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New Jersey Newspapers, Full Search (1776-1999), 306 titles
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New Jersey Birth Records Database, (1776-1999)
Centerton Free Will Baptist Cemetery
Pittsgrove, Salem County, New Jersey
Contributed by Keith Allen, Nov 14, 2000, last edited Sep 10, 2007 []. Total records = 215.
Located behind the Centerton Free Will Baptist Church on Dealtown Road, Pittsgrove (formerly Centerton), Pittsgrove Twp., Salem County, NJ This is a complete listing as of Saturday, Nov 11, 2000
??, Eunice, b. 1925, d. 1996, (metal marker)
Alexander, Dawn Michelle, b. 6-1966, d. 3-1969
Baldwin, Bobby L., b. 1933, d. 1987, (metal marker)
Baldwin, Ruth, b. 1909, d. 1986
Banks, Dewey B., b. 1-5-1900d. 8-5-1974
Barker, Carolyn J., b. 1965, d. 2005, M/M
Blankenship, Grace E., b. 4-26-1904, d. 11-24-1973
Bowers, Guy Wesley, b. 1906, d. 1975, Pvt Army Air Forces WWII
Burdsall, Wayne F., b. 1958, d. 2004, M/M
Burgess, Lola M., b. 3-12-1916, d. 12-19-1998, w/o Rev Ruble B Burgess
Burgess, Ruble Rev., B., b. 8-10-1914, d. 6-2-1981, h/o Lola M Burgess
Caldwell, Clinton S., b. 1-2-1905, d. 4-25-1983
Caldwell, Edward J., b. 6-29-1963, d. 8-24-2001
Call, Nancy E., b. 1920, d. 1988
Carter, Frances C., b. 1935, d. 1987, w/o Mervin Carter
Carter, Mervin, b. 1934, d. 2005, h/o Frances C Carter
Caudill, Ed, b. 1913, d. 1984, h/o Ethel Caudill
Caudill, Ethel, b. 1923, w/o Ed Caudill
Caudill, Michelle, Lee, b. 3-29-1968, d. 11-17-1997
Clark, Millton S., b. 10-15-1911, d. 5-10-2007, h/o Stella M. Clark
Clark, Rowe Gene, b. 5-26-1927, d. 6-29-1971, Tennessee S1 USNR WWII
Clark, Stella M., b. 5-22-1918, d. 12-11-2005, w/o Milton S. Clark
Coggins, Natasha M., b. 1979, d. 1992, (metal marker)
Cottrell, Linda L., b. 4-18-1958, married 4-24-1976, w/o Vernon J Cottrell
Cottrell, Vernon J., b. 9-26-1952, d. 4-10-1995, married 4-24-1976, h/o Linda L Cottrell
Crowell, Harvey Lee, b. 11-4-1947, d. 3-1-1986
Crowell, Jane E., b. 7-20-1912, d. 7-10-1980
D Agostino, Philip E., b. 1968, d. 1993
Davis, James G., b. 9-9-1946, d. 7-24-1996
Davis, Jay N., b. 12-13-1923, d. 8-22-1998
Davis, Leslie, b. 1957, d. 1999, (metal marker)
Davis, Milford, b. 1926, d. 1970
Doughty, Jacqueline Bradley, b. 1-4-1946, d. 12-18-1985
Edwards, Joe L., b. 1921, d. 1993, h/o Mary E (Brown) Edwards
Edwards, Mary E., b. 1921, d. 1988, (nee Brown), w/o Joe L Edwards
Ellison, Tammy Louise, b. 1969, d. 1977
Ellison, Tiffany Lynn, b. 1969, d. 1988
Fields, Patricia A., b. 6-24-1951, d. 10-22-1970
Ford, Benjamin N Pettibone, b. 1909, d. 1985, h/o Texie (James) Ford
Ford, Earl, b. 11-20-1945, d. 11-16-1984, Marker indicates Veteran
Ford, James Burton Sr, b. 1938, d. 1997, s/o Benjamin N. Pettibone & Texie (James) Ford
Ford, John L., b. 9-10-1953, d. 10-23-1995
Ford, Letty E., b. 10-10-1914, d. 9-18-1977
Ford, Lewis D., b. 1-14-1904, d. 2-3-1988
Ford, Mary Jane, b. 7-8-1950, d. 1-26-1969
Ford, Roy Sr., b. 4-12-1944, d. 8-27-1993, Pvt US Army Vietnam
Ford, Texie (James), b. 1919, d. 1998, w/o Benjamin N. Pettibone Ford
Ford, Viola Ola (Cagle), b. 1912
Ford, Walter, b. 7-1-1940, d. 6-13-1990
Franklin, Thomas G., b. 1971
Garner, Paul W., b. 2-17-1916, d. 4-17-1997, h/o Zollie M Garner
Garner, Roy R. Sr, b. 2-4-1933, d. 2-24-1994, US Army
Garner, Zollie M., b. 3-23-1915, d. 5-30-1983, w/o Paul W Garner
Gates, B. Catherine, b. 6-4-1899, d. 3-21-1977, w/o B Isaac Gates
Gates, B. Isaac, b. 6-28-1898, d. 11-1-1980, h/o B Catherine Gates
Goode, Ernest W., b. 1950, d. 1968
Goode, Gloria Elaine, b. 1926, w/o James Wilbur Goode
Goode, James Wilbur, b. 11-17-1920, d. 11-28-1993, h/o Gloria Elaine Goode, Cpl US Army Air Corps WWII
Goode, Sheri Lynn, b. 9-28-1970, d. 10-22-1970
Griebau, Jeremy Peter, b. 9-12-1981, d. 1-4-2006
Griffith, Arthur C., b. 1928, d. 1987, h/o Ruby D Griffith
Griffith, Johnah W., b. 1933, d. 1986, PFC US Army Korea
Griffith, Ruby D., b. 1932, w/o Arthur C Griffith
Grooms, Garland "Wiggles", b. 7-9-1923, d. 10-12-2000
Grooms, John, b. 8-1-1948, d. 5-30-1986
Haley, C. Ann, b. 7-27-1956, d. 1-23-1998, (nee Vanaman)
Haley, Charles D. Jr, b. 2-18-1954, d. 6-2-1991
Haley, Charles D. Sr, b. 1920, d. 1983, h/o Margaret L Haley
Haley, Margaret, L., b. 1929, d. 1979, w/o Charles D Haley Sr.
Haley, Vern D., b. 1955, d. 1973
Hall, Celia, b. 1887, d. 1979
Hall, Drew L, b. 1896, d. 1973
Hall, Geneva, b. 1925, d. 1995
Hall, George H., b. 1921, d. 1977
Hall, Norma J., b. 1951, w/o Ronnie C Hall
Hall, Ronnie C., b. 1948, h/o Norma J Hall
Hall, Roy J., b. 7-20-1946, d. 8-27-1965, New Jersey PFC US Army Vietnam
Hamblin, Adam, b. 1936, d. 1989, h/o Mary Rose Hamblin
Hamblin, Mary, Rose, b. 1932, w/o Adam Hamblin
Haney, Eddy Sr., M., b. 1943, d. 1978
Haney, James E. Sr., b. 1916, d. 1971
Haney, Pearl L., b. 1919, d. 1983
Hartsell, Lloyd W., b. 4-4-1937, d. 12-22-2000, h/o Wilma M Hartsell
Hartsell, Wilma, M., b. 2-26-1938, w/o Lloyd W. Hartsell
Hayes, Etter, b. 1907, d. 1980, w/o Jesse Hays
Hayes, Jesse, b. 1904, d. 1988, h/o Etter Hayes
Hayes, John, R., b. 1921, d. 1980, Pfc US Army WWII
Hayes, Joseph W., b. 1929, d. 2000
Henderson, Hilda L., b. 8-15-1922, d. 11-15-1988, w/o William D Henderson
Henderson, William D., b. 7-2-1913, d. 11-28-1988, h/o Hilda L Henderson
Hill, Barbara, b. 3-21-1911, d. 10-15-1987, w/o Charles Hill
Hill, Charles, b. 10-2-1907, d. 11-24-1994, h/o Barbara Hill
Holloway, Flora Webb, b. 1899
Holloway, Haru, b. 7-6-1918, h/o Lucy Holloway
Holloway, Lucy, b. 5-10-1918, d. 10-5-1973, w/o Haru Holloway
Holt, Landon Brick, b. 1922, d. 2003, M/M
Humphries, Edward, b. 4-8-1910, d. 2-8-1978, h/o Nervia Humphries
Humphries, Nervia, b. 12-11-1915, d. 10-21-1997, w/o Edward Humphries
Jenkins, Lew Buddy, b. 1-22-1942, d. 7-20-1974, h/o Sue Jenkins
Jenkins, Sue, b. 10-27-1940, w/o Lew Buddy Jenkins
Johnson, Barbara A., b. 1-6-1958, d. 4-23-1990
Johnson, Beatrice Hughes, b. 12-10-1933, d. 12-2-1977
Krupa, Zackery T., b. 5-23-1997, d. 5-13-1999
Lambert, George E., b. 19731, h/o Nancy C Lambert
Lambert, Nancy C., b. 1936, d. 1971, w/o George E Lambert
Leatherwood, Everett, b. 10-17-1936, d. 11-13-1990, A3C US Air Force Korea
Leatherwood, James S., b. 1928, d. 1983, BM1 US Navy Korea
Levering, Helen G. "Jeanie", b. 1-30-1969, d. 8-12-1996
Levering, Joseph T.L., b. 9-23-1986, d. 8-8-1989
Levering, Ralph Sr., J., b. 8-20-1963, d. 5-14-1992
Lowe, William, E., b. 1915, d. 1974, PFC US Army
Mango, Albert, b. 1927, d. 1997, h/o Juanita Mango, Marker indicates Veteran
Mango, Juanita, b. 1933, w/o Albert Mango
Messer, George M., b. 9-1-1917, d. 3-16-1998, h/o Reba L Messer
Messer, Reba L., b. 12-24-1916, d. 3-10-1979, w/o George M Messer
Metzger, Laura M., b. 10-5-1955, d. 9-11-1974
Miller, Donald Jr, b. 1956, d. 1975, s/o Donald & Eleanor P. Miller Sr
Miller, Donald Sr., b. 11-24-1931, d. 7-13-2001, h/o Eleanor P. Miller
Miller, Eleanor P., b. 4-2-1931, w/o Donald Miller Sr.
Morris, Albert Richard Sr., b. 12-25-1930, d. 9-7-1999, h/o Ressie Morris, Pvt US Air Force Korea
Morris, Ressie, b. 5-9-1934, w/o Albert Richard Morris Sr.
Mull, Kyle Thomas, b. 10-14-1992, d. 12-11-1992
Mullins, Doris M., b. 10-22-1925, d. 9-28-1976
Mullins, Wilson B., b. 2-9-1907, d. 11-20-2000
Myers, Eulas S., b. 12-26-1954, d. 10-17-1970
Myers, James C., b. 1907, d. 1976, Pvt US Army WWII
Myers, Sara V., b. 4-12-1920, d. 8-6-1974
Myres, Lillian A., b. 1915, d. 1993
Neher, Dora S., b. 1932, d. 1999
Nutt, Howard H., b. 1930, d. 1980, h/o Myrtle G Nutt, Marker indicates Veteran
Nutt, Myrtle G., b. 1928, d. 1983, w/o Howard H Nutt
Overstreet, Abner, B., b. 1933, d. 1986, h/o Edith M Overstreet, AM3 US Navy Korea
Overstreet, Barbara, A., b. 1938, d. 1996, w/o Matthew H Overstreet, LPN
Overstreet, Edith M., b. 1930, d. 1982, w/o Abner B Overstreet
Overstreet, Matthew H., b. 1927, d. 2000, h/o Barbara A Overstreet
Parker, John W., b. 1919, d. 1986, Pvt US Army WWII
Parker, Willadean V., b. 10-14-1934, d. 9-5-2004, M/M
Phillips, (____) S., b. ???? d. 2002, M/M (looks like Robert S. Phillips, letters missing)
Price, Bertie, b. 1917, d. 1976
Price, Edna, b. 1910, d. 1982, w/o Sollie Price
Price, Rebecca Ann, d. 9-26-1981
Price, Sollie, b. 1908, d. 1999, h/o Edna Price
Raines, Barbara Jean, b. 6-18-1949, d. 9-17-1976, w/o John A Raines
Raines, Billie, b. 12-2-1934, d. 10-12-1996, h/o Sadie Raines
Raines, Jimmie O., b. 2-28-1939, d. 11-19-1987, PFC US Marine Corps Korea
Raines, John A., b. 4-10-1936, d. 6-19-1973, h/o Barbara Jean Raines
Raines, Sadie, b. 7-24-1940, w/o Billie Raines
Ramsey, Dorothy, b. 10-7-1947, d. 12-20-1973
Ramsey, Eddy, b. 2-24-1971, d. 12-20-1973
Ramsey, Eunice, b. 1-23-1966, d. 12-20-1973
Ramsey, Jim, b. 4-4-1965, d. 12-20-1973
Ramsey, Ralph, b. 1922, d. 1975, Pvt US Army WWII
Rose, Lawrence, b. 1937, d. 1995, (metal marker)
Rose, Therese Mary, b. 1935, d. 2004, M/M
Roseha----?, Mary, b. 1932, d. 197?, (metal marker)
Russell, Betty J., b. 1946, d. 1974
Shelton, Bernie Jr., b. 1954, d. 1982
Shelton, Bernie Sr., b. 1919, d. 1978
Shelton, Mary, b. 1919, d. 2001, M/M
Shults, Benjamin F., b. 5-27-1933, d. 5-1-1997, MSG US Army Korea-Vietnam
Shults, Marie Brown, b. 3-23-1943, d. 5-10-1999, w/o Robert Shults & M/o Shelly Shults
Shults, Scott O., b. 1911, d. 1967
Sigmon, Alvina M., b. 1944, d. 1994
Smith, Abraham L., b. 1892, d. 1979, h/o Etuie Smith
Smith, Bonnie Faye Garner, b. 1934, d. 1996, w/o John W Smith
Smith, Bruce, b. 8-6-1904, d. 2-22-1988, h/o Nola Smith
Smith, Charles L., b. 1-21-1948, d. 4-12-1987, Cpl US Marine Corps Vietnam
Smith, Donavie B., b. 5-20-1926, d. 8-30-1991
Smith, Dorothy Helen, b. 1-19-1933, d. 6-7-1996
Smith, Edna M., b. 1910, d. 1968
Smith, Elmeda Raines, b. 1932, married 2-27-1949, w/o Joe G Smith, Our Children Ronnie, Jane, Mark, Linda
Smith, Etuie, b. 1898, d. 1982, w/o Abraham L Smith
Smith, Flora L., b. 10-17-1922, d. 12-2-1998, (nee Williams), w/o Floyd R Smith
Smith, Floyd R., b. 7-2-1915, d. 8-22-1991, h/o Flora L (Williams) Smith
Smith, Joe C., b. 3-10-1921, d. 5-24-1985, Tec 5 US Army WWII
Smith, Joe G., b. 1927, d. 1988, married 2-27-1949, h/o Elmeda Raines Smith, Our Children Ronnie, Jane, Mark, Linda
Smith, John Mark, b. 10-10-1956, d. 10-29-1978, AR US Navy Vietnam
Smith, John W., b. 1930, d. 1999, h/o Bonnie Faye (Garner) Smith
Smith, John W., b. 8-30-1930, d. 12-5-1999, h/o Bonnie Faye (Garner) Smith, Cpl US Army Korea
Smith, Nola, b. 5-8-1902, d. 12-28-1994, w/o Bruce Smith
Spickenruther, B., b. 1989, d. 1989, (metal marker)
Stidham, Eve Lee, b. 10-3-1932, d. 9-19-1997, Moter/o Michael Stdham
Stidham, Michael, b. 11-9-1961, d. 8-2-1998, Child/o Eva Lee Stidham
Stidham, Odie, b. 1930, d. 1998, (metal marker)
Sutton, Roy, b. 1927, d. 1977, h/o Velverine Sutton
Sutton, Velverine, b. 1927, d. 1988, w/o Roy Sutton
Tabor, Eugene N., b. 1921, d. 1986, Pvt US Army WWII
Webb, Amos, b. 1911, d. 1968
Weldon, Mary I., b. 1924, d. 1995
West, Kimberly Nichole, b. 2-10-1978, d. 10-22-1978
White, Cecilia, b. 1925, d. 1974
Williams, Ada E., b. 8-27-1940, d. 12-4-2005, w/o Jimmy A. Williams Sr.
Williams, Billy B., b. 1936, d. 2007, M/M
Williams, Charles A., b. 1926, d. 1988, GM2 US Navy WWII
Williams, Charles Jr., M., b. 10-11-1960, d. 11-9-1980
Williams, Charles Sr., M., b. 9-22-1934, d. 12-17-1987
Williams, Darlene, K., b. 6-14-1955, w/o Irving J. W. Williams Jr.
Williams, Delores, b. 1-25-1933, d. 9-6-2001, w/o John Williams Sr.
Williams, Dortha P., b. 3-28-1927, d. 10-10-2001
Williams, Edna Mae, b. 6-21-1909, d. 4-20-1991, w/o Robert J Williams
Williams, Hattie F., b. 1892, d. 1968, w/o Will Williams
Williams, Irving J. W. Jr., b. 8-10-1951, d. 5-18-2003, h/o Darlene K. Williams
Williams, Irving Sr., J., b. 12-29-1924, h/o Loretta F Williams
Williams, Jimmy A. Sr., b. 7-20-1938, h/o Ada E. Williams
Williams, John L., b. 7-6-1922, d. 2-16-1992, Rec 4 US Army WWII
Williams, John Sr., b. 8-23-1932, d. ?-12-2005, h/o Delores Williams
Williams, Joseph A., b. 5-11-1916, d. 10-13-1978
Williams, Loretta F., b. 5-30-1924, d. 9-30-1996, w/o Irving J Williams Sr.
Williams, Robert J., b. 8-16-1900, d. 6-13-1973, h/o Edna Mae Williams
Williams, Robert Oliver, b. 5-15-1927, d. 3-5-1990
Williams, Sharon F., b. 6-29-1953, d. 11-8-2004
Williams, Thomas G., b. 11-29-1958, d. 9-23-1975
Williams, Will, b. 1891, d. 1973, h/o Hattie F Williams
Wilson, Donald R., b. 6-21-1946, d. 7-28-1999
Wilson, Homer C., b. 1950, d. 1986, Sp4 Army Vietnam
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