Search North Carolina Death Records
North Carolina Newspapers, Full Search (1775-1993), 203 titles
North Carolina Obituary Search, (1988-current)
North Carolina Funeral Notices
Arrington Heights Free Will Baptist Cemetery
Lexington, Davidson County, North Carolina
Lat: 35° 52' 04"N, Lon: 80° 15' 10"W
Contributed by Kathy Mills, Jul 04, 2006 []. Total records = 236.
Corner of Arrington Drive & Free Will Circle Hwy 8 (old US 52) North to Arrington Drive, Right turn and continue several long blocks. The cemetery is on the left, just at the intersection of Arrington and Free Will Circle.
This cemetery is owned and maintained by the Arrington Heights Free Will Baptist Church. Cemetery is to the west of the church.
I canvased and photographed this cemetery on May 22-24, 2006 and have recorded all existing and legible markers and stones. Photos available.
- Kathy MillsAbrams, Franklin Delano, b. 8/8/1933, d. 7/27/1995
Abrams, Virginia Small, b. 6/9/1946, d. no date, M: 7/8/1967
Bates, Robert Eugene, b. 5/26/1925, d. 1/12/1981, Cpl US Marine Corps WWII
Baxley, Elizabeth, b. 1918, d. 1997
Beck, Sammie H., b. 2/8/1930, d. 4/18/1961, US Army Korea
Beckom, Mary Ellen, b. 9/23/1943, d. 12/21/1943, Dau of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Beckom
Bentley, Evelyn Langley, b. 9/2/1930, d. 3/29/1951
Berrier, Charlie E., b. 2/10/1895, d. 2/28/1968
Berrier, Charlie Junior, b. 8/17/1923, d. 1/29/1966
Berrier, Delma Bates, b. 12/28/1928, d. 10/10/1979
Berrier, Fannie Wilson, b. 3/20/1910, d. 2/18/1972
Berrier, Jesse, d. 9/25/1989, Son of James & Pamela
Berrier, John Henry, b. 2/22/1915, d. 11/18/1990, PFC US Army WWII
Berrier, Mamie Wilson, b. 12/7/1915, d. 1/16/1982
Berrier, May L., b. 5/5/1897, d. 12/4/1951
Bivens, Julia M., b. 1907, d. 1999
Bivens, Lary Steve, b. 10/29/1845, d. 5/31/1962, Son of L.A.& Julia
Bivens, Leroy A., b. 1912, d. no date,
Blanks, Jerry C., Sr., b. 1941, d. 1996
Branch, James Elmer, b. 4/10/1921, d. 8/31/1962
Branham, Burl, b. 3/9/1920, d. 12/2/1977, PFC US Army, WWII
Branham, George Lee, Sr., b. 12/7/1949, d. 3/1/1996, US Navy, Vietnam
Brooks, Edward "Ed", b. 11/9/1903, d. 12/14/1972
Brooks, Ethel O., b. 3/30/1924, d. 6/23/1991
Brooks, Leonard Levi, b. 10/9/1877, d. 9/8/1951
Brooks, Mary Sowers, b. 4/23/1911, d. 6/12/1997
Brooks, Orpha Lamb, b. 9/26/1875, d. 8/1/1946
Brown, Bobby J., b. 9/22/1959, d. 5/18/1985
Brown, Joe T., b. 4/24/1921, d. 12/18/1991
Brown, Mattie G., b. 1/22/1930, d. 6/30/1987, M: 10/30/1953
Bryant, Lonnie A., b. 11/28/1909, d. 11/7/1960
Bryant, Maude Hopper Lord, b. 3/27/1916, d. 5/28/1985
Burgess, Wesley P., b. 3/1/1903, d. 11/6/1978
Burgham, Grace, b. 1892, d. 1972
Burgham, Thomas, b. 1891, d. 1951
Burkhart, Belle Gibbey, b. 5/6/1937, d. 5/10/1970
Burkhart, Gladford W., b. 3/31/1917, d. 3/22/1999, Pvt US Army WWII
Byerly, Jack M., Jr., b. 8/17/1953, d. 7/3/1968
Byerly, Jack Mathias, b. 3/15/1923, d. 9/10/1988, Pvt US Army WWII
Byerly, Thelma T., b. 1915, d. 1953, "mother"
Cashatt, Grace Ola B., b. 3/24/1916, d. 4/8/1996
Cashatt, Jerry W., b. 11/12/1948, d. 12/13/1992
Cates, Jay Gladstone, b. 2/8/1901, d. 11/22/1972
Cates, Sylvia M. Jenkins, b. 12/25/1899, d. 1/3/1988
Church, Everette C., b. 10/10/1897, d. 9/17/1969
Church, Leona M., b. 11/10/1903, d. 11/17/1977
Clark, Claude Gwyn, b. 5/19/1892, d. 4/6/1963, M: 10/16/1946
Clark, Cornelia B. Fuller, b. 2/25/1892, d. no date,
Clodfelter, Maxine A., b. 9/26/1921, d. 3/30/1983
Clonch, James Franklin, b. 8/12/1948, d. 6/4/1953, Son of RT & Lexie
Cogburn, Evie Loretta, b. 6/9/1894, d. 12/18/1972
Cogburn, James Anderson, b. 3/10/1895, d. 4/15/1974
Colston, James M., b. 5/30/1912, d. 2/3/1991
Colston, Leila E., b. 4/17/1909, d. 5/29/1967
Cook, Vickie R., b. 1/25/1958, d. 3/31/2002
Craig, Dallie Bost Presnell, b. 6/8/1891, d. 9/27/1956
Cranford, Rachel Berrier, b. 7/5/1935, d. 11/14/1994
Cranford, Walter Lee, b. 2/5/1933, d. no date,
Craver, Mary Magdelene "Maggie", b. 1931, d. 1996
Craver, Robert Loyd "R. L.", b. 1927, d. 2005
Craver, Robert V., b. 1927, d. 2005, Davidson Funeral Home Marker
Crenshaw, Clifton Dewitt, b. 10/3/1926, d. 7/25/2003, S1 US Navy WWII
Crisp, Addie S., b. 2/18/1951, d. no date,
Crisp, Carrie B., b. 6/3/1909, d. 11/23/1991
Crisp, Eddie D., b. 7/21/1945, d. 3/16/1996
Crisp, Mack F., Rev., b. 4/17/1905, d. 3/23/1967
Crisp, Randy Dale, b. 3/2/1966, d. 7/4/1967, Son of Dan & Becky Crisp
Deal, James Donald, b. 5/4/1937, d. 9/16/1998
Deal, Margaret Murphy, b. 4/3/1940, d. no date,
Deal, Michael Shane, b. 8/22/1975, d. 9/12/1984
Edwards, Linda Gail Presnell, b. 9/3/1944, d. 5/23/1996
Evans, Edward, b. 9/14/1898, d. 10/12/1960
Evans, Ernest D., b. 6/4/1928, d. no date,
Evans, Ethel R., b. 4/5/1905, d. 12/10/1995
Evans, Nellie S., b. 10/18/1932, d. no date,
Evans, Roy Daniel, b. 4/8/1950, d. 4/21/1977
Everhart, Bertha L., b. 4/25/1888, d. 9/22/1957
Everhart, David Roy, b. 8/14/1922, d. 7/9/1996, PFC US Army WWII
Everhart, David Roy, b. 8/14/1922, d. 7/9/1996
Everhart, Geneva Hailey, b. 3/24/1929, d. no date,
Everhart, James Richard, b. 8/11/1945, d. 5/20/1957, Son of W.M.& Ora
Everhart, Lou Ida Leonard, b. 1/27/1880, d. 2/10/1966
Everhart, Ora Hill, b. 7/4/1916, d. 11/12/1994
Everhart, Roy Lee, b. 12/12/1941, d. 9/9/2002
Everhart, W. McKinley, b. 6/14/1915, d. 12/11/1996
Foster, Ernest F., b. 8/2/1897, d. 4/5/1963
Foster, James Clifford "Buck", b. 8/2/1917, d. 6/19/1968
Foster, Mary A., b. 7/4/1898, d. 10/17/1969
Fuller, James G., b. 6/15/1914, d. no date,
Fuller, Virgie M., b. 12/26/1914, d. 5/26/1987
Garrison, Tammy Elaine, b. 1/23/1959, d. 12/22/1998
Gasper, Deborah H., b. 7/8/1950, d. 4/26/2005
Gentry, Infant Son, d. 12/20/1949, Inf. son of Paul & Norma
Gentry, John Thomas, b. 3/6/1889, d. 9/2/1953
Gentry, Sallie Sides, b. 2/10/1894, d. 3/16/1968
Gibbs, Sarah Cordwell, b. 4/28/1897, d. 3/12/1983
Gibby, Abraham, b. 9/4/1895, d. 4/8/1988
Guwyn, Robert Lee, b. Dec-45, d. Jul-54, "Our Darling Son"
Hall, Ethel Hill, b. 4/8/1921, d. no date,
Harris, Paul Edward, b. 8/9/1931, d. no date,
Harris, Rosetta Mathis, b. 2/25/1935, d. no date,
Harrison, Shirley Mann, b. 2/11/1943, d. 2/17/2005
Harrison, Thomas Leonard, b. 2/24/1939, d. 3/27/1996
Hege, James Ray, b. 8/6/1938, d. 4/9/1990
Hege, William Emery, b. 3/18/1929, d. 4/18/1996
Hensley, Duke Wayne, b. 9/9/1971, d. 6/5/2003
Hester, Ralph, b. 12/7/1931, d. 12/20/1999, Pvt 2 Cl US Army
Hester, Veronica Lynn, b. 12/12/1952, d. 12/13/1952, "Gone So Soon", Dau of Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hester
Hicks, Doris Hewett, b. 6/12/1957, d. no date
Hicks, Frankie "Slim", b. 3/25/1956, d. 11/22/2003
Hill, Gentry Augustas, b. 9/28/1922, d. 5/23/1995, PFC US Army, WWII
Hill, Larry A., b. 1/25/1943, d. 6/1/2002
Hill, Mary Younts, b. 4/22/1925, d. no date,
House, Cynthia Lee, d. 12/1/1955, Infant dau of Mr. & Mrs. Fred House
House, Freddie W. "Fred", b. 6/25/1934, d. 6/19/2000
House, Lonie, b. 5/19/1896, d. 11/20/1962
House, Rosie E. "Eldora", b. 9/16/1933, d. no date,
House, Wilburn D. "Dean", b. 10/1/1965, d. 4/2/2005
House, William, b. 3/26/1895, d. 9/4/1974
Hughes, Kenneth D., b. 11/19/1956, d. 5/7/2004
Hyatt, Joe, b. 7/24/1900, d. 2/1/1988
Hyskell, Kadie Lee-Ann Winegar, b. 10/8/2005, d. 12/3/2005
Jenkins, Beatrice Benson, b. 11/24/1926, d. no date,
Jenkins, Clifford W., b. 2/2/1926, d. 2/27/2006
Kirby, Gordon Max, b. 5/15/1899, d. 6/25/1953
Kirby, Mary Snider, b. 2/28/1900, d. 4/19/1959
Lamb, Jimmy Rufus, b. 5/14/1933, d. 7/4/1997
Lamb, Minnie C., b. 11/24/1901, d. 3/26/1990
Lamb, Robert George, b. 5/10/1927, d. 12/28/1977, S1 US Navy WWII
Lamb, Robert L., b. 1/26/1902, d. 4/2/1954
Langley, Andrea Lynn "Missy", b. 10/5/1968, d. 3/20/1986, Sister of Donna
Langley, Donna Sue, b. 3/24/1965, d. 3/24/1965, Sister of Andrea
Langley, Etta Snyder, b. 7/20/1911, d. 2/19/1997
Langley, Fonda Massey, b. 8/9/1947, d. no date,
Langley, George Robert, b. 2/23/1911, d. 10/17/1998
Langley, Helen H., b. 9/24/1914, d. 5/21/1990, (on stone with J.P.)
Langley, J. P., Rev., b. 10/9/1913, d. 11/10/1976, "Erected in Honor & Memory of Rev. J.P.Langley by the Arrington Heights Free Will Baptist Church"
Langley, Richard E., b. 8/11/1941, d. 9/25/1992, PFC US Army
Langley, Richard Eugene, b. 8/11/1941, d. 9/25/1992
Lashley, George T., b. 11/19/1920, d. 7/10/1980
Lashley, Julia V., b. 4/18/1919, d. 2/23/1978
Leonard, Donald Ray, b. 7/2/1956, d. 2/17/1968, Son of T.E. & Virgie
Leonard, Homer Lee, b. 8/6/1903, d. 6/5/1963
Leonard, Jennie Everhart, b. 11/15/1908, d. 8/15/1981
Leonard, Mary Everhart, b. 12/24/1910, d. 9/23/1988
Leonard, Rome L., b. 10/6/1894, d. 3/15/1963, N.C. Pvt Co # 1 Prov Regt WWI
Leonard, Thomas E., b. 4/20/1925, d. 11/26/1982
Leonard, Thomas Ervin, Sr., b. 4/20/1925, d. 11/26/1982, S2 US Navy, WWII
Leonard, Virgie W., b. 12/9/1927, d. no date,
Liner, Luther Lee, b. 12/20/1942, d. 12/20/1942
Lingerfelt, Cecil Charles, b. 4/24/1936, d. 7/2/1962
Lovingood, Judy Ann, d. Dec-55, Dau of Willis & Ruth
Mason, Bertha B., b. 4/5/1929, d. 1/25/2002
Mason, Janie Lynn, b. 2/28/1967, d. 3/7/1970, Dau of Raymond & Sheila Mason
Mason, Ralph A., b. 11/12/1932, d. no date,
Mason, Rilda W., b. 2/20/1913, d. 2/24/1994
May, Edna Phillips, b. 8/13/1926, d. 10/5/1992
May, Harrison, b. 12/28/1923, d. 9/18/1991
May, Lena Dare, b. 5/20/1962, d. 12/17/1978
McPeak, Marie Jenkins, b. 1/26/1930, d. no date,
McPeak, William E., b. 5/10/1926, d. 5/31/2001
McPeak, William Edward, b. 5/10/1926, d. 5/31/2001, S2 US Navy, WWII
Metcalf, Bill, b. 9/20/1916, d. 7/1/1981
Metcalf, Blanche Blanton, b. 9/5/1917, d. 9/18/1990
Milam, Albert J., b. 8/29/1891, d. 1/22/1978, Pvt US Army WWI
Milam, Beckey M., b. 8/18/1910, d. 1/9/1986
Miller, Billie Edd, b. 3/8/1919, d. 1/6/1984
Monkcus, Charlie Nick, b. 5/17/1905, d. 9/18/1967
Monkcus, Margaret Marion, b. 12/28/1907, d. 5/6/1992
Moorefield, Julia G., b. 12/15/1936, d. no date,
Moorefield, Ronald G., b. 7/1/1936, d. 1/24/2000
Morris, Jan Presnell, b. 12/26/1947, d. 3/13/1973
Odom, Herman L., b. 5/23/1899, d. 7/13/1971
Odom, Ruby Knight, b. 6/5/1903, d. 11/14/1979
Owen, Rosa Hill, b. 4/18/1895, d. 10/18/1958
Owens, Luvernia, b. 6/30/1918, d. 5/28/1962
Payne, David Clifford, b. 11/29/1925, d. 4/12/1992, SSML3 US Navy WWII
Pearson, John R., b. 8/17/1961, d. 8/17/1961, Son of Mr. & Mrs. Evert Pearson
Presnell, Bill, b. 1936, d. 1999, Funeral Home Marker
Presnell, Carolyn Leonard, b. 8/31/1942, d. no date,
Presnell, Elizabeth Kinsey, b. 6/12/1912, d. no date,
Presnell, Euell W., b. 12/14/1907, d. 12/1/1978, Pvt US Army WWII
Presnell, Jimmy Wesley, b. 4/15/1940, d. 9/26/1994, MM3 US Navy WWII
Presnell, Richard Leroy "Ricky", b. 10/31/1949, d. 5/7/1969
Presnell, Ruby L. Lamb, no dates
Presnell, Walter L. Roy, b. 12/24/1915, d. 4/3/1984
Presnell, William Douglas, b. 2/3/1972, d. 5/7/1994
Presnell, William Harold, b. 10/21/1936, d. 3/26/1999
Prevette, Andy Melvin, b. 3/1/1891, d. 11/26/1962
Prevette, Emma Lucille, b. 10/16/1898, d. 7/12/1964
Prevette, John Vestal, b. 8/4/1913, d. 7/15/1992
Redmon, Hazel M., b. 8/23/1937, d. no date,
Redmon, John C., b. 12/26/1937, d. 1/19/2006
Ricker, Lisa Gail, b. 6/2/1961, d. 5/28/1962
Ricker, Willie "Bill", b. 2/22/1908, d. 3/29/1977, "Grandmother"
Roark, Vista B., b. 5/1/1905, d. 1/21/1984
Roberts, Annie B., b. 9/3/1929, d. no date,
Roberts, Emma H., b. 8/28/1878, d. 8/7/1959
Roberts, Grady, b. 1/13/1920, d. 3/15/1998, Cpl US Army WWII
Roberts, Paul G., b. 6/14/1927, d. 10/7/1977
Robinson, Timothy James, b. 8/12/1960, d. 8/12/1960
Sanders, Billy Ray, Sr., b. 1/13/1963, d. 8/15/1991
Scates, Calvin Leo, b. 5/20/1948, d. 7/5/2005
Scott, Henry Franklin, b. 4/9/1941, d. no date,
Scott, Ruth Powell, b. 3/11/1944, d. 12/16/1984
Shoaf, Ruby Berrier, b. 2/27/1931, d. 9/17/2000
Shoaf, Willy Grimes, b. 6/9/1925, d. 9/3/1993
Smith, ??, no dates, Has come off base & fallen over, too heavy to lift
Snider, Elbert S., b. 9/16/1930, d. 4/10/1953, "Our Darling Soldier", Cpl Co 28th Inf.
Snider, R. Crawford, b. 11/6/1908, d. 4/24/1982
Snider, Zenna H., b. 8/31/1909, d. 6/24/1994
Snyder, Humphrey H., b. 1/22/1889, d. 7/11/1958, NC Pvt 673 Aero Supply SQ, WWI
Snyder, Perline Watkins, b. 4/22/1932, d. no date,
Snyder, Walter Lee, b. 4/29/1930, d. 12/2/1987
Stamey, Charles M., b. 8/5/1895, d. 4/30/1983
Stamey, Charles Manson, b. 8/5/1895, d. 4/30/1983, Pvt US Army WWI
Stamey, Flora B., b. 1/8/1902, d. 11/29/1977
Surratt, Paul, b. Mar-51, d. May-51
Sweigart, Samuel A., b. 9/19/1929, d. no date,
Torrence, Edith Jenkins, b. 5/30/1932, d. no date,
Torrence, Fred Lewis, b. 4/19/1931, d. 3/14/1993
Tucker, Hazel S., b. 1/1/1932, d. 3/20/2003
Tutterrow, Darrell Douglas, b. 1/5/1949, d. 12/4/1971, (shares stone with Dorothy)
Tutterrow, David S. "Butch", b. 4/21/1943, d. 2/14/1994
Tutterrow, Dorothy Broadway, b. 8/17/1927, d. 1/15/1982
Tutterrow, Janet G. Faye, b. 7/7/1950, d. no date, David & Janet married 11/17/1973
Wheat, Doris Marie, b. 4/26/1941, d. 4/25/1999
Wheat, Fred D., b. 1/22/1919, d. 1/25/1971
Whitman, P. Melvin, b. 5/10/1921, d. 5/14/1988, US Navy WWII
Winegar, Dorothy "Dot", b. 6/22/1932, d. 9/17/1999
Wyatt, Herman Homer, b. 3/23/1936, d. 3/10/1963
Wyatt, "Nikki" Erica Nicholle, b. 8/30/1982, d. 9/17/1989
Yates, Nathaniel, b. 2/15/1903, d. 5/8/1972
Yates, Richard J., b. 3/20/1931, d. 2/6/1987, US Army
Yates, Vivian Medlin, b. 12/16/1903, d. 2/14/1986
Yountz, Pearline Y., b. 5/7/1929, d. 12/30/1999
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