Search North Carolina Death Records
North Carolina Newspapers, Full Search (1775-1993), 203 titles
North Carolina Obituary Search, (1988-current)
North Carolina Funeral Notices
Raleigh Road Cemetery
Lexington, Davidson County, North Carolina
Lat: 35° 49' 31"N, Lon: 80° 14' 39"W
Contact: 28 W. Center St.
Lexington NC 27292
Contributed by Kathy Mills, Jul 25, 2006 []. Total records = 170.
To reach this cemetery from Lexington, drive south on Raleigh Road. The cemetery is just before Raleigh Road intersects with Hwy 8. The cemetery is on the west or right side of the road, between Railroad and Connor Streets.
This cemetery is owned and maintained by the city of Lexington, under a designated cemetery board.
It is a Negro cemetery, with no burials made since about 1981, judging from the existing tombstones and markers.
I walked and read this cemetery in July of 2006, using my digital camera. This includes all existing and legible headstones and markers to that date.
- Kathy MillsAdams, Alice Dusenbery, b. 1/15/1869, d. 11/14/1935
Adams, George W., b. 11/8/1845, d. 12/22/1920, "Our Father"
Adams, Iley, d. 7/3/xxxx, age: 13ds, d/o George stone broken
Adams, John W., b. 5/15/1872, d. 12/28/1928, "A Faithful Father" "erected by Rev. H.L.Adams"
Adams, W. H., b. 1899, d. 1955
Albright, Carrie V., b. 5/12/1884, d. 4/15/1944, w/o Worley
Albright, Jarvis, b. 1/25/1919, d. 7/19/1941
Albright, Lewis, d. , Aged about 70 yrs
Albright, Mary Ayers, b. 1875, d. 1943, w/o Lewis, "His Wife"
Albright, Worley A., b. 8/20/1884, d. 6/10/1961, h/o Carrie
Ayers, Henry T., b. 1864, d. 1947
Barks, Rosa Brown, b. 1894, d. 1944
Barnes, Mary E., b. 1878, d. 9/21/1929, (stone next to her, top missing: d: 1 Aug 1940, about 60 yrs old)
Bitting, Alexander G., d. 3/17/1931, age: about 48 yrs
Bitting, Helen, d. 7/26/1909, d/o R.B. & Julia
Bitting, Isabell H., b. 2/14/1860, d. 1/19/1928
Bitting, Julia Gilcrist, b. 2/12/1874, d. 5/18/1961, "Mother", w/o R. B. Bitting
Bitting, Lewis, d. 7/20/1931, age: about 68 yrs
Bitting, Robert B., d. 3/17/1940, h/o Julia Gilcrist
Bitting, Robert D., b. 4/19/1901, d. June 1923
Blue, Allie Payne, b. 3/31/1888, d. 4/13/1969, "Mother"
Booker, George D., b. 10/7/1899, d. 9/16/1948, NC Pvt 6 FA TNG Regt WWII
Bradshaw, Du Ella, b. 2/7/1884, d. 9/4/1946
Brummel, Charles, b. 1910, d. 1948
Brummel, Essie, b. 1871, d. 1947, "Mother"
Camp, James Royce, b. 11/17/1892, d. 8/18/1925, age: 32y 8m 29d
Carter, Pinkney, b. 4/11/1913, d. 7/27/1927
Carter, Rev. Monroe, b. Dec 1844, d. 10/8/1947
Chambers, Mary, b. 12/29/xxxx, d. 1/19/1925, w/o W.M.
Clarke, Bettie, b. 11/25/1863, d. 8/31/1946
Crawford, Ethel Williams, b. 11/27/1895, d. 7/13/1965, w/o R. C. Crawford
Crawford, R. C., b. 2/28/1890, d. 7/4/1925, age: 35y 4m 6d
Cross, Annie Holt, b. 3/1/1895, d. 5/3/1948, "Sister"
Crump, James F., b. 1885, d. 1953, "Father", h/o Pearl T.
Crump, Lillie Artney, b. 2/7/1889, d. 4/21/1926
Crump, Pearl T., b. 1895, d. 1965, w/o James F.
Crump, Phyllis M., b. 8/26/1909, d. 12/1/1928, d/o J. F. Crump
Crump, Phyllis, b. 1857, d. 7/9/1926, "A tender mother "
Crump, Willie Lee, d. 8/25/1918, s/o Guy & Phyllis, age: 21y 9m
Curry, Amanda H., d. 11/4/1925, Ae 71y 9m 15d, "Mother", w/o Thomas
Curry, David S., b. 1/14/1882, d. 6/1/1926, "he was a dear and loving husband, good and kind son and brother", on back: His Wife-"Sleep with a peaceful rest"
Curry, Sallie L., b. 3/3/1885, d. 7/10/1944
Curry, Thomas, d. 7/5/1909, Ae 52y 3m 4d, "Husband", h/o Amanda H.
Davis, Alphonso, b. 1908, d. 1936, "Brother"
Davis, Carrie R., b. 1892, d. 1948, "Mother"
Davis, Robert L., b. 2/10/1922, d. 6/8/1946, NC Pvt TC WWII
Davis, William A., b. 1887, d. 1933, "Father"
Dixon, Maggie Hargrave, b. 1/30/1883, d. 12/1/1967, w/o Thomas Edward Dixon
Drakeford, Clarence L., b. 10/5/1925, d. 10/10/1976, PFC US Army WWII
Drakeford, Cora, b. 1891,", d. "
Drakeford, Susie Dison, b. 8/15/1922, d. 10/24/1988
Drakeford, Thomas, b. 1881, d. 1939
Dusenbury, A. Kelly, b. 1/19/1867, d. 5/23/1946
Dusenbury, Alice, b. 10/8/1859, d. 9/18/1931, "Mother"
Dusenbury, Claude, b. 1882, d. 1921, h/o Essie D. Russell
Dusenbury, Essie D. Russell, b. 1884, d. 1961, w/o Claude
Dusenbury, Franklin, b. 7/29/1852, d. 6/17/1923, age: 70y 10m 18d
Fowler, Susan, b. 11/10/1888, d. 7/2/1930
Fries, Lula B., b. 1889, d. 1916, w/o L. H. Fries, "Another link is broken, in our household band. But a chain is forming in a better land", Eastern Star emblem, and something about a twin sister, illegible
Gilcrist, Amanda Jane, Mrs.", d. 1/8/1930, "Mother", age: about 8X yrs
Gilcrist, Cora Lee, b. 5/10/1887, d. 3/12/1962
Gilcrist, William, d. 7/30/1906, age: 61yrs
Gill, Ida D., b. 3/4/1875, d. 3/4/1929, "Dear Sister", (stone next to hers, top broken off: Dec 22, 1921? Aged 89yrs)
Goss, Frank, b. 7/7/1866, d. 5/12/1918
Hairston, Jennie Jefferess, b. 1872, d. 8/2/1929, w/o Wm. Riley
Hairston, William Riley, b. 7/17/1861, d. 1944, h/o Jennie Jefferess
Hargrave, Angeline, d. 5/9/1912, w/o Thomas B., age: 61y 10d
Hargrave, Daisy, b. 1/6/1886, d. 1/17/1935, w/o Alex Hargrave, "The Old Rugged Cross" "We Will Meet Again"
Hargrave, Ellen, b. 1837, d. 12/22/1925?
Hargrave, James Mumford, d. 5/2/1942
Hargrave, John Webster, b. 4/20/1882, d. 4/10/1926, "Father"
Hargrave, Marie, b. 12/29/1866, d. 3/12/1948
Hargrave, Oscar Harvey, b. 11/11/1913, d. 1/6/1948, PFC 3112 Engineers WWII
Hargrave, Robert, b. 7/18/1904, d. 11/20/1924
Hargrave, Tisha, d. 6/22/1925, age: 83 yrs
Hargrave, Viola Mooney, b. 5/4/1892, d. 9/23/1960, "Mother"
Hargrave-Henderson, Cornelia, b. 1/15/1897, d. 7/14/1960, (buried with her Hargrave family)
Hatton, Ophelia Hargrave, b. 12/15/1893, d. 3/2/1937, w/o Frank, age: 43y 2m 17d
Hayes, Della Carson, b. 3/27/1883, d. 8/13/1967, w/o Robert B. Hayes
Hayes, Robert B., b. 3/27/1881, d. 10/31/1947, "Father"
Henderson, Bessie Cross, b. 7/15/1899, d. 12/9/1961
Henderson, Infant Sons, d. 6/23/1925, Inf. Sons of Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Henderson, Mary Janie, b. 3/24/1875, d. 4/9/1950
Henderson, Philip, b. 10/11/1927, d. 7/8/1945
Hicklen, Nettie Crawford, b. 5/23/1877, d. 8/30/1971
Hicklen, Sylvester, b. 1/10/1869, d. 12/30/1939
Holloway, Lena M., b. 9/20/1908, d. 10/20/1974
Holt, John, b. 1882, d. 1930
Holt, Susan Russell, b. 8/20/1862, d. 3/16/1937, w/o Chas. Holt
Hoover, Millie, d. Nov-28, "Mother"
Horn, Zeke, no dates, Military Marker, covered in sod
Howard, Franklin Lee, b. 11/2/1924, d. 2/4/1935
Jackson, Vennie, b. 8/6/1892, d. 8/5/1944
Johnson, Ada L., b. 1882, d. 1947, "Mother"
Jones, Willis L., b. 7/24/1889, d. 12/7/1946
Kimbrough, Harvey Franklin, b. 6/5/1894, d. 11/7/1922, age: 28y 5m 2d
Kimbrough, M. Inez Dusenbury, b. 2/22/1895, d. 4/5/1924, age: 29y 1m 14d (d/o Franklin & Alice)
Long, Mary Curry, b. 10/3/1883, d. 11/4/1957, "A Loving Mother"
Lowe, Lillie E., b. Mar 1871, d. Jul-22
Lowe, Lucy, d. 2/17/1912, age: 107 Years
Lowe, Mariah N., d. 6/25/1912, w/o John H., age: 21y & 5m
Mabry, Lois, b. 1/31/1893, d. 1/15/1964
McIntosh, Thomas Jefferson, b. 2/17/1875, d. 5/10/1947
McRary, Fannie Cordell, b. 6/25/1881, d. , "Wife"
McRary, George McDuffe, b. 10/31/1875, d. 5/18/1927, "Husband", h/o Fannie
Miller, Mable DeBerry, b. 3/5/1901, d. 12/27/1943
Miller, Nottie, b. 1895, d. 1924
Mock, Mary, b. 5/24/1900, d. 7/14/1924, age: 24y 1m 20d
Moore, James, no dates, or no longer legible
Neely, Albert T., b. 6/22/1883, d. 6/20/1933
Neely, Mary G., b. 1/15/1886, d. 11/3/1938
Oliver, Annie Crawford, b. 5/9/1890, d. 4/28/1965
Oliver, Crawford, b. 2/14/1906, d. 2/20/1926, Dau of H.M. & Annie Oliver
Oliver, Hampton Moses, b. 6/9/1887, d. 4/1/1932
Orr, Samuel E., b. 1/24/1887, d. 8/21/1933, World War Veteran
Parks, Rosa Brown, b. 1894, d. 1944
Payne, Alice Hoover, b. 1900, d. 1968
Payne, Deloss L., b. 12/20/1888, d. 4/15/1947, NC Sgt 321 Service Bn OMC, WWI
Payne, Henry Lewis, b. 6/16/1867, d. 6/29/1944, Masonic emblem, h/o Jessie
Payne, Jessie, b. 5/9/1877, d. 1/13/1981, w/o Henry Lewis, "His Wife"
Payne, John W., d. 11/5/1940, NC Pvt 1CL 801 Pioneer Inf.
Payne, John William, b. 1900, d. 1956
Payne, Walter A., b. 1/5/1915, d. 1/4/1934
Penry, Essie V., b. 7/4/1867, d. 9/x/1955, "Mother"
Penry, John H., b. 10/26/18xx, d. May-22
Penry, Mary, b. Dec 1858, d. 5/13/1922
Petty, Joe, d. 6/21/1940, NC Pvt 864 Co. Trans Corp.
Potter, Susan, b. 1859, d. 12/5/1924
Powell, Roberta Mabry, b. 3/28/1875, d. 1/15/1964
Reid, Mary Elizabeth Brummel, b. 9/14/1925, d. 1/23/2000
Richie, Rebert, b. 1898, d. 12/2/1933?
Richmond, Mary E., d. 8/17/1913, w/o Jno Richmond, age: 49y
Roan, Nellie R. Wells, b. 1/18/1890, d. 2/23/1959, w/o Sidney H.
Roan, Sidney H., b. 1/1/1892, d. 10/4/1942, h/o Nellie R. Wells
Roberts, Olene Payne, b. 1881, d. 1955
Russell, Eliza, b. 7/20/1847, d. 12/15/1936, w/o Robert
Russell, Mary E., b. 6/28/1887, d. 1/22/1922, w/o P. B.
Saunders, Robert Lee, b. 4/22/1938, d. 11/11/1940
Scott, Robert, b. 1888, d. 7/22/1928
Smalley, Ester F., b. 5/31/1918, d. 10/8/1947
Smith, Albert, b. 1890, d. 1957
Smith, Alonzo, b. 1920, d. 1982
Smith, Ollie Sowers, b. 3/19/1887, d. 1/5/xxxx, Stone repaired, yr of death unreadable
Sowers, Clatie Janette, b. 7/17/1892, d. 12/23/1966
Sowers, Eliza Jane, b. 4/22/1869, d. 11/7/1937, age: 68y 6m 15d
Sowers, Montel Ardie, b. 11/28/1956, d. Feb-62, s/o Lewis & Mozelle
Sowers, Mozella M. Norman, b. 7/12/1925, d. 11/28/1956, w/o Lewis F. Sowers
Spaugh, Lula Curry, b. 10/3/1883, d. 11/4/1957
Sullivan, Gladys Lightner, b. 1/21/1895, d. 5/14/1981, "Wife", w/o Hermit Noble
Sullivan, Hermit Noble, D. D.", b. 10/17/1893, d. 7/23/1949, "Husband", h/o Gladys Lightner
Sullivan, Joseph M., b. 1879, d. 1932
Sullivan, Mamie B., b. 5/26/1872, d. 6/17/1944, age: 72y 21d
Thomas, Benjaman E., b. 5/20/1866, d. 8/3/1951
Thomas, Carrie I., b. 7/20/1883, d. 3/25/1950
Thomas, John M., b. 4/9/1865, d. 10/20/1915, FCB emblem
Thomas, Minnie, b. 5/1/1887, d. 5/21/1956
Thomason, Ethel L. Walser, b. 9/27/1900, d. 5/24/1922
Thomason, Isabella M., b. 9/17/1865, d. 10/26/1919, w/o W. E.
Thomason, W. E., b. 12/23/1867, d. 5/6/1936, h/o Isabella
Walser, Alice W. Edwards, b. 7/7/1927, d. 9/24/1958
Walser, Odessa Mae, b. 6/19/1901, d. 2/27/1988
Walser, William I., b. 5/4/1903, d. 8/29/1951
Welborn, Blondena, b. 1884, d. 1916, "Mother", w/o Herbert Lee
Welborn, Herbert Lee, b. 7/4/1881, d. 3/4/1939, h/o Blondena
Welborne, Iley B., b. 2/17/1898, d. 8/2/1983
Williams, Walter Edward, b. 6/19/1937, d. 11/8/1939, s/o Edw. & Katherine
Wilson, James, b. 1905, d. 1943
Wooten, Charles M., b. 12/17/1880, d. 9/30/1948
Wooten, Florence Crawford, b. 8/2/1888, d. 7/15/1958, w/o Charles M. Wooten, "A tender mother and a faithful friend"
Wooten, Hilbreth Salone, b. 4/12/1912, d. 8/10/1968
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