Search North Carolina Death Records
North Carolina Newspapers, Full Search (1775-1993), 203 titles
North Carolina Obituary Search, (1988-current)
North Carolina Funeral Notices
Riverside Cemetery
Asheville, Buncome County, North Carolina
GPS: 35.600370, -82.570931
53 Birch Street
Asheville, NC 28801
Published: July 15, 2016
Total records: 14,342
Surnames M
Records published here were acquired from the City of Asheville on July 15, 2016.
M, JACK, Section BB, Lot 9, Grave 2, Interment# 49, UNMARKED GRAVE
MACALISTER, AGNES, Section K, Lot 60, Grave 4, Interment# 6263, UNMARKED GRAVE
MACARTHUR, ALICE SCHECK, age 83, Section P, Lot 157, Grave 2, Interment# 9668, GRAVE
MACARTHUR, CHARLES F, age 76, Section P, Lot 157, Grave 2.5, Interment# 12600, ASHES
MACARTHUR, FRED C, age 66, Section P, Lot 157, Grave 1, Interment# 7816, GRAVE
MACARTHUR, MARY PAT B, age 77, Section P, Lot 157, Grave 1.5, Interment# 12828, ASHES
MACAULEY, HERBERT L, age 73, Section V, Lot 29, Grave 11, Interment# 9205, MILITARY
MACDONALD, MARIE SISKRON, Section S, Lot 155, Grave 11, Interment# 5446, GRAVE
MACEACHRON, DORA ISLEY, age 58, Section OLD Y, Lot 96, Grave 2, Interment# 4801, GRAVE
MACEACHRON, J REGINALD, age 66, Section OLD Y, Lot 97, Grave 3, GRAVE
MACEWEN, ALICE WHITE, age 65, Section N, Lot 71, Grave 4, Interment# 11841, GRAVE
MACEWEN, WILLIAM EARL, age 59, Section N, Lot 71, Grave 11, Interment# 11080, MILITARY
MACFARLANE, GRAHAM, age 71, Section S, Lot 5, Grave 1, Interment# 3723, GRAVE
MACK, ALVIN, Section II, Lot 77, Grave 4, Interment# 12098, UNMARKED GRAVE
MACKAIN, F, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 25, Interment# 3793, MILITARY
MACKEY, ALBERTA BLANCHE, age 39, Section G, Lot 9, Grave 4, Interment# 1607, GRAVE
MACKEY, DANNY, Section S, Lot 141, Grave 5, Interment# 8985, UNMARKED GRAVE
MACKEY, DEETTA, Section S, Lot 141, Grave 2, Interment# 4143, UNMARKED GRAVE
MACKEY, J J, age 79, Section S, Lot 141, Grave 1, Interment# 3759, MILITARY
MACKEY, NANNIE, Section M, Lot 29, Grave 3, Interment# 5916, UNMARKED GRAVE
MACKEY, Section S, Lot 141, LOT MARKER
MACLAIN, ELIZABETH, age 30, Section OTEEN, Lot 57, Grave 5, Interment# 3450, MILITARY
MACON, ETTA BUDIN, Section W, Lot 10, Grave 8, Interment# 10403, UNMARKED GRAVE
MACON, EUGENE C, age 58, Section W, Lot 10, Grave 4, Interment# 8078, GRAVE
MACPHAIL, EVELYN BURTON, age 76, Section C, Lot 4, Grave 15, Interment# 11011, GRAVE
MACRAE, JOHN D, age 56, Section W, Lot 35, Grave 3, Interment# 5138, GRAVE
MACRAE, MARY HILL, age 78, Section W, Lot 35, Grave 4, Interment# 8267, GRAVE
MADDEN, NANCY M, age 48, Section J, Lot 28, Grave 5, Interment# 5809, GRAVE
MADDOX, GILES F, Section J, Lot 114, Grave 12, Interment# 4587, UNMARKED GRAVE
MADISON, JAMES E, Section DD, Lot 52, Grave 10, Interment# 1068, UNMARKED GRAVE
MAE, HELEN, Section DD, Lot 70, Grave 5, Interment# 1114, UNMARKED GRAVE
MAGDALENA, GOERTZ, Section Q, Lot 26, Grave 1, Interment# 3007, GRAVE
MAGETTA, HAYES, Section II, Lot 56, Grave 3, Interment# 6369, UNMARKED GRAVE
MAGGINI, CORA DUCKWORTH, age 96, Section P, Lot 60, Grave 3, Interment# 9560, GRAVE
MAGGINI, HELEN ALLYN, age 40, Section P, Lot 60, Grave 4, Interment# 5404, GRAVE
MAGGINI, Section P, Lot 60, LOT MARKER
MAGNUS, KATHLYN NEE JONES, age 70, Section W2, Lot 1, Grave 61, Interment# 11546, GRAVE
MAGRUDER, MARY MURDOCK, age 70, Section Q, Lot 38, Grave 6, Interment# 11338, GRAVE
MAGUIRE, FRANK R, age 66, Section OLD Y, Lot 95, Grave 17, Interment# 6352, GRAVE
MAGUIRE, MARY C, age 71, Section S, Lot 53, Grave 7, Interment# 4354, GRAVE
MAHONEY, MARY ELLEN, Section J, Lot 76, Grave 1, Interment# 7738, GRAVE
MAIER, MARY HIGGINS, age 74, Section P, Lot 38, Grave 1, Interment# 7688, GRAVE
MAJOR, ISABELL LUNSFORD, age 76, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 50, Interment# 9672, GRAVE
MALKEY, ELA, Section FF, Lot 16, Grave 3, Interment# 639, UNMARKED GRAVE
MALLOY, FREDERICK FAGG, age 25, Section B, Lot 57, Grave 4, MILITARY
MALLOY, MINNIE FAGG, age 73, Section B, Lot 57, Grave 3, Interment# 7277, GRAVE
MALLOY, THEODORE F, age 44, Section B, Lot 57, Grave 1, Interment# 2433, GRAVE
MALONE, CHARLES N, age 88, Section P, Lot 98, Grave 6, Interment# 10285, GRAVE
MALONE, CHARLES WARHAM, age 80, Section S, Lot 32, Grave 2, Interment# 6198, GRAVE
MALONE, JOANNA S, age 85, Section P, Lot 98, Grave 4, Interment# 10235, GRAVE
MALONE, LELA HENRY, age 73, Section S, Lot 32, Grave 1, Interment# 5047, GRAVE
MALONE, Section P, Lot 98, LOT MARKER
MALVANEY, MARION CLAIRE, age 0, Section W, Lot 33, Grave 4, Interment# 9380, GRAVE
MANCE, EMMA, age 65, Section II, Lot 15, Grave 2, Interment# 4885, GRAVE
MANCE, HELEN, Section HH, Lot 56, Grave 4, Interment# 4925, UNMARKED GRAVE
MANCE, LILLIE MAY, Section HH, Lot 56, Grave 5, Interment# 4429, UNMARKED GRAVE
MANCE, SOLOMON, Section HH, Lot 77, Grave 1, Interment# 5109, UNMARKED GRAVE
MANDRES, FOTO, Section K, Lot 150, Grave 5, Interment# 3116, UNMARKED GRAVE
MANICE, DEFOREST, age 46, Section S, Lot 162, Grave 12, Interment# 5972, GRAVE
MANKINS, JAMES W, age 54, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 8, Interment# 11325, MILITARY
MANKINS, VIRGINIA SPERAKIS, age 71, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 2, Interment# 13040, GRAVE
MANLEY, BERNARD A, age 76, Section Q, Lot 30, Grave 11, Interment# 11299, GRAVE
MANLEY, BERNARD, Section W2, Lot 3, Grave 49, GRAVE
MANLEY, EMMA HALL, age 55, Section Q, Lot 30, Grave 3, Interment# 4593, GRAVE
MANLEY, FAY COLLINS, age 90, Section Q, Lot 30, Grave 7, Interment# 12229, GRAVE
MANLEY, FRANCIS J, age 93, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 24, Interment# 13370, GRAVE
MANLEY, HARRIET S, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 25, GRAVE
MANLEY, JOHN H, age 79, Section Q, Lot 30, Grave 1, GRAVE
MANLEY, JOHN P, age 83, Section Q, Lot 30, Grave 6, Interment# 11516, GRAVE
MANLEY, JULIA C, age 84, Section Q, Lot 30, Grave 3.5, Interment# 10375, GRAVE
MANLEY, LAWRENCE B, age 59, Section Q, Lot 30, Grave 4, Interment# 9258, MILITARY
MANLEY, MARY ELLEN, age 54, Section W2, Lot 3, Grave 48, Interment# 11281, GRAVE
MANLEY, MARY HELEN, age 0, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 23, Interment# 10241, GRAVE
MANLEY, NANCY, age 72, Section P, Lot 127, Grave 5, Interment# 13213, ASHES
MANLEY, PATRICK D, age 89, Section Q, Lot 30, Grave 10, Interment# 9869, GRAVE
MANLY, CHILD, Section K, Lot 144, Grave 2, Interment# 1856, UNMARKED GRAVE
MANN, CATHREINE W, age 92, Section NEW Y, Lot 2, Grave 18, Interment# 12541, GRAVE
MANN, EVELYN W, age 99, Section P, Lot 138, Grave 3, Interment# 13037, GRAVE
MANN, WALLACE A, age 73, Section NEW Y, Lot 2, Grave 17, Interment# 10457, GRAVE
MANNOS, FRANCES GREGORY, age 88, Section Q, Lot 28, Grave 11, Interment# 13290, ASHES
MANNOS, SOFIA ANTHONY, Section Q, Lot 28, Grave 11, GRAVE
MANOGUE, ROSA ROHDE, age 40, Section I, Lot 2, Grave 67, Interment# 1867, GRAVE
MANON, FATHER P, Section J, Lot 19, Grave 9, UNMARKED GRAVE
MANSE, CORAL, Section GG, Lot 72, Grave 35, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARCLAY, JAMES, Section FF, Lot 14, Grave 3, Interment# 710, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARDIS, BUFORD ANDREW, age 76, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 75, Interment# 11807, GRAVE
MARDIS, ELEANOR WOFFORD, age 92, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 76, Interment# 13176, GRAVE
MARGOT, LORRAINE, Section OLD Y, Lot 94, Grave 25, Interment# 6573, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARK, PICKETT CROUCH, age 90, Section W, Lot 43, Grave 2.5, Interment# 11204, GRAVE
MARK, WILLIAM P, age 50, Section W, Lot 43, Grave 1.5, Interment# 5654, GRAVE
MARKHAM, JAMES, Section II, Lot 23, Grave 2, Interment# 8829, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARKHAM, VICTORIA, Section II, Lot 23, Grave 3, Interment# 9258, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARKS, JOHN R, age 74, Section S, Lot 86, Grave 8, Interment# 10262, GRAVE
MARKS, VIRGINIA L, age 78, Section S, Lot 86, Grave 7, Interment# 10906, GRAVE
MARLER, CHRISTINE LEE, age 87, Section S, Lot 49, Grave 10, Interment# 11775, GRAVE
MARLER, GRADY GILMER, age 36, Section S, Lot 49, Grave 12, Interment# 11850, ASHES
MARLER, GRADY GILMER, age 65, Section S, Lot 49, Grave 11, Interment# 4226, GRAVE
MARLER, Section S, Lot 49, LOT MARKER
MARLOW, AGNES ELIZABETH, age 1, Section L, Lot 49, Grave 2, Interment# 1895, GRAVE
MARLOW, CHILD, Section HH, Lot 48, Grave 4, Interment# 3727, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARLOW, JAMES HUBERT, age 5, Section L, Lot 49, Grave 1, Interment# 1894, GRAVE
MARLOW, LOUIE BRISCOE, age 0, Section L, Lot 40.5, Grave 1, Interment# 1767, GRAVE
MARLOW, ROY LEE, age 57, Section L, Lot 49, Grave 8, Interment# 8030, GRAVE
MARLOW, W B, Section L, Lot 49, Grave 7, Interment# 7213, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARLOW, W BURTON, age 54, Section L, Lot 49, Grave 4, Interment# 2425, GRAVE
MARLOWE, BRISCOE M, age 64, Section L, Lot 40.5, Grave 5, Interment# 5201, GRAVE
MARLOWE, MYRTLE L, age 101, Section L, Lot 40.5, Grave 4, Interment# 11003, GRAVE
MARLOWE, Section L, Lot 40.5, LOT MARKER
MARQUADT, ANNIE H FRECK, age 26, Section G, Lot 13, Grave 4, Interment# 2525, GRAVE
MARQUADT, CHILD, Section G, Lot 13, Grave 2, Interment# 1096, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARQUADT, CHILD, Section G, Lot 13, Grave 5, Interment# 1444, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARQUADT, J A, age 54, Section G, Lot 13, Grave 6, Interment# 2712, GRAVE
MARSHALL, BARNEY L, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 93, Interment# 5721, MILITARY
MARSHALL, EDWARD HARRIS, age 73, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 112, Interment# 13203, GRAVE
MARSHALL, FRANK, age 21, Section OTEEN, Lot 54, Grave 19, Interment# 3086, MILITARY
MARSHALL, FRANK, Section N, Lot 54, Grave 19, Interment# 3086, MILITARY
MARSHALL, GEORGE NAPOLEON, age 87, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 7, Interment# 7761, GRAVE
MARSHALL, INFANT, Section P, Lot 158, Grave 7, Interment# 8473, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARSHALL, J PRESLEY, Section J, Lot 79, Grave 1, Interment# 1017, GRAVE
MARSHALL, MARY, Section BB, Lot 19, Grave 2, Interment# 74, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARSHALL, MARY, Section V, Lot 10, Grave 3, Interment# 4496, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARSHALL, SARAH ANN M, age 83, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 8, Interment# 7620, GRAVE
MARSHALL, SHARON LYNN, age 0, Section J, Lot 65, Grave 5, Interment# 7701, GRAVE
MARSHALL, SHEFFER GOWAN, Section NEW Y, Lot 2, Grave 19, Interment# 6899, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARSHALL, Section J, Lot 52, Grave 1, Interment# 1361, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARSTELLER, WYATT, age 42, Section K, Lot 38, Grave 2, Interment# 3136, GRAVE
MARTIN, ANNA, age 39, Section CC, Lot 27, Grave 2, GRAVE
MARTIN, ANNIE D, Section C, Lot 17, Grave 4, Interment# 7603, UNMARKED ASHES
MARTIN, ANNIE HOLLINGSWORTH, Section C, Lot 22, Grave 5, Interment# 2509, GRAVE
MARTIN, ANNIE, Section DD, Lot 34, Grave 11, Interment# 838, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, ANNIE, Section EE, Lot 36, Grave 1, Interment# 455, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, BESSIE V, age 84, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 48, Interment# 11162, GRAVE
MARTIN, BETTY JEAN, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 50, GRAVE
MARTIN, BLANCH H, Section FF, Lot 74, Grave 9, Interment# 11341, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, CAROLINE NOXON, age 93, Section P, Lot 131, Grave 1, Interment# 8236, GRAVE
MARTIN, CHARLES RANKIN, age 34, Section S, Lot 26, Grave 10, Interment# 6233, GRAVE
MARTIN, CHILD, Section EE, Lot 36, Grave 3, Interment# 635, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, CLYDE, age 59, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 219, Interment# 8729, MILITARY
MARTIN, DANIEL CARROLL, age 26, Section K, Lot 148, Grave 3, Interment# 4768, GRAVE
MARTIN, DOROTHY B, age 67, Section S, Lot 140, Grave 12, Interment# 11385, GRAVE
MARTIN, EFFIE BURRITT, age 78, Section K, Lot 148, Grave 5, Interment# 5445, GRAVE
MARTIN, ELIZABETH JUSTICE, age 56, Section H, Lot 1, Grave 5, Interment# 3557, GRAVE
MARTIN, ELLA V, age 72, Section S, Lot 114, Grave 6, Interment# 3679, GRAVE
MARTIN, ESTHER ROGERS, age 86, Section C, Lot 22, Grave 2, Interment# 931, GRAVE
MARTIN, FRANK L, age 38, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 11.5, Interment# 7989, MILITARY
MARTIN, FRED HERMAN, age 80, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 9.5, Interment# 13280, MILITARY
MARTIN, FRED HERMAN, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 9.75, Interment# 13280, MILITARY MEMORIAL
MARTIN, FRED P, age 44, Section CC, Lot 27, Grave 5, Interment# 53108, GRAVE
MARTIN, FRED P, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 44, Interment# 11798, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, FRED POPE, age 38, Section V, Lot 32, Grave 28, Interment# 11569, MILITARY
MARTIN, GEORGE BURLEY, age 44, Section S, Lot 68, Grave 3, Interment# 4150, GRAVE
MARTIN, HENRIETTA, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 45, Interment# 12241, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, IRA BURRITT, age 17, Section K, Lot 148, Grave 1, Interment# 2686, GRAVE
MARTIN, JAMES CURTIS, age 53, Section S, Lot 58, Grave 6, Interment# 3556, GRAVE
MARTIN, JAMES G, age 61, Section C, Lot 22, Grave 4, Interment# 2218, GRAVE
MARTIN, JAMES GREEN, age 59, Section C, Lot 22, Grave 3, Interment# 2743, MILITARY
MARTIN, JAMES GREEN, age 6, Section C, Lot 17, Grave 1, Interment# 34, GRAVE
MARTIN, JEAN PRESTON, age 84, Section S, Lot 148, Grave 1, Interment# 13302, GRAVE
MARTIN, JOHN HENRY, age 61, Section K, Lot 148, Grave 4, Interment# 5091, GRAVE
MARTIN, JOHN HENRY, age 78, Section K, Lot 148, Grave 7, Interment# 11065, GRAVE
MARTIN, JOHN L, age 7, Section S, Lot 89, Grave 3, Interment# 5479, GRAVE
MARTIN, JOHN L, Section S, Lot 89, Grave 6, Interment# 9078, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, JOSEPH WILLIAM, age 60, Section S, Lot 140, Grave 1, Interment# 7937, GRAVE
MARTIN, JOSEPHINE DAVIS, age 2, Section C, Lot 17, Grave 2, Interment# 133, GRAVE
MARTIN, JULIA, Section EE, Lot 36, Grave 2, Interment# 444, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, LULA BISHOP, age 105, Section S, Lot 89, Grave 5, Interment# 12470, GRAVE
MARTIN, MARGARET MCCORKLE, Section K, Lot 81, Grave 12, Interment# 12711, ASHES
MARTIN, NANCIE, Section EE, Lot 13, Grave 3, Interment# 5217, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, ROBERT A, age 62, Section V, Lot 32, Grave 25, Interment# 11456, MILITARY
MARTIN, SALLY, Section NEW Y, Grave 4, GRAVE
MARTIN, SAMUEL C, age 65, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 47, Interment# 7732, GRAVE
MARTIN, SIDNEY ALLISON, age 83, Section K, Lot 81, Grave 6, Interment# 12022, ASHES
MARTIN, TAYLOR MONTGUMORY, Section EE, Lot 36, Grave 4, Interment# 964, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, THOMAS, Section EE, Lot 13, Grave 5, Interment# 7431, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, W H, Section CC, Lot 27, Grave 4, GRAVE
MARTIN, WILLIAM H, age 80, Section CC, Lot 27, Grave 6, Interment# 9845, GRAVE
MARTIN, Section BB, Lot 4, Grave 4, Interment# 123, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTIN, Section K, Lot 148, LOT MARKER
MARTIN, Section S, Lot 26, LOT MARKER
MARTIN, Section S, Lot 89, LOT MARKER
MARTINEZ, SABIONO ALBERT, Section OLD Y, Lot 96, Grave 38, Interment# 5422, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARTON, CARDY, Section BB, Lot 9, Grave 7, Interment# 364, UNMARKED GRAVE
MARYNE, ELIZABETH, age 86, Section I, Lot 2, Grave 71, Interment# 12910, ASHES
MASA, GEORGE, age 52, Section OLD Y, Lot 95, Grave 25, Interment# 5569, GRAVE
MASCARI, GIVAONA, Section N, Lot 21, Grave 4, Interment# 2726, GRAVE
MASCARI, MARIA TERESA, Section N, Lot 21, Grave 3, Interment# 4592, GRAVE
MASCARI, MARK, age 32, Section N, Lot 21, Grave 7, Interment# 5768, GRAVE
MASCARI, NIRIFA, Section N, Lot 21, Grave 5, Interment# 2894, GRAVE
MASCARI, VINCENZO, age 8, Section N, Lot 21, Grave 2, Interment# 2352, GRAVE
MASON, ALEMA, age 61, Section K, Lot 49, Grave 4, Interment# 8952, GRAVE
MASON, BENNIE, Section II, Lot 41, Grave 4, Interment# 8629, UNMARKED GRAVE
MASON, BURTON CUNNINGHAM, age 78, Section K, Lot 49, Grave 5, Interment# 9279, GRAVE
MASON, ELIZABETH CUNNINGHAM, age 67, Section K, Lot 49, Grave 3, Interment# 3945, GRAVE
MASON, HELEN E, age 70, Section NEW Y, Lot 1, Grave 27, Interment# 6495, GRAVE
MASON, HORACE E, Section N, Lot 1, Grave 1, Interment# 2573, UNMARKED GRAVE
MASON, HORACE, Section N, Lot 1, Grave 4, Interment# 4302, UNMARKED GRAVE
MASON, JAMES IRVING, age 79, Section K, Lot 49, Grave 6, Interment# 10208, GRAVE
MASON, MARY GANAHL, age 3, Section K, Lot 49, Grave 1.5, Interment# 2055, GRAVE
MASON, MINNIE, Section N, Lot 1, Grave 2, Interment# 2720, UNMARKED GRAVE
MASON, SALLIE, Section II, Lot 41, Grave 3, Interment# 7963, UNMARKED GRAVE
MASON, SARAH STOVALL, age 90, Section K, Lot 49, Grave 7, Interment# 10956, GRAVE
MASON, WILLIAM THOMAS, age 74, Section K, Lot 49, Grave 2, Interment# 3573, GRAVE
MASON, Section N, Lot 1, LOT MARKER
MASSAGEE, CHARLES A, age 89, Section V, Lot 28, Grave 5, Interment# 9768, MILITARY
MASSEY, CARRIE BASON, Section FF, Lot 66, Grave 1, Interment# 1050, GRAVE
MASSEY, MARGARET JOHNSON, age 45, Section J, Lot 65, Grave 7, Interment# 10283, GRAVE
MASSEY, MATTIE, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 64, Interment# 13123, UNMARKED GRAVE
MASSEY, NATHAN B, age 82, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 70, Interment# 12411, MILITARY
MASSIE, CHILD, Section J, Lot 60, Grave 3.5, Interment# 1501, UNMARKED GRAVE
MASTERS, CHARLES GRANVILLE, age 80, Section S, Lot 53, Grave 3, Interment# 11973, GRAVE
MASTERS, GRANVILLE H, age 61, Section S, Lot 53, Grave 2, Interment# 6814, GRAVE
MASTERS, INFANT, age 0, Section S, Lot 53, Grave 6, Interment# 5818, GRAVE
MASTERS, MILDRED NORTHERN, age 88, Section S, Lot 53, Grave 4, Interment# 12630, GRAVE
MASTERS, NELLIE, age 39, Section S, Lot 53, Grave 1, Interment# 4110, GRAVE
MASTERS, Section S, Lot 53, LOT MARKER
MATHES, JAMES PINCKNEY, age 35, Section N, Lot 67, Grave 1, Interment# 2898, GRAVE
MATHES, MARY ETHEL, age 46, Section N, Lot 67, Grave 7, Interment# 5084, GRAVE
MATHESON, AUGUSTUS, Section G, Lot 28, Grave 14, Interment# 726, UNMARKED GRAVE
MATHEWS, BLAKELY H, Section M, Lot 6, Grave 4, Interment# 5430, UNMARKED GRAVE
MATHEWS, C C, age 81, Section M, Lot 6, Grave 2, Interment# 2462, GRAVE
MATHEWS, DOROTHY E, age 8, Section Q, Lot 104, Grave 1, Interment# 4607, GRAVE
MATHEWS, GEORGE W, age 63, Section Q, Lot 104, Grave 5, Interment# 7635, GRAVE
MATHEWS, GEORGE W, age 70, Section S, Lot 136, Grave 1, Interment# 12533, MILITARY
MATHEWS, LAURA A, age 69, Section M, Lot 6, Grave 1, Interment# 2237, GRAVE
MATHEWS, LEE FINLEY, age 69, Section P, Lot 20, Grave 1, Interment# 6131, GRAVE
MATHEWS, MARIE PAULINE, Section II, Lot 73.5, Grave 1, Interment# 6629, UNMARKED GRAVE
MATHEWS, RUBY J, age 83, Section Q, Lot 104, Grave 6, Interment# 11271, GRAVE
MATHEWS, SUSAN NELSON, age 62, Section P, Lot 20, Grave 2, Interment# 5476, GRAVE
MATHEWS, Section P, Lot 20, LOT MARKER
MATHEWS, Section Q, Lot 104, LOT MARKER
MATHEWS, Section S, Lot 136, LOT MARKER
MATHIS, C MANNING, age 34, Section J, Lot 69, Grave 6, Interment# 4454, GRAVE
MATHIS, C MANNING, age 49, Section J, Lot 69, Grave 3, Interment# 1708, GRAVE
MATHIS, MARGARET HARDING, Section J, Lot 69, Grave 8, Interment# 8407, UNMARKED GRAVE
MATHIS, SADIE LANGLEY, age 5, Section J, Lot 69, Grave 2, Interment# 1218, GRAVE
MATHISON, DONALD JOHN, age 47, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 63, Interment# 12636, ASHES
MATHISON, JEANNE ROWE, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 75, Interment# 12108, GRAVE
MATHISON, ROBERT VINCENT, age 68, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 69, Interment# 11328, GRAVE
MATTHEWS, ANNA K, age 71, Section Q, Lot 23, Grave 7, Interment# 11182, GRAVE
MATTHEWS, AUGUSTUS, age 71, Section Q, Lot 23, Grave 9, Interment# 5544, GRAVE
MATTHEWS, AUGUSTUS, age 76, Section Q, Lot 23, Grave 6, Interment# 10928, GRAVE
MATTHEWS, BARBARA A, age 24, Section Q, Lot 23, Grave 2, Interment# 2890, GRAVE
MATTHEWS, BENJAMIN F, age 67, Section J, Lot 38, Grave 2, Interment# 7154, GRAVE
MATTHEWS, CARRIE G, age 77, Section P, Lot 47, Grave 8, Interment# 8053, GRAVE
MATTHEWS, EDITH, age 80, Section J, Lot 38, Grave 3, Interment# 8994, GRAVE
MATTHEWS, FANNIE, age 0, Section J, Lot 38, Grave 1, Interment# 1110, GRAVE
MATTHEWS, JAY B, age 24, Section Q, Lot 23, Grave 3, Interment# 2390, GRAVE
MATTHEWS, MARGARET W, age 86, Section Q, Lot 23, Grave 2.5, Interment# 12312, ASHES
MATTHEWS, PIERCE Y, age 85, Section Q, Lot 23, Grave 1.5, Interment# 11986, ASHES
MATTOX, DANIEL, age 83, Section W3, Lot 12, Grave 3.5, Interment# 12901, MILITARY
MAUCH, DORA, Section EE, Lot 18, Grave 1, Interment# 1014, UNMARKED GRAVE
MAULDEN, FAYE R, Section II, Lot 89, Grave 1, Interment# 9751, UNMARKED GRAVE
MAULDEN, HORACE EDWARD, age 68, Section II, Lot 89, Grave 2, Interment# 11389, MILITARY
MAUNSELL, DOROTHY AMBLER, age 75, Section Q, Lot 45, Grave 8, GRAVE
MAXEY, EDWARD J, age 59, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 4, Interment# 7399, GRAVE
MAXEY, KATIE M, age 87, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 3, Interment# 11635, GRAVE
MAXWELL, ANDREW OTT, age 32, Section K, Lot 79, Grave 3, Interment# 2269, GRAVE
MAXWELL, ANNIE RAMSEY, age 20, Section J, Lot 18, Grave 1, Interment# 1809, GRAVE
MAXWELL, BESSIE FAGG, age 78, Section B, Lot 53, Grave 3, Interment# 7362, GRAVE
MAXWELL, BUTTER, Section DD, Lot 4, Grave 5, Interment# 762, UNMARKED GRAVE
MAXWELL, CHARLES, age 91, Section K, Lot 79, Grave 4, Interment# 3545, GRAVE
MAXWELL, HENRY FAGG, age 1, Section B, Lot 54, Grave 4, Interment# 1060, GRAVE
MAXWELL, JESSIE, Section DD, Lot 54, Grave 3, Interment# 1175, UNMARKED GRAVE
MAXWELL, LOIS, age 95, Section B, Lot 53, Grave 5, Interment# 11787, GRAVE
MAXWELL, MADGE, age 17, Section B, Lot 54, Grave 6, Interment# 1855, GRAVE
MAXWELL, MARCELLA, age 88, Section B, Lot 53, Grave 4, Interment# 11583, GRAVE
MAXWELL, PENELOPE CHAPMAN, age 78, Section K, Lot 79, Grave 5, Interment# 5038, GRAVE
MAXWELL, WALLACE F, age 73, Section B, Lot 53, Grave 2, Interment# 5125, GRAVE
MAXWELL, WALLACE FRANK, age 7, Section B, Lot 54, Grave 5, Interment# 1333, GRAVE
MAXWELL, WILL, Section HH, Lot 10, Grave 6, UNMARKED GRAVE
MAXWELL, Section K, Lot 79, LOT MARKER
MAY, ALBERT H, age 56, Section S, Lot 76, Grave 4, Interment# 9770, MILITARY
MAY, HATTIE, Section HH, Lot 18, Grave 3, UNMARKED GRAVE
MAY, JOHN C, Section N, Lot 34, Grave 4, Interment# 3135, UNMARKED GRAVE
MAY, MARJORIE SCOTT, age 60, Section N, Lot 8, Grave 4, Interment# 8273, GRAVE
MAYES, M ADALINE, age 72, Section K, Lot 31, Grave 1, Interment# 1165, GRAVE
MAYES, MARY ETHEL BURNS, age 86, Section S, Lot 73, Grave 6, GRAVE
MAYNARD, EMMA JOHNSON, Section P, Lot 43, Grave 2, Interment# 9619, GRAVE
MAYNARD, FRANCES GERTRUDE, age 1, Section S, Lot 72, Grave 1, Interment# 3703, GRAVE
MAYNARD, JAMES B, age 82, Section P, Lot 43, Grave 1, Interment# 9087, MILITARY
MAYNARD, OMA, age 86, Section P, Lot 101, Grave 6, Interment# 9973, GRAVE
MAYNARD, OSCAR, age 87, Section P, Lot 101, Grave 5, Interment# 9355, GRAVE
MAYNARD, Section P, Lot 43, LOT MARKER
MAYNOR, ELSIE B, age 74, Section S, Lot 126, Grave 5, Interment# 10042, GRAVE
MAYNOR, THOMAS VESTAL, age 61, Section S, Lot 126, Grave 4, Interment# 8647, GRAVE
MAYS, ELLEN OGLESBY, age 97, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 15, Interment# 11877, GRAVE
MCABEE, CHILD, Section J, Lot 35, Grave 6, Interment# 1385, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCADAM, ETHEL COLYER, age 72, Section N, Lot 20, Grave 4, Interment# 7586, GRAVE
MCADAM, ETHEL MARY, age 72, Section N, Lot 20, Grave 4.5, Interment# 7586, MM
MCADAMS, NADINE P, age 66, Section GG, Lot 27, Grave 6, Interment# 12472, GRAVE
MCADIE, GEORGE C, age 20, Section V, Lot 25, Grave 4, Interment# 4698, GRAVE
MCADIE, GEORGE, Section V, Lot 25, Grave 5, Interment# 5082, MILITARY
MCADIE, MARGARET V, age 44, Section V, Lot 25, Grave 6, Interment# 4802, GRAVE
MCAFEE, CALVIN, age 46, Section V, Lot 15, Grave 3, Interment# 12474, GRAVE
MCAFEE, CALVIN, age 77, Section V, Lot 15, Grave 4, Interment# 12405, MILITARY
MCAFEE, EMMA M, Section HH, Lot 28, Grave 4, Interment# 6130, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCAFEE, EVLINA B, age 71, Section V, Lot 15, Grave 5, Interment# 12311, GRAVE
MCBEE, HELEN FOEHL, age 65, Section P, Lot 50, Grave 6, Interment# 11137, GRAVE
MCBRAYER, L A, age 60, Section G, Lot 3, Grave 1, Interment# 247, GRAVE
MCCABE, ARTHUR W, age 78, Section P, Lot 76, Grave 6, Interment# 10526, GRAVE
MCCABE, GRACE D, age 72, Section P, Lot 76, Grave 5, Interment# 10623, GRAVE
MCCABE, INFANT, Section P, Lot 101, Grave 6.5, Interment# 9972, GRAVE
MCCABE, JOHN, age 53, Section J, Lot 19, Grave 3, Interment# 2170, GRAVE
MCCAFFREY, KATE COLE, age 86, Section P, Lot 80, Grave 4, Interment# 11703, GRAVE
MCCALL, ALMA REED, age 40, Section E, Lot 7, Grave 14, Interment# 7292, GRAVE
MCCALL, ALVIN CLAY, age 59, Section CANNON CIRCLE, Lot 1, Grave 26, Interment# 7828, GRAVE
MCCALL, CLEFA WYNNE, age 83, Section CANNON CIRCLE, Lot 1, Grave 25, Interment# 10911, GRAVE
MCCALL, INFANT, Section K, Lot 59, Grave 2, Interment# 1723, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCALL, KATHERINE FRANKLIN, age 102, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 90, Interment# 13425, GRAVE
MCCALL, MARY GILLESPIE, age 87, Section K, Lot 59, Grave 7, Interment# 8188, GRAVE
MCCALL, MAUDE COLE, age 55, Section F, Lot 67, Grave 8, Interment# 7751, GRAVE
MCCALL, ROBERT SEVIER, age 66, Section K, Lot 59, Grave 5, Interment# 3660, GRAVE
MCCALL, THOMAS OSCAR, age 29, Section F, Lot 67, Grave 7, Interment# 6886, GRAVE
MCCALL, WILLIAM HERBERT, age 90, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 96, Interment# 12812, MILITARY
MCCALLION, PETER F, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 141, Interment# 6531, MILITARY
MCCANDLESS, JOHN D, age 55, Section D, Lot 29, Grave 5, Interment# 1072, GRAVE
MCCANLESS, A W, Section D, Lot 29, Grave 7, Interment# 1627, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCANLESS, CHILD, Section D, Lot 42, Grave 7, Interment# 2195, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCANLESS, CORA PERRY, age 87, Section P, Lot 56, Grave 1, Interment# 8516, GRAVE
MCCANLESS, D M, Section D, Lot 42, Grave 6, Interment# 1600, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCANLESS, ELAINE ELIZABETH, Section D, Lot 42, Grave 10, Interment# 8715, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCANLESS, EMERY HERBERT, age 1, Section G, Lot 36, Grave 2, Interment# 204, GRAVE
MCCANLESS, ETHEL, Section G, Lot 29, Grave 6, Interment# 980, GRAVE
MCCANLESS, JAMES ROY, age 2, Section G, Lot 36, Grave 1, Interment# 746, GRAVE
MCCANLESS, LOUISA STICKNEY, Section M, Lot 38, Grave 1, Interment# 2003, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCANLESS, LYRA ROSAMOND, age 27, Section V, Lot 76, Grave 1, Interment# 11291, GRAVE
MCCANLESS, MARY C, age 78, Section D, Lot 42, Grave 5, Interment# 511, GRAVE
MCCANLESS, MARY E, age 61, Section V, Lot 76, Grave 3, Interment# 11677, GRAVE
MCCANLESS, S A, Section G, Lot 29, Grave 1, Interment# 759, GRAVE
MCCANLESS, SARAH J, age 34, Section D, Lot 42, Grave 4, Interment# 440, GRAVE
MCCANLESS, WILLIAM J, age 81, Section P, Lot 56, Grave 2, Interment# 8926, MILITARY
MCCANLESS, WILLIAM J, age 81, Section V, Lot 76, Grave 2, Interment# 12216, GRAVE
MCCANN, CORNELIA ANN DEWITT, age 82, Section K, Lot 20, Grave 4, Interment# 2296, GRAVE
MCCANN, WILLIAM DAVIS, age 82, Section K, Lot 20, Grave 1, Interment# 1484, GRAVE
MCCARKLE, MARY, Section DD, Lot 5, Grave 5, Interment# 9288, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCARKLE, WILLIAM, Section DD, Lot 5, Grave 4, Interment# 5670, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCARSON, RICHARD, Section J, Lot 86, Grave 6, Interment# 5992, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCARTHY, ALBERT, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 79, Interment# 10183, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCARTHY, ANNETTE RAMSEY, age 68, Section N, Lot 22, Grave 4, Interment# 7087, GRAVE
MCCARTHY, EDWARD S, age 50, Section N, Lot 22, Grave 2, Interment# 2465, GRAVE
MCCARTHY, GEORGE A, age 44, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 179, MILITARY
MCCARTHY, MARY A, age 89, Section N, Lot 22, Grave 5, Interment# 12938, ASHES
MCCHESNEY, GRAY, age 82, Section U, Lot 12, Grave 9, Interment# 10773, GRAVE
MCCHESNEY, HELEN PATTON, age 88, Section U, Lot 12, Grave 10, Interment# 11585, GRAVE
MCCLAMMY, EDWARD L, Section N, Lot 14, Grave 1, Interment# 2508, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCLARIN, MARION, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 94, Interment# 11449, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCLAWSON, IDA, Section FF, Lot 11, Grave 1, Interment# 715, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCLINTON, KIMBERLY HEATHER, age 36, Section Q, Lot 24, Grave 12, Interment# 13105, GRAVE
MCCLOSKEY, JOSEPH JENKINS, age 52, Section Q, Lot 50, Grave 2, Interment# 2826, GRAVE
MCCLULAND, MARY, Section DD, Lot 16, Grave 7, Interment# 6317, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCLURE, HELEN JOYCE, age 78, Section G, Lot 8, Grave 8, Interment# 11828, GRAVE
MCCLURE, MAUD WILLIAMS, age 52, Section S, Lot 79, Grave 8, Interment# 3931, GRAVE
MCCLURE, WALTER THOMAS, age 80, Section G, Lot 8, Grave 9, Interment# 11974, ASHES
MCCOMB, GEORGE, Section N, Lot 100, Grave 94, Interment# 9487, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCOMBE, ARNOLD, Section V, Lot 9, Grave 3, Interment# 7700, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCONNELL, BESS FARROW, age 80, Section W, Lot 15, Grave 2.5, Interment# 11035, GRAVE
MCCONNELL, CHARLES LEE, Section M, Lot 23, Grave 5, Interment# 2637, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCONNELL, ELLA MCINTURFF, age 75, Section W, Lot 40, Grave 3.5, Interment# 7402, GRAVE
MCCONNELL, H LOUIS, Section W, Lot 40, Grave 9, Interment# 10230, GRAVE
MCCONNELL, JAMES H, age 59, Section W, Lot 40, Grave 6, GRAVE
MCCONNELL, JAMES HARVEY, age 70, Section W, Lot 40, Grave 2, Interment# 6068, GRAVE
MCCONNELL, MARGARET EARLE, age 80, Section W, Lot 15, Grave 4, Interment# 11231, GRAVE
MCCONNELL, MARGARET POWELL, age 90, Section W, Lot 15, Grave 2, Interment# 12870, GRAVE
MCCONNELL, ROBERT BRADSHAW, age 71, Section W, Lot 15, Grave 3, Interment# 10900, GRAVE
MCCOOL, C H, age 90, Section II, Lot 37, Grave 3, Interment# 10009, GRAVE
MCCOOL, ETHEL PORTER, age 57, Section II, Lot 37, Grave 2, Interment# 6689, GRAVE
MCCOOL, VINA, Section FF, Lot 61, Grave 5, Interment# 8901, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCORKLE, HARRY E, age 42, Section K, Lot 81, Grave 4, Interment# 2504, GRAVE
MCCORKLE, JESSIE LEE, age 19, Section J, Lot 36, Grave 5, Interment# 1875, GRAVE
MCCORKLE, MARGARET DEACON, age 91, Section K, Lot 81, Grave 5, Interment# 10023, GRAVE
MCCORKLE, OLIVER W.H., age 96, Section II, Lot 50, Grave 2, Interment# 12652, GRAVE
MCCORKLE, RUTH LOWDER, age 87, Section K, Lot 81, Grave 11, Interment# 12471, GRAVE
MCCORKLE, WILLIAM DOUGLAS, age 89, Section K, Lot 81, Grave 10, Interment# 12621, GRAVE
MCCORMAC, GENEVIEVE, age 82, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 31, Interment# 11057, GRAVE
MCCORMAC, WILLIE W, age 80, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 25, Interment# 11773, GRAVE
MCCORMAC, ZULA M, age 86, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 19, Interment# 12069, GRAVE
MCCORMACK, ALLEE PARKER, age 85, Section C, Lot 28, Grave 7, Interment# 8872, GRAVE
MCCORMACK, JAMES FRANCIS, age 46, Section W3, Lot 16, Grave 7, Interment# 9048, GRAVE
MCCORMACK, RUBY, age 70, Section W3, Lot 16, Grave 8, Interment# 11423, GRAVE
MCCORMICK, LEWIS MORSE, age 59, Section S, Lot 58, Grave 7, Interment# 3374, GRAVE
MCCOY, ALONZO L, Section FF, Lot 44, Grave 3, Interment# 5860, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCOY, BARBER, Section V, Lot 7, Grave 4, Interment# 11099, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCOY, GEORGE WILLIAM, age 61, Section AA, Lot 2, Grave 2, Interment# 9403, GRAVE
MCCOY, JAMES HERBERT, age 76, Section K, Lot 44, Grave 6, Interment# 5509, GRAVE
MCCOY, LOLA LOVE, age 77, Section AA, Lot 2, Grave 1, Interment# 11566, GRAVE
MCCOY, MARTHA ADELAIDE, age 80, Section K, Lot 44, Grave 7, Interment# 6928, GRAVE
MCCOY, MARY J, Section V, Lot 7, Grave 7, Interment# 11193, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCOY, POLLY, Section FF, Lot 44, Grave 1, Interment# 1111, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCOY, SALLIE H, age 49, Section T, Lot 7, Grave 1, Interment# 2614, GRAVE
MCCOY, T C, Section T, Lot 7, Grave 2, Interment# 4611, LOT MARKER
MCCRARY, CLARENCE VERNE, age 12, Section B, Lot 51, Grave 4, Interment# 411, GRAVE
MCCRARY, FRANK, age 83, Section B, Lot 51, Grave 3, GRAVE
MCCRARY, GERTRUDE, age 1, Section B, Lot 51, Grave 1, GRAVE
MCCRARY, MARY, age 65, Section B, Lot 51, Grave 2, Interment# 2251, GRAVE
MCCRARY, MILDRED, age 36, Section B, Lot 51, Grave 6, Interment# 5352, GRAVE
MCCRAVY, NELL BARD, age 75, Section S, Lot 47, Grave 7, Interment# 10788, GRAVE
MCCRAVY, SAMUEL A, age 32, Section S, Lot 47, Grave 2, Interment# 4787, GRAVE
MCCRAY, ALBERTA, Section HH, Lot 24, Grave 6, Interment# 10353, UNMARKED GRAVE
McCROSKEY, JEAN, Section N, Lot 44, Grave 1, Interment# 2959, GRAVE
McCROSKEY, MARY, Section N, Lot 44, Grave 4, Interment# 3187, GRAVE
MCCULLOCH, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, age 70, Section T, Lot 16, Grave 6, Interment# 9132, MILITARY
MCCULLOH, MARVIN WINSTON, age 52, Section S, Lot 74, Grave 5, Interment# 8808, GRAVE
MCCULLOH, THOMAS MILTON, age 61, Section S, Lot 74, Grave 1, Interment# 3541, GRAVE
MCCULLOH, VIRGINIA ALLISON, age 58, Section S, Lot 74, Grave 6, Interment# 9502, GRAVE
MCCULLOUGH, MUCH, Section EE, Lot 38, Grave 3, Interment# 4433, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCCURRY, JOAN, Section W, Lot 70, Grave 5, Interment# 13342, UNMARKED ASHES
MCD, WILLIAM, Section BB, Lot 15, Grave 2, Interment# 25, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDANIEL, CHILD, Section FF, Lot 35, Grave 2, Interment# 783, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDANIEL, E, Section DD, Lot 66, Grave 3, Interment# 898, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDANIL, Section CC, Lot 21, Grave 3, Interment# 228, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDARIS, BELLE A, age 89, Section P, Lot 61, Grave 3, Interment# 12285, GRAVE
MCDARIS, BOBBIE CARROLL, Section N, Lot 100, Grave 20, Interment# 7065, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDAVID, JOE, age 29, Section DD, Lot 61, Grave 10, GRAVE
MCDAVIS, H LEE, age 80, Section P, Lot 61, Grave 4, Interment# 10817, GRAVE
MCDERMOTT, WILLIAM RUPERT, age 26, Section K, Lot 76, Grave 1, Interment# 2214, GRAVE
MCDONALD, ALAN, age 85, Section P, Lot 27, Grave 6, Interment# 10797, GRAVE
MCDONALD, ALICE, Section DD, Lot 15, Grave 2, Interment# 622, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDONALD, ANNIE, Section J, Lot 101, Grave 2, Interment# 3622, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDONALD, ELEANOR, age 3, Section K, Lot 128, Grave 3, Interment# 2030, GRAVE
MCDONALD, EMMA BAKER, age 87, Section K, Lot 128, Grave 7, Interment# 10139, GRAVE
MCDONALD, FRANK, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 35, Interment# 4384, MILITARY
MCDONALD, GEORGE L, age 62, Section E, Lot 14, Grave 5, Interment# 1434, GRAVE
MCDONALD, GEORGIA LILLIAN, Section E, Lot 14, Grave 3, Interment# 84, GRAVE
MCDONALD, GRACIE, age 0, Section E, Lot 14, Grave 2, Interment# 83, GRAVE
MCDONALD, GROVER WHITMAN, Section E, Lot 14, Grave 4, Interment# 85, GRAVE
MCDONALD, INFANT, Section II, Lot 12, Grave 15, Interment# 6622, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDONALD, JAMES L, age 77, Section K, Lot 128, Grave 8, Interment# 11978, GRAVE
MCDONALD, JULIA M, age 87, Section P, Lot 27, Grave 3, Interment# 10892, GRAVE
MCDONALD, KATHLEEN P, age 93, Section K, Lot 128, Grave 9, Interment# 13331, GRAVE
MCDONALD, L V, Section F, Lot 19, Grave 1, Interment# 262, GRAVE
MCDONALD, LIZZIE, Section II, Lot 63, Grave 6, Interment# 5797, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDONALD, MALCOM MACINTYRE, Section N, Lot 12.5, Grave 1, Interment# 12642, GRAVE
MCDONALD, MARY P, Section E, Lot 14, Grave 6, Interment# 1802, GRAVE
MCDONALD, MILDRED EMERY, age 66, Section N, Lot 12.5, Grave 2, Interment# 10585, GRAVE
MCDONALD, ROBERT D, age 46, Section P, Lot 27, Grave 1, Interment# 6135, GRAVE
MCDONALD, WILLIAM PRESTON, age 5, Section E, Lot 14, Grave 1, Interment# 35, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, ANNIE GEDDINGS, age 72, Section E, Lot 3, Grave 13, Interment# 8590, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, CARRIE, age 1, Section E, Lot 1, Grave 1, Interment# 359, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, CARRIE, Section FF, Lot 31, Grave 3, Interment# 815, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDOWELL, CHILD, Section DD, Lot 72, Grave 1, Interment# 957, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDOWELL, CLARE WALLACE, age 41, Section J, Lot 93, Grave 6, Interment# 5900, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, CLARE WALLACE, age 86, Section J, Lot 93, Grave 11, Interment# 13013, ASHES
MCDOWELL, CORDELIA, Section C, Lot 26, Grave 8, Interment# 6733, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDOWELL, EDWARD ERWIN, age 75, Section Q, Lot 52, Grave 7, Interment# 12066, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, EDWARD ERWIN, age 84, Section U, Lot 7, Grave 7, Interment# 7023, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, ELIZA ANN, age 64, Section E, Lot 3, Grave 11, Interment# 3181, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, ELIZABETH, age 2, Section E, Lot 3, Grave 3, Interment# 201, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, EMMA BALDWIN, age 2, Section E, Lot 3, Grave 9, Interment# 2749, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, EMMA BALDWIN, age 27, Section E, Lot 3, Grave 6, Interment# 879, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, ERNEST G, age 61, Section J, Lot 93, Grave 8, Interment# 7902, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, FRANCES ARTHUR, age 83, Section Q, Lot 52, Grave 6, Interment# 12783, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, HUGH MURPHY, age 59, Section A, Lot 21, Grave 9, Interment# 7284, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, J A, age 53, Section E, Lot 3, Grave 4, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, J HAMILTON, age 42, Section E, Lot 3, Grave 1, Interment# 36, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, JAMES ERWIN, age 76, Section C, Lot 26, Grave 6, Interment# 5032, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, JESSIE HAMILTON, age 77, Section L, Lot 21, Grave 8, Interment# 10454, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, MARGARET CAROLINE, age 14, Section E, Lot 3, Grave 10, Interment# 2750, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, MARGARET MURPHY, Section A, Lot 21, Grave 6, Interment# 4531, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDOWELL, MARGARET S, age 86, Section U, Lot 7, Grave 10, Interment# 8867, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, MARTHA GARDNER, age 80, Section J, Lot 88, Grave 3, Interment# 5492, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, MARY BLAIR, age 88, Section E, Lot 1, Grave 9, Interment# 10029, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, MARY C, age 81, Section E, Lot 3, Grave 12, Interment# 7691, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, MARY HAMILTON, age 35, Section E, Lot 3, Grave 2, Interment# 68, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, MARY M, age 94, Section J, Lot 88, Grave 5, Interment# 11337, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, NANNIE L, age 83, Section J, Lot 88, Grave 4, Interment# 9384, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, RACHAEL, Section FF, Lot 31, Grave 2, Interment# 641, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDOWELL, ROBERT ARTHUR, Section J, Lot 93, Grave 1, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, RUTH, Section FF, Lot 11, Grave 3, Interment# 1003, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDOWELL, W W, age 70, Section E, Lot 1, Grave 4, Interment# 542, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, WILLIAM GASTON, age 84, Section J, Lot 88, Grave 2, Interment# 5332, GRAVE
MCDOWELL, Section A, Lot 21, Grave 3, Interment# 652, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCDUFFIE, ALICE D. HOLLAND, age 87, Section S, Lot 109, Grave 3, Interment# 7279, GRAVE
MCDUFFIE, HENRY IVEY, age 60, Section P, Lot 40, Grave 1, Interment# 7164, GRAVE
MCDUFFIE, HENRY IVEY, age 73, Section S, Lot 109, Grave 1, Interment# 3801, GRAVE
MCDUFFIE, ROY HOLLAND, age 67, Section P, Lot 40, Grave 3, Interment# 10279, GRAVE
MCDUFFIE, Section S, Lot 109, LOT MARKER
MCDUFFY, EDWARD P, age 0, Section EE, Lot 40, Grave 2, GRAVE
MCDUFFY, MARGARET, Section EE, Lot 40, Grave 3, Interment# 629, GRAVE
MCDUFFY, MARION, age 1, Section EE, Lot 40, Grave 1, Interment# 205, GRAVE
MCELASTY, JACOB, Section DD, Lot 46, Grave 1, Interment# 553, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCELRATH, ANNIE, Section EE, Lot 1.5, Grave 5, Interment# 4369, GRAVE
MCELRATH, BELLA, Section DD, Lot 43, Grave 6, Interment# 845, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCELRATH, C M, Section K, Lot 152, Grave 2, Interment# 2996, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCELRATH, ELIZA, Section DD, Lot 48, Grave 2, Interment# 600, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCELRATH, J W, Section K, Lot 152, Grave 1, Interment# 2928, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCELRATH, JENNIE, Section K, Lot 152, Grave 3, Interment# 3678, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCELRATH, JOHN W, Section K, Lot 152, Grave 5, Interment# 3878, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCELRATH, WILLIAM JACKSON, age 69, Section K, Lot 152, Grave 6, Interment# 8063, GRAVE
MCELREATH, WOODROW, age 36, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 174, MILITARY
MCELROY, ANNIE M, Section X, Lot 1, Interment# 633, GRAVE
MCELROY, MABEL SHUFORD, age 75, Section M, Lot 51, Grave 4, Interment# 8262, GRAVE
MCELVEEN, ELLA PACE, age 39, Section B, Lot 49, Grave 3, Interment# 1120, VAULT
MCELVEEN, JOSEPH BRANNER, age 42, Section B, Lot 49, Grave 1, VAULT
MCENIRY, EVA L, age 85, Section Q, Lot 5, Grave 9, Interment# 10026, GRAVE
MCERWIN, ALICE, Section C, Lot 6, Grave 3, Interment# 495, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCEWEN, CAROLINE NICHOLS, age 73, Section Q, Lot 116, Grave 2, Interment# 7916, GRAVE
MCEWEN, JAMES EDWARD, age 13, Section Q, Lot 116, Grave 1, Interment# 6009, GRAVE
MCEWEN, WOOSTER BAIRD, age 88, Section Q, Lot 116, Grave 3, Interment# 9453, GRAVE
MCEWEN, Section Q, Lot 116, LOT MARKER
MCFADDEN, DAVID S., age 66, Section U, Lot 13, Grave 3, Interment# 11422, ASHES
MCFADDEN, DAVID W., age 48, Section U, Lot 13, Grave 5, Interment# 6038, GRAVE
MCFADDEN, LILLIAN E., age 79, Section U, Lot 13, Grave 6, Interment# 12854, ASHES
MCFADDEN, ROZELLE CUTTS, age 72, Section S, Lot 51, Grave 11, Interment# 10430, GRAVE
MCFADDEN, THELMA W., age 26, Section U, Lot 13, Grave 1, Interment# 3433, GRAVE
MCFALL, INFANT, Section J, Lot 80, Grave 2, Interment# 1191, GRAVE
MCFALL, J R, age 0, Section J, Lot 80, Grave 3, Interment# 1050, GRAVE
MCFALL, JOSEPH R, age 39, Section J, Lot 80, Grave 1, Interment# 1283, GRAVE
MCFARLAND, CHARLES F, Section S, Lot 78, Grave 7, Interment# 4172, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCFARLAUD, ADOLPHOUS, Section FF, Lot 22, Grave 2, Interment# 6523, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCFEE, A VERNON, age 50, Section W, Lot 53, Grave 6, Interment# 5666, GRAVE
MCFEE, ALEXANDER M, age 34, Section X-6, Lot 6, Grave 11, MILITARY
MCFEE, ANDREW H, age 28, Section X-6, Lot 6, Grave 10, MILITARY
MCFEE, DUBERT SNOW, age 41, Section W, Lot 53, Grave 7, Interment# 6990, GRAVE
MCFEE, JASON, age 41, Section X-6, Lot 6, Grave 3, MILITARY
MCFEE, JOHN ERWIN, age 29, Section X-6, Lot 6, Grave 7, MILITARY
MCFEE, JOHN F, age 20, Section X-6, Lot 6, Grave 5, MILITARY
MCFEE, JOHN, age 71, Section X-6, Lot 6, Grave 4, MILITARY
MCFEE, MAE, age 80, Section W, Lot 53, Grave 4, Interment# 10170, GRAVE
MCFEE, MARTHA CAROLINA, age 80, Section W, Lot 53, Grave 3, Interment# 7293, GRAVE
MCFEE, ROSE M, Section W, Lot 53, Grave 1, Interment# 9781, GRAVE
MCFEE, V A, age 66, Section W, Lot 53, Grave 2, Interment# 5056, GRAVE
MCFEE, WILLIAM F, age 73, Section X-6, Lot 6, Grave 2, MILITARY
MCFEE, Section W, Lot 53, LOT MARKER
MCFERREN, LILLIAN HOLMES, age 76, Section S, Lot 8, Grave 7, Interment# 6941, GRAVE
MCFERREN, MARY HOLMES, age 83, Section S, Lot 8, Grave 8, Interment# 5098, GRAVE
MCFERREN, PINGREE, age 82, Section S, Lot 8, Grave 9, Interment# 4041, GRAVE
MCGALLIARD, ANNIE DEE, Section W, Lot 24, Grave 5, Interment# 10195, GRAVE
MCGALLIARD, JOHN F, age 85, Section W, Lot 24, Grave 6, Interment# 9483, GRAVE
MCGEE, ALICE, Section FF, Lot 14, Grave 6, Interment# 747, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCGEE, GERALDINE, Section HH, Lot 3, Grave 4, Interment# 5964, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCGEE, MATTIE, age 51, Section II, Lot 53, Grave 6, Interment# 5244, GRAVE
MCGHEE, CHARLES BLANTON, age 55, Section S, Lot 9, Grave 5, Interment# 9283, GRAVE
MCGHEE, VIRGINIA ERWIN, age 87, Section S, Lot 9, Grave 7, Interment# 12250, GRAVE
MCGILL, EMMA L, age 86, Section W2, Lot 1, Grave 49.5, Interment# 11000, ASHES
MCGILL, WARDLAW, Section C, Lot 27, Grave 1, Interment# 129, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCGINLEY, IDA ALBERTA, age 89, Section P, Lot 104, Grave 3, Interment# 8504, GRAVE
MCGINNESS, ANNIE MAE, age 24, Section EE, Lot 6.5, Grave 1, Interment# 5931, GRAVE
MCGINNESS, EDNA, age 70, Section EE, Lot 6.5, Grave 4, Interment# 9873, GRAVE
MCGINNESS, EULAH R, age 26, Section EE, Lot 6.5, Grave 2, Interment# 6866, GRAVE
MCGLONE, BERTHA R, age 93, Section S, Lot 104, Grave 3, Interment# 10305, GRAVE
MCGLONE, FRANK H, age 50, Section S, Lot 104, Grave 4, Interment# 4352, GRAVE
MCGRATH, THOMAS, Section N, Lot 100, Grave 10.5, Interment# 8486, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCGUINES, FRED, Section EE, Lot 13, Grave 4, Interment# 5832, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCGUIRE, LEONORA F, age 59, Section K, Lot 149, Grave 2, Interment# 10638, GRAVE
MCGUIRE, PATRICIA FELTUS, age 79, Section U, Lot 29.5, Grave 1.5, Interment# 13337, ASHES
MCGUIRE, ROGER, age 66, Section U, Lot 29.5, Grave 1, Interment# 12948, ASHES
MCGUIRE, WALTER R, age 37, Section K, Lot 149, Grave 1, Interment# 2393, GRAVE
MCGUIRE, WALTER R, age 94, Section K, Lot 149, Grave 3, Interment# 13324, MILITARY
MCGUIRE, Section K, Lot 149, LOT MARKER
MCHARGE, BESSIE KINCAID, age 73, Section U, Lot 19, Grave 4.5, Interment# 7802, GRAVE
MCHARGE, CHARLES FRANKLIN, age 54, Section U, Lot 19, Grave 3, Interment# 5279, GRAVE
MCHARGE, HELEN FRANCES, age 16, Section U, Lot 19, Grave 5, Interment# 3857, GRAVE
MCHARGE, JAMES E, age 46, Section S, Lot 113, Grave 2, Interment# 4616, GRAVE
MCHARGE, Section S, Lot 113, LOT MARKER
MCHARGE, Section U, Lot 19, Grave 0, LOT MARKER
MCHONE, CORNELIA, Section M, Lot 86, Grave 9, Interment# 13136, UNMARKED ASHES
MCHONE, DIXIE JOHNSON, Section L, Lot 10, Grave 9, GRAVE
MCHONE, MARION F, age 43, Section N, Lot 12, Grave 4, Interment# 8547, GRAVE
MCHONE, TROY E, age 75, Section L, Lot 10, Grave 10, GRAVE
MCINTEE, WILLIAM H, age 41, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 102, Interment# 5847, MILITARY
MCINTIRE, BULA V, age 7, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 3, Interment# 765, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, CARLIN R, age 83, Section P, Lot 18, Grave 5, Interment# 10800, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, CORAL M, age 1, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 2, Interment# 218, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, ED, Section JJ, Lot 33, Grave 4, Interment# 663, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCINTIRE, FILETUS R, age 93, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 7, Interment# 7661, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, GENEVA E, age 28, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 1, Interment# 90, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, GERTRUDE CURTIS, age 62, Section P, Lot 18, Grave 6, Interment# 8694, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, J A, Section JJ, Lot 33, Grave 2, Interment# 106, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCINTIRE, JANE A, age 46, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 10, Interment# 10474, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, JENNIE E, age 75, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 6, Interment# 5292, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, JOHN A, age 72, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 9, Interment# 9735, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, LEONA, age 1, Section G, Lot 27, Grave 2, Interment# 208, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, MANILLA B, age 1, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 4, Interment# 766, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, MIRTIE, age 2, Section G, Lot 27, Grave 3, Interment# 24, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, NOVELLA, age 77, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 11, Interment# 10421, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, OSCAR B, Section JJ, Lot 33, Grave 1, Interment# 70, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCINTIRE, VERDA M, age 73, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 12, Interment# 10476, GRAVE
MCINTIRE, ZELMA J, age 73, Section B, Lot 3, Grave 8, Interment# 10165, GRAVE
MCINTRE, PUAILLA, Section CC, Lot 1, Grave 1, Interment# 280, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCINTURFF, BARNARD, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 56, Interment# 5134, MILITARY
MCINTURFF, CLAUDE B, age 63, Section J, Lot 30, Grave 9, Interment# 8297, MILITARY
MCINTURFF, HUGH O, Section J, Lot 26, Grave 3, Interment# 2326, GRAVE
MCINTURFF, LAURA, Section J, Lot 30, Grave 6, Interment# 4594, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCINTURFF, R, Section J, Lot 30, Grave 2, Interment# 1194, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCINTURFF, ROBERT KIRBY, Section J, Lot 30, Grave 7, Interment# 4883, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCINTYRE, C B, age 60, Section Q, Lot 38, Grave 1, Interment# 3182, GRAVE
MCINTYRE, EUGENIE, Section Q, Lot 38, Grave 2, Interment# 3690, GRAVE
MCINTYRE, GENEVIEVE, age 74, Section P, Lot 34, Grave 2, Interment# 10513, GRAVE
MCINTYRE, GENEVIEVE, Section W, Lot 34, Grave 2.5, Interment# 10513, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCINTYRE, JOHN JOSEPH, age 67, Section P, Lot 34, Grave 3, Interment# 9794, GRAVE
MCINTYRE, LEO PATRICK, age 60, Section P, Lot 34, Grave 4, Interment# 9323, GRAVE
MCINTYRE, MARGUERITE, age 79, Section P, Lot 34, Grave 1, Interment# 10705, GRAVE
MCINTYRE, MARY MCGRATH, age 88, Section P, Lot 34, Grave 6, Interment# 9397, GRAVE
MCINTYRE, PATRICK ERSKINE, age 79, Section P, Lot 34, Grave 5, Interment# 6858, GRAVE
MCIVER, PETER, Section II, Lot 51, Grave 2, Interment# 5552, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, ARTHUR R, Section EE, Lot 28, Grave 2, Interment# 767, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, ARTHUR, Section DD, Lot 24, Grave 13, Interment# 650, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, ARTHUR, Section DD, Lot 24, Grave 7, Interment# 759, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, ARTHUR, Section FF, Lot 42, Grave 1, Interment# 4110, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, BETSY A, Section I, Lot 117, Grave 1, GRAVE
MCKEE, CHARLES E, Section E, Lot 11, Grave 1, Interment# 533, GRAVE
MCKEE, CHILD, Section FF, Lot 72, Grave 4, Interment# 1076, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, CHILD, Section JJ, Lot 13, Grave 1, Interment# 211, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, EMMET, Section EE, Lot 23, Grave 1, Interment# 844, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, FINNIE, Section EE, Lot 23, Grave 4, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, FRANK, Section EE, Lot 23, Grave 2, Interment# 1025, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, MARION, Section EE, Lot 22, Grave 2, Interment# 1075, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, MARTHA REID, age 72, Section L, Lot 6, Grave 8, Interment# 10670, GRAVE
MCKEE, MARY BINGHAM, age 67, Section L, Lot 6, Grave 3, Interment# 5463, GRAVE
MCKEE, MARY, Section BB, Lot 24, Grave 5, Interment# 142, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, MARY, Section JJ, Lot 13, Grave 7, Interment# 455, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, ROBERT BINGHAM, age 51, Section L, Lot 6, Grave 5, Interment# 7825, MILITARY
MCKEE, S R, Section L, Lot 6, Grave 4, Interment# 7538, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, SADIE TEMPLE, age 54, Section L, Lot 6, Grave 7, Interment# 9760, GRAVE
MCKEE, THOMAS, Section EE, Lot 23, Grave 5, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKEE, WILLIAM E, Section I, Lot 117, Grave 2, GRAVE
MCKEIZY, ELLEN, Section JJ, Lot 15, Grave 2, Interment# 233, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKENNA, PATRICK, age 45, Section I, Lot 1, Grave 50, Interment# 651, GRAVE
MCKENZIE, ANNA PENDER, age 55, Section Q, Lot 109, Grave 2, Interment# 6356, GRAVE
MCKENZIE, ANNA, Section M, Lot 23, Grave 6, Interment# 2688, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKENZIE, CHILD, Section M, Lot 13, Grave 8, Interment# 2810, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKENZIE, DEDRICK BIEMAN, age 84, Section Q, Lot 128, Grave 1, Interment# 12394, GRAVE
MCKENZIE, FRANCES MURPHY, age 85, Section Q, Lot 128, Grave 5, Interment# 12646, GRAVE
MCKENZIE, HENRY, age 74, Section Q, Lot 109, Grave 3, Interment# 8383, GRAVE
MCKENZIE, HENRY, Section M, Lot 23, Grave 6, Interment# 2688, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKENZIE, PATRICIA, Section S, Lot 136, Grave 1.5, Interment# 13333, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKENZIE, RUTH RADFORD, age 69, Section Q, Lot 128, Grave 2, Interment# 12743, GRAVE
MCKENZIE, VERDA PLEMMONS, age 94, Section S, Lot 52, Grave 3, Interment# 11851, GRAVE
MCKESSON, JERRY, Section FF, Lot 43, Grave 4, Interment# 5072, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKESSON, QUINCY, Section FF, Lot 43, Grave 1, Interment# 1196, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCKINNEY, JAMES ANDREW, Section N, Lot 94, Grave 1.5, Interment# 10962, GRAVE
MCKINNEY, MELVIN, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 17, Interment# 3416, MILITARY
MCKINNEY, WALTER L, age 65, Section V, Lot 53, Grave 4, Interment# 12162, GRAVE
MCKINNEY, WILLIAM D, age 69, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 90, Interment# 11616, GRAVE
MCKISICK, ARGYLA, Section DD, Lot 51, Grave 6, Interment# 1000, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCLAIN, CARRIE VANCE, age 88, Section P, Lot 82, Grave 9, Interment# 9626, GRAVE
MCLAIN, IDA, Section HH, Lot 48, Grave 4, GRAVE
MCLARTY, EMMETT KENNEDY, age 90, Section Q, Lot 115, Grave 6, Interment# 9057, GRAVE
MCLARTY, JAMES BROWN, age 79, Section Q, Lot 67, Grave 10, Interment# 11735, GRAVE
MCLARTY, MARGARET ELIZABETH GLENN, Section Q, Lot 67, Grave 11, Interment# 13086, GRAVE
MCLARTY, MARY BROWN, age 61, Section Q, Lot 115, Grave 1, Interment# 5519, GRAVE
MCLARTY, TRUMAN GORDON, age 45, Section Q, Lot 115, Grave 9, Interment# 8261, GRAVE
MCLARTY, Section Q, Lot 115, LOT MARKER
MCLARTY, Section Q, Lot 67, LOT MARKER
MCLEAN, ALBERT STEVENS, age 85, Section U, Lot 21, Grave 8, Interment# 12511, MILITARY
MCLEAN, EDWARD O, age 64, Section NEW Y, Lot 2, Grave 39, Interment# 8327, GRAVE
MCLEAN, ELIZABETH, Section N, Lot 57, Grave 5, Interment# 3450, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCLEAN, EMILY DAVIS, age 82, Section T, Lot 3, Grave 9, Interment# 13408, GRAVE
MCLEAN, FERRY A, age 59, Section Q, Lot 7, Grave 6, Interment# 8006, MILITARY
MCLEAN, FLORENCE YODER, age 65, Section K, Lot 67, Grave 2, Interment# 4641, GRAVE
MCLEAN, JAMES P., age 59, Section J, Lot 48.5, Grave 5, Interment# 4458, GRAVE
MCLEAN, MARGARET M, age 43, Section Q, Lot 7, GRAVE
MCLEAN, MARGUERITTE E, age 89, Section Q, Lot 7, Grave 8, Interment# 2494, GRAVE
MCLEAN, META POWELL, age 21, Section H, Lot 22, Grave 1, Interment# 1351, GRAVE
MCLEAN, WILLIAM HENRY, age 75, Section Q, Lot 7, Grave 5, Interment# 7000, GRAVE
MCLEAN, WILLIAM KELSEY, age 74, Section Q, Lot 7, Grave 7, Interment# 10292, GRAVE
MCLEAN, WILLIAM P, age 63, Section U, Lot 21, Grave 6, Interment# 11545, MILITARY
MCLEAN, WILLIAM PERA, age 70, Section U, Lot 21, Grave 4, Interment# 7908, GRAVE
MCLEAN, Section U, Lot 21, Grave 0, LOT MARKER
MCLEARY, LYAN, Section DD, Lot 46, Grave 3, Interment# 469, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCLEOD, JOHN, age 35, Section X, Lot 3, Grave 251, GRAVE
MCLEOD, THOMAS B, Section S, Lot 124, Grave 13, Interment# 10795, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCLEOD, THOMAS BOYD, age 92, Section S, Lot 124, Grave 12, Interment# 6602, GRAVE
MCLES, JAMES, Section FF, Lot 36, Grave 5, Interment# 793, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCLOUD, C M, age 52, Section D, Lot 16, Grave 1, Interment# 419, GRAVE
MCLOUD, CHILD, Section D, Lot 16, Grave 2, Interment# 529, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCLOUD, CHILD, Section D, Lot 16, Grave 3, Interment# 530, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCLOUD, ELLA PULLIAM, age 84, Section D, Lot 16, Grave 6, Interment# 3977, GRAVE
MCLOUD, HAYWOOD, Section DD, Lot 34, Grave 4, Interment# 784, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCLOUD, L P, Section D, Lot 16, Grave 4, Interment# 630, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCMAHAN, ELLEN POWELL, age 75, Section Q, Lot 5, Grave 4, Interment# 7391, GRAVE
MCMAHAN, JAMES ROMULUS, age 60, Section Q, Lot 5, Grave 2, Interment# 5813, GRAVE
MCMAHAN, LOU ANNIE, age 84, Section Q, Lot 5, Grave 6, Interment# 8892, GRAVE
MCMAHAN, WILLIAM NELSON, age 82, Section Q, Lot 5, Grave 5, Interment# 2860, GRAVE
MCMAHON, FRANCES JOSEPH, age 0, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 11.5, Interment# 13466, GRAVE
MCMAHON, ROBERT A, age 25, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 11, GRAVE
MCMAHON, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 10, GRAVE
MCMANES, CHAS LEE, age 48, Section S, Lot 64, Grave 3, Interment# 6173, GRAVE
MCMANES, MAUDE, Section S, Lot 64, Grave 1, GRAVE
MCMANES, VIVIAN, age 20, Section S, Lot 64, Grave 2, Interment# 5317, GRAVE
MCMENOMY, JOSEPH A, age 77, Section S, Lot 32, Grave 5, Interment# 9372, GRAVE
MCMICHAEL, ANNIE EUGENIA, Section HH, Lot 65, Grave 4, Interment# 4519, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCMICHAEL, HENRY, Section II, Lot 16, Grave 1, Interment# 6568, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCMICHAEL, MELVIN B, age 78, Section II, Lot 16, Grave 4, Interment# 12560, MILITARY
MCMICHAEL, SADIE, Section II, Lot 16, Grave 2, Interment# 8820, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCMILLEN, WILLIAM, age 79, Section H, Lot 17, Grave 5, Interment# 1087, GRAVE
MCMINN, CLARANCE RAY, age 3, Section F, Lot 56, Grave 3, Interment# 1229, GRAVE
MCMINN, IRA VICTORIA, age 88, Section F, Lot 56, Grave 8, Interment# 9856, GRAVE
MCMINN, JAMES MADISON, age 92, Section N, Lot 100, Grave 38, Interment# 7208, GRAVE
MCMINN, KATE N. FISHER, age 101, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 99, Interment# 12875, GRAVE
MCMINN, ROBERT LEE, age 73, Section F, Lot 56, Grave 7, Interment# 6692, GRAVE
MCMURRY, LOYD E, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 28, Interment# 4073, MILITARY
MCNAMARA, MARIE Y, Section Q, Lot 106, Grave 5, Interment# 10909, GRAVE
MCNAMARA, MARJORIE, Section Q, Lot 105, Grave 4, Interment# 10264, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCNAMARA, MARY ELLEN, age 50, Section Q, Lot 106, Grave 2, Interment# 3938, GRAVE
MCNAMARA, THOMAS JACKSON, age 60, Section Q, Lot 106, Grave 1, Interment# 3885, GRAVE
MCNAMARA, THOMAS, age 51, Section Q, Lot 106, Grave 3, Interment# 9190, GRAVE
MCNAMARA, Section Q, Lot 106, LOT MARKER
MCNEAL, CHARLES, Section HH, Lot 78, Grave 3, Interment# 4984, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCNEELY, FLORENCE C, age 88, Section S, Lot 114, Grave 9, Interment# 13210, ASHES
MCNEIL, ELTA, Section II, Lot 28, Grave 6, Interment# 6165, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCNEIL, FRANCES, Section II, Lot 28, Grave 5, Interment# 5611, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCNEILL, CARROLL DIGGES, age 44, Section U, Lot 24, Grave 6, Interment# 9096, GRAVE
MCNEILL, LOIS B, age 81, Section S, Lot 139, Grave 8, Interment# 11130, GRAVE
MCNEILL, MILTON, age 90, Section S, Lot 139, Grave 9, Interment# 10635, GRAVE
MCNIEL, CAROL ANN, age 0, Section NEW Y, Lot 1, Grave 37.5, Interment# 8770, GRAVE
MCNIEL, THOMAS J, age 49, Section NEW Y, Lot 1, Grave 37, Interment# 6854, GRAVE
MCNULTY, BEN, age 47, Section HH, Lot 34, Grave 44, Interment# 6326, MILITARY
MCPHERSON, EMMA F, age 98, Section S, Lot 145, Grave 5, MM
MCPHERSON, JAMES C, age 75, Section S, Lot 145, Grave 12, Interment# 5600, GRAVE
MCRAE, JOHN M, Section K, Lot 46, Grave 1, Interment# 2337, GRAVE
MCRARY, EDITH EULA, Section N, Lot 39, Grave 5, Interment# 7353, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCRARY, ELBERT H, Section N, Lot 39, Grave 4, Interment# 7199, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCRARY, HAROLD T, Section N, Lot 39, Grave 6, Interment# 9607, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCRARY, HATTIE, Section N, Lot 39, Grave 2, Interment# 2702, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCRARY, HELEN G, age 69, Section N, Lot 39, Grave 10, Interment# 11168, GRAVE
MCRARY, ROY A, age 65, Section N, Lot 39, Grave 8, Interment# 9623, MILITARY
MCRARY, VIOLA, age 78, Section N, Lot 39, Grave 11, Interment# 12252, GRAVE
MCRARY, WILLIAM ELBERT, age 65, Section N, Lot 39, Grave 9, Interment# 9785, GRAVE
MCREA, SAM, Section JJ, Lot 11, Grave 6, Interment# 8, UNMARKED GRAVE
MCROBERTS, JNO W, age 50, Section F, Lot 38.5, Grave 1, Interment# 987, GRAVE
MCSIMMIS, JAMES W, Section FF, Lot 20, Grave 1, Interment# 1116, UNMARKED GRAVE
MEACHAM, CONNIE C, age 88, Section K, Lot 117, Grave 8, Interment# 8481, GRAVE
MEACHAM, WASHINGTON D, age 54, Section K, Lot 117, Grave 3, Interment# 4490, GRAVE
MEAD, MARTHA N, age 89, Section P, Lot 119, Grave 7, Interment# 10997, GRAVE
MEADE, HELEN BELL, age 48, Section Q, Lot 121, Grave 6, Interment# 5344, GRAVE
MEADOWS, A M, age 61, Section A, Lot 1.5, Grave 1, Interment# 1166, GRAVE
MEADOWS, GANNIE G, Section N, Lot 9, Grave 8.5, GRAVE
MEADOWS, MARSHALL O, age 59, Section N, Lot 9, Grave 8, Interment# 10135, GRAVE
MEADOWS, MARY VIRGINIA, Section L, Lot 31, Grave 2.5, Interment# 1922, GRAVE
MEANS, FREDDIE, age 10, Section J, Lot 74, Grave 1, Interment# 1280, GRAVE
MEANS, INFANT, Section J, Lot 74, Grave 2, GRAVE
MEANS, JAMES F, age 41, Section J, Lot 74, Grave 4, Interment# 7494, GRAVE
MEANS, JOSEPH HUDSON, age 80, Section J, Lot 74, Grave 3, Interment# 6633, GRAVE
MEANS, LAWRENCE K, Section GG, Lot 32, Grave 4, Interment# 11980, GRAVE
MEAR, NANCY, age 72, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 8, Interment# 2520, GRAVE
MEARES, ANNIS L, age 45, Section B, Lot 23, Grave 1, Interment# 1085, GRAVE
MEARES, ANTOINETTA A, age 89, Section B, Lot 23, Grave 10, Interment# 10015, GRAVE
MEARES, EDWARD GRAHAM, age 38, Section B, Lot 23, Grave 2, Interment# 2179, GRAVE
MEARES, ESTHER EXUM, age 96, Section B, Lot 23, Grave 5, Interment# 7864, GRAVE
MEARES, FANNIE GREEN HUNT, age 78, Section C, Lot 2, Grave 11, Interment# 7198, GRAVE
MEARES, FREDERICK P, age 60, Section B, Lot 23, Grave 3, Interment# 2933, GRAVE
MEARES, GASTON, age 77, Section C, Lot 2, Grave 9, Interment# 6598, GRAVE
MEARES, JOSEPH EXUM, age 90, Section B, Lot 23, Grave 6, Interment# 8461, GRAVE
MEARES, KATHLEEN, age 2, Section C, Lot 2, Grave 3, Interment# 753, GRAVE
MEARS, ANNIE MAY, age 19, Section H, Lot 22, Grave 4, Interment# 1743, GRAVE
MEARS, BLANCHE, age 2, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 4, Interment# 1418, GRAVE
MEARS, CHILD, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 1, Interment# 309, UNMARKED GRAVE
MEARS, CHILD, Section F, Lot 71, Grave 3, Interment# 221, UNMARKED GRAVE
MEARS, CLARENCE L, age 41, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 7, Interment# 2319, GRAVE
MEARS, CLYDE, age 37, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 5, Interment# 2182, GRAVE
MEARS, ELIZABETH W, age 74, Section F, Lot 71, Grave 2, Interment# 186, GRAVE
MEARS, ELLA MORGAN, age 84, Section W3, Lot 18, Grave 6, Interment# 8673, GRAVE
MEARS, FRANK A, age 67, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 12, Interment# 7573, GRAVE
MEARS, G A, age 75, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 6, Interment# 2222, GRAVE
MEARS, GEORGE A, age 70, Section W3, Lot 18, Grave 7, Interment# 9986, GRAVE
MEARS, JAMES JAY, age 60, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 10, Interment# 4652, GRAVE
MEARS, JAMES, Section EE, Lot 42, Grave 2, Interment# 863, UNMARKED GRAVE
MEARS, JANE GRIFFITH, age 65, Section W3, Lot 18, Grave 8, Interment# 10192, GRAVE
MEARS, JANE PAGE, age 74, Section W3, Lot 18, Grave 5.5, Interment# 13072, ASHES
MEARS, SAMUEL P, age 73, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 11, Interment# 6541, GRAVE
MEARS, WALTER, age 20, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 3, Interment# 1160, GRAVE
MEARS, WEBSTER, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 2, Interment# 630, UNMARKED GRAVE
MEARS, ZOIE, age 26, Section E, Lot 10, Grave 9, Interment# 2148, GRAVE
MEARS, Section E, Lot 10, LOT MARKER
MEARS, Section W3, Lot 24, LOT MARKER
MEASON, HERBERT E, age 81, Section Q, Lot 107.5, Grave 6, Interment# 13415, GRAVE
MEASON, KAROLINE A, Section Q, Lot 107.5, Grave 6, GRAVE
MEDD, EVELYN H, age 69, Section S, Lot 129, Grave 2.5, Interment# 9660, GRAVE
MEDD, GEORGE T, age 70, Section S, Lot 129, Grave 3.5, Interment# 9204, GRAVE
MEDD, RICHARD, age 4, Section S, Lot 129, Grave 4, Interment# 3974, GRAVE
MEEHAN, WILLIAM D, Section N, Lot 30, Grave 3, Interment# 2846, GRAVE
MEEKER, JOE JAMES, age 1, Section S, Lot 72, Grave 15, Interment# 5301, GRAVE
MEHAFFEY, MARINELL TOMMIE, age 65, Section S, Lot 1, Grave 5, Interment# 12295, GRAVE
MEISENHEIMER, D W, Section G, Lot 29, Grave 9, Interment# 1132, UNMARKED GRAVE
MEIXEL, AUGUST, Section F, Lot 64, Grave 3, Interment# 1067, UNMARKED GRAVE
MEIXEL, Section F, Lot 64, Grave 5, Interment# 1479, UNMARKED GRAVE
MELKE, ARTHUR C, Section F, Lot 4, Grave 2, Interment# 396, GRAVE
MELKE, CAROLINE, age 31, Section F, Lot 4, Grave 1, Interment# 37, GRAVE
MELLARD, THOMAS REID, age 42, Section NEW Y, Lot 1, Grave 5, Interment# 6628, GRAVE
MELTON, A L, Section J, Lot 110, Grave 4, Interment# 2642, UNMARKED GRAVE
MELTON, BESSIE MAY, Section J, Lot 110, Grave 3, Interment# 1269, UNMARKED GRAVE
MELTON, CHILD, Section J, Lot 110, Grave 1, Interment# 730, UNMARKED GRAVE
MELTON, LOUISE ALOISE, Section J, Lot 110, Grave 5, Interment# 7016, UNMARKED GRAVE
MELTON, LULA, Section N, Lot 41, Grave 5, Interment# 2866, UNMARKED GRAVE
MELTON, PEARLE, Section F, Lot 33, Grave 11, Interment# 6865, UNMARKED GRAVE
MELTON, Section J, Lot 110, Grave 2, Interment# 822, UNMARKED GRAVE
MELVILLE, GEORGE WILSON, Section L, Lot 2, Grave 1, Interment# 1179, UNMARKED GRAVE
MEMMINGER, CHRISTINE G, Section R, Lot 2, Grave 2, Interment# 6237, GRAVE
MEMMINGER, CHRISTOPHER G, Section R, Lot 2, Grave 1, Interment# 5127, GRAVE
MEMMINGER, LUCIEN, age 22, Section R, Lot 2, Grave 4, Interment# 7296, GRAVE
MEMMINGER, LUCIEN, age 79, Section R, Lot 2, Grave 7, Interment# 9016, GRAVE
MEMMINGER, MABEL ELIZABETH DIBELL, age 66, Section R, Lot 2, Grave 6, Interment# 8498, GRAVE
MEMMINGER, MARY LEE KING, Section R, Lot 2, Grave 5, Interment# 7788, GRAVE
MENZEL, HERMANN, Section M, Lot 76, Grave 3, Interment# 2853, MILITARY
MERCER, ANNE FROST, age 89, Section J, Lot 48.5, Grave 12, Interment# 10304, GRAVE
MERCHANT, ALMETTA HARRIS, age 61, Section N, Lot 15, Grave 3, Interment# 6153, GRAVE
MERCHANT, ELIZA J. HESS, age 84, Section N, Lot 15, Grave 2, Interment# 4710, GRAVE
MERCHANT, FRANCES LUCILE, age 0, Section G, Lot 36, Grave 10, Interment# 1465, GRAVE
MERCHANT, JOHN H, age 74, Section N, Lot 15, Grave 1, Interment# 3021, MILITARY
MERCHANT, LAURA E, age 92, Section N, Lot 15, Grave 7, Interment# 11332, GRAVE
MERCHANT, LAWRENCE C, age 72, Section N, Lot 15, Grave 6, Interment# 11169, GRAVE
MERCHANT, LUTHER L, age 90, Section N, Lot 15, Grave 4, Interment# 9927, GRAVE
MERCHANT, NORMA W, age 94, Section N, Lot 15, Grave 5, Interment# 13007, GRAVE
MERCIER, ROBERT DUANE, Section N, Lot 93, Grave 2, Interment# 9895, UNMARKED GRAVE
MERIDETH, ALICE ELIZABETH, age 30, Section V, Lot 17, Grave 3, Interment# 11143, GRAVE
MERIWETHER, BEN M, age 67, Section J, Lot 22, Grave 4, Interment# 9085, MILITARY
MERIWETHER, CATHERINE C, age 71, Section J, Lot 22, Grave 3, Interment# 6444, GRAVE
MERIWETHER, CATHERINE, Section J, Lot 22, Grave 1, Interment# 2283, GRAVE
MERRICK, DUFF, age 65, Section K, Lot 24, Grave 3, Interment# 4548, GRAVE
MERRICK, FRANK, age 76, Section K, Lot 24, Grave 1, Interment# 1373, GRAVE
MERRICK, LOIS K, age 59, Section K, Lot 24, Grave 2, Interment# 1374, GRAVE
MERRICK, MAMMIE ALLEN, age 75, Section K, Lot 24, Grave 4, Interment# 8076, GRAVE
MERRICK, RUTH ELIZABETH, age 57, Section K, Lot 24, Grave 5, Interment# 9045, GRAVE
MERRILL, ALICE T, age 83, Section P, Lot 147, Grave 2.5, Interment# 10655, GRAVE
MERRILL, ANNIE LAURIE, age 62, Section T, Lot 20, Grave 5, Interment# 8385, GRAVE
MERRILL, EDWARD C, age 75, Section P, Lot 147, Grave 6, Interment# 12552, GRAVE
MERRILL, EDWARD CLIFTON, age 94, Section P, Lot 147, Grave 1.5, Interment# 11420, GRAVE
MERRILL, FRANCES B, age 73, Section P, Lot 147, Grave 1, Interment# 12385, GRAVE
MERRILL, LOUISE, age 74, Section NEW Y, Lot 1, Grave 15, Interment# 10850, GRAVE
MERRILL, THEODOSIA WILLIAMS, age 62, Section T, Lot 20, Grave 3, Interment# 3076, GRAVE
MERRILL, Section P, Lot 147, LOT MARKER
MERRIMON, ANNIE, age 42, Section K, Lot 130, Grave 1, Interment# 664, GRAVE
MERRIMON, BRANCH H, age 2, Section K, Lot 125, Grave 6, Interment# 369, GRAVE
MERRIMON, BRANCH H, age 79, Section K, Lot 125, Grave 4, Interment# 369, GRAVE
MERRIMON, BRANCH M, age 5, Section K, Lot 130, Grave 3.5, Interment# 375, GRAVE
MERRIMON, ELIZA A, age 77, Section K, Lot 125, Grave 10, Interment# 3613, GRAVE
MERRIMON, EMORY HOUSTON, age 69, Section K, Lot 130, Grave 7, Interment# 6322, GRAVE
MERRIMON, ERASMUS H, age 60, Section K, Lot 125, Grave 7, Interment# 983, GRAVE
MERRIMON, EVELYN, age 85, Section K, Lot 130, Grave 10, Interment# 9956, GRAVE
MERRIMON, INEZ P, Section K, Lot 130, Grave 10.5, Interment# 13008, UNMARKED ASHES
MERRIMON, J G, age 82, Section K, Lot 130, Grave 8, Interment# 7707, GRAVE
MERRIMON, JAMES H, age 79, Section K, Lot 130, Grave 11, Interment# 10307, GRAVE
MERRIMON, JAMES HARVEY, age 66, Section K, Lot 130, Grave 9, Interment# 10307, GRAVE
MERRIMON, JULIA ADELAIDE, age 58, Section K, Lot 130, Grave 2, Interment# 375, GRAVE
MERRIMON, JULIAN LYNCH, age 10, Section K, Lot 130, Grave 3, Interment# 375, GRAVE
MERRIMON, MARTHA A, age 76, Section K, Lot 125, Grave 8, Interment# 1330, GRAVE
MERRIMON, MARY A, age 81, Section K, Lot 125, Grave 12, Interment# 3961, GRAVE
MERRIMON, MARY EVELYN PAXTON, age 38, Section K, Lot 125, Grave 5, Interment# 370, GRAVE
MERTENS, EDITH V, age 94, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 115, Interment# 11949, GRAVE
MESSELLER, F M, Section B, Lot 24, Grave 2, Interment# 475, UNMARKED GRAVE
MESSELLER, F M, Section F, Lot 35, Grave 5, Interment# 558, UNMARKED GRAVE
MESSER, EUGENE R, age 0, Section NEW Y, Lot 1, Grave 34, Interment# 6699, GRAVE
METCALF, JESSE COLEMAN, Section N, Lot 111, Grave 1, Interment# 11667, UNMARKED GRAVE
METCALF, MATTIE, Section N, Lot 111, Grave 2, Interment# 13222, UNMARKED GRAVE
MEWBORNE, DALLAS WILLIAM, age 79, Section K, Lot 91, Grave 16, MM
MEYER, JOHAN WILHELM, Section M, Lot 77, Grave 14, Interment# 2871, MILITARY
MEYERHOFF, JOHAN, Section M, Lot 76, Grave 7, Interment# 2860, MILITARY
MEYERS, BELLE FORTUNE, age 90, Section W, Lot 6, Grave 7, Interment# 8882, GRAVE
MEYERS, MORRIS, age 83, Section W, Lot 6, Grave 6, Interment# 8170, GRAVE
MICHAEL, FRANK AUSTIN, age 2, Section K, Lot 76, Grave 2, Interment# 2080, GRAVE
MICHAEL, FRANK AUSTIN, age 57, Section K, Lot 76, Grave 3, Interment# 6915, GRAVE
MICHAEL, J H, Section II, Lot 62, Grave 1, Interment# 6796, UNMARKED GRAVE
MICHAEL, LEILA, Section II, Lot 62, Grave 2, Interment# 9825, UNMARKED GRAVE
MICHAEL, LENA C, age 82, Section K, Lot 76, Grave 6, Interment# 10351, GRAVE
MICHAEL, OTIS B, Section II, Lot 62, Grave 3, Interment# 7044, UNMARKED GRAVE
MICHAEL, Section K, Lot 76, LOT MARKER
MIDDLETON, J K, Section M, Lot 21, Grave 1, Interment# 2532, UNMARKED GRAVE
MIGLIORINI, PULIANO, age 58, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 43, Interment# 7826, GRAVE
MIGLIORINI, VINCENZENA, age 73, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 44, Interment# 10189, GRAVE
MIKEL, J W, age 67, Section S, Lot 56, Interment# 3549, GRAVE
MIKEL, JANE A, Section S, Lot 56, Grave 1, Interment# 5761, GRAVE
MILES, GEORGE WILLIAM, age 70, Section N, Lot 104, Grave 3, Interment# 10335, GRAVE
MILES, IRENE CRAWFORD, age 84, Section N, Lot 105, Grave 8, Interment# 11979, GRAVE
MILES, JOHN PARMER, age 45, Section S, Lot 84, Grave 8, Interment# 4118, GRAVE
MILES, WILLIAM V, Section NEW Y, Lot 1, Grave 55, Interment# 7308, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILHOLLAND, C BESS, age 81, Section J, Lot 3, Grave 10, Interment# 9179, GRAVE
MILHOLLAND, LESTER A, age 42, Section J, Lot 3, Grave 1, Interment# 2201, GRAVE
MILHOLLAND, ORON LESTER, age 11, Section J, Lot 3, Grave 2, Interment# 2203, GRAVE
MILHOLLAND, VIRGINIA GENNETT, age 48, Section P, Lot 120, Grave 5, Interment# 12016, ASHES
MILKES, MOODLEY, Section FF, Lot 3, Grave 3, Interment# 831, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLARD, DALLAM, Section B, Lot 32, Grave 1, Interment# 167, GRAVE
MILLARD, DAVID RALPH, age 83, Section B, Lot 32, Grave 6, Interment# 9756, GRAVE
MILLARD, DAVID THOMPSON, age 58, Section B, Lot 32, Grave 3, Interment# 740, GRAVE
MILLARD, FLORENCE H, age 85, Section B, Lot 32, Grave 7, Interment# 11141, GRAVE
MILLARD, HAMILTON, age 64, Section B, Lot 32, Grave 8, Interment# 11827, ASHES
MILLARD, HATTIE S, age 6, Section B, Lot 32, Grave 2, Interment# 168, GRAVE
MILLARD, HERBERT RICHARD, age 59, Section B, Lot 32, Grave 4, Interment# 5630, GRAVE
MILLARD, HERBERT RICHARD, age 59, Section B, Lot 32, Grave 4.5, Interment# 5630, GRAVE
MILLARD, JOSEPHINE E, age 91, Section B, Lot 32, Grave 5, Interment# 5651, GRAVE
MILLARD, JOSEPHINE E, age 91, Section B, Lot 32, Grave 5.5, Interment# 5651, GRAVE
MILLARD, KATHERINE ERWIN, age 84, Section S, Lot 9, Grave 6, Interment# 11659, GRAVE
MILLENDER, CHARLES WHITE, age 81, Section K, Lot 22, Grave 3, Interment# 10639, GRAVE
MILLENDER, DOROTHY THOMPSON, age 54, Section K, Lot 22, Grave 4, Interment# 9638, GRAVE
MILLENDER, HELEN ROSS, age 87, Section K, Lot 21, Grave 6, Interment# 12199, GRAVE
MILLENDER, KATHLEEN, age 4, Section K, Lot 21, Grave 1, Interment# 1233, GRAVE
MILLENDER, MARION CHARLES, age 104, Section K, Lot 21, Grave 3, Interment# 9592, GRAVE
MILLENDER, MARY MEBANE WHITE, age 80, Section K, Lot 21, Grave 2, Interment# 7952, GRAVE
MILLER, AMELIA FICKLEN, age 16, Section K, Lot 120, Grave 2, Interment# 1513, GRAVE
MILLER, ANNA EARL KIETH, age 70, Section T, Lot 6, Grave 4, Interment# 7464, GRAVE
MILLER, ANNE F.C., age 78, Section Q, Lot 49, Grave 9, Interment# 13173, GRAVE
MILLER, ANNIE M, age 76, Section CC, Lot 5, Grave 6, Interment# 8857, GRAVE
MILLER, BABY, Section N, Lot 2, Grave 4, Interment# 3268, GRAVE
MILLER, CARRIE E, age 39, Section M, Lot 47, Grave 1, Interment# 2428, GRAVE
MILLER, CHARLES B, Section N, Lot 55, Grave 3, Interment# 3018, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, CHARLES F., age 72, Section U, Lot 15, Grave 11, Interment# 9176, GRAVE
MILLER, CHARLES JOSEPH, age 67, Section N, Lot 105, Grave 7, Interment# 10989, GRAVE
MILLER, CHARLES V, age 61, Section N, Lot 31, Grave 5, Interment# 7499, GRAVE
MILLER, CHARLES W, age 95, Section M, Lot 47, Grave 5, Interment# 13151, GRAVE
MILLER, CHARLES WESLEY, Section J, Lot 115, Grave 4, Interment# 4525, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, CHARLOTTE, Section S, Lot 72, Grave 13, Interment# 3828, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, CHILD, Section DD, Lot 47, Grave 1, Interment# 543, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, CHILD, Section F, Lot 20, Grave 5, Interment# 477, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, CHILD, Section J, Lot 36, Grave 11, Interment# 2419, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, DAISY, Section BB, Lot 24, Grave 4, Interment# 83, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, DANIEL GRIFFITH, age 1, Section K, Lot 120, Grave 1, Interment# 1380, GRAVE
MILLER, DELLA M, age 82, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 63, Interment# 8923, GRAVE
MILLER, DEXTER FLOYD, age 23, Section G, Lot 32, Grave 2, Interment# 744, GRAVE
MILLER, EDITH CALLOWAY, age 70, Section N, Lot 105, Grave 6, Interment# 12148, GRAVE
MILLER, EDITH FAYE, age 4, Section J, Lot 35, Grave 3, Interment# 1215, GRAVE
MILLER, EDWARD, Section F, Lot 71, Grave 5, Interment# 1400, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, ELLA H, age 44, Section F, Lot 60, Grave 1, Interment# 1049, GRAVE
MILLER, ELLEN POND, age 81, Section M, Lot 11, Grave 3, Interment# 5039, GRAVE
MILLER, ERNEST HUTCHESON, age 83, Section M, Lot 47, Grave 4, Interment# 8484, GRAVE
MILLER, ESSIE, Section II, Lot 44, Grave 2, Interment# 12997, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, ETHEL CARPENTER, Section NEW Y, Lot 2, Grave 62, Interment# 7384, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, EUPHIA C, age 60, Section J, Lot 68, Grave 6, Interment# 6558, GRAVE
MILLER, FLORENCE GRIFFITH, age 76, Section K, Lot 120, Grave 5, Interment# 6639, GRAVE
MILLER, FLOYD RICHARD, age 56, Section P, Lot 61, Grave 1, Interment# 9025, GRAVE
MILLER, GEORGE HICKS, age 2, Section E, Lot 4, Grave 1, Interment# 271, GRAVE
MILLER, GERTRUDE MARSHALL, age 84, Section K, Lot 120, Grave 7, Interment# 11836, GRAVE
MILLER, HARLIE E, age 71, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 62, Interment# 7509, GRAVE
MILLER, HARMON AYRES, age 72, Section K, Lot 120, Grave 4, Interment# 5219, GRAVE
MILLER, HAROLD GARDNER, age 64, Section F, Lot 71, Grave 11, Interment# 10876, MILITARY
MILLER, HENRIETTA, Section JJ, Lot 2, Grave 7, Interment# 171, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, HENRY A, age 63, Section P, Lot 146, Grave 6.5, Interment# 9726, GRAVE
MILLER, HENRY W, age 83, Section F, Lot 80, Grave 2, Interment# 6224, GRAVE
MILLER, HERMAN OTIS, age 4, Section M, Lot 11, Grave 1, Interment# 2168, GRAVE
MILLER, HORACE WILLIAM, age 85, Section K, Lot 120, Grave 8, Interment# 9112, GRAVE
MILLER, HOWARD, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 13, Interment# 3333, MILITARY
MILLER, INA CAROLINA, Section H, Lot 31, Grave 3, Interment# 2259, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, INFANT, Section M, Lot 47, Grave 3, Interment# 2419, GRAVE
MILLER, IRENE PRESTON, age 91, Section S, Lot 123, Grave 1.5, Interment# 13376, ASHES
MILLER, JACOB, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 80, Interment# 5530, MILITARY
MILLER, JAMES A., age 82, Section U, Lot 17, Grave 4, Interment# 5394, GRAVE
MILLER, JAMES DRAYTON, age 65, Section F, Lot 71, Grave 9, Interment# 7160, GRAVE
MILLER, JAMES FORBES, age 51, Section G, Lot 32, Grave 3, Interment# 8294, GRAVE
MILLER, JOHN, Section BB, Lot 24, Grave 9, Interment# 26, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, LAURA M., age 72, Section U, Lot 17, Grave 2.25, Interment# 3460, GRAVE
MILLER, LEE W, Section FF, Lot 27, Grave 3, Interment# 6156, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, LEO JOHN, age 74, Section Q, Lot 49, Grave 8, Interment# 12713, MILITARY
MILLER, LILLIAN R, Section F, Lot 71, Grave 10, Interment# 8122, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, LILLIAN YOUNG, age 88, Section P, Lot 146, Grave 7, Interment# 12625, GRAVE
MILLER, LINDLEY, Section FF, Lot 14, Grave 2, Interment# 709, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, MARGARET LEAH, age 62, Section S, Lot 100, Grave 11, Interment# 6059, GRAVE
MILLER, MARGARET NOEL, age 53, Section B, Lot 10, Grave 2, Interment# 4781, GRAVE
MILLER, MARGARET, Section F, Lot 71, Grave 6, Interment# 1712, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, MARY B, Section F, Lot 35, Grave 24, Interment# 1003, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, MARY KATHRYN F, age 77, Section K, Lot 120, Grave 12, Interment# 12999, GRAVE
MILLER, MARY R, Section FF, Lot 27, Grave 2, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, MAY ADAMS, age 98, Section P, Lot 61, Grave 2, Interment# 13192, GRAVE
MILLER, MINNIE D. MAY, age 76, Section U, Lot 15, Grave 11.5, Interment# 10101, GRAVE
MILLER, NANCY J., age 2, Section U, Lot 17, Grave 8, Interment# 0, GRAVE
MILLER, NELLIE H, Section N, Lot 2, Grave 6, Interment# 5763, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, OTIS A, age 83, Section M, Lot 11, Grave 4, Interment# 5347, GRAVE
MILLER, P H, Section M, Lot 14, Grave 2, Interment# 2400, GRAVE
MILLER, PAULINE W, Section K, Lot 91.5, Grave 8, Interment# 11254, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, RENA, age 70, Section FF, Lot 54, Grave 4, Interment# 6773, GRAVE
MILLER, RICHARD ADLEY, age 68, Section U, Lot 17, Grave 7, Interment# 9314, MILITARY
MILLER, ROBERTSON L, age 18, Section K, Lot 120, Grave 13, Interment# 10265, GRAVE
MILLER, SANFORD EDWARD, Section K, Lot 76, Grave 7, Interment# 12415, UNMARKED ASHES
MILLER, SARAH A GILLMORE, age 48, Section G, Lot 32, Grave 1, Interment# 710, GRAVE
MILLER, SARAH ELIZABETH, age 82, Section F, Lot 71, Grave 8, Interment# 3862, GRAVE
MILLER, THEADORIA VESS, Section J, Lot 6, Grave 5, Interment# 5896, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, THOMAS, Section GG, Lot 72, Grave 36, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, TOBE, Section HH, Lot 17, Grave 2, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, WILLIE, Section HH, Lot 86, Grave 9, Interment# 6295, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, Section F, Lot 80, LOT MARKER
MILLER, Section JJ, Lot 15, Grave 1, Interment# 333.5, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, Section JJ, Lot 18, Grave 3, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLER, Section K, Lot 120, LOT MARKER
MILLER, Section M, Lot 11, LOT MARKER
MILLER, Section P, Lot 146, LOT MARKER
MILLESS, LUDGER F, age 51, Section S, Lot 56, Grave 2, Interment# 3570, GRAVE
MILLINER, WILLIAM, Section HH, Lot 34, Grave 29, Interment# 5742, MILITARY
MILLS, ANNIE M, age 88, Section M, Lot 30, Grave 9, Interment# 11190, GRAVE
MILLS, BERTHA REED, age 72, Section W, Lot 7, Grave 3, Interment# 9583, GRAVE
MILLS, C EDGAR, age 82, Section P, Lot 144, Grave 3, Interment# 9482, GRAVE
MILLS, CELESTE BURGESS, Section M, Lot 20, Grave 1, Interment# 2426, GRAVE
MILLS, ELIZABETH M, age 81, Section G, Lot 11, Grave 5, Interment# 7132, GRAVE
MILLS, ELLIS V, Section HH, Lot 33, Grave 6, MILITARY
MILLS, EUGENIA M, Section 3, Lot 20, Grave 2, Interment# 2604, GRAVE
MILLS, FRANCES B, age 86, Section P, Lot 144, Grave 2, Interment# 10417, GRAVE
MILLS, FRAZIER, Section HH, Lot 34, Grave 37, Interment# 6066, MILITARY
MILLS, GEORGE CLAIR, Section M, Lot 20, Grave 5, Interment# 5454, GRAVE
MILLS, INFANT, Section S, Lot 21, Grave 2, Interment# 5290, ASHES
MILLS, JOHN DAVID, age 48, Section S, Lot 21, Grave 3, Interment# 6180, GRAVE
MILLS, JULIA EVELYN, age 19, Section F, Lot 60, Grave 6, Interment# 5848, GRAVE
MILLS, MARY, Section HH, Lot 47, Grave 1, Interment# 7155, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLS, MAUD ORLENA, age 84, Section F, Lot 37, Grave 11, Interment# 10362, GRAVE
MILLS, MAUDE, Section M, Lot 20, Grave 3, Interment# 2717, GRAVE
MILLS, OTIS C, age 62, Section M, Lot 30, Grave 3, Interment# 6133, GRAVE
MILLS, PAT, Section FF, Lot 33, Grave 1, Interment# 626, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLS, ROBIN K, Section S, Lot 21, Grave 6, Interment# 10660, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLS, SALLIE, age 64, Section FF, Lot 25, Grave 6, Interment# 5796, GRAVE
MILLS, WALLACE, Section DD, Lot 57, Grave 2, Interment# 1040, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILLS, WALTER FRANK, age 72, Section F, Lot 37, Grave 12, Interment# 8206, GRAVE
MILLS, WILLIAM D, age 67, Section W, Lot 7, Grave 2, Interment# 8771, GRAVE
MILLS, WILLIAM PAUL, age 23, Section F, Lot 37, Grave 3, Interment# 5135, GRAVE
MILLS, Section W, Lot 7, LOT MARKER
MILSON, LUCY, Section JJ, Lot 12, Grave 3, Interment# 262, UNMARKED GRAVE
MILTON, CHARM, age 87, Section W, Lot 31, Grave 8, Interment# 10593, GRAVE
MILTON, FRANK L, age 87, Section W, Lot 28, Grave 7, Interment# 11045, MILITARY
MILTON, FRANK L, age 87, Section W, Lot 28, Grave 7.5, MILITARY MEMORIAL
MILTON, LOUISE C, age 99, Section W, Lot 28, Grave 6, Interment# 12080, GRAVE
MIMMS, HENRY EDWARD, age 49, Section M, Lot 19, Grave 3, Interment# 2636, GRAVE
MIMMS, MYRTLE MILLS, age 76, Section P, Lot 144, Grave 4, Interment# 9121, GRAVE
MIMMS, REBECCA C, Section M, Lot 20, Grave 6, Interment# 11293, UNMARKED GRAVE
MIMS, LUVENIA, age 63, Section II, Lot 34, Grave 1, Interment# 8126, GRAVE
MINES, ANN LESLIE, age 48, Section NEW Y, Lot 5, Grave 2.5, Interment# 13207, GRAVE
MINGST, BERNADINE MILLS, age 78, Section P, Lot 144, Grave 6, Interment# 11832, GRAVE
MINGST, FRED A, age 80, Section P, Lot 144, Grave 5, Interment# 12020, MILITARY
MINICH, SARAH M, age 83, Section N, Lot 86, Grave 4, Interment# 6978, GRAVE
MINICK, ALFORD A, Section N, Lot 86, Grave 1, Interment# 3864, UNMARKED GRAVE
MINICK, ALFRED A, age 71, Section N, Lot 86, Grave 1, Interment# 3864, GRAVE
MINICK, SARAH M, Section N, Lot 86, Grave 4, Interment# 6978, UNMARKED GRAVE
MINICK, Section N, Lot 86, LOT MARKER
MINLY, CHILD, Section BB, Lot 11, Grave 2, UNMARKED GRAVE
MINLY, RICHARD, Section BB, Lot 11, Grave 1, Interment# 212, UNMARKED GRAVE
MINNICH, MARION BRAGG, age 94, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 28, Interment# 13470, GRAVE
MINNICH, SAMUEL CLINTON, age 96, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 22, Interment# 13190, GRAVE
MINOR, MARGARET CANTEY VENABLE, age 2, Section E, Lot 8, Grave 1, Interment# 897, GRAVE
MINOR, SARAH, Section S, Lot 143, Grave 8, Interment# 4055, UNMARKED GRAVE
MINSIGN, CARL, age 45, Section FF, Lot 8, Grave 3, Interment# 7823, GRAVE
MINTURN, BEATRICE W, age 62, Section NEW Y, Lot 1, Grave 21, Interment# 6624, GRAVE
MINUS, EVELYN MAY, Section S, Lot 67, Grave 12, Interment# 4224, UNMARKED GRAVE
MIODUSERSKI, PETER FRANK, age 49, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 163, Interment# 7286, MILITARY
MIRHELI, MAJID, age 40, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 42, Interment# 12654, GRAVE
MIRTI, ANGELO, age 57, Section NEW Y, Lot 2, Grave 8, Interment# 7420, GRAVE
MISNER, FRED A, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 115, Interment# 6048, MILITARY
MITCHEL, FREDERICK ELMORE, age 55, Section G, Lot 34, Grave 6, Interment# 2581, GRAVE
MITCHELL, AIKEN, age 25, Section J, Lot 9, Grave 3, Interment# 2781, GRAVE
MITCHELL, BESSYE FORBES, Section J, Lot 61, Grave 6, Interment# 1019, UNMARKED GRAVE
MITCHELL, CARY YATES, age 22, Section J, Lot 62, Grave 2, Interment# 1497, GRAVE
MITCHELL, CLARENCE E, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 82, Interment# 5557, MILITARY
MITCHELL, CYRUS A, age 74, Section W, Lot 12, Grave 2, Interment# 10143, GRAVE
MITCHELL, EDWARD, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 81, Interment# 5554, MILITARY
MITCHELL, EMMA A, age 70, Section J, Lot 62, Grave 5, Interment# 7124, GRAVE
MITCHELL, FREDERICK ELMORE, age 1, Section G, Lot 34, Grave 3, Interment# 811, GRAVE
MITCHELL, HILLARD A, age 55, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 107, Interment# 10650, MILITARY
MITCHELL, INFANT, Section S, Lot 72, Grave 4, Interment# 4033, UNMARKED GRAVE
MITCHELL, L M, Section N, Lot 62, Grave 4, Interment# 3258, UNMARKED GRAVE
MITCHELL, LESSIE H, age 75, Section W, Lot 12, Grave 3, Interment# 10834, GRAVE
MITCHELL, LURA FREEMAN, age 46, Section J, Lot 62, Grave 3, Interment# 1649, GRAVE
MITCHELL, MATTIE, Section JJ, Lot 19, Grave 4, Interment# 247, UNMARKED GRAVE
MITCHELL, O K, Section K, Lot 50, Grave 5.5, Interment# 13174, UNMARKED GRAVE
MITCHELL, O.DE A., Section V, Lot 12, Grave 2, Interment# 3807, UNMARKED GRAVE
MITCHELL, OBRA K, age 63, Section K, Lot 50, Grave 3, Interment# 10225, MILITARY
MITCHELL, ORA COLON, age 23, Section J, Lot 62, Grave 1, Interment# 1001, GRAVE
MITCHELL, PLUMER, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 87, Interment# 5610, MILITARY
MITCHELL, R S, Section J, Lot 61, Grave 8, Interment# 1076, UNMARKED GRAVE
MITCHELL, R W, Section J, Lot 50, Grave 2, Interment# 3279, GRAVE
MITCHELL, ROBERT L, age 71, Section V, Lot 12, Grave 3, Interment# 7786, MILITARY
MITCHELL, SALLIE D, age 40, Section J, Lot 9, Grave 5, Interment# 1968, GRAVE
MITCHELL, TED, age 59, Section Q, Lot 124, Grave 1, MM
MITCHELL, THOMAS J, age 77, Section J, Lot 9, Grave 4, Interment# 3359, GRAVE
MITCHELL, THOMAS LEROY, age 66, Section J, Lot 62, Grave 4, Interment# 5505, GRAVE
MITCHELL, WALTER CARR, age 66, Section J, Lot 62, Grave 6, Interment# 10083, GRAVE
MITCHELL, WARD C, age 41, Section J, Lot 9, Grave 6, Interment# 4350, GRAVE
MITCHELL, WILLIAM EDWARD, age 51, Section J, Lot 9, Grave 7, Interment# 4808, GRAVE
MITCHELL, Section CC, Lot 10, Grave 3, UNMARKED GRAVE
MITCHEM, MELVIN C, Section P, Lot 135, Grave 3, Interment# 12763, UNMARKED ASHES
MITSIOS, GEORGE BILL, age 81, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 151, Interment# 12092, GRAVE
MIZNER, VIRGINIA PORTER, age 24, Section P, Lot 120, Grave 1, Interment# 5351, GRAVE
MOALE, INFANT, Section J, Lot 33, Grave 3, Interment# 1233, GRAVE
MOALE, LAURA MATILDA, Section J, Lot 33, Grave 4, Interment# 2135, GRAVE
MOALE, PHILIP R, Section J, Lot 33, Grave 5, Interment# 5360, GRAVE
MODAFF, DIANE SWIFT, age 62, Section W3, Lot 14, Grave 1, Interment# 8858, GRAVE
MODAFF, DIANE, Section P, Lot 11, Grave 2, Interment# 12905, UNMARKED GRAVE
MODAFF, JOHN WILBUR, age 75, Section W3, Lot 14, Grave 2, Interment# 13450, GRAVE
MODAFF, Section W3, Lot 14, LOT MARKER
MODDY, DAVID E, Section J, Lot 73, Interment# 2020, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOFFATT, MYRNA MORTON, age 60, Section V, Lot 20, Grave 3, Interment# 9436, GRAVE
MOFFET, JANIE THOMAS, age 93, Section NEW Y, Lot 4, Grave 129, Interment# 9407, GRAVE
MOFFET, VICTOR R, age 45, Section P, Lot 21, Grave 4, Interment# 6507, GRAVE
MOHR, CHARLES T, age 77, Section L, Lot 10, Grave 1, Interment# 1183, GRAVE
MOHR, GRACE WELCH, Section J, Lot 105, Grave 1, Interment# 3855, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOHR, HERMAN B, age 55, Section L, Lot 10, Grave 4, Interment# 2375, GRAVE
MOHR, SOPHIE ROEMER, age 79, Section L, Lot 10, Grave 3, Interment# 1722, GRAVE
MOINO, VALENTINE, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 3, Interment# 3206, MILITARY
MONDOZZI, DOROTHY FAYE, age 59, Section W, Lot 30, Grave 5, Interment# 9462, GRAVE
MONDOZZI, GENARRO, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 135, Interment# 6395, MILITARY
MONDOZZI, PAUL EDWARD, age 68, Section W, Lot 30, Grave 5.5, Interment# 12748, MILITARY ASHES
MONK, CHILD, Section GG, Lot 16, Grave 2, Interment# 1701, UNMARKED GRAVE
MONK, CHILD, Section M, Lot 16, Grave 2, Interment# 1761, UNMARKED GRAVE
MONK, EMMA, age 46, Section M, Lot 16, Grave 3, Interment# 2585, GRAVE
MONK, FRITZ, age 64, Section M, Lot 16, Grave 7, Interment# 5207, GRAVE
MONK, IRWIN, age 81, Section L, Lot 15, Grave 8, Interment# 11248, MILITARY
MONK, J RANDOLPH, Section M, Lot 16, Grave 1, Interment# 2114, UNMARKED GRAVE
MONK, R, Section GG, Lot 16, Grave 1, Interment# 2114, UNMARKED GRAVE
MONK, SARA REYNOLDS, age 57, Section L, Lot 15, Grave 9, Interment# 10050, GRAVE
MONLEY, ALLEN W, Section N, Lot 83, Grave 7, Interment# 9212, UNMARKED GRAVE
MONNEY, MARY L, Section HH, Lot 14, Grave 6, Interment# 3772, UNMARKED GRAVE
MONROE, ANNA LOUISE, Section M, Lot 16, Grave 2.5, Interment# 2356, UNMARKED GRAVE
MONROE, ELLA BROWN, age 77, Section F, Lot 53, Grave 5, Interment# 7162, GRAVE
MONTEATH, BILLIE T, age 84, Section P, Lot 153, Grave 4, Interment# 13142, GRAVE
MONTEATH, ETHAN HUNTER, age 22, Section F, Lot 62, Grave 4, Interment# 6243, GRAVE
MONTEATH, JOHN HUNTER, age 67, Section F, Lot 62, Grave 6, Interment# 7889, GRAVE
MONTEATH, ROBERT G, age 76, Section F, Lot 62, Grave 7, Interment# 9430, GRAVE
MONTEATH, ROBERT, age 72, Section F, Lot 62, Grave 2, Interment# 1030, GRAVE
MONTEATH, SUSAN MCCALL, age 80, Section F, Lot 62, Grave 3, Interment# 5770, GRAVE
MONTEATH, WILLIAM M, age 34, Section F, Lot 62, Grave 1, Interment# 71, GRAVE
MONTEITH, CLEVE NEAL, age 86, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 97, Interment# 10899, GRAVE
MONTGOMERY, ELIZABETH, Section S, Lot 34, Grave 1, Interment# 5432, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOODY, BESSIE ETHELWYN, age 89, Section F, Lot 7, Grave 7, Interment# 9850, GRAVE
MOODY, CHARLES EDWIN, age 65, Section F, Lot 7, Grave 2, Interment# 446, GRAVE
MOODY, ELEANOR EMELINE, age 54, Section F, Lot 7, Grave 4, Interment# 2671, GRAVE
MOODY, ELEANOR WIGMORE, age 73, Section F, Lot 7, Grave 3, Interment# 2493, GRAVE
MOODY, JAMES SWANSON, age 75, Section F, Lot 7, Grave 5, Interment# 7692, GRAVE
MOODY, JANET EZIT, age 95, Section F, Lot 7, Grave 6, Interment# 9850, GRAVE
MOODY, LINDSEY, age 44, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 167, Interment# 7342, MILITARY
MOODY, MARY JANET, age 45, Section F, Lot 7, Grave 1, Interment# 190, GRAVE
MOODY, NEMO P, age 85, Section L, Lot 29, Grave 7, Interment# 12345, GRAVE
MOODY, SAM M, age 78, Section B, Lot 51, Grave 10, Interment# 9361, GRAVE
MOOMAUGH, LEONA S, age 29, Section I, Lot 2, Grave 2, Interment# 1620, GRAVE
MOONEY, HELEN, Section HH, Lot 14, Grave 4, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOONEYHAM, HARRIET L, age 59, Section L, Lot 2, Grave 7, Interment# 1913, GRAVE
MOONEYHAM, WILLIAM T, Section N, Lot 67, Grave 2, Interment# 2916, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, ABBIE, Section Q, Lot 14, Grave 3, Interment# 3694, GRAVE
MOORE, ADA SMITH, age 84, Section Q, Lot 119.5, Grave 3, Interment# 11425, GRAVE
MOORE, ADDIE, Section FF, Lot 70, Grave 3, Interment# 1150, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, ALICE, age 41, Section G, Lot 36, Grave 9, GRAVE
MOORE, ANNA MOTLEY, age 69, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 78, Interment# 10391, GRAVE
MOORE, ANNA SHUFORD, age 62, Section K, Lot 10, Grave 4, Interment# 11727, GRAVE
MOORE, BABY, age 1, Section E, Lot 5, Grave 4, Interment# 1558, GRAVE
MOORE, BABY, Section P, Lot 163, Grave 6, Interment# 8278, GRAVE
MOORE, BESSIE POULTON, age 61, Section K, Lot 129, Grave 5, Interment# 6712, GRAVE
MOORE, BURRESS S., age 66, Section U, Lot 10, Grave 10, Interment# 10102, MILITARY
MOORE, CARROLL B, age 0, Section E, Lot 5, Grave 1, Interment# 213, GRAVE
MOORE, CATHERINE RUDD, age 5, Section M, Lot 13, Grave 2, Interment# 2782, GRAVE
MOORE, CHARLES A, age 72, Section S, Lot 42, Grave 6, Interment# 3625, GRAVE
MOORE, CHARLES HILL, age 48, Section NEW Y, Lot 1, Grave 14, Interment# 6516, GRAVE
MOORE, CHARLES WILLIAM, age 90, Section K, Lot 129, Grave 6, Interment# 9399, GRAVE
MOORE, CHILD, Section DD, Lot 13, Grave 1, Interment# 291, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, CHILD, Section G, Lot 8, Grave 3, Interment# 539, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, CORA M, age 88, Section E, Lot 5, Grave 9, Interment# 12005, GRAVE
MOORE, CORA, Section FF, Lot 81, Grave 1, Interment# 1070, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, D GUY, age 29, Section H, Lot 29, Grave 1, Interment# 1380, GRAVE
MOORE, DOROTHY ALLISON, age 92, Section B, Lot 19, Grave 8.5, Interment# 12551, ASHES
MOORE, EDITH CLARKE, age 77, Section P, Lot 91, Grave 4, Interment# 6208, GRAVE
MOORE, EDWARD B, age 63, Section H, Lot 27, Grave 2, Interment# 5438, GRAVE
MOORE, EDWARD, Section DD, Lot 13, Grave 2, Interment# 663, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, ELIZABETH J, age 85, Section P, Lot 65, Grave 7, Interment# 11601, GRAVE
MOORE, ELIZABETH L, age 15, Section N, Lot 65, Grave 1, Interment# 3098, GRAVE
MOORE, ELIZABETH MEARS, age 79, Section W3, Lot 18, Grave 5, Interment# 11581, GRAVE
MOORE, ELLA R, age 84, Section H, Lot 27, Grave 4, Interment# 8854, GRAVE
MOORE, ELSIE ELLIOT, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 53, Interment# 7544, GRAVE
MOORE, EVA LOUSIE, age 16, Section Q, Lot 119.5, Grave 2, Interment# 5560, GRAVE
MOORE, GARY BASCOM, age 64, Section E, Lot 5, Grave 6, Interment# 3171, GRAVE
MOORE, GEORGE HEY, age 7, Section G, Lot 10, Grave 1, Interment# 97, GRAVE
MOORE, GEORGE, Section GG, Lot 34, Grave 2, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, HANNAH, age 87, Section B, Lot 19, Grave 8, Interment# 11803, GRAVE
MOORE, HAROLD A, age 80, Section Q, Lot 119.5, Grave 1, Interment# 11126, GRAVE
MOORE, HATTIE L, Section N, Lot 45, Grave 5, Interment# 3137, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, HELEN C, age 71, Section Q, Lot 119.5, Grave 5, Interment# 9568, GRAVE
MOORE, HELEN TRAFFORD, age 80, Section P, Lot 65, Grave 8, Interment# 10953, GRAVE
MOORE, INFANT, Section II, Lot 12, Grave 13, Interment# 6581, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, IVORY M, age 38, Section EE, Lot 31, Grave 2.5, GRAVE
MOORE, J C, age 61, Section G, Lot 10, Grave 2, Interment# 2358, GRAVE
MOORE, J WALTER, age 83, Section P, Lot 23, Grave 2, Interment# 7521, GRAVE
MOORE, JACKSON, Section HH, Lot 79, Grave 3, Interment# 4739, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, JAMES G, age 55, Section EE, Lot 31, Grave 4, GRAVE
MOORE, JAMES REED, age 48, Section Q, Lot 119.5, Grave 4, Interment# 7035, GRAVE
MOORE, JAMES, age 51, Section EE, Lot 4.5, Grave 2, Interment# 4037, GRAVE
MOORE, JAMIE, Section HH, Lot 76, Grave 4, Interment# 10111, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, JANIE, Section FF, Lot 73, Grave 6, Interment# 1007, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, JOHN Q, age 79, Section N, Lot 62, Grave 6, Interment# 3274, GRAVE
MOORE, JOHN W, Section G, Lot 10, Grave 5, Interment# 4943, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, JOYCE D, age 63, Section E, Lot 5, Grave 8, Interment# 8319, MILITARY
MOORE, JOYCE D, age 63, Section E, Lot 5, Grave 8.5, Interment# 8319, MILITARY MEMORIAL
MOORE, JULIA A, age 79, Section N, Lot 62, Grave 7, Interment# 6019, GRAVE
MOORE, LEE MCKINLEY, age 72, Section EE, Lot 41, Grave 6, Interment# 10537, MILITARY
MOORE, LESLIE, Section DD, Lot 22, Grave 3, Interment# 533, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, LILLIAN RUSSELL, age 7, Section EE, Lot 5.5, Grave 1, Interment# 3874, GRAVE
MOORE, LILLIE MAE, Section EE, Lot 41, Grave 5, Interment# 10740, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, LOUISE M, Section II, Lot 73, Grave 2, Interment# 11947, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, LUCIA THAYER, age 92, Section S, Lot 42, Grave 5, Interment# 7354, GRAVE
MOORE, LUCY, Section GG, Lot 39, Grave 1, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, MADELINE DAVID, age 80, Section H, Lot 29, Grave 6, Interment# 4902, GRAVE
MOORE, MAGGIE TRAVIS, age 56, Section X, Lot 3, Grave 261, Interment# 1377, GRAVE
MOORE, MARGARET, age 9, Section EE, Lot 31, Grave 1, Interment# 723, GRAVE
MOORE, MARIE, Section JJ, Lot 22, Grave 4, Interment# 836, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, MARTHA JANE, Section HH, Lot 76, Grave 5, Interment# 6455, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, MARY C, age 74, Section L, Lot 18, Grave 2, Interment# 2815, GRAVE
MOORE, MARY SAYRE, age 43, Section N, Lot 65, Grave 3, Interment# 3623, GRAVE
MOORE, MARY, Section HH, Lot 5, Grave 5, Interment# 11666, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, MATHEW VAN LEAR, age 83, Section P, Lot 91, Grave 3, Interment# 7553, GRAVE
MOORE, MATTIE E, age 79, Section G, Lot 10, Grave 6, Interment# 5471, GRAVE
MOORE, MATTIE, Section DD, Lot 55, Grave 2, Interment# 1019, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, MAUD E, Section G, Lot 10, Grave 4, Interment# 3756, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, MAUDE A, age 22, Section EE, Lot 31, Grave 2, Interment# 748, GRAVE
MOORE, MAUDE LOUISE, Section V, Lot 5, Grave 8, Interment# 3941, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, MEREDITH, age 72, Section K, Lot 10, Grave 3, Interment# 12444, GRAVE
MOORE, MINNIE TRAFFORD, age 73, Section P, Lot 23, Grave 1, Interment# 7135, GRAVE
MOORE, MYRTLE A. MCCOY, age 67, Section AA, Lot 2, Grave 3, Interment# 12705, GRAVE
MOORE, NANCY ALLIE, age 3, Section M, Lot 13, Grave 4, Interment# 2785, GRAVE
MOORE, OPHELIA, age 45, Section EE, Lot 31, Grave 5, GRAVE
MOORE, OTIS J, age 71, Section N, Lot 65, Grave 6, Interment# 7675, GRAVE
MOORE, OWEN, age 76, Section H, Lot 27, Grave 5, Interment# 9514, MILITARY
MOORE, PARKER, Section HH, Lot 22, Grave 6, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, RALPH O, age 1, Section E, Lot 5, Grave 5, Interment# 1906, GRAVE
MOORE, RICHARD B, age 0, Section N, Lot 65, Grave 4, Interment# 3654, GRAVE
MOORE, SALLIE KATE REED, age 71, Section E, Lot 5, Grave 7, Interment# 1844, GRAVE
MOORE, SAMUEL, Section HH, Lot 22, Grave 4, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, SUE H, age 88, Section W3, Lot 22, Grave 4, Interment# 11393, GRAVE
MOORE, TERRELL MORGAN, age 36, Section W3, Lot 18, Grave 1, Interment# 11053, GRAVE
MOORE, THOMAS S, age 38, Section EE, Lot 4.5, Grave 1, Interment# 5289, GRAVE
MOORE, VERNON WHITFIELD, age 75, Section W3, Lot 22, Grave 3, Interment# 8238, GRAVE
MOORE, WALEY, Section II, Lot 73, Grave 3, Interment# 5424, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, age 71, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 52, Interment# 7669, GRAVE
MOORE, WILLIAM WALLACE, age 39, Section K, Lot 29, Grave 1, Interment# 2036, GRAVE
MOORE, WILLIAM, age 91, Section H, Lot 29, Grave 8, Interment# 5616, MILITARY
MOORE, Section CC, Lot 2, Grave 3, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, Section E, Lot 5, LOT MARKER
MOORE, Section JJ, Lot 28, Grave 4, Interment# 285, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOORE, Section N, Lot 65, LOT MARKER
MOORE, Section P, Lot 91, LOT MARKER
MOORE, Section Q, Lot 119, LOT MARKER
MOOREHEAD, JOHN, Section DD, Lot 59, Grave 5, Interment# 660, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOOREHEAD, SALLIE, Section CC, Lot 1, Grave 3, Interment# 455, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOOSLEY, ANNA, Section JJ, Lot 31, Grave 5, Interment# 1159, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORAITES, INFANT, age 0, Section K, Lot 150, Grave 11.5, Interment# 3987, GRAVE
MORAITES, NICHOLAS, age 33, Section K, Lot 150, Grave 11, Interment# 3937, GRAVE
MORE, ANNIE R, age 82, Section W3, Lot 25, Grave 4, Interment# 8282, GRAVE
MOREHEAD, CHADWICK L, age 53, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 181, MILITARY
MOREHEAD, FIBBY, Section DD, Lot 39, Grave 2, Interment# 904, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOREHEAD, JOHN, Section DD, Lot 1, Grave 1, Interment# 912, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORELAND, GEORGE, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 143, Interment# 6600, MILITARY
MORELL, FLORENCE EDWINA WHITE, age 67, Section N, Lot 71, Grave 12, Interment# 11499, GRAVE
MORETZ, IRENE MCDANIEL, age 55, Section N, Lot 100, Grave 88, Interment# 8497, GRAVE
MORGAN, BENJAMIN, age 29, Section N, Lot 6, Grave 2, Interment# 3923, GRAVE
MORGAN, BETTIE JONES, age 63, Section D, Lot 39, Grave 7, Interment# 1271, GRAVE
MORGAN, BEUNICE O, age 75, Section II, Lot 31, Grave 6, Interment# 11469, GRAVE
MORGAN, BURNICE EARL, age 63, Section U, Lot 7, Grave 9, Interment# 8745, MILITARY
MORGAN, BURNICE EARL, age 63, Section U, Lot 7, Grave 9.5, Interment# 8745, GRAVE
MORGAN, CHARLES, Section GG, Lot 29, Grave 4, Interment# 10386, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORGAN, CHILD, Section L, Lot 33, Grave 3, Interment# 1812, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORGAN, DANIEL L, age 78, Section F, Lot 28, Grave 2, Interment# 444, GRAVE
MORGAN, DAVID G, age 12, Section J, Lot 28, Grave 2, Interment# 2052, GRAVE
MORGAN, DORIS HOGOBOOM, age 80, Section NEW Y, Lot 2, Grave 38.5, Interment# 13257, ASHES
MORGAN, EDWARD LEO, Section NEW Y, Lot 2, Grave 37.5, GRAVE
MORGAN, ELIJAH WILLIAM, Section N, Lot 6, Grave 3, Interment# 4689, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORGAN, EMMA, Section JJ, Lot 25, Grave 3, Interment# 273, GRAVE
MORGAN, EVA WALKER, age 25, Section D, Lot 39, Grave 6, Interment# 674, GRAVE
MORGAN, GEORGE WALTER, age 63, Section D, Lot 39, Grave 4, Interment# 531, MILITARY
MORGAN, HARRY JOHNSON, age 36, Section Q, Lot 88, Grave 10, Interment# 13282, GRAVE
MORGAN, INFANT, Section S, Lot 72, Grave 17, Interment# 5296, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORGAN, J EMMA, Section L, Lot 33, Grave 4, Interment# 3615, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORGAN, JAMES M, age 62, Section J, Lot 28, Grave 3, Interment# 2523, GRAVE
MORGAN, JESSE C, age 21, Section N, Lot 6, Grave 1, Interment# 3194, MILITARY
MORGAN, JOSEPH N, age 55, Section J, Lot 40, Grave 1, Interment# 1159, GRAVE
MORGAN, KATE WESTERN, age 22, Section D, Lot 39, Grave 3, Interment# 94, GRAVE
MORGAN, LULA, age 48, Section II, Lot 32, Grave 1, Interment# 6010, GRAVE
MORGAN, MALATHA C, age 70, Section F, Lot 28, Grave 1, Interment# 245, GRAVE
MORGAN, MARGARET C, age 61, Section W3, Lot 25, Grave 3, Interment# 8281, GRAVE
MORGAN, MARGARET E, age 50, Section J, Lot 28, Grave 4, Interment# 2069, GRAVE
MORGAN, MARGUERITE MCD, age 0, Section U, Lot 7, Grave 12, Interment# 12155, GRAVE
MORGAN, MARY J, age 53, Section J, Lot 40, Grave 2, Interment# 1197, GRAVE
MORGAN, PATRICK, Section II, Lot 32, Grave 5, Interment# 9167, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORGAN, RALPH C, age 28, Section J, Lot 28, Grave 1, Interment# 1667, GRAVE
MORGAN, RICHARD BURKES, age 26, Section D, Lot 39, Grave 5, Interment# 657, GRAVE
MORGAN, ROBERT PAGE, age 1, Section N, Lot 45, Grave 10, Interment# 3294, GRAVE
MORGAN, ROSA ELMA, age 25, Section D, Lot 39, Grave 1, Interment# 5, GRAVE
MORGAN, RUTH ANN, Section N, Lot 6, Grave 4, Interment# 5866, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORGAN, WILLIAM OSWELL, age 8, Section D, Lot 39, Grave 2, Interment# 6, GRAVE
MORGAN, Section D, Lot 39, LOT MARKER
MORGAN, Section J, Lot 28, LOT MARKER
MORISSETTE, CHRISTINE FELTHAUS, age 75, Section N, Lot 95, Grave 7, Interment# 11619, GRAVE
MORISSETTE, WILLIAM H, age 59, Section N, Lot 95, Grave 6, Interment# 10172, MILITARY
MORLEY, HATTIE LENORE, age 66, Section N, Lot 83, Grave 4, Interment# 7664, GRAVE
MORLEY, MABLE FLORENCE, age 81, Section J, Lot 16, Grave 12, Interment# 11777, GRAVE
MORLEY, W A, Section N, Lot 83, Grave 5, Interment# 8062, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORLEY, WILLIAM EARL, age 71, Section N, Lot 83, Grave 8, Interment# 10922, GRAVE
MORRELL, REBECCA VIRGINIA, age 41, Section P, Lot 146, Grave 11, Interment# 10314, GRAVE
MORRILL, IONE SMITH, age 88, Section U, Lot 17, Grave 3.5, Interment# 11546, GRAVE
MORRIS, ANNA, Section HH, Lot 50, Grave 3, Interment# 5679, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, BENJAMIN WEST, age 72, Section U, Lot 6, Grave 5, Interment# 9388, MILITARY
MORRIS, BENJAMIN WEST, age 82, Section U, Lot 6, Grave 4, Interment# 6830, GRAVE
MORRIS, CELIA, Section GG, Lot 42, Grave 6, Interment# 6873, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, CHILD, Section CC, Lot 17, Grave 1, Interment# 219, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, CHILD, Section DD, Lot 34, Grave 5, Interment# 802, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, D REYNOLDS, age 37, Section U, Lot 5, Grave 1, Interment# 3630, GRAVE
MORRIS, DELIA ALEXANDER, age 57, Section Q, Lot 3, Grave 2, Interment# 3293, GRAVE
MORRIS, DOROTHY JARRETT, age 24, Section Q, Lot 115, Grave 4, Interment# 7253, GRAVE
MORRIS, ETHEL, Section BB, Lot 16, Grave 3, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, EVELYN B, age 82, Section W, Lot 45, Grave 6, Interment# 10736, GRAVE
MORRIS, GEORGE WILBUR, age 73, Section P, Lot 151, Grave 5, Interment# 9667, GRAVE
MORRIS, GEORGE, Section GG, Lot 72, Grave 33, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, GILBERT HARDY, age 92, Section Q, Lot 3, Grave 3, Interment# 8878, GRAVE
MORRIS, GLENN BRYSON, age 80, Section L, Lot 36, Grave 4, Interment# 10794, GRAVE
MORRIS, GUY HERBERT, age 69, Section L, Lot 36, Grave 3, Interment# 9338, GRAVE
MORRIS, HENRY, Section BB, Lot 24, Grave 8, Interment# 125, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, HILLIARD L, age 77, Section K, Lot 39, Grave 2, Interment# 7118, GRAVE
MORRIS, HILLIARD, Section K, Lot 39, Grave 3, Interment# 8758, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, INFANT, Section P, Lot 162, Grave 1, Interment# 9377, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, INFANT, Section P, Lot 162, Grave 2, Interment# 9485, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, J, Section BB, Lot 16, Grave 1, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, JAMES HOMER, age 69, Section Q, Lot 115, Grave 7, Interment# 12001, ASHES
MORRIS, JAMES, age 71, Section GG, Lot 42, Grave 3, GRAVE
MORRIS, JAMES, Section M, Lot 21, Grave 2, Interment# 3112, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, JOHN FLEMING, age 46, Section L, Lot 36, Grave 1, Interment# 1609, GRAVE
MORRIS, JOSEPH AARON, age 26, Section CANNON CIRCLE, Lot 1, Grave 7, GRAVE
MORRIS, JOSEPH DOUGHERTY, age 72, Section P, Lot 151, Grave 7, Interment# 12523, MILITARY ASHES
MORRIS, JULIA R., age 87, Section U, Lot 6, Grave 3, Interment# 8004, GRAVE
MORRIS, JULIUS, Section CC, Lot 17, Grave 7, Interment# 614, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, LILLIAN DOUGHERTY, age 83, Section P, Lot 151, Grave 6, Interment# 11219, GRAVE
MORRIS, MARGARET, Section EE, Lot 28, Grave 3, Interment# 799, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, MARY WOODCOCK, age 31, Section E, Lot 15, Grave 2, Interment# 1063, GRAVE
MORRIS, MARY, Section EE, Lot 28, Grave 1, Interment# 765, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, MATT L, Section GG, Lot 42, Grave 1, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, MATTIE E, Section GG, Lot 53, Grave 3, Interment# 5245, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, MATTIE, Section FF, Lot 49, Grave 1, Interment# 1106, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, MAY ALEXANDER, age 92, Section Q, Lot 3, Grave 4, Interment# 9531, GRAVE
MORRIS, MAY WILSON, age 106, Section U, Lot 5, Grave 5, Interment# 11128, GRAVE
MORRIS, NANNIE ELLA, age 75, Section L, Lot 36, Grave 2, Interment# 7001, GRAVE
MORRIS, PAUL, age 71, Section NEW Y, Lot 5, Grave 99, Interment# 10959, GRAVE
MORRIS, ROSA BELL, age 80, Section N, Lot 91, Grave 5, Interment# 10012, GRAVE
MORRIS, T S, Section K, Lot 81, Grave 1, Interment# 2513, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, THOMAS, Section CC, Lot 17, Grave 8, Interment# 7647, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, THOMAS, Section FF, Lot 49, Grave 2, Interment# 7647, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRIS, VIOLET LORENE, age 45, Section N, Lot 91, Grave 6, Interment# 10548, GRAVE
MORRIS, WALTER H, age 0, Section K, Lot 39, Grave 1, Interment# 1356, GRAVE
MORRIS, WILLIAM T, age 81, Section W, Lot 45, Grave 5, Interment# 10439, GRAVE
MORRIS, Section P, Lot 151, LOT MARKER
MORRIS, Section Q, Lot 115, LOT MARKER
MORRISON, ALLEN TURNER, age 95, Section D, Lot 23, Grave 11, Interment# 11442, GRAVE
MORRISON, AMY E, age 72, Section S, Lot 121, Grave 7, Interment# 8065, GRAVE
MORRISON, BILLY, age 4, Section S, Lot 29, Grave 4, Interment# 4099, GRAVE
MORRISON, DOROTHY LLOYD, Section S, Lot 87, Grave 2, Interment# 12304, ASHES
MORRISON, ELEANOR FAKES, age 89, Section K, Lot 2, Grave 4, Interment# 10581, GRAVE
MORRISON, ELIZABETH RAYSOR, age 68, Section D, Lot 35, Grave 8, Interment# 11754, GRAVE
MORRISON, ELLA DAVIDSON, age 88, Section D, Lot 23, Grave 8, Interment# 6645, GRAVE
MORRISON, EVELYN MORRIS, age 23, Section Q, Lot 3, Grave 1, Interment# 2912, GRAVE
MORRISON, HAROLD, Section D, Lot 23, Grave 3, Interment# 527, GRAVE
MORRISON, HELEN BELO, age 83, Section D, Lot 23, Grave 12, Interment# 12064, GRAVE
MORRISON, INFANT, Section P, Lot 158, Grave 3, Interment# 8356, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRISON, INFANT, Section P, Lot 159, Grave 5, Interment# 8158, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORRISON, JOHN TAYLOR, age 65, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 64, Interment# 11560, GRAVE
MORRISON, JOHN, age 68, Section S, Lot 121, Grave 8, Interment# 7216, GRAVE
MORRISON, LUCILLE CHASE, age 89, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 65, Interment# 12996, MILITARY
MORRISON, LUCILLE CHASE, age 89, Section Z, Lot 1, Grave 65.5, MILITARY MEMORIAL
MORRISON, MARY W, age 87, Section K, Lot 4, Grave 8, Interment# 12911, GRAVE
MORRISON, MARY ZACHARY, age 49, Section S, Lot 29, Grave 2, Interment# 7455, GRAVE
MORRISON, NORA RAYSOR, age 58, Section K, Lot 2, Grave 9, Interment# 11074, GRAVE
MORRISON, SARAH VARICK, age 74, Section D, Lot 23, Grave 1, Interment# 139, GRAVE
MORRISON, THEODORE DAVIDSON, age 61, Section K, Lot 2, Grave 3, Interment# 9330, GRAVE
MORRISON, THEODORE DAVIDSON, age 74, Section K, Lot 2, Grave 10, Interment# 11919, MILITARY
MORRISON, THEODORE SUMMEY, age 74, Section D, Lot 23, Grave 7, Interment# 4191, GRAVE
MORRISON, THOMAS S, age 78, Section K, Lot 4, Grave 7, Interment# 12017, GRAVE
MORRISON, THOMAS S, age 78, Section K, Lot 4, Grave 7.5, MILITARY MEMORIAL
MORRISON, W RALPH, age 98, Section S, Lot 29, Grave 3, Interment# 12136, GRAVE
MORRISON, WILLIAM N, age 75, Section D, Lot 23, Grave 2, Interment# 526, GRAVE
MORROW, ELIZA J, age 84, Section J, Lot 34, Grave 6, Interment# 3904, GRAVE
MORROW, THOMAS, age 57, Section J, Lot 34, Grave 1, Interment# 1166, GRAVE
MORTON, ANNA, Section F, Lot 52, Grave 2, Interment# 471, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORTON, CHARLES D, age 66, Section S, Lot 142, Grave 12, Interment# 4941, GRAVE
MORTON, CHILD, Section EE, Lot 30, Grave 1, Interment# 754, UNMARKED GRAVE
MORTON, ELIZABETH, age 77, Section S, Lot 142, Grave 9, Interment# 10626, GRAVE
MORTON, HARRY, age 70, Section V, Lot 20, Grave 1, Interment# 3647, GRAVE
MORTON, JESSIE MASON, age 57, Section V, Lot 20, Grave 2, Interment# 4657, GRAVE
MORTON, MARY O, age 61, Section S, Lot 142, Grave 11, Interment# 5647, GRAVE
MORTON, ROSCOE W, age 61, Section S, Lot 142, Grave 10, Interment# 9234, GRAVE
MORTON, T P, age 50, Section EE, Lot 30, Grave 4, GRAVE
MORTON, Section V, Lot 20, LOT MARKER
MORVAT, ALBERT, Section J, Lot 47, Grave 4, Interment# 2380, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOSELEY, HENRY THOMAS, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 91, Interment# 5712, MILITARY
MOSES, ERNEST, age 37, Section EE, Lot 54, Grave 1, Interment# 4892, GRAVE
MOSLEY, ANNIE, Section HH, Lot 7, Grave 6, Interment# 5851, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOSLEY, GEORGE, Section V, Lot 19, Grave 1, Interment# 13185, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOSLEY, JANE, Section DD, Lot 27, Grave 2, Interment# 1001, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOSLEY, NELLIE MILLER, age 72, Section V, Lot 19, Grave 2, Interment# 12668, GRAVE
MOSLEY, WILL, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 22, Interment# 3700, MILITARY
MOSS, CECIL PAUL, age 68, Section B, Lot 65, Grave 2, Interment# 10582, GRAVE
MOSS, CHILD, Section DD, Lot 34, Grave 1, Interment# 773, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOSS, FINIS BOYD, age 85, Section J, Lot 15, Grave 5, Interment# 10838, MILITARY
MOSS, HELEN RIPTON, age 76, Section B, Lot 65, Grave 1, Interment# 10886, GRAVE
MOSS, HELENE BOSSE, age 92, Section J, Lot 15, Grave 4, Interment# 11354, GRAVE
MOSSELLER, DANIEL FRANKLIN, age 89, Section M, Lot 30, Grave 4, Interment# 11642, MILITARY
MOSSELLER, EULA MAY, age 94, Section M, Lot 30, Grave 11, Interment# 12983, ASHES
MOSSELLER, JOHN S, age 70, Section M, Lot 30, Grave 8, Interment# 10158, GRAVE
MOSSELLER, JOHN SAMUEL, age 73, Section M, Lot 30, Grave 1, Interment# 3447, GRAVE
MOSSELLER, LESLIE, Section M, Lot 30, Grave 2, Interment# 4754, UNMARKED GRAVE
MOSSELLER, MARY WEAVER, age 78, Section M, Lot 30, Grave 5, Interment# 7478, GRAVE
MOSSELLER, MAYME F, age 63, Section M, Lot 30, Grave 7, Interment# 8953, MILITARY
MOSSELLER, ROBERT GAYLORD, age 25, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 68, Interment# 8098, GRAVE
MOSSELLER, ROY E, age 65, Section M, Lot 30, Grave 10, Interment# 10450, GRAVE
MOTLEY, CARRIE, age 85, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 76, Interment# 9024, GRAVE
MOTLEY, MARY, age 90, Section NEW Y, Lot 3, Grave 77, Interment# 9759, GRAVE
MOTRY, SABRY O, age 53, Section J, Lot 73, Grave 4, Interment# 1803, GRAVE
MOTT, ALBERT, age 71, Section V, Lot 27, Grave 8, Interment# 11178, MILITARY
MOTTEN, HETTIE CRAVEN, age 94, Section P, Lot 89, Grave 1, Interment# 12513, GRAVE
MOTTEN, JOSEPH CROSS, age 61, Section P, Lot 89, Grave 2, Interment# 8400, GRAVE
MOTTEN, Section P, Lot 88, LOT MARKER
MOVIUS, GEORGE WEST, age 63, Section W2, Lot 3, Grave 23, Interment# 10561, GRAVE
MOXLEY, ADELE CAROLYN, age 17, Section S, Lot 119, Grave 2, Interment# 3935, GRAVE
MOXLEY, BARBARA SHUMAN, age 32, Section S, Lot 119, Grave 1, Interment# 6343, GRAVE
MOXLEY, CAROLYN A, age 72, Section S, Lot 119, Grave 5, Interment# 9178, GRAVE
MOXLEY, CHARLES THOMAS, age 62, Section S, Lot 119, Grave 3, Interment# 6718, GRAVE
MOXLEY, MAGGIE, age 21, Section HH, Lot 50, Grave 2, Interment# 5255, GRAVE
MOXLEY, Section S, Lot 119, LOT MARKER
MOYSAKIS, PANDELIS K, age 73, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 10, Interment# 12316, GRAVE
MOYSAKIS, THALIA P, age 73, Section W2, Lot 2, Grave 4, Interment# 12499, GRAVE
MUCCIO, MARILYN, Section Q, Lot 86, Grave 1.5, Interment# 13405, GRAVE
MUGGAH, ANNIE W, age 68, Section Q, Lot 109, Grave 1, Interment# 3979, GRAVE
MULFORD, JAMES BENTLEY, age 68, Section V, Lot 24, Grave 6, Interment# 8932, MILITARY
MULL, ALICE BAILEY, age 50, Section L, Lot 11, Grave 2, Interment# 8643, GRAVE
MULL, CALLIE M, Section L, Lot 11, Grave 4, Interment# 9415, GRAVE
MULL, EILEEN, age 0, Section L, Lot 11, Grave 1, Interment# 1505, GRAVE
MULL, FRED, Section W2, Lot 4, Grave 81, Interment# 11653, UNMARKED GRAVE
MULL, PEARL KATHLEEN, age 56, Section L, Lot 11, Grave 5, Interment# 9066, GRAVE
MULL, ROBERT L, age 77, Section L, Lot 11, Grave 3, Interment# 7473, GRAVE
MULL, ROBERT ROY, age 3, Section L, Lot 5, Grave 1, Interment# 9310, GRAVE
MULL, TED, Section L, Lot 5, Grave 7, Interment# 9957, UNMARKED GRAVE
MULLEN, FRANCES FLEMING, age 97, Section Q, Lot 28, Grave 10, Interment# 12247, GRAVE
MULLEN, LESTER BOYD, age 67, Section Q, Lot 28, Grave 4, Interment# 8834, GRAVE
MULLER, JOHN DAVID, age 86, Section D, Lot 4, Grave 2, Interment# 915, GRAVE
MULLER, LOUISA A, age 60, Section D, Lot 4, Grave 4, Interment# 2005, GRAVE
MULLER, MINNA LUCILE, age 28, Section D, Lot 4, Grave 3, Interment# 1745, GRAVE
MULLER, WILHELMINA, age 74, Section D, Lot 4, Grave 1, Interment# 292, GRAVE
MULLER, WILLIAM O, age 59, Section D, Lot 4, Grave 5, Interment# 3228, GRAVE
MULLER, Section D, Lot 4, LOT MARKER
MULLIGAN, CHILD, Section DD, Lot 52, Grave 3, Interment# 1015, UNMARKED GRAVE
MULLINS, ELIZABETH G, age 62, Section W2, Lot 3, Grave 43, Interment# 11923, ASHES
MULVANEY, FRANK M, age 99, Section W, Lot 73, Grave 6, Interment# 12460, GRAVE
MULVANEY, KATHERYN B, age 89, Section W, Lot 73, Grave 7, Interment# 12404, GRAVE
MULVANEY, LEO ANTHONY, age 36, Section F, Lot 37, Grave 7, Interment# 5790, GRAVE
MULVANEY, MARION LAWRENCE, age 29, Section F, Lot 37, Grave 8, Interment# 7039, GRAVE
MULVANEY, MARY ANN MCELHANEY, age 79, Section F, Lot 37, Grave 9, Interment# 7797, GRAVE
MULVANEY, PAUL BERNARD, age 64, Section F, Lot 37, Grave 10, Interment# 10115, GRAVE
MULVANEY, ROBERT J, age 26, Section F, Lot 37, Grave 5, Interment# 2862, UNMARKED GRAVE
MULVANEY, S J, age 71, Section F, Lot 37, Grave 6, Interment# 5749, GRAVE
MULVANEY, WILLIAM, age 42, Section F, Lot 37, Grave 4, Interment# 5139, UNMARKED GRAVE
MULVANY, STELLA, Section S, Lot 122, Grave 5, Interment# 9880, UNMARKED GRAVE
MUMPOWER, FRANCES H, age 81, Section J, Lot 1, Grave 7, Interment# 10342, GRAVE
MUMPOWER, IDA MAE, age 49, Section J, Lot 1, Grave 6, Interment# 3381, GRAVE
MUMPOWER, ROBERT E, age 71, Section J, Lot 1, Grave 7.5, GRAVE
MUNDAY, C L, Section C, Lot 6, Grave 1, Interment# 425, UNMARKED GRAVE
MUNDAY, LIZZIE, Section C, Lot 6, Grave 4, Interment# 1178, UNMARKED GRAVE
MUNEY, ROY L, Section J, Lot 14, Grave 3, Interment# 9111, UNMARKED GRAVE
MUNEY, ROY L, Section J, Lot 14, Grave 4, Interment# 3870, UNMARKED GRAVE
MUNEY, Section J, Lot 14, LOT MARKER
MUNGER, CHILD, Section N, Lot 85, Interment# 3474, UNMARKED GRAVE
MUNROE, CHESTER P, age 22, Section S, Lot 8, Grave 9.5, Interment# 12298, MILITARY
MUNSEY, ALYNE, Section J, Lot 14, Grave 1, Interment# 1924, UNMARKED GRAVE
MUNSEY, OTTO L, Section OTEEN, Lot 1, Grave 151, Interment# 6836, MILITARY
MUNSON, ALMA, Section M, Lot 23, Grave 2, Interment# 1986, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURDOCK, DAVID, Section F, Lot 27, Grave 1, Interment# 296, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURDOCK, DAVID, Section F, Lot 27, Grave 7, Interment# 8384, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURDOCK, LULLA MARIE, Section II, Lot 79, Grave 2, Interment# 8295, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURDOCK, MARY WILLIAMS, Section FF, Lot 8, Grave 2, Interment# 4637, GRAVE
MURDOCK, MIMIE, Section F, Lot 27, Grave 6, Interment# 7069, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURIAS, AUGUSTINA E, age 30, Section J, Lot 113, Grave 1, Interment# 4470, GRAVE
MURPHY, ALBERT, Section FF, Lot 65, Grave 2, Interment# 1022, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, ANNIE LAURA, Section II, Lot 13, Grave 8, Interment# 10074, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, ANNIE, Section GG, Lot 15, Grave 5, Interment# 5585, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, BILL, Section GG, Lot 43, Grave 1, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, CHARLES GEORGE, Section BB, Lot 13, Grave 6, Interment# 99, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, CHARLES LOWIS, age 87, Section K, Lot 3, Grave 6, Interment# 13225, MILITARY ASHES
MURPHY, CHILD, Section BB, Lot 13, Grave 2, Interment# 203, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, CHILD, Section BB, Lot 13, Grave 3, Interment# 152, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, CHILD, Section BB, Lot 13, Grave 4, Interment# 138, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, DAVID C, Section FF, Lot 65, Grave 4, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, DIXON BUSTER, Section K, Lot 29, Grave 11, Interment# 9799, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, EDWARD U, Section J, Lot 103, Grave 2, Interment# 3790, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, ELLEN, Section II, Lot 40, Grave 3, Interment# 10070, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, EMBERT, Section II, Lot 13, Grave 6, Interment# 6013, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, EMILY E, age 21, Section K, Lot 29, Grave 2, Interment# 2178, GRAVE
MURPHY, FLORENCE SHOOK, Section V, Lot 17, Grave 7, Interment# 11215, GRAVE
MURPHY, G WESTBROOK, age 65, Section W3, Lot 3, Grave 5, Interment# 9478, MILITARY
MURPHY, GEORGE RANSOM, age 93, Section Q, Lot 128, Grave 4, Interment# 10049, GRAVE
MURPHY, GEORGE, Section II, Lot 13, Grave 5, Interment# 5840, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, GEORGE, Section II, Lot 40, Grave 2, Interment# 9129, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, HELEN, Section CC, Lot 11, Grave 6, Interment# 1135, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, J H, Section Q, Lot 52, Grave 4, Interment# 6793, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, J HUGH, Section A, Lot 21, Grave 1, Interment# 505, GRAVE
MURPHY, JAMES DIXON, age 74, Section K, Lot 29, Grave 8, Interment# 5278, GRAVE
MURPHY, JAMES H, Section Q, Lot 52, Grave 1, Interment# 2653, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, JOE, age 43, Section L, Lot 17, Grave 12, Interment# 10407, GRAVE
MURPHY, JOHN ALBERT, Section II, Lot 40, Grave 1, Interment# 5624, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, JOHN H, Section A, Lot 21, Grave 4, Interment# 1232, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, JOHN H, Section CC, Lot 11, Grave 5, Interment# 1115, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, JOSEPH M, age 71, Section L, Lot 15, Grave 2, Interment# 10608, GRAVE
MURPHY, JULIA WRIGHT, age 82, Section Q, Lot 128, Grave 3, Interment# 9887, GRAVE
MURPHY, JULIA, Section BB, Lot 13, Grave 9, Interment# 5702, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, JULIA, Section FF, Lot 65, Grave 1, Interment# 996, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, JULIA, Section GG, Lot 43, Grave 3, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, MARTIN, age 42, Section I, Lot 1, Grave 36, Interment# 498, GRAVE
MURPHY, MARY BRUCE, Section K, Lot 29, Grave 7.5, Interment# 5103, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, MARY H, age 72, Section A, Lot 21, Grave 10, Interment# 7653, GRAVE
MURPHY, MARY, Section FF, Lot 65, Grave 6, Interment# 5393, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, MILDRED CASE, age 86, Section NEW Y, Lot 2, Grave 27, Interment# 11868, GRAVE
MURPHY, OLIVE BUCKLEY WEBB, age 99, Section W3, Lot 3, Grave 4, Interment# 12768, GRAVE
MURPHY, SUDIE, Section HH, Lot 65.5, Grave 5, Interment# 4526, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, THOMAS, Section A, Lot 21, Grave 2, Interment# 764, GRAVE
MURPHY, WILLIAM O, Section II, Lot 13, Grave 7, Interment# 9966, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, WILTON WALLACE, age 2, Section K, Lot 29, Grave 6.5, Interment# 936, GRAVE
MURPHY, Section A, Lot 21, Grave 5, Interment# 853, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURPHY, Section II, Lot 40, LOT MARKER
MURPHY, Section K, Lot 29, LOT MARKER
MURPHY, Section W3, Lot 3, LOT MARKER
MURRAY, ATTIE, age 65, Section OLD Y, Lot 94, Grave 19, Interment# 6443, GRAVE
MURRAY, CROMWELL E, age 70, Section W3, Lot 16, Grave 2, Interment# 9035, MILITARY
MURRAY, GELA NIX, age 81, Section W3, Lot 16, Grave 1, Interment# 12126, GRAVE
MURRAY, GUS, Section OLD Y, Lot 94, Grave 20, GRAVE
MURRAY, J L, age 59, Section K, Lot 15, Grave 1, GRAVE
MURRAY, JAMES A, age 68, Section S, Lot 98, Grave 11, Interment# 5808, MILITARY
MURRAY, MAHALA CAROLINE, age 65, Section K, Lot 15, Grave 2, Interment# 1258, GRAVE
MURRAY, WILLIAM H, age 3, Section K, Lot 15, Grave 1.5, GRAVE
MURROUGH, AGNES, age 63, Section II, Lot 26, Grave 3, Interment# 4636, GRAVE
MURROUGH, CHARLES, Section DD, Lot 20, Grave 1, Interment# 510, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURROUGH, MARY, Section II, Lot 26, Grave 4, Interment# 4944, UNMARKED GRAVE
MURROW, DUNCAN C, age 71, Section B, Lot 30, Grave 8, Interment# 11897, ASHES
MURROW, JAMES M., age 0, Section U, Lot 31, Grave 1, Interment# 3233, GRAVE
MURROW, LELON C., age 92, Section U, Lot 31, Grave 5, Interment# 10531, GRAVE
MURROW, MARTHA H., age 93, Section U, Lot 31, Grave 7, Interment# 11208, GRAVE
MURROW, MARY RAY, Section B, Lot 30, Grave 7, Interment# 12777, ASHES
MURRY, DAST, Section II, Lot 110, Grave 2, Interment# 8802, UNMARKED GRAVE
MUSANTI, FREDRICK, Section J, Lot 50, Grave 5, Interment# 4347, GRAVE
MUSICK, FANNIE H, age 87, Section F, Lot 61, Grave 9, Interment# 10862, GRAVE
MUTCH, BLAKELY FREDERICK, age 37, Section S, Lot 28, Grave 3, Interment# 5043, GRAVE
MWETTA, EDWARD ABDALLAH, age 30, Section W2, Lot 3, Grave 47, Interment# 12729, GRAVE
MWETTA, MIGUEL ABDALLAH, age 11, Section W2, Lot 3, Grave 54, Interment# 13153, GRAVE
MYERS, CHARLES CLARENCE, age 43, Section B, Lot 45, Grave 4, Interment# 2849, GRAVE
MYERS, COM C, Section S, Lot 86, Grave 9, Interment# 4171, UNMARKED GRAVE
MYERS, LEE PRESTON, age 47, Section S, Lot 79, Grave 4, Interment# 3894, MILITARY
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