Search Nevada Death Records
Nevada Newspapers, Full Search (1864-1922), 46 titles
Nevada Obituary Search - (1996-current)
Nevada Funeral Notices
Captain George Cemetery
Mottsville, Douglas County, Nevada
Lat: 38° 57' 15"N, Lon: 119° 50' 22"W
T? R17E Sec 27
Washo Tribal Archives & Cultural Center
861 Crescent Dr.
Carson City, NV 89701
Tel: 775-888-0936
Contributed by Fred Kemmerle, Nov 10, 2006, last edited Nov 14, 2006 []. Total records = 6.
The cemetery is on the westside of Foothill Rd (SR 206), about halfway between Genoa and Mottsville. From US Hwy 395, south of Carson City, drive west on Genoa Rd (SR 758) and turn south in Genoa onto Foothill Rd and continue about 1 1/2 miles to the cemetery.
This Washo Indian cemetery, which has suffered severe erosian and is overgrown with sage brush, is in poor condition. I counted 19 graves with no headstones.
This list was compiled in Sep 2006 from all existing and legible grave markers.
- Fred Kemmerle
??, "Long Pete", b. 1863, d. 1948
Delgado, Rainee, no dates
Pete, Howard, b. 1906, d. 1984
Peters, Lindin ?, d. 2 Jul 1952 (barely legible)
Walker, Arlene, b. 1966, d. 1967
Walker, Tom, no dates
Search Nevada Cemeteries

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