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Ambleside Cemetery
Barrington, Strafford County, New Hampshire
Route 125 & Lee Oak Rd
Barrington, NH 03825
Lat: 43° 10' 20"N, Lon: 71° 00' 12"W
Contributed by Cathy Parziale, Jul 04, 2000 []. Total records = 36.
It is situated off 125 and near to the Ambleside Trailer Park at the cross roads of 125 and Lee Oak Road in Barrington.
This cemetery is small and has caused many an accident in the town of Barrington, NH due to it's proximity to the road. The way it is situated causes one to have to look around it to see on coming traffic.
It is fairly well maintained, even so there is an accumulation of pine needles at the base of the stones starting to cover them. There is a black lichen or mold that plagues the stones due to the lack of light supply by the surrounding pine trees.
I walked and read this cemetery in the summer of 2000.
- Cathy Parziale??, Mary A., b. no date, d. no date, (Stone down)
Caverly, Sarah, b. no date, d. Jan. 12, 1892, w/o Alfred Caverly, 75yr 3mo 26dy, w/o William Pierce
Demeritt, Mary Olive, b. no date, d. Jun 15, 1864, d/o Sam & Olive Demeritt, 33yr 2mo 7dy
Demeritt, Olive, b. no date, d. Oct. 22, 1888, w/o Sam, 79yr 8mo
Demeritt, Samuel, b. no date, d. Aug 25, 1862, 55yr 2mo 11dy
Demeritt, Sarah A., b. Apr 17, 1832, d. Jan. 21, 1903, w/o Andrew Pierce, w/o Daniel Emerson
Emerson, Annie, b. Mar. 15, 1822, d. Dec. 23, 1902
Emerson, Moes, b. no date, d. Mar 12, 1834, h/o Rosa Emerson, 52yr 4mo
Emerson, Rosa, b. no date, d. Feb 22, 1870, w/o Moes Emerson, 80yr 10mo
Gear, Abigail, b. no date, d. Oct. 27, 1841, w/o James Gear, 41yr 8mo
Gear, Elizabeth J., b. no date, d. Jul 14, 1854, d/o James & Abigail Gear, 18yr
Gear, Eunice H., b. no date, d. Mar. 5, 1844, d/o James & Abigail Gear, 21yr 7mo
Gear, Unknown, no date, very old no inscription, *could be James Gear
Gear, Unknown, no date, very old stone no inscription, *could be James Gear
Ham, Phebe H., b. Oct. 21, 1821, d. Sep 13, 1877, w/o J. Ingalls Pierce
Ham, Susannah, b. no date, d. Jul 29, 1858, w/o Daniel Ham, 79yr 1mo 6dy
Hill, Amanda P., b. no date, d. Oct. 8, 1837, d/o Mark & Sally Hill, 17yr
Hill, Dea Mark, b. Oct. 15, 1795, d. Mar. 31, 1879, h/o Sally Hill
Hill, Olive Ann, b. no date, d. Mar. 19, 1848, d/o Mark & Sally Hill, 19yr 7mo
Hill, Sally, b. Sep 7, 1800, d. Apr. 28, 1867, w/o Dea Mark Hill
James, Susannah, b. no date, d. Apr. 1, 1855, w/o Samuel James, 56yr 21dy
Pierce, Almira, b. Jul 2, 1823, d. Jan. 20, 1899
Pierce, Andrew D., b. Oct. 16, 1825, d. Jul 24, 1870, h/o Sarah A. Demeritt
Pierce, Curtis, b. no date, d. Oct. 15, 1811, child of Andrew & Sarah Pierce, 2mo 2dy, (joint stone w/ John T.)
Pierce, Curtis, b. no date, d. Oct. 26, 1837, d/o Olive Pierce, 60yr
Pierce, Elisabeth, b. no date, d. Mar. 11, 1815, w/o Isreal Pierce, 64yr
Pierce, Elizabeth B., b. Sep 3, 1815, d. Oct. 21, 1902, w/o Rufus Ham
Pierce, James B., b. May 21, 1807, d. Jan 14, 1890, h/o Mary Pierce
Pierce, John Ingalls, b. Oct. 2, 1818, d. Dec. 27, 1898, d/o Phebe H. Ham
Pierce, John T., d. Apr 17, 1806, c/o Andrew & Sarah Pierce, 4mo 7dy, stone w/Curtis)
Pierce, Martha E., b. Aug. 28, 1857, d. Mar. 18, 1924
Pierce, Mary A., b. Nov. 22, 1816, d. Apr 27, 1856, w/o James B. Pierce
Pierce, Mary O., b. Dec. 11, 1855, d. Oct. 7, 1870
Pierce, Olive, b. no date, d. Apr. 29, 1844, w/o Curtis Pierce, 61yr
Pierce, William B., b. no date, d. May 28, 1843, d/o Sarah Caverly, 30yr
Pierce, William C., b. Oct 31, 1859, d. Mar. 6, 1870
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