Search North Carolina Death Records
North Carolina Newspapers, Full Search (1775-1993), 203 titles
North Carolina Obituary Search, (1988-current)
North Carolina Funeral Notices
Bethesda United Methodist Cemetery
Bethesda, Davidson County, North Carolina
Lat: 35° 54' 10"N, Lon: 80° 13' 09"W
Contributed by Kathy Mills, Jul 25, 2006, laat edited Jul 28, 2006 []. Total records = 413.
Approx. 8 miles from downtown Lexington: To reach this cemetery take NC-8 north (aka Old Hwy 52) toward town of Welcome, NC.� Pass over Hwy 52, turn right (east) on Bethesda Road, follow to T-intersection, Turn left onto Bethesda Road at the intersection where Sink Rd goes to the right.� Follow to church and cemetery on the right, about a mile or less.� Cemetery is 2.7 miles from turn off of NC-8 at Bethesda Rd.
This cemetery is owned and maintained by the Bethesda United Methodist Church of Bethesda NC. The cemetery dates back to the late 1800s, and is still being used for burials today.
I walked and read this cemetery in Jun 10,2006, using my digital camera. This includes all existing and legible headstones and markers to that date.
- Kathy MillsAdkins, Alice Wise, b. 12/6/1938, d. 12/7/1989, w/o Bobby Joe, Sr. , M: Sep 24, 1955
Adkins, Bobby Joe, Sr., b. 6/26/1936, d. 1/9/2004, h/o Alice Wise, M: Sep 24, 1955
Adkins, Calvin James, b. 3/19/1907, d. 5/19/1986, h/o Agnes Essick, M: Aug 30, 1930
Adkins, Henry Luther, b. 1/28/1934, d. 5/27/2003, TSGT US Air Force, Vietnam, DFC AM W/4 OLC, h/o Doris Walser, M: Mar 6, 1954, Sons: Steven, Douglas, Scott
Adkins, Larry David, b. 7/18/1942, d. 2/3/1995, "An Inspiration to All Who Knew Him"
Adkins, Natalie Dawn, b. 9/26/1977, d. 12/12/1977, "Precious Babe", Inf Dau of Steven & Kathy Adkins
Arrowood, Bertha Donaldson, b. 8/7/1918, d. 12/5/2003, w/o Wayne Hubert Sr., M: May 25, 1940
Arrowood, Wayne Hubert Sr., b. 3/5/1918, d. 6/12/2002, h/o Bertha Donaldson, M: May 25, 1940
Baker, Earl Lee, b. 1/14/1932, d. 5/16/1998, PFC US Army Korea
Ball, Ernest Phillip, b. 10/5/1904, d. 4/14/1973, h/o Lucy Gobble
Ball, Lucy Gobble, b. 6/13/1913, d. 12/21/1977, w/o Ernest Phillip
Barnes, Dover Lennox, b. 2/18/1920, d. 4/4/1992, h/o Irene Latham
Beck, Aaron, b. 3/31/1922, d. 6/23/1997, GM3 US Navy WWII, h/o Doris Brinkley, M: Jul 31, 1945
Beeson, Gladys Sink, b. 8/2/1909, d. 2/4/1996, w/o Sam Harrison, M: Dec 24, 1929
Beeson, Isom Eugene, b. 2/14/1899, d. 3/3/2000, h/o Meta Pitts, "Precious Lord Take My Hand"
Beeson, Meta Pitts, b. 11/13/1910, d. 3/10/1983, w/o Isom Eugene, "Precious Lord Take My Hand"
Beeson, Sam Harrison, b. 6/20/1910, d. 3/10/1990, h/o Gladys Sink, M: Dec 24, 1929
Berrier, Richard Lee, b. 2/23/1914, d. 10/11/1998, "Father"
Brinkley, Clyde Joseph, b. 2/14/1926, d. 2/20/1971, h/o Gertrude Hill, "Our Father Which Art in Heaven"
Brinkley, David Daniel, b. 2/28/1885, d. 4/13/1979, h/o Maude Hepler
Brinkley, Ella Sowers, b. 2/2/1885, d. 9/11/1960, "Wife", w/o Henry Harrison, "In His Will Is Our Peace"
Brinkley, Ethel R. Grubb, b. 8/3/1912, d. 9/7/1999, w/o Herman Lee, "What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see"
Brinkley, Gertrude Hill, b. 7/1/1926, d. 4/8/2005, w/o Clyde Joseph, "Our Father Which Art in Heaven"
Brinkley, Henry Harrison, b. 2/25/1879, d. 6/9/1959, "Husband", h/o Ella Sowers, "In His Will Is Our Peace"
Brinkley, Herman Lee, b. 5/20/1908, d. 1/5/1973, h/o Ethel R. Grubb, "What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see"
Brinkley, John Clinton, b. 3/9/1877, d. 5/16/1956, "Husband", h/o Maude Andrews
Brinkley, Lacy Orville, b. 7/16/1905, d. 6/19/1994, h/o Maggie Curry
Brinkley, Maggie Curry, b. 3/4/1912, d. 9/12/1983, w/o Lacy Orville
Brinkley, Maude Andrews, b. 4/25/1880, d. 7/13/1999, "Wife", w/o John Clinton
Brinkley, Maude Hepler, b. 7/1/1895, d. 11/30/1991, w/o David Daniel
Brinkley, Plina Louise, b. 2/18/1862, d. 1/7/1930, Wife of W. L. Brinkley
Brinkley, Ruby Ramelle, b. 11/21/1920, d. 12/10/1920, Dau of Lamar Brinkley
Broom, Martha Ellen Sheue, b. 5/18/1945, d. 11/6/1998, w/o Walter, (on same stone with son Troy), "Beloved Daughter, Sister, Mother and Friend"
Broom, Troy Keith, b. 7/26/1965, d. 5/26/1978, Son of Walter & Martha Broom, "A short race won (in?) God's Strength"
Casey, William Harold, b. 6/22/1923, d. 1/7/1973, NC PFC US Army WWII, h/o Dorothy Walker, "Together Forever"
Clodfelter, Adam, b. 5/6/1829, d. 1/26/1905, h/o Mary E.
Clodfelter, Arlene O., b. 3/3/1920, d. 2/9/1984, "In God We Trust"
Clodfelter, Bessie E. Leonard, b. 8/4/1906, d. 10/7/1927, Wife of Robert L.
Clodfelter, C. Lem, b. 1885, d. 1918, "At Peace"
Clodfelter, Charity Yokley, b. 9/27/1804, d. 7/27/1893, age 89y 10m, Wife of Joseph Clodfelter
Clodfelter, Cornelia A. Lashmit, b. 7/16/1861, d. 10/29/1947, Wife of DeWitt C. Clodfelter
Clodfelter, D. C., d. 6/12/1911, aged 67y 9m 21d
Clodfelter, Elizabeth Myers, b. 4/26/1922, d. 5/25/2001, M: June 16, 1939, w/o Gordon P. "Buck"
Clodfelter, Ellar V., b. 1858, d. 1893, 1st wife of I. V.
Clodfelter, Elma Ray, b. 4/24/1908, d. 8/2/1908, Dau of J.H.&S.C. Clodfelter
Clodfelter, Everett A., b. 4/12/1894, d. 6/17/1984, h/o Ruth Craver
Clodfelter, Frank Lineberry, b. 5/16/1890, d. 7/1/1954, "Remember friends as you pass by, as you are now so once was I, as I am now you must be, so Prepare the way and follow Me"
Clodfelter, George, b. 5/6/1836, d. 3/13/1907, h/o Mary J. Sink, "Loved Ones at Rest"
Clodfelter, Gordon P. "Buck", b. 5/12/1918, d. 12/28/1998, M: June 16, 1939, h/o Elizabeth Myers
Clodfelter, I. V., b. 1858, d. 1951, h/o Ellar V. and Mary B.
Clodfelter, Ira L., b. 7/10/1899, d. 12/17/1940
Clodfelter, Jacob H., b. 11/3/1872, d. 8/30/1908, ae 35yr 9m 27ds, h/o Sarah C.
Clodfelter, Joseph, b. 11/30/1800, d. 4/16/1874, age 73y 8m 16d, h/o Charity Yokley
Clodfelter, Lynn F., b. 3/31/1932, d. 5/4/1987, CPL US Army Korea,� "In God We Trust"
Clodfelter, Mary B., b. 1861, d. 1926, 2nd wife of I.V.
Clodfelter, Mary E., b. 10/18/1825, d. 1/27/1904, w/o Adam
Clodfelter, Mary J. Sink, b. 7/21/1840, d. 12/27/1931, w/o George, "Loved Ones at Rest"
Clodfelter, Nannie E., d. 6/22/1913, aged 49yrs 1m 11ds, Dau of Geo. & Mary Clodfelter
Clodfelter, Ruth Craver, b. 3/26/1898, d. 9/29/1990, w/o Everett A.
Clodfelter, Sarah C., b. 5/8/1878, d. 7/6/1908, ae 30yr 1m 28ds, w/o Jacob H.
Craver, Arthur Franklin, b. 5/11/1933, d. 12/1/1988, h/o Alma Essick
Craver, Edna Lanier, b. 9/8/1919, d. 8/2/2003, "Mother", w/o Stokes Francis
Craver, James Lindsay, b. 4/3/1920, d. 4/13/1990, PL SGT US Marine Corps, WWII
Craver, Stokes Francis, b. 2/24/1920, d. 6/16/1998, "Father", h/o Edna Lanier
Craver, Stokes Michael, b. 6/4/1951, d. 1/23/1993, "Son", "My wonderful Daddy and Best Friend"� "I will always love you, Daddy's Little Girl--Nicole"
Curry, Georgianna Stowe, b. 10/13/1879, d. 5/13/1924, 1st Wife of Rev. Geo. L. Curry
Curry, Ida Perryman, b. 1/11/1891, d. 6/5/1979, 2nd Wife of Rev. Geo. L. Curry
Curry, Infant Son, b. 9/1/1921, d. 9/1/1921, Infant Son of Rev. Geo. L & Georgiana Stowe Curry
Curry, Jacob David, b. 11/18/1848, d. 12/2/1904, h/o Laura V. Wagner
Curry, Laura Virginia Wagner, b. 12/22/1855, d. 11/20/1892, Wife of Jacob D. Curry
Curry, Rev. George Luther, b. 1874, d. 1951, h/o Georgianna Stowe & Ida Perryman
Deitz, Ernest Vance, b. 11/18/1925, d. 1/8/1987, h/o Ruth McCrary
Ellerbe, Michael Reid, b. 11/29/1928, d. 7/29/1989, h/o Naomi Brinkley, "In Loving Memory--2 Timothy 4:7"
Ellerbe, Naomi Brinkley, b. 7/13/1929, d. 4/11/1999, w/o Michael Reid, "In Loving Memory--2 Timothy 4:7"
Essick, Bettie Shoaf, b. 1861, d. 1929, "His Wife", w/o Emmanuel
Essick, Colin Adam, b. 5/28/1930, d. 1/18/1978, CPL US Army, "Father", h/o Hazel M. Owens, M: Dec 11, 1954
Essick, Ellis Lee, b. 9/19/1932, d. 2/24/1934, "Our Darling", Son of M.M. & F. L. Essick
Essick, Emmanuel, b. 1858, d. 1936, h/o Bettie Shoaf
Essick, Fred Holland, b. 1/3/1925, d. 7/17/1983, PFC US Army WWII, h/o Norene Link, M: Oct 16, 1948
Essick, Fred Lee, b. 9/17/1898, d. 3/24/1958, h/o Zella Hinkle
Essick, Grady Robert, b. 9/27/1906, d. 8/16/1977
Essick, Hazel M. Owens, b. 4/16/1930, d. 9/9/1980, w/o Colin Adam, M: Dec 11, 1954
Essick, Joseph, b. 1857, d. 1922, h/o Susie Sowers
Essick, Norene Link, b. 5/3/1930, d. 8/13/2000, w/o Fred Holland, M: Oct 16, 1948
Essick, Polly L., b. 1860, d. 1926, w/o Wm. A.
Essick, Susie Sowers, b. 1856, d. 1926, "His Wife", w/o Joseph
Essick, William A., b. 1858, d. 1917, h/o Polly L.
Essick, Winfred Calvin, b. 9/6/1927, d. 5/4/1934, Son of Mr. & Mrs. A.L. Essick
Essick, Zella Hinkle, b. 1/13/1902, d. 11/19/1983, "Wife", w/o Fred Lee
Evans, Alexander, b. 6/6/1844, d. 9/16/1923, h/o Eliza E.
Evans, Eliza E., b. 9/22/1838, d. 9/10/1913, Wife of Alexander
Evans, Infant, b. 1/11/1880, d. 1/11/1880, Dau of Alex & Eliza Evans
Evans, Mary Correle, b. 10/10/1872, d. 6/29/1874, Dau of Alex & Eliza Evans
Everhart, Alta Leonard, b. 8/14/1897, d. 7/27/1971, w/o John Osco
Everhart, Annie Craver, b. 11/9/1895, d. 4/11/1977, w/o Raymond Otho
Everhart, Blanch, b. 4/30/1925, d. 5/2/1925, Dau of T.G. & Emma, "Budded on earth to bloom in heaven"
Everhart, Ellen B., b. 9/4/1912, d. 4/24/1984, "Mother", w/o Grady O.
Everhart, Emma H., b. 2/28/1897, d. 3/20/1978, w/o Thomas G.
Everhart, Florence Sue, b. 1/5/1909, d. 8/17/1979, w/o Wm. McKinley, "Gone but not Forgotten"
Everhart, Foil Cletus, b. 8/17/1901, d. 2/1/1974, "Precious Lord Take My Hand", h/o Ollie Brinkley
Everhart, Gertrude Link, b. 3/5/1922, d. 12/22/1986, w/o Robt. Garvey, Sr.
Everhart, Grady O., b. 6/18/1908, d. 11/11/1994, "Father", h/o Ellen B.
Everhart, Ida Thomason, b. 7/23/1871, d. 4/4/1961
Everhart, Ida Wagner, b. 4/21/1884, d. 11/10/1956, (on same stone with Lorinzo Wagner)
Everhart, Infant, b. 11/15/1926, d. 11/15/1926, dau of Foyl & Ollie Everhart
Everhart, Infant, b. 3/4/1925, d. 3/4/1925, son of Mr & Mrs J.O. Everhart
Everhart, Infant, b. 5/20/1928, d. 5/21/1928, son of Howard Everhart
Everhart, Infant, b. 7/25/1929, d. 7/26/1929, son of Mr. & Mrs J.O. Everhart
Everhart, Infant, b. 8/23/1907, d. 8/23/1907, dau of Thos. & Laura Everhart
Everhart, John Osco, b. 1/6/1894, d. 2/21/1975, h/o Alta Leonard
Everhart, Laura Latham, b. 4/9/1870, d. 11/8/1932, "At Rest", "His Wife", w/o Thomas
Everhart, Maggie Forshee, b. 7/22/1920, d. 4/16/1997, M: Sep 19, 1940, w/o Moncie
Everhart, Mary Alice, b. 8/24/1939, d. 5/29/1941, Dau of Mr. & Mrs. W.M. Everhart
Everhart, Moncie, b. 1/18/1920, d. 1/2/1960, NC PFC 71 Field Hospital WWII, h/o Maggie Forshee, M: Sep 19, 1940, "Gone But Not Forgotten"
Everhart, Ollie Brinkley, b. 10/1/1903, d. 10/17/1974, "Precious Lord Take My Hand", w/o Foil Cletus
Everhart, Otha Banks, b. 9/16/1919, d. 12/28/2004, h/o Drusilla Mize
Everhart, Ray Donald, b. 12/12/1932, d. 1/12/2002, PFC US Army, h/o Doris Surratt, M: June 21, 1952
Everhart, Raymond Otho, b. 3/6/1892, d. 1/8/1990, h/o Annie Craver
Everhart, Richard Carlton, b. 4/23/1926, d. 9/20/1991, h/o Devara Essick
Everhart, Robert Garvey, Sr., b. 6/8/1920, d. 10/1/2000, CPL US Army WWII, h/o Gertrude Link
Everhart, Stuart Roland, b. 6/28/1957, d. 9/25/1963, Son of Ray D. & Doris Everhart
Everhart, Thomas G., b. 10/27/1894, d. 2/24/1960, h/o Emma H., "Remember me as you pass by, As you are now so once was I, As I am now soon you will be. Prepare yourself and follow me"
Everhart, Thomas, b. 5/7/1868, d. 4/3/1939, "At Rest", h/o Laura Latham
Everhart, William H., b. 5/16/1907, d. 1/12/1960, NC PVT US Army WWII
Everhart, William McKinley, b. 3/8/1902, d. 1/28/1976, h/o Florence Sue "Gone but not Forgotten"
Everhart, Yvonne Weisner, b. 7/11/1936, d. 4/10/1995, w/o Austin Reid, M: Apr 16, 1955, "In My Distress, I cried unto the Lord and he heard me"
Flynt, Danny Lee, b. 1954, d. 1975, EM2 US Navy
Folwell, Nellie Johnson, b. 10/5/1899, d. 1/28/1975, "Mother"
Foster, Ernest Moss, b. 10/22/1923, d. 6/12/1992, SGT US Army Air Corps, h/o Mary Hinkle, "Dearly Beloved", M: Feb 7, 1948
Foust, Doris, b. 12/6/1928, d. 12/6/1928, Dau of W.A. & G. M. Foust, "Our Loved One"
Foust, Gertie M. Kinney, b. 3/16/1891, d. 8/4/1977, w/o Wm. Adam, "Wife"
Foust, John Lee, b. 1/7/1883, d. 11/4/1959, h/o Mary Gennie, "Sleeping in Jesus"
Foust, Lillie Fritts, b. 8/6/1905, d. 3/16/1990, w/o Marvin Luther
Foust, Marvin Luther, b. 9/11/1910, d. 10/4/1975, h/o Lillie Fritts
Foust, Mary Ellen, b. 3/12/1910, d. 10/31/1934
Foust, Mary Gennie, b. 5/22/1885, d. 4/23/1970, h/o John Lee, "Sleeping in Jesus"
Foust, Virginia, d. Inf Dau of K.L.& Mary E., no dates
Foust, William Adam, b. 7/26/1885, d. 7/4/1954, h/o Gertie M. Kinney, "Husband"
Fouts, Paul Lee, b. 4/6/1951, d. 4/6/1951, "our Loved One", Son of R.L. & Sally, b&d 4/6/1951
Fouts, Roy Lee, b. 12/4/1905, d. 10/7/1992, Tec 5 US Army WWII
Franklin, Elizabeth, b. 4/1/1869, d. 8/23/1948, "This to a Mother's sacred memory her children hath hallowed"
Fritts, Edgar Aldine, d. 7/15/1906, Infant Son of G.A.& E.M. Fritts, --yrs 5m 15dys
Fritts, Etta M. Yokley, d. May-06, w/o G.A. Fritts, d: 5/?/1906, aged 24y ?mo 26dys
Gobble, Arthur Lee, b. 6/15/1905, d. 7/14/1953, "Husband", h/o Idaree Brinkley
Gobble, Avor Crews, b. 8/24/1881, d. 9/7/1959, w/o Jesse Lee, "Wife", "In His Will is Our Peace"
Gobble, Idaree Brinkley, b. 5/20/1908, d. 11/9/1979, "Wife", w/o Arthur Lee
Gobble, Jesse Lee, b. 6/1/1881, d. 1/31/1966, h/o Avor Crews, "Husband", "In His Will is Our Peace"
Gooch, Eldo Ellis, b. 10/4/1919, d. 9/30/1980, PFC US Army, WWII, h/o Annie Belle Lanier, "Beyond the Sunset"
Goodin, Rachel Elizabeth, b. 9/1/1913, d. 4/21/1996
Grubb, Edna Mahala, b. 3/24/1934, d. 6/8/2001, w/o Richard Ellis, Sr. "Mother", M: Aug 19, 1950
Grubb, Phebe, d. 5/9/1900, w/o William Grubb, aged 58yrs 2m 27dys "Asleep in Jesus"
Grubb, Richard Ellis, Sr., b. 2/14/1932, d. 1/1/1992, h/o Edna Mahala, "Father", M: Aug 19, 1950
Grubb, William, b. 7/21/1839, d. 3/11/1925, h/o Phebe, "Father is Gone But not Forgotten"
Hackney, James R., b. 1/21/1915, d. 10/24/1986, S SGT US Army Air Corps, WWII, h/o Sallie Huddleston
Hackney, Sallie Huddleston, b. 11/4/1918, d. 10/2/1995, w/o James R.
Harmon, Mary S., b. 11/27/1863, d. 6/4/1956
Hart, Stanley Ray, b. 2/14/1948, d. 2/14/1948, Son of James & Mildred Hart
Hartley, Clarence Mock, b. 6/25/1909, d. 6/25/1974, "Our Father Which Art in Heaven"
Hartley, Clinton Odell, b. 10/10/1912, d. 9/30/1991, Tec 5 US Army WWII, father of Charlotte Logan
Hartley, Harvey James, b. 5/4/1906, d. 4/5/1971, h/o Jennie Myers
Hartley, Infant, b. 6/27/1945, d. 6/27/1945, Son of Robert & Virginia Hartley
Hartley, Infant, b. 6/29/1918, d. 6/29/1918, Son of Oscar & Laura Hartley
Hartley, Jennie Myers, b. 1/1/1911, d. 4/4/2002, w/o Harvey James
Hartley, Laura Crews, b. 1/11/1886, d. 10/13/1966, w/o Oscar Clinton, "Thy Will Be Done"
Hartley, Oscar Clinton, b. 6/6/1886, d. 10/2/1977, h/o Laura Crews, "Thy Will Be Done"
Hege, Edna Lucille, b. 2/8/1920, d. 2/23/2005
Hege, Edward L., b. 9/20/1865, d. 2/19/1936, h/o Emma Frye, age 70yrs 4mos 29dys
Hege, Emma Frye, b. 1/11/1872, d. 6/21/1931, w/o Edward L.
Hege, Hazel Hinkle, b. 3/4/1925, d. 4/30/2003, Beloved Wife of Stokes Elwood
Hege, Infant Dau, b. 6/1/1925, d. 6/1/1925, Infant Dau of Luke & Ethel Hege
Hege, Jacob William, b. 6/30/1927, d. 2/21/1942, Son of Mr&Mrs W.M.Hege, age 14yrs 7mos 10das, "Gone But Not Forgotten"
Hege, Minnie L., b. 10/6/1894, d. 1/7/1914, Dau of E.L.& E.A. Hege
Hege, Minnie Lee, b. 9/11/1900, d. 8/15/1986, w/o Wm. "Bud"
Hege, Stokes Elwood, Sr., b. 3/9/1922, d. 1/30/2000, Tec 4 US Army WWII
Hege, William McKinley "Bud", b. 1/6/1896, d. 8/13/1969, h/o Minnie Lee
Hepler, Mary Thomason, b. 4/23/1916, d. 10/12/1981
Hepler, Willie Eugene, b. 6/28/1907, d. 7/4/1964
Hiatt, Minnie F. Wagner, b. 6/2/1894, d. 4/16/1931, age 37yrs 10mos 14das, Wife of C.F. Hiatt
Hinkle, A. Ransom, b. 1870, d. 1946
Hinkle, Beatrice Jordan, b. 7/25/1916, d. 10/27/2001, w/o Grover Clayton
Hinkle, Casey Everhart, b. 6/1/1890, d. 4/24/1961, w/o Ransom "Clayton"
Hinkle, Cora Elizabeth, b. 1/14/1890, d. 11/5/1961
Hinkle, Cordelia O., d. 6/29/1905, aged 43yrs 11m 27ds, w/o A.F. Hinkle, (I think the year is 1905, hard to read)
Hinkle, Della F., b. 4/30/1901, d. 8/22/1985, w/o John M., "Beyond the Sunset"
Hinkle, Grover Clayton, b. 2/24/1914, d. 2/3/1965, h/o Beatrice Jordan
Hinkle, Hilda Lanier, b. 12/16/1921, d. 7/24/1993, w/o Thomas Alexander
Hinkle, Joe Cleveland, Sr., b. 12/15/1921, d. 1/24/1983, M: Oct 22, 1940, h/o Helen Kellette
Hinkle, John A., d. 4/15/1921, aged 73yrs 7m 19ds
Hinkle, John M., b. 11/25/1900, d. 4/15/1970, h/o Della F., "Beyond the Sunset"
Hinkle, John William Sr. "Jay", b. 3/27/1922, d. 1/25/1987, S. SGT US Army WWII, "In Loving Memory", h/o Ruby Holleman
Hinkle, Lalia Wagner, b. 8/25/1874, d. 4/12/1896, Wife of J.D. Hinkle
Hinkle, Lottie Tarlton, b. 6/28/1907, d. 12/11/1988, "Wife", w/o Norfleet
Hinkle, M. Alice, b. 1861, d. 1935
Hinkle, Margaret Elaura, b. 5/11/1919, d. 2/7/1920, "Our Darling", dau of J.M. & Della Hinkle
Hinkle, Norfleet, b. 8/13/1903, d. 2/7/1958, "Husband", h/o Lottie Tarlton
Hinkle, Ransom Clayton, b. 8/4/1892, d. 11/14/1969, h/o Casey Everhart
Hinkle, Ransom, b. 10/13/1838, d. 4/26/1889
Hinkle, Robert Eugene, b. 3/9/1929, d. 3/7/1930, "Our Darling", Son of J.M.& Della Hinkle
Hinkle, Ronald Preston, b. 1/27/1947, d. 7/23/1980, S1 US Navy, "Gone, But not forgotten"
Hinkle, Ruby Holleman, b. 1/3/1917, d. 2/19/2005, "Mother" "Wife", w/o John "Jay" Hinkle
Hinkle, Thomas Alexander, b. 9/3/1918, d. 3/2/2003, h/o Hilda Lanier
Hinkle, Ula May, b. 1915, d. 1916, Infant Dau of Clayton & Casey Hinkle (on same stone with infant son)
Huffman, Harry E. Jr., b. 1944, d. 1975, h/o Robin Clodfelter
Huffman, Robin Clodfelter, b. 1958, d. 1975, w/o Harry E. Jr.
Hunt, Ann W. Leonard, b. 5/22/1940, d. , w/o Graham Donald
Hunt, Graham Donald "Don", b. 6/6/1938, d. 4/27/1989, h/o Ann W. Leonard
Hunt, Kathleen Kepley Ashmore, b. 7/21/1918, d. 2/19/1992, "In Loving Memory"
Jessup, Iris McCrary, b. 3/9/1928, d. 1/31/2001
Johnson, Brenda Joyce, b. 2/4/1950, d. 10/15/1950, "Our Darling", Dau of Lester L. & Hansel Johnson
Jones, Edward Byron, Jr., b. 5/12/1920, d. 11/19/1980, PHM2 US Navy WWII, h/o Muriel Ragan
Keel, Frestel Brown, b. 4/19/1943, d. 7/10/1986, SGT US Marine Corps
Kinney, Arnold Gray, b. 7/19/1919, d. 12/26/1991, h/o Kathryn Hinkle, M: Apr 5, 1947
Kinney, Kathryn Hinkle, b. 1/3/1923, d. 11/6/1990, w/o Arnold Gray, M: Apr 5, 1947
Koonts, Elsie Queen, b. 3/23/1944, d. , w/o Jackson M.
Koonts, Jackson Michael, b. 1/30/1943, d. 6/5/1996, h/o Elsie Queen
Lambeth, Addie Leonard, b. 7/11/1875, d. 2/3/1964, w/o Burl Clement
Lambeth, Burl Clement, b. 7/2/1873, d. 11/16/1957, h/o Addie Leonard
Lambeth, David S., b. 8/25/1910, d. 7/29/1921, Son of B.C.& A.V. Lambeth, "Asleep in Jesus"
Lanier, Elise Swicegood, b. 9/5/1925, d. 12/17/2005, w/o Rev. H. Glen
Lanier, Husie Lee, d. 3/26/1915, Dau of Z.W.& Clara, aged 1yr 3ms 4ds
Lanier, John William, b. 12/2/1923, d. 4/20/1975, "Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done"
Lanier, Kenneth Eugene, b. 11/9/1928, d. 1/23/1931, Son of P.H.& O.E.Lanier
Lanier, Ollie E. Dameron, b. 5/4/1895, d. 8/28/1974, w/o Phillip H. Sr.
Lanier, Paul D., b. 8/30/1926, d. 10/26/1928, Son of Z.W.& C.D. Lanier
Lanier, Phillip Henry, Jr., b. 7/8/1918, d. 6/17/1939, age 20 yrs 11mos 9 das, Son of P.H.& Ollie Lanier
Lanier, Phillip Henry, Sr., b. 9/13/1895, d. 9/21/1968, h/o Ollie E. Dameron
Lanier, Rev. H. Glen, b. 12/12/1925, d. 9/9/1978, h/o Elise Swicegood
Latham, Bernice Lanier, b. 10/17/1910, d. 3/2/1985, w/o Clarence
Latham, Clarence Roy, b. 5/28/1906, d. 10/24/1990, h/o Bernice Lanier
Latham, Edgar Ray, Jr., b. 11/19/1928, d. 6/6/1988, h/o Elsie L. Fleming, M: Dec 8, 1946, "In Loving Memory"
Latham, Edgar Ray, Sr., b. 12/24/1900, d. 2/5/1967, h/o Nora Biesecker
Latham, Elsie L. Fleming, b. 12/2/1928, d. 3/10/1999, w/o Edgar Ray, Jr., M: Dec 8, 1946, "In Loving Memory"
Latham, Enzer, b. 4/9/1870, d. 6/4/1950, h/o Susie Grubb
Latham, Harvie Lee, b. 3/20/1897, d. 1/29/1972, "Husband", h/o Sadie L. Weaver
Latham, Infant, no dates, child of Enzer & Susie, no dates
Latham, James E. "Jim", b. 4/2/1931, d. 2/16/2001, h/o Florence Marble, Wed: Aug 17, 1950, Lions Club, "Our daughters Jeanna and Jamela"
Latham, John W., b. 3/6/1895, d. 6/18/1899, Son of Enzer & Susie
Latham, John, b. 1833, d. 1888
Latham, Nora Biesecker, b. 12/3/1906, d. 12/3/2003, w/o Edgar Ray, Sr.
Latham, Sadie L. Weaver, b. 6/12/1898, d. 10/19/1957, "Wife", w/o Harvie Lee
Latham, Susie Grubb, b. 4/22/1874, d. 4/15/1948, Wife of Enzer Latham
Latham, Wade Alexander, b. 2/21/1933, d. 11/19/1991, "In Loving Memory"
Leonard, A. K., b. 1/7/1860, d. 8/1/1921, aged 61yrs 6m 22 dys, "Gone but not Forgotten"
Leonard, Amandia E. Cross, b. 1/30/1841, d. 3/30/1908, "Wife", w/o John A., "Erected by R.J.Temple and Children"
Leonard, Barbara Gail, b. 3/24/1957, d. 6/1/1975, "Thy Will Be Done", "Precious Lord Take My Hand"
Leonard, Betty Biesecker, b. 6/17/1929, d. 1/5/1988, w/o James Dwight Leonard
Leonard, David H., b. 4/11/1808, d. 4/20/1866, h/o Susanna Sink
Leonard, David S., b. 4/6/1847, d. 5/20/1926, h/o Martha Frances
Leonard, Frances Wagner, b. 4/28/1919, d. "Wife", w/o Numa Cecil
Leonard, Fred Lee, b. 9/3/1882, d. 1/28/1912, age 29y 4m 25dys
Leonard, Grace, b. 1/22/1905, d. 3/14/1995, h/o Wm. Paul
Leonard, Infant, b. 5/12/1890, d. 5/12/1890, Dau of R.E.& N.E. Leonard
Leonard, Infant, b. 9/4/1911, d. 9/4/1911, Dau of R.E.& Nettie Leonard
Leonard, Infant, no dates, Dau of R.E.& N. Leonard, can't read dates
Leonard, Joe Van, b. 3/18/1909, d. 4/24/1980, "Father" h/o Mary Hinkle
Leonard, John A., b. 12/1/1842, d. 11/23/1918, "Husband", h/o Amandia, "Erected by R.J. Temple and Children"
Leonard, Lemuel D., b. 9/15/1857, d. 4/23/1935, h/o Sarah E. "Not Dead, but Asleep in Jesus"
Leonard, Martha Frances, b. 2/5/1850, d. 2/24/1911, w/o David S.
Leonard, Mary E. Tesh, b. 8/6/1873, d. 1/29/1901, 1st Wife of Robert E.
Leonard, Mary Hinkle, b. 7/20/1915, d. 10/23/1993, "Mother" w/o Joe Van
Leonard, Mary Jo, b. 12/23/1937, d. "Daughter" of Joe V.& Mary Hinkle
Leonard, Nettie B. Tesh, b. 12/14/1878, d. 6/3/1964, 2nd Wife of Robert E.
Leonard, Numa Cecil, b. 9/18/1918, d. 7/20/1987, "Husband", h/o Frances Wagner
Leonard, Robert E., b. 11/19/1870, d. 10/26/1953, h/o Mary E. Tesh & Nettie B. Tesh
Leonard, Sarah E., b. 1/5/1863, d. 10/17/1895, w/o Lemuel, "Not Dead, but Asleep in Jesus"
Leonard, Susanna Sink, b. 1/4/1815, d. 9/12/1901, w/o David H. (buried in Pilgrim Reformed Cemetery)
Leonard, William Paul, b. 8/17/1897, d. 2/15/1969, h/o Grace
Lewis, Infant Son, b. 12/28/1991, d. 12/28/1991, Infant son of Karen L. Weisner Braxton Lewis
Marble, Lula Mae Sink, b. 8/14/1930, d. 7/7/1979, w/o Jack Billy, "Precious Lord Take My Hand"
Mathews, Blanche Wagner, b. 9/22/1903, d. 5/1/1955, Wife of J. Woodrow Mathew, "Everyone Loved Her"
McCrary, David F., b. 10/3/1929, d. 11/13/1929, Son of J. F. & M. L.
McCrary, Johnnie Ray, b. 8/2/1936, d. 4/8/1937, Son of J. F. & Mintie L.
McCrary, Joseph "Frank" Franklin, b. 5/3/1892, d. 12/1/1961, NC PFC Coast Artillery Corps, WWI, h/o Mentie Kinney, M: Dec 2, 1923
McCrary, Mary Helen, b. 12/1/1925, d. 1/13/1931, Dau of J.F. & Mintie L.
McCrary, Mentie Kinney, b. 4/29/1900, d. 9/30/1978, w/o J.F. M: Dec 2, 1923
McLaughlin, Joanne Wagner, b. 12/8/1934, d. , w/o Richard P.
McLaughlin, Richard Phillip, b. 8/31/1933, d. 6/4/1989, h/o Joanne Wagner
Medlin, John Charles, b. 11/21/1926, d. 7/6/1997, S2 US Navy WWII, h/o Willie Mae Essick, M: Aug 5, 1950, "In God's Care"
Michael, Robert G., b. 7/7/1916, d. 8/24/1974, M SGT US Army, h/o Kathleen, "Father" "Peace in the Valley"
Moore, Agnes Ramsey, b. 1/1/1868, d. 5/9/1945
Motsinger, Connie Lee, b. 8/19/1914, d. 12/6/1980, h/o Margaret Craver, "Precious Lord Take My Hand"
Motsinger, Margaret Craver, b. 7/20/1916, d. 2/23/2004, w/o Connie Lee, "Precious Lord Take My Hand"
Myers, William Ray, b. 11/20/1915, d. 2/14/1993, PFC US Army WWII, **PURPLE HEART**, h/o Lena V. Craver
Myres, Catharine, d. Jul-17, age about 30 yrs, "she hath done what she could"...(this surname might be Meyers, more common to the area than Myres.)
Nifong, Mary Leonard, b. 2/27/1910, d. 3/18/1996, w/o Robt. Clifton
Nifong, Robert Clifton "Buck", b. 11/28/1912, d. 4/23/2005, h/o Mary Leonard
Nifong, Robert Wayne, b. 10/31/1933, d. 7/11/2005, h/o Jennie Hartley
Perryman, Edward U., b. 12/13/1932, d. 8/1/2001, h/o Mildred W., "Touched by an Angel"
Perryman, Mildred W., b. 2/20/1930, d. 9/7/1999, w/o Edward, "Touched by an Angel"
Poole, Ben, b. 1/24/1918, d. 11/12/1989, US Army WWII, "Father", h/o Juanita Dorset, M: Nov 10, 1945
Pope, Crissy J. Leonard, b. 6/27/1938, d. , w/o Fred E. Jr.
Pope, Fred Eugene, Jr., b. 6/30/1934, d. 8/29/1987, h/o Crissy J. Leonard
Pope, Lena B., b. 9/18/1915, d. 1/12/1972, w/o Willie E.
Pope, Willie E., b. 9/9/1909, d. 12/4/1977, h/o Lena B.
Queen, Linda Mae, b. 12/1/1947, d. 1/19/1948, Dau of Henry & Frances Queen
Ragan, Elese Mize, b. 2/8/1927, d. 6/18/1995, w/o Joe
Ragan, Joe, b. 7/31/1925, d. , h/o Elese Mize
Renslow, Mary Hartley, b. 2/23/1914, d. 4/4/2001
Rummage, James Roy, b. 9/15/1925, d. 9/12/1994, h/o Jean Latham
Rummage, Jean Latham, b. 4/15/1929, d. 3/11/1999, w/o James Roy
Rummage, Steve Rondal, b. 3/31/1948, d. 6/3/1983, "The Lord Giveth & the Lord Taketh"
Shoaf, Blanche Everhart, b. 5/31/1924, d. 1/6/2006, w/o Samuel Howard
Shoaf, Dollie Foust, b. 5/16/1908, d. 7/11/1993
Shoaf, Samuel Howard, b. 1/31/1915, d. 7/5/1989, h/o Blanche Everhart
Sink, A. N., Jr., b. 1/4/1919, d. 10/25/2001, h/o Ruth Essick, M: Aug 17, 1941
Sink, Jacob Franklin, b. 2/3/1947, d. 2/26/2003
Sizemore, Naomi Beeson, b. 8/29/1922, d. 9/13/1987, w/o Daniel (Mack), "In Loving Memory"
Smith, Earley Sr., b. 11/3/1919, d. 8/15/1876, PVT US Army WWII, h/o Maggie F.
Smith, Earley Wayne, b. 7/17/1943, d. 2/23/1953, "Darling We Miss You", Son of Earley & Maggie Smith
Smith, Maggie F., b. 12/7/1921, d. 6/12/1962, w/o Earley Smith Sr.
Sowers, Elizabeth Latham, b. 7/27/1893, d. 7/27/1982, w/o Henry Clay, Sr. "Rest in Peace"
Sowers, Henry Clay, Sr., b. 6/18/1891, d. 3/12/1971, h/o Elizabeth Latham, "Rest in Peace"
Sowers, Iretha L. Davis, b. 2/3/1925, d. 12/24/1999, 2nd wife of Henry C. Sowers Jr.
Sowers, Joyce Vae Ader, b. 10/21/1925, d. 12/14/1955, 1st wife of Henry C. Sowers Jr.
Sowers, Thomas Harvey, b. 1/17/1946, d. Just the one date, birth or death??
Sowers, Willie Melvin, b. 10/1/1915, d. 10/1/2003, h/o Florence Sink, M: June 7, 1942
Spaugh, Steve Allen G., b. 6/5/1956, d. 10/14/1983
Spry, Charlie Franklin, b. 1/5/1918, d. 11/21/1988, h/o Margaret Hinkle
Spry, Margaret Hinkle, b. 2/7/1918, d. 7/9/1983, w/o Charlie Franklin
Stone, Claude Ray, Jr., b. 12/30/1925, d. 6/3/1991, SGT US Army, WWII, h/o Mary R. Ridge, Father, "God Will Take Care of You"
Stone, Kevin Durand, b. 3/19/1962, d. 12/8/1984, "Beloved Son" "Love Never Ends"
Stone, Mary R. Ridge, b. 6/21/1927, d. w/o Claude Ray Jr., "Mother"
Surratt, George Lee, b. 3/3/1908, d. 9/2/1971, h/o Margaret Phelps, M: Jul 24, 1931
Surratt, Margaret Phelps, b. 10/26/1914, d. 6/4/1998, w/o Geo. Lee, M: Jul 24, 1931
Tesh, Margaret J., b. 2/25/1844, d. 2/21/1907, w/o Levi A. Tesh, aged 52y ?mo 25d
Thomas, Grace Wagner, b. 2/17/1919, d. 2/29/1992, w/o Henry Wilson
Thomas, Henry Wilson, b. 10/16/1913, d. 3/2/1959, NC S Sgt BTRY A 36 FLD ARTY BN, WWII, h/o Grace Wagner
Thomason, Lindsay Edward, b. 8/4/1890, d. 6/25/1970, h/o Mary Emma
Thomason, Mary Emma, b. 6/1/1895, d. 2/18/1970, w/o Lindsay E.
Thomason, Minnie Alice Essick, b. 8/4/1883, d. 6/9/1939, w/o E. L. Thomason
Truluck, Frank Hinley, Sr., b. 4/12/1918, d. 6/20/1990, SFC US Army WWII, h/o Ina Wagner
Truluck, Ina Wagner, b. 6/3/1915, d. 5/6/2000, w/o Frank Hinley Sr.
Tussey, Bettie Bailey, b. 2/16/1866, d. 3/10/1922, w/o Jos. Allison
Tussey, Joseph Allison, b. 2/20/1861, d. 4/3/1954, h/o Bettie Bailey
Wagner, Blanch M., b. 6/13/1894, d. 2/2/1975, w/o Robert A.
Wagner, Carol Griffin, b. 11/10/1941, d. "A Loving Mother", w/o Raymond Leo, "When We All Get to heaven"
Wagner, Charles Lee IV, b. 9/10/1987, d. 5/9/2004, "Son", "Loving Children of Debbie & Lee Wagner III" (on same stone as sister Jillian Elizabeth)
Wagner, Charles Lee, Jr., b. 5/19/1927, d. 11/6/1982, PHM 3 US Navy WWII, h/o Jean Wagner
Wagner, Charles Lee, b. 2/25/1890, d. 3/4/1975, h/o Mary Sink
Wagner, Cora Lee, d. 3/3/1918?, Dau of Mr&Mrs R.A. Wagner, age 18days? (hard to read, think it says 0mos 18dys)
Wagner, Cynthia Elizabeth Hayworth, b. 1/29/1889, d. 3/7/1954, age 65yr 1mo 7dys, w/o Samuel Ross
Wagner, Don Rose, b. 2/27/1926, d. 3/3/1926, Dau of Mr. & Mrs. Roy Wagner "Budded on Earth to Bloom in Heaven"
Wagner, E. J., b. 1/28/1927, d. h/o Roberta Crouse, M: Apr 6, 1947 "Always My Love"
Wagner, Edith Fansler, b. 5/28/1921, d. w/o Harrison Fletcher, M: Dec 2, 1939
Wagner, Ella, d. , Dau of J.E.& M.E. (can't read dates)
Wagner, Ethel, b. 9/9/1915, d. 12/5/1915, Dau of J.E. & M.E. "Gone So Soon"
Wagner, G. Ed., b. 11/9/1864, d. 5/25/1956, aged 91yrs 6m 16dys, h/o Ida Jane Clinard
Wagner, Gazeal Watson, b. 3/19/1824, d. 10/5/1914, age 90y 6m 16d, w/o George
Wagner, George F., b. 2/22/1891, d. 2/28/1912, age 21yrs 6das
Wagner, George, b. 11/9/1819, d. 3/10/1905, age 85y 4m 1d, h/o Gazeal Watson
Wagner, Harrison Fletcher, b. 6/26/1921, d. 11/14/2003, h/o Edith Fansler, M: Dec 2, 1939
Wagner, Ida J. Clodfelter, b. 8/31/1866, d. 5/11/1886, Dau of George & Mary J. Clodfelter
Wagner, Ida Jane Clinard, b. 5/5/1867, d. 1/17/1944, aged 76yrs 8m 12dys, "His Wife", w/o G. Ed.
Wagner, Ida V. Sink, b. 11/15/1878, d. 5/15/1958, age 79y 6m, 2nd wife of Joseph Bert
Wagner, Jacob W., b. 3/13/1837, d. 1/28/1907, aged 69yr 10m 13dys, h/o Louisa J.
Wagner, James Lafayette, Sr., b. 2/25/1918, d. 6/25/1992, h/o Josephine
Wagner, Jillian Elizabeth, b. 9/2/1985, d. 5/9/2004, "Daughter", "Loving Children of Debbie & Lee Wagner III", (on same stone as brother Charles IV.)
Wagner, Joe Vaughn, Jr., b. 2/25/1916, d. 2/9/1978, "In Loving Memory"
Wagner, John Ellis, d. , Son of J.E.& M. (can't read dates)
Wagner, Joseph Bert, b. 3/3/1872, d. 6/27/1941, age 69y 3m 24d, h/o Mary F. Yokley & Ida V. Sink
Wagner, Joseph Vaughn, Sr., b. 1/16/1891, d. 8/10/1974, h/o Mittie Hinkle
Wagner, Josephine, b. 2/23/1919, d. , w/o James Lafayette
Wagner, Julian Ellis, b. 8/27/1876, d. 9/9/1936, h/o Minnie Evans
Wagner, Lissie F., b. 8/2/1892, d. 12/21/1894
Wagner, Lorinzo, b. 12/6/1852, d. 2/6/1910, (on same stone with Ida Wagner Everhart)
Wagner, Louisa J., b. 9/13/1838, d. 1/24/1918, aged 70yr 4m 11dys, w/o J.W. Wagner
Wagner, Mary F. Yokley, b. 4/5/1874, d. 5/5/1896, age 22y 1m, 1st wife of Joseph Bert
Wagner, Mary M. Litzinger, b. 3/22/1883, d. 4/19/1934, age 51yrs 28dys, buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, MI, w/o Thomas Edgar
Wagner, Mary Sink, b. 5/26/1889, d. 3/17/1968, w/o Charles Lee
Wagner, Marylun Lea, b. 12/21/1948, d. 12/21/1948, Dau of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. L. Jr.
Wagner, Minnie Evans, b. 1/4/1875, d. 2/24/1962, w/o Julian Ellis
Wagner, Mittie Hinkle, b. 7/6/1892, d. 5/4/1981, w/o Joseph Vaughn
Wagner, Raymond Bert, b. 6/8/1911, d. 8/26/1981, h/o Sula Freedle, M: Dec 23, 1933
Wagner, Raymond Leo, b. 1/9/1942, d. 11/15/2004, "A Devoted Father", h/o Carol Griffin
Wagner, Robert A., b. 4/29/1895, d. 8/28/1949, h/o Blanch M.
Wagner, Robert Julian, b. 4/14/1847, d. 4/17/1933, PVT Co C 1 NC Res, Confederate States Army
Wagner, Roberta Crouse, b. 7/19/1927, d. w/o E.J., M: Apr 6, 1947 "Always My Love"
Wagner, Roy, b. 12/5/1902, d. 12/23/1931, age 29yrs 18dys
Wagner, Ruth Whitlow, b. 9/5/1916, d. 12/14/1996, M: Jul 7, 1934, w/o Wm. Monroe
Wagner, Samuel Ross, b. 9/29/1878, d. 8/17/1946, age 67yr 10mo 19dys, h/o Cynthia Elizabeth Hayworth
Wagner, Sarah Elizabeth Kanoy, b. 3/26/1865, d. 4/7/1938, age 73yrs 27dys, 2nd Wife of Robert Julian Wagner
Wagner, Sula Freedle, b. 8/1/1915, d. , w/o Raymond Bert
Wagner, Thomas Edgar, b. 7/13/1880, d. 5/16/1938, age 58yrs 1mo 28dys, buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, MI., h/o Mary M. Litzinger
Wagner, William Monroe, b. 1/28/1916, d. 5/2/2000, M: Jul 7, 1934, h/o Ruth Whitlow
Wagoner, Adolph Vander, b. 10/2/1908, d. 5/10/2000, "In God's Care"
Wagoner, Ruby Eller, b. 7/19/1911, d. 7/9/1992, "In God's Care", w/o Adolph V.
Watts, Deborah Kay, b. 2/11/1964, d. 1/18/1987, "I Will Sing Unto the Lord"
Webb, Walter B., Jr., b. 2/23/1908, d. 10/20/1937
Weisner, Arthur N., Jr., b. 3/2/1923, d. 1/23/2000, SGT US Army Air Force, WWII
Weisner, Cynthia Diane, b. 9/11/1949, d. 9/23/1962, Dau of A.N.Jr. & Rossine, "Suffer Little Children, come unto Me"
Weisner, Daniel Ross, b. 1/10/1947, d. 5/2/2003, SGT US Army Vietnam, Son of A.N.Jr. & Rossine
Weisner, John David, b. 8/22/1912, d. 12/7/1977, SSGT US Army WWII
Weisner, Katherine Jean, b. 2/28/1955, d. 4/1/1958, Dau of A.N.Jr. & Rossine, "Gone to be an Angel"
Weisner, Rossine Wagner, b. 12/5/1927, d.
White, Robert Kent, b. 8/24/1955, d. 8/25/1955, "Our Darling", son of W.R. & Peggy White
Whitlow, Amanda, b. 4/25/1836, d. 9/15/1913, w/o Jesse
Whitlow, Everette, b. 10/20/1907, d. 3/2/1968, h/o Willie Yokley
Whitlow, Gertrude R., b. 1/30/1906, d. 11/29/1986, w/o Hoy R.
Whitlow, Hoy R., b. 2/5/1905, d. 7/23/1969, h/o Gertrude
Whitlow, Infant, b. 6/3/1931, d. 6/3/1931, Son of W.R. & Leota Whitlow
Whitlow, Jesse, b. 2/4/1832, d. 7/2/1901, h/o Amanda
Whitlow, Leota L., b. 11/17/1913, d. 5/16/1993, w/o Willard
Whitlow, Mary E., d. 10/20/1893, aged 27yr 5mo?, dau of Jesse & Amanda Whitlow
Whitlow, Moses Edward, b. 11/28/1873, d. 10/23/1959, h/o Sallie Etta Essick
Whitlow, Sallie Etta Essick, b. 1/19/1877, d. 1/26/1933, "His Wife", w/o Moses E.
Whitlow, Willard R., b. 1/26/1910, d. 10/27/1969, h/o Leota
Whitlow, Willie Yokley, b. 2/22/1909, d. 12/10/1996, w/o Everette
Whitman, Roy Lee, Sr., b. 7/10/1925, d. 7/19/1996, SA US Navy WWII, h/o Geneva Gobble, M: Jul 1, 1944
Williams, Betty Grubb, b. 9/8/1940, d. 3/6/1990, w/o Charles C. (Sonny), M: Oct 15, 1961, "Serving the Lord"
Wilson, Lloyd Bryan, b. 5/24/1977, d. 8/2/1979, "Playing Ball With Jesus"
Yokley, Charles Mock, b. 1/8/1872, d. 11/26/1956, "Husband", son of Samuel L. & Eliza Clodfelter Yokley, h/o Cora Belle Conrad
Yokley, Cora Belle Conrad, b. 10/10/1875, d. 3/13/1965, "Wife", Dau of Geo. W. & Mary Leonard Conrad, w/o Charles Mock
Yokley, Paul Conrad, b. 8/28/1901, d. 3/5/1979
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