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Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Millville, Cumberland County, New Jersey

601 West Main St
(856) 825-0695

Lat: 39° 23' 42"N Lon: 075° 03' 18"W

This is not a complete listing of all burials in this cemetery. The records below were provided by contributors to Interment.net. Last edited May 08, 2008. Total records = 128.

Contributor's Index:

Beckett, Elizabeth B., b. 1884, d. 1920, d/o Millard and Elizabeth, [BM]
Beckett, Elizabeth M., b. 1860, d. 1934, w/o Millard, [BM]
Beckett, Millard F., b. 1857, d. 1942, [BM]
Biddle, Jacob, b. 1870, d. 1954, [BM]
Biddle, Mae, b. 1868, d. 1956, [BM]
Brandriff, Levi C., b. 1857, d. 1923, [BM]
Brandriff, Mary E., b. 1873, d. 1934, [BM]
Brandriff, William H., b. 1901, d. 1962, [BM]
Corson, George Jr, b. 2 Jul 1857, d. 26 Sep 1879, George Jr and Ariana share a headstone, [LC]
Corson, Andrew, b. 30 Nov 1789, d. Mar 1857, s/w Mary, [LC]
Corson, Ariana, b. 18 Dec 1842, d. 26 Nov 1843, s/w George Jr, [LC]
Corson, Elizabeth C, b. 7 Nov 1844, d. 10 Oct 1874, [LC]
Corson, Elizabeth, b. 23 Nov 1875, d. 27 Jun 1879, d/o L.R. and S.E. Corson, [LC]
Corson, Emma D, b. 14 Oct 1846, d. 19 Mar 1883, [LC]
Corson, George, b. 26 Aug 1818, d. 7 Dec 1870, My Husband, [LC]
Corson, Lewis R, b. 3 Sep 1849, d. 11 Jan 1935, [LC]
Corson, Lewis, b. 31 Mar 1882, d. 1 Nov 1889, s/o L.R. and S.E. Corson, [LC]
Corson, Mary, b. 26 Jan 1786, d. 1 Jul 1862, s/w Andrew, [LC]
Corson, Mary, b. 29 Oct 1822, d. 31 Dec 1895, Mother, [LC]
Corson, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 8 Aug 1853, d. 5 Feb 1913, w/o L.R. Corson, [LC]
Dare , Mulford, b. 11 May 1813, d. 29 Dec 1888, [BM]
Dare, Elizabeth A. Kimble, b. 23 Nov 1812, d. 23 Jun 1843, w/o Mulford Dare, [BM]
Dare, Elmira C., b. 15 Aug 1841, d. 11 Sep 1905, [BM]
Dare, Henry K., b. 2 Oct 1838, d. 5 Dec 1909, [BM]
Foster, Alice McKeen Saul, b. 5 Jan 1898, d. 5 Sep 1973, w/o William Foster, d/o Joseph G. and Ella Saul, [CG]
Foster, William, b. 26 Aug 1896, d. 6 Dec 1960, [CG]
Fowler, Anna, b. 1854, d. 1905, w/o Thomas Dare, [BM]
Fowler, Thomas, b. 1851, d. 1925, [BM]
Fries, John P., b. 16 Nov 1825, d. 22 Feb 1903, [BM]
Fries, Mary A., b. 3 Apr 1832, d. 4 Mar 1912, [BM]
Hennis, Charles, b. 30 Dec 1911, d. 1 Feb. 1985, [KC]
Hennis, Claude, b. 27 Sep 1908, d. Nov 1996, [KC]
Hennis, Harris B., b. 14 Jul 1929, d. 12 Jul 1976, h/o Virginia Pancoast (nee Whilden), [KC]
Hennis, Virginia Whilden, b. 8 Sep 1921, d. 7 Mar 1977, w/o Harris B. Hennis, [KH]
Loper, Annie M., b. 7 Jun 1851, d. 24 Jul 1901, w/o William B. Loper, [BM]
Loper, William B., b. 9 Jun 1845, d. 9 Mar 1897, Co I 9th NJ Vol, [BM]
Lore, David, b. 20 Nov 1820, d. 21 Jul 1896, [BM]
Lore, Deborah, b. 4 Jun 1800, d. 18 May 1876, w/o John Lore, [BM]
Lore, John, b. 24 Jan 1796, d. 8 Nov 1866, [BM]
Mayhew, Ezekiel, d. 17 May 1859, age: 26y 10m, [BM]
Mayhew, Frank B., b. 1886, d. 1929, [BM]
Mayhew, Mamie Mayhew Johnston, b. 1889, d. 1981, [BM]
McCormick, Agnes, b. 1893, d. 1940, [BM]
McCormick, William H., d. 1950, [BM]
McCorristin, Edith, b. 1888, d. 1988, d/o James and Fannie Mitchell, w/o Harry McCorristin, [NS]
Mercer, Ellen D, b. 1864, d. 1934, s/w Frank and Mary Souder, Dr Jacob, Priscilla and Wilbert Simmerman, [LC]
Misskelley, ??, b. 14 May 1865, d. 4 Dec 1887, s/w Elizabeth, Ann, Joseph, Mary, May, John, and Rebecca, [LC]
Misskelley, Ann, b. 7 Apr 1826, d. 13 May 1893, s/w Elizabeth, Joseph, Mary, ??, May, John, and Rebecca, [LC]
Misskelley, Elizabeth, b. 25 Feb 1815, d. 20 Aug 1885, s/w Ann, Joseph, Mary, ??, May, John, and Rebecca, [LC]
Misskelley, John M, b. 1854, d. ??, s/w Elizabeth, Ann, Joseph, Mary, ??, May, and Rebecca, [LC]
Misskelley, Joseph, b. 8 May 1830, d. 7 Mar 1893, s/w Elizabeth, Ann, Mary, ??, May, John, and Rebecca, [LC]
Misskelley, Mary, b. 1835, d. 1920, s/w Elizabeth, Ann, Joseph, ??, May, John, and Rebecca, [LC]
Misskelley, May, b. 27 May 1885, d. ??, s/w Elizabeth, Ann, Joseph, Mary, ??, John, and Rebecca, [LC]
Misskelley, Rebecca, b. ??, d. ??, s/w Elizabeth, Ann, Joseph, Mary, ??, May, and John, [LC]
Mitchell, Fannie A., b. 1864, d. 1944, w/o James Mitchell, d/o Furman and Eunice DeMaris, [NS]
Mitchell, Foster V., b. 1895, d. 1992, s/o James & Fannie Mitchell, [NS]
Mitchell, James E., b. 1858, d. 1920, [NS]
Mitchell, James E., b. 1891, d. 1932, s/o James & Fannie Mitchell, [NS]
Mulford, Fannie C., b. 13 Oct 1853, d. 15 May 1934, [BM]
Mulford, Hannah J., b. 24 Sep 1824, d. 15 Feb 1916, [BM]
Mulford, Katherine , b. 25 Sep 1836, d. 24 Oct 1927, [BM]
Mulford, Lorenzo F., b. 17 Oct 1822, d. 31 Dec 1894, [BM]
Mulford, Lydia C., b. 22 Feb 1853, d. 14 Aug 1882, [BM]
Mulford, Sallie, b. 23 Aug 1855, d. 29 Oct 1926, [BM]
Mulford, Thomas E., b. 11 Mar 1827, d. 15 Mar 1875, [BM]
Mulford, William, b. 5 Mar 1857, d. 5 May 1896, [BM]
Naylor, Elizabeth, b. 1828, d. 1911, Mother, [BM]
Naylor, Florence, b. 1870, d. 1940, Mother, [BM]
Naylor, Harry B., b. 1859, d. 1946, Father, [BM]
Naylor, Mason, b. 10 Sep 1824, d. 26 Apr 1889, [BM]
Naylor, Robert, b. 1853, d. 1926, [BM]
Pedrick, Alfred W., b. 1920, d. , [BM]
Pedrick, Evelyn H., b. 1918, d. , [BM]
Pedrick, Frederick, b. 1903, d. 1970, [BM]
Pedrick, Frederick, b. 1928, d. 1938, [BM]
Pedrick, Kate, b. 1855, d. 1920, [BM]
Pedrick, Laura B., b. 1888, d. 1969, [BM]
Pedrick, Thelma E., b. 1904, d. , [BM]
Pedrick, Thelma, b. 1903, d. 1994, [BM]
Pedrick, William W. III, b. 1915, d. 2000, [BM]
Pedrick, William W. Jr., b. 1883, d. 1977, [BM]
Pedrick, William W. Sr., b. 1847, d. 1934, [BM]
Petrich, Emma D., b. 1887, d. 1959, [BM]
Petrich, Horace H., b. 1918, d. 1918, [BM]
Petrich, Theodore, b. 1885, d. 1967, [BM]
Robbins, Joseph Watson, b. 15 Jun 1904, d. 23 Oct 1981, [CG]
Robbins, Mary Etta Saul, b. 10 Jan 1904, d. 17 Aug 1945, w/o Joseph Robbins, d/o Joseph Sr. and Ella Saul, [CG]
Saul, Cora Porch, b. 14 Apr 1891, d. 20 Dec 1985, w/o Leroy Saul, [CG]
Saul, Elizabeth Hagerrity Pettit, b. 22 May 1889, d. 5 1968, w/o Howard Saul, [CG]
Saul, Ella, b. 8 Apr 1866, d. 18 May 1918, w/o Joseph G. Saul, Sr., d/o Daniel and Mary Steelman, [CG]
Saul, Howard, b. 23 Oct 1887, d. 1 Feb 1969, s/o Joseph G. and Ella Saul, [CG]
Saul, Joseph G. Sr., b. 10 Aug 1864, d. 10 Jan 1947, s/o George C. and Phebe T. Saul, [CG]
Saul, Joseph Gaskill Jr., b. 11 Jan 1900, d. 15 Feb 1973, s/o Joseph Sr. and Ella Saul, [CG]
Saul, Leroy, b. 19 Jun 1893, d. 20 Oct 1965, s/o Joseph and Ella Saul, [CG]
Saul, Mildred Garret Berry, b. 26 May 1906, d. 3 Jun 1975, w/o Raymond Saul, [CG]
Saul, Raymond, b. 10 Mar 1901, d. 7 Mar 1982, s/o Joseph Sr. and Ella Saul, [CG]
Shaw, Howard C., d. 1946, [NS]
Shaw, Nan, b. 1885, d. 1969, d/o James and Fannie Mitchell, w/o Howard Shaw, [NS]
Simmerman, Dr Jacob S, b. 1882, d. 1904, s/w Frank and Mary Souder, Ellen Mercer, Priscilla and Wilbert Simmerman, [LC]
Simmerman, Martha, b. 1849, d. 1914, [LC]
Simmerman, Priscilla F, b. 1887, d. 1900, his wife, s/w Frank and Mary Souder, Ellen Mercer, Dr Jacob and Wilbert Simmerman, [LC]
Simmerman, Wilbert J, b. 1874, d. 1944, s/w Frank and Mary Souder, Ellen Mercer, Dr Jacob and Priscilla Simmerman, [LC]
Simmerman, William, b., d. 24 Mar, [LC]
Sithens, Edward H., b. 1864, d. 1935, [BM]
Sithens, Josephine P., b. 1889, d. 1965, [BM]
Sithens, Martha C., b. 1864, d. 1950, [BM]
Sithens, Reuben C., b. 1891, d. 1959, [BM]
Sooy, Charlotte, b. 1872, d. 1957, [BM]
Sooy, Ellsworth, b. 1870, d. 1941, [BM]
Sooy, Howard, b. 1867, d. 1925, [BM]
Sooy, James H., b. 28 Jun 1828, d. 28 Jun 1884, [BM]
Sooy, William E., b. 1868, d. 1906, [BM]
Souder, Frank M, b. 1858, d. 1925, s/w Mary Souder, Ellen Mercer, Dr Jacob, Priscilla and Wilbert Simmerman, [LC]
Souder, Mary D, b. 1857, d. 1925, his wife, s/w Frank Souder, Ellen Mercer, Dr Jacob, Priscilla and Wilbert Simmerman, [LC]
Stewart, Barbara Lorraine, b. 3 Dec 1936, d. 26 Apr 2004, d/o William and Alice Saul Foster, [CG]
Stretch, Nathaniel, b. 1873, d. 1923, [BM]
Stretch, Susan, b. 1872, d. 1943, [BM]
Stretch, William, b. 1891, d. 1938, [BM]
Vineyard, Henrietta, b. 27 Sep 1816, d. 1 Jul 1890, [BM]
Vineyard, William H., b. 12 Nov 1820 Germany, d. 27 Oct 1867, [BM]
Whitesell, Elizabeth, b. 1873, d. 1957, [BM]
Whitesell, Henry, b. 1873, d. 1959, [BM]
Whitesell, John, b. 1878, d. 1957, [BM]
Woolford, Catherine A, b. 6 Oct 1841, d. 17 Feb 1905, [LC]
Woolford, Mary E (Capen), b. 1867, d. 1926, [LC]
Woolford, Theadore A, b. 1862, d. 1939, name misspelled, should be Theodore, [LC]
Woolford, William, b. 4 Aug 1838, d. 24 Jan 1911, [LC]
Woolfrod, John, b. 1845, d. ??, Private Co - - Reg NJ Vol, surname misspelled, should be Woolford, [LC]

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