Search North Carolina Death Records
North Carolina Newspapers, Full Search (1775-1993), 203 titles
North Carolina Obituary Search, (1988-current)
North Carolina Funeral Notices
White Plains Cemetery
Wake County, North Carolina
Tolliver Ct.
Cary, NC
Contributed by Shirley Olson, Jan 30, 2002 []. Total records = 1.
Directions: Take the Raleigh Beltline South to the Walnut Street exit at Cary. Go to the right on Walnut St. until you see Carytown Mall on your right. You will see a traffic light. Get in the left turn lane and get on Maynard Rd. The second street to the left off Maynard Rd. is Seabrook Ave. Turn left onto Seabrook and follow Seabrook, there is a circle a little way ahead and not far beyond that you need to take a right turn onto Kings Fork Rd. The first left turn is Dorchester Pines, and another left brings you to Tolliver Ct. There, in this pleasant neighborhood between two houses is this little relic from the past.
I surveyed this cemetery on November 02, 2000.
Enclosed within a locked wrought iron fence, in an area about 30' by 60' is a tree shaded cemetery containing the remains of Nathaniel Jones. On the obelisk is inscribed the information.
In front of the monument is a tomb of granite, and scattered about are remnants of grave stones, broken and unreadable. The cemetery was vandalized at one time but has been restored. In one history of Wake Co., this is described as the burial site of Francis Jones, his second wife Rachel, sons Wesley and Alfred and two others. The only name that is identified is that of Nathaniel Jones, so the others may or may not be interred here. Francis Jones was one of the earliest settlers in Wake County and had a house in this vicinity called "White Plains".- Shirley OlsonJones, Nathaniel, b. Jan 13, 1749, d. Feb 8, 1815 in the 67th year of his age, son of Evan and Elizabeth Jones
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