Search North Carolina Death Records
North Carolina Newspapers, Full Search (1775-1993), 203 titles
North Carolina Obituary Search, (1988-current)
North Carolina Funeral Notices
Baker Horton Cemetery
Harnett County, North Carolina
Contributed by Steve & Kristina Koontz, May 15, 2000 []. Total records = 11.
Copied 09-15-1997 by Steve & Kristina Koontz
Turn off Hwy. NC 42 W. onto W. Stephson Rd. (st.rd. #1407) 1/2 mile on the right
Baker, Addie R., b. 10-29-1906, d. 05-13-1913
Baker, J. Atlas b. 03-22-1903, d. 06-11-1954
Baker, John W. b. 04-22-1882, d. 12-06-1933
Baker, Lorena W b. 03-01-1876, d. 05-12-1957
Baker, Viola E b. 10-28-1912, d. 06-25-1922
Horton, Bettie Elizabeth, b. 11-10-1880, d. 02-14-1929, same stone as E. D. Horton
Horton, E. D. b. 1-22-1875, d. 05-12-1941, same stone as Bettie Elizabeth Horton
Horton, Joseph L. b. 03-31-1910, d. 10-25-1942
Horton, Leola Hodges b. 12-11-1908, d. 12-27-1980
Horton, William Ray b. 08-30-1898, d. 11-04-1972
Horton, William Ray, Sr. d. 11-11-1972 (FHM)30 unmarked field stones.
3 unmarked funeral home markers (FHM)
Search North Carolina Cemeteries

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