: I 7574, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 12th WI
Sharkey, S, d. 23 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4804, Pvt, Civil War, CO K 77th IL
Sharkey, Santa, d. 11 Feb 1899, Plot: M 16706, Civil War, CO H 3 USC Cav
Sharp, Jno, d. 28 Oct 1908, Plot: M 16898, Sgt, Civil War, CO 3 53rd USCI
Shaw, Charles, d. 25 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1585, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 16th OH Reg
Shaw, G.B., d. 04 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7646, 1st Sgt, Civil War, CO B 11th IL Vol
Shaw, J.W., d. 20 Jul 1864, Plot: L 7025, Pvt, Civil War, CO K 124th IL Vol
Shaw, John Tyril, d. 01 Apr 1960, Plot: M 18002, 2nd Lt, CO H 120th Inf 30th Div White
Shaw, William, d. 20 Aug 1863, Plot: E 1858, Cpl, Civil War, CO E 103rd IL Vol
Shays, G.E., d. 30 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2658, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 113th Il
Shearer, J.S., d. 31 May 1863, Plot: C 2523, Sgt, Civil War, CO B 83rd IN
Shedd, G.C., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: P 10071, Cpl, Civil War, CO I 30th IA Vol
Sheirry, H.E., d. 15 Aug 1863, Plot: I 7904, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 38th IA
Shelby, Felix, d. 18 Aug 1918, Plot: M 17619, Pvt, CO K Colored Casual Det Camp
Sheldon, A.G., d. 05 Aug 1863, Plot: G 5764, Pvt, Civil War, 10th O Btry
Sheldon, M, d. 19 Feb 1863, Plot: A 3114, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 57th OH
Shell, Edward H, d. 04 Feb 1836, Plot: L 6529-C, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 2nd AR Vol Infty
Shell, Henry, d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 3750, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 11th In
Shelley, Jno, d. 15 Jan 1926, Plot: M 17216, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 3rd USC Cav
Shellhammer, Abraham, d. 05 Nov 1864, Plot: I 7832, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 72nd Il
Shelly, Osborn, d. 15 Jan 1898, Plot: M 16681, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 3rd USCI
Shelton, Eugene, d. 08 May 1957, Plot: M 17862, Pfc, Sanitary Det
Shelton, Gayden B, d. 20 Jun 1938, Plot: G 5565-A, Pvt, O H 23rd Inf 2nd Div
Shelton, Thos/wife, d. 09 Sep 1911, Plot: V 16965, Sgt, Civil War, CO C 48th USCI
Shenessy, James, d. 15 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7662, Pvt, Civil War, CO K 8th IL Inf
Shepard, Walter Rile, d. 06 Sep 1951, Plot: O 17624, Pvt, USMC
Shepherd, B.R, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5100, Pvt, Civil War, CO D 114th OVI
Shepley, Elijah, Plot: F 1118, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 23rd IN Reg
Shepperd, Jacob, d. 02 Aug 1863, Plot: L 6617, Pvt, Civil War, CO K 18th IL Vol
Sherbrooke, G.G., d. 24 May 1863, Plot: O 4274, Lt, Civil War, CO K 4th MN
Sherk, Henry, d. 15 Jul 1865, Plot: N 9859, Gov Emp, Civil War
Sherly, Rob't, d. 10 Mar 1864, Plot: I 7525, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 11th IL Inf
Sherman, David, d. 23 Jan 1865, Plot: Q 9294, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 96th OH Inf
Sherman, W.H., d. 09 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6477, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 5th IL Cav
Sherman. W.H., d. 12 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1281, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 12th IA Inf
Sherry, WM, d. 25 Jul 1863, Plot: G 4602, Pvt, Civil War, CO I 114th IL Vol
Shield, Owen, d. 17 Mar 1937, Plot: M 17350, Pvt, H 803 Pioneer Inf
Shield, Wm, d. 11 Apr 1865, Plot: L 6470, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 10th MO Cav
Shields, Douglas L, d. 04 Mar 1945, Plot: W 17402, Pvt, WWII, Field Arty US Army
Shields, James, d. 25 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7789, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 33rd WI
Shields, Joseph, d. 07 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1424, Pvt, Civil War, CO K 70th OVI
Shields, W.H., d. 05 Jul 1863, Plot: G 8580, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 25th IA Inf
Shiffert, Rueben, d. 14 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5567, Sgt, Civil War, Co G 25th IA
Shilg, Chas, d. 09 Nov 1863, Plot: L 6071, Sgt, Civil War, Vo M 5th IL Cav
Shiner, D.L., d. 19 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3227, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 40th Vol Inf
Shipley, Ephim, d. 03 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6357, Pvt, Civil War, CO I 8th IL Cav
Shirk, A.H., d. 04 May 1864, Plot: L 6904, Cpl, Civil War, CO K 58th IN
Shirley, F.P., d. 20 Jul 1868, Plot: E 16566, Pvt, Civil War, CO I 24th USI
Shirlng, E, Plot: G 5016, Civil War, CO IA
Shiveley, Henry, d. 12 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4518, Pvt, Civil War, CO H OVI
Shnied, Chas, d. 18 Jan 1865, Plot: Q 9293, Civil War
Shoemaker, M.H., d. 26 Feb 1863, Plot: C 2599, Sgt, Civil War, CO D 54th IN
Sholes, Wm, d. 13 Oct 1864, Plot: G 4874, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 2nd WI Cav
Sholtz, d. 10 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2703, Civil War, Co E 47th IL
Shook, J.A., d. 25 Nov 1865, Plot: M 7173, Pvt, Civil War, O I 33rd IL
Shores, Frank, d. 23 May 1863, Plot: G 4649, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 95th IL
Short, Pinkney, d. 09 Nov 1949, Plot: V 17520, Pvt, 309th Avn Sq AC
Short, Rile, d. 16 Jul 1865, Plot: I 7408, Pvt, Civil War, CO D 10th IN Cav
Shorter, Jake Lionel, d. 09 Apr 1949, Plot: V 17505, T/5, 3827 QM Truck Co QMC
Shoup, W.D., d. 01 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4844, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 33rd Il Vol
Shriver, A, d. 18 Feb 1863, Plot: D 2068, Civil War, CO I 76th OH
Shrope, D.P., d. 04 Jul 1866, Plot: E 16440, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 15th USI
Shrum, J.w., d. 05 Jul 1863, Plot: K 5998, Pvt, Civil War, CO F 120th IL VOl
Shuck, D.W., d. 18 Apr 1863, Plot: A 2927, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 21st IA
Shurley, C.M., d. 01 May 1863, Plot: O 3343, Pvt, Civil War, CO C In
Shurtzer, S, d. 24 Feb 1912, Plot: L 16979, Cap, Civil War, Co H 29th IN Inf
Shutts, Benj, Plot: A 3099, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 83rd OVI
Shyler, P.F., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 4053, Pvt, Civil War, CO H 1214th IL
Siefert, Adam, d. 20 Aug 1863, Plot: G 5763, Civil War, 10th O Btry
Siegfried, Levi, d. 29 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2655, Sgt, Civil War, CO F 96th OH
Sigafoose, Jacob, d. 05 Apr 1863, Plot: F 743, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 22nd IA Reg
Sillers, Jaseph, d. 06 May 1865, Plot: I 7496, Pvt, Civil War
Simerson, J.E., d. 09 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6208, Pvt, Civil War, CO M 2nd WI Cav
Simes, L.W., d. 29 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4416, Cpl, Civil War, CO C 27th MO
Simm, A.S., Plot: D 2172, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 108th IL
Simmerson, Winton, Plot: I 7469, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 31st IL
Simmonds, John, d. 09 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1199, Pvt, Civil War, CO G 30th OVI
Simmons, C.B., d. 07 Jul 1863, Plot: Q 9448, Pvt, Civil War, CO I 17th IL Inf
Simmons, Henry/wife, d. 29 Nov 1922, Plot: V 17166, Pvt, Civil War, CO L 5th USC Arty
Simmons, Jay, d. 28 Feb 1863, Plot: D 2065, Cpl, Civil War, CO K 31st IA
Simmons, Jim, d. 28 Apr 1957, Plot: M 17860, Pfc, Co C 329th Svc Bn QMC
Simmons, Paddy, d. 07 Aug 1904, Plot: M 16825, Sgt, Civil War, CO B 53rd USCI
Simmons, Sandy, d. 02 Aug 1931, Plot: M 17287, Pvt, CO L 5th USH Arty
Simms, A, Plot: M 17316
Simms, Menser/wife, d. 25 Oct 1916, Plot: M 17068, Pvt, CO MUSCH Arty
Simms, Robt Lee, d. 29 Jul 1932, Plot: M 17301, Pvt, 13th CO 159th Depo Brig
Simms. oliver, d. 26 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5202, Pvt, Civil War, CO 7th OH Btry
Simpkins, Sam;, d. 04 Mar 1927, Plot: M 17231, Pvt, ICL 816 Transp Corp
Simpson, David, d. 09 Jan 1866, Plot: M 12840, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 55th USCI
Simpson, Geo, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5134, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 21st IA
Simpson, Thomas, d. 06 Jun 1863, Plot: H 59, Pvt, Civil War, CO I 16th In
Sims, Aaron C, d. 19 Apr 1941, Plot: M 17346, Sup Sgt, WWI, 804 Pioneer Infantry
Sims, John, d. 10 May 1950, Plot: V 17556, Pvt, O A 329 Svc Bn QMC
Sinclair, C.W., d. 12 Aug 1863, Plot: B 2632, Cpl, Civil War, Co K 49th IN
Sincoke, A.J, d. 16 Jul 1865, Plot: Q 9323, 1st Sgt, Civil War, CO G 13th In Cav
Sines, Isaac, d. 25 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4340, Sgt, Civil War, CO K 45th IL
Singleton, Ed, d. 03 Aug 1937, Plot: M 17355, Pvt, CO 3rd 1st Dev BnCol 155th
Singleton, Howard, d. 24 Nov 1920, Plot: V 17131, Pvt, Civil War, CO M 5th USCH Arty
Singleton, Maude Sev, d. 05 Mar 1965, Plot: G 5478-A
Singleton, Richard, d. 20 Oct 1864, Plot: G 4873, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 2nd WI Cav
Singleton, Thomas D, d. 21 Dec 1942, Plot: G 5478-B, Pvt, CO D 1st Bat Engr US Army
Singleton, W.F., d. 24 Jul 1863, Plot: E 1500, Civil War, Ram Monarch
Sinsebaugh, Cyrus, d. 17 Jul 1863, Plot: G 4623, Pvt, Civil War, CO I 95th OVI
Sipes, Jacobs, d. 08 Aug 1863, Plot: A 3004, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 48th IN
Sitany, Christ, d. 16 Feb 1864, Plot: I 7566, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 178th NY
Sizer, Henry, d. 04 May 1927, Plot: M 17236, Pvt, Civil War, CO C 52nd USCI
Skeiton, R.T., Plot: O 3819
Skinner, Jno, d. 26 Feb 1864, Plot: O 3821, Pvt, Civil War, CO B 78th OVI
Skinner, Robt D, d. 16 Aug 1931, Plot: M 17288, Pvt, CO D 327 Wer Bn
Skinner, W.B., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 3741, Cpl, Civil War, CO H 11th In
Skipper, Leslie, d. 14 Sep 1943, Plot: W 17412, Cap, WWII, Air Corps
Skirvin, Joel, d. 24 JUN 1863, Plot: G 4919, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 99 ILL
Slade, James B., d. 30 Nov 1847, Plot: O 3492A, Sur, Mexican/Am War, 15 INF
Slade, Willie, d. 22 Jun 1931, Plot: L 6451B, Pvt, Co A 326 inf 82 Div
Slate, R. H., d. 19 Jun 1863, Plot: L 6414, Cpl, Civil War, Co G 13 U.S. INF
Slater, Peter, d. 26 Feb 1914, Plot: M 17019, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 5th USCH Arty
Sleep, Samuel, d. 22 Aug 1864, Plot: G 4876, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 2nd WIS Cav
Slidfly, Joseph, d. 07 May 1863, Plot: E 1640, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 8th MO
Sloan, J. H., d. 17 JUL 1863, Plot: B 2676, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 30th MO
Slocum, M.H., d. 19 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2685, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 28th IA
Slow, Wm., d. 10 May 1863, Plot: E 1522, Civil War, Co C 60th IND Reg
Smalley, Allen, d. 31 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1213, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 116th ILL Regt
Smalley, F.F., d. 29 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3498, Civil War, Co A 20th MI Inf
Smallwood, Eli., d. 14 May 1863, Plot: E 1657, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 83rd IN
Smallwood, Levy, d. 21 Jun 1863, Plot: H 39, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 3rd KY
Smart, J.A., d. 24 Feb 1866, Plot: O 4297, Capt, Civil War, Co C 64th USA INF
Smiley, G.W., d. 05 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2664, Cpl, Civil War, Co A 23rd IA
Smith Alex/wife, d. 15 Aug 1905, Plot: M 16849, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 49th USCI
Smith, Adam, d. 23 Apr 1912, Plot: V 16983, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 63rd USCI
Smith, Addison, d. 08 Aug 1919, Plot: M 17338, Sgt, Depot Svc Co. 8 ASC
Smith, Albert, d. 15 Apr 1955, Plot: M 17757, Pvt, Co C 3rd Dev Bn 164 Depot Bg
Smith, Andrew, d. 13 Aug 1863, Plot: B 2634, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 29th WI
Smith, Ben, d. 08 Sep 1958, Plot: M 17917, Pvt, Co C Dev Bn QMC
Smith, Beverly E., d. 07 Jul 1960, Plot: W 18072, Lt Col, Korean War, Army Med Corps
Smith, C. H., d. 17 Mar 1863, Plot: F 755, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 60th Ind Reg
Smith, C.P., d. 10 May 1863, Plot: E 1527, Pvt, Civil War, CO A 27th MO Regt
Smith, C.W., d. 25 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2644, Cpl, Civil War, Co H 12th IA
Smith, Charlie, d. 27 Jan 1960, Plot: M 17985, Pvt, Co A 329 Svc Bn
Smith, David, d. 19 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1196, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 30th OH Vol Inf
Smith, Dilley (Samue, d. 04 Jan 1978, Plot: M 17703
Smith, E., d. 08 Sep 1864, Plot: N 9814, Civil War, Gov Emp
Smith, E., d. 21 Mar 1863, Plot: G 5370, Civil War, Co F 50th OH
Smith, E.P., d. 14 Jun 1863, Plot: H 66, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 16th IN
Smith, Edward, d. 22 Sep 1918, Plot: M 17124, Mess Att, USNRF
Smith, Elias, d. 02 Jul 1923, Plot: V 17173, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 53rd USCI
Smith, Elijah, d. 29 May 1863, Plot: D 2173, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 87th IL
Smith, Elmo, d. 02 Feb 1934, Plot: L 6495-A, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 2nd MS Inf Vols
Smith, Fredrick/wife, d. 29 Dec 1920, Plot: V 17132, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 44th USCI
Smith, G.M., d. 17 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6311, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 11th IL Cav
Smith, G.W., d. 28 May 1863, Plot: G 4667, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 11th IL Inf
Smith, Geo., d. 13 Aug 1916, Plot: M 17066, Sgt, Civil War, Co A 52nd USCI
Smith, Goodwin, d. 5 Aug 1896, Plot: M 16667, Pvt, Civil War, CO E 64th USCI
Smith, H.E., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: O 4282, Lt, Civil War, Co C 11th Reg W Va
Smith, H.Y., d. 05 Apr 1863, Plot: F 767, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 19th KY Vols
Smith, Henry, d. 07 Jun 1922, Plot: V 17160, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 53rd USCI
Smith, J., d. 07 Jun 1863, Plot: H 46, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 95th OH
Smith, J.C., d. 11 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2713, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 83rd IN
Smith, J.C., d. 23 Sep 1863, Plot: Q 9317, Seaman, Civil War, US Gunboat City Queen
Smith, J.C. (James), d. 26 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16470, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 15th USI
Smith, J.I., d. 17 Apr 1864, Plot: I 7548, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 1st WI
Smith, J.M., Plot: Q 9298, Civil War, Co H 120th IL Vol
Smith, J.M., d. 23 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5544, Cpl, Civil War, Co K 29th MO
Smith, J.P., Plot: L 6926, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 11th IL Cav
Smith, James, d. 16 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5038, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 7th KY
Smith, Jim, d. 05 Jul 1937, Plot: M 17354, Pfc, Co 325th Svc Bu QMC
Smith, Jim, d. 10 Sep 1919, Plot: M 17117, 1cl AC, 318 Labor Brs
Smith, Jno, d. 06 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1811, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 54th IN
Smith, Jno, Plot: G 4689, Cpl
Smith, John C., d. 19 Sep 1944, Plot: W 17429, T/5, WWII, MS Inf
Smith, Johnie, d. 14 Oct 1950, Plot: O 17570, S2c, USNRF
Smith, Justice, d. 05 Aug 1863, Plot: L 6411, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 63rd IL Vol
Smith, Lafayette, d. 01 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1787, Cpl, Civil War, Co K 33rd IL
Smith, Lafayette, d. 06 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5227, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 15th IL Cav
Smith, Lee Joseph, d. 05 Mar 1960, Plot: M 18000, 975 QM Svc Bn Colored
Smith, Madison S., d. 04 Jul 1911, Plot: M 16959, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 6380 USCI
Smith, Marcus, d. 14 Dec 1949, Plot: V 17532, T/4, 129th Port Co T C
Smith, Martin, d. 02 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1324, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 90th IL Reg
Smith, Martin, d. 01 Apr 1864, Plot: I 7677, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 46th IL
Smith, Mary, Plot: M 17758
Smith, Matthias, d. 21 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1189, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 83rd IN Reg
Smith, Milton, d. 12 Jul 1865, Plot: I 7420, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 9th IN Cav
Smith, N.J., Plot: G 4328, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 48th IN
Smith, N.L., d. 08 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1232, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 4th IA Cav
Smith, N.T., d. 19 May 1863, Plot: P 10047, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 12th IA Vols
Smith, Nelson, d. 28 Jul 1943, Plot: U 17362, Pvt, Casual Co #25
Smith, --os, Plot: O 3431
Smith, Peter, d. 27 Jan 1897, Plot: M 16672, Sgt, Civil War, Co D 48th USCI
Smith, Richard, d. 28 Feb 1898, Plot: M 16683, Cpl, Civil War, Co I 137th USCI
Smith, Roger, d. 10 Apr 1951, Plot: M 17600, Pvt, Co D 404 Res Lbr Bn QMC
Smith, S., d. 15 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5597, Civil War, Co G 4th IA Inf
Smith, S.H., Plot: G 5369, Civil War, Co B 29th IA
Smith, Samuel, d. 10 Feb 1865, Plot: N 9817, Gov Emp, Civil War
Smith, Samuel, d. 14 Jan 1954, Plot: M 17702, Pvt, Co A 565 Enr Svc Bn CE
Smith, T, Plot: B 2692
Smith, t.B., d. 26 Feb 1864, Plot: I 7741, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 58th OH Vols
Smith, T.S., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4836, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 8th IN Inf
Smith, W.A., Plot: F 1447
Smith, W.H., d. 11 Jul 1863, Plot: O 4285, Lt, Civil War, Co E 53rd IN
Smith, W.R., d. 26 Jun 1863, Plot: H 48, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 95th OH
Smith, Washington, d. 10 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16446, Mus, Civil War, Co F 15th USI
Smith, Willis, d. 06 Nov 1901, Plot: M 16783, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 50th USCI
Smith, Wm, d. 07 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5195, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 26th IN Vol
Smith, Wm, d. 14 Dec 1865, Plot: M 12866, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 64th USCI
Smith, Wm, d. 02 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1792, Cpl, Civil War, Co D 60th IN
Smith, E.A., d. 04 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5242, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 12th WI Vol
Smithey, J., d. 24 Feb 1863, Plot: D 2070, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 76th OH
Sneed, J.M., d. 23 Mar 1863, Plot: F 783, Eng, Civil War, 1st KY Engrs
Snell, M., d. 14 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1674, Sgt, Civil War, Co A Cav MMB
Sniff, A.B., d. 05 Aug 1863, Plot: I 8010, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 78th OVI
Snively, J.A., d. 22 Apr 1863, Plot: E 1570, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 83rd OH
Snook, Abraham, d. 15 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1450, Cpl, Civil War, Co A 15th MI Inf
Snook, J.S., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 4308, Lt Col, Civil War, 68th OH
Snyder, Jonas, d. 07 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2747, Cpl, Civil War, Co G 5th MN
Snyder, Solomon, d. 25 May 1864, Plot: L 6876, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 72nd IL Vol
Snyder, W.A., d. 31 May 1863, Plot: E 1784, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 42nd OH
Somers, W.C., d. 23 May 1863, Plot: G 4738, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 4th MN Vol
Songer, A.J., Plot: G 5734, Civil War, Co B 116th IL
Soules, Chas., d. 02 Apr 1865, Plot: I 7429, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 3rd MI Cav
South, J., Plot: C 2498, Civil War, Co C 114th OH
Spafford, Jno, Plot: F 1294
Spahr, Henry, d. 18 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1341, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 100th Reg IN Vol
Spaulding, Jno, d. 04 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1212, Civil War, Co G 116th IL Reg
Spealman, Wm., d. 21 Sep 1864, Plot: L 7022, Pvt, Civil War, Co L 11th IL Cav
Spear, J.D., d. 16 Jan 1863, Plot: L 6485, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 28th Reg WV
Speed, Jno. R., d. 09 Oct 1923, Plot: L 6514-A, Pvt, 1st Cl Sig Corp Co B
Speed, Paris F., d. 07 Nov 1938, Plot: T 17368, Cpl, 14th Repl Bu (HDQRS)
Spencer, B.J., d. 16 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6352, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 161st NY
Spencer, C.W., d. 23 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5232, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 76th IL Inf
Spencer, Clara, d. 01 Dec 1965, Plot: M 17340
Spencer, Frank, d. 24 Nov 1865, Plot: M 12888, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 52nd USCI
Spencer, James, d. 16 Feb 1939, Plot: T 17370, Cpl, 310th Lab Bn
Spencer, Louis, d. 29 May 1940, Plot: M 17340, Pfc, WWI, 164 Depot Brig
Spher, Albert, d. 06 May 1863, Plot: P 10018, Civil War, Co F 47th OH Vol
Spiker, ALex, d. 17 Jun 1863, Plot: H 36, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 118th IL
Spinney, Wm., d. 04 Jan 1868, Plot: E 16496, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 19th Inf
Spirry, Lucius, Plot: C 2575, Engr, Reg of the West
Spragg, Chas., d. 31 May 1863, Plot: A 3077, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 9th IA
Sprague, Perry, d. 15 Jul 1863, Plot: I 8003, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 78th OVI
Spring, H.J., d. 14 May 1863, Plot: O 3243, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 29th WI Vol
Springer, Lewis, d. 18 Jul 1863, Plot: D 1999, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 17th IA
Springer, Norman, d. 01 Aug 1863, Plot: L 6616, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 120th OH Inf
Spronce, Elijah, d. 21 Aug 1865, Plot: I 7288, Pvt, Civil War
Sprouse, Henry/wife, d. 12 Jul 1900, Plot: M 16729, Sgt, Civil War, Co H 52nd USCI
Square, Arnetta, d. 28 Jan 1956, Plot: M 17800
Squire, H.A., d. 28 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5245, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 12th WI
Squire, Rosa Lee, d. 02 Feb 1955, Plot: M 17743
St. Clair, S.M., d. 30 May 2000, Plot: R 10285, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 78th OH
St. Pierre, Xavier, d. 04 Oct 1864, Plot: O 7086, Lt, Civil War, Co D 76th IL
Stafford, Ben, d. 08 Mar 1937, Plot: M 17349, Pvt, Co A 26 US Dev Bn Cas
Stafford, Ernest P., d. 14 Jan 1958, Plot: M 17888, Pfc, Co B 54th Eng
Stafford, Robert, d. 06 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1405, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 12th Reg IN Vol
Stahl, J.F., d. 26 May 1863, Plot: Q 9570, Cpl, Civil War, Co H 23rd WI
Stahl, Jacob, d. 06 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1142, Cpl, Civil War, Co K 37th OVI
Staley, Fredrick, d. 29 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6119, Pvt, Civil War, Co N 5th IL Cav
Staliman, Solomon, d. 16 Feb 1863, Plot: D 2062, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 30th IA
Stallings, Chas. B., d. 09 Oct 1918, Plot: L 6508-A, Pvt, 143rd Inf 36th USA Div
Stamm, W.D., d. 24 Sep 1864, Plot: L 6441, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 46th IL
Stamps, J.J., d. 12 Jun 1864, Plot: L 6147, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 32nd IN
Stanford, John H., d. 07 Jul 1944, Plot: X 17483, Pvt, WWII, 87th Cml Sq Co
Stang, Fredrick, d. 19 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6223, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 35th WI
Stanley, Elias, d. 25 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4342, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 31st IL
Stanley, Guy D., d. 26 May 1945, Plot: W 17422, S/Sgt, WWII, Air Corps
Stanley, Mark, d. 28 Mar 1868, Plot: O 4131, Emp, Civil War, Quarter Master Dept
Stanley, W.B., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 5106, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 69th IN
Staples, Joshua, d. 01 Apr 1863, Plot: F 763, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 108th IL Reg
Stark, Jos., d. 10 Jun 1865, Plot: I 7310, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 4th MO Cav
Stark, R., d. 02 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1794, Civil War, Co H 29th MO
Starkweather, E., d. 26 Feb 1863, Plot: A 3068, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 42nd OVI
Statle, J.C., d. 20 Oct 1864, Plot: R 10371, Civil War, Co K 10th MO Cav
Statler, Erastus, d. 23 Feb 1865, Plot: I 7730, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 14th WI
Steagle, Andrew, d. 16 Jul 1864, Plot: L 6306, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 76th IL
Steel, J.P., d. 23 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5700, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 25th IA
Steel, W.M., d. 07 Aug 1863, Plot: M 7195, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 12th IL Inf
Steele, Robert, d. 13 Dec 1930, Plot: M 17278, Pvt, Sanitary Corps
Steele, S.W., Plot: G 5108, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 3rd KY
Steiner, Samuel, d. 28 Feb 1863, Plot: K 5918, Civil War, Co H 58th OH
Steinhege, Ernst., d. 19 Aug 1863, Plot: R 10430, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 17th MO
Steininger, F., d. 01 Sep 1863, Plot: Q 9772, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 3rd MO Inf
Steinmetz, Peter, d. 15 Oct 1864, Plot: Q 9292, Pvt, Civil War, Co c 46th IL Vet V
Steins, Robert, d. 16 Feb 1866, Plot: M 12806, Cpl, Civil War, Co C 64th USCI
Stemrich, Jno, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: L 6342, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 37th OH
Stephen, Alex, d. 09 May 1913, Plot: M 17011, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 50th USCI
Stephens, d. 28 Oct 1867, Plot: E 16507, Civil War, Co K 24th USI
Stephens W.H., d. 16 Oct 1867, Plot: E 16506, Sgt, Civil War, Co K 24th USI
Stephens, A.A., d. 02 Jan 1864, Plot: I 7695, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 4th IL Cav
Stephens, Grant Aust, d. 29 Sep 1947, Plot: U 17395, Pvt, 530 Engrs
Stephens, Hiram, d. 28 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7798, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 93rd IN
Stephens, J.H., d. 26 May 1863, Plot: G 4610, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 114th Reg IL
Stephens, lloyd, d. 24 May 1945, Plot: W 17498, Pvt, WWII, US Marine Corps
Stephens, Matthew, d. 16 Feb 1864, Plot: I 7443, Pvt, Civil War, 9th IN Batt
Stephenson, W.R., d. Dec 1862, Plot: O 3195, Civil War
Stevens, G.A., d. 19 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6350, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 12th WI
Stevens, Jake, d. 08 Dec 1922, Plot: V 17168, Sgt, Co A 416 Lbr Batt
Stevenson, Alfred, d. 13 Dec 1956, Plot: M 17845, Pvt, Co G 816 Pion Inf
Stevenson, Charlie J, d. 19 Jun 1960, Plot: M 18015, Pvt, Reception Center
Stevenson, Jos, d. 01 Feb 1865, Plot: L 6390, Pvt, Civil War, Co M 11th IL Cav
Steward, Edward, Plot: M 12135, Civil War, Co E 5 USC Inf
Steward, Washington, d. 25 Jul 1949, Plot: V 17517, Pvt, Co D 348 Svc Bn QMC
Steward, Wm, d. 01 Jan 1865, Plot: L 6394, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 11th IL Cav
Steward, Alberta, d. 19 Jun 1953, Plot: M 17679
Stewart, Benj., d. 25 Dec 1906, Plot: M 16867, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 84th USCI
Stewart, Jackson, Plot: G 5229
Stewart, Jno, d. Mar 1868, Plot: O 3982, Gov Emp, Civil War, US Distg Party
Stewart, Leon F., d. 08 Dec 1957, Plot: W 17889, Cpl, Co E 155th Inf 39th Div
Stewart, Marion, d. 06 Nov 1919, Plot: M 17118, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 52nd USCI
Stewart, Maurice L., d. 19 Jul 1955, Plot: G 17773, Pvt, Batt A 381 FA Bn 102 Inf
Stewart, Thomas E., d. 07 Jan 1957, Plot: M 17850, Pvt, Co B 565 Engr Svc Bn CE
Stewart, Madison/wife, d. 04 Jul 1911, Plot: M 16959, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 63rd USCI
Stiles, J.L., d. 28 Feb 1863, Plot: D 1992, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 4th IA Vol Inf
Stillwell, Wm., d. 19 Aug 1863, Plot: L 6568, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 18th IN Vol
Stinnett, Ellis, d. 01 Nov 1936, Plot: M 17113, Pvt, Co A 512 US Engrs
Stites, J.T., d. 09 Dec 1862, Plot: G 5410, Sgt, Civil War, Co F 31st MO
Stocks, A.L., Plot: N 9838, Gov Emp
Stockton, Samuel, d. 27 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5212, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 32nd IL
Stokes, July/wife, d. 13 Jun 1909, Plot: M 16911, Cpl, Civil War, Co D 64th USCI
Stokes, Wm, d. 11 Sep 1907, Plot: M 16879, Cpl, Civil War, Co C 5th USCH Arty
Stoltz, H.S., d. 12 Jun 1864, Plot: G 5033, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 5th IL Cav
Stone, E.J., d. 01 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1155, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 47th OVI
Stone, John Allen, d. 01 Sep 1947, Plot: O 3479-A, CWT, US Navy
Stone, S.C., d. 22 Jun 1863, Plot: D 2016, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 131st IL
Stooks, Jordan, d. 23 May 1933, Plot: M 17312, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 53rd USCI
Store, Thos., d. 15 Nov 1865, Plot: M 12881, Civil War, Co G 108th USCI
Stout, Felix, d. 06 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5533, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 16th OVI
Stovall, James C., d. 17 Jan 1961, Plot: M 18036, Pfc, WWII, 4108 Army Air Forces BU AC
Stovall, Roy S. Jr., d. 24 Feb 1961, Plot: W 18084, Cpl, HQ Det 1st Bn 9940 TSU SGO Med
Stover, E.B., d. 05 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5581, 1st Sgt, Civil War, 27th MO Inf
Stover, J.W., d. 24 Feb 1864, Plot: L 6232, Pvt, Civil War, 8th OH Batt
Stowall, M.A., d. 10 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2701, Civil War, Co F 31st IL
Stowell, George, d. 04 Feb 1863, Plot: D 2101, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 23rd WI Vol
Strait, Henry, d. 06 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1815, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 114th OH
Strandin, Albert P., d. 24 Nov 1957, Plot: W 17879, Pvt, Batt C 336 FA 88 Div
Stratton, G.O., d. 18 Nov 1865, Plot: L 6286, Sgt, Civil War, Co C 35th WI
Stratton, Henry, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: O 4286, 1st Lt, Civil War, Co E 69th IN
Straughter, Willie W, d. 09 Jan 1951, Plot: M 17583, Pvt, 49th QM Reg
Street, Joseph, d. 08 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2748, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 24th IN
Streeter, Geo, d. 28 Sep 1918, Plot: V 17155, Pvt, Co H 370 Inf 93rd Div
Stribbling, J.C., d. 11 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3441, 3rd Cpl, Civil War, Co F 40th IA Inf
Stribling, J.W., d. 27 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4621, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 93rd IN Vol
Stricker, S.H., d. 09 Jul 1863, Plot: O 3218, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 25th WI Vol
Strickler, R.H., d. 23 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6127, Cpl, Civil War, Co E 28th IL Vol
Stricklin, Jacob, d. 11 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1147, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 4th va Reg
Strider, Chas., d. 27 Mar 1932, Plot: M 17295, Mus, Civil War, Co B 92nd USCI
Striker, G.H., d. 03 Jun 1863, Plot: E 1804, Civil War, Co K 109th IL
Strong, Isaac, d. 15 Mar 1863, Plot: F 690, Pvt, Civil War, Co I 120th OVI
Strong, James P., d. 22 Jan 1957, Plot: W 17851, T/Sgt, 329 AAF BU AC
Stroud, W., Plot: Q 9649, Co D MMB
Stubbs, Annie, d. 24 Feb 1949, Plot: V 17486
Stuckey, Henry, d. 13 Dec 1864, Plot: L 6328, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 5th IL Cav
Studley, David F., d. 18 Jun 1862, Plot: G 4646, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 95th IL
Studt, Heinrich, d. 18 Sep 1863, Plot: V 15696, Civil War, Co E 5th MN Inf
Stump, Alex, d. 15 May 1899, Plot: M 17114, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 52nd USCI
Sturdevant, James, d. Jun 1863, Plot: G 5223, Pvt, Civil War, Co D 53rd IN
Sturm, T.F., d. 01 May 1863, Plot: O 3342, Pvt, Civil War, Co C
Sturtz, Solomon, d. 06 Jun 1864, Plot: I 7756, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 32nd IA
Stutney, Augusta, d. 25 Mar 1865, Plot: L 6405, Pvt, Civil War, Co 19th PA Inf
Stutzman, I, d. 26 Mar 1863, Plot: C 2585, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 31st MO
Suddard, Edward, d. 27 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16471, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 15th USI
Suddard, T.G., d. 12 Aug 1866, Plot: E 16452, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 15th USI
Sullivan, Dennis, d. 02 Jun 1864, Plot: I 7838, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 7th MO INf
Sullivan, Henry Jr., d. 12 Aug 1945, Plot: U 17380, Stew Mat, USS Brooklyn
Sullivan, Jere, d. 13 Jan 1864, Plot: G 5766, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 17th WI Vol
Sullivan, Jno, d. 22 Jun 1863, Plot: I 7660, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 53rd IL Inf
Sullivan, Michael, d. 16 Nov 1868, Plot: E 16579, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 24th USI
Sullivan, Patrick, d. 22 Jul 1866, Plot: E 16438, Sgt, Civil War, Co A 15th USI
Sullivan, Patrick, d. 15 Jul 1863, Plot: F 1038, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 76th OVI
Summers, Charles R., d. 18 Dec 1945, Plot: G 5502-A, Sgt, Supply Co 324 QMC
Summers, Harvey, d. 01 Oct 1863, Plot: I 7703, pvt, Civil War, Co F 40th IL Vol
Summers, J.H., d. 24 May 1863, Plot: G 4350, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 30th IL
Summers, Jno, d. 22 May 1863, Plot: G 4652, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 14th WI
Summers, Lewis, d. 01 May 1863, Plot: A 2954, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 31st IA
Summers, T.M., d. 26 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5228, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 15th IL Cav
Summerville, Jno, d. 19 Aug 1863, Plot: A 3006, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 127th IL
Sumptor, Wm, d. 09 Oct 1864, Plot: L 6212, Pvt, Civil War, Co M 5th IL Cav
Suseberry, Samuel, d. 10 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2704, Sgt, Civil War, Co H 56th IL
Sutton, Charles, d. 15 MAr 1863, Plot: K 6026, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 95th IL Vol
Suttor, Rudolph, d. 08 Aug 1863, Plot: L 6647, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 42nd OVI
Swafford, J.L., d. 01 May 1860, Plot: G 4960, Pvt, Civil War, Co F 8th Reg Ind
Swain, B.F., Plot: E 1721, Mus, Civil War, Co D 15th NH Reg
Swain, Wm, d. 28 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1231, Pvt, Civil War, Co H 4th IA Cav
Swallow, H.T., d. 16 Jul 1863, Plot: B 2666, Pvt, Civil War, Co E 23rd IA
Swearingen, L.G., d. 19 Dec 1863, Plot: F 1100, Cpl, Civil War, Co F 5th IL Cav
Swedensky, Martin, Plot: G 5068, Civil War, Co IA Vol
Sweeney, J.J., d. 16 May 1863, Plot: O 3541, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 34th IN
Sweet, J., Plot: G 5150, Sgt, Co G 48th Reg
Sweet, Menzo, d. 04 Jun 1863, Plot: G 4417, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 9th IA
Swenson, Hovel, d. 02 Sep 1863, Plot: F 1309, Pvt, Civil War, Co C 8th Reg WI Vol
Swetland, WM., d. 04 Aug 1864, Plot: L 6336, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 2nd WI Cav
Swiffert, F., d. 04 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5121, Civil War, Co K 29th WV
Swift, J.A., d. 25 Sep 1863, Plot: R 10392, Pvt, Civil War, Co A 83rd IN
Swinford, R.M., d. 05 Jul 1863, Plot: G 5573, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 25th IA Inf
Swink, H.W., d. 05 Sep 1863, Plot: G 4530, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 30th IL
Swisher, Carson, d. 30 Jun 1863, Plot: G 5254, Sgt, Civil War, Co A 26th IN
Switzer, Jno, d. 08 Aug 1863, Plot: F 1439, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 103rd IL Reg
Swofford, James, d. 14 Feb 1863, Plot: B 2824, Pvt, Civil War, Co G 69th IN
Swoyer, J.B., d. 22 May 1863, Plot: p 10085, Pvt, Civil War, Co K 31st IA Inf
Syche, William, d. 21 Nov 1956, Plot: M 17842, Pvt, Batt A 19th reg FA Repl Depot
Syerup, Alvin C., d. 09 Mar 1959, Plot: W 17936, 2nd Lt, Co F 7th Inf 3rd Div White
Symonds, J.L., d. 24 Jul 1863, Plot: R 10458, Pvt, Civil War, Co B 118th IL
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