Home > United States > New Jersey > Gloucester > Unnamed Cemetery

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Unnamed Cemetery
Gloucester County, New Jersey

This tiny Cemetery is located just off of Buck Rd near SR 604 and SR 611. It sits next to a building, now used as a house, that looks as if it was at one time a church, [SW]

This is not a complete listing of burials! The records below were provided by contributors to Cemetery Records Online. Total records = 5.

Contributor's Index:

Boody, George W, no dates, GAR 1851-1865 Co B SNJ Cav, [SW]
Crane, -aeer-, (no information), [SW]
Crane, Josiah, (no information), [SW]
Crane, Sarah H, d. 1871 w/o C.R. Crane, [SW]
Crane, Thomas, d. 1853, [SW]

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